EX-99.1 2 rsi-20240930exhibit991.htm EX-99.1 Document
RUSH STREET INTERACTIVE宣佈2024年第三季度業績並提高全年預測指引

- 三季度營業收入為$ 23200萬,同比增長37% -
- 三季度凈利潤為320萬美元 -
- 強勁勢頭持續,第三季度調整後EBITDA達2300萬美元 -
- 將2024年全年調整後EBITDA指引中點提升24%,修訂區間為82億美元之間。 8600萬美元 -
- 公佈股份回購授權5000萬美元 -

芝加哥– 2024年10月30日– Rush Street Interactive, Inc. (紐交所: RSI)(“RSI”),美國及美洲其他地區領先的在線賭場和體育博彩公司,今日宣布截至2024年9月30日的第三季度財務業績。


調整後的稅前利潤減除折舊及攤銷後的費用1 2024年第三季度的收入為2340萬美元,而2023年第三季度為410萬美元。
在2024年第三季,調整後的廣告和促銷費用為$3860萬,較2023年第三季的$3410萬增加了13%。1 在2024年第三季,調整後的廣告和促銷費用為$3860萬,較2023年第三季的$3410萬增加了13%。
2024年10月24日,RSI董事會授權回購高達5000萬美元的RSI A類普通股。2

RSI的首席執行官Richard Schwartz表示:“我們很高興宣佈,我們取得了另一個表現卓越的季度,營業收入和調整後的EBITDA都創下了新的季度紀錄。我們第三季度的營業收入大幅增長, 37% 同比增長,我們的調整後EBITDA從去年同期增長超過五倍。這些紀錄
1 這是一項非依照通用會計原則(GAAP)的財務指標。請參閱“非GAAP財務指標”以獲得有關此非GAAP財務指標的更多信息,並參閱“依據GAAP計算的最相應指標與此非GAAP財務指標之調和”以了解任何適用的調和情況。
2 RSI獲授權從時間到時間通過公開市場購買、私下協商交易或其他交易來回購其A類普通股,以符合適用的證券法律。回購的時間和金額取決於多個因素,包括市場和業務條件、RSI A類普通股的交易價格以及其他投資機會的性質。此次回購計劃不需要RSI收購任何特定數量或金額的A類普通股,並且可以在任何時候進行限制、修正或終止。


我們的策略已經帶來了廣泛的增長和成功。 在我們所有地區和產品中都實現了廣泛的增長和成功。我們連續幾個季度加速了玩家增長,以更高的市場效率顯著增加了玩家數量,同時提高了玩家價值。 這種組合為我們持續強勁的表現奠定了良好基礎。 這種組合為我們持續強勁的表現奠定了良好基礎。

除了這些強勁的結果外,我們很高興宣佈授權回購多達5000萬美元。這一舉措反映了我們對公司未來的信懇智能以及提升股東價值的承諾。我們的現金產生和強勁資產負債表為我們提供了這一戰略投資的選擇。我們 堅定地走在成為美洲線上遊戲領導者的明確道路上,致力於為客戶和股東提供卓越價值。

RSI預期截至2024年12月31日的全年營業收入將在區間內。 $900$920 百萬,中點增加百萬,與先前的指引相比。 $30 在區間的中點,營業收入為百萬,較2023年的百萬營業收入增長百分比為。 $910 百萬的營業收入代表年度同比增長與2023年的百萬營業收入相比。 32% 百分比 $691 百萬的營業收入。

RSI預期調整後的EBITDA1 在截至2024年12月31日的整個年度之間區間為 $82 資產和其他 $86 百萬,將中點提高 $16 百萬,與先前的指引相比,中點區間的調整後EBITDA為 $84 百萬,2023年的調整後EBITDA為 $8.2 百萬。





關於Rush Street Interactive

連續五年獲得年度服務運營商(2020-2024),2022年EGR北美獎年度運營商、社交遊戲運營商和 2021年SBC拉丁美洲獎體育書籍運營商。RSI是首家在美國的線上賭場和體育博彩運營商,獲得了RG Check iGaming Accreditation來自負責博彩諮詢的機構。更多資訊,請訪問www.rushstreetinteractive.com。


