展示 10.1
加入協議 協議
本連接協議 本“加入協議”)至特定證券購買協議(“購買協議”),於2024年1月3日簽署,由特拉華州公司NAYA Biosciences, Inc.(“公司”), 以及簽名頁上被確認的每位購買者(各自及其繼受人和受讓方,稱爲“買方支持者購買者”),在2024年10月11日由公司、買家和內華達州公司INVO Bioscience, Inc.(“INVO”).
A. 鑑於 公司和購買方已簽訂購買協議;並且
B. 鑑於 INVO希望成爲購買協議的一方,就購買協議中所描述的其權利和義務範圍而言,並願意承擔適用於INVO的購買協議下的義務。
現在, 因此, 鑑於對以上款項的充分收到和認可,各方達成以下協議:
1. | 定義除本加入協議其他地方定義的術語外:(a) 除非另有定義,大寫的術語在此未有定義的含義應符合購買協議中對該等術語的定義,(b) 以下術語的含義應按照本第1條規定。 |
“轉換 價格「shall」應指PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture中所定義的該術語。
“轉換 股票「應具有PubCo高級擔保可轉換債券定義中所規定的含義。」
“生效日期表示2024年6月5日,該修訂和重新制定獲得公司股東批准的日期。「」表示(a)初始註冊聲明已由委員會宣佈生效的日期中最早的日期, (b)所有基礎股已根據144條規則出售或可根據144條規則出售而無需 INVO遵守144條規則要求的當前公開信息,也無需成交量或出售方式限制, (c)自結束日期一週年後,前提是基礎股持有人不是INVO的關聯公司, 或(d)所有基礎股可根據《證券法》第4(a)(1)節免登記出售, 無需成交量或出售方式限制,並且INVO法律顧問已向這些持有人提供了一份執業許可的明確書面意見 這些持有人可以根據此免責條款進行基礎股的轉售,該意見應當以這些持有人可以合理接受的形式和內容提供。
“免除 發行「」 表示根據 INVO 董事會非僱員成員多數或專門成立爲此目的的一個非僱員董事委員會的多數成員,向 INVO 員工、高管或董事發行 INVO 普通股或期權,作爲向 INVO 提供服務的報酬;在觸發日期發行且尚未被修改增加證券數量或降低行權價、交換價或換股價(與拆股並股無關)或延長證券期限的其他證券行使或交換或轉換爲 INVO 普通股的證券;董事會通過的收購或戰略交易中發行的證券,前提是這些證券是根據 Rule 144 中定義的「受限證券」發行,且不帶有任何要求或允許在此禁止期內提交任何與其相關的註冊聲明的註冊權利;發行的任何證券僅限於提供給 INVO 業務有協同效應的運營公司或資產所有人或其附屬公司,且提供給 INVO 除了資金投資之外的額外好處,但不包括爲籌集資本或提供給其主要業務是投資證券的實體發行證券的交易;發行使總募集資金金額超過 500 萬美元的 INVO 普通股或 INVO 普通股等價物。
“INVO 普通股權等價物”表示INVO或INVO子公司的任何證券,其持有人隨時有權收購 INVO普通股,包括但不限於任何隨時可轉換爲、可行使或可兌換爲INVO普通 股,或以其他方式使持有人有權收到INVO普通股的債務、優先股、權利、期權、認股權證或其他工具。
“發票 律師” 意指Glaser Weil Fink Howard Jordan & Shapiro LLP,10250 Constellation Blvd.,19樓,Los Angeles,CA 90067。
“INVO 重大不利影響「」指的是(i)對任何交易文件或任何附加文件的合法性、有效性或可執行性造成重大不利影響;(ii)對INVO及INVO附屬公司作爲一個整體的經營業績、資產、業務前景或狀況(財務或其他方面)造成重大不利影響;或(iii)對INVO在任何重大方面及時履行任何交易文件或任何附加文件項下義務的能力造成重大不利影響。
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“INVO 子公司「INVO」指INVO披露附表第1部分中列明的任何子公司,並且在適用的情況下,也包括在本日期後成立或收購的INVO的任何直接或間接子公司。
“參加者 文件「」,合稱:(i)本參加者協議,(ii)PubCo墊層擔保可轉換債券,(iii)PubCo C-2系列權利證明書,(iv)轉讓註冊權協議承擔和轉讓(轉讓註冊權協議所定義),(v)擔保(在PubCo墊層擔保可轉換債券中定義),(vi)在以滿足轉讓人第一優先權利的目的爲INVO及INVO子公司資產擔保協議所要求的任何其他文件和申報文件,包括所有UCC-1登記收據,並(vii)所有附件和附表,並附有與此項交易有關的任何其他文件或協議。
“傳奇 撤除日期「該術語在第2(a)條中所定義的含義」。
“先期通知“ 在第2(i)節中所指定的含義。
“PubCo 優先股” 意指發行日期前後,具有總面值8075833.33美元的Invo C-2可轉換優先股。
