EX-10.1 2 mco-20240930xexx10110xq.htm EX-10.1 Document

Moody's Corporation職業過渡計劃("計劃")旨在爲Moody's Corporation("公司")及其參與的附屬公司的某些合格員工在計劃規定的條件下發生合格終止時提供離職福利。該計劃旨在成爲《1974年修改的《僱員退休收入安全法案》第3(1)條定義的"員工福利計劃",並受ERISA管轄。公司是根據ERISA第3(16)(B)條所定義的「計劃發起人」,通過董事會和CHRC行使此權限。在該計劃下沒有任何福利權益,並且該計劃可以在任何時候進行修訂、修改或終止。請查閱標題爲「修訂和終止」的部分,了解公司保留的權利。本文件既構成官方計劃文件又構成ERISA下的概要計劃描述。本文件適用於任何在2024年10月1日及之後經歷合格終止的合格僱員。
1.1 「董事會」指的是穆迪公司的董事會。
    1.2 "原因" 應指(a)符合條件的僱員故意瀆職、故意不端或過失大過失,與其就業有關,(b)持續不履行由符合條件的僱員彙報的任何僱員或參與公司董事會要求的職責,(c)符合條件的僱員未遵守和/或不遵守適用於符合條件的僱員的參與公司的重要政策,或(d)由符合條件的僱員定罪,或認罪或不爭辯,(i)任何罪行或(ii)任何涉及道德惡劣行爲的輕罪。是否有原因終止或其他離職應由委員會、公司管理成員單獨和絕對自行裁量決定,該裁定應是決定性和對受影響個人具有約束力。

(b) 應該簽署一份離職和解除協議。
儘管上述內容,'符合條件的僱員' 不包括任何個人:(A) (i) 被參與公司指定爲臨時工、季節性工人、小時工、臨時工、租賃工、有限期僱員或'獨立承包商';或 (ii) 關於誰參與公司沒有扣繳所得稅(即使後來按照適用法律或其他情況在此1.3(A)部分被再分類或重新確定爲參與公司的常法僱員的個人,也不會成爲符合條件的僱員);(B) 正在接受或已經獲批從非參與公司(例如,保險公司)根據任何員工福利計劃、計劃或安排獲得收入補償福利的一方的收入替代福利;(C) 根據個人就業合同、錄取信或其他方式或可能有權從參與公司處獲得解僱賠償的,未放棄並放棄那種有權利的權利的人,這種書面文件形式和內容令參與公司滿意;或 (D) 被參與公司管理層(依其全權酌情決定)指定爲不具資格參與計劃的人。
1.8 "薪金" 指符合條件的僱員在其僱傭終止時的年度基本工資,正如參與公司的工資記錄所反映的那樣

1.10 “年資” 意指符合上述定義,且在參與公司裡以符合資格身分自最近聘僱日期算起,連續任職(以年和月計,以最接近整月四捨五入計算部分月份)。 假如 參與公司可以酌情決定,在符合條件的情況下,考慮符合資格員工最近聘僱日期之前的年資(例如,在收購相關的前身公司任職期間)。

