EX-99.1 2 a3q2024exhibit991.htm EX-99.1 Document

◦控制支出,同時繼續在我們認爲對長期成功至關重要的領域進行投資。2024年第三季度的銅和黃金銷量 的。 2024年7月預估
◦控制支出,同時繼續在我們認爲對長期成功至關重要的領域進行投資。2024年第三季度單位淨現金成本 下面 2024年7月估計和2023年第三季度
淨收入 2024年第三季度歸屬於普通股的淨收入總額爲52600萬美元,每股0.36美元,調整後歸屬於普通股的淨利潤總額爲55600萬美元,每股0.38美元。
合併生產量 2024年第三季度,累計產出銅11億磅,黃金45.6萬盎司,鉬2000萬磅。
合併銷售額 2024年第三季度,共計10億磅的銅、55.8萬盎司的黃金和1900萬磅的鉬。
合併銷售額 預計2024年銅產量將約爲41億磅,黃金產量爲180萬盎司,鉬產量爲8000萬磅,其中2024年第四季度將包括98000萬磅銅,34萬盎司黃金和2000萬磅鉬。
實現平均價格 每磅銅價爲$4.30,每盎司黃金價格爲$2,568,每磅鉬價爲$22.88 在2024年第三季度。
每單位淨現金成本平均爲1.39美元 每磅銅的淨現金成本爲1.39美元 2024年第三季度。預計2024年銅每磅的單位淨現金成本平均爲1.58美元。
經營活動現金流量 2024年第三季度的總計爲19億美元。預計2024年經營現金流約爲68億美元,扣除工作資本和其他用途的4億美元,基於當前銷售量和成本估計的實現,假設2024年第四季度銅每磅4.25美元,金每盎司2600美元,鉬每磅20.00美元的平均價格。
資本支出 2024年第三季度,總計12億美元,包括4億美元用於重大礦業項目,3億美元用於弗裏波特印尼公司(Pt-FI)的新冶煉廠和貴金屬精煉廠(PMR)(統稱爲弗裏波特印尼公司的新下游加工設施)。預計2024年的資本支出約爲46億美元,其中包括22億美元用於重大礦業項目,10億美元用於弗裏波特印尼公司的新下游加工設施(不包括資本化利息、所有者成本和投產費用)。
2024年9月30日, 合併債務 總計爲97億美元 和框架。有關詳細信息,請參閱UBS集團報酬報告合併現金及現金等價物 總計爲50億美元(包括與Pt-FI部分出口款項有關的10億美元臨時存放在印度尼西亞銀行帳戶中的限制性現金,合計60億美元)。 淨債務總計5億美元,不包括Pt-FI新的下游加工設施的32億美元債務。請參考第九頁的附表「淨債務」。
2024年9月,FCX 購買了530萬股Cerro Verde普通股,總成本爲21000萬美元,將其在Cerro Verde的持股比例從53.56%增加到55.08%。 for a total cost of $21000萬, increasing its ownership interest in Cerro Verde to 55.08% from 53.56%.


PHOENIX, AZ,2024年10月22日 - Freeport(紐交所: FCX)報告了2024年第三季度普通股淨利潤爲52600萬美元,每股0.36美元,調整後的普通股淨利潤爲55600萬美元,每股0.38美元,排除總計3000萬美元,每股0.02美元的淨費用,主要涉及遺留石油和燃料幣事項的減值以及Cerro Verde的非經常性勞工合同費用,部分抵消了對不確定美國稅務立場計提的減少。有關更多信息,請參閱附表「調整後的淨利潤」,從第七頁開始。


$6,790 $5,824 $19,735 $16,950 
$1,938 $1,492 $5,621 $4,503 
$526 $454 $1,615 $1,460 
$0.36 $0.31 $1.11 $1.01 
1,444 1,443 1,445 1,443 
$1,872 $1,236 $5,724 $3,959 
資本支出$1,199 $1,178 $3,569 $3,462 
$5,000 $5,745 $5,000 $5,745 
$1,117 $697 $1,117 $697 
總債務,包括流動部分$9,679 $9,405 $9,679 $9,405 
b.包括對之前期間定價的濃縮物和陰極銅銷售進行的(不利的)有利調整,總額爲負$32百萬(對普通股攸屬於的淨利潤貢獻$13百萬或每股$(0.01) 2024年第三季度,貢獻$400萬(對普通股攸屬於的淨利潤貢獻$200萬或每股不到$0.01),2023年第三季度,貢獻$2800萬(對普通股攸屬於的淨利潤貢獻$900萬或每股$0.01),2024年前九個月,貢獻$18300萬(對普通股攸屬於的淨利潤貢獻$6200萬或每股$0.04),2023年前九個月。更多討論,請參閱附表「衍生工具」,從第IX頁開始。
d.淨利潤中包括第三季度2024年的總計淨損失$3000萬(每股$0.02 第三季度2023年的總計淨損失$11700萬(每股$0.08),2024年前九個月的總計淨損失$8100萬(每股$0.06 每股),以及2023年前九個月的總計淨損失$36800萬(每股$0.25),這些信息詳細列在附表「調整後的淨利潤」中,從第七頁開始。


f.包括10億美元 截至2024年9月30日,涉及Pt-FI一部分出口收入需要根據印尼法規在印尼銀行存款90天的5億美元於2023年9月30日。

產量1,051 1,085 3,173 3,117 
銷售,不包括購買1,035 1,109 3,074 2,970 
每磅平均實現價格$4.30 $3.80 

$4.26 $3.87 

$2.61 $2.27 $2.49 $2.40 
$1.73 $1.53 
黃金 (可回收盎司數以千計)
產量456 532 1,448 1,420 
銷售558 399 1,487 1,164 
每盎司平均實現價格$2,568 $1,898 $2,362 $1,932 
產量20 20 58 62 
銷售額,不包括購買19 20 60 59 
每磅的平均實現價格$22.88 $23.71 $21.63 $26.05 

Consolidated Sales Volumes
Third-quarter 2024 copper sales of 1.0 billion pounds were 2% above the July 2024 estimate. Third-quarter 2024 copper sales were 7% lower than third-quarter 2023 sales of 1.1 billion pounds, primarily reflecting the timing of shipments and lower ore grades and operating rates in North America.
Third-quarter 2024 gold sales of 558 thousand ounces were 17% higher than the July 2024 estimate of 475 thousand ounces, primarily reflecting the timing of shipments and higher operating rates in Indonesia. Third-quarter 2024 gold sales were 40% higher than third-quarter 2023 sales of 399 thousand ounces, primarily reflecting the timing of shipments.
Third-quarter 2024 molybdenum sales of 19 million pounds were in line with the July 2024 estimate and third-quarter 2023 sales of 20 million pounds.
Consolidated sales volumes for the year 2024 are expected to approximate 4.1 billion pounds of copper, 1.8 million ounces of gold and 80 million pounds of molybdenum, including 980 million pounds of copper, 340 thousand ounces of gold and 20 million pounds of molybdenum in fourth-quarter 2024.
Consolidated copper and gold production volumes for the year 2024 are expected to exceed 2024 sales volumes, reflecting the deferral of approximately 85 million pounds of copper and 85 thousand ounces of gold associated with inventories held at PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities expected to be sold as refined metal in 2025.
Projected sales volumes are dependent on operational performance; continuation of copper concentrate exports during the restoration period of PT-FI’s new smelter; weather-related conditions; timing of shipments and other factors detailed in the “Cautionary Statement” below.


Consolidated Unit Net Cash Costs
Third-quarter 2024 consolidated average unit net cash costs (net of by-product credits) for FCX’s copper mines of $1.39 per pound of copper were lower than the July 2024 estimate of $1.71 per pound primarily reflecting higher gold credits at PT-FI. Third-quarter 2024 consolidated average unit net cash costs were also lower than third-quarter 2023 average unit net cash costs of $1.73 per pound of copper, primarily reflecting higher gold credits at PT-FI, partly offset by higher site production and delivery costs from North America and PT-FI. Refer to “Operations” below for further discussion.
Consolidated unit net cash costs (net of by-product credits) for FCX’s copper mines are expected to average $1.58 per pound of copper for the year 2024 (including $1.72 per pound of copper in fourth-quarter 2024), based on achievement of current sales volume (including estimates for the continuation of copper concentrate exports from Indonesia) and cost estimates and assuming average prices of $2,600 per ounce of gold and $20.00 per pound of molybdenum in fourth-quarter 2024. Quarterly unit net cash costs vary with fluctuations in sales volumes and realized prices, primarily for gold and molybdenum. The impact of price changes during fourth-quarter 2024 on consolidated unit net cash costs for the year 2024 would approximate $0.01 per pound of copper for each $100 per ounce change in the average price of gold and $0.01 per pound of copper for each $2 per pound change in the average price of molybdenum.

Leaching Innovation Initiatives. FCX is continuing to advance a series of initiatives across its North America and South America operations to incorporate new applications, technologies and data analytics to its leaching processes. In late 2023, FCX achieved its initial incremental annual run rate target of approximately 200 million pounds of copper. Incremental copper production from these initiatives totaled 58 million pounds in third-quarter 2024 (compared with 46 million pounds in third-quarter 2023) and 164 million pounds for the first nine months of 2024 (compared with 97 million pounds for the first nine months of 2023). FCX is pursuing opportunities to apply recent operational enhancements on a larger scale and is testing new innovative technology applications that have the potential for significant increases in recoverable metal beyond the current run rate.
North America. FCX manages seven copper operations in North America – Morenci, Bagdad, Safford (including Lone Star), Sierrita and Miami in Arizona, and Chino and Tyrone in New Mexico. FCX also operates a copper smelter in Miami, Arizona. In addition to copper, certain of these operations produce molybdenum concentrate, gold and silver. All of the North America operations are wholly owned, except for Morenci. FCX records its 72% undivided joint venture interest in Morenci using the proportionate consolidation method.
Development Activities. FCX has substantial reserves and future opportunities in the U.S., primarily associated with existing operations.
FCX has a potential expansion project to more than double the concentrator capacity of the Bagdad operation in northwest Arizona. Bagdad’s reserve life currently exceeds 80 years and supports an expanded operation. In late 2023, FCX completed technical and economic studies, which indicated the opportunity to construct new concentrating facilities to increase copper production by 200 to 250 million pounds per year at estimated incremental project capital costs of approximately $3.5 billion. Expanded operations would provide improved efficiency and reduce unit net cash costs through economies of scale. Project economics indicate that the expansion would require an incentive copper price in the range of $3.50 to $4.00 per pound and approximately three to four years to complete. The decision of whether to proceed and timing of the potential expansion will take into account overall copper market conditions, availability of labor and other factors, including progress on conversion of the existing haul truck fleet to autonomous and expanding housing alternatives to support long-range plans. In parallel, FCX is advancing activities for expanded tailings infrastructure projects required under long-range plans in order to advance the potential construction timeline.
FCX has commenced pre-feasibility studies in the Safford/Lone Star district to define a potential significant expansion opportunity. Positive drilling conducted in recent years indicates a large, mineralized district with opportunities to pursue a further expansion project. FCX expects to complete these studies in late 2025. The decision of whether to proceed and timing of the potential expansion will take into account results of technical and economic studies, overall copper market conditions and other factors.


Operating Data. Following is summary consolidated operating data for the North America copper mines:
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Copper (millions of recoverable pounds)
313 344 925 1,030 
Sales, excluding purchases
316 372 939 1,043 
Average realized price per pound


$4.29 $3.97 
Molybdenum (millions of recoverable pounds)
22 23 
Unit net cash costs per pound of copperb
Site production and delivery, excluding adjustments
$3.64 $3.01 


By-product credits
Treatment charges
0.13 0.10 0.13 0.12 
Unit net cash costs
$3.24 $2.70 $3.13 $2.56 
a.Refer to summary operating data on page 3 for FCX’s consolidated molybdenum sales, which include sales of molybdenum produced at the North America copper mines.
b.For a reconciliation of unit net cash costs per pound to production and delivery costs applicable to sales reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements, refer to the supplemental schedules, “Product Revenues and Production Costs,” beginning on page XIV.
FCX’s consolidated copper sales volumes from North America of 316 million pounds in third-quarter 2024 were lower than third-quarter 2023 copper sales volumes of 372 million pounds, primarily reflecting lower operating rates and ore grades, as well as timing of shipments. North America copper sales are estimated to approximate 1.24 billion pounds for the year 2024.
Average unit net cash costs (net of by-product credits) for the North America copper mines of $3.24 per pound of copper in third-quarter 2024 were higher than third-quarter 2023 average unit net cash costs of $2.70 per pound, primarily reflecting the impact of lower copper production volumes associated with lower ore grades.
Average unit net cash costs (net of by-product credits) for the North America copper mines are expected to approximate $3.14 per pound of copper for the year 2024, based on achievement of current sales volume and cost estimates and assuming an average price of $20.00 per pound of molybdenum in fourth-quarter 2024. North America’s average unit net cash costs for the year 2024 would change by approximately $0.01 per pound for each $2 per pound change in the average price of molybdenum in fourth-quarter 2024.
South America. FCX manages two copper operations in South America – Cerro Verde in Peru (in which FCX owns a 55.08% interest) and El Abra in Chile (in which FCX owns a 51% interest). These operations are consolidated in FCX’s financial statements. In addition to copper, the Cerro Verde mine produces molybdenum concentrate and silver.
In September 2024, FCX purchased 5.3 million shares of Cerro Verde common stock for $210 million, increasing its ownership interest in Cerro Verde to 55.08% from 53.56%.
Development Activities. At the El Abra operations in Chile, FCX has completed substantial drilling and evaluations to define a large sulfide resource that would support a potential major mill project similar to the large-scale concentrator at Cerro Verde. FCX is preparing data for a potential submission of an environmental impact statement by year-end 2025, subject to ongoing stakeholder engagement and economic evaluations. FCX’s preliminary estimates, which remain under review, indicate that the project economics would be supported using an incentive copper price of less than $4.00 per pound. The decision of whether to proceed and timing of the potential project will take into account overall copper market conditions, required permitting and other factors.


