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for Advanced Mission Critical SATCOm Solutions
Petah Tikva, Israel, October 30,
2024 — Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. (Nasdaq: GILt, TASE: GILT), a worldwide leader in satellite networking technology, solutions and services, today announced that it has been awarded contracts valued at approximately $500萬 from
multiple U.S. based defense organizations. These orders are for Gilat’s cutting-edge satellite communications (SATCOM) technologies and comprehensive services, set to enhance mission-critical connectivity and operational capabilities for defense
applications worldwide. The orders are expected to be delivered within the coming months.
The equipment and services provided will ensure reliable, high-performance communication in a variety of challenging environments.
Gilat will supply X, Ku, and Ka-band Block Upconverters (BUCs) for Communications-on-the-Move (COTM) systems, along with test and evaluation, repair, upgrades and engineering services, and field service.
“We are honored to support U.S. defense organizations with our cutting-edge SATCOm technology and full suite of essential services
that meet the stringent requirements of mission-critical defense operations,” said Nicole
Robinson, President of DataPath. “These orders reflect the confidence our defense customers place in our comprehensive approach to SATCOm connectivity, ensuring they remain connected in even the most challenging environments.”
gilat satellite networks ltd (納斯達克: GILt, TASE: GILT)是一家領先的全球衛星通信供應商。擁有超過35年的經驗,我們為衛星、地面和新空間連接創建並提供深度科技解決方案,提供全面、安全的端到端解決方案和服務,為任務關鍵運營提供動力,我們的創新技術。我們相信所有人都有權利融入通訊網絡,我們堅決要為世界各地提供通信解決方案。
我們的組合包括豐富的產品,提供高價值解決方案,可為多個軌道星座提供高吞吐量衛星 (VHTS) 和軟件定義衛星 (SDS)。我們的產品包括基於雲的平台和高性能衛星通信終端;高性能衛星移動通信 (SOTM) 天線;高效率、高功率固態功率放大器 (SSPA) 和升轉轉換器 (BUC),並包括商業和國防的集成地面系統、現場服務、網絡管理軟件和網絡安全服務。
Gilat的全面產品組合支持多種應用,擁有全系列產品和定制解決方案,以應對關鍵應用,包括寬帶接入、移動性、蜂窩回程、企業、國防、航天、廣播、政府和重要基礎設施用戶,同時滿足最嚴格的服務水平要求。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問: www.gilat.com
此處所做之非歷史性陳述屬前瞻性陳述,符合1995年《私募證券訴訟法》的意義。 "估計"、"項目"、"意圖"、"期望"、"相信"和類似表達均旨在識別前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險和不確定性。很多因素可能導致吉來特的實際結果、表現或成就與任何未來結果、表現或成就截然不同,這些因素包括但不限於:一般經濟和商業條件的變化,無法維持吉來特產品的市場接受度,無法及時開發和推出新技術、產品和應用,吉來特產品市場的快速變化,由其他公司推出競爭產品,無法管理增長和擴張,關鍵OEm合作夥伴的流失,無法吸引和留住合格人員,無法保護公司的專有技術,以及與吉來特業務相關的風險和不確定性,參照吉來特不時向美國證券交易委員會提交的報告,了解更多此類風險和不確定性。我們不承擔任何因素更新或修訂任何前瞻性陳述的義務。
Hagay Katz,致富金融(臨時代碼)和行銷主管