must return the executed Severance and Release Agreement no later than sixty (60) days following the date of the Eligible Termination and, if such 60-day period includes two calendar years, no benefits hereunder subject to Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) shall be paid to the Eligible Employee until the second calendar year. Any amounts that otherwise would have been paid during the period beginning on the date of termination and ending on the first applicable payment date shall be paid on the first applicable payment date.
    2.3    Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein, the Chief Executive Officer of the Participating Company, or his or her delegee, may, at any time, take such action as such officer, in such officer’s sole discretion, deems appropriate to reduce or increase by any amount the benefits otherwise payable to an Eligible Employee pursuant to Schedule A or otherwise modify the terms and conditions applicable to an Eligible Employee under this Plan. Benefits granted hereunder may not exceed an amount nor be paid over a period which would cause the Plan to be other than a “welfare benefit plan” under Section 3 (1) of ERISA.
    2.4    Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein, if the Eligible Employee is a “specified employee” within the meaning of Section 409A of the Code, as of the date of termination of his or her employment, to the extent necessary to comply with Section 409A of the Code, no severance payments or benefits will be paid or provided to the Eligible Employee before the date that is six months after the date of the termination of employment; provided, that such payments and benefits will be accumulated (without interest) and paid to the Eligible Employee as soon as practicable on or after the first day of the seventh month following the date of termination of employment. In no event shall a Participating Company be liable to any Eligible Employee for any adverse tax consequences under Section 409A of the Code for any payment made under this Plan.
    3.1    By action of the Board (including any action of the CHRC or any successor committee to whom the Board has delegated authority to exercise its powers as Plan sponsor), the Company reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to terminate the Plan on behalf of any or all Participating Companies at any time and for any or no reason and without any further obligation by action of the Board or such other person or persons to whom the Board properly delegates such authority. Any other Participating Company may cease participation in the Plan by action of its board of directors or such other person or persons to whom such board properly delegates such authority.

第4條 股份
4.1 委員會應該是計劃的管理員,有權控制和管理計劃的操作和管理,並管理和控制根據本計劃第5.2節設置的資產。
4.2 委員會可能不時將其責任委託給公司或參與公司的官員。 委員會可以僱用一名或多名人員,就委員會根據計劃所負責的任何責任提供諮詢。
4.3 委員會(及其代表)將有權解釋計劃的所有條款,並判斷與之有關或與計劃管理有關的任何問題,包括與符合資格的僱員的官員代碼或工作組相關的問題。 委員會(及其代表)的任何決定或行動應對所有僱員、成員和受益人具有決定性和約束力。 在所有情況下,委員會(及其代表)將擁有完全酌情權,以確定計劃參與資格和福利,以及與計劃相關的任何事實或解釋問題,以及解釋和解析計劃的所有條款和所有相關文件,包括,但不限於,所有有爭議和不確定條款。 前述句子的意圖是,委員會(及其代表)的決定,若經聯邦或州法院或仲裁員審查,將根據濫用酌情權或「武斷或任意標準」,而不是「全新標準」進行審查,並且所有法律允許的尊重應給予委員會(及其代表)的解釋、解釋和決定。 如果就計劃提供的福利的符合資格或金額髮生爭議,應根據所附附表B的索賠程序解決此類爭議。
4.6 公司應該賠償任何在參與公司任職的董事、主管或僱員,以及其繼承人和法定代表人,對於在與計劃相關的職責履行過程中,因任何索賠、訴訟、訴訟或訴求(無論是民事、刑事、行政還是調查)而支出的所有責任和合理費用,包括律師費、和解金額、判決金額、罰款或處罰金額,條件是任何行爲

5.1 無論計劃的設立還是參與公司、委員會或受託人的任何行動,均不得被解釋爲授予任何人繼續在參與公司就業的法定權利。每家參與公司均明確保留與未實施該計劃相同範圍內解僱任何員工的權利。

5.9 本計劃向未成年人的任何支付可能由委員會酌情直接支付給該未成年人;或支付給該未成年人的法定或自然監護人;或支付給任何其他照管該未成年人的人,無論是否被任命爲未成年人的監護人。該個人的收據應視爲對本計劃的所有責任的完全解除。
5.10 計劃旨在符合《法典》第409A條或其中的豁免規定,並應按照該意圖進行解釋和管理。計劃項下可能被排除不受《法典》第409A條覆蓋的任何支付,無論是由於由於非自願的服務分離而產生的分離支付,還是短期推遲,都應儘可能排除在此覆蓋範圍之外。根據《法典》第409A條的規定,本計劃提供的每筆分期付款應被視爲單獨的付款。根據《法典》第409A條的要求,本計劃約定在終止僱傭關係時支付的任何款項,僅在此種僱傭終止構成《法典》第409A條目的「服務分離」時才支付。

