






指定證書 設計

我,Jin Jo,在此證明我是太陽能科技公司的致富金融官和財務主管。公司,是根據特拉華州公司法成立並存在的一家公司,進一步在此證明:特拉華州公司法,並在此作證:


根據董事會授予權力,根據公司章程的規定,特此創立一系列每股面值爲$0.0001的優先股,根據本指定書(以下簡稱「本證書」)設立,並明確規定了依據此處設立的股票的指定名稱和股數,以及該系列股票的投票權和其他權利、偏好和相對、參與、選擇或其他權利,以及相關資格、限制和約束。Series AAA Preferred Stock,根據本指定書(以下簡稱「本證書」)設立,並明確規定了依據此處設立的股票的指定名稱和股數,以及該系列股票的投票權和其他權利、偏好和相對、參與、選擇或其他權利,以及相關資格、限制和約束。


1. 指定和股份數量在本公司設立了一系列特選股,稱爲「1C可轉換優先股」(“1C可轉換優先股系列”)。 1C可轉換優先股(“優先股”)的授權股數爲四千(4,000)股。每股優先股的面值爲$0.0001美元。本文未定義的大寫字母首字母縮寫條款的含義應按照下文第31條所述。

2. [保留].

3. 股息.

(a) 自任何優先股首次發行之日起及之後(”首次發行日期”),優先股 應開始累計股息(”分紅”) 按以 360 天年度和 12 天爲基礎計算的股息率 30 天的月份。股息應在每個財政季度的第一個交易日拖欠支付(每個,一個”分紅日期”) 第一個股息日是首次發行日之後開始的第一財季的第一個交易日。分紅 應在每個股息日支付給每位記錄持有者(每人,一個”持有者”,統稱爲”持有者”) 適用的股息日的優先股。除非公司選擇以現金支付股息,否則公司應資本化 通過在該股息日增加每股優先股的規定價值來進行此類股息(”資本化股息”).


(b) 持有人還有權收取並公司應支付普通股分紅,金額等於(按轉換爲普通股後的基礎)實際支付給普通股的分紅金額,形式也與實際支付給普通股的分紅相同,當實際支付給普通股的分紅時。

4. 轉換在2025年4月17日之後的任何時間,每股優先股可以按照本第4條款規定的條件轉換爲已發行的、全額支付且無需追加認繳的普通股(“Conversion Shares”),具體條款和條件見本第4條款。

(a) 持有人的轉換權根據第4條(d)的規定,在初始發行日期之後的任何時間,每位持有人都有權將其持有的未償付的優先股中的任何部分轉換爲根據第4(c)條規定以轉換比率(如下所定義)發行的有效發行、已全額支付和不應被追索的轉換股票。公司在任何轉換時都不得發行任何一股普通股的一部分。如果發行會導致發行一部分普通股,公司將這部分普通股四捨五入至最接近的整數股。公司將支付任何和所有的過戶、印花稅、發行費用和類似稅費、成本和費用(包括、但不限於,可能與任何優先股轉換後發行和交付普通股相關的過戶代理的費用和支出)。

(b) 轉換比率除非另有規定,根據本第4節規定,任何優先股轉換爲普通股時應發行的轉換股數應通過將該優先股的轉換金額(x)除以轉換價格(y)來確定(“轉換比率”).

(i)在本指定證書中,“Yorkville可能在承諾期內的任何時間(在承諾票據仍有未結餘額的情況下),通過向公司提供書面通知(稱爲「投資者通知」)的方式,要求按照相關投資者通知向Yorkville發行和出售股票,但此請求受到SEPA所規定的某些限制。向投資者通知交付的股票購買價格將等於當時生效的轉換價格,並通過抵消Yorkville應向承諾票據項下未償還金額的總購買價格的相等金額進行支付。SEPA不要求Yorkville在其持有的公司普通股或ADS股份達到超過已發行ADS股份或普通股的9.99%時訂閱或獲得任何ADS股份或普通股。”表示,對於每份優先 股,在確定日期,應將其規定價值 加上(2) 任何附加金額至該確定日期爲止 加上 (3)根據本指定證書或 任何其他交易文件應向該持有人支付的任何其他款項的總和。

(ii) 在本指定權證書的目的中,“轉換價格”指每股優先股在任何轉換日期或其他確定日期的$2.50,按照本文的規定進行調整。

(c) 轉換機制每種優先股的轉換應按以下方式進行:


(i) 可選轉換。在任何日期將一股或多股優先股轉換爲轉換股 (a”轉換日期”), 持有人應在該日期紐約時間晚上 11:59 或之前交付(無論是通過電子郵件還是其他方式)以供接收, 已執行的優先股轉換通知副本,但須進行此類轉換,格式見本文所附表格 展覽 我 (這個”轉換通知”)給公司。在第一個 (1) 上或之前st) 下一個交易日 公司收到轉換通知的每個日期(或1934年法案或其他適用法案要求的更早日期) 在適用轉換股份轉換日啓動的交易結算的法律、規則或法規 根據此類轉換通知)(”共享交付截止日期”),公司應(1)前提是轉讓 代理人正在參與FaST,然後相應的持有人可以根據可用股票出售此類普通股(i)(A) 和有效的註冊聲明,以及 (B) 該持有人提供此類文件或其他信息以證明其出售 公司、公司的過戶代理人或法律顧問應合理要求發行普通股(爲了避免) 如有疑問,不得包括尊爵會擔保或法律意見的要求)或(ii)此類持有人可以根據以下規定出售 適用時適用於 1933 年法案第 144 條(”轉售資格條件”),記入這樣的總數 將此類持有人根據此類轉換而有權獲得的股份轉換爲該持有人或其指定人的餘額 通過託管系統向DTC開立帳戶,或者(2)如果過戶代理未參與Fast或 未滿足轉售資格條件,應此類持有人的要求籤發和交付(通過信譽良好的隔夜快遞公司) 到此類轉換通知中規定的地址,以該持有人或其指定人的名義註冊的證書 該持有人有權獲得的轉換股份數量。如果優先股代表的優先股數量 根據第 4 (c) 節提交的轉換證書大於要轉換的優先股數量,那麼 公司應儘快且在任何情況下都不遲於收到優先股證書後的兩 (2) 個交易日 並自費通過隔夜快遞服務向該持有人(或其指定人)簽發新的優先股證書,並將其郵寄給該持有人(或其指定人) 或新的賬面條目(無論哪種情況,均根據第18(d)條),表示未轉換的優先股數量。這個 無論出於何種目的,均應對有權獲得優先股轉換後可發行的轉換股份的一名或多名個人進行對待 在轉換之日作爲此類轉換股份的一個或多個記錄持有人。

(ii) [保留].


(iii) 登記;記賬分戶在發行任何優先股時,適用持有人可以通過書面請求(包括電子郵件)向公司選擇以一張或多張優先股股權證書形式或記賬入庫的形式接收這些優先股。公司(或作爲優先股託管人的過戶代理)將維護一個註冊表(「註冊優先股」)。註冊表中的條目將在沒有明顯錯誤的情況下對所有目的具有決定性和約束力。公司和每個優先股持有人應將記錄在註冊表中的每位名義持有人視爲優先股的所有者,無論目的如何(包括但不限於根據本協議收取付款和分紅的權利),儘管有與之相反的通知。註冊優先股只能通過在註冊表上註冊此類轉讓或出售而進行轉讓。在該持有人向公司提出書面請求轉讓、轉讓或出售一張或多張註冊優先股的情況下,公司將記錄其中包含的信息在註冊表中,並根據第18條發出一個或多個新的註冊優先股,總額與交出的註冊優先股的票面價值相同,分配給指定受讓人或受讓方。在公司未能在此類請求後的兩(2)個工作日內記錄此類轉讓、轉讓或出售(視情況而定)註冊優先股的情況下,註冊表將自動視爲更新以反映此類轉讓、轉讓或出售(視情況而定)。除本第4節另有規定外,在根據本協議條款進行優先股轉換後,適用持有人無需將以優先股股權證書形式持有的優先股實際交出給公司,除非(A)適用優先股股權證書所代表的全部或剩餘優先股正在進行轉換(在這種情況下,應按照本第4(c)節的約定將此類證書交付給公司)或(B)該持有人已經向公司提供事先書面通知(此通知可能包含在轉換通知中),請求在交出適用的優先股股權證書後重新發行優先股。每位持有人和公司應保留記錄,顯示已轉換和/或支付的票面價值和分紅(視情況而定)以及此類轉換和/或支付的日期(視情況而定),或者應使用對此類持有人和公司合理滿意的其他方法,以免在轉換時要求提交優先股股權證書。如果公司未能在上述發生後兩(2)個工作日內更新註冊表以記錄所轉換和/或支付(視情況而定)的票面價值和分紅及轉換和/或支付(視情況而定)的日期,那麼註冊表將自動視爲更新以反映此類發生。在發生任何爭議或差異情況下,除非有明顯錯誤,公司的記錄將作爲已記錄持有人應享有的優先股數量的依據和決定性依據。持有人和任何受讓人或受讓方在接受證書時,因本段規定,同意並確認,在根據本段規定轉換任何優先股後,由該證書所代表的優先股數量可能少於所述證書正面的優先股數量。每張優先股股權證書應帶有以下說明:註冊)記錄每張優先股的持有人名稱和地址、優先股的面值以及這些優先股是否由持有人以優先股證書形式或賬面錄入形式持有(「註冊優先股名冊」)。名冊中的條目在明顯錯誤缺席的情況下是最終且具有約束力的。公司和每位優先股持有人應視名冊中記錄的每個人爲優先股的所有者,用於所有目的(包括但不限於根據通知領取支付和分紅派息)。註冊優先股只能通過在註冊名冊上註冊該轉讓或出售來轉讓、轉讓或出售。在收到這些持有人的書面請求轉讓、轉讓或出售一張或多張註冊優先股後,公司應在註冊名冊中記錄所含信息,並根據第19節簽發與已放棄的註冊優先股相同的面值的一張或多張新的註冊優先股予指定受讓人或受讓人,前提是,如果公司未能在該請求後兩個(2)個工作日內記錄這樣的轉讓、轉讓或出售(視情況而定),那麼名冊將自動被視爲已更新以反映該轉讓、轉讓或出售(視情況而定)。登記優先股



