


免責公司 股份有限公司











1.公司名稱爲e家快服控股 有限公司.


2.公司註冊辦事處位於開曼群島大開曼島南教堂街103號港灣廣場四樓,郵政信箱10240號,Harneys Fiduciary(開曼)有限公司。
















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豁免責任公司 股份有限公司



























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主題   條款編號
表A   1
解釋   2
股本   3
股本變更   4-7
股權   8-9
權益變更   10-11
股份   12-15
股權證書   16-21
擔保機構   22-24
股份認購要約   25-33
股份被取消   34-42
股權登記簿   43-44
股權登記日   45
股份轉讓   46-51
股份轉讓   52-54
無法聯繫的股東   55
股東大會   56-58
股東大會通知   59-60
股東大會程序   61-65
投票   66-77
代理人   78-83
代表行事的法人   84
成員書面決議行動   85
董事會   86
董事不輪換退休   87-88
董事資格取消   89
備用董事   90-93
袍金和支出   94-97
董事利益   98-101
董事的一般權力   102-107
截至2023年12月31日,總共發行並流通的普通股爲57,778,628股。   108-111
董事會議程序   112-121
審計委員會。   122-124
官員   125-128
董事和高管名冊   129
會議記錄   130
印章   131
文件認證   132
文件銷燬   133
分紅派息和其他支付   134-143
儲備   144
資本化   145-146
認購權儲備   147
會計記錄   154-152
審計   153-158
通知   159-161
簽名   162
清盤   163-164
賠償   165
公司章程和公司條例的修訂和公司名稱   166
信息   167
財政年度   168


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免責公司 股份有限公司




















2. (1) 在本章節中,除非上下文另有要求,否則表格第一欄中的詞語應當分別具有其對應的第二欄中所確定的意義。


詞語   含義
行動   開曼群島《公司法》(修訂版)已經整理和修訂。
文章   本章程在其目前的形式或作爲不時補充、修正或替換的條款。
審計委員會。   公司組成的審計委員會 根據本章第122條規定的董事會,或任何繼任的審計委員會。
核數師   本公司獨立核數師,應爲一家享有國際認可的獨立會計師事務所。
董事會「」或「」董事們   本公司董事會或在董事會會議上出席並構成法定人數的董事。


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資本   本公司不時的股份。
合理的天數   關於通知期限的期間,不包括髮出通知的當天或被視爲發出通知的當天及其生效的當天。
結算所   交易所或經紀報價系統所認可的結算所,符合公司股票(或存託憑證)在該司法管轄區內上市或在證券交易所或經紀報價系統上市的法律。
公司   e家快服控股有限公司。
主管監管機構   在公司股票(或存託憑證)在該領土上市或在該領土的證券交易所或場外交易系統上掛牌的地方有一個主管監管機構。
債券   包括債券股和債券“
債券持有人   特指公司持股的人。
指定股票   美國的股票交易所上
交易所   公司股份掛牌交易的交易所
指定股票   相關代碼、規則和條例的修訂
交易所規則   根據公司股份在指定交易所的原始和持續掛牌而產生的隨時適用的代碼和規定。
美元註冊聲明處理安排“$”   美國的法定貨幣是美元。
使擁有公司註冊證券類別10%以上股權的官員、董事或實際股東代表簽署人遞交表格3、4和5(包括修正版及有關聯合遞交協議),符合證券交易法案第16(a)條及其下屬規則規定的要求;   1934年修訂的證券交易法案。
電子通訊   通過任何媒介以任何形式通過電報、無線電、光學手段或其他電磁手段發送、傳輸、傳達和接收的通信。
電子會議   由會員和/或代理通過電子設施以完全虛擬的方式全面參加和參與的股東大會。


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總部   作為公司董事隨時可判斷為公司的主要辦公室的該公司辦公室。
「混合會議   指召集以(i)成員和/或代理人在主要會議地點以及如適用,一個或多個會議地點的實體出席,以及(ii)通過電子設施的方式由成員和/或代理人進行虛擬出席和參與的股東大會。
上市規則   指定證交所的規則。
會議地點   具有第64A條賦予的含義。
成員。   公司資本的股份不時持有人的正式登記持有人。
月份   一個日歷月份。
通知   除非另有明文規定並在本文件中進一步定義,否則須書面通知。
辦公室   公司現時註冊辦事處。
普通決議   當通過具投票權並親自投票,或在股東為公司實際代表,或在允許代理人代表時,在根據第59條款規定適當給予通知的股東大會上,簽署的議案通過的票數佔簽署議案的股東簡單多數時,關於此決議應為普通決議。
實收資本額   已付清或視作已付清。
實體會議   由股東和/或代理人在主要會議場所和/或如適用,一個或多個會議地點出席和參與舉行的股東大會。
主要會議場所   應如第59條款第2款所定義。
註冊   公司成員的主登記簿,如適用,將由董事會不時決定在開曼群島境內或境外的某個地方保管。


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登記處   就任何類別的股本而言,董事會可以不時決定保留會員的分支登記的地方,就該等股本類別而言,提出過戶或其他標的文件以供註冊並登記(除非董事會另行指示)。
美國證券交易委員會   美國證券交易專員會。
海豹   公司之公用印章或任何一個或多個副本印章(包括證券印章)供在開曼群島或開曼群島以外的地方使用。
秘書   由董事會委任的任何個人、公司或法人擔任公司秘書之任務,並包括任何助理、副手、臨時或代理秘書。
特別決議   當特定成員的投票以不少於三分之二的多數通過時,一項決議即為特別決議,這些成員可以親自投票,或者在股權代表為其安排的情況下,或者如允許代理權時,通過代理人的代理在根據第59條預先通知召開的股東大會上
法規   適用於或影響公司、其組織章程和/或這些章程的開曼群島立法機構現時生效的法案及其他所有法律。
1月   一年的日歷


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3. (1) 本公司於本篇章生效之日的股本應劃分為(a) 10億股指定為每股面值或票面價值為1美元的普通股,以及(b) 1000萬股指定為每股面值或票面價值為0.002美元的優先股。


(2) 依法令、公司章程及如適用,指定證券交易所的規則及/或任何有權威的監管機構,公司擁有購買或以其他方式取得其自家股份的權力,該權力由董事會行使,以其絕對裁量認為合適的方式,在其看來適當的條件下,及根據其認為符合法律的條件行使;對於購買方式的任何董事會決定,被視為這些章程已授權為依法。公司特此授權,根據法律,可從資本或任何其他賬戶或基金支付其購買自家股份的款項。


(3) 在遵守指定股票交易所及其他主管監管機構的規則的情況下,公司可以提供財務援助,用於或與任何人對公司股份的購買有關或將來可能進行的購買相關。


(4)董事會 可以無償接受任何已全額支付的股份的放棄。


(5) 任何股份均不得發放予持有人。


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4. 公司可以不時依據法案通過普通決議修改其組織章程的條款如下:










(e)取消在通過決議之時尚未被任何人接受或同意接受的任何股份,並根據取消的股份數量減少其資本額。 在股份無面額的情況下,縮減其資本分為的股份數量。


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5. 董事會可以按其認為適當的方式解決因上述條文所產生的任何合併和分割之困難,特別是但並不限於發行有關股份的分數證書,或安排出售代表分數的股份並將銷售凈收益(扣除該銷售費用後)按應得比例分配給本應有權獲得該分數的成員,為此目的,董事會可以授權某人將代表分數的股份轉讓給他們的購買人,或決定將這樣的淨收益支付給公司以賴公司的利益。該購買人不須負責查看購買款項的使用情況,也不會因銷售程序中的任何不規範或無效而影響他對股份的所有權。


6. 公司可以不時通過特別決議,在法律允許的任何方式下,在法律允許的任何方式下,減少其股本或任何資本贖回儲備或其他不可分配儲備,以及任何股本或任何資本贖回儲備或其他不可分配儲備減少股本。


7. 除非發行條件或本章程另有規定,新股募集的資本額應被視為公司原本的資本的一部分,並應依據本章程的規定處理,包括繳付呼籲金和分期款、轉讓和變積規定、沒收、留置權、注銷、放棄、投票及其他事宜。




8. 依法令、指定的股票交易所規則、公司的記憶體和章程以及任何特定股份或某類股份持有人所頒發的特別權利,且不影響本章第12條,公司的任何股份(無論是否為現有資本的一部分)均可由董事會決定附發或附加相應權利或限制,無論是關於股息、表決、歸還資本或其他事項,包括且不限於可由董事會決定,包括但不限於可能根據公司或股東的選擇,以董事會認為合適的條件和方式,包括以資本回贖者。




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10. 根據法案,並且不損害第8條的規定,所有或任何時間附屬於股份或任何類別的特殊權利,除非該類股份的發行條款另有規定,均可不時(無論公司是否被清算)經由該類股份持有人獨立一般會議以特別決議的制定加以變更、修改或廢除。在每個這樣的獨立一般會議中,這些條款中有關公司一般會議的所有規定均應適用,但如下所述:






11. 持有任何股票或股份類別的股東授予的特殊權利,除非在這些股票的權利附加或發行條款中另有明文規定,否則不得因創建或發行與之同等排名的其他股份而被視為變更、修改或取消。




12. (1) 除法規另有規定外,這些條文以及指定股票交易所的規則,並且不損害任何特定股份或任何股份類別當前附加的特殊權利或限制,公司的未發行股份(無論是原始股本或任何增加的股本的一部分)應由董事會處置,董事會可以全權自行決定並對其進行提供、分配、授予期權或以其他方式處置給予某些人,並以董事會自行判斷的條件、時間、考量和條款出售,但股份不得以折價發行。特別是,董事會特此被授權以決議或不時決議的方式核准發行一個或多個類別或系列的優先股份並設定指定、權力、優先權以及相對、參與、選擇和其他權利,該類股份的資格、限制和限制,包括但不限於每個類別或系列股份的數量,股息權利、轉換權利、贖回權利、表決權、完全或部分或無表決權力以及清算優先順序,以及增加或減少任何該等類別或系列的規模(但不得低於優先股份的任何一類或系列的股份數)在法律允許的範圍內。在不限制前述一般性的情況下,提供任何優先股份類別或系列的建立的決議或決議可以,在法律允許的範圍內規定該等類別或系列應優於、與或劣於任何其他類別或系列的優先股份。


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(2) 公司或董事會無義務在進行或授予股份的分配時,向在某特定領 terr itor ies 或此等領 terr itor ies 的註冊地址之會員或其他人士進行分配、提供、選擇權或處置股份,如在無註冊聲明或其他特殊形式的情況下,董事會認為會違法或不可行。受上述句子影響的會員不得為任何目的單獨或被視為單獨的會員類別。除非在為建立任何類別或系列優先股而提供的決議中另有明文規定,否則無需其他條件,依據公司簡章及章程授權並符合條件的任何類別或系列優先股的發行不需優先股或普通股持有人的投票作為先決條件。


(3) 董事會可以發行期權、warrants或可轉換證券或具有類似性質的證券,賦予持有人有權訂閱、購買或收取公司資本中的任何類股或證券,條款由其隨時判斷。


13. 公司可能在發行任何股份時,行使根據法令賦予或允許的支付佣金和券商的全部權力。 除法令規定外,佣金可通過現金支付或全額或部分付款的股份分配滿足,或者一部分現金支付,另一部分分配股份。


14. 除非法律要求,否則公司不得承認任何人對任何股份具有受託的地位,並且公司不得受約束或有任何理由承認(即使已經得到通知)任何股份的公平、有條件的、將來的或部分利益,或對任何股份或任何股份的任何部分(除非這些章程或法律另有規定)的任何其他權利,除了註冊持有人對其全部股份擁有絕對權利。


15. 根據《公司法》及本章程,在股份配售後但在任何人被登記為持有人之前,董事會可承認分配人放棄股份,轉讓予其他人,並可承認股份分配人有權根據董事會認為應施加的條件和條款放棄該股份。




任何由公司發出的股份證書必須由公章或其複印章簽發,並應註明所屬股份的數量和類別以及有別號碼(如有),以及已繳付的金額,或者可以由董事會隨時判斷的形式發出。不得發行代表多個類別股份的證書。董事會可以通過決議確定,在任何一般情況或具體情況中,任何這類證書(或者,關於其他證券的證書)上的任何簽名無需親筆簽名,而可以通過一些機械手段附着在該證書上,或者可以印刷在上面。 證書 關於其他證券的證書)上的任何簽名無需親筆簽名,而可以通過一些機械手段附着在該證書上,或者可以印刷在上面。


