EX-4.1 2 ex4-1.htm




本票的發行和出售未根據1933年修正版的證券法或適用的州證券法進行註冊。 在上述證券法的生效註冊聲明或以合理可接受方式為公司提供的持有人意見,認為根據該法律應無需註冊,本票不得在未(A)給出有效的在證券法的生效註冊聲明,或(B)公司要求的持有人律師意見下提供出售、出售、轉讓或賦予(B)在未根據該法案下的規定銷售或符合規定144或規定144A下銷售的情況下進行)除非已出售或符合規定144或規定144A的情況下進行。儘管前述規定,此票據可能作為與確實與某項由證券擔保的真正保證金賬戶或其他貸款或融資安排相關的質押(B) 本票的受讓人應仔細審查本票的條款,包括本票9(a) 地區。




IMAC 控股公司。


年長 記事


發行日期:2024年10月18日   原始本金金額:美元$70,000.00


為了價值接收, IMAC Holdings, Inc.,一家特拉華州的公司(下稱“權益代理”),謹此承諾支付給[持有人]或其註冊簽名人(下稱“持有人”)上述作為原始本金金額(下稱“本金”)是否應付時,無論是在到期日(如下所定),還是在加速或其他情況下(在此條款的規定下的每一種情況)。本優先票據(本“認股權證所有到期應支付款項須以支票或即時可用資金的電匯支付,或由公司根據證券賬戶不時透過書面通知的規定進行支付。本註明文件中使用的部分大寫術語在第21條中有定義。


1. 本金支付在到期日,公司應支付現金金額,代表所有未償還本金和根據本合同應支付的任何其他金額。公司可隨時無需支付任何罰款預付未償還本金的任何部分。




2. 利息本票未支付的本金余額不應計算利息。


3. 違約事件如果發生以下情況中的任何一種(每一種均為“違約事件”):


(a) 公司未能依約支付本協議應付的全部或部分本金或其他款項;


(b) 破產、無力償還、重整或清算程序或其他減免債務者的程序 被提出至該公司或任何子公司,若被第三方對該公司或任何子公司提出,則不可於其發起後三十(30)日內撤銷;


(c) 公司或其任何子公司根據任何適用的聯邦、州或外國破產、 無力償還、重整或其他類似法律,或任何其他案例或程序開始,以確定為破產或無力償還,或 對其或其任何子公司就任何適用的聯邦、州或外國破產、無力償還、重整或其他類似法律進行非自願 案例或程序的裁定、命令、判決或其他類似文件的同意,或同意其就該等案例作出的裁定 或就對其採取法團行動,同意其或其任何子公司在任何適用的聯邦、州或外國法律 下尋求重整或救濟的申請或答覆或同意,或同意其提交這類申請或 對公司或任何子公司或其資產的任何實質部分其託管人、接管人、清算人、受讓人、受託人、扣押官或其他類似官員 進行任何破產或無力償還案例或程序,或其為償還債務而作出的總額清欠,或債權人的同意,或 其無法償還到期負債的書面承認,公司或其任何子公司推動任何前述行動或由 任何人採取行動以開始統一商業法典的強制查封出售或 根據聯邦、州或外國法進行任何其他類似行動。


(d) 法庭對公司或任何子公司依據任何適用的聯邦、州或外國破產、無力償債、重整或其他類似法律自願或非自願案件或訴訟所作出的判決書、裁定、判決或其他類似文件, 揭示:(i) 公司或任何子公司的破產或無力償還情況,或審批如適用的聯邦、州或外國法律下的清算、重整、安排、調整或組成方案的清算、重整、安排、調整或 組成方案的請求書被妥善申報;(ii) 對公司或任何子公司裁定為破產或無力償債的判決書、裁定、判決或其他類似文件;或(iii) 指定公司或任何子公司的監護人、接受人、清算人 、受讓人、受託人、財產查封人或其他類似官員,指示公司或任何子公司的營運結束並指令為期三十(30)個連續天的該等判決書、裁定、判決或其他類似文件或未受暫緩 並已生效。




