EX-10.1 2 ex10-1.htm


展示 10.1






鑑於,持有人已於本日簽訂了某項購買協議,協議日期與本協議日期相同(以下簡稱“購買協議”),由 Cedar Advance LLC(“Cedar”) 、 Agile Capital Funding LLC(“敏捷的”)和持有人之間簽訂。


根據購買協議,Cedar轉讓了其在某些日期爲2023年7月11日、2023年10月30日和2024年3月15日的特定標準商戶 現金預付款協議(「SMA協議」)中包含的所有權利、所有權和利益給持有人,以及所有附屬交易文件中包含的所有權利、所有權和利益;SMA協議


根據購買協議,Agile 將所有權益轉讓給持有人,包括日期分別爲2023年7月28日、2023年10月30日和2024年3月15日的未來收據買賣協議中包含的所有權益,並將所有權益轉讓給持有人,包括公司、某些子公司和公司及Agile的擔保人,在附屬交易文件中包含的所有權益;PSFR協議”)由公司、某些子公司和公司及Agile的擔保人向持有人轉讓,包括所有在附屬交易文件中包含的權益。


根據《購買協議》,持有人現被視爲持有與SMA協議和PSFR協議項下尚未償還的債務總額爲四百一十七萬三千七百美元($4,617,307)相關的票據的持有人(“票據 ”);


鑑於,根據購買協議,持有人有利地擁有並持有債券,均如所述 附錄 A 正文見附件證券”);


鑑於,每位持有人希望將證券交換爲附表所示的公司高級次級可轉換票據 附件B (「本登記聲明」) 由特立軟件股份有限公司,一家德拉華州股份公司 (以下簡稱爲「本公司」) 提交,目的是爲了註冊其額外的7,184,563股A類普通股,每股面值$0.0001 (以下簡稱爲「A類普通股」), 以及在特立軟件股份有限公司 2022年股權激勵計劃下可發行股份的1,436,911股A類普通股,注(下文簡稱爲「A類普通股」)。Exchange Notes),(ii)購買普通股權證,格式如附件所示 展覽 C (「本登記聲明」) 由特立軟件股份有限公司,一家德拉華州股份公司 (以下簡稱爲「本公司」) 提交,目的是爲了註冊其額外的7,184,563股A類普通股,每股面值$0.0001 (以下簡稱爲「A類普通股」), 以及在特立軟件股份有限公司 2022年股權激勵計劃下可發行股份的1,436,911股A類普通股,注(下文簡稱爲「A類普通股」)。交易所認股權證)和(iii)誘導權證,以所附表格形式購買普通股 展品D (「本登記聲明」) 由特立軟件股份有限公司,一家德拉華州股份公司 (以下簡稱爲「本公司」) 提交,目的是爲了註冊其額外的7,184,563股A類普通股,每股面值$0.0001 (以下簡稱爲「A類普通股」), 以及在特立軟件股份有限公司 2022年股權激勵計劃下可發行股份的1,436,911股A類普通股,注(下文簡稱爲「A類普通股」)。交易所誘導權證”以及交易所證券和交易所權證,"交易所證券)公司希望發行交換證券,以交換證券的數量如下 附錄 A,並按照本協議中規定的條款和條件。






第1節。定義除了本協議中其他地方定義的條款外,對於本協議的所有目的:(a) 除非本協議另有定義,否則大寫字母開頭且未在本文中另有定義的術語將按照《註釋》(下文中定義)中所述給予這些術語的含義,(b) 以下術語具有以下所述含義:











委員會:” 表示美國證券交易所。




普通股等價證券「Common Stock Equivalents」指公司或其子公司的任何證券,其持有人隨時有權取得普通股,包括但不限於任何債務、優先股、權利、認購權、認股權或其他工具,該工具可在任何時間轉換、行使或交換普通股,或以其他方式使其持有人有權獲得普通股。




轉換 股份“轉換股份” 應具有交易所附註中所規定的含義。為免疑慮,該轉換股份包括根據交易所附註條款發行及可發行的所有普通股,包括但不限於,根據附註條款支付利息時發行及可發行的普通股,無論是否存在任何轉換交易所附註的限制或限制。




交易所法“Securities Exchange Act of 1934” 代表1934年修訂版的證券交易法案和其下的法規。


FCPA“FCPA” 指1977年修訂版的《反海外貪污法》。




物料 許可證「”」應具有第3.13條所指定的含義。


Person” 代表個人或公司、夥伴關係、信託、已註冊或未註冊的協會、合資企業、有限責任 公司、股份有限公司、政府(或其機構或分支機構)或其他任何形式的實體。




SEC 報告“” 應具有第3.1(h)條所指定的含義。




「財政部條例」是指根據《稅收法典》頒佈的所有擬議、臨時和最終條例,這些條例可能會不時修訂(包括後續條例的相應規定)。「公司」指本文件第3.1(a)附表中所載公司子公司,如適用,在本協議簽訂後形成或收購的任何直接或間接子公司也包括在內。 附表3.1 並且,如適用,還應包括在此日期之後組建或收購的公司的任何直接或間接子公司。







交易 市場「」表示在該日期上,普通股上市或報價交易的市場或交易所可包括以下任何一種:紐交所市場、納斯達克資本市場、納斯達克全球市場、納斯達克全球精選市場或紐約證券交易所(或任何前述任何市場的後繼者)。


交易 文件」代表本協議、交易所證券和購買協議。


認股權證 股份”在此處的涵義應當是指交易所認股權證和交易所誘因認股權證中賦予的涵義。為了避免疑義,該認股權股份包括根據交易所認股權證和交易所誘因認股權證的條款而發出和可發出的所有普通股,不論對於交易所認股權證和交易所誘因認股權證的行使是否受限制或限制。


第2章。 交易所根據本協議中所載的條款與條件,每位持有人在此同意將列於其名下的證券視為已投降。 附件A 並作為交換,公司將發行交易所證券予該持有人,數量和對象如附表所述。 附件A 附表中所載的每位持有人,即「交易所”).


2.1 結束於本日(本“結束日期”)日,公司將發行並交付(或導致發行並交付)交易所證券給每位適用持有人,或以此持有人的保管人或代名人的名義,或根據此等持有人書面要求的其他方式,並視該持有人已向公司交出本附表A中所載的適用證券(本術語為“結束”).


2.2 第3條(a)(9)款。假設公司和每位持有人在本協議第3和第4條所述的陳述和保證的準確性,當事方承認並同意,該等陳述和保證的目的之一是確保交易符合證券法第3條(a)(9)款的證券交易資格。


2.3 法律意见。在收盤時,公司應要求其法律顧問發出給持有人的法律意見,基本上與其所附的形式沒有; 展品C 如附件所載。該意見應對與交易所相關的根據證券法的注冊豁免的可用性進行意見陳述,將交易所證券的持有期追溯至證券根據144條例的原始發行日期,該日期被認為不晚於2024年3月15日開始,以及其他合理由持有人合理請求的事項。公司應對發出本第2.3節所描述的法律意見所涉費用和開支負責。


2.4 交易所證券交割。在結束後的兩天內,公司應將適用於每位持有人的交易所證券交付至附於每位持有人簽名頁的地址,或者由每位持有人另行指示.


