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GE Healthcare報告2024年第三季度財務業績

公司提高營收 公司繼續執行,將全年2024年調整後的EBIT利潤率和調整後的每股收益的指導範圍調至較低端;有望朝着有機營業收入增長區間的較低端發展。

芝加哥,伊利諾伊州 - 2024年10月30日 - 通用電氣醫療(納斯達克:GEHC)今日報告了截至2024年9月30日的第三季度財務業績。

GE Healthcare總裁兼首席執行官Peter Arduini表示:「在第三季度,我們報告全球銷售額和訂單增長1%。不計入中國,銷售額和訂單均增長中高個位數,在所有板塊中美國表現尤爲強勁。藥品診斷業績也表現出色,受健康程序量推動。組織範圍內持續進行的精益倡議爲患者和客戶提供更大價值,導致利潤率穩健擴張。」

49億美元的營業收入增加了 依據報告和有機*基礎,同比增長了1%。美國和藥品診斷(PDx)領域的營業收入增長爲正,但中國市場繼續疲軟。在藥品診斷(PDx)領域和美國實現了營業收入增長,但受到中國市場持續疲軟的影響。
GE HealthCare歸屬於的淨利潤爲47000萬美元,而上一年爲37500萬美元,調整後的EBIT爲79500萬美元,而去年爲74400萬美元。

* 非通用會計準則財務指標。


2024年第三季度分部財務業績 (未經審計)

200個點子-(190)點子10 個點子 270個點子
阿杜尼先生繼續表示:「最近FDA在美國批准我們的Flyrcado™(flurpiridaz F18)注射劑,這是分子影像學的重要時刻,我們將繼續解決未滿足的患者需求,推動更精確、個性化的護理。Flyrcado是首款PEt心肌灌注成像(MPI)試劑,用於檢測冠狀動脈疾病。這一里程碑式的成就有望拓展PEt MPI的臨床和患者獲取。」

GE HealthCare宣佈推出CareIntellect for Oncology,利用人工智能爲臨床醫生提供一種簡單的方式,以單一視圖查看患者旅程。
GE Healthcare在新聯盟中發揮關鍵作用,推動歐洲患者癌症護理革新,推進精準醫療。
GE Healthcare的MIm軟件宣佈獲得FDA對Theranostics的Monte Carlo劑量測定的清關。
GE Healthcare在ASTRO 2024展示最新的人工智能增強的放射治療解決方案
GE HealthCare推出升級的Venue點對點超聲解決方案和基於平板電腦的Venue Sprint
GE HealthCare的MIm軟件宣佈新的Centiloid縮放工具已獲得FDA的批准,可用於定量腦成像中的澱粉樣斑塊。

* 非通用會計原則財務指標。

* 非通用會計原則財務指標。


產品銷售額$3,201 $3,186 $9,454 $9,530 
服務銷售額1,662 1,636 4,899 4,816 
總收入4,863 4,822 14,353 14,346 
產品成本2,033 2,076 6,045 6,197 
服務成本805 811 2,378 2,383 
毛利潤2,026 1,935 5,930 5,766 
銷售、總務和管理費用1,034 996 3,139 3,130 
研發316 322 967 890 
營業費用總計1,350 1,318 4,106 4,020 
676 617 1,824 1,746 
利息和其他財務費用-淨額130 138 383 411 
其他(收入)費用 - 淨額(9)(63)(1)(85)
未來營業收入淨額658 636 1,747 1,752 
持續經營活動的淨利潤490 386 1,312 1,202 
— (4)— (4)
淨收入490 382 1,312 1,198 
歸屬GE Healthcare的淨利潤470 375 1,272 1,165 
視作可贖回非控制權益的優先股股利— — — (183)
淨利潤歸屬於GE HealthCare普通股東$470 $375 $1,272 $982 
來自GE HealthCare普通股東持續經營的每股收益:
基本$1.03 $0.83 $2.79 $2.17 
稀釋的1.02 0.83 2.77 2.16 
歸屬於GE HealthCare普通股東的每股收益:
基本$1.03 $0.82 $2.79 $2.16 
稀釋的1.02 0.82 2.77 2.15 