(e) 除有別於本第3條其他款規定外,公司或任何子公司在任何重大程度上違反任何陳述或保證(而不包括可能在任何方面違反的有實質不利影響或實質性方面的陳述或保證)或本票條款中的任何承諾或其他條款或條件,唯獨進行可矯正的承諾或其他條款或條件的違約,只要該違反在五(5)個連續業務日內尚未糾正。




4. 非規避公司謹此承諾並同意,公司不得通過修訂其組織章程和公司規則,就本日生效經修訂的當事項或任何公司重組、資產轉讓、合併、安排計劃、解散、發行或出售證券,或任何其它自願行動,來規避或設法規避遵守本債券的任何條款,並且將始終忠實履行本債券的所有條款,並採取一切必要行動保護本債券持有人的權益。


5. 表決權根據法律要求及本票明文規定,持有人作為本票持有人沒有表決權。


6. 公司的陳述和保證.




(a) 組織和資質公司是按照其成立所在地的法律合法成立、存在並處於良好地位,具有擁有其財產並進行業務的必要權力和權威,並且目前正在進行的業務和提議進行的業務。公司已經合法資格以外國實體身份進行業務,並在其擁有財產或所從事的業務的性質使其有必要資格的每個司法管轄區中處於良好地位,除非未能取得資格或保持良好地位不會合理預期對其具有重大不利影響(如下所定義)。除非在與《注冊聲明》(如下所定義)一起提交的附件 21.1 中另有說明,公司沒有子公司。




(b) 授權; 執行; 有效公司具有必要的權力和授權,可以根據本註釋履行其義務,並根據本註釋的條款發行本註釋。 本註釋由公司執行和交付,公司完成本註釋所涉及之交易(包括但不限於發行本註釋)已獲得公司的董事會或其他管理機構的正式授權,且(除了向美國證券交易委員會提交一個或多個登記聲明書、向美國證券交易委員會提交表格D以及任何州證券機構可能要求的其他申報外)公司、董事會或股東或其他管理機構並不需要進行進一步的申報、同意或授權。 本註釋已由公司合法執行和交付,構成公司的合法、有效和具約束力的義務,根據其條款對公司具有強制力,但其可執行性可能受到普遍衡平原則或適用於破產、無力償還、重整、中止、清算或類似法律的限制,該等法律關於、或一般影響適用債權人權利和救濟的執行,但賠償和分擔權利可能受聯邦或州證券法的限制。


(c) 票據發行本票憑經適當授權發行,並依據其條款發行,本票應為有效發行,已全額支付,且不可繳付,且自所有優先購買權或類似權利,抵押權,瑕疵,索賠,留置權,抵押,費用,優先承購權,設定負擔,擔保權及其他負擔(統稱為「留置權」)與該發行有關。公司對於本票的發行免登記於1933年法案下。


(d) 申報書2024年6月13日,公司向SEC提交了一份Form S-1,文件編號為333-280184,與公司發行和銷售普通股(如下所定義)相關,單獨或與公司的其他證券一起(以下簡稱"申報書”).


7. 契約直到所有板塊的註釋全部兌現或依據其條款得以滿足為止:


(a) 等級所有款項應該根據本票的條款(i)與公司於2024年9月12日發行的總本金280,000美元的本票及公司於2024年9月27日發行的總本金280,000美元的本票並列,(ii)次於容許的負債,(iii)優於公司及其子公司的所有其他負債。