作爲計劃的參與者,您有權根據1974年修訂的《僱員養老金安全法案(ERISA)》享有一定的權利和保護。 ERISA規定,所有計劃參與者均有權享有:


贊助計劃: 穆迪公司
計劃編號: 526
計劃管理員:Moody's Corporation董事會的薪酬和人力資源委員會下屬的管理福利與薪酬委員會
生效日期: 2024年10月1日


Schedule A
An Eligible Employee entitled to benefits under the Plan shall, subject to Article 2 of the Plan, receive the following:
1.    Severance Benefits.
(a)    If the Eligible Employee is employed in Job Group A (as defined in this paragraph), has one or more Years of Service, and incurs an Eligible Termination for any reason other than unsatisfactory performance, the Eligible Employee shall receive the higher of (i) 10 weeks of Salary or (ii) 2 weeks of Salary for each Year of Service. Job Group A consists of the following officer codes: Assistant Vice President, Assistant Vice President-Analyst, Associate Director, Assistant Director, Analyst, Associate Analyst, and Associate.
(b)    If the Eligible Employee is employed in Job Group B (as defined in this paragraph), has one or more Years of Service, and incurs an Eligible Termination for any reason other than unsatisfactory performance, the Eligible Employee shall receive the higher of (i) 26 weeks of Salary or (ii) 2 weeks of Salary for each Year of Service. Job Group B consists of the following officer codes: Vice President, Vice President-Senior Analyst, Vice President-Senior Compliance Officer, Country Head, and Director.
(c)    If the Eligible Employee is employed in Job Group C (as defined in this paragraph), has one or more Years of Service, and incurs an Eligible Termination for any reason other than unsatisfactory performance, the Eligible Employee shall receive 52 weeks of Salary. Job Code C consists of the following officer codes: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Executive Officer-Direct, Senior Managing Director, Group Managing Director, Managing Director, Associate Managing Director, Senior Director, and Senior Vice President.
The amount an Eligible Employee would have otherwise been entitled to receive under paragraphs 1(a) through (c) above shall be reduced by 50% if that Eligible Employee (i) incurs an Eligible Termination by reason of unsatisfactory performance, or (ii) has less than one Year of Service and incurs an Eligible Termination for any reason. The maximum payment payable under paragraph 1 shall be 52 weeks of Salary.
If an Eligible Employee serves in roles at two or more Participating Companies, the higher(est) officer code at such entities shall determine the Job Group for purposes hereof. The officer code assigned to an Eligible Employee shall be determined by the Company, in its sole discretion.
2.    Payment Method.
Except as otherwise set forth in this paragraph 2 or as otherwise determined by the Company (in its sole discretion, but in all events consistent with the requirements of Section 409A of the Code), the amounts payable under paragraph 1 shall be paid in a lump-sum as soon

