EX-10.2 4 exhibit102-jbu2011paadt18r.htm EX-10.2 Document









本修正案第 18 號(以下簡稱”修正案”) 於 2024 年 7 月 26 日由空中客車股份公司簽訂 通過簡化操作進行協作,根據法國法律創建和存在,註冊辦事處位於法國布拉尼亞克31700號Rond-Point Emile Dewoitine 2號,並在圖盧茲商業登記處註冊,編號爲RCS Toulouse 383 474 814(”賣家”)和捷藍航空公司,一家根據特拉華州法律組建的公司,其主要公司辦公室位於美利堅合衆國長島市皇后廣場北2701號(前身爲紐約州森林山皇后大道118-29號)11101(前身爲紐約州森林山皇后大道118-29號)(買家”).





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1.1 買方和賣方特此將某些飛機的類型轉換並重新安排交付,詳見下表(“Amdt 18 轉換飛機”):

10002789改裝的 A321 XLR 飛機增量式 A321 NEO 飛機[***]-26[***] 2030
10054131改裝的 A321 XLR 飛機額外的 A321 NEO 飛機[***]-26[***] 2030
10054132改裝的 A321 XLR 飛機額外的 A321 NEO 飛機[***] 2026[***] 2030
402147改裝後的 A321 LR 飛機2018 年改裝的 A321 NEO 飛機[***] 2027[***] 2031
402146改裝後的 A321 LR 飛機2018 年改裝的 A321 NEO 飛機[***] 2027[***] 2031

Amdt 18轉換飛機應以下次作爲增量A321小蟻飛機、額外的A321小蟻飛機或2018年轉換的A321小蟻飛機進行處理,在協議下的所有目的,協議約定的所有增量A321小蟻飛機、額外的A321小蟻飛機或2018年轉換的A321小蟻飛機的銷售與購買條款都將相應適用。

1.2 買方和賣方特此將某架飛機的交付重新安排爲下表中詳細說明的「新計劃交付期」。

10054138額外的 A321 NEO 飛機
10002785增量式 A321 NEO 飛機
10054133額外的 A321 NEO 飛機
10054137改裝的 A321 XLR 飛機
10002779改裝的 A321 XLR 飛機
402 139改裝的 A321 XLR 飛機
[***] 2031
402 148改裝的 A321 XLR 飛機
[***] 2027
[***] 2032
402 159改裝的 A321 XLR 飛機
[***] 2027
[***] 2032
10002793改裝的 A321 XLR 飛機
[***] 2027
[***] 2032
402 133改裝的 A321 NEO 飛機
[***] 2031
402 132改裝的 A321 XLR 飛機
[***] 2027
[***] 2033
10054129改裝的 A321 XLR 飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2033
402 129A321 NEO 飛機
[***] 2027
[***] 2031
10002790改裝的 A321 XLR 飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2033
402 138改裝的 A321 NEO 飛機
[***] 2027
[***] 2031

CT1303281 JBU A320F AMD 18            第 2 頁/#NUM_PAGES#

10002791改裝A321 XLR飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2033
402 1442018年改裝的A321 小蟻 飛機
[***] 2027
[***] 2031
10054134額外的A321 小蟻 飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2031
100541262018年改裝的A321 小蟻 飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2031
402 1642018年改裝的A321 小蟻 飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2032
402 1552018年改裝的A321 小蟻 飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2032
10054128額外的A321 小蟻 飛機
[***] 2028
10054127額外的A321 小蟻 飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2032
402 1562018年改裝的A321 小蟻飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2032
402 1542018年改裝的A321 小蟻飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2032
402 1532018年改裝的A321 小蟻飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2032
10002794增量A321 小蟻飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2032
402 1582018年改裝的A321 小蟻飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2032
402 1572018年改裝的A321 小蟻飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2032
402 1602018年改裝的A321 小蟻飛機
[***] 2028
[***] 2032
402 1612018年改裝的A321 小蟻飛機
[***] 2029
[***] 2032
402 1622018年改裝的A321小蟻飛機
[***] 2029
[***] 2033
402 1662018年改裝的A321小蟻飛機
[***] 2029
[***] 2033
402 1652018年改裝的A321小蟻飛機
[***] 2029
[***] 2032
402 1632018年改裝的A321小蟻飛機
[***] 2029
[***] 2033
[***] 2029
[***] 2033
[***] 2029
[***] 2033
402 140改裝的A321小蟻飛機
[***] 2029
[***] 2033
402 128A321小蟻飛機
[***] 2029
[***] 2033
10002776A321 小蟻客機
[***] 2029
[***] 2033
402 1512018 年改裝的 A321 小蟻客機
[***] 2029
[***] 2033
10002769A321 小蟻客機
[***] 2029
[***] 2033
402 130A321 小蟻客機
[***] 2029
[***] 2033
402 1522018 年改裝的 A321 小蟻客機
[***] 2029
[***] 2033

