證券交易委員會 及交易所
日程 14A資訊
交易所 1934年法案
由申請人提交 ☒
由其他當事方提交 ☐ 的申請
☐ 初步委託書咨詢
☐ 保密,僅供委員會使用(根據第14a-6(e)(2)條規定)
☒ 決定性代理聲明書
☐ 決定性額外材料
☐ 依據§240.14a-12條規的招募文件
SOLUNA 控股公司。
(除註冊人外) 提交委任書的人的名字
付款 申請費 (勾選適當方框):
☒ 無需支付費用
☐ 按照《交易所法》第14a-6(i)(1)條和0-11條下表計算的費用
(1) | 交易適用的每個證券類別的標題: | |
(2) | 交易適用的證券總數: | |
(3) | 每單位價格或根據《交換法》規則0-11計算的交易基礎價值(列明計算申報費用的金額並說明如何決定): | |
(4) | 交易的預計最大總價值: | |
(5) | 總計 已支付的費用: | |
☐ 之前支付了初步材料费用。
☐ 如根據《交易法》條例0-11(a)(2)規定,任何費用的部分已被抵消,並識別之前支付抵消費用的申報。請用登記聲明編號或表格或附表以及其申報日期來識別先前的申報。
(1) | 金額 先前付款: | |
(2) | 表格、計劃或註冊聲明編號: | |
(3) | 申報方: | |
(4) | 日期 提交: | |
支付 報費(勾選所有適用的框):
☒ 無需支付費用
☐ 以初步材料支付的费用已经支付
☐ 根據交易所法規14(a)-6(i)(1)和0-11條規定所需的附件表中計算的費用。
SOLUNA 控股公司。
325 華盛頓大道展延
紐約州奧爾巴尼, 12205
致Soluna Holdings, Inc.的股東:
謹此通知,Soluna Holdings, Inc.,一家內華達州公司(“公司”)的股東將於2024年11月15日美東時間上午10:00舉行特別股東大會(“特別會議”)。特別會議將完全以虛擬形式進行。您將能夠透過訪問www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/SLNH2024Sm並輸入代理卡上包含的16位控制號碼(“代理卡”)在特別會議的網絡直播期間參加特別會議、投票、提問以及查閱我們的股東名冊。在特別會議上,我們將要求股東考慮並執行以下事項:
1. | 批准根據2024年8月12日與YA II PN,LTD.(“投資者”)簽訂的現金股票購買協議(“SEPA”)以及根據證券購買協議(“Series b Amendment”)的修訂,以及與公司優先轉換B系列可轉換優先股持有人簽署的指定證書,以批准我們的普通股的預留和發行,假如在SEPA和Series b Amendment下的發行可能超過公司總流通股的20%,這可能觸發納斯達克股票市場規則5635(d)條的股份發行上限(“交易所上限”); | |
2. | 批准對Soluna Holdings,Inc.修訂和重簽2021年股權激勵計劃的修正案;和 | |
3. | 批准特別股東大會的休會,如有必要,以繼續徵求對第1至第2提案的投票。 |
傑西卡·托馬斯 | |
傑西卡 L. 托馬斯 | |
公司 秘書 |
紐約州奧爾巴尼 紐約
重要的是您的股份在特別股東大會上得到代表並投票。 無論您是否打算在虛擬方式出席會議,都請根據隨附的代理卡上的說明投票。 代理卡可以撤銷,如果您出席並在特別股東大會上投票並以"親自"方式投票,或以其他方式通知您的撤銷,代理卡將不會被使用。
SOLUNA 控股公司。
325 華盛頓大道展延
紐約州奧爾巴尼, 12205
代理人 聲明書
本代理聲明(以下簡稱“代理聲明”)是為了請求Soluna Holdings, Inc.(以下簡稱“公司”、“我們”或“我們”)的董事會(以下簡稱“董事會”)委託代表投票,以在2024年11月15日上午10點(美東時間)舉行的公司股東特別大會(以下簡稱“特別大會”)上投票而提供的。
記錄 日期和表決證券
重要 有關股東股東會代理材料的通知 將於11月15日舉行, 2024.