as practicable after the Severance and Release Agreement has been signed and the time for the Eligible Employee to revoke the Severance and Release Agreement, if any, has expired and the Severance and Release Agreement has become effective in accordance with its terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for Eligible Employees employed as a Managing Director or higher and/or employed in analytical roles (as determined by the Company, in its sole discretion, but in all events consistent with the requirements of Section 409A of the Code), or for any other Eligible Employees the Company determines (in its sole discretion, but in all events consistent with the requirements of Section 409A of the Code), the amounts payable under paragraph 1 shall be paid at the times the Eligible Employee's Salary would have been paid if employment had not terminated, over a period equal to the number of weeks of Salary to which such Eligible Employee is eligible under paragraph 1 (“salary continuation payments”).
If an Eligible Employee performs services for a Participating Company following an Eligible Termination, no payment shall be made under the Plan, and any salary continuation payments already commenced shall cease. For purposes of this Schedule A, to “perform services” shall mean employment or services as a full-time employee, consultant, owner, partner, associate, agent or otherwise on behalf of any person, principal, partnership, firm or corporation (other than a Participating Company).
3.    Welfare Benefit Continuation.
Medical, dental, and vision benefits shall be provided during such number of weeks of Salary for which the Eligible Employee is eligible under paragraph 1 at the levels in effect for the Eligible Employee immediately prior to termination of employment, on the same basis as applicable to similarly-situated employees, provided that the Eligible Employee shall pay the employee portion of any required premium payments at the level in effect for employees generally of the Participating Company for such benefits. For purposes of determining an Eligible Employee's entitlement to continuation coverage as required by Title I, Subtitle B, Part 6 of ERISA (COBRA), such employee's 18-month or other period of coverage shall commence on his or her termination of employment.
4.    Annual Bonus Payment.
Subject to the provisions of this paragraph 4, a cash bonus for the calendar year of termination may be paid in the event the Eligible Employee was employed by a Participating Company for at least six full months during such year and the Eligible Employee participated in an annual bonus plan (the "Annual Incentive Plan") immediately prior to termination of employment. In such event, the Eligible Employee shall receive a bonus in an amount equal to the Eligible Employee’s bonus target amount in effect as of his or her termination of employment multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the number of full months of employment during the calendar year of termination and the denominator of which is 12. Such bonus shall be payable in a lump-sum payment as soon as practicable after the Severance and Release Agreement has been signed and the time for the Eligible Employee to revoke the Severance and Release Agreement, if any, has expired and the Severance and Release Agreement has become effective in accordance with its terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no amount shall be paid under this paragraph 4 in the event the Eligible Employee incurred an Eligible

Termination by reason of unsatisfactory performance. The foregoing provisions of this paragraph 4 shall be appropriately modified in the case of any plan not on a calendar year basis.
5.    Death.
Upon the death of an Eligible Employee while receiving salary continuation payments, the remainder of the benefits described in paragraph 1 of this Schedule A shall be paid in a lump-sum payment to his or her estate, as applicable, as soon as reasonably practicable after the Company receives acceptable proof of such death.
6.    Other Benefits.
The Eligible Employee may be entitled to such outplacement services following a termination of employment as may be provided by, and in the sole discretion of, the Participating Company.
7.    No Further Grants, Etc.
Following an Eligible Employee's termination of employment, no further grants, awards, contributions, accruals or continued participation (except as otherwise provided for herein) shall be made to or on behalf of such employee under any plan or program maintained by a Participating Company including, but not limited to, any qualified or nonqualified retirement, profit sharing, stock option or restricted stock plan of a Participating Company. Any unvested or unexercised options, unvested restricted stock and all other benefits under any plan or program maintained by a Participating Company (including, but not limited to, any qualified or nonqualified retirement, profit sharing, stock option or restricted stock plan) which are held or accrued by an Eligible Employee at the time of his or her termination of employment, shall be treated in accordance with the terms of such plans and programs under which such options, restricted stock or other benefits were granted or accrued; provided, however, that if the Eligible Employee satisfies the age and service requirements for “Retirement” treatment under the Amended and Restated 2001 Moody’s Corporation Key Employees’ Stock Incentive Plan as of the date of the Eligible Employee’s termination of employment, the Eligible Employee shall receive such Retirement treatment with respect to any awards outstanding under such Plan to the same extent as if he or she had voluntarily retired as of the date of termination.