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17. (1) 對於由多人共同持有的股份,公司不必發行多於一張股權證, 向數名聯合持有人中的一人交付股權證即視爲向所有持有人交付。


(2) 如果一股權登記在兩人或兩人以上的名下,那麼在通知服務以及與公司有關的所有或任何其他事宜(除了股份轉讓),均視登記中排名第一的人爲唯一持有人。


18. 公司沒有義務向會員發行股份證書,除非會員書面要求公司。凡在股份分配時其姓名被錄入註冊爲一名成員的每人,均有權要求公司寫明,以接到公司的書面要求,領取同一類別的所有這些股份的證書或爲一個或多個這樣的股份領取一個或多個證書,每個證書的費用應按照第20(2)條的規定支付。


19. 根據會員的要求,並在根據第20條款(2)要求的所有金額到位後,將在法案規定的相關時限內或指定證券交易所不時判斷的較短時限內,發放股票證書。在分配後或者,除公司暫時有權拒絕登記並未登記的情況下,在將轉讓交給公司後。


20.(1) 每次轉讓股份,轉讓人所持的股份證書應予交出以便註銷,並應立即相應註銷,並可以根據本條款第(2)段規定的費用向受讓人發出新證書(受讓人書面要求)。如果轉讓人保留所交出的證書中所包含的任何股份,則可以根據前述費用向其發出餘額證書,該費用由轉讓人向公司支付。




21. 如果一張股票證書被損壞或污損,或被聲稱遺失、被盜或被銷燬,公司可根據請求並支付公司判斷的費用,向相關成員發行代表相同股份的新證書,並且需遵守關於證據和保證以及支付公司調查此類證據和準備公司認爲合適的保證所產生的費用和合理費用的條款(如果有);如遭到損壞或污損,需交回舊證書給公司,但需遵守董事會的規定。 如果已發行股票認股權證,除非董事會已判斷原證書已被銷燬,否則不得就遺失的股票認股權證發行新的股票認股權證。


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22. 公司對每一股不是全額支付的股份均享有第一和至高無上的留置權,用於支付該股所應付款項(無論當前應付或不應付)或在規定時間內應付的款項。公司還對每一股不是全額支付的股份,在該股股東(無論是否與其他股東共同)的名下注冊,對股東或其繼承人目前應付公司的所有款項享有第一和至高無上的留置權,無論這些款項是否在公司被告知除股東外其他任何人的任何權益之前或之後發生,無論這些款項是否實際到期支付或未到期支付,且無論這些款項是否爲該股東或其繼承人與任何其他人的聯席債務或責任,而無論該其他人是否爲公司的股東。公司對股份的留置權應延伸至該股所應付的所有分紅派息或其他款項。董事會可隨時普遍或在任何特定情況下放棄已發生的任何留置權,或宣佈任何股份全部或部分免於本條款的規定。




24. 銷售所得款項應由公司收取,並用於償還或清償存在專有權的債務或責任,就目前應付的部分而言,任何餘額應付給在銷售時享有股份的人(但在銷售前享有股份的債務或責任目前不應付的情況下,將受到類似債務或責任的專有權的限制)。爲實施此類銷售,董事會可以授權某人將已售出的股份轉讓給購買者。購買者應被登記爲已轉讓的股份持有人,他無需查清購買款項的用途,也不應因與銷售相關的程序中的任何不規範或無效性而影響他對股份的所有權。




25. 根據本章程和配股條件,董事會可以不時要求會員就其股份上任何未支付的款項(無論是股份的名義價值還是溢價)進行看漲,在董事會確定的情況下,每位會員都應當根據該通知向公司支付其股份應繳金額。看漲可以根據董事會的決定進行延長、推遲或撤銷,但除非經過優待和寬容,否則任何會員均無權獲得任何延長、推遲或撤銷。 會員應根據至少提前十四(14)個清潔日的通知,指明付款的時間和地點,向公司支付其股份應繳金額。看漲可能會在整體或部分上進行延長、推遲或撤銷,但除非作爲寬容和眷顧的舉動,否則任何會員均不得獲得任何此類延長、推遲或撤銷的權利。


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26. 看漲應被視爲在授權該看漲的董事會決議通過時開始,可以一次性支付或分期支付。


27. 對被要求交納看漲的人,儘管涉及的股份後來轉讓,仍應對其進行的交漲負責。股份的聯合持有人應當共同且分別承擔相關的全部交漲和應付的分期款,或者其他應付的款項。


28. 如果在規定的支付日期之前或之日未支付所稱的股款,則欠款人應支付從規定的支付日期到實際支付之日止未支付金額的利息,利率(不超過每年百分之二十(20%))由董事會判斷,但董事會可以全權酌情免除支付該等利息全部或部分。


29. 任何會員在尚未支付其向公司應付的所有款項或分期款項以及利息和費用(如果有)之前,無權領取任何股息或紅利,也無權親自或代理參加和投票(除非爲另一會員代理),或計入法定人數,或行使任何其他會員特權。


30. 在任何行動或其他程序的審判或聽證中,以追討任何應收取的款項的呼叫,僅需證明被起訴的會員的姓名已登記在登記冊上,作爲相關股份的持有人之一,發出呼叫的決議在會議記錄本中已妥善記錄,並且已依照這些章程正式通知被起訴的會員;並且不必證明發出該呼叫的董事的任命,或其他任何事項,但上述事項的證明將構成債務的確鑿證據。


31. 任何股份應在配售或在任何固定日期支付,無論是名義價值、溢價或作爲看漲款項的一部分,都應被視爲已在規定支付日期履行和應付的看漲。如果未能支付,這些章程的規定將適用,就好像該金額已因履行和通知不住諮而到期和應付一樣。


32. 關於股份問題,董事會可以在認購者或持有人之間區分應支付的款項及支付的時間。


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33. 董事會可以在認爲合適的情況下,接受任何願意提前支付的成員的款項,無論是以現金或其他價值, 對其持有的所有或任何部分尚未募集和未支付的款項或應付款項進行預付款,且在所有或任何此類 預付款項上(直到因如此提前付款而應支付的款項)支付董事會可能決定的利率(如有)。董事會可在任何時候償還已提前支付的金額, 但需提前不少於一個(1)月的通知,除非在此通知期滿之前,已就所持股份呼籲了所提前支付的金額。 此類預付款項不應使該股份或股份的持有者有權參與之後聲明的分紅。




34. (1) 如果到期應付的款項未能支付,董事會可以嚮應付款項的相關人士發出不少於十四(14)天的通知:






(2) 如果未能遵守任何此類通知的要求,關於該通知所涉及的任何分享可在其後任何時間,在對所有到期款項和利息進行支付之前,經過董事會的決議被沒收,該沒收將包括所有已宣告的但在沒收前尚未實際支付的分紅派息和紅利。


35. 當任何股份被沒收時,應向在沒收前爲該股份持有者的人送達沒收通知。 因未能或遺漏發送該通知而導致的任何沒收不得視爲無效。


36. 董事會可以接受任何有權被取消的股份的自願放棄,在這種情況下,本章程中有關取消的條款將包括放棄。


37. 任何被沒收的股份應視爲公司的財產,可以按照董事會決定的條款和方式,出售、重新分配或以其他方式處置給任何人,且在銷售、重新分配或處置之前,董事會可以按照其決定的條款撤銷該沒收。


38. 股份被罰沒的人 將停止成爲有關被罰沒股份的股東,但仍應對公司支付在罰沒日期時已應向公司支付的所有款項負責,如果董事會自行決定,還應支付自罰沒之日起至付清時的利息,利率不得超過百分之二十(20%)。每年每股的理事會確定的利率爲基礎,理事會可以選擇是否強制執行付款,並且在無償扣減或折讓被罰沒股份的價值的情況下,可以強制執行付款,但是如果公司在支付所有有關股份款項的全部金額後,他的責任將終止。根據本條款,根據股份發行條款應在罰沒日期後的固定時間支付的任何金額,無論是股份的名義價值還是溢價,應視爲在罰沒日期應支付,並應立即在罰沒之日起到實際付款日支付,但利息僅適用於規定的時間段與實際支付日期之間的任何期間。


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39. 董事或秘書的宣言股份已於特定日期被喪失將對所有聲稱有權獲得該股份的人具有銷定力,該宣言(如公司需簽發轉讓文書,則構成股份的擁有者有良好的標題,并被登記為該股份的持有人,並不需察看對價(如果有),亦不受有關喪失、出售或處置股份程序的不規則性或無效性的影響。任何股份被喪失時,應向該股份在喪失前立即持有人發出宣言通知,並應立即在登記簿上記載有關喪失的情況及日期,但任何喪失均不因未發出該通知或作出任何該等記載而受到任何方式的無效。


40. 儘管如上述無論任何沒收,董事會都可以在任何沒有被出售、重新分配或以其他方式處置之前,隨時容許被沒收的股份按照所有應付的款項和利息以及與股份有關的費用,以及董事會認為適當的其他條件,買回。


41. 分享被沒收不影響公司對已徵收的款項或應付的分期款的權利。


42. 這些條款關於喪失資格的規定適用於未支付根據股份發行條款在固定時間支付的任何款項,無論是由於股份的名義價值還是作為溢價,就好像這些款項是因為已經支付了正當通知的呼籲。




43. (1)公司應保有一本或多本成員登記簿,並應載入下列詳情,即:




(b)每個人被輸入註冊的日期; 和




(2) 公司可以保留境外或本地或其他地方的成員登記,董事會可以制定和變更有關保持任何該等登記和保持相關登記辦事處的規定。


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44. 會員名冊和分支註冊(如適用)應在董事會判斷會員免費查閱的時間和日期,或由任何其他人查閱,向董事會支付不超過$2.50或董事會指定的其他金額,在辦事處、註冊處或根據法案保存名冊的其他地方。名冊包括會員的任何境外或本地或其他分支註冊,經遵守指定證券交易所的任何通知要求後,可在董事會決定的不超過整年共三十(30)天的時間或期間內關閉,或在整體上關閉,或針對任何類股。




45. (1) 爲了確定有權收到通知或在任何股東大會上投票的成員,或在任何延期的大會上,或有權以書面形式表示同意進行公司行爲而無需召開會議,或有權收到任何股息或其他分配或權利分配,或有權行使與任何股份的變更、轉換或交易所相關的權利,或出於任何其他合法行動的目的,董事會可以提前確定一個日期作爲成員的記錄日期,該日期距該會議的日期不得超過六十(60)天,也不得少於十(10)天,也不得在任何其他此類行動的日期前超過六十(60)天。


(2) 如果董事會沒有確定任何股東大會的記錄日期,則決定有權收到通知或在該會議上投票的成員的記錄日期應爲在發出通知的前一天的營業結束時,或者根據這些章程放棄通知,則爲在召開會議的前一天的營業結束時。確定任何其他目的的成員的記錄日期應爲董事會通過與此相關的決議當天的營業結束時。


(3) 對於有權在會員會議上收到通知或投票的記錄成員的確認應適用於會議的任何延期; 但董事會可以爲延期會議設定新的記錄日期。


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47. 轉讓工具應由轉讓方和受讓方執行,前提是董事會可以根據其判斷決定免除受讓方在任何認爲適當的情況下執行轉讓工具。在不影響上一條規定的情況下,董事會還可以根據轉讓方或受讓方的請求,全面或在特定情況下決定接受機械執行的轉讓。在轉讓方的名字在登記冊中登記之前,轉讓方被視爲仍然是該股份的持有者。本條文並不妨礙董事會承認受讓方將任何股份的配額或臨時配額轉讓給其他人的放棄。


48. (1) 董事會可以在其絕對酌情權範圍內,且無需給出任何理由,拒絕登記對任何股權(非完全繳清的股份)轉讓給不被其認可的人,或對任何根據員工股份激勵計劃發行的股份的轉讓,而該股份的轉讓限制仍然有效。此外,董事會還可以在不影響前述一般性的情況下,拒絕登記對超過四(4)個共同持有人或對任何股份(非完全繳清股份)的轉讓,而公司對此有留置權。