Labor Matters. In October 2024, Cerro Verde completed a new four-year collective labor agreement (CLA) with one of its two unions and recorded nonrecurring charges of $34 million in third-quarter 2024 associated with the new CLA. The agreement follows the successful completion of a new CLA with a second union in April 2024. Cerro Verde now has multi-year agreements for its hourly workforce.
Operating Data. Following is summary consolidated operating data for South America operations:
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Copper (millions of recoverable pounds)
299 305 877 916 
293 307 879 913 
Average realized price per pound
$4.29 $3.77 $4.25 $3.82 
Molybdenum (millions of recoverable pounds)
15 17 
Unit net cash costs per pound of copperb
Site production and delivery, excluding adjustments
$2.57 $2.67 
By-product credits
Treatment charges
0.15 0.19 0.16 0.20 
Royalty on metals
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 
Unit net cash costs
$2.44 $2.35 $2.50 $2.28 
a.Refer to summary operating data on page 3 for FCX’s consolidated molybdenum sales, which include sales of molybdenum produced at Cerro Verde.
b.For a reconciliation of unit net cash costs per pound to production and delivery costs applicable to sales reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements, refer to the supplemental schedules, “Product Revenues and Production Costs,” beginning on page XIV.
c.Includes $0.12 per pound of copper in third-quarter 2024 and $0.11 per pound of copper for the first nine months of 2024 for nonrecurring labor-related charges at Cerro Verde associated with new CLAs. Refer to the supplemental schedule, “Adjusted Net Income,” beginning on page VII.
FCX’s consolidated copper sales volumes from South America operations of 293 million pounds in third-quarter 2024 were slightly lower than third-quarter 2023 copper sales volumes of 307 million pounds, primarily reflecting the timing of shipments and slightly lower copper production. Copper sales from South America operations are expected to approximate 1.2 billion pounds for the year 2024.
Average unit net cash costs (net of by-product credits) for South America operations of $2.44 per pound of copper in third-quarter 2024 were higher than third-quarter 2023 average unit net cash costs of $2.35 per pound, primarily reflecting nonrecurring labor-related charges at Cerro Verde associated with a new CLA with one of its two unions.
Average unit net cash costs (net of by-product credits) for South America operations are expected to approximate $2.47 per pound of copper for the year 2024 (including $0.08 per pound of copper for nonrecurring labor-related charges at Cerro Verde associated with its new CLAs), based on achievement of current sales volume and cost estimates and assuming an average price of $20.00 per pound of molybdenum in fourth-quarter 2024.
Indonesia. PT-FI operates one of the world’s largest copper and gold mines at the Grasberg minerals district in Central Papua, Indonesia. PT-FI produces copper concentrate that contains significant quantities of gold and silver. FCX has a 48.76% ownership interest in PT-FI and manages its operations. PT-FI’s results are consolidated in FCX’s financial statements. Upon ramp-up of the new downstream processing facilities, PT-FI will be a fully integrated producer of refined copper and gold.
Regulatory Matters and Mining Rights. On July 2, 2024, PT-FI was granted copper concentrate and anode slimes export licenses, which are valid through December 2024. Pursuant to the Indonesia regulations, PT-FI will continue to pay a 7.5% export duty on copper concentrates. In connection with the recent fire event at PT-FI’s new


smelter facility and required remediation, PT-FI is working with the Indonesia government to allow continuity of copper concentrate exports until smelter operations are restored.
Pursuant to regulations issued during 2024, PT-FI is eligible to apply for an extension of its mining rights beyond 2041, provided certain conditions are met, including ownership of integrated downstream facilities that have entered the operational stage; domestic ownership of at least 51% and agreement with a state-owned enterprise for an additional 10% ownership; and commitments for additional exploration and increases in refining capacity, each as approved by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals. Application for extension may be submitted at any time up to one year prior to the expiration of its current special mining license (IUPK). PT-FI is currently preparing its application submittal. In connection with PT-FI’s application for extension, FCX is working to reach terms with PT Mineral Industri Indonesia (MIND ID) on a purchase and sale agreement for the transfer in 2041 of an additional 10% interest in PT-FI. An extension would enable continuity of large-scale operations for the benefit of all stakeholders and provide growth options through additional resource development opportunities in the highly attractive Grasberg minerals district.
Operating and Development Activities. Over a multi-year investment period, PT-FI has successfully commissioned three large-scale underground mines in the Grasberg minerals district (Grasberg Block Cave, Deep Mill Level Zone and Big Gossan). PT-FI is completing a mill recovery project with the installation of a new copper cleaner circuit, which is expected to begin commissioning in late 2024.
Kucing Liar. Long-term mine development activities are ongoing for PT-FI’s Kucing Liar deposit in the Grasberg minerals district. Kucing Liar is expected to produce over 7 billion pounds of copper and 6 million ounces of gold between 2029 and the end of 2041, and an extension of PT-FI’s operating rights beyond 2041 would extend the life of the project. Development activities commenced in 2022 and are expected to continue over an approximate 10-year timeframe, with capital investments estimated to average approximately $400 million per year over this period. At full operating rates, annual production from Kucing Liar is expected to approximate 560 million pounds of copper and 520 thousand ounces of gold, providing PT-FI with sustained long-term, large-scale and low-cost production. Kucing Liar will benefit from substantial shared infrastructure and PT-FI’s experience and long-term success in block-cave mining.
Natural Gas Facilities. PT-FI plans to transition its existing energy source from coal to natural gas, which would meaningfully reduce PT-FI’s Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions at the Grasberg minerals district. PT-FI’s planned investments in a new gas-fired combined cycle facility are expected to be incurred over the next four years, at a cost of approximately $1 billion, which represents an incremental cost of $0.4 billion compared to previously planned investments to refurbish the existing coal units. Once complete, PT-FI’s dual-fuel power plant and the new gas-fired combined cycle facility will be fueled by natural gas, supplied by a floating liquefied natural gas storage and regassification unit.
Downstream Processing Facilities and October 14, 2024 Fire Incident. Start-up operations for PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities in Gresik commenced during third-quarter 2024. During start-up activities, a fire occurred on October 14, 2024, in a gas cleaning facility (electrostatic precipitator plant) designed to remove particles from gases prior to conversion to sulphuric acid. There were no injuries and the fire was extinguished expeditiously.
The incident resulted in damage to infrastructure for the production of sulphuric acid required for the copper smelting process. Smelter operations have been temporarily suspended pending remediation activities. Damage and root cause assessments are in progress and plans are being developed to repair the damaged areas. In parallel, PT-FI is working with the Indonesia government to allow continued exports of copper concentrates until smelter operations are restored. In addition, PT-FI will seek recovery of repair costs under its insurance programs. Mining operations in Central Papua and the PMR project have not been impacted.


Operating Data. Following is summary consolidated operating data for Indonesia operations:
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Copper (millions of recoverable pounds)
439 436 1,371 1,171 
426 430 1,256 1,014 
Average realized price per pound
$4.29 $3.77 $4.24 $3.81 
Gold (thousands of recoverable ounces)
451 528 1,433 1,409 
554 395 1,474 1,153 
Average realized price per ounce
$2,569 $1,898 $2,362 $1,932 
Unit net cash (credits) costs per pound of coppera
Site production and delivery, excluding adjustments$1.82 $1.42 $1.64 $1.71 
Gold, silver and other by-product credits(3.50)(1.83)(2.90)(2.32)
Treatment charges
0.37 0.32 0.36 0.36 
Export dutiesb
0.30 0.34 0.29 0.16 
Royalty on metals
0.30 0.19 0.27 0.23 
Unit net cash (credits) costs$(0.71)$0.44 $(0.34)$0.14 
a.For a reconciliation of unit net cash (credits) costs per pound to production and delivery costs applicable to sales reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements, refer to the supplemental schedules, “Product Revenues and Production Costs,” beginning on page XIV.
b.Export duties of 2.5% were eliminated effective March 29, 2023, upon verification that construction progress of the new smelter exceeded 50% and were reinstated at a rate of 7.5% in July 2023 under a revised regulation. As discussed above, PT-FI will continue to pay export duties of 7.5% on copper concentrates.
PT-FI’s consolidated copper sales volumes in third-quarter 2024 of 426 million pounds were similar to third-quarter 2023 copper sales volumes of 430 million pounds.
PT-FI’s consolidated gold production volumes of 451 thousand ounces in third-quarter 2024 were 15% below third-quarter 2023 gold production volumes of 528 thousand ounces, primarily reflecting lower ore grades. PT-FI’s consolidated gold sales volumes of 554 thousand ounces in third-quarter 2024 were 40% higher than third-quarter 2023 gold sales volumes of 395 thousand ounces, primarily reflecting the timing of shipments.
Consolidated sales volumes from PT-FI are expected to approximate 1.65 billion pounds of copper and 1.8 million ounces of gold for the year 2024. Consolidated copper and gold production volumes from PT-FI for the year 2024 are expected to exceed 2024 sales volumes, reflecting the deferral of approximately 85 million pounds of copper and 85 thousand ounces of gold associated with inventories held at PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities expected to be sold as refined metal in 2025. Projected sales volumes are dependent on operational performance; continuation of copper concentrate exports during the restoration period of PT-FI’s new smelter; weather-related conditions; and other factors detailed in the “Cautionary Statement” below.
PT-FI’s unit net cash credits (including gold, silver and other by-product credits) of $0.71 per pound of copper in third-quarter 2024 were favorable compared to unit net cash costs (net of gold, silver and other by-product credits) of $0.44 per pound of copper in third-quarter 2023, primarily reflecting higher gold credits.
Average unit net cash credits (including gold, silver and other by-product credits) for PT-FI are expected to approximate $0.23 per pound of copper for the year 2024, based on achievement of current sales volumes (including estimates for copper concentrate exports) and cost estimates and assuming an average price of $2,600 per ounce of gold in fourth-quarter 2024. PT-FI’s average unit net cash credits for the year 2024 would change by approximately $0.03 per pound of copper for each $100 per ounce change in the average price of gold in fourth-quarter 2024.


Molybdenum. FCX operates two wholly owned primary molybdenum operations in Colorado – the Climax open-pit mine and the Henderson underground mine. The Climax and Henderson mines produce high-purity, chemical-grade molybdenum concentrate, which is typically further processed into value-added molybdenum chemical products. The majority of the molybdenum concentrate produced at the Climax and Henderson mines and at FCX’s North America copper mines and South America operations is processed at FCX’s conversion facilities.
Operating and Development Activities. Production from the primary molybdenum operations totaled 6 million pounds of molybdenum in third-quarter 2024 and 7 million pounds in third-quarter 2023. FCX’s consolidated molybdenum sales and average realized prices include sales of molybdenum produced at the primary molybdenum operations and at FCX’s North America copper mines and South America operations, which are presented on page 3.
Average unit net cash costs for the primary molybdenum operations of $21.06 per pound of molybdenum in third-quarter 2024 were higher than average unit net cash costs of $18.07 per pound in third-quarter 2023, primarily reflecting higher costs for maintenance supplies and transitional contract labor and lower volumes. Average unit net cash costs for the primary molybdenum operations are expected to approximate $17.55 per pound of molybdenum for the year 2024, based on achievement of current sales volumes and cost estimates.
For a reconciliation of unit net cash costs per pound to production and delivery costs applicable to sales reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements, refer to the supplemental schedules, “Product Revenues and Production Costs,” beginning on page XIV.

