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更新2024財年指引,以反映已宣佈的業務策略變更,包括出售Arthrosurface和計劃剝離Parcus Medical,以及美國OA疼痛管理方面的不利影響


公司將營業收入分類爲OEm渠道和商業渠道;商業渠道自2021年以來的複合年增長率約爲17%,最近的業績受到Integrity的推動。此款超便攜式投影儀使用了最新的 Android TV 界面,而且遙控器還內置了 Google AssistantTM 功能,用戶可以非常方便地使用它。 植入系統在第三季度實現了40%以上的順序增長,自推出以來已經進行了500多次手術。

Hyalofast的第一個模塊® 10月提交PMA申請;解決了與Cingal相關的重要障礙® NDA提交路徑

馬薩諸塞州貝德福,2024年10月31日(全球新聞社)-- 阿尼卡療法公司 (納斯達克:ANIK),一家早期干預骨科全球關節保護公司,今天報告了截至2024年9月30日的第三季度財務業績。


Anika宣佈第三季度營業收入爲3880萬美元,與2023年同期相比下降了7%。美國OA疼痛管理營收在該季度下降了5%。這一下降主要是由於公司的美國OA疼痛管理合作伙伴J&J Medtech面臨的市場減少進入和競爭價格壓力,以及Arthrosurface和Parcus醫療業務表現較弱,Anika已經退出並計劃退出,導致的。Anika的Monovisc和Orthovisc產品仍然是美國關節粘彈補市場的領導者,J&J正在採取措施穩定這一營收渠道。未來將包括在OEm渠道中的美國OA疼痛管理營收的下降,將被未來包括在商業渠道中的國際OA疼痛管理營收所抵消。® Anika的Monovisc和Orthovisc產品仍然是美國關節粘彈補市場的領導者® 的產品仍然是美國關節粘彈補市場的領導者,J&J正在採取步驟穩定這一營收渠道。未來將包括在OEm渠道中的美國OA疼痛管理營收的下降,將被未來包括在商業渠道中的國際OA疼痛管理營收所抵消。


Third Quarter 2024 Financial Summary (相對於2023年第三季度)

  • 營業收入3880萬美元,下降7%
    • OA疼痛管理業務收入2440萬美元,下降2%
    • 關節保護與修復業務收入1200萬美元,下降11%
    • 再生解決方案業務收入270萬美元,增長17%(包含在關節保護與修復業務中)
    • 非骨科業務收入240萬美元,下降24%
  • 淨虧損29.9百萬美元,每股虧損2.03美元
  • 調整後淨利潤1 淨利潤爲3.8百萬美元,每股攤薄虧損0.25美元
  • 調整後的EBITDA1 營業收入540萬
  • 經營活動產生的現金流量500萬
  • 現金餘額6240萬

1 請查看本公告中包含的非通用會計準則財務信息說明。

新的營業收入分類 - 商業渠道和OEm渠道

從第四季度開始,由於戰略更新的結果,營業收入分類將被界定,以向投資社區提供對Anika價值驅動因素的清晰視圖。 營業收入將在商業渠道和OEm渠道之間劃分。 在商業渠道中,Anika全權負責通過我們的商業領導、直銷代表和獨立經銷商銷售、市場營銷和定價產品。 Anika的再生解決方案和國際OA疼痛管理業務的收入包含在商業渠道中。 在OEm渠道中,Anika負責爲長期協議管理的OEm合作伙伴開發和製造產品,但不控制銷售、市場營銷或定價。 OEm渠道具有高毛利和高現金生成能力,是一個爲我們提供營收基礎的渠道,使我們能夠投資於基於HA的產品管線以及我們的高增長商業渠道。 Anika的美國OA疼痛管理業務和非骨科業務的收入包含在OEm渠道中。