2.5. 認股權誘因每名持有人目前持有由公司於2024年8月13日向該持有人發行的認股權證,每張認股權證的行權價格爲每股2.50美元,根據其條款可能進行調整(稱爲“優先股轉換權證”)。公司和持有人特此同意,交易所誘因認股權證將根據交易所發行,初始行權價格爲3.04美元,最大資格認股權證股數爲現有認股權證數量的200%,由每名適用持有人持有,並且作爲交易完成日起始暫定不得行使任何交易所誘因認股權證。公司和持有人特此同意,作爲鼓勵持有人在任何時間從交易完成日至結束之日起的160個日曆日內根據其條款行使部分或全部現有認股權證的誘因(“誘因期”),即在誘因期內由持有人以現金行使的每張現有認股權證股份,須有效於2025年4月30日起,本公司將授予該持有人兩張交易所誘因認股權證股份行權。交易所誘因認股權證將於誘因期結束後五年週年紀念日終止。





2.6 償還Senor債務據公司告知,公司已與Cobra Alternative Capital Strategies LLC]("眼鏡蛇)達成協議,除非或直到Cobra修訂於本日(以下簡稱“Cobra債務”的Senior Secured Promissory Note全額償還前,公司同意使用公司任何權證行使和/或(ii)根據一項或數項涉及發行任何證券的交易籌集的任何總收益的50%來償還此Cobra債務。爲了進一步盡前述義務,每位持有人在此與公司契約並同意,在行使其現有權證的全部權證之前,不得行使任何預先融通的權證,只要在任何此類行使時刻(i)(x)公司「美股盤中」定義中VWAP(定義詳見現有權證)和(y)如果任何此類行使被考慮在「美股盤中」的一交易日中發生,公司普通股的買入價(由現有權證定義)在該交易日內始終高於行使價(由現有權證定義)且(ii)已有效註冊的發佈所有普通股的登記申報文件已生效並可用。如公司通過權證行使或其他方式償還至少225萬美元的Cobra債務後,上一句中的持有人義務將不再適用。


第3節 公司的陳述和擔保除非《披露進度表》中另有規定(「披露進度表」), 該披露進度表應視爲本文件的一部分,並且應就《披露進度表》相應部分所包含的披露的程度對本公司向每位持有人所作的陳述或其他內容進行限定,本公司向每位持有人陳述並保證:披露清單), 披露進度表將被視爲本文件的一部分,並限定了對於披露進度表相應部分所包含的披露程度的任何陳述或其他情況,公司向每位持有人陳述並承諾:


3.1 子公司公司的所有直接及間接子公司列於其上。 附表3.1公司直接或間接擁有所列子公司的所有股本或其他權益。 附表3.1 ”適用情況下,公司自本協議日期後組建或收購的任何直接或間接子公司(“「財政部條例」是指根據《稅收法典》頒佈的所有擬議、臨時和最終條例,這些條例可能會不時修訂(包括後續條例的相應規定)。)除任何留置權外,其發行的每個子公司的股份均有效發行,並已足額支付,非可評估且無優先購買或類似權利訂購或購買證券。 如果公司沒有子公司,則交易文件(如註釋中定義)中對子公司或其任何的引用應視爲無效。


3.2 第3.02節。授權;執行;有效性公司及其各個子公司均是依法成立或其他組織的實體,在其設立或組織所在司法管轄區的法律下合法存在且處於良好狀態,具有擁有和使用其財產和資產以及開展其目前進行的業務所需的權力和權威。公司或任何子公司未違反或違約其各自的公司章程或組織章程、公司章程或其他組織或憲章文件的任何規定。公司及其各個子公司均已獲得資格開展業務,並在其經營的業務性質或擁有的財產所在的每個司法管轄區具有合格資格,並且處於良好狀態,除非未能取得或保持此資格或良好地位可能導致,或合理地預期會導致:(i)對任何交易文件的合法性、有效性或可執行性產生重大不利影響;(ii)對公司及其各個子公司整體而言,對經營業績、資產、業務、前景或狀況(財務或其他方面)產生重大不利影響;或(iii)對公司履行其在任何交易文件項下的義務的能力在任何重大方面及時履行產生重大不利影響(前述(i)、(ii)或(iii)中的任何一項,稱爲“重大不利影響在任何此類司法管轄區並未撤銷、限制或剝奪或試圖撤銷、限制或剝奪該權力和權限或資格的情況下也未提出任何程序。


3.3 授權; 執行公司具有必要的權力和權威,以簽訂並完成本協議和其他交易文件中規定的交易,並履行其在此下述和其中下述的義務。 公司簽署並交付本協議和其他交易文件,並且依照其完成本協議和其中規定的交易,已獲得公司所有必要行動的合法授權,除了與所需批准有關的行動外,公司、董事會或公司股東無需採取進一步行動。 公司簽署的本協議和其它交易文件,已經(或在交付時將被)得到完成,當根據本協議及其中規定交付後,將構成公司對公司具有有效且有約束力的責任,根據其條款可以強制執行,但是:(i)受一般公平原則和適用的破產、破產清算、重組、暫停和其他普遍適用於債權人權利執行影響的法律的限制;(ii)受到與特定履行、禁令救濟或其他公平救濟的可獲得性相關的法律的限制;以及(iii)因可適用法律的限制而可能限制的賠償和貢獻條款。





3.4 沒有衝突公司根據本協議和其他交易文件的執行、交付和履行,併發行與交易相關的交易所證券,並完成本協議和其他文件所擬議的交易,均不會:(i) 與或違反公司或任何子公司的證書或章程,公司章程或其他組織或憲章文件的任何規定發生衝突;(ii) 與公司或任何子公司財產或資產上的任何質押物(除了有利於該持有人的質押物)發生衝突,並使他人享有終止、修正、加速或取消的任何權利(有或沒有提前通知)。經過時間或兩者同時)的任何協議、信貸機構、債務或其他文件(證明公司或子公司債務或其他方面)或公司或子公司是一方的其他諒解或公司或子公司的任何財產或資產受限制或受影響;或(iii)除非獲得所需的批准,否則不會與或導致公司或子公司受到任何法律、規則、法規、命令、裁決、禁令、法院或政府權威的其他限制違反(包括聯邦和州證券法律和法規),或公司受到公司或子公司任何財產或資產受限制或受影響;或(ii)和(iii)各自的情況屬於此等情況,可能不會或不能合理預料會導致重大不利影響。


3.5 申報、同意和批准文件除《基本報表》上所述之外,公司在交易中未僱用任何經紀人或中介。 時間表3.5公司在執行、簽署和履行交易文件方面不需要獲得任何法院、聯邦、州、地方或其他政府機構或其他個人的同意、豁免、授權或命令,也不需要向任何法院或其他聯邦、州、地方或其他政府機構或其他個人發出通知,也無需進行任何備案或註冊,除非:(i) 根據第21條所要求的備案,以及(ii) 根據適用法律要求的提交給委員會的Form D備案(如適用)和Form 8-k備案,以及在適用州證券法下必須進行的備案(統稱爲“必要的批准”).


