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附件 10.18




David McErlane



您的聘用條件,須經catalent 董事會或其薪酬和領導委員會(CLC)批准,內容如下:

職位: 您的職位將是 生物製品集團總裁,位於馬里蘭州巴爾的摩,直接向總裁Alessandro Maselli匯報。您還將成為Catalent執行領導團隊(ELT)的成員。

薪酬: 您的 每兩週 底薪將是20,192美元(年化為 $525,000). Catalent 員工每隔一星期五支付一次薪水,延遲一週(比您完成的最新工作週少一週)。

表現: 績效和基於表現的薪酬會被視為年度流程的一部分進行審查,此程序通常於財政年度最後一季開始,並在接下來的財政年度首季結束。假設您的開始控制項日期仍為2023年9月25日左右,您的第一次薪酬審查可能會在2024年7月1日開始的財政年度流程中發生。

獎勵: Catalent很高興提供一個全面、具競爭力的薪酬計劃,以表揚表現優秀的員工。自您入職的第一天起,您將有資格參加我們的健康、生命、殘障以及401(k)養老儲蓄計劃,以及所有其他通常提供給我們美國員工的計劃和程序。您將在新員工培訓課程中獲得有關這些福利的更多信息。此外,你將收到或有資格參加以下項目:



您有資格參加Catalent的短期激勵計劃,我們稱為管理激勵計劃(MIP)。您的年度激勵目標將是 $420,000。您將有資格在我們2024財政年度(2023年7月1日至2024年6月30日)開始時獲得MIP獎金 本協議書中的任何標點符號、啟動列符號或基於任何形式的柢欄容器,在翻譯時均應維持不變。 ,基於您的入職日期。年度獎金支付根據達成程度決定









為了表彰您的領導地位,我們建議您獲得一項長期獎勵計劃(LTIP)的年度補助,金額等同於 $925,000由於LTIP補助包含股權元件,您的補助需經過CLC的批准。初始補助日期將在您的開始日期後盡快進行。未來幾年,LTIP補助將根據Catalent標準股權補助週期的第一季度進行。 LTIP的所有條款和條件,包括股權成分和相關獎勵協議,將在您入職日期後不久提供給您,並受到您接受特定限制承諾等條件的限制。



入職時,您將獲得 $300,000 現金,作為 報到獎金 獎金。此現金支付將在您入職日期起的24個月內,如您自願離開公司或因原因被解雇,將全額追回且不考慮已支付的稅款。



經CLC批准後,您將獲得一個特別的限制股票單位(RSU)“償還”和 “簽約獎金” 賦予賦予日期值的賦予 $590,000這些RSU的股份將在您的賦予日期的頭三個周年均等分期生效。此賦予將受到類似於年度LTIP獎勵的條款和條件約束,唯獨不符合“65條款”退休福利。






財務規劃: 每個日歷年度,作為ELt的成員,您可以透過使用高盛的財務規劃部門AYCO或您選擇的財務規劃師進行財務規劃。如果選擇自選財務規劃師,您每年的最高退款額為17,000美元,該金額將被視為應稅收入並相應稅收。入職後將提供更多有關財務規劃的詳細資料。

帶薪休假: 加入catalent後,您將獲得八(8)個帶薪公司假期(元旦、MLK日、阵亡将士纪念日、獨立日、勞動節、感恩節及次日、聖誕節)。此外:



您將有資格每年獲得208小時(26天)的日曆年度PTO,本協議書中的任何標點符號、啟動列符號或基於任何形式的柢欄容器,在翻譯時均應維持不變。 在您的第一年內,根據您被僱用的月數,將根據catalent現行公司PTO政策增加PTO福利。 PTO包括假期、病假和個人休假。未使用的PTO可以按照catalent的PTO政策中規定的方式進行結轉。

