
形式 10-Q

截至季度 2024年9月30日
夏洛特, 北卡羅來納州 28255
存托股份,每股代表股份的1/1,000權益BAT PrE紐約證券交易所
存托股份,每股代表股份的1/1,000權益BAT PrB紐約證券交易所
存托股份,每股代表股份的1/1,000權益BAT PrK紐約證券交易所
7.25%非累積永久可轉換優先股,L系列BAT PrL紐約證券交易所
存托股份,每股代表1/1,200股份權益BML PrG紐約證券交易所

存托股份,每股代表1/1,200股份權益BML PrH紐約證券交易所
存托股份,每股代表1/1,200股份權益BML PrJ紐約證券交易所
存托股份,每股代表1/1,200股份權益BML PrL紐約證券交易所
BAT Capital的浮動利率優先混合收益期限證券BAT/PF紐約證券交易所
BAT Capital Trust十四(及其相關擔保)
收益資本義務票據最初到期於2066年12月15日MER PrK紐約證券交易所
高級中商業本票據,A系列,上調可贖回票據,到期BAT/31 B紐約證券交易所
BAT PrM紐約證券交易所
存托股份,每股代表股份的1/1,000權益BAT PrN紐約證券交易所
存托股份,每股代表股份的1/1,000權益BAT PrO紐約證券交易所
存托股份,每股代表股份的1/1,000權益BAT PrP紐約證券交易所
存托股份,每股代表股份的1/1,000權益BAT PrQ紐約證券交易所
存托股份,每股代表股份的1/1,000權益BAT PrS紐約證券交易所

是的 沒有
2024年10月28日,有 7,672,879,599 美國銀行公司已發行普通股股票。

注5 -未償貸款和租賃 和信用損失備抵
1 美國銀行

你不應過分依賴任何前瞻性陳述,應考慮以下不確定性和風險,以及在項目1A下更充分討論的風險和不確定性。公司2023年年度報告Form 10-k以及公司隨後提交給美國證券交易委員會的任何文件中的風險因素:公司潛在的判決、命令、和解、處罰、罰款和聲譽損害,這些固有地難以預測,是由於公司在正常業務過程中受到公司面臨的未決、威脅或未來的訴訟和監管調查、法律程序和執法行動的影響,包括與我們處理加州和其他某些州的失業救濟金有關的事項。我們的自動信用卡支付服務的特點, 公司反洗錢和經濟制裁方案的充分性,電子支付和相關欺詐的處理,以及劃入付息銀行存款的投資諮詢帳戶中未投資現金支付的利率,這是處於不同階段的;公司未來負債可能超過其記錄的負債和訴訟的估計可能損失範圍,以及監管和政府行動;公司可能面臨參與抵押貸款證券化的一方或多方的索賠增加的可能性;公司解決申述和擔保回購和相關索賠的能力;與終止參考匯率有關的風險,包括費用和訴訟增加以及套期保值策略的有效性;非美國司法管轄區財務穩定性和增長率的不確定性;這些司法管轄區可能面臨償還主權債務的困難的風險;金融市場、貨幣和貿易的相關壓力,以及公司面臨的此類風險,包括直接、間接和運營風險;
美國和全球利率(包括持續減息的可能性)、通貨膨脹、貨幣匯率、經濟狀況、貿易政策和緊張局勢的影響,包括關稅和潛在的地緣政治不穩定;利率、通脹、宏觀經濟、銀行和監管環境對公司資產、業務、財務狀況和經營結果的影響;影響美國或全球銀行業的不利事態發展的影響,包括銀行倒閉和流動性擔憂,導致經濟和市場波動加劇,以及監管應對措施;由於經濟假設、客戶行爲、美國或全球經濟狀況的不利發展以及其他不確定性的變化,未來信貸損失可能高於目前的預期,包括供應鏈中斷、通脹壓力和勞動力短缺對經濟狀況和我們業務的影響;與公司集中信貸有關的潛在損失T風險;公司實現收入、淨利息收入、信貸損失準備金、淨沖銷、實際稅率、貸款增長或其他預測的支出目標和預期的能力;估計銀行賬面淨利息收入敏感度時使用的基本假設和判斷的差異; 主要信用評級機構對公司信用評級的不利變化;無法進入資本市場或維持存款或借款成本;對公司某些資產和負債的公允價值和其他會計價值的估計,但需進行減值評估;會計準則或假設在適用這些準則時發生變化的估計或實際影響;關於監管資本和流動性要求的內容、時間和影響的不確定性;總吸收虧損能力要求的不利變化的影響;壓力資本緩衝要求和/或具有全球系統重要性的銀行附加費;聯邦儲備系統理事會的行動對公司資本計劃的潛在影響;所得稅法律和法規的變化或解釋的影響;實施和遵守美國和國際法律、法規和監管解釋的影響,包括但不限於恢復和決議規劃要求、聯邦存款保險公司的評估、沃爾克規則、受託標準、衍生品法規以及金融機構和客戶之間損失分配的潛在變化,包括因使用我們的產品和服務而產生的損失,包括客戶授權但因欺詐而導致的電子支付和支票支付;公司業務或信息系統或第三方業務或信息系統的故障或中斷或破壞的影響,包括網絡安全事件;與包括人工智能和機器學習在內的新興技術的開發、實施、使用和管理有關的風險;與氣候變化的過渡和實物影響有關的風險;我們實現環境、社會和治理目標和承諾的能力,或公司可持續性戰略或承諾的任何變化的影響;
美國銀行 2

該公司是特拉華州的一家公司、一家銀行控股公司(BHC)和一家金融控股公司。在本報告中使用的「美國銀行」、「本公司」、「我們」、「我們」和「我們」可能是指美國銀行個人、美國銀行及其子公司或美國銀行的某些子公司或關聯公司。我們的主要執行辦事處位於北卡羅來納州夏洛特市。通過我們在美國和國際市場的各種銀行和非銀行子公司,我們通過四個業務部門提供多樣化的銀行和非銀行金融服務和產品:個人銀行業務, 全球財富與投資管理公司(GWIM), 全球銀行業全球市場,其餘操作記錄在所有其他。我們的銀行業務主要根據美國銀行全國協會(Bank of America,N.A.或BANA)章程進行。截至2024年9月30日,該公司擁有3.3萬億美元的萬億資產,員工人數約爲213,000人。
截至2024年9月30日,我們通過在美國、其領土和超過35個國家的業務爲客戶提供服務。我們的零售銀行業務覆蓋了美國的所有主要市場,我們通過大約3,700個零售金融中心、大約15,000台自動取款機和領先的數字銀行平台(www.bank ofamerica.com)爲大約6,900個萬消費者和小型企業客戶提供服務,其中包括大約4,800個萬活躍用戶
地鐵公司S的網站是www.bank ofamerica.com,我們網站的投資者關係部分是https://investor.bankofamerica.com.我們使用我們的網站發佈公司信息,包括作爲一種披露材料、非公開信息的手段,並遵守我們在FD法規下的披露義務。我們經常在我們的網站上發佈和提供有關公司的財務和其他信息,包括環境、社會和治理(ESG)信息。除了我們的新聞稿、美國證券交易委員會(美國證券交易委員會)文件、公開電話會議和網絡廣播外,投資者還應該關注我們的網站,包括投資者關係部分。儘管如此,本段提及的本公司網站所載資料並未以參考方式併入本Form 10-Q季度報告內。

3 美國銀行

淨利息收入$13,967 $14,379 $41,701 $42,985 
非利息收入11,378 10,788 34,839 33,637 
扣除利息支出後的總收入25,345 25,167 76,540 76,622 
信貸損失準備金1,542 1,234 4,369 3,290 
非利息支出16,479 15,838 50,025 48,114 
所得稅前收入表7,324 8,095 22,146 25,218 
所得稅費用428 293 1,679 1,847 
淨收入6,896 7,802 20,467 23,371 
優先股股息516 532 1,363 1,343 
淨收益適用於普通股股東$6,380 $7,270 $19,104 $22,028 
盈利$0.82 $0.91 $2.42 $2.74 
攤薄後收益0.81 0.90 2.40 2.72 
已支付的股息0.26 0.24 0.74 0.68 
0.83 %0.99 %0.84 %1.00 %
9.44 11.24 9.59 11.63 
12.76 15.47 13.02 16.09 
效率比 (1)
65.02 62.93 65.36 62.79 
貸款和租賃總額$1,075,800 $1,053,732 
總資產3,324,293 3,180,151 
總存款1,930,352 1,923,827 
總負債3,027,781 2,888,505 
普通股股東權益總額271,958 263,249 
股東權益總額296,512 291,646 
股東權益較2023年12月31日增加49美元億至2,965美元億 這主要是由於衍生產品的淨收入和市值增加,但通過普通股回購、普通股和優先股股息以及優先股贖回向股東返還的資本部分抵消了這一增長。
與2023年同期相比,截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月的淨利息收入分別減少了41200美元萬至140美元億和13美元億至417美元億。全額應稅等值(FTE)基礎上的淨利息收益率下降19% 點子(Bps)至1.92%, 5個點子至1.95%。減少的主要原因是存款成本上升,但有關的資產收益率上升及淨利息收入上升,部分抵銷了存款成本下降的影響。全球市場活動。有關淨利息收益率和FTE基準的更多信息,請參閱第6頁的補充金融數據,有關利率風險管理的更多信息,請參閱第45頁的銀行賬簿的利率風險管理。
美國銀行 4

信用卡收入$1,618 $1,520 $4,662 $4,535 
服務費1,552 1,464 4,501 4,238 
投資和經紀服務4,546 3,963 13,053 11,654 
投資銀行手續費1,403 1,188 4,532 3,563 
費用及佣金總額9,119 8,135 26,748 23,990 
做市及類似活動3,278 3,325 10,464 11,734 
非利息收入總額$11,378 $10,788 $34,839 $33,637 
薪酬福利$9,916 $9,551 $29,937 $28,870 
入住率和設備1,836 1,795 5,465 5,370 
信息處理和通信1,784 1,676 5,347 5,017 
與產品交付和交易相關849 880 2,591 2,726 
營銷504 501 1,446 1,472 
專業費用723 545 1,925 1,609 
其他一般業務867 890 3,314 3,050 
總非利息支出$16,479 $15,838 $50,025 $48,114 

5 美國銀行

稅前收入$7,324 $8,095 $22,146 $25,218 
所得稅費用428 293 1,679 1,847 
實際稅率5.8 %3.6 %7.6 %7.3 %
在這份Form 10-Q季度報告中,我們介紹了某些非GAAP財務指標。非GAAP財務計量不包括某些項目或包括與根據GAAP計算的最直接可比計量不同的組成部分。非GAAP財務指標是作爲額外的有用信息提供的,用於評估我們的財務狀況、經營結果(包括期間間的經營業績)或遵守預期的法規要求。這些非GAAP財務衡量標準並非旨在替代GAAP財務衡量標準,其定義或計算方式可能與其他公司使用的非GAAP財務衡量標準不同。
美國銀行 6

淨利息收入$13,967 $13,702 $14,032 $13,946 $14,379 $41,701 $42,985 
非利息收入11,378 11,675 11,786 8,013 10,788 34,839 33,637 
扣除利息支出後的總收入25,345 25,377 25,818 21,959 25,167 76,540 76,622 
信貸損失準備金1,542 1,508 1,319 1,104 1,234 4,369 3,290 
非利息支出16,479 16,309 17,237 17,731 15,838 50,025 48,114 
稅前收入7,324 7,560 7,262 3,124 8,095 22,146 25,218 
所得稅費用428 663 588 (20)293 1,679 1,847 
淨收入6,896 6,897 6,674 3,144 7,802 20,467 23,371 
適用於普通股股東的淨收益6,380 6,582 6,142 2,838 7,270 19,104 22,028 
7,818.0 7,897.9 7,968.2 7,990.9 8,017.1 7,894.7 8,041.3 
7,902.1 7,960.9 8,031.4 8,062.5 8,075.9 7,965.0 8,153.4 
0.83 %0.85 %0.83 %0.39 %0.99 %0.84 %1.00 %
四個季度的平均資產往績回報率 (2)
0.72 0.76 0.78 0.84 0.98 n/an/a
9.44 9.98 9.35 4.33 11.24 9.59 11.63 
平均有形普通股股東權益回報率 (3)
12.76 13.57 12.73 5.92 15.47 13.02 16.09 
9.30 9.45 9.18 4.32 10.86 9.31 11.10 
平均有形股東權益回報率 (3)
12.20 12.42 12.07 5.71 14.41 12.23 14.78 
期末權益總額與期末資產總額之比8.92 9.02 8.97 9.17 9.10 8.92 9.10 
普通股比率 (1)
8.18 8.21 8.10 8.28 8.20 8.18 8.20 
總平均股本與總平均資產之比8.95 8.96 9.01 8.98 9.11 8.97 8.99 
派息 (1)
31.70 28.66 31.11 67.42 26.39 30.46 24.78 
收益$0.82 $0.83 $0.77 $0.36 $0.91 $2.42 $2.74 
攤薄後收益0.81 0.83 0.76 0.35 0.90 2.40 2.72 
已支付的股息0.26 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.74 0.68 
35.37 34.39 33.71 33.34 32.65 35.37 32.65 
26.25 25.37 24.79 24.46 23.79 26.25 23.79 
市值$305,090 $309,202 $298,312 $265,840 $216,942 $305,090 $216,942 
貸款和租賃總額$1,059,728 $1,051,472 $1,047,890 $1,050,705 $1,046,254 
總資產3,296,171 3,274,988 3,247,159 3,213,159 3,128,466 
總存款1,920,748 1,909,925 1,907,462 1,905,011 1,876,153 
長期債務247,338 243,689 254,782 256,262 245,819 
普通股股東權益269,001 265,290 264,114 260,221 256,578 
股東權益總額294,985 293,403 292,511 288,618 284,975 
$14,351 $14,342 $14,371 $14,551 $14,640 
5,824 5,691 6,034 5,630 4,993 
1.24 %1.26 %1.26 %1.27 %1.27 %
235 242 225 243 275 
淨沖銷$1,534 $1,533 $1,498 $1,192 $931 
0.58 %0.59 %0.58 %0.45 %0.35 %
11.8 %11.9 %11.9 %11.8 %11.9 %
13.2 13.5 13.6 13.5 13.6 
14.9 15.1 15.2 15.2 15.4 
6.9 7.0 7.1 7.1 7.3 
5.9 6.0 6.0 6.1 6.2 
有形權益 (3)
7.0 7.0 7.0 7.1 7.0 
6.2 6.2 6.1 6.2 6.1 
對風險加權資產的總吸收損失能力27.4 %28.2 %28.7 %29.0 %29.3 %
總吸收損失能力與補充槓桿敞口12.2 12.5 12.8 13.0 13.3 
符合條件的長期債務與風險加權資產之比13.3 13.7 14.2 14.5 14.8 
符合條件的長期債務與補充槓桿風險敞口6.0 6.0 6.3 6.5 6.7 
n/a =不適用
7 美國銀行

$320,781 $4,129 5.12 %$353,183 $4,613 5.18 %
定期存款和其他短期投資10,031 108 4.29 8,629 113 5.20 
323,119 5,196 6.40 287,403 4,888 6.75 
交易帳戶資產214,980 2,749 5.09 191,283 2,244 4.66 
債務證券883,562 6,859 3.08 752,569 4,685 2.47 
住宅抵押貸款227,800 1,872 3.29 229,001 1,745 3.04 
房屋淨值25,664 418 6.48 25,661 390 6.04 
信用卡99,908 2,924 11.64 98,049 2,727 11.03 
直接/間接和其他消費者104,732 1,512 5.74 104,134 1,354 5.16 
總消費額458,104 6,726 5.85 456,845 6,216 5.41 
美國商業廣告391,728 5,358 5.44 377,728 5,061 5.32 
非美國商業廣告125,377 2,222 7.05 123,781 2,088 6.69 
69,404 1,275 7.31 74,088 1,364 7.30 
商業租賃融資15,115 201 5.30 13,812 166 4.79 
總商業廣告601,624 9,056 5.99 589,409 8,679 5.84 
貸款和租賃總額1,059,728 15,782 5.93 1,046,254 14,895 5.65 
其他盈利資產105,496 2,815 10.62 99,378 2,339 9.35 
盈利資產總額2,917,697 37,638 5.14 2,738,699 33,777 4.90 
現金和銀行到期款項23,435 25,772 
其他資產,減去貸款和租賃損失準備355,039 363,995 
總資產$3,296,171 $3,128,466 
活期和貨幣市場存款$943,550 $5,497 2.32 %$942,368 $4,304 1.81 %
定期和儲蓄存款359,631 3,473 3.84 271,425 2,149 3.14 
美國有息存款總額1,303,181 8,970 2.74 1,213,793 6,453 2.11 
非美國有息存款110,527 1,155 4.16 97,095 887 3.63 
有息存款總額1,413,708 10,125 2.85 1,310,888 7,340 2.22 
383,334 6,193 6.43 294,878 5,342 7.19 
短期借款和其他生息負債 147,579 2,747 7.41 140,513 2,287 6.45 
貿易帳戶負債52,973 538 4.04 48,084 510 4.21 
長期債務247,338 3,921 6.32 245,819 3,766 6.10 
計息負債總額2,244,932 23,524 4.17 2,040,182 19,245 3.75 
無息存款507,040 565,265 
249,214 238,044 
股東權益294,985 284,975 
總負債和股東權益$3,296,171 $3,128,466 
淨息差0.97 %1.15 %
不計息來源的影響0.95 0.96 
$14,114 1.92 %$14,532 2.11 %
美國銀行 8

表7年初至今平均餘額和利率- FTE基礎
存放在聯儲局、非美國中央銀行和其他銀行的有息存款$337,495 $13,158 5.21 %$305,526 $10,915 4.78 %
定期存款和其他短期投資10,200 347 4.54 10,153 350 4.61 
315,468 15,530 6.58 289,823 13,555 6.25 
交易帳戶資產206,609 7,773 5.02 187,481 6,375 4.54 
債務證券859,578 19,373 3.00 791,339 14,887 2.50 
住宅抵押貸款227,705 5,499 3.22 229,010 5,133 2.99 
房屋淨值25,572 1,213 6.33 26,041 1,060 5.44 
信用卡99,570 8,535 11.45 94,775 7,658 10.80 
直接/間接和其他消費者 103,934 4,339 5.58 104,896 3,814 4.86 
總消費額456,781 19,586 5.73 454,722 17,665 5.19 
美國商業廣告385,864 15,861 5.49 377,873 14,318 5.07 
非美國商業廣告124,501 6,562 7.04 125,525 5,815 6.19 
70,906 3,871 7.29 72,927 3,811 6.99 
商業租賃融資15,003 597 5.31 13,709 462 4.50 
總商業廣告596,274 26,891 6.02 590,034 24,406 5.53 
貸款和租賃總額1,053,055 46,477 5.89 1,044,756 42,071 5.38 
其他盈利資產106,437 8,437 10.59 98,857 6,902 9.33 
盈利資產總額2,888,842 111,095 5.14 2,727,935 95,055 4.66 
現金和銀行到期款項23,941  26,544  
其他資產,減去貸款和租賃損失準備360,073   378,936   
總資產$3,272,856   $3,133,415   
活期和貨幣市場存款$947,112 $15,743 2.22 %$956,165 $10,659 1.49 %
定期和儲蓄存款344,750 9,863 3.82 233,079 4,520 2.59 
美國有息存款總額1,291,862 25,606 2.65 1,189,244 15,179 1.71 
非美國有息存款107,144 3,312 4.13 95,187 2,260 3.17 
有息存款總額1,399,006 28,918 2.76 1,284,431 17,439 1.82 
根據回購協議購買的聯邦基金、借出或出售的證券368,459 18,390 6.67 291,349 14,700 6.75 
147,138 8,155 7.40 153,653 7,464 6.49 
貿易帳戶負債52,876 1,624 4.10 45,675 1,486 4.35 
長期債務248,597 11,842 6.36 246,357 10,559 5.72 
計息負債總額2,216,076 68,929 4.15 2,021,465 51,648 3.41 
無息存款513,735 597,224 
249,407 233,147 
股東權益293,638 281,579 
總負債和股東權益$3,272,856   $3,133,415   
淨息差  0.99 %1.25 %
不計息來源的影響  0.96 0.87 
 $42,166 1.95 % $43,407 2.12 %
9 美國銀行

有關我們在全時當量基礎上列報財務信息的更多信息,請參見第6頁的補充財務數據,以及關於合併總收入、淨收入和期末總資產的對賬,請參閱注17-業務分類信息 對合並財務報表的影響.
淨利息收入$5,271 $5,571 $3,007 $2,820 $8,278 $8,391 (1)%
信用卡收入(10)(11)1,412 1,336 1,402 1,325 
服務費630 605 1 — 631 605 
所有其他收入91 116 16 35 107 151 (29)
非利息收入總額711 710 1,429 1,371 2,140 2,081 
5,982 6,281 4,436 4,191 10,418 10,472 (1)
信貸損失準備金57 128 1,245 1,269 1,302 1,397 (7)
非利息支出3,433 3,240 2,101 2,016 5,534 5,256 
稅前收入2,492 2,913 1,090 906 3,582 3,819 (6)
所得稅費用622 729 273 226 895 955 (6)
淨收入$1,870 $2,184 $817 $680 $2,687 $2,864 (6)
25.0 %25.0 %
淨利息收益率2.24 %2.26 %3.86 %3.65 %3.35 %3.26 %
平均分配資本回報率54 63 11 10 25 27 
效率比57.39 51.60 47.37 48.06 53.12 50.18 
貸款和租賃總額$4,383 $4,139 $309,398 $306,622 $313,781 $310,761 %
盈利資產總額 (2)
935,946 975,968 309,563 306,982 982,058 1,019,980 (4)
總資產 (2)
968,192 1,009,390 314,344 312,731 1,019,085 1,059,152 (4)
總存款933,227 974,674 5,137 5,377 938,364 980,051 (4)
已分配資本13,700 13,700 29,550 28,300 43,250 42,000 
(1)    僅在細分市場級別進行估計。
(2) 在負債和權益總額超過資產的細分和業務中,我們從所有其他 以匹配分部和企業的負債以及分配的股東權益。因此,總收益資產和企業總資產可能不等於總資產 個人銀行業務.
美國銀行 10

淨利息收入$15,760 $17,120 $8,833 $8,301 $24,593 $25,421 (3)%
信用卡收入(30)(31)4,065 3,971 4,035 3,940 
服務費1,821 1,727 2 1,823 1,729 
所有其他收入288 490 51 122 339 612 (45)
非利息收入總額2,079 2,186 4,118 4,095 6,197 6,281 (1)
17,839 19,306 12,951 12,396 30,790 31,702 (3)
信貸損失準備金207 414 3,526 3,339 3,733 3,753 (1)
非利息支出10,196 10,082 6,277 6,100 16,473 16,182 
稅前收入7,436 8,810 3,148 2,957 10,584 11,767 (10)
所得稅費用1,859 2,203 787 739 2,646 2,942 (10)
淨收入$5,577 $6,607 $2,361 $2,218 $7,938 $8,825 (10)
25.0 %25.0 %
淨利息收益率2.23 %2.29 %3.82 %3.66 %3.32 %3.26 %
平均分配資本回報率54 64 11 11 25 28 
效率比57.16 52.23 48.47 49.21 53.50 51.05 
貸款和租賃總額$4,308 $4,113 $308,719 $302,978 $313,027 $307,091 %
盈利資產總額 (2)
944,277 1,000,143 308,867 303,266 989,944 1,043,476 (5)
總資產 (2)
976,752 1,033,618 313,739 309,435 1,027,291 1,083,120 (5)
總存款941,780 998,947 4,860 5,094 946,640 1,004,041 (6)
已分配資本13,700 13,700 29,550 28,300 43,250 42,000 
貸款和租賃總額$4,492 $4,218 $311,605 $310,901 $316,097 $315,119 — %
942,038 965,088 311,805 311,008 988,856 1,009,360 (2)
總資產 (2)
974,614 999,372 316,667 317,194 1,026,293 1,049,830 (2)
總存款939,050 964,136 5,308 5,436 944,358 969,572 (3)
參見第頁10 用於腳註。
個人銀行業務由存款和消費者貸款組成,爲消費者和小企業提供多元化的信貸、銀行和投資產品和服務。的更多信息 個人銀行業務,請參閱公司2023年年度報告MD & A中的業務部門運營(Form 10-k)。
年淨收入個人銀行業務 減少 17700萬美元 至27億美元 由於非利息費用增加和收入減少,部分被信用損失撥備減少所抵消。淨利息收入 減少11300萬美元至83億美元主要受存款餘額減少推動,部分被貸款餘額增加所抵消。非利息收入增加 5900萬美元 增至21億美元,主要是由於卡收入增加。
信用損失撥備減少 9500萬美元 13億美元主要由消費者活動的整體改善推動。非利息費用增加 27800萬美元至55美元的億,主要是由對業務的投資推動的,包括人員和技術。

信貸損失準備金減少2,000美元萬至37美元億,與上年同期基本持平。非利息支出增加 29100美元萬 $165億,主要是由於三個月的討論中描述的相同因素。
年淨收入存款 減少 31500萬美元19億美元 主要是由於收入較低和非利息費用較高。淨利息收入下降 30000萬美元53億美元 主要是由存款餘額下降推動的。非利息收入爲 71100萬美元,與去年同期相對持平。

11 美國銀行

非利息費用增加 19300萬美元至 34億美元, 主要由業務投資驅動,包括人員和技術.
淨收入 存款減少 10億至56億美元 主要是由於收入較低。淨利息收入下降 14億美元158億美元 主要是由於與三個月討論中描述的相同因素。非利息收入減少 10700美元萬21億美元 主要受ALm結果分配推動,部分被較高的服務費抵消。
信用損失撥備減少 20700萬美元 20700萬美元 主要是由於欺詐活動造成的透支損失減少。 非利息費用增加11400萬美元至102億美元,主要原因與三個月討論中描述的相同。
平均存款減少 572億美元9418億美元 主要是由於貨幣市場儲蓄淨流出610億美元和支票淨流出260億美元,部分被定期存款增長397億美元所抵消。
活躍的數字銀行用戶(以千計) (3)
活躍手機銀行用戶(以千計) (4)
(2)包括客戶經紀資產、存款清算餘額、美國銀行、不適用經紀CD和AUm 個人銀行業務.
消費者貸款淨利潤增加 13700萬美元81700萬 主要是由於收入增加,部分被非利息費用增加所抵消。淨利息收入增加18700萬美元至30億美元,主要是由於貸款餘額增加。非利息收入 增額5800萬美元至14億美元,主要是受更高的卡收入推動的。
信用損失撥備減少 2400萬美元至 12億美元,與去年同期相對持平.非利息費用增加 8500萬美元 21億美元, 主要由業務投資驅動,包括人和技術。

平均貸款增加 28億美元3094億美元 受信用卡、小企業和消費汽車貸款增加的推動。
消費者貸款收入增加 14300萬美元 收入增加推動至24億美元,但部分被信貸損失撥備增加和非利息費用增加所抵消.淨利息收入增加 53200萬美元至88億美元 主要是由於與三個月討論中描述的相同因素。非利息收入增加 2300萬美元至41億美元,與去年同期相對持平.
信用損失撥備增加 18700萬美元35億美元 主要由信用卡貸款驅動。非利息費用增加 17700萬美元63億美元,主要是由於與三個月討論中描述的相同因素.
平均貸款增加 57億美元3087億美元 主要由三個月討論中描述的相同因素驅動。
美國銀行 12

信用卡總數 (1)
毛利率 (2)
12.49 %12.03 %12.35 %11.85 %
風險調整按金 (3)
7.22 7.70 6.93 8.06 
新賬戶(以千計)970 1,062 2,919 3,386 
採購量$92,592 $91,711 $272,899 $270,358 
$139,352 $133,553 $412,105 $390,891 
(1)包括 GWIM的 信用卡投資組合。
截至2024年9月30日的三個月內,總風險調整利潤率下降了48 基本利率主要受到淨信貸損失增加的推動,部分被較高的利差和較高的淨手續費收入所抵消。截至2024年9月30日的九個月內,總風險調整利潤率下降了113個點子,主要是由於淨信用損失上升和下降
淨手續費收入,部分被較高的淨息差所抵消。截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月內,信用卡購買總額增加了88100萬美元, 25億美元,借記卡購買量增加了58億美元和212億美元,反映出消費者支出水平的提高。
關鍵統計數據-貸款產量 (1)
第一按揭$2,684 $2,547 $7,068 $7,392 
房屋淨值1,897 2,035 5,524 6,389 
第一按揭$5,348 $5,596 $14,519 $15,473 
房屋淨值2,289 2,421 6,573 7,559 
(2)除了貸款生產 消費者銀行此外,還有第一筆抵押貸款和房屋淨值貸款生產 GWIM。
首次抵押貸款發放 消費者銀行增額期間13700萬美元 截至2024年9月30日的三個月 主要是由於利率下降導致再融資活動增加。公司首次抵押貸款發放總額下降 24800萬美元 截至2024年9月30日的三個月內,主要受需求下降推動 GWIM部分被需求增加所抵消 消費者銀行.截至2024年9月30日的九個月內,首次抵押貸款發放 消費者銀行 公司總數下降 32400萬美元95400萬美元 主要是由需求下降推動的。
房屋淨值生產 消費者銀行 截至2024年9月30日的三個月內,公司總額減少了13800萬美元和13200萬美元,主要是由於需求下降。截至2024年9月30日的九個月內,房屋淨值生產 消費者銀行 公司總額減少86500萬美元和98600萬美元,主要是由於需求下降。

13 美國銀行

淨利息收入$1,709 $1,755 (3)%$5,216 $5,436 (4)%
投資及經紀服務3,874 3,396 14 11,181 9,885 13 
所有其他收入179 170 530 557 (5)
非利息收入總額4,053 3,566 14 11,711 10,442 12 
總收入,扣除利息費用5,762 5,321 16,927 15,878 
信貸損失準備金7 (6)n/m1 32 (97)
非利息費用4,340 3,950 10 12,803 11,942 
稅前收入1,415 1,377 4,123 3,904 
所得稅開支354 344 1,031 976 
淨收入$1,061 $1,033 $3,092 $2,928 
實際稅率25.0 %25.0 %25.0 %25.0 %
凈利息收益率2.20 2.16 2.19 2.19 
平均分配資本回報率23 22 22 21 
效率比75.32 74.28 75.64 75.21 
貸款和租賃總額$225,355 $218,569 %$222,260 $219,530 %
總盈利資產309,231 322,032 (4)318,026 331,738 (4)
總資產322,924 335,124 (4)331,635 344,709 (4)
存款總額279,999 291,770 (4)288,319 300,308 (4)
配資18,500 18,500 — 18,500 18,500 — 
貸款和租賃總額$227,318 $219,657 %
總盈利資產314,594 330,653 (5)
總資產328,831 344,626 (5)
存款總額283,432 299,657 (5)
n/m =沒有意義
GWIM由兩項主要業務組成:美林财富管理和 美國銀行私人銀行。有關以下內容的更多信息GWIM,請參閱MD&A中的業務細分業務公司2023年年報的Form 10-K.
年淨收入GWIM增加2,800美元萬至11美元億,主要是由於收入增加,但主要被更高的非利息支出所抵消。營業利潤率爲25%,而去年同期爲26% 一年前。
淨收入 GWIM 增加16400萬美元至31億美元,主要是由於收入增加,部分被非利息費用增加所抵消。營業利潤率爲24%,而一年前爲25%。
美國銀行 14

美林财富管理$4,789 $4,398 $14,059 $13,135 
美國銀行私人銀行973 923 2,868 2,743 
總收入,扣除利息費用$5,762 $5,321 $16,927 $15,878 
美林财富管理$3,527,319 $2,978,229 
666,622 572,624 
客戶餘額總額$4,193,941 $3,550,853 
管理資產$1,861,124 $1,496,601 
經紀和其他資產1,856,806 1,578,123 
存款283,432 290,732 
貸款和租賃 (1)
230,062 221,684 
客戶餘額總額$4,193,941 $3,550,853 
管理資產,期末$1,758,875 $1,531,042 $1,617,740 $1,401,474 
淨客戶流量 21,289 14,226 56,734 43,784 
80,960 (48,667)186,650 51,343 
期末管理資產總額$1,861,124 $1,496,601 $1,861,124 $1,496,601 
15 美國銀行

淨利息收入$3,230 $3,613 (11)%$9,965 $11,210 (11)%
服務收費802 754 2,327 2,203 
投資銀行費用783 743 2,468 2,129 16 
所有其他收入1,019 1,093 (7)3,107 3,326 (7)
非利息收入總額2,604 2,590 7,902 7,658 
總收入,扣除利息費用 5,834 6,203 (6)17,867 18,868 (5)
信貸損失準備金229 (119)n/m693 (347)n/m
非利息費用2,991 2,804 8,902 8,563 
稅前收入2,614 3,518 (26)8,272 10,652 (22)
所得稅開支 719 950 (24)2,275 2,876 (21)
淨收入$1,895 $2,568 (26)$5,997 $7,776 (23)
實際稅率 27.5 %27.0 %27.5 %27.0 %
凈利息收益率2.22 2.68 2.36 2.84 
平均分配資本回報率15 21 16 21 
效率比51.27 45.22 49.82 45.38 
$371,216 $376,214 (1)%$372,516 $380,076 (2)%
總盈利資產578,988 534,153 563,649 528,205 
總資產647,541 601,378 631,659 595,329 
存款總額549,629 504,432 533,620 498,224 
配資49,250 49,250 — 49,250 49,250 
貸款和租賃總額$375,159 $373,891 — %
總盈利資產583,742 552,453 
總資產650,936 621,751 
存款總額556,953 527,060 
n/m =沒有意義
Global Banking, which includes Global Corporate Banking, Global Commercial Banking, Business Banking and Global Investment Banking, provides a wide range of lending-related products and services, integrated working capital management and treasury solutions, and underwriting and advisory services through our network of global offices and client relationship teams. For more information about Global Banking, see Business Segment Operations in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Three-Month Comparison
Net income for Global Banking decreased $673 million to $1.9 billion driven by lower revenue, higher provision for credit losses and higher noninterest expense.
Net interest income decreased $383 million to $3.2 billion primarily due to the impact of interest rates, partially offset by the benefit of higher average deposit balances.
Noninterest income was $2.6 billion, relatively unchanged from the same period a year ago.
The provision for credit losses increased $348 million to $229 million primarily driven by the commercial and industrial portfolio, as well as the commercial real estate office portfolio.
Noninterest expense increased $187 million to $3.0 billion due to continued investments in the business, including people and technology.
The return on average allocated capital was 15 percent, down from 21 percent, due to lower net income. For information on capital allocated to the business segments, see Business Segment Operations on page 10.
Nine-Month Comparison
Net income for Global Banking decreased $1.8 billion to $6.0 billion driven by higher provision for credit losses, lower revenue and higher noninterest expense.
Net interest income decreased $1.2 billion to $10.0 billion primarily due to the same factors as described in the three-month discussion.
Noninterest income increased $244 million to $7.9 billion due to higher investment banking fees and treasury service charges, partially offset by lower leasing-related revenue.
The provision for credit losses increased $1.0 billion to $693 million primarily driven by the commercial real estate office portfolio compared to a benefit in the prior year due to certain improved macroeconomic conditions.
Noninterest expense increased $339 million to $8.9 billion primarily due to continued investment in the business, including people and technology, and higher regulatory costs.
The return on average allocated capital was 16 percent, down from 21 percent, due to lower net income.