(b) 披露交易和其他重要資訊公司應於本票日期後或之前的紐約時間上午9:00前,向證券交易委員會(SEC)提交一份8-k表格報告,描述本次交易的條款,以1934年法案要求的形式,並附上本票形式,以便根據1934年法案要求提交,該等項目未被公司以附件形式提交給SEC進行過披露(包括所有附件,“8-k提交”)8-k提交從提交8-k申報之後,公司將披露截至該時點由公司或其子公司或其各自的高級職員、董事、員工或代理人提供的所有重要非公開信息(如果有)。此外,根據提交8-k申報生效,公司承認並同意在本票或提交的8-k証實的保密或相似義務(無論是書面還是口頭)之下,公司或其任何子公司或各自的高級職員、董事、聯營公司、員工或代理人之間與持有人或其任何聯營公司之間的保密或相似義務將終止。公司不應且公司應要求其各個子公司和各自的高級職員、董事、員工和代理人不得向持有人提供任何自本日期以後有關公司或其任何子公司的重要非公開信息,而未經持有人明確事先書面同意(持有人得自行決定同意或否決)。就公司未經持有人同意透露任何重要非公開資訊,公司謹此承諾並同意持有人不須就此類重要非公開信息負有任何保密責任,也不須禁止根據此類信息進行交易。無論公司、其子公司還是持有人均不應就所涉及的交易發布任何新聞稿或其他公開聲明; 不過,公司應有權在未經持有人事先批准的情況下就這些交易進行新聞稿或其他公開披露(i)符合8-k提交情況及立即與之同步或(ii)根據適用法律和法規要求進行(在第(i)情況下,公司應在發布此類新聞稿或其他公開披露之前諮詢持有人)。未經持有人的事先書面同意(持有人得自行批准或否決),除適用法律要求外,公司不應(且應要求其各子公司和聯營公司不得)在任何申報、公告、發行或其他情況中透露持有人的名稱(除本協議之附件附在8-k提交中之外)。儘管本協議中可能包含與此相違之處,且不意味著否認此事實,公司明確承認並同意持有人應不須(除非有寫確切同意日期后公司和持有人簽署的正式書面具有約束力協議),對公司或其任何子公司的任何重要非公開信息負有保密責任或防止根據該信息進行交易。


8. 轉讓或轉售持有人明白:(i) 本票據並未根據1933年法案或任何州證券法登記,並且不得在未來提供出售、出售、分派或轉讓,除非(A)隨後在其下註冊,(B)持有人應向公司(如公司要求)提供一份對公司合理接受的內容的律師意見書,認為此票據可根據此豁免進行出售、分配或轉讓,或(C)持有人向公司提供一份對公司合理接受的律師意見書,認為此票據可根據1933年法案下的條例144或144A或後續條例進行出售、分配或轉讓(統稱「144規則」);(ii) 依據條例144進行此票據的任何銷售,只能根據條例144條款進行,並且如果條例144不適用,則在不適用條例144的情況下,任何根據該賣方(或通過該賣方進行銷售的人)可能被視為證券法1933年的一項承銷商(按照該法案定義),可能需要遵守1933年法案或SEC根據該法案制定的規則和規定下的其他豁免規定;(iii) 公司或任何其他人均無義務根據1933年法案或任何州證券法登記此票據,或遵守任何相關豁免的條件。盡管前述,此票據可與真正的保證金賬戶或其他以此票據抵押的貸款或融資安排相關聯,此票據的抵押據此可不視為根據此的轉讓、出售或分派,並且進行此票據抵押的持有人無需向公司提供任何相關通知或以其他方式將任何文件交予公司,包括但不限於本第8條。




9. 本債券的補發.


(a) 轉移如果此註釋要轉讓,持有人應將此註釋交還給公司,公司將立即根據持有人的指示發行並交付一份新的註釋(按照第9(d)條的規定)登記為持有人所要求的金額,代表持有人正在轉讓的未清償本金。如果未轉讓全部未清償本金,則根據第9(d)條,可向持有人發行一份新的註釋,代表未轉讓的未清償本金。持有人和任何繼受人一旦接受此註釋,即確認並同意,在支付此註釋任何一部分後,此註釋所代表的未清償本金可能低於此註釋面額上所述的本金。


