EX-10.38 5 eqix-93024xexhibit1038.htm EX-10.38 Document
展品 10.38
Equinix, Inc.(「公司」)與Scott Crenshaw(「員工」)簽訂此「解雇協議和一般性訴訟放棄協議」(本「協議」)以解決員工可能對公司和所有已釋放方(如下所定義)提出的所有已知和未知索賠。 除了受聯邦法律管轄的範疇外,本協議應受德克薩斯州的法規和普通法管轄,不包括要求使用其他司法管轄區法律的法規。
第一部分 --好處
(a)一般公司承諾員工將收到本部分所規定的福利,該福利條件是員工簽署並不撤回本協議。 員工明白並同意員工並無其他權利可獲得本協議第1(c)條所提供給員工的福利。 員工明白本協議可在員工簽署後7天內撤回,若如此,員工將不會收到本協議下的任何金額或福利。
iv.在員工根據1985年《綜合預算調整和協調法案》(COBRA)及時且有效地選擇後,公司將退款員工及員工符合資格的受扶養人根據公司集體健康計劃繼續保險的部分費用,該費用超過員工在成為在職員工期間適用的員工部分費用,並在終止日期後的12個完整月中繼續 (從完整月份開始,其跟隨終止日期)。

第2節 --沒有其他報酬或福利
第三部分 --完整發布
        (a)僱員索償的一般解釋:除第 3 (c) 條所述的索賠以外,除行使受保護權利(如下所定義)外,僱員對於第 3 (e) 條列出的任何已知和未知的索賠、承諾、訴訟原因或類似權利(「索賠」)與僱員在公司僱傭和/或終止僱傭有關的任何已知和未知的索賠、訴訟原因或類似權利(「索賠」)。員工明白員工不會就員工簽署本協議日期之後發生的事件或情況發出索償。員工瞭解僱員要釋放的索償可能會根據許多不同的外國、國內、國家、州或地方法律(包括法規、法規、其他行政指導和普通法教義)而產生,例如下:
聯邦和州僱傭條例,例如家庭醫療假法、加州家庭權利法、加州懷孕殘疾假法、公平勞動標準法案;勞工調整和再培訓通知法案(「WARN 法」);1974 年僱員退休收入保障法案(「ERISA」);制服服務就業和恢復權利法;職業安全和健康法;薩班斯-奧克斯利法案;虛假索賠法案;道德弗蘭克·沃爾街道改革和消費者保護法(「道德法蘭克法」);公平信貸報告法;或任何州法律相關法;或任何豁免賠償的索償,

其他法律和索賠例如,任何聯邦、州或地方法律強制休假、限制雇主解僱權、或以其他方式規範就業;任何強制明示或暗示聘用合同的聯邦、州或地方法律,或要求雇主公平或善意處理員工的法律;任何其他提供對涉嫌違法解僱、報復性解僱、侵權、身體或人身傷害、故意或過失造成情感困擾、詐欺、過失陳述、誹謗以及類似或相關索賠、過失聘用、保留或監督索賠的聯邦、州或地方法律;任何違反任何公共政策或法規的索賠或規定,包括任何地方或市政法律、法規或條例;有關薪資、佣金、薪津福利的法律;員工聲稱自己可能有權獲得的任何支付索賠;與用餐和休息時間或工資單有關的任何州法規;侵犯隱私的索賠,故意干預合同的索賠,過失索賠;有害依賴索賠;喪失生活伴侶權索賠;允諾擋止索賠;個人傷害索賠;普通法索賠; 要求賠償性或懲罰性損害的索賠; 追討拖欠薪資的索賠;或者與員工在本協議簽訂日期之前的與公司的關係有關的或產生的其他索賠,無論樣式如何。
已發佈的索賠示例 包括但不限於以下內容(除非本協議第3(c)條明確保留的部分):(i) 與員工在公司的僱傭關係或僱傭終止以任何方式相關或產生的索賠,例如薪酬、獎金、佣金、失去的工資或未使用的應計假期、帶薪休假或病假支付的索賠;(ii) 與任何員工福利計劃的設計或管理以任何方式相關的索賠;(iii) 員工對遣散費或類似福利或就業後健康或團體保險福利的不可撤銷或既得權利的索賠;(iv) 關於員工正在解除的索賠的律師費用或其他賠償(例如根據《民權律師費用法》或適用的私人律師見總法案下的獎勵)的任何索賠;(v) 根據加利福尼亞公平就業和住房法、加利福尼亞勞動法第200節(包括但不限於任何真實爭議(例如拖欠的工資)),加利福尼亞商業與專業法第17200節及以下,或任何其他與不正當競爭相關的州法或法規的索賠;加利福尼亞私人律師總法、加利福尼亞勞動法第2699節或任何其他與州勞動法的私人執行相關的州法規,以及任何適用的加利福尼亞工業福利委員會命令。 及以下。 (包括但不限於任何真實爭議(例如拖欠的工資)),加利福尼亞商業與專業法第17200節 及以下, 或任何其他與不正當競爭相關的州法或法規;加利福尼亞私人律師總法、加利福尼亞勞動法第2699節,或任何其他與州勞動法的私人執行相關的州法律或法規,以及任何適用的加利福尼亞工業福利委員會命令。
(b)    不追求已釋放的索賠: 如果員工儘管在本協議下提起訴訟,主張任何已釋放的索賠,員工將對已釋放方(定義如下)承擔其律師費用、其他軍工股費用及員工訴訟造成的任何其他損害賠償,除了可以歸因於對本協議根據《年齡歧視就業法》(ADEA)或《老年工人福利保護法》(OWBPA)的挑戰。除了以下具體規定之外,員工承諾不接受本協議中未列出的任何款項或補救措施,針對員工通過簽署本協議已釋放的任何索賠。
Subject to the Protected Rights, if Employee files or is included in any administrative charge or investigation or becomes a member of a class after the effective date of this Agreement, Employee agrees to waive any and all right to monetary recovery should any administrative or governmental agency (such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”), the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”), or any state or local agencies) or any other person or entity pursue any claims on Employee’s behalf against any Released Party.