Bank of America 16

Global Corporate, Global Commercial and Business Banking
The following table and discussion present a summary of the results, which exclude certain investment banking and other activities in Global Banking.
Global Corporate, Global Commercial and Business Banking
 Global Corporate BankingGlobal Commercial BankingBusiness BankingTotal
Three Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)20242023202420232024202320242023
Business Lending$1,102 $1,300 $1,246 $1,262 $57 $61 $2,405 $2,623 
Global Transaction Services1,243 1,392 968 998 369 379 2,580 2,769 
Total revenue, net of interest expense
$2,345 $2,692 $2,214 $2,260 $426 $440 $4,985 $5,392 
Balance Sheet
Total loans and leases$162,053 $169,384 $196,681 $194,604 $12,373 $12,071 $371,107 $376,059 
Total deposits301,070 272,007 195,475 182,040 53,084 50,381 549,629 504,428 
Global Corporate BankingGlobal Commercial BankingBusiness BankingTotal
Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)20242023202420232024202320242023
Business Lending$3,427 $3,693 $3,773 $3,765 $174 $191 $7,374 $7,649 
Global Transaction Services 3,839 4,424 2,876 3,172 1,092 1,161 7,807 8,757 
Total revenue, net of interest expense
$7,266 $8,117 $6,649 $6,937 $1,266 $1,352 $15,181 $16,406 
Balance Sheet
Total loans and leases
$163,122 $172,964 $196,953 $194,496 $12,315 $12,397 $372,390 $379,857 
Total deposits
292,967 266,425 189,415 180,850 51,238 50,951 533,620 498,226 
Period end
Total loans and leases $165,142 $166,974 $197,583 $194,318 $12,333 $11,932 $375,058 $373,224 
Total deposits305,000 266,481 198,482 179,914 53,471 48,537 556,953 494,932 
Business Lending revenue decreased $218 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period a year ago primarily driven by the impact of interest rates and lower leasing-related revenue. Business lending revenue decreased $275 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period a year ago primarily driven by same factors as described in the three-month discussion.
Global Transaction Services revenue decreased $189 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 primarily driven by the impact of interest rates, partially offset by the benefit of higher average deposit balances and treasury service charges. Global Transaction Services revenue decreased $950 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 primarily driven by the same factors as described in the three-month discussion.
Average loans and leases of $371.1 billion decreased one percent for the three months ended September 30, 2024, and average loans and leases of $372.4 billion decreased two percent for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 due to lower client demand.
Average deposits of $549.6 billion increased nine percent for the three months ended September 30, 2024, and average deposits of $533.6 billion increased seven percent for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 due to growth in both domestic and international balances.
Global Investment Banking
Client teams and product specialists underwrite and distribute debt, equity and loan products, and provide advisory services and tailored risk management solutions. The economics of certain investment banking and underwriting activities are shared primarily between Global Banking and Global Markets under an internal revenue-sharing arrangement. Global Banking originates certain deal-related transactions with our corporate and commercial clients that are executed and distributed by Global Markets. To provide a complete discussion of our consolidated investment banking fees, the table below presents total Corporation investment banking fees and the portion attributable to Global Banking.
17 Bank of America

Investment Banking Fees
Global BankingTotal CorporationGlobal BankingTotal Corporation
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)20242023202420232024202320242023
Advisory$351 $396 $387 $448 $990 $1,042 $1,134 $1,186 
Debt issuance332 255 780 570 1,078 808 2,545 1,814 
Equity issuance100 92 270 232 400 279 990 687 
Gross investment banking fees
783 743 1,437 1,250 2,468 2,129 4,669 3,687 
Self-led deals(6)(19)(34)(62)(24)(39)(137)(124)
Total investment banking fees
$777 $724 $1,403 $1,188 $2,444 $2,090 $4,532 $3,563 
Total Corporation investment banking fees, which exclude self-led deals and are primarily included within Global Banking and Global Markets, were $1.4 billion and $4.5 billion for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024. The three-month period increased 18 percent compared to the same period in 2023 primarily due to higher debt issuance fees. The nine-month period increased 27 percent compared to the same period in 2023 primarily due to higher debt and equity issuance fees.
Global Markets
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)20242023% Change20242023% Change
Net interest income$898 $674 33 %$2,349 $1,080 118 %
Noninterest income:
Investment and brokerage services562 475 18 1,573 1,507 
Investment banking fees589 463 27 2,016 1,435 40 
Market making and similar activities3,349 3,195 10,397 11,002 (5)
All other income232 135 72 637 415 53 
Total noninterest income4,732 4,268 11 14,623 14,359 
Total revenue, net of interest expense5,630 4,942 14 16,972 15,439 10 
Provision for credit losses7 (14)n/m(42)(71)n/m
Noninterest expense3,443 3,235 10,421 9,935 
Income before income taxes2,180 1,721 27 6,593 5,575 18 
Income tax expense632 473 34 1,912 1,533 25 
Net income$1,548 $1,248 24 $4,681 $4,042 16 
Effective tax rate29.0 %27.5 %29.0 %27.5 %
Return on average allocated capital14 11 14 12 
Efficiency ratio61.17 65.47 61.40 64.35 
Balance SheetThree Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
Average20242023% Change20242023% Change
Trading-related assets:
Trading account securities$325,236 $307,990 %$323,223 $321,607 %
Reverse repurchases150,751 135,401 11 141,611 133,912 
Securities borrowed133,588 119,936 11 136,040 118,912 14 
Derivative assets36,032 46,417 (22)37,551 44,477 (16)
Total trading-related assets645,607 609,744 638,425 618,908 
Total loans and leases140,806 131,298 136,572 128,317 
Total earning assets728,186 655,971 11 709,208 647,386 10 
Total assets924,093 863,653 909,386 870,366 
Total deposits34,952 31,890 10 33,167 33,725 (2)
Allocated capital45,500 45,500 — 45,500 45,500 — 
Period endSeptember 30
December 31
% Change
Total trading-related assets$653,798 $542,544 21 %
Total loans and leases148,447 136,223 
Total earning assets742,221 637,955 16 
Total assets958,227 817,588 17 
Total deposits35,142 34,833 
n/m = not meaningful

Bank of America 18

Global Markets offers sales and trading services and research services to institutional clients across fixed-income, credit, currency, commodity and equity businesses. Global Markets product coverage includes securities and derivative products in both the primary and secondary markets. For more information about Global Markets, see Business Segment Operations in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
The following explanations for period-over-period changes in results for Global Markets, including those disclosed under Sales and Trading Revenue, are the same for amounts including and excluding net DVA. Amounts excluding net DVA are a non-GAAP financial measure. For more information on net DVA, see Supplemental Financial Data on page 6.
Three-Month Comparison
Net income for Global Markets increased $300 million to $1.5 billion for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. Net DVA losses totaled $8 million compared to $16 million in 2023. Excluding net DVA, net income increased $294 million to $1.6 billion. These increases were primarily driven by higher revenue, partially offset by higher noninterest expense.
Revenue increased $688 million to $5.6 billion primarily due to higher sales and trading revenue and investment banking fees. Sales and trading revenue increased $525 million, and excluding net DVA, increased $517 million. These increases were driven by higher revenue in both Equities and FICC.
Noninterest expense increased $208 million to $3.4 billion, primarily driven by revenue-related expenses and continued investments in the business, including technology.
Average total assets increased $60.4 billion to $924.1 billion for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023 driven by increased securities financing activity, higher levels of inventory and loan growth.
The return on average allocated capital was 14 percent, up from 11 percent in the same period a year ago, reflecting higher net income. For information on capital allocated to the business segments, see Business Segment Operations on page 10.
Nine-Month Comparison
Net income for Global Markets increased $639 million to $4.7 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. Net DVA losses were $94 million compared to $104 million in 2023. Excluding net DVA, net income increased $631 million to $4.8 billion. These increases were primarily driven by higher revenue, partially offset by higher noninterest expense.
Revenue increased $1.5 billion to $17.0 billion primarily due to the same factors as described in the three-month discussion. Sales and trading revenue increased $944 million, and excluding net DVA, sales and trading revenue increased $934 million. These increases were driven by the same factors as described in the three-month discussion.
Noninterest expense increased $486 million to $10.4 billion, driven by the same factors as described in the three-month discussion.
Average total assets increased $39.0 billion to $909.4 billion, and period-end total assets increased $140.6 billion from December 31, 2023 to $958.2 billion. The increases were driven by the same factors as described in the three-month discussion.
The return on average allocated capital was 14 percent, up from 12 percent in the same period a year ago, reflecting higher net income.
Sales and Trading Revenue
For a description of sales and trading revenue, see Business Segment Operations in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. The following table and related discussion present sales and trading revenue, substantially all of which is in Global Markets, with the remainder in Global Banking. In addition, the following table and related discussion also present sales and trading revenue, excluding net DVA, which is a non-GAAP financial measure. For more information on net DVA, see Supplemental Financial Data on page 6.
銷售和交易收入 (1, 2, 3)
銷售和交易收入 (2)
固定收益、貨幣和大宗商品$2,934 $2,710 $8,907 $8,817 
股票1,996 1,695 5,794 4,940 
總銷售和交易收入$4,930 $4,405 $14,701 $13,757 
銷售和交易收入,不包括淨DVA (4)
固定收益、貨幣和大宗商品$2,942 $2,723 $8,986 $8,916 
股票1,996 1,698 5,809 4,945 
總銷售和交易收入,不包括淨DVA$4,938 $4,421 $14,795 $13,861 
(1)有關銷售和交易收入的更多信息,請參閱 注3 -衍生品 合併財務報表。
(3)包括 全球銀行 截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月的銷售和交易收入分別爲16500萬美元和49500萬美元,而2023年同期分別爲13300萬美元和46400萬美元。

19 美國銀行

淨利息收入$(1)$99 (101)%$43 $260 (83)%
非利息收入(損失)(2,151)(1,717)25 (5,594)(5,103)10 
總收入,扣除利息費用(2,152)(1,618)33 (5,551)(4,843)15 
非利息費用171 593 (71)1,426 1,492 (4)
淨虧損$(295)$89 n/m$(1,241)$(200)n/m
貸款和租賃總額$8,570 $9,412 (9)%$8,680 $9,742 (11)%
總資產 (1)
382,528 269,159 42 372,885 239,891 55 
存款總額117,804 68,010 73 110,995 45,357 145 
貸款和租賃總額$8,779 $8,842 (1)%
總資產 (1)
360,006 346,356 
存款總額110,467 92,705 19 
(1)在負債和權益總額超過資產的分部(通常是吸收存款分部)中,我們將資產從 所有其他 與這些部門匹配負債(即,存款)和分配的股東權益。截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月,平均分配資產爲9,444億美元和9,480億美元,而2023年同期爲9,557億美元和9,818億美元,期末分配資產爲9,536億美元和9,729億美元。2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日。
n/m =沒有意義
所有其他主要包括ALM活動、清算業務和未以其他方式分配給業務部門的某些費用。ALM活動包括利率和外匯風險管理活動,這些活動的幾乎所有結果都分配給我們的業務部門。有關我們的ALM活動的更多信息,看到 注17-業務分類信息合併財務報表。

年淨虧損所有其他 增加10億美元至12億美元,主要是由於收入和所得稅福利下降。
所得稅福利減少33800萬美元57億美元主要是由於與三個月討論中描述的相同因素造成的。這兩個時期都包括所得稅福利調整,以消除記錄的某些稅收抵免的FTE待遇 全球銀行全球市場。

Bank of America 20

Managing Risk
Risk is inherent in all our business activities. The seven key types of risk faced by the Corporation are strategic, credit, market, liquidity, compliance, operational and reputational. Sound risk management enables us to serve our customers and deliver for our shareholders. If not managed well, risk can result in financial loss, regulatory sanctions and penalties, and damage to our reputation, each of which may adversely impact our ability to execute our business strategies. We take a comprehensive approach to risk management with a defined Risk Framework and an articulated Risk Appetite Statement, which are approved annually by the Enterprise Risk Committee (ERC) and the Board.
Our Risk Framework serves as the foundation for the consistent and effective management of risks facing the Corporation. The Risk Framework sets forth roles and responsibilities for the management of risk and provides a blueprint for how the Board, through delegation of authority to committees and executive officers, establishes risk appetite and associated limits for our activities.
Our risk appetite provides a common framework that includes a set of measures to assist senior management and the Board in assessing the Corporation’s risk profile across all risk types against our risk appetite and risk capacity. Our risk appetite is formally articulated in the Risk Appetite Statement, which includes both qualitative statements and quantitative limits.
For more information on the Corporation’s risks, see Item 1A. Risk Factors of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. These risks are being managed within our Risk Framework and supporting risk management programs. For more information on our Risk Framework, risk management activities and the key types of risk faced by the Corporation, see the Managing Risk section in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Capital Management
The Corporation manages its capital position so that its capital is more than adequate to support its business activities and aligns with risk, risk appetite and strategic planning. For more information, see Capital Management in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
CCAR and Capital Planning
The Federal Reserve requires BHCs to submit a capital plan and planned capital actions on an annual basis, consistent with the rules governing capital planning and the SCB requirement, which include supervisory stress testing by the Federal Reserve. Based on the results of our 2024 CCAR stress test, our SCB increased to 3.2 percent from 2.5 percent, resulting in a CET1 minimum requirement of 10.7 percent. The new SCB is effective from October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025.
In October 2021, the Board authorized the repurchase of up to $25 billion of common stock over time. This authorization was modified in September 2023 to include common stock repurchases to offset shares awarded under the Corporation’s equity-based compensation plans when determining the remaining repurchase authority. On July 24, 2024, the Board authorized a $25 billion common stock repurchase program, effective August 1, 2024, which replaced the Corporation’s previous program that expired on August 1, 2024.

Pursuant to Board authorizations, during the three months ended September 30, 2024, we repurchased $3.5 billion of common stock. For more information, see Part II, Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds on page 106 and Capital Management – CCAR and Capital Planning in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
The timing and amount of common stock repurchases are subject to various factors, including the Corporation’s capital position, liquidity, financial performance and alternative uses of capital, stock trading price, regulatory requirements and general market conditions, and may be suspended at any time. Such repurchases may be effected through open market purchases or privately negotiated transactions, including repurchase plans that satisfy the conditions of Rule 10b5-1 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (Exchange Act).
Regulatory Capital
As a BHC, we are subject to regulatory capital rules, including Basel 3, issued by U.S. banking regulators. The Corporation's depository institution subsidiaries are also subject to the Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) framework. The Corporation and its primary affiliated banking entity, BANA, are Advanced approaches institutions under Basel 3 and are required to report regulatory risk-based capital ratios and risk-weighted assets (RWA) under both the Standardized and Advanced approaches. The lower of the capital ratios under Standardized or Advanced approaches compared to their respective regulatory capital ratio requirements is used to assess capital adequacy, including under the PCA framework. As of September 30, 2024, the CET1 capital, Tier 1 capital and Total capital ratios under the Standardized approach were the binding ratios.
Minimum Capital Requirements
In order to avoid restrictions on capital distributions and discretionary bonus payments to executive officers, the Corporation must meet risk-based capital ratio requirements that include a capital conservation buffer of 2.5 percent (under the Advanced approaches only), an SCB (under the Standardized approach only), plus any applicable countercyclical capital buffer and a global systemically important bank (G-SIB) surcharge. The buffers and surcharge must be comprised solely of CET1 capital. For the period from January 1, 2024 through September 30, 2024, the Corporation's minimum CET1 capital ratio requirements were 10.0 percent under both the Standardized approach and the Advanced approaches.
The Corporation is required to calculate its G-SIB surcharge on an annual basis under two methods and is subject to the higher of the resulting two surcharges. Method 1 is consistent with the approach prescribed by the Basel Committee’s assessment methodology and is calculated using specified indicators of systemic importance. Method 2 modifies the Method 1 approach by, among other factors, including a measure of the Corporation’s reliance on short-term wholesale funding. Effective January 1, 2024, the Corporation’s G-SIB surcharge, which is higher under Method 2, increased 50 bps, resulting in an increase in our minimum CET1 capital ratio requirement under the Standardized approach and the Advanced approaches to 10.0 percent from 9.5 percent. At September 30, 2024, the Corporation’s CET1 capital ratio of 11.8 percent under the Standardized approach exceeded its CET1 capital ratio requirement.
21 Bank of America

The Corporation is also required to maintain a minimum supplementary leverage ratio (SLR) of 3.0 percent plus a leverage buffer of 2.0 percent in order to avoid certain restrictions on capital distributions and discretionary bonus payments to executive officers. At September 30, 2024, our insured depository institution subsidiaries exceeded their requirement to maintain a minimum 6.0 percent SLR to be considered well capitalized under the PCA framework.
Capital Composition and Ratios
Table 8 presents Bank of America Corporation’s capital ratios and related information in accordance with Basel 3 Standardized and Advanced approaches as measured at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. For the periods presented herein, the Corporation met the definition of well capitalized under current regulatory requirements.
Table 8Bank of America Corporation Regulatory Capital under Basel 3
(Dollars in millions, except as noted)September 30, 2024
Risk-based capital metrics:
Common equity tier 1 capital$199,805 $199,805 
Tier 1 capital222,942 222,942 
Total capital (3)
252,381 241,794 
Risk-weighted assets (in billions) 1,689 1,482 
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio11.8 %13.5 %10.0 %
Tier 1 capital ratio13.2 15.0 11.5 
Total capital ratio14.9 16.3 13.5 
Leverage-based metrics:
Adjusted quarterly average assets (in billions) (4)
$3,218 $3,218 
Tier 1 leverage ratio6.9 %6.9 %4.0 
Supplementary leverage exposure (in billions)$3,788 
Supplementary leverage ratio5.9 %5.0 
December 31, 2023
Risk-based capital metrics:
Common equity tier 1 capital$194,928 $194,928 
Tier 1 capital223,323 223,323 
Total capital (3)
251,399 241,449 
Risk-weighted assets (in billions)1,651 1,459 
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio11.8 %13.4 %9.5 %
Tier 1 capital ratio13.5 15.3 11.0 
Total capital ratio15.2 16.6 13.0 
Leverage-based metrics:
Adjusted quarterly average assets (in billions) (4)
$3,135 $3,135 
Tier 1 leverage ratio7.1 %7.1 %4.0 
Supplementary leverage exposure (in billions) $3,676 
Supplementary leverage ratio6.1 %5.0 
(1)Capital ratios as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 are calculated using the regulatory capital rule that allows a five-year transition period related to the adoption of the current expected credit losses (CECL) accounting standard on January 1, 2020.
(2)The CET1 capital regulatory minimum is the sum of the CET1 capital ratio minimum of 4.5 percent, our G-SIB surcharge of 3.0 percent at September 30, 2024 and 2.5 percent at December 31, 2023, and our capital conservation buffer (under the Advanced approaches) or SCB (under the Standardized approach) of 2.5 percent, as applicable. The countercyclical capital buffer was zero for both periods. The SLR regulatory minimum includes a leverage buffer of 2.0 percent.
(3)Total capital under the Advanced approaches differs from the Standardized approach due to differences in the amount permitted in Tier 2 capital related to the qualifying allowance for credit losses.
(4)Reflects total average assets adjusted for certain Tier 1 capital deductions.

At September 30, 2024, CET1 capital was $199.8 billion, an increase of $4.9 billion from December 31, 2023, primarily due to earnings, partially offset by capital distributions. Tier 1 capital decreased $381 million primarily driven by preferred stock redemptions, partially offset by the increase in CET1 capital. Total capital under the Standardized approach increased $982 million primarily due to an increase in subordinated debt and adjusted allowance for credit losses included in Tier 2 capital,
partially offset by the decrease in Tier 1 capital. RWA under the Standardized approach, which yielded the lower CET1 capital ratio at September 30, 2024, increased $37.5 billion during 2024 to $1,689 billion primarily driven by client activity in Global Markets and lending activity in GWIM and Global Banking. Supplementary leverage exposure at September 30, 2024 increased $111.3 billion primarily driven by increased activity in Global Markets and ALM activities in All Other.
Bank of America 22

Table 9 shows the capital composition at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Table 9Capital Composition under Basel 3
(Dollars in millions)September 30
December 31
Total common shareholders’ equity$271,958 $263,249 
CECL transitional amount (1)
627 1,254 
Goodwill, net of related deferred tax liabilities(68,648)(68,648)
Deferred tax assets arising from net operating loss and tax credit carryforwards(8,188)(7,912)
Intangibles, other than mortgage servicing rights, net of related deferred tax liabilities(1,453)(1,496)
Defined benefit pension plan net assets(801)(764)
Cumulative unrealized net (gain) loss related to changes in fair value of financial liabilities attributable to own creditworthiness,
1,509 1,342 
Accumulated net (gain) loss on certain cash flow hedges (2)
4,926 8,025 
Common equity tier 1 capital199,805 194,928 
Qualifying preferred stock, net of issuance cost23,158 28,396 
Tier 1 capital222,942 223,323 
Tier 2 capital instruments16,201 15,340 
Qualifying allowance for credit losses (3)
13,575 12,920 
Total capital under the Standardized approach252,381 251,399 
Adjustment in qualifying allowance for credit losses under the Advanced approaches (3)
Total capital under the Advanced approaches$241,794 $241,449 
(1)September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 include 25 percent and 50 percent of the CECL transition provision’s impact as of December 31, 2021.
(2)Includes amounts in accumulated other comprehensive income (OCI) related to the hedging of items that are not recognized at fair value on the Consolidated Balance Sheet.
(3)Includes the impact of transition provisions related to the CECL accounting standard.
Table 10 shows the components of RWA as measured under Basel 3 at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Table 10Risk-weighted Assets under Basel 3
Standardized ApproachAdvanced ApproachesStandardized ApproachAdvanced Approaches
(Dollars in billions)
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Credit risk$1,616 $1,005 $1,580 $983 
Market risk73 73 71 71 
Operational riskn/a359 n/a361 
Risks related to credit valuation adjustmentsn/a45 n/a44 
Total risk-weighted assets$1,689 $1,482 $1,651 $1,459 
n/a = not applicable

23 Bank of America

Bank of America, N.A. Regulatory Capital
Table 11 presents regulatory capital information for BANA in accordance with Basel 3 Standardized and Advanced approaches as measured at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. BANA met the definition of well capitalized under the PCA framework for both periods.
Table 11Bank of America, N.A. Regulatory Capital under Basel 3
(Dollars in millions, except as noted)September 30, 2024
Risk-based capital metrics:
Common equity tier 1 capital$191,412 $191,412 
Tier 1 capital191,412 191,412 
Total capital (3)
206,410 196,057 
Risk-weighted assets (in billions) 1,428 1,137 
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio13.4 %16.8 %7.0 %
Tier 1 capital ratio13.4 16.8 8.5 
Total capital ratio14.5 17.2 10.5 
Leverage-based metrics:
Adjusted quarterly average assets (in billions) (4)
$2,507 $2,507 
Tier 1 leverage ratio7.6 %7.6 %5.0 
Supplementary leverage exposure (in billions)$2,974 
Supplementary leverage ratio6.4 %6.0 

December 31, 2023
Risk-based capital metrics:
Common equity tier 1 capital$187,621 $187,621 
Tier 1 capital187,621 187,621 
Total capital (3)
201,932 192,175 
Risk-weighted assets (in billions) 1,395 1,114 
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio13.5 %16.8 %7.0 %
Tier 1 capital ratio13.5 16.8 8.5 
Total capital ratio14.5 17.2 10.5 
Leverage-based metrics:
Adjusted quarterly average assets (in billions) (4)
$2,471 $2,471 
Tier 1 leverage ratio7.6 %7.6 %5.0 
Supplementary leverage exposure (in billions)$2,910 
Supplementary leverage ratio6.4 %6.0 
(1)Capital ratios as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 are calculated using the regulatory capital rule that allows a five-year transition period related to the adoption of the CECL accounting standard on January 1, 2020.
(2)Risk-based capital regulatory minimums at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 are the minimum ratios under Basel 3 including a capital conservation buffer of 2.5 percent. The regulatory minimums for the leverage ratios as of both period ends are the percent required to be considered well capitalized under the PCA framework.
(3)Total capital under the Advanced approaches differs from the Standardized approach due to differences in the amount permitted in Tier 2 capital related to the qualifying allowance for credit losses.
(4)Reflects total average assets adjusted for certain Tier 1 capital deductions.
Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity Requirements
Total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC) consists of the Corporation’s Tier 1 capital and eligible long-term debt issued directly by the Corporation. Eligible long-term debt for TLAC ratios is comprised of unsecured debt that has a remaining maturity of at least one year and satisfies additional requirements as prescribed in the TLAC final rule. As with the
risk-based capital ratios and SLR, the Corporation is required to maintain TLAC ratios in excess of minimum requirements plus applicable buffers to avoid restrictions on capital distributions and discretionary bonus payments to executive officers. Table 12 presents the Corporation's TLAC and long-term debt ratios and related information as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
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Table 12Bank of America Corporation Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity and Long-Term Debt

TLAC (1)
Regulatory Minimum (2)
Regulatory Minimum (3)
(Dollars in millions)September 30, 2024
Total eligible balance$463,241 $225,379 
Percentage of risk-weighted assets (4)
27.4 %22.0 %13.3 %9.0 %
Percentage of supplementary leverage exposure12.2 9.5 6.0 4.5 
December 31, 2023
Total eligible balance$479,156 $239,892 
Percentage of risk-weighted assets (4)
29.0 %22.0 %14.5 %8.5 %
Percentage of supplementary leverage exposure13.0 9.5 6.5 4.5 
(1)As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, TLAC ratios are calculated using the regulatory capital rule that allows a five-year transition period related to the adoption of the CECL accounting standard on January 1, 2020.
(2)The TLAC RWA regulatory minimum consists of 18.0 percent plus a TLAC RWA buffer comprised of 2.5 percent plus the Method 1 G-SIB surcharge of 1.5 percent. The countercyclical buffer is zero for both periods. The TLAC supplementary leverage exposure regulatory minimum consists of 7.5 percent plus a 2.0 percent TLAC leverage buffer. The TLAC RWA and leverage buffers must be comprised solely of CET1 capital and Tier 1 capital, respectively.
(3)The long-term debt RWA regulatory minimum is comprised of 6.0 percent plus the Corporation’s G-SIB surcharge of 3.0 percent at September 30, 2024 and 2.5 percent at December 31, 2023. The long-term debt leverage exposure regulatory minimum is 4.5 percent. Effective January 1, 2024, the Corporation’s G-SIB surcharge, which is higher under Method 2, increased 50 bps, resulting in an increase in our long-term debt RWA regulatory minimum requirement to 9.0 percent from 8.5 percent.
(4)The approach that yields the higher RWA is used to calculate TLAC and long-term debt ratios, which was the Standardized approach as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Regulatory Developments
For information on regulatory developments, see Capital Management – Regulatory Developments in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Regulatory Capital and Securities Regulation
The Corporation’s principal U.S. broker-dealer subsidiaries are BofA Securities, Inc. (BofAS) and Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (MLPF&S). The Corporation's principal European subsidiaries undertaking broker-dealer activities are Merrill Lynch International (MLI) and BofA Securities Europe SA (BofASE).
The U.S. broker-dealer subsidiaries are subject to the net capital requirements of Rule 15c3-1 under the Exchange Act. BofAS computes its capital requirements as an alternative net capital broker-dealer under Rule 15c3-1e, and MLPF&S computes its capital requirements in accordance with the alternative standard under Rule 15c3-1. BofAS is registered as a futures commission merchant and is subject to Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Regulation 1.17. The U.S. broker-dealer subsidiaries are also registered with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA). Pursuant to FINRA Rule 4110, FINRA may impose higher net capital requirements than Rule 15c3-1 under the Exchange Act with respect to each of the broker-dealers.
BofAS provides institutional services, and in accordance with the alternative net capital requirements, is required to maintain tentative net capital in excess of $5.0 billion and net capital in excess of the greater of $1.0 billion or a certain percentage of its reserve requirement in addition to a certain percentage of securities-based swap risk margin. BofAS must also notify the SEC in the event its tentative net capital is less than $6.0 billion. BofAS is also required to hold a certain percentage of its customers' and affiliates' risk-based margin in order to meet its CFTC minimum net capital requirement. At September 30, 2024, BofAS had tentative net capital of $21.8 billion. BofAS also had regulatory net capital of $18.9 billion, which exceeded the minimum requirement of $4.8 billion.
MLPF&S provides retail services. At September 30, 2024, MLPF&S' regulatory net capital was $6.7 billion, which exceeded the minimum requirement of $160 million.
Our European broker-dealers are subject to requirements from U.S. and non-U.S. regulators. MLI, a U.K. investment firm, is regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority and is subject to certain regulatory
capital requirements. At September 30, 2024, MLI’s capital resources were $33.7 billion, which exceeded the minimum Pillar 1 requirement of $13.1 billion.
BofASE, an authorized credit institution with its head office located in France, is regulated by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution and the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, and supervised under the Single Supervisory Mechanism by the European Central Bank. At September 30, 2024, BofASE's capital resources were $10.2 billion, which exceeded the minimum Pillar 1 requirement of $3.4 billion.
In addition, MLI and BofASE remained conditionally registered with the SEC as security-based swap dealers, and maintained net liquid assets at September 30, 2024 that exceeded the applicable minimum requirements under the Exchange Act. The entities are also registered as swap dealers with the CFTC and met applicable capital requirements at September 30, 2024.
Liquidity Risk
Funding and Liquidity Risk Management
Our primary liquidity risk management objective is to meet expected or unexpected cash flow and collateral requirements, including payments under long-term debt agreements, commitments to extend credit and customer deposit withdrawals, while continuing to support our businesses and customers under a range of economic conditions. To achieve that objective, we analyze and monitor our liquidity risk under expected and stressed conditions, maintain liquidity and access to diverse funding sources, including our stable deposit base, and seek to align liquidity-related incentives and risks. These liquidity risk management practices have allowed us to effectively manage market fluctuations from the rising interest rate environment, inflationary pressures and changes in the macroeconomic environment.
We define liquidity as readily available assets, limited to cash and high-quality, liquid, unencumbered securities that we can use to meet our contractual and contingent financial obligations as they arise. We manage our liquidity position through line of business and ALM activities, as well as through our legal entity funding strategy, on both a forward and current (including intraday) basis under both expected and stressed conditions. We believe that a centralized approach to funding and liquidity management enhances our ability to monitor
25 Bank of America

liquidity requirements, maximizes access to funding sources, minimizes borrowing costs and facilitates timely responses to liquidity events.
We provide centralized funding and liquidity management through a variety of activities, including monitoring of established limits, assessing exposures under both normal and stressed conditions and reviewing liquidity risk management processes and controls. Global Risk Management (GRM) provides oversight of liquidity management across the Corporation, including front-line units and legal entities. GRM oversees the liquidity risk management governance structure, establishes liquidity risk policies, and provides independent review and challenge of the Corporation's liquidity risk management processes.
The Board, its risk committee and various management committees oversee the Corporation’s liquidity risk activities. The Board and/or ERC approve our liquidity risk policy, Financial Contingency and Recovery Plan and liquidity risk appetite limits. Management committees responsible for liquidity governance include the Corporation’s Management Risk Committee, Asset and Liability Governance Committee, Liquidity Risk Committee and Asset and Liability Management Investment Committee.
For more information on the Corporation’s liquidity risks, see the Liquidity section within Item 1A. Risk Factors of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. For more information regarding global funding and liquidity risk management, as well as liquidity sources, liquidity arrangements, contingency planning and credit ratings discussed below, see Liquidity Risk in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
NB Holdings Corporation
Bank of America Corporation, as the parent company (the Parent), which is a separate and distinct legal entity from our bank and nonbank subsidiaries, has an intercompany arrangement with our wholly-owned holding company subsidiary, NB Holdings Corporation (NB Holdings). We have transferred, and agreed to transfer, additional Parent assets not required to satisfy anticipated near-term expenditures to NB Holdings. The Parent is expected to continue to have access to the same flow of dividends, interest and other amounts of cash necessary to service its debt, pay dividends and perform other obligations as it would have had it not entered into these arrangements and transferred any assets. These arrangements support our preferred single point of entry resolution strategy, under which only the Parent would be resolved under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

Global Liquidity Sources and Other Unencumbered Assets
We maintain liquidity available to the Corporation, including the Parent and selected subsidiaries, in the form of cash and high- quality, liquid, unencumbered securities. Our liquidity buffer, referred to as Global Liquidity Sources (GLS), is comprised of assets that are readily available to the Parent and selected subsidiaries, including holding company, bank and broker-dealer subsidiaries, even during stressed market conditions. Our cash is primarily on deposit with the Federal Reserve Bank and, to a lesser extent, central banks outside of the U.S. We limit the composition of high-quality, liquid, unencumbered securities to U.S. government securities, U.S. agency securities, U.S. agency mortgage-backed securities and other investment-grade securities, and a select group of non-U.S. government securities. We can obtain cash for these securities, even in stressed conditions, through repurchase agreements or outright sales. We hold our GLS in legal entities that allow us to meet the liquidity requirements of our global businesses, and we consider the impact of potential regulatory, tax, legal and other restrictions that could limit the transferability of funds among entities.
Table 13 presents average GLS for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Table 13Average Global Liquidity Sources
Three Months Ended
(Dollars in billions)September 30
December 31 2023
Bank entities$769 $735 
Nonbank and other entities (1)
178 162 
Total Average Global Liquidity Sources
$947 $897 
(1) Nonbank includes Parent, NB Holdings and other regulated entities.
Our bank subsidiaries’ liquidity is primarily driven by deposit and lending activity, as well as securities valuation and net debt activity. Bank subsidiaries can also generate incremental liquidity by pledging a range of unencumbered loans and securities to certain Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBs) and the Federal Reserve Discount Window. The cash we could have obtained by borrowing against this pool of specifically-identified eligible assets was $334 billion and $312 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. We have established operational procedures to enable us to borrow against these assets, including regularly monitoring our total pool of eligible loans and securities collateral. Eligibility is defined in guidelines from the FHLBs and the Federal Reserve and is subject to change at their discretion. Due to regulatory restrictions, liquidity generated by the bank subsidiaries can generally be used only to fund obligations within the bank subsidiaries, and transfers to the Parent or nonbank subsidiaries may be subject to prior regulatory approval.

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Liquidity is also held in nonbank entities, including the Parent, NB Holdings and other regulated entities. The Parent and NB Holdings liquidity is typically in the form of cash deposited at BANA, which is excluded from the liquidity at bank subsidiaries, and high-quality, liquid, unencumbered securities. Liquidity held in other regulated entities, comprised primarily of broker-dealer subsidiaries, is primarily available to meet the obligations of that entity, and transfers to the Parent or to any other subsidiary may be subject to prior regulatory approval due to regulatory restrictions and minimum requirements. Our other regulated entities also hold unencumbered investment-grade securities and equities that we believe could be used to generate additional liquidity.
Table 14 presents the composition of average GLS for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Table 14Average Global Liquidity Sources Composition
Three Months Ended
(Dollars in billions)September 30
December 31 2023
Cash on deposit$318 $380 
U.S. Treasury securities300 197 
U.S. agency securities, mortgage-backed securities, and other investment-grade securities
303 299 
Non-U.S. government securities26 21 
Total Average Global Liquidity Sources$947 $897 
Our GLS are substantially the same in composition to what qualifies as High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) under the final U.S. Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) rules. However, HQLA for purposes of calculating LCR is not reported at market value, but at a lower value that incorporates regulatory deductions and the exclusion of excess liquidity held at certain subsidiaries. The LCR is calculated as the amount of a financial institution’s unencumbered HQLA relative to the estimated net cash outflows the institution could encounter over a 30-day period of significant liquidity stress, expressed as a percentage. Our average consolidated HQLA, on a net basis, was $610 billion and $590 billion for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. For both periods, the average consolidated LCR was 115 percent. Our LCR fluctuates due to normal business flows from customer activity.
Liquidity Stress Analysis
We utilize liquidity stress analysis to assist us in determining the appropriate amounts of liquidity to maintain at the Parent and our subsidiaries to meet contractual and contingent cash outflows under a range of scenarios. For more information on liquidity stress analysis, see Liquidity Risk – Liquidity Stress Analysis in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Net Stable Funding Ratio
The Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) is a liquidity requirement for large banks to maintain a minimum level of stable funding over a one-year period. The requirement is intended to support the ability of banks to lend to households and businesses in both normal and adverse economic conditions and is complementary to the LCR, which focuses on short-term liquidity
risks. The U.S. NSFR applies to the Corporation on a consolidated basis and to our insured depository institutions. At September 30, 2024, the Corporation and its insured depository institutions were in compliance with the U.S. NSFR. For more information, see the Pillar 3 U.S. NSFR Disclosure report for the quarters ended March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2024 on the Corporation’s website, the contents of which are not incorporated by reference into this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Diversified Funding Sources
We fund our assets primarily with a mix of deposits, and secured and unsecured liabilities through a centralized, globally coordinated funding approach diversified across products, programs, markets, currencies and investor groups. We fund a substantial portion of our lending activities through our deposits, which were $1.93 trillion and $1.92 trillion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Our trading activities in other regulated entities are primarily funded on a secured basis through securities lending and repurchase agreements, and these amounts will vary based on customer activity and market conditions.
Our deposit base is well-diversified by clients, geography and product type across our business segments. At September 30, 2024, 49 percent of our deposits were in Consumer Banking, 15 percent in GWIM and 29 percent in Global Banking. We consider a substantial portion of our deposit base to be a stable, low-cost and consistent source of liquidity. At September 30, 2024 approximately 68 percent of consumer and small business deposits and 80 percent of U.S. deposits in Global Banking were held by clients who have had accounts with us for 10 or more years. In addition, at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, 27 percent and 28 percent of our deposits were noninterest bearing and included operating accounts of our consumer and commercial clients. Deposits at September 30, 2024 increased $6.5 billion from December 31, 2023 primarily due to higher commercial deposits and time deposit growth, partially offset by consumer deposit outflows and customers’ movement of balances to higher yielding investment alternatives.
During the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, rates paid on deposits were 65 bps and 34 bps in Consumer Banking, 313 bps and 269 bps in GWIM, and 327 bps and 266 bps in Global Banking. For information on rates paid on consolidated deposit balances, see Table 6 on page 8.
Long-term Debt
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we issued $41.9 billion of long-term debt consisting of $12.4 billion of notes issued by Bank of America Corporation, substantially all of which were TLAC compliant, $13.2 billion of notes issued by Bank of America, N.A. and $16.3 billion of other debt.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we had total long-term debt maturities and redemptions in the aggregate of $50.0 billion consisting of $28.6 billion for Bank of America Corporation, $12.8 billion for Bank of America, N.A. and $8.6 billion of other debt. Table 15 presents the carrying value of aggregate annual contractual maturities of long-term debt at September 30, 2024.
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Table 15Long-term Debt by Maturity
(Dollars in millions)Remainder of 20242025202620272028ThereafterTotal
Bank of America Corporation
Senior notes (1)
$— $9,290 $25,110 $21,866 $28,510 $107,992 $192,768 
Senior structured notes129 1,864 1,497 987 950 13,256 18,683 
Subordinated notes100 5,161 4,920 2,094 926 11,791 24,992 
Junior subordinated notes— — — 192 — 557 749 
Total Bank of America Corporation229 16,315 31,527 25,139 30,386 133,596 237,192 
Bank of America, N.A.
Senior notes— 7,108 3,266 — 692 — 11,066 
Subordinated notes— — — — — 1,471 1,471 
Advances from Federal Home Loan Banks— 3,147 39 3,205 
Securitizations and other Bank VIEs (2)
— 2,302 3,285 1,249 1,234 285 8,355 
Other— 691 122 11 45 70 939 
Total Bank of America, N.A.— 13,248 6,681 1,263 1,979 1,865 25,036 
Other debt
Structured Liabilities1,527 6,551 5,171 4,672 1,985 14,263 34,169 
Nonbank VIEs (2)
— 508 530 
Total other debt1,533 6,554 5,180 4,672 1,989 14,771 34,699 
Total long-term debt$1,762 $36,117 $43,388 $31,074 $34,354 $150,232 $296,927 
(1)Total includes $175.7 billion of outstanding notes that are both TLAC eligible and callable one year before their stated maturities, including $2.0 billion during the remainder of 2024, and $22.3 billion, $21.9 billion, $25.5 billion and $20.2 billion during each year of 2025 through 2028, respectively, and $83.8 billion thereafter. For more information on our TLAC eligible and callable outstanding notes, see Liquidity Risk – Diversified Funding Sources in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
(2)Represents liabilities of consolidated variable interest entities (VIEs) included in total long-term debt on the Consolidated Balance Sheet.
Total long-term debt decreased $5.3 billion to $296.9 billion during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 primarily due to debt maturities, partially offset by debt issuances and valuation adjustments. We may, from time to time, purchase outstanding debt instruments in various transactions, depending on market conditions, liquidity and other factors. Our other regulated entities may also make markets in our debt instruments to provide liquidity for investors.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we issued $21.2 billion of structured notes, which are debt obligations that pay investors returns linked to other debt or equity securities, indices, currencies or commodities. These structured notes are typically issued to meet client demand, and notes with certain attributes may also be TLAC eligible. We typically hedge the returns we are obligated to pay on these liabilities with derivatives and/or investments in the underlying instruments, so that from a funding perspective, the cost is similar to our other unsecured long-term debt. We could be required to settle certain structured note obligations for cash or other securities prior to maturity under certain circumstances, which we consider for liquidity planning purposes. We believe, however, that a portion of such borrowings will remain outstanding beyond the earliest put or redemption date.
Substantially all of our senior and subordinated debt obligations contain no provisions that could trigger a requirement for an early repayment, require additional collateral support, result in changes to terms, accelerate maturity or create additional financial obligations upon an adverse change in our credit ratings, financial ratios, earnings, cash flows or stock price. For more information on long-term debt funding,
including issuances and maturities and redemptions, see Note 11 – Long-term Debt to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
We use derivative transactions to manage the duration, interest rate and currency risks of our borrowings, considering the characteristics of the assets they are funding. For more information on our ALM activities, see Interest Rate Risk Management for the Banking Book on page 45.
Credit Ratings
Credit ratings and outlooks are opinions expressed by rating agencies on our creditworthiness and that of our obligations or securities, including long-term debt, short-term borrowings, preferred stock and other securities, including asset securitizations. Table 16 presents the Corporation’s current long-term/short-term senior debt ratings and outlooks expressed by the rating agencies.
The ratings and outlooks from Moody's Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings and Fitch Ratings for the Corporation and its subsidiaries have not changed from those disclosed in the Corporation's 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
For more information on additional collateral and termination payments that could be required in connection with certain over-the-counter derivative contracts and other trading agreements in the event of a credit rating downgrade, see Note 3 – Derivatives to the Consolidated Financial Statements herein and Item 1A. Risk Factors of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
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Table 16Senior Debt Ratings
Moody’s Investors ServiceStandard & Poor’s Global RatingsFitch Ratings
Bank of America CorporationA1P-1StableA-A-2StableAA-F1+Stable
Bank of America, N.A.Aa1P-1NegativeA+A-1StableAAF1+Stable
Bank of America Europe Designated Activity CompanyNRNRNRA+A-1StableAAF1+Stable
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith IncorporatedNRNRNRA+A-1StableAAF1+Stable
BofA Securities, Inc.NRNRNRA+A-1StableAAF1+Stable
Merrill Lynch InternationalNRNRNRA+A-1StableAAF1+Stable
BofA Securities Europe SANRNRNRA+A-1StableAAF1+Stable
NR = not rated
Finance Subsidiary Issuers and Parent Guarantor
BofA Finance LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (BofA Finance), is a consolidated finance subsidiary of the Corporation that has issued and sold, and is expected to continue to issue and sell, its senior unsecured debt securities (Guaranteed Notes) that are fully and unconditionally guaranteed by the Corporation. The Corporation guarantees the due and punctual payment, on demand, of amounts payable on the Guaranteed Notes if not paid by BofA Finance. In addition, each of BAC Capital Trust XIII, BAC Capital Trust XIV and BAC Capital Trust XV, Delaware statutory trusts (collectively, the Trusts) is a 100 percent owned finance subsidiary of the Corporation that has issued and sold trust preferred securities (the Trust Preferred Securities) or capital securities (the Capital Securities and, together with the Guaranteed Notes and the Trust Preferred Securities, the Guaranteed Securities), as applicable, that remained outstanding at September 30, 2024. The Corporation has fully and unconditionally guaranteed (or effectively provided for the full and unconditional guarantee of) all such securities issued by such finance subsidiaries. For more information regarding such guarantees by the Corporation, see Liquidity Risk – Finance Subsidiary Issuers and Parent Guarantor in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Representations and Warranties Obligations
For information on representations and warranties obligations in connection with the sale of mortgage loans, see Note 12 – Commitments and Contingencies to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Credit Risk Management
For information on our credit risk management activities, see the following: Consumer Portfolio Credit Risk Management on page 29, Commercial Portfolio Credit Risk Management on page 34, Non-U.S. Portfolio on page 40, Allowance for Credit Losses on page 41, Note 5 – Outstanding Loans and Leases and Allowance for Credit Losses to the Consolidated Financial Statements, and Credit Risk Management in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. For information on the Corporation’s loan modification programs, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles and Note 5 – Outstanding Loans and Leases and Allowance for Credit Losses to the Consolidated Financial Statements. For more information on the Corporation’s credit risks, see the Credit section within Item 1A. Risk Factors of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, our net charge-off ratio increased primarily driven by credit card loans and the commercial real estate office portfolio. Commercial
reservable criticized exposure increased compared to December 31, 2023 driven by an increase across a broad range of industries. Nonperforming loans also increased compared to December 31, 2023 primarily driven by commercial real estate. Uncertainty remains regarding broader economic impacts as a result of higher costs associated with inflationary pressures experienced over the past several years, elevated rates as well as the current geopolitical environment, and could lead to adverse impacts to credit quality metrics in future periods.
Consumer Portfolio Credit Risk Management
Credit risk management for the consumer portfolio begins with initial underwriting and continues throughout a borrower’s credit cycle. Statistical techniques in conjunction with experiential judgment are used in all aspects of portfolio management including underwriting, product pricing, risk appetite, setting credit limits, and establishing operating processes and metrics to quantify and balance risks and returns. Statistical models are built using detailed behavioral information from external sources, such as credit bureaus, and/or internal historical experience and are a component of our consumer credit risk management process. These models are used in part to assist in making both new and ongoing credit decisions as well as portfolio management strategies, including authorizations and line management, collection practices and strategies, and determination of the allowance for loan and lease losses and allocated capital for credit risk.
Consumer Credit Portfolio
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the U.S. unemployment rate remained relatively stable and home prices continued to rise. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, net charge-offs increased $240 million and $954 million to $1.0 billion and $3.1 billion compared to the same periods in 2023, primarily due to higher credit card loan charge-offs.
The consumer allowance for loan and lease losses was $8.6 billion, relatively unchanged from December 31, 2023. For more information, see Allowance for Credit Losses on page 41.
For more information on our accounting policies regarding delinquencies, nonperforming status, charge-offs and loan modifications for the consumer portfolio, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K and Note 5 – Outstanding Loans and Leases and Allowance for Credit Losses to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
Table 17 presents our outstanding consumer loans and leases, consumer nonperforming loans and accruing consumer loans past due 90 days or more.
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Table 17Consumer Credit Quality
 OutstandingsNonperformingAccruing Past Due
90 Days or More
(Dollars in millions)September 30
December 31
September 30
December 31
September 30
December 31
Residential mortgage (1)
$227,842 $228,403 $2,089 $2,114 $215 $252 
Home equity 25,483 25,527 413 450  — 
Credit card100,841 102,200 n/an/a1,306 1,224 
Direct/Indirect consumer (2)
105,695 103,468 175 148 1 
Other consumer161 124  —  — 
Consumer loans excluding loans accounted for under the fair value option
$460,022 $459,722 $2,677 $2,712 $1,522 $1,478 
Loans accounted for under the fair value option (3)
229 243 
Total consumer loans and leases $460,251 $459,965 
Percentage of outstanding consumer loans and leases (4)
n/an/a0.58 %0.59 %0.33 %0.32 %
Percentage of outstanding consumer loans and leases, excluding fully-insured loan portfolios (4)
n/an/a0.60 0.60 0.29 0.27 
(1)Residential mortgage loans accruing past due 90 days or more are fully-insured loans. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, residential mortgage included $114 million and $156 million of loans on which interest had been curtailed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), and therefore were no longer accruing interest, although principal was still insured, and $101 million and $96 million of loans on which interest was still accruing.
(2)Outstandings primarily includes auto and specialty lending loans and leases of $54.9 billion and $53.9 billion, U.S. securities-based lending loans of $47.3 billion and $46.0 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, and non-U.S. consumer loans of $2.8 billion at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
(3)For more information on the fair value option, see Note 15 – Fair Value Option to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
(4)Excludes consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, loans accounted for under the fair value option past due 90 days or more and not accruing interest were insignificant.
n/a= not applicable
Table 18 presents net charge-offs and related ratios for consumer loans and leases.
Table 18Consumer Net Charge-offs and Related Ratios
Net Charge-offs
Net Charge-off Ratios (1)
Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
(Dollars in millions)20242023202420232024202320242023
Residential mortgage$(2)$$1 $ %— % %— %
Home equity(5)(14)(32)(42)(0.07)(0.22)(0.17)(0.22)
Credit card928 673 2,782 1,784 3.70 2.72 3.73 2.52 
Direct/Indirect consumer56 25 172 43 0.21 0.10 0.22 0.05 
Other consumer67 118 208 387 n/mn/mn/mn/m
Total$1,044 $804 $3,131 $2,177 0.91 0.70 0.92 0.64 
(1)Net charge-off ratios are calculated as annualized net charge-offs divided by average outstanding loans and leases, excluding loans accounted for under the fair value option.
n/m = not meaningful
We believe that the presentation of information adjusted to exclude the impact of the fully-insured loan portfolio and loans accounted for under the fair value option is more representative of the ongoing operations and credit quality of the business. As a result, in the following tables and discussions of the residential mortgage and home equity portfolios, we exclude loans accounted for under the fair value option and provide information that excludes the impact of the fully-insured loan portfolio in certain credit quality statistics.
Residential Mortgage
The residential mortgage portfolio made up the largest percentage of our consumer loan portfolio at 50 percent of consumer loans and leases at September 30, 2024. Approximately 50 percent of the residential mortgage portfolio was in Consumer Banking, 47 percent was in GWIM and the remaining portion was in All Other.
Outstanding balances in the residential mortgage portfolio decreased $561 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, as paydowns and payoffs outpaced new originations.
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the residential mortgage portfolio included $10.3 billion and $11.0 billion of outstanding fully-insured loans, of which $2.2 billion had FHA insurance as of both dates, with the remainder protected by Fannie Mae long-term standby agreements.
Table 19 presents certain residential mortgage key credit statistics on both a reported basis and excluding the fully-insured loan portfolio. The following discussion presents the residential mortgage portfolio excluding the fully-insured loan portfolio.
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Table 19Residential Mortgage – Key Credit Statistics
Reported Basis (1)
Excluding Fully-insured Loans (1)
(Dollars in millions)September 30
December 31
September 30
December 31
Outstandings$227,842 $228,403 $217,528 $217,439 
Accruing past due 30 days or more1,442 1,513 979 986 
Accruing past due 90 days or more215 252  — 
Nonperforming loans (2)
2,089 2,114 2,089 2,114 
Percent of portfolio    
Refreshed LTV greater than 90 but less than or equal to 1001 %%1 %%
Refreshed LTV greater than 100 —  — 
Refreshed FICO below 6201 1 
(1)Outstandings, accruing past due, nonperforming loans and percentages of portfolio exclude loans accounted for under the fair value option.
(2)Includes loans that are contractually current that have not yet demonstrated a sustained period of payment performance following a modification.
Nonperforming outstanding balances in the residential mortgage portfolio remained relatively unchanged during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Of the nonperforming residential mortgage loans at September 30, 2024, $1.3 billion, or 62 percent, were current on contractual payments. Loans accruing past due 30 days or more of $979 million also remained relatively unchanged.
Of the $217.5 billion in total residential mortgage loans outstanding at September 30, 2024, $63.5 billion, or 29 percent, of loans were originated as interest-only. The outstanding balance of interest-only residential mortgage loans that had entered the amortization period was $3.5 billion, or six percent, at September 30, 2024. Residential mortgage loans that have entered the amortization period generally experience a higher rate of early stage delinquencies and nonperforming status compared to the residential mortgage portfolio as a whole. At September 30, 2024, $45 million, or one percent, of outstanding interest-only residential mortgages that had entered the amortization period were accruing past due 30 days or more compared to $979 million, or less than one percent, for the
entire residential mortgage portfolio. In addition, at September 30, 2024, $218 million, or six percent, of outstanding interest-only residential mortgage loans that had entered the amortization period were nonperforming, of which $74 million were contractually current. Loans that have yet to enter the amortization period in our interest-only residential mortgage portfolio are primarily well-collateralized loans to our wealth management clients and have an interest-only period of three years to 10 years. Substantially all of these loans that have yet to enter the amortization period will not be required to make a fully-amortizing payment until 2026 or later.
Table 20 presents outstandings, nonperforming loans and net charge-offs by certain state concentrations for the residential mortgage portfolio. In the New York area, the New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) made up 15 percent of outstandings at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana MSA within California represented 14 percent of outstandings at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Table 20Residential Mortgage State Concentrations
Outstandings (1)
Nonperforming (1)
Net Charge-offs
September 30
December 31
September 30
December 31
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended
September 30
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
California$81,379 $81,085 $637 $641 $(1)$$1 $— 
New York25,804 25,975 309 320 1 — 2 
Florida15,614 15,450 140 131 (2)— (3)(2)
Texas9,329 9,361 91 88  —  
New Jersey8,596 8,671 90 97  — (1)(1)
Other76,806 76,897 822 837  2 
Residential mortgage loans$217,528 $217,439 $2,089 $2,114 $(2)$$1 $
Fully-insured loan portfolio10,314 10,964     
Total residential mortgage loan portfolio$227,842 $228,403     
(1)Outstandings and nonperforming loans exclude loans accounted for under the fair value option.
Home Equity
At September 30, 2024, the home equity portfolio made up six percent of the consumer portfolio and was comprised of home equity lines of credit (HELOCs), home equity loans and reverse mortgages. HELOCs generally have an initial draw period of 10 years, and after the initial draw period ends, the loans generally convert to 15- or 20-year amortizing loans. We no longer originate home equity loans or reverse mortgages.
At September 30, 2024, 85 percent of the home equity portfolio was in Consumer Banking, 10 percent was in GWIM and the remainder of the portfolio was in All Other. Outstanding
balances in the home equity portfolio decreased $44 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 primarily due to paydowns outpacing draws on existing lines and new originations. Of the total home equity portfolio at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, $9.3 billion and $10.1 billion, or 37 percent and 39 percent, were in first-lien positions. At September 30, 2024, outstanding balances in the home equity portfolio that were in a second-lien or more junior-lien position and where we also held the first-lien loan totaled $4.5 billion, or 18 percent, of our total home equity portfolio.
31 Bank of America