(b) 遺失、被盜、滅失或毀損的債券公司收到公司視為合理的證據,證明本票據遺失、被盜、毀損或被破壞(就該證據而言,書面認證和下文所述的賠償將足夠證明),並且在遺失、被盜或被破壞的情況下,持有人就公司提供的任何合乎慣例和合理形式的賠償承諾,以及就毀損的情況,交還並取消本票據後,公司應向持有人進行據償,並交付一份新的本票據(依照第9(d)條)。該新本票據應代表未償還的本金。


(c) 不同面額之票據可互換本票憑持票人在本公司主要辦事處交還,按照第9(d)條的規定,換取新票據(或票據),其本金金額至少為1,000美元,總計代表本票的未償本金,每張新票據將代表持票人在交還時所指定的未償本金部分。


(d) 新票據的發行每當公司根據本票條款需要發行新票據時,該新票據 (i) 應與本票據相同, (ii) 應如新票據面顯示,代表尚未償還的本金 (或者在根據第9(a)條或第9(c)條發行新票據時,代表持有人指定的本金,該本金與與發行有關的其他新票據所代表的本金總和不應超過發行該等新票據前立即下本票據尚未償還的本金), (iii) 應有如新票據面所示的發行日期,該日期應和本票據的發行日期相同, (iv) 應具有與本票據相同的權利和條件, (v) 只有在實際交回用於換發該新票據的本票據給公司後,該新票據才生效。




10. 救濟措施、定性、其他義務、違約以及禁制令本《債券型》中提供的救濟措施應為累進的,並且除了法律或衡平法下本《債券型》的所有其他救濟之外(包括具體履行的法令和/或其他禁制令救濟),本《債券型》內容將不限制持有人對公司未能遵守本《債券型》條款的權利,以追究實際和後果性損害。 持有人未行使任何權利、權力或本據下救濟的失敗,以及不延遲行使任何權利、權力或本據下救濟,不構成對之擱置或延遲行使的放棄;也不應阻礙持有人對任何其他或進一步行使之構成任何單一或部分行使,及其他權利、權力或救濟的行使。此外,按法律或衡平法或本《債券型》或任何文件行使持有人之任何權利或救濟不得被視為持有人在此等文件或法律或衡平法下的權利或救濟的選擇。 公司向持有人擔保此工具不會被任何其他描述,而只有在此明確提供的情況下。 本《債券型》中訂明或提供的關於付款、贖回和類似款項(及其計算),將是持有人將要收到的款項,除非在此明確提供,否則不得受到公司(或其執行)的其他責任。 公司承認,其對此的違約將對持有人造成無法挽回的損害,並且對任何此類違約的訴訟法救濟可能不足。因此,公司同意,在任何此類違約或可能違約的情況下,持有人將有權在任何司法權管轄區的法院中,取得賠償外,對於實際損害不需證明,無需提供債券或其他擔保,提出具體履行和/或暫時、臨時和永久的法令禁制或其他衡平救濟。 公司應向持有人提供所需的所有資訊和文檔,以使持有人確認公司遵守本《債券型》條款和條件。


11. CONSTRUCTION; HEADINGS. This Note shall be deemed to be jointly drafted by the Company and the initial Holder and shall not be construed against any such Person as the drafter hereof. The headings of this Note are for convenience of reference and shall not form part of, or affect the interpretation of, this Note. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, each pronoun herein shall be deemed to include the masculine, feminine, neuter, singular and plural forms thereof. The terms “including,” “includes,” “include” and words of like import shall be construed broadly as if followed by the words “without limitation.” The terms “herein,” “hereunder,” “hereof” and words of like import refer to this entire Note instead of just the provision in which they are found. Unless expressly indicated otherwise, all section references are to sections of this Note.


12. FAILURE OR INDULGENCE NOT WAIVER. No failure or delay on the part of the Holder in the exercise of any power, right or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such power, right or privilege preclude other or further exercise thereof or of any other right, power or privilege. No waiver shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the waiving party.