現金、現金等價物和受限制的現金$3,568 $2,504 
應收賬款-減免前值爲104和98美元3,418 3,525 
存貨2,124 1,960 
合同和其他遞延資產1,046 1,000 
所有板塊中的其他流動資產476 389 
流動資產10,638 9,410 
房屋、工廠和設備 - 淨額2,539 2,500 
商譽13,138 12,936 
其他無形資產 - 淨額1,132 1,253 
延遲所得稅4,309 4,474 
所有其他非流動資產2,098 1,881 
總資產$33,855 $32,454 
短期借款$1,007 $1,006 
應付賬款2,911 2,947 
合同負債1,915 1,918 
當前的薪酬和福利1,422 1,518 
所有板塊的其他流動負債1,409 1,493 
流動負債8,670 8,981 
長期借款9,306 8,436 
非流動薪酬和福利5,388 5,782 
延遲所得稅59 68 
所有其他非流動負債1,920 1,877 
負債合計25,343 25,144 
承諾和 contingencies
次級債券託管人最初將是初級次級債券的證券註冊人和支付代理人。所有與初級次級債券有關的交易,包括初級次級債券的登記、轉讓和交換,將由證券註冊人在紐約市的一個辦事處處理,該辦事處由NEE Capital指定。NEE Capital最初指定了次級信託銀行的企業信託辦事處作爲該辦事處。此外,持有初級次級債券的持有人應將有關初級次級債券的通知地址寄往該辦事處。NEE Capital將通知初級次級債券的持有人該辦事處的位置變化。177 165 
額外實收資本6,551 6,493 
保留盈餘2,558 1,326 
累計其他綜合收益(損失)- 淨值(771)(691)
歸屬於GE醫療的總權益8,317 7,133 
非控制權益18 12 
股東權益總計8,335 7,145 
總負債,可贖回非控股權益和股東權益$33,855 $32,454 


淨收入$1,312 $1,198 
減:終止經營收入(虧損),稅後淨額— (4)
持續經營活動的淨利潤$1,312 $1,202 
固定資產折舊203 188 
無形資產攤銷237 278 
股權酬金92 81 
所得稅費用435 550 
應收賬款83 (82)
持續經營活動產生的現金流量淨額1,042 1,051 
投資活動產生的現金流量淨額 - 繼續經營(674)(470)
現金流量 - 籌資活動
借款淨增加(償還期限在90天及以下)— (9)
新發行債務淨額(到期日超過90天)994 2,020 
贖回非控制權益— (211)
GE的淨轉移— (1,317)
員工福利計劃下發行的股票收入31 31 
所有其他融資活動 - 淨額(28)(24)
籌資業務現金流量(用於)- 持續經營704 422 
現金、現金等價物和受限制的現金的增加(減少)1,066 969 
年初現金、現金等價物及受限制的現金餘額2,506 1,451 
截至9月30日的現金、現金等價物和受限現金$3,572 $2,420 
已購買但未付款的固定資產$72 $80 


Non-GAAP Financial Measures

The non-GAAP financial measures presented in this press release are supplemental measures of GE HealthCare’s performance and its liquidity that the Company believes will help investors understand its financial condition, cash flows, and operating results, and assess its future prospects. When read in conjunction with the Company’s U.S. GAAP results, these non-GAAP financial measures provide a baseline for analyzing trends in GE HealthCare’s underlying businesses and can be used by management as one basis for making financial, operational, and planning decisions. Descriptions of the reported non-GAAP measures are included below.

The Company reports Organic revenue and Organic revenue growth rate to provide management and investors with additional understanding and visibility into the underlying revenue trends of the Company’s established, ongoing operations, as well as provide insights into overall demand for its products and services. To calculate these measures, the Company excludes the effect of acquisitions, dispositions, and foreign currency rate fluctuations.