Nothing in this Agreement is intended to limit in any way Employee’s future right or ability to file any charge or claim of discrimination with or cooperate in an investigation conducted by the NLRB, the EEOC, or any comparable state or local agency, or any other governmental agency charged with enforcing employment laws.

Nor does anything in this Agreement waive Employee’s right to testify in an administrative, legislative or judicial proceeding concerning alleged criminal conduct or alleged sexual harassment on the part of the Company, its agents or employees, where Employee has been required or requested to attend the proceeding pursuant to a court order, subpoena, or written request from an administrative agency or the legislature.

(c)    Claims Not Affected by Release: This Agreement does not affect (i) any claims Employee may have against any of the Released Parties for reimbursement of business expenses pursuant to California Labor Code Section 2802, provided, however, that Employee represents and warrants to the Released Parties and agrees that, to the extent any such claims may otherwise exist, any and all expenditures or losses covered by that statute have been fully reimbursed by the payments made pursuant to this Agreement, (ii) Employee’s right to apply for unemployment or disability compensation to which Employee may be entitled under law or Employee’s right to purchase continuation coverage under the Company’s group health plan which will be offered in accordance with the provisions of COBRA, (iii) claims for any Accrued Benefits and the severance payments and benefits provided under Section 1(c) of this Agreement, (iv) Employee’s right to indemnification under the Company’s directors and officers indemnification policies or any indemnification agreement between the Company and Employee, or any claim relating to directors’ and officers’ liability insurance coverage under the Company’s policies, (v) any claim for workers’ compensation benefits (but it does apply to, waive and affect claims of discrimination and/or retaliation on the basis of having made a workers’ compensation claim), and (vi) Employee’s rights as an equity or security holder in the Company. In addition, this Agreement does not affect any claims that may arise with respect to events or circumstances that occur after the date that Employee signs this Agreement, or which cannot be released by private agreement.

Nothing in this Agreement prevents Employee from filing a charge or complaint, from participating or cooperating in an investigation, from testifying in any action or proceeding, or from providing relevant and truthful information to any court, governmental agency or legislative body, including but not limited to the EEOC or a comparable state or local agency or the NLRB, although by signing this release Employee expressly agrees to waive his or her right to individual relief based on claims asserted in any such charge or complaint.
Other than as it relates to the Protected Rights, Employee promises never to seek or accept any damages, remedies or other relief for himself or herself personally (any right to which Employee hereby waives and promises never to accept), with respect to any claim included in this Agreement, in any proceeding, including but not limited to, any NLRB or EEOC proceeding.
Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement or otherwise,
(i)nothing in this Agreement or otherwise prohibits or limits Employee from filing a charge or complaint with, reporting violations of law to, or otherwise communicating with or participating in any investigation or proceeding conducted by, any federal, state or local government agency or commission (“Government Agencies”), including disclosing documents or other information pertaining to the Company or any of its affiliates without giving notice to, or receiving further authorization from, the Company or an affiliate,
(ii)the Company and its affiliates may not retaliate against Employee for any of these activities, and
(iii)nothing in this Agreement or otherwise would require Employee to waive any monetary award or other payment that Employee might become entitled to from the Government Agency (the rights and activities described in clauses (i) through (iii), the “Protected Rights”).
(d)    Company Representation: The Company acknowledges and agrees that as of the date hereof, the Company is not aware of any claims that it may have against Employee.
(e)     Unknown Claims: Employee expressly waives and relinquishes all rights and benefits afforded by Section 1542 of the Civil Code of the State of California and any other similar provision of applicable law, and does so understanding and acknowledging the significance of such specific waiver of Section 1542. Section 1542 of the Civil Code of the State of California states as follows:
A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, and that, if known by him or her would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.