(3) 除非董事會另有同意(該同意可能根據董事會自行全權決定的條款和條件,董事會有絕對自主權,無需給出任何理由,有權授予或拒絕),否則不得將註冊名冊上的股份轉讓給任何分支註冊表,也不得將任何分支註冊表上的股份轉讓給註冊名冊或任何其他分支註冊表,並且 所有轉讓和其他所有權文件都必須提交登記,並在相應的登記處登記,作爲任何分支註冊表上的股份,在註冊處登記;對於註冊名冊上的任何股份,在辦公室或根據法律規定保存註冊名冊的其他地方登記。


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49. 在不限制前一條款的一般性的情況下,董事會可以拒絕承認任何轉讓工具,除非:-




(b)轉讓工具僅適用於一類 股份;






50. 如果董事會拒絕註冊任何股份的轉讓,應在轉讓文件提交給公司的日期後的三(3)個月內,向轉讓人和受讓人發送拒絕通知。


51. 股票轉讓或任何類別股票的登記,在符合指定證券交易所的任何通知要求後,可能會在董事會判斷的情況下,在特定時間暫停,暫停的期限可能爲(但在任何一年內不超過30天)。




52. 如果一名成員去世,倖存者或倖存者(如果去世者是聯合持有人)以及他的法定個人代表(如果他是唯一或僅存的持有人)將是唯一被公司認可的擁有他在股份中利益的身份的人;但是,本條款中的任何內容都不會解除去世成員(無論是單獨還是聯合持有)的遺產在其曾單獨或聯合持有的股份方面的任何責任。


53. 任何因成員的死亡、破產或清算而有權獲得股份的人,須根據董事會要求出示其權利的證據,可以選擇成爲股份的持有者,或指定某人被註冊爲該股份的轉讓人。如果他選擇成爲持有者,他應以書面形式通知公司,在註冊辦事處或辦公室,視情況而定。 如果他選擇讓另一人註冊,他應爲該人辦理股份轉讓。 本章程中有關股份轉讓和註冊的條款應適用於上述通知或轉讓,彷彿成員的死亡或破產未曾發生,而該通知或轉讓是由該成員簽署的。


54. 由於成員的死亡、破產或清盤而有權獲得股份的人應有權享有與該股份的註冊持有人相同的分紅派息和其他好處, 他如果是該股份的註冊持有人,也有權享有。然而,董事會可在認爲合適的情況下,暫停支付任何應付的分紅或關於該股份的其他權益,直到該人成爲股份的註冊持有人或有效轉讓該股份,但在滿足第75(2)條的要求的前提下,該人可以在會議上投票。


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55.(1) 在不影響公司根據本條第(2)款的權利的情況下,如果支票或紅利憑單在連續兩次未被兌現,公司可以停止通過郵寄方式發送紅利權利的支票或紅利憑單。然而,公司的確可以在首次支票或憑單被退回未送達後行使停止發送紅利權利支票或紅利憑單的權力。






(b)截至相關期間結束時, 公司在相關期間內並未收到任何有關持有 該等股份的成員或因死亡、破產或法律行爲而有權獲得該等股份的人的存在的指示;並且




爲了前述目的,“相關 時期”的含義是指在本文第 (c) 段所指的廣告刊登日期前十二 (12) 年開始並在該段所述時限屆滿時結束的時期。


(3) 爲實現此類出售,董事會可以授權某人轉讓所述股票,由該人簽署或以其他方式執行的轉讓工具應與被轉讓人或有權按照轉讓取得該股的人簽署的轉讓工具具有同等效力,買方無需查看購買款項的使用情況,也不受與出售有關的程序中的任何違規或無效影響。出售所得淨額歸公司所有,一經公司收到該淨額,公司將對前成員負債金額等於該淨額。不得爲該債務設立信託,也不得支付任何與之有關的利息,公司無需對從淨收入中賺取的任何資金負責,該資金可用於公司業務或公司認爲合適的用途。根據本條款進行的任何出售應當是有效的,不受持有已出售股份的成員已故、破產或以其他法定身份限制或能力等的影響。 購買款項的使用情況不影響買方對股份的所有權,任何與出售有關的程序的不規範或無效均不影響買方對股份的所有權。出售所得的淨額歸公司所有,一經公司收到該淨額,公司將對前成員負債金額等於該淨額。不得因此債務設立信託,也不得支付任何與之有關的利息,公司無需對從淨收入中賺取的任何資金負責,該資金可用於公司的業務或公司認爲合適的用途。根據本條款進行的任何出售均應是有效的並且產生效果,即使持有已出售股份的成員已故、破產或以其他法律限制或能力不足。


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56. 公司可能召開年度股東大會,並在召集通知中明確將會議定爲年度股東大會。公司的年度股東大會將於董事會確定的時間和地點舉行。


57. 每次股東大會,除了年度股東大會外,均稱爲臨時股東大會。股東大會(包括年度股東大會、任何休會或延期的會議)可以在世界任何地方舉行,根據第64A條的規定在一個或多個地點舉行現場會議,混合會議或電子會議,由董事會酌情決定。


58. 只有董事會的大多數或董事會主席可以召開股東大會,該股東大會將在董事會主席或被指定人士所確定的時間和地點(在此範圍內)舉行。


通知召開股東大會。 38.(1)除非依法獲得同意,否則不得少於十天的通知期限應給予任何股東大會(不論其是否爲年度股東大會或特別股東大會),但任何該類年度或特別股東大會如是同意,通知期限可以縮短。 年度股東大會的通知應由所有有權參加和表決的成員指定;對於任何其他會議,則由擁有權利出席和表決的成員的數目佔其總數95%(95%)以上的成員的多數決定。 (2)通知應說明會議的時間和地點,在特別業務的情況下,還應說明要處理的業務的一般性質。此外,在特別決議需要獲得批准的任何事項的情況下,還應說明提出這樣的特別決議的意圖。召開年度股東大會的通知應將會議說明爲年度股東大會。應向所有成員發出每次股東大會的通知,而不是這些章程或股權發行條件規定不得從公司收到此類通知的成員,所有在宣告或破產或清算的成員的遺產中因持有股份而擁有權利獲得此類通知的人,以及每個董事和核數師。


59. (1) 年度股東大會和任何特別股東大會應提前至少十(10)個清晰的日子通知,但普通股東大會可以根據法案約定的較短通知時間召開。






(2) 通知應 具體說明(a) 會議的時間和日期,(b) 除電子會議外,會議的地點,如果根據第64A條由董事會確定有多個會議地點,則爲會議的主要地點(“會議地點”),(c) 如果股東大會爲混合會議或電子 會議, 通知應包含相關聲明及有關通過電子方式參加和參與會議的電子設施的詳細信息,或在會議之前由公司提供的相關詳細信息,以及(d) 會議上將要考慮的決議的具體情況。召開的年度股東大會通知應明確標明會議 爲年度股東大會。每次股東大會的通知都應發給所有成員,除了根據本章程或其持有股份的發行條款不享有接收公司通知權的成員,此外還包括因成員的去世、破產或清算而有權獲得股份的所有人員,以及每位董事。


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60. 未能意外通知會議或者(在代理委託書與通知一起發送的情況下)發送代理委託書,或者未收到該等通知或代理委託書的任何有權收到該通知的人,均不會使通過的任何決議或該會議上的任何程序無效。




61. (1) 所有板塊應被視爲特別,即在股東大會上進行的交易,並且在年度股東大會上進行的所有業務,除董事選舉外。




62. 如果在會議指定的時間後三十(30)分鐘內(或會議主席可以判斷延長至不超過一小時的更長時間)沒有法定人數,會議將被延遲到下週同一天的同一時間(如適用)及同一地點(如適用),或者延遲到會議主席(或在缺席的情況下,董事會)絕對決定的其他時間(如適用)和地點(如適用),以及在第57條中提到的形式和方式。如果在此延遲的會議上,法定人數在會議召開時間後半小時內仍未達到,則會議將解散。


63. 董事會主席應當主持每次股東大會。如果在任何會議上,主席未能在會議開始的十五(15)分鐘內到場,或不願擔任主席,出席的董事應選擇一名董事擔任,或者如果只有一名董事在場並願意擔任主席,他可以擔任主席。如果沒有董事在場,或者出席的每位董事拒絕主持,或者被選爲主席的人退出主席,到場並有投票權的會員應選舉一名成員擔任主席。


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64. 根據第64C條,主席可以隨時(或無限期)和/或從一個地點轉移到另一個地點以及/或從一種形式改爲另一種形式(實體會議、混合會議或電子會議)推遲會議,但是在任何延期會議上不得處理任何其他業務,除了在沒有推遲情況下可以合法處理的業務。當會議推遲十四 (14)天或更長時間時,必須至少提前七(7)天發出關於延期會議的通知,具體說明第59(2)條所列的詳細信息,但不必在此通知中說明延期會議上要處理的業務的性質及將要處理的業務的一般性質。 除了上述情況,推遲的通知不必要發出。




(2) 所有板塊股東大會需遵守以下規定,必要時,對“成員” 或 “成員” 在本小節(2)中的所有引用將分別包括代理人或代理人:




(b) 親自到場或通過代理人出席會議地點的成員,以及通過電子設備參加和參與電子會議或混合會議的成員,應計入會議的法定人數,並有權在相關會議上投票,前提是會議的主席確認會議期間有足夠的電子設施可用,以確保所有會議地點的成員以及通過電子設備參與電子會議或混合會議的成員能夠參與會議召開的業務。


(c) 如果成員通過在其中一個會議地點出席會議和/或會員通過電子設施參與電子會議或混合會議,則電子設施或通信設備出現故障(出於任何原因),或使位於主要會議地點以外的會議地點的人員參與會議所要開展的業務的安排出現任何其他故障,或者如果是電子會議或混合會議,一個或多個無能爲力盡管公司提供了充足的電子設施,但訪問或繼續訪問電子設施的成員或代理人不應影響會議或通過的決議或任何業務的有效性 在那裏進行或根據該業務採取的任何行動,前提是整個會議期間必須達到法定人數。


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(d) 會議發生暴力、威脅暴力、粗暴行爲或其他干擾,或者會議無法確保適當和有序的進行;


然後,在不影響會議主席根據這些章程或普通法可能擁有的其他權力的情況下,主席可以在其絕對自由裁量權下,無需會議的同意,在會議開始之前或之後, 無論是否有法定人數在場,均可中斷或休會(包括無限期休會)。在休會之前進行的所有業務均應有效。


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64D. 董事會及在任何股東大會上, 會議主席可以做出任何安排,並施加董事會或會議主席認爲合適的任何要求或限制, 以確保會議的安防和有序進行(包括但不限於,要求與會人員提供身份證明,檢查其個人財物,以及限制 可帶入會議場所的物品,確定可在會議上提出問題的數量、頻率及允許的時間)。成員還應遵守 會議舉辦場所的產權人施加的所有要求或限制。根據本條款作出的任何決定應爲最終和具有決定性,拒絕遵守 任何此類安排、要求或限制的人可能會被拒絕進入會議或被驅逐(以物理或電子方式)出會議。


64E. 如果在發送普通會議通知後但在會議召開前,或在會議休會後但在休會會議召開前(無論是否需要休會會議的通知),董事會根據其絕對酌情權,認爲在通知中規定的日期、時間或地點,或通過電子設施召開普通會議因任何原因不合適、不可行、不合理或不受歡迎,他們可以將會議更改或推遲到另一個日期、時間和/或地點,和/或更改電子設施和/或更改會議形式(實體會議、電子會議或混合會議),而無需成員的批准。在不影響前述一般性的情況下,董事會有權在每個普通會議的通知中規定推遲相關普通會議的情況,這些情況可以在沒有進一步通知的情況下自動發生,包括但不限於在會議當天,任何時候發出8號或更高的颱風信號、黑色暴雨警告或其他類似事件的情況下。該條款應遵循以下內容:






(c) 根據本條款,當會議因本條款而被推遲或更改時,須遵循且不影響第64條的規定,除非已在會議的原通知中指定,否則董事會應確定推遲或更改會議的日期、時間、地點(如適用)及電子設施(如適用),並應以董事會決定的方式通知成員這些詳細信息;此外,所有代理表格在滿足這些章程的要求且在推遲會議時間前不少於48小時內收到的情況下都是有效的(除非被撤銷或被新的代理替代);並且




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64F 所有希望參加和參與電子會議或混合會議的人,都應負責保持足夠的設施以便他們能夠這樣做。根據第64C條,任何人或多人因無法通過電子設施參加或參與股東大會而導致的結果均不應影響該會議的議程和/或通過的決議。


