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立即发布 联系人: 约翰·拉维斯,投资者关系,1-207-556-8155








每股收益为2.80美元,按报告增长11%,按可比基础增长12%,营业利润率扩张110个基点,按报告 及100基点的可比基础计算。


将2024年的营业收入指导值调整为386500万元 - 389000万元,较中间值减少3800万元,约占1%,考虑到宏观和板块条件对宠物主人访问和美国兽医诊所需求的近期负面影响。


将2024年的营业收入增长指引上调至5.5% - 6.2%,如所报告 同时有5.3% - 6.0%的有机增长,主要受到预期的CAG诊断业务循环收入增长的推动 5.6% - 6.2%的增长如所报告,有机增长为5.8% - 6.4%。


将2024年每股收益展望窄幅调整为$10.37 - $10.53,与先前指引相比保持稳健的 EPS中间点,受益于坚实的运营利润率表现以及低于预期的利息支出和有效税率。


缅因州,2024年10月31日— 爱德克斯实验室,Inc.(纳斯达克:IDXX),全球宠物保健创新领导者,今日宣布第三季度业绩。




公司报告2024年第三季度营业收入97600万美元,按报告数据和有机增长分别增长7%和6%,主要受 Companion Animal Group("CAG")增长7%的报告数据和6%的有机增长以及水务收入增长13%的报告数据和有机增长的推动。按报告数据和有机增长计,CAG诊断业务的持续性收入增长为7%,受国际地区持续两位数增长和IDEXX执行方向的全球收益增长的支持,包括IDEXX全球高级仪器装机基数每年增长10%。IDEXX兽医软件、服务和诊断成像系统收入按报告数据增长11%,有机增长6%,反映了高持续性收入增长和云软件放置持续动能。







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IDEXX团队在第三季度继续强劲执行,体现在稳固的净客户增长,高端IDEXX VetLab的持续增长® 仪器已安装基础稳固,并有将近700份IDEXX inVue Dx细胞分析仪的预购订单,该产品将于第四季度后期开始发货。 Jay Mazelsky,总裁兼首席执行官称:“IDEXX团队在第三季度继续强劲执行,体现在稳固的净客户增长,高端IDEXX VetLab的持续增长。顾客特别青睐IDEXX科技解决方案,如inVue Dx,不仅提供有意义的临床见解,还平添空余给繁忙的实践人员。”








其他关于美国宠物诊所的关键指标可在 2024年第三季度收益快照 可在IDEXX网站上获取, www.idexx.com/investors.




爱迪克斯动物诊疗中心® 消耗品 实现了11%的营业收入增长,其中美国和国际地区取得两位数增长,得益于高端仪器平台装机量的增长和等效日效应带来的益处。


参考实验室诊断和咨询服务 营业收入增长率为3%,其中2%来自有机增长,主要受国际增长的推动。


快速检测产品 收入按照报告和有机增长了6%,主要受美国稳健增长的推动,包括更高的净价格实现和等价天数效应的益处。









第3页 共16页







LPD的营收按照报告下降了3%,有机下降了2%。 美国和全球家禽测试取得良好增长,但亚太地区的收入下降,包括受降低猪测试和畜群健康筛查水平影响。




按照报告,毛利增长了9%,基础相似情况下毛利率增长了基点。毛利率达到61.1%,按照报告增加了120基点,基础相似情况下增加了140基点,受益于业务组合的优势,主要是IDEXX VetLab消耗品收入和兽医软件、服务以及诊断成像的持续增长,以及更低的仪器成本。






公司正在更新其全年营业收入增长指引区间为386500万 - 389000万,或者按照5.5% - 6.2%的报告增长,中间点调整为3800万减少。这反映了对全年有机营业收入增长估计中间点的调整约1.5%,现在预计为5.3% - 6.0%,反映了最近在美国临床就诊和需求水平中的趋势。更新的指引区间包括从较近外汇预估中的约1500万的有利影响。


公司维持了一致的全年报告营业利润率展望, 在28.7% - 29.0%之间,包括~160个点子的影响, 与之前报告的离散诉讼费用计提相关。 在中点,预计全年可比营业利润率扩张30 - 60个点子, 包括来自2023年第一季度客户合同解决款项的~40个点子的负增长影响。


公司将每股收益的预期区间缩小至10.37美元至10.53美元,保持一致的中值。2024年每股收益结果包括在第二季度记录的一项离散诉讼费用准备金带来的0.56美元负面影响。与有机营业收入预期调整相关的负面每股收益影响被来自汇率期货估算的0.02美元的有利调整以及对利息费用和有效税率估算的有利修订所抵消。更新后的每股收益增长预期为报告的3% - 5%以及可比基础上的10% - 11%,其中包括2023年第一季度客户合同解决付款的约2%的负面增长影响。