Liquidity. At September 30, 2024, FCX had $5.0 billion in consolidated cash and cash equivalents, $6.0 billion including $1.0 billion of current restricted cash associated with PT-FI’s export proceeds required to be temporarily deposited in Indonesia banks. In addition, FCX has $3.0 billion of availability under its revolving credit facility, and PT-FI and Cerro Verde have $1.5 billion and $350 million, respectively, of availability under their revolving credit facilities.
Operating Cash Flows. FCX generated operating cash flows of $1.9 billion in third-quarter 2024 and $5.7 billion for the first nine months of 2024.
FCX’s consolidated operating cash flows are estimated to approximate $6.8 billion for the year 2024, net of $0.4 billion of working capital and other uses, based on current sales volume and cost estimates, and assuming average prices of $4.25 per pound of copper, $2,600 per ounce of gold and $20.00 per pound of molybdenum in fourth-quarter 2024. The impact of price changes during fourth-quarter 2024 on operating cash flows for the year 2024 would approximate $90 million for each $0.10 per pound change in the average price of copper, $30 million for each $100 per ounce change in the average price of gold and $15 million for each $2 per pound change in the average price of molybdenum.
Capital Expenditures. Capital expenditures totaled $1.2 billion in third-quarter 2024, including $0.4 billion for major mining projects and $0.3 billion for PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities, and $3.6 billion for the first nine months of 2024, including $1.3 billion for major mining projects and $1.0 billion for PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities.
Capital expenditures are expected to approximate $4.6 billion for the year 2024, including $2.2 billion for major mining projects and $1.0 billion for PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities (excluding capitalized interest, owner’s costs and commissioning). Projected capital expenditures for major mining projects include $1.2 billion for planned projects, primarily associated with underground mine development in the Grasberg minerals district and expansion projects in North America, and $1.0 billion for discretionary growth projects.


Cash. Following is a summary of the U.S. and international components of consolidated cash and cash equivalents available to the parent company, net of noncontrolling interests’ share and withholding taxes at September 30, 2024 (in billions):
Cash at domestic companies$2.1 
Cash at international operations2.9 
Total consolidated cash and cash equivalents5.0 
Noncontrolling interests’ share(1.4)
Cash, net of noncontrolling interests’ share3.6 
Withholding taxes (0.1)
Net cash available$3.5 
a.Excludes $1.0 billion of current restricted cash associated with a portion of PT-FI’s export proceeds required to be temporarily deposited in Indonesia banks for 90 days in accordance with a regulation issued by the Indonesia government.
Debt. Following is a summary of total debt and the weighted-average interest rates at September 30, 2024 (in billions, except percentages):
Interest Rate
Senior notes:
Issued by FCX$6.0 4.9%
Issued by PT-FI3.0 5.4%
Issued by Freeport Minerals Corporation 0.4 7.5%
PT-FI revolving credit facility0.3 6.5%
Total debt$9.7 5.2%
a.Amount not shown because of rounding.
At September 30, 2024, there were no borrowings and $7 million in letters of credit issued under FCX’s $3.0 billion revolving credit facility. FCX has $0.7 billion in scheduled senior note maturities in November 2024, which it expects to redeem with cash on hand, with no further senior note maturities until 2027. FCX’s total debt has an average remaining duration of approximately 9 years.
At September 30, 2024, PT-FI had $250 million in borrowings outstanding under its $1.75 billion revolving credit facility, and Cerro Verde had no borrowings outstanding under its $350 million revolving credit facility.
FCX’s financial policy is aligned with its strategic objectives of maintaining a solid balance sheet, providing cash returns to shareholders and advancing opportunities for future growth. The policy includes a base dividend and a performance-based payout framework, whereby up to 50% of available cash flows generated after planned capital spending and distributions to noncontrolling interests would be allocated to shareholder returns and the balance to debt reduction and investments in value enhancing growth projects, subject to FCX maintaining its net debt at a level not to exceed the net debt target of $3.0 billion to $4.0 billion (excluding debt for PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities). FCX’s Board of Directors (Board) reviews the structure of the performance-based payout framework at least annually.
Net Debt. At September 30, 2024, FCX’s net debt, excluding $3.2 billion of debt for PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities, totaled $0.5 billion (which was net of $1.0 billion of current restricted cash associated with PT-FI’s export proceeds). Refer to the supplemental schedule, “Net Debt,” on page IX.
Common Stock Dividends. On September 25, 2024, FCX’s Board declared cash dividends totaling $0.15 per share on its common stock (including a $0.075 per share quarterly base cash dividend and a $0.075 per share quarterly variable, performance-based cash dividend), which will be paid on November 1, 2024, to shareholders of record as of October 15, 2024. The declaration and payment of dividends (base or variable) are at the discretion of the Board and will depend on FCX’s financial results, cash requirements, global economic conditions and other factors deemed relevant by the Board.


Share Repurchase Program. As previously reported, FCX acquired 1.2 million shares of its common stock in July 2024 for a total cost of $59 million ($50.48 average cost per share) bringing total purchases under its $5.0 billion share repurchase program to 49 million shares for a cost of $1.9 billion ($38.64 average cost per share). As of October 21, 2024, FCX has 1.4 billion shares of common stock outstanding and $3.1 billion is available under its share repurchase program. The timing and amount of share repurchases is at the discretion of management and will depend on a variety of factors. The share repurchase program may be modified, increased, suspended or terminated at any time at the Board’s discretion.

A conference call with securities analysts to discuss FCX’s third-quarter 2024 results is scheduled for today at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time. The conference call will be broadcast on the internet along with slides. Interested parties may listen to the conference call live and view the slides by accessing fcx.com. A replay of the webcast will be available through Friday, November 15, 2024.
FREEPORT: Foremost in Copper    
FCX is a leading international metals company with the objective of being foremost in copper. Headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, FCX operates large, long-lived, geographically diverse assets with significant proven and probable reserves of copper, gold and molybdenum. FCX is one of the world’s largest publicly traded copper producers.
FCX’s portfolio of assets includes the Grasberg minerals district in Indonesia, one of the world’s largest copper and gold deposits; and significant operations in North America and South America, including the large-scale Morenci minerals district in Arizona and the Cerro Verde operation in Peru.
By supplying responsibly produced copper, FCX is proud to be a positive contributor to the world well beyond its operational boundaries. Additional information about FCX is available on FCX’s website at fcx.com.
Cautionary Statement: This press release contains forward-looking statements in which FCX discusses its potential future performance, operations and projects. Forward-looking statements are all statements other than statements of historical facts, such as plans, projections, or expectations relating to business outlook, strategy, goals or targets; global market conditions; ore grades and milling rates; production and sales volumes; unit net cash costs (credits) and operating costs; capital expenditures; operating plans (including mine sequencing); cash flows; liquidity; PT-FI’s commissioning, remediation and ramp up of its new smelter and completion and full production at the PMR; potential extension of PT-FI’s IUPK beyond 2041; export licenses; export duties; export volumes; timing of shipments of inventoried production; FCX’s commitment to deliver responsibly produced copper and molybdenum, including plans to implement, validate and maintain validation of its operating sites under specific frameworks; execution of FCX’s energy and climate strategies and the underlying assumptions and estimated impacts on FCX’s business and stakeholders related thereto; achievement of 2030 climate targets and 2050 net zero aspiration; improvements in operating procedures and technology innovations and applications; exploration efforts and results; development and production activities, rates and costs; future organic growth opportunities; tax rates; the impact of copper, gold and molybdenum price changes; the impact of deferred intercompany profits on earnings; mineral reserve and mineral resource estimates; final resolution of settlements associated with ongoing legal and environmental proceedings; debt repurchases; and the ongoing implementation of FCX’s financial policy and future returns to shareholders, including dividend payments (base or variable) and share repurchases. The words “anticipates,” “may,” “can,” “plans,” “believes,” “estimates,” “expects,” “projects,” “targets,” “intends,” “likely,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “to be,” “potential,” “assumptions,” “guidance,” “aspirations,” “future,” “commitments,” “pursues,” “initiatives,” “objectives,” “opportunities,” “strategy” and any similar expressions are intended to identify those assertions as forward-looking statements. The declaration and payment of dividends (base or variable), and timing and amount of any share repurchases are at the discretion of the Board and management, respectively, and are subject to a number of factors, including not exceeding FCX’s net debt target, capital availability, FCX’s financial results, cash requirements, global economic conditions, changes in laws, contractual restrictions and other factors deemed relevant by the Board or management, as applicable. The share repurchase program may be modified, increased, suspended or terminated at any time at the Board’s discretion.
FCX cautions readers that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated, expected, projected or assumed in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that can cause FCX’s actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, supply of and demand for, and prices of the commodities FCX produces, primarily copper and gold; PT-FI’s ability to continue to export and sell or inventory copper concentrates and anode slimes through remediation or completion, as applicable, and full ramp-up of its new downstream processing facilities; changes in export duties; completion of remediation activities and achieving full ramp-up of the new smelter in Indonesia; completion and full production at the PMR; production rates; timing of shipments; price and availability of consumables and components FCX purchases as well as constraints on supply and logistics, and transportation services; changes in FCX’s cash requirements, financial position, financing or investment plans; changes in general market, economic, geopolitical, regulatory or industry conditions; reductions in liquidity and access to capital; changes in tax laws and regulations; political and social risks, including the potential effects of violence in Indonesia, civil unrest in Peru, and relations with local communities and Indigenous Peoples; operational risks inherent in mining, with higher inherent risks in underground mining; mine sequencing; changes in mine plans or operational modifications, delays, deferrals or cancellations, including the ability to smelt and refine or inventory; results of technical, economic or feasibility studies; potential inventory adjustments; potential impairment of long-lived mining assets; satisfaction of requirements in accordance with PT-FI’s IUPK to extend mining rights from 2031 through 2041; process relating to the extension of PT-FI’s IUPK beyond 2041; cybersecurity risks; any major public health crisis; labor relations, including labor-related work stoppages and increased costs; compliance with


applicable environmental, health and safety laws and regulations; weather- and climate-related risks; environmental risks, including availability of secure water supplies; litigation results; tailings management; FCX’s ability to comply with its responsible production commitments under specific frameworks; and any changes to such frameworks and other factors described in more detail under the heading “Risk Factors” in FCX’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Investors are cautioned that many of the assumptions upon which FCX’s forward-looking statements are based are likely to change after the date the forward-looking statements are made, including for example commodity prices, which FCX cannot control, and production volumes and costs or technological solutions and innovations, some aspects of which FCX may not be able to control. Further, FCX may make changes to its business plans that could affect its results. FCX undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made, notwithstanding any changes in its assumptions, changes in business plans, actual experience or other changes.
This press release also contains measures such as net debt, adjusted net income and unit net cash costs (credits) per pound of copper and molybdenum, which are not recognized under U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Reconciliations of these non-GAAP measures to amounts reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements are in the supplemental schedules of this press release. For forward-looking unit net cash costs (credits) per pound of copper and molybdenum measures, FCX is unable to provide a reconciliation to the most comparable GAAP measure without unreasonable effort because estimating such GAAP measures and providing a meaningful reconciliation is extremely difficult and requires a level of precision that is unavailable for these future periods and the information needed to reconcile these measures is dependent upon future events, many of which are outside of FCX’s control as described above. Forward-looking non-GAAP measures are estimated consistent with the relevant definitions and assumptions.


Three Months Ended September 30,
COPPER (millions of recoverable pounds)
(FCX’s net interest in %)
North America
Morenci (72%)a
125 146 129 157 
Safford (100%)67 66 65 69 
Sierrita (100%)42 47 41 50 
Bagdad (100%)37 39 37 41 
Chino (100%)30 30 31 37 
Tyrone (100%)11 13 11 15 
Miami (100%)
Other (100%)(1)— (1)— 
Total North America313 344 316 372 
South America
Cerro Verde (55.08%)b
246 255 237 254 
El Abra (51%)53 50 56 53 
Total South America299 305 293 307 
Grasberg minerals district (48.76%)439 436 426 430 
Total1,051 1,085 1,035 
Less noncontrolling interests364 367 355 364 
Net687 718 680 745 
Average realized price per pound$4.30 

GOLD (thousands of recoverable ounces)
(FCX’s net interest in %)
North America (100%)
Indonesia (48.76%)451 528 554 395 

Consolidated456 532 558 399 
Less noncontrolling interests231 271 283 203 
Net225 261 275 196 
Average realized price per ounce$2,568 $1,898 
MOLYBDENUM (millions of recoverable pounds)
(FCX’s net interest in %)
Climax (100%)N/AN/A
Henderson (100%)N/AN/A
North America copper mines (100%)a
Cerro Verde (55.08%)b
Consolidated20 20 19 20 
Less noncontrolling interests
Net17 17 16 18 
Average realized price per pound$22.88 $23.71 
a. Amounts are net of Morenci’s joint venture partners’ undivided interests.
b. FCX’s interest in Cerro Verde is 55.08%, and prior to September 2024 it was 53.56%.
c. Consolidated sales volumes exclude purchased copper of 36 million pounds in third-quarter 2024 and 18 million pounds in third-quarter 2023.