64G 在不影響第64條中的其他規定的情況下,也可以通過電話、電子或其他通信設施進行實體會議,使所有參加會議的人能夠同時和即時地互相溝通,並參加此類會議應當視爲在場參加。


65. 如果在會議上討論的任何決議中提出了修正案,但會議主席以善意的理由裁定該修正案無效,那麼實質性決議的程序不會因這種裁定的錯誤而無效。如果某項決議被正式提議爲特別決議,則在任何情況下均不得考慮或投票表決對其的任何修正,除非是爲了更正明顯錯誤的單純文書修正。




66. (1) 受任何特殊權利的約束 或對根據本條款或根據本條款暫時對任何股份進行表決的限制 每位親自出席或通過代理人出席的成員均應就其所持的每股全額支付的股份擁有一票表決權 持有人,因此在看漲期或分期還款之前已支付或記入股票的已付金額不予處理 上述用途已繳股款。提交會議表決的決議應以投票方式決定,但以下情況除外 就實際會議而言,會議主席可以本着誠意允許一項純粹與實際會議有關的決議 程序或行政事項應以舉手方式進行表決,在這種情況下,在場或通過代理人進行表決的每位成員均應 擁有一票表決權,前提是成員指定了多個代理人,即清算所或中央保管機構 衆議院(或其被提名人),每位此類代理人應有一票舉手表決權。就本條而言,程序和 行政事項是指 (i) 未列入股東大會議程或任何補充通告中的事項 由本公司向其成員發出;及 (ii) 與主席維持會議秩序的職責有關 和/或允許適當和有效地處理會議事務,同時允許所有成員合理地處理會議事務 有機會表達他們的觀點。投票(無論是舉手還是投票)可以由以下人投出 這樣 董事或會議主席可能決定的電子或其他方式。


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(2) In the case of a physical meeting where a show of hands is allowed, before or on the declaration of the result of the show of hands, a poll may be demand by (1) the chairman of the meeting or (2) any one or more Members who together hold not less than ten percent (10%) of the votes attached to the then issued share capital of the Company, present in person or by proxy for the time being entitled to vote at the meeting. A demand by a person as proxy for a Member shall be deemed to be the same as a demand by the Member.


67. Where a resolution is voted on by a show of hands, a declaration by the chairman that a resolution has been carried, or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or not carried by a particular majority, or lost, and an entry to that effect made in the minute book of the Company, shall be conclusive evidence of the facts without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded for or against the resolution.


68. The result of the poll shall be deemed to be the resolution of the meeting. There shall be no requirement for the chairman to disclose the voting figures on a poll.






71. On a poll votes may be given either personally or by proxy.


72. A person entitled to more than one vote on a poll need not use all his votes or cast all the votes he uses in the same way.


73. All questions submitted to a meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of votes cast by such Members as, being entitled to do so, vote in person or by proxy except where a greater majority is required by these Articles or by the Act. In the case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, the chairman of such meeting shall be entitled to a second or casting vote in addition to any other vote he may have.


74. 在任何股份有多位聯名持有人的情況下,任何一名聯名持有人均可代表該股份進行投票,不論親自出席還是委託代理人投票,就該股份而言,他就好像是唯一擁有者一樣。但是,如果有多於一名這樣的聯名持有人出席任何會議,則提出投票的資格較年長的持有人的投票,不論親自出席還是委託代理人代表,應予以接受,排除其他聯名持有人的投票;為此,辨別年長者應以在名冊上關於聯名持有的順序為準。對於一名已故成員名下的任何股份的多位執行人或管理人而言,為了本條款的目的,應被視為該股份的聯名持有人。


75. (1) 任何為精神健康或對於無法管理自己事務的人的保護或管理而根據有關法院作出命令的會員,得由該法院指派的接受人、委員會、財產管理人或其他類似接受人、委員會或財產管理人代表投票,不論是舉手表決還是進行無記名投票。該接受人、委員會、財產管理人或其他人可以透過代理人投票,並可在會議中採取行動,並被視為該等股份的登記持有人,以便參加股東大會,前提是董事會可能要求的該等投票權威的證據已在辦事處、總部或註冊辦事處(如適用)預先不少於召開會議、休會或延期召開會議之時間四十八(48)小時前交存。


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(2) Any person entitled under Article 53 to be registered as the holder of any shares may vote at any general meeting in respect thereof in the same manner as if he were the registered holder of such shares, provided that forty-eight (48) hours at least before the time of the holding of the meeting or adjourned meeting or postponed meeting, as the case may be, at which he proposes to vote, he shall satisfy the Board of his entitlement to such shares, or the Board shall have previously admitted his right to vote at such meeting in respect thereof.


76. No Member shall, unless the Board otherwise determines, be entitled to attend and vote and to be reckoned in a quorum at any general meeting unless he is duly registered and all calls or other sums presently payable by him in respect of shares in the Company have been paid.


77. If:


(a) any objection shall be raised to the qualification of any voter; or


(b) any votes have been counted which ought not to have been counted or which might have been rejected; or


(c) any votes are not counted which ought to have been counted;


the objection or error shall not vitiate the decision of the meeting or adjourned meeting or postponed meeting on any resolution unless the same is raised or pointed out at the meeting or, as the case may be, the adjourned meeting or postponed meeting at which the vote objected to is given or tendered or at which the error occurs. Any objection or error shall be referred to the chairman of the meeting and shall only vitiate the decision of the meeting on any resolution if the chairman decides that the same may have affected the decision of the meeting. The decision of the chairman on such matters shall be final and conclusive.




78. Any Member entitled to attend and vote at a meeting of the Company shall be entitled to appoint another person as his proxy to attend and vote instead of him. A Member who is the holder of two or more shares may appoint more than one proxy to represent him and vote on his behalf at a general meeting of the Company or at a class meeting. A proxy need not be a Member. In addition, a proxy or proxies representing either a Member who is an individual or a Member which is a corporation shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of the Member which he or they represent as such Member could exercise.


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79. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of the appointor or of his attorney duly authorised in writing or, if the appointor is a corporation, either under its seal or under the hand of an officer, attorney or other person authorised to sign the same. In the case of an instrument of proxy purporting to be signed on behalf of a corporation by an officer thereof it shall be assumed, unless the contrary appears, that such officer was duly authorised to sign such instrument of proxy on behalf of the corporation without further evidence of the facts.


80.(1)The Company may, at its absolute discretion, provide an electronic address for the receipt of any document or information relating to proxies for a general meeting (including any instrument of proxy or invitation to appoint a proxy, any document necessary to show the validity of, or otherwise relating to, an appointment of proxy (whether or not required under these Articles) and notice of termination of the authority of a proxy). If such an electronic address is provided, the Company shall be deemed to have agreed that any such document or information (relating to proxies as aforesaid) may be sent by electronic means to that address, subject as hereafter provided and subject to any other limitations or conditions specified by the Company when providing the address. Without limitation, the Company may from time to time determine that any such electronic address may be used generally for such matters or specifically for particular meetings or purposes and, if so, the Company may provide different electronic addresses for different purposes. The Company may also impose any conditions on the transmission of and its receipt of such electronic communications including, for the avoidance of doubt, imposing any security or encryption arrangements as may be specified by the Company. If any document or information required to be sent to the Company under this Article is sent to the Company by electronic means, such document or information is not treated as validly delivered to or deposited with the Company if the same is not received by the Company at its designated electronic address provided in accordance with this Article or if no electronic address is so designated by the Company for the receipt of such document or information.


(2)The instrument appointing a proxy and (if required by the Board) the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed, or a certified copy of such power or authority, shall be delivered to such place or one of such places (if any) as may be specified for that purpose in or by way of note to or in any document accompanying the Notice convening the meeting (or, if no place is so specified at the Registration Office or the Office, as may be appropriate), or if the Company has provided an electronic address in accordance with the preceding paragraph, shall be received at the electronic address specified, not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting or postponed meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote. No instrument appointing a proxy shall be valid after the expiration of twelve (12) months from the date named in it as the date of its execution, except at an adjourned meeting or postponed meeting in cases where the meeting was originally held within twelve (12) months from such date. Delivery of an instrument appointing a proxy shall not preclude a Member from attending and voting at the meeting convened and in such event, the instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed to be revoked.


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81. Instruments of proxy shall be in any common form or in such other form as the Board may approve (provided that this shall not preclude the use of the two-way form) and the Board may, if it thinks fit, send out with the Notice of any meeting forms of instrument of proxy for use at the meeting. The instrument of proxy shall be deemed to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a poll and to vote on any amendment of a resolution put to the meeting for which it is given as the proxy thinks fit. The instrument of proxy shall, unless the contrary is stated therein, be valid as well for any adjournment or postponement of the meeting as for the meeting to which it relates. The Board may decide, either generally or in any particular case, to treat a proxy appointment as valid notwithstanding that the appointment or any of the information required under these Articles has not been received in accordance with the requirements of these Articles. Subject to aforesaid, if the proxy appointment and any of the information required under these Articles is not received in the manner set out in these Articles, the appointee shall not be entitled to vote in respect of the shares in question.


82. A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal, or revocation of the instrument of proxy or of the authority under which it was executed, provided that no intimation in writing of such death, insanity or revocation shall have been received by the Company at the Office or the Registration Office (or such other place as may be specified for the delivery of instruments of proxy in the Notice convening the meeting or other document sent therewith) two (2) hours at least before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting or postponed meeting, at which the instrument of proxy is used.


83. Anything which under these Articles a Member may do by proxy he may likewise do by his duly appointed attorney and the provisions of these Articles relating to proxies and instruments appointing proxies shall apply mutatis mutandis in relation to any such attorney and the instrument under which such attorney is appointed.




84.(1)Any corporation which is a Member may by resolution of its directors or other governing body authorise such person as it thinks fit to act as its representative at any meeting of the Company or at any meeting of any class of Members. The person so authorised shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of such corporation as the corporation could exercise if it were an individual Member and such corporation shall for the purposes of these Articles be deemed to be present in person at any such meeting if a person so authorised is present thereat.


(2)If a clearing house (or its nominee(s)) or a central depository entity, being a corporation, is a Member, it may authorise such persons as it thinks fit to act as its representatives at any meeting of the Company or at any meeting of any class of Members provided that the authorisation shall specify the number and class of shares in respect of which each such representative is so authorised. Each person so authorised under the provisions of this Article shall be deemed to have been duly authorised without further evidence of the facts and be entitled to exercise the same rights and powers on behalf of the clearing house or central depository entity (or its nominee(s)) as if such person was the registered holder of the shares of the Company held by the clearing house or a central depository entity (or its nominee(s)) including, where a show of hands is allowed, the right to vote individually on a show of hands.


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(3)Any reference in these Articles to a duly authorised representative of a Member being a corporation shall mean a representative authorised under the provisions of this Article.




85. A resolution in writing signed (in such manner as to indicate, expressly or impliedly, unconditional approval) by or on behalf of all persons for the time being entitled to receive Notice of and to attend and vote at general meetings of the Company shall, for the purposes of these Articles, be treated as a resolution duly passed at a general meeting of the Company and, where relevant, as a special resolution so passed. Any such resolution shall be deemed to have been passed at a meeting held on the date on which it was signed by the last Member to sign, and where the resolution states a date as being the date of his signature thereof by any Member the statement shall be prima facie evidence that it was signed by him on that date. Such a resolution may consist of several documents in the like form, each signed by one or more relevant Members.




86.(1) Unless otherwise determined by the Members in general meeting, the number of Directors shall not be less than two (2). There shall be no maximum number of Directors unless otherwise determined from time to time by the Board. The Directors shall be elected or appointed in the first place by the subscribers to the Memorandum of Association or by a majority of them and thereafter in accordance with Articles 86 and 87 and shall hold office until their resignations from the Board, or their office is otherwise vacated, or until their successors are elected or appointed.


(2)Subject to the Articles and the Act, the Members may by ordinary resolution elect any person to be a Director either to fill a casual vacancy or as an addition to the existing Board.


(3)The Directors shall have the power from time to time and at any time to appoint any person as a Director to fill a casual vacancy on the Board or as an addition to the existing Board.


