[***] = 此文件中包含的某些機密信息已被省略,標記爲括號,因爲它既(I)不重要,又(II)是註冊者視爲私人或機密的類型。
本修訂後的生物製品主服務協議(以下簡稱“協議”)自簽署日期的最後日起生效(“生效日期。”),雙方爲 Spyre Therapeutics, Inc., 一家位於美國馬薩諸塞州沃爾瑟姆市221號新月街17號建築物1020億套房的特拉華州公司(客戶)和無錫生物製品(香港)有限公司,註冊地址位於香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道5號海港城海洋中心8樓826室(供應商),客戶和供應商各自是“Party,"當事人.”
A. Client discovers and develops biologics.
b. Provider coordinates the biologics development and manufacturing services, including those provided by certain affiliated operating companies.
C. The Parties desire that Provider or its Affiliates provide services to Client on a project-by-project basis. The services for each project (the “服務根據另一份單獨的和不同的合同(「」)提供工作 訂單”)將納入本協議的某些條款的文件。
D.提供商和Paragon Therapeutics, Inc.於2022年6月20日簽訂了一份生物製品主服務協議(「」原協議”),該協議由Paragon Therapeutics, Inc.轉讓給客戶。
E.於2023年11月28日,客戶將其名稱從Aeglea Biotherapeutics, Inc.更改爲Spyre Therapeutics, Inc。
1. | 特定定義 |
1.1 | “附屬公司Person “的含義是指任何直接或間接受其控制、受其控制或與其共同控制的其他人。 |
1.2 | “適用法律「適用法律」指本協議項下所執行的服務、產品的供應、使用、營銷或銷售相關的所有適用法律、法規和當前良好製造法規(cGMP)以及任何相關權威機構的其他官方指導方針。 |
1.3 | 「權威機構」 表示負責根據本協議批准服務執行或發佈與產品在擬使用國家的製造和/或使用有關的法規的任何政府監管機構,包括FDA。 |
1.4 | “細胞系” 指爲生產產品而開發的細胞系。 |
1.5 | “分析證書” 是指用於測試某項規格的分析證書 以雙方同意的形式生產的產品。 |
1.6 | “合規證書” 指藥明生物簽發的證明該產品的文件 該批次的生產符合cGMP(如適用),並且該生產批次記錄已通過藥明生物質量保證部門的審查和批准。 |
1.7 | “測試證書” 是指用於測試所選規格的證書 產品採用雙方商定的形式,用於藥明生物所進行的選定測試。 |
1.8 | “機密信息” 一方的(”披露方”) 意味着一切 一方或代表一方向另一方披露的信息和材料(”接收方”) 或與本協議相關的被合理視爲機密的關聯人(定義見下文) 而且一般不向公衆公開。雙方的機密信息包括本協議的存在、條款和目標,以及任何爭議的性質以及由或引起的任何仲裁程序的結果 與本協議有關。任何一方開發的與產品相關的所有數據和信息,包括生產和批次記錄以及供應商根據工作訂單生成的細胞系驗證數據,均構成 客戶的機密信息(但爲明確起見,提供商的任何標準操作程序和其他與提供商平台相關的內部文件均應保留提供商的機密信息)。機密 信息不包括: |
(a) | 在向接收方披露時屬於公共領域的信息(不通過任何行爲或 遺漏接收方); |
(b) | 接收方在從披露方收到信息之前已知的信息(由接收方證明) 當事方的書面記錄); |
(c) | 第三方在沒有保密義務的情況下向接收方披露的信息,以及 有這樣做的合法權利(由接收方的書面記錄證明);以及 |
(d) | 由接收方獨立開發的信息,不從中受益,也不是衍生出來的 源自,機密信息。 |
1.9 | “控制” 超過一個人是指(a)擁有50%或以上的投票證券或其他證券 個人的所有權權益,或(b)有權指導該人的管理或政策。 |
1.10 | “設備”指的是適用工作訂單中提供者確定的設施(設備)。 |
1.11 | “FDA”指的是美國食品藥品監督管理局,以及具有基本相同職能的任何後續機構。 |
1.12 | “知識產權”指的是專利和專利申請,商標和申請,商號,服務標記,域名,版權和版權申請及註冊,原理圖,工業模型,發明, 專有技術:指任何集團公司、任何集團客戶或任何月球客戶或顧客(或其授權代表人)創造、開發或以任何方式提供的任何發明、革新、創意、技術、設計、程序、方法、工藝、算法或專有技術,以及任何軟件、代碼、計算機程序或其他程序或流程體系; 商業祕密,計算機軟件程序和其他 無形專有信息,包括機密信息。 |
1.13 | “干預法律”在第11.4節(法律終止原因)中賦予其含義。 |
1.14 | “Material Adverse Effect”指與適用的干預法律有關,該干預法律單獨或與其他一起在單獨中都或有可能變得對產品或客戶的業務或前景產生實質不利影響,或者對客戶或其任何業務線的前景產生或有可能預期對客戶作爲協議一方接受供應商根據本協議或任何工作訂單向客戶提供任何服務或作爲結果而對客戶作爲協議方而對產品或客戶的業務或前景產生實質不利影響。例如,但不限於,如果這樣的干預法律或有可能被預期將(a)對任何產品的經濟前景或盈利能力產生實質不利影響,(b)作爲一個服務提供商(包括作爲任何特定產品的製造商)而不是執行同等服務的備選服務提供商對客戶產生實質不利影響,或者(c)影響客戶與政府實體訂立合同的能力,接受政府實體的撥款,或與潛在的合作伙伴、被許可人或收購人(包括但不限於收購客戶或其資產的收購人)執行交易。 |
1.15 | “持有”指個人、公司、合夥企業、協會、信託或其他實體或組織,包括政府或政治分支或其機構。 |
1.16 | “產品”指通過服務製造或由電芯生產的藥物物質、藥品或藥物物質或藥品的部分或衍生物。 |
1.17 | “規格「」代表測試列表,參考任何分析程序和適當的接受標準,這些標準是測試所描述的數值限制、範圍或其他標準,用於建立一組標準,以便產品在製造的任何階段應符合這些標準,從而被認爲是符合預期用途的,這些標準由客戶提供或經客戶書面批准,且客戶不時以書面形式修訂或補充。 |
2.1 | Work Orders. Provider shall provide the Services to Client pursuant to each Work Order that is entered into during the term of this Agreement. The preferred form of Work Order is provided in Exhibit A. Each Work Order will automatically incorporate the terms of this Agreement and be a separate and distinct agreement. If there is a contradiction between a provision of this Agreement and a Work Order, then the provision in this Agreement will take precedence unless the Work Order specifically states that it takes precedence over such named provision, in which case such precedence shall be limited in application to the Services under such Work Order. For clarity, this Agreement is non-exclusive in nature, and Client is not obligated to enter any Work Order in connection with this Agreement or to use any service or equipment provided by Provider. Client may enter into any agreement with any third party for any purpose, including to have such third party perform any activities that are identical or similar to activities contemplated to be or actually performed by Provider in connection with this Agreement or any Work Order. In addition, the Parties stipulate and agree that no human biological samples, human genetic information, or other sensitive personal data or information, including personal health data and human genomic data, or United States government-related data or information will be exchanged or made accessible between the Parties pursuant to this Agreement. |
2.2 | Manufacturing. Both Parties will comply with the manufacturing terms in Exhibit B. |
2.3 | Clinical Supply. As applicable, the Parties will comply with the clinical supply terms in Exhibit D. |
2.4 | MOU. The Parties will comply with the Memorandum of Understanding in Exhibit E (the “MOU”). In the event of any conflict between the terms and conditions of the MSA and the MOU with respect to the pricing or the availability or Services, the provisions of the MOU will control. |
2.5 | Affiliates |
(a) | Provider may delegate or subcontract the Services, or any part thereof, to an Affiliate of Provider listed on Exhibit C for the provision of Services described. If the Services are provided by an Affiliate, then references to Provider in this Agreement will be deemed to be references to the Affiliate with the necessary modifications. Provider shall be liable for the performance of the Affiliate to the same extent as if the performance was that of Provider. |