Unused HELOCs totaled $44.7 billion and $45.1 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The HELOC utilization rate was 36 percent and 35 percent at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Table 21 presents certain home equity portfolio key credit statistics.
Table 21
Home Equity – Key Credit Statistics (1)
(Dollars in millions)September 30 2024December 31 2023
Outstandings$25,483 $25,527 
Accruing past due 30 days or more82 95 
Nonperforming loans (2)
413 450 
Percent of portfolio
Refreshed CLTV greater than 90 but less than or equal to 100 %— %
Refreshed CLTV greater than 100 — 
Refreshed FICO below 6202 
(1)Outstandings, accruing past due, nonperforming loans and percentages of the portfolio exclude loans accounted for under the fair value option.
(2)Includes loans that are contractually current that have not yet demonstrated a sustained period of payment performance following a modification.
Nonperforming outstanding balances in the home equity portfolio decreased $37 million to $413 million at September 30, 2024, primarily driven by paydowns and payoffs and returns to performing status outpacing new additions. Of the nonperforming home equity loans at September 30, 2024, $253 million, or 61 percent, were current on contractual payments. In addition, $90 million, or 22 percent, were 180 days or more past due and had been written down to the estimated fair value of the collateral, less costs to sell. Accruing loans that were 30 days or more past due remained relatively unchanged during the nine months ended September 30, 2024.
Of the $25.5 billion in total home equity portfolio outstandings at September 30, 2024, as shown in Table 21, nine percent require interest-only payments. The outstanding balance of HELOCs that had reached the end of their draw period and entered the amortization period was $3.5 billion at September 30, 2024. The HELOCs that have entered the amortization period have experienced a higher percentage of early stage delinquencies and nonperforming status when compared to the HELOC portfolio as a whole. At September 30, 2024, $30 million, or one percent, of outstanding HELOCs that
had entered the amortization period were accruing past due 30 days or more. In addition, at September 30, 2024, $253 million, or seven percent, were nonperforming.
For our interest-only HELOC portfolio, we do not actively track how many of our home equity customers pay only the minimum amount due on their home equity loans and lines; however, we can infer some of this information through a review of our HELOC portfolio that we service and is still in its revolving period. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, 30 percent of these customers with an outstanding balance did not pay any principal on their HELOCs.
Table 22 presents outstandings, nonperforming balances and net recoveries by certain state concentrations for the home equity portfolio. In the New York area, the New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island MSA made up 11 percent of the outstanding home equity portfolio at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana MSA within California made up 11 percent and 10 percent of the outstanding home equity portfolio at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Table 22Home Equity State Concentrations
Outstandings (1)
Nonperforming (1)
Net Charge-Offs
September 30
December 31
September 30
December 31
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended
September 30
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
California$6,985 $6,966 $104 $109 $(1)$(3)$(6)$(5)
Florida2,521 2,576 47 53 (2)(3)(6)(8)
New Jersey1,807 1,870 36 46  — (4)(3)
1,487 1,410 16 16 (1)— 1 — 
New York
1,464 1,590 65 71 1 (2)(3)(6)
Other11,219 11,115 145 155 (2)(6)(14)(20)
Total home equity loan portfolio$25,483 $25,527 $413 $450 $(5)$(14)$(32)$(42)
(1)Outstandings and nonperforming loans exclude loans accounted for under the fair value option.
Credit Card
At September 30, 2024, 97 percent of the credit card portfolio was managed in Consumer Banking with the remainder in GWIM. Outstandings in the credit card portfolio decreased $1.4 billion during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 to $100.8 billion, as payments more than offset purchase volume and card transfers. Net charge-offs increased $255 million to $928 million and $998 million to $2.8 billion during the
three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same periods in 2023. Credit card loans 30 days or more past due and still accruing interest increased $144 million, and 90 days or more past due and still accruing interest increased $82 million at September 30, 2024.
Unused lines of credit for credit card increased to $397.4 billion at September 30, 2024 from $390.2 billion at December 31, 2023.

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Table 23 presents certain state concentrations for the credit card portfolio.
Table 23Credit Card State Concentrations
OutstandingsAccruing Past Due
90 Days or More
Net Charge-offs
September 30
December 31
September 30
December 31
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended
September 30
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
California$16,757 $16,952 $240 $216 $176 $120 $514 $317 
Florida10,485 10,521 185 168 127 89 380 238 
Texas8,891 8,978 132 125 91 64 275 169 
New York5,659 5,788 80 84 59 52 181 142 
Washington5,435 5,352 46 41 31 21 89 53 
Other53,614 54,609 623 590 444 327 1,343 865 
Total credit card portfolio$100,841 $102,200 $1,306 $1,224 $928 $673 $2,782 $1,784 
Direct/Indirect Consumer
At September 30, 2024, 52 percent of the direct/indirect portfolio was included in Consumer Banking (consumer auto and recreational vehicle lending) and 48 percent was included in GWIM (principally securities-based lending loans). Outstandings in the direct/indirect portfolio increased $2.2 billion during the
nine months ended September 30, 2024 to $105.7 billion driven by increases in securities-based lending and consumer auto.
Table 24 presents certain state concentrations for the direct/indirect consumer loan portfolio.
Table 24Direct/Indirect State Concentrations
OutstandingsNonperformingNet Charge-offs
September 30
December 31
September 30
December 31
Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
California$15,803 $15,416 $37 $27 $14 $$41 $11 
Florida14,253 13,550 20 18 9 24 
Texas10,012 9,668 18 14 9 24 
New York7,578 7,335 14 11 4 11 
New Jersey4,454 4,376 6 2 6 
Other53,595 53,123 80 73 18 12 66 15 
Total direct/indirect loan
$105,695 $103,468 $175 $148 $56 $25 $172 $43 
Other Consumer
Other consumer primarily consists of deposit overdraft balances. Net charge-offs decreased $51 million to $67 million and $179 million to $208 million during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same periods in 2023, primarily driven by lower overdraft losses from fraud activity.
Nonperforming Consumer Loans, Leases and Foreclosed Properties Activity
Table 25 presents nonperforming consumer loans, leases and foreclosed properties activity for the three and nine months
ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, nonperforming consumer loans of $2.7 billion remained relatively unchanged.
At September 30, 2024, $475 million, or 18 percent, of nonperforming loans were 180 days or more past due and had been written down to their estimated property value less costs to sell. In addition, at September 30, 2024, $1.6 billion, or 60 percent, of nonperforming consumer loans were current and classified as nonperforming loans in accordance with applicable policies.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, foreclosed properties decreased $22 million to $81 million.
33 Bank of America

Table 25Nonperforming Consumer Loans, Leases and Foreclosed Properties Activity
Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
Nonperforming loans and leases, beginning of period$2,671 $2,729 $2,712 $2,754 
Additions 232 297 709 808 
Paydowns and payoffs(98)(117)(347)(351)
Returns to performing status (1)
Transfers to foreclosed properties (4)(11)(20)(22)
Total net additions (reductions) to nonperforming loans and leases
6 63 (35)38 
Total nonperforming loans and leases, September 30
2,677 2,792 2,677 2,792 
Foreclosed properties, September 30
81 112 81 112 
Nonperforming consumer loans, leases and foreclosed properties, September 30 (2)
$2,758 $2,904 $2,758 $2,904 
Nonperforming consumer loans and leases as a percentage of outstanding consumer loans and leases (3)
0.58 %0.61 %
Nonperforming consumer loans, leases and foreclosed properties as a percentage of outstanding consumer loans, leases and foreclosed properties (3)
0.60 0.63 
(1)Consumer loans may be returned to performing status when all principal and interest is current and full repayment of the remaining contractual principal and interest is expected, or when the loan otherwise becomes well-secured and is in the process of collection.
(2)Includes repossessed non-real estate assets of $21 million and $19 million at September 30, 2024 and 2023.
(3)Outstanding consumer loans and leases exclude loans accounted for under the fair value option.
Commercial Portfolio Credit Risk Management
Commercial credit risk is evaluated and managed with the goal that concentrations of credit exposure continue to be aligned with our risk appetite. We review, measure and manage concentrations of credit exposure by industry, product, geography, customer relationship and loan size. We also review, measure and manage commercial real estate loans by geographic location and property type. In addition, within our non-U.S. portfolio, we evaluate exposures by region and by country. Tables 30, 32 and 35 summarize our concentrations. We also utilize syndications of exposure to third parties, loan sales, hedging and other risk mitigation techniques to manage the size and risk profile of the commercial credit portfolio. For more information on our industry concentrations, see Table 32 and Commercial Portfolio Credit Risk Management – Industry Concentrations on page 38.
For more information on our accounting policies regarding delinquencies, nonperforming status, net charge-offs and loan modifications for the commercial portfolio, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K and Note 5 – Outstanding Loans and Leases and Allowance for Credit Losses to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Commercial Credit Portfolio
Outstanding commercial loans and leases increased $21.8 billion during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 due to growth in U.S. commercial, primarily in Global Banking and Global Markets. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, commercial credit quality deteriorated as reservable criticized utilized exposure increased across a broad range of industries, and nonperforming commercial loans increased primarily driven by commercial real estate. Commercial net charge-offs increased $363 million and $1.0 billion to $490 million and $1.4 billion during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same periods in 2023 primarily due to higher losses in the commercial real estate office portfolio and U.S. commercial portfolio.
With the exception of the office property type, which is further discussed in the Commercial Real Estate section herein, credit quality of commercial real estate borrowers has remained relatively stable since December 31, 2023; however, we are closely monitoring emerging trends and borrower performance in a higher interest rate environment. Recent demand for office space continues to be stagnant, and future demand for office space continues to be uncertain as companies evaluate space needs with employment models that utilize a mix of remote and conventional office use.

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The commercial allowance for loan and lease losses decreased $164 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 to $4.7 billion. For more information, see Allowance for Credit Losses on page 41.
Total commercial utilized credit exposure increased $20.7 billion during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 to $717.0 billion primarily driven by increased loans and leases, partially offset by lower derivative assets. The utilization rate for loans and leases, standby letters of credit (SBLCs) and financial guarantees, and commercial letters of credit, in the aggregate, was 55 percent at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Table 26 presents commercial credit exposure by type for utilized, unfunded and total binding committed credit exposure. Commercial utilized credit exposure includes SBLCs and financial guarantees and commercial letters of credit that have been issued and for which we are legally bound to advance funds under prescribed conditions during a specified time period, and excludes exposure related to trading account assets. Although funds have not yet been advanced, these exposure types are considered utilized for credit risk management purposes.
Table 26Commercial Credit Exposure by Type
Commercial Utilized (1)
Commercial Unfunded (2, 3, 4)
Total Commercial Committed
(Dollars in millions)September 30
December 31 2023September 30
December 31 2023September 30
December 31 2023
Loans and leases$615,549 $593,767 $533,663 $507,641 $1,149,212 $1,101,408 
Derivative assets (5)
34,182 39,323  — 34,182 39,323 
Standby letters of credit and financial guarantees32,933 31,348 2,038 1,953 34,971 33,301 
Debt securities and other investments18,540 20,422 4,006 3,083 22,546 23,505 
Loans held-for-sale8,884 4,338 6,571 4,904 15,455 9,242 
Operating leases5,285 5,312  — 5,285 5,312 
Commercial letters of credit742 943 174 232 916 1,175 
Other869 846  — 869 846 
Total$716,984 $696,299 $546,452 $517,813 $1,263,436 $1,214,112 
(1)Commercial utilized exposure includes loans of $3.9 billion and $3.3 billion accounted for under the fair value option at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
(2)Commercial unfunded exposure includes commitments accounted for under the fair value option with a notional amount of $2.4 billion and $2.6 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
(3)Excludes unused business card lines, which are not legally binding.
(4)Includes the notional amount of unfunded legally binding lending commitments, net of amounts distributed (i.e., syndicated or participated) to other financial institutions. The distributed amounts were $10.3 billion at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
(5)Derivative assets are carried at fair value, reflect the effects of legally enforceable master netting agreements and have been reduced by cash collateral of $26.4 billion and $29.4 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Not reflected in utilized and committed exposure is additional non-cash derivative collateral held of $58.1 billion and $56.1 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, which consists primarily of other marketable securities.
Table 27 presents our commercial loans and leases portfolio and related credit quality information at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Table 27Commercial Credit Quality
OutstandingsNonperforming Accruing Past Due
90 Days or More
(Dollars in millions)September 30
December 31 2023September 30
December 31 2023September 30
December 31 2023
Commercial and industrial:
U.S. commercial$379,563 $358,931 $699 $636 $219 $51 
Non-U.S. commercial127,738 124,581 85 175 12 
Total commercial and industrial507,301 483,512 784 811 231 55 
Commercial real estate68,420 72,878 2,124 1,927 206 32 
Commercial lease financing14,992 14,854 18 19 5 
590,713 571,244 2,926 2,757 442 94 
U.S. small business commercial (1)
20,893 19,197 26 16 183 184 
Commercial loans excluding loans accounted for under the fair value option$611,606 $590,441 $2,952 $2,773 $625 $278 
Loans accounted for under the fair value option (2)
3,943 3,326 
Total commercial loans and leases$615,549 $593,767 
(1)Includes card-related products.
(2)Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option includes U.S. commercial of $2.7 billion and $2.2 billion and non-U.S. commercial of $1.3 billion and $1.2 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. For more information on the fair value option, see Note 15 – Fair Value Option to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
35 Bank of America

Table 28 presents net charge-offs and related ratios for our commercial loans and leases for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Table 28Commercial Net Charge-offs and Related Ratios
Net Charge-offs
Net Charge-off Ratios (1)
Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
(Dollars in millions)20242023202420232024202320242023
Commercial and industrial:
U.S. commercial$135 $288 $57 0.15 %0.01 %0.11 %0.02 %
Non-U.S. commercial60 (2)48 18 0.19 (0.01)0.05 0.02 
Total commercial and industrial195 336 75 0.16 — 0.09 0.02 
Commercial real estate171 39 747 130 0.98 0.21 1.41 0.24 
Commercial lease financing 1  0.08 0.01 0.02 
366 45 1,084 208 0.25 0.03 0.25 0.05 
U.S. small business commercial124 82 350 222 2.40 1.74 2.32 1.62 
Total commercial$490 $127 $1,434 $430 0.33 0.09 0.32 0.10 
(1)Net charge-off ratios are calculated as annualized net charge-offs divided by average outstanding loans and leases, excluding loans accounted for under the fair value option.
Table 29 presents commercial reservable criticized utilized exposure by loan type. Criticized exposure corresponds to the Special Mention, Substandard and Doubtful asset categories as defined by regulatory authorities. Total commercial reservable criticized utilized exposure increased $4.1 billion during the nine
months ended September 30, 2024 primarily driven by U.S. commercial and commercial real estate. At both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, 89 percent of commercial reservable criticized utilized exposure was secured.
Table 29
Commercial Reservable Criticized Utilized Exposure (1, 2)
(Dollars in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Commercial and industrial:
U.S. commercial$14,335 3.53 %$12,006 3.12 %
Non-U.S. commercial2,304 1.73 1,787 1.37 
Total commercial and industrial16,639 3.08 13,793 2.68 
Commercial real estate9,893 14.18 8,749 11.80 
Commercial lease financing244 1.63 166 1.12 
26,776 4.29 22,708 3.76 
U.S. small business commercial663 3.17 592 3.08 
Total commercial reservable criticized utilized exposure$27,439 4.25 $23,300 3.74 
(1)Total commercial reservable criticized utilized exposure includes loans and leases of $26.3 billion and $22.5 billion and commercial letters of credit of $1.1 billion and $795 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
(2)Percentages are calculated as commercial reservable criticized utilized exposure divided by total commercial reservable utilized exposure for each exposure category.
Commercial and Industrial
Commercial and industrial loans include U.S. commercial and non-U.S. commercial portfolios.
U.S. Commercial
At September 30, 2024, 61 percent of the U.S. commercial loan portfolio, excluding small business, was managed in Global Banking, 23 percent in Global Markets, 15 percent in GWIM (loans that provide financing for asset purchases, business investments and other liquidity needs for high net worth clients) and the remainder primarily in Consumer Banking. U.S. commercial loans increased $20.6 billion, or six percent, during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 primarily driven by Global Banking and Global Markets. Reservable criticized utilized exposure increased $2.3 billion, or 19 percent, driven by a broad range of industries.
Non-U.S. Commercial
At September 30, 2024, 58 percent of the non-U.S. commercial loan portfolio was managed in Global Banking, 41 percent in Global Markets and the remainder primarily in GWIM. Non-U.S. commercial loans increased $3.2 billion, or three percent, during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 primarily
driven by Global Markets. Reservable criticized utilized exposure increased $517 million, or 29 percent. For information on the non-U.S. commercial portfolio, see Non-U.S. Portfolio on page 40.
Commercial Real Estate
Commercial real estate primarily includes commercial loans secured by non-owner-occupied real estate and is dependent on the sale or lease of the real estate as the primary source of repayment. Outstanding loans decreased $4.5 billion, or six percent, during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 to $68.4 billion primarily driven by the office property type. The commercial real estate portfolio is primarily managed in Global Banking and consists of loans made primarily to public and private developers, and commercial real estate firms. The portfolio remains diversified across property types and geographic regions. California represented the largest state concentration at 20 percent of commercial real estate at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Reservable criticized utilized exposure increased $1.1 billion, or 13 percent, during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 primarily driven by industrial/warehouse and multi-family rental loans.
Bank of America 36

Office loans represented the largest property type concentration at 23 percent of the commercial real estate portfolio at September 30, 2024, and approximately one percent of total loans for the Corporation. This property type is roughly 75 percent Class A and had an origination loan-to-value of approximately 55 percent. Reservable criticized exposure for the office property type was $5.1 billion at September 30, 2024, representing a decrease of $397 million, or seven percent, from December 31, 2023, with an aggregate loan-to-value of approximately 80 percent based on property appraisals completed in the last twelve months. Approximately $3.5 billion of office loans are scheduled to mature by the end of 2024.
During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, net charge-offs increased $132 million and $617 million to $171 million and $747 million compared to the same periods in 2023 driven by office loans. We use a number of proactive risk mitigation initiatives to reduce adversely rated exposure in the commercial real estate portfolio, including transfers of deteriorating exposures for management by independent special asset officers and the pursuit of loan restructurings or asset sales to achieve the best results for our customers and the Corporation.
Table 30 presents outstanding commercial real estate loans by geographic region, based on the geographic location of the collateral, and by property type.
Table 30Outstanding Commercial Real Estate Loans
(Dollars in millions)September 30
December 31 2023
By Geographic Region   
Northeast$15,650 $15,920 
California13,673 14,551 
Southwest8,011 9,318 
Southeast7,160 8,368 
Florida4,636 4,986 
Illinois3,299 3,361 
Midsouth2,675 2,785 
Midwest2,571 3,149 
Northwest1,930 2,095 
Non-U.S. 6,576 6,052 
Other 2,239 2,293 
Total outstanding commercial real estate loans
$68,420 $72,878 
By Property Type  
Office$15,768 $17,976 
Industrial / Warehouse13,912 14,746 
Multi-family rental11,670 10,606 
Shopping centers / Retail5,423 5,756 
Hotel / Motels4,717 5,665 
Multi-use2,073 2,681 
Other14,159 14,201 
Total non-residential67,722 71,631 
Residential698 1,247 
Total outstanding commercial real estate loans
$68,420 $72,878 
U.S. Small Business Commercial
The U.S. small business commercial loan portfolio is comprised of small business card loans and small business loans primarily managed in Consumer Banking. Credit card-related products were 54 percent of the U.S. small business commercial portfolio at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 and represented 100 percent and 99 percent of net charge-offs for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. Accruing past due 90 days or more of $183 million remained relatively unchanged.
Nonperforming Commercial Loans, Leases and Foreclosed Properties Activity
Table 31 presents the nonperforming commercial loans, leases and foreclosed properties activity during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. Nonperforming loans do not include loans accounted for under the fair value option. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, nonperforming commercial loans and leases increased $179 million to $3.0 billion. At September 30, 2024, 98 percent of commercial nonperforming loans, leases and foreclosed properties were secured, and 33 percent were contractually current. Commercial nonperforming loans were carried at 81 percent of their unpaid principal balance, as the carrying value of these loans has been reduced to the estimated collateral value less costs to sell.
37 Bank of America

Table 31
Nonperforming Commercial Loans, Leases and Foreclosed Properties Activity (1, 2)
Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
Nonperforming loans and leases, beginning of period$2,802 $1,397 $2,773 $1,054 
Additions965 875 2,675 1,778 
Sales(7)— (17)(3)
Returns to performing status (3)
Transfers to foreclosed properties(27)— (115)(23)
Transfers to loans held-for-sale (9) (66)
Total net additions to nonperforming loans and leases
150 644 179 987 
Total nonperforming loans and leases, September 302,952 2,041 2,952 2,041 
Foreclosed properties, September 30114 48 114 48 
Nonperforming commercial loans, leases and foreclosed properties, September 30$3,066 $2,089 $3,066 $2,089 
Nonperforming commercial loans and leases as a percentage of outstanding commercial loans and leases (4)
0.48 %0.35 %
Nonperforming commercial loans, leases and foreclosed properties as a percentage of outstanding commercial loans, leases and foreclosed properties (4)
0.50 0.36 
(1)Balances do not include nonperforming loans held-for-sale of $785 million and $173 million at September 30, 2024 and 2023.
(2)Includes U.S. small business commercial activity. Small business card loans are excluded as they are not classified as nonperforming.
(3)Commercial loans and leases may be returned to performing status when all principal and interest is current and full repayment of the remaining contractual principal and interest is expected, when the loan otherwise becomes well-secured and is in the process of collection, or when a modified loan demonstrates a sustained period of payment performance.
(4)Outstanding commercial loans exclude loans accounted for under the fair value option.
Industry Concentrations
Table 32 presents commercial committed and utilized credit exposure by industry. For information on net notional credit protection purchased to hedge funded and unfunded exposures for which we elected the fair value option, as well as certain other credit exposures, see Commercial Portfolio Credit Risk Management – Risk Mitigation.
Commercial credit exposure is diversified across a broad range of industries. Total commercial committed exposure increased $49.3 billion during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 to $1.3 trillion. The increase in commercial committed exposure was concentrated in Finance companies, Asset managers and funds and Individuals and trusts.
For information on industry limits, see Commercial Portfolio Credit Risk Management – Risk Mitigation in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Asset managers and funds, our largest industry concentration with committed exposure of $178.6 billion, increased $9.3 billion, or five percent, during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, which was primarily driven by investment-grade exposures.
Finance companies, our second largest industry concentration with committed exposure of $105.7 billion, increased $16.6 billion, or 19 percent, during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The increase in committed exposure was primarily driven by increases in Consumer finance, Thrifts and mortgage finance and Diversified financials.
Real estate, our third largest industry concentration with committed exposure of $97.9 billion, decreased $2.4 billion, or two percent, during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. For more information on the commercial real estate and related portfolios, see Commercial Portfolio Credit Risk Management – Commercial Real Estate on page 36.
Various macroeconomic challenges, including geopolitical tensions, higher costs associated with inflationary pressures experienced over the past several years and elevated interest rates, have led to uncertainty in the U.S. and global economies and have adversely impacted, and may continue to adversely impact, a number of industries. We continue to monitor all industries, particularly higher risk industries that are experiencing or could experience a more significant impact to their financial condition.
Bank of America 38

Table 32
Commercial Credit Exposure by Industry (1)
Total Commercial
Committed (2)
(Dollars in millions)September 30
December 31 2023September 30
December 31 2023
Asset managers and funds$110,334 $103,138 $178,572 $169,318 
Finance companies71,809 62,906 105,676 89,119 
Real estate (3)
72,076 73,150 97,860 100,269 
Capital goods51,380 49,698 97,693 97,044 
Healthcare equipment and services34,584 35,037 64,800 61,766 
Materials25,583 25,223 56,501 55,296 
Retailing26,952 24,561 55,240 54,523 
Consumer services28,258 27,355 53,770 49,105 
Food, beverage and tobacco23,986 23,865 53,632 49,426 
Individuals and trusts34,995 32,481 49,583 43,938 
Government and public education31,954 31,051 47,706 45,873 
Commercial services and supplies23,465 22,642 42,362 41,473 
Utilities17,472 18,610 40,807 39,481 
Transportation24,214 24,200 35,834 36,267 
Energy14,033 12,450 35,580 36,996 
Technology hardware and equipment11,156 11,951 29,504 29,160 
Software and services11,411 9,830 28,023 22,381 
Global commercial banks20,922 22,749 24,330 25,684 
Media11,897 13,033 23,648 24,908 
Vehicle dealers17,681 16,283 23,424 22,570 
Consumer durables and apparel9,380 9,184 22,197 20,732 
Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology5,229 6,852 20,497 22,169 
Insurance8,281 9,371 18,506 19,322 
Telecommunication services8,708 9,224 18,156 17,269 
Automobiles and components8,359 7,049 16,798 16,459 
Food and staples retailing7,666 7,423 13,609 12,496 
Financial markets infrastructure (clearinghouses)2,880 4,229 5,104 6,503 
Religious and social organizations2,319 2,754 4,024 4,565 
Total commercial credit exposure by industry$716,984 $696,299 $1,263,436 $1,214,112 
(1)Includes U.S. small business commercial exposure.
(2)Includes the notional amount of unfunded legally binding lending commitments, net of amounts distributed (i.e., syndicated or participated) to other financial institutions. The distributed amounts were $10.3 billion at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
(3)Industries are viewed from a variety of perspectives to best isolate the perceived risks. For purposes of this table, the real estate industry is defined based on the primary business activity of the borrowers or counterparties using operating cash flows and primary source of repayment as key factors.
Risk Mitigation
We purchase credit protection to cover the funded portion as well as the unfunded portion of certain credit exposures. To lower the cost of obtaining our desired credit protection levels, we may add credit exposure within an industry, borrower or counterparty group by selling protection.
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, net notional credit default protection purchased in our credit derivatives portfolio to hedge our funded and unfunded exposures for which we elected the fair value option, as well as certain other credit exposures, was $11.1 billion and $10.9 billion. We recorded net losses of $42 million and $58 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to net losses of $23 million and $134 million for the same periods in 2023. The gains and losses on these instruments were largely offset by gains and losses on the related exposures. The Value-at-Risk (VaR) results for these exposures are included in the fair value option portfolio information in Table 38. For more information, see Trading Risk Management on page 43.
Tables 33 and 34 present the maturity profiles and the credit exposure debt ratings of the net credit default protection portfolio at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Table 33Net Credit Default Protection by Maturity
September 30
December 31 2023
Less than or equal to one year15 %36 %
Greater than one year and less than or equal to five years
85 64 
Total net credit default protection100 %100 %
Table 34Net Credit Default Protection by Credit Exposure Debt Rating
Percent of
Percent of
(Dollars in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Ratings (2, 3)
AAA$(414)3.7 %$(479)4.4 %
AA(1,012)9.1 (1,080)9.9 
A(5,222)46.9 (5,237)48.2 
BBB(3,390)30.5 (2,912)26.8 
BB(642)5.8 (698)6.4 
B(356)3.2 (419)3.9 
CCC and below(92)0.8 (52)0.5 
NR (4)
2  (0.1)
Total net credit
default protection
$(11,126)100.0 %$(10,875)100.0 %
(1)Represents net credit default protection purchased.
(2)Ratings are refreshed on a quarterly basis.
(3)Ratings of BBB- or higher are considered to meet the definition of investment grade.
(4)NR is comprised of index positions held and any names that have not been rated.
39 Bank of America

For more information on credit derivatives and counterparty credit risk valuation adjustments, see Note 3 – Derivatives to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Non-U.S. Portfolio
Our non-U.S. credit and trading portfolios are subject to country risk. We define country risk as the risk of loss from unfavorable economic and political conditions, currency fluctuations, social instability and changes in government policies. A risk management framework is in place to measure, monitor and manage non-U.S. risk and exposures. In addition to the direct risk of doing business in a country, we also are exposed to indirect country risks (e.g., related to the collateral received on secured financing transactions or related to client clearing activities). These indirect exposures are managed in the normal
course of business through credit, market and operational risk governance rather than through country risk governance. For more information on our non-U.S. credit and trading portfolios, see Non-U.S. Portfolio in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. For more information on risks related to our non-U.S. portfolio, see the Geopolitical section within Item 1A. Risk Factors of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Table 35 presents our 20 largest non-U.S. country exposures at September 30, 2024. These exposures accounted for 89 percent of our total non-U.S. exposure at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Net country exposure for these 20 countries increased $21.5 billion in 2024 primarily driven by increases in the United Kingdom, Japan and the Netherlands.
Table 35Top 20 Non-U.S. Countries Exposure
(Dollars in millions)Funded Loans
 and Loan
Country Exposure at September 30
Hedges and Credit Default ProtectionNet Country Exposure at September 30
Increase (Decrease) from December 31
United Kingdom$36,664 $18,649 $4,811 $4,467 $64,591 $(2,152)$62,439 $6,504 
Germany24,632 10,368 1,704 2,141 38,845 (5,128)33,717 (1,938)
Canada13,516 10,598 1,531 4,739 30,384 (567)29,817 1,802 
France14,828 9,383 1,146 3,286 28,643 (2,087)26,556 1,698 
Japan12,240 2,414 2,187 5,308 22,149 (748)21,401 4,427 
Australia13,304 5,706 442 2,254 21,706 (385)21,321 (1)
Brazil9,464 1,416 1,009 4,104 15,993 (70)15,923 640 
India7,807 352 992 5,452 14,603 (57)14,546 2,621 
Switzerland5,883 4,937 293 209 11,322 (284)11,038 1,809 
Ireland8,250 2,114 297 427 11,088 (103)10,985 652 
Netherlands5,525 4,370 654 893 11,442 (680)10,762 3,613 
China5,236 285 431 3,223 9,175 (234)8,941 429 
South Korea4,764 1,412 389 2,136 8,701 (147)8,554 94 
Singapore2,963 639 122 4,443 8,167 (32)8,135 (2,682)
Mexico4,493 1,883 309 1,548 8,233 (209)8,024 (895)
Italy4,992 2,679 342 475 8,488 (1,232)7,256 641 
Spain2,984 1,842 98 846 5,770 (339)5,431 (165)
Hong Kong3,035 681 544 1,170 5,430 (63)5,367 (485)
Indonesia916 — 49 3,242 4,207 (31)4,176 1,941 
Sweden1,821 2,113 96 206 4,236 (391)3,845 831 
Total top 20 non-U.S. countries exposure
$183,317 $81,841 $17,446 $50,569 $333,173 $(14,939)$318,234 $21,536 
Our largest non-U.S. country exposure at September 30, 2024 was the United Kingdom with net exposure of $62.4 billion, which increased $6.5 billion from December 31, 2023 primarily due to increased deposits with the central bank. Our second largest non-U.S. country exposure was Germany with net exposure of $33.7 billion at September 30, 2024, which decreased $1.9 billion from December 31, 2023 primarily due to lower exposure to sovereign and financial institutions.
Bank of America 40

Allowance for Credit Losses
The allowance for credit losses decreased $200 million from December 31, 2023 to $14.4 billion at September 30, 2024, which included a $49 million reserve increase and a
$249 million reserve decrease related to the consumer and commercial portfolios.
Table 36 presents an allocation of the allowance for credit losses by product type at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Table 36Allocation of the Allowance for Credit Losses by Product Type
AmountPercent of
Percent of
Loans and
Outstanding (1)
AmountPercent of
Percent of
Loans and
Outstanding (1)
(Dollars in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Allowance for loan and lease losses      
Residential mortgage$280 2.11 %0.12 %$339 2.54 %0.15 %
Home equity29 0.22 0.11 47 0.35 0.19 
Credit card7,492 56.54 7.43 7,346 55.06 7.19 
Direct/Indirect consumer730 5.51 0.69 715 5.36 0.69 
Other consumer62 0.47 n/m73 0.55 n/m
Total consumer8,593 64.85 1.87 8,520 63.86 1.85 
U.S. commercial (2)
2,567 19.37 0.64 2,600 19.49 0.69 
Non-U.S. commercial766 5.78 0.60 842 6.31 0.68 
Commercial real estate1,287 9.71 1.88 1,342 10.06 1.84 
Commercial lease financing38 0.29 0.25 38 0.28 0.26 
Total commercial4,658 35.15 0.76 4,822 36.14 0.82 
Allowance for loan and lease losses13,251 100.00 %1.24 13,342 100.00 %1.27 
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments1,100 1,209  
Allowance for credit losses$14,351 $14,551 
(1)Ratios are calculated as allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of loans and leases outstanding excluding loans accounted for under the fair value option.
(2)Includes allowance for loan and lease losses for U.S. small business commercial loans of $1.2 billion and $1.0 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
n/m = not meaningful
Net charge-offs for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 were $1.5 billion and $4.6 billion compared to $931 million and $2.6 billion for the same periods in 2023 primarily due to credit card loans and the commercial real estate office portfolio. The provision for credit losses increased $308 million to $1.5 billion and $1.1 billion to $4.4 billion for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same periods in 2023. The provision for credit losses for the current-year periods was primarily driven by credit card loans and the commercial real estate office portfolio. The provision for credit losses for the consumer portfolio, including unfunded lending commitments, decreased $93 million to $1.1 billion and $86 million to $3.2 billion for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same periods in 2023. The provision for credit losses for
the commercial portfolio, including unfunded lending commitments, increased $401 million to $417 million and $1.2 billion to $1.2 billion for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same periods in 2023.
Table 37 presents a rollforward of the allowance for credit losses, including certain loan and allowance ratios for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. For more information on the Corporation’s credit loss accounting policies and activity related to the allowance for credit losses, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K and Note 5 – Outstanding Loans and Leases and Allowance for Credit Losses to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
41 Bank of America

