EX-10.2 5 tm2426318d1_ex10-2.htm EXHIBIT 10.2










這是提交權益協議的修訂案第1號。 (本「修訂案第1號”) 是由Mind Medicine (MindMed) Inc.於2024年10月17日依照不列顛哥倫比亞省加拿大法律簽署和生效的。權益代理”)購買人其他父母公司子公司購買人”).




鑒於根據2024年3月7日公司與每位購買人(以下簡稱為“Purchaser”)之間簽訂的證券購買協議,公司和購買人簽訂了登記權協議。購買協定2024年3月7日公司和購買人簽訂了登記權協議(以下簡稱為“Registration Rights Agreement”)。登記權協議單元,可以包括上述任何一種或多種證券(總稱“單元”),根據單元協議(“單元協議”)的條款發行;










(a) 通過將其第一句取代而經修訂 全部 如下:


在此使用但未另行定義的大寫術語,所指的含義如下:(i) 購買協議中所定義的術語應當具有購買協議中賦予該等術語的含義;以及 (ii) 交易所協議中所定義的術語應當具有交易所協議中賦予該等術語的含義。


(b) 通過替換“招股說明書”、“可登記證券”和“登記聲明”的定義來進行修訂 整個內容 如下:


招股書” 代表在登記聲明書中包含的招股說明書(包括任何在依據證券法規規定的條款430A或4300億條款依賴有效登記聲明書作為的招股說明書中先前省略的任何信息的招股說明書),並由任何招股說明書補充或修改,關於登記聲明書所涵蓋的可登記證券部分的發行條款,以及所有其他對招股說明書的修訂和補充,包括預發之修訂及後發之修訂,以及所有被引用或被視為被引用在該招股說明書中的相關材料。為避免疑惑,交易所招股說明書補充應屬於一份招股說明書。




可登記的證券” 在任何確定日之日起,指所有股份、認股權證股份以及由於股票分割、股息或其他分派、資本重組或類似事件而發行或當時可發行之任何證券; 但若有這種可申報出售的證券,只要 (A) 持有人按照有效的登記聲明在證券法下申報該類證券的銷售並已按照該有效登記聲明出售或處置了這些可申報證券 (在這種情況下,僅由持有人出售或處置的這類證券才不再是可申報證券),(B) 這些可申報證券以前按照144條規則出售 (在這種情況下,僅由持有人出售或處置的這類證券才不再是可申報證券),(C) 此等證券符合無成交量或銷售方式限制條件且無需公司遵守根據144條規則目前公開資訊要求的規定即可重新出售,(D) 這些證券已經停止有效,或 (E) 這些證券已經通過經紀商、交易商或承銷商以公開分銷或其他公共證券交易出售或透過這些途徑出售。


註冊聲明「」表示根據第2(a)條或第2(c)條應依此條款規定提交的任何註冊申報書 或根據第2(b)條或第4(c)條所預期的任何其他註冊申報書,包括(在各自情況下的)招股書、 對任何此類註冊申報書或招股書的修改和補充資料,包括前後生效的修改,所有展覽 文件,以及在任何此類註冊申報書中被引用或視為被引用的所有資料。為了避免疑慮,認股權股仍可為註冊申報書。


(c) 修訂 新增將“WKSI”的定義列入,該詞條如下所述:


WKSI” 代表根據證券法規Rule 405的定義,由委員會根據證券法制定的「眾所周知的 seasoned 發行者」。







(a) 修訂以包括新的(c)項,其應如下所示:


(c) 在兩個工作日內 在交易所截止日期,該公司應根據《規則》424 (b) 條擬備並向委員會提交一份補充說明書 ( 」交易所說明書附錄」) 涵蓋轉售認股權證股份以供發行 根據第 415 條的規則,或如規則第 415 條不適用於發售和出售認股權證股份,則通過該等 持有人可合理地指明的其他轉售認股權證股份的方式。交易所說明書附件應包含(除非 否則由持有人至少 85% 的權益指導)主要是「分配計劃」和「賣出」 股東」部份附件 A-2 載於本文;但是,不得任何持有人被指定為「承保人」 未經該持有人事先明確書面同意。《交易所招股章程附件》須補充基本招股章程的成立 本公司於六月二十八日向委員會提交表格 S-3(第 333-280548 號)註冊聲明的一部分, 2024 年,並在提交後自動生效(」認股證存貨登記聲明」)。主題 根據本協議的條款,本公司應盡最大努力持續保留權證股份存貨登記聲明 根據證券法生效,直至交易所章程附錄 (i) 所涵蓋的所有認股權證股份具有 已經根據該規則或根據第 144 條或任何其他具有類似效力的規則出售,或 (ii) 可以不含數量出售 或根據第 144 條的銷售限制而不要求本公司遵守現行規定 根據第 144 條規定的公開信息要求。如果在提交交易所說明書補充文件後的任何時間, 公司須重新評估其 WKSI 地位,公司判定其不是 WKSI,本公司應使用其合理 盡最大努力 (i) 在有效後盡快修改認股證存貨登記聲明為註冊 沒有自動生效的聲明,或在表格 S-3 上提交新的註冊聲明;(ii) 有該等後生效 美國證券交易委員會宣佈有效的修訂或註冊聲明;及 (iii) 在該等註冊聲明期間保持有效 根據本協議,該等註冊聲明須保留有效的期間。


(b) 通過用新的子節(d)取代子節(c)進行修改 全部 ,新子節在此處如下所示:


(d) 如果:(i) 登記 涵蓋可註冊證券的聲明,公司根據第 2 (a) 條或第 2 (b) 節要求提交的聲明 本協議不是 (a) 在申請日或縮減申請截止日期(如適用)當天或之前向委員會提交的,(a”備案 失敗”) 或 (b) 委員會在生效日期或削減生效日期或之前宣佈生效 截止日期(視情況而定)(a”有效性失敗”) 或 (ii) 在註冊聲明發布後的任何一天 委員會已宣佈所有可註冊證券的銷售生效或自動生效(視情況而定) 必須包含在此類註冊聲明中的註冊聲明不得超過連續十個日曆日或超過總數 根據該註冊聲明,在任何 12 個月期間內 15 個日曆日(不必是連續的日曆日) 由於公司的無所作爲或存在缺陷(包括由於停止令或未能保留此類註冊) 聲明通過披露根據該註冊聲明進行銷售所必需的信息而生效)(a”保養 失敗,” 將申報失敗、有效性故障和維護失敗均稱爲”事件”, 就第 (i) 條而言,此類事件發生的日期,以及就第 (ii) 條而言,此類事件發生的日期 如果適用,已超過日曆日期限,稱爲”活動日期”),那麼,除了任何 持有人根據本協議或適用法律在每次此類活動日期以及每項活動的每個月週年紀念日可能擁有的其他權利 此類事件日期(按其任何部分的比例)(如果適用的事件在該日期之前尚未得到解決),直至適用 事件得到解決,公司應向每位持有人支付一定金額的現金,作爲部分違約金,而不是罰款,金額等於 根據該持有人持有的購買協議,該持有人爲可註冊證券投資總額的1.0% 截至活動日期;前提是,根據本協議應付的違約金總額不得超過總額的6.0% 該持有人爲可註冊證券投資的總金額;並進一步規定了在削減限制的情況下投資的總金額 如第 2 (b) 節所述,本協議下的違約賠償金僅應累積和支付,例如 違約金的減少比例應與本協議要求註冊的股份總數的比例相同, 削減股份,計入本協議要求註冊的股票總數。舉個例子,如果 根據本協議需要註冊的股票總數爲1,000,000股,減持股份的數量爲25萬股,然後清算 損害賠償金應減少75%。如果公司未能根據本第 2 (d) 節支付任何部分違約金 在支付日後的十(10)個工作日內全額支付利息,公司將按每年12.0%的利率支付利息(或 (適用法律允許向持有人支付的最低金額),自該部分清算之日起每天累計 在全額支付這些款項以及所有此類利息之前,應支付損害賠償金。根據的部分違約金 本協議條款應按每日比例適用於事件結束前一個月的任何部分。不管怎樣 此處包含的,根據本第 2 (d) 節,任何不可註冊的證券均不得累積或支付任何違約賠償金 證券。