Thus, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1542, and for the purpose of implementing a full and complete release and discharge of the Company’s Releasees, Employee expressly acknowledges that this Agreement is intended to include in its effect, without limitation, all Claims which Employee does not know of or suspects to exist in Employee’s favor at the time of signing this Agreement, and that this Agreement contemplates the release of any such Claim or Claims.
Employee further acknowledges and agrees that California Labor Code Section 206.5 is not applicable to the resolution of this matter. That section provides in pertinent part as follows:

“An employer shall not require the execution of a release of a claim or right on account of wages due, or to become due, or made as an advance on wages to be earned, unless payment of those wages has been made.”
In connection with the foregoing, Employee acknowledges and agrees that upon the execution and performance of this Agreement, Employee has been, to the extent required by law, fully and properly paid for all time worked, received all required breaks, and has been fully reimbursed by Company for all necessary expenses incurred by Employee performing Employee’s duties, in accordance with state and federal laws.
(f)    Released Parties: The “Released Parties” means the Company, all current and former parents, subsidiaries, related companies, partnerships, or joint ventures, and, with respect to each of them, their predecessors and successors; and, with respect to each such entity, all of its past, present, and future employees, officers, directors, stockholders, owners, representatives, assigns, attorneys, agents, insurers, employee benefit programs (and the trustees, administrators, fiduciaries, and insurers of such programs), solely in their official capacities as such, and any other persons acting by, through, under or in concert with any of the persons or entities listed in this subsection, and their successors.
Section 4 --Promises
(a)Company Property and Debts: Subject to the Protected Rights, Employee has returned to the Company all files, memoranda, documents, records, copies of the foregoing, Company-provided credit cards, keys, building passes, security passes, access or identification cards, and any other property of the Company or any Released Party in Employee’s possession or control. Employee has cleared all expense accounts, repaid everything Employee owes to the Company or any Released Party, paid all amounts Employee owes on Company-provided credit cards or accounts (such as cell phone accounts), and canceled or personally assumed any such credit cards or accounts. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Employee will be able to retain (i) Employee’s rolodex and similar address books (and electronic equivalent) provided that such items only include contact information, (ii) documents and information relating to Employee’s personnel information (such as payroll and tax records) and Employee’s personal rights and obligations, and (iii) Employee’s Company laptop, tablet computer and or mobile phone (subject to the Company having a reasonable opportunity to “scrub” the foregoing for confidential information of the Company) and the Company shall cooperate with Employee in transferring to Employee any wireless accounts (including phone numbers and billing) primarily utilized by Employee if in the Company’s name. To the extent Employee has incurred any necessary and reasonable business expenses on behalf of the Company, Employee will submit acceptable documentation of such expenses no later than 45 days after Employee’s Termination Date so that the Company may reimburse Employee for such expenses pursuant to the Company’s current expense reimbursement policies and procedures.
(b)Taxes: Employee is responsible for paying any taxes on amounts Employee receives under this Agreement. Employee agrees that the Company is entitled to withhold all taxes it determines it is legally required to withhold with respect to payments made under this Agreement. Employee understands and agrees that the Company does not make any representation or assurance as to the tax treatment of any amounts paid under this Agreement, it being understood that Employee has reviewed this Agreement with his own tax and legal advisors and understands the tax and other legal implications of the amounts paid hereunder.
(c)Ownership of Claims: Subject to the Protected Rights, Employee has not assigned or transferred any Claim Employee is purporting to release, nor has Employee attempted to do so.
(d)Confidential Information, Trade Secrets, and Existing Obligations: Subject to the Protected Rights, Employee understands that, at all times in the future, Employee will remain bound by the Company’s Proprietary Information and Invention Agreement or Confidential Information and Non-Disclosure Agreement (“PIIA”) that Employee previously signed. Subject to the Protected Rights, Employee acknowledges that Employee’s employment with the Company created a relationship of confidence and trust with respect to any information of a confidential or secret nature disclosed to Employee by the Company or a third party that (i) related to the business of the Company or to the business of any parent, subsidiary, affiliate, customer or supplier of the

