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此初步定價補充資料中的資訊 並非完整且可能會更改。此初步定價補充資料並非賣出要約,也不尋求在任何禁止提供或銷售的司法區域內購買這些證券的要約。


註冊聲明書編號 333-264388




價格補充 日期為2022年5月26日的招股說明書補充內容和招股說明書







Bank of Montreal
筆記標題: 2027年10月25日到期的可贖回固定票息票據(即“票據”)
交易日期: 2024年10月23日
到期日: 2027年10月25日,根據我們在下文“票據的具體條款 - 選擇性贖回功能”中描述的提前贖回權利。
US$    ●     ; 最低额度:US$1,000,以及超过$1,000的US$1,000的整数倍。
年利率: 票據將以年息4.40%的利率支付利息。
利息支付期间: 半年一次。
利息支付日期: 利息將於每年4月25日和10月25日按逾期支付,從2025年4月25日起開始(如果該日不是業務日,則推遲)。請參見下文“票據的具體條款—利息”。
到期付款: 在我们的信用风险下,您将在到期时获得本金金额和最后的利息支付。
清算和結算: DTC全球(包括其間接參與者Euroclear和Clearstream,如附屬招股書中“我們可能提供的債務證券的法定所有權和登記發行”所述)。
CUSIP號碼: 06376BNV6
我們可以選擇在每年4月25日和10月25日全額或部分贖回票據,從2025年10月25日開始(每個此類日期為“贖回日期”),按照其本金金額的100%加上應計及未支付的利息贖回,但不包括票據被贖回的日期。如果我們選擇贖回票據,將在贖回日期前不超過30個工作日或不少於五個工作日通知註冊持有人。請參見下文“票據的具體條款 — 選擇性贖回特性”。
可接受救助的票據: 這些票據將是可破產公債票據(根據附帶的招股說明書裡的定義) ,根據加拿大存款保險公司法第39.2(2.3)條的規定,在一次或多次交易中,通過一個或多個步驟,全部或部分地轉換成蒙特利爾銀行或其隸屬機構的普通股票,並根據安大略省和加拿大聯邦法律(涉及CDIC法的運作) 以及涉及票據的變更或消滅。






預計於2024年10月25日前後通過The Depository Trust Company的設施交付備忘錄。

我們可能会在Notes的首次銷售中使用這份定價補充資料。此外,BMO Capital Markets Corp.(BMOCM)或我們的其他聯營公司可能會在Notes的首次銷售後的市場交易中使用這份定價補充資料。 除非我們的代理或我們在銷售確認書中另有通知,否則本定價補充將用於做市交易。










備註是我們的債券系列Senior Medium-Term Notes, Series I的一部分,因此,此定價補充(“定價補充”)應與附帶的增補說明書和說明書一起閱讀,日期分別為2022年5月26日。除非情境要求否則,定價補充中使用但未定義的術語應具有附帶說明書或附帶增補說明書中賦予它們的含義。


在本部分中,“持有人”一詞指的是在我們或受託人維護的帳冊上以自己的名義註冊的持有票據的人,而不是以街名註冊的持有票據的受益人或以簿記方式通過The Depository Trust Company或其他托管機構發行的票據的持有人。持有票據的受益人應閱讀附帶的招股說明書補充中的“票據描述 - 法定擁有權”部分和招股說明書中的“我們可能提供的債券描述 - 法定擁有權和簿記發行”部分。


本筆債券屬於一系列「I 系列中期票據」(稱為「中期票據」),我們根據2010年1月25日修訂和補充至今日的債券信託契約,由蒙特利爾銀行和紐約梅隆銀行擔任受託人,可能不時發行的一部分。本定價補充文件概述了適用於本債券的具體金融和其他條款。適用於我們中期票據的一般條款在附件的「我們可能提供的債券描述」中描述。此處描述的條款補充了附件的說明書和附件的說明補充,如果此處描述的條款與上述文件中的條款不一致,則此處描述的條款為準。
















Optional Redemption Feature


We may, at our option, elect to redeem the Notes in whole or in part on each Redemption Date (as defined above), at 100% of their principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest to but excluding the date on which the Notes are redeemed. In the event we elect to redeem the Notes, notice will be given to registered holders not more than 30 nor less than five business days prior to the Redemption Date.