RSI提供了全年2024年調整後的EBITDA指導,提供了其對前瞻性非GAAP財務指標的預期。 將全年2024年調整後的EBITDA與最相關的GAAP財務指標淨利潤(損失)進行協調的信息對RSI而言需要不合理的努力無法獲得,原因包括難以預測和量化可比的GAAP措施以及爲此類對接所需的調整和其他金額的困難,並且其中某些金額不受RSI控制,並可能存在高度變化性或複雜性。 準備這種協調還需要按照GAAP準備前瞻性資產負債表、利潤表和現金流量表,這些前瞻性財務報表對RSI而言同樣需要不合理的努力無法獲得。 RSI爲其調整後的EBITDA預測提供了一個區間,RSI相信將會實現;然而,RSI無法保證能預測出調整後的EBITDA計算的所有元件。 RSI提供調整後的EBITDA的預測,是因爲RSI認爲,與按照GAAP計算的RSI的結果一起查看時,根據本文所述原因,調整後的EBITDA提供了有用的信息。 但是,調整後的EBITDA不是按照GAAP的財務表現或流動性指標,因此不應被視爲替代淨利潤(損失)或經營活動現金流量,也不應被視爲經營績效或流動性的指標。




RSI將調整後的每股收益(虧損)定義爲調整後的淨利潤(虧損)除以調整後的加權平均普通股份。調整後的淨利潤(虧損)被定義爲歸屬於Rush Street Interactive,Inc.的淨利潤(虧損),在稀釋每股收益計算中使用,經過重新分配非控股權益淨虧損、按股發放的補償、某些一次性或非經常項目和其他調整來調整後。調整後的加權平均普通股份被定義爲在稀釋每股收益計算中使用的普通股份的加權平均數量,在淨虧損期間,按照一對一的比例調整爲非控股權益Rush Street Interactive,LP的A類單位轉換爲RSI的A類普通股,以及從假設轉換爲調整後的淨利潤時具有稀釋效應的期權和受限股票單位的增量股份。


RSI在本新聞稿中提供了某些關鍵指標,包括月活躍用戶數(「MAUs」)和ARPMAU。 RSI將MAUs定義爲每個月在我們的在線賭場或在線體育投注產品中至少下注一次的獨立用戶數,並將ARPMAU定義爲適用期間的平均營業收入除以相同期間的平均MAUs。


Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. RSI's actual results may differ from their expectations, estimates and projections and consequently, you should not rely on these forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Words such as "expect," "estimate," "project," "budget," "forecast," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "may," "will," "could,"

"should," "believes," "predicts," "potential," “propose”, "continue," and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements regarding revenue and Adjusted EBITDA guidance, RSI’s future results of operations, financial condition, cash flows or profitability (whether on a GAAP or non-GAAP basis), currency fluctuations, RSI’s strategic plans and focus, anticipated launches or withdrawals of RSI’s current or new offerings in existing or future jurisdictions, player growth and engagement, product initiatives, outcomes of current or future regulatory developments and the objectives of management for future operations. These forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from the expected results. Most of these factors are outside RSI's control and are difficult to predict. Factors that may cause such differences include, without limitation: changes in applicable laws or regulations; RSI’s ability to manage and sustain growth; RSI’s ability to execute its business plan, meet its projections and obtain relevant market access and/or gaming licenses; unanticipated product or service delays; general economic and market conditions impacting the demand for RSI’s products and services; economic and market conditions in the gaming, entertainment and leisure industry in the markets in which RSI operates; the potential adverse effects of general economic conditions, inflation and interest rates and unemployment on RSI’s liquidity, operations and personnel; and other risks and uncertainties indicated from time to time in RSI's filings with the SEC. RSI cautions that the foregoing list of factors is not exclusive. RSI cautions readers not to place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. RSI does not undertake or accept any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements to reflect any change in its expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based, except as required by law.

Media Contacts:
Lisa Johnson

Investor Contact:


Rush Street Interactive, Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
(Unaudited and in thousands, except per share data) 
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Revenue$232,109 $169,887 $669,916 $497,310 
Operating costs and expenses
Costs of revenue151,414 116,159 440,414 333,166 
Advertising and promotions39,252 34,620 114,600 125,525 
General and administrative26,508 22,409 79,582 64,559 
Depreciation and amortization8,471 8,401 23,127 22,144 
Total operating costs and expenses225,645 181,589 657,723 545,394 
Income (loss) from operations6,464 (11,702)12,193 (48,084)
Other income
Interest income, net
2,049 762 5,525 1,430 
Income (loss) before income taxes8,513 (10,940)17,718 (46,654)
Income tax expense5,274 2,426 16,970 7,946 
Net income (loss)3,239 (13,366)748 (54,600)
Net income (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests2,049 (9,187)385 (38,022)
Net income (loss) attributable to Rush Street Interactive, Inc.$1,190 $(4,179)$363 $(16,578)
Earnings (loss) per common share attributable to Rush Street Interactive, Inc. – basic$0.01 $(0.06)$0.00 $(0.25)
Weighted average common shares outstanding – basic82,847,325 69,698,787 79,652,992 67,465,694 
Earnings (loss) per common share attributable to Rush Street Interactive, Inc. – diluted$0.01 $(0.06)$0.00 $(0.25)
Weighted average common shares outstanding – diluted233,118,670 69,698,787 230,235,179 67,465,694 