開始控制項 日期: 您的首個工作日將是2023年9月25日,須具備滿意的背景調查和藥物篩選測試結果。

遣散費: 您將收到一份單獨的解聘信協議,其中規定您有資格獲得等於您年度基本薪水加上MIP目標獎金的解聘福利,須遵守信函協議的條款。

股權擁有: 作為生物製品集團總裁,您將受到catalent的執行股權擁有指引的限制。這些文件可向人力資源部獲取。





要求項目: 符合我們所有catalent人員政策和我們行業的特殊考量,此優惠取決於滿足藥物篩查和背景調查,包括參考核查的滿意完成。



由公司支付的 藥物篩查必須在您開始控制項日期前的30個日歷內完成,並取得可接受的結果。 在接受此優惠後,我們的供應商將透過email向您發送一份樣品聯繫單,該聯繫單是您進行藥物篩查所必需的,並提供如何完成藥物篩查的信息。 若任何條款被法律禁止,又或因法院裁定為無效或無法強制執行,該條款視為經修改後廣泛應用,以符合有效性及可強制性的最大範圍,其無效性或無法強制性,不影響本協議其餘條款的有效性,只要經修改後完整表達各方對於意圖,相對的期望或義務並不遭受實質損害或減少,實際獲得的利益和權利不受侵害。雙方將本著善意協商精神,努力以有效約束替代被禁止,無效或無法強制執行之條款,恢復其原來的效力。此協議書或任何其他交易文件,雙方均不得違反任何適用法律或法規的限制,支付或收取的款項( 包括應按照適用法律被視為“利息”項目之款項) 不得超過任何適用法律所允許的金額。 因此, 如果根據法律最終被判定去支付的任何義務,由任何買方支付的金額,或者由公司或其附屬公司(如適用)支付或應支付的款項或買方根據本協議書收取的款項,被最終的司法裁判認定違反任何這些適用法律,該義務支付、支付或收取被視作買方、公司及其附屬公司之間的相互失誤。被視為已調整其最高金額或利率,作為不受該適用法律禁止之最大金額或利率,並具有追溯效力。該調整將通過減少或退還買方可選擇的利息或根據交易文件支付的任何其他金額來實現。以下是更大的明確性,若依據任何交易文件或相關條款支付給買方的利息、費用、開支或其他任何金額,在適用法律內被視為“利息”或其他適用性詞語,可能而被認為違反適用法律,則該金額必須按照所屬時段進行比例分配。 若任何條款被法律禁止,又或因法院裁定為無效或無法強制執行,該條款視為經修改後廣泛應用,以符合有效性及可強制性的最大範圍,其無效性或無法強制性,不影響本協議其餘條款的有效性,只要經修改後完整表達各方對於意圖,相對的期望或義務並不遭受實質損害或減少,實際獲得的利益和權利不受侵害。雙方將本著善意協商精神,努力以有效約束替代被禁止,無效或無法強制執行之條款,恢復其原來的效力。此協議書或任何其他交易文件,雙方均不得違反任何適用法律或法規的限制,支付或收取的款項( 包括應按照適用法律被視為“利息”項目之款項) 不得超過任何適用法律所允許的金額。 因此, 如果根據法律最終被判定去支付的任何義務,由任何買方支付的金額,或者由公司或其附屬公司(如適用)支付或應支付的款項或買方根據本協議書收取的款項,被最終的司法裁判認定違反任何這些適用法律,該義務支付、支付或收取被視作買方、公司及其附屬公司之間的相互失誤。被視為已調整其最高金額或利率,作為不受該適用法律禁止之最大金額或利率,並具有追溯效力。該調整將通過減少或退還買方可選擇的利息或根據交易文件支付的任何其他金額來實現。以下是更大的明確性,若依據任何交易文件或相關條款支付給買方的利息、費用、開支或其他任何金額,在適用法律內被視為“利息”或其他適用性詞語,可能而被認為違反適用法律,則該金額必須按照所屬時段進行比例分配。 亦會包含離您家庭地址最近的檢測設施聯繫資訊。請務必攜帶該文件的列印本。 若任何條款被法律禁止,又或因法院裁定為無效或無法強制執行,該條款視為經修改後廣泛應用,以符合有效性及可強制性的最大範圍,其無效性或無法強制性,不影響本協議其餘條款的有效性,只要經修改後完整表達各方對於意圖,相對的期望或義務並不遭受實質損害或減少,實際獲得的利益和權利不受侵害。雙方將本著善意協商精神,努力以有效約束替代被禁止,無效或無法強制執行之條款,恢復其原來的效力。此協議書或任何其他交易文件,雙方均不得違反任何適用法律或法規的限制,支付或收取的款項( 包括應按照適用法律被視為“利息”項目之款項) 不得超過任何適用法律所允許的金額。 因此, 如果根據法律最終被判定去支付的任何義務,由任何買方支付的金額,或者由公司或其附屬公司(如適用)支付或應支付的款項或買方根據本協議書收取的款項,被最終的司法裁判認定違反任何這些適用法律,該義務支付、支付或收取被視作買方、公司及其附屬公司之間的相互失誤。被視為已調整其最高金額或利率,作為不受該適用法律禁止之最大金額或利率,並具有追溯效力。該調整將通過減少或退還買方可選擇的利息或根據交易文件支付的任何其他金額來實現。以下是更大的明確性,若依據任何交易文件或相關條款支付給買方的利息、費用、開支或其他任何金額,在適用法律內被視為“利息”或其他適用性詞語,可能而被認為違反適用法律,則該金額必須按照所屬時段進行比例分配。 以及一份政府核發的身份證明文件,一同攜至該設施以進行藥物篩檢。