Nine Months Ended September 30,
COPPER (millions of recoverable pounds)
(FCX’s net interest in %)
North America
Morenci (72%)a
381 435 392 441 
Safford (100%)182 189 180 193 
Sierrita (100%)120 142 122 139 
Bagdad (100%)109 111 109 113 
Chino (100%)97 109 99 111 
Tyrone (100%)33 40 33 42 
Miami (100%)
Other (100%)(4)(5)(4)(5)
Total North America925 1,030 939 1,043 
South America
Cerro Verde (55.08%)b
716 756 712 754 
El Abra (51%)161 160 167 159 
Total South America877 916 879 913 
Grasberg minerals district (48.76%)1,371 1,171 1,256 1,014 
Total3,173 3,117 3,074 
Less noncontrolling interests1,113 1,030 1,055 947 
Net2,060 2,087 2,019 2,023 
Average realized price per pound$4.26 

GOLD (thousands of recoverable ounces)
(FCX’s net interest in %)
North America (100%)15 11 13 11 
Indonesia (48.76%)1,433 1,409 
1,474 1,153 
Consolidated1,448 1,420 1,487 1,164 
Less noncontrolling interests734 660 755 529 
Net714 760 732 635 
Average realized price per ounce$2,362 $1,932 
MOLYBDENUM (millions of recoverable pounds)
(FCX’s net interest in %)
Climax (100%)12 12 N/AN/A
Henderson (100%)10 N/AN/A
North America copper mines (100%)a
22 23 N/AN/A
Cerro Verde (55.08%)b
15 17 N/AN/A
Consolidated58 62 60 59 
Less noncontrolling interests
Net51 54 53 52 
Average realized price per pound$21.63 $26.05 
a. Amounts are net of Morenci’s joint venture partners’ undivided interests.
b. FCX’s interest in Cerro Verde is 55.08%, and prior to September 2024 it was 53.56%.
c. Consolidated sales volumes exclude purchased copper of 142 million pounds for the first nine months of 2024 and 85 million pounds for the first nine months of 2023.
d. Includes approximately 190 thousand ounces of gold production and sales volumes attributed to PT Mineral Industri Indonesia’s (MIND ID) approximate 19% economic interest in accordance with the PT Freeport Indonesia (PT-FI) shareholder agreement.

Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
North Americaa
Leach Operations
Leach ore placed in stockpiles (metric tons per day)
551,200 688,600 606,100 675,600 
Average copper ore grade (%)0.21 0.22 0.21 0.24 
Copper production (millions of recoverable pounds)
213 245 633 718 
Mill Operations
Ore milled (metric tons per day)
314,700 315,800 304,200 309,700 
Average ore grades (%):
0.29 0.30 0.30 0.33 
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 
Copper recovery rate (%)83.1 81.7 82.6 82.0 
Production (millions of recoverable pounds):
149 155 440 481 
23 24 
South America
Leach Operations
Leach ore placed in stockpiles (metric tons per day)
157,100 164,300 167,800 190,500 
Average copper ore grade (%)0.43 0.38 0.41 0.34 
Copper production (millions of recoverable pounds)
72 77 218 237 
Mill Operations
Ore milled (metric tons per day)
423,700 431,300 415,700 420,700 
Average ore grades (%):
0.33 0.34 0.33 0.34 
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 
Copper recovery rate (%)84.2 79.8 83.8 82.0 
Production (millions of recoverable pounds):
227 228 659 679 
15 17 
Ore extracted and milled (metric tons per day):
Grasberg Block Cave underground mine133,400 131,000 132,100 112,000 
Deep Mill Level Zone underground mine63,200 76,900 65,000 75,700 
Big Gossan underground mine8,500 8,100 8,400 7,800 
Other adjustments700 (9,400)1,900 (2,500)
205,800 206,600 207,400 193,000 
Average ore grades:
Copper (%)1.26 1.21 1.29 1.18 
Gold (grams per metric ton)
0.95 1.15 1.03 1.10 
Recovery rates (%):
88.1 89.5 88.8 89.5 
77.2 77.8 77.3 77.5 
Production (recoverable):
Copper (millions of pounds)
439 436 1,371 1,171 
Gold (thousands of ounces)
451 528 1,433 1,409 
Ore milled (metric tons per day)
24,400 29,000 27,900 27,800 
Average molybdenum ore grade (%)0.15 0.14 0.15 0.15 
Molybdenum production (millions of recoverable pounds)
21 22 
a.Amounts represent 100% operating data, including Morenci’s joint venture partners’ share.
b. Represents FCX’s primary molybdenum operations in Colorado.

Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
September 30,September 30,
(In Millions, Except Per Share Amounts)
$6,790 $5,824 $19,735 $16,950 
Cost of sales:
Production and deliveryb
4,077 3,553 11,796 10,267 
Depreciation, depletion and amortization600 

533 1,704  1,479 
Total cost of sales4,677 4,086 13,500 11,746 
Selling, general and administrative expenses117 118 384 359 
Exploration and research expenses38 30 115 103 
Environmental obligations and shutdown costs20 98 115 239 
Total costs and expenses4,852 4,332 14,114 12,447 
Operating income 1,938 1,492 5,621 4,503 
Interest expense, netc
Net gain on early extinguishment of debt— — 10 
Other income, net97 71 295 183 
Income before income taxes and equity in affiliated companies’ net earnings1,963 1,472 5,667 4,278 
Provision for income taxesd
Equity in affiliated companies’ net earnings10 — 14 12 
Net income 1,236 964 3,678 2,744 
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interestse
Net income attributable to common stockholdersf,g
$526 $454 $1,615 $1,460 
Diluted net income per share attributable to common stock$0.36 $0.31 $1.11 $1.01 
Diluted weighted-average common shares outstanding1,444 1,443 1,445 1,443 
Dividends declared per share of common stock$0.15 $0.15 $0.45 $0.45 
a.Includes adjustments to provisionally priced concentrate and cathode sales. For a summary of adjustments to provisionally priced copper sales, refer to the supplemental schedule, “Derivative Instruments,” beginning on page IX.
b.FCX is engaged in various studies associated with potential future expansion projects primarily at its mining operations. Production and delivery costs include charges for these feasibility and optimization studies totaling $45 million in third-quarter 2024, $42 million in third-quarter 2023, $117 million for the first nine months of 2024 and $137 million for the first nine months of 2023.
c.Consolidated interest costs (before capitalization) totaled $173 million in third-quarter 2024, $165 million in third-quarter 2023, $529 million for the first nine months of 2024 and $606 million for the first nine months of 2023. Consolidated interest costs in the 2023 periods include a $13 million credit for the settlement of interest on Cerro Verde’s historical profit sharing liability. Additionally, the first nine months of 2023 included $74 million of interest charges associated with contested tax rulings issued by the Peruvian Supreme Court.
d.For a summary of FCX’s income taxes, refer to the supplemental schedule, “Income Taxes,” beginning on page VIII.
e.Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests is primarily associated with PT-FI, Cerro Verde and El Abra. For further discussion, refer to the supplemental schedule, “Noncontrolling Interests,” beginning on page X.
f.FCX defers recognizing profits on intercompany sales until final sales to third parties occur. For a summary of net impacts from changes in these deferrals, refer to the supplemental schedule, “Deferred Profits,” on page X.
g.Refer to the supplemental schedule, “Adjusted Net Income,” beginning on page VII, for a summary of net charges impacting FCX’s consolidated statements of income.

September 30,December 31,
(In Millions)
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents
$5,000 $4,758 
Restricted cash and cash equivalentsa
1,117 1,208 
Trade accounts receivable
979 1,209 
Income and other tax receivables
570 455 
2,709 2,472 
Materials and supplies, net
2,328 2,169 
Mill and leach stockpiles
1,406 1,419 
Other current assets
436 375 
Total current assets
14,545 14,065 
Property, plant, equipment and mine development costs, net37,750 35,295 
Long-term mill and leach stockpiles1,257 1,336 
Other assets1,848 1,810 
Total assets$55,400 $52,506 
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
$3,824 $3,729 
Accrued income taxes
1,072 786 
Current portion of debt
769 766 
Current portion of environmental and asset retirement obligations (AROs)364 316 
Dividends payable
218 218 
Total current liabilities
6,247 5,815 
Long-term debt, less current portion8,910 8,656 
Environmental and AROs, less current portion5,103 4,624 
Deferred income taxes4,492 4,453 
Other liabilities1,782 1,648 
Total liabilities
26,534 25,196 
Stockholders’ equity:
Common stock
162 162 
Capital in excess of par value
23,997 24,637 
Accumulated deficit
Accumulated other comprehensive loss
Common stock held in treasury
Total stockholders’ equity17,548 16,693 
Noncontrolling interests11,318 10,617 
Total equity
28,866 27,310 
Total liabilities and equity$55,400 $52,506 
a.Includes $1.0 billion of cash at September 30, 2024, and $1.1 billion at December 31, 2023, associated with a portion of PT-FI’s export proceeds required to be temporarily deposited in Indonesia banks for 90 days in accordance with a regulation issued by the Indonesia government.

Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(In Millions)
Cash flow from operating activities:
Net income $3,678 $2,744 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:  
Depreciation, depletion and amortization
1,704 1,479 
Stock-based compensation
94 89 
Net charges for environmental and AROs, including accretion382 383 

Payments for environmental and AROs(157)(181)
Net charges for defined pension and postretirement plans
29 44 
Pension plan contributions
Net gain on early extinguishment of debt— (10)
Deferred income taxes
36 130 
Change in deferred profit on PT-FI’s sales to PT Smeltinga
— (112)
Charges for social investment programs at PT-FI81 57 
Payments for social investment programs at PT-FI(50)(29)
Other, net
14 59 
Changes in working capital and other:
Accounts receivable
93 550 
Other current assets
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Accrued income taxes and timing of other tax payments
282 (352)
Net cash provided by operating activities5,724 3,959 
Cash flow from investing activities:
Capital expenditures:
North America copper mines
South America operations(272)(259)
Indonesia mining(1,198)(1,209)
Indonesia downstream processing facilities(1,005)(1,258)
Molybdenum mines
Acquisition of additional ownership interest in Cerro Verde(210)— 
Loans to PT Smelting for expansion(28)(109)
Proceeds from sales of assets and other, net10 (13)
Net cash used in investing activities
Cash flow from financing activities:
Proceeds from debt
1,948 1,186 
Repayments of debt
Cash dividends and distributions paid:
Common stock(649)(647)
Noncontrolling interests
Treasury stock purchases(59)— 
Contributions from noncontrolling interests
— 50 
Proceeds from exercised stock options27 41 
Payments for withholding of employee taxes related to stock-based awards(35)(50)
Other, net(38)(2)
Net cash used in financing activities(1,774)(2,226)
Net increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash and cash equivalents153 (1,851)
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year6,063 8,390 
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash and cash equivalents at end of periodb
$6,216 $6,539 
a.As a result of PT-FI’s commercial arrangement with PT Smelting changing from a concentrate sales agreement to a tolling arrangement in January 2023, there are no further sales to PT Smelting.
b.Includes current and long-term restricted cash and cash equivalents of $1.2 billion at September 30, 2024, and $0.8 billion at September 30, 2023.