Company or any other party with whom the Company agreed to hold information of such party in confidence, (ii) was not generally known to the public or to other persons in the industry, or if generally known, was used, selected or arranged by the Company in a manner not generally known and was made the property of the Company by mutual agreement of the parties by the PIIA, and (iii) that the Company has taken reasonable measures under the circumstances to protect from unauthorized use or disclosure (the “Confidential Information”). Employee agrees and represents that Employee has not disclosed, copied, disseminated, shared or transmitted any Confidential Information to any person, firm, corporation or entity for any reason or purpose whatsoever, except in the course of carrying out Employee’s duties and responsibilities of employment with the Company. Subject to the Protected Rights, Employee also agrees not to make use of any Confidential Information for Employee’s own purposes or for the benefit of any person, firm, corporation or other entity. Subject to the Protected Rights, Employee further warrants and represents that all Confidential Information in Employee’s possession, custody or control that is or was a property of the Company has been or shall be returned to the Company by or on the Termination Date, except that Employee may retain copies of Employee’s compensation records and all documents related to Employee’s employment, including the PIIA and any employment agreement and equity award agreements.
(e)Non-Disparagement. Subject to the Protected Rights, Employee agrees that following the Termination Date, Employee shall not in any way or by any means (directly or indirectly, whether orally, in writing or on social media) make comments or remarks that disparage the Company or any of its affiliates or any of their respective employees, businesses, products or services, the members of the Company’s Board of Directors or the Company’s executive officers. The Company agrees that following the Termination Date, it will direct the members of the Company’s Board of Directors and the Company’s executive officers not to, in any way or by any means (directly or indirectly, whether orally, in writing or on social media) make comments or remarks that disparage Employee. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, nothing contained in this Agreement shall prohibit Employee or the Company from discussing or disclosing information about unlawful acts in the workplace, such as harassment or discrimination or any other conduct that such party has reason to believe is unlawful.
(f)Implementation: Employee agrees to sign any documents and do anything else that in the future is reasonably needed to implement this Agreement.
(g)Other Representations: In addition to Employee’s other representations in this Agreement, subject to the Protected Rights, Employee has made the following representations to the Company, on which Employee acknowledges it also has relied in entering into this Agreement:
i.Employee has not suffered any job-related wrongs or injuries, such as any type of discrimination, for which Employee might still be entitled to compensation or relief in the future. Employee has properly reported any and all job-related wrongs or injuries for which Employee might still be entitled to compensation or relief, such as an injury for which Employee might receive a workers’ compensation award in the future. Employee has properly reported all hours that Employee has worked and under this Agreement, Employee has been paid all wages, overtime, commissions, compensation, benefits, and other amounts that the Company or any Released Party should have paid Employee in the past.
ii.This Agreement is not an admission of wrongdoing by the Company or any other Released Party.
iii.Employee is intentionally releasing claims that Employee does not know Employee might have and that, with hindsight, Employee might regret having released.
iv.If the Company or Employee successfully asserts that any provision in this Agreement is void, the rest of the Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.

