99.2展示 2 0 2 4年1月5日借款人介紹 米德爾敦
法律展望性陳述 本演示文稿包括根據聯邦證券法規定的「展望性陳述」。本演示文稿中的展望性陳述包括(但不僅限於)Life Time Group Holdings, Inc.(以下簡稱「公司」)的業務和財務計劃、戰略和前景,包括財務展望和現金流、可能或假定的未來行動、增長和利潤率擴展的機會、改善資產負債表和槓桿、資本開支、消費者需求、行業和經濟趨勢、業務策略、事件或營運結果。這些陳述基於公司管理層的信仰和假設。展望性陳述天然受到風險、不確定性和假設的影響。通常,不是歷史事實的陳述(包括關於公司可能或假定的未來行動、業務策略、事件或營運結果的陳述)為展望性陳述。這些陳述可能在之前、之後或其他情況下包含「相信」、「假設」、「預期」、「預測」、「意圖」、「持續」、「推進」、「預測」、「估算」、「計劃」、「潛在」、「可能增加」、「可能導致」、「將導致」、「可能波動」等類似的表達或未來或條件動詞,如「將」、「應該」、「將」、「可預見」、「可能」和「可能」,以及這些詞的否定形式或類似的術語和短語。此外,涉及對未來事件或環境的預期、信仰、計劃、預測、目標、績效或其他將來事件或情況的描述或資訊的任何陳述,包括任何基本假設,均為展望性。使得本演示文稿中包括的那些展望性陳述與實際結果不同的因素包括(但不僅限於)與公司業務運營和競爭環境有關的風險,與其品牌有關的風險,與業務增長有關的風險,與其技術運營有關的風險,與其資本結構和租賃義務有關的風險,與其人力資本有關的風險,與法律遵循和風險管理有關的風險,以及關於公司普通股所有權的重要因素等等,討論了在公司擬由2024年12月31日結束的年度10-K報告「風險因素」標題下的重要因素。該報告於2024年2月28日向美國證券交易委員會(以下簡稱SEC)提交(文件編號001-40887),隨時可在SEC的網站www.sec.gov上查閱公司的其他文件中更新的這些及其他重要因素可能導致實際結果與本演示文稿中的展望性陳述所指示的結果有重大不同。公司在本演示文件中發表的任何展望性陳述僅代表該陳述之日期。除法律要求公司更新或修訂外,公司沒有義務更新或修改,或對任何展望性陳述進行公開宣佈,不論是基於新資訊、未來事件或其他情況。本演示文稿包括截至2024年9月30日三個月的初步結果。這些結果基於公司截至本演示文稿日期目前可得信息。截至2024年9月30日公司尚未公佈實際財務結果,且該時期的結算程序尚未完成。本演示文稿中包含的初步財務結果是由公司管理層編制並負責。Deloitte& Touche LLP尚未就此初步財務結果進行審計、審查、編制或適用程序。因此,Deloitte& Touche LLP不對此發表意見或提供其他形式的保證。非依照通用會計原則(GAAP)編製的財務資訊 本演示文稿包括調整後EBITDA、淨債務和自由現金流以及相關計算,這些財務資料未根據美國通用會計原則(GAAP)編製。這些非GAAP財務措施不是基於任何全面的會計規則或原則,不應視為淨利潤(損失)、總債務或按GAAP編制的其他總體業績衡量指標的替代方案,也不應視為營運活動提供的淨現金的替代方案作為流動性測量,并且可能與其他同類標題的公司績效指標不可比擬。這些非GAAP財務措施作為分析工具具有局限性,不應被解釋為公司未來結果不受飛凡或非經常性項目的影響。此外,這些非GAAP財務措施應與按照GAAP編制的公司財務報表一同閱讀。將每個非GAAP措施與相應的GAAP措施的調節包含在本演示文稿附錄中。本演示文稿還將截至2024年6月30日過去十二個月結束的非GAAP財務信息呈現出來,該信息已通過將2024年6月30日結束的六個月未經審計的營業數據與2023年12月31日結束的營業數據相加,然後減去2023年6月30日結束的六個月未經審計的營業數據來計算。本演示文稿不構成對現有的償還債券和現有償還無擔保債券的通知。
今日主持人與議程 1. 交易概況 巴哈拉馬克拉迪 2. 公司資料 董事長、首席執行官及創辦人 3. 關鍵信用亮點 4. 財務概況 5. 附錄 埃里克韋弗 執行副總裁 致富金融(臨時代碼) 3 3 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
寫於2024年6月30日止之過去十二個月的Life Time, Inc.(以下簡稱“Life Time”或“公司”),這家“健康之路(臨時代碼)公司”,已確立自己作為一個高端生活方式和休閒品牌,為150萬以上的個人會員社區提供高端健康、健身和福祉體驗。Life Time在這個TTM期間產生了24億元的營業收入和6,0000萬元的調整後EBITDA。該公司已通過實現關鍵的財務目標為自己鋪平了長期成功的道路:• 包括雙位數營業收入和調整後EBITDA增長在內的穩健的財務表現• 在第二季度實現正的自由現金流,在租賃產生的收益(1)之前• 通過將淨債務槓桿降至3.0倍以下,預計持續去杠杆化,直至預計在Q3結束時降至2.5倍以下來加強資產負債表。Life Time打算發行新的7年100億美元的T LM出售-租賃退回的收益”(1)• 以及發行4,0000萬美元的其他有擔保債務,以偿还2026年到期的Life Time現有優先擔保票據和2026年到期的優先無擔保票據(以下簡稱“交易”)。“公司要求借方在2024年10月22日星期二美國東部時間中午12:00之前作出承諾。 註:1. 調整EBITDA和淨債務槓桿是非總帳核數。請參見附錄以進行與最接近總帳核數的調整。581nidZpGqzkSDMpD
資金來源、用途和資本化預測(以百萬美元計) 資金來源 | 資金用途 新項目貸款 b 1,000 | 重組現有優先擔保票據 925 新其他擔保負債 400 | 重組現有優先無擔保票據 475 資產負債表現金 19 | 預估費用、開支和OID 19 總資金來源 1,419 | 總資金用途 1,419 資本化預測(1) 資本化預測 xTTm 6/30/2024(4) EBITDA 調整 6/30/2024 現金 44(19)24 循環信貸(650億美元) 200 200 新項目貸款 b -- 1,000 1,000 新其他擔保負債 -- 400 400 5.750% 至 2026年到期的擔保票據 925(925)-- 按揭及其他 51 51 總擔保負債 1,176 2.0倍 1,651 2.8倍 淨擔保負債 1,133 1.9倍 1,627 2.7倍 8.000% 至2026 年到期無擔保票據 475(475)-- 總債務 1,651 2.8倍 1,651 2.8倍 淨債務 1,608 2.7倍 1,627 2.7倍 (3)資產市值 5,190 5,190 總資本化 6,842 11.4倍 6,842 11.4倍 (4)TTm 6/30/24 調整後 EBITDA 600 600 TTm 6/30/24 租金支出 288 288 註:債務不包括公平價值調整和未攤銷的債務發行成本 3. 资本化截至2024年10月11日收市的市值。1.資本形式為現有項目貸款 b 償還 2億美元及公司於9月20日建築貸款的2,800萬美元償還後的形式預算;4.调整后的EBITDA是一种非通用会计原则衡量方法,并非美国通用会计原则。TTm 調整後 EBITDA 為截至2024年6月30日的過去十二個月。關於最接近美国通用会计准则的对照请参考2024年9月20日的RCS提款以及2024年9月27日接收的64.8万美元售后租金歸回。淨擔保債務和淨債務分別計算為總擔保負債減去現金和淨債務減去現金。