3.6 交易所證券發行;跟蹤交易所證券均經授權,有效發行,已全額支付,且不需追加評估, 不受公司強加的任何抵押限制,除了交易文件中規定的轉讓限制。交易所證券經授權,在根據適用交易文件發行和支付後, 將被正當有效發行,已全額支付,且不需追加評估,不受公司強加的任何抵押限制,除了交易文件中規定的轉讓限制。基於Agile和Cedar在購買協議中所聲明的陳述和保證, 公司特此承認並同意,持有者持有的交易所證券的持有期可以追溯到Agile和Cedar手中的證券的持有期,該期始於最晚於2024年3月15日。





3.7 資本化 公司的資本化情況如下所示 時間表3.7贏得了CVPR自動大獎的時間表3.7 也應包括本公司關聯方在此日期所擁有的、以及記載的普通股份數量。除此之外如下所述 時間表3.7,自最近根據《交易法》提交的定期報告以來,公司未發行任何股票,除了根據公司的股票期權計劃行使僱員期權、向員工發行普通股份根據公司的員工股票購買計劃以及根據最近根據《交易法》提交的定期報告中未行使的普通股份等值工具轉換和/或行使之外。除此之外如下所述 時間表3.7除了涉及豁免發行(如註釋所定義),沒有任何人擁有優先購買權、優先購買權、 參與權或任何類似權利參與交易文件中規定的交易。除非是由於交易所以及發給公司員工、高管或董事、或前員工、高管或董事以及公司根據股權激勵計劃或其他情況發行的證券,除非註明在 時間表3.7,沒有未解決的期權、認股權證、認購權、購買或承諾以任何方式與通用股相關的權利、證券、權利或義務轉換或行使或可兌換的或 可執行的或可兌換的,或使任何人有權認購或取得任何共同股股票的合同、承諾、諒解或安排公 司或任何子公司已成爲約束髮行額外的公共股股票或普通股等價物。除非說明在 時間表3.7,交易所不會要求公司向任何人(除持有人外)發行普通股或其他證券,並且不會導致公司證券持有人調整任何證券的行使、轉換、兌換或重設價格的權利。 公司的全部已發行普通股股份已被妥當授權、有效發行、全部已繳付且免責,已依照所有聯邦和州法律發行,並且所有此類已發行的股份均未違反任何優先購買權或類似權利確認或購買證券。不 需要股東、董事會或其他人批准或授權此交易。除非在 時間表3.7,沒有關於公司股本的股東協議、表決協議或其他類似協議是公司的一方,或者據公司所知,公司的任何股東之間達成的


3.8 美國證券交易委員會報告;財務報表。公司已提交所有報告、附表、表格、報表和其他所需文件 由公司根據《證券法》和《交易法》,包括根據其第13(a)或15(d)條提交 在本協議發佈之日前兩年(或法律或法規要求公司提交此類材料的較短期限)( 上述材料,包括其中的證物和其中以引用方式納入的文件,在此統計 作爲”美國證券交易委員會報告”)。截至各自的日期,美國證券交易委員會的報告在所有重要方面都符合要求 《證券法》和《交易法》(如適用),美國證券交易委員會的報告在提交時均未包含任何不真實的陳述 重大事實或省略陳述必須在其中陳述或在其中作出陳述所必需的重大事實, 考慮到它們是在什麼情況下做出的,不是誤導性的。該公司從未是受第144 (i) 條約束的發行人 根據《證券法》。美國證券交易委員會報告中包含的公司財務報表在所有重大方面均符合適用條件 會計要求以及在提交報告時有效的委員會有關細則和條例.這樣 財務報表是按照一貫適用的美國公認會計原則編制的 所涉時期的依據(”GAAP”),除非此類財務報表中另有規定,或 附註,但未經審計的財務報表可能不包含 GAAP 要求的所有腳註,且所有腳註均公允列報 material 尊重公司及其合併子公司截至該日期的財務狀況和業績 截至該日止期間的運營和現金流量,如果是未經審計的報表,則以正常、非實質性的年底爲準 審計調整。


3.9 重大變化; 未披露的事件,負債或發展截至2024年6月30日,除非本公司的Form 10-Q中另有規定,在這之後,沒有發生或可能會導致重大不利影響的事件、情況或進展。 時間表3.9(i) 在此期間,除非另有規定,公司沒有承擔任何債務(或其他);(ii) 除了按照過去慣例在業務過程中發生的交易應付款和應計費用以外,公司沒有承擔任何債務(或其他);(iii) 公司沒有改變其會計方法;(iv) 公司沒有宣佈或支付任何現金股利或分配其他財產給股東,也沒有購買、贖回或達成購買或贖回任何其資本股的協議;(v) 公司未向任何高管、董事或關聯方發行任何股票,除非根據任何股票期權計劃或SEC報告中規定的情況。除了根據本協議預期發行的交易所證券之外,未發生或存在或合理預期將發生或存在於公司或其子公司或其業務、資產、運營、資產或財務狀況方面的任何事件、責任、事實、情況、情況或進展,該事件將被公司披露根據適用證券法在此表述或視爲表述時的時間,其披露應至少早於做出此表述的日期的一(1)個交易日。





3.10 訴訟除《基本報表》上所述之外,公司在交易中未僱用任何經紀人或中介。 附表3.10其他,未發生或據公司所知針對公司、任何子公司或其各自財產正在或可能受到任何法院、仲裁員、政府或行政機構或監管機構(聯邦、州、縣、地方或外國)提起的任何訴訟、訴求、調查、違規通知、程序或威脅(統稱爲「訴訟」),其中(i)對交易文件或交易證券的合法性、有效性或可執行性構成不利影響或挑戰,或(ii)如有不利判決,可能產生或有合理預期會導致重大不利影響,並且公司、任何子公司或其任何董事或高管不存在或曾經受到涉及違反聯邦或州證券法或違反受託責任的索賠的法律訴訟。公司所知,尚未進行並且未在進行或準備進行涉及公司或公司的任何現任或前任董事或高管可能引發行動,有合理預期會導致重大不利影響的調查。公司所知,尚未進行並且未在進行或準備進行涉及公司或公司的任何現任或前任董事或高管的任何調查。委員會尚未發佈任何止損市價單或暫停公司或其任何子公司根據《交易法》或《證券法》提交的任何註冊聲明生效的其他命令或其他命令。行動


3.11 勞工關係對於公司員工不存在任何勞動爭議,也沒有公司知曉即將發生的勞動爭議,這些勞動爭議可能合理預計將導致重大不利影響。公司及其子公司的員工不是其與公司或子公司的關係相關的工會成員,公司和其子公司也沒有與集體談判協議有關,公司及其子公司認爲他們與員工的關係良好。據公司了解,公司或子公司的任何高級職務人員不違反任何僱傭合同、保密、披露或專有信息協議、非競爭協議或任何其他合同或協議中的重要條款,或任何支持第三方的限制性約束,保持每個高級職務人員的繼續僱傭不會使公司或其子公司對上述事項承擔任何責任。公司及其子公司在與僱傭和就業相關的所有美國聯邦、州、地方和外國法律和法規中遵守,也遵守與僱傭慣例、僱傭條件以及工資和工時相關的所有法律,除非不遵守這些法律不能合理預計會對公司造成重大不利影響。