IDEXX Announces Third Quarter Results

October 31, 2024

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The following table provides the Company's updated outlook for annual key financial metrics in 2024 with a comparison to the prior outlook:


Amounts in millions except per share data and percentages


2024 Growth and Financial Performance Outlook 


    Updated   Prior
Revenue   $3,865   -  $3,890     $3,885   - $3,945  
Reported growth   5.5%   -  6.2%   6.2%   -  7.8%
Organic growth   5.3%   -  6.0%   6.2%   -  7.8%
CAG Diagnostics Recurring Revenue Growth        
Reported growth   5.6%  -  6.2%   5.7%   -  7.3%
Organic growth   5.8%  -  6.4%   6.2%   -  7.8%
Operating Margin   28.7%  -  29.0%   28.7%   -  29.0%
Operating margin expansion   (130 bps)  -  (100 bps)   (130 bps)  -  (100 bps)
Negative impact of ongoing litigation matter   ~160 bps    ~160 bps 
Comparable margin expansion   30 bps   -  60 bps     30 bps   -  60 bps  
Negative impact of 2023 customer contract resolution payment   ~ 40 bps    ~ 40 bps
EPS   $ 10.37   -  $10.53     $10.31     - $10.59  
Reported growth   3%   -  5%   2%   -   5%
Negative impact of ongoing litigation matter   ~6%     ~6%  
Comparable growth   10% -  11%   9%   -   12%
Negative impact of 2023 customer contract resolution payment   ~2%    ~2%
Other Key Metrics        
Net interest expense   ~$19    ~$20
Share-based compensation tax benefit   ~$9    ~$10
Share-based compensation tax rate benefit   ~1%    ~1%
Effective tax rate   ~20.7%    ~21.5%
Share-based compensation EPS impact   ~$0.11    ~$0.12
Reduction in average shares outstanding   0.5%  -  1%   0.5%   -   1%
Operating Cash Flow (% of Net Income)   110%   -  115%    110% - 115%
Free Cash Flow (% of Net Income)   90%  -  95%    90% - 95%
Capital Expenditures   ~ $160    ~ $180





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The following table outlines estimates of foreign currency exchange rate impacts, net of foreign currency hedging transactions, and foreign currency exchange rate assumptions reflected in the above financial performance outlook for 2024.


Estimated Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Impacts   2024  
Revenue growth rate impact   (~ 20 bps)  
CAG Diagnostics recurring revenue growth rate impact   (~ 20 bps)  
Operating margin growth impact   ~ 0 bps  
EPS impact   (~ $0.03)  
EPS growth impact   ~ 0%  


Go-Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Assumptions  2024 
In U.S. dollars     
euro  $1.08 
British pound  $1.29 
Canadian dollar  $0.72 
Australian dollar  $0.66 
Relative to the U.S. dollar     
Japanese yen  ¥152 
Chinese renminbi  ¥7.18 
Brazilian real   R$5.66 


Conference Call and Webcast Information


IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. will be hosting a conference call today at 8:30 a.m. (EDT) to discuss its third quarter 2024 results and management’s outlook. Individuals can access a live webcast of the conference call through a link on the IDEXX website, www.idexx.com/investors. An archived edition of the webcast will be available after 1:00 p.m. (EDT) on that day via the same link and will remain available for one year. The live call also will be accessible by telephone. To listen to the live conference call, please dial 1-800-289-0462 or 1-323-794-2442 and reference passcode 205740.


About IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.


IDEXX is a global leader in pet healthcare innovation. Our diagnostic and software products and services create clarity in the complex, constantly evolving world of veterinary medicine. We support longer, fuller lives for pets by delivering insights and solutions that help the veterinary community around the world make confident decisions—to advance medical care, improve efficiency, and build thriving practices. Our innovations also help ensure the safety of milk and water across the world and maintain the health and well-being of people and livestock. IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. is a member of the S&P 500® Index. Headquartered in Maine, IDEXX employs approximately 11,000 people and offers solutions and products to customers in more than 175 countries and territories. For more information about IDEXX, visit www.idexx.com.