Management uses adjusted net income to evaluate FCX’s operating performance and believes that investors’ understanding of FCX’s performance is enhanced by disclosing this measure, which excludes certain items that management believes are not directly related to ongoing operations and are not indicative of future business trends and operations. This information differs from net income attributable to common stock determined in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP. FCX’s adjusted net income, which may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies, follows (in millions, except per share amounts).
Three Months Ended September 30,
Per SharePre-tax
Per Share
Net income attributable to common stockN/A$526 $0.36 N/A$454 $0.31 
Oil and gas net charges$(47)
Cerro Verde new collective labor agreements (CLAs)(34)(11)(0.01)— — — 
Net adjustments to environmental obligations and related litigation reserves(3)(3)— (83)(83)(0.06)
PT-FI net credits— — — 16 
U.S. income tax examse
11 47 0.03 — — — 
Net gain on early extinguishment of debt— — — — 
Other net (charges) creditsf
Total net chargesj
Adjusted net income attributable to common stockj
N/A$556 $0.38 N/A$571 $0.39 
Nine Months Ended September 30,
Per SharePre-tax
Per Share
Net income attributable to common stockN/A$1,615 $1.11 N/A$1,460 $1.01 
Oil and gas net charges$(152)
Cerro Verde new CLAs(99)(32)(0.02)— — — 
Net adjustments to environmental obligations and related litigation reserves(76)(76)(0.05)(199)(199)(0.14)
PT-FI net charges(34)
PT-FI historical tax matters42 
0.13 (6)(4)— 
U.S. income tax examse
11 47 0.03 — — — 
Cerro Verde historical tax matters— — — (142)
Net gain on early extinguishment of debt— — — 10 10 0.01 
Other net chargesf
Total net chargesj
Adjusted net income attributable to common stockj
N/A$1,696 $1.17 N/A$1,828 $1.26 
a.Reflects impact to FCX’s net income attributable to common stock (i.e., net of any taxes and noncontrolling interests).
b.Reflects charges recorded to production and delivery costs primarily associated with the write down of a historical contingent consideration asset and impairment of oil and gas properties. The first nine months of 2024 also include net charges recorded to production and delivery costs for assumed oil and gas abandonment obligations resulting from bankruptcies of other companies.
c.Reflects charges recorded to production and delivery primarily associated with impairments of oil and gas properties. The first nine months of 2023 also include $4 million recorded to selling, general and administrative expenses associated with a litigation settlement.
d.PT-FI net (credits) charges primarily reflect amounts recorded to revenue associated with the release of export duty exposure for prior years ($(13) million in the third quarter and $(17) million for the first nine months of 2023). The first nine months of 2023 also reflect charges recorded to production and delivery totaling $55 million for a potential administrative fine in Indonesia.
e.Reflects the release of tax reserves ($36 million) and related interest expense ($11 million) associated with closure of FCX's 2017 and 2018 U.S. federal income tax exams.
f.Net charges for the 2024 periods primarily reflect amounts recorded to production and delivery associated with metals inventory adjustments/write-offs and mining asset impairments. Net charges (credits) for the 2023 periods reflect credits associated with the settlement of interest on Cerro Verde’s historical profit-sharing liability. The first nine months of 2023 also reflects amounts recorded to production and delivery associated with mining asset impairments and contract cancellation costs.


g.Reflects charges recorded to production and delivery that were capitalized in prior years associated with construction of PT-FI’s new smelter and precious metals refinery (PMR) (collectively, PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities).
h.Includes net credits associated with closure of PT-FI’s 2021 corporate income tax audit and resolution of a framework for disputed tax matters, which were recorded as a benefit to income taxes ($182 million), production and delivery ($8 million) and interest expense, net ($8 million). In addition, FCX recognized a credit of $26 million in other income, net associated with the reduction in the related accrual to indemnify MIND ID from potential losses arising from historical tax disputes. In accordance with PT-FI's Shareholder Agreement, settlements of historical tax matters that originated before December 31, 2022, should be attributed based on the economics from the Initial Period (i.e., approximately 81% to FCX and 19% to MIND ID). Accordingly, the noncontrolling interest portion of these credits totaled $43 million.
i.Reflects charges (credits) associated with contested tax rulings by the Peruvian Supreme Court recorded to interest expense, net ($74 million), other income, net ($69 million) and production and delivery ($(1) million).
j.May not foot because of rounding.

Following is a summary of the approximate amounts used in the calculation of FCX’s consolidated income tax provision (in millions, except percentages):
Three Months Ended September 30,
Income TaxIncome Tax
Tax RateBenefit
Tax RateBenefit
South America396 40%(158)319 41%(131)
Indonesia1,732 36%(625)1,149 36%(419)
Eliminations and other(43)N/A74 N/A(21)
Rate adjustmente
— N/A— N/A63 
Continuing operations$1,963 38%

$(737)$1,472 35%$(508)
Nine Months Ended September 30,
Income TaxIncome Tax
Tax RateBenefit
Tax RateBenefit
$180 —%
South America1,196 40%(475)1,103 40%(441)
Indonesia4,709 36%(1,706)3,135 37%(1,156)
Cerro Verde historical tax matters— N/A— (142)
PT-FI historical tax matters16 
Eliminations and other139 N/A(46)N/A— 
Rate adjustmente
— N/A12 — N/A48 
Continuing operations$5,667 35%$(2,003)$4,278 36%$(1,546)
a.Represents income (loss) before income taxes, equity in affiliated companies’ net earnings, and noncontrolling interests.
b.In addition to FCX’s North America copper mines, which had operating income of $170 million in third-quarter 2024, $257 million in third-quarter 2023, $587 million for the first nine months of 2024 and $925 million for the first nine months of 2023 (refer to the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI), the U.S. jurisdiction reflects non-operating sites and corporate-level expenses, which include interest expense associated with FCX’s senior notes and general and administrative expenses. The U.S. jurisdiction also includes net charges associated with oil and gas abandonment obligations, a write-down of a historical contingent consideration asset in the 2024 periods, and revisions to environmental obligation estimates (refer to the supplemental schedule, “Adjusted Net Income,” beginning on page VII for additional information).
c.Refer to the supplemental schedule, “Adjusted Net Income,” beginning on page VII for further discussion of the net credits associated with the closure of FCX's 2017 and 2018 U.S. federal income tax exams.
d.Includes a valuation allowance release on prior year unbenefited net operating losses.
e.In accordance with applicable accounting rules, FCX adjusts its interim provision for income taxes equal to its consolidated tax rate.
f.Refer to the supplemental schedule, “Adjusted Net Income,” beginning on page VII for further discussion of the pre-tax charges associated with contested tax rulings by the Peruvian Supreme Court.
g.Refer to the supplemental schedule, “Adjusted Net Income,” beginning on page VII for further discussion of net credits associated with closure of PT-FI’s 2021 corporate income tax audit and resolution of a framework for disputed tax matters.

INCOME TAXES (continued)
The provisions of the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (the Act) became applicable to FCX on January 1, 2023. The Act includes, among other provisions, a new Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax (CAMT) of 15% on the adjusted financial statement income (AFSI) of corporations with average AFSI exceeding $1.0 billion over a three-year period.
In September 2024, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued proposed regulations that provide guidance on the application of CAMT. The guidance is not final and subject to change, however, in its proposed form, the guidance differs from FCX's previous interpretations of the Act. If the regulations are finalized as proposed, they may further limit FCX's ability to realize future benefits from its U.S. net operating losses. Based on the proposed guidance released by IRS, FCX has determined that the provisions of the Act did not impact FCX’s financial results for the first nine months of 2024 or for the year 2023.
Assuming achievement of current sales volume and cost estimates and average prices of $4.25 per pound for copper, $2,600 per ounce for gold and $20.00 per pound for molybdenum in fourth-quarter 2024, FCX estimates its consolidated effective tax rate for the year 2024 would approximate 36% (which reflects an estimated effective tax rate of 40% in fourth-quarter 2024). Changes in projected sales volumes and average prices during 2024 would incur tax impacts at estimated effective rates of 39% for Peru, 36% for Indonesia and 0% for the U.S., which excludes the benefit discussed in note c above and any impact from the Act.

FCX believes that net debt provides investors with information related to the performance-based payout framework in FCX’s financial policy, which requires FCX to maintain its net debt at a level not to exceed the net debt target of $3 billion to $4 billion, excluding debt for PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities. FCX defines net debt as consolidated debt less (i) consolidated cash and cash equivalents and (ii) current restricted cash associated with PT-FI’s export proceeds. This information differs from consolidated debt determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for consolidated debt determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP. FCX’s net debt, which may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies, follows (in millions):
As of September 30, 2024
Current portion of debt$769 
Long-term debt, less current portion8,910 
Consolidated debt9,679 
Less: consolidated cash and cash equivalents5,000 
Less: current restricted cash associated with PT-FI’s export proceeds964 
FCX net debt3,715 
Less: debt for PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities3,232 
FCX net debt, excluding debt for PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities$483 

a.In accordance with a regulation issued by the Indonesia government, 30% of PT-FI’s export proceeds are being temporarily deposited into Indonesia banks for a period of 90 days before withdrawal and are presented as current restricted cash and cash equivalents in FCX’s consolidated balance sheet. As the 90-day holding period is the only restriction on the cash, FCX has included such amount in the calculation of net debt.
b.Represents PT-FI’s senior notes and $250 million of borrowings under PT-FI’s revolving credit facility.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, FCX’s mined copper was sold 45% in concentrate, 34% as cathode and 21% as rod. All of FCX’s copper concentrate and some cathode sales contracts provide final copper pricing in a specified future month (generally one to four months from the shipment date) based primarily on quoted London Metal Exchange (LME) monthly average copper prices. FCX records revenues and invoices customers at the time of shipment based on then-current LME prices, which results in an embedded derivative on provisionally priced concentrate and cathode sales that is adjusted to fair value through earnings each period, using the period-end forward prices, until final pricing on the date of settlement. In third-quarter 2024, LME copper settlement prices averaged $4.18 per pound and FCX’s average realized copper price was $4.30 per pound.

Following is a summary of the adjustments to prior period and current period provisionally priced copper sales (in millions, except per share amounts):
Three Months Ended September 30,
$(32)$61 $29 $$(34)$(30)
Net income attributable to common stock $(13)$21 $$$(13)$(11)
Diluted net income per share of common stockc
$(0.01)$0.01 $0.01 

$— $(0.01)$(0.01)
a.Reflects adjustments to provisionally priced copper sales at June 30, 2024 and 2023.
b.Reflects adjustments to provisionally priced copper sales during the third quarters of 2024 and 2023.
c.May not foot across because of rounding.
Nine Months Ended September 30,
$28 $248 $276 $183 $(152)$31 
Net income attributable to common stock $$83 $92 $62 $(54)$
Diluted net income per share of common stock c
$0.01 $0.06 $0.06 $0.04 $(0.03)$0.01 
a.Reflects adjustments to provisionally priced copper sales at December 31, 2023 and 2022.
b.Reflects adjustments to provisionally priced copper sales for the first nine months of 2024 and 2023.
c.May not foot across because of rounding.

At September 30, 2024, FCX had provisionally priced copper sales totaling 162 million pounds (net of intercompany sales and noncontrolling interests) recorded at an average price of $4.43 per pound, subject to final pricing over the next several months. FCX estimates that each $0.05 change in the price realized from the quarter-end provisional price would have an approximate $15 million effect on 2024 revenues ($5 million to net income attributable to common stock). The LME copper price settled at $4.35 per pound on October 21, 2024.

FCX defers recognizing profits on intercompany sales to Atlantic Copper until final sales to third parties occur. Changes in these deferrals attributable to variability in intercompany volumes resulted in net (reductions) additions to operating income totaling $(42) million ($(13) million to net income attributable to common stock) in third-quarter 2024, $81 million ($37 million to net income attributable to common stock) in third-quarter 2023, $79 million ($23 million to net income attributable to common stock) for the first nine months of 2024 and $153 million ($64 million to net income attributable to common stock) for the first nine months of 2023. FCX’s net deferred profits on its inventories at Atlantic Copper to be recognized in future periods’ operating income totaled $143 million ($44 million to net income attributable to common stock) at September 30, 2024. Quarterly variations in ore grades, the timing of intercompany shipments and changes in product prices will result in variability in FCX’s net deferred profits and quarterly earnings.

Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests is primarily associated with PT-FI, Cerro Verde and El Abra and totaled $710 million in third-quarter 2024 (which represented 36% of FCX’s consolidated income before income taxes), $510 million in third-quarter 2023 (which represented 35% of FCX’s consolidated income before income taxes), $2.1 billion for the first nine months of 2024 (which represented 36% of FCX’s consolidated income before income taxes) and $1.3 billion for the first nine months of 2023 (which represented 30% of FCX’s consolidated income before income taxes). Refer to “Business Segments” below for net income attributable to noncontrolling interests for each of FCX’s business segments.
Beginning January 1, 2023, FCX's economic and ownership interest in PT-FI is 48.76% except for net income associated with the settlement of historical tax matters in first-quarter 2024 and approximately 190 thousand ounces of gold sales in first-quarter 2023, which were attributed based on the economics prior to January 1, 2023 (i.e., approximately 81% to FCX and 19% to MIND ID).
In September 2024, FCX increased its ownership interest in Cerro Verde to 55.08% from 53.56%.


Based on achievement of current sales volume and cost estimates and assuming average prices of $4.25 per pound of copper, $2,600 per ounce of gold and $20.00 per pound of molybdenum in fourth-quarter 2024, FCX estimates that net income attributable to noncontrolling interests is estimated to approximate $2.7 billion (which would represent 36% of FCX’s consolidated income before income taxes) for the year 2024. The actual amount will depend on many factors, including relative performance of each business segment, commodity prices, costs and other factors.

FCX has organized its mining operations into four primary divisions – North America copper mines, South America operations, Indonesia operations and Molybdenum mines, and operating segments that meet certain thresholds are reportable segments. Separately disclosed in the following tables are FCX’s reportable segments, which include the Morenci and Cerro Verde copper mines, the Indonesia operations (including the Grasberg minerals districts and PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities), the Rod & Refining operations and Atlantic Copper Smelting & Refining.
For comparative purposes, the 2023 tables have been adjusted to conform with the current year presentation, primarily for the combination of the Grasberg minerals district and PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities. PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities will exclusively receive concentrate from the Grasberg minerals district, which reflects PT-FI’s integrated and dependent operations within Indonesia (i.e., Indonesia operations). The PMR will receive anode slimes from the smelter and from PT Smelting. FCX's Chief Executive Officer, identified as its chief operating decision maker under business segment accounting guidance, makes executive management decisions, including resource allocation and mine planning, for the Indonesia operations as a single business segment.
Intersegment sales between FCX’s business segments are based on terms similar to arms-length transactions with third parties at the time of the sale. Intersegment sales may not be reflective of the actual prices ultimately realized because of a variety of factors, including additional processing, the timing of sales to unaffiliated customers and transportation premiums.
FCX allocates certain operating costs, expenses and capital expenditures to its operating divisions and individual segments. However, not all costs and expenses applicable to an operation are allocated. U.S. federal and state income taxes are recorded and managed at the corporate level (included in Corporate, Other & Eliminations), whereas foreign income taxes are recorded and managed at the applicable country level. In addition, some selling, general and administrative costs are not allocated to the operating divisions or individual segments. Accordingly, the following segment information reflects management determinations that may not be indicative of what the actual financial performance of each operating division or segment would be if it was an independent entity.