The Company reports EBIT, Adjusted EBIT, Adjusted EBIT margin, Adjusted net income, Adjusted net income margin, and Adjusted earnings per share to provide management and investors with additional understanding of its business by highlighting the results from ongoing operations and the underlying profitability factors, on a normalized basis. To calculate these measures the Company excludes, and reflects in the detailed reconciliations below, the following adjustments as applicable: Interest and other financial charges - net, Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests, Non-operating benefit (income) costs, Benefit (provision) for income taxes and certain tax related adjustments, and certain non-recurring and/or non-cash items. GE HealthCare may from time to time consider excluding other non-recurring items to enhance comparability between periods. Adjusted EBIT margin and Adjusted net income margin are calculated by taking Adjusted EBIT, or Adjusted net income, divided by Total revenues for the same period.

The Company reports Adjusted tax expense and Adjusted effective tax rate (“Adjusted ETR”) to provide investors with a better understanding of the normalized tax rate applicable to the business and provide more consistent comparability across periods. Adjusted tax expense excludes the income tax related to the pre-tax income adjustments included as part of Adjusted net income and certain income tax adjustments, such as adjustments to deferred tax assets or liabilities. The Company may from time to time consider excluding other non-recurring tax items to enhance comparability between periods. Adjusted ETR is Adjusted tax expense divided by income before income taxes less the pre-tax income adjustments referenced above.

The Company reports Free cash flow and Free cash flow conversion to provide management and investors with an important measure of the ability to generate cash on a normalized basis and provide insight into the Company’s flexibility to allocate capital. Free cash flow is Cash from (used for) operating activities - continuing operations including cash flows related to the additions and dispositions of property, plant, and equipment (“PP&E”) and additions of internal-use software. Free cash flow does not represent residual cash flows available for discretionary expenditures, due to the fact that the measure does not deduct the capital required for debt repayments. Free cash flow conversion is calculated by taking Free cash flow divided by Adjusted net income.

Management recognizes that these non-GAAP financial measures have limitations, including that they may be calculated differently by other companies or may be used under different circumstances or for different purposes. In order to compensate for the discussed limitations, management does not consider these measures in isolation from or as alternatives to the comparable financial measures determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The detailed reconciliations of each non-GAAP financial measure to the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP financial measure are provided below, and no single financial measure should be relied on to evaluate our business.


Non-GAAP Financial Reconciliations

Organic Revenue*
For the three months ended September 30For the nine months ended September 30
($ in millions)
20242023% change20242023% change
Imaging revenues    $2,229$2,236—%$6,462$6,552(1)%
Less: Acquisitions(1)    1629
Less: Dispositions(2)    
Less: Foreign currency exchange(8)(65)
Imaging Organic revenue*$2,220$2,236(1)%$6,497$6,552(1)%
AVS revenues    $1,216$1,214—%$3,692$3,712(1)%
Less: Acquisitions(1)    
Less: Dispositions(2)    
Less: Foreign currency exchange(2)(22)
AVS Organic revenue*    $1,218$1,214—%$3,713$3,712—%
PCS revenues    $779$7642%$2,298$2,315(1)%
Less: Acquisitions(1)    
Less: Dispositions(2)    
Less: Foreign currency exchange(4)
PCS Organic revenue*    $779$7642%$2,302$2,315(1)%
PDx revenues    $625$5896%$1,862$1,7159%
Less: Acquisitions(1)    
Less: Dispositions(2)    
Less: Foreign currency exchange(5)(13)
PDx Organic revenue*    $630$5897%$1,876$1,7159%
Other revenues    $15$19(22)%$39$52(25)%
Less: Acquisitions(1)    
Less: Dispositions(2)    
Less: Foreign currency exchange
Other Organic revenue*    $15$19(21)%$39$52(25)%
Total revenues    $4,863$4,8221%$14,353$14,346—%
Less: Acquisitions(1)    1629
Less: Dispositions(2)    
Less: Foreign currency exchange(15)(104)
Organic revenue*    $4,863$4,8221%$14,427$14,3461%
Represents revenues attributable to acquisitions from the date the Company completed the transaction through the end of four quarters following the transaction.
Represents revenues attributable to dispositions for the four quarters preceding the disposition date.

