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Prologis補充資料2024年第三季度未經審核的漢堡Waltershof DC1,德國

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內容亮點 3 公司簡介 5 公司表現 7 Prologis 領先因數和專有指標 8 財務信息引導 9 合併資產負債表 10 合併損益表 11 調解淨收益至FFO 12 調解淨收益至調整後EBITDA營運 13 概述 14 營運指標 16 營運組合 19 客戶信息 資本投放 20 概述 21 開發穩定 22 開發開始 23 開發組合 24 第三方收購 25 處分和貢獻 26 土地組合 28 太陽能營運和開發組合策略資本 29 概述 30 摘要和財務亮點 31 未納入合併的共同投資企業的營運和資產負債表資訊 32 非GAAP比例財務資訊資本化 33 概述 34 債務元件 - 合併 35 債務元件 - 非控製權益和未納入合併的淨資產價值 36 元件說明和定義 38 說明和定義

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$407億土地開發成本 (TEI) * 這是一項非通用會計原則的財務指標。請參閱我們的附註和定義以獲得進一步說明。 NOI計算基於Prologis全球貨幣 的營運組合份額。 Prologis, Inc.,是物流房地產領域的全球領導者,專注於高障礙、高成長市場。截至2024年9月30日,該公司在20個國家擁有或通過完全擁有或合資項目投資,預計總面積約為12億平方英尺(1.16億平方米)。 Prologis向主要遍佈兩大類客戶的廣泛客戶群租賃現代化物流設施:企業間和零售/線上履行。 5,607 棟建築 12億平方英尺 歐洲 2.47億平方英尺 佔NOI的9%*(A) 亞洲 1.14億平方英尺 佔NOI的1%*(A) 美國 8億平方英尺 佔NOI的86%*(A) 其他 美洲 0.88億平方英尺 佔NOI的4%*(A)

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公司簡介 * 這是一個非GAAP財務指標。請參閱我們的備註和定義以獲得進一步解釋。年度化的2024年第3季Prologis營運組合的 NOI 分享。2024年第三季第三方資產管理費的年度化份額加上過去十二個月第三方交易費用和淨推廣收入(費用)。Prologis 在過去十二個月的估算價值創造中所佔份額來自開發穩定。墨西哥包括在美國,因為它以美元功能。亮點 營運 每年62億美元的 NOI*(A) 開發 從穩定(C) 中創造的75100萬美元價值* 總資產管理:2180億美元 PROLOGIS 資產管理份額:1560億美元市場股權:1200億美元戰略資本:30200萬美元的費用和促銷(B) (D) (D) (D)

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業績亮點 這是一個非通用會計原則的財務指標。請參見第8頁的歸屬於普通股股東的淨收益的調和表,並參考我們的註釋和定義以獲得進一步說明。 NET EARNINGS ATTRIBUTABLE TO COMMON STOCKHOLDERS CORE FFO ATTRIBUTABLE TO COMMON STOCKHOLDERS/UNITHOLDERS* AFFO ATTRIBUTABLE TO COMMON STOCKHOLDERS/UNITHOLDERS* (以百萬為單位,除每股/每單位數據外) 截至2024年9月30日三個月 截至2024年9月30日九個月 2019年 2023年 2019年 2023年 租金及其他收入 $1,901 $1,778 $5,583 $5,063 戰略資本收入 135 137 418 1,071 總收入 2,036 1,915 6,001 6,134 歸屬於普通股股東的淨收益 1,004 746 2,448 2,424 截至普通股股東/持有人的核心FFO* 1,367 1,238 3,870 4,132 截至普通股股東/持有人的AFFO* 1,014 1,017 3,118 3,677 調整後的歸屬於普通股股東/持有人的EBITDA* 1,734 1,619 5,051 5,324 開發穩定化的估計價值創建 - Prologis分 129 118 475 642 普通股股息和普通有限合夥單位分配 917 829 2,750 2,485 每普通股/單位 - 稀釋後: 歸屬於普通股股東的淨收益 $1.08 $0.80 $2.63 $2.61 截至普通股股東/持有人的核心FFO* 1.43 1.30 4.06 4.34 截至普通股股東/持有人的核心FFO*,不含淨推廣收入(費用)* 1.45 1.33 4.11 3.81 業務部門報告: 房地產業* 1.37 1.26 3.91 3.60 戰略資本* 0.06 0.04 0.15 0.74 截至普通股股東/持有人的核心FFO* 1.43 1.30 4.06 4.34 已實現的開發收益,稅后淨額* 0.03 0.09 0.16 0.26 每普通股/單位的股息和分配 0.96 0.87 2.88 2.61

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每股普通股股東應佔淨收益(以百萬計)CORE FFO應佔普通股股東/單位持有人應佔淨收益(以百萬計)AFFO應佔普通股股東/單位持有人淨收益(以百萬計)分紅派息和分配(以百萬計)* 這是一項非適用美國通用會計準則的財務指標。請參閱第8頁的每股普通股股東應佔淨收益調節表,並參考我們的附註和定義以進一步說明。重點:公司業績

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租賃提議以百萬平方英尺為單位的美國IBI ACTIVITY INDEX擴散指数,點數新租賃談判孕育時長以天計美國空間利用率百分比* 請參閱我們的註解和定義以獲得進一步說明。 Prologis領先指標和專有指標* 突顯107 平均 75 59.3 平均 57.8 44 平均 54 84.4% 平均 85.4% 平均 40% 41% 提議的可租用面積 提議佔可提供淨可租用面積的百分比

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指引(A) * 這是一個非普遍會計準則的財務指標。請參閱我們的備註和定義以獲得進一步解釋。我們對2024年的指引是基於管理層對我們業務、行業和我們運營的市場的目前信念和假設。請參閱我們向證券交易委員會(“SEC”)提交的年度和季度基本報表10-K和10-Q中提到的“前瞻性聲明”和“風險因素”以獲得更多信息。Core FFO與淨收益之間的差異主要與房地產折舊和攤提、以及房地產處分的利得或損失有關。查看備註和定義進行調和。我們進一步調整Core FFO以排除0.07美元的淨推廣支出。該支出與發放給雇員的股份報酬的攤提有關,這些股份報酬與先前期間認可的推廣收益有關。 以百萬美元為單位的重點列示,每股數量 2024指引 低 高 淨收益歸屬於普通股股東(B) $ 3.35 $ 3.45 Core FFO歸屬於普通股股東/單位持有人* (B) $ 5.42 $ 5.46 Core FFO歸屬於普通股股東/單位持有人,不含淨推廣收入(費用)*(C) $ 5.49 $ 5.53 業務 平均佔用率 - Prologis 分享 96.00 % 96.50 % 同店 NOI - 現金 - Prologis 分享* 6.50 % 7.00 % 同店 NOI - 淨有效 - Prologis 分享* 5.50 % 6.00 % 其他假設 策略性資本收入,不含推廣收入 $ 525 $ 535 淨推廣收入(費用) $ (65) $ (65) 建設及管理開支 $ 415 $ 425 實現開發利潤 $ 375 $ 425 資本部署 PROLOGIS 持有並管理 低 高 開發穩定化 $ 3,900 $ 4,300 $ 4,300 $ 4,700 開發開始 $ 1,750 $ 2,250 $ 2,000 $ 2,500 收購 $ 1,750 $ 2,250 $ 2,000 $ 2,500 出售 $ 1,250 $ 1,750 $ 1,750 $ 2,250 貢獻 $ 1,750 $ 2,250 $ 2,500 $ 3,000 匯率 我們已對我們估計的2024年歐元、英鎊和日元Core FFO的多數匯率進行了避險,有效地使2024年的結果免受這些貨幣的外匯波動的影響。為了資本部署和其他指標,我們假設EUR、GBP和JPY的有效匯率分別為1.12美元/歐元、1.34美元/英鎊和142.75日元/美元。

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截至2024年9月30日、2024年6月30日和2023年12月31日的合併資產負債表財務資訊(以千元為單位) 資產: 房地產業投資: 營運物業 $ 79,178,259 $ 77,750,335 $ 75,435,497 發展投資組合 3,143,543 3,158,997 4,367,455 土地 4,395,022 4,199,065 3,775,553 其他房地產投資 5,376,749 4,625,412 5,088,070 合計 92,093,573 89,733,809 88,666,575 減:累計折舊 12,332,799 11,869,054 10,931,485 房地產業淨投資 79,760,774 77,864,755 77,735,090 投資及對非合併實體的融通 10,092,765 9,764,870 9,543,970 待售資產或出資 325,987 515,895 461,657 房地產淨投資 90,179,526 88,145,520 87,740,717 現金及現金等價物 780,871 598,347 530,388 其他資產 4,944,799 4,793,551 4,749,735 總資產 $ 95,905,196 $ 93,537,418 $ 93,020,840 負債和股東權益: 負債: 債務 $ 32,289,832 $ 29,904,620 $ 29,000,501 應付賬款、應計費用和其他負債 5,951,272 5,709,477 6,196,619 總負債 38,241,104 35,614,097 35,197,120 股東權益: 股東權益 53,071,769 53,345,060 53,181,724 非控制權益 3,284,845 3,276,961 3,324,275 非控制權益 - 有限合夥人持股 1,307,478 1,301,300 1,317,721 總權益 57,664,092 57,923,321 57,823,720 總負債和股東權益 $ 95,905,196 $ 93,537,418 $ 93,020,840

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綜合收益表財務信息截至2024年9月30日三個月截止2023年9月30日九個月以千計,每股金額除外 2024 2023 2024 2023 營收: 租賃$ 1,897,164 $ 1,777,359 $ 5,577,198 $ 5,062,583 战略资本 135,367 136,848 418,521 1,070,584 发展管理與其他 3,858 457 5,245 1,055 總收入 2,036,389 1,914,664 6,000,964 6,134,222 費用: 租賃 427,425 416,076 1,326,917 1,216,568 战略资本 61,342 84,069 210,689 306,684 總務和行政 98,154 96,673 316,041 292,097 折舊和攤銷 649,265 642,010 1,924,075 1,846,545 其他 15,683 12,342 39,371 31,686 總開支 1,251,869 1,251,170 3,817,093 3,693,580 除了房地產交易淨利潤之外的營運收益$ 784,520 $ 663,494 $ 2,183,871 $ 2,440,642 擴大開發物業和土地的處分利潤,淨 32,005 89,030 159,487 273,907 其他房地產投資出售利潤,淨 434,446 129,584 651,306 158,392 營運收益 $ 1,250,971 $ 882,108 $ 2,994,664 $ 2,872,941 其他收入(支出): 來自非合併實體的收益,淨 84,749 71,365 259,558 217,786 利息費用 (230,113) (181,053) (631,700) (466,882) 外幣、衍生品及其他收益(損失)及其他收益(支出),淨 (37,942) 67,964 62,774 102,682 提早清償債務利益,淨 — — 536 3,275 總其他支出 (183,306) (41,724) (308,832) (143,139) 稅前盈利 1,067,665 840,384 2,685,832 2,729,802 當期所得稅費用 (12,518) (36,702) (77,872) (142,705) 遞延所得稅效益(費用) 8,304 (4,541) (2,201) (9,836) 合併淨收益 1,063,451 799,141 2,605,759 2,577,261 非控制權益歸屬淨收益 (32,728) (32,613) (91,838) (87,833) 非控制權益歸屬有限合夥股份 (25,004) (18,901) (61,139) (61,150) 控制權益歸屬淨收益 1,005,719 747,627 2,452,782 2,428,278 首選股股息(1,452)(1,453)(4,407)(4,381) 歸屬普通股東的淨收益 $ 1,004,267 $ 746,174 $ 2,448,375 $ 2,423,897 加權平均流通普通股 - 稀釋 953,813 951,908 953,530 951,643 歸屬普通股東的每股收益 - 稀釋 $ 1.08 $ 0.80 $ 2.63 $ 2.61

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淨收益與FFO*協調對照 *這是一項非GAAP財務指標。請查看我們的註解和定義以獲取更多解釋。財務信息截至9月30日的三個月截至9月30日的九個月 單位:千美元 2024年 2023年 2024年 2023年 歸屬普通股股東的淨收益 $ 1,004,267 $ 746,174 $ 2,448,375 $ 2,423,897 加(減)NAREIt定義調整: 房地產相關的折舊和攤銷 630,077 629,402 1,870,061 1,810,781 對房地產投資的其他處置收益,扣除稅款(不包括開發性財產和土地) (434,174) (128,382) (650,565) (155,708) 與非控股權益相關的調整 (5,488) (5,441) (31,392) (24,240) 我們與未合併實體相關的比例份額的調整 111,439 112,044 332,875 342,391 NAREIt定義的FFO歸屬於普通股股東/單位持有人* $ 1,306,121 $ 1,353,797 $ 3,969,354 $ 4,397,121 加(減)我們的修改調整: 未實現的外幣、衍生品和其他損失(收益),淨額 99,122 (36,624) 61,014 (26,027) 遞延所得稅費用(利益) (8,304) 4,541 2,201 9,836 我們與未合併實體相關的比例份額的調整 552 (111) (3,659) (6,095) FFO,由Prologis修改後歸屬於普通股股東/單位持有人* $ 1,397,491 $ 1,321,603 $ 4,028,910 $ 4,374,835 加(減)核心FFO定義的調整: 開發性財產和土地處置收益,淨額 (32,005) (89,030) (159,487) (273,907) 處置的當前所得稅費用 1,729 5,037 6,565 23,610 債務提前清償收益,淨額 – – (536) (3,275) 與非控股權益相關的調整 – 27 78 9,359 我們與未合併實體相關的比例份額的調整 (604) 409 (5,253) 1,780 核心FFO歸屬於普通股股東/單位持有人* $ 1,366,611 $ 1,238,046 $ 3,870,277 $ 4,132,402 加(減)AFFO定義的調整: 開發性財產和土地處置收益,淨額 32,005 89,030 159,487 273,907 處置的當前所得稅費用 (1,729) (5,037) (6,565) (23,610) 直線租金和租賃無形資產攤銷 (166,980) (173,990) (470,289) (477,798) 物業改善費用 (122,556) (82,720) (248,868) (156,520) 結轉費用 (131,782) (102,957) (347,488) (271,011) 債務折讓、融資費用和管理合同的攤銷,淨額 20,633 20,090 59,333 56,912 股票補償攤銷費用 42,520 57,248 164,302 210,022 與非控股權益相關的調整 18,191 13,199 38,874 23,581 我們與未合併合資投資關聯實體相關的調整 (43,064) (35,948) (100,752) (90,798) AFFO歸屬於普通股股東/單位持有人* $ 1,013,849 $ 1,016,961 $ 3,118,311 $ 3,677,087