(iv) 按比例換算轉換;糾紛在公司收到不止一個持有人的同一換股日期的換股通知,並且公司可以轉換某些(但並非所有)提交用於轉換的優先股的情況下,公司應當根據每位選擇在該日期進行優先股轉換的持有人提交的優先股數量佔該日期提交的優先股總數之比例,從每位持有人的優先股中轉換相應的按比例的數量。如果關於給定的優先股轉換所需發行的換股股數存在爭議,公司應當向該持有人發放不在爭議中的換股股數,並按照第23條的規定解決該爭議。如果遞交給公司的換股通知會導致違反以下第4(d)條,且適用的持有人未選擇書面撤回,全部這樣的換股通知,公司應當暫緩處理該換股通知,直至在不違反以下第4(d)條的情況下滿足該換股通知(並進行相應的以遞交換股通知之日計算的計算)。

(d) 納斯達克20% 交易所份額上限儘管本認股權證書中的任何規定不同,但在未獲得先股東批准之前,公司不得發行,持有人也不能根據本認股權證書或其他方式收到任何普通股股份,如果(x)任何此類股份被視爲低於納斯達克「最低價格」(如納斯達克規則5635(d)中所定義的那樣);(y)在低於納斯達克最低價格發行的此類股份數量超過下文所定義的「交易所上限」。「交易所上限」指的是普通股發行數量的19.99%,即1,304,133股(已發行的流通股份)於認購日期或260,696股普通股。


(e) 納斯達克更改控制份額限制儘管本證書中有任何相反規定,但公司不得發行,持有人也不得接收根據本證書或其他方式發行的任何普通股份,除非獲得了先前的股東批准,如果發給持有人的股份數量與持有人當時持有或被視爲持有的所有其他普通股相加會導致持有人擁有超過COC受益所有權限制(如下所定義)或者其他情況下構成納斯達克規則5635(b)的變更控制的意義。 「COC受益所有權限制」應爲擬發行普通股的數量的19.99%,即在擬發行普通股之前立即發行的普通股的數量。

(f) 受讓人不得根據本票據的條款和條件轉換任何持有的票據,任何這樣的轉換應視爲無效和未生效,如果在考慮這樣的轉換之後,這樣的持有人與其他歸因方共同擁有超過9.99%(「最高百分比」)在進行這樣的轉換後立即持有的普通股股份數量。根據前面的句子,在這個部分進行決定的票據的轉換之後,由這樣的持有人和其他歸因方合計擁有的普通股的總數應包括由這樣的持有人和所有其他歸因方持有的普通股股份數量以及進行判斷的票據的轉換,但不包括將會發行的普通股(a)轉換尚未完成的票據,或者是(b)本刊發行人的其他證券未行使或未轉換部分的普通股股份,包括但不限於任何可轉換票據、可轉換優先股或認股證所持有的這樣的受讓人或任何其他受讓方,受到類似於本節所包含限制的轉換或行使限制。爲了本節目的,有關益處的所有權應按照1934年修訂本的第13(d)節的規定計算。爲了確定受讓人在不超過最大百分比的情況下可以換股的流通普通股股份數量,該受讓人可以依靠反映在以下內容中的流通普通股股份的流通總量(x)發行人最近的年度報告10-K、季度報告10-Q、8-K或其他公開提交給SEC的文件(y),發行人或任何過戶代理的更近期的公開聲明,或者(z),如果發行人或過戶代理有任何其他書面通知,其中包含流通普通股的股份數量(「報告流通股份數量」)。如果發行人在持有人提交轉換通知的時候,實際的流通普通股股份數量少於已報告的流通普通股股份數量,發行人將以書面形式通知該持有人目前流通的普通股股份數量,並且在考慮相應地修改其持股利益的情況下,該持有人將減少通過轉換通知購買的普通股股份數量,按本節規定。任何原因和任何時間,任何持有人的書面或口頭請求,發行人將在一(1)個工作日內口頭、書面或電子郵件向該持有人確認當前的可流通普通股股數。在任何情況下,在根據報告流通股份數來確定的自報告流通股份數量報告日之後,如果在該持有人和任何其他歸因方行使調整或未行使的證券,包括本票據,導致已發行的股票股份使該持有人和其他歸因方總共擁有的普通股超過每個持有人所擁有的數量的最大百分比(根據1934年法案第13(d)節的規定確定),那麼所發行的股票股份的數量超過最大百分比(「超額股份數量」)將被視爲無效,並應從頭開始取消,該持有人將無權投票或轉移超額股票股份數量。根據書面通知,持有人可以隨時將其最高百分比增加(在此情況下,將在此類通知交付後第61個(61)天生效),或根據其通知指定的其他百分比將其最高比例降低到不超過19.99%。但如果該比例超過19.99%,則任何此類增加或減少僅適用於該持有人和其他歸因方,而不適用於不是該持有人的歸因方的任何其他持有人。爲了澄清,根據本票據條款應發行的普通股股份超過最大百分比的份數不應被視爲受讓人擁有益處所有權,包括根據1934年法案第13(d)或第16a-1(a)(1)條進行計算的目的。不事先根據本節規定將本票據轉換爲普通股將不會對相應確定是否可以轉換產生任何影響。本部分的規定應被理解和實施爲否認本部分條款的其餘內容,以糾正此部分(或該部分的任何部分)可能存在的缺陷或與此部分所包含的有意義的所有權限制不一致或做出必要或理想的變更或補充,以正確實施此類限制。本節中所包含的限制不得豁免,並適用於本票據的繼任持有人。公司不得轉換股東持有的任何優先股,該股東也沒有權利根據本認購證書的條款轉換其持有的任何優先股,任何此類轉換應視爲無效,且視爲未發生,若在進行此類轉換後,該股東連同其他歸屬方共同持有的普通股超過4.99%(“最大百分比”)即將實施此類轉換後立即持有的普通股總數。在前述句子中,該股東及其他歸屬方合計持有的普通股數量應包括該股東和所有其他歸屬方持有的普通股數量 加上 以及關於進行上述判定時可轉換的優先股份而發行的普通股份數量,但應排除以下股份的數量:(A)該股東或任何其他歸因方受益擁有的其餘未轉換優先股份的轉換以及(B)該股東或任何其他歸因方受益擁有的任何其他公司證券未行使或未轉換部分的行使或轉換(包括但不限於任何可轉換票據、可轉換優先股或權證,包括優先股和權證)蘋果CEO庫克大規模出售股票,套現逾3億港元。如果公司在持有人向其提出轉換通知時,實際流通的普通股數量少於已報告的流通股票數量,則公司應書面通知該持有人當時流通的普通股票數量,並且在此情況下,根據本第4(d)節確定,如果該轉換通知會導致該持有人的受益所有權超過最大百分比,則該持有人必須通知公司減少根據該轉換通知購買的普通股數量。任何時候,無論何種原因,任何持有人的書面或口頭請求,公司應在一個(1)個工作日內口頭、書面或通過電子郵件向該持有人確認當時流通的普通股數量。在任何情況下,流通的普通股數量應在考慮自從報告的流通股票數量報道之日以來,該持有人和任何其他歸屬方轉換或行使公司證券,包括該持有人轉換的優先股,之後確定。如果將普通股份發行給持有人以換股擁有的那些優先股導致該持有人和其他歸屬方在合計上被認定爲受益擁有超過流通的普通股份數量的最大百分比(根據1934年法案第13(d)條確定),則因其持有人和其他歸屬方的合計受益所有權超過最大百分比(根據1934年法案第13(d)條確定),則通過發行的股份數量超過最大百分比(該"超額股份應被視作無效,並應從一開始被取消,該持有人無權投票或轉讓多餘的股份。在向公司遞交書面通知後,任何持有人可以不時增加(此增加在第六十一(61)天之後生效"}21世紀醫療改革法案) 通知送達後的第二天)將持有人的最大百分比增加到任何其他不超過19.99%的百分比如通知中所指定的;但須滿足以下條件:(i)最大百分比的增加不會在通知送達公司後的第六十一(61)天生效;(ii)任何這種增加或減少僅適用於該持有人及其他歸屬方,並不適用於不是該持有人的歸屬方的其他持有人。爲明確起見,根據本特許權設計書條款應向持有人發行的普通股份超出最大百分比的部分不得被視爲該持有人在任何情況下包括對於《1934年法案》第13(d)條或第16a-1(a)(1)條的目的而擁有的利益份額。無法根據本段落將此優先股轉換爲普通股的情況不會影響本節針對任何後續確定轉換性質的條款規定的適用性。爲糾正本段落(或本段落任何部分)中可能存在的缺陷或不一致性,並實施本段落的條款,其應不以與本第4(d)節的條款嚴格一致爲前提,需作出必要或有益的更正或補充以便正確實施該限制。本段落中規定的限制不得被豁免,並應適用於該優先股的繼任持有人。21世紀醫療改革法案) 日 after such notice is delivered to the Company and (ii) any such increase or decrease will apply only to such Holder and the other Attribution Parties and not to any other Holder that is not an Attribution Party of such Holder. For purposes of clarity, the shares of Common Stock issuable to a Holder pursuant to the terms of this Certificate of Designations in excess of the Maximum Percentage shall not be deemed to be beneficially owned by such Holder for any purpose including for purposes of Section 13(d) or Rule 16a-1(a)(1) of the 1934 Act. No prior inability to convert such Preferred Shares pursuant to this paragraph shall have any effect on the applicability of the provisions of this paragraph with respect to any subsequent determination of convertibility. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed and implemented in a manner otherwise than in strict conformity with the terms of this Section 4(d) to the extent necessary to correct this paragraph (or any portion of this paragraph) which may be defective or inconsistent with the intended beneficial ownership limitation contained in this Section 4(d) or to make changes or supplements necessary or desirable to properly give effect to such limitation. The limitation contained in this paragraph may not be waived and shall apply to a successor holder of such Preferred Shares.