Agreement with Respect to the Exercise of Canadian Bail-in Powers


By its acquisition of an interest in any Note, each holder or beneficial owner of that Note is deemed to (i) agree to be bound, in respect of that Note, by the CDIC Act, including the conversion of that Note, in whole or in part – by means of a transaction or series of transactions and in one or more steps – into common shares of Bank of Montreal or any of its affiliates under subsection 39.2(2.3) of the CDIC Act and the variation or extinguishment of that Note in consequence, and by the application of the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein in respect of the operation of the CDIC Act with respect to that Note; (ii) attorn and submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in the Province of Ontario with respect to the CDIC Act and those laws; (iii) have represented and warranted that Bank of Montreal has not directly or indirectly provided financing to the holder or beneficial owner of the bail-inable notes for the express purpose of investing in the bail-inable notes; and (iv) acknowledge and agree that the terms referred to in paragraphs (i) and (ii), above, are binding on that holder or beneficial owner despite any provisions in the indenture or that Note, any other law that governs that Note and any other agreement, arrangement or understanding between that holder or beneficial owner and Bank of Montreal with respect to that Note.


Holders and beneficial owners of any Note will have no further rights in respect of that Note to the extent that Note is converted in a bail-in conversion, other than those provided under the bail-in regime, and by its acquisition of an interest in any Note, each holder or beneficial owner of that Note is deemed to irrevocably consent to the converted portion of the principal amount of that Note and any accrued and unpaid interest thereon being deemed paid in full by Bank of Montreal by the issuance of common shares of Bank of Montreal (or, if applicable, any of its affiliates) upon the occurrence of a bail-in conversion, which bail-in conversion will occur without any further action on the part of that holder or beneficial owner or the trustee; provided that, for the avoidance of doubt, this consent will not limit or otherwise affect any rights that holders or beneficial owners may have under the bail-in regime.


See “Description of the Notes We May Offer — Special Provisions Related to Bail-inable Notes” in the accompanying prospectus supplement for a description of provisions applicable to the Notes as a result of Canadian bail-in powers.


Certain Investment Considerations



Optional Redemption. Prospective purchasers should be aware that we have the right to redeem the Notes on any Redemption Date, beginning on the first Redemption Date. It is more likely that we will redeem the Notes prior to their stated maturity date to the extent that the interest payable on the Notes is greater than the interest that would be payable on other instruments of the issuer of a comparable maturity, terms and credit rating trading in the market. If the Notes are redeemed prior to their stated maturity date, you may have to re-invest the proceeds in a lower interest rate environment. See “—Optional Redemption Feature.”


Credit Risk. Our credit ratings and credit spreads may adversely affect the market value of the Notes. Investors are dependent on our ability to pay all amounts due on the Notes on each interest payment date and at maturity, and therefore investors are subject to our credit risk and to changes in the market’s view of our creditworthiness. Any decline in our credit ratings or increase in the credit spreads charged by the market for taking our credit risk is likely to adversely affect the value of the Notes.


Fees and Hedging Costs. While the payment at maturity described in this pricing supplement is based on the full principal amount of your Notes, the original offering price of the Notes includes the commission received by BMOCM and other dealers and the cost of hedging our obligations under the Notes. As a result, the price, if any, at which BMOCM may be willing to purchase Notes from you in secondary market transactions will likely be lower than the price you paid for your Notes, and any sale prior to the maturity date could result in a substantial loss to you.






