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Hycroft 在Brimstone持續交叉高品位的白銀





WINNEMUCCA, 內華達州,2024年10月24日Hycroft Mining Holding Corporation(納斯達克:HYMC)(“Hycroft”或“該公司”)宣佈來自內華達州Hycroft礦區的2024年勘探鑽井計劃(“鑽井計劃”)的額外鑽井結果,該礦區位於一級礦業管轄區。




就這則資訊公告的補充說明,請加入今天由總裁兼首席執行官Diane R. Garrett和副總裁探勘Alex Davidson主持的線上研討會,日期是10月24日。 在ET下午3點/太平洋時間中午12點。 點擊這裡進行註冊.






硫磺 鑽探亮點:


H24D-6010: 18.2公尺,含1,987.35克/噸Ag和0.35克/噸Au(25.89 AuEq)




1.8 米,銀2,612.33克/噸和金0.11克/噸(黃金當量33.79克/噸)
2.5 米,銀4,683.70克/噸和金0.33克/噸(黃金當量60.72克/噸)






2.5 米5,513.43克/噸銀和0.50克/噸金(71.60克/噸AuEq)




0.9 公尺,10,289.00克/噸銀和0.72克/噸金(133.39克/噸金當量)
0.3 公尺,15,211.00克/噸銀和0.64克/噸金(261.92克/噸金當量)






H24D-6003: 34.70克/噸Ag和0.23克/噸Au(0.68克/噸AuEq),長達88.5公尺






H24D-6009: 5.6米,銀品位150.80克/噸,金品位0.10克/噸(2.00克/噸黃金當量)






亞歷克斯 戴維森,勘探副總裁評論說:“2024年Brimstone鑽井計劃的目標是改善高品位區段的連續性,並定義結構框架,以降低對未鑽探的Brimstone趨勢的瞄準。從今年的鑽井計劃中收集的地球化學、結構、化驗和地質數據已大大完善了對延伸Brimstone趨勢的理解和瞄準策略。與2024年早些時候完成的岩相作業相結合鑽探得到的信息顯示,該趨勢內至少有三個不同的重疊高品位礦化事件,可能源自一個岩漿來源。2024年的瞄準已經顯示出成功,通過從確定的礦化帶中逐步跨越,同時不斷地定義高品位趨勢的幾何形狀。核心孔H24D-6010的出色結果(18米,1,987.35 g/t白銀)建立了高品位優勢趨勢的連續性,因為它與最近鑽孔交錯的高品位礦化距離約45米。6003和6009孔向下跨越Brimstone。核心孔H24D-6004穿過了一個以前未被認識的侵入體,這個孔的結果包含較高的金銀比,又開啟了另一個目標。


Diane Garrett, 總裁及首席執行官評論說:“我們繼續對2024年鑽探計畫的成果感到非常滿意。 Brimstone 的結果仍然持續提供高品位的白銀,而且具有連貫性的明確脈絡。 Vortex 也同樣提供高品位的白銀,隨著我們鑽探深入,我們開始看到更高的黃金價值。 在完成工程和經濟研究的同時,2024年鑽探計畫的目標是在該專案的初期增加高品位的採礦機會,這些機會有可能透過露天開採、地下開採或露天開採和地下開採的結合來實現。 我要親自感謝技術團隊,因為他們在發現這兩個新的高品位趨勢方面做出了傑出的工作,為已經是世界一流資產的價值增添了顯著的價值。”




圖 1:H24D-6010 - 兩個高品質樣本



桌子 1.




黃金 等值(“AuEq”)是根據77.55:1的黃金對白銀比率計算的(以1900美元黃金和24.50美元白銀為基礎)