Rush Street Interactive, Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss)
(Unaudited and in thousands)
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Net income (loss)$3,239 $(13,366)$748 $(54,600)
Other comprehensive income (loss)
Foreign currency translation adjustment(148)1,495 (3,781)3,465 
Comprehensive income (loss)3,091 (11,871)(3,033)(51,135)
Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests1,956 (8,161)(2,049)(35,621)
Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to Rush Street Interactive, Inc.$1,135 $(3,710)$(984)$(15,514)


Rush Street Interactive, Inc.
Reconciliations of GAAP to Non-GAAP Financial Measures
(Unaudited and in thousands)

Adjusted EBITDA:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
($ in thousands)2024202320242023
Net income (loss)$3,239 $(13,366)$748 $(54,600)
Interest income, net(2,049)(762)(5,525)(1,430)
Income tax expense5,274 2,426 16,970 7,946 
Depreciation and amortization8,471 8,401 23,127 22,144 
Share-based compensation expense8,458 7,402 26,574 22,595 
Adjusted EBITDA$23,393 $4,101 $61,894 $(3,345)

Adjusted Operating Costs and Expenses:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
GAAP operating costs and expenses:
Costs of revenue$151,414 $116,159 $440,414 $333,166 
Advertising and promotions39,252 34,620 114,600 125,525 
General and administrative26,508 22,409 79,582 64,559 
Depreciation and amortization8,471 8,401 23,127 22,144 
Total operating costs and expenses$225,645 $181,589 $657,723 $545,394 
Non-GAAP operating cost and expense adjustments:
Costs of revenue1
Advertising and promotions1
General and administrative1
Depreciation and amortization— — — — 
Total non-GAAP operating cost and expense adjustments$(8,458)$(7,402)$(26,574)$(22,595)
Adjusted operating costs and expenses:
Costs of revenue$151,119 $115,890 $439,554 $332,371 
Advertising and promotions38,646 34,055 112,734 123,865 
General and administrative18,951 15,841 55,734 44,419 
Depreciation and amortization8,471 8,401 23,127 22,144 
Total adjusted operating costs and expenses$217,187 $174,187 $631,149 $522,799 

1Non-GAAP Operating Costs and Expense Adjustments include Share-based compensation expense.


Rush Street Interactive, Inc.
Reconciliations of GAAP to Non-GAAP Financial Measures
(Unaudited and in thousands, except share and per share data)
Adjusted Net Income (Loss), Adjusted Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding and Adjusted Earnings (Loss) Per Share:

Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Adjusted net income (loss)
Net income (loss) attributable to Rush Street Interactive, Inc. – basic
$1,190 $(4,179)$363 $(16,578)
Effect of diluted securities:
Increase to net income attributable to non-controlling interests
2,049 — 385 — 
Net income (loss) attributable to Rush Street Interactive, Inc. – diluted
$3,239 $(4,179)$748 $(16,578)
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interests(1)
— (9,187)— (38,022)
Share-based compensation expense8,458 7,402 26,574 22,595 
Adjusted net income (loss)
$11,697 $(5,964)$27,322 $(32,005)
Adjusted weighted-average common shares outstanding
Weighted-average common shares outstanding – basic
82,847,325 69,698,787 79,652,992 67,465,694 
Effect of diluted securities:
Assumed conversion of RSILP Units to Class A Common Shares
142,687,546 — 144,940,579 — 
Incremental shares from assumed conversion of stock options and restricted stock units
7,583,799— 5,641,608— 
Weighted-average common shares outstanding - diluted
233,118,670 69,698,787 230,235,179 67,465,694 
Assumed conversion of RSILP Units to Class A Common Shares(1)
— 152,319,724 — 154,196,531 
Adjusted weighted-average common shares outstanding
233,118,670 222,018,511 230,235,179 221,662,225 
Adjusted earnings (loss) per share
Earnings (loss) per common share attributable to Rush Street Interactive, Inc. – basic$0.01 $(0.06)$0.00 $(0.25)
Earnings (loss) per common share attributable to Rush Street Interactive, Inc. – diluted$0.01 $(0.06)$0.00 $(0.25)
Adjusted Earnings (loss) per share
$0.05 $(0.03)$0.12 $(0.14)
1 Adjusted net income (loss) includes the reallocation of net loss attributable to non-controlling interests that is not otherwise included in net income (loss) attributable to Rush Street Interactive, Inc. - diluted. Adjusted weighted-average common shares outstanding includes the assumed conversion of weighted-average RSILP units to Class A Common Shares that is not otherwise included in Weighted-average common shares outstanding - diluted.