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調解淨收益至調整後EBITDA* *這是一個非GAAP財務指標。詳情請參閱我們的註釋和定義。 財務信息 三個月截至九個月截至 2024年9月30日 2023年9月30日 千元 淨收益歸屬於普通股股東 $1,004,267 $746,174 $2,448,375 $2,423,897 其他不動產投資處置收益,淨(不包括開發物業和土地) (434,446) (129,584) (651,306) (158,392) 折舊及攤銷費用 649,265 642,010 1,924,075 1,846,545 利息費用 212,566 161,046 589,991 435,044 當期和遞延所得稅費用,淨 4,214 41,243 80,073 152,541 淨收益歸屬於非控制權益 - 有限合夥股份 25,004 18,901 61,139 61,150 資本額比重的調整 5,386 (499) 12,927 33,406 優先股股利 1,452 1,453 4,407 4,381 未實現外幣、衍生品及其他損失(收益),淨 99,122 (36,624) 61,014 (26,027) 股份報酬攤提費用 42,520 57,248 164,302 210,022 提早清償債務收益,淨 - - (536) (3,275) 關聯於非控制權益的調整 (30,871) (24,733) (93,718) (88,514) 我們對未合併實體相關調整的比例份額 155,119 142,022 449,921 433,504 調整後的EBITDA歸屬於普通股股東/持有人* $1,733,598 $1,618,657 $5,050,664 $5,324,282

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97.5% 97.4% 96.9% 96.3% 96.1% 平均佔用率 - Prologis 分享 佔用率 - 自有及受管客戶留存率比去年同店變動 - Prologis 分享* 租金變動 - Prologis 分享* 這是一個非通用會計原則財務指標。請參閱我們的附註和定義以獲得進一步說明。營運概況 70.6% 76.4% 75.9% 74.8% 70.4% 近四個季度 - 淨實際

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營運指標-獨家和管理的金額,不包括少於一年的租約,除非另有註明。經營平方英尺以千為單位 租賃活動(A) 2023第三季度 2023第四季度 2024第一季度 2024第二季度 2024第三季度 租賃開始的平方英尺: 營運組合: 續約 30,983 23,422 34,760 27,839 34,661 新租約 11,290 13,364 10,268 11,775 14,331 總經營組合 42,273 36,786 45,028 39,614 48,992 發展中物業 4,118 6,864 3,082 7,027 1,772 租賃開始的總平方英尺 46,391 43,650 48,110 46,641 50,764 總經營組合租賃開始的總平方英尺,包括超過一個月的租約 47,176 42,021 51,121 47,232 57,939 開始租約的加權平均期限(以月計) 61 65 55 64 60 營運組合: 滾動四個季度 - 租賃開始的平方英尺 159,148 159,052 162,465 163,701 170,420 滾動四個季度 - 季度平均組合 14.6% 14.4% 14.5% 14.4% 14.9% 租金變動(淨實際) 69.7% 57.5% 55.5% 62.7% 57.6% 租金變動(淨實際)- Prologis份額 84.0% 74.1% 67.6% 73.9% 67.8% 租金變動(現金) 43.9% 37.6% 37.3% 41.0% 36.2% 租金變動(現金)- Prologis份額 54.2% 51.8% 48.2% 51.4% 44.1% 截至期末佔用率 美國 其他 美洲 歐洲 亞洲

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營運指標-所擁有及管理 * 這是一項非GAAP 財務指標。請參閱我們的註釋和定義以獲得進一步的解釋。 這些數據包括我們營運組合的可循環資本支出和淨營業收入。 不可循環性能的支出,因為這是結構性質,因此不包括在可循環資本支出之內。 營運資本支出千元,除了百分比之外 同業店信息千元,除了百分比之外 物業改善 開始租賃的人力成本 組合財產(按單位大小) 過去四個季度的平均 每平方英尺($) 作為租賃價值的百分比 每平方英尺($) 2023年第三季度 2023年第四季度 2024年第一季度 2024年第二季度 2024年第三季度 物業改善(A) $ 148,171 $ 241,246 $ 62,227 $ 153,773 $ 197,260 房客改善 76,915 75,631 69,722 84,835 78,106 租賃委員會 69,367 83,699 74,866 73,050 102,343 總轉租成本 146,282 159,330 144,588 157,885 180,449 所擁有及管理的總資本支出 $ 294,453 $ 400,576 $ 206,815 $ 311,658 $ 377,709 過去四個季度 - NOI * 的百分比(A) 12.8% 13.9% 13.9% 14.6% 15.3% 加權平均擁有比例 69.9% 70.1% 71.5% 71.9% 72.8% Prologis 分享的總資本支出 $ 205,866 $ 280,932 $ 147,822 $ 223,947 $ 275,089 2023年第三季度 2023年第四季度 2024年第一季度 2024年第二季度 2024年第三季度 平方英尺 897,171 894,478 1,079,607 1,076,277 1,073,873 平均佔有率 96.9% 97.1% 97.0% 96.6% 96.5% 平均佔有率 - 年度百分比變化 (0.8%) (1.0%) (1.2%) (1.1%) (0.8%) 結束期間佔有率 97.1% 97.4% 97.1% 96.8% 96.6% 百分比變化 - Prologis 分享 *: NOI - 現金 9.5% 8.5% 5.7% 7.2% 7.2% NOI - 淨有效 9.3% 7.8% 4.1% 5.5% 6.2% 1.6% 1.8% 1.9% 2.2% 2.6% 93.2% 95.5% 97.5% 98.4% 結束期間佔有率 免租金佔租賃價值的百分比 - 過去四個季度

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營運投資組合 – 建築物數量、面積、佔用和租用情況 # 建築物數量 面積(平方呎) 佔用百分比 租用百分比 千平方呎,按Prologis NOI(淨收入)佔比排序 (%) 持有及管理 持有及管理 Prologis 持股佔比 (%) 總持有及管理面積 Prologis 持有及管理 Prologis 持股佔比 南加州 551 125,324 104,857 13.8 96.9 97.1 97.0 97.2 紐澤西/紐約市 205 54,016 43,159 5.7 95.8 95.1 95.8 95.2 芝加哥 329 70,945 55,716 7.3 96.7 98.2 96.7 98.2 舊金山灣區 285 28,309 23,447 3.1 93.3 93.2 93.7 93.5 達拉斯/沃斯堡 273 59,770 50,929 6.7 96.1 96.2 96.3 96.4 亞特蘭大 236 52,125 46,763 6.2 98.5 98.6 98.8 98.7 南佛羅里達 224 29,113 23,151 3.0 95.5 94.8 95.5 94.8 利哈伊谷 83 37,670 33,942 4.5 93.0 92.7 93.0 92.7 休士頓 235 38,046 32,138 4.2 97.8 98.2 97.8 98.2 西雅圖 163 24,637 17,473 2.3 96.0 95.9 96.8 96.7 中央谷地區 45 22,945 21,768 2.9 97.4 97.3 97.4 97.3 巴爾的摩/華盛頓 134 18,145 14,921 2.0 96.4 96.3 96.4 96.3 納什維爾 66 17,335 14,287 1.9 98.9 98.7 98.9 98.7 奧蘭多 113 15,278 13,534 1.8 98.4 98.3 98.7 98.6 鳳凰城 81 15,258 13,290 1.7 96.4 96.4 96.9 96.9 拉斯維加斯 79 14,298 9,128 1.2 92.5 95.1 93.0 95.5 中賓夕法尼亞 37 18,723 13,942 1.8 97.6 98.2 97.6 98.2 辛辛那提 69 19,063 16,699 2.2 94.3 94.8 94.3 94.8 印第安納波利斯 54 19,242 15,015 2.0 97.4 97.2 97.4 97.2 其他美國市場(11個市場) 381 70,627 60,421 8.0 95.8 96.3 95.9 96.4 總美國 3,643 750,869 624,580 82.3 96.3 96.5 96.5 96.7 墨西哥 243 48,905 17,677 2.4 97.3 97.4 97.3 97.4 加拿大 36 11,601 11,601 1.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 巴西 45 18,364 3,753 0.5 95.7 96.1 95.7 96.1 其他美洲總計 324 78,870 33,031 4.4 97.0 97.3 97.0 97.3 英國 174 33,261 12,950 1.7 95.8 91.4 95.8 91.4 法國 148 35,785 12,210 1.6 96.4 97.3 96.4 97.3 德國 134 31,967 9,312 1.2 98.4 98.6 98.4 98.6 荷蘭 115 30,377 9,432 1.2 96.8 97.2 96.8 97.2 其他歐洲國家(8個國家) 493 103,631 37,565 5.0 94.9 93.4 95.2 93.6 總歐洲 1,064 235,021 81,469 10.7 96.0 94.7 96.1 94.8 日本 71 49,806 10,783 1.4 96.8 91.4 97.7 93.8 中國 178 52,489 8,011 1.1 87.9 87.9 89.1 89.2 新加坡 5 951 951 0.1 98.3 98.3 98.3 98.3 總亞洲 254 103,246 19,745 2.6 92.3 90.3 93.3 92.1 總美國境外 1,642 417,137 134,245 17.7 95.3 94.7 95.6 95.0 97.7 98.2 總營運投資組合 5,285 1,168,006 758,825 100.0 95.9 96.2 96.1 96.4

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經營組合 - 不動產運營淨收入*和總資產總值* 這是一個非GAAP財務指標。有關詳細解釋,請參閱我們的註釋和定義。 第三季度運營 淨收入* 總資產總值 千美元 並按Prologis持有的淨收入份額%對訂購和管理的Prologis份額% 持有和管理的Prologis份額總數及其股% 美國南加州 $ 378,574 $ 320,140 20.8 $ 20,512,120 $ 17,873,705 19.7 新澤西/紐約城 164,969 134,009 8.7 9,643,552 7,985,339 8.8 芝加哥 108,457 87,517 5.7 6,750,231 5,345,725 5.9 舊金山灣區 95,896 80,335 5.2 4,548,001 3,790,238 4.2 達拉斯/沃斯堡 87,169 74,266 4.8 5,431,033 4,619,888 5.1 亞特蘭大 77,462 68,680 4.5 4,398,421 3,997,271 4.4 南佛羅里達 82,464 66,416 4.3 5,093,613 4,169,950 4.6 利哈伊谷 67,709 60,763 3.9 4,716,715 4,374,462 4.8 休斯敦 57,707 49,143 3.2 3,858,183 3,332,902 3.7 西雅圖 64,589 46,567 3.0 3,684,126 2,833,249 3.1 中央谷 42,870 39,822 2.6 1,985,377 1,881,183 2.1 巴爾的摩/華盛頓 46,918 39,650 2.6 2,570,377 2,220,114 2.4 納什維爾 31,641 26,929 1.7 1,541,491 1,341,643 1.5 奧蘭多 27,417 24,354 1.6 1,593,354 1,431,687 1.6 菲尼克斯 28,171 24,059 1.6 1,695,899 1,466,874 1.6 拉斯維加斯 32,928 23,591 1.5 1,642,885 1,018,917 1.1 中央賓夕法尼亞 29,098 21,551 1.4 1,657,202 1,273,332 1.4 辛辛那提 23,599 21,143 1.4 1,321,647 1,187,137 1.3 印第安納波利斯 22,562 17,857 1.2 1,258,193 1,025,473 1.1 其他美國市場(11個市場) 112,123 97,018 6.3 6,043,178 5,153,239 5.7 美國總計 1,582,323 1,323,810 86.0 89,945,598 76,322,328 84.1 墨西哥 74,543 28,699 1.9 3,514,337 1,270,335 1.4 加拿大 23,839 23,839 1.5 1,151,929 1,151,929 1.3 巴西 20,914 4,665 0.3 886,121 205,683 0.2 總計其他美洲 119,296 57,203 3.7 5,552,387 2,627,947 2.9 英國 99,054 38,203 2.5 8,499,270 3,405,556 3.8 法國 51,285 17,117 1.1 3,674,109 1,151,478 1.3 德國 53,141 15,369 1.0 3,574,686 1,005,456 1.1 荷蘭 46,058 14,279 0.9 3,433,162 1,020,193 1.1 其他歐洲國家(8個國家) 137,495 48,676 3.2 8,807,016 3,094,829 3.4 歐洲總計 387,033 133,644 8.7 27,988,243 9,677,512 10.7 日本 91,569 17,997 1.2 7,421,812 1,448,532 1.6 中國 31,105 4,782 0.3 3,395,904 519,805 0.6 新加坡 2,405 2,405 0.1 149,794 149,794 0.1 亞洲總計 125,079 25,184 1.6 10,967,510 2,118,131 2.3 美國以外總計 631,408 216,031 14.0 44,508,140 14,423,590 15.9 總計營運投資組合 $ 2,213,731 $ 1,539,841 100.0 $ 134,453,738 $ 90,745,918 100.0

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經營投資組合-按部門彙總*這是一項非財務會計指標。請參閱我們的註釋和定義以獲取進一步說明。運營建築棟數總面積佔用率租出率面積和金額以千計擁有和管理的佔比擁有和管理的佔比普洛斯份額佔比擁有和管理的佔比合併總計美國2,897 621,418 585,395 77.1 96.4 96.6 96.5 96.7 美國以外110 27,140 27,038 3.6 88.2 88.1 89.0 89.0 操作投資組合總計-合併3,007 648,558 612,433 80.7 96.1 96.2 96.2 96.4 非合併 總計美國746 129,451 39,185 5.2 96.0 96.0 96.2 96.2 美國以外1,532 389,997 107,207 14.1 95.8 96.3 96.1 96.5 操作投資組合總計-非合併2,278 519,448 146,392 19.3 95.8 96.2 96.1 96.4 合計總計美國3,643 750,869 624,580 82.3 96.3 96.5 96.5 96.7 美國以外1,642 417,137 134,245 17.7 95.3 94.7 95.6 95.0 操作投資組合總計5,285 1,168,006 758,825 100.0 95.9 96.2 96.1 96.4 增值物業-合併15 3,303 3,270 18.2 18.1 19.8 19.6 增值物業-非合併12 2,077 806 34.5 40.9 34.5 40.9 總經營性財產5,312 1,173,386 762,901 95.6 95.8 95.8 96.0 第三季度淨營業額*毛賬面價值擁有和管理的普洛斯份額總額擁有和管理的普洛斯份額合併總計美國$ 1,310,451 $ 1,237,127 80.4 $ 75,913,368 $ 72,074,772 79.4 美國以外45,274 44,999 2.9 2,870,610 2,863,945 3.2 操作投資組合-合併總計$ 1,355,725 $ 1,282,126 83.3 $ 78,783,978 $ 74,938,717 82.6 非合併總計美國$ 271,872 $ 86,683 5.6 $ 14,032,230 $ 4,247,556 4.7 美國以外586,134 171,032 11.1 41,637,530 11,559,645 12.7 操作投資組合-非合併總計$ 858,006 $ 257,715 16.7 $ 55,669,760 $ 15,807,201 17.4 增值物業-合併$(1,087) $(1,051) $ 445,724 $ 430,343 增值物業-非合併$ 937 $ 463 $ 303,247 $ 109,390