Cheryl R. Blanchard,博士,Anika的總裁兼首席執行官評論說:「OA疼痛管理仍然是我們業務的一個強大、基礎性組成部分,並且是整個公司利潤的一個關鍵方面。在國內市場中,我們在關節粘補市場上佔據着領先地位,擁有Monovisc和Orthovisc。在美國以外的市場,我們管理我們的商業銷售流程,截至目前年初,我們的團隊已經將Cingal、Monovisc和Orthovisc的市場份額增長了14%,並且擴大到了新的國家。關於Cingal在美國方面,我們正朝着NDA申請取得實質性進展。我們最近收購了Aristospan的NDA,以滿足FDA新強制性要求。這爲我們獲取Cingal的生物等效橋接研究所需的關鍵參比藥物之一提供了途徑。我們還計劃在2025年第一季度開始最終的非臨床毒理學測試。這些進展解決了重要的障礙,使我們在努力獲得Cingal的美國批准時能夠達標。」

Blanchard博士繼續說道:「今天早些時候,我們宣佈了Arthrosurface的出售以及計劃中的Parcus Medical剝離。這些舉措將使我們能夠集中資本和資源在我們的核心HA技術上,包括我們不同的再生解決方案組合,以及我們的商業渠道。我們的商業渠道,負責我們產品的銷售、市場營銷和定價,正朝着又一個強勁增長的一年邁進。這一渠道從2021年至2023年每年增長18%,預計2024年將因Integrity的推動增長16%。我們對商業渠道基礎設施的投資使我們能夠推出近期產品線擴展,利用Integrity和更廣泛的Hyaff平台,併爲計劃中的Hyalofast在美國的推出做準備。我們於10月28日向FDA提交了Hyalofast PMA的第一個模塊,我們計劃在2026年推出我們的一期式、現貨HA軟骨修復產品,面向逐漸增長的價值10億美元的市場。」

「今天的公告突顯我們繼續專注於將資本分配到我們預期將最大化股東價值的最高回報項目。爲了與我們的策略匹配,將資源遷移到我們的最有價值機會,我們宣佈出售Arthrosurface並計劃剝離Parcus Medical。此外,截至第三季度末,我們已經回購了530萬美元的股份,作爲我們4000萬美元的回購計劃的一部分,通過我們之前宣佈的10b5-1計劃。最後,我們正從三月份宣佈的成本削減努力中獲得利益,這將更好地讓Anika在長期增長中佔據有利地位。」

展望未來,我們在商業渠道中創造股東價值的三個階段。首先,我們的近期策略是增加通過我們的商業渠道銷售的產品中收入的比例,包括Monovisc,Orthovisc和Cingal的國際銷售;Integrity;Tactoset®;以及我們快速推進的再生解決方案管道。其次,在中期,我們將高度專注於在2026年推出Hyalofast,以治療價值 10億美元的美國市場。我們於十月準時提交了首個Hyalofast FDA PMA模塊,最終模塊將於2025年提交。第三,長期來看,隨着最近的進展,我們對將市場領先的產品Cingal引入美國市場充滿信心,這將成爲Anika的巨大價值推動力。


根據今天宣佈的發展情況,Anika正在減少人員和營業費用,並將這些行動與Arthrosurface的出售以及Parcus的預期出售相匹配。公司預計一次性現金重組和交易費用爲300萬至500萬美元,與這些行動和Arthrosurface交易相關的非現金費用爲2700萬至2900萬美元。Anika還宣佈更新的長期指引,假設Parcus Medical和Arthrosurface從2024年第四季度開始列入停止運營部門。


  • 商業渠道
    • 2024年:2023年的3610萬美元增長14%至19%,不包括已處置或擬處置的業務收入,因爲預計它們將於2024年第四季度起在終止經營中顯示
    • 2025年:增長12%至18%
    • 2026-2027年:年增長率爲20%至30%,包括自2026年第四季度預期FDA批准後的Hyalofast在美國計劃推出的適度貢獻
  • OEm渠道
    • 2024年:2023年的8460萬美元下降(8%)至(10%)
    • 2025年:下降(12%)至(18%)
    • 2026-2027年:每年持平至適度下降,不包括預期美國Cingal FDA批准的任何預期貢獻
  • Anika商用渠道的銷售預計到2026年將約佔總營業收入的50%


  • 2024調整後的EBITDA:$1600萬至$1800萬,受美國OA疼痛管理營業收入比例較低和Arthrosurface及Parcus醫療的影響驅動
  • 2025調整後的EBITDA%:低兩位數,不包括與2025年Parcus出售同時完成的剝離相關費用
  • 2026-2027調整後的EBITDA%:預計隨着2026年Hyalofast計劃推出,有望實現利潤率擴張