指示性條款摘要 — 新定期貸款 b 借款人:終身 股份有限公司(「借款人」)高級有抵押信貸款設施須由借款人的直接母公司及擔保人以及其本地直接及間接全資擁有的每位直接及間接全資擁有的基礎上獲得無條件保證 受到常規例外的限制(重大)附屬公司(與現有)(統稱為擔保人)高級有抵押信貸設施應以對所有有形和無形資產(包括資本)的優先權益進行保證 借款人及擔保人的證券股票:附屬公司),受保證人(與現有相同)分期金額優惠券 SOFR 最低期年期 OID 攤銷設施:(1) 定期貸款 b 10 億美元 + 待定基點待定期 7 年待定期 1.0% (2) ‒ 免費及清除:超過 6 億美元及 TTM 經常利率調整後的 EBITDA,加上 ‒ 3.25 倍第一抵押淨債務槓桿比率(如果同等);相應:‒ 如果初級擔保的話,總債務槓桿比率為 3.75 倍;總額 4.50 倍 淨債務槓桿比率,如果沒有抵押貸款,則可達 2.0 倍 FCCR — 12 個月內最低基準基準 50 基點,以常規劃分支出 — 年度超過現金流的 50%,在第一保留淨債務槓桿比率水平 ≤ 2.75 倍下降至 25% 及 0% ≤ 2.25 倍強制性預付款:- 發行非允許債務所得款項淨額的 100% - 資產銷售淨資產所得款項的 100%,按第一項保留淨債務槓桿比率水平降至 50% 及 0% 2.0x 可選擇性贖回:101 個期 6 個月的軟通知金融公約:無(cov-lite)負條約:請參考要另行共享的修訂和行銷期限表草稿附註:2.指調整後的 EBITDA 增加 根據信貸協議定義,每個新設施的新設施 EBITDA 調整總和。1.如本公司獲得至少兩家評級機構的 Ba3 及/或 Bb-的企業評級,則須降低 25 個基點,及/或 首次保留淨債務槓桿 ≤2.25 倍時,額外降 25 個基點 7 81NIDzpGQZKSDMPD
交易時間軸2024年10月 小單 m 禮星期一 禮星期二 禮星期三 禮星期四 禮星期五 禮星期六 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 表示節假日 表示重要日期 日期 關鍵交易里程碑 2024年10月15日• 下午3:00 公布貸方電話會議 2024年10月22日• 下午12:00 貸方承諾到期 此後 • 結算和資助 8 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
Life Time擁有獨特且策略性地位,175間Clubs、每人1.5百萬會員/ 878千會員數 $60000萬至$240800萬(3) TTm營業收入調整後EBITDA TTm總收入 3.0倍 ~25% (1) (3)淨債務槓桿調整後EBITDA利潤率 (2) 20+ 年不變的營業收入和收益增長記錄 備註:截至2024年6月30日或為截至2024年6月30日的十二個月結束之指標 3. 調整後EBITDA和調整後EBITDA利潤率為非GAAP衡量指標。請參見附錄,以取得最接近GAAP的衡量指標 1. 截至2024年6月30日 為止 衡量指標 10 10 2. 公司由於COVID 於2020年未實現營業收入和調整後EBITDA的增長。 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
在北美31個州和1個加拿大省份高端市場上的多元化投資組合 總俱樂部面積: 17萬平方英尺 平均俱樂部面積: 約10萬平方英尺 靈活的房地產業策略: 67%的俱樂部租賃 86%自2015年以來新中心 175個俱樂部的優質和高知名度房地產地段,具有重要的空間機遇 備註: 截至2024年6月30日 擁有俱樂部房地產的20.5億美元總帳面價值(1) 總淨值: 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
(1) 大單健康及健康市場約$5.6兆 全球市場約$1.9兆,北美市場S PA S健康飲食職場健康 其他健康及健身俱樂部個人化 (2) AND N U t R I t I O N W E L L N E S S R E A 大單健康房地產健康垂直市場中醫藥約976$,約715$,約1.1$,約51$,約398$,約25億美元兆美元兆美元兆美元兆億美元備註:2. 其他健康和健康垂直市場包括心理健康、個人護理與美容、溫泉/礦泉、傳統與輔助醫學以及健康旅遊。1. 全球健康協會2023年全球健康經濟監測報告;數據反映2022年。 12 12 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
關鍵信貸亮點值得信賴的高端休閒品牌高度可預測,難以複製優異1次提供高度差異化的2 3 4基於訂閱的營收模型及規模財務表現體驗模型超過70% 1230億 13.5% 25億/ 19億(1)m E D I A I m P R E S S I O N S G R O S S / N E t b O O k VA L U E R E V E N U E C A G R R E C U R R I N G S U b S C R I P t I O N(2)擁有的房地產業收入 2001年至2023年在主要市場增長,以及房地產業投資組合佔總中心收入的百分比計劃及社區吸引力的可持續性有吸引力的房地產業覆蓋面忠誠且參與的多代人彈性資產輕量房地產模式成長機遇:深厚的領導隊伍會員基數龐大,具有吸引力的資本回報 5 6 7 8品牌擴張和創新擁有重要的空白空間 20+ 135 23億10 - 12 N E t P R O C E E D S O N 長益目標的新地點每年租約平均每年的參觀人次凈銷售-租賃回租交易多達64個物業,自2015年以來的每個中心會員在2023年底,因為會員高度參與並從我們創建的社區體驗和具有遠見的創始人兼首席執行官獲得靈感說明:1.來源自Cision、Meltwater、Burrelles; 反映了截至2023年12月31日的財政年度 14 14 2. 2024年6月30日估計的淨房地產價值。
值得信賴、高級休閒品牌提供高度差異化的體驗...推動會員參與度提升... 139 ~$3,000 TTM 2024年Q2 平均年度造訪量 / 中心 TTM 2024年Q2 平均營業收入 / 單一中心 會員,自2019年以來增加了37% 會員,自2019年以來增加了29% 超過1230億~109百萬 (2) 公司 媒體曝光量 (1) TTM 2024年Q2 年度總造訪量,自2019年以來增加了27% ...導致我們有史以來見過的最佳保留率 備註: 1. 反映於2024年6月30日結束的過去十二個月。15 15 2. 來源自Cision、Meltwater、 Burrelles; 反映了截至2023年12月31日結束的過去十二個月的估算。 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