在您入職前必須完成背景調查,包括參考檢查,並獲得滿意的結果。您將收到一封來自我們供應商的訂單,內含如何完成必要文件以啟動所需的檢查程序並提供授權。 若任何條款被法律禁止,又或因法院裁定為無效或無法強制執行,該條款視為經修改後廣泛應用,以符合有效性及可強制性的最大範圍,其無效性或無法強制性,不影響本協議其餘條款的有效性,只要經修改後完整表達各方對於意圖,相對的期望或義務並不遭受實質損害或減少,實際獲得的利益和權利不受侵害。雙方將本著善意協商精神,努力以有效約束替代被禁止,無效或無法強制執行之條款,恢復其原來的效力。此協議書或任何其他交易文件,雙方均不得違反任何適用法律或法規的限制,支付或收取的款項( 包括應按照適用法律被視為“利息”項目之款項) 不得超過任何適用法律所允許的金額。 因此, 如果根據法律最終被判定去支付的任何義務,由任何買方支付的金額,或者由公司或其附屬公司(如適用)支付或應支付的款項或買方根據本協議書收取的款項,被最終的司法裁判認定違反任何這些適用法律,該義務支付、支付或收取被視作買方、公司及其附屬公司之間的相互失誤。被視為已調整其最高金額或利率,作為不受該適用法律禁止之最大金額或利率,並具有追溯效力。該調整將通過減少或退還買方可選擇的利息或根據交易文件支付的任何其他金額來實現。以下是更大的明確性,若依據任何交易文件或相關條款支付給買方的利息、費用、開支或其他任何金額,在適用法律內被視為“利息”或其他適用性詞語,可能而被認為違反適用法律,則該金額必須按照所屬時段進行比例分配。 在您入職的第一天,您將收到一份Catalent Pharma Solutions的文件並被要求簽署保密協議。






您的第一天工作將收到並被要求簽署Catalent Pharma Solutions的保密協議。 1-9 完成所有前置聘用條件後,將向您發送一份包括接受的工作許可證明文件清單。 聘用前 應急情況。







期限: 與Catalent的僱傭關係沒有明確的時間期限,可以由您或公司隨時或無需通知或理由終止。不應有任何明示或暗示的僱傭合同。

道德: 作為一家建立在一系列核心價值觀基礎上的公司,您將收到catalent 的業務行為標準,並需要在就業開始時簽署合規函,以及之後不時地進行簽署。









/s/ Lisa Evoli

Lisa Evoli



/s/ 大衛·麥克爾恩    


大衛·麥克爾蘭     日期




August 25, 2023

David McErlane

Re: Severance Benefits

Dear David,

This letter will memorialize the severance payments and benefits to which you will be entitled if your employment with Catalent Pharma Solutions, LLC (the “Company”) ceases under specified circumstances. This letter is effective as of September 25, 2023, the date of your commencement of employment.