3.12 合規性. 公司或任何子公司:(i) 沒有違約或違反任何抵押、貸款或信貸協議,亦未收到通知稱公司或任何子公司違約,或違反了任何與之有關的協議、文件或工具,包括但不限於稅收、環保、職業健康與安全、產品質量與安全以及就業和勞動事項的所有外國、聯邦、州和地方法律; (ii) 不違反任何法院、仲裁機構或其他政府機構的判決、裁定或命令; 或(iii) 未違反任何政府機構的法規、法令或條例,包括但不限於所有與稅收、環保、職業衛生與安全、產品質量與安全以及就業和勞工事宜相關的外國、聯邦、州和地方法律,除非上述情況不會或不可能導致重大不利影響。


3.13 監管許可證公司和子公司所擁有的所有證書、授權和許可證書均由適當的聯邦、州、地方或外國監管機構頒發,其業務內容在SEC報告中有所描述,除非未持有此類許可證可能不會合理地導致重大不利影響(",「」),且公司和任何子公司均未收到任何有關撤銷或修改任何重要許可證的訴訟通知。材料 許可證”),且公司和任何子公司均未收到與吊銷或修改任何重要許可證相關的訴訟通知。


3.14 資產所有權公司和子公司對其擁有的所有房地產擁有不可辨性的物權 並且對於與公司和子公司業務重要的個人財產也擁有不可辨性的物權, 在每種情況下,均沒有任何留置權,除非(i) 這些留置權不會對該財產的價值產生重大影響,也不會對公司和子公司對該財產的現有和擬定使用產生重大幹擾,以及(ii) 爲支付國家、州或其他稅款而設立的留置權,公司已根據GAAP做出適當準備, 對這些稅款的支付既不拖欠也不受處罰。公司和子公司根據租賃協議持有的任何房地產和設施 均由公司和子公司依法持有,並且這些租賃協議是有效的、存在的,並且可強制執行,公司和子公司也正在遵守這些協議。





3.15 知識產權公司及其子公司擁有或擁有使用所有專利、專利申請、商標、商標申請、服務商標、商號、商業祕密、發明、版權、許可和其他知識產權及類似權利,如SEC報告中所述,所有這些知識產權均爲其目前經營業務所必需或必須使用的,若無法獲得這些知識產權可能會對其產生重大不利影響(統稱「基本報表」知識產權)。公司或任何子公司均未收到任何知識產權已到期、終止或被放棄的通知(書面或其他形式),也沒有預計在本協議簽署之日起兩(2)年內知識產權將到期、終止或被放棄。自包含在SEC報告中的最新審計基本報表日期起,公司或任何子公司未收到關於知識產權侵犯他人權利的聲稱的書面通知,也沒有其他知識;產權會侵犯他人權利的情況,除非這可能不會或無法預期會對其產生重大不利影響。據公司所知,所有這些知識產權均可執行,不存在其他人侵犯任何知識產權的情況。公司及其子公司已採取合理的安防措施以保護其所有知識產權的保密性、機密性和價值,除非被合理地預期不會或無法預期不會對其產生重大不利影響。


3.16 與關聯方和員工的交易除了豁免發行以外,公司的董事或董事會成員以及據公司所知,公司或任何子公司的僱員目前與公司或任何子公司沒有任何交易,(除了作爲僱員、官員和董事提供服務外),包括任何與向公司或任何子公司提供服務、向或從提供房地產或個人財產租賃、向或從向公司借款或向公司借款,或則要求向公司的董事、董事或僱員支付或收取的任何合同、協議或其他安排,據公司所知,任何公司,其中任何董事、董事或員工擁有重大利益或任何公司,是公司的董事、董事會成員、受託人、股東、成員或合作伙伴,超過120,000美元,除了以下情況:(i)支付工資或諮詢費用;(ii)報銷代表公司發生的費用;及(iii)其他員工福利,包括股票期權或股票獎勵計劃下的協議。


3.17 除公司形式20-F工作年度報告外,截至本協議日,公司和子公司均符合2002年修訂版《薩班斯-奧克斯利法案》的任何適用要求,以及任何適用於本協議日和結算日期的證券交易委員會根據該法案制定的適用規章規定。公司和子公司保持了充足的內部會計控制系統,以提供合理的保證,即:(i)交易按照管理的一般或特定授權執行;(ii)交易必要時記錄以便按照國際財務報告準則準備財務報表並保持資產賬務;(iii)只有按照管理的一般或特定授權才允許訪問資產;(iv)對資產的記錄賬務與現有資產進行合理間隔的比較,並採取適當措施處理任何差異。公司和子公司已建立披露控制程序(如交易所法案規則13a-15(e)和15d-15(e)所定義的),爲公司和子公司設計此類披露控制程序,以確保公司在根據交易所法案提交的報告中需要披露的信息記錄、處理、彙總和報告,符合證券交易委員會規則和表格規定的時間範圍。公司的認證主管已經評估了公司和子公司披露控制程序的有效性作爲交易所法案下最近文件的期間終止日(該日期爲「 」)。公司最近在提交的交易所法案定期報告中介紹了認證主管關於披露控制程序有效性的結論,該結論基於評估日期。自評估日期以來,公司及其子公司的財務報告內部控制未發生任何變更(如交易所法案所定義),該控制已對公司及其子公司的財務報告內部控制產生實質性影響或可能帶來實質性影響。除《基本報表》上所述之外,公司在交易中未僱用任何經紀人或中介。 附表 3.17公司及其子公司遵守截至本協議生效日期時有效的《2002年薩班斯-奧克斯利法案》和在本協議生效日期和交割日期時有效的委員會根據該法案制定的任何適用要求。公司及其子公司保持了足以提供合理保證的內部會計控制系統,以確保:(i)交易按照管理部門的一般或具體授權執行;(ii)交易按照公司會計準則記錄,以便編制符合美國通用會計準則的財務報表和維護資產責任;(iii)只有在符合管理部門的一般或具體授權的情況下才允許訪問資產;以及(iv)對資產的記錄責任與合理間隔的現存資產進行比對,並針對任何差異采取適當行動。公司及其子公司已建立了披露控制和流程(定義在《證券交易法》第13a-15(e)和15d-15(e)條規則中)用於公司和其子公司,並設計了此類披露控制和流程,以確保公司在提交或提交的根據《證券交易法》文件中所要求披露的信息在美國證券交易委員會規則和表格規定的時間內記錄、處理、總結和報告。公司的認證官員已評估了公司及其子公司的披露控制和流程的有效性,截至最近根據《證券交易法》提交的週期性報告所涵蓋的期間結束之日(該日期爲「」)。公司在最近根據《證券交易法》提交的週期性報告中,根據最近評估日期的評估,公司的認證官員就披露控制和流程的有效性得出了結論。自評估日期以來,公司的財務報告內部控制沒有發生影響重大的或合理可能對公司及其子公司的財務報告內部控制產生重大影響的變化。公司最近一次財政年度包含的10-k表格提交日期前90天內,公司已建立了披露控制和程序,符合交易所法規13a-15和15d-15的規定。公司的認證官評估了公司的控制和程序的有效性,在評估日期內沒有發現控制和程序失效。公司在最近一次財政年度的10-k表格中披露了認證官的結論。公司及其子公司的評估日期