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(4)No Director shall be required to hold any shares of the Company by way of qualification and a Director who is not a Member shall be entitled to receive Notice of and to attend and speak at any general meeting of the Company and of all classes of shares of the Company.


(5)Subject to any provision to the contrary in these Articles, a Director may be removed by way of an ordinary resolution of the Members at any time before the expiration of his period of office notwithstanding anything in these Articles or in any agreement between the Company and such Director (but without prejudice to any claim for damages under any such agreement).


(6)A vacancy on the Board created by the removal of a Director under the provisions of subparagraph (5) above may be filled by the election or appointment by ordinary resolution of the Members at the meeting at which such Director is removed or by the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the remaining Directors present and voting at a Board meeting or by the affirmative vote of all of the remaining Directors through a resolution in writing signed by such Directors.


(7)The Board may from time to time by resolution increase or reduce the number of Directors but so that the number of Directors shall never be less than two (2).




87. No Director(s) shall be required to retire from office by rotation.


88. Unless otherwise provided by the Designated Stock Exchange Rules, no person shall, unless recommended by the Directors for election, be eligible for election as a Director at any general meeting.




89. The office of a Director shall be vacated if the Director:


(1) resigns his office by notice in writing delivered to the Company at the Office or tendered at a meeting of the Board;


(2) becomes of unsound mind or dies;


(3) without special leave of absence from the Board, is absent from meetings of the Board for six consecutive meetings and the Board resolves that his office be vacated; or


(4) becomes bankrupt or has a receiving order made against him or suspends payment or compounds with his creditors;


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(5) is prohibited by law from being a Director; or


(6) ceases to be a Director by virtue of any provision of the Statutes or is removed from office pursuant to these Articles.




90. Any Director may at any time by Notice delivered to the Office or head office or at a meeting of the Directors appoint any person (including another Director) to be his alternate Director. Any person so appointed shall have all the rights and powers of the Director or Directors for whom such person is appointed in the alternative provided that such person shall not be counted more than once in determining whether or not a quorum is present. An alternate Director may be removed at any time by the body which appointed him and, subject thereto, the office of alternate Director shall continue until the happening of any event which, if he were a Director, would cause him to vacate such office or if his appointer ceases for any reason to be a Director. Any appointment or removal of an alternate Director shall be effected by Notice signed by the appointor and delivered to the Office or head office or tendered at a meeting of the Board. An alternate Director may also be a Director in his own right and may act as alternate to more than one Director. An alternate Director shall, if his appointor so requests, be entitled to receive notices of meetings of the Board or of committees of the Board to the same extent as, but in lieu of, the Director appointing him and shall be entitled to such extent to attend and vote as a Director at any such meeting at which the Director appointing him is not personally present and generally at such meeting to exercise and discharge all the functions, powers and duties of his appointor as a Director and for the purposes of the proceedings at such meeting the provisions of these Articles shall apply as if he were a Director save that as an alternate for more than one Director his voting rights shall be cumulative.


91. An alternate Director shall only be a Director for the purposes of the Act and shall only be subject to the provisions of the Act insofar as they relate to the duties and obligations of a Director when performing the functions of the Director for whom he is appointed in the alternative and shall alone be responsible to the Company for his acts and defaults and shall not be deemed to be the agent of or for the Director appointing him. An alternate Director shall be entitled to contract and be interested in and benefit from contracts or arrangements or transactions and to be repaid expenses and to be indemnified by the Company to the same extent mutatis mutandis as if he were a Director but he shall not be entitled to receive from the Company any fee in his capacity as an alternate Director except only such part, if any, of the remuneration otherwise payable to his appointor as such appointor may by Notice to the Company from time to time direct.


92. Every person acting as an alternate Director shall have one vote for each Director for whom he acts as alternate (in addition to his own vote if he is also a Director). If his appointor is for the time being absent from the People’s Republic of China or otherwise not available or unable to act, the signature of an alternate Director to any resolution in writing of the Board or a committee of the Board of which his appointor is a member shall, unless the notice of his appointment provides to the contrary, be as effective as the signature of his appointor.


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93. An alternate Director shall ipso facto cease to be an alternate Director if his appointor ceases for any reason to be a Director, however, such alternate Director or any other person may be re-appointed by the Directors to serve as an alternate Director PROVIDED always that, if at any meeting any Director retires but is re-elected at the same meeting, any appointment of such alternate Director pursuant to these Articles which was in force immediately before his retirement shall remain in force as though he had not retired.




94. Subject to the Designated Exchange Rules, the Directors shall receive such remuneration as the Board or a committee with such power delegated by the Board may from time to time determine.


95. Each Director shall be entitled to be repaid or prepaid all travelling, hotel and incidental expenses reasonably incurred or expected to be incurred by him in attending meetings of the Board or committees of the Board or general meetings or separate meetings of any class of shares or of debentures of the Company or otherwise in connection with the discharge of his duties as a Director.


96. Any Director who, by request, goes or resides abroad for any purpose of the Company or who performs services which in the opinion of the Board go beyond the ordinary duties of a Director may be paid such extra remuneration (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profits or otherwise) as the Board may determine and such extra remuneration shall be in addition to or in substitution for any ordinary remuneration provided for by or pursuant to any other Article.


97. Subject to the Designated Exchange Rules, the Board may, without the approval of the Members in a general meeting, make payments to any Director or past Director of the Company by way of compensation for loss of office, or as consideration for or in connection with his retirement from office (not being payment to which the Director is contractually entitled).




98. A Director may:


(a)hold any other office or place of profit with the Company (except that of Auditor) in conjunction with his office of Director for such period and upon such terms as the Board may determine. Any remuneration (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profits or otherwise) paid to any Director in respect of any such other office or place of profit shall be in addition to any remuneration provided for by or pursuant to any other Article;


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(b)act by himself or his firm in a professional capacity for the Company (otherwise than as Auditor) and he or his firm may be remunerated for professional services as if he were not a Director;


(c)continue to be or become a director, or other officer or member of any other company promoted by the Company or in which the Company may be interested as a vendor, shareholder or otherwise and (unless otherwise agreed) no such Director shall be accountable for any remuneration, profits or other benefits received by him as a director, or other officer or member of or from his interests in any such other company. Subject as otherwise provided by these Articles the Directors may exercise or cause to be exercised the voting powers conferred by the shares in any other company held or owned by the Company, or exercisable by them as Directors of such other company in such manner in all respects as they think fit (including the exercise thereof in favour of any resolution appointing themselves or any of them directors, or other officers of such company) or voting or providing for the payment of remuneration to the director, or other officers of such other company and any Director may vote in favour of the exercise of such voting rights in manner aforesaid notwithstanding that he may be, or about to be, appointed a director, or other officer of such a company, and that as such he is or may become interested in the exercise of such voting rights in manner aforesaid.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, no “Independent Director” as defined in Designated Stock Exchange Rules or in Rule 10A-3 under the Exchange Act, and with respect of whom the Board has determined constitutes an “Independent Director” for purposes of compliance with applicable law or the Company’s listing requirements, shall without the consent of the Audit Committee take any of the foregoing actions or any other action that would reasonably be likely to affect such Director’s status as an “Independent Director” of the Company.


99. Subject to the Act and to these Articles, no Director or proposed or intending Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or in any other manner whatsoever, nor shall any such contract or any other contract or arrangement in which any Director is in any way interested be liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company or the Members for any remuneration, profit or other benefits realised by any such contract or arrangement by reason of such Director holding that office or of the fiduciary relationship thereby established provided that such Director shall disclose the nature of his interest in any contract or arrangement in which he is interested in accordance with Article 100 herein. Any such transaction that would reasonably be likely to affect a Director’s status as an “Independent Director”, or that would constitute a “related party transaction” as defined by Item 7.B of Form 20-F promulgated by the SEC, shall require the approval of the Audit Committee.


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100. A Director who to his knowledge is in any way, whether directly or indirectly, interested in a contract or arrangement or proposed contract or arrangement with the Company shall declare the nature of his interest at the meeting of the Board at which the question of entering into the contract or arrangement is first considered, if he knows his interest then exists, or in any other case at the first meeting of the Board after he knows that he is or has become so interested. For the purposes of this Article, a general Notice to the Board by a Director to the effect that:


(a)he is a member or officer of a specified company or firm and is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may after the date of the Notice be made with that company or firm; or


(b)he is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may after the date of the Notice be made with a specified person who is connected with him;


shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest under this Article in relation to any such contract or arrangement, provided that no such Notice shall be effective unless either it is given at a meeting of the Board or the Director takes reasonable steps to secure that it is brought up and read at the next Board meeting after it is given.


101.  Following a declaration being made pursuant to the last preceding two Articles, subject to any separate requirement for Audit Committee approval under applicable law or the listing rules of the Company’s Designated Stock Exchange, and unless disqualified by the chairman of the relevant Board meeting, a Director may vote in respect of any contract or proposed contract or arrangement in which such Director is interested and may be counted in the quorum at such meeting.




102.(1) The business of the Company shall be managed and conducted by the Board, which may pay all expenses incurred in forming and registering the Company and may exercise all powers of the Company (whether relating to the management of the business of the Company or otherwise) which are not by the Statutes or by these Articles required to be exercised by the Members in general meeting, subject nevertheless to the provisions of the Statutes and of these Articles and to such regulations being not inconsistent with such provisions, as may be prescribed by the Members in a general meeting, but no regulations made by the Members in a general meeting shall invalidate any prior act of the Board which would have been valid if such regulations had not been made. The general powers given by this Article shall not be limited or restricted by any special authority or power given to the Board by any other Article.


(2)Any person contracting or dealing with the Company in the ordinary course of business shall be entitled to rely on any written or oral contract or agreement or deed, document or instrument entered into or executed as the case may be by any two of the Directors acting jointly on behalf of the Company and the same shall be deemed to be validly entered into or executed by the Company as the case may be and shall, subject to any rule of law, be binding on the Company.


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(3)Without prejudice to the general powers conferred by these Articles it is hereby expressly declared that the Board shall have the following powers:


(a)To give to any person the right or option of requiring at a future date that an allotment shall be made to him of any share at par or at such premium as may be agreed.
(b)To give to any Directors, officers or employees of the Company an interest in any particular business or transaction or participation in the profits thereof or in the general profits of the Company either in addition to or in substitution for a salary or other remuneration.


(c)To resolve that the Company be deregistered in the Cayman Islands and continued in a named jurisdiction outside the Cayman Islands subject to the provisions of the Act.


103. The Board may establish any regional or local boards or agencies for managing any of the affairs of the Company in any place, and may appoint any persons to be members of such local boards, or any managers or agents, and may fix their remuneration (either by way of salary or by commission or by conferring the right to participation in the profits of the Company or by a combination of two or more of these modes) and pay the working expenses of any staff employed by them upon the business of the Company. The Board may delegate to any regional or local board, manager or agent any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in or exercisable by the Board (other than its powers to make calls and forfeit shares), with power to sub-delegate, and may authorise the members of any of them to fill any vacancies therein and to act notwithstanding vacancies. Any such appointment or delegation may be made upon such terms and subject to such conditions as the Board may think fit, and the Board may remove any person appointed as aforesaid, and may revoke or vary such delegation, but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of any such revocation or variation shall be affected thereby.


104. The Board may by power of attorney appoint any company, firm or person or any fluctuating body of persons, whether nominated directly or indirectly by the Board, to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Board under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Board may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him. Such attorney or attorneys may, if so authorised under the Seal of the Company, execute any deed or instrument under their personal seal with the same effect as the affixation of the Company’s Seal.


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105. The Board may entrust to and confer upon any Director any of the powers exercisable by it upon such terms and conditions and with such restrictions as it thinks fit, and either collaterally with, or to the exclusion of, its own powers, and may from time to time revoke or vary all or any of such powers but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of such revocation or variation shall be affected thereby.


106. All cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and other instruments, whether negotiable or transferable or not, and all receipts for moneys paid to the Company shall be signed, drawn, accepted, endorsed or otherwise executed, as the case may be, in such manner as the Board shall from time to time by resolution determine. The Company’s banking accounts shall be kept with such banker or bankers as the Board shall from time to time determine.


107. (1) The Board may establish or concur or join with other companies (being subsidiary companies of the Company or companies with which it is associated in business) in establishing and making contributions out of the Company’s moneys to any schemes or funds for providing pensions, sickness or compassionate allowances, life assurance or other benefits for employees (which expression as used in this and the following paragraph shall include any Director or ex-Director who may hold or have held any executive office or any office of profit under the Company or any of its subsidiary companies) and ex-employees of the Company and their dependants or any class or classes of such person.