(in millions)AtlanticCorporate,
North America Copper MinesSouth America OperationsCopperOther
CerroIndonesiaMolybdenumRod &Smelting& Elimi-FCX
MorenciOtherTotalVerdeOtherTotalOperationsMinesRefining& RefiningnationsTotal
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024           
Unaffiliated customers$40 $12 $52 $886 $237 $1,123 $2,856 $— $1,560 $759 $440 
Intersegment553 986 1,539 193 — 193 126 132 11 (2,007)— 
Production and delivery492 811 1,303 630 
187 817 918 140 1,562 754 (1,417)

Depreciation, depletion and amortization47 62 109 92 18 110 340 19 14 600 
Selling, general and administrative expenses— — 32 — — 76 117 
Exploration and research expenses(1)— — — 26 38 
Environmental obligations and shutdown costs— — — — — — — — — — 20 20 
Operating income (loss)50 120 170 352 33 385 1,690 (27)(1)(286)1,938 
Interest expense, net— — — — 10 — — 10 46 72 
Other (expense) income, net(1)10 22 (2)20 42 — (1)(7)34 97 
Provision for (benefit from) income taxes— — — 148 10 158 625 — — (47)737 
Equity in affiliated companies’ net earnings — — — — — — — — — 10 
Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests— — — 114 
12 126 601 
— — — (17)710 
Total assets at September 30, 20243,172 6,647 9,819 8,276 2,013 10,289 27,474 1,955 294 1,491 4,078 55,400 
Capital expenditures48 215 263 82 18 100 713 

25 28 63 1,199 
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023           
Unaffiliated customers$17 $22 $39 $822 $203 $1,025 $2,030 $— $1,566 $692 $472 
Intersegment624 994 1,618 219 — 219 65 147 12 (2,069)— 
Production and delivery480 799 1,279 649 

178 827 672 

120 1,566 680 

Depreciation, depletion and amortization47 63 110 94 17 111 271 14 18 533 
Selling, general and administrative expenses— — 32 — — 76 118 
Exploration and research expenses— — — — — 22 30 
Environmental obligations and shutdown costs— — — — — — — — 94 98 
Operating income (loss)112 145 257 293 301 1,120 13 10 (216)1,492 
Interest expense, net— (10)
— (10)— — 88 96 
Net gain on early extinguishment of debt— — — — — — — — — — 
Other (expense) income, net(2)(9)(11)(9)13 30 — — 43 71 
Provision for (benefit from) income taxes— — — 119 12 131 419 — — — (42)508 
Equity in affiliated companies’ net (losses) earnings — — — — — — (2)— — — — 
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests— — — 84 
14 98 392 
— — — 20 510 
Total assets at September 30, 20233,171 5,799 8,970 8,227 1,893 10,120 24,438 1,747 288 1,176 4,909 51,648 
Capital expenditures53 114 167 61 15 76 854 

21 20 38 1,178 


(in millions)AtlanticCorporate,
North America Copper MinesSouth America OperationsCopperOther
CerroIndonesiaMolybdenumRod &Smelting& Elimi-FCX
MorenciOtherTotalVerdeOtherTotalOperationsMinesRefining& RefiningnationsTotal
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024           
Unaffiliated customers$90 $62 $152 $2,787 $699 $3,486 $7,689 $— $4,742 $2,330 $1,336 
Intersegment1,680 2,797 4,477 477 — 477 386 415 32 (5,795)— 
Production and delivery1,389 2,289 3,678 1,912 
538 2,450 2,451 393 4,741 2,263 (4,180)11,796 
Depreciation, depletion and amortization140 187 327 281 51 332 923 51 20 47 1,704 
Selling, general and administrative expenses— 93 — — 21 261 384 
Exploration and research expenses13 21 34 11 — — — 62 115 
Environmental obligations and shutdown costs— — — — — — — — — — 115 115 
Operating income (loss)227 360 587 1,056 108 1,164 4,600 (29)29 34 (764)5,621 
Interest expense, net— 16 — 16 17 — — 28 187 249 
Other (expense) income, net(1)38 11 49 110 — (1)128 295 
Provision for (benefit from) income taxes— — — 430 45 475 1,524 
— — (11)15 2,003 
Equity in affiliated companies’ net earnings — — — — — — — — — 14 
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests— — — 332 
48 380 1,664 
— — — 19 2,063 
Capital expenditures139 604 743 209 63 272 2,203 88 23 88 152 3,569 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023           
Unaffiliated customers$75 $133 $208 $2,563 $627 $3,190 $5,268 $— $4,552 $2,185 $1,547 
Intersegment1,787 2,922 4,709 

638 — 638 432 520 28 19 (6,346)— 
Production and delivery1,284 2,324 3,608 1,878 539 2,417 1,871 
321 4,558 2,139 (4,647)10,267 
Depreciation, depletion and amortization132 180 312 302 48 350 694 48 21 50 1,479 
Selling, general and administrative expenses— 90 — — 21 238 359 
Exploration and research expenses35 43 — — — — 52 103 
Environmental obligations and shutdown costs— 26 26 — — — — — — — 213 239 
Operating income (loss)437 488 925 1,008 38 1,046 3,045 151 18 23 (705)4,503 
Interest expense, net— 74 
— 74 28 — — 22 293 418 
Net gain on early extinguishment of debt— — — — — — — — — — 10 10 
Other (expense) income, net(4)(8)(12)(36)11 (25)90 (1)(1)— 132 183 
Provision for (benefit from) income taxes— — — 419 19 438 1,159 

— — — (51)1,546 
Equity in affiliated companies’ net earnings — — — — — — — — — 12 
Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests— — — 242 
34 276 1,031 
— — — (23)1,284 
Capital expenditures176 369 545 179 80 259 2,467 43 43 96 3,462 

a.Includes revenues from FCX’s molybdenum sales company, which includes sales of molybdenum produced by the Molybdenum mines and by certain of the North America copper mines and South America operations.
b.Includes nonrecurring labor-related charges totaling $34 million in third-quarter 2024 and $99 million for the first nine months of 2024 associated with Cerro Verde’s new CLAs with its unions.
c.Beginning in September 2024, FCX's interest in Cerro Verde is 55.08%, and prior to September 2024 was 53.56%.
d.Beginning January 1, 2023, FCX's economic and ownership interest in PT-FI is 48.76% except for net income associated with the settlement of historical tax matters in first-quarter 2024 and approximately 190 thousand ounces of gold sales in first-quarter 2023, which were attributed based on the economics prior to January 1, 2023 (i.e., approximately 81% to FCX and 19% to MIND ID).
e.The third quarter and first nine months of 2023 include a $13 million credit for the settlement of interest on Cerro Verde’s historical profit sharing liability. The first nine months of 2023 also includes $74 million of interest charges associated with contested tax rulings issued by the Peruvian Supreme Court.
f.Includes a net benefit to income taxes totaling $182 million associated with the closure of PT-FI’s 2021 corporate income tax audit and resolution of the framework for disputed tax matters.
g.Includes a $55 million charge for a potential administrative fine.


Unit net cash costs (credits) per pound of copper and molybdenum are measures intended to provide investors with information about the cash-generating capacity of FCX’s mining operations expressed on a basis relating to the primary metal product for the respective operations. FCX uses this measure for the same purpose and for monitoring operating performance by its mining operations. This information differs from measures of performance determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP. These measures are presented by other metals mining companies, although FCX’s measures may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies.
FCX presents gross profit per pound of copper in the following tables using both a “by-product” method and a “co-product” method. FCX uses the by-product method in its presentation of gross profit per pound of copper because (i) the majority of its revenues are copper revenues, (ii) it mines ore, which contains copper, gold, molybdenum and other metals, (iii) it is not possible to specifically assign all of FCX’s costs to revenues from the copper, gold, molybdenum and other metals it produces and (iv) it is the method used by FCX’s management and Board of Directors to monitor FCX’s mining operations and to compare mining operations in certain industry publications. In the co-product method presentations, shared costs are allocated to the different products based on their relative revenue values, which will vary to the extent FCX’s metals sales volumes and realized prices change.
FCX shows revenue adjustments for prior period open sales as a separate line item. Because these adjustments do not result from current period sales, these amounts have been reflected separately from revenues on current period sales. Noncash and other costs, net which are removed from site production and delivery costs in the calculation of unit net cash costs, consist of items such as accretion of AROs, inventory write-offs and adjustments, stock-based compensation costs, long-lived asset impairments, idle facility costs, feasibility and optimization study costs, restructuring and/or unusual charges. As discussed above, gold, molybdenum and other metal revenues at copper mines are reflected as credits against site production and delivery costs in the by-product method. The following schedules are presentations under both the by-product and co-product methods together with reconciliations to amounts reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements.

North America Copper Mines Product Revenues, Production Costs and Unit Net Cash Costs
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
(In millions)By-ProductCo-Product Method
Revenues, excluding adjustments$1,373 $1,373 $168 $46 $1,587 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
1,153 1,030 132 39 1,201 
By-product credits(166)— — — — 
Treatment charges 42 40 — 42 
Net cash costs 1,029 1,070 132 41 1,243 
Depreciation, depletion and amortization (DD&A)110 98 10 110 
Noncash and other costs, net51 
48 — 51 
Total costs 1,190 1,216 145 43 1,404 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
(1)(1)— — (1)
Gross profit$182 $156 $23 $$182 
Copper sales (millions of recoverable pounds)317 317 
Molybdenum sales (millions of recoverable pounds)a
Gross profit per pound of copper/molybdenum:
Revenues, excluding adjustments$4.32 $4.32 $21.33 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
3.64 3.25 16.83 
By-product credits(0.53)— — 
Treatment charges0.13 0.12 — 
Unit net cash costs3.24 3.37 16.83 
DD&A0.35 0.31 1.22 
Noncash and other costs, net0.16 
0.15 0.40 
Total unit costs3.75 3.83 18.45 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
— — — 
Gross profit per pound$0.57 $0.49 $2.88 
Reconciliation to Amounts Reported
Revenuesand DeliveryDD&A
Totals presented above$1,587 $1,201 $110 
Treatment charges(2)40 — 
Noncash and other costs, net— 51 — 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
(1)— — 
Eliminations and other11 (1)
North America copper mines1,591 1,303 109 
Other miningd
6,766 4,191 477 
Corporate, other & eliminations(1,567)(1,417)14 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$6,790 $4,077 $600 
a.Reflects sales of molybdenum produced by certain of the North America copper mines to FCX’s molybdenum sales company at market-based pricing.
b.Includes gold and silver product revenues and production costs.
c.Includes charges totaling $18 million ($0.06 per pound of copper) for feasibility and optimization studies.
d.Represents the combined total for FCX’s other mining operations as presented in the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI.

North America Copper Mines Product Revenues, Production Costs and Unit Net Cash Costs
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
(In millions)By-ProductCo-Product Method
Revenues, excluding adjustments$1,435 $1,435 $164 $43 $1,642 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
1,121 1,008 129 35 1,172 
By-product credits(156)— — — — 
Treatment charges 39 37 — 39 
Net cash costs 1,004 1,045 129 37 1,211 
DD&A110 99 10 110 
Noncash and other costs, net53 
48 53 
Total costs 1,167 1,192 143 39 1,374 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
— — 
Gross profit$269 $244 $21 $$269 
Copper sales (millions of recoverable pounds)372 372 
Molybdenum sales (millions of recoverable pounds)a
Gross profit per pound of copper/molybdenum:
Revenues, excluding adjustments$3.86 $3.86 $22.01 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
3.01 2.71 17.35 
By-product credits(0.41)— — 
Treatment charges0.10 0.10 — 
Unit net cash costs
2.70 2.81 17.35 
DD&A0.30 0.26 1.33 
Noncash and other costs, net0.14 
0.13 0.47 
Total unit costs
3.14 3.20 19.15 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
— — — 
Gross profit per pound$0.72 $0.66 $2.86 
Reconciliation to Amounts Reported
Revenuesand DeliveryDD&A
Totals presented above$1,642 $1,172 $110 
Treatment charges— 39 — 
Noncash and other costs, net— 53 — 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
— — 
Eliminations and other14 15 — 
North America copper mines1,657 1,279 110 
Other miningd
5,764 3,865 405 
Corporate, other & eliminations(1,597)(1,591)18 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$5,824 $3,553 $533 
a.Reflects sales of molybdenum produced by certain of the North America copper mines to FCX’s molybdenum sales company at market-based pricing.
b.Includes gold and silver product revenues and production costs.
c.Includes charges totaling $28 million ($0.08 per pound of copper) for feasibility and optimization studies.
d.Represents the combined total for FCX’s other mining operations as presented in the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI.