3.18 特定費用公司或任何子公司不會向任何券商、財務顧問、顧問、尋找人、委託代理、投資銀行、銀行或其他相關人支付任何券商或尋找費用或佣金,也不會支付任何關於交易文件中擬議的交易而產生的費用。持有人對於本節3.18提到的可能與交易文件擬議的交易有關的任何費用或由其他相關人士提出的費用要求,均無義務承擔。


3.19 私募交易。假設《第4節》中持有人陳述和擔保的準確性,公司向持有人發行交易所證券所需要的,根據證券法的登記 此處承諾的。在此下發行交易所證券不違反交易市場的規章制度。


3.20 投資公司公司不是,也不是聯屬公司,也不會在交易後立即成爲或成爲「1940年投資公司法案」所指的「投資公司」之一。公司應以不會成爲《1940年投資公司法案》修正案下受登記監管的「投資公司」的方式開展業務。


3.21 Registration Rights. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.21, no Person has any right to cause the Company to effect the registration under the Securities Act of any securities of the Company or any Subsidiaries.


3.22 Listing and Maintenance Requirements. The Common Stock is registered pursuant to Section 12(b) or 12(g) of the Exchange Act, and the Company has taken no action designed to, or which to its knowledge is likely to have the effect of, terminating the registration of the Common Stock under the Exchange Act nor has the Company received any notification that the Commission is contemplating terminating such registration. Except as disclosed in the Company’s SEC filings, the Company has not, in the twelve (12) months preceding the date hereof, received notice from any Trading Market on which the Common Stock is or has been listed or quoted to the effect that the Company is not in compliance with the listing or maintenance requirements of such Trading Market. The Company is, and has no reason to believe that it will not in the foreseeable future continue to be, in compliance with all such listing and maintenance requirements.


3.23 Application of Takeover Protections. The Company and the Board of Directors have taken all necessary action, if any, in order to render inapplicable any control share acquisition, business combination, poison pill (including any distribution under a rights agreement) or other similar anti-takeover provision under the Company’s certificate of incorporation (or similar charter documents) or the laws of its state of incorporation that is or could become applicable to any Holder as a result of such Holder and the Company fulfilling their obligations or exercising their rights under the Transaction Documents, including without limitation as a result of the Company’s issuance of the Exchange Securities and the Holder’s ownership of the Exchange Securities or the Underlying Shares (as defined below).


3.24 Disclosure. Except with respect to the material terms and conditions of the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents, the Company confirms that neither it nor any other Person acting on its behalf has provided any of the Holders or their agents or counsel with any information that it believes constitutes or might constitute material, non-public information. The Company understands and confirms that the Holders will rely on the foregoing representation in effecting transactions in securities of the Company. All of the disclosure furnished by or on behalf of the Company to the Holders regarding the Company and its Subsidiaries, their respective businesses and the transactions contemplated hereby, including the Disclosure Schedules to this Agreement, is true and correct and does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact necessary in order to make the statements made therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. The Company acknowledges and agrees that no Holder makes or has made any representations or warranties with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby other than those specifically set forth in Section 3 hereof.





3.25 No Integrated Offering. Assuming the accuracy of the Holders’ representations and warranties set forth in this Section 4, neither the Company, nor any of its Affiliates, nor any Person acting on its or their behalf has, directly or indirectly, made any offers or sales of any security or solicited any offers to buy any security, under circumstances that would cause this Exchange to be integrated with prior offerings by the Company for purposes of (i) the Securities Act which would require the registration of any such securities under the Securities Act, or (ii) any applicable shareholder approval provisions of any Trading Market on which any of the securities of the Company are listed or designated.


3.26 No General Solicitation. Neither the Company nor any person acting on behalf of the Company has offered or sold any of the Exchange Securities by any form of general solicitation or general advertising. The Company has offered the Exchange Securities only to the Holders and certain other “accredited investors” within the meaning of Rule 501 under the Securities Act.


3.27 Foreign Corrupt Practices. Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary, nor to the knowledge of the Company or any Subsidiary, any agent or other person acting on behalf of the Company or any Subsidiary, has: (i) directly or indirectly, used any funds for unlawful contributions, gifts, entertainment or other unlawful expenses related to foreign or domestic political activity; (ii) made any unlawful payment to foreign or domestic government officials or employees or to any foreign or domestic political parties or campaigns from corporate funds; (iii) failed to disclose fully any contribution made by the Company or any Subsidiary (or made by any person acting on its behalf of which the Company is aware) which is in violation of law; or (iv) violated in any material respect any provision of FCPA.


3.28 Accountants. The Company’s accounting firm is set forth on Schedule 3.28 of the Disclosure Schedules. To the knowledge and belief of the Company, such accounting firm is a registered public accounting firm as required by the Exchange Act.


3.29 No Disagreements with Accountants and Lawyers. There are no disagreements of any kind presently existing, or reasonably anticipated by the Company to arise, between the Company and the accountants and lawyers formerly or presently employed by the Company.


3.30 Acknowledgment Regarding the Exchange. The Company acknowledges and agrees that the Holders are acting solely in the capacity of an arm’s length party with respect to the Transaction Documents and the transactions contemplated thereby. The Company further acknowledges that no Holder is acting as a financial advisor or fiduciary of the Company (or in any similar capacity) with respect to the Transaction Documents and the transactions contemplated thereby and any advice given by any Holder or any of their respective representatives or agents in connection with the Transaction Documents and the transactions contemplated thereby is merely incidental to the Holders’ agreement to participate in the Exchange. The Company further represents to the Holders that the Company’s decision to enter into this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents has been based solely on the independent evaluation of the transactions contemplated hereby by the Company and its representatives.


3.31 Regulation M Compliance. The Company has not, and to its knowledge no one acting on its behalf has, (i) taken, directly or indirectly, any action designed to cause or to result in the stabilization or manipulation of the price of any security of the Company to facilitate the sale or resale of any of the Exchange Securities, (ii) sold, bid for, purchased, or paid any compensation for soliciting issuances of, any of the Exchange Securities, or (iii) paid or agreed to pay to any Person any compensation for soliciting another to purchase any other securities of the Company, other than, in the case of clauses (ii) and (iii), compensation paid to the Company’s placement agent (if applicable) in connection with the placement of the Exchange Securities.





3.32 Stock Option Plans. Each stock option granted by the Company was granted (i) in accordance with the terms of the applicable stock option plan of the Company and (ii) with an exercise price at least equal to the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date such stock option would be considered granted under GAAP and applicable law. No stock option granted under the Company’s stock option plan has been backdated. The Company has not knowingly granted, and there is no and has been no policy or practice of the Company to knowingly grant, stock options prior to, or otherwise knowingly coordinate the grant of stock options with, the release or other public announcement of material information regarding the Company or its Subsidiaries or their financial results or prospects.