“上市公司 優先擔保可轉換債券「”」表示在或約在生效日期發行的Invo某些優先擔保可轉換債券,總本金金額為$3,921,696.67。
“PubCo C-2系列指定證券” 代表Invo公司C-2可轉換優先股的某些指定證券。
“公眾 信息失敗“”應具有第2條(e)款中所指定的含義。
“所需的 最低「」指的是截至任何日期,根據交易文件和加入文件,代號 INVO 的普通股的最大累計發行或未來可能發行股數,包括在完全轉換所有 PubCo 高級擔保可轉換債券(包括作為 PubCo 高級擔保可轉換債券利息支付的基礎股支付)和 PubCo 首選股後發行的基礎股,無視其中設定的任何轉換或行使限制,並假定在決定日期後以及一直為期%,25的 Conversion Price 是在決定日期前一個交易日即時 Conversion Price 的 75%。
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“證券“ 指的是PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture、PubCo Preferred Shares、PubCo Shares和Underlying Shares。
“後續 融資通知” 在第2(i)條中被賦予其意義。
“轉移 代理人「"指的是INVO的轉移在線代理商,地址為512 SE Salmon St.,Portland,OR 97214, 以及INVO的任何繼任轉移代理商。
“基礎股 股份” 意味著依據PubCo高級安全可轉債券和PubCo C-2系列指定證書的條款發行和可發行的INVO普通股份,包括但不限於按照PubCo高級安全可轉債券條款支付利息的INVO普通股份,而不考慮PubCo高級安全可轉債券和PubCo優先股份的轉換限制或限制。
“變量 率交易”指的是INVO進行的交易,其中:(i)發行或出售任何可轉換為、可交換或可行使為INVO普通股額外股份或包括收取INVO普通股額外股份權利之債務或股權證券,不論是(A)按照、或隨著、INVO普通股股份於初始發行該等債務或股權證券後任何時候之交換價格、行使價格或匯率或其他價格,或(B)具有可於在該等債務或股權證券初始發行後的某個未來日期或該等債務或股權證券直接或間接與INVO業務或INVO普通股市場相關的特定或附帶事件發生時被重設的轉換、行使或交換價格;或(ii)進入或執行任何協議,包括但不限於股權信用額度或“市場公開發行”,根據該協議,INVO可能以未來確定價格發行證券,無論根據該協議是否實際已發行股份,以及無論該協議是否隨後被取消。
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“虛擬貨幣」 指在任何日期,根據下列第一條款決定的價格:(a) 如果然後上市 INVO 普通股 或在交易市場上報價,INVO 普通股在該日期(或最近的前一日期)的每日交易量加權平均價格 根據彭博公司報告,INVO 普通股之後在其上市或報價的交易市場(以下的交易日計算) 上午 9:30(紐約時間)至下午 4:02(紐約時間)),(b)如果 OTCQB 風險市場(」一般社群」) 或 OTCQX 最佳市場 (」OTCQX」) 不是交易市場,INVO 普通股在該日期的交易量加權平均價 (或最近的前一日期)在 OTCQB 或 OTCQX(如適用);(c) 如果 INVO 普通股並未上市或上市以進行交易 OTCQB 或 OTCQX,以及如果普通股價格在 OTC Markers, Inc.(或類似的)營運的粉紅色公開市場上報告 組織或代理機構成功報告價格),最近的 INVO 普通股每股買賣價格為 報告,或 (d) 在所有其他情況下,由獨立評估人確定的 INVO 普通股股份的公平市值 由當時尚未償還的證券擁有大部分權益的買家誠意選出,並且可以合理接受的證券, 其費用和開支由 INVO 支付。
2. | 達成協議 被約束INVO在簽署本附加協議後,同意成爲採購協議的一方,並且將完全受採購協議的所有契約、條款和條件的約束,就好像是採購協議的原始一方,除非另有載明。此外,INVO和買方現在同意以下事項: |
a. | 法律聲明持有的基礎股票的證書不得包含任何標記(包括《購買協議》4.1(b)節中的標記):(i)在《證券法》項下有效覆蓋該證券轉讓的註冊聲明(包括註冊聲明)期間,(ii)根據規則144出售這些基礎股票後,(iii)如果這些基礎股票有資格根據規則144出售,無需滿足INVO的要求,以符合關於這些基礎股票的當前公開信息的規則144,並且沒有成交量或銷售方式限制,或(iv)如果在《證券法》適用要求下沒必要包含該標記(包括美國證券委員會工作人員發佈的司法解釋和聲明)。如果轉讓代理人要求發出法律意見表明需要根據轉讓代理人的要求確認此處的標記已移除,INVO應在生效日期後及時導致發行此種意見,或經購買方請求。