本托管協議(以下簡稱“代管協議”)是由snow lake resources ltd (“snow lake)、Nachal G Pty Ltd(以下簡稱“賣方”)、Aaron Meckler(“Meckler), Joses Malakia Amakutuwa (Amakutuwa), Yehoshua Gestetner (Gestetner), Denis Hayes (Hayes), Andrew Phillips (菲利普斯”, 與Meckler,Amakutuwa,Gestetner和Hayes一起,“有利的賣方”)與10152300 Manitoba Ltd.(“託管代理)。在本托管協議中使用的大寫術語,如未在此處另有定義,應按照購買協議(以下定義)中所載的含義解釋。
鑒於, Snow Lake已與賣方,有利的賣方和其他人(“購買協議日期為2024年7月31日的協議,用於出售並購買Engo Valley Pty Ltd全部已發行和流通的普通股100%;
而且在此期間與本託管協議簽署同時,Snow Lake已將1,012,249股Snow Lake的普通股(“託管股”),登記在託管代理人的名下,存放在託管代理人(“託管賬戶”)擁有,由託管代理人根據購買協議第8.7條和本託管協議的條款,為受益的賣方和Snow Lake的利益保留和派發。 為了避免疑義,當託管代理人的名下登記時,受益的賣方應從託管股中獲得所有附着或應有的權利,包括託管協議日期後宣布、支付或支付的所有股息的權利,投票權和清算權;
而且在此期間根據購買協議,托管股份將由托管代理持有,以滿足賣方和受益賣方根據該協議對 Snow Lake 的義務,該協議中已規定;
而且在此期間根據購買協議,條款 8.7 的相關規定,托管代理將在 Snow Lake 存檔了購買協議第 8.7(b) 條所提及之 EDGAR 的 Sk-1300 報告後的五個業務日內,將托管股份釋放給受益賣方,前提是該日期在 2025 年 6 月 30 日或之前(「釋放日期”);
1.3若在2025年6月30日之前(即為「到期日」),Snow Lake尚未收到符合S-k 1300的涉礦概念估計及一份S-k報告,則託管賬戶中的託管股份將不會被託管代理釋放給受益賣方,而應由託管代理釋放給Snow Lake進行注銷,或遵照其它指示進行。到期日),則託管賬戶中的託管股份將不會被託管代理釋放給受益賣方,而應由託管代理釋放給Snow Lake進行注銷,或遵照其它指示進行。
1.4作為託管代理,託管代理將從Snow Lake收取2500美元的費用。除了此費用外,託管代理不得就擔任此職位而有任何其他費用。如果託管代理成為與本託管協議或其主題有關的任何訴訟的當事人,則託管代理應由Snow Lake進行補償,並應由Snow Lake償還因任何延遲、爭議、訴訟或事件而引起的一切費用和開支,包括合理的律師費和開支。
1.6The Seller and the Beneficial Sellers acknowledges that the principal of the Escrow Agent is acting as counsel for Snow Lake in connection with the Purchase Agreement and the Seller and the Beneficial Sellers hereby waive any conflict of interest or breach of any duty relating to the Escrow Agent acting in such capacity. The Seller and the Beneficial Sellers confirm that they have had the opportunity to consult with independent counsel regarding this Escrow Agreement.
2.1No waiver or any breach of any covenant or provision herein contained shall be deemed a waiver of any preceding or succeeding breach thereof, or of any other covenant or provision herein contained. No extension of time for performance of any obligation or act shall be deemed an extension of the time for performance of any other obligation or act.
2.2Any and all notices or other communications or deliveries required or permitted to be provided hereunder shall be in writing to the following addresses (or such other address as may be notified by one party to the others from time to time) and shall be deemed given and effective on the earliest of (a) the date of transmission, if such notice or communication is delivered via facsimile prior to 5:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) on a Business Day, (b) the next Business Day after the date of transmission, if such notice or communication is delivered via facsimile on a day that is not a Business Day or later than 5:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) on any Business Day, (c) the 2未定 Business Day following the date of mailing, if sent by an internationally recognized courier service, or (d) upon actual receipt by the party to whom such notice is required to be given. As used herein, “業務日“”指的是商業銀行於溫尼伯市所授權或規定依法要休息的除星期六、星期日或其他日子外的任何日子:
1/50 Ercildoune Street
Caulfield North,3161,維多利亞
注意事項:Yehoshua Gestetner
snow lake resources ltd.