1.2    協議附件1已完全刪除,並由修訂後的附件1(“修訂後的附件1”)附錄1附上。



1.4 [***],在此期間未發生並持續着任何終止事件的情況下,買方有權按照執行本修訂案後與賣方或AACS簽訂的協議所開具給買方的與飛機相關的服務的發票的[***]。


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1.6    The Buyer shall enter into discussions directly with the relevant Propulsion System manufacturer to amend the relevant propulsion systems agreement(s) in order to reflect the rescheduling set out in this Amendment and will indemnify and hold the Seller harmless against any and all costs, losses, expenses, additional obligations, penalties, damages or liabilities so incurred by the Seller in the event that the Buyer fails to perform its obligations as set out under this Clause 1.6 unless such costs, losses, expenses, additional obligations, penalties, damages or liabilities are a result of the Seller’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.

2    [***]

Clause 9 of the Amended and Restated Letter Agreement No. 1 to the Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following quoted text:


9    [***]

9.1    [***]


(i)    [***]

(ii)    [***]
(iii)    [***]

(iv)    [***]


9.1.1    [***]



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In consideration of the Parties agreeing to postpone the Delivery of certain Aircraft as detailed in Clause 1 herein, [***] in respect of any of Aircraft if affected by a Non-Excusable Delay.

The [***] shall become available to the Seller as of the date of execution of this Amendment, shall be applicable to [***] in respect of any Aircraft, and shall be [***].

4    [***]

4.1    In consideration of the Seller’s agreement to defer the Buyer’s contractual obligations to purchase and take delivery of the Aircraft that are subject to rescheduling herein [***]. 

4.2    Notwithstanding the above, the Seller shall consent to the Buyer entering into [***] provided the following conditions are met:

a)[***], and
b)[***], and

4.3    Should the Buyer enter into an [***].

4.4    For clarity, this Clause 4 shall not apply to (i) [***]; (ii) [***]; (iii) [***]; (iv) [***], and (v) [***].

5    [***]

5.1    Clause 5.1 of Amendment No. 13 to the Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following:


5.1    [***]



5.2    Clause 5.3 of Amendment No. 13 to the Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety. The Buyer acknowledges [***] in accordance with the terms of such Clause 5.3.


6.1    Clause 0.1 of the Agreement is hereby amended to add the following defined terms:

ABC Legislation means any law, regulation, embargo or restrictive measure (in each case having force of law) imposed by the United Nations, the United States of America, the European Union,

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the United Kingdom, any other country or any official institution or agency of any of the foregoing, in relation to anti-money laundering, anti-corruption, anti-bribery and counter terrorism financing.

Applicable Legislation” means any ABC Legislation to which the relevant Party may be subject.

KYC Procedures means any applicable “know your customer” due diligence, including, anti-money laundering, anti-corruption, anti-bribery, counter terrorism financing, sanctions or other similar checks and procedures, whether resulting from any internal requirement of the Seller or from the operation of any Applicable Legislation.

Sanctions Authority” means the Government of the United States of America (including, without limitation, the Department of State, the Department of Commerce and the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of the Treasury), the United Nations, the European Union, the United Kingdom or the government of any country with jurisdiction over the Seller and/or Buyer, whereby applicable jurisdiction is determined by the country in which each Party is organized or does business.

Sanctions Event” has the meaning set out in Clause 23.2.

Sanctions and Export Control Laws” means any laws or regulations which impose economic, trade or other restrictive measures or, export, re-export licenses or other authorisations in each case issued and enforced by a Sanctions Authority.

Sanctioned Person” means:
a)any natural or legal person in any list of sanctioned persons of any Sanctions Authority; or
b)any natural or legal person directly or indirectly owned or Controlled by any one or several person(s) designated under (a) above.

6.2    The following Clause 23 is hereby added to the Agreement:



    For the purpose of this Clause 23, any reference to an “Affiliate” shall be deemed to include the directors, officers, agents, employees, representatives and subcontractors of such Affiliate.

23.1    Compliance

    Each Party shall, at its own cost, comply (and shall ensure that its directors, officers, agents, employees and its Affiliates comply) with its Applicable Legislation and with its obligations under this Clause 23.

    Each Party shall provide to the other any information that such Party may reasonably request from time to time in order to comply with the KYC Procedures (including information relating to such

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Party’s corporate structure and ultimate beneficial ownership, and such Party’s sources of financing).