BEAVERTON, OR IRVINE, CA 2難以複製的模型和規模(1) 175個具有顯著房地產業股份的知名高端房地產覆蓋面積,擁有房地產業資產組合和有吸引力的房地產業覆蓋$25億$19億SHENANDOAH, TX CHICAGO, IL(2) (2)總帳面價值 凈帳面價值2.1倍 1.6倍(3) (3)資金成形 房地產業覆蓋資金成形房地產業覆蓋(總帳面價值)(淨帳面價值) SCOTTSDALE, AZ NEW YORK, NY註:3.資金成形房地產業覆蓋以債務協力貸款及其他有保證債務餘額除以淨預估 資產價值(分別以總帳面價值和淨帳面價值為基礰)計算。 1.截至2024年6月30日。 16 16 2.代表2024年6月30日預估淨不動產價值。 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
良好的財務業績紀錄 3個生命期人生方式品牌 & 品牌提升至更高層次 重定位至高端度假式模式 過渡至資產輕型模式,專注於頂級市場 休閒品牌 總營業收入(以百萬美元計) 私有化 2,408 再次上市於 2015年6月 2,217 2021年10月 營業收入增長至 1,900 經歷衰退期 1,823 COVID-19 1,749 1,593 2004年6月首次公開募股 1,475 1,354 1,318 1,291 1,206 1,127 1,014 948 913 837 770 656 512 390 312 257 195 137 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 最後十二個月(1)2024年第二季度 包括政府強制關閉與限制 備註:1. 反映截至2024年6月30日的過去十二個月。1781nidZpGqzkSDMpD
隨著時間推移的3倍槓桿比例 公司積極專注於通過持續去槓桿化加強其資產負債表,實現正面自由現金流,再透過售後租回淨收益 • 生命時光利用售後租賃來加速增長。2024年第二季度,公司執行了售後租回交易,淨收益約14300萬美元,並於2024年第三季度另外完成了約6500萬美元的交易,總計淨收益約20800萬美元 • 公司的首要任務包括優化其資產負債表、持續去槓桿化,目標淨負債槓桿率低於2.25倍,以及實現正面自由現金流(1)(4) (2)(4) 隨時間推移的淨負債槓桿率 隨時間推移的利息覆蓋比率 22.4倍 4.5倍 5.5倍 4.5倍 5.2倍 4.0倍 3.6倍 4.2倍 (3) 2.7倍 0.6倍 2015年12月 2019年12月 2021年12月 2023年6月 2024年6月 2015年12月 2019年12月 2021年12月 2023年6月 2024年6月 備註:3. 假設已更改現有B Term Loan 2億美元及在2024年9月20日通過RCF貸款方式及2024年9月27日獲得的6480萬美元售後租回收益付清。 1. 計算得出的淨負債/最近十二個月調整後息稅折舊及攤銷前利潤。淨負債定義為長期負債減去當期部分再加上公平價值調整、未攤銷的債務折扣和發行費用以及現金及現金等價物。 4. 調整後息稅折舊及攤銷前利潤、現金利息支出和淨負債槓桿率均為非GAAP指標。詳情請參見附錄以查看與18個最近的GAAP指標的調解。 2. 最近十二個月調整後息稅折舊及攤銷前利潤/最近十二個月現金利息費用(扣除資本化利息)。 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
Highly Recurring Revenue Model 4 Center Revenue ($ in millions) Membership Dues + Enrollment Fees In-Center Revenue $2,340 $2,154 $639 Government mandated closures $1,851 & restrictions $1,770 $597 $1,702 $643 $518 $589 $1,287 $380 $930 $1,701 $279 $1,557 $1,252 $1,208 $1,113 $907 $651 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 TTM Q2 2024 % In-Center Revenue 35% 35% 30% 30% 29% 28% 27% % Membership Dues + 65% 65% 70% 70% 71% 72% 73% Enrollment Fees 19 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
Loyal & Engaged Multi-Generational Membership Base 5 (1) With Attractive Demographics ~79% ~46% ~74% $157,000 of Members are Under 55 of Members are Under 35 of Members Own a Home Member Median Household Income Years of Age Years of Age 1.6x ~59% ~60% Balanced Median Household Income in of Members Have at Least a of Memberships are Families Respective Trade Areas Member Gender Mix College Education or Couples MAKES LIFE TIME A COVETED PARTNER TO MALLS, RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE DEVELOPMENTS AND REITs Notes: 1. Data as of June 30, 2024. 20 20 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