3.            對第4條所做的修正. 根據登記權協議,將第4條進行修改,將其(a)子項取代為 整個內容 如下:


(a) 在每份申報書提交前不少於五(5)個交易日,並且在提交任何相關招股意向書或其任何修訂或補充資料(包括任何被納入或視為納入其中的文件)的前一(1)個交易日之前,公司應(i)提供給每位持有人擬要提交的所有該等文件之副本,這些文件(除被納入或視為被納入其中的文件外)將受到這些持有人的審查,並(ii)回應並促使其管理人員和董事、法律顧問和獨立註冊會計師回應應該為進行《證券法》合理調查予以必要的詢問,對於這些持有人的各自法律顧問的合理意見而言。公司不得提交持有人提出善意異議的價值超過大多數可登記證券的申報書或任何招股書或其所做的任何修訂或補充資料,提供大多數可登記證券的持有人(或在副協議申報書的情況下,應被包括在該副協議申報書中的可登記證券的大多數持有人)在被提供申報書副本後已合理地提出異議的前提是,於持有人被提供申報書副本不遲於五(5)個交易日後或者在持有人被提供任何相關招股意向書或其修訂或補充資料的副本後的一(1)個交易日後,公司被書面通知該異議。每位持有人同意向公司提供一份填寫完成的問卷,應按照本協議附件b-1或附件b-2的形式,在不早於距陳報日期不少於三(3)個交易日之前的日期提供, 或是在向其提供草擬材料的相關第四(4)個交易日的結束之前提供。每位持有人同意在簽署交易協議同時提供一份填寫完成的出售股東問卷。每位持有人應根據公司的合理要求提供任何額外資訊,以遵守適用證券法律法規或所有現列通用股票的任何適用交易所規定。 附件 b-1 或附件 b-2(適用時) (a “股票出售者問卷)在申報日期不少於三(3)個交易日的日期及收到根據本第4條按照本條別的起草材料後的第四(4)個交易日結束之後的第四(4





4.            Amendments to Annex A. Annex A of the Registration Rights Agreement is hereby amended to include Annex A-2 hereto.


5.            Amendments to Annex B. Annex B of the Registration Rights Agreement is hereby amended to include Annex B-2 hereto.


6.            Other Amendments.


(a)            All references to Section 2(c), Section 2(d) and Section 2(e) in the Registration Rights Agreement are hereby amended to refer to Section 2(d), Section 2(e) and Section 2(f), respectively.


(b)            All references to Annex A and Annex B in the Registration Rights Agreement are hereby amended to refer to Annex A-1 and Annex B-1, respectively.


(c)            All references to “Common Stock” in the Registration Rights Agreement are hereby amended to refer to “Common Shares”.


7.            No Further Amendment. Except as expressly provided by this Amendment No. 1, the Registration Rights Agreement is and shall continue to be in full force and effect and is hereby in all respects ratified and reaffirmed. Except as expressly set forth in this Amendment No. 1, no other terms and conditions of the Registration Rights Agreement are hereby amended, modified, supplemented or waived.





8.            Execution. This Amendment No. 1 may be executed in two or more counterparts, all of which when taken together shall be considered one and the same agreement and shall become effective when counterparts have been signed by each party and delivered to each other party, it being understood that the parties need not sign the same counterpart. In the event that any signature is delivered by e-mail delivery of a “.pdf” format data file, such signature shall create a valid and binding obligation of the party executing (or on whose behalf such signature is executed) with the same force and effect as if such “.pdf” signature page were an original thereof. Counterparts may be delivered via facsimile, electronic mail (including any electronic signature covered by the U.S. federal ESIGN Act of 2000, Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, the Electronic Signatures and Records Act or other applicable law, e.g., www.docusign.com) or other transmission method and any counterpart so delivered shall be deemed to have been duly and validly delivered and be valid and effective for all purposes.