North America Copper Mines Product Revenues, Production Costs and Unit Net Cash Costs
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
(In millions)By-ProductCo-Product Method
Revenues, excluding adjustments$4,048 $4,048 $433 $127 $4,608 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
3,250 2,928 358 104 3,390 
By-product credits(420)— — — — 
Treatment charges 125 120 — 125 
Net cash costs 2,955 3,048 358 109 3,515 
DD&A327 295 26 327 
Noncash and other costs, net133 
123 133 
Total costs 3,415 3,466 393 116 3,975 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
— — — — — 
Gross profit $633 $582 $40 $11 $633 
Copper sales (millions of recoverable pounds)943 943 
Molybdenum sales (millions of recoverable pounds)a
Gross profit per pound of copper/molybdenum:
Revenues, excluding adjustments$4.29 $4.29 $19.97 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
3.45 3.10 16.52 
By-product credits(0.45)— — 
Treatment charges0.13 0.13 — 
Unit net cash costs3.13 3.23 16.52 
DD&A0.35 0.32 1.23 
Noncash and other costs, net0.14 
0.13 0.39 
Total unit costs3.62 3.68 18.14 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
— — — 
Gross profit per pound$0.67 $0.61 $1.83 
Reconciliation to Amounts Reported
Revenuesand DeliveryDD&A
Totals presented above$4,608 $3,390 $327 
Treatment charges(4)121 — 
Noncash and other costs, net— 133 — 
Eliminations and other25 34 — 
North America copper mines4,629 3,678 327 
Other miningd
19,565 12,298 1,330 
Corporate, other & eliminations(4,459)(4,180)47 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$19,735 $11,796 $1,704 
a.Reflects sales of molybdenum produced by certain of the North America copper mines to FCX’s molybdenum sales company at market-based pricing.
b.Includes gold and silver product revenues and production costs.
c.Includes charges totaling $48 million ($0.05 per pound of copper) for feasibility and optimization studies.
d.Represents the combined total for FCX’s other mining operations as presented in the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI.


North America Copper Mines Product Revenues, Production Costs and Unit Net Cash Costs
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
(In millions)By-ProductCo-Product Method
Revenues, excluding adjustments$4,159 $4,159 $576 $129 $4,864 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
3,097 2,729 417 113 3,259 
By-product credits(543)— — — — 
Treatment charges 126 120 — 126 
Net cash costs 2,680 2,849 417 119 3,385 
DD&A312 276 30 312 
Noncash and other costs, net180 
157 20 180 
Total costs 3,172 3,282 467 128 3,877 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
13 13 — — 13 
Gross profit$1,000 $890 $109 $$1,000 
Copper sales (millions of recoverable pounds)1,048 1,048 
Molybdenum sales (millions of recoverable pounds)a
Gross profit per pound of copper/molybdenum:
Revenues, excluding adjustments$3.97 $3.97 $24.41 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
2.96 2.60 17.66 
By-product credits(0.52)— — 
Treatment charges0.12 0.12 — 
Unit net cash costs2.56 2.72 17.66 
DD&A0.30 0.26 1.27 
Noncash and other costs, net0.17 
0.15 0.87 
Total unit costs3.03 3.13 19.80 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
0.01 0.01 — 
Gross profit per pound$0.95 $0.85 $4.61 
Reconciliation to Amounts Reported
Revenuesand DeliveryDD&A
Totals presented above$4,864 $3,259 $312 
Treatment charges(9)117 — 
Noncash and other costs, net— 180 — 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
13 — — 
Eliminations and other49 52 — 
North America copper mines4,917 3,608 312 
Other miningd
16,832 11,306 1,117 
Corporate, other & eliminations(4,799)(4,647)50 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$16,950 $10,267 $1,479 
a.Reflects sales of molybdenum produced by certain of the North America copper mines to FCX’s molybdenum sales company at market-based pricing.
b.Includes gold and silver product revenues and production costs.
c.Includes charges totaling $81 million ($0.08 per pound of copper) for feasibility and optimization studies.
d.Represents the combined total for FCX’s other mining operations as presented in the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI.


South America Operations Product Revenues, Production Costs and Unit Net Cash Costs
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
(In millions)By-ProductCo-Product Method
Revenues, excluding adjustments$1,257 $1,257 $122 $1,379 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
711 78 789 
By-product credits(109)— — — 
Treatment charges45 45 — 45 
Royalty on metals— 
Net cash costs714 758 78 836 
DD&A109 99 10 109 
Noncash and other costs, net28 
28 — 28 
Total costs851 885 88 973 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
(18)(18)— (18)
Gross profit $388 $354 $34 $388 
Copper sales (millions of recoverable pounds)293 293 
Gross profit per pound of copper:
Revenues, excluding adjustments$4.29 $4.29 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
By-product credits(0.37)— 
Treatment charges0.15 0.15 
Royalty on metals0.01 0.01 
Unit net cash costs2.44 2.59 
DD&A0.37 0.34 
Noncash and other costs, net0.10 
Total unit costs2.91 3.02 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
Gross profit per pound$1.32 $1.21 
Reconciliation to Amounts Reported
Revenuesand DeliveryDD&A
Totals presented above$1,379 $789 $109 
Treatment charges(45)— — 
Royalty on metals(2)— — 
Noncash and other costs, net— 28 — 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
(18)— — 
Eliminations and other— 
South America operations1,316 817 110 
Other miningd
7,041 4,677 476 
Corporate, other & eliminations(1,567)(1,417)14 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$6,790 $4,077 $600 
a.Includes silver sales of 0.9 million ounces ($30.59 per ounce average realized price). Also reflects sales of molybdenum produced by Cerro Verde to FCX’s molybdenum sales company at market-based pricing.
b.Includes nonrecurring charges totaling $34 million ($0.12 per pound of copper) associated with labor-related charges at Cerro Verde related to the new CLAs with its unions.
c.Includes charges totaling $18 million ($0.06 per pound of copper) for feasibility studies.
d.Represents the combined total for FCX’s other mining operations as presented in the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI.


South America Operations Product Revenues, Production Costs and Unit Net Cash Costs
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
(In millions)By-ProductCo-Product Method
Revenues, excluding adjustments$1,159 $1,159 $145 $1,304 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
790 712 93 805 
By-product credits(130)— — — 
Treatment charges61 61 — 61 
Royalty on metals— 
Net cash costs723 775 93 868 
DD&A110 98 12 110 
Noncash and other costs, net22 
21 22 
Total costs855 894 106 1,000 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
Gross profit $306 $267 $39 $306 
Copper sales (millions of recoverable pounds)307 307 
Gross profit per pound of copper:
Revenues, excluding adjustments$3.77 $3.77 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
2.57 2.32 
By-product credits(0.42)— 
Treatment charges0.19 0.19 
Royalty on metals0.01 0.01 
Unit net cash costs2.35 2.52 
DD&A0.36 0.32 
Noncash and other costs, net0.07 
Total unit costs2.78 2.91 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
0.01 0.01 
Gross profit per pound$1.00 $0.87 
Reconciliation to Amounts Reported
Revenuesand DeliveryDD&A
Totals presented above$1,304 $805 $110 
Treatment charges(61)— — 
Royalty on metals(2)— — 
Noncash and other costs, net— 22 — 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
— — 
Eliminations and other— 
South America operations1,244 827 111 
Other miningc
6,177 4,317 404 
Corporate, other & eliminations(1,597)(1,591)18 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$5,824 $3,553 $533 
a.Includes silver sales of 1.1 million ounces ($23.31 per ounce average realized price). Also reflects sales of molybdenum produced by Cerro Verde to FCX’s molybdenum sales company at market-based pricing.
b.Includes charges totaling $11 million ($0.03 per pound of copper) for feasibility studies.
c.Represents the combined total for FCX’s other mining operations as presented in the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI.

South America Operations Product Revenues, Production Costs and Unit Net Cash Costs
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
(In millions)By-ProductCo-Product Method
Revenues, excluding adjustments$3,737 $3,737 $342 $4,079 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
2,169 217 2,386 
By-product credits(302)— — — 
Treatment charges144 144 — 144 
Royalty on metals
Net cash costs2,195 2,318 218 2,536 
DD&A331 303 28 331 
Noncash and other costs, net66 
64 66 
Total costs2,592 2,685 248 2,933 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
33 33 (1)32 
Gross profit $1,178 $1,085 $93 $1,178 
Copper sales (millions of recoverable pounds)879 879 
Gross profit per pound of copper:
Revenues, excluding adjustments$4.25 $4.25 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
By-product credits(0.34)— 
Treatment charges0.16 0.16 
Royalty on metals0.01 0.01 
Unit net cash costs2.50 2.64 
DD&A0.38 0.35 
Noncash and other costs, net0.07 
Total unit costs2.95 3.06 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
0.04 0.04 
Gross profit per pound$1.34 $1.23 
Reconciliation to Amounts Reported
Revenuesand DeliveryDD&A
Totals presented above$4,079 $2,386 $331 
Treatment charges(144)— — 
Royalty on metals(6)— — 
Noncash and other costs, net— 66 — 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
32 — — 
Eliminations and other(2)
South America operations3,963 2,450 332 
Other miningd
20,231 13,526 1,325 
Corporate, other & eliminations(4,459)(4,180)47 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$19,735 $11,796 $1,704 
a.Includes silver sales of 2.7 million ounces ($29.18 per ounce average realized price). Also reflects sales of molybdenum produced by Cerro Verde to FCX’s molybdenum sales company at market-based pricing.
b.Includes nonrecurring charges totaling $99 million ($0.11 per pound of copper) associated with labor-related charges at Cerro Verde related to the new CLAs with its unions.
c.Includes charges totaling $41 million ($0.05 per pound of copper) for feasibility studies.
d.Represents the combined total for FCX’s other mining operations as presented in the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI.


South America Operations Product Revenues, Production Costs and Unit Net Cash Costs
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
(In millions)By-ProductCo-Product Method
Revenues, excluding adjustments$3,492 $3,492 $447 $3,939 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
2,297 2,074 272 2,346 
By-product credits(401)— — — 
Treatment charges179 179 — 179 
Royalty on metals
Net cash costs2,081 2,258 273 2,531 
DD&A350 310 40 350 
Noncash and other costs, net72 
67 72 
Total costs2,503 2,635 318 2,953 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
71 71 74 
Gross profit$1,060 $928 $132 $1,060 
Copper sales (millions of recoverable pounds)913 913 
Gross profit per pound of copper:
Revenues, excluding adjustments$3.82 $3.82 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
2.51 2.26 
By-product credits(0.44)— 
Treatment charges0.20 0.20 
Royalty on metals0.01 0.01 
Unit net cash costs2.28 2.47 
DD&A0.38 0.34 
Noncash and other costs, net0.08 
Total unit costs2.74 2.88 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
0.08 0.08 
Gross profit per pound$1.16 $1.02 
Reconciliation to Amounts Reported
Revenuesand DeliveryDD&A
Totals presented above$3,939 $2,346 $350 
Treatment charges(179)— — 
Royalty on metals(6)— — 
Noncash and other costs, net— 72 — 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
74 — — 
Eliminations and other— (1)— 
South America operations3,828 2,417 350 
Other miningc
17,921 12,497 1,079 
Corporate, other & eliminations(4,799)(4,647)50 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$16,950 $10,267 $1,479 
a.Includes silver sales of 3.2 million ounces ($23.51 per ounce average realized price). Also reflects sales of molybdenum produced by Cerro Verde to FCX’s molybdenum sales company at market-based pricing.
b.Includes charges totaling $30 million ($0.03 per pound of copper) for feasibility studies.
c.Represents the combined total for FCX’s other mining operations as presented in the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI.