Table 37Allowance for Credit Losses
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
Allowance for loan and lease losses, December 31n/an/a$13,342 $12,682 
January 1, 2023 adoption of credit loss standardn/an/a
Allowance for loan and lease losses, beginning of period$13,238 $12,950 $13,342 $12,439 
Loans and leases charged off
Residential mortgage(5)(8)(18)(26)
Home equity(10)(7)(16)(18)
Credit card(1,084)(814)(3,235)(2,220)
Direct/Indirect consumer(101)(57)(292)(153)
Other consumer(71)(123)(221)(406)
Total consumer charge-offs(1,271)(1,009)(3,782)(2,823)
U.S. commercial (1)
Non-U.S. commercial(60)— (61)(31)
Commercial real estate(180)(44)(762)(139)
Commercial lease financing(1)(3)(2)(3)
Total commercial charge-offs(529)(178)(1,535)(544)
Total loans and leases charged off(1,800)(1,187)(5,317)(3,367)
Recoveries of loans and leases previously charged off
Residential mortgage7 17 21 
Home equity15 21 48 60 
Credit card156 141 453 436 
Direct/Indirect consumer45 32 120 110 
Other consumer4 13 19 
Total consumer recoveries227 205 651 646 
U.S. commercial (2)
29 44 72 92 
Non-U.S. commercial 13 13 
Commercial real estate9 15 
Commercial lease financing1 — 1 — 
Total commercial recoveries39 51 101 114 
Total recoveries of loans and leases previously charged off266 256 752 760 
Net charge-offs (1,534)(931)(4,565)(2,607)
Provision for loan and lease losses1,547 1,268 4,479 3,477 
Other — (5)(22)
Allowance for loan and lease losses, September 30
13,251 13,287 13,251 13,287 
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, beginning of period1,104 1,388 1,209 1,540 
Provision for unfunded lending commitments(5)(34)(110)(187)
Other 1 (1)1 — 
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, September 30
1,100 1,353 1,100 1,353 
Allowance for credit losses, September 30
$14,351 $14,640 $14,351 $14,640 
Loan and allowance ratios (3):
Loans and leases outstanding at September 30
$1,071,628 $1,044,899 $1,071,628 $1,044,899 
Allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total loans and leases outstanding at September 30
1.24 %1.27 %1.24 %1.27 %
Consumer allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total consumer loans and leases outstanding at September 30
1.87 1.78 1.87 1.78 
Commercial allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total commercial loans and leases outstanding at September 30
0.76 0.87 0.76 0.87 
Average loans and leases outstanding$1,055,975 $1,041,972 $1,049,689 $1,040,116 
Annualized net charge-offs as a percentage of average loans and leases outstanding
0.58 %0.35 %0.58 %0.34 %
Allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total nonperforming loans and leases at September 30
235 275 235 275 
Ratio of the allowance for loan and lease losses at September 30 to annualized net charge-offs
2.17 3.60 2.17 3.81 
Amounts included in allowance for loan and lease losses for loans and leases that are excluded from nonperforming loans and leases at September 30 (4)
$8,640 $5,330 $8,640 $5,330 
Allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of total nonperforming loans and leases, excluding the allowance for loan and lease losses for loans and leases that are excluded from nonperforming loans and leases at September 30 (4)
82 %165 %82 %165 %
(1)Includes U.S. small business commercial charge-offs of $135 million and $383 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $94 million and $254 million for the same periods in 2023.
(2)Includes U.S. small business commercial recoveries of $11 million and $33 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $12 million and $32 million for the same periods in 2023.
(3)Ratios are calculated as allowance for loan and lease losses as a percentage of loans and leases outstanding excluding loans accounted for under the fair value option.
(4)Primarily includes amounts related to credit card and unsecured consumer lending portfolios in Consumer Banking.
n/a = not applicable
Bank of America 42

Market Risk Management
For more information on our market risk management process, see Market Risk Management in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. For more information on market risks, see the Market section within Item 1A. Risk Factors of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Market risk is the risk that changes in market conditions may adversely impact the value of assets or liabilities, or otherwise negatively impact earnings. This risk is inherent in the financial instruments associated with our operations, primarily within our Global Markets segment. We are also exposed to these risks in other areas of the Corporation (e.g., our ALM activities). In the event of market stress, these risks could have a material impact on our results.
Trading Risk Management
To evaluate risks in our trading activities, we focus on the actual and potential volatility of revenues generated by individual positions as well as portfolios of positions. VaR is a common statistic used to measure market risk. Our primary VaR statistic is equivalent to a 99 percent confidence level, which means that for a VaR with a one-day holding period, there should not be losses in excess of VaR, on average, 99 out of 100 trading days.
Table 38 presents the total market-based portfolio VaR, which is the combination of the total covered positions (and less liquid trading positions) portfolio and the fair value option portfolio. For more information on the market risk VaR for trading activities, see Trading Risk Management in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
The total market-based portfolio VaR results in Table 38 include market risk to which we are exposed from all business segments, excluding credit valuation adjustment (CVA), DVA and related hedges. The majority of this portfolio is within the Global Markets segment.
Table 38 presents period-end, average, high and low daily trading VaR for the three months ended September 30, 2024, June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023 using a 99 percent confidence level. The amounts disclosed in Table 38 and Table 39 align to the view of covered positions used in the Basel 3 capital calculations. Foreign exchange and commodity positions are always considered covered positions, regardless of trading or banking treatment for the trade, except for structural foreign currency positions that are excluded with prior regulatory approval.
The average of total covered positions and less liquid trading positions portfolio VaR decreased for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the prior quarter due to a reduction in interest rate risk.
Table 38Market Risk VaR for Trading Activities

Three Months EndedNine Months Ended September 30
September 30, 2024June 30, 2024September 30, 2023
(Dollars in millions)Period
High (1)
Low (1)
High (1)
Low (1)
High (1)
Low (1)
2024 Average2023 Average
Foreign exchange$30 $34 $41 $26 $30 $32 $40 $25 $25 $25 $33 $12 $34 $29 
Interest rate36 42 75 30 76 70 91 50 46 51 86 35 58 48 
Credit57 62 72 57 66 54 69 44 62 49 62 43 54 61 
Equity29 21 29 16 19 20 26 14 13 15 23 11 19 19 
Commodities11 10 16 8 10 12 10 10 10 
Portfolio diversification(95)(99)n/an/a(120)(104)n/an/a(90)(92)n/an/a(102)(104)
Total covered positions portfolio68 70 88 57 81 81 99 64 66 56 74 41 73 62 
Impact from less liquid exposures (2)
11 8 n/an/an/an/a21 13 n/an/a10 22 
Total covered positions and less liquid trading positions portfolio
79 78 94 63 83 90 110 73 87 69 91 52 83 84 
Fair value option loans18 15 18 12 15 21 45 12 16 19 21 16 17 27 
Fair value option hedges11 10 11 8 16 27 10 11 13 11 14 
Fair value option portfolio diversification(15)(12)n/an/a(10)(23)n/an/a(14)(17)n/an/a(15)(24)
Total fair value option portfolio14 13 14 12 13 14 24 10 12 13 14 12 13 17 
Portfolio diversification(11)(10)n/an/a(8)(8)n/an/a(2)(5)n/an/a(9)(7)
Total market-based portfolio$82 $81 99 68 $88 $96 117 82 $97 $77 103 58 $87 $94 
(1)The high and low for each portfolio may have occurred on different trading days than the high and low for the components. Therefore the impact from less liquid exposures and the amount of portfolio diversification, which is the difference between the total portfolio and the sum of the individual components, is not relevant.
(2)Impact is net of diversification effects between the covered positions and less liquid trading positions portfolios.
n/a = not applicable

43 Bank of America

The following graph presents the daily covered positions and less liquid trading positions portfolio VaR for the previous five quarters, corresponding to the data in Table 38.
daily covered positions.jpg
Additional VaR statistics produced within our single VaR model are provided in Table 39 at the same level of detail as in Table 38. Evaluating VaR with additional statistics allows for an increased understanding of the risks in the portfolio, as the historical market data used in the VaR calculation does not necessarily follow a predefined statistical distribution. Table 39 presents average trading VaR statistics at 99 percent and 95 percent confidence levels for the three months ended September 30, 2024, June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023.
Table 39Average Market Risk VaR for Trading Activities – 99 percent and 95 percent VaR Statistics
Three Months Ended
September 30, 2024June 30, 2024September 30, 2023
(Dollars in millions)99 percent95 percent99 percent95 percent99 percent95 percent
Foreign exchange$34 $22 $32 $21 $25 $16 
Interest rate42 23 70 36 51 28 
Credit62 34 54 30 49 29 
Equity21 11 20 10 15 
Commodities10 6 
Portfolio diversification(99)(60)(104)(63)(92)(53)
Total covered positions portfolio70 36 81 39 56 32 
Impact from less liquid exposures8 3 13 
Total covered positions and less liquid trading positions portfolio
78 39 90 45 69 38 
Fair value option loans15 9 21 13 19 11 
Fair value option hedges10 6 16 11 
Fair value option portfolio diversification(12)(7)(23)(14)(17)(11)
Total fair value option portfolio13 8 14 13 
Portfolio diversification(10)(5)(8)(5)(5)(4)
Total market-based portfolio$81 $42 $96 $48 $77 $41 
The accuracy of the VaR methodology is evaluated by backtesting, which compares the daily VaR results, utilizing a one-day holding period, against a comparable subset of trading revenue. For more information on our backtesting process, see Trading Risk Management – Backtesting in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, there were no days where this subset of trading revenue had losses that exceeded our total covered portfolio VaR, utilizing a one-day holding period.
Total Trading-related Revenue
Total trading-related revenue, excluding brokerage fees, and CVA, DVA and funding valuation adjustment gains (losses), represents the total amount earned from trading positions, including market-based net interest income, which are taken in a diverse range of financial instruments and markets. For more
information, see Trading Risk Management – Total Trading-related Revenue in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
The following histogram is a graphic depiction of trading volatility and illustrates the daily level of trading-related revenue for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended June 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024. During the three months ended September 30, 2024, positive trading-related revenue was recorded for 100 percent of the trading days, of which 98 percent were daily trading gains of over $25 million. This compares to the three months ended June 30, 2024, where positive trading-related revenue was recorded for 100 percent of the trading days, of which 95 percent were daily trading gains of over $25 million. During the three months ended March 31, 2024, positive trading-related revenue was recorded for 100 percent of the trading days, of which 97 percent were daily trading gains of over $25 million.
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3Q24 Trading Related Revenue Histogram v2.jpg
Trading Portfolio Stress Testing
Because the very nature of a VaR model suggests results can exceed our estimates and it is dependent on a limited historical window, we also stress test our portfolio using scenario analysis. This analysis estimates the change in the value of our trading portfolio that may result from abnormal market movements. For more information, see Trading Risk Management – Trading Portfolio Stress Testing in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Interest Rate Risk Management for the Banking Book
The following discussion presents net interest income for banking book activities. For more information, see Interest Rate Risk Management for the Banking Book in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Table 40 presents the spot and 12-month forward rates used in our baseline forecasts at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Table 40Forward Rates

September 30, 2024
Spot rates5.00 %4.96 %3.32 %
12-month forward rates3.25 3.10 3.30 
December 31, 2023
Spot rates5.50 %5.38 %3.47 %
12-month forward rates3.89 3.93 3.32 
Table 41 shows the potential pretax impact to net interest income over the next 12 months from September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 resulting from instantaneous parallel and non-parallel shocks to the market-based forward curve. Periodically, we evaluate the scenarios presented so that they are meaningful in the context of the current rate environment.
Table 41Estimated Banking Book Net Interest Income Sensitivity to Curve Changes
Rate (bps)
Rate (bps)
Dynamic Deposits (1)
Static Deposits (1)
Static Deposits (1)
(Dollars in billions)September 30
September 30
December 31
Parallel Shifts
 +100 bps instantaneous shift
+100+100$1.8 $3.4 $3.5 
 -100 bps instantaneous shift
 +200 bps instantaneous shift
+200+2003.0 6.6 
 -200 bps instantaneous shift
Short-end instantaneous change
+100— 1.7 3.1 3.2 
Long-end instantaneous change
— -100(0.1)(0.4)(0.3)
Short-end instantaneous change
-100 — (2.4)(3.1)(2.8)
Long-end instantaneous change
— +1000.2 0.4 0.3 
(1)Dynamic Deposit sensitivity reflects behavioral customer deposit balance changes that could occur under various scenarios while Static Deposits assumes no deposit balance change.
n/a = not applicable

45 Bank of America

We continue to be asset sensitive to a parallel upward move in interest rates, with the majority of that impact coming from the short end of the yield curve. Additionally, higher interest rates negatively impact the fair value of our debt securities classified as available for sale and adversely affect accumulated OCI and thus capital levels under the Basel 3 capital rules. Under instantaneous upward parallel shifts, the near-term adverse impact to Basel 3 capital would be reduced over time by offsetting positive impacts to net interest income generated from banking book activities. For more information on Basel 3, see Capital Management – Regulatory Capital on page 21.
As part of our ALM activities, we use securities, certain residential mortgages, and interest rate and foreign exchange derivatives in managing interest rate sensitivity. The sensitivity analysis in Table 41 assumes that we take no action in response to these rate shocks and does not assume any change in other macroeconomic variables normally correlated with changes in interest rates. Beginning in the second quarter of 2024, the sensitivity analysis incorporates potential movements in customer behavior that could result in changes in both total customer deposit balances and deposit balance mix, (e.g., interest bearing versus noninterest bearing), under the various interest rate scenarios. In higher rate scenarios, the analysis assumes that a portion of low-cost or noninterest-bearing deposits are replaced with higher yielding deposits or market-based funding. Conversely, in lower rate scenarios, the analysis assumes that a portion of higher yielding deposits or market-based funding are replaced with low-cost or noninterest-bearing deposits.
For larger interest rate scenarios, the interest rate sensitivity may behave in a non-linear manner as there are numerous estimates and assumptions, which require a high degree of judgment and are often interrelated, that could impact the outcome. Pertaining to the mortgage-backed securities and residential mortgage portfolio, if long-end interest rates were to significantly decrease over the next twelve months, for example over 200 bps, there would generally be an increase in customer prepayment behaviors with an incremental reduction to net interest income, noting that the extent of changes in customer prepayment activity can be impacted by multiple factors and is not necessarily limited to long-end interest rates. Conversely, if long-end interest rates were to significantly increase over the next twelve months, for example, over 200 bps, customer prepayments would likely modestly decrease and result in an incremental increase to net interest income. In addition, deposit pricing is rate sensitive in nature. This sensitivity is assumed to have non-linear impacts to larger short-end rate movements. In decreasing interest rate scenarios, and particularly where interest rates have decreased to small amounts, the ability to further reduce rates paid is reduced as customer rates near zero. In higher short-end rate scenarios, deposit pricing will likely increase at a faster rate, leading to incremental interest expense and reducing asset sensitivity. While the impact related to the above assumptions used in the asset sensitivity analysis can provide directional analysis on how net interest income will be impacted in changing environments, the ultimate impact is dependent upon the interrelationship of the assumptions and factors, which vary in different macroeconomic scenarios.

Economic Value of Equity
In addition to interest rate sensitivity described above, the Corporation’s management of its interest rate exposures in the banking book also considers a long-term view of interest rate sensitivity through the measurement of Economic Value of Equity (EVE). EVE captures changes in the net present value of banking book assets and liabilities under various interest rate scenarios and its impact to Tier 1 capital. Similar to net interest income, the Corporation establishes limits for EVE. EVE is largely driven by the Corporation’s longer duration fixed-rate products, such as investment securities, residential mortgages and deposits. For assets or liabilities that have no stated maturity, such as deposits, the Corporation estimates the duration for measurement purposes.
Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Derivative Contracts
We use interest rate and foreign exchange derivative contracts in our ALM activities to manage our interest rate and foreign exchange risks. Specifically, we use those derivatives to manage both the variability in cash flows and changes in fair value of various assets and liabilities arising from those risks. Our interest rate derivative contracts are generally non-leveraged swaps tied to various benchmark interest rates and foreign exchange basis swaps, options, futures and forwards, and our foreign exchange contracts include cross-currency interest rate swaps, foreign currency futures contracts, foreign currency forward contracts and options.
The derivatives used in our ALM activities can be split into two broad categories: designated accounting hedges and other risk management derivatives. Designated accounting hedges are primarily used to manage our exposure to interest rates as described in the Interest Rate Risk Management for the Banking Book section and are included in the sensitivities presented in Table 41. The Corporation also uses foreign currency derivatives in accounting hedges to manage substantially all of the foreign exchange risk of our foreign operations. By hedging the foreign exchange risk of our foreign operations, the Corporation's market risk exposure in this area is not significant.
Risk management derivatives are predominantly used to hedge foreign exchange risks related to various foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities and eliminate substantially all foreign currency exposures in the cash flows of the Corporation’s non-trading foreign currency-denominated financial instruments. These foreign exchange derivatives are sensitive to other market risk exposures such as cross-currency basis spreads and interest rate risk. However, as these features are not a significant component of these foreign exchange derivatives, the market risk related to this exposure is not significant. For more information on the accounting for derivatives, see Note 3 – Derivatives to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
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Mortgage Banking Risk Management
We originate, fund and service mortgage loans, which subject us to credit, liquidity and interest rate risks, among others. We determine whether loans will be held for investment or held for sale at the time of commitment and manage credit and liquidity risks by selling or securitizing a portion of the loans we originate.
Changes in interest rates impact the value of interest rate lock commitments (IRLCs) and the related residential first mortgage loans held-for-sale (LHFS), as well as the value of the MSRs. Because the interest rate risks of these hedged items offset, we combine them into one overall hedged item with one combined economic hedge portfolio consisting of derivative contracts and securities. For more information on IRLCs and the related residential mortgage LHFS, see Mortgage Banking Risk Management in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
There were no significant gains or losses related to the change in fair value of MSRs, IRLCs and LHFS, net of gains and losses on the hedge portfolio, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. For more information on MSRs, see Note 14 – Fair Value Measurements to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
Climate Risk
Climate Risk Management
Climate risk is the risk that climate change or actions taken to mitigate climate change expose the Corporation to economic, legal/regulatory, operational or reputational harm. Climate-related risks are divided into two major categories, both of which span across the seven key risk types discussed in the Managing Risk section in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K: (1) Physical Risk: risks related to the physical impacts of climate change, driven by extreme weather events such as hurricanes and floods, as well as chronic longer-term shifts such as rising average global temperatures and sea levels, and (2) Transition Risk: risks related to the transition to a low-carbon economy, which may entail extensive policy, legal, technology and market changes.
Physical risks of climate change, such as more frequent and severe extreme weather events, can increase the Corporation’s risks, including credit risk by diminishing borrowers’ repayment capacity or collateral values, and operational risk by negatively impacting the Corporation’s facilities, employees, or vendors. Transition risks of climate change may amplify credit risks through the financial impacts of changes in policy, technology or the market on the Corporation or our counterparties. Unanticipated market changes can lead to sudden price adjustments and give rise to heightened market risk.
Reputational risk can arise if we do not meet our climate-related goals, or are perceived to be inadequately responsive to climate change.
Our approach to managing climate risk is consistent with our risk management governance structure, from senior management to our Board and its committees, including the ERC and the Corporate Governance, ESG and Sustainability Committee (CGESC) of the Board, which regularly discuss climate-related topics. The ERC oversees climate risk as set forth in our Risk Framework and Risk Appetite Statement. The CGESC is responsible for overseeing the Corporation’s environmental and sustainability-related activities and practices, and regularly reviews the Corporation’s climate-related policies and practices. Our Climate Risk Council consists of leaders across risk, Front Line Unit and control functions, and meets routinely to discuss our approach to managing climate-related risks.
Our climate risk management efforts are overseen by an officer who reports to the Chief Risk Officer. The Corporation has a Climate and Environmental Risk Management function that is responsible for overseeing climate risk management. They are responsible for establishing the Climate Risk Framework (described below) and governance structure, and providing an independent assessment of enterprise-wide climate risks.
Based on the Corporation’s Risk Framework, in 2023 we created our internal Climate Risk Framework, which addresses how the Corporation identifies, measures, monitors and controls climate risk by enhancing existing risk management processes and also includes examples of how climate risk manifests across the seven risk types. The framework details the roles and responsibilities for climate risk management across our three lines of defense (i.e., Front Line Units, Global Risk Management and Corporate Audit).
For more information on our governance framework, see the Managing Risk section in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. For more information on climate risk, see Item 1A. Risk Factors of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Climate-related Goals and Targets
In 2021, the Corporation announced a goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions before 2050 in our financing activities, operations and supply chain (Net Zero goal). As part of this goal, we have set interim 2030 targets across our financing activities related to certain high-emitting sectors (2030 Financing Activity Emissions Targets), operations and supply chain, all of which are further supported and complemented by our 10-year goal to mobilize and deploy $1.5 trillion in sustainable finance by 2030 in support of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, of which $1 trillion is dedicated to supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy, including capital mobilized across clean energy sectors and tailored financial solutions for emerging areas of the low-carbon
47 Bank of America

economy. In particular, we have announced 2030 Financing Activity Emissions Targets for auto manufacturing, aviation, cement, energy, iron and steel, maritime shipping and power generation sectors.
Achieving our climate--related goals and targets, including our Net Zero goal and 2030 Financing Activity Emissions Targets, may require technological advances, clearly defined roadmaps for industry sectors and better emissions data reporting. Required changes may also include new standards and public policies, including those that improve the cost of capital for the transition to a low-carbon economy, as well as strong and active engagement with customers, suppliers, investors, government officials and other stakeholders. Activities related to our climate-related goals and targets have not resulted in a significant effect on our results of operations or financial position in the relevant periods presented herein.
For more information on climate-related matters and the Corporation’s climate-related goals and targets, including the Corporation’s plans to achieve its Net Zero goal and its 2030 targets, and progress on its sustainable finance goal, see the Corporation’s website, including its 2024 Sustainability at Bank of America document. The contents of the Corporation’s website, including the 2024 Sustainability at Bank of America document, are not incorporated by reference into this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
The foregoing discussion and the statements on the Corporation’s website, including in the 2024 Sustainability at Bank of America document, regarding the Corporation’s climate-related goals and targets, its approach with respect to climate risk management, and the nature and extent of climate-related risks, contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are not guarantees of future results or performance and involve certain known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict and are often beyond the Corporation’s control. Actual outcomes and results may differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, any of these forward-looking statements.
Complex Accounting Estimates
Our significant accounting principles, are essential in understanding the MD&A. Many of our significant accounting principles require complex judgments to estimate the values of assets and liabilities. We have procedures and processes in place to facilitate making these judgments. For more information, see Complex Accounting Estimates in the MD&A of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K and Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.

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Non-GAAP Reconciliations
Table 42 provides reconciliations of certain non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures.
Table 42
Average and Period-end Supplemental Financial Data and Reconciliations to GAAP Financial Measures (1)
2024 Quarters2023 QuartersNine Months Ended
September 30
(Dollars in millions)ThirdSecondFirstFourthThird20242023
Reconciliation of average shareholders’ equity to average tangible shareholders’ equity and average tangible common shareholders’ equity
Shareholders’ equity$294,985 $293,403 $292,511 $288,618 $284,975 $293,638 $281,579 
Intangible assets (excluding MSRs)(1,951)(1,971)(1,990)(2,010)(2,029)(1,971)(2,049)
Related deferred tax liabilities864 869 874 886 890 869 895 
Tangible shareholders’ equity$224,877 $223,280 $222,374 $218,473 $214,815 $223,515 $211,403 
Preferred stock(25,984)(28,113)(28,397)(28,397)(28,397)(27,493)(28,397)
Tangible common shareholders’ equity$198,893 $195,167 $193,977 $190,076 $186,418 $196,022 $183,006 
Reconciliation of period-end shareholders’ equity to period-end tangible shareholders’ equity and period-end tangible common shareholders’ equity
Shareholders’ equity$296,512 $293,892 $293,552 $291,646 $287,064 
Intangible assets (excluding MSRs)(1,938)(1,958)(1,977)(1,997)(2,016)
Related deferred tax liabilities859 864869 874 886 
Tangible shareholders’ equity$226,412 $223,777 $223,423 $221,502 $216,913 
Preferred stock(24,554)(26,548)(28,397)(28,397)(28,397)
Tangible common shareholders’ equity$201,858 $197,229 $195,026 $193,105 $188,516 
Reconciliation of period-end assets to period-end tangible assets
Assets$3,324,293 $3,257,996 $3,273,803 $3,180,151 $3,153,090 
Intangible assets (excluding MSRs)(1,938)(1,958)(1,977)(1,997)(2,016)
Related deferred tax liabilities 859 864869 874 886 
Tangible assets$3,254,193 $3,187,881 $3,203,674 $3,110,007 $3,082,939 
(1)For more information on non-GAAP financial measures and ratios we use in assessing the results of the Corporation, see Supplemental Financial Data on page 6.
Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk
See Market Risk Management on page 43 in the MD&A and the sections referenced therein for Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk.
Item 4. Controls and Procedures
Disclosure Controls and Procedures
As of the end of the period covered by this report, the Corporation’s management, including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness and design of the Corporation’s disclosure controls and procedures (as that term is defined in Rule 13a-15(e) of the Exchange Act). Based upon that evaluation, the Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that the Corporation’s disclosure controls and procedures were effective, as of the end of the period covered by this report.
Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
There have been no changes in the Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 13a-15(f) of the Exchange Act) during the three months ended September 30, 2024, that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting.
49 Bank of America

Part I. Financial Information
Item 1. Financial Statements
Bank of America Corporation and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Statement of Income
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(In millions, except per share information)2024202320242023
Net interest income  
Interest income$37,491 $33,624 $110,630 $94,633 
Interest expense23,524 19,245 68,929 51,648 
Net interest income13,967 14,379 41,701 42,985 
Noninterest income  
Fees and commissions9,119 8,135 26,748 23,990 
Market making and similar activities3,278 3,325 10,464 11,734 
Other income (loss)(1,019)(672)(2,373)(2,087)
Total noninterest income11,378 10,788 34,839 33,637 
Total revenue, net of interest expense25,345 25,167 76,540 76,622 
Provision for credit losses1,542 1,234 4,369 3,290 
Noninterest expense  
Compensation and benefits9,916 9,551 29,937 28,870 
Occupancy and equipment1,836 1,795 5,465 5,370 
Information processing and communications1,784 1,676 5,347 5,017 
Product delivery and transaction related849 880 2,591 2,726 
Professional fees723 545 1,925 1,609 
Marketing504 501 1,446 1,472 
Other general operating867 890 3,314 3,050 
Total noninterest expense16,479 15,838 50,025 48,114 
Income before income taxes7,324 8,095 22,146 25,218 
Income tax expense428 293 1,679 1,847 
Net income$6,896 $7,802 $20,467 $23,371 
Preferred stock dividends516 532 1,363 1,343 
Net income applicable to common shareholders$6,380 $7,270 $19,104 $22,028 
Per common share information  
Earnings$0.82 $0.91 $2.42 $2.74 
Diluted earnings0.81 0.90 2.40 2.72 
Average common shares issued and outstanding7,818.0 8,017.1 7,894.7 8,041.3 
Average diluted common shares issued and outstanding7,902.1 8,075.9 7,965.0 8,153.4 
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
Net income$6,896 $7,802 $20,467 $23,371 
Other comprehensive income (loss), net-of-tax:
Net change in debt securities417 (642)444 81 
Net change in debit valuation adjustments (25)(135)(419)
Net change in derivatives2,830 (366)3,100 (317)
Employee benefit plan adjustments27 6 75 25 
Net change in foreign currency translation adjustments21 (23)(30)(6)
Other comprehensive income (loss)3,295 (1,050)3,454 (636)
Comprehensive income (loss)$10,191 $6,752 $23,921 $22,735 

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
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Bank of America Corporation and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Balance Sheet
September 30
December 31
(Dollars in millions)
Cash and due from banks$24,847 $27,892 
Interest-bearing deposits with the Federal Reserve, non-U.S. central banks and other banks270,742 305,181 
Cash and cash equivalents295,589 333,073 
Time deposits placed and other short-term investments8,151 8,346 
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell
   (includes $176,229 and $133,053 measured at fair value)
337,706 280,624 
Trading account assets (includes $181,996 and $130,815 pledged as collateral)
342,135 277,354 
Derivative assets34,182 39,323 
Debt securities: 
Carried at fair value325,436 276,852 
Held-to-maturity, at cost (fair value $481,887 and $496,597)
567,553 594,555 
Total debt securities892,989 871,407 
Loans and leases (includes $4,172 and $3,569 measured at fair value)
1,075,800 1,053,732 
Allowance for loan and lease losses(13,251)(13,342)
Loans and leases, net of allowance1,062,549 1,040,390 
Premises and equipment, net12,033 11,855 
Goodwill69,021 69,021 
Loans held-for-sale (includes $3,141 and $2,059 measured at fair value)
10,351 6,002 
Customer and other receivables91,267 81,881 
Other assets (includes $17,254 and $11,861 measured at fair value)
168,320 160,875 
Total assets$3,324,293 $3,180,151 
Deposits in U.S. offices:  
Noninterest-bearing$498,263 $530,619 
Interest-bearing (includes $443 and $284 measured at fair value)
1,308,856 1,273,904 
Deposits in non-U.S. offices:
Noninterest-bearing15,457 16,427 
Interest-bearing107,776 102,877 
Total deposits1,930,352 1,923,827 
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase
   (includes $243,431 and $178,609 measured at fair value)
397,958 283,887 
Trading account liabilities98,316 95,530 
Derivative liabilities43,131 43,432 
Short-term borrowings (includes $6,478 and $4,690 measured at fair value)
38,440 32,098 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities (includes $16,036 and $11,473 measured at fair value
   and $1,100 and $1,209 of reserve for unfunded lending commitments)
222,657 207,527 
Long-term debt (includes $53,554 and $42,809 measured at fair value)
296,927 302,204 
Total liabilities3,027,781 2,888,505 
Commitments and contingencies (Note 6 – Securitizations and Other Variable Interest Entities
   and Note 10 – Commitments and Contingencies)
Shareholders’ equity 
Preferred stock, $0.01 par value; authorized – 100,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding – 3,933,917 and 4,088,099 shares
24,554 28,397 
Common stock and additional paid-in capital, $0.01 par value; authorized – 12,800,000,000 shares;
   issued and outstanding – 7,688,767,832 and 7,895,457,665 shares
48,338 56,365 
Retained earnings237,954 224,672 
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)(14,334)(17,788)
Total shareholders’ equity296,512 291,646 
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity$3,324,293 $3,180,151 
Assets of consolidated variable interest entities included in total assets above (isolated to settle the liabilities of the variable interest entities)
Trading account assets$6,280 $6,054 
Loans and leases19,267 18,276 
Allowance for loan and lease losses(923)(826)
Loans and leases, net of allowance18,344 17,450 
All other assets278 269 
Total assets of consolidated variable interest entities$24,902 $23,773 
Liabilities of consolidated variable interest entities included in total liabilities above  
Short-term borrowings (includes $0 and $23 of non-recourse short-term borrowings)
$3,542 $2,957 
Long-term debt (includes $8,873 and $8,456 of non-recourse debt)
8,873 8,456 
All other liabilities (includes $22 and $19 of non-recourse liabilities)
22 19 
Total liabilities of consolidated variable interest entities$12,437 $11,432 
See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
51 Bank of America

Bank of America Corporation and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
Common Stock and
Additional Paid-in Capital
Income (Loss)
(In millions)SharesAmount
Balance, June 30, 2024$26,548 7,774.8 $51,376 $233,597 $(17,629)$293,892 
Net income   6,896 6,896 
Net change in debt securities    417 417 
Net change in derivatives    2,830 2,830 
Employee benefit plan adjustments    27 27 
Net change in foreign currency translation adjustments   21 21 
Dividends declared:    
Common (2,021) (2,021)
Preferred  (510) (510)
Redemption of preferred stock(1,994)(6)(2,000)
Common stock issued under employee plans, net, and other2.2 496 (2) 494 
Common stock repurchased(88.2)(3,534)(3,534)
Balance, September 30, 2024$24,554 7,688.8 $48,338 $237,954 $(14,334)$296,512 
Balance, December 31, 2023$28,397 7,895.5 $56,365 $224,672 $(17,788)$291,646 
Net income20,467 20,467 
Net change in debt securities444 444 
Net change in debit valuation adjustments(135)(135)
Net change in derivatives3,100 3,100 
Employee benefit plan adjustments75 75 
Net change in foreign currency translation adjustments(30)(30)
Dividends declared:
Redemption of preferred stock(3,843)(11)(3,854)
Common stock issued under employee plans, net, and other46.6 1,542 (4)1,538 
Common stock repurchased(253.3)(9,569)(9,569)
Balance, September 30, 2024$24,554 7,688.8 $48,338 $237,954 $(14,334)$296,512 
Balance, June 30, 2023$28,397 7,953.6 $57,267 $218,397 $(20,742)$283,319 
Net income7,802 7,802 
Net change in debt securities(642)(642)
Net change in debit valuation adjustments(25)(25)
Net change in derivatives(366)(366)
Employee benefit plan adjustments6 6 
Net change in foreign currency translation adjustments(23)(23)
Dividends declared:
Common stock issued under employee plans, net, and other2.3 443 443 
Common stock repurchased(32.5)(1,000)(1,000)
Balance, September 30, 2023$28,397 7,923.4 $56,710 $223,749 $(21,792)$287,064 
Balance, December 31, 2022$28,397 7,996.8 $58,953 $207,003 $(21,156)$273,197 
Cumulative adjustment for adoption of credit loss accounting
184 184 
Net income23,371 23,371 
Net change in debt securities81 81 
Net change in debit valuation adjustments(419)(419)
Net change in derivatives(317)(317)
Employee benefit plan adjustments25 25 
Net change in foreign currency translation adjustments(6)(6)
Dividends declared:
Common stock issued under employee plans, net, and other45.1 1,522 (7)1,515 
Common stock repurchased(118.5)(3,765)(3,765)
Balance, September 30, 2023$28,397 7,923.4 $56,710 $223,749 $(21,792)$287,064 

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
Bank of America 52

Bank of America Corporation and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)20242023
Operating activities  
Net income$20,467 $23,371 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:  
Provision for credit losses4,369 3,290 
Losses on sales of debt securities6 404 
Depreciation and amortization1,630 1,530 
Net (accretion) amortization of discount/premium on debt securities(354)155 
Deferred income taxes(1,228)(1,440)
Stock-based compensation2,542 2,214 
Loans held-for-sale:
Originations and purchases(26,279)(11,545)
Proceeds from sales and paydowns of loans originally classified as held for sale and instruments
from related securitization activities
21,646 10,716 
Net change in:
Trading and derivative assets/liabilities(56,685)4,681 
Other assets(20,257)(6,887)
Accrued expenses and other liabilities14,581 (18,086)
Other operating activities, net4,843 3,855 
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities(34,719)12,258 
Investing activities  
Net change in:
Time deposits placed and other short-term investments195 (736)
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell(54,582)(41,675)
Debt securities carried at fair value:
Proceeds from sales52,594 94,080 
Proceeds from paydowns and maturities217,602 50,008 
Held-to-maturity debt securities:
Proceeds from paydowns and maturities26,033 28,517 
Purchases (98)
Loans and leases:
Proceeds from sales of loans originally classified as held for investment and instruments
from related securitization activities
7,129 7,734 
Other changes in loans and leases, net(29,874)(9,973)
Other investing activities, net(2,863)(4,271)
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities(100,103)28,796 
Financing activities  
Net change in:
Deposits6,525 (45,740)
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase114,071 105,068 
Short-term borrowings7,623 13,264 
Long-term debt:
Proceeds from issuance42,593 52,955 
Preferred stock redemption
Common stock repurchased(9,569)(3,765)
Cash dividends paid(7,228)(6,854)
Other financing activities, net(313)(707)
Net cash provided by financing activities97,137 82,054 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents201 (1,585)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents(37,484)121,523 
Cash and cash equivalents at January 1333,073 230,203 
Cash and cash equivalents at September 30$295,589 $351,726 

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
53 Bank of America

Bank of America Corporation and Subsidiaries
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
NOTE 1 Summary of Significant Accounting Principles
Bank of America Corporation, a bank holding company and a financial holding company, provides a diverse range of financial services and products throughout the U.S. and in certain international markets. The term “the Corporation” as used herein may refer to Bank of America Corporation, individually, Bank of America Corporation and its subsidiaries, or certain of Bank of America Corporation’s subsidiaries or affiliates.
Principles of Consolidation and Basis of Presentation
The Consolidated Financial Statements include the accounts of the Corporation and its majority-owned subsidiaries and those variable interest entities (VIEs) where the Corporation is the primary beneficiary. Intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated. Results of operations of acquired companies are included from the dates of acquisition, and for VIEs, from the dates that the Corporation became the primary beneficiary. Assets held in an agency or fiduciary capacity are not included in the Consolidated Financial Statements. The Corporation accounts for investments in companies for which it owns a voting interest and for which it has the ability to exercise
significant influence over operating and financing decisions using the equity method of accounting. These investments, which include the Corporation’s interests in affordable housing and renewable energy partnerships, are recorded in other assets. Equity method investments are subject to impairment testing, and the Corporation’s proportionate share of income or loss is included in other income.
The preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts and disclosures. Actual results could materially differ from those estimates and assumptions.
These unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements should be read in conjunction with the audited Consolidated Financial Statements, and related notes thereto, of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
The nature of the Corporation’s business is such that the results of any interim period are not necessarily indicative of results for a full year. In the opinion of management, all adjustments, which consist of normal recurring adjustments necessary for a fair statement of the interim period results, have been made. The Corporation evaluates subsequent events through the date of filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Bank of America 54

NOTE 2 Net Interest Income and Noninterest Income
The table below presents the Corporation’s net interest income and noninterest income disaggregated by revenue source for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. For more information, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. For a disaggregation of noninterest income by business segment and All Other, see Note 17 – Business Segment Information.
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
Net interest income
Interest income
Loans and leases$15,725 $14,830 $46,303 $41,897 
Debt securities6,833 4,658 19,295 14,809 
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell 5,196 4,888 15,530 13,555 
Trading account assets2,726 2,217 7,697 6,321 
Other interest income (1)
7,011 7,031 21,805 18,051 
Total interest income37,491 33,624 110,630 94,633 
Interest expense
Deposits10,125 7,340 28,918 17,439 
Short-term borrowings 8,940 7,629 26,545 22,164 
Trading account liabilities538 510 1,624 1,486 
Long-term debt3,921 3,766 11,842 10,559 
Total interest expense23,524 19,245 68,929 51,648 
Net interest income$13,967 $14,379 $41,701 $42,985 
Noninterest income
Fees and commissions
Card income
Interchange fees (2)
$1,030 $994 $2,984 $2,973 
Other card income588 526 1,678 1,562 
Total card income1,618 1,520 4,662 4,535 
Service charges
Deposit-related fees1,198 1,124 3,492 3,266 
Lending-related fees354 340 1,009 972 
Total service charges1,552 1,464 4,501 4,238 
Investment and brokerage services
Asset management fees3,533 3,103 10,173 8,990 
Brokerage fees1,013 860 2,880 2,664 
Total investment and brokerage services 4,546 3,963 13,053 11,654 
Investment banking fees
Underwriting income742 531 2,512 1,757 
Syndication fees274 209 886 620 
Financial advisory services387 448 1,134 1,186 
Total investment banking fees1,403 1,188 4,532 3,563 
Total fees and commissions9,119 8,135 26,748 23,990 
Market making and similar activities3,278 3,325 10,464 11,734 
Other income (loss)(1,019)(672)(2,373)(2,087)
Total noninterest income$11,378 $10,788 $34,839 $33,637 
(1)Includes interest income on interest-bearing deposits with the Federal Reserve, non-U.S. central banks and other banks of $4.1 billion and $4.6 billion for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, and $13.2 billion and $10.9 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
(2)Gross interchange fees and merchant income are $3.4 billion at both the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 and both are presented net of $2.4 billion of expenses for rewards and partner payments as well as certain other card costs for the same periods. Gross interchange fees and merchant income were $10.1 billion and $9.9 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 and are presented net of $7.1 billion and $7.0 billion of expenses for rewards and partner payments as well as certain other card costs for the same periods.
55 Bank of America

NOTE 3 Derivatives
Derivative Balances
Derivatives are entered into on behalf of customers, for trading or to support risk management activities. Derivatives used in risk management activities include derivatives that may or may not be designated in qualifying hedge accounting relationships. Derivatives that are not designated in qualifying hedge accounting relationships are referred to as other risk management derivatives. For more information on the Corporation’s derivatives and hedging activities, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles and Note 3 –
Derivatives to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. The following tables present derivative instruments included on the Consolidated Balance Sheet in derivative assets and liabilities at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Balances are presented on a gross basis, prior to the application of counterparty and cash collateral netting. Total derivative assets and liabilities are adjusted on an aggregate basis to take into consideration the effects of legally enforceable master netting agreements and have been reduced by cash collateral received or paid.
September 30, 2024
Gross Derivative AssetsGross Derivative Liabilities
(Dollars in billions)
Notional (1)
Trading and Other Risk Management DerivativesQualifying
TotalTrading and Other Risk Management DerivativesQualifying
Interest rate contracts       
Swaps $22,719.7 $78.0 $7.3 $85.3 $70.7 $14.0 $84.7 
Futures and forwards3,876.7 2.0  2.0 2.2  2.2 
Written options (2)
1,963.2    27.5  27.5 
Purchased options (3)
1,928.7 29.0  29.0    
Foreign exchange contracts 
Swaps2,211.1 37.4  37.4 35.9  35.9 
Spot, futures and forwards5,403.9 46.8 0.1 46.9 48.3 0.7 49.0 
Written options (2)
613.7    7.2  7.2 
Purchased options (3)
564.8 6.8  6.8    
Equity contracts 
Swaps499.5 15.4  15.4 21.9  21.9 
Futures and forwards154.9 2.5  2.5 1.6  1.6 
Written options (2)
1,016.1    76.0  76.0 
Purchased options (3)
929.1 65.1  65.1    
Commodity contracts  
Swaps72.6 3.2  3.2 4.4  4.4 
Futures and forwards205.3 5.9  5.9 5.0 0.1 5.1 
Written options (2)
77.9    3.2  3.2 
Purchased options (3)
79.4 2.8  2.8    
Credit derivatives (4)
Purchased credit derivatives:   
Credit default swaps 538.9 1.5  1.5 2.8  2.8 
Total return swaps/options114.8 0.4  0.4 1.0  1.0 
Written credit derivatives:  
Credit default swaps514.8 2.2  2.2 1.4  1.4 
Total return swaps/options91.4 0.9  0.9 0.1  0.1 
Gross derivative assets/liabilities$299.9 $7.4 $307.3 $309.2 $14.8 $324.0 
Less: Legally enforceable master netting agreements   (246.7)  (246.7)
Less: Cash collateral received/paid    (26.4)  (34.2)
Total derivative assets/liabilities    $34.2   $43.1 
(1)Represents the total contract/notional amount of derivative assets and liabilities outstanding.
(2)Includes certain out-of-the-money purchased options that have a liability amount primarily due to the deferral of option premiums to the end of the contract.
(3)Includes certain out-of-the-money written options that have an asset amount primarily due to the deferral of option premiums to the end of the contract.
(4)The net derivative asset (liability) and notional amount of written credit derivatives for which the Corporation held purchased credit derivatives with identical underlying referenced names were $699 million and $484.2 billion at September 30, 2024.
Bank of America 56