(2) The Board may pay, enter into agreements to pay or make grants of revocable or irrevocable pensions or other benefits to employees and ex-employees and their dependants, or to any of such persons, including pensions or benefits additional to those, if any, to which such employees or ex-employees or their dependants are or may become entitled under any such scheme or fund as mentioned in the last preceding paragraph. Any such pension or benefit may, as the Board considers desirable, be granted to an employee either before and in anticipation of or upon or at any time after his actual retirement, and may be subject or not subject to any terms or conditions as the Board may determine.




108. The Board may exercise all the powers of the Company to raise or borrow money and to mortgage or charge all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company and, subject to the Act, to issue debentures, bonds and other securities, whether outright or as collateral security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party.


109. Debentures, bonds and other securities may be made assignable free from any equities between the Company and the person to whom the same may be issued.


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110. Any debentures, bonds or other securities may be issued at a discount (other than shares), premium or otherwise and with any special privileges as to redemption, surrender, drawings, allotment of shares, attending and voting at general meetings of the Company, appointment of Directors and otherwise.


111.(1) Where any uncalled capital of the Company is charged, all persons taking any subsequent charge thereon shall take the same subject to such prior charge, and shall not be entitled, by notice to the Members or otherwise, to obtain priority over such prior charge.


(2)The Board shall cause a proper register to be kept, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, of all charges specifically affecting the property of the Company and of any series of debentures issued by the Company and shall duly comply with the requirements of the Act in regard to the registration of charges and debentures therein specified and otherwise.




112. The Board may meet for the despatch of business, adjourn or postpone and otherwise regulate its meetings as it considers appropriate. Questions arising at any meeting shall be determined by a majority of votes. In the case of any equality of votes the chairman of the meeting shall have an additional or casting vote.


113. A meeting of the Board may be convened by the Secretary on request of a Director or by any Director. The Secretary shall convene a meeting of the Board of which notice may be given in writing or by electronic means to an electronic address from time to time notified to the Company by such Director or (if the recipient consents to it being made available on a website) by making it available on a website or verbally (including in person or by telephone) or in such other manner as the Board may from time to time determine whenever he shall be required so to do by the chief executive officer or chairman, as the case may be, or any Director.


114.(1) The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the Board may be fixed by the Board and, unless so fixed at any other number, shall be a majority of the Directors then in office, and which shall include the Chairman. An alternate Director shall be counted in a quorum in the case of the absence of a Director for whom he is the alternate provided that he shall not be counted more than once for the purpose of determining whether or not a quorum is present.




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115. 董事起草人或唯一的繼續董事可以在董事會缺缺時行事,但如果根據或依照這些章程訂定的最低董事數量以下降,則繼續的董事或董事,儘管董事數量低於根據或依照這些章程訂定的董事數量作為法定人數或只有一位繼續的董事,可以為填補董事會的空缺或召開公司股東大會而行動,但不能為任何其他目的。


第116條。 董事會主席擔任所有會議的主席。如果董事會主席在任何會議上未能如期出席,則出席的董事可選擇其中一位成為該會議的主席。


117. 出席法定人數的董事會會議有權行使當時由董事會擁有或可行使的所有權力、權限和裁量權。


118.(1) 董事會可以將其權力、權限和裁量權委派給委員會(包括但不限於審計委員會),由該董事或其他適合的人組成,並且他們可以隨時撤銷這樣的委派,或撤銷並解除任何這樣的委員會的委任,無論全部還是部分,無論涉及人員還是目的。任何這樣組成的委員會,在行使所委派的權力、權限和裁量權時,應遵守董事會對其施加的任何規定。




119. 兩名或更多成員組成的任何委員會的會議和程序應遵守這些條款中規定用於管理董事會會議和程序的條款,只要適用並未被董事會在上一條款下制定的任何規定所取代,包括但不限於董事會為特定目的或就任何該委員會採納的任何委員會章程。


120. 由所有董事簽署的書面决議,除了因健康不佳或殘疾而暫時無法行事的董事,以及所有適當的候補董事,其指定人暫時無法行事如上述,應視為有效,如有足夠數量構成法定人數,並進一步滿足這些章程所要求發出董事會通知的時間內的所有董事應收到董事會通知的副本或其內容,方式與召開會議所需發出通知相同,其效力如同在適當召集和舉行的董事會會議上通過决議一樣。董事以書面通知董事會對此項決議的同意,任何方式(包括通過電子通訊方式)均應視為他/她對此項書面决议的簽署,用以本章設計之目的。這類决议可以包含在一份或多份文件內,內容如是,每份由一名或多名董事或替代董事簽署,並且對於此目的,一名董事或替代董事的傳真簽名應被視為有效。


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121. All acts bona fide done by the Board or by any committee or by any person acting as a Director or members of a committee, shall, notwithstanding that it is afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the appointment of any member of the Board or such committee or person acting as aforesaid or that they or any of them were disqualified or had vacated office, be as valid as if every such person had been duly appointed and was qualified and had continued to be a Director or member of such committee.




122. 不影響董事會設立任何其他委員會的自由的情況下,只要公司的股份(或代表其的存托憑證)在指定的交易所上市或掛牌,董事會應設立並維持一個稽核委員會作為董事會的一個委員會,其組成和職責應符合指定交易所的規則和證券交易委員會的規則。


123.(1) 董事會應採納正式的書面稽核委員會憲章,並每年審查和評估正式的書面憲章之適足性。




124. 在公司股份(或其存託憑證)在指定的交易所上市或報價期間,公司應持續適當審查所有相關交易,並利用審核委員會審查和批准可能存在利益衝突的情況。特別是,審核委員會應核准公司與以下各方之間的任何交易:(i)任何持有對公司或公司的任何子公司具有重大影響力的投票權益的股東,(ii)公司或其任何子公司的任何董事或執行官及該等董事或執行官的任何親屬,(iii)在公司的投票權益中擁有重大利益的任何人,該重大利益直接或間接地擁有(i)或(ii)中描述的任何人,或者該人能夠對其行使重大影響力,以及(iv)公司的任何聯屬(不包括子公司)。


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125.(1) 公司的管理人員應包括董事會主席、董事和秘書,以及董事會不時判斷為需要的其他管理人員(可能是董事或非董事),所有他們應被視為本法案和這些條例的管理人員。




126.(1) 秘書及其他官員(如有)應由董事會任命,並按董事會判斷的條件和期限擔任職務。如認為合適,董事會可任命兩名(2)或更多人擔任聯合秘書。董事會亦可根據需要任命一名或更多輔助或副秘書,並視需要訂立聘用條款。




127. 公司的業務人員應該按照董事會不時委派給他們的權力和職責,管理、業務和公司事務。


128. 依照本法案或這些章程的規定要求或授權由董事和秘書執行的事項,並不會因為同一人既以董事身分又以或代替秘書身分執行該事項而得以滿足。




129. 公司應在其辦公室的一本或多本書中保留一本董事和高級職員登記冊,並並輸入董事和高級職員的全名和地址,以及法案所要求的或董事判斷的其他詳情。公司應向開曼群島的公司註冊處發送該登記冊的副本,並不時按照法案要求向該註冊處通知董事和高級職員相關的任何變更。


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130.(1) The Board shall cause minutes to be duly entered in books provided for the purpose:


(a)of all elections and appointments of officers;


(b)of the names of the Directors present at each meeting of the Directors and of any committee of the Directors;


(c)of all resolutions and proceedings of each general meeting of the Members, meetings of the Board and meetings of committees of the Board and where there are managers, of all proceedings of meetings of the managers.


(2) Minutes shall be kept by the Secretary at the Office.




131.(1) The Company shall have one or more Seals, as the Board may determine. For the purpose of sealing documents creating or evidencing securities issued by the Company, the Company may have a securities seal which is a facsimile of the Seal of the Company with the addition of the word “Securities” on its face or in such other form as the Board may approve. The Board shall provide for the custody of each Seal and no Seal shall be used without the authority of the Board or of a committee of the Board authorised by the Board in that behalf. Subject as otherwise provided in these Articles, any instrument to which a Seal is affixed shall be signed autographically by one Director and the Secretary or by two Directors or by such other person (including a Director) or persons as the Board may appoint, either generally or in any particular case, save that as regards any certificates for shares or debentures or other securities of the Company the Board may by resolution determine that such signatures or either of them shall be dispensed with or affixed by some method or system of mechanical signature. Every instrument executed in manner provided by this Article shall be deemed to be sealed and executed with the authority of the Board previously given.


(2)Where the Company has a Seal for use abroad, the Board may by writing under the Seal appoint any agent or committee abroad to be the duly authorised agent of the Company for the purpose of affixing and using such Seal and the Board may impose restrictions on the use thereof as may be thought fit. Wherever in these Articles reference is made to the Seal, the reference shall, when and so far as may be applicable, be deemed to include any such other Seal as aforesaid.


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132. Any Director or the Secretary or any person appointed by the Board for the purpose may authenticate any documents affecting the constitution of the Company and any resolution passed by the Company or the Board or any committee thereof, and any books, records, documents and accounts relating to the business of the Company, and to certify copies thereof or extracts therefrom as true copies or extracts, and if any books, records, documents or accounts are elsewhere than at the Office or the head office the local manager or other officer of the Company having the custody thereof shall be deemed to be a person so appointed by the Board. A document purporting to be a copy of a resolution, or an extract from the minutes of a meeting, of the Company or of the Board or any committee thereof which is so certified shall be conclusive evidence in favour of all persons dealing with the Company upon the faith thereof that such resolution has been duly passed or, as the case may be, that such minutes or extract is a true and accurate record of proceedings at a duly constituted meeting.




133.(1) The Company shall be entitled to destroy the following documents at the following times:


(a)any share certificate which has been cancelled at any time after the expiry of one (1) year from the date of such cancellation;
(b)any dividend mandate or any variation or cancellation thereof or any notification of change of name or address at any time after the expiry of two


(2) years from the date such mandate, variation, cancellation or notification was recorded by the Company;


(c)any instrument of transfer of shares which has been registered at any time after the expiry of seven (7) years from the date of registration;


(d)any allotment letters after the expiry of seven (7) years from the date of issue thereof; and
(e)copies of powers of attorney, grants of probate and letters of administration at any time after the expiry of seven (7) years after the account to which the relevant power of attorney, grant of probate or letters of administration related has been closed;


and it shall conclusively be presumed in favour of the Company that every entry in the Register purporting to be made on the basis of any such documents so destroyed was duly and properly made and every share certificate so destroyed was a valid certificate duly and properly cancelled and that every instrument of transfer so destroyed was a valid and effective instrument duly and properly registered and that every other document destroyed hereunder was a valid and effective document in accordance with the recorded particulars thereof in the books or records of the Company. Provided always that:


(1) the foregoing provisions of this Article shall apply only to the destruction of a document in good faith and without express notice to the Company that the preservation of such document was relevant to a claim; (2) nothing contained in this Article shall be construed as imposing upon the Company any liability in respect of the destruction of any such document earlier than as aforesaid or in any case where the conditions of proviso (1) above are not fulfilled; and (3) references in this Article to the destruction of any document include references to its disposal in any manner.


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(2) Notwithstanding any provision contained in these Articles, the Directors may, if permitted by applicable law, authorise the destruction of documents set out in sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) of paragraph (1) of this Article and any other documents in relation to share registration which have been microfilmed or electronically stored by the Company or by the share registrar on its behalf provided always that this Article shall apply only to the destruction of a document in good faith and without express notice to the Company and its share registrar that the preservation of such document was relevant to a claim.




134. Subject to the Act, the Board may from time to time declare dividends in any currency to be paid to the Members.


135. Dividends may be declared and paid out of the profits of the Company, realised or unrealised, or from any reserve set aside from profits which the Directors determine is no longer needed. The Board may also declare and pay dividends out of share premium account or any other fund or account which can be authorised for this purpose in accordance with the Act.


136. Except in so far as the rights attaching to, or the terms of issue of, any share otherwise provide:


(a)all dividends shall be declared and paid according to the amounts paid up on the shares in respect of which the dividend is paid, but no amount paid up on a share in advance of calls shall be treated for the purposes of this Article as paid up on the share; and
(b)all dividends shall be apportioned and paid pro rata according to the amounts paid up on the shares during any portion or portions of the period in respect of which the dividend is paid.