IDEXX Announces Third Quarter Results

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Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This earnings release and the statements to be made in the accompanying earnings conference call contain forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements about the Company’s business prospects and estimates of the Company’s financial results for future periods. Forward-looking statements are included above under "Third Quarter Results", "2024 Growth and Financial Performance Outlook", and elsewhere and can be identified by the use of words such as "expects", "may", "anticipates", "intends", "would", "will", "plans", "believes", "estimates", "projected", "should", and similar words and expressions. Our forward-looking statements include statements relating to our expectations regarding financial performance; revenue growth and EPS outlooks; operating and free cash flow forecast; projected impact of foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates; projected operating margins and expenses and capital expenditures; projected tax, tax rate and EPS benefits from share-based compensation arrangements; projected effective tax rates (including benefit from an expected release of a non-recurring tax reserve), reduction of average shares outstanding and net interest expense; U.S. clinical visit trends, including macro and sector trends affecting pet owner visits and demand at U.S. veterinary clinics; net price realization improvement; anticipated benefits from corporate account contract expansions; projected impact of recent severe weather events; software placement and user-base growth; and future product and service launches and expansions. These statements are intended to provide management's expectation of future events as of the date of this earnings release; are based on management's estimates, projections, beliefs, and assumptions as of the date of this earnings release; and are not guarantees of future performance. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause the Company's actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the matters described under the headings "Business," "Risk Factors," "Legal Proceedings," "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and "Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk" in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and in the corresponding sections of the Company's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2024, as well as those described from time to time in the Company’s other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission available at www.sec.gov. The Company specifically disclaims any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Statement Regarding Non-GAAP Financial Measures


The following defines terms and conventions and provides reconciliations regarding certain measures used in this earnings release and/or the accompanying earnings conference call that are not required by, or presented in accordance with, generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America ("GAAP"), otherwise referred to as non-GAAP financial measures. To supplement the Company’s consolidated results presented in accordance with GAAP, the Company has disclosed non-GAAP financial measures that exclude or adjust certain items. Management believes these non-GAAP financial measures provide useful supplemental information for its and investors’ evaluation of the Company’s business performance and liquidity and are useful for period-over-period comparisons of the performance of the Company’s business and its liquidity and to the performance and liquidity of our peers. While management believes that these non-GAAP financial measures are useful in evaluating the Company’s business, this information should be considered as supplemental in nature and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the related financial information prepared in accordance with GAAP. In addition, these non-GAAP financial measures may not be the same as similarly titled measures reported by other companies.


Constant currency - Constant currency references are non-GAAP financial measures which exclude the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates and are consistent with how management evaluates our performance and comparisons with prior and future periods. We estimated the net impacts of currency on our revenue, gross profit, operating profit, and EPS results by restating results to the average exchange rates or exchange rate assumptions for the comparative period, which includes adjusting for the estimated impacts of foreign currency hedging transactions and certain impacts on our effective tax rates. These estimated currency changes impacted third quarter 2024 results as follows: decreased gross profit growth by 0.2%, decreased gross margin growth by 20 basis points, decreased operating expense growth by 0.8%, increased operating profit growth by 0.4%, increased operating profit margin growth by 10 basis points, and increased EPS growth by 0.4%. Constant currency revenue growth represents the percentage change in revenue during the applicable period, as compared to the prior year period, excluding the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates. See the supplementary analysis of results below for revenue percentage change from currency for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and refer to the 2024 Growth and Financial Performance Outlook section of this earnings release for estimated foreign currency exchange rate impacts on 2024 projections and estimates.


Growth and organic revenue growth - All references to growth and organic growth refer to growth compared to the equivalent prior year period unless specifically noted. Organic revenue growth is a non-GAAP financial measure that represents the percent change in revenue, as compared to the same period for the prior year, net of the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates, certain business acquisitions, and divestitures. Management believes that reporting organic revenue growth provides useful information to investors by facilitating easier comparisons of our revenue performance with prior and future periods and to the performance of our peers. Organic revenue growth should be considered in addition to, and not as a replacement of or a superior measure to, revenue growth reported in accordance with GAAP. See the supplementary analysis of results below for a reconciliation of reported revenue growth to organic revenue growth for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024. Please refer to the constant currency note above for a summary of foreign currency exchange rate impacts. Please refer to the 2024 Growth and Financial Performance Outlook section of this earnings release for estimated full year 2024 organic revenue growth for the Company and CAG Diagnostics recurring revenue growth. The percentage change in revenue resulting from acquisitions represents revenues during the current year period, limited to the initial 12 months from the date of the acquisition, that are directly attributable to business acquisitions. Revenue from acquisitions is expected to benefit projected full year 2024 revenue growth by 0.4% and have no impact on CAG Diagnostics recurring revenue growth.