(b) | An Affiliate of a Party may enter into a Work Order instead of the Party. If a Work Order is entered into by an Affiliate, then references to the Party in this Agreement will be deemed to be references to the Affiliate with the necessary modifications. The Party shall be liable for the performance of the Affiliate to the same extent as if the performance was that of the Party. |
3. | 合同價格;付款 |
3.1 | 合同價格: 根據MOU的任何調整, 客戶應支付供應商根據適用的工作訂單提供的金額和方式支付的未爭議費用(“合同價格)。合同價格可按照 一筆總額等於125,895美元的現金支付 或者其他價格結構由雙方同意的方式收取。合同價格將包括[***]。 |
3.2 | 費用。 客戶應根據客戶批准、適用工作訂單描述或本協議描述的合理和經文檔支出,包括[***]條款。 |
3.3 | 里程碑。 如果工作訂單包括階段完成或其他里程碑的付款,則在達到該里程碑後,提供者應在[***]後通知客戶。客戶將被視爲同意已經達到里程碑,除非在收到此類通知後[***]內未向提供者發出異議。每個里程碑支付旨在反映相應服務的公平價值,且不依賴於任何其他里程碑,除非在工作訂單中另有規定。 |
3.4 | 付款。 客戶應在收到提供者指定帳戶的每份發票後[***]內通過電匯支付未爭議的金額。根據本協議和任何工作訂單進行的所有付款都將在[***]內進行。合同價格不包括客戶應支付的任何適用稅費(除了提供者的所得稅)和任何政府機關規定或授權的任何性質的其他費用。客戶可以扣減客戶爭議的任何支付[***],但前提是客戶在原始支付時間內通知提供者由於爭議而扣款,此時雙方將會會面解決爭議[***]。 |
3.5 | 無收回條款。 除非協議各方同意,根據本協議或適用工作訂單,合同價格和本協議以及任何適用工作訂單項下的其他支付不得 不可取消的 和 不可退還, 在服務未執行的情況下,提供方應退還任何款項 預付款項 支付違約。 |
3.6 | 付款違約。 在逾期未支付的不成爭議的金額(支付違約逾期付款將會產生[***]%的利息費用,自付款違約日起算。如果客戶收到付款違約通知後[***]內未糾正付款違約情況,則視爲適用工作訂單的不可彌補的重大違約,供應商可根據第11.3(b)條款終止工作訂單。 |
3.7 | 年度審查。 在[***],工作訂單的各方可提出合同價格的潛在調整,以反映定價因素的記錄更改,包括匯率波動、成本降低和效率提高、通貨膨脹或緊縮以及原材料價格變化。各方應協商[***],目的是確定工作訂單的相互接受的修正;前提是,當前合同價格的調整幅度不得高於以下兩者中較低者:(a)在前述日曆年內發生的通貨膨脹百分比(由適用於提供服務的國家的價格指數衡量)和(b)百分之五(5%)。 |
4. | 提供服務 |
4.1 | 規格。 提供商應在設施或其他同意的設施中提供所有服務 雙方,並符合適用工作單的規格。 |
4.2 | 資格。 提供商應確保提供服務的人員( ”人事”) (a) 具有適當的技能、培訓和經驗,並且 (b) 受本協議條款規定的保密義務的約束。 |
4.3 | 合規性。 提供商應根據適用法律和適用的商品提供服務 練習 (”GxP”)所有重要方面的指導方針。 |
4.4 | 現場 監控。 客戶代表可以,[***], 訪問提供服務的設施,並在訪問期間與適當的人員進行非正式磋商,以監控服務。代表將受適用於設施的規則的約束,[***] 禁止進入或只允許有限地進入設施內的某些區域。提供商可能會要求客戶或代表簽署協議,規範代表在訪問期間的行爲。客戶 應負責承擔與此類訪問有關的所有費用 [***],其所有人員必須遵守與本協定相同的保密級別。 |
4.5 | 監管檢查。 提供商將允許監管機構進行訪問和/或檢查 適用法律要求的任何國家,並將允許客戶或其代理人到場並參與該設施監管機構對設施的任何訪問或檢查(以任何方式與任何產品相關的範圍)或 製造過程。提供商將盡可能提前通知客戶任何此類訪問或檢查。提供商將向客戶提供經過編輯的(僅用於保護提供商其他客戶的機密信息)以及 刪除與客戶項目無關的內容)從該機構收到的與此類訪問或檢查有關的任何報告或其他書面信函的副本,以及從任何監管機構收到的任何書面通信的副本 與產品、設施(如果涉及或影響產品的開發和/或製造)或製造過程相關的機構,在收到後的 [***] 內,將與之協商,除非監管機構在法律上禁止 如果時間允許,當局在回覆每封此類通信之前應徵得客戶的批准。提供商將在提交後在 [***] 內向客戶提供其最終回覆的副本。[***] |
4.6 | Facility. Provider will not change the location of such Facility or use any additional facility for the performance of manufacturing Services under this Agreement without at least [***] prior written notice to, and prior written consent from, Client, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed (it being understood and agreed that Client may withhold consent pending satisfactory completion of a quality assurance audit and/or regulatory impact assessment of the new location or additional facility, as the case may be). Provider will maintain, [***], the Facility and all Equipment required for the Manufacture of Product in a state of repair and operating efficiency consistent with the requirements of cGMP (if applicable) and all Applicable Law. Provider will be responsible for performing all validation of the Facility, Equipment and cleaning and maintenance processes employed in the Manufacturing Process in accordance with cGMP (if applicable), Provider’s SOPs, the applicable Quality Agreement (if any), and Applicable Law. Provider will be responsible for obtaining, [***], any Facility or other licenses or permits, and any regulatory and government approvals necessary for the performance of Services by Provider under this Agreement. [***], Provider will provide Client with copies of all such approvals, and Client will have the right to use any and all information contained in such approvals in connection with regulatory approval and/or commercial development of Product. |
5.1 | Materials. Provider shall, [***], purchase all materials necessary for the Services (the “Materials”). If a Material is not commercially available, then Client may elect to (a) supply, [***], the Material to Provider; or (b) amend the applicable Work Order to permit the use of a commercially available substitute. Provider shall perform the market research and propose a list of vendors in compliance with Applicable Law and applicable GxP in all material respects, [***]. Provider shall take the inventory risk of the selected materials, such as the damages to pass through materials caused by improper storage or pollutions, [***]. |