* Non-GAAP financial measure.

Adjusted EBIT*
For the three months ended September 30For the nine months ended September 30
($ in millions)
20242023% change20242023% change
Net income attributable to GE HealthCare    $470 $375 25 %$1,272 $1,165 9 %
Add: Interest and other financial charges – net    130 138 383 411 
Add: Non-operating benefit (income) costs    (102)(94)(306)(332)
Less: Benefit (provision) for income taxes    (168)(250)(435)(550)
Less: Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of taxes— (4)— (4)
Less: Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests     (19)(7)(40)(33)
EBIT*    $685 $680 1 %$1,825 $1,831  %
Add: Restructuring costs(1)    22 90 34 
Add: Acquisition and disposition-related charges (benefits)(2)    (4)(14)(7)(15)
Add: Spin-Off and separation costs(3)    56 45 182 175 
Add: (Gain) loss on business and asset dispositions(4)    — — — 
Add: Amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets    34 32 100 95 
Add: Investment revaluation (gain) loss(5)    (2)26 (1)
Adjusted EBIT*    $795 $744 7 %$2,217 $2,119 5 %
Net income margin9.7 %7.8 %190 bps8.9 %8.1 %70 bps
Adjusted EBIT margin*    16.3 %15.4 %90 bps15.4 %14.8 %70 bps
Consists of severance, facility closures, and other charges associated with restructuring programs.
Consists of legal, consulting, and other transaction and integration fees, and adjustments to contingent consideration, as well as other purchase accounting related charges and other costs directly related to the transactions.
Costs incurred in the Spin-Off and separation from GE, including system implementations, audit and advisory fees, legal entity separation, Founders Grant equity awards, separation agreements with GE, and other one-time costs.
Consists of gains and losses resulting from the sale of assets and investments.
Primarily relates to valuation adjustments for equity investments.

* Non-GAAP financial measure.

淨利潤歸屬於GE Healthcare$470 $375 25 %$1,272 $1,165 9 %
添加:重組成本(1)22 90 34 
添加:分立和分拆成本(3)56 45 182 175 
添加:業務和資產處置的(利潤)損失(4)— — — 
添加:收購相關無形資產攤銷34 32 100 95 
添加:投資重新評估(利潤)損失(5)(2)26 (1)
加:分拆和其他稅收調整(7)46 106 60 136 
減:終止經營收入(虧損),稅後淨額— (4)— (4)
調整後淨利潤*$521 $451 16 %$1,393 $1,258 11 %
調整後淨利潤率*10.7 %9.4 %140個點子9.7 %8.8 %90個點子
包括某些所得稅調整,包括應計對公司某些境外子公司先前期間利潤的遞延稅負、將遞延稅資產和負債調整爲獨立的GE Healthcare稅率、以及稅法變更的影響。截至2024年第三季度,該行還包括之前在協調項目的稅收影響下報告的與GE的分拆和分離導致的離散稅收影響。

* Non-GAAP financial measure.