137. The Board may from time to time pay to the Members such interim dividends as appear to the Board to be justified by the profits of the Company and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) if at any time the share capital of the Company is divided into different classes, the Board may pay such interim dividends in respect of those shares in the capital of the Company which confer on the holders thereof deferred or non-preferential rights as well as in respect of those shares which confer on the holders thereof preferential rights with regard to dividend and may also pay any fixed dividend which is payable on any shares of the Company half-yearly or on any other dates, whenever such profits, in the opinion of the Board, justifies such payment; provided that the Board acts bona fide the Board shall not incur any responsibility to the holders of shares conferring any preference for any damage that they may suffer by reason of the payment of an interim dividend on any shares having deferred or non-preferential rights.


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138. The Board may deduct from any dividend or other moneys payable to a Member by the Company on or in respect of any shares all sums of money (if any) presently payable by him to the Company on account of calls or otherwise.


139. No dividend or other moneys payable by the Company on or in respect of any share shall bear interest against the Company.


140. Any dividend, interest or other sum payable in cash to the holder of shares may be paid by cheque or warrant sent through the post addressed to the holder at his registered address or, in the case of joint holders, addressed to the holder whose name stands first in the Register in respect of the shares at his address as appearing in the Register or addressed to such person and at such address as the holder or joint holders may in writing direct. Every such cheque or warrant shall, unless the holder or joint holders otherwise direct, be made payable to the order of the holder or, in the case of joint holders, to the order of the holder whose name stands first on the Register in respect of such shares, and shall be sent at his or their risk and payment of the cheque or warrant by the bank on which it is drawn shall constitute a good discharge to the Company notwithstanding that it may subsequently appear that the same has been stolen or that any endorsement thereon has been forged. Any one of two or more joint holders may give effectual receipts for any dividends or other moneys payable or property distributable in respect of the shares held by such joint holders.


141. All dividends or bonuses unclaimed for one (1) year after having been declared may be invested or otherwise made use of by the Board for the benefit of the Company until claimed. Any dividend or bonuses unclaimed after a period of six (6) years from the date of declaration shall be forfeited and shall revert to the Company. The payment by the Board of any unclaimed dividend or other sums payable on or in respect of a share into a separate account shall not constitute the Company a trustee in respect thereof.


142. Whenever the Board has resolved that a dividend be paid or declared, the Board may further resolve that such dividend be satisfied wholly or in part by the distribution of specific assets of any kind and in particular of paid up shares, debentures or warrants to subscribe securities of the Company or any other company, or in any one or more of such ways, and where any difficulty arises in regard to the distribution the Board may settle the same as it thinks expedient, and in particular may issue certificates in respect of fractions of shares, disregard fractional entitlements or round the same up or down, and may fix the value for distribution of such specific assets, or any part thereof, and may determine that cash payments shall be made to any Members upon the footing of the value so fixed in order to adjust the rights of all parties, and may vest any such specific assets in trustees as may seem expedient to the Board and may appoint any person to sign any requisite instruments of transfer and other documents on behalf of the persons entitled to the dividend, and such appointment shall be effective and binding on the Members. The Board may resolve that no such assets shall be made available to Members with registered addresses in any particular territory or territories where, in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities, such distribution of assets would or might, in the opinion of the Board, be unlawful or impracticable and in such event the only entitlement of the Members aforesaid shall be to receive cash payments as aforesaid. Members affected as a result of the foregoing sentence shall not be or be deemed to be a separate class of Members for any purpose whatsoever.


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143.(1) Whenever the Board has resolved that a dividend be paid or declared on any class of the share capital of the Company, the Board may further resolve either:


(a)that such dividend be satisfied wholly or in part in the form of an allotment of shares credited as fully paid up, provided that the Members entitled thereto will be entitled to elect to receive such dividend (or part thereof if the Board so determines) in cash in lieu of such allotment. In such case, the following provisions shall apply:
(i)the basis of any such allotment shall be determined by the Board;
(ii)the Board, after determining the basis of allotment, shall give not less than ten (10) days’ Notice to the holders of the relevant shares of the right of election accorded to them and shall send with such notice forms of election and specify the procedure to be followed and the place at which and the latest date and time by which duly completed forms of election must be lodged in order to be effective;
(iii)the right of election may be exercised in respect of the whole or part of that portion of the dividend in respect of which the right of election has been accorded; and


(iv)the dividend (or that part of the dividend to be satisfied by the allotment of shares as aforesaid) shall not be payable in cash on shares in respect whereof the cash election has not been duly exercised (“the non-elected shares”) and in satisfaction thereof shares of the relevant class shall be allotted credited as fully paid up to the holders of the non-elected shares on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Board shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserves or other special account, share premium account, capital redemption reserve other than the Subscription Rights Reserve (as defined below)) as the Board may determine, such sum as may be required to pay up in full the appropriate number of shares of the relevant class for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the non-elected shares on such basis; or


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(b)that the Members entitled to such dividend shall be entitled to elect to receive an allotment of shares credited as fully paid up in lieu of the whole or such part of the dividend as the Board may think fit. In such case, the following provisions shall apply:


(i)the basis of any such allotment shall be determined by the Board;
(ii)the Board, after determining the basis of allotment, shall give not less than ten (10) days’ Notice to the holders of the relevant shares of the right of election accorded to them and shall send with such notice forms of election and specify the procedure to be followed and the place at which and the latest date and time by which duly completed forms of election must be lodged in order to be effective;
(iii)the right of election may be exercised in respect of the whole or part of that portion of the dividend in respect of which the right of election has been accorded; and
(iv)the dividend (or that part of the dividend in respect of which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable in cash on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised (“the elected shares”) and in lieu thereof shares of the relevant class shall be allotted credited as fully paid up to the holders of the elected shares on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Board shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserves or other special account, share premium account, capital redemption reserve other than the Subscription Rights Reserve (as defined below)) as the Board may determine, such sum as may be required to pay up in full the appropriate number of shares of the relevant class for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the elected shares on such basis.


(2)(a) The shares allotted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article shall rank pari passu in all respects with shares of the same class (if any) then in issue save only as regards participation in the relevant dividend or in any other distributions, bonuses or rights paid, made, declared or announced prior to or contemporaneously with the payment or declaration of the relevant dividend unless, contemporaneously with the announcement by the Board of their proposal to apply the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of paragraph (1) of this Article in relation to the relevant dividend or contemporaneously with their announcement of the distribution,bonus or rights in question, the Board shall specify that the shares to be allotted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article shall rank for participation in such distribution, bonus or rights.


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(b)The Board may do all acts and things considered necessary or expedient to give effect to any capitalisation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article, with full power to the Board to make such provisions as it thinks fit in the case of shares becoming distributable in fractions (including provisions whereby, in whole or in part, fractional entitlements are aggregated and sold and the net proceeds distributed to those entitled, or are disregarded or rounded up or down or whereby the benefit of fractional entitlements accrues to the Company rather than to the Members concerned). The Board may authorise any person to enter into on behalf of all Members interested, an agreement with the Company providing for such capitalisation and matters incidental thereto and any agreement made pursuant to such authority shall be effective and binding on all concerned.


(3) The Board may by ordinary resolution resolve in respect of any one particular dividend of the Company that notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article a dividend may be satisfied wholly in the form of an allotment of shares credited as fully paid up without offering any right to shareholders to elect to receive such dividend in cash in lieu of such allotment.


(4) The Board may on any occasion determine that rights of election and the allotment of shares under paragraph (1) of this Article shall not be made available or made to any shareholders with registered addresses in any territory where, in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities, the circulation of an offer of such rights of election or the allotment of shares would or might, in the opinion of the Board, be unlawful or impracticable, and in such event the provisions aforesaid shall be read and construed subject to such determination. Members affected as a result of the foregoing sentence shall not be or be deemed to be a separate class of Members for any purpose whatsoever.


(5) Any resolution of the Board declaring a dividend on shares of any class may specify that the same shall be payable or distributable to the persons registered as the holders of such shares at the close of business on a particular date, notwithstanding that it may be a date prior to that on which the resolution is passed, and thereupon the dividend shall be payable or distributable to them in accordance with their respective holdings so registered, but without prejudice to the rights inter se in respect of such dividend of transferors and transferees of any such shares. The provisions of this Article shall mutatis mutandis apply to bonuses, capitalisation issues, distributions of realised capital profits or offers or grants made by the Company to the Members.


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144.(1) The Board shall establish an account to be called the share premium account and shall carry to the credit of such account from time to time a sum equal to the amount or value of the premium paid on the issue of any share in the Company. Unless otherwise provided by the provisions of these Articles, the Board may apply the share premium account in any manner permitted by the Act. The Company shall at all times comply with the provisions of the Act in relation to the share premium account.


(2)Before recommending any dividend, the Board may set aside out of the profits of the Company such sums as it determines as reserves which shall, at the discretion of the Board, be applicable for any purpose to which the profits of the Company may be properly applied and pending such application may, also at such discretion, either be employed in the business of the Company or be invested in such investments as the Board may from time to time think fit and so that it shall not be necessary to keep any investments constituting the reserve or reserves separate or distinct from any other investments of the Company. The Board may also without placing the same to reserve carry forward any profits which it may think prudent not to distribute.




145. The Board may, at any time and from time to time, pass a resolution to the effect that it is desirable to capitalise all or any part of any amount for the time being standing to the credit of any reserve or fund (including a share premium account and capital redemption reserve and the profit and loss account) whether or not the same is available for distribution and accordingly that such amount be set free for distribution among the Members or any class of Members who would be entitled thereto if it were distributed by way of dividend and in the same proportions, on the footing that the same is not paid in cash but is applied either in or towards paying up the amounts for the time being unpaid on any shares in the Company held by such Members respectively or in paying up in full unissued shares, debentures or other obligations of the Company, to be allotted and distributed credited as fully paid up among such Members, or partly in one way and partly in the other, and the Board shall give effect to such resolution provided that, for the purposes of this Article, a share premium account and any capital redemption reserve or fund representing unrealised profits, may be applied only in paying up in full unissued shares of the Company to be allotted to such Members credited as fully paid.


146. The Board may settle, as it considers appropriate, any difficulty arising in regard to any distribution under the last preceding Article and in particular may issue certificates in respect of fractions of shares or authorise any person to sell and transfer any fractions or may resolve that the distribution should be as nearly as may be practicable in the correct proportion but not exactly so or may ignore fractions altogether, and may determine that cash payments shall be made to any Members in order to adjust the rights of all parties, as may seem expedient to the Board. The Board may appoint any person to sign on behalf of the persons entitled to participate in the distribution any contract necessary or desirable for giving effect thereto and such appointment shall be effective and binding upon the Members.