5.2 | Client Materials. If a Material is to be supplied by Client (a “Client Material”), then Client shall provide the Client Material [***]and provide such information as may be required by Provider or Applicable Law concerning the stability, storage and safety requirements of the Client Material. Provider shall ensure that the Client Material will be (a) used solely for the purpose of providing the Services, (b) only distributed to Personnel on a need-to-know basis for the provision of the Services and (c) preserved and protected in a manner consistent with the specifications of the applicable Work Order and any relevant standard operating procedures or other instructions provided by Client. Client will at all times retain title to and ownership of the Client Materials, Product, any intermediates and components of Client Materials or Product, and any work in process at each and every stage of the Manufacturing Process. Provider will provide within the Facility an area or areas where the Client Materials, Product, any intermediates and components of Client Materials or Product, and any work in process are segregated and stored in accordance with the Specifications and cGMP (if applicable), and in such a way as to be able at all times during the period of the Agreement or applicable Work Order to clearly distinguish such materials from products and materials belonging to Provider, or held by it for a third party’s account. Provider will ensure that Client Materials (which are under Provider’s |
control), Product, any intermediates and components of Product, and any work in process are free and clear of any liens or encumbrances arising from disputes with any third party. Provider will at all times during the period of the Agreement or applicable Work Order take such measures as are required to protect the Client Materials, Product, any intermediates and components of any Client Materials or Product, and any work in process from loss, damage and theft at all stages of the Manufacturing Process. Client agrees that it is responsible to insure such items against theft, damage or loss and under no circumstances shall Provider be liable for loss or damage to any such items. The foregoing agreement does not limit the Provider’s liability for Client Materials’ (for clarity, such Client Materials should be specified in the applicable Work Orders) loss or damage solely resulting from Provider’s gross negligence or willful misconduct while the Services are being performed or while such Client Materials are in the Provider’s care. Provider will [***] notify Client if at any time it believes any Product or Client Materials, or any intermediates and components of any Client Materials or Product, or any work in process have been damaged, lost or stolen. |
5.3 | Unused Client Materials and Other Materials. Provider shall, [***], return, destroy or otherwise dispose of unused Client Materials [***] after the earlier of (a) completion of the Services for which the Client Materials were provided, (b) termination of the applicable Work Order, or (c) receipt of written instructions from Client pertaining to its disposition. Provider may dispose of other unused Materials at its sole discretion upon [***] prior written notice to Client, and Client may elect during the [***] period to have the Client Materials transferred to Client. |
6. | RECORDS |
6.1 | Storage for Records. All materials, data and documentation obtained or generated by Provider in the course of providing the Services, including all computerized records and files (“Records”), will be maintained in a secure area in accordance with industry standards and Applicable Law, [***]. While it is the Parties’ intent that Provider shall retain ownership of any Provider IP or Provider Confidential Information contained in the Records, the Records with exclusion of the Provider IP and Provider Confidential Information are the sole and exclusive property of Client and Client shall be able to use the Records, unencumbered, for purposes related to the Product. |
6.2 | Retention of Records. Upon termination of the applicable Work Order, Provider shall, at Client’s option, (a) destroy the Records, (b) deliver the Records to Client, or (c) retain the Records for [***] and then destroy the Records. If the Records are to be destroyed, then Provider shall give [***] notice to Client, and Client may elect during the [***] period to have the Records transferred to Client. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Records may be retained solely to the extent as required by Applicable Law or as otherwise necessary for regulatory or insurance purposes. |
6.3 | Storage for Product. All the Products shall be stored in Provider’s facilities for [***] free of Charge after Provider’s issuance of a Certificate of Compliance with 1) a Certificate of Analysis (if full lot release testing is performed by Provider) or 2) a Certificate of Testing (if Client requests only selected lot release testing to be performed by Provider), as applicable, and a monthly storage fee for Products shall be charged after the [***] period. Client agrees that the commercial value and/or cost of replacement or remanufacture of any Products provided to Provider for storage is a matter that, as between Client and Provider, is within the sole and exclusive knowledge of Client. Client agrees that it is responsible to insure such items against damage or loss and shall purchase appropriate insurance to cover its Products stored in Provider’s facilities. [***]. Transportation of Product by Provider on behalf of Client shall be made at the sole risk and expense of Client, notwithstanding the use of any INCOTERMS delivery term on any waybill or other documentation relating to the transportation. Provider shall not be liable for the actions or omission of any delivery services or carriers or freight forwarders. |