Indonesia Operations Product Revenues, Production Costs and Unit Net Cash (Credits) Costs
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
(In millions)Co-Product Method
By-Product MethodCopperGold
Silver & Othera
Revenues, excluding adjustments$1,826 $1,826 $1,421 $68 $3,315 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below

426 332 16 774 
Gold, silver and other by-product credits(1,493)— — — — 
Treatment charges157 87 67 157 
Export duties129 71 55 129 
Royalty on metals129 74 53 129 
Net cash (credits) costs(304)658 507 24 1,189 
DD&A340 187 146 340 
Noncash and other costs, net52 
29 22 52 
Total costs88 874 675 32 1,581 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
(14)(14)— (10)
Gross profit $1,724 $938 $750 $36 $1,724 
Copper sales (millions of recoverable pounds)426 426 
Gold sales (thousands of recoverable ounces)554 
Gross profit per pound of copper/per ounce of gold:
Revenues, excluding adjustments$4.29 $4.29 $2,569 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below

1.00 599 
Gold, silver and other by-product credits(3.50)— — 
Treatment charges0.37 0.20 122 
Export duties0.30 0.17 99 
Royalty on metals0.30 0.17 95 
Unit net cash (credits) costs(0.71)1.54 915 
DD&A0.80 0.44 263 
Noncash and other costs, net0.12 
0.07 41 
Total unit costs0.21 2.05 1,219 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
Gross profit per pound/ounce$4.05 $2.21 $1,356 
Reconciliation to Amounts Reported
Revenuesand DeliveryDD&A
Totals presented above$3,315 $774 $340 
Treatment charges(65)92 
Export duties(129)— — 
Royalty on metals(129)— — 
Noncash and other costs, net— 52 — 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
(10)— — 
Indonesia operations2,982 918 340 
Other miningd
5,375 4,576 246 
Corporate, other & eliminations(1,567)(1,417)14 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$6,790 $4,077 $600 
a.Includes silver sales of 2.1 million ounces ($30.11 per ounce average realized price).
b.Includes charges totaling $39 million ($0.09 per pound of copper) for operational readiness and startup costs associated with PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities, and $5 million ($0.01 per pound of copper) for feasibility and optimization studies.
c.Represents tolling costs paid to PT Smelting.
d.Represents the combined total for FCX’s other mining operations as presented in the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI.


Indonesia Operations Product Revenues, Production Costs and Unit Net Cash Costs
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
(In millions)Co-Product Method
By-Product MethodCopperGold
Silver & Othera
Revenues, excluding adjustments$1,621 $1,621 $749 $32 $2,402 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
612 413 191 612 
Gold, silver and other by-product credits(785)— — — — 
Treatment charges138 93 43 138 
Export duties147 99 46 147 
Royalty on metals78 52 25 78 
Net cash costs190 657 305 13 975 
DD&A271 183 84 271 
Noncash and other costs, net
Total costs469 846 391 17 1,254 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
Gross profit $1,153 $776 $361 $16 $1,153 
Copper sales (millions of recoverable pounds)430 430 
Gold sales (thousands of recoverable ounces)395 
Gross profit per pound of copper/per ounce of gold:
Revenues, excluding adjustments$3.77 $3.77 $1,898 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
1.42 0.96 484 
Gold, silver and other by-product credits(1.83)— — 
Treatment charges0.32 0.22 109 
Export duties0.34 0.23 116 
Royalty on metals0.19 0.12 64 
Unit net cash costs0.44 1.53 773 
DD&A0.63 0.43 214 
Noncash and other costs, net0.02 
Total unit costs1.09 1.97 993 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
— — 
Gross profit per pound/ounce$2.68 $1.80 $913 
Reconciliation to Amounts Reported
Revenuesand DeliveryDD&A
Totals presented above$2,402 $612 $271 
Treatment charges(87)51 
Export duties(147)— — 
Royalty on metals(78)— — 
Noncash and other costs, net— — 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
— — 
Eliminations and other— — 
Indonesia operations2,095 672 271 
Other miningd
5,326 4,472 244 
Corporate, other & eliminations(1,597)(1,591)18 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$5,824 $3,553 $533 
a.Includes silver sales of 1.3 million ounces ($22.96 per ounce average realized price).
b.Includes charges totaling $3 million ($0.01 per pound of copper) for feasibility and optimization studies.
c.Primarily represents tolling costs paid to PT Smelting.
d.Represents the combined total for FCX’s other mining operations as presented in the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI.


Indonesia Operations Product Revenues, Production Costs and Unit Net Cash (Credits) Costs
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
(In millions)Co-Product Method
By-Product MethodCopperGold
Silver & Othera
Revenues, excluding adjustments$5,325 $5,325 $3,477 $169 $8,971 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
2,062 1,224 799 39 2,062 
Gold, silver and other by-product credits(3,645)— — — — 
Treatment charges453 269 176 453 
Export duties360 213 140 360 
Royalty on metals338 203 130 338 
Net cash (credits) costs(432)1,909 1,245 59 3,213 
DD&A923 548 358 17 923 
Noncash and other costs, net139 
82 54 139 
Total costs630 2,539 1,657 79 4,275 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
Gross profit $4,701 $2,792 $1,819 $90 $4,701 
Copper sales (millions of recoverable pounds)1,256 1,256 
Gold sales (thousands of recoverable ounces)1,474 
Gross profit per pound of copper/per ounce of gold:
Revenues, excluding adjustments$4.24 $4.24 $2,362 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
1.64 0.98 542 
Gold, silver and other by-product credits(2.90)— — 
Treatment charges0.36 0.21 119 
Export duties0.29 0.17 95 
Royalty on metals0.27 0.16 89 
Unit net cash (credits) costs(0.34)1.52 845 
DD&A0.73 0.44 243 
Noncash and other costs, net0.11 
0.06 36 
Total unit costs0.50 2.02 1,124 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
— — (3)
Gross profit per pound/ounce$3.74 $2.22 $1,235 
Reconciliation to Amounts Reported
Revenuesand DeliveryDD&A
Totals presented above$8,971 $2,062 $923 
Treatment charges(203)250 
Export duties(360)— — 
Royalty on metals(338)— — 
Noncash and other costs, net— 139 — 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
— — 
Indonesia operations8,075 2,451 923 
Other miningd
16,119 13,525 734 
Corporate, other & eliminations(4,459)(4,180)47 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$19,735 $11,796 $1,704 
a.Includes silver sales of 5.5 million ounces ($28.01 per ounce average realized price).
b.Includes charges totaling (i) $74 million ($0.06 per pound of copper) for operational readiness and startup costs associated with PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities, (ii) $34 million ($0.03 per pound of copper) related to amounts capitalized in prior years associated with the construction of PT-FI’s new downstream processing facilities, and (iii) $22 million ($0.02 per pound of copper) for feasibility and optimization studies.
c.Represents tolling costs paid to PT Smelting.
d.Represents the combined total for FCX’s other mining operations as presented in the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI.

Indonesia Operations Product Revenues, Production Costs and Unit Net Cash Costs
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
(In millions)Co-Product Method
By-Product MethodCopperGold
Silver & Othera
Revenues, excluding adjustments$3,860 $3,860 $2,227 $106 $6,193 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
1,736 1,082 624 30 1,736 
Gold, silver and other by-product credits(2,350)— — — — 
Treatment charges362 226 130 362 
Export duties165 103 59 165 
Royalty on metals228 144 81 228 
Net cash costs141 1,555 894 42 2,491 
DD&A694 433 249 12 694 
Noncash and other costs, net115 
71 42 115 
Total costs950 2,059 1,185 56 3,300 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
114 114 18 (1)131 
PT Smelting intercompany profit112 70 40 112 
Gross profit $3,136 $1,985 $1,100 $51 $3,136 
Copper sales (millions of recoverable pounds)1,014 1,014 
Gold sales (thousands of recoverable ounces)1,153 
Gross profit per pound of copper/per ounce of gold:
Revenues, excluding adjustments$3.81 $3.81 $1,932 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
1.71 1.07 542 
Gold, silver and other by-product credits(2.32)— — 
Treatment charges0.36 0.22 113 
Export duties0.16 0.10 51 
Royalty on metals0.23 0.14 70 
Unit net cash costs0.14 1.53 776 
DD&A0.69 0.43 216 
Noncash and other costs, net0.11 
0.07 36 
Total unit costs0.94 2.03 1,028 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
0.11 0.11 15 
PT Smelting intercompany profit0.11 0.07 35 
Gross profit per pound/ounce$3.09 $1.96 $954 
Reconciliation to Amounts Reported
Revenuesand DeliveryDD&A
Totals presented above$6,193 $1,736 $694 
Treatment charges(231)131 
Export duties(165)— — 
Royalty on metals(228)— — 
Noncash and other costs, net— 115 — 
Other revenue adjustments, primarily for pricing
    on prior period open sales
131 — — 
PT Smelting intercompany profit— (112)— 
Eliminations and other— — 
Indonesia operations5,700 1,871 694 
Other miningd
16,049 13,043 735 
Corporate, other & eliminations(4,799)(4,647)50 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$16,950 $10,267 $1,479 
a.Includes silver sales of 4.0 million ounces ($23.37 per ounce average realized price).
b.Includes charges of $55 million ($0.05 per pound of copper) associated with a potential administrative fine and $22 million ($0.02 per pound of copper) for feasibility and optimization studies.
c.Primarily represents tolling costs paid to PT Smelting.
d.Represents the combined total for FCX’s other mining operations as presented in the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI.

Molybdenum Mines Product Revenues, Production Costs and Unit Net Cash Costs
Three Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)20242023
Revenues, excluding adjustmentsa
$138 $153 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
131 116 
Treatment charges and other
Net cash costs137 122 
DD&A19 14 
Noncash and other costs, net
Total costs165 140 
Gross (loss) profit $(27)$13 
Molybdenum sales (millions of recoverable pounds)a
Gross (loss) profit per pound of molybdenum:
Revenues, excluding adjustmentsa
$21.20 $22.58 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
20.15 17.20 
Treatment charges and other0.91 0.87 
Unit net cash costs21.06 18.07 
DD&A2.85 2.13 
Noncash and other costs, net1.46 0.53 

Total unit costs25.37 20.73 
Gross (loss) profit per pound$(4.17)$1.85 
Reconciliation to Amounts Reported
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024Revenuesand DeliveryDD&A
Totals presented above$138 $131 $19 
Treatment charges and other(6)— — 
Noncash and other costs, net— — 
Molybdenum mines132 140 19 
Other miningb
8,225 5,354 567 
Corporate, other & eliminations(1,567)(1,417)14 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$6,790 $4,077 $600 
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Totals presented above$153 $116 $14 
Treatment charges and other(6)— — 
Noncash and other costs, net— — 
Molybdenum mines147 120 14 
Other miningb
7,274 5,024 501 
Corporate, other & eliminations(1,597)(1,591)18 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$5,824 $3,553 $533 
a.Reflects sales of the Molybdenum mines’ production to FCX’s molybdenum sales company at market-based pricing. On a consolidated basis, realizations are based on the actual contract terms for sales to third parties; as a result, FCX’s consolidated average realized price per pound of molybdenum will differ from the amounts reported in this table.
b.Represents the combined total for FCX’s other mining operations as presented in the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI. Also includes amounts associated with FCX’s molybdenum sales company, which includes sales of molybdenum produced by the Molybdenum mines and by certain of the North America and South America copper mines.

Molybdenum Mines Product Revenues, Production Costs and Unit Net Cash Costs
Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)20242023
Revenues, excluding adjustmentsa
$434 $539 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
376 308 
Treatment charges and other19 19 
Net cash costs395 327 
DD&A51 48 
Noncash and other costs, net17 13 
Total costs463 388 
Gross (loss) profit $(29)$151 
Molybdenum sales (millions of recoverable pounds)a
21 22 
Gross (loss) profit per pound of molybdenum:
Revenues, excluding adjustmentsa
$20.40 $25.17 
Site production and delivery, before net noncash
    and other costs shown below
17.71 14.39 
Treatment charges and other0.88 0.86 
Unit net cash costs18.59 15.25 
DD&A2.39 2.26 
Noncash and other costs, net0.80 0.61 
Total unit costs21.78 18.12 
Gross (loss) profit per pound$(1.38)$7.05 
Reconciliation to Amounts Reported
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024Revenuesand DeliveryDD&A
Totals presented above$434 $376 $51 
Treatment charges and other(19)— — 
Noncash and other costs, net— 17 — 
Molybdenum mines415 393 51 
Other miningb
23,779 15,583 1,606 
Corporate, other & eliminations(4,459)(4,180)47 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$19,735 $11,796 $1,704 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Totals presented above$539 $308 $48 
Treatment charges and other(19)— — 
Noncash and other costs, net— 13 — 
Molybdenum mines520 321 48 
Other miningb
21,229 14,593 1,381 
Corporate, other & eliminations(4,799)(4,647)50 
As reported in FCX’s consolidated financial statements$16,950 $10,267 $1,479 
a.Reflects sales of the Molybdenum mines’ production to FCX’s molybdenum sales company at market-based pricing. On a consolidated basis, realizations are based on the actual contract terms for sales to third parties; as a result, FCX’s consolidated average realized price per pound of molybdenum will differ from the amounts reported in this table.
b.Represents the combined total for FCX’s other mining operations as presented in the supplemental schedule, “Business Segments,” beginning on page XI. Also includes amounts associated with FCX’s molybdenum sales company, which includes sales of molybdenum produced by the Molybdenum mines and by certain of the North America and South America copper mines.