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Comparable growth metrics - Comparable gross profit growth, comparable gross margin gain (or growth), comparable operating expense growth, comparable operating profit growth and comparable operating margin gain (or growth) are non-GAAP financial measures and exclude the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates and non-recurring or unusual items (if any). Please refer to the constant currency note above for a summary of foreign currency exchange rate impacts. Management believes that reporting comparable gross profit growth, comparable gross margin gain (or growth), comparable operating expense growth, comparable operating profit growth and comparable operating margin gain (or growth) provides useful information to investors because it enables better period-over-period comparisons of the fundamental financial results by excluding items that vary independent of performance and provides greater transparency to investors regarding key metrics used by management. Comparable gross profit growth, comparable gross margin gain (or growth), comparable operating expense growth, comparable operating profit growth and comparable operating margin gain (or growth) should be considered in addition to, and not as replacements of or superior measures to, gross profit growth, gross margin gain, operating expense growth, operating profit growth and operating margin gain reported in accordance with GAAP.


The reconciliation of these non-GAAP financial measures is as follows:


   Three Months Ended   Year-over-Year   Nine Months Ended   Year-over-Year 
   September 30,   September 30,   Change   September 30,   September 30,   Change 
Dollar amounts in thousands  2024   2023       2024   2023     
Gross Profit (as reported)  $596,038   $547,982    9%  $1,808,267   $1,663,803    9%
Gross margin   61.1%   59.9%   120 bps    61.4%   60.3%   110 bps 
Less: comparability adjustments                              
Change from currency   (1,081)            (4,201)         
Comparable gross profit growth  $597,119   $547,982    9%  $1,812,468   $1,663,803    9%
Comparable gross margin and gross margin gain (or growth)   61.2%   59.9%   140 bps    61.5%   60.3%   120 bps 
Operating expenses (as reported)  $292,146   $272,699    7%  $941,616   $811,977    16%
Less: comparability adjustments                              
Change from currency   (2,286)            (2,591)         
Ongoing litigation matter                61,500          
Comparable operating expense growth  $294,432   $272,699    8%  $882,707   $811,977    9%
Income from operations (as reported)  $303,892   $275,283    10%  $866,651   $851,826    2%
Operating margin   31.2%   30.1%   110 bps    29.4%   30.9%   (140) bps 
Less: comparability adjustments                              
Change from currency   1,205             (1,610)         
Ongoing litigation matter                (61,500)         
Comparable operating profit growth  $302,687   $275,283    10%  $929,761   $851,826    9%
Comparable operating margin and operating margin gain (or growth)   31.0%   30.1%   100 bps    31.5%   30.9%   70 bps 


Amounts presented may not recalculate due to rounding.


Projected 2024 comparable operating margin expansion outlined in the 2024 Growth and Financial Performance Outlook section of this earnings release reflects: (i) projected full year 2024 reported operating margin is adjusted for impacts of the discrete expense accrual related to an ongoing litigation matter in the second quarter of 2024; and (ii) projected full year 2024 reported operating margin includes an immaterial impact from year-over-year foreign currency exchange rate changes at noted exchange rates.


These impacts described above reconcile reported gross profit growth, gross margin gain, operating expense growth, operating profit growth and operating margin gain (including projected 2024 operating margin expansion) to comparable gross profit growth, comparable gross margin gain, comparable operating expense growth, comparable operating profit growth and comparable operating margin gain for the Company.





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Comparable EPS growth - Comparable EPS growth is a non-GAAP financial measure that represents the percentage change in earnings per share (diluted) ("EPS") for a measurement period, as compared to the prior base period, net of the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates from the prior base period and excluding the tax benefits of share-based compensation activity under ASU 2016-09, Compensation-Stock Compensation (Topic 718): Improvements to Employee Share-Based Payment Accounting, and non-recurring or unusual items (if any). Management believes comparable EPS growth is a more useful way to measure the Company’s business performance than EPS growth because it enables better period-over-period comparisons of the fundamental financial results by excluding items that vary independent of performance and provides greater transparency to investors regarding a key metric used by management. Comparable EPS growth should be considered in addition to, and not as a replacement of or a superior measure to, EPS growth reported in accordance with GAAP. Please refer to the constant currency note above for a summary of foreign currency exchange rate impacts.


The reconciliation of this non-GAAP financial measure is as follows:


   Three Months Ended   Year-over-Year   Nine Months Ended   Year-over-Year 
   September 30,   September 30,   Growth   September 30,   September 30,   Growth 
   2024   2023       2024   2023     
Earnings per share (diluted)  $2.80   $2.53    11%  $8.05   $7.75    4%
Less: comparability adjustments                              
Share-based compensation activity       0.04         0.11    0.14      
Ongoing litigation matter                (0.56)         
Change from currency   0.01             (0.01)         
Comparable EPS growth   2.79    2.49    12%   8.51    7.61    12%


Amounts presented may not recalculate due to rounding.