3.33 Office of Foreign Assets Control. Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary nor, to the Company’s knowledge, any director, officer, agent, employee or affiliate of the Company or any Subsidiary is currently subject to any U.S. sanctions administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Treasury Department (“OFAC”).


3.34 U.S. Real Property Holding Corporation. The Company is not and has never been a U.S. real property holding corporation within the meaning of Section 897 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the Company shall so certify upon a Holder’s request.


3.35 Bank Holding Company Act. Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries or Affiliates is subject to the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended (the “BHCA”) and to regulation by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the “Federal Reserve”). Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries or Affiliates owns or controls, directly or indirectly, five percent (5%) or more of the outstanding shares of any class of voting securities or twenty-five percent or more of the total equity of a bank or any entity that is subject to the BHCA and to regulation by the Federal Reserve. Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries or Affiliates exercises a controlling influence over the management or policies of a bank or any entity that is subject to the BHCA and to regulation by the Federal Reserve.


3.36 Tax Status. Except for matters that would not, individually or in the aggregate, have or reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect, the Company (i) has made or filed all United States federal, state and local income and all foreign income and franchise tax returns, reports and declarations required by any jurisdiction to which it is subject, (ii) has paid all taxes and other governmental assessments and charges that are material in amount, shown or determined to be due on such returns, reports and declarations and (iii) has set aside on its books provision reasonably adequate for the payment of all material taxes for periods subsequent to the periods to which such returns, reports or declarations apply. There are no unpaid taxes in any material amount claimed to be due by the taxing authority of any jurisdiction, and the officers of the Company know of no basis for any such claim.


3.37 Seniority. No Indebtedness or other claim against the Company is senior to the Exchange Notes in right of payment, whether with respect to interest or upon liquidation or dissolution, or otherwise, other than the Cobra Debt secured by purchase money security interests (which is senior only as to underlying assets covered thereby) and capital lease obligations..


3.38 Money Laundering. The operations of the Company and its Subsidiaries are and have been conducted at all times in compliance with applicable financial record-keeping and reporting requirements of the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act of 1970, as amended, applicable money laundering statutes and applicable rules and regulations thereunder (collectively, the “Money Laundering Laws”), and no action, suit or proceeding by or before any court or governmental agency, authority or body or any arbitrator involving the Company or any Subsidiary with respect to the Money Laundering Laws is pending or, to the knowledge of the Company or any Subsidiary, threatened.


3.39 Non-Shell Representation. The Company hereby represents that it is not, and has never been, an issuer subject to Rule 144(i) under the Securities Act.


Section 4. Representations and Warranties of the Holders. Each Holder represents and warrants to the Company, with respect to itself only, that:


4.1 Ownership of the Securities. Such Holder is the legal and beneficial owner of the Securities. Such Holder paid for the Securities, and has continuously held the Securities since its issuance or purchase. Such Holder, individually or through an affiliate, owns the Securities outright and free and clear of any options, contracts, agreements, liens, security interests, or other encumbrances.





4.2 No Public Sale or Distribution. Such Holder is acquiring the Exchange Securities in the ordinary course of business for its own account and not with a view toward, or for resale in connection with, the public sale or distribution thereof; provided, however, that by making the representations herein, such Holder does not agree to hold any of the Exchange Securities for any minimum or other specific term and reserves the right to dispose of the Exchange Securities at any time in accordance with an exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act and applicable state securities laws. Such Holder does not presently have any agreement or understanding, directly or indirectly, with any person to distribute, or transfer any interest or grant participation rights in, the Securities or the Exchange Securities.


4.3 Accredited Investor and Affiliate Status. At the time such Holder was offered the Exchange Securities, it was, as of the date hereof, it is, and as of the date it converts the Exchange Securities, it will be, an “accredited investor” as that term is defined in Rule 501 of Regulation D under the Securities Act. Such Holder is not, and has not been, for a period of at least three (3) months prior to the date of this Agreement (a) an officer or director of the Company, (b) an “affiliate” of the Company (as defined in Rule 144) (an “Affiliate”) or (c) a “beneficial owner” of more than 10% of the common stock (as defined for purposes of Rule 13d-3 of the Exchange Act).


4.4 Reliance on Exemptions. Such Holder understands that the Exchange is being made in reliance on specific exemptions from the registration requirements of United States federal and state securities laws and that the Company is relying in part upon the truth and accuracy of, and such Holder’s compliance with, the representations, warranties, agreements, acknowledgments and understandings of such Holder set forth herein in order to determine the availability of such exemptions and the eligibility of such Holder to complete the Exchange and to acquire its pro-rata portion of the Exchange Securities.


4.5 Information. Such Holder has been furnished with all materials relating to the business, finances and operations of the Company and materials relating to the Exchange which have been requested by such Holder. Such Holder has been afforded the opportunity to ask questions of the Company. Neither such inquiries nor any other due diligence investigations conducted by such Holder or its representatives shall modify, amend or affect such Holder’s right to rely on the Company’s representations and warranties contained herein. Such Holder acknowledges that all of the documents filed by the Company with the SEC under Sections 13(a), 14(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act that have been posted on the SEC’s EDGAR site are available to such Holder, and such Holder has not relied on any statement of the Company not contained in such documents in connection with such Holder’s decision to enter into this Agreement and the Exchange.


4.6 Risk. Such Holder understands that its investment in the Exchange Securities involves a high degree of risk. Such Holder is able to bear the risk of an investment in the Exchange Securities including, without limitation, the risk of total loss of its investment. Such Holder has sought such accounting, legal and tax advice as it has considered necessary to make an informed investment decision with respect to the Exchange.


4.7 No Governmental Review. Such Holder understands that no United States federal or state agency or any other government or governmental agency has passed on or made any recommendation or endorsement in connection with the Exchange or the fairness or suitability of the investment in the Exchange Securities nor have such authorities passed upon or endorsed the merits of the Exchange Securities.


4.8 Organization; Authorization. Such Holder is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its state of formation and has the requisite organizational power and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement.


4.9 Validity; Enforcement. This Agreement has been duly and validly authorized, executed and delivered on behalf of such Holder and shall constitute the legal, valid and binding obligations of such Holder enforceable against such Holder in accordance with its terms. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by such Holder and the consummation by such Holder of the transactions contemplated hereby (including, without limitation, the irrevocable surrender of the Securities) will not result in a violation of the organizational documents of such Holder.





4.10 Prior Investment Experience. Such Holder acknowledges that it has prior investment experience, including investment in securities of the type being exchanged, including the Securities or the Exchange Securities, and has read all of the documents furnished or made available by the Company to it and is able to evaluate the merits and risks of such an investment on its behalf, and that it recognizes the highly speculative nature of this investment.


4.11 Tax Consequences. Such Holder acknowledges that the Company has made no representation regarding the potential or actual tax consequences for such Holder which will result from entering into the Agreement and from consummation of the Exchange. Such Holder acknowledges that it bears complete responsibility for obtaining adequate tax advice regarding this Agreement and the Exchange.