December 31, 2023
Gross Derivative AssetsGross Derivative Liabilities
(Dollars in billions)
Notional (1)
Trading and Other Risk Management DerivativesQualifying
TotalTrading and Other Risk Management DerivativesQualifying
Interest rate contracts       
Swaps $15,715.2 $78.4 $7.9 $86.3 $66.6 $18.5 $85.1 
Futures and forwards 2,803.8 5.1  5.1 7.0  7.0 
Written options (2)
1,807.7    31.7  31.7 
Purchased options (3)
1,714.9 32.9  32.9    
Foreign exchange contracts      
Swaps1,814.7 41.1 0.2 41.3 38.2 0.5 38.7 
Spot, futures and forwards3,561.7 37.2 6.1 43.3 40.3 6.2 46.5 
Written options (2)
462.8    6.8  6.8 
Purchased options (3)
405.3 6.2  6.2    
Equity contracts       
Swaps427.0 13.3  13.3 16.7  16.7 
Futures and forwards136.9 2.1  2.1 1.6  1.6 
Written options (2)
854.9    50.1  50.1 
Purchased options (3)
716.2 44.1  44.1    
Commodity contracts       
Swaps59.0 3.1  3.1 4.5  4.5 
Futures and forwards187.8 3.8  3.8 3.1 0.4 3.5 
Written options (2)
67.1    3.3  3.3 
Purchased options (3)
70.9 3.0  3.0    
Credit derivatives (4)
Purchased credit derivatives:       
Credit default swaps 312.8 1.7  1.7 2.5  2.5 
Total return swaps/options69.4 0.8  0.8 1.3  1.3 
Written credit derivatives:      
Credit default swaps289.1 2.2  2.2 1.6  1.6 
Total return swaps/options68.6 1.1  1.1 0.3  0.3 
Gross derivative assets/liabilities $276.1 $14.2 $290.3 $275.6 $25.6 $301.2 
Less: Legally enforceable master netting agreements    (221.6)  (221.6)
Less: Cash collateral received/paid   (29.4)  (36.2)
Total derivative assets/liabilities   $39.3   $43.4 
(1)Represents the total contract/notional amount of derivative assets and liabilities outstanding.
(2)Includes certain out-of-the-money purchased options that have a liability amount primarily due to the deferral of option premiums to the end of the contract.
(3)Includes certain out-of-the-money written options that have an asset amount primarily due to the deferral of option premiums to the end of the contract.
(4)The net derivative asset (liability) and notional amount of written credit derivatives for which the Corporation held purchased credit derivatives with identical underlying referenced names were $520 million and $266.5 billion at December 31, 2023.
Offsetting of Derivatives
The Corporation enters into International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) master netting agreements or similar agreements with substantially all of the Corporation’s derivative counterparties. For more information, see Note 3 – Derivatives to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
The following table presents derivative instruments included in derivative assets and liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheet at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 by primary risk (e.g., interest rate risk) and the platform, where
applicable, on which these derivatives are transacted. Balances are presented on a gross basis, prior to the application of counterparty and cash collateral netting. Total gross derivative assets and liabilities are adjusted on an aggregate basis to take into consideration the effects of legally enforceable master netting agreements, which include reducing the balance for counterparty netting and cash collateral received or paid.
For more information on offsetting of securities financing agreements, see Note 9 – Securities Financing Agreements, Collateral and Restricted Cash.
57 Bank of America

Offsetting of Derivatives (1)
(Dollars in billions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Interest rate contracts    
Over-the-counter$113.1 $110.5 $119.2 $117.7 
Exchange-traded 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 
Over-the-counter cleared2.3 2.0 4.4 3.3 
Foreign exchange contracts
Over-the-counter89.9 90.4 89.7 90.4 
Over-the-counter cleared0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 
Equity contracts
Over-the-counter29.1 42.6 24.7 32.2 
Exchange-traded 53.3 55.5 34.4 33.9 
Commodity contracts
Over-the-counter8.8 9.6 6.6 8.4 
Exchange-traded 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.1 
Over-the-counter cleared0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 
Credit derivatives
Over-the-counter4.9 5.2 5.7 5.6 
Total gross derivative assets/liabilities, before netting
Over-the-counter245.8 258.3 245.9 254.3 
Exchange-traded 55.5 57.8 36.9 36.2 
Over-the-counter cleared2.7 2.5 5.0 4.0 
Less: Legally enforceable master netting agreements and cash collateral received/paid
Exchange-traded (54.1)(54.1)(35.4)(35.4)
Over-the-counter cleared(2.4)(2.4)(3.5)(3.5)
Derivative assets/liabilities, after netting30.9 37.7 36.8 36.7 
Other gross derivative assets/liabilities (2)
3.3 5.4 2.5 6.7 
Total derivative assets/liabilities 34.2 43.1 39.3 43.4 
Less: Financial instruments collateral (3)
Total net derivative assets/liabilities$18.9 $26.8 $23.8 $30.4 
(1)Over-the-counter derivatives include bilateral transactions between the Corporation and a particular counterparty. Over-the-counter cleared derivatives include bilateral transactions between the Corporation and a counterparty where the transaction is cleared through a clearinghouse. Exchange-traded derivatives include listed options transacted on an exchange.
(2)Consists of derivatives entered into under master netting agreements where the enforceability of these agreements is uncertain under bankruptcy laws in some countries or industries.
(3)Amounts are limited to the derivative asset/liability balance and, accordingly, do not include excess collateral received/pledged. Financial instruments collateral includes securities collateral received or pledged and cash securities held and posted at third-party custodians that are not offset on the Consolidated Balance Sheet but shown as a reduction to derive net derivative assets and liabilities.
Derivatives Designated as Accounting Hedges
The Corporation uses various types of interest rate and foreign exchange derivative contracts to protect against changes in the fair value of its assets and liabilities due to fluctuations in interest rates and foreign exchange rates (fair value hedges). The Corporation also uses these types of contracts to protect against changes in the cash flows of its assets and liabilities, and other forecasted transactions (cash flow hedges). The Corporation hedges its net investment in consolidated non-U.S.
operations determined to have functional currencies other than the U.S. dollar using forward exchange contracts and cross-currency basis swaps, and by issuing foreign currency- denominated debt (net investment hedges).
Fair Value Hedges
The following table summarizes information related to fair value hedges for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Bank of America 58

Gains and Losses on Derivatives and Hedged Items Designated in Fair Value Hedges
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
(Dollars in millions)DerivativeHedged ItemDerivativeHedged Item
Interest rate risk on long-term debt (1)
$6,091 $(6,090)$(4,339)$4,299 
Interest rate and foreign currency risk (2)
(576)581 114 (113)
Interest rate risk on available-for-sale securities (3)
(6,453)6,446 1,934 (1,927)
Price risk on commodity inventory (4)
(337)337 410 (410)
Total$(1,275)$1,274 $(1,881)$1,849 

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
DerivativeHedged ItemDerivativeHedged Item
Interest rate risk on long-term debt (1)
$2,501 $(2,519)$(4,581)$4,510 
Interest rate and foreign currency risk (2)
47 (33)229 (225)
Interest rate risk on available-for-sale securities (3)
(3,648)3,620 787 (795)
Price risk on commodity inventory (4)
(723)723 582 (582)
Total$(1,823)$1,791 $(2,983)$2,908 
(1)Amounts are recorded in interest expense in the Consolidated Statement of Income.
(2)Represents cross-currency interest rate swaps related to available-for-sale debt securities and long-term debt. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the derivative amount includes gains (losses) of $(6) million and $11 million in interest income, $(577) million and $20 million in market making and similar activities, and $7 million and $16 million in accumulated other comprehensive income (OCI). For the same periods in 2023, the derivative amount includes gains (losses) of $21 million and $22 million in interest income, $2 million and $9 million in interest expense, $90 million and $195 million in market making and similar activities, and $1 million and $3 million in accumulated OCI. Line item totals are in the Consolidated Statement of Income and on the Consolidated Balance Sheet.
(3)Amounts are recorded in interest income in the Consolidated Statement of Income.
(4)Amounts are recorded in market making and similar activities in the Consolidated Statement of Income.
The table below summarizes the carrying value of hedged assets and liabilities that are designated in fair value hedging relationships, along with the cumulative amount of gains and losses on the hedged assets and liabilities that are included in their carrying value. There is no impact to earnings for the cumulative amount of these fair value hedging adjustments as long as the hedging relationships remain open through the
hedged period. Instead, the open hedges have the effect of synthetically converting the hedged assets and liabilities into variable-rate instruments. If an open hedge is de-designated prior to the derivative’s maturity, any cumulative fair value adjustments at the de-designation date are then amortized or accreted into earnings over the remaining life of the hedged assets or liabilities.
Designated Fair Value Hedged Assets and Liabilities
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(Dollars in millions)Carrying Value
Fair Value
Adjustments (1)
Carrying Value
Fair Value
Adjustments (1)
Long-term debt
$122,287 $(2,195)$203,986 $(5,767)
Available-for-sale debt securities (2, 3)
232,010 1,720 134,077 (1,793)
Trading account assets (4)
3,792 288 7,475 414 
(1)Increase (decrease) to carrying value.
(2)These amounts include the amortized cost of the financial assets in closed portfolios used to designate hedging relationships in which the hedged item is a stated layer that is expected to be remaining at the end of the hedging relationship (i.e. portfolio layer hedging relationship). At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the amortized cost of the closed portfolios used in these hedging relationships was $36.5 billion and $39.1 billion, of which $23.8 billion and $22.5 billion were designated in a portfolio layer hedging relationship. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the cumulative adjustment associated with these hedging relationships was an increase of $387 million and $48 million.
(3)Carrying value represents amortized cost.
(4)Represents hedging activities related to certain commodities inventory.
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the fair value adjustments from de-designated long-term debt hedges decreased the long-term debt carrying value by $10.9 billion and $10.5 billion. The fair value adjustments from de-designated available-for-sale (AFS) debt securities hedges decreased the AFS debt securities carrying value by $4.7 billion and $5.6 billion. The fair value adjustments are being amortized or accreted into interest over the contractual lives of the assets or liabilities, along with any premiums or discounts.
Cash Flow and Net Investment Hedges
The following table summarizes certain information related to cash flow hedges and net investment hedges for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. Of the
$4.9 billion after-tax net loss ($6.6 billion pretax) on derivatives in accumulated OCI at September 30, 2024, losses of $2.4 billion after-tax ($3.1 billion pretax) related to both open and closed cash flow hedges are expected to be reclassified into earnings in the next 12 months. These net losses reclassified into earnings are expected to primarily decrease net interest income related to the respective hedged items. For open cash flow hedges, the maximum length of time over which forecasted transactions are hedged is approximately six years. For terminated cash flow hedges, the time period over which the forecasted transactions will be recognized in interest income is approximately five years, with the aggregated amount beyond this time period being insignificant.
59 Bank of America

Gains and Losses on Derivatives Designated as Cash Flow and Net Investment Hedges
Gains (Losses)
Recognized in
Accumulated OCI
on Derivatives
Gains (Losses)
in Income
Reclassified from
Accumulated OCI
Gains (Losses)
Recognized in
Accumulated OCI
on Derivatives
Gains (Losses)
in Income
Reclassified from
Accumulated OCI
(Dollars in millions, amounts pretax)Three Months Ended September 30, 2024Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Cash flow hedges
Interest rate risk on variable-rate portfolios (1)
$2,863 $(905)$1,808 $(2,301)
Price risk on forecasted MBS purchases (1)
 (2) (6)
Price risk on certain compensation plans (2)
8 8 27 25 
Total$2,871 $(899)$1,835 $(2,282)
Net investment hedges  
Foreign exchange risk (3)
$(1,100)$(140)$292 $(140)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Cash flow hedges
Interest rate risk on variable-rate portfolios (1)
Price risk on forecasted MBS purchases (1)
2  6  
Price risk on certain compensation plans (2)
(8)7 28 18 
Net investment hedges
Foreign exchange risk (3)
$802 $133 $334 $136 
(1)Amounts reclassified from accumulated OCI are recorded in interest income in the Consolidated Statement of Income.
(2)Amounts reclassified from accumulated OCI are recorded in compensation and benefits expense in the Consolidated Statement of Income.
(3)Amounts reclassified from accumulated OCI are recorded in other income in the Consolidated Statement of Income. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, amounts excluded from effectiveness testing and recognized in market making and similar activities were gains of $72 million and $178 million. For the same periods in 2023, amounts excluded from effectiveness testing and recognized in market making and similar activities were gains of $36 million and $145 million.
Other Risk Management Derivatives
Other risk management derivatives are used by the Corporation to reduce certain risk exposures by economically hedging various assets and liabilities. The table below presents gains (losses) on these derivatives for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. These gains (losses) are largely offset by the income or expense recorded on the hedged item.
Gains and Losses on Other Risk Management Derivatives
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
Interest rate risk on mortgage activities (1, 2)
$55 $(54)$15 $(51)
Credit risk on loans (2)
Interest rate and foreign currency risk on asset and liability management activities (3)
(1,221)381 (1,048)1,040 
Price risk on certain compensation plans (4)
152 (199)447 184 
(1)Includes hedges of interest rate risk on mortgage servicing rights (MSRs) and interest rate lock commitments (IRLCs) to originate mortgage loans that will be held for sale.
(2)Gains (losses) on these derivatives are recorded in other income.
(3)Gains (losses) on these derivatives are recorded in market making and similar activities.
(4)Gains (losses) on these derivatives are recorded in compensation and benefits expense.
Transfers of Financial Assets with Risk Retained through Derivatives
The Corporation enters into certain transactions involving the transfer of financial assets that are accounted for as sales where substantially all of the economic exposure to the transferred financial assets is retained through derivatives (e.g., interest rate and/or credit), but the Corporation does not retain control over the assets transferred. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Corporation had transferred $3.9 billion and $4.1 billion of non-U.S. government-guaranteed mortgage-backed securities (MBS) to a third-party trust and retained economic exposure to the transferred assets through derivative contracts. In connection with these transfers, the Corporation received gross cash proceeds of $4.0 billion and $4.2 billion at the transfer dates. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the fair value of the transferred securities was $3.9 billion and $4.1 billion.
Sales and Trading Revenue
The Corporation enters into trading derivatives to facilitate client transactions and to manage risk exposures arising from trading
account assets and liabilities. It is the Corporation’s policy to include these derivative instruments in its trading activities, which include derivatives and non-derivative cash instruments. The resulting risk from these derivatives is managed on a portfolio basis as part of the Corporation’s Global Markets business segment. For more information on sales and trading revenue, see Note 3 – Derivatives to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
The following table, which includes both derivatives and non-derivative cash instruments, identifies the amounts in the respective income statement line items attributable to the Corporation’s sales and trading revenue in Global Markets, categorized by primary risk, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. This table includes debit valuation adjustment (DVA) and funding valuation adjustment (FVA) gains (losses). Global Markets results in Note 17 – Business Segment Information are presented on a fully taxable-equivalent (FTE) basis. The following table is not presented on an FTE basis.
Bank of America 60

Sales and Trading Revenue
Market making and similar activitiesNet Interest
Other (1)
TotalMarket making and similar activitiesNet Interest
Other (1)
(Dollars in millions)Three Months Ended September 30, 2024Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Interest rate risk$612 $364 $90 $1,066 $2,024 $839 $275 $3,138 
Foreign exchange risk482 36 48 566 1,368 99 87 1,554 
Equity risk1,839 (342)498 1,995 5,540 (1,110)1,375 5,805 
Credit risk323 618 142 1,083 1,145 1,822 471 3,438 
Other risk (2)
92 25 (159)(42)318 85 (190)213 
Total sales and trading revenue
$3,348 $701 $619 $4,668 $10,395 $1,735 $2,018 $14,148 
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Interest rate risk$815 $80 $90 $985 $2,867 $218 $301 $3,386 
Foreign exchange risk446 32 17 495 1,355 113 55 1,523 
Equity risk1,458 (218)426 1,666 5,116 (1,566)1,345 4,895 
Credit risk349 590 93 1,032 1,140 1,865 303 3,308 
Other risk (2)
126 (11)3 118 521 (153)(8)360 
Total sales and trading revenue
$3,194 $473 $629 $4,296 $10,999 $477 $1,996 $13,472 
(1)Represents amounts in investment and brokerage services and other income that are recorded in Global Markets and included in the definition of sales and trading revenue. Includes investment and brokerage services revenue of $562 million and $1.6 billion for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $474 million and $1.5 billion for the same periods in 2023.
(2)Includes commodity risk.
Credit Derivatives
The Corporation enters into credit derivatives primarily to facilitate client transactions and to manage credit risk exposures. Credit derivatives are classified as investment and non-investment grade based on the credit quality of the underlying referenced obligation. The Corporation considers ratings of BBB- or higher as investment grade. Non-investment grade includes non-rated credit derivative instruments. The Corporation discloses internal categorizations of investment
grade and non-investment grade consistent with how risk is managed for these instruments. For more information on credit derivatives, see Note 3 – Derivatives to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Credit derivative instruments where the Corporation is the seller of credit protection and their expiration at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 are summarized in the following table.
61 Bank of America

Credit Derivative Instruments
Less than
One Year
One to
Three Years
Three to
Five Years
Over Five
September 30, 2024
(Dollars in millions)Carrying Value
Credit default swaps:     
Investment grade$ $1 $17 $26 $44 
Non-investment grade6 147 745 460 1,358 
Total6 148 762 486 1,402 
Total return swaps/options:     
Investment grade27    27 
Non-investment grade105    105 
Total132    132 
Total credit derivatives$138 $148 $762 $486 $1,534 
Credit-related notes:     
Investment grade$ $ $4 $599 $603 
Non-investment grade4 1 20 1,151 1,176 
Total credit-related notes$4 $1 $24 $1,750 $1,779 
 Maximum Payout/Notional
Credit default swaps:     
Investment grade$40,745 $86,391 $214,340 $53,247 $394,723 
Non-investment grade15,779 32,145 60,171 11,999 120,094 
Total56,524 118,536 274,511 65,246 514,817 
Total return swaps/options:     
Investment grade62,281 1,502 1,287 334 65,404 
Non-investment grade23,181 2,043 643 103 25,970 
Total85,462 3,545 1,930 437 91,374 
Total credit derivatives$141,986 $122,081 $276,441 $65,683 $606,191 
December 31, 2023
Carrying Value
Credit default swaps:
Investment grade$ $11 $26 $20 $57 
Non-investment grade38 277 601 595 1,511 
Total38 288 627 615 1,568 
Total return swaps/options:     
Investment grade59    59 
Non-investment grade149 69 56 5 279 
Total208 69 56 5 338 
Total credit derivatives$246 $357 $683 $620 $1,906 
Credit-related notes:     
Investment grade$ $ $ $859 $859 
Non-investment grade 5 16 1,103 1,124 
Total credit-related notes$ $5 $16 $1,962 $1,983 
 Maximum Payout/Notional
Credit default swaps:
Investment grade$33,750 $65,015 $83,313 $17,023 $199,101 
Non-investment grade18,061 32,155 33,934 5,827 89,977 
Total51,811 97,170 117,247 22,850 289,078 
Total return swaps/options:     
Investment grade40,515 1,503 1,561 23 43,602 
Non-investment grade20,694 1,414 1,907 988 25,003 
Total61,209 2,917 3,468 1,011 68,605 
Total credit derivatives$113,020 $100,087 $120,715 $23,861 $357,683 
The notional amount represents the maximum amount payable by the Corporation for most credit derivatives. However, the Corporation does not monitor its exposure to credit derivatives based solely on the notional amount because this measure does not take into consideration the probability of occurrence. As such, the notional amount is not a reliable indicator of the Corporation’s exposure to these contracts. Instead, a risk framework is used to define risk tolerances and establish limits so that certain credit risk-related losses occur within acceptable, predefined limits.
Credit-related notes in the table above include investments in securities issued by collateralized debt obligation (CDO), collateralized loan obligation (CLO) and credit-linked note
vehicles. These instruments are primarily classified as trading securities. The carrying value of these instruments equals the Corporation’s maximum exposure to loss. The Corporation is not obligated to make any payments to the entities under the terms of the securities owned.
Credit-related Contingent Features and Collateral
Certain of the Corporation’s derivative contracts contain credit risk-related contingent features, primarily in the form of ISDA master netting agreements and credit support documentation that enhance the creditworthiness of these instruments compared to other obligations of the respective counterparty with whom the Corporation has transacted. These contingent features may be for the benefit of the Corporation as well as its
Bank of America 62

counterparties with respect to changes in the Corporation’s creditworthiness and the mark-to-market exposure under the derivative transactions. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Corporation held cash and securities collateral of $106.5 billion and $104.1 billion and posted cash and securities collateral of $95.6 billion and $93.4 billion in the normal course of business under derivative agreements, excluding cross-product margining agreements where clients are permitted to margin on a net basis for both derivative and secured financing arrangements.
In connection with certain OTC derivative contracts and other trading agreements, the Corporation can be required to provide additional collateral or to terminate transactions with certain counterparties in the event of a downgrade of the senior debt ratings of the Corporation or certain subsidiaries. The amount of additional collateral required depends on the contract and is usually a fixed incremental amount and/or the market value of the exposure. For more information on credit-related contingent features and collateral, see Note 3 – Derivatives to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
At September 30, 2024, the amount of collateral, calculated based on the terms of the contracts, that the Corporation and certain subsidiaries could be required to post to counterparties but had not yet posted to counterparties was $3.8 billion, including $2.0 billion for Bank of America, National Association (BANA).
Some counterparties are currently able to unilaterally terminate certain contracts, or the Corporation or certain subsidiaries may be required to take other action such as find a suitable replacement or obtain a guarantee. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the liability recorded for these derivative contracts was not significant.
The following table presents the amount of additional collateral that would have been contractually required by derivative contracts and other trading agreements at September 30, 2024 if the rating agencies had downgraded their long-term senior debt ratings for the Corporation or certain subsidiaries by one incremental notch and by an additional second incremental notch. The table also presents derivative liabilities that would be subject to unilateral termination by counterparties upon downgrade of the Corporation's or certain subsidiaries’ long-term senior debt ratings.
Additional Collateral Required to be Posted and Derivative Liabilities Subject to Unilateral Termination Upon Downgrade
at September 30, 2024
(Dollars in millions)One
Additional collateral required to be posted upon downgrade
Bank of America Corporation$116 $740 
Bank of America, N.A. and subsidiaries (1)
37 622 
Derivative liabilities subject to unilateral termination upon downgrade
Derivative liabilities$6 $64 
Collateral posted4 23 
(1)Included in Bank of America Corporation collateral requirements in this table.
Valuation Adjustments on Derivatives
The table below presents credit valuation adjustment (CVA), DVA and FVA gains (losses) on derivatives (excluding the effect of any related hedge activities), which are recorded in market making and similar activities, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. For more information on the valuation adjustments on derivatives, see Note 3 – Derivatives to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Valuation Adjustments Gains (Losses) on Derivatives (1)
Three Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)20242023
Derivative assets (CVA)$(32)$30 
Derivative assets/liabilities (FVA)
Derivative liabilities (DVA)2 18 
Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)20242023
Derivative assets (CVA)$(1)$151 
Derivative assets/liabilities (FVA)
Derivative liabilities (DVA)(40)(66)
(1)At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, cumulative CVA reduced the derivative assets balance by $360 million and $359 million, cumulative FVA reduced the net derivative balance by $114 million and $87 million, and cumulative DVA reduced the derivative liabilities balance by $259 million and $299 million.
63 Bank of America

NOTE 4 Securities
The table below presents the amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses, and fair value of AFS debt securities, other debt securities carried at fair value and held-to-maturity (HTM) debt securities at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Debt Securities
(Dollars in millions)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Available-for-sale debt securities
Mortgage-backed securities:
Agency$35,978 $15 $(1,399)$34,594 $39,195 $37 $(1,420)$37,812 
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations16,640 21 (157)16,504 2,739 6 (201)2,544 
Commercial19,358 78 (450)18,986 10,909 40 (514)10,435 
Non-agency residential (1)
298 51 (53)296 449 3 (70)382 
Total mortgage-backed securities72,274 165 (2,059)70,380 53,292 86 (2,205)51,173 
U.S. Treasury and government agencies211,314 255 (1,374)210,195 179,108 19 (1,461)177,666 
Non-U.S. securities22,884 52 (22)22,914 22,868 27 (20)22,875 
Other taxable securities2,637 2 (30)2,609 4,910 1 (76)4,835 
Tax-exempt securities9,764 34 (177)9,621 10,304 17 (221)10,100 
Total available-for-sale debt securities318,873 508 (3,662)315,719 270,482 150 (3,983)266,649 
Other debt securities carried at fair value (2)
9,555 219 (57)9,717 10,202 56 (55)10,203 
Total debt securities carried at fair value328,428 727 (3,719)325,436 280,684 206 (4,038)276,852 
Held-to-maturity debt securities
Agency mortgage-backed securities438,824  (69,878)368,946 465,456  (78,930)386,526 
U.S. Treasury and government agencies121,683  (14,929)106,754 121,645  (17,963)103,682 
Other taxable securities7,082 1 (896)6,187 7,490  (1,101)6,389 
Total held-to-maturity debt securities567,589 1 (85,703)481,887 594,591  (97,994)496,597 
Total debt securities (3,4)
$896,017 $728 $(89,422)$807,323 $875,275 $206 $(102,032)$773,449 
(1)At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the underlying collateral type included approximately 25 percent and 17 percent prime and 75 percent and 83 percent subprime.
(2)Primarily includes non-U.S. securities used to satisfy certain international regulatory requirements. Any changes in value are reported in market making and similar activities. For detail on the components, see Note 14 – Fair Value Measurements.
(3)Includes securities pledged as collateral of $195.5 billion and $204.9 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
(4)The Corporation held debt securities from Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FHLMC) that each exceeded 10 percent of shareholders’ equity, with an amortized cost of $261.6 billion and $168.2 billion, and a fair value of $220.9 billion and $142.3 billion at September 30, 2024, and an amortized cost of $272.5 billion and $171.5 billion, and a fair value of $226.4 billion and $142.3 billion at December 31, 2023.
At September 30, 2024, the accumulated net unrealized loss on AFS debt securities, excluding the amount related to debt securities previously transferred to held to maturity, included in accumulated OCI was $2.3 billion, net of the related income tax benefit of $793 million. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, nonperforming AFS debt securities held by the Corporation were not significant.
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, $849.3 billion and $824.9 billion of AFS and HTM debt securities, which were predominantly U.S. agency and U.S. Treasury securities, have a zero credit loss assumption. For the same periods, the expected credit losses on the remaining $37.2 billion and $40.2 billion of AFS and HTM debt securities were insignificant. For more information on the zero credit loss assumption, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Corporation held equity securities at an aggregate fair value of $247 million and $251 million and other equity securities, as valued under the measurement alternative, at a carrying value of $460 million and $377 million, both of which are included in
other assets. At both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Corporation also held money market investments at a fair value of $1.2 billion, which are included in time deposits placed and other short-term investments.
The gross realized gains and losses on sales of AFS debt securities for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 are presented in the table below.
Gains and Losses on Sales of AFS Debt Securities
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
Gross gains$4 $ $19 $104 
Gross losses(23) (25)(508)
Net gains (losses) on sales of AFS debt securities$(19)$ $(6)$(404)
Income tax expense (benefit) attributable to realized net gains (losses) on sales of AFS debt securities$(5)$ $(1)$(101)
Bank of America 64

The table below presents the fair value and the associated gross unrealized losses on AFS debt securities and whether these securities have had gross unrealized losses for less than 12 months or for 12 months or longer at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Total AFS Debt Securities in a Continuous Unrealized Loss Position
Less than Twelve MonthsTwelve Months or LongerTotal
(Dollars in millions)September 30, 2024
Continuously unrealized loss-positioned AFS debt securities
Mortgage-backed securities:   
Agency$11,822 $(61)$19,671 $(1,338)$31,493 $(1,399)
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations1,979 (2)1,583 (155)3,562 (157)
Commercial6,232 (29)4,876 (421)11,108 (450)
Non-agency residential  162 (53)162 (53)
Total mortgage-backed securities20,033 (92)26,292 (1,967)46,325 (2,059)
U.S. Treasury and government agencies110,927 (191)70,551 (1,183)181,478 (1,374)
Non-U.S. securities3,982 (12)3,000 (10)6,982 (22)
Other taxable securities1,360 (2)1,022 (28)2,382 (30)
Tax-exempt securities117 (11)2,428 (166)2,545 (177)
Total AFS debt securities in a continuous unrealized loss position
$136,419 $(308)$103,293 $(3,354)$239,712 $(3,662)
December 31, 2023
Continuously unrealized loss-positioned AFS debt securities
Mortgage-backed securities:
Agency$8,624 $(21)$20,776 $(1,399)$29,400 $(1,420)
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations  1,701 (201)1,701 (201)
Commercial2,363 (27)4,588 (487)6,951 (514)
Non-agency residential  370 (70)370 (70)
Total mortgage-backed securities10,987 (48)27,435 (2,157)38,422 (2,205)
U.S. Treasury and government agencies14,907 (12)69,669 (1,449)84,576 (1,461)
Non-U.S. securities7,702 (8)1,524 (12)9,226 (20)
Other taxable securities3,269 (19)1,437 (57)4,706 (76)
Tax-exempt securities466 (5)2,106 (216)2,572 (221)
Total AFS debt securities in a continuous unrealized loss position
$37,331 $(92)$102,171 $(3,891)$139,502 $(3,983)

65 Bank of America

The remaining contractual maturity distribution and yields of the Corporation’s debt securities carried at fair value and HTM debt securities at September 30, 2024 are summarized in the table below. Actual duration and yields may differ as prepayments on the loans underlying the MBS or other asset-backed securities (ABS) are passed through to the Corporation.
Maturities of Debt Securities Carried at Fair Value and Held-to-maturity Debt Securities
Due in One
Year or Less
Due after One Year
through Five Years
Due after Five Years
through Ten Years
Due after
Ten Years
(Dollars in millions)Amount
Yield (1)
Yield (1)
Yield (1)
Yield (1)
Yield (1)
Amortized cost of debt securities carried at fair value          
Mortgage-backed securities:          
Agency$  %$5 3.40 %$6 3.83 %$35,967 4.62 %$35,978 4.62 %
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations    1 1.00 16,639 5.92 16,640 5.92 
Commercial119 4.02 5,187 5.02 12,091 4.11 1,973 3.37 19,370 4.28 
Non-agency residential      567 11.94 567 11.94 
Total mortgage-backed securities119 4.02 5,192 5.02 12,098 4.11 55,146 5.04 72,555 4.88 
U.S. Treasury and government agencies2,819 4.64 197,391 3.87 13,450 2.78 36 3.95 213,696 3.81 
Non-U.S. securities18,915 3.39 4,962 1.84 4,194 5.01 1,705 4.44 29,776 3.42 
Other taxable securities525 6.16 1,803 5.78 234 4.25 75 2.95 2,637 5.64 
Tax-exempt securities1,018 3.13 3,577 3.65 1,031 3.15 4,138 3.84 9,764 3.62 
Total amortized cost of debt securities carried at fair value
$23,396 3.60 $212,925 3.87 $31,007 3.62 $61,100 4.94 $328,428 4.02 
Amortized cost of HTM debt securities
Agency mortgage-backed securities$  %$  %$10 2.70 %$438,814 2.12 %$438,824 2.12 %
U.S. Treasury and government agencies490 2.71 23,190 1.84 98,003 1.28   121,683 1.39 
Other taxable securities91 1.59 1,137 2.55 120 3.37 5,734 2.53 7,082 2.54 
Total amortized cost of HTM debt securities$581 2.53 $24,327 1.87 $98,133 1.28 $444,548 2.12 $567,589 1.96 
Debt securities carried at fair value          
Mortgage-backed securities:          
Agency$  $5  $6  $34,583  $34,594  
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations    1  16,503  16,504  
Commercial118  5,149  11,940  1,790  18,997  
Non-agency residential  2    560  562  
Total mortgage-backed securities118 5,156 11,947 53,436 70,657 
U.S. Treasury and government agencies2,815 196,614 13,116 34 212,579 
Non-U.S. securities19,103  4,968  4,193  1,703  29,967  
Other taxable securities525  1,799  218  70  2,612  
Tax-exempt securities1,015  3,571  1,024  4,011  9,621  
Total debt securities carried at fair value$23,576  $212,108  $30,498  $59,254  $325,436  
Fair value of HTM debt securities
Agency mortgage-backed securities$ $ $10 $368,936 $368,946 
U.S. Treasury and government agencies485 20,961 85,308  106,754 
Other taxable securities90 1,103 97 4,897 6,187 
Total fair value of HTM debt securities$575 $22,064 $85,415 $373,833 $481,887 
(1)The weighted-average yield is computed based on a constant effective yield over the contractual life of each security. The yield considers the contractual coupon and the amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts, excluding the effect of related open hedging derivatives.
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NOTE 5 Outstanding Loans and Leases and Allowance for Credit Losses
The following tables present total outstanding loans and leases and an aging analysis for the Consumer Real Estate, Credit Card and Other Consumer, and Commercial portfolio segments, by class of financing receivables, at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
30-59 Days
 Past Due (1)
60-89 Days
 Past Due (1)
90 Days or
Past Due (1)
Total Past
Due 30 Days
or More
 Current or
 Less Than
 30 Days
 Past Due (1)
 for Under
 the Fair
(Dollars in millions)September 30, 2024
Consumer real estate      
Residential mortgage$1,206 $262 $762 $2,230 $225,612 $227,842 
Home equity82 33 127 242 25,241 25,483 
Credit card and other consumer
Credit card717 540 1,306 2,563 98,278 100,841 
Direct/Indirect consumer (2)
298 103 97 498 105,197 105,695 
Other consumer    161 161 
Total consumer2,303 938 2,292 5,533 454,489 460,022 
Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option (3)
$229 229 
Total consumer loans and leases2,303 938 2,292 5,533 454,489 229 460,251 
U.S. commercial415 330 461 1,206 378,357 379,563 
Non-U.S. commercial19 23 85 127 127,611 127,738 
Commercial real estate (4)
511 138 1,209 1,858 66,562 68,420 
Commercial lease financing26 20 17 63 14,929 14,992 
U.S. small business commercial186 96 186 468 20,425 20,893 
Total commercial1,157 607 1,958 3,722 607,884 611,606 
Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option (3)
3,943 3,943 
Total commercial loans and leases1,157 607 1,958 3,722 607,884 3,943 615,549 
Total loans and leases (5)
$3,460 $1,545 $4,250 $9,255 $1,062,373 $4,172 $1,075,800 
Percentage of outstandings 0.32 %0.14 %0.40 %0.86 %98.75 %0.39 %100.00 %
(1)Consumer real estate loans 30-59 days past due includes fully-insured loans of $179 million and nonperforming loans of $181 million. Consumer real estate loans 60-89 days past due includes fully-insured loans of $68 million and nonperforming loans of $93 million. Consumer real estate loans 90 days or more past due includes fully-insured loans of $215 million and nonperforming loans of $674 million. Consumer real estate loans current or less than 30 days past due includes $1.6 billion, and direct/indirect consumer includes $52 million of nonperforming loans.
(2)Total outstandings primarily includes auto and specialty lending loans and leases of $54.9 billion, U.S. securities-based lending loans of $47.3 billion and non-U.S. consumer loans of $2.8 billion.
(3)Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option includes residential mortgage loans of $63 million and home equity loans of $166 million. Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option includes U.S. commercial loans of $2.7 billion and non-U.S. commercial loans of $1.3 billion. For more information, see Note 14 – Fair Value Measurements and Note 15 – Fair Value Option.
(4)Total outstandings includes U.S. commercial real estate loans of $61.8 billion and non-U.S. commercial real estate loans of $6.6 billion.
(5)Total outstandings includes loans and leases pledged as collateral of $27.7 billion. The Corporation also pledged $302.5 billion of loans with no related outstanding borrowings to secure potential borrowing capacity with the Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Home Loan Bank.
67 Bank of America

30-59 Days
Past Due
60-89 Days
 Past Due (1)
90 Days or
Past Due
Total Past
Due 30 Days
or More
Current or
Less Than
30 Days
Past Due (1)
for Under
the Fair
Value Option
Total Outstandings
(Dollars in millions)December 31, 2023
Consumer real estate      
Residential mortgage$1,177 $302 $829 $2,308 $226,095 $228,403 
Home equity90 38 161 289 25,238 25,527 
Credit card and other consumer     
Credit card680 515 1,224 2,419 99,781  102,200 
Direct/Indirect consumer (2)
306 99 91 496 102,972  103,468 
Other consumer     124  124 
Total consumer2,253 954 2,305 5,512 454,210 459,722 
Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option (3)
$243 243 
Total consumer loans and leases2,253 954 2,305 5,512 454,210 243 459,965 
U.S. commercial477 96 225 798 358,133  358,931 
Non-U.S. commercial86 21 64 171 124,410  124,581 
Commercial real estate (4)
247 133 505 885 71,993  72,878 
Commercial lease financing44 8 24 76 14,778  14,854 
U.S. small business commercial166 89 184 439 18,758  19,197 
Total commercial1,020 347 1,002 2,369 588,072  590,441 
Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option (3)
3,326 3,326 
Total commercial loans and leases
1,020 347 1,002 2,369 588,072 3,326 593,767 
Total loans and leases (5)
$3,273 $1,301 $3,307 $7,881 $1,042,282 $3,569 $1,053,732 
Percentage of outstandings 0.31 %0.12 %0.31 %0.75 %98.91 %0.34 %100.00 %
(1)Consumer real estate loans 30-59 days past due includes fully-insured loans of $198 million and nonperforming loans of $150 million. Consumer real estate loans 60-89 days past due includes fully-insured loans of $77 million and nonperforming loans of $102 million. Consumer real estate loans 90 days or more past due includes fully-insured loans of $252 million and nonperforming loans of $738 million. Consumer real estate loans current or less than 30 days past due includes $1.6 billion, and direct/indirect consumer includes $39 million of nonperforming loans.
(2)Total outstandings primarily includes auto and specialty lending loans and leases of $53.9 billion, U.S. securities-based lending loans of $46.0 billion and non-U.S. consumer loans of $2.8 billion.
(3)Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option includes residential mortgage loans of $66 million and home equity loans of $177 million. Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option includes U.S. commercial loans of $2.2 billion and non-U.S. commercial loans of $1.2 billion. For more information, see Note 14 – Fair Value Measurements and Note 15 – Fair Value Option.
(4)Total outstandings includes U.S. commercial real estate loans of $66.8 billion and non-U.S. commercial real estate loans of $6.1 billion.
(5)Total outstandings includes loans and leases pledged as collateral of $33.7 billion. The Corporation also pledged $246.0 billion of loans with no related outstanding borrowings to secure potential borrowing capacity with the Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Home Loan Bank.
The Corporation has entered into long-term credit protection agreements with FNMA and FHLMC on loans totaling $8.2 billion and $8.7 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, providing full credit protection on residential mortgage loans that become severely delinquent. All of these loans are individually insured, and therefore the Corporation does not record an allowance for credit losses related to these loans.
Nonperforming Loans and Leases
Nonperforming loans were $5.6 billion and $5.5 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Commercial nonperforming loans were $3.0 billion and $2.8 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 primarily driven by commercial real estate. Consumer nonperforming loans were
$2.7 billion at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, primarily comprised of residential mortgage.
The following table presents the Corporation’s nonperforming loans and leases and loans accruing past due 90 days or more at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Nonperforming loans held-for-sale (LHFS) are excluded from nonperforming loans and leases as they are recorded at either fair value or the lower of cost or fair value. For more information on the criteria for classification as nonperforming, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Bank of America 68