Projected 2024 comparable EPS growth outlined in the 2024 Growth and Financial Performance Outlook section of this earnings release reflects adjustments to projected full year 2024 reported EPS for: (i) estimated positive share-based compensation activity of ~$0.11; (ii) a negative $0.56 impact from a discrete expense accrual related to an ongoing litigation matter in the second quarter of 2024; and (iii) estimated negative year-over-year foreign currency exchange rate change impact of ~$0.03 at noted exchange rates.


These impacts and those described in the constant currency note above reconcile reported EPS growth (including projected 2024 reported EPS growth) to comparable EPS growth for the Company.


Free cash flow - Free cash flow is a non-GAAP financial measure and means, with respect to a measurement period, the cash generated from operations during that period, reduced by the Company’s investments in property and equipment. Management believes free cash flow is a useful measure because it indicates the cash the operations of the business are generating after appropriate reinvestment for recurring investments in property and equipment that are required to operate the business. Free cash flow should be considered in addition to, and not as a replacement of or a superior measure to, net cash provided by operating activities. See the supplementary analysis of results below for our calculation of free cash flow for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. To estimate projected 2024 free cash flow, we have deducted projected purchases of property and equipment (also referred to as capital expenditures) of approximately $160 million. Free cash flow conversion, or the net income to free cash flow ratio, is a non-GAAP financial measure that is defined as free cash flow, with respect to a measurement period, divided by net income for the same period. To calculate trailing twelve-month net income to free cash flow ratio for the twelve months ended September 30, 2024, we have deducted purchases of property and equipment of approximately $124 million from net cash provided from operating activities of approximately $917 million, divided by net income of approximately $866 million.


Debt to Adjusted EBITDA (Leverage Ratios) - Adjusted EBITDA, gross debt, and net debt are non-GAAP financial measures. Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, non-recurring transaction expenses incurred in connection with acquisitions, share-based compensation expense, and certain other non-cash losses and charges. Management believes that reporting Adjusted EBITDA, gross debt, and net debt in the Debt to Adjusted EBITDA ratios provides supplemental analysis to help investors further evaluate the Company's business performance and available borrowing capacity under the Company's credit facility. Adjusted EBITDA, gross debt, and net debt should be considered in addition to, and not as replacements of or superior measures to, net income or total debt reported in accordance with GAAP. For further information on how Adjusted EBITDA and the Debt to Adjusted EBITDA Ratios are calculated, see the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.





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October 31, 2024

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Notes and Definitions


Discrete litigation expense accrual - During the second quarter of 2024, the Company increased its previously established $27.5 million accrual related to an ongoing litigation matter by $61.5 million.


Ongoing litigation matter - The Company is a defendant in an ongoing litigation matter involving an alleged breach of contract for underpayment of royalty payments made from 2004 through 2017 under an expired patent license agreement. The Company's total accrual of $89.0 million for this matter includes the discrete $61.5 million litigation expense accrual recorded in the second quarter of 2024 and represents our best estimate of the amount of the probable loss. The actual loss associated with this matter may be higher or lower than the accrued amount depending on the ultimate outcome of this matter. For further information, see the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.





IDEXX Announces Third Quarter Results

October 31, 2024

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IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations

Amounts in thousands except per share data (Unaudited)


      Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended 
      September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
      2024   2023   2024   2023 
Revenue:  Revenue  $975,543   $915,527   $2,943,216   $2,759,352 
Expenses and Income:  Cost of revenue   379,505    367,545    1,134,949    1,095,549 
   Gross profit   596,038    547,982    1,808,267    1,663,803 
   Sales and marketing   146,281    135,698    438,399    424,034 
   General and administrative   91,887    89,034    341,154    248,804 
   Research and development   53,978    47,967    162,063    139,139 
   Income from operations   303,892    275,283    866,651    851,826 
   Interest expense, net   (4,983)   (7,392)   (13,207)   (30,318)
   Income before provision for income taxes   298,909    267,891    853,444    821,508 
   Provision for income taxes   66,068    55,660    181,726    170,987 
Net Income:  Net income attributable to stockholders  $232,841   $212,231   $671,718   $650,521 
   Earnings per share: Basic  $2.83   $2.55   $8.12   $7.83 
   Earnings per share: Diluted  $2.80   $2.53   $8.05   $7.75 
   Shares outstanding: Basic   82,304    83,097    82,675    83,058 
   Shares outstanding: Diluted   83,056    83,993    83,478    83,990 


IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Selected Operating Information (Unaudited)


      Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended 
      September 30,   September 30,   September 30,   September 30, 
      2024   2023   2024   2023 
Operating Ratios  Gross profit   61.1%   59.9%   61.4%   60.3%
(as a percentage of revenue):  Sales, marketing, general and administrative expense   24.4%   24.5%   26.5%   24.4%
   Research and development expense   5.5%   5.2%   5.5%   5.0%
   Income from operations1   31.2%   30.1%   29.4%   30.9%


1Amounts presented may not recalculate due to rounding.