5. [Reserved].

6. Rights Upon Fundamental Transactions.

(a) Assumption. The Company shall not enter into or be party to a Fundamental Transaction unless the Successor Entity assumes in writing all of the obligations of the Company under this Certificate of Designations and the other Transaction Documents in accordance with the provisions of this Section 6 pursuant to written agreements in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Required Holders, including agreements to deliver to each holder of Preferred Shares in exchange for such Preferred Shares a security of the Successor Entity evidenced by a written instrument substantially similar in form and substance to this Certificate of Designations, including, without limitation, having a stated value and dividend rate equal to the stated value and dividend rate of the Preferred Shares held by the Holders and having similar ranking to the Preferred Shares, and reasonably satisfactory to the Required Holders. Upon the occurrence of any Fundamental Transaction, the Successor Entity shall succeed to, and be substituted for (so that from and after the date of such Fundamental Transaction, the provisions of this Certificate of Designations and the other Transaction Documents referring to the “Company” shall refer instead to the Successor Entity), and may exercise every right and power of the Company and shall assume all of the obligations of the Company under this Certificate of Designations and the other Transaction Documents with the same effect as if such Successor Entity had been named as the Company herein and therein. In addition to the foregoing, upon consummation of a Fundamental Transaction, the Successor Entity shall deliver to each Holder confirmation that there shall be issued upon conversion or redemption of the Preferred Shares at any time after the consummation of such Fundamental Transaction, in lieu of the shares of Common Stock (or other securities, cash, assets or other property (except such items still issuable under Sections 7 and 15, which shall continue to be receivable thereafter)) issuable upon the conversion or redemption of the Preferred Shares prior to such Fundamental Transaction, such shares of the publicly traded common stock (or their equivalent) of the Successor Entity (including its Parent Entity) which each Holder would have been entitled to receive upon the happening of such Fundamental Transaction had all the Preferred Shares held by each Holder been converted immediately prior to such Fundamental Transaction (without regard to any limitations on the conversion of the Preferred Shares contained in this Certificate of Designations), as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of this Certificate of Designations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, such Holder may elect, at its sole option, by delivery of written notice to the Company to waive this Section 6 to permit the Fundamental Transaction without the assumption of the Preferred Shares. The provisions of this Section 6 shall apply similarly and equally to successive Fundamental Transactions and shall be applied without regard to any limitations on the conversion or redemption of the Preferred Shares.


7. Rights Upon Issuance of Purchase Rights and Other Corporate Events.

(a) Purchase Rights. In addition to any adjustments pursuant to Section 8 and Section 15 below, if at any time the Company grants, issues or sells any Options, Convertible Securities or rights to purchase stock, warrants, securities or other property pro rata to all or substantially all of the record holders of any class of Common Stock (the “Purchase Rights”), then each Holder will be entitled to acquire, upon the terms applicable to such Purchase Rights, the aggregate Purchase Rights which such Holder could have acquired if such Holder had held the number of shares of Common Stock acquirable upon complete conversion of all the Preferred Shares (without taking into account any limitations or restrictions on the convertibility of the Preferred Shares as of the applicable record date) held by such Holder immediately prior to the date on which a record is taken for the grant, issuance or sale of such Purchase Rights, or, if no such record is taken, the date as of which the record holders of shares of Common Stock are to be determined for the grant, issue or sale of such Purchase Rights; provided, however, to the extent that such Holder’s right to participate in any such Purchase Right would result in such Holder and the other Attribution Parties exceeding the Maximum Percentage, then such Holder shall not be entitled to participate in such Purchase Right to such extent of the Maximum Percentage (and shall not be entitled to beneficial ownership of such shares of Common Stock as a result of such Purchase Right (and beneficial ownership) to such extent of any such excess) and such Purchase Right to such extent shall be held in abeyance (and, if such Purchase Right has an expiration date, maturity date or other similar provision, such term shall be extended by such number of days held in abeyance, if applicable) for the benefit of such Holder until such time or times, if ever, as its right thereto would not result in such Holder and the other Attribution Parties exceeding the Maximum Percentage, at which time or times such Holder shall be granted such right (and any Purchase Right granted, issued or sold on such initial Purchase Right or on any subsequent Purchase Right held similarly in abeyance (and, if such Purchase Right has an expiration date, maturity date or other similar provision, such term shall be extended by such number of days held in abeyance, if applicable)) to the same extent as if there had been no such limitation.

(b) Other Corporate Events. In addition to and not in substitution for any other rights hereunder, prior to the consummation of any Fundamental Transaction pursuant to which holders of shares of Common Stock are entitled to receive securities or other assets with respect to or in exchange for shares of Common Stock (a “Corporate Event”), the Company shall make appropriate provision to ensure that each Holder will thereafter have the right, at such Holder’s option, to receive upon a conversion of all the Preferred Shares held by such Holder such securities or other assets (the “Corporate Event Consideration”) to which such Holder would have been entitled with respect to such shares of Common Stock had such shares of Common Stock been held by such Holder upon the consummation of such Corporate Event (without taking into account any limitations or restrictions on the convertibility of the Preferred Shares set forth in this Certificate of Designations). The provisions of this Section 7 shall apply similarly and equally to successive Corporate Events and shall be applied without regard to any limitations on the conversion or redemption of the Preferred Shares set forth in this Certificate of Designations.


8. Rights Upon Issuance of Other Securities.

(a) Adjustment of Conversion Price upon Subdivision or Combination of Common Stock. Without limiting any provision of Section 7 or Section 15, if the Company at any time on or after the Subscription Date subdivides (by any stock split, stock dividend, stock combination, recapitalization or other similar transaction) one or more classes of its outstanding shares of Common Stock into a greater number of shares, the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to such subdivision will be proportionately reduced. Without limiting any provision of Section 7 or Section 15, if the Company at any time on or after the Subscription Date combines (by any stock split, stock dividend, stock combination, recapitalization or other similar transaction) one or more classes of its outstanding shares of Common Stock into a smaller number of shares, the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to such combination will be proportionately increased. Any adjustment pursuant to this Section 8 shall become effective immediately after the effective date of such subdivision or combination. If any event requiring an adjustment under this Section 8 occurs during the period that a Conversion Price is calculated hereunder, then the calculation of such Conversion Price shall be adjusted appropriately to reflect such event.

(b) Calculations. All calculations under this Section 8 shall be made by rounding to the nearest cent or the nearest 1/100th of a share, as applicable. The number of shares of Common Stock outstanding at any given time shall not include shares owned or held by or for the account of the Company, and the disposition of any such shares shall be considered an issue or sale of Common Stock.