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客戶信息我們已簽署租約,到期日分別爲2024年和2025年,總面積分別爲2000萬平方英尺和4100萬平方英尺,在我們的自有和管理組合中(佔總淨有效租金的1.4%和2.8%),在Prologis份額基礎上爲1300萬平方英尺和2400萬平方英尺(佔總淨有效租金的1.4%和2.4%)。這些租約不包括在2024年和2025年到期中,並反映在新到期年份中。經營頂級客戶剩餘租約到期 - 運營組合面積單位爲千萬平方英尺和金額單位爲千美元,除每平方英尺金額外自有和管理的自有和管理 %的淨有效租金總面積被佔用的平方英尺淨有效租金 美元 總金額的 % 每平方英尺 1 亞馬遜 5.0 45,636 2024(A) 30,940 176,160 2.0 5.69 2 家得寶 1.9 19,120 2025(A) 153,344 951,452 11.0 6.20 3 聯邦快遞 1.3 10,502 2026 181,707 1,236,375 14.3 6.80 4 DHL 1.2 12,634 2027 179,089 1,331,625 15.3 7.44 5 Geodis 1.1 15,618 2028 148,729 1,234,177 14.2 8.30 6 CEVA 物流 1.0 13,183 再往後 426,814 3,745,965 43.2 8.78 7 GXO 0.9 10,368 總計 1,120,623 8,675,754 100.0 7.74 8 聯邦快遞 0.8 9,302 剩餘租賃期的加權平均年限(基於淨有效租金)4.0年 9 馬士基 0.8 6,896 10 DSV A/S 0.7 7,745 前10位客戶 14.7 151,004 Prologis份額 11 Kuehne + Nagel 0.6 7,119 佔用的平方英尺淨有效租金 12 沃爾瑪 0.6 7,384 美元 總金額的 % 每平方英尺 13 史泰博 0.5 5,198 2024(A) 17,206 102,100 1.7 5.93 14 NFI Industries 0.5 4,029 2025(A) 85,936 579,127 9.7 6.74 15 GigaCloud 0.5 3,147 2026 114,525 818,839 13.7 7.15 16 百事 0.4 4,031 2027 116,892 911,202 15.2 7.80 17 萊德 0.4 3,500 2028 98,313 852,338 14.2 8.67 18 三星 0.4 4,823 再往後 297,219 2,721,756 45.5 9.16 19 ZOZO 0.4 4,886 總計 730,091 5,985,362 100.0 8.20 20 Db Schenker 0.4 5,596 剩餘租賃期的加權平均年限(基於淨有效租金)4.3年 21 日本通運 0.4 4,017 22 wayfair 0.3 5,783 23 美國政府 0.3 2,459 24 伯克希爾哈撒韋 0.3 3,085 25 Logisteed 0.3 3,797 前25位客戶 21.0 219,858

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併購和重大的投資組合活動 $14,600 — $23,200 $3,100 — 開發開始(TEI,百萬美元) 開發穩定(TEI,百萬美元) 收購活動(A,百萬美元) 土地投資組合(百萬美元) 這些數據不包括土地收購。 估計的開發包括土地投資組合、覆蓋土地和通過期權、土地租賃、未合併合資企業和其他合同安排開發的其他土地。 資本部署概述 – Prologis 分享 海外 美國 公司價值創造 $942 $1,326 $1,583 $917 $475 估計加權平均穩定收益率 6.3% 6.1% 6.3% 6.3% 5.9% 估計開發(B):平方英尺 211 TEI $37,500 今年至今第三季度

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發展穩定資本部署2024年第三季度和2024財政年度TEI TEI平方英尺和金額以千萬美元計算Prologis持股平方英尺和管理Prologis持股中心(A)573個 $ 280,357 $ 262,689 3,967 $ 624,122 $ 606,454 東部503 67,405 67,223 1,844 291,524 291,342 西部450 155,121 155,121 7,467 1,625,515 1,625,083 美國總計1,526 502,883 485,033 13,278 2,541,161 2,522,879 加拿大 – – – – – – 墨西哥 – – – 274 20,971 20,971 巴西 – – – – – – 其他美洲總計 – – – 274 20,971 20,971 北歐205 14,610 3,715 515 51,875 40,980 南歐 – – – 657 61,654 55,285 中歐260 28,970 28,970 1,213 115,818 115,818 英國616 253,068 253,068 1,298 351,543 351,543 歐洲總計1,081 296,648 285,753 3,683 580,890 563,626 日本 – – – 1,662 201,655 201,655 中國(A)1,705 89,210 13,382 3,786 212,904 31,936 亞洲總計1,705 89,210 13,382 5,448 414,559 233,591 美國以外總計2,786 385,858 299,135 9,405 1,016,420 818,188 總髮展穩定4,312 $ 888,741 $ 784,168 22,683 $ 3,557,581 $ 3,341,067 建造商比例5.9 % 27.5 % 估算的加權平均穩定收益率6.2 % 5.9 % 年化的預估淨操作收入$ 48,798 $ 197,905 估算的加權平均穩定資本化率4.9 % 5.0 % 估算的加權平均毛利率16.4 % 14.2 % 估算的價值創造$ 128,991 $ 474,588 TEI金額包括碼頭、停車場、數據中心等其他非工業資產上的開發,這些資產將在完工後納入其他房地產投資。

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開發開始資本部署 第三季度 2024 財年 2024 TEI TEI 平方英尺和千美元 平方英尺租賃百分比 初始 擁有和管理的Prologis股份 平方英尺租賃百分比 初始 擁有和管理的Prologis股份 中部(A) – – $ 258,993 $ 135,364 30 100.0 $ 264,715 $ 141,086 東部 626 0.0 104,366 104,366 1,309 0.0 265,847 260,102 西部(A) 670 0.0 95,608 95,224 670 0.0 95,608 95,224 美國總計 1,296 0.0 458,967 334,954 2,009 1.5 626,170 496,412 加拿大 – – – – – – – – 墨西哥 – – – – 1,609 0.0 173,434 173,434 巴西 – – – – – – – – 美洲其他總計 – – – – 1,609 0.0 173,434 173,434 北歐 – – – – 1,402 70.4 201,782 170,428 南歐 – – – – 423 34.9 40,698 40,698 中歐 447 100.0 32,537 32,537 846 74.4 59,327 59,327 英國 – – – – – – – – 歐洲總計 447 100.0 32,537 32,537 2,671 66.0 301,807 270,453 日本 112 100.0 24,064 24,064 112 100.0 24,064 24,064 中國 – – – – – – – – 亞洲總計 112 100.0 24,064 24,064 112 100.0 24,064 24,064 美國以外地區總計 559 100.0 56,601 56,601 4,392 42.7 499,305 467,951 總計開發開始 1,855 30.1 $ 515,568 $ 391,555 6,401 29.8 $ 1,125,475 $ 964,363 百分之四十九建造式 多少 百分之三十一點八 估計加權平均穩定收益率 九點零 百分點 七點八百分點 年化估計淨營業收入 $ 35,192 $ 75,426 估計加權平均穩定資本化率 五點八 百分點 五點六 百分點 估計加權平均利潤率 四十一點八 百分點 三十點五 百分點 估計價值創造 $ 169,495 $ 300,550 TEI 金額包括堆場、停車場、數據中心等其他非工業資產的開發,完成後將被納入其他房地產投資。

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開發組合TEI金額包括庭院、停車場、數據中心和其他非工業資產,這些資產將在完成後納入其他房地產投資。我們開發組合中的數據中心以13億美元和11億美元的TEI計算,完成成本分別爲9億美元和8億美元,按自有和管理基礎和Prologis股份基礎計算。資本部署 在發展中的未穩定項目2024年預計完成,2025年及以後預計完成的 開發組合TEI TEI TEI自有和管理Prologis股份平方英尺和千美元 擁有的和管理的Prologis股份 平方英尺 擁有的和管理的Prologis股份 擁有的和管理的Prologis股份 擁有的和管理的Prologis股份平方英尺 租賃佔比% 擁有的和管理的Prologis股份平方英尺 擁有的和管理的Prologis股份 平方英尺 租賃佔比% TEI平方英尺 租賃佔比% TEI中部(A) 940 0.0 $140,988 $140,988 — — — 2,181 1,391,811 1,249,897 3,121 32.4 $1,532,799 3,098 32.0 $1,390,885 東部(A) 1,057 6.7 256,082 248,742 575 93,676 93,676 2,392 575,905 569,802 4,024 17.0 925,663 3,946 17.1 912,220 西部(A) 841 0.0 197,368 197,368 1,274 312,596 312,596 3,103 459,331 458,768 5,218 37.4 969,295 5,213 37.4 968,732 美國總計2,838 2.5 594,438 587,098 1,849 406,272 406,272 7,676 2,427,047 2,278,467 12,363 29.5 3,427,757 12,257 29.5 3,271,837 加拿大 — — — — 2,036 373,902 373,902 475 86,298 86,298 2,511 38.9 460,200 2,511 38.9 460,200 墨西哥524 41.0 42,305 42,305 609 65,232 65,232 2,770 278,487 278,487 3,903 21.9 386,024 3,903 21.9 386,024 巴西 — — — — 1,494 113,987 22,797 — — — 1,494 88.3 113,987 299 88.3 22,797 其他美洲國家總計524 41.0 42,305 42,305 4,139 553,121 461,931 3,245 364,785 364,785 — 7,908 39.8 960,211 6,713 31.2 869,021 北歐1,283 21.8 167,251 167,251 765 123,665 123,665 1,493 238,602 191,497 3,541 53.9 529,518 3,338 53.0 482,413 南歐89 0.0 9,037 2,298 562 68,157 68,157 347 32,456 32,456 998 63.5 109,650 932 68.0 102,911 中歐477 71.2 44,873 31,802 — — — 846 60,422 60,422 1,323 73.3 105,295 1,198 70.5 92,224 英國28 0.0 12,875 3,274 — — — 360 162,644 162,644 388 0.0 175,519 368 0.0 165,918 歐洲總計1,877 33.0 234,036 204,625 1,327 191,822 191,822 3,046 494,124 447,019 6,250 56.2 919,982 5,836 55.6 843,466 日本1,002 27.2 122,674 122,674 80 29,635 29,635 2,067 353,454 353,454 3,149 14.8 505,763 3,149 14.8 505,763 中國(A)824 54.3 39,503 5,925 — — — 2,382 156,406 23,461 3,206 14.0 195,909 481 14.0 29,386 亞洲總計1,826 39.4 162,177 128,599 80 29,635 29,635 4,449 509,860 376,915 6,355 14.4 701,672 3,630 14.7 535,149 美國之外總計4,227 36.8 438,518 375,529 5,546 774,578 683,388 10,740 1,368,769 1,188,719 20,513 36.9 2,581,865 16,179 36.3 2,247,636 總髮展組合7,065 23.0 $1,032,956 $962,627 7,395 $1,180,850 $1,089,660 18,416 $3,795,816 $3,467,186 32,876 34.1 $6,009,622 28,436 33.4 $5,519,473 完成成本 $92,016 $89,399 $200,764 $172,399 $2,182,596 $1,959,175 $2,475,376 $2,220,973 按需建設比例0.5% 38.8% 45.2% 36.2% 估計權重平均穩定收益率6.3% 6.9% 7.1% 6.9% 年化預計淨利潤$381,456 估計權重平均穩定毛利率5.3% 估計權重平均毛利率26.2% 估計增值$1,449,660

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第三方收購資金部署Q3 2024財年2024平方英尺收購價格平方英尺收購價格千美元自有和託管Prologis份額自有和託管Prologis份額自有和託管Prologis份額自有和託管Prologis份額Prologis全資(A) 7,212 7,212 $ 568,639 $ 568,639 9,418 9,418 $ 806,644 $ 806,644 美國總計 7,212 7,212 568,639 568,639 9,418 9,418 806,644 806,644 Prologis全資 1,558 1,558 389,446 389,446 1,629 1,629 390,834 390,834 FIBRA Prologis 1,515 538 191,781 67,982 1,565 559 199,875 71,323 Prologis歐洲物流基金 – – – – 954 245 158,246 40,644 Prologis歐洲物流合夥人 650 325 75,431 37,715 650 325 75,431 37,715 美國以外地區總計 3,723 2,421 656,658 495,143 4,798 2,758 824,386 540,516 第三方大樓收購共 10,935 9,633 $ 1,225,297 $ 1,063,782 14,216 12,176 $ 1,631,030 $ 1,347,160 加權平均穩定資本化率 5.1 % 5.1 % 其他房地產投資收購 185,815 185,815 185,982 185,982 第三方收購總額 $ 1,411,112 $ 1,249,597 $ 1,817,012 $ 1,533,142 Q3 2024包括收購我們合資美國合資公司的合夥人利益的收購價格。作爲收購的結果,我們100%擁有這些物業,並將其納入營運組合。

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2024年第三季度資產處置與資金投入 2024財年 平方英尺 銷售價格 平方英尺 銷售價格 千美元 持有與託管 Prologis 股份 持有與託管 Prologis 股份 持有與託管 Prologis 股份 持有與託管 Prologis 股份 第三方建築處置 Prologis 全資 1,704 1,704 $ 177,240 $ 177,240 9,331 9,331 $ 903,433 $ 903,433 Prologis 美國物流基金 541 164 52,100 15,771 1,148 340 121,852 35,972 美國總計 2,245 1,868 229,340 193,011 10,479 9,671 1,025,285 939,405 美國以外總計 – – – – – – – – 總第三方建築處置 2,245 1,868 $ 229,340 $ 193,011 10,479 9,671 $ 1,025,285 $ 939,405 建築物對合資企業的貢獻 Prologis 美國物流基金 5,437 5,437 $ 902,029 $ 628,984 5,437 5,437 $ 902,029 $ 628,984 美國總計 5,437 5,437 902,029 628,984 5,437 5,437 902,029 628,984 FIBRA Prologis 274 274 23,558 13,833 274 274 23,558 13,833 其他美洲總計 274 274 23,558 13,833 274 274 23,558 13,833 Prologis 歐洲物流基金 – – – – 1,839 1,839 377,038 280,451 歐洲總計 – – – – 1,839 1,839 377,038 280,451 美國以外總計 274 274 23,558 13,833 2,113 2,113 400,596 294,284 合資企業建築物的貢獻總計 5,711 5,711 $ 925,587 $ 642,817 7,550 7,550 $ 1,302,625 $ 923,268 總體建築物處置與貢獻 7,956 7,579 $ 1,154,927 $ 835,828 18,029 17,221 $ 2,327,910 $ 1,862,673 加權平均穩定資本化率 4.5 % 5.2 % 土地處置 — — 798 798 其他房地產投資的處置(A) — — 166,486 166,486 總處置和貢獻 $ 1,154,927 $ 835,828 $ 2,495,194 $ 2,029,957 金額包括非工業類資產的處置,包括場地。 非戰略資產處置被列爲第三方建築物處置。