(a) Notices. Any notices, consents, waivers or other communications required or permitted to be given under the terms of this Note must be in writing and will be deemed to have been delivered: (i) upon receipt, when delivered personally; (ii) upon receipt, when sent by electronic mail (provided that such sent email is kept on file (whether electronically or otherwise) by the sending party and the sending party does not receive an automatically generated message from the recipient’s email server that such e-mail could not be delivered to such recipient); or (iii) one (1) Business Day after deposit with an overnight courier service with next day delivery specified, in each case, properly addressed to the party to receive the same. The mailing addresses and e-mail addresses for such communications shall be:




If to the Company:


IMAC Holdings, Inc.

3401 Mallory Lane

Suite 100

Franklin, Tennessee 37067

Telephone: (844) 266-4622

Attention: Ms. Faith Zaslavsky

   Chief Executive Officer

E-Mail: fzaslavsky@igniteproteomics.com


With a copy (for informational purposes only) to:


Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

3 World Trade Center

175 Greenwich Street

New York, NY 10007

Telephone: (212) 808-7540

Attention: Carol Weiss Sherman, Esq

   Michael A. Adelstein, Esq.

E-Mail: CSherman@kelleydrye.com



If to the Holder:





Attention: ___________________________

E-Mail: _____________________________


or to such other mailing address and/or e-mail address and/or to the attention of such other Person as the recipient party has specified by written notice given to each other party five (5) days prior to the effectiveness of such change. Written confirmation of receipt (A) given by the recipient of such notice, consent, waiver or other communication, (B) mechanically or electronically generated by the sender’s e-mail containing the time, date and recipient’s e-mail or (C) provided by an overnight courier service shall be rebuttable evidence of personal service, receipt by e-mail or receipt from an overnight courier service in accordance with clause (i), (ii) or (iii) above, respectively.




(b) Currency. All dollar amounts referred to in this Note are in United States Dollars (“U.S. Dollars”), and all amounts owing under this Note shall be paid in U.S. Dollars. All amounts denominated in other currencies (if any) shall be converted into the U.S. Dollar equivalent amount in accordance with the Exchange Rate on the date of calculation. “Exchange Rate” means, in relation to any amount of currency to be converted into U.S. Dollars pursuant to this Note, the U.S. Dollar exchange rate as published in the Wall Street Journal on the relevant date of calculation (it being understood and agreed that where an amount is calculated with reference to, or over, a period of time, the date of calculation shall be the final date of such period of time).


(c) Payments. Whenever any amount expressed to be due by the terms of this Note is due on any day which is not a Business Day, the same shall instead be due on the next succeeding day which is a Business Day.


14. CANCELLATION. After all Principal and other amounts at any time owed on this Note has been paid in full, this Note shall automatically be deemed canceled, shall be surrendered to the Company for cancellation and shall not be reissued.


15. WAIVER OF NOTICE. To the extent permitted by law, the Company hereby irrevocably waives demand, notice, presentment, protest and all other demands and notices in connection with the delivery, acceptance, performance, default or enforcement of this Note.


16. GOVERNING LAW. This Note shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and all questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and performance of this Note shall be governed by, the internal laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to any provision of law or rule (whether of the State of Delaware or any other jurisdictions) that would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdictions other than the State of Delaware. Each party hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the District of Delaware or in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware (or, if such courts lack subject-matter jurisdiction, in the Superior Court of the State of Delaware), for the adjudication of any dispute hereunder or in connection herewith or with any transaction contemplated hereby or discussed herein, and hereby irrevocably waives, and agrees not to assert in any suit, action or proceeding, any claim that it is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of any such court, that such suit, action or proceeding is brought in an inconvenient forum or that the venue of such suit, action or proceeding is improper. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit in any way any right to serve process in any manner permitted by law. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit in any way any right to serve process in any manner permitted by law. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or operate to preclude the Holder from bringing suit or taking other legal action against the Company in any other jurisdiction to collect on the Company’s obligations to the Holder, to realize on any collateral or any other security for such obligations, or to enforce a judgment or other court ruling in favor of the Holder. EACH PARTY HEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAIVES ANY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO, AND AGREES NOT TO REQUEST, A JURY TRIAL FOR THE ADJUDICATION OF ANY DISPUTE HEREUNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF THIS NOTE OR ANY TRANSACTION CONTEMPLATED HEREBY.