(h)False Claims Representations and Cooperation: Subject to the Protected Rights, Employee has disclosed to the Company any information Employee has concerning any conduct involving the Company that Employee has any reason to believe may be unlawful or that involves any false claims to the United States. Following the date hereof, Employee promises to cooperate fully in any investigation the Company undertakes into matters occurring during Employee’s employment with the Company. Employee understands that nothing in this Agreement prevents Employee from cooperating with any state and/or U.S. government investigation. Subject to the Protected Rights, in addition, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Employee hereby irrevocably assigns to the applicable state and/or U.S. government any right Employee might have to any proceeds or awards in connection with any false claims proceedings against the Company.
(i)Covenants: Employee acknowledges and agrees that Employee remains subject to the covenants set forth in Section 3 of the Change in Control Severance Agreement between Employee and the Company, dated August 1, 2022, and Employee reaffirms such covenants. Section 3 of the Change in Control Severance Agreement is hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference.
Section 5 --Consequences of Violating Promises
        In addition to any other remedies or relief that may be available, Employee agrees that the Company would be irreparably harmed by any actual or threatened violation of the PIIA that involves Agreement-related disclosures or disclosure or use of confidential information or trade secret information, and that the Company will be entitled to seek an injunction prohibiting Employee from committing any such violation.
Section 6 --Consideration of Agreement
Employee acknowledges that, before signing this Agreement, Employee was given at least 45 days in which to consider this Agreement. Employee waives any right to additional time within which to consider this Agreement. Employee further acknowledges that: (1) Employee took advantage of the time Employee was given to consider this Agreement before signing it; (2) Employee carefully read this Agreement; (3) Employee fully understands it; (4) Employee is entering into it voluntarily; (5) Employee is receiving valuable consideration in exchange for Employee’s execution of this Agreement that Employee would not otherwise be entitled to receive; (6) the Company, by this writing, encouraged Employee to discuss this Agreement with Employee’s attorney (at Employee’s own expense) before signing it, and that Employee did so to the extent Employee deemed appropriate; and (7) any changes made to this Agreement, whether material or immaterial, will not restart the 45-day consideration period. Employee understands that Employee is entitled to revoke this Agreement, in writing, within 7 days once Employee signs it. Such revocation must be delivered to the Company as provided herein within the 7-day period, in which case Employee will receive no benefits and this Agreement will not go into effect. If Employee does not revoke this Agreement, it will become enforceable on the eighth day after Employee signs it. The Company need not sign this Agreement for it to become enforceable. Employee acknowledges that Employee has been provided with certain required disclosure regarding Employee’s separation.
Section 7 --Miscellaneous
(a)Entire Agreement: This Agreement, together with the PIIA, the equity awards listed on Exhibit A, the Change in Control Severance Agreement between the Company and Employee dated August 1, 2022, and the Indemnification Agreement between the Company and Employee dated August 1, 2022, constitute the entire agreement between Employee and the Company relating to the termination of Employee’s employment and the subject matters herein. This Agreement may not be modified or canceled in any manner, nor may any provision of it or any legal remedy with respect to it be waived, except by a writing signed by both Employee and the Company’s Chief People Officer. Employee acknowledges that the Company has made no representations or promises to Employee (such as that Employee’s former position will remain vacant), other than those in or referred to by this Agreement. If any provision in this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, all other provisions will remain fully enforceable.

(b)Successors: This Agreement binds Employee’s heirs, administrators, representatives, executors, successors, and assigns, and will inure to the benefit of all Released Parties and their respective heirs, administrators, representatives, executors, successors, and assigns.
(c)Facsimile or PDF Copy: Execution of a facsimile or pdf copy shall have the same force and effect as execution of an original, and a facsimile or pdf signature shall be deemed an original and valid signature.
(d)Interpretation: This Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning. It shall not be construed strictly for or against Employee or any Released Party. Unless the context indicates otherwise, the term “or” shall be deemed to include the term “and” and the singular or plural number shall be deemed to include the other. Captions are intended solely for convenience of reference and shall not be used in the interpretation of this Agreement.


Signed:    /s/ Scott Crenshaw_______________________    Dated: ___10/02/2024    
    Scott Crenshaw

Signed:    _/s/ Adaire Fox-Martin________________________________
    Adaire Fox-Martin
    Chief Executive Officer

Exhibit A

Equity Vesting

Employee shall receive pro-rata vesting with respect to the following outstanding equity awards:

Grant DateType of AwardTarget Number of Shares Initially Underlying AwardNumber of Shares Vesting Under this Agreement*
02/14/2023Performance RSU (revenue, digital services revenue and AFFO/Share)5,589412.50
02/14/2023Service-based RSU2,794670.83
3/7/2024Performance RSU (revenue and AFFO/Share)2,183784.33**
3/7/2024Service-based RSU1,533367.19

* Pro-ration is based upon the period of January 1 through September 20. To obtain the number of shares listed in this column, the number of shares that would otherwise vest on the next applicable vesting date was multiplied by 0.7205. Any fractional share shall automatically be settled in cash.

** Number of Shares listed in this table is based upon achievement at target levels of performance. This number of Shares shall be adjusted (upwards or downwards) according to the Company’s actual performance for the entire 2024 year, as determined by the Company in early 2025, and the award will be settled as soon as practicable following such vesting (and in any case, no later than 75 calendar days following the determination of the Company’s achievement of the relevant performance goals).