Credit Quality
Nonperforming Loans
and Leases
Accruing Past Due
90 Days or More
(Dollars in millions)September 30 2024December 31 2023September 30 2024December 31 2023
Residential mortgage (1)
$2,089 $2,114 $215 $252 
With no related allowance (2)
1,930 1,974   
Home equity (1)
413 450   
With no related allowance (2)
346 375   
Credit Card            n/a            n/a1,306 1,224 
Direct/indirect consumer175 148 1 2 
Total consumer2,677 2,712 1,522 1,478 
U.S. commercial699 636 219 51 
Non-U.S. commercial85 175 12 4 
Commercial real estate2,124 1,927 206 32 
Commercial lease financing18 19 5 7 
U.S. small business commercial26 16 183 184 
Total commercial2,952 2,773 625 278 
Total nonperforming loans$5,629 $5,485 $2,147 $1,756 
Percentage of outstanding loans and leases
0.53 %0.52 %0.20 %0.17 %
(1)Residential mortgage loans accruing past due 90 days or more are fully-insured loans. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 residential mortgage included $114 million and $156 million of loans on which interest had been curtailed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), and therefore were no longer accruing interest, although principal was still insured, and $101 million and $96 million of loans on which interest was still accruing.
(2)Primarily relates to loans for which the estimated fair value of the underlying collateral less any costs to sell is greater than the amortized cost of the loans as of the reporting date.
n/a = not applicable
Credit Quality Indicators
The Corporation monitors credit quality within its Consumer Real Estate, Credit Card and Other Consumer, and Commercial portfolio segments based on primary credit quality indicators. For more information on the portfolio segments, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. Within the Consumer Real Estate portfolio segment, the primary credit quality indicators are refreshed loan-to-value (LTV) and refreshed Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) score. Refreshed LTV measures the carrying value of the loan as a percentage of the value of the property securing the loan, refreshed quarterly. Home equity loans are evaluated using combined loan-to-value (CLTV), which measures the carrying value of the Corporation’s loan and available line of credit combined with any outstanding senior liens against the property as a percentage of the value of the property securing the loan, refreshed quarterly. FICO score measures the creditworthiness of the borrower based on the financial obligations of the borrower and the borrower’s credit history. FICO scores are typically refreshed quarterly or more frequently. Certain borrowers (e.g., borrowers that have had debts discharged in a bankruptcy proceeding) may not have their FICO scores updated.
FICO scores are also a primary credit quality indicator for the Credit Card and Other Consumer portfolio segment and the business card portfolio within U.S. small business commercial. Within the Commercial portfolio segment, loans are evaluated using the internal classifications of pass rated or reservable criticized as the primary credit quality indicators. The term reservable criticized refers to those commercial loans that are internally classified or listed by the Corporation as Special Mention, Substandard or Doubtful, which are asset quality categories defined by regulatory authorities. These assets have an elevated level of risk and may have a high probability of default or total loss. Pass rated refers to all loans not considered reservable criticized. In addition to these primary credit quality indicators, the Corporation uses other credit quality indicators for certain types of loans.
The following tables present certain credit quality indicators and gross charge-offs for the Corporation's Consumer Real Estate, Credit Card and Other Consumer, and Commercial portfolio segments by year of origination, except for revolving loans and revolving loans that were modified into term loans, which are shown on an aggregate basis at September 30, 2024.
69 Bank of America

Residential Mortgage – Credit Quality Indicators By Vintage
Term Loans by Origination Year
(Dollars in millions)Total as of September 30,
Residential Mortgage
Refreshed LTV
Less than or equal to 90 percent$215,050 $12,861 $13,670 $37,299 $72,985 $33,129 $45,106 
Greater than 90 percent but less than or equal to 100 percent
1,752 553 528 480 123 23 45 
Greater than 100 percent
725 313 181 137 53 17 24 
Fully-insured loans
10,315 440 201 312 3,220 2,634 3,508 
Total Residential Mortgage$227,842 $14,167 $14,580 $38,228 $76,381 $35,803 $48,683 
Residential Mortgage
Refreshed FICO score
Less than 620$2,500 $125 $162 $470 $607 $418 $718 
Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680
4,657 222 364 894 1,175 704 1,298 
Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740
22,362 1,443 1,644 4,072 6,341 3,494 5,368 
Greater than or equal to 740
188,008 11,937 12,209 32,480 65,038 28,553 37,791 
Fully-insured loans
10,315 440 201 312 3,220 2,634 3,508 
Total Residential Mortgage$227,842 $14,167 $14,580 $38,228 $76,381 $35,803 $48,683 
Gross charge-offs for the nine months ended September 30, 2024$18 $ $2 $4 $2 $1 $9 
Home Equity - Credit Quality Indicators
Home Equity Loans and Reverse Mortgages (1)
Revolving LoansRevolving Loans Converted to Term Loans
(Dollars in millions)September 30, 2024
Home Equity
Refreshed LTV
Less than or equal to 90 percent$25,399 $806 $21,078 $3,515 
Greater than 90 percent but less than or equal to 100 percent
40 3 33 4 
Greater than 100 percent
44 1 32 11 
Total Home Equity$25,483 $810 $21,143 $3,530 
Home Equity
Refreshed FICO score
Less than 620$633 $71 $299 $263 
Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680
1,092 86 661 345 
Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740
4,290 168 3,300 822 
Greater than or equal to 740
19,468 485 16,883 2,100 
Total Home Equity$25,483 $810 $21,143 $3,530 
Gross charge-offs for the nine months ended September 30, 2024$16 $6 $5 $5 
(1)Includes reverse mortgages of $510 million and home equity loans of $300 million, which are no longer originated.
Credit Card and Direct/Indirect Consumer – Credit Quality Indicators By Vintage
Term Loans by Origination YearCredit Card
(Dollars in millions)Total Direct/
Indirect as of September 30,
Revolving Loans20242023202220212020PriorTotal Credit Card as of September 30,
Revolving Loans
Revolving Loans Converted to Term Loans (1)
Refreshed FICO score  
Less than 620$1,415 $11 $163 $424 $439 $265 $60 $53 $5,735 $5,384 $351 
Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 6802,336 9 522 757 582 314 79 73 11,452 11,133 319 
Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740
8,035 44 2,284 2,436 1,800 970 273 228 34,390 34,106 284 
Greater than or equal to 74043,274 68 14,338 12,466 8,701 4,664 1,613 1,424 49,264 49,201 63 
Other internal credit
   metrics (2,3)
50,635 50,133 114 53 98 64 36 137    
Total credit card and other
$105,695 $50,265 $17,421 $16,136 $11,620 $6,277 $2,061 $1,915 $100,841 $99,824 $1,017 
Gross charge-offs for the nine
   months ended September 30, 2024
$292 $4 $20 $107 $86 $40 $10 $25 $3,235 $3,103 $132 
(1)Represents loans that were modified into term loans.
(2)Other internal credit metrics may include delinquency status, geography or other factors.
(3)Direct/indirect consumer includes $50.1 billion of securities-based lending, which is typically supported by highly liquid collateral with market value greater than or equal to the outstanding loan balance and therefore has minimal credit risk at September 30, 2024.
Bank of America 70

Commercial – Credit Quality Indicators By Vintage (1)
Term Loans
Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year
(Dollars in millions)Total as of
September 30,
20242023202220212020PriorRevolving Loans
U.S. Commercial
Risk ratings    
Pass rated$366,116 $32,114 $36,286 $36,234 $22,318 $11,309 $35,902 $191,953 
Reservable criticized13,447 86 814 1,007 886 388 2,044 8,222 
Total U.S. Commercial
$379,563 $32,200 $37,100 $37,241 $23,204 $11,697 $37,946 $200,175 
Gross charge-offs for the nine months ended
   September 30, 2024
$327 $2 $111 $64 $14 $4 $16 $116 
Non-U.S. Commercial
Risk ratings
Pass rated$125,663 $13,329 $16,902 $13,303 $12,712 $1,450 $7,643 $60,324 
Reservable criticized2,075 1 155 125 293 12 91 1,398 
Total Non-U.S. Commercial
$127,738 $13,330 $17,057 $13,428 $13,005 $1,462 $7,734 $61,722 
Gross charge-offs for the nine months ended
   September 30, 2024
$61 $ $41 $20 $ $ $ $ 
Commercial Real Estate
Risk ratings
Pass rated$58,554 $4,232 $4,891 $12,653 $10,197 $3,054 $13,604 $9,923 
Reservable criticized9,866 27 180 2,421 2,229 644 3,953 412 
Total Commercial Real Estate
$68,420 $4,259 $5,071 $15,074 $12,426 $3,698 $17,557 $10,335 
Gross charge-offs for the nine months ended
   September 30, 2024
$762 $ $ $57 $83 $62 $531 $29 
Commercial Lease Financing
Risk ratings
Pass rated$14,748 $2,596 $3,823 $2,590 $2,072 $966 $2,701 $ 
Reservable criticized244 7 53 61 38 23 62  
Total Commercial Lease Financing
$14,992 $2,603 $3,876 $2,651 $2,110 $989 $2,763 $ 
Gross charge-offs for the nine months ended
   September 30, 2024
$2 $ $ $ $2 $ $ $ 
U.S. Small Business Commercial (2)
Risk ratings
Pass rated$9,562 $1,379 $1,920 $1,698 $1,354 $665 $2,108 $438 
Reservable criticized429 4 57 99 120 25 120 4 
Total U.S. Small Business Commercial
$9,991 $1,383 $1,977 $1,797 $1,474 $690 $2,228 $442 
Gross charge-offs for the nine months ended
   September 30, 2024
$22 $ $ $1 $ $5 $4 $12 
Total$600,704 $53,775 $65,081 $70,191 $52,219 $18,536 $68,228 $272,674 
Gross charge-offs for the nine months ended
   September 30, 2024
$1,174 $2 $152 $142 $99 $71 $551 $157 
(1)Excludes $3.9 billion of loans accounted for under the fair value option at September 30, 2024.
(2)Excludes U.S. Small Business Card loans of $10.9 billion. Refreshed FICO scores for this portfolio are $667 million for less than 620; $1.2 billion for greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680; $3.0 billion for greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740; and $6.1 billion greater than or equal to 740. Excludes U.S. Small Business Card loans gross charge-offs of $361 million.

71 Bank of America

The following tables present certain credit quality indicators for the Corporation's Consumer Real Estate, Credit Card and Other Consumer, and Commercial portfolio segments by year of origination, except for revolving loans and revolving loans that were modified into term loans, which are shown on an aggregate basis at December 31, 2023.
Residential Mortgage – Credit Quality Indicators By Vintage
Term Loans by Origination Year
(Dollars in millions)Total as of
 December 31,
Residential Mortgage
Refreshed LTV
Less than or equal to 90 percent$214,661 $15,224 $38,225 $76,229 $35,072 $17,432 $32,479 
Greater than 90 percent but less than or equal to 100 percent
1,994 698 911 286 53 25 21 
Greater than 100 percent
785 264 342 100 31 14 34 
Fully-insured loans
10,963 540 350 3,415 2,834 847 2,977 
Total Residential Mortgage$228,403 $16,726 $39,828 $80,030 $37,990 $18,318 $35,511 
Residential Mortgage
Refreshed FICO score
Less than 620$2,335 $115 $471 $589 $402 $136 $622 
Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680
4,671 359 919 1,235 777 296 1,085 
Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740
23,357 1,934 4,652 6,988 3,742 1,836 4,205 
Greater than or equal to 740187,077 13,778 33,436 67,803 30,235 15,203 26,622 
Fully-insured loans
10,963 540 350 3,415 2,834 847 2,977 
Total Residential Mortgage$228,403 $16,726 $39,828 $80,030 $37,990 $18,318 $35,511 
Gross charge-offs for the year ended December 31, 2023$67 $ $7 $12 $6 $2 $40 
Home Equity - Credit Quality Indicators
Home Equity Loans and Reverse Mortgages (1)
Revolving LoansRevolving Loans Converted to Term Loans
(Dollars in millions)December 31, 2023
Home Equity
Refreshed LTV
Less than or equal to 90 percent$25,378 $1,051 $20,380 $3,947 
Greater than 90 percent but less than or equal to 100 percent
61 17 35 9 
Greater than 100 percent
88 35 36 17 
Total Home Equity$25,527 $1,103 $20,451 $3,973 
Home Equity
Refreshed FICO score
Less than 620$654 $123 $253 $278 
Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680
1,107 118 589 400 
Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740
4,340 240 3,156 944 
Greater than or equal to 740
19,426 622 16,453 2,351 
Total Home Equity$25,527 $1,103 $20,451 $3,973 
Gross charge-offs for the year ended December 31, 2023$36 $4 $21 $11 
(1)Includes reverse mortgages of $763 million and home equity loans of $340 million, which are no longer originated.
Bank of America 72

Credit Card and Direct/Indirect Consumer – Credit Quality Indicators By Vintage
Term Loans by Origination YearCredit Card
(Dollars in millions)Total Direct/Indirect as of December 31, 2023Revolving Loans20232022202120202019PriorTotal Credit Card as of December 31, 2023Revolving Loans
Revolving Loans Converted to Term Loans (1)
Refreshed FICO score
Less than 620$1,246 $11 $292 $428 $336 $85 $55 $39 $5,338 $5,030 $308 
Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680
2,506 11 937 799 501 121 73 64 11,623 11,345 278 
Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740
8,629 48 3,451 2,582 1,641 462 244 201 34,777 34,538 239 
Greater than or equal to 74041,656 74 16,761 11,802 7,643 2,707 1,417 1,252 50,462 50,410 52 
Other internal credit
   metrics (2, 3)
49,431 48,764 106 183 110 53 57 158    
Total credit card and other
$103,468 $48,908 $21,547 $15,794 $10,231 $3,428 $1,846 $1,714 $102,200 $101,323 $877 
Gross charge-offs for the year
   ended December 31, 2023
$233 $5 $32 $95 $53 $15 $10 $23 $3,133 $3,013 $120 
(1)Represents loans that were modified into term loans.
(2)Other internal credit metrics may include delinquency status, geography or other factors.
(3)Direct/indirect consumer includes $48.8 billion of securities-based lending, which is typically supported by highly liquid collateral with market value greater than or equal to the outstanding loan balance and therefore has minimal credit risk at December 31, 2023.
Commercial – Credit Quality Indicators By Vintage (1)
Term Loans
Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year
(Dollars in millions)Total as of December 31, 202320232022202120202019PriorRevolving Loans
U.S. Commercial
Risk ratings    
Pass rated$347,563 $41,842 $43,290 $27,738 $13,495 $11,772 $29,923 $179,503 
Reservable criticized11,368 278 1,316 708 363 537 1,342 6,824 
Total U.S. Commercial
$358,931 $42,120 $44,606 $28,446 $13,858 $12,309 $31,265 $186,327 
Gross charge-offs for the year ended
   December 31, 2023
$191 $5 $38 $29 $4 $2 $27 $86 
Non-U.S. Commercial
Risk ratings
Pass rated$122,931 $17,053 $15,810 $15,256 $2,405 $2,950 $5,485 $63,972 
Reservable criticized1,650 50 184 294 90 158 74 800 
Total Non-U.S. Commercial
$124,581 $17,103 $15,994 $15,550 $2,495 $3,108 $5,559 $64,772 
Gross charge-offs for the year ended
   December 31, 2023
$37 $ $ $8 $7 $1 $ $21 
Commercial Real Estate
Risk ratings
Pass rated$64,150 $4,877 $16,147 $11,810 $4,026 $7,286 $10,127 $9,877 
Reservable criticized8,728 134 749 1,728 782 2,132 2,794 409 
Total Commercial Real Estate
$72,878 $5,011 $16,896 $13,538 $4,808 $9,418 $12,921 $10,286 
Gross charge-offs for the year ended
   December 31, 2023
$254 $2 $ $4 $ $59 $189 $ 
Commercial Lease Financing
Risk ratings
Pass rated$14,688 $4,188 $3,077 $2,373 $1,349 $1,174 $2,527 $ 
Reservable criticized166 9 22 46 16 32 41  
Total Commercial Lease Financing
$14,854 $4,197 $3,099 $2,419 $1,365 $1,206 $2,568 $ 
Gross charge-offs for the year ended
   December 31, 2023
$2 $ $ $1 $1 $ $ $ 
U.S. Small Business Commercial (2)
Risk ratings
Pass rated$9,031 $1,886 $1,830 $1,550 $836 $721 $1,780 $428 
Reservable criticized384 6 64 95 40 63 113 3 
Total U.S. Small Business Commercial
$9,415 $1,892 $1,894 $1,645 $876 $784 $1,893 $431 
Gross charge-offs for the year ended
   December 31, 2023
$43 $1 $2 $2 $19 $3 $4 $12 
 Total $580,659 $70,323 $82,489 $61,598 $23,402 $26,825 $54,206 $261,816 
Gross charge-offs for the year ended
   December 31, 2023
$527 $8 $40 $44 $31 $65 $220 $119 
(1) Excludes $3.3 billion of loans accounted for under the fair value option at December 31, 2023.
(2) Excludes U.S. Small Business Card loans of $9.8 billion. Refreshed FICO scores for this portfolio are $530 million for less than 620; $1.1 billion for greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680; $2.7 billion for greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740; and $5.5 billion greater than or equal to 740. Excludes U.S. Small Business Card loans gross charge-offs of $317 million.
73 Bank of America

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, commercial reservable criticized utilized exposure increased to $27.4 billion at September 30, 2024 from $23.3 billion (to 4.25 percent from 3.74 percent of total commercial reservable utilized exposure) at December 31, 2023, primarily driven by U.S. commercial and commercial real estate.
Loan Modifications to Borrowers in Financial Difficulty
As part of its credit risk management, the Corporation may modify a loan agreement with a borrower experiencing financial difficulties through a refinancing or restructuring of the borrower’s loan agreement (modification programs). Effective January 1, 2023, the Corporation adopted the new accounting standard on loan modifications. Accordingly, September 30, 2024 balances presented in payment status tables represent loans that were modified over the last 12 months, and September 30, 2023 balances presented in payment status tables represent loans that were modified during the first nine months of 2023.
Consumer Real Estate
The following modification programs are offered for consumer real estate loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulties.
Forbearance and Other Payment Plans: Forbearance plans generally consist of the Corporation suspending the borrower’s payments for a defined period, with those payments then due over a defined period of time or at the conclusion of the forbearance period. The aging status of a loan is generally
frozen when it enters into a forbearance plan. If a borrower is unable to fulfill their obligations under the forbearance plans, they may be offered a trial offer or permanent modification.
Trial Offer and Permanent Modifications: Trial offer for modification plans generally consist of the Corporation offering a borrower modified loan terms that reduce their contractual payments temporarily over a three-to-four-month trial period. If the customer successfully makes the modified payments during the trial period and formally accepts the modified terms, the modified loan terms become permanent. Some borrowers may enter into permanent modifications without a trial period. In a permanent modification, the borrower’s payment terms are typically modified in more than one manner, but generally include a term extension and an interest rate reduction. At times, the permanent modification may also include principal forgiveness and/or a deferral of past due principal and interest amounts to the end of the loan term. The combinations utilized are based on modifying the terms that give the borrower an improved ability to meet the contractual obligations. The term extensions granted for residential mortgage and home equity permanent modifications vary widely and can be up to 30 years, but most are in the range of 1 to 20 years. Principal forgiveness and payment deferrals were insignificant during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
The table below provides the ending amortized cost of the Corporation’s modified consumer real estate loans for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Consumer Real Estate - Modifications to Borrowers in Financial Difficulty
Forbearance and Other Payment PlansPermanent ModificationTotalAs a % of Financing ReceivablesForbearance and Other Payment PlansPermanent ModificationTotalAs a % of Financing Receivables
(Dollars in millions)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Residential Loans$4 $48 $52 0.02 %$41 $161 $202 0.09 %
Home Equity 8 8 0.03 % 26 26 0.10 %
Total$4 $56 $60 0.02 %$41 $187 $228 0.09 %
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Residential Loans$270 $47 $317 0.14 %$437 $128 $565 0.25 %
Home Equity39 9 48 0.19 64 26 90 0.35 
Total$309 $56 $365 0.14 $501 $154 $655 0.26 
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The table below presents the financial effect of modified consumer real estate loans.
Financial Effect of Modified Consumer Real Estate Loans
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
Forbearance and Other Payment Plans
Weighted-average duration
Residential Mortgage4 months4 months7 months8 months
Home Equity
4 months
9 months
Permanent Modifications
Weighted-average Term Extension
Residential Mortgage11.0 years12.1 years9.8 years9.9 years
Home Equity17.7 years17.2 years17.5 years16.2 years
Weighted-average Interest Rate Reduction
Residential Mortgage1.23 %1.31 %1.29 %1.50 %
Home Equity2.77 %2.69 %2.66 %3.11 %
n/a = not applicable
For consumer real estate borrowers in financial difficulty that received a forbearance, trial or permanent modification, there were no commitments to lend additional funds at September 30, 2024 and 2023.
The Corporation tracks the performance of modified loans to assess effectiveness of modification programs. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023,
defaults of residential and home equity loans that had been modified within 12 months were insignificant. The table below provides aging information as of September 30, 2024 for consumer real estate loans that were modified over the last 12 months and as of September 30, 2023 for consumer real estate loans that were modified during the first nine months of 2023.
Consumer Real Estate - Payment Status of Modifications to Borrowers in Financial Difficulty
30–89 Days
Past Due
90+ Days
Past Due
(Dollars in millions)September 30, 2024
Residential mortgage$153 $52 $47 $252 
Home equity29 2 1 32 
Total$182 $54 $48 $284 
September 30, 2023
Residential mortgage$295 $114 $156 $565 
Home equity51 11 28 90 
Total$346 $125 $184 $655 
Consumer real estate foreclosed properties totaled $60 million and $83 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The carrying value of consumer real estate loans, including fully-insured loans, for which formal foreclosure proceedings were in process at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, was $482 million and $633 million. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the Corporation reclassified $73 million and $86 million of consumer real estate loans to foreclosed properties or, for properties acquired upon foreclosure of certain government-guaranteed loans (principally FHA-insured loans), to other assets. The reclassifications represent non-cash investing activities and, accordingly, are not reflected in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.
Credit Card and Other Consumer
Credit card and other consumer loans are primarily modified by placing the customer on a fixed payment plan with a significantly reduced fixed interest rate, with terms ranging from 6 months to 72 months, most of which had a 60-month term at September 30, 2024. In certain circumstances, the Corporation will forgive a portion of the outstanding balance if the borrower makes payments up to a set amount. The Corporation makes modifications directly with borrowers for loans held by the Corporation (internal programs) as well as through third-party renegotiation agencies that provide solutions to customers’
entire unsecured debt structures (external programs). The September 30, 2024 amortized cost of credit card and other consumer loans that were modified through these programs during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $202 million and $534 million compared to $196 million and $455 million for the same periods in 2023. These modifications represented 0.10 percent and 0.26 percent of outstanding credit card and other consumer loans for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to 0.10 percent and 0.22 percent for the same periods in 2023. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the financial effect of modifications resulted in a weighted-average interest rate reduction of 19.13 percent and 19.29 percent compared to 19.40 percent and 19.02 percent for the same periods in 2023, and principal forgiveness of $30 million and $88 million compared to $16 million and $41 million for the same periods in 2023.
The Corporation tracks the performance of modified loans to assess effectiveness of modification programs. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, defaults of credit card and other consumer loans that had been modified within 12 months were insignificant. At September 30, 2024, modified credit card and other consumer loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty over the last 12 months totaled $665 million, of which $562 million were current, $58 million were 30-89 days past due, and $45 million
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were greater than 90 days past due. At September 30, 2023, modified credit card and other consumer loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty totaled $455 million, of which $370 million were current, $47 million were 30-89 days past due, and $38 million were greater than 90 days past due.
Commercial Loans
Modifications of loans to commercial borrowers experiencing financial difficulty are designed to reduce the Corporation’s loss exposure while providing borrowers with an opportunity to work through financial difficulties, often to avoid foreclosure or bankruptcy. Each modification is unique, reflects the borrower’s
individual circumstances and is designed to benefit the borrower while mitigating the Corporation’s risk exposure. Commercial modifications are primarily term extensions and payment forbearances. Payment forbearances involve the Corporation forbearing its contractual right to collect certain payments or payment in full (maturity forbearance) for a defined period of time. Reductions in interest rates and principal forgiveness occur infrequently for commercial borrowers. Principal forgiveness may occur in connection with foreclosure, short sales or other settlement agreements, leading to termination or sale of the loan. The table below provides the ending amortized cost of commercial loans modified during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Commercial Loans - Modifications to Borrowers in Financial Difficulty
Term ExtensionForbearancesInterest Rate ReductionTotalAs a % of Financing ReceivablesTerm ExtensionForbearancesInterest Rate
TotalAs a % of Financing Receivables
(Dollars in millions)Three Months Ended September 30, 2024Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
U.S. commercial$379$47$$4260.11 %$1,114$52$$1,1660.31 %
Non-U.S. commercial 13130.01 
Commercial real estate8742341,1081.62 1,238487361,7612.57 
Total$1,253$281$$1,5340.27 $2,365$539$36$2,9400.51 
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
U.S. commercial$431$24$$4550.13 %$768$33$$8010.22 %
Non-U.S. commercial130241540.12 162241860.15 
Commercial real estate5992198181.12 1,0692871,3561.85 
Total$1,160$243$24$1,4270.26 $1,999$320$24$2,3430.42 
Term extensions granted increased the weighted-average life of the impacted loans by 2.1 years and 1.8 years for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to 1.8 years for the same periods in 2023. The weighted-average duration of loan payments deferred under the Corporation’s commercial loan forbearance program was 10 months and 11 months for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to 8 months and 9 months for the same periods in 2023. The deferral period for loan payments can vary, but are mostly in the range of 8 months to 24 months. Modifications of loans to troubled borrowers for Commercial Lease Financing and U.S. Small Business Commercial were not significant during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
The Corporation tracks the performance of modified loans to assess effectiveness of modification programs. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, defaults of commercial loans that had been modified within 12 months were insignificant. The table below provides aging information as of September 30, 2024 for commercial loans that were modified over the last 12 months and as of September 30, 2023 for commercial loans that were modified during the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
美國商業$1,193 $58 $31 $1,282
非美國商業36   36
商業地產1,667 3 303 1,973
$2,896 $61 $334 $3,291
美國商業$766 $21 $14 $801
非美國商業186   186
商業地產1,083 60 213 1,356
$2,035 $81 $227 $2,343
截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的九個月內,該公司承諾貸款美元1.210億美元871 向遇到財務困難且貸款在此期間被修改的商業借款人提供100萬美元。
美國銀行 76

該公司的LHFS爲$。10.410億美元6.02024年9月30日和2023年12月31日。來自銷售和償還最初歸類爲LHFS的貸款的現金和非現金收益爲#美元。21.710億美元10.8在截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的9個月中,用於發起和購買LHFS的現金總額爲#美元26.310億美元11.5截至2024年和2023年9月30日的9個月. 還包括向LHFS的非現金淨轉移$0$634在此期間截至2024年和2023年9月30日的9個月.
信用卡貸款餘額包括未付本金、利息和手續費。信用卡貸款不被歸類爲不良貸款,但不遲於賬戶逾期180天的月底、收到死亡或破產通知後60天內或在確認欺詐時註銷。.在截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月內,該公司沖銷了$213 億和$633利息和手續費收入與最初記錄的損益表項目相比,在註銷貸款本金餘額時爲#美元。152 億和$4092023年同期爲100萬美元。
77 美國銀行

Real Estate
Credit Card and
 Other Consumer
(Dollars in millions)Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Allowance for loan and lease losses, July 1$347 $8,167 $4,724 $13,238 
Loans and leases charged off(15)(1,256)(529)(1,800)
Recoveries of loans and leases previously charged off22 205 39 266 
Net charge-offs7 (1,051)(490)(1,534)
Provision for loan and lease losses(45)1,167 425 1,547 
Other  1 (1) 
Allowance for loan and lease losses, September 30
309 8,284 4,658 13,251 
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, July 155  1,049 1,104 
Provision for unfunded lending commitments3  (8)(5)
Other  1 1 
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, September 30
58  1,042 1,100 
Allowance for credit losses, September 30
$367 $8,284 $5,700 $14,351 
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Allowance for loan and lease losses, July 1427 7,323 5,200 12,950 
Loans and leases charged off(15)(994)(178)(1,187)
Recoveries of loans and leases previously charged off27 178 51 256 
Net charge-offs12 (816)(127)(931)
Provision for loan and lease losses(28)1,247 49 1,268 
Other1 1 (2) 
Allowance for loan and lease losses, September 30
412 7,755 5,120 13,287 
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, July 186  1,302 1,388 
Provision for unfunded lending commitments(1) (33)(34)
Other  (1)(1)
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, September 30
85  1,268 1,353 
Allowance for credit losses, September 30
$497 $7,755 $6,388 $14,640 
(Dollars in millions)Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Allowance for loan and lease losses, January 1$386 $8,134 $4,822 $13,342 
Loans and leases charged off(34)(3,748)(1,535)(5,317)
Recoveries of loans and leases previously charged off65 586 101 752 
Net charge-offs31 (3,162)(1,434)(4,565)
Provision for loan and lease losses(109)3,311 1,277 4,479 
Other1 1 (7)(5)
Allowance for loan and lease losses, September 30
309 8,284 4,658 13,251 
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, January 182  1,127 1,209 
Provision for unfunded lending commitments(24) (86)(110)
Other  1 1 
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, September 30
58  1,042 1,100 
Allowance for credit losses, September 30
$367 $8,284 $5,700 $14,351 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Allowance for loan and lease losses, December 31$420 $6,817 $5,445 $12,682 
January 1, 2023 adoption of credit loss standard(67)(109)(67)(243)
Allowance for loan and lease losses, January 1353 6,708 5,378 12,439 
Loans and leases charged off(44)(2,779)(544)(3,367)
Recoveries of loans and leases previously charged off81 565 114 760 
Net charge-offs37 (2,214)(430)(2,607)
Provision for loan and lease losses14 3,259 204 3,477 
Other8 2 (32)(22)
Allowance for loan and lease losses, September 30
412 7,755 5,120 13,287 
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, January 194  1,446 1,540 
Provision for unfunded lending commitments(9) (178)(187)
Reserve for unfunded lending commitments, September 30
85  1,268 1,353 
Allowance for credit losses, September 30
$497 $7,755 $6,388 $14,640 
NOTE 6 Securitizations and Other Variable Interest Entities
The Corporation utilizes VIEs in the ordinary course of business to support its own and its customers’ financing and investing needs. The Corporation routinely securitizes loans and debt securities using VIEs as a source of funding for the Corporation and as a means of transferring the economic risk of the loans or debt securities to third parties. The assets are transferred into a trust or other securitization vehicle such that the assets are legally isolated from the creditors of the Corporation and are not
available to satisfy its obligations. These assets can only be used to settle obligations of the trust or other securitization vehicle. The Corporation also administers, structures or invests in other VIEs including CDOs, investment vehicles and other entities. For more information on the Corporation’s use of VIEs, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles and Note 6 – Securitizations and Other Variable Interest Entities to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
The tables in this Note present the assets and liabilities of consolidated and unconsolidated VIEs at September 30, 2024
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and December 31, 2023 in situations where the Corporation has a loan or security interest and involvement with transferred assets or if the Corporation otherwise has an additional interest in the VIE. The tables also present the Corporation’s maximum loss exposure at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 resulting from its involvement with consolidated VIEs and unconsolidated VIEs. The Corporation’s maximum loss exposure is based on the unlikely event that all of the assets in the VIEs become worthless and incorporates not only potential losses associated with assets recorded on the Consolidated Balance Sheet but also potential losses associated with off-balance sheet commitments, such as unfunded liquidity commitments and other contractual arrangements. The Corporation’s maximum loss exposure does not include losses previously recognized through write-downs of assets.
The Corporation invests in ABS, CLOs and other similar investments issued by third-party VIEs with which it has no other form of involvement other than a loan or debt security issued by the VIE. In addition, the Corporation also enters into certain commercial lending arrangements that may utilize VIEs for activities secondary to the lending arrangement, for example to hold collateral. The Corporation’s maximum loss exposure to these VIEs is the investment balances. These securities and loans are included in Note 4 – Securities or Note 5 – Outstanding Loans and Leases and Allowance for Credit Losses and are not included in the following tables.
The Corporation did not provide financial support to consolidated or unconsolidated VIEs during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 or the year ended December 31, 2023 that it was not previously contractually required to provide, nor does it intend to do so.
The Corporation had liquidity commitments, including written put options and collateral value guarantees, with certain unconsolidated VIEs of $982 million and $989 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
First-lien Mortgage Securitizations
As part of its mortgage banking activities, the Corporation securitizes a portion of the first-lien residential mortgage loans it originates or purchases from third parties, generally in the form of residential mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by government-sponsored enterprises, FNMA and FHLMC (collectively the GSEs), or the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) primarily in the case of FHA-insured and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)-guaranteed mortgage loans. Securitization usually occurs in conjunction with or shortly after origination or purchase, and the Corporation may also securitize loans held in its residential mortgage portfolio. In addition, the Corporation may, from time to time, securitize commercial mortgages it originates or purchases from other entities. The Corporation typically services the loans it securitizes. Further, the Corporation may retain beneficial interests in the securitization trusts including senior and subordinate securities and equity tranches issued by the trusts. Except as described in Note 10 – Commitments and Contingencies, the Corporation does not provide guarantees or recourse to the securitization trusts other than standard representations and warranties.
The table below summarizes select information related to first-lien mortgage securitizations for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
First-lien Mortgage Securitizations
Residential Mortgage - AgencyCommercial Mortgage
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)20242023202420232024202320242023
Proceeds from loan sales (1)
$928 $1,220 $3,101 $3,475 $1,644 $1,167 $8,676 $1,764 
Gains (losses) on securitizations (2)
(1)(2)(3)(6)18 33 106 35 
Repurchases from securitization trusts (3)
8 10 24 24     
(1)The Corporation transfers residential mortgage loans to securitizations sponsored primarily by the GSEs or GNMA in the normal course of business and primarily receives residential mortgage-backed securities in exchange. Substantially all of these securities are classified as Level 2 within the fair value hierarchy and are typically sold shortly after receipt.
(2)A majority of the first-lien residential mortgage loans securitized are initially classified as LHFS and accounted for under the fair value option. Gains recognized on these LHFS prior to securitization, which totaled $10 million and $23 million, net of hedges, during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $17 million and $34 million for the same periods in 2023, are not included in the table above.
(3)The Corporation may have the option to repurchase delinquent loans out of securitization trusts, which reduces the amount of servicing advances it is required to make. The Corporation may also repurchase loans from securitization trusts to perform modifications. Repurchased loans include FHA-insured mortgages collateralizing GNMA securities.
The Corporation recognizes consumer MSRs from the sale or securitization of consumer real estate loans. The unpaid principal balance of loans serviced for investors, including residential mortgage and home equity loans, totaled $85.7 billion and $93.5 billion at September 30, 2024 and 2023. Servicing fee and ancillary fee income on serviced loans was $54 million and $174 million during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $55 million and $187 million for the same periods in 2023. Servicing advances on serviced loans, including loans serviced for others and loans held for investment, were $1.0 billion and $1.3 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. For more information on MSRs, see Note 14 – Fair Value Measurements.
Home Equity Loans
The Corporation retains interests, primarily senior securities, in home equity securitization trusts to which it transferred home equity loans. In addition, the Corporation may be obligated to
provide subordinate funding to the trusts during a rapid amortization event. This obligation is included in the maximum loss exposure in the preceding table. The charges that will ultimately be recorded as a result of the rapid amortization events depend on the undrawn portion of the home equity lines of credit, performance of the loans, the amount of subsequent draws and the timing of related cash flows.
Mortgage and Home Equity Securitizations
During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Corporation deconsolidated agency residential mortgage securitization trusts with total assets of $115 million and $940 million compared to $35 million and $659 million for the same periods in 2023.
The following table summarizes select information related to mortgage and home equity securitization trusts in which the Corporation held a variable interest and had continuing involvement at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
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Mortgage and Home Equity Securitizations
Residential Mortgage  
 AgencyPrime and Alt-ASubprime
Home Equity (3)
Commercial Mortgage
(Dollars in millions)Sep 30
Dec 31
Sep 30
Dec 31
Sep 30
Dec 31
Sep 30
Dec 31
Sep 30
Dec 31
Unconsolidated VIEs          
Maximum loss exposure (1)
$7,737 $8,190 $87 $92 $619 $657 $ $ $1,556 $1,558 
On-balance sheet assets
Senior securities:
Trading account assets
$250 $235 $11 $13 $20 $20 $ $ $207 $70 
Debt securities carried at fair value
2,379 2,541   300 341     
Held-to-maturity securities
5,108 5,414       1,219 1,287 
All other assets  2 4 24 23   37 79 
Total retained positions
$7,737 $8,190 $13 $17 $344 $384 $ $ $1,463 $1,436 
Principal balance outstanding (2)
$70,513 $76,134 $12,994 $13,963 $5,038 $4,508 $196 $252 $85,274 $80,078 
Consolidated VIEs          
Maximum loss exposure (1)
$1,327 $1,164 $ $ $ $ $10 $12 $ $ 
On-balance sheet assets
Trading account assets
$1,327 $1,171 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 
Loans and leases      24 31   
Allowance for loan and lease losses      6 7   
All other assets      1 1   
Total assets$1,327 $1,171 $ $ $ $ $31 $39 $ $ 
Total liabilities$ $7 $ $ $ $ $21 $27 $ $ 
(1)Maximum loss exposure includes obligations under loss-sharing reinsurance and other arrangements for non-agency residential mortgage and commercial mortgage securitizations, but excludes the reserve for representations and warranties obligations and corporate guarantees and also excludes servicing advances and other servicing rights and obligations. For more information, see Note 10 – Commitments and Contingencies and Note 14 – Fair Value Measurements.
(2)Principal balance outstanding includes loans where the Corporation was the transferor to securitization VIEs with which it has continuing involvement, which may include servicing the loans.
(3)For unconsolidated home equity loan VIEs, the maximum loss exposure includes outstanding trust certificates issued by trusts in rapid amortization, net of recorded reserves. For both consolidated and unconsolidated home equity loan VIEs, the maximum loss exposure excludes the reserve for representations and warranties obligations and corporate guarantees. For more information, see Note 10 – Commitments and Contingencies.
Other Asset-backed Securitizations
The following paragraphs summarize select information related to other asset-backed VIEs in which the Corporation had a variable interest at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Credit Card and Automobile Loan Securitizations
The Corporation securitizes originated and purchased credit card and automobile loans as a source of financing. The loans are sold on a non-recourse basis to consolidated trusts. The securitizations are ongoing, whereas additional receivables will be funded into the trusts by either loan repayments or proceeds from securities issued to third parties, depending on the securitization structure. The Corporation’s continuing involvement with the securitization trusts includes servicing the receivables and holding various subordinated interests, including an undivided seller’s interest in the credit card receivables and owning certain retained interests.
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the carrying values of the receivables in the trusts totaled $18.2 billion and $16.6 billion, which are included in loans and leases, and the carrying values of senior debt securities that were issued to third-party investors from the trusts totaled $8.3 billion and $7.8 billion, which are included in long-term debt.
Resecuritization Trusts
The Corporation transfers securities, typically MBS, into resecuritization VIEs generally at the request of customers seeking securities with specific characteristics. Generally, there are no significant ongoing activities performed in a resecuritization trust, and no single investor has the unilateral ability to liquidate the trust.
The Corporation resecuritized $4.6 billion and $11.1 billion of securities during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $1.8 billion and $7.6 billion
for the same periods in 2023. Securities transferred into resecuritization VIEs were measured at fair value with changes in fair value recorded in market making and similar activities prior to the resecuritization and, accordingly, no gain or loss on sale was recorded. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, resecuritization proceeds included securities with an initial fair value of $1.3 billion and $2.2 billion, compared to $1.1 billion and $2.1 billion for the same periods in 2023, of which substantially all of the securities were classified as trading account assets for both periods. Substantially all of the trading account securities carried at fair value were categorized as Level 2 within the fair value hierarchy.
Customer VIEs
Customer VIEs include credit-linked, equity-linked and commodity-linked note VIEs, repackaging VIEs and asset acquisition VIEs, which are typically created on behalf of customers who wish to obtain market or credit exposure to a specific company, index, commodity or financial instrument.
The Corporation’s involvement in the VIE is limited to its loss exposure. The Corporation’s maximum loss exposure to consolidated and unconsolidated customer VIEs totaled $1.1 billion and $952 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, including the notional amount of derivatives to which the Corporation is a counterparty, net of losses previously recorded, and the Corporation’s investment, if any, in securities issued by the VIEs.
Municipal Bond Trusts
The Corporation administers municipal bond trusts that hold highly-rated, long-term, fixed-rate municipal bonds. The trusts obtain financing by issuing floating-rate trust certificates that reprice on a weekly or other short-term basis to third-party investors.
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The Corporation’s liquidity commitments to unconsolidated municipal bond trusts, including those for which the Corporation was transferor, totaled $1.8 billion and $1.7 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The weighted-average remaining life of bonds held in the trusts at September 30, 2024 was 11.5 years. There were no significant write-downs or downgrades of assets or issuers during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Collateralized Debt Obligation VIEs
The Corporation receives fees for structuring CDO VIEs, which hold diversified pools of fixed-income securities, typically corporate debt or ABS, which the CDO VIEs fund by issuing multiple tranches of debt and equity securities. CDOs are generally managed by third-party portfolio managers. The Corporation typically transfers assets to these CDOs, holds securities issued by the CDOs and may be a derivative counterparty to the CDOs. The Corporation’s maximum loss exposure to consolidated and unconsolidated CDOs totaled $66 million and $80 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Investment VIEs
The Corporation sponsors, invests in or provides financing, which may be in connection with the sale of assets, to a variety of investment VIEs that hold loans, real estate, debt securities or other financial instruments and are designed to provide the desired investment profile to investors or the Corporation. At
September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Corporation’s consolidated investment VIEs had total assets of $3 million and $472 million. The Corporation also held investments in unconsolidated VIEs with total assets of $21.2 billion and $18.4 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The Corporation’s maximum loss exposure associated with both consolidated and unconsolidated investment VIEs totaled $2.2 billion and $2.6 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 comprised primarily of on-balance sheet assets less non-recourse liabilities.
Leveraged Lease Trusts
The Corporation’s net investment in consolidated leveraged lease trusts totaled $1.0 billion and $1.1 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The trusts hold long-lived equipment such as rail cars, power generation and distribution equipment, and commercial aircraft. The Corporation structures the trusts and holds a significant residual interest. The net investment represents the Corporation’s maximum loss exposure to the trusts in the unlikely event that the leveraged lease investments become worthless. Debt issued by the leveraged lease trusts is non-recourse to the Corporation.
The table below summarizes the maximum loss exposure and assets held by the Corporation that related to other asset-backed VIEs at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Other Asset-backed VIEs
Credit Card and
 Automobile (1)
Resecuritization Trusts and Customer VIEsMunicipal Bond Trusts
and CDOs
Investment VIEs and Leveraged Lease Trusts
(Dollars in millions)Sep 30
Dec 31
Sep 30
Dec 31
Sep 30
Dec 31
Sep 30
Dec 31
Unconsolidated VIEs    
Maximum loss exposure$ $ $5,504 $4,494 $1,881 $1,787 $2,172 $2,197 
On-balance sheet assets    
Securities (2):
Trading account assets$ $ $1,801 $626 $17 $23 $304 $469 
Debt securities carried at fair value
  859 920    4 
Held-to-maturity securities  2,045 2,237     
Loans and leases      70 90 
Allowance for loan and lease losses      (2)(12)
All other assets  799 711 6 7 1,307 1,168 
Total retained positions$ $ $5,504 $4,494 $23 $30 $1,679 $1,719 
Total assets of VIEs $ $ $16,255 $15,862 $6,507 $9,279 $21,202 $18,398 
Consolidated VIEs    
Maximum loss exposure$9,172 $8,127 $668 $1,240 $3,770 $3,136 $1,060 $1,596 
On-balance sheet assets    
Trading account assets$ $ $1,207 $1,798 $3,744 $3,084 $2 $1 
Debt securities carried at fair value    26 52   
Loans and leases18,195 16,640     1,048 1,605 
Allowance for loan and lease losses
(928)(832)    (1)(1)
All other assets199 163 39 38   13 15 
Total assets$17,466 $15,971 $1,246 $1,836 $3,770 $3,136 $1,062 $1,620 
On-balance sheet liabilities    
Short-term borrowings
$ $ $ $ $3,542 $2,934 $ $23 
Long-term debt8,272 7,825 578 596   2 1 
All other liabilities22 19       
Total liabilities$8,294 $7,844 $578 $596 $3,542 $2,934 $2 $24 
(1)At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 loans and leases in the consolidated credit card trust included $4.2 billion and $3.2 billion of seller’s interest.
(2)The retained senior securities were valued using quoted market prices or observable market inputs (Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy).
Tax Credit VIEs
The Corporation holds equity investments in unconsolidated limited partnerships and similar entities that construct, own and operate affordable housing, renewable energy and certain other projects. The total assets of these unconsolidated tax credit VIEs were $82.3 billion and $84.1 billion as of September 30,
2024 and December 31, 2023. An unrelated third party is typically the general partner or managing member and has control over the significant activities of the VIE. As an investor, tax credits associated with the investments in these entities are allocated to the Corporation, as provided by the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and related regulations, and are recognized as
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income tax benefits in the Corporation’s Consolidated Statement of Income in the year they are earned, which varies based on the type of investments. Tax credits from investments in affordable housing are recognized ratably over a term of up to 10 years, and tax credits from renewable energy investments are recognized either at inception for transactions electing Investment Tax Credits (ITCs) or as energy is produced for transactions electing Production Tax Credits (PTCs), which is generally up to a 10-year time period. The volume and types of investments held by the Corporation will influence the amount of tax credits recognized each period.
The Corporation’s equity investments in affordable housing and other projects totaled $16.2 billion and $15.8 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, which included unfunded capital contributions of $7.3 billion and $7.2 billion that are probable to be paid over the next five years. The Corporation may be asked to invest additional amounts to support a troubled affordable housing project. Such additional investments have not been and are not expected to be significant. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Corporation recognized tax credits and other tax benefits related to affordable housing equity investments of $564 million and $1.7 billion compared to $526 million and $1.6 billion for the same periods in 2023, and reported pretax losses in other income of $418 million and $1.2 billion compared to $379 million and $1.1 billion for the same periods in 2023. The Corporation’s equity investments in renewable energy totaled $13.3 billion and $14.2 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. In addition, the Corporation had unfunded capital contributions for renewable energy investments of $4.9 billion and $6.2 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, which are contingent on various conditions precedent to funding over the next two years. The Corporation’s risk of loss is generally mitigated by policies requiring the project to qualify for the expected tax credits prior to making its investment. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Corporation recognized tax credits and other tax benefits related to renewable energy equity investments of $873 million and $2.8 billion compared to $1.3 billion and $3.4 billion for the same periods in 2023 and reported pretax losses in other income of $697 million and $2.0 billion compared to $849 million and $2.0 billion for the same periods in 2023. The Corporation may also enter into power purchase agreements with renewable energy tax credit entities.
The table below summarizes select information related to unconsolidated tax credit VIEs in which the Corporation held a variable interest at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Unconsolidated Tax Credit VIEs
(Dollars in millions)September 30
December 31
Maximum loss exposure $29,510 $30,040 
On-balance sheet assets  
All other assets $29,510 $30,040 
Total$29,510 $30,040 
On-balance sheet liabilities  
All other liabilities $7,357 $7,254 
Total $7,357 $7,254 
Total assets of VIEs$82,297 $84,148 