Anika Therapeutics,Inc. (NASDAQ:ANIK)是一家全球聯合保護公司,爲早期干預矯形護理創造和交付有意義的進步。利用我們在透明質酸和植入物解決方案方面的核心專業知識,我們與臨床醫生合作,提供最小侵入式的產品,爲世界各地的人們恢復積極生活。我們的重點是矯形學中的高機會空間,包括骨關節炎疼痛管理、再生解決方案、運動醫學和關節表面解決方案,我們的產品在關鍵的護理場所,包括日間手術中心中進行高效輸送。Anika的全球運營總部位於馬薩諸塞州波士頓外部。有關Anika的更多信息,請訪問。
Anika Therapeutics, Inc.(納斯達克:ANIK)是一家全球關節保護公司,致力於在早期干預骨科護理領域創造並提供有意義的先進技術。利用我們在透明質酸和植入解決方案方面的核心專長,我們與臨床醫生合作,提供能夠恢復全球人群積極生活的微創治療產品。我們專注於骨科領域的高機遇空間,包括骨關節炎疼痛管理、再生治療解決方案和體育醫學,我們的產品高效提供在包括門診手術中心在內的關鍵治療場所。Anika的全球業務總部位於馬薩諸塞州波士頓郊外。有關Anika的更多信息,請訪問www.anika.com。

阿尼卡, 阿尼卡療法, CINGAL, HYALOFASt, INTEGRITY, MONOVISC, ORTHOVISC, TACTOSEt, 和 Anika 商標是 Anika Therapeutics, Inc. 或其子公司的商標,或已許可給 Anika Therapeutics, Inc. 供其使用。

非依照GAAP準則制定的財務指標應被視爲補充,而非取代公司按照GAAP準則制定的財務結果。此外,公司對非GAAP指標的定義可能與他人使用的類似命名指標不同。因爲非GAAP財務指標排除了那些會增加或減少公司財務業績報告的項目的影響,Anika強烈建議投資者全面審閱公司的基本報表和公開報告。公司呈現這些非GAAP財務指標是因爲公司在內部評估業績時將其作爲補充指標使用,而在Adjusted EBITDA的情況下,它被設定爲用於判斷行政薪酬的關鍵績效指標。公司也認識到這些非GAAP指標通常被廣泛用於更全面地確定業務績效,並認爲它們可作爲投資者、證券分析師和其他相關方從一個時期到另一個時期衡量比較經營績效的一種有用指標。



Adjusted Net Income (Loss) and Adjusted EPS
Adjusted net income (loss) is defined by the Company as GAAP net income excluding acquisition related expenses, inclusive of the impact of purchase accounting, on a tax effected basis, non-cash charges related to goodwill impairment, non-cash product rationalization charges, stock-based compensation and charges related to discontinuation of a software project. Adjusted diluted EPS is defined by the Company as GAAP diluted EPS excluding acquisition related expenses and the impact of purchase accounting, each on a tax-adjusted per share basis, non-cash product rationalization charges, stock-based compensation, severance costs and shareholder activism costs. Beginning in the first quarter of 2024, adjusted net income (loss) and adjusted EPS were revised to exclude stock-based compensation, net of tax, and this revised calculation is reflected for all periods presented.

A reconciliation of adjusted gross profit to gross profit (and the associated adjusted gross margin calculation), adjusted EBITDA to net income (loss), adjusted net income (loss) to net income (loss) and adjusted diluted EPS to diluted EPS, the most directly comparable financial measures calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP, is shown in the tables at the end of this release.