特別會議通知和代理聲明可在www.proxyvote.com上獲得。 |
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1. | 為什麼 我會收到這些資料? |
2. | 特別會議的目的是什麼? |
1. | 批准根據2024年8月12日與YA II PN,LTD.(“投資者”)簽訂的現金股票購買協議(“SEPA”)以及根據證券購買協議(“Series b Amendment”)的修訂,以及與公司優先轉換B系列可轉換優先股持有人簽署的指定證書,以批准我們的普通股的預留和發行,假如在SEPA和Series b Amendment下的發行可能超過公司總流通股的20%,這可能觸發納斯達克股票市場規則5635(d)條的股份發行上限(“交易所上限”); | |
2. | 批准對Soluna Holdings, Inc. 2021年修訂后的股票激勵計劃進行修訂; | |
3. | 批准特別股東大會的休會,如有必要,以繼續徵求對第1至第2提案的投票。 |
3. | 誰 可以在特別會議上投票? |
4. | 我的投票權是什麼? |
5. | 如何投票? |
如果您是Record Date之後的股東,您可以通過在現場網絡轉播期間提交一張選票,在線通過訪問www.proxyvote.com並按照提供的說明操作,通過致電1-800-690-6903並按照錄製的說明操作或者郵寄,填寫,簽署,注明日期並及時將附寄的Proxy Card寄回隨附的預先地址,郵資已付的信封。
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6. | 我怎麼改變我的選票? |
● | 通過向我們的秘書提交書面撤銷; | |
● | 簽署並交付一份日期較晚的代理書, | |
● | 透過互聯網或電話再次進行投票;或 | |
● | 透過在特別會議現場網絡直播提交選票進行虛擬投票。 除非您在會議上再次投票或明確要求書面撤銷,否則您出席特別會議將不會自動撤銷您的代理權。 |
7. | 在哪裡 我什麼時候能夠找到投票的結果? |
8. | 特別會議在哪裡舉行? |
9. | 我該如何參加這次特別會議? |
代理人; 代理人的投票
● | 透過參加該網址www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/SLNH2024Sm的直播網頁觀看特別會議並按照有關指示進行電子投票; | |
● | 透過前往www.proxyvote.com並按照提供的指示進行線上投票; | |
● | 撥打1-800-690-6903進行電話投票並按照錄音指示進行;或 | |
● | 透過投票、簽名並及時寄出您的代理卡郵寄方式進行投票。 |
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吊銷 代理權
每位提供代表權的股東在被該代表權所代表的股份投票之前隨時有權撤銷該代表權。代表權可以在行使前通過:(i) 通過互聯網、電話或郵件執行和遞交晚於前面的日期的代表權;(ii) 在特別股東大會前向我們秘書遞交撤銷代表權的書面通知;或者 (iii) 登錄特別股東大會的現場網絡廣播並按照特別股東大會的指示投票。請注意,股東參加特別股東大會的現場網絡廣播本身並不會撤銷該股東的代表權。
如果 您的股份以「街名」持有,如下標題「受益人:股份註冊在經紀人、銀行或其他提名人名下」所述,您必須聯繫您的經紀人、銀行或其他提名人,以撤銷任何先前的投票指示。
有益 擁有人:股份登記在經紀人、銀行或其他提名人名下
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如果在股東名冊記錄日期,您的投票資本股股份存放在經紀人、銀行或其他代名人的賬戶中,則您是以"街名"名義持有的股份的受益人,並且代理材料是由該組織轉交給您。 持有您的帳戶的組織被認為是記錄持有人。作為受益所有人,您可以指示您的經紀人、銀行或代名人如何投票您帳戶中的股份,或者可以在特別股東大會上使用您的投票指示表上包含的16位數控制號碼或由持有您股份的組織提供的其他方式進行"表決"(提供指示)。
法定人数 和计票方法
出席股東人數(親自或代理人)佔已發行普通股總數的33 1/3% 以上,方視為特別會議召開之法定人數。假設有法定人數出席,則特別會議所提案須得我們已發行普通股出席股東中,以親自或代理人出席並對第1、2、3議案投票者,以肯定或否定投票,取得出席股東過半數的肯定票方為通過。您可對這些提案投票「贊成」、「反對」或「棄權」。棄權票和代理商未投票並不影響這些提案的投票結果。
特別會議將於2024年11月15日上午10:00(東部時間)通過互聯網現場舉行,網址為www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/SLNH2024Sm。 您將無法親自出席會議。特別會議的參與和出席僅限於我們截至2024年10月15日業務收盤時的股東 記錄,以及持有有效代理參加特別會議的其他人。線上訪問 將於2024年11月15日上午9:45(東部時間)開始,我們鼓勵您在開始時間之前訪問特別會議。 進入www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/SLNH2024Sm的特別會議,您必須輸入包括 在您的代理卡上或者對於以“街道名稱”持有的股份的有利擁有人,“有利擁有人 :股份註冊在經紀商,銀行或其他提名人名下”下討論的內容。如果您遇到困難 訪問虛擬會議,請撥打即將張貼的技術支援號碼 www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/SLNH2024SM.