NOTE 7 Goodwill and Intangible Assets
The table below presents goodwill balances by business segment at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The reporting units utilized for goodwill impairment testing are the operating segments or one level below.
(Dollars in millions)September 30 2024December 31 2023
Consumer Banking$30,137 $30,137 
Global Wealth & Investment Management9,677 9,677 
Global Banking24,026 24,026 
Global Markets5,181 5,181 
Total goodwill$69,021 $69,021 
Intangible Assets
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the net carrying value of intangible assets was $1.9 billion and $2.0 billion. At both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, intangible assets included $1.6 billion of intangible assets associated with trade names, substantially all of which had an indefinite life and, accordingly, are not being amortized. Amortization of intangibles expense was $20 million for both the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 and $59 million for both the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
NOTE 8 Leases
The Corporation enters into both lessor and lessee arrangements. For more information on lease accounting, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles and Note 8 – Leases to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. For more information on lease financing receivables, see Note 5 – Outstanding Loans and Leases and Allowance for Credit Losses.
Lessor Arrangements
The Corporation’s lessor arrangements primarily consist of operating, sales-type and direct financing leases for equipment. Lease agreements may include options to renew and for the lessee to purchase the leased equipment at the end of the lease term.
The table below presents the net investment in sales-type and direct financing leases at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Net Investment (1)
(Dollars in millions)September 30
December 31
Lease receivables$17,348 $16,565 
Unguaranteed residuals2,519 2,485 
   Total net investment in sales-type and direct
      financing leases
$19,867 $19,050 
(1)In certain cases, the Corporation obtains third-party residual value insurance to reduce its residual asset risk. The carrying value of residual assets with third-party residual value insurance for at least a portion of the asset value was $7.5 billion and $6.8 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.

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The table below presents lease income for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Lease Income
Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
Sales-type and direct financing
$277 $206 $789 $559 
Operating leases228 233 682 705 
   Total lease income$505 $439 $1,471 $1,264 
Lessee Arrangements
The Corporation's lessee arrangements predominantly consist of operating leases for premises and equipment; the Corporation's financing leases are not significant.
The table below provides information on the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Lessee Arrangements
(Dollars in millions)September 30
December 31
Right-of-use assets$8,614 $9,150 
Lease liabilities9,247 9,782 

NOTE 9 Securities Financing Agreements, Collateral and Restricted Cash
The Corporation enters into securities financing agreements which include securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase. These financing agreements (also referred to as “matched-book transactions”) are to accommodate customers, obtain securities to cover short positions and finance inventory positions. The Corporation elects to account for certain securities financing agreements under the fair value option. For more information on the fair value option, see Note 15 – Fair Value Option.
Offsetting of Securities Financing Agreements
The Securities Financing Agreements table presents securities financing agreements included on the Consolidated Balance Sheet in federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell, and in federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Balances are presented on a gross basis, prior to the application of counterparty netting. Gross assets and liabilities are adjusted on an aggregate basis to take into consideration the effects of legally enforceable master netting agreements. For more information on the offsetting of derivatives, see Note 3 – Derivatives. For more information on the securities financing agreements and the offsetting of securities financing transactions, see Note 10 – Securities Financing Agreements, Short-term Borrowings, Collateral and Restricted Cash to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Securities Financing Agreements
Gross Assets/Liabilities (1)
Amounts OffsetNet Balance Sheet Amount
Financial Instruments (2)
Net Assets/Liabilities
(Dollars in millions)September 30, 2024
Securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell (3)
$787,415 $(449,709)$337,706 $(308,690)$29,016 
Securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase$847,667 $(449,709)$397,958 $(380,426)$17,532 
Other (4)
13,983  13,983 (13,983) 
Total$861,650 $(449,709)$411,941 $(394,409)$17,532 
December 31, 2023
Securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell (3)
$703,641 $(423,017)$280,624 $(257,541)$23,083 
Securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase$706,904 $(423,017)$283,887 $(272,285)$11,602 
Other (4)
10,066  10,066 (10,066) 
Total$716,970 $(423,017)$293,953 $(282,351)$11,602 
(1)Includes activity where uncertainty exists as to the enforceability of certain master netting agreements under bankruptcy laws in some countries or industries.
(2)Includes securities collateral received or pledged under repurchase or securities lending agreements where there is a legally enforceable master netting agreement. These amounts are not offset on the Consolidated Balance Sheet, but are shown as a reduction to derive a net asset or liability. Securities collateral received or pledged where the legal enforceability of the master netting agreements is uncertain is excluded from the table.
(3)Excludes repurchase activity of $14.1 billion and $8.7 billion reported in loans and leases on the Consolidated Balance Sheet for September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
(4)Balance is reported in accrued expenses and other liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheet and relates to transactions where the Corporation acts as the lender in a securities lending agreement and receives securities that can be pledged as collateral or sold. In these transactions, the Corporation recognizes an asset at fair value, representing the securities received, and a liability, representing the obligation to return those securities.
Repurchase Agreements and Securities Loaned Transactions Accounted for as Secured Borrowings
The following tables present securities sold under agreements to repurchase and securities loaned by remaining contractual term to maturity and class of collateral pledged. Included in “Other” are transactions where the Corporation acts as the lender in a securities lending agreement and receives securities that can be pledged as collateral or sold. Certain agreements
contain a right to substitute collateral and/or terminate the agreement prior to maturity at the option of the Corporation or the counterparty. Such agreements are included in the table below based on the remaining contractual term to maturity. For more information on collateral requirements, see Note 10 – Securities Financing Agreements, Short-term Borrowings, Collateral and Restricted Cash to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
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Remaining Contractual Maturity
Overnight and Continuous30 Days or LessAfter 30 Days Through 90 Days
Greater than
90 Days (1)
(Dollars in millions)September 30, 2024
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase$323,926 $237,173 $91,057 $96,004 $748,160 
Securities loaned88,912 513 739 9,343 99,507 
Other13,983    13,983 
Total$426,821 $237,686 $91,796 $105,347 $861,650 
December 31, 2023
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase$234,974 $228,627 $85,176 $75,020 $623,797 
Securities loaned76,580 139 618 5,770 83,107 
Other10,066    10,066 
Total$321,620 $228,766 $85,794 $80,790 $716,970 
(1)No agreements have maturities greater than four years.
Class of Collateral Pledged
Securities Sold Under Agreements to RepurchaseSecurities
(Dollars in millions)September 30, 2024
U.S. government and agency securities$434,687 $72 $16 $434,775 
Corporate securities, trading loans and other33,793 2,486 9 36,288 
Equity securities28,978 96,945 13,958 139,881 
Non-U.S. sovereign debt245,645 4  245,649 
Mortgage trading loans and ABS5,057   5,057 
Total$748,160 $99,507 $13,983 $861,650 
December 31, 2023
U.S. government and agency securities$352,950 $34 $38 $353,022 
Corporate securities, trading loans and other23,242 1,805 661 25,708 
Equity securities11,517 81,266 9,367 102,150 
Non-U.S. sovereign debt231,140 2  231,142 
Mortgage trading loans and ABS4,948   4,948 
Total$623,797 $83,107 $10,066 $716,970 
The Corporation accepts securities and loans as collateral that it is permitted by contract or practice to sell or repledge. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the fair value of this collateral was $976.0 billion and $911.3 billion, of which $944.6 billion and $870.9 billion were sold or repledged. The primary source of this collateral is securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell. For more information on collateral, see Note 10 – Securities Financing Agreements, Short-term Borrowings, Collateral and Restricted Cash to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Restricted Cash
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Corporation held restricted cash included within cash and cash equivalents on the Consolidated Balance Sheet of $6.8 billion and $5.6 billion, predominantly related to cash segregated in compliance with securities regulations and cash held on deposit with central banks to meet reserve requirements.
NOTE 10 Commitments and Contingencies
In the normal course of business, the Corporation enters into a number of off-balance sheet commitments. These commitments expose the Corporation to varying degrees of credit and market risk and are subject to the same credit and market risk limitation reviews as those instruments recorded on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. For more information on commitments and contingencies, see Note 12 – Commitments
and Contingencies to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Credit Extension Commitments
The Corporation enters into commitments to extend credit such as loan commitments, standby letters of credit (SBLCs) and commercial letters of credit to meet the financing needs of its customers. The following table includes the notional amount of unfunded legally binding lending commitments net of amounts distributed (i.e., syndicated or participated) to other financial institutions. The distributed amounts were $10.3 billion at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The carrying value of the Corporation’s credit extension commitments at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, excluding commitments accounted for under the fair value option, was $1.1 billion and $1.2 billion, which predominantly related to the reserve for unfunded lending commitments. The carrying value of these commitments is classified in accrued expenses and other liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheet.
Legally binding commitments to extend credit generally have specified rates and maturities. Certain of these commitments have adverse change clauses that help to protect the Corporation against deterioration in the borrower’s ability to pay. The following table includes the notional amount of commitments of $2.5 billion and $2.6 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 that are accounted for under the fair value option. However, the table excludes the cumulative net fair value for these commitments of $66 million and $67 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, which
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is classified in accrued expenses and other liabilities. For more information regarding the Corporation’s loan commitments
accounted for under the fair value option, see Note 15 – Fair Value Option.
Credit Extension Commitments
Expire in One
Year or Less
Expire After One
Year Through
Three Years
Expire After Three Years Through
Five Years
Expire After
Five Years
(Dollars in millions)September 30, 2024
Notional amount of credit extension commitments     
Loan commitments (1)
$124,541 $231,044 $188,204 $17,446 $561,235 
Home equity lines of credit3,451 10,393 9,264 21,620 44,728 
Standby letters of credit and financial guarantees (2)
22,803 9,103 3,469 479 35,854 
Letters of credit643 160 70 44 917 
Other commitments (3)
17 35 106 1,032 1,190 
Legally binding commitments151,455 250,735 201,113 40,621 643,924 
Credit card lines (4)
454,383    454,383 
Total credit extension commitments$605,838 $250,735 $201,113 $40,621 $1,098,307 
 December 31, 2023
Notional amount of credit extension commitments     
Loan commitments (1)
$124,298 $198,818 $193,878 $15,386 $532,380 
Home equity lines of credit2,775 9,182 11,195 21,975 45,127 
Standby letters of credit and financial guarantees (2)
21,067 9,633 2,693 652 34,045 
Letters of credit873 207 66 29 1,175 
Other commitments (3)
17 50 108 1,035 1,210 
Legally binding commitments149,030 217,890 207,940 39,077 613,937 
Credit card lines (4)
440,328    440,328 
Total credit extension commitments$589,358 $217,890 $207,940 $39,077 $1,054,265 
(1)     At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, $4.0 billion and $3.1 billion of these loan commitments were held in the form of a security.
(2) The notional amounts of SBLCs and financial guarantees classified as investment grade and non-investment grade based on the credit quality of the underlying reference name within the instrument were $24.8 billion and $10.2 billion at September 30, 2024, and $23.6 billion and $9.7 billion at December 31, 2023. Amounts in the table include consumer SBLCs of $883 million and $744 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
(3)     Primarily includes second-loss positions on lease-end residual value guarantees.
(4)     Includes business card unused lines of credit.
Other Commitments
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Corporation had commitments to purchase loans (e.g., residential mortgage and commercial real estate) of $451 million and $822 million, which upon settlement will be included in trading account assets, loans or LHFS, and commitments to purchase commercial loans of $6.9 billion and $420 million, which upon settlement will be included in trading account assets.
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Corporation had commitments to enter into resale and forward-dated resale and securities borrowing agreements of $129.4 billion and $117.0 billion, and commitments to enter into forward-dated repurchase and securities lending agreements of $113.1 billion and $63.0 billion. A significant portion of these commitments will expire within the next 12 months.
At both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Corporation had a commitment to originate or purchase up to $4.0 billion, on a rolling 12-month basis, of auto loans and leases from a strategic partner. This commitment extends through November 2026 and can be terminated with 12 months prior notice.
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Corporation had unfunded equity investment commitments of $444 million and $477 million.

As a Federal Reserve member bank, the Corporation is required to subscribe to a certain amount of shares issued by its Federal Reserve district bank, which pays cumulative dividends at a prescribed rate. At both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Corporation had paid $5.4 billion for half of its subscribed shares, with the remaining half subject to call by the Federal Reserve district bank board, which the Corporation believes is remote.
Other Guarantees
Bank-owned Life Insurance Book Value Protection
The Corporation sells products that offer book value protection to insurance carriers who offer group life insurance policies to corporations, primarily banks. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the notional amount of these guarantees totaled $3.3 billion and $3.8 billion. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Corporation’s maximum exposure related to these guarantees totaled $505 million and $577 million, with estimated maturity dates between 2034 and 2037.
Merchant Services
The Corporation in its role as merchant acquirer or as a sponsor of other merchant acquirers may be held liable for any reversed charges that cannot be collected from the merchants due to,
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among other things, merchant fraud or insolvency. If charges are properly reversed after a purchase and cannot be collected from either the merchants or merchant acquirers, the Corporation may be held liable for these reversed charges. The ability to reverse a charge is primarily governed by the applicable payment network rules and regulations, which include, but are not limited to, the type of charge, type of payment used and time limits. The total amount of transactions subject to reversal under payment network rules and regulations processed for the preceding six-month period, which was approximately $195 billion, is an estimate of the Corporation’s maximum potential exposure as of September 30, 2024. The Corporation’s risk in this area primarily relates to circumstances where a cardholder has purchased goods or services for future delivery. The Corporation mitigates this risk by requiring cash deposits, guarantees, letters of credit or other types of collateral from certain merchants. The Corporation’s reserves for contingent losses, and the losses incurred related to the merchant processing activity were not significant.
Representations and Warranties Obligations and Corporate Guarantees
For more information on representations and warranties obligations and corporate guarantees, see Note 12 – Commitments and Contingencies to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
The reserve for representations and warranties obligations and corporate guarantees was $276 million and $604 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 and is included in accrued expenses and other liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheet, and the related provision is included in other income in the Consolidated Statement of Income. The representations and warranties reserve represents the Corporation’s best estimate of incurred losses, is based on its experience in previous negotiations, and is subject to judgment, a variety of assumptions and known or unknown uncertainties. Future representations and warranties losses may occur in excess of the amounts recorded for these exposures; however, the Corporation does not expect such amounts to be material to the Corporation's financial condition and liquidity. See Litigation and Regulatory Matters below for the Corporation's combined range of possible loss in excess of the reserve for representations and warranties and the accrued liability for litigation.
Fixed Income Clearing Corporation Sponsored Member Repo Program
The Corporation acts as a sponsoring member in a repo program whereby the Corporation clears certain eligible resale and repurchase agreements through the Government Securities Division of the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation on behalf of clients that are sponsored members in accordance with the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation’s rules. As part of this program, the Corporation guarantees the payment and performance of its sponsored members to the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation. The Corporation’s guarantee obligation is secured by a security interest in cash or high-quality securities collateral placed by clients with the clearinghouse and therefore, the potential for the Corporation to incur significant losses under this arrangement is remote. The Corporation’s maximum potential exposure, without taking into consideration the related collateral, was $197.7 billion and $132.5 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Other Guarantees
In the normal course of business, the Corporation periodically guarantees the obligations of its affiliates in a variety of transactions including ISDA-related transactions and non-ISDA related transactions such as commodities trading, repurchase agreements, prime brokerage agreements and other transactions.
Guarantees of Certain Long-term Debt
The Corporation, as the parent company, fully and unconditionally guarantees the securities issued by BofA Finance LLC, a consolidated finance subsidiary of the Corporation, and effectively provides for the full and unconditional guarantee of trust securities and capital securities issued by certain statutory trust companies that are 100 percent owned finance subsidiaries of the Corporation.
Other Contingencies
In 2023, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) issued a final rule to impose a special assessment to recover certain estimated losses to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) arising from the closures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. The estimated losses will be recovered through quarterly special assessments collected from certain insured depository institutions, including the Corporation, and collection began during the three months ended June 30, 2024. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Corporation’s accrual for its estimated share of the FDIC special assessment was $2.2 billion and $2.1 billion. The Corporation continues to monitor the FDIC’s estimated loss to the DIF, which could affect the amount of its accrued liability.
Litigation and Regulatory Matters
The following disclosures supplement the disclosure in Note 12 – Commitments and Contingencies to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K (the prior commitments and contingencies disclosure).
In the ordinary course of business, the Corporation and its subsidiaries are routinely defendants in or parties to many pending and threatened legal, regulatory and governmental actions and proceedings. In view of the inherent difficulty of predicting the outcome of such matters, particularly where the claimants seek very large or indeterminate damages or where the matters present novel legal theories or involve a large number of parties, the Corporation generally cannot predict the eventual outcome of the pending matters, timing of the ultimate resolution of these matters, or eventual loss, fines or penalties related to each pending matter.
As a matter develops, the Corporation, in conjunction with any outside counsel handling the matter, evaluates whether such matter presents a loss contingency that is probable and estimable, and, for the matters disclosed below and in the prior commitments and contingencies disclosure, whether a loss in excess of any accrued liability is reasonably possible in future periods. Once the loss contingency is deemed to be both probable and estimable, the Corporation will establish an accrued liability and record a corresponding amount of litigation-related expense. The Corporation continues to monitor the matter for further developments that could affect the amount of the accrued liability that has been previously established. Excluding expenses of internal and external legal service providers, litigation and regulatory investigation-related expense of $38 million and $188 million was recognized for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $76 million and $442 million for the same periods in 2023.
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For any matter disclosed in this Note and in the prior commitments and contingencies disclosure for which a loss in future periods is reasonably possible and estimable (whether in excess of an accrued liability or where there is no accrued liability) and for representations and warranties exposures, the Corporation’s estimated range of possible loss is $0 to $0.8 billion in excess of the accrued liability, if any, as of September 30, 2024.
The accrued liability and estimated range of possible loss are based upon currently available information and subject to significant judgment, a variety of assumptions and known and unknown uncertainties. The matters underlying the accrued liability and estimated range of possible loss are unpredictable and may change from time to time, and actual losses may vary significantly from the current estimate and accrual. The estimated range of possible loss does not represent the Corporation’s maximum loss exposure.
Information is provided below and in the prior commitments and contingencies disclosure regarding the nature of the litigation or other contingency and, where specified, associated claimed damages. Based on current knowledge, and taking into account accrued liabilities, management does not believe that loss contingencies arising from pending matters, including the matters described below and in the prior commitments and contingencies disclosure, will have a material adverse effect on the consolidated financial condition or liquidity of the Corporation. However, in light of the significant judgment, variety of assumptions and uncertainties involved in those matters, some of which are beyond the Corporation’s control, and the very large or indeterminate damages sought in some of those matters, an adverse outcome in one or more of those matters could be material to the Corporation’s business or results of operations for any particular reporting period, or cause significant reputational harm.
Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering and Economic Sanctions Compliance
The Corporation has been engaged with several of its federal regulators in relation to certain aspects of the Corporation’s Bank Secrecy Act/anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance programs (Programs), including transaction monitoring, training, governance, and customer due diligence. In cooperation with regulators, the Corporation has been, and plans to continue, implementing enhancements to these Programs. The Corporation is continuing discussions with its regulators about the Programs, and resolution of these discussions may include one or more public orders by the regulators. Based on these discussions, the Corporation does not expect these issues relating to the Programs will have a material adverse financial impact on the Corporation.
CFPB Inquiry Related to Processing Electronic Payments
The Corporation has been responding to an inquiry from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) regarding the Corporation’s processing of electronic payments of funds through the Zelle network. The CFPB staff has initiated discussions with the Corporation to pursue a resolution of the inquiry or file an enforcement action. The Corporation is evaluating next steps, including litigation.

Deposit Insurance Assessment
On July 1, 2024, the district court judge vacated the magistrate judge’s April 2023 report and recommendation for resolving the parties’ cross-motions for summary judgment, and asked the parties to file new motions, in light of a recent Supreme Court decision. The parties subsequently filed their new summary judgment motions which are pending.
Unemployment Insurance Prepaid Cards
In connection with the multidistrict litigation (MDL) in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California, in response to BANA’s partial motion to dismiss, the court dismissed certain claims in the amended complaint and allowed others to proceed, including claims under the Electronic Funds Transfer Act.
NOTE 11 Shareholders’ Equity
Common Stock
Declared Quarterly Cash Dividends on Common Stock (1)
Declaration DateRecord DatePayment DateDividend Per Share
October 16, 2024December 6, 2024December 27, 2024$0.26 
July 24, 2024September 6, 2024September 27, 20240.26 
April 25, 2024June 7, 2024June 28, 20240.24 
January 31, 2024March 1, 2024March 29, 20240.24 
(1) In 2024, and through October 29, 2024.
During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Corporation repurchased and retired 88 million and 253 million shares of common stock, which reduced shareholders’ equity by $3.5 billion and $9.6 billion, including excise taxes.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, in connection with employee stock plans, the Corporation issued 74 million shares of its common stock and, to satisfy tax withholding obligations, repurchased 28 million shares of common stock. At September 30, 2024, the Corporation had reserved 551 million unissued shares of common stock for future issuances under employee stock plans, convertible notes and preferred stock.
On October 16, 2024, the Board of Directors declared a quarterly common stock dividend of $0.26 per share.
Preferred Stock
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, June 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, the Corporation declared $510 million, $310 million and $532 million of cash dividends on preferred stock, or a total of $1.4 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. During the three months ended September 30, 2024, the Corporation fully redeemed Series X for $2.0 billion, and during the three months ended June 30, 2024, the Corporation fully redeemed Series U for $1.0 billion and Series JJ for $854 million. Additionally, on October 23, 2024, the Corporation fully redeemed Series Z for $1.4 billion. For more information on the Corporation’s preferred stock, including liquidation preference, dividend requirements and redemption period, see Note 13 – Shareholders’ Equity to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
87 Bank of America

NOTE 12 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
The table below presents the changes in accumulated OCI after-tax for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
(Dollars in millions)Debt Securities Debit Valuation AdjustmentsDerivatives
Benefit Plans
Balance, December 31, 2022$(2,983)$(881)$(11,935)$(4,309)$(1,048)$(21,156)
Net change81 (419)(317)25 (6)(636)
Balance, September 30, 2023$(2,902)$(1,300)$(12,252)$(4,284)$(1,054)$(21,792)
Balance, December 31, 2023$(2,410)$(1,567)$(8,016)$(4,748)$(1,047)$(17,788)
Net change444 (135)3,100 75 (30)3,454 
Balance, September 30, 2024$(1,966)$(1,702)$(4,916)$(4,673)$(1,077)$(14,334)
The table below presents the net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI, net realized gains and losses reclassified into earnings and other changes for each component of OCI pre- and after-tax for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)20242023
Debt securities:
Net increase (decrease) in fair value$581 $(142)$439 $(306)$84 $(222)
Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings (1)
6 (1)5 404 (101)303 
Net change587 (143)444 98 (17)81 
Debit valuation adjustments:
Net increase (decrease) in fair value(191)48 (143)(560)136 (424)
Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings (1)
12 (4)8 7 (2)5 
Net change(179)44 (135)(553)134 (419)
Net increase (decrease) in fair value1,851 (464)1,387 (1,027)261 (766)
Reclassifications into earnings:
Net interest income2,163 (542)1,621 616 (153)463 
Market making and similar activities146 (35)111    
Compensation and benefits expense(25)6 (19)(18)4 (14)
Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings2,284 (571)1,713 598 (149)449 
Net change4,135 (1,035)3,100 (429)112 (317)
Employee benefit plans:
Net actuarial losses and other reclassified into earnings (2)
98 (23)75 36 (11)25 
Net change98 (23)75 36 (11)25 
Foreign currency:
Net increase (decrease) in fair value33 (70)(37)80 (75)5 
Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings (1)
41 (34)7 (44)33 (11)
Net change74 (104)(30)36 (42)(6)
Total other comprehensive income (loss)$4,715 $(1,261)$3,454 $(812)$176 $(636)
(1)    Reclassifications of pretax debt securities, DVA and foreign currency (gains) losses are recorded in other income in the Consolidated Statement of Income.
(2)    Reclassifications of pretax employee benefit plan costs are recorded in other general operating expense in the Consolidated Statement of Income.
Bank of America 88

NOTE 13 Earnings Per Common Share
The calculation of earnings per common share (EPS) and diluted EPS for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 is presented below. For more information on the calculation of EPS, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
(In millions, except per share information)2024202320242023
Earnings per common share   
Net income$6,896 $7,802 $20,467 $23,371 
Preferred stock dividends(516)(532)(1,363)(1,343)
Net income applicable to common shareholders$6,380 $7,270 $19,104 $22,028 
Average common shares issued and outstanding7,818.0 8,017.1 7,894.7 8,041.3 
Earnings per common share$0.82 $0.91 $2.42 $2.74 
Diluted earnings per common share    
Net income applicable to common shareholders$6,380 $7,270 $19,104 $22,028 
Add preferred stock dividends due to assumed conversions   167 
Net income allocated to common shareholders$6,380 $7,270 $19,104 $22,195 
Average common shares issued and outstanding7,818.0 8,017.1 7,894.7 8,041.3 
Dilutive potential common shares (1)
84.1 58.8 70.3 112.1 
Total diluted average common shares issued and outstanding7,902.1 8,075.9 7,965.0 8,153.4 
Diluted earnings per common share$0.81 $0.90 $2.40 $2.72 
(1)Includes incremental dilutive shares from preferred stock, restricted stock units, restricted stock and warrants.
For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and the three months ended September 30, 2023, 62 million average dilutive potential common shares associated with the Series L preferred stock were antidilutive, whereas they were included in the diluted share count under the “if-converted” method for the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
NOTE 14 Fair Value Measurements
Under applicable accounting standards, fair value is defined as the exchange price that would be received for an asset or paid to transfer a liability (an exit price) in the principal or most advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date. The Corporation determines the fair values of its financial instruments under applicable accounting standards and conducts a review of fair value hierarchy classifications on a quarterly basis. Transfers into or out of fair value hierarchy classifications are made if the significant inputs used in the financial models measuring the fair values of the assets and liabilities become unobservable or observable in the current
marketplace. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, there were no changes to valuation approaches or techniques that had, or are expected to have, a material impact on the Corporation’s consolidated financial position or results of operations.
For more information regarding the fair value hierarchy, how the Corporation measures fair value and valuation techniques, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles and Note 20 – Fair Value Measurements to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. The Corporation accounts for certain financial instruments under the fair value option. For more information, see Note 15 – Fair Value Option.
Recurring Fair Value
Assets and liabilities carried at fair value on a recurring basis at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, including financial instruments that the Corporation accounts for under the fair value option, are summarized in the following tables.
89 Bank of America

September 30, 2024
 Fair Value Measurements
(Dollars in millions)Level 1Level 2Level 3
Netting Adjustments (1)
Assets/Liabilities at Fair Value
Time deposits placed and other short-term investments
$1,174 $ $ $ $1,174 
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell
 523,687  (347,458)176,229 
Trading account assets:     
U.S. Treasury and government agencies61,516 154   61,670 
Corporate securities, trading loans and other 47,761 1,800  49,561 
Equity securities85,151 35,041 251  120,443 
Non-U.S. sovereign debt13,665 40,876 341  54,882 
Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS:
U.S. government-sponsored agency guaranteed 45,272 4  45,276 
Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS 9,273 1,030  10,303 
Total trading account assets (2)
160,332 178,377 3,426  342,135 
Derivative assets20,477 283,198 3,652 (273,145)34,182 
AFS debt securities:     
U.S. Treasury and government agencies209,247 948   210,195 
Mortgage-backed securities:     
Agency 34,594   34,594 
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations 16,504   16,504 
Non-agency residential 75 221  296 
Commercial 18,793 193  18,986 
Non-U.S. securities1,006 21,831 77  22,914 
Other taxable securities 2,609   2,609 
Tax-exempt securities 9,621   9,621 
Total AFS debt securities210,253 104,975 491  315,719 
Other debt securities carried at fair value:
U.S. Treasury and government agencies2,384    2,384 
Non-agency residential MBS 129 137  266 
Non-U.S. and other securities
793 6,274   7,067 
Total other debt securities carried at fair value3,177 6,403 137  9,717 
Loans and leases 4,086 86  4,172 
Loans held-for-sale 2,985 156  3,141 
Other assets (3)
11,617 3,889 1,748  17,254 
Total assets (4)
$407,030 $1,107,600 $9,696 $(620,603)$903,723 
Interest-bearing deposits in U.S. offices$ $443 $ $ $443 
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase
 590,889  (347,458)243,431 
Trading account liabilities:    
U.S. Treasury and government agencies14,676 217   14,893 
Equity securities36,574 6,224 8  42,806 
Non-U.S. sovereign debt13,865 12,498   26,363 
Corporate securities and other 14,173 71  14,244 
Mortgage trading loans and ABS 10   10 
Total trading account liabilities65,115 33,122 79  98,316 
Derivative liabilities21,189 297,058 5,811 (280,927)43,131 
Short-term borrowings 6,478   6,478 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities12,319 3,707 10  16,036 
Long-term debt 52,975 579  53,554 
Total liabilities (4)
$98,623 $984,672 $6,479 $(628,385)$461,389 
(1)Amounts represent the impact of legally enforceable master netting agreements and also cash collateral held or placed with the same counterparties.
(2)Includes securities with a fair value of $18.7 billion that were segregated in compliance with securities regulations or deposited with clearing organizations. This amount is included in the parenthetical disclosure on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. Trading account assets also includes certain commodities inventory of $97 million that is accounted for at the lower of cost or net realizable value, which is the current selling price less any costs to sell.
(3)Includes MSRs, which are classified as Level 3 assets, of $919 million.
(4)Total recurring Level 3 assets were 0.29 percent of total consolidated assets, and total recurring Level 3 liabilities were 0.21 percent of total consolidated liabilities.
Bank of America 90

December 31, 2023
Fair Value Measurements
(Dollars in millions)Level 1Level 2Level 3
Netting Adjustments (1)
Assets/Liabilities at Fair Value
Time deposits placed and other short-term investments
$1,181 $ $ $— $1,181 
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell 436,340  (303,287)133,053 
Trading account assets:     
U.S. Treasury and government agencies65,160 1,963  — 67,123 
Corporate securities, trading loans and other 41,462 1,689 — 43,151 
Equity securities47,431 41,380 187 — 88,998 
Non-U.S. sovereign debt5,517 21,195 396 — 27,108 
Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS:
U.S. government-sponsored agency guaranteed 38,802 2 — 38,804 
Mortgage trading loans, ABS and other MBS 10,955 1,215 — 12,170 
Total trading account assets (2)
118,108 155,757 3,489 — 277,354 
Derivative assets14,676 272,244 3,422 (251,019)39,323 
AFS debt securities:     
U.S. Treasury and government agencies176,764 902  — 177,666 
Mortgage-backed securities:     
Agency 37,812  — 37,812 
Agency-collateralized mortgage obligations 2,544  — 2,544 
Non-agency residential 109 273 — 382 
Commercial 10,435  — 10,435 
Non-U.S. securities1,093 21,679 103 — 22,875 
Other taxable securities 4,835  — 4,835 
Tax-exempt securities 10,100  — 10,100 
Total AFS debt securities177,857 88,416 376 — 266,649 
Other debt securities carried at fair value:
U.S. Treasury and government agencies1,690   — 1,690 
Non-agency residential MBS 211 69 — 280 
Non-U.S. and other securities1,786 6,447  — 8,233 
Total other debt securities carried at fair value3,476 6,658 69 — 10,203 
Loans and leases 3,476 93 — 3,569 
Loans held-for-sale 1,895 164 — 2,059 
Other assets (3)
8,052 2,152 1,657 — 11,861 
Total assets (4)
$323,350 $966,938 $9,270 $(554,306)$745,252 
Interest-bearing deposits in U.S. offices$ $284 $ $— $284 
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase 481,896  (303,287)178,609 
Trading account liabilities:    
U.S. Treasury and government agencies14,908 65  — 14,973 
Equity securities51,772 4,710 12 — 56,494 
Non-U.S. sovereign debt9,390 6,997  — 16,387 
Corporate securities and other 7,637 39 — 7,676 
Total trading account liabilities76,070 19,409 51 — 95,530 
Derivative liabilities14,375 280,908 5,916 (257,767)43,432 
Short-term borrowings 4,680 10 — 4,690 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities8,969 2,483 21 — 11,473 
Long-term debt 42,195 614 — 42,809 
Total liabilities (4)
$99,414 $831,855 $6,612 $(561,054)$376,827 
(1)Amounts represent the impact of legally enforceable master netting agreements and also cash collateral held or placed with the same counterparties.
(2)Includes securities with a fair value of $18.0 billion that were segregated in compliance with securities regulations or deposited with clearing organizations. This amount is included in the parenthetical disclosure on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. Trading account assets also includes certain commodities inventory of $42 million that is accounted for at the lower of cost or net realizable value, which is the current selling price less any costs to sell.
(3)Includes MSRs, which are classified as Level 3 assets, of $970 million.
(4)Total recurring Level 3 assets were 0.29 percent of total consolidated assets, and total recurring Level 3 liabilities were 0.23 percent of total consolidated liabilities.
The following tables present a reconciliation of all assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, including net realized and unrealized gains (losses) included in earnings and accumulated OCI. Transfers into Level 3 occur primarily due
to decreased price observability, and transfers out of Level 3 occur primarily due to increased price observability. Transfers occur on a regular basis for long-term debt instruments due to changes in the impact of unobservable inputs on the value of the embedded derivative in relation to the instrument as a whole.
91 Bank of America

Level 3 – Fair Value Measurements (1)
Balance June 30
Realized/Unrealized Gains
 (Losses) in Net
 Income (2)
in OCI
Level 3 
out of
Level 3 
Balance September 30
Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses) in Net Income Related to Financial Instruments Still Held (2)
(Dollars in millions)PurchasesSalesIssuancesSettlements
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Trading account assets:       
Corporate securities, trading loans and other
$1,816 $80 $ $210 $(194)$21 $(282)$166 $(17)$1,800 $29 
Equity securities231 2  27 (15)  35 (29)251 1 
Non-U.S. sovereign debt323 6 5 2 (11) (3)19  341 6 
Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS973 (33) 87 (68) (13)128 (40)1,034 (32)
Total trading account assets3,343 55 5 326 (288)21 (298)348 (86)3,426 4 
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4)
(2,366)409  264 (413) (148)(86)181 (2,159)562 
AFS debt securities:          
Non-agency residential MBS133 (2)12    (3)94 (13)221 (3)
Commercial MBS
170   25   (2)  193  
Non-U.S. and other taxable securities78 1     (4)4 (2)77  
Total AFS debt securities381 (1)12 25   (9)98 (15)491 (3)
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-agency residential MBS
53 4      80  137 5 
Loans and leases (5,6)
89 2     (5)  86 2 
Loans held-for-sale (5)
133 9  25   (11)  156 5 
Other assets (6,7)
1,700 46 5 58 (6)24 (79)  1,748 15 
Trading account liabilities – Equity securities
(11)6     1 (4) (8)6 
Trading account liabilities – Corporate securities
   and other
(72)(10) (1)(1) 14 (1) (71)(12)
Short-term borrowings (5)
(8)1     7    1 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities (5)
(8)(3)    1   (10)(3)
Long-term debt (5)
(588)4 (2)   7   (579)4 
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell$7 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $(7)$ $ 
Trading account assets:
Corporate securities, trading loans and other
2,100 53 (1)112 (17) (149)137 (79)2,156 16 
Equity securities159 45  4 (3) (47)51 (31)178 (3)
Non-U.S. sovereign debt568 16 (14)2 (3) (203)  366 16 
Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS1,233 (10) 40 (101) (8)90 (35)1,209 (12)
Total trading account assets4,060 104 (15)158 (124) (407)278 (145)3,909 17 
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4)
(4,997)1,445 (235)613 (395) (577)(315)1 (4,460)1,369 
AFS debt securities:       
Non-agency residential MBS288 (2)(6)   (2)  278 (2)
Non-U.S. and other taxable securities184 4     (86)4  106 2 
Tax-exempt securities51         51  
Total AFS debt securities523 2 (6)   (88)4  435  
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-agency residential MBS
88 (3)    (1) (14)70 (3)
Loans and leases (5,6)
147 11     (29) (22)107 11 
Loans held-for-sale (5)
188 (2)(2) (4) (9)  171 (4)
Other assets (6,7)
1,809 115 (8)168 (303)27 (82)  1,726 83 
Trading account liabilities – Equity securities
       (12) (12) 
Trading account liabilities – Corporate securities
   and other
(49)5  (1)   (27) (72)(1)
Short-term borrowings (5)
(11)(1)   (6)7   (11)(1)
Accrued expenses and other liabilities (5)
(14)8       1 (5)8 
Long-term debt (5)
(664)3 1  (4) 24   (640)3 
(1)Assets (liabilities). For assets, increase (decrease) to Level 3 and for liabilities, (increase) decrease to Level 3.
(2)Includes gains (losses) reported in earnings in the following income statement line items: Trading account assets/liabilities - market making and similar activities and other income; Net derivative assets (liabilities) - market making and similar activities and other income; AFS debt securities - other income; Other debt securities carried at fair value - other income; Loans and leases - other income; Loans held-for-sale - other income; Other assets - market making and similar activities and other income primarily related to MSRs; Short-term borrowings - market making and similar activities; Accrued expenses and other liabilities - other income; Long-term debt - market making and similar activities.
(3)Includes unrealized gains (losses) in OCI on AFS debt securities, foreign currency translation adjustments, derivatives designated in cash flow hedges and the impact of changes in the Corporation’s credit spreads on long-term debt accounted for under the fair value option. Amounts include net unrealized gains (losses) of $20 million and $(245) million related to financial instruments still held at September 30, 2024 and 2023.
(4)Net derivative assets (liabilities) include derivative assets of $3.7 billion and $4.6 billion and derivative liabilities of $5.8 billion and $9.1 billion at September 30, 2024 and 2023.
(5)Amounts represent instruments that are accounted for under the fair value option.
(6)Issuances represent loan originations and MSRs recognized following securitizations or whole-loan sales.
(7)Settlements primarily represent the net change in fair value of the MSR asset due to the recognition of modeled cash flows and the passage of time.

