EX-10.24 5 directorrsuaward2019plan-o.htm EX-10.24 Document



授予日期: 2024年10月15日
計劃歸屬日期: 2025年10月15日




1.    授予受限制股單元。公司特此確認,根據本協議和計劃中的條款和條件,在授予日期將向您授予本協議封面上指定的受限股票單位數量("單位")。每個單位代表收到一股公司普通股的權利(每個爲"股份")。在根據本協議條款結算或失敗之前,授予給您的單位將記入由公司維護以您名義的帳戶。此帳戶應爲未籌資,並僅用於簿記目的,單位僅代表公司的未籌資及無擔保的潛在義務。
2.    適用於單位的限制條件。。此獎項及本獎項所包括的單位,均不得自願或非自願地出售、轉讓、交換或設定負擔,除非根據您的遺囑、按照繼承和分配法律或根據計劃中提出的受益人指定進行轉移。在任何此類轉移之後,本獎勵仍將受到與其轉移前適用於本獎項的相同條款和條件的約束。任何違反本第2節的轉讓行爲均應無效且不產生任何效力。根據第5節規定,單位及您根據本協議獲得股票的權利將受限於直到滿足第4節中規定的歸屬條件之前的沒收。

3.    沒有股東權利根據該獎勵,受獎單位不賦予您任何擁有公司普通股權益的權利。除非根據第6節提供的方式向您發放股份,否則您不會在與本協議下受獎單位的授予方面擁有任何公司股東的權利。
4.    單位歸屬根據本協議,"獲得日期" 意味着任何日期,包括本協議封面上指定的計劃獲得日期,本協議規定的受限單位在此條款第4節中獲得的日期。儘管該獎勵獲得並隨後結算,但該獎勵及根據本協議發行的股份或支付仍將受限於計劃第16(i)條款的規定。





5.    取消除非按照以上第4節的規定提供,如果您停止成爲服務提供商,您將放棄所有未獲授予的單位。

6.    單位結算.

(a)除非您選擇延遲單位的結算,任何根據第4節授予的單位,公司應當在可能的情況下(但不遲於15日之後的第三個日曆月的開放日)發行和交付給您(或者在您死亡的情況下,交付給您的個人代表、指定的受益人或者遺產)一股份,用於支付和結算每個已授予的單位。股份的交付將通過向您發行一張股票證書、通過公司轉讓代理人維護的股份登記簿中的適當條目,並向您提供發行通知,或者通過將股份電子交付給您指定的券商帳戶來完成,並應符合第8節的稅收規定以及按照計劃第16節提供的所有適用法律要求,並應完全滿足和結算此類已授予的單位。如果授予的單位中包含零頭單位,公司應在發放根據此處規定提供的股份之前,將授予的單位數量四捨五入至最接近的整單位。th 除非您選擇延遲單位的結算,任何根據第4節授予的單位,公司應當在可能的情況下(但不遲於15日之後的第三個日曆月的開放日)發行和交付給您(或者在您死亡的情況下,交付給您的個人代表、指定的受益人或者遺產)一股份,用於支付和結算每個已授予的單位。股份的交付將通過向您發行一張股票證書、通過公司轉讓代理人維護的股份登記簿中的適當條目,並向您提供發行通知,或者通過將股份電子交付給您指定的券商帳戶來完成,並應符合第8節的稅收規定以及按照計劃第16節提供的所有適用法律要求,並應完全滿足和結算此類已授予的單位。如果授予的單位中包含零頭單位,公司應在發放根據此處規定提供的股份之前,將授予的單位數量四捨五入至最接近的整單位。
(b)如果您選擇推遲單位的結算(「推遲單位」)根據該條款 計劃,在根據第4節確定的任何推遲單位解禁後,這些推遲單位的結算將受計劃條款和您相關的推遲選舉的約束。

7.    分紅相等物如果公司在本協議項下有任何未解除的單位的情況下支付現金股息,則公司應根據每次分紅支付日期,將分紅派息的美元等值金額記入您的帳戶。記入您的帳戶的股息派息的美元金額應通過將根據分紅登記日記入您的帳戶的單位數乘以每股現金股息的美元金額來確定。您有權收到這些應計股息等值金額,而應計股息等值金額的金額應以現金支付,其認股權證等值物所對應的單位解除並結算的時間和程度應與本協議第4和第6部分規定的一致。任何未支付的應計股息等值金額均不應計息。根據本協議被沒收的單位上應計的任何股息等值金額也應當被沒收。

8.    Tax Consequences. No Shares will be delivered to you in settlement of vested Units unless you have made arrangements acceptable to the Company for payment of any federal, state, local or foreign taxes that may be due as a result of the delivery of the Shares.
9.    Notices. Every notice or other communication relating to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be mailed to or delivered (including electronically) to the party for whom it is intended at such address as may from time to time be designated by it in a notice mailed or delivered to the other party as herein provided. Unless and until some other address is so designated, all notices or communications by you to the Company shall be mailed or delivered to the Company, to the attention of its Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, at its office at 13200 Pioneer Trail, Suite 150, Eden Prairie, MN 55347, slbogart@winnebagoind.com, and all notices or communications by the Company to you may

be given to you personally or may be mailed or, if you are still a Director, emailed to you at the address indicated in the Company's records as your most recent mailing or email address.
10.    Additional Provisions.
(a)    No Right to Continued Service. This Agreement does not give you a right to continued Service with the Company or any Affiliate, and the Company or any such Affiliate may terminate your Service at any time and otherwise deal with you without regard to the effect it may have upon you under this Agreement.

(b)    Governing Plan Document. This Agreement and the Award are subject to all the provisions of the Plan, and to all interpretations, rules and regulations which may, from time to time, be adopted and promulgated by the Committee pursuant to the Plan. If there is any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the Plan, the provisions of the Plan will govern.

(c)    Governing Law.  This Agreement, the parties’ performance hereunder, and the relationship between them shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Iowa, without giving effect to the choice of law principles thereof.

(d)    Severability. The provisions of this Agreement shall be severable and if any provision of this Agreement is found by any court to be unenforceable, in whole or in part, the remainder of this Agreement shall nevertheless be enforceable and binding on the parties. You also agree that any trier of fact may modify any invalid, overbroad or unenforceable provision of this Agreement so that such provision, as modified, is valid and enforceable under applicable law.

(e)    Binding Effect. This Agreement will be binding in all respects on your heirs, representatives, successors and assigns, and on the successors and assigns of the Company.

(f)    Section 409A of the Code. Except to the extent Participant has elected to defer the Units pursuant to the terms of the Plan and his or her related deferral election form, the award of Units as provided in this Agreement and any issuance of Shares or payment pursuant to this Agreement are intended to be exempt from Section 409A of the Code under the short-term deferral exception specified in Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-l(b)(4).

(g)    Electronic Delivery and Acceptance. The Company may deliver any documents related to this Restricted Stock Unit Award by electronic means and request your acceptance of this Agreement by electronic means. You hereby consent to receive all applicable documentation by electronic delivery and to participate in the Plan through an on-line (and/or voice activated) system established and maintained by the Company or the Company’s third-party stock plan administrator.

By signing the cover page of this Agreement or otherwise accepting this Agreement in a manner approved by the Company, you agree to all the terms and conditions described above and in the Plan document