如果PubCo高級擔保可轉換債券或PubCo優先股的全部或任何部分在有效註冊聲明覆蓋基礎股票的轉換日期或如果這些基礎股票可能根據規則144出售而無需滿足INVO的要求以符合規則144規定的這些基礎股票的當前公開信息且無成交量或銷售方式限制,或者如果根據適用《證券法》要求不需要包含此類標記(包括美國證券委員會工作人員發佈的司法解釋和聲明),則這些基礎股票應免除所有標記。INVO同意在生效日期後或在不再根據本第2(a)條規定需要此類標記的時間時,最遲在(i)一個(1)交易日或(ii)交割人向INVO或轉讓代理提供代表相應發行帶限制性標記的基礎股票的證書的交易日數量構成標準結算期間之早的時間之前,移除這類標記。傳說刪除日期根據約定,需向購買方交付或辦理交付一份不含任何限制性和其他標籤的股票證書。INVO不得在其記錄上作出任何記錄,也不得向過戶代理發出指示,以擴大購買協議第4節中規定的轉讓限制。根據此處標籤移除的基礎股票證書將由過戶代理以購買方指示的方式,通過向購買方的首席經紀商在存管信託公司系統中的帳戶記賬方式進行傳送給購買方。 |
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b. | 安防-半導體的承諾INVO承認並同意,購買者可能不時根據與註冊券商簽訂的真實按金協議抵押某些或所有證券,或者向符合證券法規定501(a)規則下「合格投資者」的金融機構授予證券利益。如根據該安排的條款要求,購買者可能將已抵押或擔保的證券轉讓給抵押人或擔保方。此類抵押或轉讓不受INVO的批准,並且在此方面不需要抵押人、擔保方或抵押人的法律顧問的法律意見。此外,此類抵押不需要通知。根據適當購買者的費用,INVO將在涉及抵押或轉讓證券時執行並交付抵押人或擔保方合理請求的文件,包括如果證券根據註冊權協議需要註冊,則準備並根據證券法424(b)(3)規則或其他適用證券法規定適當修改出售股東名單(定義如註冊權協議中)下的任何必需的說明書。 | |
c. | 解除圖例失敗除了購買者的其他可用救濟外,INVO將支付給購買者現金,作爲部分已清算的損害賠償,而不是罰款,對於每1000美元的基礎股份(基於INVO普通股的VWAP,即當證券提交給過戶代理的日期)爲了去除有限制性圖例且受第2條(a)項約束,自圖例去除日期後的每個交易日,每個交易日爲10美元(在圖例去除日期後的五(5)個交易日增加至每個交易日20美元),直到該證書不帶有圖例交付; 如果INVO未能:(a)在圖例去除日期之前向購買者發行並交付(或引起被交付到購買者的無持有限或其他圖例的證券證明書),INVO應爲購買者購買INVO普通股所需的全部股份(在交易日內購買市場上或以其他方式)付款(包括券商佣金和其他外部費用(如有)),直到在圖例去除日期後購買者購買此等出售的INVO普通股的總購買價格(包括券商佣金和其他外部費用(如有))超過INVO應在圖例去除日期之前交付給購買者的相應基礎股份數量乘以期間內的任何交易日(取決於情況)內INVO普通股的最低收盤價雙倍之間的差額。 |
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d. | 購買方合同 。每位購買方分別並非連帶與其他購買方協議INVO,即此等購買方將根據《證券法》的登記要求或豁免要求之一出售任何證券,包括任何適用的招股書交付要求;如果證券根據註冊聲明出售,則應按照其中規定的分銷計劃出售,並承認在根據本處第2(a)款的規定撤銷代表證券的證書上的限制性標籤是基於INVO對此理解的依賴。 | |
e. | 信息提供 ;公開信息. |
i. | 從觸發日期至證券不再流通之日爲止,INVO約定維持根據《交易所法》第12(b)或12(g)條的INVO普通股註冊,並及時提交(或獲得有關延期並在適用的寬限期內提交)該日期後INVO根據《交易所法》要求提交的所有報告,即使當時INVO不受《交易所法》的報告要求約束。 | |
ii. | 在從觸發日期的六(6)個月週年開始的期間內,直至所有證券可以無需符合Rule 144(c)(1)的要求且不受Rule 144限制或限制性規定限制出售之時,若INVO(i)由於任何原因而未能滿足Rule 144(c)下的當前公開信息要求,或者(ii)曾被描述爲Rule 144(i)(1)(i)中的發行人或未來成爲發行人,且INVO未能滿足Rule 144(i)(2)中規定的任何條件(“公共信息未能履行此外,除購買方的其他可用救濟措施外,INVO應支付給購買方現金,作爲部分清償損害而非罰金,因爲延遲或減少其出售證券的能力而給購買方造成現金金額損失,該金額等於購買方證券的認購額度的2.0%,即公共信息出現故障之日以及之後的每個三十(30)天(對不足三十天的期間,按比例計算),直至早於(a)消除公開信息失靈的日期和(b)購買方無需公開信息便可根據Rule 144轉讓基礎股票爲止。在本第2(e)條中,購買方有權獲得的支付被稱爲“公開信息失敗支付公開信息失敗支付應在以下時間內支付: - 當發生公開信息失敗支付的日曆月份的最後一天;及 - 使導致公開信息失敗支付的事件或失敗得到糾正後的第三個(第3個)工作日。 如果INVO未能及時支付公開信息失敗支付,該公開信息失敗支付應按照每月1.5%的利率計算利息(按部分月份進行比例計算),直至完全支付。本文所述無法限制購買者追究公開信息失敗的實際損害的權利,購買者應有權追究法律或衡平權利下的所有救濟措施,包括但不限於具體履行判決和/或禁令救濟。 |