Specifically, if you separate from employment with the Company because (i) you are involuntarily terminated by the Company for a reason other than Cause (as defined below), (ii) you die or become Disabled (as defined below), or (iii) you resign from your position with the Company for Good Reason (as defined and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth below), you will receive the following severance payments and benefits on account of such separation (subject to applicable withholdings and deductions[, as well as the terms and conditions of payment provided below]):



A severance payment equal to the sum of your annual base salary and target annual cash bonus, payable in equal installments over the one (1) year period following the date of your termination of employment (the “Severance Period”), consistent with the normal payroll practices of the Company; and



If you elect COBRA continuation coverage, you will continue to receive the group health benefits coverage in effect on your termination date (or generally comparable coverage) for yourself and, where applicable, your spouse and eligible dependents (to the extent they were receiving such coverage as of the termination date), at the same premium rates as may be charged from time to time for employees of the Company generally, which coverage shall be provided until the earliest to occur of (x) the expiration of the Severance Period, (y) the date you are or become eligible for coverage under group health plan(s) of any other employer, and (z) the date you are no longer eligible for COBRA continuation coverage. Such continued coverage shall run concurrently with any available COBRA coverage. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing, if the Company determines, in its reasonable judgment, that providing group health benefits in accordance with the preceding provisions of this paragraph would result in a violation of applicable law, the imposition of any penalty under applicable law, or adverse tax consequences for any participant covered by the Company’s group health benefits plans, the Company may terminate such coverage (or reimbursement) and instead pay you taxable cash payments at the same time and in the same amounts as you would be required to pay as premiums to obtain such coverage.

These severance payments and benefits are conditioned on you signing and not revoking the Company’s standard form of release of claims used with Company executives generally (the “Release”) within sixty days of your termination of employment. The first such payment shall begin on the first payroll date following the date you have executed and returned the Release and such Release is no longer subject to revocation; provided further that, if required to avoid additional taxes or penalties under Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) and the rules and regulations thereunder (collectively, “Section 409A”), if the period to return the Release begins in one taxable year and ends in a subsequent taxable year, payment will not commence until the subsequent taxable year, and in all cases the first such payment shall include any amount that would otherwise have been paid between the date of your termination of employment and the first such payment

In addition, your entitlement to the severance payments and benefits are conditioned on your compliance with (a) the non-competition and non- solicitation provisions in each equity grant agreement you execute or have executed in connection with your


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employment or your compensation as a Catalent employee and (b) the confidentiality obligations imposed on you by our Standards of Business Conduct and each equity grant agreement you execute or have executed in connection with your employment or your compensation as a Catalent employee. You acknowledge that neither your employment nor any termination of employment has created or will create any entitlement to these severance payments and benefits other than as set forth in this letter.

For purposes of this letter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:



Cause” means: (i) your willful failure to perform your duties, which failure is not cured within fifteen (15) days following written notice from the Company; (ii) your conviction or confessing to or becoming subject to proceedings that provide a reasonable basis for the Company to believe that you have engaged in a (x) felony, (y) crime involving dishonesty, or (z) crime (A) involving moral turpitude and (B) demonstrably injurious to the Company or its subsidiaries or affiliates; (iii) your willful malfeasance or misconduct that is demonstrably injurious to the Company or its subsidiaries or affiliates; or (iv) material breach by you of any non-competition, non-solicitation or confidentiality obligation in any agreement you execute or have executed in connection with your employment or your compensation as a Catalent employee. For purposes of this definition, no act or failure to act will be deemed “willful” unless effected by you not in good faith.



Change in Control” has the meaning set forth in the Catalent, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan, as may be amended or modified from time to time (or any successor plan) (provided, however, that, if required to avoid additional taxes under Section 409A, in order to be a Change in Control, the transaction must also be a “change in ownership or effective control” or a “change in the ownership of a substantial portion of the assets” under Section 409A).



Disabled” means you become permanently disabled and as a consequence become entitled to receive benefits under the Company’s then-current long-term disability insurance program (provided, however, that, if required to avoid additional taxes under Section 409A, you must also be considered “disabled” under Section 409A).



Good Reason” means, without your consent: (i) a substantial diminution in your position or duties, adverse change in reporting lines, up and down, or assignment of duties materially inconsistent with your position; (ii) a material reduction in your base salary; (iii) failure of the Company to pay you compensation or benefits when due; (iv) the Company’s failure to provide you with an annual bonus opportunity that is at the same level as established in your offer letter dated August 25, 2023 or any subsequent increase in that level made available to you; or (v) you are required to move your principal business location more than fifty (50) miles; in each case, provided that (A) you have given written notice to the Company (which such notice shall describe in reasonable detail the conduct you believe constitutes Good Reason) within sixty (60) days following the occurrence of the event(s) that constitute Good Reason, (B) the Company shall have thirty (30) days to cure such events, and (C) to the extent the Company fails to cure such event within the thirty (30) day cure period, you terminate employment within thirty (30) days after the end of such cure period.