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IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Segment Information

Amounts in thousands (Unaudited)


      Three Months Ended 
      September 30,
   Percent of
   September 30,
   Percent of
Revenue:  CAG  $891,990        $837,160      
   Water   50,162         44,450      
   LPD   28,992         29,747      
   Other   4,399         4,170      
   Total  $975,543        $915,527      
Gross Profit:  CAG  $544,461    61.0%  $499,291    59.6%
   Water   34,755    69.3%   31,034    69.8%
   LPD   14,627    50.5%   15,836    53.2%
   Other   2,195    49.9%   1,821    43.7%
   Total  $596,038    61.1%  $547,982    59.9%
Income from Operations:  CAG  $277,082    31.1%  $253,358    30.3%
   Water   23,608    47.1%   20,328    45.7%
   LPD   889    3.1%   2,405    8.1%
   Other   2,313    52.6%   (808)   (19.4)%
   Total  $303,892    31.2%  $275,283    30.1%


      Nine Months Ended 
      September 30,
   Percent of
   September 30,
   Percent of
Revenue:  CAG  $2,703,573        $2,531,091      
   Water   139,959         126,362      
   LPD   87,503         88,866      
   Other   12,181         13,033      
   Total  $2,943,216        $2,759,352      
Gross Profit:  CAG  $1,659,768    61.4%  $1,523,757    60.2%
   Water   97,326    69.5%   88,621    70.1%
   LPD   45,419    51.9%   46,975    52.9%
   Other   5,754    47.2%   4,450    34.1%
   Total  $1,808,267    61.4%  $1,663,803    60.3%
Income from Operations:  CAG  $798,328    29.5%  $790,617    31.2%
   Water   63,542    45.4%   57,119    45.2%
   LPD   3,254    3.7%   5,664    6.4%
   Other   1,527    12.5%   (1,574)   (12.1)%
   Total  $866,651    29.4%  $851,826    30.9%





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IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Revenues and Revenue Growth Analysis by Product and Service Categories and by Domestic and International Markets

Amounts in thousands (Unaudited)


   Three Months Ended        Reported   Percentage   Percentage   Organic 
   September 30,   September 30,   Dollar   Revenue   Change from   Change from   Revenue 
Net Revenue  2024   2023   Change   Growth1   Currency   Acquisitions   Growth1 
CAG  $891,990   $837,160   $54,830    6.5%   0.1%   0.4%   6.0%
United States   604,170    573,830    30,340    5.3%       0.6%   4.6%
International   287,820    263,330    24,490    9.3%   0.3%       9.0%
Water   50,162    44,450    5,712    12.9%   (0.3)%       13.2%
United States   26,671    22,804    3,867    17.0%           17.0%
International   23,491    21,646    1,845    8.5%   (0.6)%       9.2%
LPD   28,992    29,747    (755)   (2.5)%   (0.2)%       (2.4)%
United States   5,561    5,040    521    10.3%           10.3%
International   23,431    24,707    (1,276)   (5.2)%   (0.2)%       (5.0)%
Other   4,399    4,170    229    5.5%           5.5%
Total Company  $975,543   $915,527   $60,016    6.6%   0.1%   0.4%   6.1%
United States   638,058    603,046    35,012    5.8%       0.6%   5.2%
International   337,485    312,481    25,004    8.0%   0.2%       7.8%


   Three Months Ended       Reported   Percentage   Percentage   Organic 
   September 30,   September 30,   Dollar   Revenue    Change from   Change from   Revenue 
Net CAG Revenue  2024   2023   Change   Growth1   Currency   Acquisitions   Growth1 
CAG Diagnostics recurring revenue:  $783,443   $733,958   $49,485    6.7%   0.1%       6.7%
IDEXX VetLab consumables   329,128    296,042    33,086    11.2%   0.1%       11.1%
Rapid assay products   92,774    87,562    5,212    6.0%   (0.2)%       6.2%
Reference laboratory diagnostic and consulting services   328,383    320,294    8,089    2.5%   0.1%       2.4%
CAG Diagnostics services and accessories   33,158    30,060    3,098    10.3%   0.1%       10.2%
CAG Diagnostics capital – instruments   29,528    32,254    (2,726)   (8.4)%   0.3%       (8.7)%
Veterinary software, services and diagnostic imaging systems:   79,019    70,948    8,071    11.4%   0.1%   5.2%   6.1%
Recurring revenue   64,644    54,607    10,037    18.4%   0.1%   6.8%   11.5%
Systems and hardware   14,375    16,341    (1,966)   (12.0)%           (12.0)%
Net CAG revenue  $891,990   $837,160   $54,830    6.5%   0.1%   0.4%   6.0%