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土地組合-所擁有和管理的資金配置英畝當前賬面價值平方英尺和千美元,包括我們擁有土地的市場按Prologis份額按地區現金流淨額(%)擁有和管理的Prologis份額估計的建成面積(平方英尺)擁有和管理的Prologis份額佔總數的百分比 南加州 639 593 11,626 726,402 688,153 15.5 新澤西州/紐約市 168 168 2,462 358,984 358,984 8.1 芝加哥 84 84 1,451 23,758 23,693 0.6 舊金山灣區 56 56 1,010 89,182 89,182 2.0 達拉斯/沃斯堡 386 386 5,726 134,206 134,129 3.0 亞特蘭大 464 464 4,767 47,659 47,659 1.1 南佛羅里達 100 99 1,475 103,809 103,543 2.4 利哈伊谷 105 105 1,029 40,629 40,629 0.9 休斯敦 428 416 6,311 156,497 154,826 3.5 西雅圖 61 61 1,130 54,147 54,147 1.2 中央谷地 802 802 12,841 200,216 200,215 4.5 巴爾的摩/華盛頓 120 120 1,279 61,519 61,519 1.4 納什維爾 365 365 5,085 132,180 132,180 3.0 奧蘭多 154 131 2,071 46,754 39,895 0.9 鳳凰城 92 92 1,431 40,486 40,486 0.9 拉斯維加斯 1,038 1,038 14,428 315,431 315,431 7.1 印第安納波利斯 4 4 38 284 284 0.0 剩餘美國市場(7個市場) 589 587 8,519 237,111 236,107 5.3 美國總計 5,655 5,571 82,679 2,769,254 2,721,062 61.4 墨西哥 674 667 12,479 242,401 240,488 5.4 加拿大 237 237 4,178 398,721 398,721 9.0 巴西 753 597 16,298 272,531 241,334 5.5 其他美洲總計 1,664 1,501 32,955 913,653 880,543 19.9 英國 309 309 5,667 283,268 283,268 6.4 法國 171 124 3,340 141,882 133,627 3.0 德國 101 67 2,154 90,365 56,328 1.3 荷蘭 55 55 1,437 55,758 55,758 1.3 其餘歐洲國家(7個國家) 789 729 15,423 163,769 149,330 3.3 歐洲總計 1,425 1,284 28,021 735,042 678,311 15.3 日本 85 85 4,719 100,422 100,422 2.3 中國 47 7 1,275 13,572 2,036 0.0 印度 225 169 5,197 65,162 48,871 1.1 亞洲總計 357 261 11,191 179,156 151,329 3.4 美國以外總計 3,446 3,046 72,167 1,827,851 1,710,183 38.6 總土地組合 9,101 8,617 154,846 4,597,105 4,431,245 100.0

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土地投資組合 - 概要和滾動金額包括大約3,300英畝土地,可以通過期權、地面租賃、未合併合資企業和其他合同安排開發。資本投入英畝目前帳面價值爲千美元 所擁有和管理的理贊股份佔總所擁有和管理的理贊股份的百分比所擁有和管理的理贊股份佔總所擁有和管理的理贊股份的百分比中部 1,491 1,477 17.1 $ 539,756 $ 536,990 12.1 東部 1,251 1,227 14.2 693,007 685,882 15.5 西部 2,913 2,867 33.3 1,536,491 1,498,190 33.8 美國總計 5,655 5,571 64.6 2,769,254 2,721,062 61.4 墨西哥 674 667 7.7 242,401 240,488 5.4 加拿大 237 237 2.8 398,721 398,721 9.0 巴西 753 597 6.9 272,531 241,334 5.5 其他美洲合計 1,664 1,501 17.4 913,653 880,543 19.9 中歐 525 502 5.8 112,644 108,314 2.4 北歐 199 147 1.7 157,420 118,363 2.7 南歐 392 326 3.8 181,710 168,366 3.8 英國 309 309 3.6 283,268 283,268 6.4 歐洲總計 1,425 1,284 14.9 735,042 678,311 15.3 日本 85 85 1.0 100,422 100,422 2.3 中國 47 7 0.1 13,572 2,036 0.0 印度 225 169 2.0 65,162 48,871 1.1 亞洲總計 357 261 3.1 179,156 151,329 3.4 美洲以外總計 3,446 3,046 35.4 1,827,851 1,710,183 38.6 規模投資組合總計 9,101 8,617 100.0 $ 4,597,105 $ 4,431,245 100.0 土地投資組合建設估計(以TEI計算) $ 24,500,000 $ 23,500,000 估計覆蓋土地投資組合建設(以TEI計算) 7,800,000 6,500,000 估計其他土地投資組合建設(以TEI計算)(A) 8,400,000 7,500,000 總計 $ 40,700,000 $ 37,500,000 土地滾動 - 理贊股份 美國 其他美洲 歐洲 亞洲 總計 截至2024年6月30日 $ 2,735,549 $ 842,898 $ 580,888 $ 89,097 $ 4,248,432 收購 3,412 — 53,786 45,989 103,187 覆蓋土地投資計劃的重新分類 28,008 — — — 28,008 開發啓動 (32,177) — (4,892) — (37,069) 基礎設施成本 49,525 27,696 17,274 5,250 99,745 外匯匯率和其他變化的影響 (63,255) 9,949 31,255 10,993 (11,058) 截至2024年9月30日 $ 2,721,062 $ 880,543 $ 678,311 $ 151,329 $ 4,431,245

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太陽能運營和開發組合-擁有和管理資金投放數以千計的資本,包括我們擁有太陽能的市場,按Prologis太陽能運營組合NOI (%)份額排序 太陽能運營組合 太陽能開發組合 太陽能容量(兆瓦)總賬價值 太陽能容量(兆瓦)當前投資 TEI 南加州 19 $ 42,443 46 $ 55,384 $ 145,661 新澤西/紐約市 53 98,781 18 51,586 74,066 芝加哥 - - 19 39,324 57,177 舊金山灣區 5 12,545 12 10,972 42,541 中央谷 15 28,827 13 26,121 40,137 其他美國市場(3個市場) - - 6 1,475 12,613 美國總計 92 182,596 114 184,862 372,195 墨西哥 - - 16 7,497 13,964 其他美洲總計 - - 16 7,497 13,964 德國 22 16,719 13 2,002 12,752 意大利 12 6,503 2 1,099 2,669 其他歐洲國家(4個國家) 5 5,662 - - - 歐洲總計 39 28,884 15 3,101 15,421 日本 45 73,014 13 6,315 10,230 中國 16 9,689 10 3,800 4,528 新加坡 - - 5 2,998 4,807 亞洲總計 61 82,703 28 13,113 19,565 美洲以外總計 100 111,587 59 23,711 48,950 總擁有和管理 192 $ 294,183 173 $ 208,573 $ 421,145 第三方擁有的太陽能 346 - 總太陽能容量(兆瓦) 538 173 投資稅收抵免("ITC")(110,320) TEI,扣除ITC淨值 $ 310,825 估計的加權平均穩定產量 13.0 %

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第三方資產管理數額爲十億美元,第三方費用相關和推動營業收入爲百萬美元,相關費用收入年度化爲百萬美元,淨推動收入(支出)數額爲百萬美元。* 這是一項非通用會計原則財務指標。請參閱我們的註釋和定義以獲取進一步解釋。2024年淨推動收入(支出)爲負值,因爲支出來自於對員工發放的與以往時期確認的推動收入相關股票補償的攤銷費用。請參考2024年淨推動收入(支出)指南的要點。戰略資本概覽 27.2 21.6 37.1 51.5 48.4 過去3年的第三方資產管理基礎點爲91.4% 94.9% 95.0% 93.0% 94.4% % 開放式/公共(A)

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基本報表及財務要點*下一個推廣機會與個人發展項目的穩定化相關。在本文件中,我們使用了這些共同投資創業公司的最新公開信息。2024年8月6日,FIBRA Prologis完成了其要約收購FIBRA Terrafina 77.1%的股份,通過股票和現金結合的方式。FIBRA Terrafina管理着4220萬平方英尺的工業房地產,包括288個工業物業和4個土地銀行物業。由於該交易,我們對FIBRA Prologis的所有權比例降至35.5%。由於FIBRA Prologis尚未公開報告其Q3成果以及FIBRA Terrafina交易的影響,這次收購被排除在我們的第三季度報告之外。價值代表整個創業公司的100%,而不是Prologis的相應份額。價值是以Prologis調整基礎爲基礎,根據創業公司的美國通用會計準則信息計算得出,可能與以不同基礎計算的創業公司自有財務報表上反映的價值不可比較。戰略資本共同投資創業公司 地域板塊 類型 成立會計方法 所有權結構 下一個推廣機會 Prologis 美國 物流 創業公司 美國 核心 2014年 合併 55.0 % 2024年Q4開放 Prologis 美國物流基金 美國 核心 2004年 非合併 30.3 % 2026年Q2開放 FIBRA Prologis(A) 墨西哥 核心 2014年 非合併 35.5 % 上市,墨西哥交易所 2025年Q2 Prologis 巴西 物流 創業公司 巴西 核心/發展 2019年 非合併 20.0 % 2024年Q4開放 Prologis 歐洲物流基金 歐洲 核心 2007年 非合併 25.4 % 2025年Q3開放 Prologis 歐洲物流合作伙伴 歐洲 核心 2013年 非合併 50.0 % 2024年Q4開放 日本Prologis房地產投資信託(A) 日本 核心 2013年 非合併 15.1 % 上市,東京交易所 N/A Prologis 日本核心物流基金 日本 核心 2023年 非合併 16.3 % 2025年Q2結束 Prologis 中國核心物流基金 中國 核心 2019年 非合併 15.5 % 2025年Q3開放 Prologis 中國物流創業公司 中國 發展 2011年 非合併 15.0 % 2024年Q4開放 創業公司(100%) 千平方英尺 經營樓盤總價值 房地產總價值 債務總額 非合併共同投資創業公司 Prologis 美國物流基金 129,705 $ 14,083,864 $ 14,618,067 $ 5,395,514 FIBRA Prologis(A) 48,746 3,529,124 3,543,512 1,061,808 Prologis 巴西物流創業公司及其他合資公司 17,912 834,870 946,134 – Prologis 歐洲物流基金 166,688 19,874,716 20,041,731 6,167,428 Prologis 歐洲物流合作伙伴 60,016 7,214,592 7,460,851 – 日本Prologis房地產投資信託(A) 43,371 6,553,629 6,553,629 2,344,259 Prologis 日本核心物流基金 2,598 486,308 486,308 273,956 Prologis 中國核心物流基金 30,002 2,264,981 2,309,961 993,228 Prologis 中國物流創業公司 22,487 1,130,923 1,242,948 391,583 總計 非合併共同投資創業公司 521,525 55,973,007 57,203,141 16,627,776 合併共同投資創業公司 Prologis 美國 物流 創業公司 77,567 8,234,591 8,303,645 – 總計 非合併共同投資創業公司 77,567 8,234,591 8,303,645 – 總計 599,092 $ 64,207,598 $ 65,506,786 $ 16,627,776

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營業收入和未合併合資創業公司的資產負債表信息 (100%)(A) * 這是一項非通用會計原則的財務指標。請查看我們的註釋和定義以獲取進一步解釋。數值代表整個創業公司的100%,而非Prologis的按比例份額。數值以Prologis的調整基礎呈現,來源於創業公司的美國通用會計原則信息,可能與創業公司獨立財務報表中以不同基礎計算的數值不可比。金額不包括FIBRA Terrafina收購的結果,詳細信息請參閱第27頁。以千美元爲單位的戰略資本美國其他歐洲亞洲合計截至2024年9月30日三個月的營業信息 租賃收入 $ 355,395 $ 110,376 $ 466,635 $ 161,406 $ 1,093,812 租賃支出 (85,779) (17,827) (86,482) (43,932) (234,020) 總和管理費用 (18,635) (15,660) (19,265) (17,992) (71,552) 折舊和攤銷費用 (112,583) (29,835) (190,135) (55,834) (388,387) 其他營業收入(費用) (1,519) (40) 120 (53) (1,492) 房地產交易利潤前營業收入 136,879 47,014 170,873 43,595 398,361 房地產投資交易的利潤 (虧損) 13,441 (327) 34 – 13,148 營業收入 150,320 46,687 170,907 43,595 411,509 利息費用 (56,093) (10,166) (45,100) (22,005) (133,364) 當前和遞延所得稅費用 (29) (345) (32,045) (7,203) (39,622) 外幣、衍生工具和其他收益(損失)的淨額 9,028 4,798 2,452 (3,961) 12,317 淨利潤 103,226 40,974 96,214 10,426 250,840 與房地產相關的折舊和攤銷費用 108,671 29,835 186,658 53,522 378,686 房地產投資交易的收益(虧損),稅後 (13,440) 327 (34) – (13,147) 未實現的外幣、衍生工具和其他損失(收益),淨額 – (1,160) (423) 6,855 5,272 遞延所得稅費用 – – 4 — 4 由Prologis*調整後的FFO 198,457 69,976 282,419 70,803 621,655 定義調整的核心FFO – – (1) – (1) 核心FFO* $ 198,457 $ 69,976 $ 282,418 $ 70,803 $ 621,654 資產負債表信息 截至2024年9月30日的營運物業,在折舊前 $ 14,083,864 $ 4,363,994 $ 27,089,308 $ 10,435,841 $ 55,973,007 累計折舊 (2,801,479) (700,530) (4,440,193) (1,207,344) (9,149,546) 開發中物業、土地和其他房地產 534,203 125,652 413,274 157,005 1,230,134 其他資產 1,366,321 293,764 1,757,273 838,348 4,255,706 總資產 $ 13,182,909 $ 4,082,880 $ 24,819,662 $ 10,223,850 $ 52,309,301 第三方負債 $ 5,395,514 $ 1,061,808 $ 6,167,428 $ 4,003,026 $ 16,627,776 其他負債 848,093 85,633 2,157,502 435,942 3,527,170 總負債 $ 6,243,607 $ 1,147,441 $ 8,324,930 $ 4,438,968 $ 20,154,946 加權平均所有權 30.3 % 33.4 % 32.2 % 15.2 % 28.6 %