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may contain forward-looking statements, within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, concerning the Company's expectations, anticipations, intentions, beliefs or strategies regarding the future which are not statements of historical fact, including statements about the potential growth opportunity and expansion of our Commercial Channel, the timing of the regulatory pathway and launch of Hyalofast and the US approval of Cingal, statements around the actions that are being taken to generate additional shareholder value, and in the section titled “Announced Company Restructuring Initiative and Long-Term Financial Targets”. These statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of the Company's management and are subject to significant risks, uncertainties, and other factors. The Company's actual results could differ materially from any anticipated future results, performance, or achievements described in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors including, but not limited to, (i) the Company's ability to successfully commence and/or complete clinical trials of its products on a timely basis or at all; (ii) the Company's ability to obtain pre-clinical or clinical data to support domestic and international pre-market approval applications, 510(k) applications, or new drug applications, or to timely file and receive FDA or other regulatory approvals or clearances of its products; (iii) that such approvals will not be obtained in a timely manner or without the need for additional clinical trials, other testing or regulatory submissions, as applicable; (iv) the Company's research and product development efforts and their relative success, including whether we have any meaningful sales of any new products resulting from such efforts; (v) the cost effectiveness and efficiency of the Company's clinical studies, manufacturing operations, and production planning; (vi) the strength of the economies in which the Company operates or will be operating, as well as the political stability of any of those geographic areas; (vii) future determinations by the Company to allocate resources to products and in directions not presently contemplated; (viii) the Company's ability to successfully commercialize its products, in the U.S. and abroad; (ix) the Company's ability to provide an adequate and timely supply of its products to its customers; and (x) the Company's ability to achieve its growth targets. Additional factors and risks are described in the Company's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and they are available on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov. Forward-looking statements are made based on information available to the Company on the date of this press release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update the information contained in this press release.

For Investor Inquiries:
Anika Therapeutics, Inc.
Matt Hall, 781-457-9554
Director, Corporate Development and Investor Relations

Anika Therapeutics, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Statements of Operations
(in thousands, except per share data)
  For the Three Months Ended
September 30,
 For the Nine Months Ended
September 30,
   2024   2023   2024   2023  
Revenue $38,753  $41,465  $121,197  $123,691  
Cost of Revenue  37,313   16,521   67,764   46,932  
Gross Profit  1,440   24,944   53,433   76,759  
Operating expenses:         
Research and development  7,244   7,791   22,806   25,105  
Selling, general and administrative  19,112   24,827   60,445   75,512  
Impairment of long-lived assets  3,101   -   3,101   -  
Total operating expenses  29,457   32,618   86,352   100,617  
Loss from operations  (28,017)  (7,674)  (32,919)  (23,858) 
Interest and other income (expense), net  406   635   1,593   1,735  
Loss before income taxes  (27,611)  (7,039)  (31,326)  (22,123) 
Provision for (benefit from) income taxes  2,307   (463)  3,194   (2,456) 
Net loss $(29,918) $(6,576) $(34,520) $(19,667) 
Net loss per share:         
Basic $(2.03) $(0.45) $(2.34) $(1.34) 
Diluted $(2.03) $(0.45) $(2.34) $(1.34) 
Weighted average common shares outstanding:         
Basic  14,768   14,635   14,769   14,659  
Diluted  14,768   14,635   14,769   14,659  

Anika Therapeutics, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Balance Sheets
(in thousands, except per share data)
 September 30, December 31,
ASSETS 2024   2023 
Current assets:   
Cash and cash equivalents$62,368  $72,867 
Accounts receivable, net 28,357   35,961 
Inventories, net 39,629   46,386 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 5,752   8,095 
Total current assets 136,106   163,309 
Property and equipment, net 44,572   46,198 
Right-of-use assets 27,208   28,767 
Other long-term assets 11,310   18,672 
Deferred tax assets 1,472   1,489 
Intangible assets, net 3,081   4,626 
Goodwill 7,656   7,571 
Total assets$231,405  $270,632 
Current liabilities:   
Accounts payable$6,805  $9,860 
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 18,688   21,199 
Total current liabilities 25,493   31,059 
Other long-term liabilities 806   404 
Lease liabilities 25,242   26,904 
Stockholders' equity:   
Common stock, $0.01 par value 147   147 
Additional paid-in-capital 91,886   90,009 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (5,701)  (5,943)
Retained earnings 93,532   128,052 
Total stockholders' equity 179,864   212,265 
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity$231,405  $270,632 