   Three Months Ended       Reported   Percentage   Percentage   Organic 
   September 30,   September 30,   Dollar   Revenue   Change from   Change from   Revenue 
   2024   2023   Change   Growth1   Currency   Acquisitions   Growth1 
CAG Diagnostics recurring revenue:  $783,443   $733,958   $49,485    6.7%   0.1%       6.7%
United States   522,530    497,109    25,421    5.1%           5.1%
International   260,913    236,849    24,064    10.2%   0.3%       9.9%


1See Statements Regarding Non-GAAP Financial Measures, above. Amounts presented may not recalculate due to rounding.





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IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Revenues and Revenue Growth Analysis by Product and Service Categories and by Domestic and International Markets

Amounts in thousands (Unaudited)


   Nine Months Ended       Reported   Percentage   Percentage   Organic 
   September 30,   September 30,   Dollar   Revenue   Change from   Change from   Revenue 
Net Revenue  2024   2023   Change   Growth1   Currency   Acquisitions   Growth1 
CAG  $2,703,573   $2,531,091   $172,482    6.8%   (0.2)%   0.4%   6.7%
United States   1,835,049    1,732,752    102,297    5.9%       0.5%   5.4%
International   868,524    798,339    70,185    8.8%   (0.6)%       9.4%
Water   139,959    126,362    13,597    10.8%   (0.4)%       11.1%
United States   73,331    63,932    9,399    14.7%           14.7%
International   66,628    62,430    4,198    6.7%   (0.7)%       7.5%
LPD   87,503    88,866    (1,363)   (1.5)%   (0.6)%       (0.9)%
United States   15,840    14,005    1,835    13.1%           13.1%
International   71,663    74,861    (3,198)   (4.3)%   (0.7)%       (3.6)%
Other   12,181    13,033    (852)   (6.5)%           (6.5)%
Total Company  $2,943,216   $2,759,352   $183,864    6.7%   (0.2)%   0.3%   6.6%
United States   1,929,213    1,815,066    114,147    6.3%       0.5%   5.8%
International   1,014,003    944,286    69,717    7.4%   (0.6)%       8.0%


   Nine Months Ended       Reported   Percentage   Percentage   Organic 
   September 30,   September 30,   Dollar   Revenue   Change from   Change from   Revenue 
Net CAG Revenue  2024   2023   Change   Growth1   Currency   Acquisitions   Growth1 
CAG Diagnostics recurring revenue:  $2,372,041   $2,223,336   $148,705    6.7%   (0.2)%       6.9%
IDEXX VetLab consumables   971,405    890,891    80,514    9.0%   (0.3)%       9.3%
Rapid assay products   282,379    266,934    15,445    5.8%   (0.2)%       6.0%
Reference laboratory diagnostic and consulting services   1,020,094    973,580    46,514    4.8%   (0.1)%       4.9%
CAG Diagnostics services and accessories   98,163    91,931    6,232    6.8%   (0.4)%       7.2%
CAG Diagnostics capital – instruments   98,912    99,452    (540)   (0.5)%   (0.4)%       (0.1)%
Veterinary software, services and diagnostic imaging systems:   232,620    208,303    24,317    11.7%       4.4%   7.3%
Recurring revenue   187,461    160,039    27,422    17.1%       5.7%   11.5%
Systems and hardware   45,159    48,264    (3,105)   (6.4)%   (0.1)%       (6.4)%
Net CAG revenue  $2,703,573   $2,531,091   $172,482    6.8%   (0.2)%   0.4%   6.7%


   Nine Months Ended       Reported   Percentage   Percentage   Organic 
   September 30,   September 30,   Dollar   Revenue   Change from   Change from   Revenue 
   2024   2023   Change   Growth1   Currency   Acquisitions   Growth1 
CAG Diagnostics recurring revenue:  $2,372,041   $2,223,336   $148,705    6.7%   (0.2)%       6.9%
United States   1,590,037    1,505,837    84,200    5.6%           5.6%
International   782,004    717,499    64,505    9.0%   (0.6)%       9.6%


1See Statements Regarding Non-GAAP Financial Measures, above. Amounts presented may not recalculate due to rounding.