5 NATION’S LARGEST 55+ COMMUNITY (1) PICKLEBALL PROVIDER FOR ACTIVE OLDER ADULTS 180K+ 39K+ 8,900+ 680+ (3) (3) (2) (3) Sessions Per Month Sessions Per Month Dedicated Courts Classes Per Month 14% 34% 40% 2.4MM+ Year-Over-Year Increase in Total Year-Over-Year Increase in Total Year-Over-Year Increase in Total (4) Participations (4) (4) Sessions Sessions (4) Sessions Notes: 3. Monthly average over the six months ended June 30, 2024. 1. Source: Craig-Hallum as originally reported July 2023 and restated July 2024. 4. Reflects six months ended June 30, 2024. 2. As of June 30, 2024. 21 21 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
5 Highly Engaged Membership Base REVENUE PER MEMBERSHIP MEMBER ENGAGEMENT IS GROWING CONTINUES TO INCREASE +29% +25% $2,969 139 135 $2,810 $2,528 124 $2,172 108 2019 2022 2023 TTM 2019 2022 2023 TTM (1) (1) Q2 2024 Q2 2024 (2) (3) Average Center Revenue Per Center Membership Average Annual Visits Per Center Membership Notes: 3. Average annual visits per center membership is calculated as front desk visits, divided by the average number of center memberships for the period, where the average number of center memberships for the period is an average derived from dividing the sum of the total 1. Reflects trailing twelve months ended June 30, 2024. center memberships outstanding at the beginning of the period and at the end of each month during the period by one plus the number 2. Average revenue per center membership is calculated as center revenue less digital on-hold revenue, divided by the average number of of months in each period. center memberships for the period, where the average number of center memberships for the period is an average derived from dividing the sum of the total center memberships outstanding at the beginning of the period and at the end of each month during the period by 22 one plus the number of months in each period. 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
6 Flexible Asset-Light Real Estate Model With Attractive Returns on Capital (1) Post Sale-Leaseback Strategy Pre Sale-Leaseback Strategy Today (Post-2015) Prior Public Company (Pre-2015) Traditional Traditional Vertical Center Growth Mall / Retail Urban Suburban Suburban Residential Types Development Locations Locations Locations Development Average Annual Revenue (2) $1,991 $ 2,810 per Membership Centers Open Mid-Teens Over 30% 3+ Years ROIC Target Notes: 1. Sale-leaseback strategy pertains to traditional suburban locations. 24 2. Reflects fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
7 Additional Long-Term Growth Accelerators Through Brand Expansion & Innovation H O R M O N E S P E P T I D E S I V T H E R A P Y R E C O V E R Y R E J U V E N A T I O N S U P P L E M E N T A T I O N A E S T H E T I C S B O D Y W O R K 25 25 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
8 Talented, Proven Management Team – Founder & CEO Plus Long Tenured and Newer Executives BAHRAM AKRADI ERIK WEAVER Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Mr. Akradi has over 35 years experience in healthy way of life Joined the Company in 2004 and held various positions including initiatives and real estate development. Assistant Controller; VP and Controller; SVP and Controller; and Principal Accounting Officer. RJ SINGH PARHAM JAVAHERI Executive Vice President and Chief Digital Officer