4.12 No Registration, Review or Approval. Such Holder acknowledges, understands and agrees that its pro-rata portion of the Exchange Securities are being exchanged hereunder pursuant to an exchange offer exemption under Section 3(a)(9) of the Securities Act.


Section 5. Conditions Precedent to Obligations of the Company. The obligation of the Company to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement is subject to the satisfaction on the Closing Date of each of the following conditions, provided that these conditions are for the Company’s sole benefit and may be waived by the Company at any time in its sole discretion by providing such Holder with prior written notice thereof:


5.1 No Prohibition. No order of any court, arbitrator, or governmental or regulatory authority shall be in effect which purports to enjoin or restrain any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


5.3 Representations. The accuracy in all material respects when made and on the Closing Date of the representations and warranties of the Holders contained herein (unless as of a specific date therein).


Section 6. Conditions Precedent to Obligations of the Holders. The obligation of each Holder to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement is subject to the satisfaction on the Closing Date of each of the following conditions, provided that these conditions are for each such Holder’s sole benefit and may be waived by the applicable Holder at any time in its sole discretion by providing the Company with prior written notice thereof:


6.1 No order of any court, arbitrator, or governmental or regulatory authority shall be in effect which purports to enjoin or restrain any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;


6.2 The accuracy in all material respects when made and on the Closing Date of the representations and warranties of the Company contained herein (unless as of a specific date therein);


6.3 All obligations, covenants and agreements of the Company required to be performed at or prior to the Closing Date shall have been performed;


6.4 There is no event of default then existing on the Securities on such date; and


6.5 From the date hereof to the relevant Closing Date, trading in the Company’s common stock shall not have been suspended by the SEC or any trading market and, at any time prior to the Closing Date, trading in securities generally as reported by Bloomberg L.P. shall not have been suspended or limited, or minimum prices shall not have been established on securities whose trades are reported by such service, or on any trading market, nor shall a banking moratorium have been declared either by the United States or New York State authorities nor shall there have occurred any material outbreak or escalation of hostilities or other national or international calamity of such magnitude in its effect on, or any material adverse change in, any financial market which, in each case, in the reasonable judgment of any Holder makes it impracticable or inadvisable to effect the Exchange of the Exchange Securities at the Closing.





Section 7. Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Waiver of Jury Trial. This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the state of New York, without regard to principles of conflicts of law or choice of law that would permit or require the application of the laws of another jurisdiction. The Company and the Holders each hereby agree that all actions or proceedings arising directly or indirectly from or in connection with this Agreement shall be litigated only in the Supreme Court of the State of New York or the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York located in New York County, New York. The Company and the Holders each consents to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the foregoing courts and consents that any process or notice of motion or other application to either of said courts or a judge thereof may be served inside or outside the State of New York or the Southern District of New York by generally recognized overnight courier or certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, directed to such party at its or his address set forth below (and service so made shall be deemed “personal service”) or by personal service or in such other manner as may be permissible under the rules of said courts. THE COMPANY AND THE HOLDERS EACH HEREBY WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL IN CONNECTION WITH ANY LITIGATION PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT.


Section 8. Indemnification of Holder. Subject to the provisions of this Section 8, the Company will indemnify and hold each Holder and its directors, officers, managers, shareholders, members, partners, employees and agents (and any other Persons with a functionally equivalent role of a Person holding such titles notwithstanding a lack of such title or any other title), each Person who controls such Holder (within the meaning of Section 15 of the Securities Act and Section 20 of the Exchange Act), and the directors, officers, shareholders, agents, members, partners or employees (and any other Persons with a functionally equivalent role of a Person holding such titles notwithstanding a lack of such title or any other title) of such controlling persons (each, a “Holder Party”) harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, obligations, claims, contingencies, damages, costs and expenses, including all judgments, amounts paid in settlements, court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of investigation that any such Holder Party may suffer or incur as a result of or relating to (a) any breach of any of the representations, warranties, covenants or agreements made by the Company in this Agreement or in the other Transaction Documents or (b) any action instituted against the Holder Parties in any capacity (including a Holder Party’s status as an investor), or any of them or their respective Affiliates, by the Company or any stockholder of the Company who is not an Affiliate of such Holder Party, arising out of or relating to any of the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents. For the avoidance of doubt, the indemnification provided herein is intended to, and shall also cover, direct claims brought by the Company against the Holder Parties; provided, however, that such indemnification shall not cover any loss, claim, damage or liability to the extent it is finally judicially determined to be attributable to any Holder Party’s breach of any of the representations, warranties, covenants or agreements made by such Holder Party in any Transaction Document or any conduct by a Holder Party which is finally judicially determined to constitute fraud, gross negligence or willful misconduct. If any action shall be brought against any Holder Party in respect of which indemnity may be sought pursuant to this Agreement, such Holder Party shall promptly notify the Company in writing, and, except with respect to direct claims brought by the Company, the Company shall have the right to assume the defense thereof with counsel of its own choosing reasonably acceptable to the Holder Party. Any Holder Party shall have the right to employ separate counsel in any such action and participate in the defense thereof, but the fees and expenses of such counsel shall be at the expense of such Holder Party except to the extent that (i) the employment thereof has been specifically authorized by the Company in writing, (ii) the Company has failed after a reasonable period of time to assume such defense and to employ counsel or (iii) in such action there is, in the reasonable opinion of counsel to the applicable Holder Party (which may be internal counsel), a material conflict on any material issue between the position of the Company and the position of such Holder Party, in which case the Company shall be responsible for the reasonable fees and expenses of no more than one such separate counsel. The Company will not be liable to any Holder Party under this Agreement for any settlement by a Holder Party effected without the Company’s prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. In addition, if any Holder Party takes actions to collect amounts due under any Transaction Documents or to enforce the provisions of any Transaction Documents, then the Company shall pay the costs incurred by such Holder Party for such collection, enforcement or action, including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees and disbursements. The indemnification and other payment obligations required by this Section 8 shall be made by periodic payments of the amount thereof during the course of the investigation, defense, collection, enforcement or action, as and when bills are received or are incurred; provided, that if any Holder Party is finally judicially determined not to be entitled to indemnification or payment under this Section 8, such Holder Party shall promptly reimburse the Company for any payments that are advanced under this sentence. The indemnity agreements contained herein shall be in addition to any cause of action or similar right of any Holder Party against the Company or others and any liabilities the Company may be subject to pursuant to law





Section 9. Fees and Expenses. Except as expressly set forth below, each party shall pay the fees and expenses of its advisers, counsel, accountants and other experts, if any, and all other expenses incurred by such party incident to the negotiation, preparation, execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement.