9. Redemption at the Company’s Election. If at any time the Closing Sale Price of the Common Stock listed on the Principal Market equals at least 300% of the Conversion Price for the most recent twenty (20) consecutive Trading Days preceding the Company Optional Redemption Notice Date (as defined below), the Company shall have the right to redeem all, but not less than all, of the Preferred Shares then outstanding (the “Company Optional Redemption Amount”) on the Company Optional Redemption Date (each as defined below) (a “Company Optional Redemption”). The Preferred Shares subject to redemption pursuant to this Section 9 shall be redeemed by the Company in cash at a price (the “Company Optional Redemption Price”) equal to 110% of the Conversion Amount being redeemed as of the Company Optional Redemption Date. The Company may exercise its right to require redemption under this Section 9 by delivering a written notice thereof by electronic mail and overnight courier to all, but not less than all, of the Holders (the “Company Optional Redemption Notice” and the date all of the Holders received such notice is referred to as the “Company Optional Redemption Notice Date”). The Company Optional Redemption Notice shall (x) state the date on which the Company Optional Redemption shall occur (the “Company Optional Redemption Date”) which date shall not be less than ten (10) Trading Days nor more than twenty (20) Trading Days following the Company Optional Redemption Notice Date, and (y) state the aggregate Conversion Amount of the Preferred Shares which is being redeemed in such Company Optional Redemption from such Holder and all of the other Holders of the Preferred Shares pursuant to this Section 9 on the Company Optional Redemption Date. The Company shall deliver the applicable Company Optional Redemption Price to each Holder in cash on the applicable Company Optional Redemption Date. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, at any time prior to the date the Company Optional Redemption Price is paid, in full, the Company Optional Redemption Amount may be converted, in whole or in part, by any Holder into shares of Common Stock pursuant to Section 4. All Conversion Amounts converted by a Holder after the Company Optional Redemption Notice Date shall reduce the Company Optional Redemption Amount of the Preferred Shares of such Holder required to be redeemed on the Company Optional Redemption Date.


10. Noncircumvention. The Company hereby covenants and agrees that the Company will not, by amendment of its Certificate of Incorporation, bylaws or through any reorganization, transfer of assets, consolidation, merger, scheme of arrangement, dissolution, issue or sale of securities, or any other voluntary action, avoid or seek to avoid the observance or performance of any of the terms of this Certificate of Designations, and will at all times in good faith carry out all the provisions of this Certificate of Designations and take all action as may be required to protect the rights of the Holders hereunder. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing or any other provision of this Certificate of Designations or the other Transaction Documents, the Company (a) shall not increase the par value of any shares of Common Stock receivable upon the conversion of any Preferred Shares above the Conversion Price then in effect, (b) shall take all such actions as may be necessary or appropriate in order that the Company may validly and legally issue fully paid and non-assessable shares of Common Stock upon the conversion of Preferred Shares and (c) shall, so long as any Preferred Shares are outstanding, take all action necessary to reserve and keep available out of its authorized and unissued shares of Common Stock, solely for the purpose of effecting the conversion of the Preferred Shares, the maximum number of shares of Common Stock as shall from time to time be necessary to effect the conversion of the Preferred Shares then outstanding (without regard to any limitations on conversion contained herein).

11. Authorized Shares.

(a) Reservation. So long as any Preferred Shares remain outstanding, the Company shall at all times reserve at least 100% of the number of shares of Common Stock as shall from time to time be necessary to effect the conversion of all of the Preferred Shares then outstanding (the “Required Reserve Amount”).

(b) Insufficient Authorized Shares. If, notwithstanding Section 11(a) and not in limitation thereof, at any time while any of the Preferred Shares remain outstanding the Company does not have a sufficient number of authorized and unreserved shares of Common Stock to satisfy its obligation to reserve for issuance upon conversion of the Preferred Shares at least a number of shares of Common Stock equal to the Required Reserve Amount (an “Authorized Share Failure”), then the Company shall immediately take all action necessary to increase the Company’s authorized shares of Common Stock to an amount sufficient to allow the Company to reserve the Required Reserve Amount for the Preferred Shares then outstanding.

12. Voting Rights.

(a) On any matter presented to the stockholders of the Corporation for their action or consideration at any meeting of stockholders of the Corporation (or by written consent of stockholders in lieu of meeting), each Holder of outstanding Preferred Shares shall be entitled to cast the number of votes equal to the number of whole shares of Common Stock into which the Preferred Shares held by such Holder are convertible as of the record date for determining stockholders entitled to vote on such matter (subject to, and only after giving effect to, the beneficial ownership restrictions on the conversion of any Holder’s Preferred Shares contained in Section 4(d) hereof). Except as provided by law or by the other provisions of this Certificate of Designation, Holders of Preferred Shares shall vote together with the holders of Common Stock as a single class and on an as-converted to Common Stock basis.


(b) To the extent that under the DGCL the vote of the holders of the Preferred Shares, voting separately as a class or series as applicable, is required to authorize a given action of the Corporation, the affirmative vote or consent of majority of the Holders of all of the Preferred Shares, represented at a duly held meeting at which a quorum is presented or by written consent of the holders of at least a majority of the outstanding Preferred Shares, shall constitute the approval of such action by both the class or the series, as applicable.

(c) Holders of the Preferred Shares shall be entitled to written notice of all stockholder meetings or written consents (and copies of proxy materials and other information sent to stockholders) with respect to which they would be entitled by vote, which notice would be provided pursuant to the Company’s bylaws and the DGCL).

13. [Reserved].

14. Liquidation, Dissolution, Winding-Up. In the event of a Liquidation Event, the Holders shall be entitled to receive in cash out of the assets of the Company, whether from capital or from earnings available for distribution to its stockholders (the “Liquidation Funds”), before any amount shall be paid to the holders of any of shares of Common Stock and any other shares ranking junior to the Preferred Shares, but pari passu with any shares ranking on a parity to the Preferred Shares, an amount per Preferred Share equal to the greater of (A) 110% of the Conversion Amount of such Preferred Share on the date of such payment and (B) the amount per share such Holder would receive if such Holder converted such Preferred Share into Common Stock immediately prior to the date of such payment, provided that if the Liquidation Funds are insufficient to pay the full amount due to the Holders and holders of shares of parity stock, then each Holder and each holder of parity stock shall receive a percentage of the Liquidation Funds equal to the full amount of Liquidation Funds payable to such Holder and such holder of parity stock as a liquidation preference, in accordance with their respective certificate of designations (or equivalent), as a percentage of the full amount of Liquidation Funds payable to all holders of Preferred Shares and all holders of shares of parity stock. To the extent necessary, the Company shall cause such actions to be taken by each of its Subsidiaries so as to enable, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the proceeds of a Liquidation Event to be distributed to the Holders in accordance with this Section 14. All the preferential amounts to be paid to the Holders under this Section 14 shall be paid or set apart for payment before the payment or setting apart for payment of any amount for, or the distribution of any Liquidation Funds of the Company to the holders of shares of Common Stock or junior stock in connection with a Liquidation Event as to which this Section 14 applies.

15. Distribution of Assets. In addition to any adjustments pursuant to Section 7 and Section 8, if the Company shall declare or make any dividend or other distributions of its assets (or rights to acquire its assets) to any or all holders of shares of Common Stock, by way of return of capital or otherwise (including without limitation, any distribution of cash, stock or other securities, property or options by way of a dividend, spin off, reclassification, corporate rearrangement, scheme of arrangement or other similar transaction) (the “Distributions”), then each Holder, as holders of Preferred Shares, will be entitled to such Distributions as if such Holder had held the number of shares of Common Stock acquirable upon complete conversion of the Preferred Shares (without taking into account any limitations or restrictions on the convertibility of the Preferred Shares) immediately prior to the date on which a record is taken for such Distribution or, if no such record is taken, the date as of which the record holders of Common Stock are to be determined for such Distributions (provided, however, that to the extent that such Holder’s right to participate in any such Distribution would result in such Holder and the other Attribution Parties exceeding the Maximum Percentage, then such Holder shall not be entitled to participate in such Distribution to such extent of the Maximum Percentage (and shall not be entitled to beneficial ownership of such shares of Common Stock as a result of such Distribution (and beneficial ownership) to such extent of any such excess) and the portion of such Distribution shall be held in abeyance for the benefit of such Holder until such time or times as its right thereto would not result in such Holder and the other Attribution Parties exceeding the Maximum Percentage, at which time or times, if any, such Holder shall be granted such Distribution (and any Distributions declared or made on such initial Distribution or on any subsequent Distribution held similarly in abeyance) to the same extent as if there had been no such limitation).


16. [Reserved].

17. Transfer of Preferred Shares. A Holder may offer, sell or transfer some or all of its Preferred Shares without the consent of the Company subject only to the provisions of Section 5 of the Securities Purchase Agreement.

18. Reissuance of Preferred Share Certificates and Book Entries.

(a) Transfer. If any Preferred Shares are to be transferred, the applicable Holder shall surrender the applicable Preferred Share Certificate to the Company (or, if the Preferred Shares are held in Book-Entry form, a written instruction letter to the Company), whereupon the Company will forthwith issue and deliver upon the order of such Holder a new Preferred Share Certificate (in accordance with Section 18(d)) (or evidence of the transfer of such Book-Entry), registered as such Holder may request, representing the outstanding number of Preferred Shares being transferred by such Holder and, if less than the entire outstanding number of Preferred Shares is being transferred, a new Preferred Share Certificate (in accordance with Section 18(d)) to such Holder representing the outstanding number of Preferred Shares not being transferred (or evidence of such remaining Preferred Shares in a Book-Entry for such Holder). Such Holder and any assignee, by acceptance of the Preferred Share Certificate or evidence of Book-Entry issuance, as applicable, acknowledge and agree that, by reason of the provisions of Section 4(c)(i) following conversion or redemption of any of the Preferred Shares, the outstanding number of Preferred Shares represented by the Preferred Shares may be less than the number of Preferred Shares stated on the face of the Preferred Shares.