Anika Therapeutics, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Reconciliation of GAAP Gross Profit to Adjusted Gross Profit
(in thousands)
  For the Three Months Ended
September 30,
 For the Nine Months Ended
September 30,
   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Gross Profit $1,440  $24,944  $53,433  $76,759 
Product rationalization related charges  -   748   472   748 
Writedown of inventories  23,438   -   23,438   - 
Acquisition related intangible asset amortization  153   1,561   464   4,684 
Adjusted Gross Profit $25,031  $27,253  $77,807  $82,191 
Unadjusted Gross Margin  4%  60%  44%  62%
Adjusted Gross Margin  65%  66%  64%  66%
Anika Therapeutics, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Reconciliation of GAAP Net Income to Adjusted EBITDA
(in thousands)
  For the Three Months Ended
September 30,
 For the Nine Months Ended
September 30,
   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Net loss $(29,918) $(6,576) $(34,520) $(19,667)
Interest and other (income) expense, net  (406)  (635)  (1,593)  (1,735)
Provision for (benefit from) income taxes  2,307   (463)  3,194   (2,456)
Depreciation and amortization  2,045   1,755   5,800   5,282 
Stock-based compensation  3,394   3,561   10,875   11,428 
Product rationalization  -   748   472   748 
Arbitration settlement  -   -   -   3,250 
Acquisition related intangible asset amortization  143   1,787   509   5,361 
Impairment/writedown of assets  27,401   -   27,401   - 
Discontinuation of software development project  -   4,473   (1,404)  4,473 
Non-recurring professional fees  465   -   465   - 
Severance costs  -   -   839   - 
Costs of shareholder activism  -   -   2,185   3,033 
Adjusted EBITDA $5,431  $4,650  $14,223  $9,717 
Anika Therapeutics, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Reconciliation of GAAP Net Income to Adjusted Net Income
(in thousands)
  For the Three Months Ended
September 30,
 For the Nine Months Ended
September 30,
   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Net loss $(29,918) $(6,576) $(34,520) $(19,667)
Product rationalization, tax effected  -   699   392   665 
Arbitration settlement, tax effected  -   -   -   2,889 
Share-based compensation, tax effected  2,820   3,327   9,037   10,159 
Acquisition related intangible asset amortization, tax effected  119   1,669   423   4,767 
Impairment/writedown of assets, tax effected  22,770   -   22,770   - 
Discontinuation of software development project, tax effected  -   4,179   (1,167)  3,976 
Non-recurring professional fees, tax effected  386   -   386   - 
Severance costs, tax effected  -   -   697   - 
Costs of shareholder activism, tax effected  -   -   1,816   2,696 
Adjusted net income $(3,822) $3,298   (165) $5,485 
Anika Therapeutics, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Reconciliation of GAAP Diluted Earnings Per Share to Adjusted Diluted Earnings Per Share
(in thousands, except per share data)
  For the Three Months Ended
September 30,
 For the Nine Months Ended
September 30,
   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Diluted net loss per share $(2.03) $(0.45) $(2.34) $(1.33)
Product rationalization, tax effected  -   0.05   0.03   0.05 
Arbitration settlement, tax effected  -   -   -   0.20 
Share-based compensation, tax effected  0.19   0.23   0.61   0.69 
Acquisition related intangible asset amortization, tax effected  0.01   0.11   0.03   0.32 
Impairment/writedown of assets, tax effected  1.55   -   1.55   - 
Discontinuation of software development project, tax effected  -   0.29   (0.08)  0.27 
Non-recurring professional fees, tax effected  0.03   -   0.02   - 
Severance costs, tax effected  -   -   0.05   - 
Costs of shareholder activism, tax effected $-   -   0.12   0.18 
Adjusted diluted net income per share $(0.25) $0.23  $(0.01) $0.37 

Anika Therapeutics, Inc. and Subsidiaries 
Revenue by Product Family 
(in thousands, except percentages) 
 For the Three Months Ended September 30, For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 
  2024   2023  $ change % change  2024   2023  $ change % change 
OA Pain Management$24,428  $24,888  $(460) -2% $75,404  $76,855  $(1,451) -2% 
Joint Preservation and Restoration 11,950   13,470   (1,520) -11%  39,345   39,583   (238) -1% 
Non-Orthopedic 2,375   3,107   (732) -24%  6,448   7,253   (805) -11% 
Revenue$38,753  $41,465  $(2,712) -7% $121,197  $123,691  $(2,494) -2%