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股東 將有機會透過線上平台在特別大會期間提問。您可以登錄虛擬會議平台www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/SLNH2024Sm,輸入問題到“賣盤”欄位並點擊“提交”。僅會議相關問題將在特別大會期間回答,但需考慮時間限制。涉及個人事務或不相關於特別大會的問題將不予回覆。 如果我們收到類似的問題,我們將將它們合併在一起避免重複。如果有與會相關問題無法在大會期間回答,因為時間限制,我們將在https://www.solunacomputing.com/investors張貼對其中一組此類問題的回答,盡快提供問題與答案。
一些銀行、經紀商和其他提名記錄持有人可能參與“合併”代理陳述的做法。這意味著我們向股東發送的股東代理陳述只寄送了一份副本給分享同一地址的多個股東,除非我們收到相反的指示。在書面或口頭請求後,我們將立即向任何股東發送這兩個文件的單獨副本。請通過郵寄請求至:Soluna Holdings, Inc.,ATTN:投資者關係部,325 Washington Avenue Extension,Albany,紐約12205;通過電子郵件:hello@soluna.io或通過電話:(516) 216-9257。任何想要在未來收到我們代理聲明的獨立副本的股東,或任何正在收到多份副本並希望在將來只收到一份副本的股東,應聯繫他們的銀行、經紀人或其他提名記錄持有者,或直接與我們聯繫上面列出的地址、電子郵件地址或電話號碼。
代理 拉票支出
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建議 第1號
2024年8月12日,公司與開曼群島免稅有限合夥企業YA II PN,LTD.(以下簡稱「投資者」)簽訂了待售股權購買協議(Standby Equity Purchase Agreement,“SEPA”),根據協議,公司有權在SEPA的有效期內向該投資者出售最多2500萬美元的普通股,但受SEPA中設定的某些限制和條件的約束,公司不時可根據SEPA出售普通股。SEPA中的這些條件要求Series b股票持有人的同意並修改與該持有人的某些協議。為獲得此等同意,公司同意將Series b股票的轉換價格從每股135.25美元調整為每股5美元,並發行有效期五年的認股權證,以購買額外的14萬股普通股,行使價為每股0.01美元。由於Series b修正案與SEPA相關,根據股東批准,SEPA下可發行的普通股與SEPA下可發行的股票整合在一起並受納斯達克交易所交易所股份上限規則的股東批准,請參見下文。
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SEPA將自動於以下兩者中最早發生的日期終止:(i) SEPA執行日期滿24個月週年紀念日;或者(ii) 公司依SEPA已完全發行預付款。 公司有權在提前五(5)個交易日書面通知投資者的情況下免費或無罰金地終止SEPA,前提是沒有需要發行普通股份的預付款通知。
The net proceeds under the SEPA to the Company will depend on the frequency and prices at which Common Stock is sold. The Company expects that proceeds received from such sales will be used primarily for working capital and general corporate purposes.
Reasons for Financing
We believe that the SEPA transaction provides necessary additional sources of capital to the Company. The proceeds that we expect to receive from this transaction will allow the Company to fund its business operations. This transaction provides the Company with future flexibility to enhance its liquidity in an opportunistic and efficient manner, and only when the Company deems it to be necessary. We remain focused on creating long-term value for our stockholders, and this transaction will allow us to be strategic in how we access and deploy capital primarily in support of the ongoing development and distribution of our products.
Reasons for the Stockholder Approval
Our Common Stock is listed on Nasdaq, and as a result, we are subject to the Nasdaq Listing Rules. In order to comply with the Nasdaq Listing Rules, we are seeking stockholder approval of this proposal to potentially sell additional shares of Common Stock above the Exchange Cap.
Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d) requires stockholder approval prior to the issuance of securities in connection with a transaction other than a public offering involving the sale, issuance or potential issuance of common stock (or securities convertible into or exercisable for common stock) in an amount equal to 20% or more of the common stock or 20% or more of the voting power outstanding before the issuance at a price less than the “Minimum Price.” The Minimum Price is defined as the lower of (i) the closing price of the common stock immediately preceding the signing of the sale agreement or (ii) the average closing price of the common stock for the five trading days immediately preceding the signing of the sale agreement.