(Signature Pages Follow)





In Witness Whereof, the parties have executed this Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Rights Agreement as of the date first written above.


  Mind Medicine (MindMed) Inc.
  By: /s/ Robert Barrow
  Name: Robert Barrow
  Title: Chief Executive Officer


[Signature page of holders follows]


[Signature Page to Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Rights Agreement]



Name of Holder: Deep Track Biotechnology Master Fund, Ltd.


Signature of Authorized Signatory of Holder: /s/ Nir Messafi


Name of Authorized Signatory: Nir Messafi


Title of Authorized Signatory: Authorized Person


[Signature Page to Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Rights Agreement]



Name of Holder: Commodore Capital Master LP


Signature of Authorized Signatory of Holder: /s/ Michael Kramarz, MD


Name of Authorized Signatory: Michael Kramarz, MD


Title of Authorized Signatory: Authorized Signatory


[Signature Page to Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Rights Agreement]



Annex A-2


Plan of Distribution


Each selling stockholder of the common shares and any of their pledgees, assignees, donees, transferees or other successors-in-interest (each, a “selling stockholder,” and collectively, the “selling stockholders”), may, from time to time, sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any or all of their common shares covered hereby on the principal Trading Market or any other stock exchange, market or trading facility on which the common shares are traded or in private transactions. These sales may be at fixed or negotiated prices. A selling stockholder may use any one or more of the following methods when selling common shares:


·ordinary brokerage transactions and transactions in which the broker-dealer solicits purchasers;

·block trades in which the broker-dealer will attempt to sell the common shares as agent but may position and resell a portion of the block as principal to facilitate the transaction;

·purchases by a broker-dealer as principal and resale by the broker-dealer for its account;

·to or through underwriters;

·an exchange distribution in accordance with the rules of the applicable exchange;

·privately negotiated transactions;

·settlement of short sales entered into after the effective date of the registration statement of which this prospectus is a part;

·in transactions through broker-dealers that agree with the selling stockholders to sell a specified number of such common shares at a stipulated price per security;

·through the writing or settlement of options or other hedging transactions, whether through an options exchange or otherwise;

·through the distribution of the common shares by any selling stockholder to its partners, members or stockholders;

·directly to one or more purchasers;

·through delayed delivery requirements;

·by pledge to secured debts and other obligations or any transfer upon the foreclosure under such pledges;

·a combination of any such methods of sale; or

·any other method permitted pursuant to applicable law.


The selling stockholders may also sell common shares under Rule 144 or any other exemption from registration under the Securities Act, if available, rather than under this prospectus. The securities have not been qualified for distribution in Canada, and may not be offered or sold in Canada during the course of their distribution except pursuant to a Canadian prospectus or a prospectus exemption.


Annex A-1



Broker-dealers engaged by the selling stockholders may arrange for other broker-dealers to participate in sales. Broker-dealers may receive commissions or discounts from the selling stockholders (or, if any broker-dealer acts as agent for the purchaser of common shares, from the purchaser) in amounts to be negotiated, but, except as set forth in any supplement to this prospectus, in the case of an agency transaction not in excess of a customary brokerage commission in compliance with FINRA Rule 2121; and in the case of a principal transaction a markup or markdown in compliance with FINRA Rule 2121.


In connection with the sale of the common shares or interests therein, the selling stockholders may enter into hedging transactions with broker-dealers or other financial institutions, which may in turn engage in short sales of the common shares in the course of hedging the positions they assume. The selling stockholders may also sell common shares short and deliver these common shares to close out their short positions, or loan or pledge the common shares to broker-dealers that in turn may sell these common shares. The selling stockholders may also enter into option or other transactions with broker-dealers or other financial institutions or create one or more derivative common shares which require the delivery to such broker-dealer or other financial institution of common shares offered by this prospectus, which common shares such broker-dealer or other financial institution may resell pursuant to this prospectus (as supplemented or amended to reflect such transaction). The selling stockholders also may transfer the common shares in other circumstances in which the transferees, pledgees, donees or other successors-in-interest will be the selling beneficial owners for purposes of this prospectus.