(b) Lost, Stolen or Mutilated Preferred Share Certificate. Upon receipt by the Company of evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Company of the loss, theft, destruction or mutilation of a Preferred Share Certificate (as to which a written certification and the indemnification contemplated below shall suffice as such evidence), and, in the case of loss, theft or destruction, of any indemnification undertaking by the applicable Holder to the Company in customary and reasonable form and, in the case of mutilation, upon surrender and cancellation of such Preferred Share Certificate, the Company shall execute and deliver to such Holder a new Preferred Share Certificate (in accordance with Section 18(d)) representing the applicable outstanding number of Preferred Shares.


(c) Preferred Share Certificate and Book-Entries Exchangeable for Different Denominations and Forms. Each Preferred Share Certificate is exchangeable, upon the surrender hereof by the applicable Holder at the principal office of the Company, for a new Preferred Share Certificate or Preferred Share Certificate(s) or new Book-Entry (in accordance with Section 18(d)) representing, in the aggregate, the outstanding number of the Preferred Shares in the original Preferred Share Certificate, and each such new Preferred Share Certificate and/or new Book-Entry, as applicable, will represent such portion of such outstanding number of Preferred Shares from the original Preferred Share Certificate as is designated in writing by such Holder at the time of such surrender. Each Book-Entry may be exchanged into one or more new Preferred Share Certificates or split by the applicable Holder by delivery of a written notice to the Company into two or more new Book-Entries (in accordance with Section 18(d)) representing, in the aggregate, the outstanding number of the Preferred Shares in the original Book-Entry, and each such new Book-Entry and/or new Preferred Share Certificate, as applicable, will represent such portion of such outstanding number of Preferred Shares from the original Book-Entry as is designated in writing by such Holder at the time of such surrender.

(d) Issuance of New Preferred Share Certificate or Book-Entry. Whenever the Company is required to issue a new Preferred Share Certificate or a new Book-Entry pursuant to the terms of this Certificate of Designations, such new Preferred Share Certificate or new Book-Entry (i) shall represent, as indicated on the face of such Preferred Share Certificate or in such Book-Entry, as applicable, the number of Preferred Shares remaining outstanding (or in the case of a new Preferred Share Certificate or new Book-Entry being issued pursuant to Section 18(a) or Section 18(c), the number of Preferred Shares designated by such Holder) which, when added to the number of Preferred Shares represented by the other new Preferred Share Certificates or other new Book-Entry, as applicable, issued in connection with such issuance, does not exceed the number of Preferred Shares remaining outstanding under the original Preferred Share Certificate or original Book-Entry, as applicable, immediately prior to such issuance of new Preferred Share Certificate or new Book-Entry, as applicable, and (ii) shall have an issuance date, as indicated on the face of such new Preferred Share Certificate or in such new Book-Entry, as applicable, which is the same as the issuance date of the original Preferred Share Certificate or in such original Book-Entry, as applicable.


19. Remedies, Characterizations, Other Obligations, Breaches and Injunctive Relief. The remedies provided in this Certificate of Designations shall be cumulative and in addition to all other remedies available under this Certificate of Designations and any of the other Transaction Documents, at law or in equity (including a decree of specific performance and/or other injunctive relief), and nothing herein shall limit any Holder’s right to pursue actual and consequential damages for any failure by the Company to comply with the terms of this Certificate of Designations. No failure on the part of a Holder to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right, power or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise by such Holder of any right, power or remedy preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. In addition, the exercise of any right or remedy of a Holder at law or equity or under this Certificate of Designations or any of the documents shall not be deemed to be an election of such Holder’s rights or remedies under such documents or at law or equity. The Company covenants to each Holder that there shall be no characterization concerning this instrument other than as expressly provided herein. Amounts set forth or provided for herein with respect to payments, conversion and the like (and the computation thereof) shall be the amounts to be received by a Holder and shall not, except as expressly provided herein, be subject to any other obligation of the Company (or the performance thereof). No failure on the part of a Holder to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right, power or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise by such Holder of any right, power or remedy preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. In addition, the exercise of any right or remedy of any Holder at law or equity or under Preferred Shares or any of the documents shall not be deemed to be an election of such Holder’s rights or remedies under such documents or at law or equity. The Company acknowledges that a breach by it of its obligations hereunder will cause irreparable harm to the Holders and that the remedy at law for any such breach may be inadequate. The Company therefore agrees that, in the event of any such breach or threatened breach, each Holder shall be entitled, in addition to all other available remedies, to specific performance and/or temporary, preliminary and permanent injunctive or other equitable relief from any court of competent jurisdiction in any such case without the necessity of proving actual damages and without posting a bond or other security. The Company shall provide all information and documentation to a Holder that is requested by such Holder to enable such Holder to confirm the Company’s compliance with the terms and conditions of this Certificate of Designations.

20. Payment of Collection, Enforcement and Other Costs. If (a) any Preferred Shares are placed in the hands of an attorney for collection or enforcement or is collected or enforced through any legal proceeding or a Holder otherwise takes action to collect amounts due under this Certificate of Designations with respect to the Preferred Shares or to enforce the provisions of this Certificate of Designations or (b) there occurs any bankruptcy, reorganization, receivership of the Company or other proceedings affecting Company creditors’ rights and involving a claim under this Certificate of Designations, then the Company shall pay the costs reasonably incurred by such Holder for such collection, enforcement or action or in connection with such bankruptcy, reorganization, receivership or other proceeding, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and disbursements. The Company expressly acknowledges and agrees that no amounts due under this Certificate of Designations with respect to any Preferred Shares shall be affected, or limited, by the fact that the purchase price paid for each Preferred Share was less than the original Stated Value thereof.


21. Construction; Headings. This Certificate of Designations shall be deemed to be jointly drafted by the Company and the Holders and shall not be construed against any such Person as the drafter hereof. The headings of this Certificate of Designations are for convenience of reference and shall not form part of, or affect the interpretation of, this Certificate of Designations. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, each pronoun herein shall be deemed to include the masculine, feminine, neuter, singular and plural forms thereof. The terms “including,” “includes,” “include” and words of like import shall be construed broadly as if followed by the words “without limitation.” The terms “herein,” “hereunder,” “hereof” and words of like import refer to this entire Certificate of Designations instead of just the provision in which they are found. Unless expressly indicated otherwise, all section references are to sections of this Certificate of Designations. Terms used in this Certificate of Designations and not otherwise defined herein, but defined in the other Transaction Documents, shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms on the Initial Issuance Date in such other Transaction Documents unless otherwise consented to in writing by the Required Holders.

22. Failure or Indulgence Not Waiver. No failure or delay on the part of a Holder in the exercise of any power, right or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such power, right or privilege preclude other or further exercise thereof or of any other right, power or privilege. No waiver shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the waiving party. This Certificate of Designations shall be deemed to be jointly drafted by the Company and all Holders and shall not be construed against any Person as the drafter hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained in this Section 22 shall permit any waiver of any provision of Section 4(d).

23. Dispute Resolution.

(a) Submission to Dispute Resolution.

(i) In the case of any dispute hereunder, the Company or the applicable Holder (as the case may be) shall submit the dispute to the other party via electronic mail (A) if by the Company, within two (2) Business Days after the occurrence of the circumstances giving rise to such dispute or (B) if by such Holder at any time after such Holder learned of the circumstances giving rise to such dispute. If such Holder and the Company are unable to promptly resolve such dispute, at any time after the second (2nd) Business Day following such initial notice by the Company or such Holder (as the case may be) of such dispute to the Company or such Holder (as the case may be), then such Holder may, with the consent of the Company (not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed), select an independent, reputable investment bank to resolve such dispute.

(ii) Such Holder and the Company shall each deliver to such investment bank (A) a copy of the initial dispute submission so delivered in accordance with the first sentence of this Section 23 and (B) written documentation supporting its position with respect to such dispute, in each case, no later than 5:00 p.m. (New York time) by the fifth (5th) Business Day immediately following the date on which such Holder selected such investment bank (the “Dispute Submission Deadline”) (the documents referred to in the immediately preceding clauses (A) and (B) are collectively referred to herein as the “Required Dispute Documentation”) (it being understood and agreed that if either such Holder or the Company fails to so deliver all of the Required Dispute Documentation by the Dispute Submission Deadline, then the party who fails to so submit all of the Required Dispute Documentation shall no longer be entitled to (and hereby waives its right to) deliver or submit any written documentation or other support to such investment bank with respect to such dispute and such investment bank shall resolve such dispute based solely on the Required Dispute Documentation that was delivered to such investment bank prior to the Dispute Submission Deadline). Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both the Company and such Holder or otherwise requested by such investment bank, neither the Company nor such Holder shall be entitled to deliver or submit any written documentation or other support to such investment bank in connection with such dispute (other than the Required Dispute Documentation).


(iii) The Company and such Holder shall cause such investment bank to determine the resolution of such dispute and notify the Company and such Holder of such resolution no later than ten (10) Business Days immediately following the Dispute Submission Deadline. The fees and expenses of such investment bank shall be borne by the party in whose favor the investment bank decides such dispute or, in the event that the investment bank determines that the applicable calculation is in between the amounts submitted by the Company and such Holder, then half of such fees and expenses shall be borne by the Company and half of such fees and expenses shall be borne by the Holder, and such investment bank’s resolution of such dispute shall be final and binding upon all parties absent manifest error.