The following is a general description of material tax considerations relating to the Notes. It does not purport to be a complete analysis of all tax considerations relating to the Notes. Prospective purchasers of the Notes should consult their tax advisers as to the consequences under the tax laws of the country of which they are resident for tax purposes and the tax laws of Canada and the U.S. of acquiring, holding and disposing of the Notes and receiving payments under the Notes. This summary is based upon the law as in effect on the date of this pricing supplement and is subject to any change in law that may take effect after such date.


Supplemental Canadian Tax Considerations


In the opinion of Torys LLP, our Canadian federal income tax counsel, the following summary describes the principal Canadian federal income tax considerations generally applicable to a purchaser who acquires from us as the beneficial owner Notes offered by this document, and who, at all relevant times, for purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada) and the Income Tax Regulations (collectively, the “Tax Act”), (1) is not, and is not deemed to be, resident in Canada, (2) deals at arm’s length with us, with any issuer of common shares acquired on a bail-in conversion and with any transferee resident (or deemed to be resident) in Canada to whom the purchaser disposes of Notes, (3) is not affiliated with us or with any issuer of common shares acquired on a bail-in conversion, (4) does not receive any payment of interest on a Note in respect of a debt or other obligation to pay an amount to a person with whom we do not deal at arm’s length, (5) acquires and holds Notes and any common shares acquired on a bail-in conversion as capital property, (6) does not use or hold Notes or any common shares acquired on a bail-in conversion in a business carried on in Canada and (7) is not a “specified shareholder” of ours as defined in the Tax Act for this purpose or a non-resident person not dealing at arm’s length with such “specified shareholder” (a “Non-Resident Holder”). Special rules, which are not discussed in this summary, may apply to a Non-Resident Holder that is an insurer that carries on an insurance business in Canada and elsewhere.


This summary does not address the possible application of the “hybrid mismatch arrangement” rules in section 18.4 of the Tax Act to a Non-Resident Holder (i) that disposes of a Note to a person or entity with which it does not deal at arm’s length or to an entity that is a “specified entity” with respect to the Non-Resident Holder or in respect of which the Non-Resident Holder is a “specified entity”, (ii) that disposes of a Note under, or in connection with, a “structured arrangement”, or (iii) in respect of which we are a “specified entity” (as such terms are defined in subsection 18.4(1) of the Tax Act). Such Non-Resident Holders should consult their own tax advisors.


This summary is based on the current provisions of the Tax Act and on counsel’s understanding of the current administrative policies and assessing practices of the Canada Revenue Agency published in writing prior to the date hereof. This summary takes into account all specific proposals to amend the Tax Act publicly announced by or on behalf of the Minister of Finance (Canada) prior to the date of this document (the “Proposed Amendments”), and assumes that all Proposed Amendments will be enacted in the form proposed. However, no assurances can be given that the Proposed Amendments will be enacted as proposed, or at all. This summary does not otherwise take into account or anticipate any changes in law or administrative policy or assessing practice whether by legislative, administrative or judicial action nor does it take into account tax legislation or considerations of any province, territory or foreign jurisdiction, which may differ from those discussed herein.


This summary is of a general nature only and is not, and is not intended to be, legal or tax advice to any particular holder. This summary is not exhaustive of all Canadian federal income tax considerations. Accordingly, prospective purchasers of the Notes should consult their own tax advisors having regard to their own particular circumstances.


Currency Conversion


Generally, for purposes of the Tax Act, all amounts relating to the acquisition, holding or disposition of a Note and any common shares acquired on a bail-in conversion must generally be expressed in Canadian dollars using the appropriate exchange rate determined in accordance with the detailed rules in the Tax Act in that regard. As a result, the amounts, if any, subject to withholding tax and any capital gains or capital losses realized by a Non-Resident Holder may be affected by fluctuations in the value of the U.S. dollar relative to the Canadian dollar.