Accordingly, we are seeking stockholder approval under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d) for the sale, issuance or potential issuance by us of Common Stock (or securities convertible into or exercisable for our Common Stock) in excess of 20% of the shares of our Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to the SEPA at an exercise price less than the Minimum Price in connection with the SEPA and the Series B Amendment.
Consequences of Not Approving this Proposal
The Board is not seeking the approval of our stockholders to authorize our entry into the SEPA. The SEPA has already been executed and delivered, and the closing of the SEPA has occurred. The failure of our stockholders to approve this proposal will mean that the issuance of shares of Common Stock in accordance with the SEPA and the associated Series B Amendment will be limited to an amount up to the Exchange Cap and we will not be able to realize the full benefit of this important financing transaction.
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Additional Information
We intend this summary to provide you with basic information concerning the SEPA and associated Registration Rights Agreement. The full text of the SEPA and Registration Rights Agreement are filed as exhibits to our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on September 9, 2024. The full text of the Series B Amendment and the associated amendment to the Certificate of Designation for the Series B Stock are filed as exhibits to our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on October 3, 2024.
Required Vote
The affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of our Voting Capital Stock present in person or represented by proxy at the Special Meeting and casting votes affirmatively or negatively thereon is required for approval of Proposal No. 1. You may vote “FOR,” “AGAINST,” or “ABSTAIN” on this proposal. Abstentions and broker non-votes will not affect the outcome of voting on this proposal.
Board Recommendation
Our Board of Directors recommends a vote “FOR” the approval of Proposal No. 1.
We currently maintain the 2021 Stock Incentive Plan (the “2021 Plan” or “Plan”) and believe that the Plan is an important part of attracting, retaining and incentivizing highly qualified employees (“Eligible Participants”) and provides incentives that align the economic interests of plan participants with those of our stockholders. The 2021 Plan was adopted on February 12, 2021 and has been amended and restated on October 29, 2021, May 27, 2022, March 10, 2023, and May 30, 2024.
The Board is requesting that you approve an amendment to the Plan. Under the Plan, the number of shares of common stock available for awards is limited to 18.75% of the number of Common Shares outstanding as of the first trading day of each quarter. The amendments to the Plan would change this limitation to 22.75% from the first quarter of our fiscal year ending December 31, 2025 through the second quarter of our fiscal year ending December 31, 2027. However, under the amendment to the Plan, effective at the end of the second quarter of our fiscal year ending December 31, 2027 the percentage will revert to 18.75% of the number of Common Shares outstanding as of the first trading day of each quarter. The text of the amendment is attached as Annex A to this Proxy statement.
The number of shares available for awards under the 2021 Plan under the current calculation and also under the amended Plan, based upon the outstanding shares of 7,649,478 on September 30, 2024, are 698,176 and 1,185,670,_respectively.
The Board and management are of the opinion that this number will not be sufficient in the short to medium term to attract, retain and incentivize talented and highly qualified employees, which has been exacerbated by our expansion into the AI business through Soluna Cloud. Our calculations suggest that it is prudent to replenish the share reserve at this time. Without the additional shares, we would need to make larger cash payments to Eligible Participants. Cash rewards are unlikely to align them and stockholders in the same way that equity grants will. To enable us to continue offering meaningful equity-based incentives to Eligible Participants, the Board believes that it is both necessary and appropriate to increase the number of shares of Common Stock available for these purposes.
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Accordingly, we are asking our stockholders to approve the proposed amendments of the Plan as described above. Each of the Plans’ provisions regarding the limitation on the number of shares available for awards is identical and revised as follows:
Share Reserve and Limitation of Grants.