    Each Party hereby represents and warrants to the other that neither it nor any of its Affiliates (or any person associated with such Party or such Affiliate) has, as at the date hereof, paid, given, offered or received or agreed to pay, give, offer or receive any improper or illegal benefit (including in the form of any fee, commission, payment, salary, sponsorship, gift or other consideration) to and/or from any natural or legal person in connection with the entering into or the performance of this Agreement (an “Improper Benefit”).

    Each Party undertakes that it will not pay, give, offer or receive or agree to pay, give, offer or receive any Improper Benefit.

    The Parties hereby agree that if, in relation to this Agreement, a Party is found guilty of, or admits to, or enters into a settlement relating to, in each case, granting or receiving an Improper Benefit further to legal proceedings under any Applicable Legislation in respect of an Improper Benefit, the other Party may terminate all or part of this Agreement without any liability towards the first Party.

23.2    Sanctions and Export Control

    Each Party represents to the other as at the date hereof that neither it nor any of its Affiliates is a Sanctioned Person and undertakes at all times to conduct its business in compliance with all applicable Sanctions and Export Control Laws of the jurisdiction(s) in which it is organized or operates in performance of its obligations under this Agreement.

    If, at any time following the signature of this Agreement, (i) a Party or any of its Affiliates becomes a Sanctioned Person or (ii) the performance of a Party’s obligations under this Agreement would constitute a breach of Sanctions and Export Control Laws (each a “Sanctions Event”), then the affected Party shall promptly notify the other Party and the Parties shall, to the extent permitted by applicable Sanctions and Export Control Laws, consult with each other with a view to mitigating the effects of such Sanctions Event. During such consultation:

a)in the case of paragraph (i) above, the Party that has not become a Sanctioned Person; and

b)in the case of paragraph (ii) above, the Party whose performance under this Agreement would constitute a breach of Sanctions and Export Control laws,

    shall, in each case, have the right to suspend the performance of its obligations under this Agreement at any time following the occurrence of a Sanctions Event.

    If performance of the obligations of the Parties cannot be lawfully resumed within a period of eighteen (18) months after the occurrence of a Sanctions Event which is continuing, then the Party described in subclause (a) or (b), in its sole discretion, may terminate this Agreement at any time without any liability towards the other Party, upon notice to the other Party.

    The Buyer undertakes to use each Aircraft exclusively for the purposes of commercial aviation and that, unless authorised by applicable Sanctions and Export Control Laws, it will not directly or

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indirectly sell, import, export, re-export, lease, sublease or operate the Aircraft: (a) to or in any country or destination which is the subject of commercial, economic or financial restrictions pursuant to any applicable Sanctions and Export Control Laws and/or (b) to any Sanctioned Person.

23.3    Buyer’s Account for Payments

    The Buyer shall pay any applicable Predelivery Payments, the Balance of the Final Price and any other amount owed by the Buyer to the Seller hereunder from the following Buyer’s account (the “Buyer’s Account”), and any payments to be made by the Seller to the Buyer shall be made to the same account:

Beneficiary Name:    JetBlue Airways Corporation
Account identification:    Tax ID – [*]
with:    [*]
SWIFT:    [*]
IBAN:    [*]
ABA:    [*]
Full address of bank:    [*]



    The Agreement will be deemed amended to the extent herein provided, and, except as specifically amended hereby, will continue in full force and effect in accordance with its original terms. This Amendment contains the entire agreement between the Buyer and the Seller with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any previous understandings, commitments, or representations whatsoever, whether oral or written, related to the subject matter of this Amendment.

    Both parties agree that this Amendment will constitute an integral, nonseverable part of the Agreement and will be governed by its provisions, except that if the Agreement and this Amendment have specific provisions that are inconsistent, the specific provisions contained in this Amendment will govern.

    This Amendment will become effective upon its execution.


This Amendment is subject to the confidentiality provisions set forth in Clause 22.10 of the Agreement.


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Notwithstanding any other provision of this Amendment or of the Agreement, this Amendment will not be assigned or transferred in any manner without the prior written consent of the other party, and any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the provisions of this Clause 9 will be void and of no force or effect.


This Amendment may be executed by the parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument.


This Amendment is subject to the Interpretation and Law provisions set forth in Clause 22.6 of the Agreement.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have entered into this Amendment by their respective officers or agents as of the date first above written.


By: /s/ Ursula L/ Hurley By: /s/ Paul Domejean

Its: Chief Financial Officer Its: Head of Transaction Offerings

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Appendix 1
Amendment No. 18

Amended and Restated
Schedule 1

[Delivery Schedule]


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