7.1 | Ownership |
(a) | Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, (i) Provider has no ownership rights in any Intellectual Property that is owned by Client, or licensed by any third party to Client, or any of its Affiliates, including Product, (“Client IP”) and (ii) Client has no ownership rights in any Intellectual Property that is owned by Provider, or licensed by any third party to Provider, or any of its Affiliates (“Provider IP”). |
(b) | Provider shall ensure that each of the Personnel vests in Provider, or its applicable Affiliate, any and all rights that such person(s) might otherwise have in the Intellectual Property created or developed in connection with the provision of the Services, and all Intellectual Property relating to such inventions (excluding moral rights) (“Project IP”). Improvements, modifications, and derivatives of Client IP constitute Project IP. Provider hereby assigns and shall assign (and require its Affiliates to assign) all rights, title and interests in Project IP to Client. Client will, [***], have sole control of filing and prosecuting applications for, and maintenance and enforcement of, patents for Project IP. Provider shall, [***], use [***] to assist Client to obtain, maintain, and enforce the Project IP. Client shall use [***] to [***] notify Provider of any patents granted for Project IP. Provider will be responsible for all payments to be made to Personnel of Provider and its Affiliates in accordance with any Applicable Law requiring remuneration for inventions. For the avoidance of doubt, Provider has no right to file, prosecute, maintain, protect, defend, or enforce Intellectual Property that covers any Product. |
(c) | Notwithstanding the foregoing, Intellectual Property created or developed in connection with the provision of the Services (i) that relates solely to Provider IP, (ii) that relates to experimental methods independent of Client IP and Project IP, or (iii) that relates to manufacturing processes generally, in each case without reliance or reference to Client IP or Project IP (collectively, “Manufacturing Improvements”), is Provider IP and not Project IP. |
7.2 | General Licenses |
(a) | Provider acknowledges and agrees that it does not acquire a license or any other right to Client IP except for the limited purpose of carrying out its duties and obligations under this Agreement and that such limited, non-exclusive, license will expire upon the completion of such duties and obligations or the termination or expiration of this Agreement, whichever is the first to occur. |
(b) | Provider hereby grants and shall ensure that each applicable Affiliate will grant and hereby does grant, to Client and its applicable Affiliates a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-transferable (except in the case of Section 14.2) and sublicensable (through multiple tiers) license to Client and its Affiliates to use Provider IP solely to develop, Manufacture, have Manufactured, distribute, offer for sale, sell, and otherwise dispose of Product. Provider may, at its discretion, grant to Client the right to use Manufacturing Improvements under mutually satisfactory terms to be negotiated. |
7.3 | Additional Licenses |
In the provision of any given Service under this Agreement, Provider may, prior to the provision of such Service, recommend to incorporate into the process or deliverables some specific Provider IP that would be useful to improve the applicable process or deliverable involved in such Service and that needs an additional license, but which is not necessary for the performance of such Service. With respect to any such Provider IP, Provider shall submit to Client a written list of such Provider IP, describing it in reasonable detail and how such Provider IP will improve the applicable process or deliverable. Within [***] of Client’s receipt of the information noted in the preceding sentence, Client will notify Provider of its decision as to whether to incorporate such Provider IP into the process or deliverables. Provider shall not incorporate such Provider IP into the process or deliverables without Client’s express written consent (which Client may withhold at its sole discretion) or if Provider does not have sufficient rights in such specific Provider IP to enable Client to exploit such Provider IP under any such additional license. For any specific Provider IP (a) included in the process or deliverables for which Provider has failed to notify Client, or (b) for which Client has not expressly consented to the inclusion thereof, Client’s rights to such Provider IP shall be the same as Client’s rights in the process or deliverables and such Provider IP will be licensed to Client as provided in Section 7.2(b). If Client agrees that some specific Provider IP may be incorporated in the process or deliverables for the purpose of improving such process or deliverable, as applicable, then both parties shall negotiate such additional license to such Provider IP [***].