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f. | 轉換 程序。包含在PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture中的轉換通知書形式以及包含在PubCo Series C-2指定證書中的轉換通知書,每份文件中均規定了購買者爲將PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture和PubCo Preferred Shares轉換所需的全部程序。在不限制前述內容的情況下,購買者無需提供原件轉換通知書或轉換通知,也無需在轉換PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture和PubCo Preferred Shares時提供任何刻章保證(或其他類型的擔保或公證)。購買者轉換其PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture或PubCo Preferred Shares無需額外的法律意見、其他信息或指示。INVO將遵守將PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture和PubCo Preferred Shares轉換的要求,並將根據PubCo Senior Secured Convertible Debenture和PubCo Preferred Shares中規定的條款、條件和時間要求交付基礎股。 | |
g. | 非公開信息。INVO承諾並同意,除非在此之前該購買者書面同意接收此類信息並與INVO書面同意保密此類信息,否則INVO或代表其的任何其他人均不會向任何購買者或其代理或法律顧問提供構成或INVO合理認定構成具有重大非公開信息的任何信息。INVO了解並確認,每名購買者將依賴上述承諾進行INVO證券交易。在未經購買者同意之前將任何重大非公開信息交付給購買者之時,INVO、INVO的任何子公司或其各自的高管、董事、代理人、僱員或關聯方向購買者提供任何重大非公開信息,INVO在此承諾並同意該購買者無需對INVO、INVO的任何子公司或其各自的高管、董事、僱員、關聯方或代理人,包括但不限於安排代理人或在任何場合保密義務行使記者,也無需對INVO、INVO的任何子公司或其各自的高管、董事、僱員、關聯方或代理人,包括但不限於安排代理人,基於該等重大非公開信息進行交易,只要購買者始終受適用法律約束即可。任何根據任何交易文件提供的通知如包含有關公司或任何INVO子公司的重大非公開信息,INVO應在提供此類通知同時向委員會提交一份根據8-k表格的現行報告。INVO了解並確認,每名購買者將依賴上述承諾進行INVO證券交易。 |
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h. 證券的預訂和上市.
i. | 根據股東批准日期(定義見C-2系列權利證書)後,INVO應從其合法授權的INVO普通股中保留所需最低數量的儲備股,以供根據PubCo高級擔保可轉債券和PubCo優先股的發行要求,履行完全按照交易文件和附屬文件下的全部義務。 | |
ii. | 根據股東批准日期,如果在任何日期,INVO普通股的已授權但未發行(且未保留)股數少於當天的所需最低數量,則董事會應採取商業合理努力,以儘快(但不遲於自該日期後的第75天)增加INVO普通股的已授權但未發行股數,使其至少達到當時的所需最低水平。 | |
iii. | INVO應在適用情況下:(i)按主要交易市場要求的時間和方式準備並向該交易市場提交額外股份上市申請,涵蓋適用當天所需最低數量的INVO普通股;(ii)採取一切必要步驟,儘快獲得該交易市場對此類INVO普通股的上市或報價批准;(iii)向購買方提供此類上市或報價的證據;(iv)在任何日期維持這類INVO普通股在該交易市場或其他交易市場上的上市或報價,使之至少與當天的所需最低數量相當。INVO同意通過幾家建立良好清算公司的公司,保持INVO普通股具備電子轉讓資格,包括但不限於通過及時向該公司支付有關電子轉讓的費用。 |
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i. Participation in Future Financing.