   來自   美金10,000,000分為400,000,000股A類普通股和100,000,000股B類普通股;   間隔   等級 
孔洞ID  (米)   (米)   (米)   銀(克/噸)   金(克/噸)   AuEQ (克/噸) 
H24D-6003   0.0    23.8    23.8    10.80    0.29    0.43 
    42.4    47.8    5.5    119.54    0.20    1.74 
    250.7    278.3    27.6    4.13    0.38    0.43 
    351.4    440.0    88.5    34.70    0.23    0.68 
包括   386.7    386.8    0.2    1,835.00    0.12    23.79 
包括   397.7    397.9    0.2    8,410.00    0.62    109.06 
包括   418.8    421.1    2.3    130.87    0.08    1.77 
H24D-6004   0.0    18.6    18.6    24.59    0.63    1.07 
    341.4    361.6    20.2    5.48    0.34    0.44 
    413.8    442.1    28.3    14.19    0.31    0.55 
包括   429.3    441.4    12.0    11.73    0.52    0.72 
H24D-6008   458.6    474.0    15.4    12.81    0.45    0.62 
包括   464.5    467.9    3.5    20.54    0.82    1.09 
包括   470.2    474.0    3.8    19.83    0.46    0.72 
H24D-6009   0.0    16.2    16.2    54.89    0.38    1.09 
包括   4.8    6.4    1.5    353.24    1.05    5.61 
    333.2    358.7    25.5    5.46    0.35    0.42 
    417.9    423.5    5.6    150.80    0.10    2.00 
包括   417.9    421.1    3.3    199.20    0.10    2.70 
同時包括   420.3    420.6    0.2    652.00    0.10    8.50 
H24D-6010   328.4    346.6    18.2    1,987.35    0.35    25.98 
包括   331.0    332.8    1.8    2,612.33    0.11    33.79 
包括   333.4    335.8    2.5    4,683.70    0.33    60.72 
同時包括   333.4    333.7    0.3    20,280.00    0.41    261.92 
包括   340.2    342.7    2.5    5,513.43    0.50    71.60 
同時包括   340.2    341.1    0.9    10,289.00    0.72    133.39 
同時包括   341.1    341.4    0.3    15,211.00    0.64    196.78 


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About the 2024 Exploration Drill Program


The drill program is designed to improve continuity within the recently discovered high-grade silver trends (Vortex and Brimstone), extend mineralization along strike and at depth, and test new exhibiting potential for high-grade within and outside the currently known resource. Through this work the Company hopes to develop opportunities to mine higher-grade ore early in the mine plan, thereby enhancing the project’s economics. The 2024 Drill Program consists of a total of 8,500 meters of core drilling. The drilling is being conducted by Timberline Drilling Incorporated of Elko, NV. Assays are being completed by ALS Geochemistry of Reno, NV. The Company’s Qualified Person is Alex Davidson, Vice President, Exploration.


About Hycroft Mining Holding Corporation


Hycroft Mining Holding Corporation is a US-based gold and silver company developing the Hycroft Mine, among the world’s largest precious metals deposits located in northern Nevada, a Tier-One mining jurisdiction. After a long history of oxide heap leaching operations, the Company is focused on completing the technical studies to transition the Hycroft Mine into the next phase of commercial operations for processing the sulfide ore. In addition, the Company is engaged in a robust exploration drill program to further expand the newly discovered high-grade dominant silver systems and unlock the full potential of this worldclass asset.


For further information, please contact:





Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which are intended to be covered by the safe harbor created by such sections and other applicable laws. Such forward-looking statements may include, without limitation, estimates and expectations of future production, reserve estimates, exploration outlook and expected expenditure, and operational and financial performance. The exploration target does not represent, and should not be construed to be, an estimate of a mineral resource or mineral reserve, as ranges of potential tonnage and grade (or quality) of the exploration target are conceptual in nature; there has been insufficient exploration of the relevant property or properties to estimate a mineral resource; and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the estimation of a mineral resource. Where the Company expresses or implies an expectation or belief as to future events or results, such expectation or belief is expressed in good faith and believed to have a reasonable basis. However, such statements are subject to risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors, which could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed or implied by the “forward-looking statements”. Such assumptions, include, but are not limited to the key assumptions set forth on page 4 hereof. Investors are also encouraged to refer to the Company’s Form 10-K for its fiscal year 2023, filed with the SEC on March 14, 2024, as updated by Form 10-Q for the quarterly periods ended March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2024, filed with the SEC on May 7, 2024 and August 6, 2024, respectively, as well as Hycroft’s other SEC filings for additional information. The Company does not undertake any obligation to release publicly revisions to any “forward-looking statement,” including, without limitation, outlook, to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as may be required under applicable securities laws. Investors should not assume that any lack of update to a previously issued “forward-looking statement” constitutes a reaffirmation of that statement. Continued reliance on “forward-looking statements” is at investors’ own risk.


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