Schedule B
Claims Procedures
1.    No Eligible Employee or beneficiary or other person or entity shall have any right or claim to benefits under the Plan, or any right or claim to payment from the Plan, except as specified herein. Any dispute as to eligibility, type, amount or duration of benefits or any right or claim to payments from the Plan shall be resolved pursuant to the Claims Procedures of this Schedule B and the provisions of the Plan.
2.    All initial and disputed claims for benefits under the Plan shall be submitted to the Managing Director – Total Rewards or such other person designated by the Committee (the “Claims Administrator”). The Claims Administrator shall decide within 90 days after receiving the claim from an Eligible Employee or beneficiary (hereinafter referred to as "Claimant"), or his or her duly authorized representative.
3.    If the Claims Administrator determines that an extension of time for processing is required, written or electronic notification of the extension shall be furnished to the Claimant prior to the termination of the initial 90-day period. In no event shall such extension exceed a period of 90 days from the end of such initial period. The extension notice shall indicate the special circumstances requiring an extension of time and the date by which the Claims Administrator expects to render the benefit determination.
4.    The period of time within which a benefit determination is required to be made shall begin at the time a claim is filed in accordance with these claim procedures without regard to whether all the information necessary to make a benefit determination accompanies the filing.
5.    If the claim is denied in part or in full, written or electronic notice of denial shall be sent to the Claimant or his duly authorized representative. The written or electronic notice shall be set forth in a manner calculated to be understood by the Claimant and include:
(a)    the specific reason or reasons for the denial;
(b)    specific reference to pertinent Plan provisions on which the denial is based;
(c)    a description of any additional material or information necessary for the Claimant to perfect the claim, and an explanation of why such material or information is necessary; and
(d)    an explanation of the Plan's claim review procedures and the time limits applicable to such procedures including a statement of the Claimant’s right to bring a civil action under Section 502(a) of ERISA.

6.    Except as set forth in section 11 below, within 60 days after the denial of a claim, the Claimant, or his duly authorized representative, may appeal, in writing, the denial of the claim to the Committee and request a review. In connection with the review, the Claimant or his duly authorized representative may review pertinent documents and may submit issues and comments in writing. The Claimant shall be provided, upon request and free of charge, reasonable access to, and copies of, all documents, records and other information relevant to the Claimant’s claim for benefits. Such review shall take into account all comments, documents, records, and other information submitted by the Claimant relating to the claims, without regard to whether such information was submitted or considered in the initial benefit determination.
7.    The Committee shall deliver the decision on review, in writing or electronic means, to the Claimant or his duly authorized representative not later than 60 days after the receipt of the request for such review, unless there are special circumstances (such as holding a hearing, if the Committee deems necessary), which require extensions of time for processing. If the Committee determines that an extension of time for processing is required, written or electronic notification of the extension shall be furnished to the Claimant prior to the termination of the initial 60-day period. In no event shall such extension exceed a period of 60 days from the end of the initial period. The extension notice shall indicate the special circumstances requiring an extension of time and the date by which the Committee expects to render the determination on review.
8.    The period of time within which a benefit determination on review is required to be made shall begin at the time an appeal is filed in accordance with these claim procedures without regard to whether all the information necessary to make a benefit determination on review accompanies the filing. In the event that a period of time is extended due to Claimant’s failure to submit information necessary to decide a claim, the period for making the benefit determination on review shall be tolled from the date on which the notification of the extension is sent to the Claimant until the date on which the Claimant responds to the request for additional information.
9.    In the case of an adverse benefit determination on review, the Committee shall provide access to, and copies of all documents, records, and other information relevant to the Claimant’s claim for benefits.
10.    The decision shall be sent in writing or by electronic means and shall set forth in a manner calculated to be understood by the Claimant and include:
(a)    the specific reason or reasons for the denial;
(b)    specific reference to pertinent Plan provisions on which the denial is based;
(c)    a statement that the Claimant is entitled to receive, upon request and free of charge, reasonable access to, and copies of, all documents, records, and other information relevant to the Claimant’s claim for benefits; and

(d)    a statement of the Claimant’s right to bring a civil action under Section 502(a) of ERISA.

11.    The Claims Administrator’s decisions on claims (where no review is requested) and the Committee’s decisions on review (where review is requested) shall be in the discretionary and sole and absolute authority of the Claims Administrator (where no review is requested) and the Committee (where review is requested) and shall be binding and conclusive on all interested persons as to participation, benefit eligibility and benefits and any other matter of fact or interpretation relating to the Plan. It is the intention of the preceding sentence that the Claim Administrator’s decision(s) and the Committee’s decision(s) if reviewed by a Federal or state court or an arbitrator are reviewed based on an abuse of discretion or “arbitrary or capricious standard”, and not a de novo standard.”