(b) Miscellaneous. The Company expressly acknowledges and agrees that (i) this Section 23 constitutes an agreement to arbitrate between the Company and each Holder (and constitutes an arbitration agreement) under the rules then in effect under Delaware Rapid Arbitration Act, as amended, (ii) the terms of this Certificate of Designations and each other applicable Transaction Document shall serve as the basis for the selected investment bank’s resolution of the applicable dispute, such investment bank shall be entitled (and is hereby expressly authorized) to make all findings, determinations and the like that such investment bank determines are required to be made by such investment bank in connection with its resolution of such dispute and in resolving such dispute such investment bank shall apply such findings, determinations and the like to the terms of this Certificate of Designations and any other applicable Transaction Documents, (iii) the applicable Holder (and only such Holder with respect to disputes solely relating to such Holder), in its sole discretion, shall have the right to submit any dispute described in this Section 23 to any state or federal court sitting in Wilmington Delaware, in lieu of utilizing the procedures set forth in this Section 23 and (iv) nothing in this Section 23 shall limit such Holder from obtaining any injunctive relief or other equitable remedies (including, without limitation, with respect to any matters described in this Section 23).

24. Notices; Currency; Payments.

(a) Any notices, consents, waivers or other communications required or permitted to be given under the terms of this Certificate of Designations must be in writing and will be deemed to have been delivered on the earliest of: (i) upon receipt, when delivered personally; (ii) upon receipt, when sent by electronic mail (provided that such sent email is kept on file (whether electronically or otherwise) by the sending party and the sending party does not receive an automatically generated message from the recipient’s email server that such e-mail could not be delivered to such recipient); or (iii) one (1) Business Day after deposit with an overnight courier service with next day delivery specified, in each case, properly addressed to the party to receive the same. The mailing address and e-mail address for any such communications to the Company shall be: 12300 Grant Street, Suite 160, Thornton, Colorado, 80241 Attention: Jin Jo, e-mail address: jjo@ascentsolar.com, or such other mailing address and/or e-mail address as the Company has specified by written notice given to each of the Holders in accordance with this Section 24 not later than five (5) days prior to the effectiveness of such change. The mailing address and e-mail address for any such communications to any Holder shall be as set forth on such Holder’s respective signature page to the Securities Purchase Agreement, or such other mailing address and/or e-mail address as such Holder has specified by written notice given to the Company in accordance with this Section 24 not later than five (5) days prior to the effectiveness of such change. Written confirmation of receipt (A) given by the recipient of such notice, consent, waiver or other communication, (B) mechanically or electronically generated by the sender’s e-mail containing the time, date and recipient’s e-mail or (C) provided by an overnight courier service shall be rebuttable evidence of personal service, receipt by e-mail or receipt from an overnight courier service in accordance with clause (i), (ii) or (iii) above, respectively.


(b) The Company shall provide each Holder with prompt written notice of all actions taken pursuant to this Certificate of Designations, including in reasonable detail a description of such action and the reason therefore. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company shall give written notice to each Holder (i) immediately upon any adjustment of the Conversion Price, setting forth in reasonable detail, and certifying, the calculation of such adjustment and (ii) at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date on which the Company closes its books or takes a record (A) with respect to any dividend or distribution upon the Common Stock, or (B) for determining rights to vote with respect to any Fundamental Transaction, dissolution or liquidation, provided in each case that such information shall be made known to the public prior to or in conjunction with such notice being provided to such Holder.

(c) Currency. All dollar amounts referred to in this Certificate of Designations are in United States Dollars (“U.S. Dollars”), and all amounts owing under this Certificate of Designations shall be paid in U.S. Dollars. All amounts denominated in other currencies (if any) shall be converted into the U.S. Dollar equivalent amount in accordance with the Exchange Rate on the date of calculation. “Exchange Rate” means, in relation to any amount of currency to be converted into U.S. Dollars pursuant to this Certificate of Designations, the U.S. Dollar exchange rate as published in the Wall Street Journal on the relevant date of calculation (it being understood and agreed that where an amount is calculated with reference to, or over, a period of time, the date of calculation shall be the final date of such period of time).

(d) Payments. Whenever any payment of cash is to be made by the Company to any Person pursuant to this Certificate of Designations, unless otherwise expressly set forth herein, such payment shall be made in lawful money of the United States of America by wire transfer of immediately available funds pursuant to wire transfer instructions that Holder shall provide to the Company in writing from time to time. Whenever any amount expressed to be due by the terms of this Certificate of Designations is due on any day which is not a Business Day, the same shall instead be due on the next succeeding day which is a Business Day.

25. Waiver of Notice. To the extent permitted by law, the Company hereby irrevocably waives demand, notice, presentment, protest and all other demands and notices in connection with the delivery, acceptance, performance, default or enforcement of this Certificate of Designations and the Securities Purchase Agreement.


26. Governing Law. This Certificate of Designations shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and all questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and performance of this Certificate of Designations shall be governed by, the internal laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law provision or rule (whether of the State of Delaware or any other jurisdictions) that would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdictions other than the State of Delaware. Except as otherwise required by Section 23 above, the Company hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts sitting in Wilmington, Delaware, for the adjudication of any dispute hereunder or in connection herewith or with any transaction contemplated hereby or discussed herein, and hereby irrevocably waives, and agrees not to assert in any suit, action or proceeding, any claim that it is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of any such court, that such suit, action or proceeding is brought in an inconvenient forum or that the venue of such suit, action or proceeding is improper. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit in any way any right to serve process in any manner permitted by law. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit in any way any right to serve process in any manner permitted by law. Nothing contained herein (i) shall be deemed or operate to preclude any Holder from bringing suit or taking other legal action against the Company in any other jurisdiction to collect on the Company’s obligations to such Holder, to realize on any collateral or any other security for such obligations, or to enforce a judgment or other court ruling in favor of such Holder or (ii) shall limit, or shall be deemed or construed to limit, any provision of Section 23 above. THE COMPANY AND EACH HOLDER HEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAIVES ANY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO, AND AGREES NOT TO REQUEST, A JURY TRIAL FOR THE ADJUDICATION OF ANY DISPUTE HEREUNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF THIS CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATIONS OR ANY TRANSACTION CONTEMPLATED HEREBY.

27. Judgment Currency.

(a) If for the purpose of obtaining or enforcing judgment against the Company in any court in any jurisdiction it becomes necessary to convert into any other currency (such other currency being hereinafter in this Section 27 referred to as the “Judgment Currency”) an amount due in U.S. Dollars under this Certificate of Designations, the conversion shall be made at the Exchange Rate prevailing on the Trading Day immediately preceding:

(i) the date actual payment of the amount due, in the case of any proceeding in the courts of New York or in the courts of any other jurisdiction that will give effect to such conversion being made on such date: or

(ii) the date on which the foreign court determines, in the case of any proceeding in the courts of any other jurisdiction (the date as of which such conversion is made pursuant to this Section 27(a)(ii) being hereinafter referred to as the “Judgment Conversion Date”).

(b) If in the case of any proceeding in the court of any jurisdiction referred to in Section 27(a)(ii) above, there is a change in the Exchange Rate prevailing between the Judgment Conversion Date and the date of actual payment of the amount due, the applicable party shall pay such adjusted amount as may be necessary to ensure that the amount paid in the Judgment Currency, when converted at the Exchange Rate prevailing on the date of payment, will produce the amount of US dollars which could have been purchased with the amount of Judgment Currency stipulated in the judgment or judicial order at the Exchange Rate prevailing on the Judgment Conversion Date.


(c) Any amount due from the Company under this provision shall be due as a separate debt and shall not be affected by judgment being obtained for any other amounts due under or in respect of this Certificate of Designations.

28. Taxes.

(a) All payments made by the Company hereunder or under any other Transaction Document shall be made in accordance with the terms of the respective Transaction Document and shall be made without set-off, counterclaim, withholding, deduction or other defense. Without limiting the foregoing, all such payments shall be made free and clear of and without deduction or withholding for any present or future taxes, levies, imposts, deductions, charges or withholdings, and all liabilities with respect thereto, excluding (i) taxes imposed on the net income of a Holder by the jurisdiction in which such Holder is organized or where it has its principal lending office, (ii) with respect to any payments made by the Company hereunder, taxes (including, but not limited to, backup withholding) to the extent such taxes are imposed due to the failure of the applicable recipient of such payment to provide the Company with whichever (if any) is applicable of valid and properly completed and executed IRS Forms W-9, W-8BEN, W-8BEN-E, W-8ECI, and/or W-8IMY, when requested in writing by the Company, and (iii) with respect to any payments made by the Company, taxes to the extent such taxes are imposed due to the failure of the applicable recipient of such payment to comply with FATCA (all such nonexcluded taxes, levies, imposts, deductions, charges, withholdings and liabilities, collectively or individually, “Taxes”). If the Company shall be required to deduct or to withhold any Taxes from or in respect of any amount payable hereunder or under any other Transaction Document:

(i) the amount so payable shall be increased to the extent necessary so that after making all required deductions and withholdings (including Taxes on amounts payable to a Holder pursuant to this sentence) such Holder receives an amount equal to the sum it would have received had no such deduction or withholding been made,

(ii) the Company shall make such deduction or withholding,

(iii) the Company shall pay the full amount deducted or withheld to the relevant Governmental Authority in accordance with applicable law, and

(iv) as promptly as possible thereafter, the Company shall send such Holder an official receipt (or, if an official receipt is not available, such other documentation as shall be satisfactory to such Holder, as the case may be) showing payment. In addition, the Company agrees to pay any present or future stamp or documentary taxes or any other excise or property taxes, charges or similar levies that arise from any payment made hereunder or from the execution, delivery, registration or enforcement of, or otherwise with respect to, this Preferred Shares or any other Transaction Document (collectively, “Other Taxes”).