(a) If for the purpose of obtaining or enforcing judgment against the Company in any court in any jurisdiction it becomes necessary to convert into any other currency (such other currency being hereinafter in this Section 17 referred to as the “Judgment Currency”) an amount due in U.S. dollars under this Note, the conversion shall be made at the Exchange Rate prevailing on the Business Day immediately preceding:


(i) the date actual payment of the amount due, in the case of any proceeding in the courts of Delaware or in the courts of any other jurisdiction that will give effect to such conversion being made on such date: or


(ii) the date on which the foreign court determines, in the case of any proceeding in the courts of any other jurisdiction (the date as of which such conversion is made pursuant to this Section 17(a)(ii) being hereinafter referred to as the “Judgment Conversion Date”).


(b) If in the case of any proceeding in the court of any jurisdiction referred to in Section 17(a)(ii) above, there is a change in the Exchange Rate prevailing between the Judgment Conversion Date and the date of actual payment of the amount due, the applicable party shall pay such adjusted amount as may be necessary to ensure that the amount paid in the Judgment Currency, when converted at the Exchange Rate prevailing on the date of payment, will produce the amount of US dollars which could have been purchased with the amount of Judgment Currency stipulated in the judgment or judicial order at the Exchange Rate prevailing on the Judgment Conversion Date.


(c) Any amount due from the Company under this provision shall be due as a separate debt and shall not be affected by judgment being obtained for any other amounts due under or in respect of this Note.


18. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Note is prohibited by law or otherwise determined to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the provision that would otherwise be prohibited, invalid or unenforceable shall be deemed amended to apply to the broadest extent that it would be valid and enforceable, and the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Note so long as this Note as so modified continues to express, without material change, the original intentions of the parties as to the subject matter hereof and the prohibited nature, invalidity or unenforceability of the provision(s) in question does not substantially impair the respective expectations or reciprocal obligations of the parties or the practical realization of the benefits that would otherwise be conferred upon the parties. The parties will endeavor in good faith negotiations to replace the prohibited, invalid or unenforceable provision(s) with a valid provision(s), the effect of which comes as close as possible to that of the prohibited, invalid or unenforceable provision(s).




19. MAXIMUM PAYMENTS. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to establish or require the payment of a rate of interest or other charges in excess of the maximum permitted by applicable law. In the event that the rate of interest required to be paid or other charges hereunder exceed the maximum permitted by such law, any payments in excess of such maximum shall be credited against amounts owed by the Company to the Holder and thus refunded to the Company.


20. AMENDING THE TERMS OF THIS NOTE. The prior written consent of the Holder shall be required for any change, waiver or amendment to this Note.


21. CERTAIN DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Note, the following terms shall have the following meanings:


(a) “1933 Act” means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder.


(b) “1934 Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder.


(c) “Business Day” means any day other than Saturday, Sunday or other day on which commercial banks in The City of New York are authorized or required by law to remain closed; provided, however, for clarification, commercial banks shall not be deemed to be authorized or required by law to remain closed due to “stay at home”, “shelter-in-place”, “non-essential employee” or any other similar orders or restrictions or the closure of any physical branch locations at the direction of any governmental authority so long as the electronic funds transfer systems (including for wire transfers) of commercial banks in The City of New York generally are open for use by customers on such day.


(d) “Common Stock” means the Company’s shares of common stock, $0.001 par value per share.


(e) “Contingent Obligation” means, as to any Person, any direct or indirect liability, contingent or otherwise, of that Person with respect to any Indebtedness, lease, dividend or other obligation of another Person if the primary purpose or intent of the Person incurring such liability, or the primary effect thereof, is to provide assurance to the obligee of such liability that such liability will be paid or discharged, or that any agreements relating thereto will be complied with, or that the holders of such liability will be protected (in whole or in part) against loss with respect thereto.