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非美國通用會計原則按比例財務信息(A)* 這是一項非美國通用會計原則的財務指標,請參閱我們的註釋和定義以獲取進一步解釋。請參閱我們的說明和定義,了解這些金額的計算方式。金額不包括FIBRA Terrafina收購結果,請查看第27頁獲取更多詳細信息。數千萬美元的戰略資本未合併金額* 控股金額中包括的非控制權益 Prologis對未合併的聯合投資企業的份額* 截至2024年9月30日三個月的運營信息 租金收入 $ 98,223 $ 315,671 租金支出 (23,125) (64,633) 普通及管理費用 (11,698) (22,009) 折舊和攤銷費用 (31,310) (109,450) 其他營業收入 (費用) 143 (411) 營業額 52,421 80,168 投資地產出售的收益淨額 124 3,862 營業額 32,357 123,030 利息費用 (384) (34,942) 當期和遞延所得稅費用 (44) (11,213) 外匯、衍生品及其他收益和其他收入淨額 765 4,716 共同投資企業的收益,淨額 34 – 淨收入 32,728 81,591 房地產相關折舊和攤銷費用 30,617 106,847 其他房地產投資出售的收益,稅後淨額(不包括開發物業和土地) (124) (3,862) NAREIt定義的FFO* 63,221 184,576 未實現的外匯、衍生品及其他虧損,淨額 – 552 遞延所得稅收益 – – 經Prologis修改後的FFO* 63,221 185,128 核心FFO定義的調整 – – 核心FFO* $ 63,221 $ 185,128 資產負債表信息 截至2024年9月30日 操作性財產,折舊前 $ 3,860,642 $ 15,916,591 累計折舊 (796,413) (2,680,980) 開發中物業、土地和其他房地產 130,164 378,417 其他資產 190,305 1,208,989 總資產 $ 3,384,698 $ 14,823,017 第三方債務 $ 18,487 $ 4,188,098 其他負債 81,366 927,326 總負債 $ 99,853 $ 5,115,424 持有權重平均值 35.5 % 28.6 % 非控制權益投資 $ 3,284,845 對未合併的共同投資企業的投資及預付款 $ 9,275,611 對其他未合併企業的投資及預付款 817,154 對未合併實體的投資及預付款 $ 10,092,765

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Overview * This is a non-GAAP financial measure. Please see our Notes and Definitions for detailed calculation. Enterprise value is calculated using Prologis’ stock price of $126.28 at September 30, 2024. Prologis’ stock price was $112.31 at June 30, 2024. Mexico is included in the U.S. as it is U.S. dollar functional. The detailed calculations are included in the Notes and Definitions section and are not in accordance with the applicable SEC rules. A securities rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and is subject to revision or withdrawal at any time by the rating organization. Capitalization ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT dollars in millions U.S. DOLLAR EXPOSURE dollars in millions DEBT BY CURRENCY – PROLOGIS SHARE UNENCUMBERED ASSETS – PROLOGIS SHARE: $103.3B in billions Prologis Share - Debt Metrics(C) September 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 Debt as % of gross Market Capitalization* 23.1 % 23.7 % Debt as % of gross real estate assets* 34.4 % 32.5 % Secured debt as % of gross real estate assets* 0.5 % 0.5 % Unencumbered gross real estate assets to unsecured debt* 282.5 % 297.2 % Fixed charge coverage ratio* 6.6x 6.7x Fixed charge coverage ratio, excluding development gains* 6.2x 6.3x Debt/Adjusted EBITDA* 5.1x 4.9x Debt/Adjusted EBITDA, excluding development gains* 5.3x 5.2x Weighted average interest rate 3.1 % 3.1 % Weighted average remaining maturity in years 9.2 9.3 Percentage of floating rate debt 5.2 % 5.0 % Credit Ratings at September 30, 2024(D) Moody's A3 (Outlook Positive) Standard & Poor's A (Outlook Stable) $156,361 $217,566 $217,566 Investment Capacity $1,705 AUM Strategic Captial $91,022 Total Enterprise Value(A) $156,361 $156,361 $36,459 $119,902 Direct owned and other Market Equity Debt Prologis Share of ventures $29,817 Investors' share of ventures $59,500 US(B) 75.6% Europe 15.5% Other Americas 2.2% Asia 6.7% U.S. Dollar (B) 84.0% Outside U.S. 16.0% U.S. Dollar(B) Outside U.S. 56.3% U.S. Dollar (B) 96.2% Outside U.S. 3.8% 43.7% Enterprise Value(A) Debt Market Equity Enterprise Value(A) AUM by Ownership AUM by Geography

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Debt Components – Consolidated This includes our Credit Facilities and commercial paper borrowings. The maturities for the 2023 Global Facility ($507 million) and the Yen revolver ($154 million) are reflected at the extended maturity date, as the extension is at our option. The maturity of certain debt ($325 million) is reflected at the extended maturity dates as the extension is at our option. We manage our exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates using foreign currency forward contracts, including those that are accounted for as net investment hedges, to economically reduce our exposure to fluctuations in foreign currency rates. The effect is reflected in the table under Investment Hedges. See also page 30 for our market equity exposure by currency. We are required to maintain available commitments under our Credit Facilities in an amount at least equal to the commercial paper borrowings outstanding. Capitalization dollars in thousands Unsecured Maturity Senior Credit Facilities and Commercial Paper(A) Other(B) Secured Mortgage Total Wtd. Avg. Interest Rate % Fixed 2024 $ – $ – $ – $ 1,962 $ 1,962 4.0 % 100 % 2025 35,027 – 423 179,938 215,388 4.2 % 80 % 2026 1,324,968 – 840,951 3,980 2,169,899 2.7 % 73 % 2027 1,962,895 – 272,391 4,156 2,239,442 2.5 % 90 % 2028 2,594,354 660,737 103,680 3,041 3,361,812 3.2 % 78 % 2029 3,364,865 – – 3,191 3,368,056 2.7 % 100 % 2030 2,821,196 – 35,027 3,345 2,859,568 2.7 % 99 % 2031 2,079,453 – 140,108 17,607 2,237,168 2.4 % 100 % 2032 1,649,142 – 210,161 18,715 1,878,018 1.7 % 100 % 2033 2,322,789 – 182,470 43,236 2,548,495 4.4 % 97 % 2034 3,005,480 – 175,135 – 3,180,615 3.8 % 100 % Thereafter 8,824,003 – – – 8,824,003 3.4 % 100 % Subtotal $ 29,984,172 $ 660,737 $ 1,960,346 $ 279,171 $ 32,884,426 3.1 % 95 % Unamortized net premiums (discounts) (465,616) – – 7,359 (458,257) Unamortized finance costs (132,136) – (3,524) (677) (136,337) Total consolidated debt, net of unamortized premiums (discounts) and finance costs $ 29,386,420 $ 660,737 $ 1,956,822 $ 285,853 $ 32,289,832 Weighted average interest rate 3.2 % 3.3 % 1.9 % 4.4 % 3.1 % Weighted average remaining maturity in years 10.0 3.8 4.4 3.6 9.5 Prologis consolidated debt by local currency Liquidity Senior Credit Facilities and Commercial Paper Other Secured Mortgage Total Investment Hedges(C) Total % of Total Aggregate lender commitments: USD $ 14,283,736 $ – $ 7,797 $ 152,456 $ 14,443,989 $ (594,274) $ 13,849,715 43 % Credit facilities $ 6,500,549 EUR 10,373,348 506,619 – – 10,879,967 – 10,879,967 34 % Less: Credit facilities borrowings outstanding 660,737 GBP 1,834,209 – – – 1,834,209 430,435 2,264,644 7 % Less: Commercial paper borrowings outstanding(D) – JPY 1,717,343 154,118 1,482,650 – 3,354,111 – 3,354,111 10 % Less: Outstanding letters of credit 25,705 CAD 772,090 – 221,754 133,397 1,127,241 163,839 1,291,080 4 % Current availability 5,814,107 Other 405,694 – 244,621 – 650,315 – 650,315 2 % Cash and cash equivalents 780,871 Total Debt $ 29,386,420 $ 660,737 $ 1,956,822 $ 285,853 $ 32,289,832 $ – $ 32,289,832 100 % Total liquidity $ 6,594,978

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Debt Components – Noncontrolling Interests and Unconsolidated(A) Refer to Notes and Definitions under Non-GAAP Pro-Rata Financial Information for further explanation on how these amounts are calculated. Amounts do not include the results of the FIBRA Terrafina acquisition, refer to page 27 for additional details. The maturity of certain unsecured debt (Prologis Share $255 million) is reflected at the extended maturity dates as the extension is at the venture’s option. We manage our exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates using foreign currency forward contracts, including those that are accounted for as net investment hedges, to economically reduce our exposure to fluctuations in foreign currency rates. The effect is reflected in the table under Investment Hedges. See also page 30 for our market equity exposure by currency. Capitalization dollars in thousands Noncontrolling Interests Prologis Share of Unconsolidated Co-Investment Ventures Maturity Unsecured Secured Total Wtd. Avg. Interest Rate % Fixed Unsecured(B) Secured Total Wtd. Avg. Interest Rate % Fixed 2024 $ – $ 187 $ 187 3.6 % 100 % $ 12,669 $ 2,464 $ 15,133 1.3 % 87 % 2025 – 5,100 5,100 7.3 % 15 % 236,426 11,007 247,433 3.6 % 72 % 2026 – 796 796 3.6 % 100 % 80,717 70,826 151,543 3.4 % 74 % 2027 – 829 829 3.6 % 100 % 191,736 36,057 227,793 3.3 % 96 % 2028 – 390 390 3.4 % 100 % 327,211 75,034 402,245 3.6 % 83 % 2029 – 410 410 3.4 % 100 % 511,245 4,522 515,767 3.5 % 92 % 2030 – 430 430 3.4 % 100 % 459,832 1,925 461,757 3.0 % 99 % 2031 – 1,861 1,861 3.4 % 100 % 345,412 1,113 346,525 2.9 % 100 % 2032 – 473 473 3.4 % 100 % 443,562 585 444,147 2.6 % 100 % 2033 – 6,810 6,810 3.4 % 100 % 287,257 42,397 329,654 2.5 % 100 % 2034 – – – – – 211,890 369 212,259 5.2 % 100 % Thereafter – – – – – 856,722 – 856,722 4.3 % 100 % Subtotal $ — $ 17,286 $ 17,286 4.6 % 75 % $ 3,964,679 $ 246,299 $ 4,210,978 3.5 % 94 % Unamortized net premiums (discounts) – 1,261 1,261 (8,378) 816 (7,562) Unamortized finance costs – (60) (60) (14,188) (1,130) (15,318) Noncontrolling interests and Prologis Share of unconsolidated debt, net of unamortized premiums (discounts) and finance costs $ – $ 18,487 $ 18,487 $ 3,942,113 $ 245,985 $ 4,188,098 Weighted average interest rate – 4.6 % 4.6 % 3.4 % 4.0 % 3.5 % Weighted average remaining maturity in years – 6.3 6.3 7.0 4.4 6.9 Noncontrolling interests share of consolidated debt by local currency Prologis Share of unconsolidated debt by local currency Unsecured Secured Total % of Total Unsecured Secured Total Investment Hedges(C) Total % of Total USD $ – $ 18,487 $ 18,487 100 % $ 2,016,727 $ 66,730 $ 2,083,457 $ – $ 2,083,457 50 % EUR – – – – 1,285,684 45,351 1,331,035 (488,285) 842,750 20 % GBP – – – – 185,822 23,589 209,411 395,753 605,164 14 % JPY – – – – 353,280 44,518 397,798 – 397,798 10 % CAD – – – – – – – – – – Other – – – – 100,600 65,797 166,397 92,532 258,929 6 % Total Debt $ – $ 18,487 $ 18,487 100 % $ 3,942,113 $ 245,985 $ 4,188,098 $ – $ 4,188,098 100 %

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元件 - Prologis股份(A) 淨資產價值 營運組合平方英尺 毛帳面價值 每平方英尺毛帳面價值 調整後現金淨 NOI (實際)* 調整後現金淨 NOI (進展方案)* 年化調整後現金淨 NOI* 佔有率 美洲聯合 585,395 $ 72,074,772 $ 123 $ 1,168,695 $ 1,168,695 $ 4,674,780 96.6 % 其他美洲 12,635 1,244,797 99 26,514 26,514 106,056 97.8 % 歐洲 9,616 1,087,478 113 11,076 11,076 44,304 78.2 % 亞洲 4,787 531,670 111 8,029 8,029 32,116 82.7 % 進度中季收購/開發完成的進展方案調整 16,119 64,476 總合併營運組合 612,433 74,938,717 122 1,214,314 1,230,433 4,921,732 96.2 % 未合併 美洲聯合 39,185 4,247,556 108 85,660 85,660 342,640 96.0 % 其他美洲 20,396 1,383,150 68 30,768 30,768 123,072 97.0 % 歐洲 71,853 8,590,034 120 127,166 127,166 508,664 96.9 % 亞洲 14,958 1,586,461 106 19,639 19,639 78,556 92.7 % 凈物業管理收益 11,118 34,933 進度中季收購/開發完成的進展方案調整 3,340 13,360 總合併營運組合 146,392 15,807,201 108 263,233 277,691 1,101,225 96.2 % 總營運組合 758,825 $ 90,745,918 $ 120 $ 1,477,547 $ 1,508,124 $ 6,022,957 96.2 % 開發組合平方英尺 投資餘額 TEI TEI 每平方英尺 年化預估 NOI 租賃率 合併完成前 美洲聯合 2,800 $ 517,317 $ 587,098 $ 210 $ 38,392 2.3 % 其他美洲 524 32,082 42,305 81 3,798 41.0 % 歐洲 1,593 181,831 194,596 122 11,422 28.4 % 亞洲 1,001 117,325 122,674 123 6,660 27.2 % 開發中物業 美洲聯合 9,457 1,451,478 2,631,071 278 187,971 其他美洲 5,890 485,151 803,919 136 64,679 歐洲 3,968 238,470 591,736 149 36,148 亞洲 2,148 105,344 383,089 178 19,132 總合併開發組合 27,381 3,128,998 5,356,488 196 368,202 未合併 美洲聯合 - 2,068 53,668 - 7,306 其他美洲 299 14,958 22,797 76 1,714 歐洲 275 42,751 57,134 208 3,123 亞洲 481 14,693 29,386 61 1,111 總未合併開發組合 1,055 74,470 162,985 154 13,254 總開發組合 28,436 $ 3,203,468 $ 5,519,473 $ 194 $ 381,456 Prologis對估值創建的股份 (請參見資本部署 - 開發組合) 1,449,660 總開發組合,包括估值創建 $ 4,653,128 以千為單位,百分比和每平方英尺金額除外 * 這是一個非GAAP財務指標。詳細計算請參見我們的備註和定義。 金額不包括FIBRA Terrafina收購的結果,詳情請參見第27頁。2024年6月30日,FIBRA Terrafina報告的NAV為21億美元。Prologis的持有比例為27.3%。