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IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

Amounts in thousands (Unaudited)


      September 30,
   December 31,
Assets:  Current Assets:          
   Cash and cash equivalents  $308,636   $453,932 
   Accounts receivable, net   511,250    457,445 
   Inventories   389,804    380,282 
   Other current assets   224,054    203,595 
   Total current assets   1,433,744    1,495,254 
   Property and equipment, net   717,745    702,177 
   Other long-term assets, net   1,199,277    1,062,494 
   Total assets  $3,350,766   $3,259,925 
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity:  Current Liabilities:          
   Accounts payable  $110,603   $110,643 
   Accrued liabilities   511,047    478,712 
   Line of credit   250,000    250,000 
   Current portion of long-term debt   99,140    74,997 
   Deferred revenue   38,434    37,195 
   Total current liabilities   1,009,224    951,547 
   Long-term debt, net of current portion   524,758    622,883 
   Other long-term liabilities, net   198,730    200,965 
   Total long-term liabilities   723,488    823,848 
   Total stockholders' equity   1,618,054    1,484,530 
   Total liabilities and stockholders' equity  $3,350,766   $3,259,925 


IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Selected Balance Sheet Information (Unaudited)


      September 30,
   June 30,
   March 31,
   December 31,
   September 30,
Selected Balance Sheet Information:  Days sales outstanding1   48.9    47.3    45.7    46.1    45.6 
   Inventory turns2   1.3    1.4    1.3    1.3    1.3 


1Days sales outstanding represents the average of the accounts receivable balances at the beginning and end of each quarter divided by revenue for that quarter, the result of which is then multiplied by 91.25 days.

2Inventory turns are calculated as the ratio of four times our inventory-related cost of product revenue for the quarter, divided by the average inventory balances at the beginning and end of each quarter.





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IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Amounts in thousands (Unaudited)


      Nine Months Ended 
      September 30,
   September 30,
Operating:  Cash Flows from Operating Activities:          
   Net income  $671,718   $650,521 
   Non-cash adjustments to net income   119,761    120,390 
   Changes in assets and liabilities   (124,503)   (114,252)
   Net cash provided by operating activities   666,976    656,659 
Investing:  Cash Flows from Investing Activities:          
   Purchases of property and equipment   (91,667)   (101,075)
   Acquisition of a business   (76,694)    
   Proceeds from net investment hedges   1,142    6,256 
   Net cash used by investing activities   (167,219)   (94,819)
Financing:  Cash Flows from Financing Activities:          
   Repayments under credit facility, net       (329,000)
   Payments of senior notes   (75,000)    
   Payments for the acquisition-related holdbacks       (1,879)
   Repurchases of common stock   (591,042)   (35,070)
   Proceeds from exercises of stock options and employee stock purchase plans   31,237    35,704 
   Shares withheld for statutory tax withholding payments on restricted stock   (10,486)   (9,907)
   Net cash used by financing activities   (645,291)   (340,152)
   Net effect of changes in exchange rates on cash   238    (2,538)
   Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents   (145,296)   219,150 
   Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period   453,932    112,546 
   Cash and cash equivalents, end of period  $308,636   $331,696 


IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Free Cash Flow

Amounts in thousands (Unaudited)


      Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended 
      September 30,
   September 30,
   September 30,
   September 30,
Free Cash Flow:  Net cash provided by operating activities  $220,079   $272,433   $666,976   $656,659 
   Investing cash flows attributable to purchases of property and equipment   (28,089)   (34,094)   (91,667)   (101,075)
   Free cash flow1  $191,990   $238,339   $575,309   $555,584 


1See Statements Regarding Non-GAAP Financial Measures, above.





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IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Common Stock Repurchases

Amounts in thousands except per share data (Unaudited)


   Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended 
   September 30,
   September 30,
   September 30,
   September 30,
Shares repurchased in the open market   459    65    1,177    65 
Shares acquired through employee surrender for statutory tax withholding   1    1    19    20 
Total shares repurchased   460    66    1,196    85 
Cost of shares repurchased in the open market  $224,945   $35,070   $600,216   $35,070 
Cost of shares for employee surrenders   218    231    10,486    9,907 
Total cost of shares  $225,163   $35,301   $610,702   $44,977 
Average cost per share – open market repurchases  $490.23   $536.03   $509.81   $536.03 
Average cost per share – employee surrenders  $465.27   $506.74   $557.64   $503.43 
Average cost per share – total  $490.20   $535.83   $510.57   $528.49