Subject to certain adjustments as provided herein, the maximum aggregate number of Common Shares available for awards hereunder that may be issued hereunder (excluding the number of Common Shares subject to Specified Awards (as hereinafter defined)) after giving effect to the issuance of Common Shares (i) pursuant to the exercise of Options, (ii) as unrestricted Common Shares or Restricted Common Stock, and (iii) in settlement of RSUs shall be limited to, beginning with (x) the first quarter of our fiscal year ending December 31, 2023 (or January 1, 2023) and continuing through our fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, 18.75% of the number of Common Shares outstanding as of the first trading day of each quarter in such period; (y) the first quarter of our fiscal year ending December 31, 2025 (or January 1, 2025) and continuing through the second quarter of our fiscal year ending December 31, 2027, 22.75% of the number of Common Shares outstanding as of the first trading day of each quarter in such period; and (z) the second quarter of our fiscal year ending December 31, 2027 (or July 1, 2027), 18.75% of the number of Common Shares outstanding as of the first trading day of each quarter. Subject to certain adjustments as provided herein, the maximum aggregate number of Preferred Shares that may be issued hereunder as unrestricted Preferred Shares or Restricted Preferred Stock shall equal $3,600,000 valued as of the Effective Date (as hereinafter defined) determined at the average of the daily volume weighted average price of the Preferred Shares on Nasdaq (as hereinafter defined) as reported by Bloomberg L.P. for each trading day during the period of thirty days ending on the Effective Date. Subject to certain adjustments as provided herein, (A) Common Shares and Preferred Shares subject to this Plan shall include Common Shares and Preferred Shares which reverted back to this Plan pursuant to Section 4(b) below in a prior quarter or fiscal year, as applicable, and (B) the number of Common Shares and Preferred Shares that may be issued under this Plan may never be less than the number of Common Shares or Preferred Shares that are then outstanding under (or available to settle existing) Awards. For purposes of determining the number of Common Shares or Preferred Shares available under this Plan, Common Shares or Preferred Shares withheld by the Company to satisfy applicable tax withholding or exercise price obligations pursuant to Section 10(e) of this Plan shall be deemed issued under this Plan.
Required Vote
The affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of our Voting Capital Stock present in person or represented by proxy at the Special Meeting and casting votes affirmatively or negatively thereon is required for approval of Proposal No. 2. You may vote “FOR,” “AGAINST,” or “ABSTAIN” on this proposal. Abstentions and broker non-votes will not affect the outcome of voting on this proposal.
Board Recommendation
Our Board of Directors recommends a vote “FOR” the approval of Proposal No. 2.
If we fail to receive enough votes to approve Proposal Nos. 1 and 2, we may propose to adjourn the Special Meeting. We currently do not intend to propose adjournment at the Special Meeting if there we receive enough votes to approve Proposal Nos. 1 and 2.
Required Vote
The affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of our Voting Capital Stock present in person or represented by proxy at the Special Meeting and casting votes affirmatively or negatively thereon is required for approval of Proposal No. 3. You may vote “FOR,” “AGAINST,” or “ABSTAIN” on this proposal. Abstentions and broker non-votes will not affect the outcome of voting on this proposal.
Board Recommendation
Our Board of Directors recommends a vote “FOR” the approval of Proposal No. 3.
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The following table sets forth certain information regarding shares of Common Stock beneficially owned as of October 15, 2024, for (i) each stockholder known to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of our outstanding shares of Common Stock, (ii) each named executive officer and director, and (iii) all executive officers and directors as a group. A person is considered to beneficially own any shares over which such person, directly or indirectly, exercises sole or shared voting or investment power.
Name of Beneficial Owner(2) | Number(2) | Percent of Class(1) | ||||||
Executive Officers | ||||||||
Michael Toporek(4)(9) | 959,936 | 12.0 | % | |||||
John Belizaire(14) | 335,487 | 4.2 | % | |||||
Jessica L. Thomas(3) | 29,391 | * | ||||||
John Tunison.(13) | 106,756 | 1.3 | % | |||||
Mary Jennifer O’Reilly(15) | 81,744 | 1.0 | % | |||||
Non-Employee Directors | ||||||||
Matthew E. Lipman(6)(9) | 231,680 | 2.9 | % | |||||
William P. Phelan(12) | 119,370 | 1.5 | % | |||||
Thomas J. Marusak(7) | 103,307 | 1.3 | % | |||||
Edward R. Hirshfield(5) | 80,842 | 1.0 | % | |||||
William Hazelip(11) | 80,556 | 1.0 | % | |||||
John Bottomley(10) | 81,136 | 1.0 | % | |||||
David C. Michaels (8) | 125,455 | 1.6 | % | |||||
All current directors and executive officer as a group (12 persons) | 27.3 | % |
* Less than 1%
(1) | Based on 8,014,058 shares of Common Stock outstanding on October 15, 2024, and, with respect to each individual holder, rights to acquire shares of Common Stock exercisable within 60 days of October 15, 2024. |
(2) | Unless otherwise indicated, each of the stockholders has sole voting and investment power with respect to the shares of Common Stock beneficially owned by the stockholder. |