8.1 | Mutual. Each Party represents and warrants that (a) it validly exists under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it was organized, (b) it has the full power, right and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations under this Agreement, (c) this Agreement once executed will constitute a legal, valid and binding agreement enforceable against it and (d) its performance of this Agreement will not conflict with any obligations it may have to any other person. |
8.2 | Infringement. Client represents and warrants that, to the best of its knowledge, the use of Client Intellectual Property and Client Materials in the performance of Services in accordance with this Agreement will not infringe the Intellectual Property rights of any third party. |
8.3 | Provider Representations and Warranties. Provider represents and warrants to Client that (i) neither it nor any of the Personnel involved in the Services has been debarred, or, to the best of its knowledge, is under consideration for debarment, by the United States Food and Drug Administration from working in or providing services to any pharmaceutical or biotechnology company pursuant to the Generic Drug Enforcement Act of 1992 or any other governmental authority pursuant to analogous laws; (ii) to the best of its knowledge, the Provider IP will not violate the intellectual property rights of any third party and it will [***] notify Client in writing should it become aware of any claims asserting such violation; and (iii) at the time of delivery to Client, the Product Manufactured under this Agreement will have been Manufactured in accordance with cGMP (if applicable) and all other Applicable Law, the Manufacturing Process, the applicable Quality Agreement, and Specifications. |
8.4 | Compliance with Law. Each Party represents and warrants that it shall, and shall ensure that each of its Affiliate will, comply with all Applicable Law in connection with performance of this Agreement and any Work Orders. Each Party shall [***] notify the other Party upon becoming aware of a breach of this Section. Breach of this Section with respect to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or any other applicable anti-bribery law will be deemed an incurable material breach for purposes of Section 11.3(b). |
9.1 | Third Party Claims Against Client. Provider shall defend, indemnify and hold Client and its Affiliates and its directors, officers, employees, agents and consultants and legal, financial, accounting and other advisors (“Related Persons”) harmless from and against any and all liabilities and damages (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) (“Losses”) resulting from any third party claims, demands, suits or proceedings (“Claims”) to the extent arising out of or relating to (a) its performance of the Services, (b) a material breach of this Agreement by Provider, (c) a material violation of Applicable Law by Provider or any of its Related Persons, or (d) the gross negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of Provider or any of its Related Persons during the course of activities carried out in connection with this Agreement (except to the extent that such Losses are within the scope of the indemnification obligation of Client under Section 9.2). The indemnification obligations set forth in this Section 9.1 do not apply to the extent that the Loss arises in whole or in part from the gross negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of Client or any of its Related Persons or Client’s material breach of this Agreement. |
9.2 | Third Party Claims Against Provider. Client shall defend, indemnify and hold Provider and its Related Persons harmless from and against any and all Losses resulting from any Claims to the extent arising out of or relating to (a) Client’s use of Project IP or deliverables produced in accordance with this Agreement and the written instructions of Client that were provided or produced under a Work Order (including use of any license under Provider IP), or Provider’s appropriate or proper use of Client Materials or Client IP provided by Client for use in the Services or due to compliance to any written instructions provided by Client for use in the Services; (b) a material breach of this Agreement by Client, (c) a material violation of Applicable Law by Client or any of its Related Persons, (d) the gross negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of Client or any of its Related Persons during the course of activities carried out in connection with this Agreement, or (e) development or manufacture, use, handling, storage, or other disposition of Products by or on behalf of Client or any of its Affiliates, sublicensees, agents or contractors (except by Provider), including Claims and threatened Claims based on product liability, bodily injury, risk of bodily injury, death or property damage or the failure to comply with any Applicable Law; except to the extent that such Losses are within the scope of the indemnification obligation of Provider under Section 9.1. The indemnification obligations set forth in this Section 9.2 do not apply to the extent that the Loss arises in whole or in part from the negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of Provider or any of its Related Persons, or Provider’s material breach of this Agreement. |
9.3 | Intellectual Property Claims. Client shall defend, indemnify and hold Provider and its Related Persons harmless from and against Losses resulting from Claims to the extent arising out of or related to infringement of any third party Intellectual Property rights in connection with the Services or the Product and where the infringement would not have occurred but for Provider’s reliance upon Client’s written requirements, specifications and Client IP. To the extent Claims that are based on Provider IP independent of the Services or Product under this Agreement or Provider’s breach of this Agreement, Client shall not be required to defend, indemnify, and hold Provider and its Related Persons harmless from those Losses. Provider shall defend, indemnify and hold Client and its Related Persons harmless from and against Losses resulting from Claims to the extent arising out of or related to infringement of any Intellectual Property rights related to the Services and that are based on Provider IP. |
9.4 | Defense. Each Party shall notify the other Party within [***] upon learning of a Claim that is subject to indemnification pursuant to Sections 9.1, 9.2, or 9.3 (but failure to notify shall not relieve the indemnifying Party of its indemnification obligations unless such failure materially prejudices its ability to defend the claim). The indemnifying Party shall control, [***], the defense of the Claim [***] with counsel of its choice. The indemnified Party shall use [***] to cooperate in the defense at the indemnifying Party’s request and expense, and may participate in the Claim [***] using its own counsel. No compromise or settlement of any Claim may be made by the indemnifying Party without the indemnified Party’s written consent; provided that, if a settlement contains an absolute waiver of liability for the indemnified party, and each party has acted in compliance with the requirements of this Section 9.4, then the indemnified party’s consent will be deemed given. |
9.5 | Limitations on Liability |
(b) | [***]. |
9.6 | Insurance. Each Party shall ensure that insurance coverage is carried and maintained with a financially sound and reputable insurer against loss from such risks and in such amounts as is sufficient to support its obligations under this Agreement. Each Party shall provide a copy of the applicable insurance policy if requested by the other Party. |
10.1 | Confidentiality. During the term of this Agreement and for [***] thereafter (other than with respect to trade secrets, which shall remain confidential for so long as they are protected under Applicable Law), the Receiving Party shall, and shall ensure that it, its Affiliates, and its Related Persons will, (a) maintain the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party in confidence, (b) not use the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party other than solely in connection with this Agreement and (c) not disclose the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party to any third party other than (i) those of its Related Persons that have a need to know the Confidential Information in connection with the Services and are obligated to maintain the Confidential Information in confidence on terms at least as strict as those contained herein, and (ii) notify the Disclosing Party of any unauthorized disclosure of its Confidential Information [***] upon becoming aware of such disclosure. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Client may disclose the existence of this Agreement and Confidential Information of Provider confidentially in connection with a potential financing or acquisition or collaboration, provided, however, Client shall be liable for the acts and consequences of such disclosure. |
10.2 | Return of Confidential Information. Upon termination of this Agreement, and if requested in writing by the Disclosing Party within [***] thereafter, the Receiving Party shall cause all Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party to be [***] destroyed or returned to the Disclosing Party; provided, however, that the Receiving Party may, subject to its obligations of confidentiality hereunder, retain (a) a single secure copy of any Confidential Information for legal archival purposes, and (b) electronic back-up files that have been created by routine archiving and back-up procedures need not be deleted. |
10.3 | Publicity. Each Party shall not, and shall ensure that its Related Persons will not, use the name, symbols or marks of the other Party or any of its Affiliates in any advertising or publicity material or make any form of representation or statement that would constitute an express or implied endorsement by the other Party or any of its Affiliates of any commercial product or service, without the other Party’s or Affiliate’s prior written consent. |