Executive Vice President, President Club Operations & Chief Property Joined the company in 2017. Over 25 years of comprehensive Development Officer technology leadership and digital transformation experience. Prior to Joined the company in 2004 working on real estate acquisitions, joining Life Time, Mr. Singh served as the VP of IT at Lifetouch. dispositions, development, entitlements and government relations and has served as the head of Real Estate and Development department since 2014. Prior to joining Life Time, Mr. Javaheri worked as a civil engineer for a local consulting firm. ERIC BUSS Executive Vice President and Chief Admin Officer Joined the company in 1999 and has served as EVP since 2005. Prior to joining Life Time, Mr. Buss was an associate at the law firm of Faegre & Benson LLP (now Faegre Drinker) and practiced as a public accountant. 26 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
8 Business Leaders Fartash Akradi Matthew Brinza Keith Dieruf Joe Gallagher John Griffith SVP of Life Time SVP, Architecture and SVP - Digital Marketing SVP, Corporate SVP, Real Estate and Technology Engineering Concierge and New Club Development Openings Matthew Heinrichs Bryan Janowiec Alicia Kockler Aaron Koehler Steven Larson Jr SVP, Technology SVP, Facility Operations SVP, Kids & Aquatics SVP - Real Estate and SVP, Club Operations Development James LaValle Mark Laylin Erik Lindseth Renee Main Lisa Pollock Chief Science Officer SVP, National Sales SVP, General Counsel SVP of Healthy Aging SVP, Human Resources and ARORA Kimo Seymour Jason Thunstrom Ali Yanez President, Media and SVP, Corporate SVP, LifeSpa Events Communications 27 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
Confidential (1) Preliminary Q3 2024 Financials Revenue ~$693.2M Net income ~$41.4M (3) Adjusted net income ~$56.3M (3) Adjusted EBITDA ~$180.3M (2)(3) Free cash flow ~$138.3M (3) Net debt leverage ~2.4x Notes: 1. These figures represent the Company’s preliminary results for the three months ended September 30, 2024, which are subject to change. See “Forward-Looking Statements” on slide 2 for more information. 2. Free cash flow includes $64.8M of sale leaseback proceeds and $9M of land sale proceeds. 3. Adjusted Net Income, Adjusted EBITDA, Free Cash Flow and Net Debt Leverage are non-GAAP measures. Please see the Appendix for a reconciliation to the nearest GAAP measures. 29 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
Confidential Historical Financial Profile CENTERS 171 161 151 149 146 2019A 2020A 2021A 2022A 2023A CENTER MEMBERSHIPS (000’S) 854 763 725 649 501 2019A 2020A 2021A 2022A 2023A 30 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
Confidential Historical Financial Profile (cont.) TOTAL REVENUE ($M) $2,217 $1,900 $1,823 $1,318 $948 2019A 2020A 2021A 2022A 2023A (2) ADJUSTED EBITDA & RENT EXPENSE ($M) $275 $166 $245 $537 $438 $210 $282 $186 $80 ($63) 2019A 2020A 2021A 2022A 2023A ADJUSTED EBITDA 23.0% 24.2% (6.6%) 6.1% 15.5% (1)(2) MARGIN % : Rent Expense Adjusted EBITDA Notes: 1. Calculated as Adjusted EBITDA / Total Revenue. 2. Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin are non-GAAP measures. Please see the Appendix 31 for reconciliations to the nearest GAAP measures. 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