(3) | Includes 400 restricted stock units representing shares of Common Stock, which shall vest in two equal installments of 50% on December 1, 2023 and December 1, 2024 , in each case subject to the reporting person remaining in the service of our company on each such vesting date. Includes 500 shares of Common Stock issuable to Ms. Thomas upon exercise of stock options exercisable within 60 days of October 15, 2024. Includes 14,279 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 33% on June 1, 2024, 33% on June 1, 2025, and 34% on June 1, 2026, in each case subject to the reporting person remaining in the service of the Company on each such vesting date. Includes 12,012 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 33% on September 1, 2025, 33% on September 1, 2026, and 34% on September 1, 2027, in each case subject to the reporting person remaining in the service of the Company on each such vesting date. |
(4) | Includes 300 shares of Common Stock issuable to Mr. Toporek upon exercise of stock options exercisable as of October 15, 2024. Includes 809,636 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 100% upon the reporting person’s separation from the Company. Also includes 150,000 shares of Common Stock owned by Mr. Toporek indirectly pursuant to his position with Brookstone XXIV and/or its affiliates. |
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(5) | Excludes 246 of 820 restricted stock units representing shares of Common Stock, which shall vest as follows: 37% vest 12 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2023, 33% vest 24 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2024, and 30% vest 36 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2025, in each case subject to Mr. Hirshfield remaining in the service of our company on each such vesting date. Includes 300 shares of Common Stock issuable to Mr. Hirshfield upon exercise of stock options exercisable within 60 days of October 15, 2024. Includes 53,113 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 100% upon the reporting person’s separation from the Company. Includes 14,423 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 33% on June 1, 2025, 33% on June 1, 2026, and 34% on June 1, 2027, in each case subject to the reporting person remaining in the service of the Company on each such vesting date. Includes 12,132 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 33% on September 1, 2025, 33% on September 1, 2026, and 34% on September 1, 2027, in each case subject to the reporting person remaining in the service of the Company on each such vesting date. |
(6) | Excludes 246 of 820 restricted stock units representing shares of Common Stock, which shall vest as follows: 37% vest 12 months from the date of the grant, or January 14, 2023, 33% vest 24 months from the date of the grant, or January 14, 2024, and 30% vest 36 months from the date of the grant, or January 14, 2025, in each case subject to Mr. Lipman remaining in the service of our company on each such vesting date. Excludes 246 of 820 restricted stock units, which shall vest as follows: 37% vest 12 months from the grant date, or January 26, 2023, 33% vest 24 months from the grant date, or January 26, 2024, and 30% vest 36 months from the grant date, or January 26, 2025, in each case subject to Mr. Lipman remaining in the service of our company on each such vesting date. Includes 300 shares of Common Stock issuable to Mr. Lipman upon exercise of stock options exercisable within 60 days of October 15, 2024. Includes 79,668 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 100% upon the reporting person’s separation from the Company. Also includes 150,000 shares of Common Stock owned by Mr. Lipman indirectly pursuant to his position with Brookstone Partners XXIV and/or its affiliates. |
(7) | Excludes 492 of 1,640 restricted stock units representing shares of Common Stock, which shall vest 12 months from the date of the grant, or January 14, 2023, 33% vest 24 months from the date of the grant, or January 14, 2024, and 30% vest 36 months from the date of the grant, or January 14, 2025, in each case subject to Mr. Marusak remaining in the service of our company on each such vesting date. Includes 125 shares of Common Stock issuable to Mr. Marusak upon exercise of stock options exercisable within 60 days of October 15, 2024. Includes 50,610 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 33% on June 1, 2024, 33% on June 1, 2025, and 34% on June 1, 2026, in each case subject to the reporting person remaining in the service of the Company on each such vesting date. Includes 42,568 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 33% on September 1, 2025, 33% on September 1, 2026, and 34% on September 1, 2027, in each case subject to the reporting person remaining in the service of the Company on each such vesting date. |
(8) | Excludes 492 of 1,640 restricted stock units representing shares of Common Stock, which shall vest as follows: 37% vest 12 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2023, 33% vest 24 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2024, and 30% vest 36 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2025, in each case subject to Mr. Michaels remaining in the service of our company on each such vesting date. Includes 1,200 shares of Common Stock issuable to Mr. Michaels upon exercise of stock options exercisable within 60 days of October 15, 2024. Includes 25,309 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock that vested 100% on date of grant of April 15, 2024. Also includes, 93,178 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 100% upon the reporting person’s separation from the Company. |