10.4 | Audits. Provider and its Affiliates may have in the past provided, and may currently or in the future provide, services to other customers that are similar to the Services. Provider is absolutely committed to protecting Client’s Confidential Information and Intellectual Property, and shall not use such Confidential Information or Intellectual Property for the benefit of any person other than Client. In order to protect the Confidential Information of Client and the confidential information of other customers, Provider shall use [***] to ensure that other customers do not seek the disclosure of Confidential Information of Client, and Client hereby agrees it shall not seek the disclosure of confidential information of other customers of Provider. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Client wishes to conduct an audit that relates to services provided to another customer for purposes of confirming that Client’s Intellectual Property is adequately protected, then Provider shall use [***] to seek the other customer’s approval to waive confidentiality obligations to the extent necessary to allow Client to conduct the audit in a manner that does not involve disclosure of the other customer’s confidential information to Client. If another customer wishes to conduct an audit that relates to the Services for purposes of confirming that the other customer’s Intellectual Property is adequately protected, then Client shall discuss whether to waive Provider’s confidentiality obligations to Client to the extent necessary to allow the other customer to conduct the audit in a manner that does not involve disclosure of Client’s Confidential Information to the other customer. Such audits may involve an independent auditor designated by Provider and paid for by the person seeking the audit. |
11.1 | Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement commences on the Effective Date and, unless earlier terminated pursuant to this Section 11, will expire on the later of (a) five (5) years from the Effective Date; or (b) the completion of Services under all Work Orders executed by the parties prior to the fifth anniversary of the Effective Date. The term of this Agreement may be extended by Client continuously for additional [***] periods upon written notice to Provider at least [***] prior to the expiration of the then-current term. |
11.2 | Termination by Client. Client will have the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate this Agreement or any Work Order (a) for convenience upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Provider or (b) immediately upon written notice if Provider fails to obtain or maintain any material governmental licenses or approvals required in connection with the Services. Client shall pay off Provider for the Services rendered and the non-cancellable obligations occurred prior to the termination date; provided that Provider will use good faith efforts to mitigate such non-cancellable obligations if applicable. |
11.3 | Work Orders. Work Orders are subject to the terms of this Agreement and are not affected by the termination of this Agreement unless such Work Order is terminated together with the Agreement. The term of each Work Order commences on the date indicated in the Work Order and will, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement, terminate upon completion of the Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either Party may terminate a Work Order: |
(a) | at any time with six (6) months’ advance notice to the other Party, provided, however, Provider shall provide sufficient evidence to prove that there is reasonable cause to terminate the Work Order and discuss with Client in good faith prior to the termination; provided further, if Provider terminates a Work Order pursuant to this clause 11.3(a), then no termination or cancellation fees shall be paid by Client and Provider shall continue to provide Services for the irrelative Work Orders; or |
(b) | immediately upon notice to the other Party if |
(i) | a material breach of the Work Order by the other Party remains uncured thirty (30) days after notice of the material breach was received by such other Party; or |
(ii) | the other party files a petition in bankruptcy, or enters into an agreement with its creditors, or applies for or consents to the appointment of a receiver or trustee, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or becomes subject to involuntary proceedings under any bankruptcy or insolvency law (which proceedings remain undismissed for sixty (60) days); or |
(iii) | a Force Majeure Event occurs that will, or continues to, prevent performance (in whole or substantial part) of this Agreement or any pending Work Order by the other party for a period of at least ninety (90) days. In the case of a Force Majeure Event relating solely to a pending Work Order, the right to terminate will be limited to such Work Order. |
11.4 | Termination for Legal Reason. If any applicable law (including any Applicable Law), rule, regulation, guideline, or order in effect and as amended from time-to-time or any potential change in or new applicable law, rule, regulation, guideline, or order (including H.R.8333 or S.3558 (known as the BIOSECURE Act)) (any such law, rule, regulation, guideline, or order, new or existing, or any change or potential change to any of the foregoing, an “Interfering Law”) would or could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, then Client will have the right to terminate this Agreement and any and all Work Orders immediately by providing written notice to Provider describing the Interfering Law and the Material Adverse Effect such Interfering Law would or could reasonably be expected to have and explaining why such Interfering Law has caused Client to need to terminate this Agreement or any Work Order in order to avoid or mitigate such Material Adverse Effect. |
11.5 | Technology Transfer. Without limiting any of Client’s technology transfer rights or Provider’s technology transfer obligations under that certain Amended & Restated Cell Line License Agreement between Client and Provider executed in October 2024 upon Client’s prior written request and with [***] notice to Provider, (whether during the Term of this Agreement or upon termination of this Agreement or any Work Order), Provider shall [***] to, disclose, make available, and conduct a full transfer to Client or any of its Affiliates or any third party (as directed by Client), all materials and information, including Provider IP, (in each case, owned or controlled by Provider or any of its Affiliates) (a) with respect to tangible materials, as reasonably requested by Client and (b) that are necessary or reasonably useful for Client and such Affiliates and third parties to Manufacture and otherwise Exploit the Product (“Technology Transfer”). The Parties shall [***] agree to a schedule and plan for such Technology Transfer and will use [***] to conduct and complete the Technology Transfer in accordance with such plan and schedule. Provider will provide reasonable assistance to enable Client, its Affiliates, or such third party manufacturer to manufacture Product, provided, however, it is the third party manufacturer’s responsibility to manufacture such Product after the transfer, and Provider will not be responsible for the third party manufacturer’s success or failure to manufacture any Products. Initiation of such technology transfer will be determined by Client. Provider will be compensated for such Technology Transfer activities by Client (as well as for any Services rendered), as mutually agreed by the Parties in writing, (i) on an hourly rate basis or (ii) by payment of a non-creditable, non-refundable lump-sum payment. Provider will provide reasonably requested ongoing technical support and assistance if requested by Client with such support and assistance reimbursed on a reasonable time, materials and hourly rate basis. The electronic portion of any Technology Transfer (i.e., the transfer of intangible intellectual property, documents, records, etc. necessary to effectively transfer the Manufacturing Process) requested due to termination of this Agreement due to an Interfering Law pursuant to Section 11.4 (x) will be provided by Provider [***] and (y) will include [***] non-chargeable hours of Provider consultation to Client, valid [***] from the date of signature of the Technology Transfer agreement; provided that, regardless of the reason that the Technology Transfer is requested, Client shall be responsible for all reasonable and documented third-party shipping costs associated with shipment of any tangible materials (e.g., cell banks, reference standards, etc.) which will be passed through to Client at cost. For clarity, Provider will complete any additional consultation or other “non-electronic” work required to effect the subject Technology Transfer at rates agreed [***] by the Parties. |
11.6 | Survival. Upon termination of this Agreement or a Work Order, all outstanding rights and obligations between the Parties arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the Work Order, as the case may be, will [***] terminate, other than any obligations that (a) matured prior to the effective date of the termination or (b) by its nature are intended to survive, including Sections 2.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 6.1, 6.2, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7 and Articles 1, 7-10, 12 and 14. Provider will, upon receipt of a termination notice from Client, [***] cease performance of the applicable Services and will take all reasonable steps to mitigate the out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection therewith. Within [***] after the close-out of a Work Order, Provider will provide to Client a written itemized statement of all work performed by it in connection with the terminated Work Order, an itemized breakdown of the payments associated with that work, and a final invoice for that Work Order. If Client has pre-paid to Provider more than the amount in a final invoice then Provider agrees to [***] refund that money to Client, or to credit the excess payment toward another existing or future Work Order, at the election of Client. |
11.7 | Termination Fee. |
If a Work Order is terminated early by Client under Section 11.2, 11.3 or 11.4, then Client shall pay Provider for the Services rendered in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and all non-cancelable obligations in connection with the Services to the extent specified in the applicable Work Order; provided that Provider will use good faith efforts to mitigate such non-cancellable obligations. At Client’s request, Provider will deliver to Client or Client’s designee any applicable materials that Client has paid for pursuant to this paragraph.