The selling stockholders and any broker-dealers or agents that are involved in selling the common shares may be deemed to be “underwriters” within the meaning of the Securities Act in connection with such sales (it being understood that the selling stockholders shall not be deemed to be underwriters solely as a result of their participation in this offering). In such event, any commissions received by such broker-dealers or agents and any profit on the resale of the common shares purchased by them may be deemed to be underwriting commissions or discounts under the Securities Act. Each selling stockholder has informed the Company that it does not have any written or oral agreement or understanding, directly or indirectly, with any person to distribute the common shares.


We are required to pay certain fees and expenses incurred by us incident to the registration of the common shares. We have agreed to indemnify the selling stockholders against certain losses, claims, damages and liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act.


We have agreed to keep this prospectus effective until the earlier of (i) the date on which the common shares may be resold by the selling stockholders without registration and without regard to any volume or manner-of-sale limitations by reason of Rule 144, or (ii) all of the common shares have been sold pursuant to this prospectus or Rule 144 under the Securities Act or any other rule of similar effect. The resale common shares will be sold only through registered or licensed brokers or dealers if required under applicable state securities laws. In addition, in certain states, the common shares covered hereby may not be sold unless they have been registered or qualified for sale in the applicable state or an exemption from the registration or qualification requirement is available and is complied with.


Annex A-2



Under applicable rules and regulations under the Exchange Act, any person engaged in the distribution of the resale of common shares may not simultaneously engage in market making activities with respect to the common shares for the applicable restricted period, as defined in Regulation M, prior to the commencement of the distribution. In addition, the selling stockholders will be subject to applicable provisions of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations thereunder, including Regulation M, which may limit the timing of purchases and sales of the common shares by the selling stockholders or any other person. We will make copies of this prospectus available to the selling stockholders and have informed them of the need to deliver a copy of this prospectus to each purchaser at or prior to the time of the sale (including by compliance with Rule 172 under the Securities Act).


Annex A-3





We have prepared this prospectus to allow the selling stockholders to offer and sell from time to time up to [·] common shares.


The number of common shares beneficially owned prior to the offering by the selling stockholders in the table below is based on information supplied to us by the selling stockholders, with beneficial ownership determined in accordance with the rules and regulations of the SEC and includes voting or investment power with respect to the common shares. This information does not necessarily indicate beneficial ownership for any other purpose. The percentage of beneficial ownership after this offering is based on [·] common shares outstanding as of [·].


The selling stockholders may sell some, all or none of the common shares offered by this prospectus from time to time. We do not know how long the selling stockholders will hold the common shares covered hereby before selling them and we currently have no agreements, arrangements or understandings with the selling stockholders regarding the sale or other disposition of any common shares.


In addition, since the date on which the selling stockholders provided the information, the selling stockholders may have sold, transferred or otherwise disposed of all or a portion of the common shares in transactions exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act. Any changed information given to us by the selling stockholders will be set forth in prospectus supplements, post-effective amendments or in filings we make with the SEC under the Exchange Act, which are incorporated by reference in this prospectus, if and when necessary.


As used in this prospectus, the term “selling stockholder” includes the selling stockholders listed in the table below, together with any additional selling stockholders listed in a prospectus supplement, and its donees, pledgees, assignees, transferees, distributees and successors-in-interest that receive such common shares in any non-sale transfer after the date of this prospectus.