(9) | Representatives of Brookstone XXIV have provided us the following information: As the Manager of Brookstone XXIV, Brookstone Partners I.A.C. may be deemed to beneficially own the shares of Common Stock owned directly by Brookstone XXIV. Michael Toporek is President of Brookstone Partners I.A.C. and Matthew Lipman is Secretary of Brookstone Partners I.A.C. and share voting and dispositive power over the shares of Common Stock owned by Brookstone XXIV. As a result of the foregoing, in computing the beneficial ownership of all executive officers and directors, as a group, the 150,000 shares of Common Stock owned indirectly by each of Mr. Toporek and Mr. Lipman, as a result of their interests in Brookstone XXIV and/or its affiliates, is only counted once. The address of each of Brookstone XXIV, Brookstone Partners I.A.C., Michael Toporek, and Matthew Lipman is 232 Madison Avenue, Suite 600, New York, New York 10016. |
(10) | Excludes 246 of 820 restricted stock units representing shares of Common Stock, which shall vest as follows: 37% vest 12 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2023, 33% vest 24 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2024, and 30% vest 36 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2025, in each case subject to Mr. Bottomley remaining in the service of our company on each such vesting date. Excludes 246 of 820 restricted stock units representing shares of Common Stock, which shall vest as follows: 37% vest 12 months from the grant date, or January 26, 2023, 33% vest 24 months from the grant date, or January 26, 2024, and 30% vest 36 months from the grant date, or January 26, 2025, in each case subject to Mr. Bottomley remaining in the service of our company on each such vesting date. Includes 79,668 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 100% upon the reporting person’s separation from the Company. |
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(11) | Excludes 246 of 820 restricted stock units representing shares of Common Stock, which shall vest as follows: 37% vest 12 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2023, 33% vest 24 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2024, and 30% vest 36 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2025, in each case subject to Mr. Hazelip remaining in the service of our company on each such vesting date. Includes 79,668 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 100% upon the reporting person’s separation from the Company. |
(12) | Excludes 726 of 2,420 restricted stock units representing shares of Common Stock, which shall vest as follows: 37% vest 12 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2023, 33% vests 24 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2024, and 30% vest 36 months from the grant date, or January 14, 2025, in each case subject to Mr. Phelan remaining in the service of our company on each such vesting date. Excludes 246 of 820 restricted stock units representing shares of Common Stock, which shall vest as follows: 37% vest 12 months from the grant date, or January 26, 2023, 33% vest 24 months from the grant date, or January 26, 2024, and 30% vest 36 months from the grant date, or January 26, 2025, in each case subject to Mr. Phelan remaining in the service of our company on each such vesting date. Includes 250 shares of Common Stock issuable to Mr. Phelan upon exercise of stock options exercisable within 60 days of October 15, 2024. Includes 106,756 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 100% upon the reporting person’s separation from the Company. |
(13) | Mr. Tunison was appointed Chief Financial Officer of the Company on April 8, 2024 and was granted 57,987 restricted stock awards of Common Stock which will vest 33% on June 1, 2025, 33% on June 1, 2026, and 34% on June 1,2027, in each case subject to the reporting person remaining in the service of the issuer on each such vesting date. Also includes 48,769 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 33% on September 1, 2025, 33% on September 1, 2026, and 34% on September 1, 2027, in each case subject to the reporting person remaining in the service of the Company on each such vesting date. |
(14) | Includes 1,123 shares of restricted Common Stock awards held by Mr. Belizaire that are subject to forfeiture, and will vest on November 1, 2024. Includes 181,294 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 33% on June 1, 2024, 33% on June 1, 2025, and 34% on June 1, 2026, in each case subject to the reporting person remaining in the service of the Company on each such vesting date. Includes 152,043 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 33% on September 1, 2025, 33% on September 1, 2026, and 34% on September 1, 2027, in each case subject to the reporting person remaining in the service of the Company on each such vesting date |
(15) | Includes 480 restricted stock units representing shares of Common Stock, which shall vest in two equal installments of 50% on December 1, 2023 and December 1, 2024, in each case subject to the reporting person remaining in the service of our company on each such vesting date. Includes 43,271 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 33% on June 1, 2024, 33% on June 1, 2025, and 34% on June 1, 2026, in each case subject to the reporting person remaining in the service of the Company on each such vesting date. Includes 36,397 restricted stock awards representing shares of Common Stock, which will vest 33% on September 1, 2025, 33% on September 1, 2026, and 34% on September 1, 2027, in each case subject to the reporting person remaining in the service of the Company on each such vesting date. |
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Stockholders who wish to communicate with our Board, or a particular director, may send a letter to our Secretary at 325 Washington Avenue Extension, Albany, New York 12205. The mailing envelope must contain a clear notation indicating that the enclosed letter is a “Stockholder-Board Communication.” All such letters must identify the author as a stockholder and clearly state whether the intended recipients are all members of our Board or certain specified individual directors. The Secretary will make copies of all such letters and circulate them to the appropriate director or directors.