Confidential Historical Financial Profile (cont.) CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES ($M) $463 $359 $201 ($20) ($96) 2019A 2020A 2021A 2022A 2023A (1) FREE CASH FLOW ($M) ($38) ($70) ($103) ($109) ($275) 2019A 2020A 2021A 2022A 2023A NET PROCEEDS FROM SLBS ($M) $352 $236 $195 $122 $74 2019A 2020A 2021A 2022A 2023A Notes: 1. Free cash flow includes proceeds from sale leaseback and land sale transactions. Free cash flow is a non-GAAP measure. Please see the Appendix for a reconciliation to the nearest GAAP measure. 32 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
Significant Underlying Real Estate Value (1) Gross Book Value Net Book Value ($ in millions) (2) Collateral - mandatory TLB prepayment on SLB $857 $600 Collateral - no mandatory TLB prepayment on SLB 259 222 (2) No collateral (ground leases) - mandatory TLB prepayment on SLB 422 276 No collateral - no mandatory TLB prepayment on SLB 453 405 Owned with mortgages 435 333 (3) Land 30 30 Assets held for sale 9 9 (4) Construction work-in-process 82 82 Estimated real property value $2,546 $1,957 Less: Mortgage notes (76) (76) Net estimated real property value $2,470 $1,881 Net estimated property value $2,470 $1,881 Term loan 310 310 Senior secured debt 925 925 Revolver 45 45 Revolver, TLB & senior secured notes outstanding 1,280 1,280 (5) Real estate coverage 1.9x 1.5x Notes: 3. Represents out parcels. 1. Based on June 30, 2024, Gross Book Value. 4. Excludes CWIP for leased properties. 34 2. Subject to the right of reinvestment of net proceeds. 5. Pro forma for the Transaction, real estate coverage on a gross and net basis would be 2.1x and 1.6x, respectively. 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
Reconciliation of Net Income (Loss) to Adjusted EBITDA Fiscal Year Ended TTM Q3 Adjustment detail (1) (1) 1. Share-based compensation expense is associated with stock options, restricted ($ in millions) Dec-15 Dec-19 Dec-20 Dec-21 Dec-22 Dec-23 Jun-23 Jun-24 Sep-24 Sep-24 1 stock units, performance stock units, Life Time’s employee stock purchase plan (“ESPP”) that launched on December 1, 2022 and liability classified awards Net income (loss) ($43) $30 ($360) ($579) ($2) $76 $83 $109 $143 $41 related to short-term incentive plans. A significant portion of the share-based Interest expense, net of interest compensation expense that the Company recognized during the fiscal year 108 129 128 225 114 131 120 143 146 36 income ended December 31, 2021 is associated with stock options that were granted prior to 2021. Provision for (benefit from) income (19) 10 (128) (140) (1) 19 18 30 40 16 taxes 2. Represents the net incremental expenses (credits) recognized related to the 2 COVID-19 pandemic. For FY2023, primarily consisted of legal-related costs in