Bank of America 92

Level 3 – Fair Value Measurements (1)
January 1
Total Realized/Unrealized Gains (Losses) in Net Income (2)
in OCI (3)
Level 3 
out of
Level 3 
Balance September 30
Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses) in Net Income Related to Financial Instruments Still Held (2)
(Dollars in millions)

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Trading account assets:       
Corporate securities, trading loans and other
$1,689 $104 $(3)$501 $(322)$44 $(748)$681 $(146)$1,800 $(11)
Equity securities
187 8  113 (52) (4)46 (47)251  
Non-U.S. sovereign debt
396 11 (29)28 (16) (68)19  341 11 
Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS1,217 (56) 324 (539) (56)292 (148)1,034 (76)
Total trading account assets3,489 67 (32)966 (929)44 (876)1,038 (341)3,426 (76)
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4)
(2,494)915  758 (992) (683)(385)722 (2,159)(318)
AFS debt securities:          
Non-agency residential MBS273 7 59    (144)156 (130)221 5 
Commercial MBS
 (6)1 200   (2)  193 (6)
Non-U.S. and other taxable securities103 (6)    (18)5 (7)77 (2)
Total AFS debt securities376 (5)60 200   (164)161 (137)491 (3)
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-agency residential MBS
69 7     (20)97 (16)137 (12)
Loans and leases (5,6)
93 3    1 (11)  86 3 
Loans held-for-sale (5,6)
164 7 (4)25   (36)  156 (1)
Other assets (6,7)
1,657 186 (21)78 (6)97 (244)1  1,748 158 
Trading account liabilities – Equity securities
(12)8   (4) 7 (18)11 (8)5 
Trading account liabilities – Corporate securities
   and other
(39)(28) (4)(14)(2)23 (7) (71)(31)
Short-term borrowings (5)
(10)1    (9)18    1 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities (5)
(21)(12) 22   1   (10)(9)
Long-term debt (5)
(614)35 (19)   20 (1) (579)36 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $7 $(7)$ $ 
Trading account assets:     
Corporate securities, trading loans and other
2,384 114 1 336 (172)14 (601)331 (251)2,156 38 
Equity securities145 39  20 (47) (59)134 (54)178 (10)
Non-U.S. sovereign debt518 54 22 38 (9) (257)  366 56 
Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS1,552 (38) 144 (303) (229)332 (249)1,209 (50)
Total trading account assets4,599 169 23 538 (531)14 (1,146)797 (554)3,909 34 
Net derivative assets (liabilities) (4)
(2,893)(116)(375)1,142 (994) (1,372)(154)302 (4,460)(1,794)
AFS debt securities:       
Non-agency residential MBS258 1 26    (7)  278 1 
Non-U.S. and other taxable securities195 8 7    (101)4 (7)106  
Tax-exempt securities51         51  
Total AFS debt securities504 9 33    (108)4 (7)435 1 
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-agency residential MBS
119 (4)  (19) (5) (21)70 (3)
Loans and leases (5,6)
253   9 (50) (99)16 (22)107 (5)
Loans held-for-sale (5,6)
232 20 2  (25) (58)  171 10 
Other assets (6,7)
1,799 223 (1)174 (302)71 (240)2  1,726 119 
Trading account liabilities – Equity securities       (12) (12) 
Trading account liabilities – Corporate securities
   and other
(58)1  (2)(2)(1)2 (33)21 (72)(2)
Short-term borrowings (5)
(14)2   (13)(8)22   (11) 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities (5)
(32)38  (12)    1 (5)21 
Long-term debt (5)
(862)154 (20)(9)49  41  7 (640)158 
(1)Assets (liabilities). For assets, increase (decrease) to Level 3 and for liabilities, (increase) decrease to Level 3.
(2)Includes gains (losses) reported in earnings in the following income statement line items: Trading account assets/liabilities - market making and similar activities and other income; Net derivative assets (liabilities) - market making and similar activities and other income; AFS debt securities - other income; Other debt securities carried at fair value - other income; Loans and leases - market making and similar activities and other income; Loans held-for-sale - market making and similar activities and other income; Other assets - market making and similar activities and other income primarily related to MSRs; Short-term borrowings - market making and similar activities; Accrued expenses and other liabilities - other income; Long-term debt - market making and similar activities.
(3)Includes unrealized gains (losses) in OCI on AFS debt securities, foreign currency translation adjustments, derivatives designated in cash flow hedges and the impact of changes in the Corporation’s credit spreads on long-term debt accounted for under the fair value option. Amounts include net unrealized losses of $40 million and $332 million related to financial instruments still held at September 30, 2024 and 2023.
(4)Net derivative assets (liabilities) include derivative assets of $3.7 billion and $4.6 billion and derivative liabilities of $5.8 billion and $9.1 billion at September 30, 2024 and 2023.
(5)Amounts represent instruments that are accounted for under the fair value option.
(6)Issuances represent loan originations and MSRs recognized following securitizations or whole-loan sales.
(7)Settlements primarily represent the net change in fair value of the MSR asset due to the recognition of modeled cash flows and the passage of time.

93 Bank of America

The following tables present information about significant unobservable inputs related to the Corporation’s material categories of Level 3 financial assets and liabilities at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Quantitative Information about Level 3 Fair Value Measurements at September 30, 2024
(Dollars in millions)Inputs
Financial InstrumentFair
Significant Unobservable
Ranges of
Weighted Average (1)
Loans and Securities (2)
Instruments backed by residential real estate assets$594 Discounted cash flow, Market comparables Yield
0% to 20%
8 %
Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS155 Prepayment speed
0% to 44% CPR
8% CPR
Loans and leases81 Default rate
0% to 6% CDR
5% CDR
AFS debt securities – Non-agency residential221 Price
$0 to $116
Other debt securities carried at fair value – Non-agency residential137 Loss severity
0% to 75%
26 %
Instruments backed by commercial real estate assets$449 Discounted cash
0% to 25%
10 %
Trading account assets – Corporate securities, trading loans and other205 Price
$0 to $103
Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS51 
AFS debt securities – Commercial
Commercial loans, debt securities and other$3,002 Discounted cash flow, Market comparablesYield
0% to 29%
15 %
Trading account assets – Corporate securities, trading loans and other
1,595 Prepayment speed
10% to 20%
15 %
Trading account assets – Non-U.S. sovereign debt341 Default rate
3% to 4%
4 %
Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS828 Loss severity
35% to 40%
37 %
AFS debt securities – Non-U.S. and other taxable securities77 Price
$0 to $157
Loans and leases5 
Loans held-for-sale156 
Other assets, primarily auction rate securities$829 Discounted cash flow, Market comparablesPrice
$10 to $95

Discount rate10 %n/a
MSRs$919 Discounted cash
Weighted-average life, fixed rate (5)
0 to 12 years
6 years
Weighted-average life, variable rate (5)
0 to 11 years
3 years
Option-adjusted spread, fixed rate
7% to 14%
9 %
Option-adjusted spread, variable rate
9% to 15%
11 %
Structured liabilities
Long-term debt $(579)
Discounted cash flow, Market comparables, Industry standard derivative pricing (3)
18% to 28%
21 %
$33 to $100
Natural gas forward price
$2/MMBtu to $7/MMBtu
$3 /MMBtu
Net derivative assets (liabilities)
Credit derivatives$25 Discounted cash flow, Stochastic recovery correlation modelCredit spreads
3 to 94 bps
56 bps
Prepayment speed
15% CPR
Default rate
 2% CDR
Credit correlation
24% to 65%
50 %
$0 to $97
Equity derivatives$(1,348)
Industry standard derivative pricing (3)
Equity correlation
0% to 100%
61 %
Long-dated equity volatilities
1% to 116%
33 %
Commodity derivatives$(694)
Discounted cash flow, Industry standard derivative pricing (3)
Natural gas forward price
$2/MMBtu to $7/MMBtu
$3 /MMBtu
Power forward price
$23 to $96
Interest rate derivatives$(142)
Industry standard derivative pricing (4)
Correlation (IR/IR)
(35)% to 70%
49 %
Correlation (FX/IR)
(25)% to 58%
33 %
Long-dated inflation rates
 (1)% to 12%
1 %
Long-dated inflation volatilities
0% to 5%
3 %
Interest rate volatilities
0% to 4%
0 %
Total net derivative assets (liabilities)$(2,159)
(1)For loans and securities, structured liabilities and net derivative assets (liabilities), the weighted average is calculated based upon the absolute fair value of the instruments.
(2)The categories are aggregated based upon product type, which differs from financial statement classification. The following is a reconciliation to the line items in the table on page 90: Trading account assets – Corporate securities, trading loans and other of $1.8 billion, Trading account assets – Non-U.S. sovereign debt of $341 million, Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS of $1.0 billion, AFS debt securities of $491 million, Other debt securities carried at fair value - Non-agency residential of $137 million, Other assets, including MSRs, of $1.7 billion, Loans and leases of $86 million and LHFS of $156 million.
(3)Includes models such as Monte Carlo simulation and Black-Scholes.
(4)Includes models such as Monte Carlo simulation, Black-Scholes and other methods that model the joint dynamics of interest, inflation and foreign exchange rates.
(5)The weighted-average life is a product of changes in market rates of interest, prepayment rates and other model and cash flow assumptions.
CPR = Constant Prepayment Rate
CDR = Constant Default Rate
MMBtu = Million British thermal units
IR = Interest Rate
FX = Foreign Exchange
n/a = not applicable
Bank of America 94

Quantitative Information about Level 3 Fair Value Measurements at December 31, 2023
(Dollars in millions)Inputs
Financial InstrumentFair
Significant Unobservable
Ranges of
Weighted Average (1)
Loans and Securities (2)
Instruments backed by residential real estate assets$538 Discounted cash
flow, Market comparables
0% to 22%
9 %
Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS109 
Prepayment speed
1% to 42% CPR
10% CPR
Loans and leases87 Default rate
0% to 3% CDR
1% CDR
AFS debt securities - Non-agency residential273 Price
$0 to $115
Other debt securities carried at fair value - Non-agency residential69 Loss severity
0% to 100%
27 %
Instruments backed by commercial real estate assets$363 Discounted cash
0% to 25%
12 %
Trading account assets – Corporate securities, trading loans and other301 Price
$0 to $100
Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS62 
Commercial loans, debt securities and other$3,103 Discounted cash flow, Market comparablesYield
 5% to 59%
13 %
Trading account assets – Corporate securities, trading loans and other
Prepayment speed
10% to 20%
16 %
Trading account assets – Non-U.S. sovereign debt396 Default rate
3% to 4%
4 %
Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS1,046 Loss severity
35% to 40%
37 %
AFS debt securities – Non-U.S. and other taxable securities103 Price
 $0 to $157
Loans and leases6 
Loans held-for-sale164 
Other assets, primarily auction rate securities$687 Discounted cash flow, Market comparables
$10 to $95

Discount rate
MSRs$970 Discounted cash
Weighted-average life, fixed rate (5)
0 to 14 years
6 years
Weighted-average life, variable rate (5)
0 to 11 years
3 years
Option-adjusted spread, fixed rate
7% to 14%
9 %
Option-adjusted spread, variable rate
9% to 15%
12 %
Structured liabilities
Long-term debt $(614)
Discounted cash flow, Market comparables, Industry standard derivative pricing (3)
Equity correlation
 5% to 97%
25 %
$0 to $100
Natural gas forward price
$1/MMBtu to $7/MMBtu
Net derivative assets (liabilities)
Credit derivatives
$9 Discounted cash flow, Stochastic recovery correlation modelCredit spreads
2 to 79 bps
59 bps
Prepayment speed
15% CPR
Default rate
2% CDR
Credit correlation
22% to 62%
58 %
$0 to $94
Equity derivatives
Industry standard derivative pricing (3)
Equity correlation
0% to 99%
67 %
Long-dated equity volatilities
4% to 102%
34 %
Commodity derivatives
Discounted cash flow, Industry standard derivative pricing (3)
Natural gas forward price
$1/MMBtu to $7/MMBtu
Power forward price
$21 to $91
Interest rate derivatives
Industry standard derivative pricing (4)
Correlation (IR/IR)
(35)% to 89%
65 %
Correlation (FX/IR)
(25)% to 58%
35 %
Long-dated inflation rates
G(1)% to 11%
0 %
Long-dated inflation volatilities
0% to 5%
2 %
Interest rates volatilities
0% to 2%
1 %
Total net derivative assets (liabilities)$(2,494)
(1)For loans and securities, structured liabilities and net derivative assets (liabilities), the weighted average is calculated based upon the absolute fair value of the instruments.
(2)The categories are aggregated based upon product type, which differs from financial statement classification. The following is a reconciliation to the line items in the table on page 91: Trading account assets – Corporate securities, trading loans and other of $1.7 billion, Trading account assets – Non-U.S. sovereign debt of $396 million, Trading account assets – Mortgage trading loans, MBS and ABS of $1.2 billion, AFS debt securities of $376 million, Other debt securities carried at fair value - Non-agency residential of $69 million, Other assets, including MSRs, of $1.7 billion, Loans and leases of $93 million and LHFS of $164 million.
(3)Includes models such as Monte Carlo simulation and Black-Scholes.
(4)Includes models such as Monte Carlo simulation, Black-Scholes and other methods that model the joint dynamics of interest, inflation and foreign exchange rates.
(5)The weighted-average life is a product of changes in market rates of interest, prepayment rates and other model and cash flow assumptions.
CPR = Constant Prepayment Rate
CDR = Constant Default Rate
MMBtu = Million British thermal units
IR = Interest Rate
FX = Foreign Exchange
n/a = not applicable

95 Bank of America

Uncertainty of Fair Value Measurements from Unobservable Inputs
For information on the types of instruments, valuation approaches and the impact of changes in unobservable inputs used in Level 3 measurements, see Note 20 – Fair Value Measurements to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Nonrecurring Fair Value
The Corporation holds certain assets that are measured at fair value only in certain situations (e.g., the impairment of an asset), and these measurements are referred to herein as nonrecurring. The amounts below represent assets still held as of the reporting date for which a nonrecurring fair value adjustment was recorded during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Assets Measured at Fair Value on a Nonrecurring Basis
September 30, 2024Three Months Ended September 30, 2024Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
(Dollars in millions)
Level 2Level 3Gains (Losses)
Loans held-for-sale$795 $2,685 $(62)$(160)
Loans and leases (1)
 89 (10)(26)
Foreclosed properties (2, 3)
 149 (17)(15)
Other assets (4)
1 274  (40)
 September 30, 2023Three Months Ended September 30, 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Loans held-for-sale$276 $3,066 $(28)$(95)
Loans and leases (1)
 129 (15)(36)
Foreclosed properties (2, 3)
 44 1 (2)
Other assets (4)
31 905 (182)(189)
(1)Includes $3 million and $7 million of losses on loans that were written down to a collateral value of zero during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to losses of $4 million and $8 million for the same periods in 2023.
(2)Amounts are included in other assets on the Consolidated Balance Sheet and represent the carrying value of foreclosed properties that were written down subsequent to their initial classification as foreclosed properties. Losses on foreclosed properties include losses recorded during the first 90 days after transfer of a loan to foreclosed properties.
(3)Excludes $19 million and $33 million of properties acquired upon foreclosure of certain government-guaranteed loans (principally FHA-insured loans) at September 30, 2024 and 2023.
(4)Represents the fair value of certain impaired renewable energy investments.
The table below presents information about significant unobservable inputs utilized in the Corporation's nonrecurring Level 3 fair value measurements during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and the year ended December 31, 2023.
Quantitative Information about Nonrecurring Level 3 Fair Value Measurements
Financial InstrumentFair ValueValuation
Significant Unobservable
Ranges of
Average (1)
(Dollars in millions)Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Loans held-for-sale$2,685 Pricing modelImplied yield
7% to 23%
Loans and leases (2)
89 Market comparablesOREO discount
10% to 66%
26 %
Costs to sell
8% to 24%
9 %
Other assets (3)
274 Discounted cash flowDiscount rate7 %n/a
Year Ended December 31, 2023
Loans held-for-sale$2,793 Pricing modelImplied yield
7% to 23%
Loans and leases (2)
153 Market comparablesOREO discount
10% to 66%
26 %
Costs to sell
8% to 24%
9 %
Other assets (3)
898Discounted cash flowDiscount rate7 %n/a
(1)The weighted average is calculated based upon the fair value of the loans.
(2)Represents residential mortgages where the loan has been written down to the fair value of the underlying collateral.
(3)Represents the fair value of certain impaired renewable energy investments.
n/a = not applicable
NOTE 15 Fair Value Option
The Corporation elects to account for certain financial instruments under the fair value option. For more information on the primary financial instruments for which the fair value option elections have been made, see Note 21 – Fair Value Option to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. The following tables provide information about the fair value carrying amount and the
contractual principal outstanding of assets and liabilities accounted for under the fair value option at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, and information about where changes in the fair value of assets and liabilities accounted for under the fair value option are included in the Consolidated Statement of Income for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Bank of America 96

Fair Value Option Elections
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(Dollars in millions)
Fair Value
Fair Value
Amount Less
 Unpaid Principal
Fair Value
Fair Value
  Amount Less
 Unpaid Principal
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell
$176,229 $176,255 $(26)$133,053 $133,001 $52 
Loans reported as trading account assets (1)
9,565 15,991 (6,426)8,377 15,580 (7,203)
Trading inventory – other13,731 n/an/a25,282 n/an/a
Consumer and commercial loans4,172 4,049 123 3,569 3,618 (49)
Loans held-for-sale (1)
3,141 3,784 (643)2,059 2,873 (814)
Other assets3,289 n/an/a1,986 n/an/a
Long-term deposits443 509 (66)284 267 17 
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase
243,431 243,436 (5)178,609 178,634 (25)
Short-term borrowings6,478 6,501 (23)4,690 4,694 (4)
Unfunded loan commitments66 n/an/a67 n/an/a
Accrued expenses and other liabilities2,066 2,201 (135)1,341 1,347 (6)
Long-term debt53,554 55,209 (1,655)42,809 46,707 (3,898)
(1)A significant portion of the loans reported as trading account assets and LHFS are distressed loans that were purchased at a deep discount to par, and the remainder are loans with a fair value near contractual principal outstanding.
n/a = not applicable
Gains (Losses) Related to Assets and Liabilities Accounted for Under the Fair Value Option
Three Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)
Market making
 and similar
TotalMarket making
 and similar
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell$169 $(2)$167 $45 $(4)$41 
Loans reported as trading account assets72 40 112 58  58 
Trading inventory – other (1)
539  539 (900) (900)
Consumer and commercial loans30 7 37 (50)15 (35)
Loans held-for-sale (2)
 23 23  (38)(38)
Short-term borrowings231  231 (1) (1)
Unfunded loan commitments 7 7 (1)7 6 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities13  13 197  197 
Long-term debt (3)
(877)(4)(881)863 (4)859 
Other (4)
(108)(9)(117)(7)3 (4)
Total$69 $62 $131 $204 $(21)$183 
Nine Months Ended September 30
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell$277 $(6)$271 $27 $(12)$15 
Loans reported as trading account assets77 40 117 208  208 
Trading inventory – other (1)
1,320  1,320 2,065  2,065 
Consumer and commercial loans86 26 112 (189)56 (133)
Loans held-for-sale (2)
 6 6  (22)(22)
Short-term borrowings304  304 10  10 
Unfunded loan commitments (13)(13)(1)27 26 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities411  411 246  246 
Long-term debt (3)
(610)(24)(634)361 (27)334 
Other (4)
(192)(16)(208)46  46 
Total$1,673 $13 $1,686 $2,773 $22 $2,795 
(1)    The gains (losses) in market making and similar activities are primarily offset by (losses) gains on trading liabilities that hedge these assets.
(2)    Includes the value of IRLCs on funded loans, including those sold during the period.
(3)    The net gains (losses) in market making and similar activities relate to the embedded derivatives in structured liabilities and are typically offset by (losses) gains on derivatives and securities that hedge these liabilities. For the cumulative impact of changes in the Corporation’s own credit spreads and the amount recognized in accumulated OCI, see Note 12 – Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss). For more information on how the Corporation’s own credit spread is determined, see Note 20 – Fair Value Measurements to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
(4)    Includes gains (losses) on other assets, long-term deposits and federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase.
97 Bank of America

Gains (Losses) Related to Borrower-specific Credit Risk for Assets and Liabilities Accounted for Under the Fair Value Option
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
Loans reported as trading account assets$48 $19 $(16)$55 
Consumer and commercial loans7 5 23 41 
Loans held-for-sale7 (17)6 (17)
Unfunded loan commitments7 7 (13)27 
Long-term debt  (3) 
NOTE 16 Fair Value of Financial Instruments
以下披露包括未按公允價值列賬或僅部分期末餘額在綜合資產負債表中按公允價值列賬的金融工具。某些貸款、存款、長期債務、無資金貸款承諾和其他金融工具根據公允價值選擇權進行覈算。詳細信息請參見 注21 -公允價值期權 公司2023年年度報告的合併財務報表10-k表格。
$1,041,712 $51,661 $979,150 $1,030,811 
待售貸款10,351 7,478 2,873 10,351 
存款 (1)
1,930,352 1,932,749  1,932,749 
長期債務296,927 301,702 709 302,411 
商業無資金貸款承諾 (2)
1,166 56 3,462 3,518 
$1,020,281 $49,311 $949,977 $999,288 
待售貸款6,002 3,024 2,979 6,003 
存款 (1)
1,923,827 1,925,015  1,925,015 
長期債務302,204 303,070 913 303,983 
商業無資金貸款承諾 (2)
1,275 44 3,927 3,971 
(1)    包括活期存款美元867.110億美元897.3 十億 沒有 規定到期日爲2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日。
(2) 商業無資金貸款承諾的公允價值計入綜合資產負債表的應計費用和其他負債。公司不會估計消費者無資金貸款承諾的公允價值,因爲在許多情況下,公司可以通過向借款人發出通知來減少或取消這些承諾。有關承諾的更多信息,請參閱 注10 -承諾和或有事項.
附註17 業務分部資料
該公司通過以下方式報告其運營結果 業務部門: 消費者銀行, 全球財富與投資管理, 全球銀行全球市場,其餘操作記錄在 所有其他.詳細信息請參見 注23 -業務分部信息 公司合併財務報表
2023年10-k表格年度報告。 下表列出了業務部門的淨收入(虧損)及其組成部分(以及按FTE計算的淨利息收入, 所有其他 以及總公司)截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月,以及各業務分部於2024年和2023年9月30日的總資產,以及 所有其他。
美國銀行 98

道達爾公司 (1)
淨利息收入$14,114 $14,532 $8,278 $8,391 $1,709 $1,755 
非利息收入11,378 10,788 2,140 2,081 4,053 3,566 
總收入,扣除利息費用25,492 25,320 10,418 10,472 5,762 5,321 
信貸損失準備金1,542 1,234 1,302 1,397 7 (6)
非利息費用16,479 15,838 5,534 5,256 4,340 3,950 
稅前收入7,471 8,248 3,582 3,819 1,415 1,377 
所得稅開支575 446 895 955 354 344 
淨收入$6,896 $7,802 $2,687 $2,864 $1,061 $1,033 
期末總資產$3,324,293 $3,153,090 $1,026,293 $1,062,038 $328,831 $333,779 
淨利息收入$3,230 $3,613 $898 $674 $(1)$99 
非利息收入2,604 2,590 4,732 4,268 (2,151)(1,717)
總收入,扣除利息費用5,834 6,203 5,630 4,942 (2,152)(1,618)
信貸損失準備金229 (119)7 (14)(3)(24)
非利息費用2,991 2,804 3,443 3,235 171 593 
所得稅前收入(損失)2,614 3,518 2,180 1,721 (2,320)(2,187)
所得稅費用(福利)719 950 632 473 (2,025)(2,276)
淨收益(虧損)$1,895 $2,568 $1,548 $1,248 $(295)$89 
期末總資產$650,936 $588,578 $958,227 $864,792 $360,006 $303,903 
道達爾公司 (1)
淨利息收入$42,166 $43,407 $24,593 $25,421 $5,216 $5,436 
非利息收入34,839 33,637 6,197 6,281 11,711 10,442 
總收入,扣除利息費用77,005 77,044 30,790 31,702 16,927 15,878 
信貸損失準備金4,369 3,290 3,733 3,753 1 32 
非利息費用50,025 48,114 16,473 16,182 12,803 11,942 
稅前收入22,611 25,640 10,584 11,767 4,123 3,904 
所得稅開支2,144 2,269 2,646 2,942 1,031 976 
淨收入$20,467 $23,371 $7,938 $8,825 $3,092 $2,928 
期末總資產$3,324,293 $3,153,090 $1,026,293 $1,062,038 $328,831 $333,779 
淨利息收入$9,965 $11,210 $2,349 $1,080 $43 $260 
非利息收入7,902 7,658 14,623 14,359 (5,594)(5,103)
總收入,扣除利息費用17,867 18,868 16,972 15,439 (5,551)(4,843)
信貸損失準備金693 (347)(42)(71)(16)(77)
非利息費用8,902 8,563 10,421 9,935 1,426 1,492 
稅前收入8,272 10,652 6,593 5,575 (6,961)(6,258)
所得稅開支2,275 2,876 1,912 1,533 (5,720)(6,058)
淨收益(虧損)$5,997 $7,776 $4,681 $4,042 $(1,241)$(200)
期末總資產$650,936 $588,578 $958,227 $864,792 $360,006 $303,903 
(1) There were no material intersegment revenues.
99 Bank of America

The table below presents noninterest income and the associated components for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 for each business segment, All Other and the total Corporation. For more information, see Note 2 – Net Interest Income and Noninterest Income.
Noninterest Income by Business Segment and All Other
Total CorporationConsumer BankingGlobal Wealth &
Investment Management
Three Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)202420232024202320242023
Fees and commissions:
Card income
Interchange fees $1,030 $994 $824 $789 $(5)$(5)
Other card income 588 526 578 536 14 14 
Total card income1,618 1,520 1,402 1,325 9 9 
Service charges
Deposit-related fees1,198 1,124 631 605 12 10 
Lending-related fees354 340   12 10 
Total service charges1,552 1,464 631 605 24 20 
Investment and brokerage services
Asset management fees3,533 3,103 52 51 3,482 3,054 
Brokerage fees1,013 860 28 29 392 342 
Total investment and brokerage services
4,546 3,963 80 80 3,874 3,396 
Investment banking fees
Underwriting income742 531   64 45 
Syndication fees274 209     
Financial advisory services387 448     
Total investment banking fees1,403 1,188   64 45 
Total fees and commissions 9,119 8,135 2,113 2,010 3,971 3,470 
Market making and similar activities3,278 3,325 5 5 35 34 
Other income (loss)(1,019)(672)22 66 47 62 
Total noninterest income$11,378 $10,788 $2,140 $2,081 $4,053 $3,566 
Global BankingGlobal Markets
All Other (1)
Three Months Ended September 30
Fees and commissions:
Card income
Interchange fees $197 $194 $14 $16 $ $ 
Other card income 3 3   (7)(27)
Total card income200 197 14 16 (7)(27)
Service charges
Deposit-related fees534 490 21 19   
Lending-related fees268 264 74 66   
Total service charges802 754 95 85   
Investment and brokerage services
Asset management fees    (1)(2)
Brokerage fees31 14 562 475   
Total investment and brokerage services
31 14 562 475 (1)(2)
Investment banking fees
Underwriting income285 230 426 318 (33)(62)
Syndication fees147 117 127 92   
Financial advisory services351 396 36 53  (1)
Total investment banking fees783 743 589 463 (33)(63)
Total fees and commissions 1,816 1,708 1,260 1,039 (41)(92)
Market making and similar activities66 21 3,349 3,195 (177)70 
Other income (loss)722 861 123 34 (1,933)(1,695)
Total noninterest income$2,604 $2,590 $4,732 $4,268 $(2,151)$(1,717)
(1)All Other includes eliminations of intercompany transactions.

Bank of America 100

Noninterest Income by Business Segment and All Other
Total CorporationConsumer BankingGlobal Wealth &
Investment Management
Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)202420232024202320242023
Fees and commissions:
Card income
Interchange fees $2,984 $2,973 $2,371 $2,350 $(16)$(8)
Other card income 1,678 1,562 1,664 1,590 44 41 
Total card income4,662 4,535 4,035 3,940 28 33 
Service charges
Deposit-related fees3,492 3,266 1,823 1,729 33 31 
Lending-related fees1,009 972   38 26 
Total service charges4,501 4,238 1,823 1,729 71 57 
Investment and brokerage services
Asset management fees10,173 8,990 152 147 10,028 8,848 
Brokerage fees2,880 2,664 84 83 1,153 1,037 
Total investment and brokerage services
13,053 11,654 236 230 11,181 9,885 
Investment banking fees
Underwriting income2,512 1,757   184 124 
Syndication fees886 620     
Financial advisory services1,134 1,186     
Total investment banking fees4,532 3,563   184 124 
Total fees and commissions 26,748 23,990 6,094 5,899 11,464 10,099 
Market making and similar activities10,464 11,734 16 15 107 100 
Other income (loss)(2,373)(2,087)87 367 140 243 
Total noninterest income$34,839 $33,637 $6,197 $6,281 $11,711 $10,442 
Global BankingGlobal Markets
All Other (1)
Nine Months Ended September 30
Fees and commissions:
Card income
Interchange fees $578 $580 $51 $51 $ $ 
Other card income 8 7   (38)(76)
Total card income586 587 51 51 (38)(76)
Service charges
Deposit-related fees1,568 1,446 66 59 2 1 
Lending-related fees759 757 212 189   
Total service charges2,327 2,203 278 248 2 1 
Investment and brokerage services
Asset management fees    (7)(5)
Brokerage fees70 37 1,573 1,507   
Total investment and brokerage services
70 37 1,573 1,507 (7)(5)
Investment banking fees
Underwriting income1,011 742 1,453 1,016 (136)(125)
Syndication fees467 345 419 275   
Financial advisory services990 1,042 144 144   
Total investment banking fees2,468 2,129 2,016 1,435 (136)(125)
Total fees and commissions 5,451 4,956 3,918 3,241 (179)(205)
Market making and similar activities212 135 10,397 11,002 (268)482 
Other income (loss)2,239 2,567 308 116 (5,147)(5,380)
Total noninterest income$7,902 $7,658 $14,623 $14,359 $(5,594)$(5,103)
(1) All other includes eliminations of intercompany transactions.

101 Bank of America

下表列出了 業務部門按FTE計算的總收入(扣除利息費用)、合併利潤表的凈利潤和合並資產負債表的總資產。
分部總收入,扣除利息費用$27,644 $26,938 $82,556 $81,887 
調整 (1):
資產和負債管理活動(183)28 (323)(404)
合併收入,扣除利息費用$25,345 $25,167 $76,540 $76,622 
分部凈利潤總額7,191 7,713 21,708 23,571 
調整,扣除稅 (1):
資產和負債管理活動(138)16 (247)(309)
清算業務、沖銷和其他(157)73 (994)109 
綜合淨收入$6,896 $7,802 $20,467 $23,371 
分部總資產$2,964,287 $2,849,187 
調整 (1):
資產和負債管理活動,包括證券投資組合1,251,025 1,185,910 
其他62,599 63,708 
綜合總資產$3,324,293 $3,153,090 
美國銀行 102

Alt-A抵押貸款 一種美國抵押貸款,被認爲比A級債券或「優質」的風險更高,而比風險最高的類別「次級」的風險更低。通常,Alt-A抵押貸款的特點是借款人的文件不完整,信用評分較低,LTV較高。
經紀業務和其他資產 -在經紀賬戶中持有或保管的非可自由支配的客戶資產。
承諾信用風險敞口 -貸款的任何有資金的部分加上貸款的未有資金的部分,貸款人在法律上有義務在規定的期限內根據規定的條件墊付資金。
借方估值調整(DVA) -所需的投資組合調整,以適當地反映公司自身的信用風險敞口,作爲衍生工具和/或結構性債務公允價值的一部分。
融資估值調整(FVA) -投資組合調整,要求包括無抵押衍生品和衍生品的融資成本,在這些衍生品和衍生品公司不被允許使用其收到的抵押品的情況下。
利率鎖定承諾(IRLC) -與貸款申請人的承諾,其中貸款條件在一段指定的時間內得到擔保,但須經信貸批准。
信用證 -代表客戶向第三方簽發的單據,承諾在提交指定單據時向第三方付款。信用證實際上是用開證人的信用證代替客戶的信用證。
貸款價值比(LTV) -一種常用的信用質量指標。LTV的計算方法是貸款的未償還賬面價值除以擔保貸款的物業的估計價值。
應收按金 由某些經紀賬戶中符合條件的證券擔保的信貸的擴展。
不良貸款和租賃 -包括被置於非應計項目狀態的貸款和租賃,包括其合同條款已進行重組的非應計項目貸款,其方式是向遇到財務困難的借款人授予特許權。
快速糾正措施(PCA) -由美國銀行業監管機構建立的框架,要求銀行保持一定水平的監管資本比率,包括五類資本:「資本充足」、「資本充足」、「資本不足」、「嚴重資本不足」和「嚴重資本不足」。未能達到某些資本水平的受保存款機構的活動受到越來越嚴格的限制,包括它們進行資本分配、支付管理層薪酬、增加資產和採取其他行動的能力。
風險價值(VAR) - VAR是一種模型,模擬一系列假設情景下投資組合的價值,以生成潛在收益和損失的分佈。VAR代表根據歷史數據,在給定信心水平下投資組合預計將經歷的損失。VAR模型是估計我們交易組合潛在損益範圍的有效工具。

103 美國銀行

活躍的數字銀行用戶 過去90天的移動和/或在線活躍用戶。
活躍的移動銀行用戶 - 過去90天的移動活躍用戶。
賬面價值 - 期末普通股股東權益除以期末已發行普通股。
普通股比率- 期末普通股股東權益除以期末總資產。
存款利差 年化淨利息收入除以平均存款。
派息率 - 宣佈的普通股息除以適用於普通股股東的凈利潤。
效率比- 非利息費用除以總收入(扣除利息費用)。
毛利息收益率 - 有效年百分比率除以平均貸款。
凈利息收益率 - 淨利息收入除以平均總生息資產。
營業利潤率 - 所得稅前收入除以總收入(扣除利息費用)。
平均分配資本回報率 調整後凈利潤除以分配資本。
平均資產回報率 - 凈利潤除以平均資產總額。
普通股股東平均回報率 股權 - 適用於普通股股東的凈利潤除以普通股股東的平均權益。
平均股東回報率 股權 - 凈利潤除以平均股東權益。
風險調整後的Margin - 總收入(扣除利息費用)與淨信用損失之間的差額除以平均貸款。
美國銀行 104

FICOFair Isaac Corporation(信用評分)
105 Bank of America

Part II. Other Information
Bank of America Corporation and Subsidiaries
Item 1. Legal Proceedings
See Litigation and Regulatory Matters in Note 10 – Commitments and Contingencies to the Consolidated Financial Statements, which is incorporated by reference in this Item 1, for litigation and regulatory disclosure that supplements the disclosure in Note 12 – Commitments and Contingencies to the
Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Item 1A. Risk Factors
There are no material changes from the risk factors set forth under Part 1, Item 1A. Risk Factors of the Corporation’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds
The table below presents share repurchase activity for the three months ended September 30, 2024. The primary source of funds for cash distributions by the Corporation to its shareholders is dividends received from its banking subsidiaries. Each of the banking subsidiaries is subject to various regulatory policies and requirements relating to the payment of dividends, including requirements to maintain capital above regulatory minimums. All of the Corporation’s preferred stock outstanding has preference over the Corporation’s common stock with respect to payment of dividends.
(Dollars in millions, except per share information; shares in thousands)
Total Common Shares Repurchased (1,2)
Weighted-Average Per Share Price
Total Shares
Purchased as
Part of Publicly
Announced Programs (2)
Remaining Buyback
Authority Amounts (3)
July 1 - 31, 202418,876 $42.86 18,852 $5,942 
August 1 - 31, 2024 (4)
45,284 38.96 43,696 23,389 
September 1 - 30, 202425,664 39.92 25,644 22,375 
Three months ended September 30, 202489,824 40.05 88,192  
(1)Includes 1.6 million shares of the Corporation’s common stock acquired by the Corporation in connection with satisfaction of tax withholding obligations on vested restricted stock or restricted stock units and certain forfeitures and terminations of employment-related awards and for potential re-issuance to certain employees under equity incentive plans.
(2)In October 2021, the Corporation’s Board of Directors (Board) authorized the repurchase of up to $25 billion of common stock over time (2021 Authorization). Additionally, the Board authorized repurchases to offset shares awarded under equity-based compensation plans. In September 2023, the Board modified the 2021 Authorization, effective October 1, 2023, to include repurchases to offset shares awarded under equity-based compensation plans when determining the remaining repurchase authority (2023 Authorization, and together with the 2021 Authorization, the Modified Authorization). On July 24, 2024, the Board authorized a $25 billion common stock repurchase program, effective August 1, 2024 (2024 Authorization), to replace the Modified Authorization, which expired on August 1, 2024. During the three months ended September 30, 2024, pursuant to the Board’s authorizations, the Corporation repurchased approximately 88 million shares, or $3.5 billion, of its common stock, including repurchases to offset shares awarded under equity-based compensation plans. For more information, see Capital Management – CCAR and Capital Planning in the MD&A on page 21 and Note 11 – Shareholders’ Equity to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
(3)The remaining buyback authority amount for July reflects the remaining buyback authority amount under the Modified Authorization. The remaining buyback authority amounts for August and September reflect the remaining buyback authority amount under the 2024 Authorization.
(4)Total Common Shares Repurchased and Total Shares Repurchased as Part of Publicly Announced Programs include 1.8 million shares repurchased pursuant to the Modified Authorization.

The Corporation did not have any unregistered sales of equity securities during the three months ended September 30, 2024.
Item 5. Other Information
Trading Arrangements
During the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2024, none of the Corporation’s directors or officers (as defined in Rule 16a-1(f) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) adopted or terminated a Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement or non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement (in each case, as defined in Item 408 of Regulation S-K) for the purchase or sale of the Corporation’s securities.
Disclosure Pursuant to Section 13(r) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Pursuant to Section 13(r) of the Exchange Act, an issuer is required to disclose in its annual or quarterly reports, as applicable, whether it or any of its affiliates knowingly engaged in certain activities, transactions or dealings relating to Iran or with individuals or entities designated pursuant to certain Executive Orders. Disclosure may be required even where the activities, transactions or dealings were conducted in
compliance with applicable law. Except as set forth below, as of the date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, the Corporation is not aware of any other activity, transaction or dealing by any of its affiliates during the quarter ended September 30, 2024 that requires disclosure under Section 13(r) of the Exchange Act.
During the third quarter of 2024, Bank of America, National Association (BANA), a U.S. subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation, processed 62 authorized wire payments totaling $8,268,181 pursuant to a general license issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control regarding Afghanistan or governing institutions in Afghanistan. These payments for two BANA clients were processed to Afghan state-owned banks, which are subject to Executive Order 13224. 61 of the 62 authorized wire payments originated from one BANA client using two accounts. There was no measurable gross revenue or net profit to the Corporation relating to these transactions, except nominal fees received by BANA for processing payments. The Corporation may in the future engage in similar transactions for its clients to the extent permitted by U.S. law.

Bank of America 106

Item 6. Exhibits
Incorporated by Reference
Exhibit No.DescriptionNotesFormExhibitFiling DateFile No.
101.INSInline XBRL Instance Document3
101.SCHInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document1
101.CALInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document 1
101.LABInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document1
101.PREInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document1
101.DEFInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definitions Linkbase Document1
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101)
(1)Filed herewith.
(2)Furnished herewith. This exhibit shall not be deemed “filed” for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or otherwise subject to the liability of that Section. Such exhibit shall not be deemed incorporated into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
(3)The instance document does not appear in the interactive data file because its XBRL tags are embedded within the inline XBRL document.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Bank of America Corporation
Date:October 29, 2024/s/ Rudolf A. Bless 
Rudolf A. Bless 
Chief Accounting Officer

107 Bank of America