   Common Shares Beneficially
Owned Prior to Offering
     Common Shares Beneficially
Owned After Offering
Selling Stockholder  Number of
  Percentage of
Common Shares
  Number of Common
Shares Registered for
Sale Hereby
  Number of
Common Shares
  Percentage of
Common Shares


Annex A-4







所簽署的普通股受益所有者(“可登記證券”)Mind Medicine(MindMed)Inc.,一家根據加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省法律成立的公司(“公司”)了解公司已向美國證券交易委員會(“委員會:”)提交了或打算提交 [註冊聲明(“蘋果公司CEO庫克大規模拋售股票,套現逾3億港元,資金已存入上市公司設立的專項帳戶(「信託帳戶」),以公共股東(定義詳見下文)爲受益人的註冊聲明(FORM S-1)中所規定的一定金額及特定款項。信託帳戶中持有的基金類型(包括資金持有的利息)除支付公司稅費以外,一旦實現以下最早的情況之一即可支取: (i) 完成首次(業務)組合;(ii) 如果公司未能在2025年3月3日之前完成首次(業務)組合,則可以贖回100%的發行股份(如下所述);或 (iii) 股東表決贖回發行股份。 若要批准修訂本Amended and Restated Certificate,必須就修訂對決定最早如下情形之一的公司的義務以在首次業務組合中允許贖回或未在終止日期之前完成首次業務組合即贖回100%的發行股份產生影響或涉及股東權益或首次業務組合前的活動(如第9.7節所述),對修訂進行表決。發售期(「發售期」)所出售單位的組成部分的Common Stock股份的持有人(「發售股份」),不論這些發售股份是在發售期內還是在發售市場上的二級市場中購買,也不論這些持有人是公司的發起人,高管或董事,或上述任何關聯方的子公司,均在此被稱爲「公共股東」。招股說明書補充(“招股說明書增補”) 根據1933年修正案的證券法規第415規則登記(“證券法”) 按照(i)2024年3月7日達成的註冊權協議,該協議是公司和簽署方參與的(“註冊權協議”) 和(ii)2024年10月17日達成的權證交換協議,公司和簽署方之間的(“交易協議註冊權協議和交易所協議的副本可根據以下設定的地址向公司申請。除非本文件另有定義,所有大寫詞語的含義應與註冊權協議或交易所協議中所賦予的含義相符。






下文所列的受益者(以下簡稱「 」)特此選擇將其名下的可登記證券納入註冊聲明中。出售普通股的股東特此行使記錄股份的權利,選擇將其持有的股份納入註冊聲明。






1. 名稱。


  (a) 售股股東的全名


  (b) 持有可登記證券的註冊持有人的完整法定名稱(如果與上述(a)不同):


  (c) 具有權力對本問卷涵蓋的證券進行投票或處置的自然控制人的全名(指直接或間接地獨自或與他人共同擁有該權力的自然人):


2. 通知售股股東的地址:



3. 經紀與交易商身份:


  (a) 您是否是券商?







  (b) 如果同意第3(a)節,您是否收到可登記證券作爲對公司投資銀行服務的補償?




  注: 如果在第3(b)節中回答「否」,委員會的工作人員已經指出,您應該在註冊聲明中被列爲承銷商。


  (c) 是 ☐ 否 ☐




  (d) 如果您是證券經紀商的聯屬方,您是否證明您購買了可登記證券是在正常的業務過程中進行的,並且在要轉售可登記證券時,您沒有與任何人直接或間接達成任何協議或了解,來分銷這些可登記證券?




  注: 如果「否」選擇第3(d)節,委員會的工作人員已指出 您應將其標識爲註冊聲明中的承銷商。


4. 銷售股東所持有的公司證券的利益所有權。


除本 第4項另有規定外,簽署人並非除根據購買協議和交易協議發行的證券外,公司的任何證券的受益或註冊持有人。


  (a) 買方股東實際擁有的其他公司證券類型和數量:


5. 與公司的關係:











附件 b-2



鑑於上述事實 根據授予的權限,簽署人已經引起本通知和問卷的執行和交付,可以由本人或其合法授權代理執行。


日期:   受益人:




附件 b-3