Adjusted Earnings Per Share*
For the three months ended September 30For the nine months ended September 30
(In dollars, except shares outstanding presented in millions)20242023$ change20242023$ change
Diluted earnings per share – continuing operations$1.02 $0.83 $0.20 $2.77 $2.16 $0.61 
Add: Deemed preferred stock dividend of redeemable noncontrolling interest— — — 0.40
Add: Non-operating benefit (income) costs    (0.22)(0.21)(0.67)(0.73)
Add: Restructuring costs(1)
Add: Acquisition and disposition-related charges (benefits)(2)    (0.01)(0.03)(0.02)(0.03)
Add: Spin-Off and separation costs(3)
Add: (Gain) loss on business and asset dispositions(4)    0.00— — — 
Add: Amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets
Add: Investment revaluation (gain) loss(5)    0.00(0.00)0.06(0.00)
Add: Tax effect of reconciling items(6)(0.01)(0.01)(0.06)(0.01)
Add: Spin-Off and other tax adjustments(7)
Adjusted earnings per share*$1.14 $0.99 $0.15 $3.04 $2.75 $0.29 
Diluted weighted-average shares outstanding459 458 459 458 
Consists of severance, facility closures, and other charges associated with restructuring programs.
Consists of legal, consulting, and other transaction and integration fees, and adjustments to contingent consideration, as well as other purchase accounting related charges and other costs directly related to the transactions.
Costs incurred in the Spin-Off and separation from GE, including system implementations, audit and advisory fees, legal entity separation, Founders Grant equity awards, separation agreements with GE, and other one-time costs.
Consists of gains and losses resulting from the sale of assets and investments.
Primarily relates to valuation adjustments for equity investments.
The tax effect of reconciling items is calculated using the statutory tax rate, taking into consideration the nature of the items and the relevant taxing jurisdiction.
Consists of certain income tax adjustments, including the accrual of a deferred tax liability on the prior period earnings of certain of the Company’s foreign subsidiaries for which the Company is no longer permanently reinvested, the impact of adjusting deferred tax assets and liabilities to stand-alone GE HealthCare tax rates, and the impact of tax legislation changes. As of the third quarter of 2024 this line additionally includes discrete tax impacts resulting from the Spin-Off and separation from GE previously reported under Tax effect of reconciling items.

* Non-GAAP financial measure.

Adjusted Tax Expense* and Adjusted ETR*
For the three months ended September 30For the nine months ended September 30
($ in millions)
Benefit (provision) for income taxes$(168)$(250)$(435)$(550)
Add: Tax effect of reconciling items(1)(3)(4)(26)(3)
Add: Spin-Off and other tax adjustments(2)    4610660136
Adjusted tax expense*$(124)$(148)$(401)$(417)
Effective tax rate25.5%39.3%24.9%31.4%
Adjusted effective tax rate*18.7%24.4%21.9%24.4%
The tax effect of reconciling items is calculated using the statutory tax rate, taking into consideration the nature of the items and the relevant taxing jurisdiction.
Consists of certain income tax adjustments, including the accrual of a deferred tax liability on the prior period earnings of certain of the Company’s foreign subsidiaries for which the Company is no longer permanently reinvested, the impact of adjusting deferred tax assets and liabilities to stand-alone GE HealthCare tax rates, and the impact of tax legislation changes. As of the third quarter of 2024 this line additionally includes discrete tax impacts resulting from the Spin-Off and separation from GE previously reported under Tax effect of reconciling items.
Free Cash Flow*
For the three months ended September 30For the nine months ended September 30
($ in millions)
20242023% change20242023% change
Cash from (used for) operating activities – continuing operations$742$65014%$1,042$1,051(1)%
Add: Additions to PP&E and internal-use software(90)(80)(299)(293)
Add: Dispositions of PP&E1
Free cash flow*    $651 $57014%$743 $759(2)%

Non-GAAP Financial Measures in Outlook
GE HealthCare calculates forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures, including Organic revenue growth, Adjusted EBIT margin, Adjusted ETR, Adjusted EPS, and Free cash flow based on internal forecasts that omit certain amounts that would be included in GAAP financial measures. GE HealthCare does not provide reconciliations of these forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures to the respective GAAP metrics as it is unable to predict with reasonable certainty and without unreasonable effort certain items such as the impact of changes in currency exchange rates, impacts associated with business acquisitions or dispositions, timing and magnitude of restructuring activities, and revaluation of strategic investments, amongst other items. The timing and amounts of these items are uncertain and could have a substantial impact on GE HealthCare’s results in accordance with GAAP.