(a) | If non-manufacturing Services, as specified in the applicable Work Order, are terminated by Provider due to Client’s material breach pursuant to Section 11.3(b), then Provider may charge Client a termination fee equal to [***] of the remaining value of such non-manufacturing Services within the Work Order as liquidated damages in connection with the redeployment of reserved Personnel and administrative overhead and costs. |
(b) | If manufacturing Services are terminated by Provider due to Client’s material uncured breach or at Client’s request, Client may be charged cancellation fees as specified in Section 12; If manufacturing Services (manufacturing run(s) including non-GMP manufacturing, GMP manufacturing, and engineering run) are terminated by Provider due to a Client request to cancel or due to a termination of the applicable Work Order by Provider because of Client’s uncured material breach pursuant to Section 11.3(b), Client shall be charged cancellation fees as specified in Section 12 below. If Client requests to 1) postpone or reschedule, or |
2) materially change the production scale or batch size of, a manufacturing run originally scheduled under an executed Work Order and/or this Agreement, the same cancellation terms in Section 12 will apply, provided that no cancellation fees will be charged in where such termination results from Provider’s breach of this Agreement, or its negligence or willful misconduct. |
12.1 | Cancellation of non-GMP Drug Substance Manufacturing. If a notice to cancel a non-GMP drug substance manufacturing batch in an executed Work Order and/or this Agreement is received, Provider will use [***] to find an alternative customer or project to fill the manufacturing slot and reallocate raw materials purchased by Provider under the applicable Work Order for such non-GMP batch. In the case where no alternative customer or project can be identified to fill the slot(s) or use such raw materials, charges for cancelling the related work under this Agreement (“Cancellation Charge(s)”) will be applied based on the following, unless the termination is pursuant to Section 11.4 (Termination for Legal Reason) or as a result of Provider’s material breach of this Agreement, in which case no Cancellation Charge(s) will be applied: |
(a) | [***] except the cost of raw materials purchased by Provider under the applicable Work Order for such non-GMP batch, if the cancellation notice is received [***] before the scheduled vial thaw; |
(b) | [***] of a non-GMP manufacturing batch fee plus the cost of raw materials purchased by Provider under the applicable Work Order for such non-GMP batch, if the cancellation notice is received [***] before the scheduled vial thaw; |
(c) | [***] of a non-GMP manufacturing batch fee plus the cost of raw materials purchased by Provider under the applicable Work Order for such non-GMP batch, if the cancellation notice is received [***] before the scheduled vial thaw; |
(d) | [***] of a non-GMP manufacturing batch fee plus the cost of raw materials purchased by Provider under the applicable Work Order for such non-GMP batch, if the cancellation notice is received [***] prior to the scheduled vial thaw. |
(e) | [***] of a non-GMP manufacturing batch fee plus the cost of raw materials purchased by Provider under the applicable Work Order for such non-GMP batch, if the cancellation notice is received [***]; and |
(f) | [***] of a non-GMP batch fee plus the cost of raw materials purchased by Provider under the applicable Work Order for such non-GMP batch, if the cancellation notice is received [***]. |
12.2 | Cancellations for Drug Substance cGMP Manufacturing Run or Engineering Run. If a notice to cancel a drug substance cGMP manufacturing run or an engineering run in an executed Work Order and/or this Agreement (as the case may be) is received, Provider will use [***] to find an alternative customer or project (but excluding any project under existing contract with Provider) for the manufacturing slot and reallocate raw materials purchased by Provider under the applicable Work Order for purposes of such cGMP manufacturing run or engineering run. In the case where no alternative customer or project can be identified to fill the slot(s) or use such raw materials, Cancellation Charge(s) will be applied based on the following, unless the termination is pursuant to Section 11.4 (Termination for Legal Reason) or as a result of Provider’s material breach of this Agreement, in which case no Cancellation Charge(s) will be applied: |
(a) | [***] except the cost of raw materials purchased by Provider under the applicable Work Order for purposes of such cGMP manufacturing run or engineering run, if the cancellation notice is received [***] before the scheduled vial thaw; |
(b) | [***] of the cGMP manufacturing run or engineering run batch fee plus the cost of raw materials purchased by Provider under the applicable Work Order for purposes of such cGMP manufacturing run or engineering run, if the cancellation notice is received [***] before the scheduled vial thaw; |
(c) | [***] of the cGMP manufacturing run or engineering run batch fee plus the cost of raw materials purchased by Provider under the applicable Work Order for purposes of such cGMP manufacturing run or engineering run, if the cancellation notice is received [***] before the scheduled vial thaw or anytime thereafter. |
12.3 | Cancellation for Drug Product cGMP Manufacturing Run or Engineering Run. If a notice to cancel a cGMP drug product manufacturing run or an engineering run in an executed Work Order and/or this Agreement (as the case may be) is received, Provider will use [***] to find an alternative customer or project (but excluding any project under existing contract with Provider) to fill the manufacturing slot(s). In the case where no alternative customer or project can be identified to fill the slot(s), Cancellation Charge(s) will be applied based on the following, unless the termination is pursuant to Section 11.4 (Termination for Legal Reason) or as a result of Provider’s material breach of this Agreement, in which case no Cancellation Charge(s) will be applied: |
(a) | [***], except the cost of raw materials purchased by Provider under the applicable Work Order for purposes of such cGMP manufacturing run or engineering run, if the cancellation notice is received [***] before the scheduled manufacturing run; |