i. | 來自 INVO或任何INVO子公司發行任何證券時的觸發日期,直至證券不再流通之日爲止 作爲現金對價、負債或其單位組合的INVO普通股或INVO普通股等價物(a”隨後 融資”),每位買方都有權參與最多等於一定金額的後續融資 後續融資的33.0%(”最大參與人數”) 以相同的條款、條件和價格提供 用於後續融資。 | |
ii. | 在 在後續融資結束前至少五 (5) 個交易日,INVO 應向每位買方發出書面通知 其進行後續融資的意圖(”預先通知”),預先通知應詢問該買方是否 它想審查此類融資的細節(例如補充通知,a”後續融資通知”)。隨後 只有在買方提出後續融資通知的要求下,INVO才會立即提出後續融資通知,但是 在提出此類請求後的一(1)個交易日內,向該買方發出後續融資通知。後續融資 通知應合理詳細地描述此類後續融資的擬議條款、預期收益金額 根據該協議籌集的資金,以及擬通過或與其進行此類後續融資的一名或多名個人,並應包括 條款表或與之相關的類似文件作爲附件。 | |
iii. | 任何 想要參與此類後續融資的買方必須在下午 5:30 之前向INVO提供書面通知(新增) 約克市時間)在所有買方都收到該買方願意的預先通知後的第五(5)個交易日 參與後續融資、該買方的參與金額,並對此進行陳述和保證 根據後續融資通知中規定的條款,該買方已準備就緒、願意並可供投資。 如果截至第五(5)個交易日,INVO沒有收到買方的此類通知,則該買方將被視爲已通知 INVO 表示它不選擇參加。 |
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iv. | 如果所有購買者收到預先通知後的第五個(第5)交易日下午5:30(紐約時間)之前,購買者就願意參與後續融資(或導致他們的被指定人蔘與)的通知總量低於後續融資的總金額,則INVO可以按照後續融資通知中規定的條款和人員完成該後續融資的剩餘部分。 | |
v. | 如果在所有購買者收到預先通知後的第五(第5)個交易日下午5:30(紐約時間)之前,INVO收到了購買者對後續融資通知的回應,而這些購買者尋求購買超過參與最大限額的總金額,則每位購買者都有權購買其按比例分配的最大參與限額。 | |
vi. | 如果最初的後續融資通知所涉及的後續融資在發出之日起30(30)個交易日內以規定的條件未能完成,無論出於何種原因,INVO必須向購買者提供第二份後續融資通知,併購買者會再次享有本第2(i)節中所載的參與權利。 | |
vii. | INVO和每位購買者一致同意,如果任何購買者選擇參與後續融資,與後續融資相關的交易文件不得包含直接或間接排除一名或多名購買者參與後續融資的條款或規定,包括但不限於,要求該購買者同意任何關於INVO證券的交易限制或同意任何有關購買協議的修訂、終止、放棄、解除等條款,而這些事項未經該購買者事先書面同意。 | |
viii. | 儘管在本第2(i)條款中有相反規定的情況下,除非購買方另行同意,INVO應在第二次融資通知交付後的第十(10)個工作日內,以書面形式確認對於後續融資的交易已被放棄,或者公開披露其打算髮行後續融資的證券,無論哪種情況,都要確保購買方不持有任何重要的非公開信息。如果到了第十(10)個工作日,仍未作出關於後續融資交易的公開披露,並且未收到與該交易放棄相關的通知,該交易將被視爲已被放棄,購買方將不被視爲持有INVO或任何INVO子公司的任何重要非公開信息。 | |
ix. | 儘管前述內容,本第2(i)條款不適用於豁免發行。 |
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j. 後續股票銷售.
i. | 故意地 省略。 | |
ii. | 來自 觸發日期在觸發日期十二個月週年之日之前,應禁止INVO生效或 簽訂協議,使INVO或任何INVO子公司發行INVO普通股或INVO普通股等價物 (或其單位組合),涉及浮動利率交易。任何買方都有權獲得禁令救濟 針對INVO,排除任何此類發放,這種補救措施應是追討損害賠償的權利之外的補救措施。 | |
iii. | 儘管如此 前述規定,本第 2 (j) 節不適用於豁免發行,但任何浮動利率交易均不適用 成爲豁免發行人。 |
k. | 資本 變更股東批准日期後,直到PubCo債券不再未償金額優化爲止,INVO不得進行逆向或前向股票拆分或重新分類INVO普通股,除非事先獲得持有PubCo債券未償還本金金額中佔多數的購買方的書面同意。 | |
l. | 股東權益計劃INVO或在INVO的同意下,任何其他人均不會聲稱或實施任何購買方在任何控制股份收購、業務組合、毒丸計劃(包括任何根據權利協議的分配)或INVO現行或今後採納的任何類似反收購計劃或安排中都是「股東」,或任何購買方可能被視爲因收到交易文件或INVO與購買方之間的任何其他協議下的證券而觸發任何此類計劃或安排的條款。收購人。收購人是指「受益所有人」(在股東權益計劃中定義)擁有20%或更多的普通股票的人。但是,收購人不包括公司或公司的任何子公司,也不包括作爲允許出價、競爭允許出價和某些其他豁免交易的結果成爲20%或更多流通普通股的受益所有人的任何人。沒有聲明將由INVO或在INVO同意的情況下,任何其他人提出或執行,即任何購買方都是「」,在INVO或此後通過INVO實施的任何類似防收購計劃或安排下,或者可能因根據交易文件或INVO與購買方之間的任何其他協議而接收證券,而被認爲觸發任何此類計劃或安排的條款。 |
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3. | 陳述和保證除《本加入協議》的陳述披露清單中另有規定外("INVO披露清單”) 及SEC報告,即INVO披露清單及SEC報告將視爲本協議的一部分,並將限制任何陳述 或其他內容,以INVO在INVO披露清單對應部分所披露內容爲準,INVO特此向每位買方作以下陳述和保證(I)除《購股協議》第3.1款所包含的陳述和保證外(《購股協議》第3.1款(e)、3.1款(g)、3.1款(h)、3.1款(i)和3.1款(s)中包含的陳述和保證除外), 其中(a)其中對「公司」及《購股協議》第1.1款中包含的適用定義的提及被視爲指INVO,(b)其中對「子公司」 的提及被視爲指INVO子公司,(c)其中對「重大不利影響」 的提及被視爲指INVO重大不利影響,(d)其中對「(交割日)」 的提及被視爲指本協議日期,(e)其中對「交易文件」 的提及被視爲指,共同指交易文件及加入文件,(f)其中對披露清單的任何提及 被視爲指SEC報告,及(II)以下陳述和保證: |
a. | 申報, 同意和批准。INVO 無需獲得任何同意、豁免、授權或命令,也無需向其發出任何通知,或 向任何法院或其他聯邦、州、地方或其他政府機構或其他個人進行任何申報或登記 與 (a) INVO 執行、交付和履行聯合訴訟文件以及 (b) 執行、交付和 INVO 子公司履行附屬擔保,但不包括:(i) 根據註冊向委員會提交的任何文件 權利協議,(ii) 向每個適用交易市場發放證券的通知和/或申請,以及 按照所需的時間和方式將轉換股份上市進行交易,以及 (iii) 提交表格D 向委員會提交以及根據適用的州證券法要求提交的文件(統稱爲”INVO 必需的批准”). | |
b. | 資本化。 截至本文發佈之日,INVO 的大小寫如下所述 附表 3 (b) INVO 披露時間表,其中 附表 3 (b) 還應包括關聯公司實益擁有和記錄在案的INVO普通股的數量 截至本文發佈之日的 INVO。任何人均無任何優先拒絕權、優先權、參與權或任何類似權利 參與交易文件或合併文件所設想的交易的權利。除非另有規定 上 附表 3 (b),沒有任何未兌現的期權、認股權證、股票認購權、看漲期權或任何性質的承諾 與證券、權利或義務有關的任何信息,或可轉換爲任何人的、可行使或交換的,或向任何人提供的任何權利或義務 任何認購或收購任何INVO普通股或任何INVO子公司的股本或合同的權利, INVO或任何INVO子公司有義務或可能必須發行額外股票的承諾、諒解或安排 INVO普通股或INVO普通股等價物或任何INVO子公司的股本。證券的發行和出售 不會要求INVO或任何INVO子公司有義務向任何人發行INVO普通股或其他證券(除外 購買者)。INVO或任何INVO子公司沒有未償還的證券或工具,但有任何可調整的準備金 在INVO或任何INVO發行證券時,此類證券或工具的行使、轉換、交換或重置價格 子公司。INVO或任何INVO子公司沒有包含任何贖回或類似內容的未償還證券或工具 條款,並且沒有INVO或任何INVO子公司現在或可能簽訂的合同、承諾、諒解或安排 必須贖回INVO或此類INVO子公司的證券。INVO 沒有任何股票增值權或 「幻影」 股票” 計劃或協議或任何類似的計劃或協議。INVO的所有已發行股本均已按期發放 經授權、有效發行、全額付款且不可納稅,發行時遵守了所有聯邦和州證券法, 而且此類已發行股票的發行均未侵犯任何優先購買權或類似的認購權或購買權 證券。無需任何股東、INVO董事會或其他機構的進一步批准或授權 發行PubCo債券、PubCo股票和標的股票。沒有股東協議、投票協議或其他協議 關於INVO作爲當事方的INVO股本的類似協議,或者據INVO所知,在兩者之間或彼此之間達成的類似協議 INVO 的任何股東。 |
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c. | SEC Reports. INVO has filed all reports, schedules, forms, statements and other documents required to be filed by INVO under the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, including pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) thereof, for the two years preceding the date hereof (or such shorter period as INVO was required by law or regulation to file such material) (the foregoing materials, including the exhibits thereto and documents incorporated by reference therein, being collectively referred to herein as the “SEC Reports”) on a timely basis or has received a valid extension of such time of filing and has filed any such SEC Reports prior to the expiration of any such extension. As of their respective dates, the SEC Reports complied in all material respects with the requirements of the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, as