(f) “Indebtedness” of any Person means, without duplication (A) all indebtedness for borrowed money, (B) all obligations issued, undertaken or assumed as the deferred purchase price of property or services, including, without limitation, “capital leases” in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied for the periods covered thereby (other than trade payables entered into in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice), (C) all reimbursement or payment obligations with respect to letters of credit, surety bonds and other similar instruments, (D) all obligations evidenced by notes, bonds, debentures or similar instruments, including obligations so evidenced incurred in connection with the acquisition of property, assets or businesses, (E) all indebtedness created or arising under any conditional sale or other title retention agreement, or incurred as financing, in either case with respect to any property or assets acquired with the proceeds of such indebtedness (even though the rights and remedies of the seller or bank under such agreement in the event of default are limited to repossession or sale of such property), (F) all monetary obligations under any leasing or similar arrangement which, in connection with United States generally accepted accounting principles, consistently applied for the periods covered thereby, is classified as a capital lease, (G) all indebtedness referred to in clauses (A) through (F) above secured by (or for which the holder of such Indebtedness has an existing right, contingent or otherwise, to be secured by) any mortgage, deed of trust, lien, pledge, charge, security interest or other encumbrance of any nature whatsoever in or upon any property or assets (including accounts and contract rights) with respect to any asset or property owned by any Person, even though the Person which owns such assets or property has not assumed or become liable for the payment of such indebtedness, and (H) all Contingent Obligations in respect of indebtedness or obligations of others of the kinds referred to in clauses (A) through (G) above.




(g) “Material Adverse Effect” means any material adverse effect on (i) the business, properties, assets, liabilities, operations (including results thereof), condition (financial or otherwise) or prospects of the Company or any Subsidiary, individually or taken as a whole, (ii) the transactions contemplated hereby or any other agreements or instruments to be entered into in connection herewith or therewith or (iii) the authority or ability of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries to perform any of their respective obligations under any of this Note.


(h) “Maturity Date” shall mean the earlier of (i) June 18, 2025 and (ii) the initial time of consummation by the Company after the date hereof of any public or private offering(s), individually or in the aggregate, of securities with gross proceeds of at least $1 million..


(i) “Permitted Indebtedness” means (i) Indebtedness evidenced by this Note and (ii) Indebtedness set forth on Schedule A attached hereto.


(j) “Person” means an individual, a limited liability company, a partnership, a joint venture, a corporation, a trust, an unincorporated organization, any other entity or a government or any department or agency thereof.


(k) “SEC” means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or the successor thereto.


(l) “Subsidiaries” means any Person in which the Company, directly or indirectly, (I) owns any of the outstanding capital stock or holds any equity or similar interest of such Person or (II) controls or operates all or any part of the business, operations or administration of such Person, and each of the foregoing, is individually referred to herein as a “Subsidiary.”


22. ABSENCE OF TRADING AND DISCLOSURE RESTRICTIONS. The Company acknowledges and agrees that the Holder is not a fiduciary or agent of the Company and that the Holder shall have no obligation to (a) maintain the confidentiality of any information provided by the Company or (b) refrain from trading any securities while in possession of such information in the absence of a written non-disclosure agreement signed by an officer of the Holder that explicitly provides for such confidentiality and trading restrictions. In the absence of such an executed, written non-disclosure agreement, the Company acknowledges that the Holder may freely trade in any securities issued by the Company, may possess and use any information provided by the Company in connection with such trading activity, and may disclose any such information to any third party.


[signature page follows]




IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Note to be duly executed as of the Issuance Date set out above.


  IMAC Holdings, Inc.
  Name: Faith Zaslavsky
  Title: Chief Executive Officer


Agreed and Accepted:










Permitted Indebtedness







Schedule of Lenders


Keystone Capital Partners, LLC


Seven Knots, LLC