Depreciation and amortization 163 220 248 235 229 244 230 264 269 69 pursuit of the Company’s claim against Zurich, partially offset by a subsidy for its 1 Canadian operations. For FY2022, primarily consisted of site development cost Share-based compensation expense 6 24 -- 334 37 50 32 47 44 12 write-offs and legal-related costs in pursuit of its claim against Zurich. For 2 FY2020, primarily consisted of the recovery of certain qualifying expenses under COVID-19 related expenses (credits) -- -- 49 (2) 3 0 3 0 -- -- the CARES Act, partially offset by COVID-19 legal-related costs in pursuit of its Loss (gain) on sale-leaseback claim against Zurich. 3 -- (0) (7) 2 (98) 14 (47) 5 (2) 5 transactions 3 3. Adjustment for the impact of (gains) losses on the sale-leaseback of Life Time’s 4 Capital transaction costs -- 6 0 3 0 -- -- -- -- -- properties as they do not reflect costs associated with ongoing operations. 5 4. Represents one-time costs related to capital transactions, including debt and Legal (recoveries) settlements -- 8 0 (0) -- -- -- -- 1 1 4 equity offerings that are non-recurring in nature but excluding direct costs related to the Company’s IPO which were netted against the proceeds of the Asset impairments -- 10 7 -- -- 7 1 5 -- -- 6 IPO. Transaction related expenses -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 112 -- -- 7 5. Life Time adjusts for the impact of unusual legal settlements paid or recoveries 5 received. These are non-recurring in nature and do not reflect costs associated Non-recurring items 38 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 8 with our normal ongoing operations. Other -- 1 0 2 0 (4) (6) (3) (3) 0 9 6. Represents non-cash asset impairments of Life Time’s long-lived and intangible 6 assets. Adjusted EBITDA $365 $438 ($63) $80 $282 $537 $434 $600 $638 $180 7. Includes expenses related to the acquisition of Life Time and other non-recurring 7 Total Revenue $1,900 $948 $1,318 $1,823 $2,217 $2,042 $2,408 $1,354 $2,517 $693 charges. (2) Adjusted EBITDA Margin 27.0% 23.0% (6.6%) 6.1% 15.5% 24.2% 21.2% 24.9% 25.3% 26.0% 8 8. Includes expenses that are one-time and non-recurring. 9. Includes (i) (gain) loss on sales of land of $(4) million and $(5) million for the Rent $71 $166 $186 $210 $245 $275 $263 $288 $298 $79 9 twelve months ended June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2024, respectively, (ii) (gain) loss on sales of the Company’s triathlons and certain other assets of $(5) Notes: million, $(7) million and $1 million for the twelve months ended December 31, 1. These figures represent the Company’s preliminary results for the three months or twelve months ended September 30, 2024, which are subject 2023, June 30, 2023 and September 30, 2024, respectively, and (iii) large to change. See “Forward-Looking Statements” on slide 2 for more information. corporate restructuring charges and executive level involuntary terminations of 2. Adjusted EBITDA Margin calculated as TTM Adjusted EBITDA divided by TTM Total Revenue. $1 million for each of the twelve months ended December 31, 2023, June 30, 35 2023, June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2024. 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