(b)    The Company hereby indemnifies and agrees to hold each Holder and each of their affiliates and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents and advisors (each, an “Indemnified Party”) each Indemnified Party harmless from and against Taxes or Other Taxes (including, without limitation, any Taxes or Other Taxes imposed by any jurisdiction on amounts payable under this Section 28) paid by any Indemnified Party as a result of any payment made hereunder or from the execution, delivery, registration or enforcement of, or otherwise with respect to, this Preferred Shares or any other Transaction Document, and any liability (including penalties, interest and expenses for nonpayment, late payment or otherwise) arising therefrom or with respect thereto, whether or not such Taxes or Other Taxes were correctly or legally asserted. This indemnification shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the date on which such Holder makes written demand therefor, which demand shall identify the nature and amount of such Taxes or Other Taxes.

(c)     If the Company fails to perform any of its obligations under this Section 28, the Company shall indemnify such Holder for any taxes, interest or penalties that may become payable as a result of any such failure. The obligations of the Company under this Section 28 shall survive the repayment and/or conversion, as applicable, in full of the Preferred Shares and all other amounts payable with respect thereto.

(d)    If any Indemnified Party determines, in its sole discretion exercised in good faith, that it has received a refund of any Taxes as to which it has been indemnified pursuant to this Section 28 (including by the payment of additional amounts pursuant to this Section 28), it shall pay to the indemnifying party an amount equal to such refund (but only to the extent of indemnity payments made under this Section 28 with respect to the Taxes giving rise to such refund), net of all out-of-pocket expenses (including taxes) of such Indemnified Party and without interest (other than any interest paid by the relevant Governmental Authority with respect to such refund). Such indemnifying party, upon the request of such Indemnified Party, shall repay to such Indemnified Party the amount paid over pursuant to this paragraph (d) (plus any penalties, interest, or other charges imposed by the relevant Governmental Authority) in the event that such Indemnified Party is required to repay such refund to such Governmental Authority. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this paragraph (d), in no event will the Indemnified Party be required to pay any amount to an indemnifying party pursuant to this paragraph (d) the payment of which would place the Indemnified Party in a less favorable net after-Tax position than the Indemnified Party would have been in if the Tax subject to indemnification and giving rise to such refund had not been deducted, withheld or otherwise imposed and the indemnification payments or additional amounts with respect to such Tax had never been paid. This paragraph (d) shall not be construed to require any Indemnified Party to make available its Tax returns (or any other information relating to its Taxes that it deems confidential) to the indemnifying party or any other Person.


29. Severability. If any provision of this Certificate of Designations is prohibited by law or otherwise determined to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the provision that would otherwise be prohibited, invalid or unenforceable shall be deemed amended to apply to the broadest extent that it would be valid and enforceable, and the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Certificate of Designations so long as this Certificate of Designations as so modified continues to express, without material change, the original intentions of the parties as to the subject matter hereof and the prohibited nature, invalidity or unenforceability of the provision(s) in question does not substantially impair the respective expectations or reciprocal obligations of the parties or the practical realization of the benefits that would otherwise be conferred upon the parties. The parties will endeavor in good faith negotiations to replace the prohibited, invalid or unenforceable provision(s) with a valid provision(s), the effect of which comes as close as possible to that of the prohibited, invalid or unenforceable provision(s).

30. Stockholder Matters; Amendment.

(a) Stockholder Matters. Any stockholder action, approval or consent required, desired or otherwise sought by the Company pursuant to the DGCL, the Certificate of Incorporation, this Certificate of Designations or otherwise with respect to the issuance of Preferred Shares may be effected by written consent of the Company’s stockholders or at a duly called meeting of the Company’s stockholders, all in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations of the DGCL. This provision is intended to comply with the applicable sections of the DGCL permitting stockholder action, approval and consent affected by written consent in lieu of a meeting.

(b) Amendment. This Certificate of Designations or any provision hereof may be amended by obtaining the affirmative vote at a meeting duly called for such purpose, or written consent without a meeting in accordance with the DGCL, of a majority of the Holders of all of the Preferred Shares, voting together as a single class, and with such other stockholder approval, if any, as may then be required pursuant to the DGCL and the Certificate of Incorporation.

31. Certain Defined Terms. For purposes of this Certificate of Designations, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

(a)1933 Act” means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder.

(b)1934 Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder.

(c)Additional Amount” means, as of the applicable date of determination, with respect to each Preferred Share, all declared and unpaid Dividends on such Preferred Share.

(d)Affiliate” or “Affiliated” means, with respect to any Person, any other Person that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such Person, it being understood for purposes of this definition that “control” of a Person means the power directly or indirectly either to vote 10% or more of the stock having ordinary voting power for the election of directors of such Person or direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of such Person whether by contract or otherwise.


(e)Attribution Parties” means, collectively, the following Persons and entities: (i) any investment vehicle, including, any funds, feeder funds or managed accounts, currently, or from time to time after the Initial Issuance Date, directly or indirectly managed or advised by a Holder’s investment manager or any of its Affiliates or principals, (ii) any direct or indirect Affiliates of such Holder or any of the foregoing, (iii) any Person acting or who could be deemed to be acting as a Group together with such Holder or any of the foregoing and (iv) any other Persons whose beneficial ownership of the Company’s Common Stock would or could be aggregated with such Holder’s and the other Attribution Parties for purposes of Section 13(d) of the 1934 Act. For clarity, the purpose of the foregoing is to subject collectively such Holder and all other Attribution Parties to the Maximum Percentage.

(f)Book-Entry” means each entry on the Register evidencing one or more Preferred Shares held by a Holder in lieu of a Preferred Share Certificate issuable hereunder.

(g)Business Day” means any day other than Saturday, Sunday or other day on which commercial banks in The City of New York are authorized or required by law to remain closed; provided, however, for clarification, commercial banks shall not be deemed to be authorized or required by law to remain closed due to “stay at home”, “shelter-in-place”, “non-essential employee”  or any other similar orders or restrictions or the closure of any physical branch locations at the direction of any Governmental Authority so long as the electronic funds transfer systems (including for wire transfers) of commercial banks in The City of New York generally are open for use by customers on such day.

(h)Change of Control” its Subsidiaries.

(i)Closing Date” shall have the meaning set forth in the Securities Purchase Agreement, which date is the date the Company initially issued the Preferred Shares and the Warrants pursuant to the terms of the Securities Purchase Agreement.

(j)Closing Sale Price” means, for any security as of any date, the last closing trade price for such security on the Principal Market, as reported by the Principal Market. All such determinations shall be appropriately adjusted for any stock splits, stock dividends, stock combinations, recapitalizations or other similar transactions during any applicable measurement period.

(k)Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

(l)Common Stock” means (i) the Company’s shares of common stock, $0.0001 par value per share, and (ii) any capital stock into which such common stock shall have been changed or any share capital resulting from a reclassification of such common stock.


(m)Convertible Securities” means any stock or other security (other than Options) that is at any time and under any circumstances, directly or indirectly, convertible into, exercisable or exchangeable for, or which otherwise entitles the holder thereof to acquire, any shares of Common Stock.

(n)Dividend Rate” means ten per cent (10%) per annum. In the event that any Preferred Shares remain outstanding on or after October 17, 2027, then the Dividend Rate thereafter shall be fifteen per cent (15%) per annum.

(o)Eligible Market” means The New York Stock Exchange, the NYSE American, the Nasdaq Global Select Market, the Nasdaq Global Market, the Nasdaq Capital Market.

(p)FATCA” means Sections 1471 through 1474 of the Code, as of the date of this Certificate of Designation (or any amended or successor version that is substantively comparable and not materially more onerous to comply with), any current or future regulations or official interpretations thereof, any agreements entered into pursuant to Section 1471(b)(1) of the Code and any fiscal or regulatory legislation, rules or practices adopted pursuant to any intergovernmental agreement, treaty or convention among Governmental Authorities and implementing such Sections of the Code.

(q)Fiscal Quarter” means each of the fiscal quarters adopted by the Company for financial reporting purposes that correspond to the Company’s fiscal year as of the date hereof that ends on December 31.