Interest paid or credited or deemed to be paid or credited by us on a Note (including amounts on account or in lieu of payment of, or in satisfaction of interest) to a Non-Resident Holder generally will not be subject to Canadian non-resident withholding tax, unless any portion of such interest (other than on a “prescribed obligation,” as defined in the Tax Act for this purpose) is contingent or dependent on the use of or production from property in Canada or is computed by reference to revenue, profit, cash flow, commodity price or any other similar criterion or by reference to dividends paid or payable to shareholders of any class or series of shares of the capital stock of a corporation (“participating debt interest”). The administrative policy of the Canada Revenue Agency is that interest paid on a debt obligation is not subject to Canadian non-resident withholding tax unless, in general, it is reasonable to consider that there is a material connection between the index or formula to which any amount payable under the debt obligation is calculated and the profits of the issuer. With respect to any interest on a Note, or any portion of the principal amount of a Note in excess of the issue price, such interest or principal, as the case may be, paid or credited to a Non-Resident Holder should not be subject to Canadian non-resident withholding tax, except as discussed below.


In the event that a Note held by a Non-Resident Holder is converted to common shares on a bail-in conversion, the amount, if any, by which the fair market value of the common shares received on the conversion exceeds the sum of: (i) the price for which the Note was issued, and (ii) any amount that is paid in respect of accrued and unpaid interest on the Note at the time of the conversion, may be deemed to be interest paid to the Non-Resident Holder. There is a risk that the excess, if any, and the amount of interest described in item (ii) of the preceding sentence could be characterized as “participating debt interest” and be subject to Canadian non-resident withholding tax unless certain exceptions apply. Non-Resident Holders should consult their own tax advisors in this regard.


If an amount of interest paid by us on a Note were to be non-deductible by us in computing our income as a result of the application of subsection 18.4(4) of the Tax Act, such amount of interest would be deemed to have been paid by us as a dividend, and not to have been paid by us as interest, and be subject to Canadian non-resident withholding tax. Subsection 18.4(4) would apply only if a payment of interest by us on a Note constituted the deduction component of a “hybrid mismatch arrangement” under which the payment arises within the meaning of paragraph 18.4(3)(b) of the Tax Act.


No payment of interest by us on a Note should be considered to arise under a “hybrid mismatch arrangement” as no such payment should be considered to arise under or in connection with a “structured arrangement”, both as defined in subsection 18.4(1) of the Tax Act, on the basis that (i) based on pricing data and analysis provided to Torys LLP by us in relation to these Notes, it should not be reasonable to consider that any economic benefit arising from any “deduction/non-inclusion mismatch” as defined in subsection 18.4(6) of the Tax Act is reflected in the pricing of the Notes, and (ii) it should also not be reasonable to consider that the Notes were designed to, directly or indirectly, give rise to any “deduction/non-inclusion mismatch”.


Generally, there are no other taxes on income (including taxable capital gains) payable by a Non-Resident Holder on interest, discount, or premium in respect of a Note or on the proceeds received by a Non-Resident Holder on the disposition of a Note (including redemption, cancellation, purchase or repurchase).


Common Shares Acquired on a Bail-in Conversion


Dividends paid or credited, or deemed under the Act to be paid or credited, to a Non-Resident Holder on common shares of the issuer or any affiliate of the issuer that is a corporation that is resident or deemed to be resident in Canada for purposes of the Tax Act acquired by the Non-Resident Holder on a bail-in conversion will generally be subject to Canadian non-resident withholding tax at the rate of 25% on the gross amount of such dividends unless the rate is reduced under the provisions of an applicable income tax treaty or convention between Canada and the country of residence of the Non-Resident Holder.


A Non-Resident Holder will not be subject to tax under the Tax Act in respect of any capital gain realized on a disposition or deemed disposition of a common share of the issuer or any affiliate of the issuer acquired by the Non-Resident Holder on a bail-in conversion unless such common share is, or is deemed to be, “taxable Canadian property” of the Non-Resident Holder for the purposes of the Tax Act and the Non-Resident Holder is not entitled to an exemption under an applicable income tax convention between Canada and the country in which the Non-Resident Holder is resident.