Section 10. [Intentionally Omitted]


Section 11. Certificates. Certificates evidencing the shares of the Company’s common stock underlying the Exchange Securities (the “Underlying Shares”) shall not contain any legend: (i) while a registration statement covering the resale of such security is effective under the Securities Act; (ii) following any sale of such Underlying Shares pursuant to Rule 144; (iii) if the Underlying Shares are eligible for sale under Rule 144 (assuming cashless exercise of the Exchange Warrants and the Exchange Inducement Warrants) or (iv) if such legend is not required under applicable requirements of the Securities Act (including judicial interpretations and pronouncements issued by the staff of the Commission). The Company shall cause its counsel to issue a legal opinion to the Company’s transfer agent promptly after any of the events described in (i)-(iii) in the preceding sentence if required by the Company’s transfer agent to effect the removal of the legend hereunder (with a copy to each Holders and its broker). If all or any portion of an Exchange Security is converted at a time when there is an effective registration statement to cover the resale of the Underlying Shares, or if such Underlying Shares may be sold under Rule 144 or if such legend is not otherwise required under applicable requirements of the Securities Act (including judicial interpretations and pronouncements issued by the staff of the Commission) then such Underlying Shares shall be issued free of all legends. The Company agrees that following the Effective Date or at such time as such legend is no longer required under this Section 11, it will, no later than two (2) Trading Days following the delivery by a Holder to the Company or the Company’s transfer agent of a certificate representing Underlying Shares, as applicable, issued with a restrictive legend, deliver or cause to be delivered to such Holder a certificate representing such shares that is free from all restrictive and other legends. The Company may not make any notation on its records or give instructions to the Company’s transfer agent that enlarge the restrictions on transfer set forth in this Section 11. Certificates for Underlying Shares subject to legend removal hereunder shall be transmitted by the Company’s transfer agent to the applicable Holder by crediting the account of such Holder’s prime broker with the Depository Trust Company System as directed by such Holder.


Section 12. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more identical counterparts, all of which shall be considered one and the same agreement and shall become effective when counterparts have been signed by each party and delivered to the other party; provided that a facsimile signature shall be considered due execution and shall be binding upon the signatory thereto with the same force and effect as if the signature were an original, not a facsimile signature.


Section 13. Headings. The headings of this Agreement are for convenience of reference and shall not form part of, or affect the interpretation of, this Agreement.


Section 14. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement in that jurisdiction or the validity or enforceability of any provision of this Agreement in any other jurisdiction.


Section 15. Entire Agreement; Amendments. This Agreement supersedes all other prior oral or written agreements between the Holders, the Company, its affiliates and persons acting on their behalf with respect to the matters discussed herein, and this Agreement and the instruments referenced herein contain the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the matters covered herein and therein and, except as specifically set forth herein or therein, neither the Company nor the Holders make any representation, warranty, covenant or undertaking with respect to such matters; provided, however, that all representations and warranties contained in the Loan Agreement, shall be incorporated herein. No provision of this Agreement may be amended other than by an instrument in writing signed by each of the Company and the Holders. No provision hereof may be waived other than by an instrument in writing signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought.





Section 16. Notices. Any and all notices or other communications or deliveries required or permitted to be provided hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given and effective on the earliest of: (a) the time of transmission, if such notice or communication is delivered via facsimile at the facsimile number or email attachment at the email address as set forth on the signature pages attached hereto at or prior to 5:30 p.m. (New York City time) on a Trading Day, (b) the next Trading Day after the time of transmission, if such notice or communication is delivered email attachment at the email address as set forth on the signature pages attached hereto on a day that is not a Trading Day or later than 5:30 p.m. (New York City time) on any Trading Day, (c) the second (2nd) Trading Day following the date of mailing, if sent by U.S. nationally recognized overnight courier service or (d) upon actual receipt by the party to whom such notice is required to be given.


The addresses for such communications shall be:


If to the Company:


Greenlane Holdings

1885 West 2100 South

Boca Raton, FL

Attn: CFO and General Counsel


Email: lana.reeve@greenlane


If to a Holder:


c/o Empery Asset Management, LP

1 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 1205

New York, NY 10020

Attn: Ryan M, Lane

Email: notices@emperyam.com


or to such other address and/or to the attention of such other person as the recipient party has specified by written notice given to each other party five (5) days prior to the effectiveness of such change.


Section 17. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns, including any purchasers of the Exchange Securities. The Holder may assign some or all of their rights hereunder without the consent of any of the Company, in which event such assignee shall be deemed to be the Holder hereunder with respect to such assigned rights.


Section 18. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is intended for the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective permitted successors and assigns, and is not for the benefit of, nor may any provision hereof be enforced by, any other person.


Section 19. Survival of Representations. The representations and warranties of the Company and the Holder contained in Sections 3 and 4, respectively, will survive the closing of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


Section 20. Further Assurances. Each party shall do and perform, or cause to be done and performed, all such further acts and things, and shall execute and deliver all such other agreements, certificates, instruments and documents, as any other party may reasonably request in order to carry out the intent and accomplish the purposes of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.


Section 21. Securities Laws Disclosure; Publicity. The Company shall by 9:00 a.m. (New York City time) on October 30, 2024, file a Current Report on Form 8-K, including the Transaction Documents as exhibits thereto with the Commission. From and after the filing of such Form 8-K, the Company represents to the Holder that it shall have publicly disclosed all material, non-public information delivered to any of the Holder by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, or any of their respective officers, directors, employees or agents. In addition, effective upon the filing of such Form 8-K, the Company acknowledges and agrees that any and all confidentiality or similar obligations under any agreement, whether written or oral, between the Company, any of its Subsidiaries or any of their respective officers, directors, agents, employees or Affiliates on the one hand, and the Holder or any of its Affiliates on the other hand, shall terminate. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company shall not publicly disclose the name of the Holder, or include the name of the Holder in any filing with the Commission or any regulatory agency or Trading Market, without the prior written consent of the Holder, except (a) as required by federal securities law in connection with the filing of final Transaction Documents with the Commission and (b) to the extent such disclosure is required by law or Trading Market regulations, in which case the Company shall provide the Holder with prior notice of such disclosure permitted under this clause (b).


Section 22. Non-Public Information. Except with respect to the material terms and conditions of the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents, which shall be disclosed pursuant to Section 21, the Company covenants and agrees that neither it, nor any other Person acting on its behalf has provided nor will provide the Holder or its agents or counsel with any information that constitutes, or the Company reasonably believes constitutes, material non-public information, unless prior thereto the Holder shall have consented to the receipt of such information and agreed with the Company to keep such information confidential. The Company understands and confirms that the Holder shall be relying on the foregoing covenant in effecting transactions in securities of the Company. To the extent that the Company delivers any material, non-public information to the Holder without the Holder’s consent, the Company hereby covenants and agrees that the Holder shall not have any duty of confidentiality to the Company, any of its Subsidiaries, or any of their respective officers, directors, agents, employees or Affiliates, or a duty to the Company, any of its Subsidiaries or any of their respective officers, directors, agents, employees or Affiliates not to trade on the basis of, such material, non-public information, provided that the Holder shall remain subject to applicable law. To the extent that any notice provided pursuant to any Transaction Document constitutes, or contains, material, non-public information regarding the Company or any Subsidiaries, the Company shall simultaneously file such notice with the Commission pursuant to a Current Report on Form 8-K. The Company understands and confirms that the Holder shall be relying on the foregoing covenant in effecting transactions in securities of the Company.


[Signature Page Follows]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Exchange Agreement as of the date first written above.








Name: Brett Director  
Title: General Counsel  





Name: Brett Director  
Title: General Counsel  





Name: Brett Director  
Title: General Counsel