applicable, and none of the SEC Reports, when filed, contained any untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. INVO is not an issuer subject to Rule 144(i) under the Securities Act. The financial statements of INVO included in the SEC Reports comply in all material respects with applicable accounting requirements and the rules and regulations of the Commission with respect thereto as in effect at the time of filing. Such financial statements have been prepared in accordance GAAP, except as may be otherwise specified in such financial statements or the notes thereto and except that unaudited financial statements may not contain all footnotes required by GAAP, and fairly present in all material respects the financial position of INVO and its consolidated INVO Subsidiaries as of and for the dates thereof and the results of operations and cash flows for the periods then ended, subject, in the case of unaudited statements, to normal, immaterial, year-end audit adjustments. | |
d. | Material Changes; Undisclosed Events, Liabilities or Developments. Since the date of the latest audited financial statements included within the SEC Reports, except as set forth on Schedule 3(d) of INVO Disclosure Schedules, (i) there has been no event, occurrence or development that has had or that could reasonably be expected to result in an INVO Material Adverse Effect, (ii) INVO has not incurred any liabilities (contingent or otherwise) other than (A) trade payables and accrued expenses incurred in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice and (B) liabilities not required to be reflected in INVO’s financial statements pursuant to GAAP or disclosed in filings made with the Commission, (iii) INVO has not altered its method of accounting, (iv) INVO has not declared or made any dividend or distribution of cash or other property to its stockholders or purchased, redeemed or made any agreements to purchase or redeem any shares of its capital stock and (v) INVO has not issued any equity securities to any officer, director or Affiliate, except pursuant to existing INVO stock option plans. INVO does not have pending before the Commission any request for confidential treatment of information. Except for the issuance of the Securities contemplated by the Purchase Agreement, the Merger Agreement, or as set forth on Schedule 3(d) of INVO Disclosure Schedules, no event, liability, fact, circumstance, occurrence or development has occurred or exists or is reasonably expected to occur or exist with respect to INVO or INVO Subsidiaries or their respective businesses, prospects, properties, operations, assets or financial condition, that would be required to be disclosed by INVO under applicable securities laws at the time this representation is made or deemed made that has not been publicly disclosed at least 1 Trading Day prior to the date that this representation is made. |
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e. | Investigations; Stop Orders. There has not been, and to the knowledge of INVO, there is not pending or contemplated, any investigation by the Commission involving INVO or any current or former director or officer of INVO. The Commission has not issued any stop order or other order suspending the effectiveness of any registration statement filed by INVO or any INVO Subsidiary under the Exchange Act or the Securities Act. | |
f. | Sarbanes-Oxley; Internal Accounting Controls. INVO and INVO Subsidiaries are in compliance with any and all applicable requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended, that are effective as of the date hereof, and any and all applicable rules and regulations promulgated by the Commission thereunder that are effective as of the date hereof. INVO and INVO Subsidiaries maintain a system of internal accounting controls sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that: (i) transactions are executed in accordance with management’s general or specific authorizations, (ii) transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP and to maintain asset accountability, (iii) access to assets is permitted only in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization, and (iv) the recorded accountability for assets is compared with the existing assets at reasonable intervals and appropriate action is taken with respect to any differences. INVO and INVO Subsidiaries have established disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for INVO and INVO Subsidiaries and designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that information required to be disclosed by INVO in the reports it files or submits under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the Commission’s rules and forms. INVO’s certifying officers have evaluated the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures of INVO and INVO Subsidiaries as of the end of the period covered by the most recently filed periodic report under the Exchange Act (such date, the “Evaluation Date”). INVO presented in its most recently filed periodic report under the Exchange Act the conclusions of the certifying officers about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures based on their evaluations as of the Evaluation Date. Since the Evaluation Date, there have been no changes in the internal control over financial reporting (as such term is defined in the Exchange Act) that have materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the internal control over financial reporting of INVO and INVO Subsidiaries. |