360 Main Street, 30th Floor
加拿大曼尼托巴温尼伯R3C 0V1
注意事項:Frank Wheatley
360 Main Street, 30樓
加拿大曼尼托巴省温尼伯 R3C 0V1
注意事項:Shimmy Posen
2.11托管代理有權聘請法律顧問和其他專家,因應托管代理認為有必要在其職責下適當地為托管代理提供意見,可以依賴這些顧問的建議,並支付這些顧問合理的報酬;但此薪酬費用應由snow lake承擔。
2.12在此存證代理的職責下,如果托管代理通過書面通知把有利賣方和snow lake的辭職通知提前至少三十(30)天,則托管代理作為存證代理的職責將終止。儘管前述事項有任何相反之處,托管代理或任何接替者存證代理將繼續擔任存證代理,直到有人獲准並有資格擔任存證代理為止。在任何辭職情況下,snow lake應指定一名接替者的存證代理(完全由snow lake承擔成本),在有利賣方的同意情況下,這種同意不得以不合理方式拒絕,托管代理應將托管代理持有的任何托管股份交付給該接替者存證代理。根據此第2.14條款將托管股份交付給接替存證代理後,托管代理將免除在此後承擔任何進一步義務的義務,並且托管代理的全部權力、權限、職務和義務將適用於任何接替代理。
2.13If the Escrow Agent reasonably requires other or further instruments in connection with this Escrow Agreement or obligations in respect hereto, the necessary parties hereto shall join in furnishing such instruments (at the sole cost of Snow Lake).
2.14Save as otherwise provided for in this Escrow Agreement and the Purchase Agreement, it is understood and agreed that should any dispute arise with respect to the delivery and/or ownership or right of possession of the documents (if any) or the Escrowed Shares held by the Escrow Agent hereunder, the Escrow Agent is authorized and directed in the Escrow Agent’s
sole discretion (i) to retain in the Escrow Agent’s possession without liability to anyone all or any part of said documents or the Escrowed Shares until such disputes shall have been settled either by mutual written agreement of the parties concerned by a final order, decree or judgment or a court of competent jurisdiction after the time for appeal has expired and no appeal has been perfected, but the Escrow Agent shall be under no duty whatsoever to institute or defend any such proceedings or (ii) to deliver the Escrowed Shares and any other property and documents held by the Escrow Agent hereunder to a provincial or Federal court having competent subject matter jurisdiction and located in the City of Manitoba in accordance with the applicable procedure therefore.
2.15Snow Lake agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Escrow Agent and each of the Escrow Agent’s officers, directors, agents and employees (the “被賠償人”) from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims made by any Party or any other person or entity, damages, expenses and costs (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and expenses) of every nature whatsoever (collectively, “虧損”) which any such Indemnified Party may incur and which arise directly or indirectly from this Escrow Agreement or which arise directly or indirectly by virtue of the Escrow Agent’s undertaking to serve as the Escrow Agent hereunder; 提供, 但是在任何情況下,不得超出托管股份的價值,snow lake提供的保證。本條款的規定應在本托管協議終止及任何托管代理的辭職或解職後繼續有效。
2.17本托管協議中提到的托管代理、snow lake和/或有利售方應包括其後繼擁有人和被允許讓與方。
| snow lake resources ltd. | |
| 作者: |
| 姓名: Frank D. Wheatley |
| 職稱:首席執行官 |
| 耶霍舒亞·格斯特納 | |
| 姓名: 耶霍舒亞·格斯特納 |
| 亞倫·梅克勒 | |
| 作者: |
| 姓名: 亞倫·梅克勒 |
| 作者: |
| 姓名:Joses Malakia Amakutuwa |
| 作者: |
| 姓名:Denis Hayes |
| 姓名:Andrew Phillips |
| |
| 10152300 MANITOBA LTD. | |
| 作者: |
| Name: Shimmy Posen |
| 头衔:总裁 |