EX-97 8 ea021854501ex97_moolec.htm MOOLEC CLAWBACK POLICY







1.1該政策的目的是規定基礎,強制從Moolec Science SA(以下簡稱爲「本公司」及其子公司)的執行官(以下定義)那裏追回因錯誤授予的激勵性薪酬(如下定義)的依據,以求得再確認(如下定義)後。納斯達克 Clawback 政策”)是爲了規定基礎 強制從本公司(以下簡稱爲「本公司」及其子公司)的執行官(以下定義)那裏追回因錯誤授予的激勵薪酬(如下定義)的依據。公司本公司及其子公司(以下簡稱爲「本公司」)集團”)以及其子公司在再確認(如下定義)事件中的事件。




1.3董事會薪酬委員會可能會不時修改本納斯達克回扣政策 (這個”薪酬委員會”)根據美國證券交易委員會的任何法律、法規或規則, 納斯達克、公司證券上市的任何其他證券交易所或適用於本集團的其他監管機構 或者行政部門 (”適用法律”)。適用法律包括 2002 年美國《薩班斯-奧克斯利法案》第 304 條。高管 將收到有關本納斯達克回扣政策的任何重大修訂以及此類修正可能如何影響其薪酬的通知。






2.2薪酬應根據納斯達克追索政策進行追索,條件是:(i) 補償委員會確定此類薪酬屬於激勵性薪酬;以及 (ii) 該薪酬已被高管"收取",收取的定義如下:





















3.1如果公司因重大違規行爲而需要編制會計重報表 根據證券法(如紐約證券交易所上市公司第303A.14條所述)有任何財務報告要求的公司 手冊) (a”重申”),包括爲更正先前發佈的財務錯誤而需要的任何會計重報 對先前發佈的財務報表具有重要意義的報表,或者如果出現錯誤則會導致重大錯報的報表 在本期內得到更正或在本期未更正,1 薪酬委員會應合理地立即收回高管在薪酬中獲得的基於激勵的薪酬金額 如果是這樣,恢復期超過行政部門本應獲得的激勵性薪酬金額 薪酬是根據重報的金額確定的,計算時不考慮任何稅收/關稅/繳款/徵稅(”稅收”) 已付款或應付款 (”可收回金額”)。可收回金額不得超過金額之間的差額 向該高管支付的與重述相關的激勵性薪酬和基於激勵的薪酬金額 如果不進行重報,這筆款項本來可以支付給該高管(在每種情況下都不考慮已繳或應付的任何稅款)。 如果基於激勵的薪酬僅部分基於財務報告指標績效目標的實現,則薪酬 委員會應首先根據或源自財務報告確定原始激勵性薪酬的部分 已重述的措施。然後,薪酬委員會應根據財務報告措施重新計算受影響的部分 並收回根據原始財務報表計算的較大金額與較小數額之間的差額 本來會根據重報收到的。在計算可追回金額時,薪酬委員會可獨自執行 以及絕對的自由裁量權, 應諮詢法律顧問和爲協助進行這種計算而聘請的任何專家.






































(ii)此目的下非激勵性補償的示例包括但不限於: (i) 高管的薪水;3 (ii) 完全由薪酬委員會或董事會自由裁量支付的獎金,這些獎金並不是來自於通過達到財務報告指標 績效目標來決定的「獎金池」;(iii) 完全基於滿足一個或多個主觀標準(例如證明的領導能力)和/或完成特定的就業 期限而支付的獎金;(iv) 完全基於滿足一個或多個戰略指標(例如完成合並或剝離)或運營指標(例如 項目完成、市場份額增加)而獲得的非股權激勵計劃獎勵;以及 (v) 授予不以達到任何財務報告指標 績效目標爲前提的股權獎勵,且歸屬/釋放僅以完成特定的就業期限和/或達到一個或多個非財務報告 指標爲前提。






3.9.4重述日期“指的是公司需要準備重述的日期, 該日期最早出現的情況是:(i) 董事會或審計委員會結束,或合理應該結束, 認爲公司需要準備重述的日期;或者(ii) 法院、監管機構或其他法律授權機構指示 公司準備重述的日期。








3草案說明: 如果執行人員獲得的薪水增加完全或部分基於財務報告指標績效目標的達成,則該薪水增加是可以追回的。







4.2.1在合理嘗試追回可追回金額後,賠償委員會全權決定, 需要支付給第三方以協助執行本納斯達克追索權政策的直接費用將超過可追回金額。公司必須記錄此類合理的嘗試,並將該文件提供給納斯達克;


4.2.2追償將違反盧森堡大公國的一項法律(“盧森堡)在那裏 該法律在2022年11月28日之前通過。在得出基於違反盧森堡法律而難以追回任何可追回金額的結論之前,公司必須獲得盧森堡一家法律事務所的意見,該意見必須被納斯達克接受,認爲追償將導致這種違反,並將該意見提供給納斯達克;或者


4.2.3如果適用,薪酬委員會認爲追回將可能導致公司的退休計劃無法滿足26 U.S.C. 401(a)(13)或26 U.S.C. 411(a)及其下的法規的要求,而該計劃在廣泛提供給公司的員工時是稅務合格的。


4.3In determining whether a recovery would be impracticable due to costs in accordance with 4.2.1 above, the only criteria that the Compensation Committee may consider is whether the direct costs, such as reasonable legal expense and consulting fees, amongst others, paid to a third party to assist in enforcing recovery would exceed the Recoverable Amount. Indirect costs, such as reputational concerns or the effect on hiring of new Executives, amongst others, may not be considered when determining whether recovery is impracticable.