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g. | Listing and Maintenance Requirements. INVO Common Stock is registered pursuant to Section 12(b) or 12(g) of the Exchange Act, and INVO has taken no action designed to, or which to its knowledge is likely to have the effect of, terminating the registration of INVO Common Stock under the Exchange Act nor has INVO received any notification that the Commission is contemplating terminating such registration. INVO has not, in the 12 months preceding the date hereof, received notice from any Trading Market on which INVO Common Stock is or has been listed or quoted to the effect that INVO is not in compliance with the listing or maintenance requirements of such Trading Market. INVO is, and has no reason to believe that it will not in the foreseeable future continue to be, in compliance with all such listing and maintenance requirements. INVO Common Stock is currently eligible for electronic transfer through the Depository Trust Company or another established clearing corporation and INVO is current in payment of the fees to the Depository Trust Company (or such other established clearing corporation) in connection with such electronic transfer. | |
h. | Disclosure. INVO confirms that neither it nor any other Person acting on its behalf has provided any of the Purchasers or their agents or counsel with any information that it believes constitutes or might constitute material, non-public information. INVO understands and confirms that the Purchasers will rely on the foregoing representation in effecting transactions in securities of INVO. | |
i. | No Integrated Offering. Assuming the accuracy of the Purchasers’ representations and warranties set forth in Section 3.2 of the Purchase Agreement, neither INVO, nor any of its Affiliates, nor any Person acting on its or their behalf has, directly or indirectly, made any offers or sales of any security or solicited any offers to buy any security, under circumstances that would cause this offering of the Securities to be integrated with prior offerings by INVO for purposes of (i) the Securities Act which would require the registration of any such securities under the Securities Act, or (ii) any applicable shareholder approval provisions of any Trading Market on which any of the securities of INVO are listed or designated. | |
j. | Accountants. INVO’s accounting firm is set forth on Schedule 3(j) of the INVO Disclosure Schedules. To the knowledge and belief of INVO, such accounting firm (i) is a registered public accounting firm as required by the Exchange Act and (ii) shall express its opinion with respect to the financial statements to be included in the INVO’s Annual Report for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. |
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k. | Regulation M Compliance. INVO has not, and to its knowledge no one acting on its behalf has, (i) taken, directly or indirectly, any action designed to cause or to result in the stabilization or manipulation of the price of any security of INVO to facilitate the sale or resale of any of the Securities, (ii) sold, bid for, purchased, or paid any compensation for soliciting purchases of, any of the Securities, or (iii) paid or agreed to pay to any Person any compensation for soliciting another to purchase any other securities of INVO, other than, in the case of clauses (ii) and (iii), compensation paid to the Placement Agent in connection with the placement of the Securities. | |
l. | Form S-3 Eligibility. INVO is eligible to register the resale of the Underlying Shares for resale by the Purchaser on Form S-3 promulgated under the Securities Act. | |