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元件-持續(A) 金額不包括FIBRA Terrafina收購的結果。詳細情況請參閱第27頁。凈促銷收入(費用)包括促銷營業收入100萬美元和之前認可的促銷收入對員工發行的股份報酬的攤銷費用(1800萬美元)支出。資產負債表中的千元淨資產價值及其他項目其他資產現金及現金等價物$ 780,871 受限現金 28,650 應收帳款、預付資產和其他有形資產 1,294,402 其他房地產投資和待售資產的毛帳面價值 5,495,672 增值營運性資產 445,724 Prologis從未納入的合資投資企業應收款項 360,980 對其他未合併合營合資企業的投資和預付款 817,154 其他資產總額 $ 9,223,453 其他負債應付帳款及其他流動負債 $ 1,808,142 遞延所得稅 126,548 增值稅及其他稅項負債 21,583 租客安防訂金 423,084 其他負債 658,070 其他負債總額 $ 3,037,427非控制權益及未合併合資投資企業減: 非控制權益在其他淨負債(資產)份額 $(61,081) Prologis未納入的其他淨負債(資產)份額 $148,159 減: 非控制權益在增值營運性資產份額 $(15,381) Prologis未納入的增值營運性資產份額 $109,390 土地 土地目前帳面價值 $4,395,022 減: 非控制權益在土地目前帳面價值份額 $(21,292) Prologis未納入的合資投資企業土地帳面價值份額 $57,515 策略性資本/發展管理策略性資本 第三方從合併和未合併的合資及其他企業中收取的資產管理費用(本季度/年化) $87,855 $351,420 第三方從合併和未合併的合資及其他企業中收取的交易費用(本季度/過去十二個月) $7,203 $27,447 用於資產管理和交易費用的策略性資本支出(本季度/過去十二個月) $(24,367) $(111,983) 費用相關收益 $70,691 $266,884 凈促銷收入(費用)(本季度/過去十二個月) (16,904) (77,361) 凈促銷收入(費用)(平均五年) $218,728 發展管理收入(本季度/過去十二個月) $3,858 $8,885 債務(面值)及優先股 合併債務 $32,884,426 非控制權益在合併債務的份額 $(17,286) Prologis未合併合資投資企業的債務份額 $4,210,978 優先股 $63,948 普通股和有限合夥單位 普通股和有限合夥單位的流通股 948,990

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註釋和定義 蟲子 DC1, 德國蟲子

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Notes and Definitions Please refer to our annual and quarterly financial statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Forms 10-K and 10-Q and other public reports for further information about us and our business. Certain amounts from previous periods presented in the Supplemental Information have been reclassified to conform to the current presentation. Acquisition Price, as presented for building acquisitions, represents economic cost. This amount includes the building purchase price plus 1) transaction closing costs, 2) due diligence costs, 3) immediate capital expenditures (including two years of property improvements and all leasing commissions and tenant improvements required to stabilize the property), and 4) the effects of marking assumed debt to market. Adjusted Cash NOI (Actual) is a non-Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP") financial measure and a component of Net Asset Value ("NAV"). It is used to assess the operating performance of our properties and enables both management and investors to estimate the fair value of our Operating Portfolio. A reconciliation for the most recent quarter ended of our rental income and rental expenses included in our Consolidated Statement of Income to Adjusted Cash NOI for the consolidated Operating Portfolio is as follows (in thousands): Adjusted EBITDA. We use Adjusted EBITDA attributable to common stockholders/unitholders (“Adjusted EBITDA”), a non-GAAP financial measure, as a measure of our operating performance. The most directly comparable GAAP measure to Adjusted EBITDA is net earnings. We calculate Adjusted EBITDA by beginning with consolidated net earnings attributable to common stockholders and removing the effect of: interest charges, income taxes, depreciation and amortization, impairment charges, gains or losses from the disposition of investments in real estate (excluding development properties and land), gains from the revaluation of equity investments upon acquisition of a controlling interest, gains or losses on early extinguishment of debt and derivative contracts (including cash charges), similar adjustments we make to our FFO measures (see definition below), and other items, such as, amortization of stock based compensation and unrealized gains or losses on foreign currency and derivatives. We also include a pro forma adjustment to reflect a full period of NOI on the operating properties we acquire or stabilize during the quarter and to remove NOI on properties we dispose of during the quarter, assuming all transactions occurred at the beginning of the quarter. For properties we contribute, we make an adjustment to reflect NOI at the new ownership percentage for the full quarter. We believe Adjusted EBITDA provides investors relevant and useful information because it permits investors to view our operating performance, analyze our ability to meet interest payment obligations and make quarterly preferred stock dividends on an unleveraged basis before the effects of income tax, depreciation and amortization expense, gains and losses on the disposition of non-development properties and other items (outlined above), that affect comparability. While all items are not infrequent or unusual in nature, these items may result from market fluctuations that can have inconsistent effects on our results of operations. The economics underlying these items reflect market and financing conditions in the short-term but can obscure our performance and the value of our long-term investment decisions and strategies. We calculate our Adjusted EBITDA, based on our proportionate ownership share of both our unconsolidated and consolidated ventures. We reflect our share of our Adjusted EBITDA measures for unconsolidated ventures by applying our average ownership percentage for the period to the applicable adjusting items on an entity by entity basis. We reflect our share for consolidated ventures in which we do not own 100% of the equity by adjusting our Adjusted EBITDA measures to remove the noncontrolling interests share of the applicable adjusting items based on our average ownership percentage for the applicable periods. While we believe Adjusted EBITDA is an important measure, it should not be used alone because it excludes significant components of net earnings, such as our historical cash expenditures or future cash requirements for working capital, capital expenditures, distribution requirements, contractual commitments or interest and principal payments on our outstanding debt and is therefore limited as an analytical tool. Our computation of Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to EBITDA reported by other companies in both the real estate industry and other industries. We compensate for the limitations of Adjusted EBITDA by providing investors with financial statements prepared according to GAAP, along with this detailed discussion of Adjusted EBITDA and a reconciliation to Adjusted EBITDA from consolidated net earnings attributable to common stockholders. Annualized Estimated NOI for the properties in our Development Portfolio is based on current TEI multiplied by the Estimated Weighted Average Stabilized Yield. Assets Under Management (“AUM”) represents the estimated fair value of the real estate we own or manage through both our consolidated and unconsolidated entities. We calculate AUM by adding Investment Capacity and the third-party investors’ share of the estimated fair value of the assets in the co-investment ventures to Enterprise Value. Net termination fees generally represent the gross fee negotiated at the time a customer is allowed to terminate its lease agreement. The termination fee is offset by that customer's rent leveling asset or liability and fair value lease asset or liability write off, if any, that has been previously recognized. Removing the net termination fees from rental income allows for the calculation of Adjusted Cash NOI (Actual) to include only rental income that is indicative of the property's recurring operating performance. Actual NOI for properties that were contributed or sold during the three-month period is removed. Straight-line rents, free rent and amortization of lease intangibles (above and below market leases) are removed from the rental income of our Operating Portfolio to allow for the calculation of a cash yield. Actual NOI and related adjustments are calculated in local currency and translated at the period end rate to allow for consistency with other assets and liabilities as of the reporting date. Adjusted Cash NOI (Pro forma) is a non-GAAP financial measure and consists of Adjusted Cash NOI (Actual) for the properties in our Operating Portfolio adjusted to reflect NOI for a full quarter for operating properties that were acquired or stabilized during the quarter. Rental revenues $ 1,897,164 Rental expenses (427,425) NOI 1,469,739 Net termination fees and adjustments (a) (3,996) Less: actual NOI for Development Portfolio and Other Real Estate Investments and other (54,984) Less: Net Property Management Income (41,521) Less: properties contributed or sold (b) (12,052) Less: noncontrolling interests share of NOI less termination fees and adjustments (75,060) Prologis Share of adjusted NOI for consolidated Operating Portfolio at September 30, 2024 $ 1,282,126 Straight-line rents (c) (61,130) Free rent (c) 40,767 Amortization of lease intangibles (c) (88,977) Net Property Management Income 41,521 Effect of foreign currency exchange (d) 803 Less: noncontrolling interests (796) Third Quarter Adjusted Cash NOI (Actual) $ 1,214,314

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Notes and Definitions (continued) Business Line Reporting is a non-GAAP financial measure. Core FFO and development gains are generated by our three lines of business: (i) real estate operations; (ii) strategic capital; and (iii) development. The real estate operations line of business represents total Prologis Core FFO, less the amount allocated to the strategic capital line of business. The amount of Core FFO allocated to the strategic capital line of business represents the third-party share of asset management fees and transactional fees that we earn from our consolidated and unconsolidated co-investment ventures less costs directly associated with our strategic capital group and Net Promote Income (Expense). Realized development gains include our share of gains on dispositions of development properties and land, net of taxes. To calculate the per share amount, the amount generated by each line of business is divided by the weighted average diluted common shares outstanding used in our Core FFO per share calculation. Management believes evaluating our results by line of business is a useful supplemental measure of our operating performance because it helps the investing public compare the operating performance of Prologis' respective businesses to other companies' comparable businesses. Prologis' computation of FFO by line of business may not be comparable to that reported by other real estate companies as they may use different methodologies in computing such measures. Calculation of Per Share Amounts Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended Sep. 30, Sep. 30, in thousands, except per share amount 2024 2023 2024 2023 Net earnings Net earnings attributable to common stockholders $ 1,004,267 $ 746,174 $ 2,448,375 $ 2,423,897 Noncontrolling interest attributable to exchangeable limited partnership units 25,130 19,054 61,851 61,497 Adjusted net earnings attributable to common stockholders - Diluted $ 1,029,397 $ 765,228 $ 2,510,226 $ 2,485,394 Weighted average common shares outstanding - Basic 926,427 924,395 926,017 924,228 Incremental weighted average effect on exchange of limited partnership units 23,191 23,627 23,424 23,615 Incremental weighted average effect of equity awards 4,195 3,886 4,089 3,800 Weighted average common shares outstanding - Diluted 953,813 951,908 953,530 951,643 Net earnings per share - Basic $ 1.08 $ 0.81 $ 2.64 $ 2.62 Net earnings per share - Diluted $ 1.08 $ 0.80 $ 2.63 $ 2.61 Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended Sep. 30, Sep. 30, in thousands, except per share amount 2024 2023 2024 2023 Core FFO Core FFO attributable to common stockholders/unitholders $ 1,366,611 $ 1,238,046 $ 3,870,277 $ 4,132,402 Noncontrolling interest attributable to exchangeable limited partnership units 299 239 863 592 Core FFO attributable to common stockholders /unitholders - Diluted $ 1,366,910 $ 1,238,285 $ 3,871,140 $ 4,132,994 Net Promote Income (Expense) (16,904) (30,720) (50,960) 505,345 Core FFO attributable to common stockholders /unitholders, excluding Net Promote Income (Expense) - Diluted $ 1,383,814 $ 1,269,005 $ 3,922,100 $ 3,627,649 Weighted average common shares outstanding - Basic 926,427 924,395 926,017 924,228 Incremental weighted average effect on exchange of limited partnership units 23,332 23,627 23,434 23,615 Incremental weighted average effect of equity awards 4,195 3,886 4,089 3,800 Weighted average common shares outstanding - Diluted 953,954 951,908 953,540 951,643 Core FFO per share - Diluted $ 1.43 $ 1.30 $ 4.06 $ 4.34 Core FFO per share, excluding Net Promote Income (Expense) - Diluted $ 1.45 $ 1.33 $ 4.11 $ 3.81 Covered Land Plays are income generating assets acquired with the intention to redevelop for higher and better use as industrial properties. These assets may be included in our Operating Portfolio, Value-Added Properties or Other Real Estate Investments. Debt Covenants are calculated in accordance with the respective debt agreements and may be different than other covenants or metrics presented. They are not calculated in accordance with the applicable Securities Exchange Commission rules. Please refer to the respective agreements for full financial covenant descriptions. Debt covenants as of the period end were as follows: Indenture Global Line Covenant Actual Covenant Actual Leverage ratio <60% 30.9 % <60% 24.7 % Fixed charge coverage ratio >1.5x 6.7x >1.5x 8.7x Secured debt leverage ratio <40% 0.3 % <40% 0.2 % Unencumbered asset to unsecured debt ratio >150% 292.9 % N/A N/A Unencumbered debt service coverage ratio N/A N/A >150% 849.4 % Debt Metrics. We evaluate the following debt metrics to monitor the strength and flexibility of our capital structure and evaluate the performance of our management. Investors can utilize these metrics to make a determination about our ability to service or refinance our debt. See below for the calculations.