Generally, common shares of the issuer or any affiliate of the issuer acquired by a Non-Resident Holder on a bail-in conversion will not constitute taxable Canadian property of a Non-Resident Holder at a particular time provided that such common shares are listed at that time on a designated stock exchange (which includes the Toronto Stock Exchange), unless at any particular time during the 60-month period that ends at that time (1) the Non-Resident Holder, persons with whom the Non-Resident Holder does not deal with at arm’s length, and partnerships in which the Non-Resident Holder or persons with whom the Non-Resident Holder does not deal at arm’s length holds a membership interest directly or indirectly through one or more partnerships, or the Non-Resident Holder together with all such persons and partnerships, owned 25% or more of the issued shares of any class or series of the applicable issuer’s capital stock and (2) more than 50% of the fair market value of such common shares was derived directly or indirectly from one or any combination of: (i) real or immovable properties situated in Canada, (ii) “Canadian resource properties” (as defined in the Tax Act), (iii) “timber resource properties” (as defined in the Tax Act), and (iv) options in respect of, or interests in, or for civil law rights in, property in any of the foregoing whether or not the property exists. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in certain circumstances set out in the Tax Act, such common shares could be deemed to be taxable Canadian property. Non-Resident Holders for whom common shares acquired on a bail-in conversion may constitute taxable Canadian property should consult their own tax advisors.


Supplemental U.S. Tax Considerations


The following section supplements the discussion of U.S. federal income taxation in the accompanying prospectus and prospectus supplement with respect to United States holders (as defined in the accompanying prospectus). It applies only to those United States holders who are not excluded from the discussion of U.S. federal income taxation in the accompanying prospectus. It does not apply to holders subject to special rules including holders subject to Section 451(b) of the Code. For purposes of this discussion, any interest with respect to the Notes, as determined for U.S. federal income tax purposes, will be treated as from sources outside the United States.


You should consult your tax advisor concerning the U.S. federal income tax and other tax consequences of your investment in the Notes in your particular circumstances, including the application of state, local or other tax laws and the possible effects of changes in federal or other tax laws.


Backup Withholding and Information Reporting


Please see the discussion under “United States Federal Income Taxation — Other Considerations — Backup Withholding and Information Reporting” in the accompanying prospectus for a description of the applicability of the backup withholding and information reporting rules to payments made on your Notes.


Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act


The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act imposes a 30% U.S. withholding tax on certain U.S. source payments, including interest (and original issue discount), dividends, other fixed or determinable annual or periodical gain, profits, and income (“Withholdable Payments”), if paid to a foreign financial institution (including amounts paid to a foreign financial institution on behalf of a holder), unless such institution enters into an agreement with the Treasury Department to collect and provide to the Treasury Department substantial information regarding U.S. account holders, including certain account holders that are foreign entities with U.S. owners, with such institution. A Note may constitute an account for these purposes. The legislation also generally imposes a withholding tax of 30% on Withholdable Payments made to a non-financial foreign entity unless such entity provides the withholding agent with a certification that it does not have any substantial U.S. owners or a certification identifying the direct and indirect substantial U.S. owners of the entity.


The U.S. Treasury Department has proposed regulations that eliminate the requirement of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act withholding on payments of gross proceeds upon the sale or disposition of financial instruments. The U.S. Treasury Department has indicated that taxpayers may rely on these proposed regulations pending their finalization, and the discussion above assumes the proposed regulations will be finalized in their proposed form with retroactive effect.


If we (or an applicable withholding agent) determine withholding is appropriate with respect to the Notes, we (or such agent) will withhold tax at the applicable statutory rate, and we will not pay any additional amounts in respect of such withholding. Account holders subject to information reporting requirements pursuant to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act may include holders of the Notes. Foreign financial institutions and non-financial foreign entities located in jurisdictions that have an intergovernmental agreement with the United States governing the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act may be subject to different rules. Holders are urged to consult with their own tax advisors regarding the possible implications of this legislation on their investment in the Notes.