Key Performance Indicators
Management uses the following metrics to provide a leading indicator of current business demand from customers for products and services.
Organic orders growth: Rate of change period-over-period of contractual commitments with customers to provide specified goods or services for an agreed upon price, and excluding the effects of: (1) recent acquisitions and dispositions with less than a full year of comparable orders; and (2) foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations in order to present orders on a constant currency basis.
Book-to-bill: Total orders divided by Total revenues within a given financial period (e.g., quarter or FY).

* Non-GAAP financial measure.

Conference Call and Webcast Information
GE HealthCare will discuss its results during its live earnings call today, October 30, 2024 at 8:30 am ET/7:30 am CT. The webcast and accompanying slide presentation containing financial information can be accessed by visiting the investor section of the website at https://investor.gehealthcare.com/news-events/events. An archived version of the webcast will be available on the website after the call.

Forward-looking Statements
This release contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements might be identified by words, and variations of words, such as “will,” “expect,” “may,” “would,” “could,” “plan,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “estimate,” “potential,” “position,” “forecast,” “target,” “guidance,” “outlook,” and similar expressions. These forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, statements about our business and expected financial performance, financial condition, and results of operations, including revenue, revenue growth, profit, taxes, earnings per share, and cash flows, and the Company’s outlook; and the Company’s strategy, innovation, and investments. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company’s control. Factors that could cause the Company’s actual results to differ materially from those described in its forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, operating in highly competitive markets; the Company’s ability to successfully complete strategic transactions; the actions or inactions of third parties with whom the Company partners and the various collaboration, licensing, and other partnerships and alliances the Company has with third parties; demand for the Company’s products, services, or solutions and factors that affect that demand; management of the Company’s supply chain and the Company’s ability to cost-effectively secure the materials it needs to operate its business; disruptions in the Company’s operations; changes in third-party and government reimbursement processes, rates, contractual relationships, and mix of public and private payers, including related to government shutdowns; the delayed China stimulus and the ongoing anti-corruption campaign; the Company’s ability to attract and/or retain key personnel and qualified employees; global geopolitical and economic instability, including as a result of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the conflict in the Middle East, and the actions in the Red Sea region; public health crises, epidemics, and pandemics and their effects on the Company’s business; maintenance and protection of the Company’s intellectual property rights, as well as maintenance of successful research and development efforts with respect to commercially successful products and technologies; the impact of potential information technology, cybersecurity or data security breaches; compliance with the various legal, regulatory, tax, privacy, and other laws to which the Company is subject, such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and similar anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws globally, and related changes, claims, inquiries, investigations, or actions; the Company’s ability to control increases in healthcare costs and any subsequent effect on demand for the Company’s products, services, or solutions; the impacts related to the Company’s increasing focus on and investment in cloud, edge, artificial intelligence, and software offerings; the impact of potential product liability claims; environmental, social, and governance matters; the Company’s ability to operate effectively as an independent, publicly-traded company; and the Company’s level of indebtedness, as well as its general ability to comply with covenants under its debt instruments and any related effect on the Company’s business. Please also see the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and any updates or amendments it makes in future filings. There may be other factors not presently known to the Company or which it currently considers to be immaterial that could cause the Company’s actual results to differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements the Company makes. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements except as required by applicable law or regulation.


About GE HealthCare Technologies Inc.
GE HealthCare is a leading global medical technology, pharmaceutical diagnostics, and digital solutions innovator, dedicated to providing integrated solutions, services, and data analytics to make hospitals more efficient, clinicians more effective, therapies more precise, and patients healthier and happier. Serving patients and providers for more than 125 years, GE HealthCare is advancing personalized, connected, and compassionate care, while simplifying the patient’s journey across the care pathway. Together our Imaging, Advanced Visualization Solutions, Patient Care Solutions, and Pharmaceutical Diagnostics businesses help improve patient care from diagnosis, to therapy, to monitoring. We are a $19.6 billion business with approximately 51,000 colleagues working to create a world where healthcare has no limits.

Follow us on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram, and Insights for the latest news, or visit our website https://www.gehealthcare.com for more information.

Investor Relations Contact:
Carolynne Borders

Media Contact:
Jennifer Fox