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註解與定義(續)參閱第9頁,以從歸屬於普通股股東的合併淨收益調解至調整後的EBITDA。Prologis在過去12個月的拋售發展物業及土地所得份額分別為36020萬和本季度與上一季度的41650萬。發展組合包括發展中和未達穩定狀態的工業和非工業資產、庭院和停車場、以及已開發但尚未達穩定的資產。2024年9月30日,作為擁有和管理的TEI部分及Prologis份額,庭院、停車場和非工業資產的總值分別為13億美元和12億美元。我們不揭露庭院和停車場的平方英尺。企業價值等於我們的市場股本加上我們的總負債份額。預計建築完成(TEI和平方英尺)代表在現有土地 parceles 上完成工業建築後,可供出租的估計TEI和完成平方英尺。預計產生的價值代表我們預期通過開發和租賃活動創造的價值。我們通過估計該資產將生成的穩定凈營業利潤和適用於該資產的穩定資本化率,計算預估產生的價值。預計產生的價值計算為超出我們的TEI的金額,包括交易成本和稅收(如有),並不包括任何費用或我們可能獲得的推廣。預估加權平均利潤率是以開發物業上的預計價值創造,減去預計將出售或貢獻的物業的估計交易成本和稅收(如有),除以TEI。2024年9月30日及6月30日三個月,以千元美元計算,該年的2024年股權資產為: 合併負債占總不動產資產的比例: 合併負債 32,289,832 29,904,620 未攤銷的進展財務費用和折扣,淨額 594,594 574,065 合併負債(面額) 32,884,426 30,478,685 非控制利益份額佔合併負債(面額)的比例(17,286)(17,398)Prologis未合併負債(面額)份額 4,210,978 3,864,005 總Prologis未合併負債(面額) 37,078,118 34,325,292 Prologis未合併外幣衍生工具份額 43,350 15,894 合併現金及現金等價物(780,871)(598,347)非控制利益份額佔合併現金及現金等價物(21,529) 29,691(436,278)Prologis未合併現金及現金等價物(649,051) 35,934,010 $ 33,115,317合併不動產投資 92,093,573 89,733,809投資及提前付款給其他未合併合資企業 817,154 1,171,212待售或貢獻的資產 325,987 515,895已取得的無形負債,扣除資產(1,113,003)(1,146,798)合併總不動產資產 92,123,711 90,274,118非控制利益份額佔合併總不動產資產(3,902,626) (3,890,022)Prologis未合併總不動產資產 16,276,688 15,358,669總Prologis未合併總不動產資產 104,497,773 101,742,765負債占總不動產資產的比例 34.4 % 32.5 %負債占總市值的比例: 總Prologis未合併負債,扣除調整 $ 35,934,010 $ 33,115,317總未償還的普通股及有限合夥單位 948,990 948,493季底股價 126.28美元 112.31美元總權益資本額 119,838,457 106,525,249總Prologis未合併負債,扣除調整35,934,010 33,115,317淨市值 155,772,467 139,640,566負債占總市值的比例 23.1 % 23.7 %抵押負債占總不動產資產的比例: 合併抵押負債(面額) $ 279,171 278,796非控制利益份額佔合併抵押負債(面額)的比例(17,286)(17,398)Prologis未合併抵押負債 246,299 243,620總Prologis未合併抵押負債(面額)$ 508,184 505,018總Prologis未合併總不動產資產$104,497,773 101,742,765抵押負債占總不動產資產的比例0.5 % 0.5 %未抵押淨不動產資產占無抵押負債: 合併未抵押淨不動產資產$ 91,414,380 89,572,215非控制利益份額佔合併未抵押淨不動產資產(3,847,965)(3,835,473)Prologis未合併未抵押淨不動產資產15,733,829 14,783,115總Prologis未合併未抵押淨不動產資產$103,300,244 100,519,857合併未抵押負債(面額) $ 32,605,255 30,199,889非控制利益份額佔合併未抵押負債(面額) ——Prologis未合併未抵押負債(面額) 3,964,679 3,620,385總Prologis未合併未抵押負債(面額) $36,569,934 33,820,274未抵押淨不動產資產占無抵押負債282.5 % 297.2 %三個月截至9月30日,6月30日,2024年各目,以千元美元計算固定資本覆蓋率: 調整後的EBITDA(a)1,733,598美元1,718,907美元調整後的EBITDA-合併含最近12個月的發展收益,並排除淨推廣收入(費用)(b)7,171,318美元6,879,944美元最近12個月的淨推廣收入(費用)(77,361)(91,177)調整後的EBITDA-年化7,093,957美元6,788,767美元年化後的稅前調整(21,544)(23,268)調整後的EBITDA,包括擱置物業的NOI,年化7,072,413 6,765,499利息費用230,113 208,267未攤銷貸款成本和折舊 (6,581) (6,634)貸款折扣攤薄費,淨 (13,753) (13,434)資本化利息 23,912 28,980優先股股息 1,452 1,503非控制利益份額佔合併固定費用(367)(375)Prologis未合併固定費用 34,013 32,457總Prologis未合併固定費用$268,789 250,764總Prologis未合併固定費用,年化$1,075,156 1,003,056固定費用覆蓋率6.6倍6.7倍負債對調整後的EBITDA: 總Prologis未合併負債,扣除調整 35,934,010 33,115,317調整後的EBITDA-年化7,093,957 6,788,767負債對調整後的EBITDA比率5.1倍4.9倍

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備註和定義(續)估計的加權平均穩定收益是根據開發投資組合中的物業的穩定NOI除以TEI計算而得的。Prologis每股基準下的收益率分別為: 預穩定開發 2024預計完工 2025及之後預計完工 總開發投資組合 美洲 6.5% 6.4% 7.4% 7.1% 其他美洲 9.0% 7.9% 8.2% 8.1% 歐洲 5.9% 6.0% 6.1% 6.0% 亞洲 5.3% 6.0% 4.9% 5.0% 總計 6.3% 6.9% 7.1% 6.9% 費用相關收益(“FRE”)是非標準財務衡量指標,也是NAV的一部分。它用於評估我們戰略資本業務的表現,並使管理層和投資者能夠估計相應的公平價值。FRE是根據我們的保稅和非保稅共同投資企業以及其他企業的第三方資產管理費用和交易費用的份額減去相關直接和分攤的費用來計算的。作為非標準財務衡量指標,FRE作為分析工具具有一定的局限性,可能在房地產和資產管理公司之間有所變化。因此,我們提供了從我們根據美國通用會計準則準備的基本報表的戰略資本收入到我們的FRE指標的調和,如下:2024年9月30日三個月結束 2024年9月30日九個月結束 千美元戰略資本收入 135,367 418,521 減:來自物業管理費用的戰略資本收入 (32,448) (97,770) 減:Prologis的非保值實體的資產管理費和交易費用份額 (19,608) (57,325) 加:來自保值企業的第三方資產管理費和交易費用的份額 11,459 35,063 外幣兌換的影響 1,196 854 第三方費用相關和獎勵收入 95,966 299,343 減:獎勵收入 (908) (24,874) 費用相關收入 95,058 274,469 減:用於資產管理費和交易費用的戰略資本支出 (24,367) 費用相關收益 70,691 年化的費用相關收益利用當季FRE的元件來計算預計的年度FRE金額。年化的FRE計算為當季從保值和非保值共同投資企業的第三方資產管理費乘以四再加上過去十二個月內來自保值和非保值共同投資企業的第三方交易費的份額。這一總和減去過去十二個月的戰略資本支出,以用於資產管理和交易費用。 FFO,由透過Prologis擁有的普洛吉思普通股/單位持有人(“FFO,由Prologis修改”);普洛吉思普通股/單位持有人的核心FFO(“核心FFO”);普洛吉思普通股/單位持有人的AFFO(“AFFO”);(總稱為“FFO”)。FFO是房地產行業中常用的非標準財務衡量指標。與FFO最直接可比較的會計準則(GAAP)衡量指標是淨收益。房地產投資信託協會(“NAREIT”)將FFO定義為根據GAAP計算的收入,不包括歷史成本折舊以及舊物業的銷售利得和損失淨額,以及舊物業的減值費用。我們還要排除在收購時控股權益投資重估時獲得的收益以及部分出售投資時確認的收益,因為這與舊物業的銷售利得相似。我們會從我們的非合資實體和適用夥伴公司的股份中取消類似的調整。我們的FFO衡量指標 我們的FFO衡量指標源於NAREIT的定義,並對其進行某些調整以反映我們的業務以及管理計劃和執行業務策略的方式。雖然這些額外項目在計算FFO時進行調整不是罕見或飛凡的,但在不同期間,這些額外項目的波動幅度很大。儘管這些項目可能對我們的業務運營產生重大影響並反映在我們的財務報表中,但去除這些項目的影響使我們能夠更好地了解我們的物業長期內核心營運表現。這些項目對我們的營運結果產生積極和消極的短期影響,在不同和不可預測的方向上,對我們的長期前景是不相關的。我們通過根據我們對非合資實體和合資企業的比例持有股份來計算我們的FFO衡量指標。我們通過將所考慮的調整項目乘以對該期間的平均持股百分比來應用我們對非合資實體的FFO衡量指標。對於我們所持有的未完全持有100%權益的合資企業的份額,我們會調整我們的FFO衡量指標,以除去適用期間的非控股權益對調整項目的份額,根據過去期間的平均權益持股百分比。這些FFO衡量指標被管理層用作營運績效的輔助財務衡量指標,我們認為重要的是股東、潛在投資者和財務分析師了解管理層使用的指標。我們不將我們的FFO衡量指標用作,也不應將其視為,對淨收益的替代方法,作為我們的營運績效指標,作為按照GAAP計算的營運活動現金的替代方法,或作為我們籌措現金需求能力的指標。我們主要通過我們房地產的租金收入以及我們戰略資本業務的收入,減去營運、管理和融資費用來分析我們的營運績效。這個收入流除了不動產或債券投資市值波動對其直接影響外。 FFO,由普洛吉思修改 為了得到FFO,由普洛吉思修改,我們調整了NAREIt定義的FFO衡量指標,排除了與外幣相關項目和推遲稅額,具體來說:我們的子公司承認的推遲所得稅利益和推遲所得稅開支;併購時相關資產利益的當期所得稅費用,只要該費用與從我們定義的FFO衡量指標中排除的所得稅利益抵銷,即可排除;因以下原因導致的外幣兌換收益和損失:a)我們與我們的外國實體之間的債務交易;b)用於對我們在外國實體的投資進行對沖的第三方債務;c)與任何此等債務交易有關的衍生金融工具;以及d)與衍生和其他金融工具相關的按市價調整。

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Notes and Definitions (continued) We use FFO, as modified by Prologis, so that management, analysts and investors are able to evaluate our performance against other REITs that do not have similar operations or operations in jurisdictions outside the U.S. Core FFO In addition to FFO, as modified by Prologis, we also use Core FFO. To arrive at Core FFO, we adjust FFO, as modified by Prologis, to exclude the following recurring and nonrecurring items that we recognize directly in FFO, as modified by Prologis: gains or losses from the disposition of land and development properties that were developed with the intent to contribute or sell; income tax expense related to the sale of investments in real estate; impairment charges recognized related to our investments in real estate generally as a result of our change in intent to contribute or sell these properties; and gains or losses from the early extinguishment of debt and redemption and repurchase of preferred stock. We use Core FFO, including by segment and region, to: (i) assess our operating performance as compared to other real estate companies; (ii) evaluate our performance and the performance of our properties in comparison with expected results and results of previous periods; (iii) evaluate the performance of our management; (iv) budget and forecast future results to assist in the allocation of resources; (v) provide guidance to the financial markets to understand our expected operating performance; and (vi) evaluate how a specific potential investment will impact our future results. AFFO To arrive at AFFO, we adjust Core FFO to include realized gains from the disposition of land and development properties, net of current tax expense, and recurring capital expenditures and exclude the following items that we recognize directly in Core FFO: straight-line rents; amortization of above- and below-market lease intangibles; amortization of management contracts; amortization of debt premiums and discounts and financing costs, net of amounts capitalized, and; stock compensation amortization expense. We use AFFO to (i) assess our operating performance as compared to other real estate companies; (ii) evaluate our performance and the performance of our properties in comparison with expected results and results of previous periods; (iii) evaluate the performance of our management; (iv) budget and forecast future results to assist in the allocation of resources; and (v) evaluate how a specific potential investment will impact our future results. Limitations on the use of our FFO measures While we believe our modified FFO measures are important supplemental measures, neither NAREIT's nor our measures of FFO should be used alone because they exclude significant economic components of net earnings computed under GAAP and are, therefore, limited as an analytical tool. Accordingly, these are only a few of the many measures we use when analyzing our business. Some of the limitations are: The current income tax expenses that are excluded from our modified FFO measures represent the taxes that are payable. Depreciation and amortization of real estate assets are economic costs that are excluded from FFO. FFO is limited, as it does not reflect the cash requirements that may be necessary for future replacements of the real estate assets. Furthermore, the amortization of capital expenditures and leasing costs necessary to maintain the operating performance of logistics facilities are not reflected in FFO. Gains or losses from property dispositions and impairment charges related to expected dispositions represent changes in value of the properties. By excluding these gains and losses, FFO does not capture realized changes in the value of disposed properties arising from changes in market conditions. The deferred income tax benefits and expenses that are excluded from our modified FFO measures result from the creation of a deferred income tax asset or liability that may have to be settled at some future point. Our modified FFO measures do not currently reflect any income or expense that may result from such settlement. The foreign currency exchange gains and losses that are excluded from our modified FFO measures are generally recognized based on movements in foreign currency exchange rates through a specific point in time. The ultimate settlement of our foreign currency-denominated net assets is indefinite as to timing and amount. Our FFO measures are limited in that they do not reflect the current period changes in these net assets that result from periodic foreign currency exchange rate movements. The gains and losses on extinguishment of debt or preferred stock that we exclude from our Core FFO, may provide a benefit or cost to us as we may be settling our obligation at less or more than our future obligation. We compensate for these limitations by using our FFO measures only in conjunction with net earnings computed under GAAP when making our decisions. This information should be read with our complete Consolidated Financial Statements prepared under GAAP. To assist investors in compensating for these limitations, we reconcile our modified FFO measures to our net earnings computed under GAAP. General and Administrative Expenses ("G&A"). Our property management personnel perform the property-level management of the properties in our owned and managed portfolio, which include properties we consolidate and those we manage that are owned by the unconsolidated co-investment ventures. We allocate the costs of our property management function to the properties we consolidate (included in Rental Expenses) and the properties owned by the unconsolidated co-investment ventures (included in Strategic Capital Expenses) by using the square feet owned by the respective portfolios. Strategic Capital Expenses also include the direct expenses associated with the asset management of the unconsolidated co-investment ventures provided by our employees who are assigned to our strategic capital segment as well as promote expenses. We do not allocate indirect costs to Strategic Capital Expenses. We capitalize certain costs directly related to our development. Capitalized G&A expenses include salaries and related costs as well as other G&A costs. The capitalized costs were as follows: Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended Sep. 30, Sep. 30, in thousands 2024 2023 2024 2023 Building and land development activities $ 31,253 $ 29,153 $ 103,280 $ 96,294 Operating building improvements and other 13,267 12,124 42,158 38,979 Total capitalized G&A $ 44,520 $ 41,277 $ 145,438 $ 135,273