(r)Fundamental Transaction” means (A) that the Company shall, directly or indirectly, including through subsidiaries, Affiliates or otherwise, in one or more related transactions, (i) consolidate or merge with or into (whether or not the Company is the surviving corporation) another Subject Entity, or (ii) sell, assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of the properties or assets of the Company or any of its “significant subsidiaries” (as defined in Rule 1-02 of Regulation S-X) to one or more Subject Entities, or (iii) make, or allow one or more Subject Entities to make, or allow the Company to be subject to or have its Common Stock be subject to or party to one or more Subject Entities making, a purchase, tender or exchange offer that is accepted by the holders of at least either (x) 50% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock, (y) 50% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock calculated as if any shares of Common Stock held by all Subject Entities making or party to, or Affiliated with any Subject Entities making or party to, such purchase, tender or exchange offer were not outstanding; or (z) such number of shares of Common Stock such that all Subject Entities making or party to, or Affiliated with any Subject Entity making or party to, such purchase, tender or exchange offer, become collectively the beneficial owners (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the 1934 Act) of at least 50% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock, or (iv) consummate a stock or share purchase agreement or other business combination (including, without limitation, a reorganization, recapitalization, spin-off or scheme of arrangement) with one or more Subject Entities whereby all such Subject Entities, individually or in the aggregate, acquire, either (x) at least 50% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock, (y) at least 50% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock calculated as if any shares of Common Stock held by all the Subject Entities making or party to, or Affiliated with any Subject Entity making or party to, such stock purchase agreement or other business combination were not outstanding; or (z) such number of shares of Common Stock such that the Subject Entities become collectively the beneficial owners (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the 1934 Act) of at least 50% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock, or (v) reorganize, recapitalize or reclassify its Common Stock, (B) that the Company shall, directly or indirectly, including through subsidiaries, Affiliates or otherwise, in one or more related transactions, allow any Subject Entity individually or the Subject Entities in the aggregate to be or become the “beneficial owner” (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the 1934 Act), directly or indirectly, whether through acquisition, purchase, assignment, conveyance, tender, tender offer, exchange, reduction in outstanding shares of Common Stock, merger, consolidation, business combination, reorganization, recapitalization, spin-off, scheme of arrangement, reorganization, recapitalization or reclassification or otherwise in any manner whatsoever, of either (x) at least 50% of the aggregate ordinary voting power represented by issued and outstanding Common Stock, (y) at least 50% of the aggregate ordinary voting power represented by issued and outstanding Common Stock not held by all such Subject Entities as of the date of this Certificate of Designations calculated as if any shares of Common Stock held by all such Subject Entities were not outstanding, or (z) a percentage of the aggregate ordinary voting power represented by issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock or other equity securities of the Company sufficient to allow such Subject Entities to effect a statutory short form merger or other transaction requiring other stockholders of the Company to surrender their shares of Common Stock without approval of the stockholders of the Company or (C) directly or indirectly, including through subsidiaries, Affiliates or otherwise, in one or more related transactions, the issuance of or the entering into any other instrument or transaction structured in a manner to circumvent, or that circumvents, the intent of this definition in which case this definition shall be construed and implemented in a manner otherwise than in strict conformity with the terms of this definition to the extent necessary to correct this definition or any portion of this definition which may be defective or inconsistent with the intended treatment of such instrument or transaction.


(s)GAAP” means United States generally accepted accounting principles, consistently applied.

(t)Group” means a “group” as that term is used in Section 13(d) of the 1934 Act and as defined in Rule 13d-5 thereunder.

(u)Governmental Authority” means any federal, foreign, state, county, municipal, provincial, or local governmental authority, court, judicial body, arbitration tribunal, government or self-regulatory organization, commission, tribunal or organization, or any regulatory, administrative, or other agency, or any political or other subdivision, department, commission, board, bureau, branch, division, ministry, or instrumentality of any of the foregoing.

(v)Liquidation Event” means, whether in a single transaction or series of transactions, the voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company or such Subsidiaries the assets of which constitute all or substantially all of the assets of the business of the Company and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole.

(w)Options” means any rights, warrants or options to subscribe for or purchase shares of Common Stock or Convertible Securities.

(x)Parent Entity” of a Person means an entity that, directly or indirectly, controls the applicable Person and whose common stock or equivalent equity security is quoted or listed on an Eligible Market, or, if there is more than one such Person or Parent Entity, the Person or Parent Entity with the largest public market capitalization as of the date of consummation of the Fundamental Transaction.

(y)Person” means an individual, a limited liability company, a partnership, a joint venture, a corporation, a trust, an unincorporated organization, any other entity or a government or any department or agency thereof.

(z)Principal Market” means, as of any time of determination, the principal trading market, if any, in which the shares of Common Stock then trade.

(aa)SEC” means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or the successor thereto.

(bb)Securities” shall have the meaning as set forth in the Securities Purchase Agreement.


(cc)Securities Purchase Agreement” means that certain amended and restated securities purchase agreement by and among the Company and the initial holders of Preferred Shares, dated as of the Subscription Date, as may be amended from time in accordance with the terms thereof.

(dd)Stated Value” shall mean $1,000 per share, subject to adjustment for stock splits, stock dividends, recapitalizations, reorganizations, reclassifications, combinations, subdivisions or other similar events occurring after the Initial Issuance Date with respect to the Preferred Shares.

(ee)Subscription Date” means October 17, 2024.

(ff) “Subject Entity” means any Person, Persons or Group or any Affiliate or associate of any such Person, Persons or Group.

(gg)Subsidiary” shall have the meaning set forth in the Securities Purchase Agreement.

(hh)Successor Entity” means the Person (or, if so elected by the Required Holders, the Parent Entity) formed by, resulting from or surviving any Fundamental Transaction or the Person (or, if so elected by the Required Holders, the Parent Entity) with which such Fundamental Transaction shall have been entered into.

(ii)Trading Day” means, as applicable, (x) with respect to all price or trading volume determinations relating to the Common Stock, any day on which the Common Stock is traded on the Principal Market, or, if the Principal Market is not the principal trading market for the Common Stock, then on the principal securities exchange or securities market on which the Common Stock is then traded, provided that “Trading Day” shall not include any day on which the Common Stock is scheduled to trade on such exchange or market for less than 4.5 hours or any day that the Common Stock is suspended from trading during the final hour of trading on such exchange or market (or if such exchange or market does not designate in advance the closing time of trading on such exchange or market, then during the hour ending at 4:00:00 p.m., New York time) unless such day is otherwise designated as a Trading Day in writing by the applicable Holder or (y) with respect to all determinations other than price determinations relating to the Common Stock, any day on which The New York Stock Exchange (or any successor thereto) is open for trading of securities.

(jj)Transaction Documents” means the Securities Purchase Agreement, this Certificate of Designations, and each of the other agreements and instruments entered into or delivered by the Company or any of the Holders in connection with the transactions contemplated by the Securities Purchase Agreement, all as may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof.


32. Disclosure. Upon receipt or delivery by the Company of any notice in accordance with the terms of this Certificate of Designations, unless the Company has in good faith determined that the matters relating to such notice do not constitute material, non-public information relating to the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, the Company shall on or prior to 9:00 am, New York city time no later than the fourth Business Day immediately following such notice delivery date, publicly disclose such material, non-public information on a Current Report on Form 8-K or otherwise.

33. Absence of Trading and Disclosure Restrictions. The Company acknowledges and agrees that no Holder is a fiduciary or agent of the Company and that each Holder shall have no obligation to (a) maintain the confidentiality of any information provided by the Company or (b) refrain from trading any securities while in possession of such information in the absence of a written non-disclosure agreement signed by an officer of such Holder that explicitly provides for such confidentiality and trading restrictions. In the absence of such an executed, written non-disclosure agreement, the Company acknowledges that each Holder may freely trade in any securities issued by the Company, may possess and use any information provided by the Company in connection with such trading activity, and may disclose any such information to any third party.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Certificate of Designations of the Certificate of Incorporation of Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc.to be signed by its Chief Financial Officer on this 17th day of October, 2024.



  By: /s/ Jin Jo
  Name: Jin Jo
  Title: Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer








Reference is made to the Certificate of Designations of the Certificate of Incorporation of Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”) establishing the terms, preferences and rights of the Series 1C Convertible Preferred Stock, $0.0001 par value (the “Preferred Shares”) of the Company (the “Certificate of Designations”). In accordance with and pursuant to the Certificate of Designations, the undersigned hereby elects to convert the number of Preferred Shares indicated below into shares of common stock, $0.0001 value per share (the “Common Stock”), of the Company, as of the date specified below.


Date of Conversion:  


Aggregate number of Preferred Shares to be converted:

Aggregate Stated Value of such Preferred Shares to be converted:  
Aggregate accrued and unpaid Dividends with respect to such Preferred Shares to be converted:  

Please confirm the following information:


Conversion Price:  
Number of shares of Common Stock to be issued:  

Please issue the Common Stock into which the applicable Preferred Shares are being converted to Holder, or for its benefit, as follows:

Check here if requesting delivery as a certificate to the following name and to the following address:

Issue to:  
£ Check here if requesting delivery by Deposit/Withdrawal at Custodian as follows:
DTC Participant:  
DTC Number:  
Account Number:  



Date: _____________ __,

Name of Registered Holder




Tax ID:_____________________

E-mail Address:






The Company hereby acknowledges this Conversion Notice, (b) certifies that the above indicated number of shares of Common Stock [are][are not] eligible to be resold by the applicable Holder either (i) pursuant to Rule 144 (subject to such Holder’s execution and delivery to the Company of a customary 144 representation letter) or (ii) an effective and available registration statement and (c) hereby directs _________________ to issue the above indicated number of shares of Common Stock in accordance with the Transfer Agent Instructions dated _____________, 20__ from the Company and acknowledged and agreed to by ________________________.