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147. The following provisions shall have effect to the extent that they are not prohibited by and are in compliance with the Act:


(1)If, so long as any of the rights attached to any warrants issued by the Company to subscribe for shares of the Company shall remain exercisable, the Company does any act or engages in any transaction which, as a result of any adjustments to the subscription price in accordance with the provisions of the conditions of the warrants, would reduce the subscription price to below the par value of a share, then the following provisions shall apply:


(a)as from the date of such act or transaction the Company shall establish and thereafter (subject as provided in this Article) maintain in accordance with the provisions of this Article a reserve (the “Subscription Rights Reserve”) the amount of which shall at no time be less than the sum which for the time being would be required to be capitalised and applied in paying up in full the nominal amount of the additional shares required to be issued and allotted credited as fully paid pursuant to sub-paragraph (c) below on the exercise in full of all the subscription rights outstanding and shall apply the Subscription Rights Reserve in paying up such additional shares in full as and when the same are allotted;
(b)the Subscription Rights Reserve shall not be used for any purpose other than that specified above unless all other reserves of the Company (other than share premium account) have been extinguished and will then only be used to make good losses of the Company if and so far as is required by law;


(c)upon the exercise of all or any of the subscription rights represented by any warrant, the relevant subscription rights shall be exercisable in respect of a nominal amount of shares equal to the amount in cash which the holder of such warrant is required to pay on exercise of the subscription rights represented thereby (or, as the case may be the relevant portion thereof in the event of a partial exercise of the subscription rights) and, in addition, there shall be allotted in respect of such subscription rights to the exercising warrantholder, credited as fully paid, such additional nominal amount of shares as is equal to the difference between:
(i)the said amount in cash which the holder of such warrant is required to pay on exercise of the subscription rights represented thereby (or, as the case may be, the relevant portion thereof in the event of a partial exercise of the subscription rights); and


(ii)the nominal amount of shares in respect of which such subscription rights would have been exercisable having regard to the provisions of the conditions of the warrants, had it been possible for such subscription rights to represent the right to subscribe for shares at less than par and immediately upon such exercise so much of the sum standing to the credit of the Subscription Rights Reserve as is required to pay up in full such additional nominal amount of shares shall be capitalised and applied in paying up in full such additional nominal amount of shares which shall forthwith be allotted credited as fully paid to the exercising warrantholders; and


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(d)if, upon the exercise of the subscription rights represented by any warrant, the amount standing to the credit of the Subscription Rights Reserve is not sufficient to pay up in full such additional nominal amount of shares equal to such difference as aforesaid to which the exercising warrantholder is entitled, the Board shall apply any profits or reserves then or thereafter becoming available (including, to the extent permitted by law, share premium account) for such purpose until such additional nominal amount of shares is paid up and allotted as aforesaid and until then no dividend or other distribution shall be paid or made on the fully paid shares of the Company then in issue. Pending such payment and allotment, the exercising warrantholder shall be issued by the Company with a certificate evidencing his right to the allotment of such additional nominal amount of shares. The rights represented by any such certificate shall be in registered form and shall be transferable in whole or in part in units of one share in the like manner as the shares for the time being are transferable, and the Company shall make such arrangements in relation to the maintenance of a register therefor and other matters in relation thereto as the Board may think fit and adequate particulars thereof shall be made known to each relevant exercising warrantholder upon the issue of such certificate.


(2) Shares allotted pursuant to the provisions of this Article shall rank pari passu in all respects with the other shares allotted on the relevant exercise of the subscription rights represented by the warrant concerned. Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph (1) of this Article, no fraction of any share shall be allotted on exercise of the subscription rights.


(3) The provision of this Article as to the establishment and maintenance of the Subscription Rights Reserve shall not be altered or added to in any way which would vary or abrogate, or which would have the effect of varying or abrogating the provisions for the benefit of any warrantholder or class of warrantholders under this Article without the sanction of a special resolution of such warrantholders or class of warrantholders.


(4) A certificate or report by the auditors for the time being of the Company as to whether or not the Subscription Rights Reserve is required to be established and maintained and if so the amount thereof so required to be established and maintained, as to the purposes for which the Subscription Rights Reserve has been used, as to the extent to which it has been used to make good losses of the Company, as to the additional nominal amount of shares required to be allotted to exercising warrantholders credited as fully paid, and as to any other matter concerning the Subscription Rights Reserve shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive and binding upon the Company and all warrantholders and shareholders.


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148. The Board shall cause true accounts to be kept of the sums of money received and expended by the Company, and the matters in respect of which such receipt and expenditure take place, and of the property, assets, credits and liabilities of the Company and of all other matters required by the Act or necessary to give a true and fair view of the Company’s affairs and to explain its transactions.


149. The accounting records shall be kept at the Office or, at such other place or places as the Board decides and shall always be open to inspection by the Directors. No Member (other than a Director) shall have any right of inspecting any accounting record or book or document of the Company except as conferred by law or authorised by the Board or the Members in general meeting.


150.(1) Subject to Article 151, a printed copy of the Directors’ report, accompanied by the balance sheet and profit and loss account, including every document required by law to be annexed thereto, made up to the end of the applicable financial year and containing a summary of the assets and liabilities of the Company under convenient heads and a statement of income and expenditure, together with a copy of the Auditors’ report, shall be sent to each person entitled thereto, provided that this Article shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to any person whose address the Company is not aware or to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures.


(2)Where the Company holds an annual general meeting in accordance with Article 56, the documents referred to in Article 150(1) shall be sent to each person entitled thereto at least ten (10) days before the date of such annual general meeting, and shall be laid before the Company at such annual general meeting.


151. Subject to due compliance with all applicable Statutes, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, the rules of the Designated Stock Exchange, and to obtaining all necessary consents, if any, required thereunder, the requirements of Article 150 shall be deemed satisfied in relation to any person by sending to the person in any manner not prohibited by the Statutes, a summary financial statement derived from the Company’s annual accounts and the directors’ report which shall be in the form and containing the information required by applicable laws and regulations, provided that any person who is otherwise entitled to the annual financial statements of the Company and the directors’ report thereon may, if he so requires by notice in writing served on the Company, demand that the Company sends to him, in addition to a summary financial statement, a complete printed copy of the Company’s annual financial statement and the directors’ report thereon.


152. The requirement to send to a person referred to in Article 150 the documents referred to in that article or a summary financial report in accordance with Article 151 shall be deemed satisfied where, in accordance with all applicable Statutes, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, the rules of the Designated Stock Exchange, the Company publishes copies of the documents referred to in Article 150 and, if applicable, a summary financial report complying with Article 151, on the Company’s computer network or in any other permitted manner (including by sending any form of electronic communication), and that person has agreed or is deemed to have agreed to treat the publication or receipt of such documents in such manner as discharging the Company’s obligation to send to him a copy of such documents.


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153. Subject to applicable law and rules of the Designated Stock Exchange:


(1) The Audit Committee or, in the absence of such an Audit Committee, the Board may appoint an auditor to audit the accounts of the Company and such auditor shall hold office until removed from office by the Audit Committee or, in the absence of such an Audit Committee, the Board. Such auditor may be a Member but no Director or officer or employee of the Company shall, during his continuance in office, be eligible to act as an auditor of the Company.


(2) The Audit Committee or, in the absence of such an Audit Committee, the Board may remove the Auditor at any time before the expiration of his term of office and may by resolution appoint another Auditor in his stead.


154. Subject to the Act the accounts of the Company shall be audited at least once in every year.


155. The remuneration of the Auditor shall be determined by the Audit Committee or, in the absence of such an Audit Committee, by the Board.


156. If the office of auditor becomes vacant by the resignation or death of the Auditor, or by his becoming incapable of acting by reason of illness or other disability at a time when his services are required, the Directors shall fill the vacancy and determine the remuneration of such Auditor.


157. The Auditor shall at all reasonable times have access to all books kept by the Company and to all accounts and vouchers relating thereto; and he may call on the Directors or officers of the Company for any information in their possession relating to the books or affairs of the Company.


158. The statement of income and expenditure and the balance sheet provided for by these Articles shall be examined by the Auditor and compared by him with the books, accounts and vouchers relating thereto; and he shall make a written report thereon stating whether such statement and balance sheet are drawn up so as to present fairly the financial position of the Company and the results of its operations for the period under review and, in case information shall have been called for from Directors or officers of the Company, whether the same has been furnished and has been satisfactory. The financial statements of the Company shall be audited by the Auditor in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. The Auditor shall make a written report thereon in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the report of the Auditor shall be submitted to the Members in general meeting. The generally accepted auditing standards referred to herein may be those of a country or jurisdiction other than the Cayman Islands. If so, the financial statements and the report of the Auditor should disclose this fact and name such country or jurisdiction.


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159.(1) Any Notice or document, whether or not, to be given or issued under these Articles from the Company shall be in writing or by cable, telex or facsimile transmission message or other form of electronic transmission or electronic communication and any such Notice and document may be given or issued by the following means:-


(a)by serving it personally on the relevant person;
(b)by sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope addressed to such Member at his registered address as appearing in the Register or at any other address supplied by him to the Company for the purpose;


(c)by delivering or leaving it at such address as aforesaid;
(d)by placing an advertisement in appropriate newspapers or other publication and where applicable, in accordance with the requirements of the Designated Stock Exchange;


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(2) 可以通過上述任何方式提供可用性通知,但不得通過在網站上張貼。


(3) 就股份的共同持有人而言,所有通知應該發送給在登記冊上名字排在第一位的共同持有人,並且該通知應視為對所有共同持有人的充分服務或交付。


(4) 每一個人以法律、轉讓、變速器或其他任何方式獲得任何股份的權利,均應受已向其取得該股份所有權的人適當傳送的任何通知所約束,該通知在其名稱和地址(包括電子地址)被登記為該股份的註冊持有人之前,必須已經適當地送達。


(5) 每位公司成員或根據法令或本章程有權收到公司通知的人,均可向公司登記一個電子地址,以便向其發出通知。


(6) 依據適用的法律、規範和這些條款,任何通知、文件或刊物,包括但不限於第150條、第151條和第159條所述的文件,僅可用英文或董事會批准的其他語言發出。


160. 任何通知或其他文件:




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(e)if published as an advertisement in a newspaper or other publication permitted under these Articles, shall be deemed to have been served on the day on which the advertisement first so appears.


161. (1) Any Notice or other document delivered or sent by post to or left at the registered address of any Member in pursuance of these Articles shall, notwithstanding that such Member is then dead or bankrupt or that any other event has occurred, and whether or not the Company has notice of the death or bankruptcy or other event, be deemed to have been duly served or delivered in respect of any share registered in the name of such Member as sole or joint holder unless his name shall, at the time of the service or delivery of the Notice or document, have been removed from the Register as the holder of the share, and such service or delivery shall for all purposes be deemed a sufficient service or delivery of such Notice or document on all persons interested (whether jointly with or as claiming through or under him) in the share.


(2) A Notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a Member by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope or wrapper addressed to him by name, or by the title of representative of the deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred.


(3) Any person who by operation of law, transfer or other means whatsoever shall become entitled to any share shall be bound by every notice in respect of such share which prior to his name and address being entered on the Register shall have been duly given to the person from whom he derives his title to such share.




162. For the purposes of these Articles, a facsimile or electronic transmission message purporting to come from a holder of shares or, as the case may be, a Director or alternate Director, or, in the case of a corporation which is a holder of shares from a director or the secretary thereof or a duly appointed attorney or duly authorised representative thereof for it and on its behalf, shall in the absence of express evidence to the contrary available to the person relying thereon at the relevant time be deemed to be a document or instrument in writing signed by such holder or Director or alternate Director in the terms in which it is received. The signature to any notice or document to be given by the Company may be written, printed or made electronically


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163.(1) 董事會有權以公司名義代表公司向法院提出清盤申請。




164.(1) 除非有附加於任何股份或股份類別的可用剩餘資產在清盤時的分配方面的特殊權利、特權或限制,否則在公司清盤時(i)若能夠分配給公司股東的資產超過清盤時資本總額的支付總額,則超過部分應按比例分配給這些股東,根據各自持有的股份支付總額的金額,以及(ii)若公司清盤後分配給股東的資產不足以還清已支付資本的全部部分,這些資產將按照應由股東分擔虧損的方式進行分配,即應盡可能按比例進行,這些虧損將由這些股東進行分擔,根據他們各自在清盤時持有的股份支付總額,或應當在各自開始清盤時支付的金額。






165.(1) 董事、秘書及其他職員和清算人或(如有)在任何公司事務中行事的受託人,以及他們每一個人,以及他們各自的繼承人、執行人和管理人,均應受資產和公司盈利賠償和保障,以防他們或其中任何人,他們或其中任何繼承人、執行人或管理人因在執行其職責或應當職責時所做、參與或遺漏的任何行為所導致或可能導致的所有訴訟、成本、費用、損失、損害和開支;他們中沒有人應對其他人的行為、收據、疏忽或過失負責,或因為為了便於一致性而與其他人或其他人一起簽發任何收據,或因為任何公司財產所屬或可能存放或存放而有保全的銀行家或其他人,或因為公司的任何金錢或資產所用於或投資的任何安全性的不足或缺失,或因在履行其各自的職責或信託中發生的任何其他損失、不幸或損害或與此相關的事宜;但本賠償條款不應涵蓋任何可能適用於上述任何人的欺詐或不誠實的事項。



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公司會議紀要和章程的修改 以及公司名稱


166. 未經成員特別決議通過,不得撤銷、更改或修改任何條款,亦不得訂立新條款。必須通過特別決議方可修改公司章程的條文或更改公司名稱。




167. 任何成員均無權要求揭露公司交易的任何細節,或任何可能屬於業務營運的商業秘密或秘密過程的事項,且在董事會認為對公司成員的利益不宜向公眾透露的情況下。




168. 除非董事另有決定,公司的財政年度應為每年六月三十日。


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