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Notes and Definitions (continued) Guidance. The following is a reconciliation of our annual guided Net Earnings per share to our guided Core FFO per share: G&A as a Percent of Assets Under Management (dollars in thousands) Adjusted G&A (trailing twelve months): Net G&A $ 414,350 Add: strategic capital expenses (excluding promote expense) 197,067 Less: strategic capital property management expenses (85,084) Adjusted G&A $ 526,333 Gross book value at period end (a): Operating properties $ 135,202,709 Development portfolio - TEI 6,009,622 Land portfolio 4,597,105 Other real estate investments and assets held for sale 6,776,909 Total value of assets under management $ 152,586,345 G&A as % of assets under management 0.34 % (a) This does not represent enterprise value Low High Net earnings attributable to common stockholders (a) $ 3.35 $ 3.45 Our share of: Depreciation and amortization 2.93 2.97 Net gains on real estate transactions, net of taxes (0.95) (1.05) Unrealized foreign currency losses (gains), losses (gains) on early extinguishment of debt and other, net 0.09 0.09 Core FFO attributable to common stockholders/unitholders $ 5.42 $ 5.46 IBI Activity Index is a seasonally-adjusted diffusion index based on a monthly survey of business activity from a geographically-diverse group of respondents across the U.S. Readings greater than 50 reflect growth in activity. These are proprietary metrics for the U.S. Prologis portfolio. Income Taxes. Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended Sep. 30, Sep. 30, in thousands 2024 2023 2024 2023 Current income tax expense $ 10,517 $ 30,463 $ 70,566 $ 116,411 Current income tax expense on dispositions 2,001 6,239 7,306 26,294 Total current income tax expense 12,518 36,702 77,872 142,705 Deferred income tax expense (benefit) (8,304) 4,541 2,201 9,836 Total income tax expense $ 4,214 $ 41,243 $ 80,073 $ 152,541 Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended Sep. 30, Sep. 30, in thousands 2024 2023 2024 2023 Gross interest expense $ 233,691 $ 192,066 $ 656,315 $ 490,200 Amortization of debt discounts, net 13,753 13,230 38,464 38,750 Amortization of finance costs 6,581 6,541 19,982 16,776 Interest expense before capitalization 254,025 211,837 714,761 545,726 Capitalized amounts (23,912) (30,784) (83,061) (78,844) Interest expense $ 230,113 $ 181,053 $ 631,700 $ 466,882 Interest Expense. Investment Capacity is our estimate of the gross real estate that could be acquired by our co-investment ventures through the use of existing equity commitments, less any unpaid redemption requests, assuming a midpoint of the target leverage range of the ventures. Lease Negotiation Gestation is the measurement of the number of days between the first proposal exchange with the prospective customer and the final lease signing, including lease terms less than twelve months. This is for new leases in our Operating Portfolio only and excludes renewals. Lease Proposals are the total initial proposals sent to prospective customers in our Operating Portfolio, measured by net rentable area in square feet. Proposals as a percent of available net rentable area refers to proposals on units vacant or expiring in the next twelve months. Includes proposals with lease terms less than twelve months, as well as customer expansions and renewals. Market Capitalization equals Market Equity, less liquidation preference of the preferred shares/units, plus our share of total debt. Market Equity equals outstanding shares of common stock and units multiplied by the closing stock price plus the liquidation preference of the preferred shares/units. Net Asset Value ("NAV"). We consider NAV to be a useful supplemental measure of our operating performance because it enables both management and investors to estimate the fair value of our business. The assessment of the fair value of a particular line of our business is subjective in that it involves estimates and can be calculated using various methods. Therefore, we have presented the financial results and investments related to our business components that we believe are important in calculating our NAV but we have not presented any specific methodology nor provided any guidance on the assumptions or estimates that should be used in the calculation. The components of NAV do not consider the potential changes in rental and fee income streams or the franchise value associated with our global operating platform, strategic capital platform or development platform. Net Effective Rent is calculated at the beginning of the lease using estimated total cash base rent to be received over the term and annualized, and excludes fair value lease amortization from acquisitions. Amounts derived in a currency other than the U.S. dollar have been translated using the average rate from the previous twelve months. The per square foot number is calculated by dividing the Net Effective Rent by the occupied square feet of the lease. Net Operating Income ("NOI") is a non-GAAP financial measure used to evaluate our operating performance and represents rental revenue less rental expenses. For our consolidated properties, it is calculated directly from our Consolidated Financial Statements as Rental Revenue less Rental Expenses. Earnings guidance includes potential future gains recognized from real estate transactions, but excludes future foreign currency or derivative gains or losses as these items are difficult to predict.

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Notes and Definitions (continued) Net Promote Income (Expense) is promote revenue earned from third-party investors during the period, net of related cash and stock compensation expenses, and taxes and foreign currency derivative gains and losses, if applicable. Net Property Management Income represents property management fees less the actual costs of providing property management services. Non-GAAP Pro-Rata Financial Information. This information includes non-GAAP financial measures. The Prologis Share of unconsolidated co-investment ventures are derived on an entity-by-entity basis by applying our ownership percentage to each line item in the GAAP financial statements of these ventures to calculate our share of that line item. For purposes of balance sheet data, we use our ownership percentage at the end of the period and for operating information we use our average ownership percentage during the period consistent with how we calculate our share of net earnings (loss) during the period for our consolidated financial statements. We use a similar calculation to derive the noncontrolling interests share of each line item in our consolidated financial statements. We believe this form of presentation offers insights into the financial performance and condition of our company as a whole, given the significance of our co-investment ventures that are accounted for either under the equity method or consolidated with the third parties' share included in noncontrolling interests, although the presentation of such information may not accurately depict the legal and economic implications of holding a noncontrolling interest in the co-investment venture. Other companies may calculate their proportionate interest differently than we do, limiting the usefulness as a comparative measure. We do not control the unconsolidated co-investment ventures for purposes of GAAP and the presentation of the assets and liabilities and revenues and expenses do not represent a legal claim to such items. The operating agreements of the unconsolidated co-investment ventures generally provide that investors, including Prologis, may receive cash distributions (1) to the extent there is available cash from operations, (2) upon a capital event, such as a refinancing or sale, or (3) upon liquidation of the venture. The amount of cash each investor receives is based upon specific provisions of each operating agreement and varies depending on factors including the amount of capital contributed by each investor and whether any contributions are entitled to priority distributions. Upon liquidation of the co-investment venture and after all liabilities, priority distributions and initial equity contributions have been repaid, the investors generally would be entitled to any residual cash remaining based on their respective legal ownership percentages. Because of these limitations, the Non-GAAP Pro-Rata Financial Information should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for our consolidated financial statements as reported under GAAP. Non-Strategic Assets are industrial properties, which we acquired primarily through Merger and Acquisition ("M&A") transactions, that we do not intend to hold long-term. These industrial properties are classified as Other Real Estate Investments. Operating Portfolio represents industrial properties in our Owned and Managed portfolio that have reached Stabilization. Assets held for sale, Non-Strategic Assets and non-industrial assets are excluded from the portfolio. Prologis Share of NOI excludes termination fees and adjustments and includes NOI for the properties contributed to or acquired from co-investment ventures at our actual share prior to and subsequent to change in ownership. The U.S. markets not presented consist of Austin, Charlotte, Columbus, Denver, Louisville, Portland, Raleigh-Durham, Reno, San Antonio, Savannah and Tampa. The European countries not presented consist of Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden. Owned and Managed represents the consolidated properties as well as properties owned by our unconsolidated co-investment ventures, which we manage. Prologis Share represents our proportionate economic ownership of each entity, or property included in our total Owned and Managed portfolio, whether consolidated or unconsolidated. Rental Revenues. Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended Sep. 30, Sep. 30, in thousands 2024 2023 2024 2023 Rental revenues $ 1,329,367 $ 1,197,902 $ 3,865,758 $ 3,449,692 Rental recoveries 397,298 402,798 1,232,126 1,136,351 Amortization of lease intangibles 97,542 108,166 300,085 305,586 Straight-lined rents 72,957 68,493 179,229 170,954 Rental Revenues $ 1,897,164 $ 1,777,359 $ 5,577,198 $ 5,062,583 Rent Change (Cash) represents the percentage change in starting rental rates per the lease agreement, on new and renewed leases, commenced during the period compared with the previous ending rental rates in that same space. This measure excludes any short-term leases of less than one-year, holdover payments, free rent periods and introductory (teaser rates) defined as 50% or less of the stabilized rate. Rent Change (Net Effective) represents the percentage change in net effective rental rates (average rate over the lease term), on new and renewed leases, commenced during the period compared with the previous net effective rental rates in that same space. This measure excludes any short-term leases of less than one year and holdover payments. Retention is the square footage of all leases commenced during the period that are rented by existing tenants divided by the square footage of all expiring leases during the reporting period. The square footage of tenants that default or buy-out prior to expiration of their lease and short-term leases of less than one year, are not included in the calculation. Same Store. Our same store metrics are non-GAAP financial measures, which are commonly used in the real estate industry and expected from the financial community, on both a net effective and cash basis. We evaluate the performance of the operating properties we own and manage using a "same store" analysis because the population of properties in this analysis is consistent from period to period, which allows us and investors to analyze our ongoing business operations. We determine our same store metrics on property NOI, which is calculated as rental revenue less rental expense for the applicable properties in the same store population for both consolidated and unconsolidated properties based on our ownership interest, as further defined below. We define our same store population for the three months ended September 30, 2024 as the properties in our Owned and Managed Operating Portfolio, including the property NOI for both consolidated properties and properties owned by the unconsolidated co-investment ventures at January 1, 2023 and owned throughout the same three-month period in both 2023 and 2024. We believe the drivers of property NOI for the consolidated portfolio are generally the same for the properties owned by the ventures in which we invest and therefore we evaluate the same store metrics of the Owned and Managed portfolio based on Prologis' ownership in the properties ("Prologis Share").

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Notes and Definitions (continued) The same store population excludes properties held for sale to third parties, along with development properties that were not stabilized at the beginning of the period (January 1, 2023) and properties acquired or disposed of to third parties during the period. To derive an appropriate measure of period- to-period operating performance, we remove the effects of foreign currency exchange rate movements by using the reported period-end exchange rate to translate from local currency into the U.S dollar, for both periods. As non-GAAP financial measures, the same store metrics have certain limitations as an analytical tool and may vary among real estate companies. As a result, we provide a reconciliation of Rental Revenues less Rental Expenses ("Property NOI") (from our Consolidated Financial Statements prepared in accordance with U.S GAAP) to our Same Store Property NOI measures, as follows: We exclude properties held for sale to third parties, along with development properties that were not stabilized at the beginning of the period and properties acquired or disposed of to third parties during the period. We also exclude net termination and renegotiation fees to allow us to evaluate the growth or decline in each property's rental revenues without regard to one-time items that are not indicative of the property's recurring operating performance. Net termination and renegotiation fees represent the gross fee negotiated to allow a customer to terminate or renegotiate their lease offset by the write-off of the asset recorded due to the adjustment to straight-line rents over the lease term. Same Store Property NOI is adjusted to include an allocation of property management expenses for our consolidated properties based on the property management services provided to each property (generally, based on a percentage of revenues). On consolidation, these amounts are eliminated and the actual costs of providing property management and leasing services are recognized as part of our consolidated rental expense. We include the Property NOI for the same store portfolio for both consolidated properties and properties owned by the co-investment ventures based on our investment in the underlying properties. In order to calculate our share of Same Store Property NOI from the co-investment ventures in which we own less than 100%, we use the co-investment ventures' underlying Property NOI for the same store portfolio and apply our ownership percentage at September 30, 2024 to the Property NOI for both periods, including the properties contributed during the period. We adjust the total Property NOI from the same store portfolio of the co-investment ventures by subtracting the third parties' share of both consolidated and unconsolidated co-investment ventures. During the periods presented certain wholly owned properties were contributed to a co-investment venture and are included in the same store portfolio. Neither our consolidated results nor those of the co-investment ventures, when viewed individually, would be comparable on a same store basis because of the changes in composition of the respective portfolios from period to period (e.g. the results of a contributed property are included in our consolidated results through the contribution date and in the results of the venture subsequent to the contribution date based on our ownership interest at the end of the period). As a result only line items labeled "Prologis Share of Same Store Property NOI" are comparable period over period. We further remove certain noncash items (straight-line rent and fair value lease amortization) included in the financial statements prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP to reflect a Same Store Property NOI - Cash measure. We manage our business and compensate our executives based on the same store results of our Owned and Managed portfolio at 100% as we manage our portfolio on an ownership blind basis. We calculate those results by including 100% of the properties included in our same store portfolio. Same Store Average Occupancy represents the average occupied percentage of the Same Store portfolio for the period. Space Utilization is our customer's assessment of their utilization of their unit on a scale of 0-100% and is based on a monthly survey of a geographically-diverse group of respondents across the U.S portfolio. Stabilization is defined as the earlier of when a property that was developed has been completed for one year, is contributed to a co-investment venture following completion or is 90% occupied. Upon Stabilization, a property is moved into our Operating Portfolio. Stabilized NOI is equal to the estimated twelve months of potential gross rental revenue (base rent, including above or below market rents plus operating expense reimbursements) multiplied by 95% to adjust income to a stabilized vacancy factor of 5% minus estimated operating expenses. Total Expected Investment ("TEI") represents total estimated cost of development or expansion, including land, development and leasing costs. TEI is based on current projections and is subject to change. Turnover Costs represent the estimated obligations incurred in connection with the signing of a lease; including leasing commissions and tenant improvements and are presented for leases that commenced during the period. Tenant improvements include costs to prepare a space for a new tenant or a lease renewal with the current tenant. It excludes costs for a first generation lease (i.e. a new development property) and short-term leases of less than one year. Value-Added Properties are properties we have either acquired at a discount and believe we could provide greater returns post-stabilization or properties we expect to repurpose to a higher and better use. Weighted Average Interest Rate is based on the effective rate, which includes the amortization of related premiums and discounts and finance costs. Weighted Average Stabilized Capitalization ("Cap") Rate is calculated as Stabilized NOI divided by the Acquisition Price. Three Months Ended Sep. 30, dollars in thousands 2024 2023 Change (%) Reconciliation of Consolidated Property NOI to Same Store Property NOI measures: Rental revenues $ 1,897,164 $ 1,777,359 Rental expenses (427,425) (416,076) Consolidated Property NOI $ 1,469,739 $ 1,361,283 Adjustments to derive same store results: Property NOI from consolidated properties not included in same store portfolio and other adjustments (a) (238,345) (189,412) Property NOI from unconsolidated co-investment ventures included in same store portfolio (a)(b) 809,678 749,688 Third parties' share of Property NOI from properties included in same store portfolio (a)(b) (640,870) (603,368) Prologis Share of Same Store Property NOI - Net Effective (b) $ 1,400,202 $ 1,318,191 6.2 % Consolidated properties straight-line rent and fair value lease amortization included in the same store portfolio (c) $ (119,763) $ (123,717) Unconsolidated co-investment ventures straight-line rent and fair value lease amortization included in the same store portfolio (c) (16,317) (15,363) Third parties' share of straight-line rent and fair value lease amortization included in the same store portfolio (b)(c) $ 12,888 $ 11,969 Prologis Share of Same Store Property NOI - Cash (b)(c) $ 1,277,010 $ 1,191,080 7.2 %