In order to be included in the proxy materials for our annual meeting of stockholders to be held in 2025, stockholder proposals submitted to us in compliance with SEC Rule 14a-8 (which concerns stockholder proposals that are requested to be included in a company’s proxy statement) must be received by us at our offices, 325 Washington Avenue Extension, Albany, New York 12205 on or before December 14, 2024. We suggest that proponents submit their proposals by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to our Secretary.
With respect to stockholder proposals to be submitted outside the Rule 14a-8 process for consideration at the 2025 annual meeting of stockholders, if we do not receive notice of any such proposal to be presented at the 2024 annual meeting of stockholders on or before February 28, 2025, the proxies designated by our Board will have discretionary authority to vote on any such proposal. In addition, stockholders who intend to solicit proxies in support of director nominees other than our nominees must also comply with the additional requirements of Rule 14a-19(b).
We do not know of any matters that will be brought before the Special Meeting other than those specifically set forth in the notice thereof. If any other matter properly comes before the meeting for which we did not receive notice by October 15, 2024, however, it is intended that the shares represented by proxies will be voted with respect thereto in accordance with the best judgment of the person voting them.
By Order of the Board of Directors, | |
/s/ Jessica L. Thomas | |
Jessica L. Thomas | |
Chief Accounting Officer and Secretary |
Albany, New York
October 28, 2024
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Annex A
Section 4(a) shall be amended and restated as follows:
Share Reserve and Limitation of Grants. Subject to certain adjustments as provided herein, the maximum aggregate number of Common Shares available for awards hereunder that may be issued hereunder (excluding the number of Common Shares subject to Specified Awards (as hereinafter defined)) after giving effect to the issuance of Common Shares (i) pursuant to the exercise of Options, (ii) as unrestricted Common Shares or Restricted Common Stock, and (iii) in settlement of RSUs shall be limited to, beginning with (x) the first quarter of our fiscal year ending December 31, 2023 (or January 1, 2023) and continuing through our fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, 18.75% of the number of Common Shares outstanding as of the first trading day of each quarter in such period; (y) the first quarter of our fiscal year ending December 31, 2025 (or January 1, 2025) and continuing through the second quarter of our fiscal year ending December 31, 2027, 22.75% of the number of Common Shares outstanding as of the first trading day of each quarter in such period; and (z) the second quarter of our fiscal year ending December 31, 2027 (or July 1, 2027), 18.75% of the number of Common Shares outstanding as of the first trading day of each quarter. Subject to certain adjustments as provided herein, the maximum aggregate number of Preferred Shares that may be issued hereunder as unrestricted Preferred Shares or Restricted Preferred Stock shall equal $3,600,000 valued as of the Effective Date (as hereinafter defined) determined at the average of the daily volume weighted average price of the Preferred Shares on Nasdaq (as hereinafter defined) as reported by Bloomberg L.P. for each trading day during the period of thirty days ending on the Effective Date. Subject to certain adjustments as provided herein, (A) Common Shares and Preferred Shares subject to this Plan shall include Common Shares and Preferred Shares which reverted back to this Plan pursuant to Section 4(b) below in a prior quarter or fiscal year, as applicable, and (B) the number of Common Shares and Preferred Shares that may be issued under this Plan may never be less than the number of Common Shares or Preferred Shares that are then outstanding under (or available to settle existing) Awards. For purposes of determining the number of Common Shares or Preferred Shares available under this Plan, Common Shares or Preferred Shares withheld by the Company to satisfy applicable tax withholding or exercise price obligations pursuant to Section 10(e) of this plan shall be deemed issued under this Plan.
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