garmin ltd.
致: _______________________ (“您” 或“公司”受獎人”)
表現年度: _______________________
受限股份總數: _______________________ (“符合資格的股份”)
您已被授予garmin ltd股份 (“限制性股票單位)與garmin ltd註冊股票有關,每股面值為美元指數$0.10。股份適用於2005年有效修訂並重拾於2024年10月25日生效的garmin ltd股權激勵計劃的條款和條件(以下簡稱為“”或者為法定目的而成立的人士,其業務或活動(“法定機構”)包括對各種公共機構的員工福利計劃、養老金計劃、保險計劃開展投資基金管理;”)以及您與Garmin Ltd之間簽署的獎勵協議(該權益代理附件A已添附於本通知中。因此,根據本授予通知書、附件A和附件b中規定的適用績效和時間條件,公司同意按以下方式支付您股份:
為了充分了解計劃(附件中附有副本)和獎勵協議(下文簽署的「獎勵協議附件A中提供的計畫,建議您仔細閱讀計畫和本文件。 請參考計畫文件,以瞭解本協議中使用的未另行定義的大寫字詞的定義。
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為了正確接受這些限制性股票,您必須點擊“接受”按鈕。 接受必須在您收到此通知和獎勵協議的十(10)天內以電子方式進行。 接受這些RSUs,即表示您也同意受到附表A和b的約束,包括附表A第7條的限制性契約。.
garmin ltd.
姓名:Clifton A. Pemble
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The Grantee agrees that the Shares acquired pursuant to the vesting of one or more tranches of Earned Shares shall be acquired for his/her own account for investment only and not with a view to, or for resale in connection with, any distribution or public offering thereof within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “1933 Act”) or other applicable securities laws. If the Board so determines, any share certificates issued pursuant to this Award Agreement shall bear a legend to the effect that the Shares have been so acquired. The Company may, but in no event shall be required to, bear any expenses of complying with the 1933 Act, other applicable securities laws or the rules and regulations of any national securities exchange or other regulatory authority in connection with the registration, qualification, or transfer, as the case may be, of this Award Agreement or any Shares acquired hereunder. The foregoing restrictions on the transfer of the Shares shall be inoperative if (a) the Company previously shall have been furnished with an opinion of counsel, satisfactory to it, to the effect that such transfer will not involve any violation of the 1933 Act and other applicable securities laws or (b) the Shares shall have been duly registered in compliance with the 1933 Act and other applicable state or federal securities laws. If this Award Agreement, or the Shares subject to this Award Agreement, are so registered under the 1933 Act, the Grantee agrees that he will not make a public offering of the said Shares except on a national securities exchange on which the shares of the Company are then listed.
The Grantee also acknowledges and agrees that the Shares acquired pursuant to the vesting of one or more tranches of Earned Shares will not be able to be transferred or resold in Canada pursuant to the securities legislation of the Provinces and Territories of Canada except in accordance with limited exemptions under applicable securities legislation and regulatory policy and compliance with the other requirements of applicable law.
No rights under this Award Agreement relating to the RSUs or any undelivered Eligible Shares or Earned Shares may be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned, or otherwise alienated or hypothecated, including, unless specifically approved by the Company, any purported transfer to a current spouse or former spouse in connection with a legal separation or divorce proceeding. All rights with respect to the RSUs or any undelivered Eligible Shares or Earned Shares granted to the Grantee shall be available during his or her lifetime only to the Grantee.
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To the extent permitted by applicable law, as a condition of this Award Agreement, the Grantee's right to the RSUs or any Eligible Shares or Earned Shares, and in addition to any restrictive agreements the Grantee may have entered into with the Company, the Grantee accepts and agrees to be bound as follows:
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儘管《計劃》第14條規定,但本第12條將適用於公司與本獎勵協議相關的扣繳義務。 在根據本獎勵協議向您交付任何已獲得股份的時間,公司將有義務代您支付應扣繳的款項。 因此,並由公司自行決定,這些聯邦、省、地方或外國的扣繳稅款要求可以通過您提供的特定書面授權來滿足,以從應支付給您的任何收入中扣減所需的款項,或者,由公司自行決定,這些扣款可以通過減少交付給您的股份數量來滿足。 如果您因疏忽或拒絕向公司書面授權以從您的收入中扣除適當的稅款,並使公司無義務向您交付相關的股份數,則公司將無義務向您交付相關的股份數。 如果公司減少交付給您的股份數量,且不需要完整價值的普通股來支付任何適用的扣繳稅款,則公司將以現金向您支付剩餘零頭股的價值,金額等於結算日期普通股的市價乘以剩餘零頭股。
無論何時需要或允許依照本協議發出通知,該通知應以書面形式發出。在此規定或允許交付的通知應於收件人接獲時生效。公司或受贈人可隨時且不時通過書面通知對方更改接收通知的地址。除依照本協議更改之外,公司用於接收通知的地址應為 garmin ltd.,注意:總法律顧問,Mühlentalstrasse 2,8200 Schaffhausen,瑞士。除非更改,受贈人用於接收通知的地址應為公司記錄中受贈人的最後已知地址。受贈人有責任通知公司其地址的任何更改。該通知應按照本第14條的規定進行。
如果任何條款在任何法庭或政府機構宣布為非法或無效,該非法性或無效性不應使未被宣布為非法或無效的任何部分無效。 如果可能的話,應以一種方式解釋該等部分的條款,盡可能地使該等部分的條款效力最大化,同時仍然合法和有效。此外,如果第7條中的任何盟約因該盟約的期間或地理或其他範圍而被法院判定為全部或部分無法強制執行,該法院即有權修改該條款的期間或範圍,使該條款經修改後具有可執行性。
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