A fiduciary of a pension, profit-sharing or other employee benefit plan subject to the U.S. Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (“ERISA”) (each, a “Plan”), should consider the fiduciary standards of ERISA in the context of the Plan’s particular circumstances before authorizing an investment in the Notes. Among other factors, the fiduciary should consider whether the investment would satisfy the prudence and diversification requirements of ERISA and would be consistent with the documents and instruments governing the Plan, and whether the investment would involve a prohibited transaction under ERISA or the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”). Please see the section of the prospectus, “Employee Retirement Income Security Act.”




BMOCM will purchase the Notes from us on the settlement date at prices as specified on the cover page of this pricing supplement. BMOCM has informed us that, as part of its distribution of the Notes, it will reoffer the Notes to other dealers who will sell them at the prices set forth on the cover page of this document. Each such dealer, or further dealer engaged by a dealer to whom BMOCM reoffers the Notes, will purchase the Notes at an agreed discount to the initial offering price.


We will deliver the Notes on a date that is greater than one business day following the pricing date. Under Rule 15c6-1 of the Exchange Act, trades in the secondary market generally are required to settle in one business day, unless the parties to any such trade expressly agree otherwise. Accordingly, purchasers who wish to trade the Notes more than one business day prior to the original issue date will be required to specify alternative settlement arrangements to prevent a failed settlement.


We own, directly or indirectly, all of the outstanding equity securities of BMOCM, the agent for this offering. In accordance with FINRA Rule 5121, BMOCM may not make sales in this offering to any of its discretionary accounts without the prior written approval of the customer.


We reserve the right to withdraw, cancel or modify the offering of any of the Notes and to reject orders in whole or in part. You may cancel any order for the Notes prior to its acceptance.


You should not construe the offering of any of the Notes as a recommendation as to the suitability of an investment in the Notes.


BMOCM may, but is not obligated to, make a market in the Notes. BMOCM will determine any secondary market prices that it is prepared to offer in its sole discretion.


We may use this pricing supplement in the initial sale of the Notes. In addition, BMOCM or another of our affiliates may use this pricing supplement in market-making transactions in any Notes after their initial sale. Unless BMOCM or we inform you otherwise in the confirmation of sale, this pricing supplement is being used by BMOCM in a market-making transaction.


Each of BMOCM and any other broker-dealer offering the Notes have not offered, sold or otherwise made available and will not offer, sell or otherwise make available any of the Notes to, any retail investor in the European Economic Area (“EEA”). For these purposes, the expression “offer” includes the communication in any form and by any means of sufficient information on the terms of the offer and the Notes to be offered so as to enable an investor to decide to purchase or subscribe the Notes, and a “retail investor” means a person who is one (or more) of: (a) a retail client, as defined in point (11) of Article 4(1) of Directive (EU) 2014/65 (as amended, “MiFID II”); or (b) a customer, within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2016/97, as amended, where that customer would not qualify as a professional client as defined in point (10) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II; or (c) not a qualified investor as defined in Regulation (EU) No 2017/1129 (the “Prospectus Regulation”). Consequently, no key information document required by Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 (as amended, the “PRIIPs Regulation”) for offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the EEA has been prepared, and therefore, offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the EEA may be unlawful under the PRIIPs Regulation.




Each of BMOCM and any other broker-dealer offering the Notes have not offered, sold or otherwise made available and will not offer, sell or otherwise make available any of the Notes to, any retail investor in the United Kingdom. For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who is one (or more) of: (a) a retail client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 2017/565 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018; or (b) a customer within the meaning of the provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the "FSMA") and any rules or regulations made under the FSMA to implement Directive (EU) 2016/97, where that customer would not qualify as a professional client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018; or (c) not a qualified investor as defined in the Prospectus Regulation as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. Consequently, no key information document required by Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (the "UK PRIIPs Regulation") for offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the UK has been prepared and therefore offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the UK may be unlawful under the UK PRIIPs Regulation.