Reconciliation of Total Debt to Net Debt Leverage (1) 2015 2019 2021 2022 2023 Q2 2023 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 ($ in millions) Current maturities of debt $30 $36 $23 $15 $74 $65 $13 $12 Long-term debt, net of current portion $1,926 $2,224 $1,776 $1,806 $1,859 $1,792 $1,830 $1,640 Total Debt $1,956 $2,260 $1,799 $1,821 $1,933 $1,857 $1,843 $1,652 Less: Fair value adjustment $6 $3 $2 $1 $1 $1 $0 $0 Less: Unamortized debt discounts and issuance ($68) ($30) ($26) ($19) ($15) ($18) ($12) ($6) costs (2) Less: Cash and cash equivalents $10 $26 $26 $15 $11 $16 $35 $121 Net Debt $2,008 $2,261 $1,797 $1,824 $1,936 $1,858 $1,820 $1,537 (3) (3) (3) TTM Adjusted EBITDA $365 $438 $80 $282 $537 $434 $600 $638 Net Debt Leverage 5.5x 5.2x 22.4x 6.5x 3.6x 4.2x 3.0x 2.4x Notes: 1. These figures represent the Company’s preliminary results for the three months ended September 30, 2024, which are subject to change. See “Forward-Looking Statements” on slide 2 for more information. 2. Cash and cash equivalents exclude restricted cash of $22M for 2019, $6M for 2021, $10M for 2022, $19M for 2023, and $15M for Q2 2023. 36 3. TTM Adjusted EBITDA reflects trailing twelve months for Q2 2023, Q2 2024, and Q3 2024 respectively. 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
Reconciliation of Cash Flow from Operating Activities to Free Cash Flow (1) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q3 2024 ($ in millions) Net cash flow provided by operating activities $359 ($96) ($20) $201 $463 $151 Capital expenditures, net of construction ($624) ($266) ($329) ($591) ($698) ($87) reimbursements Proceeds from sale-leaseback transactions $195 $236 $74 $352 $122 $65 Proceeds from land sales $- $23 $- $- $4 $9 ($70) ($103) ($275) ($38) ($109) $138 Free Cash Flow Notes: 1. These figures represent the Company’s preliminary results for the three months ended September 30, 2024, which are subject to change. See “Forward-Looking Statements” on slide 2 for more information. 37 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD
Reconciliation of Interest Coverage Ratio Fiscal Year Ended TTM Dec-15 Dec-19 Dec-21 Jun-23 Jun-24 ($ in millions) Interest expense, net of interest income $108 $131 $225 $120 $144 Less: Accrued interest (non-cash) (14) 1 (21) (4) (2) Less: Debt issuance cost amortization (13) (11) (27) (7) (7) Less: Debt issuance cost written off associated with debt refinance -- -- (10) -- -- Less: Loss on extinguishment of Sponsor loan -- -- (41) -- -- Less: Interest accretion of finance lease liabilities -- (0) -- (0) (0) Total Cash Interest Expense $81 $121 $125 $109 $135 (1) (1) TTM Adjusted EBITDA $365 $438 $80 $434 $600 Interest Coverage Ratio 4.5x 3.6x 0.6x 4.0x 4.5x Notes: 1. TTM Adjusted EBITDA reflects trailing twelve months for Q2 2023 and Q2 2024, respectively. 38 81nidZpGqzkSDMpD