Please note that, with respect to your outstanding equity rights at the time of your termination of employment, your individual grant agreement(s) and the related equity documents set forth the consequences of your termination of employment on such equity rights.

The Company makes no representation regarding the tax implications of the compensation and benefits paid to you hereunder, including, without limitation, the implications under Section 409A. It is intended that this letter and the payments and benefits hereunder will either comply with or be exempt from Section 409A to the extent applicable, and the letter shall be interpreted on a basis consistent with such intent. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing, you are solely responsible for, and neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries or affiliates shall have any liability for, any additional tax, interest, or penalty that may be imposed on you under Section 409A. Notwithstanding anything in this letter to the contrary, in the event that you are deemed to be a “specified employee” within the meaning of Section 409A(a)(2)(8)(i), no payment hereunder that constitutes “deferred compensation” subject to Section 409A shall, to the extent required to avoid additional taxes under Section 409A, be made to you prior to the date that is six (6) months after the date of your “separation from service” (as defined in Section 409A) or, if earlier, your death. Following any applicable six (6) month delay, all such delayed payments will be paid in a single lump sum on the earliest permissible payment date. For purposes hereof, (A) with respect to payments of any amount that is considered to be “deferred compensation” subject to Section 409A, references to “termination of employment” (and substantially similar phrases) shall refer to a “separation from service” within the meaning of Section 409A and (8) your right to receive any installment payment will be treated as a right to receive a series of separate and distinct payments.

Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, if the payments and benefits to be provided to you by the Company (or its subsidiaries or affiliates), whether or not provided hereunder, either alone or together with any other payment or benefit you have a right to receive, would constitute a “parachute payment” under Section 280G of the Code and but for this paragraph would be subject to the excise tax (imposed by Section 4999 of the Code (the “Excise Tax”), then any such payment or benefit to be provided by the Company (or its subsidiaries or affiliates) shall equal either (i) the largest portion of the payments and benefits that would result in no portion of the payments and benefits being subject to the Excise Tax (the “Reduced Amount”) or


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(ii) the full amount of all such payments and benefits, whichever amount, after taking into account all applicable federal, state, and local employment taxes, income taxes and the Excise Tax (all computed at the highest applicable marginal rate), results in your receipt, on an after-tax basis, of the greater amount of the payments and benefits, notwithstanding that all or some portion of the payments and benefits may be subject to the Excise Tax. If a reduction in payments and benefits constituting “parachute payments” is necessary so that the payments and benefits equal the Reduced Amount, the reduction of such payments and/or benefits, if applicable, shall be made as follows, in each case with payments and benefits with a higher “parachute payment” value for purposes of section 280G reduced before payments with a lower value: (i) reduction of payments hereunder, (ii) reduction of vesting acceleration of equity awards; and (iii) reduction of other cash payments. No such reduction shall be made if and to the extent it would result in additional taxes under Section 409A. Any such determination shall be made by a nationally accredited accounting firm chosen by the Company (with the fees and expenses of such firm to be borne by the Company). The determination of the accounting firm shall be binding upon the Company and you.

Your agreement to the terms of this letter supersedes any other oral or written agreement or understanding you may have with the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates (including any predecessor entity) regarding your eligibility for severance payments and benefits.

This letter will be subject to the internal substantive laws, and not the choice of law rules, of the State of Maryland.

Please sign below your agreement to the terms of this letter. This letter may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. Notice under this agreement may be sent to you at any then-current personal physical or email address of yours on file with the Company and notice to us to attention of the CEO at the Company’s principal address.

If you have any question regarding these severance payments and benefits, please feel free to contact me or Steven Fasman at    .

Sincerely yours,


/s/ Lisa Evoli

Lisa Evoli

Senior VP & Chief Human Resources Officer

By signing below, I hereby agree to the terms and conditions of this letter.


/s/ David McErlane    

27 Aug 2023

David McErlane     Date


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