5.1The Group is prohibited from insuring or indemnifying any Executive against the loss of erroneously awarded remuneration as set forth in this Nasdaq Clawback Policy. If an Executive purchases a third-party insurance policy to fund potential recovery obligations, the Company is prohibited from paying or reimbursing the Executive for premiums for such an insurance policy.




6.1Any right of recovery under this Nasdaq Clawback Policy applies in addition to (and without limiting) any other remedies and/or rights to reduce, cancel or recover any elements of remuneration (or similar) that may be available to any member of the Group pursuant to any remuneration policy (including any further malus and clawback policies) operated by any member of the Group, the terms of any incentive plans or awards operated by any member of the Group, any employment agreement, any other terms and conditions and/or Applicable Law applicable to any Executive, in each case from time to time in force, and/or pursuant to any other legal remedies available to any member of the Group. Recovery (or similar) may be applied pursuant to both this Nasdaq Clawback Policy and any such other policies, plans, awards, agreements, terms, conditions, Applicable Laws or similar in respect of the same award of remuneration, provided that there shall be no duplication of recovery.







7.1In the event of any Restatement, the Company shall disclose certain information in its annual report on Form 20-F, as required by Form 20-F. This information shall include, without limitation:


7.1.1the date on which the Company was required to prepare the Restatement;


7.1.2the aggregate Recoverable Amount (in US dollars), including an analysis of how the Recoverable Amount was calculated, or, if not determined, an explanation of the reasons;


7.1.3any estimates used to determine the Recoverable Amount for Financial Reporting Measures related to share price or total shareholder return and an explanation of the methodology used for such estimates;


7.1.4any required details of Recoverable Amounts that remain outstanding (on an aggregate, individual, group or other basis, as required) and for which recovery has been forgone due to impracticability and the reasons why, for the relevant annual report on Form 20-F and otherwise pursuant to the requirements of any other annual report or statement it is obligated to prepare and file under the Exchange Act.


7.2This Nasdaq Clawback Policy shall be filed as an exhibit to the first annual report on Form 20-F that the Company is required to file under the Exchange Act after the adoption of this Nasdaq Clawback Policy. If this Nasdaq Clawback Policy is amended, the amended policy shall be filed as an exhibit to the first annual report on Form 20-F that the Company is required to file under the Exchange Act after such amendment.




8.1The Compensation Committee has the exclusive power and full and final authority to: (i) administer this Nasdaq Clawback Policy, including, without limitation, the right and power to interpret the provisions of this Nasdaq Clawback Policy; (ii) make all determinations deemed necessary or advisable in applying this Nasdaq Clawback Policy (which in every case shall be made at the Compensation Committee’s absolute discretion, without this being limited by references in certain clauses but not others to a discretion being absolute), including, without limitation, determinations as to: (a) what constitutes Incentive-Based Compensation, a Recoverable Amount or other remuneration; (b) that a Restatement has occurred (in reliance on any decision in this respect of the Audit Committee); and (c) whether a recovery is impracticable; and (iii) delegate any power or discretion under this Nasdaq Clawback Policy to such person or persons as it may determine (and in which case this Nasdaq Clawback Policy shall be applied accordingly). The Compensation Committee may delegate ministerial administrative duties with respect to this Nasdaq Clawback Policy to one or more officers or employees of the Company.


8.2Any action, interpretation or determination taken or made by the Compensation Committee pursuant to this Nasdaq Clawback Policy will be final, conclusive and binding.


8.3From and after the adoption of this Nasdaq Clawback Policy, each award agreement or other document setting forth the terms and conditions of any annual incentive or other performance-based award granted to an Executive shall include a provision incorporating the requirements of this Nasdaq Clawback Policy.







9.1Any provision in this Nasdaq Clawback Policy can apply even if the Executive was not responsible for the Restatement in question or if it took place before the grant and/or vesting/release of any remuneration which is subject to recovery.


9.2The means of recovery can be different for different Executives in relation to the same or different events depending on the particular facts and circumstances of the Executive and their compensation.


9.3An Executive will not be entitled to any remuneration or compensation from the Group in respect of any application of this Nasdaq Clawback Policy.


9.4The remedy specified in this Nasdaq Clawback Policy shall not be exclusive and shall be in addition to every other right or remedy at law or in equity that may be available to the Company or a member of the Group.


9.5The terms of this Nasdaq Clawback Policy shall apply regardless of any agreement, undertaking or suggestion (or similar), whether or not contractual, that any remuneration shall not be subject to recovery.


9.6The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Nasdaq Clawback Policy shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.


9.7New York law governs this Nasdaq Clawback Policy and its construction. The New York City courts have non-exclusive jurisdiction in respect of disputes arising under or in connection with this Nasdaq Clawback Policy.


9.8References in this Nasdaq Clawback Policy to the phrase “including” (or similar) shall not limit or prejudice the generality of the following words (without this being limited by such references in some clauses but not others).