m. | Acknowledgment Regarding Purchaser’s Trading Activity. Anything in the Purchase Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding (except for Section 4.12 of the Purchase Agreement), it is understood and acknowledged by INVO that: (i) none of the Purchasers has been asked by INVO to agree, nor has any Purchaser agreed, to desist from purchasing or selling, long and/or short, securities of INVO, or “derivative” securities based on securities issued by INVO or to hold the Securities for any specified term, (ii) past or future open market or other transactions by any Purchaser, specifically including, without limitation, “short sales” as defined in Rule 200 of Regulation SHO under the Exchange Act (but shall not be deemed to include locating and/or borrowing shares of INVO Common Stock) or “derivative” transactions, before or after the closing of this or future private placement transactions, may negatively impact the market price of INVO’s publicly-traded securities, (iii) any Purchaser, and counter-parties in “derivative” transactions to which any such Purchaser is a party, directly or indirectly, may presently have a “short” position in the shares of INVO Common Stock and (iv) each Purchaser shall not be deemed to have any affiliation with or control over any arm’s length counter-party in any “derivative” transaction. INVO further understands and acknowledges that (y) one or more Purchasers may engage in hedging activities at various times during the period that the Securities are outstanding, including, without limitation, during the periods that the value of the Underlying Shares deliverable with respect to Securities are being determined, and (z) such hedging activities (if any) could reduce the value of the existing stockholders’ equity interests in INVO at and after the time that the hedging activities are being conducted. INVO acknowledges that such aforementioned hedging activities do not constitute a breach of any of the Transaction Documents or the Joinder Documents. |
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4. | Successors and Assigns. This Joinder Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their successors and permitted assigns. INVO may not assign this Joinder Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of each Purchaser (other than by merger). Any Purchaser may assign any or all of its rights under this Joinder Agreement to any Person to whom such Purchaser assigns or transfers any Securities, provided that such transferee agrees in writing to be bound, with respect to the transferred Securities, by the provisions of the Transaction Documents and the Joinder Documents that apply to the “Purchasers.” | |
5. | Notices. All notices, consents, requests, claims, demands and other communications under this Joinder Agreement shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.4 of the Purchase Agreement at the following addresses: |
If to INVO:
Steve Shum
Chief Executive Officer
INVO Bioscience, Inc.
5582 Broadcast Court
Sarasota, Florida 34240
Telephone: (978) 878-9505
with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Glaser Weil Fink Howard Jordan & Shapiro LLP
10250 Constellation Blvd., 19th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Attention: Marc Indeglia
Telephone: 310-282-6245
E-mail: mindeglia@glaserweil.com
If to Purchaser:
Five Narrow Lane LP
510 Madison Ave, Ste 1401
New York, NY 10022
with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Haynes and Boone, LLP
30 Rockefeller Plaza, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10012
Attention: Rick Werner
Telephone: (212) 659-4974
E-mail: rick.werner@haynesboone.com and
or to such other address as the parties hereto may designate in writing to the other. Any party may change the address to which notices are to be sent by giving written notice of such change of address to the other parties in the manner above provided for giving notice.
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6. | Headings. The headings herein are for convenience only, do not constitute a part of this Joinder Agreement and shall not be deemed to limit or affect any of the provisions hereof. | |
7. | Governing Law; Waiver of Jury Trial. This Joinder Agreement shall be subject to the provisions regarding governing law and waiver of jury trial set forth in Section 5.9 and Section 5.22, respectively, of the Purchase Agreement, and such provisions are incorporated herein by this reference, mutatis mutandis. | |
8. | Execution. This Joinder Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, all of which when taken together shall be considered one and the same agreement and shall become effective when counterparts have been signed by each party and delivered to each other party, it being understood that the parties need not sign the same counterpart. In the event that any signature is delivered by e-mail delivery of a “.pdf” format data file, such signature shall create a valid and binding obligation of the party executing (or on whose behalf such signature is executed) with the same force and effect as if such “.pdf” signature page were an original thereof. |
[Signatures on the Following Page]
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By: | /s/ Steven Shum | |
Name: | Steven Shum | |
Title: | CEO | |
By: | /s/ Joseph Hammer | |
Name: | Joseph Hammer | |
Title: | General Partner |