(b) | [***] of the cGMP manufacturing run or engineering run batch fee plus the cost of raw materials purchased by Provider under the applicable Work Order for purposes of such cGMP manufacturing run or engineering run, if the cancellation notice is received [***] before the scheduled manufacturing run; |
(c) | [***] of the cGMP manufacturing run or engineering run batch fee plus the cost of raw materials purchased by Provider under the applicable Work Order for purposes of such cGMP manufacturing run or engineering run, if the cancellation notice is received [***] before the scheduled manufacturing run or anytime thereafter. |
13. | SHIPPING |
13.1 | All materials to be provided by Provider to Client will be delivered FCA (carrier named by Client) (Incoterms 2020), including Product and other deliverables produced under a Work Order, returned Client Materials, returned Records and returned Confidential Information. For the avoidance of doubt, FCA (carrier named by Client) means Provider is responsible for handing over the materials, cleared for export, to a carrier named by Client. Client assumes risk at hand over and pays all costs as specified in Incoterms 2020. |
13.2 | All materials to be provided by Client to Provider will be delivered DDP (site designated by Provider) (Incoterms 2020), including Client Materials. For the avoidance of doubt, DDP (site designated by Provider) means Client is responsible for delivery to and unloading at the site designated by Provider and pays all costs including import duties and taxes. |
14.1 | Force Majeure. “Force Majeure” means and includes such circumstances or occurrences which are beyond the reasonable control of the Party that materially prevent such Party from performing any of such Party’s obligations under this Agreement (other than the payment of money), and that are not caused by the Party’s negligence, which may include, but not limited to, acts of God; pandemic(such as Covid-19), strikes and labour problems affecting an entire industry or region; lightning, fire, flood, washout, storm, or other actions of the elements; government actions, including embargos, sanctions, prohibitions; and war, civil disturbances or other imposition of sanctions by a governmental authority with jurisdiction over a Party. Neither Party shall be liable for non-fulfilment of its obligations or in breach under this Agreement if such non-fulfilment is due to Force Majeure for the duration of such Force Majeure. Each Party shall use [***] to mitigate adverse consequences in the event of such Force Majeure. A Party that is prevented from performing any of its obligations due to Force Majeure will [***] give notice to the other Party of the event and the obligations as to which performance is prevented or delayed. If a Force Majeure situation continues for more than [***], the unaffected Party may terminate any affected Work Order upon notice to the affected Party, without penalty or liability (including without limitation penalties described in Section 12). |
14.2 | Assignment; Novation. This Agreement may not be assigned by a Party without the prior written consent of the other Party; provided, however, that (i) a Party may assign this Agreement to any of its Affiliates with net worth or insurance commensurate with such Party’s obligations and sufficient capacity and personnel, without such consent, but with notice to the other Party; and (ii) Client may, without Provider’s consent, assign this Agreement (a) to a third party in connection with the transfer or sale of all or substantially all of its assets or the line of business or Product to which this Agreement relates; (b) to a |
successor entity or acquirer in the event of a merger, consolidation or change of control. Any purported assignment in violation of this Section is void. This Agreement binds the Parties’ successors and assigns. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, upon written notice from Client that Client has executed an exclusive license as to all or substantially all of the Client’s assets or Product to which one or more Work Orders relates, Provider shall, and hereby does (and Client, by providing such notice, also shall, and hereby does): (i) novate this Agreement and the applicable Work Orders to the Client’s exclusive licensee, on a form of novation agreement provided by Client and reasonably accepted by Provider (which acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed) at the time of such novation; and (ii) enter into a new agreement that is an exact copy of this Agreement and includes only those Work Orders that are not subject to the novation in clause (i). |
14.3 | Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other formal or legal communications required under this Agreement must be in writing and will be deemed to have been given or made and sufficient in all respects when delivered by reputable international courier to the following addresses: |
To Client:
Spyre Therapeutics, Inc.
221 Crescent Street, Building 23, Suite 105, Waltham, MA 02453
Attn: [***]
Tel.: [***]
Email: [***]
To Provider:
WuXi Biologics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Area 301-A, Building No.2, 299 Fute Zhong Road
China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
Shanghai, China 200131
Attn: [***]
Email: [***]
14.4 | Independent Contractor. The Parties are independent contractors, and nothing contained in this Agreement may be deemed or construed to create a partnership, joint venture, employment, franchise, agency, fiduciary or other relationship between the Parties. |
14.5 | Non-Solicitation. During the term of this Agreement and for [***] thereafter, Client shall not directly or indirectly induce or solicit (or authorize or assist in the taking of any such actions by any third party) any employee or consultant of Provider or any of its Affiliates that have provided Services under this Agreement to leave his or her employment or business association. Hiring advertisements and efforts not directed at a particular individual do not constitute a solicitation in violation of this Section 14.5. |
14.6 | Governing Law. The laws of the State of New York, USA, without regard to any choice of law principle that would require the application of the law of another jurisdiction, govern all matters relating to this Agreement and the enforcement thereof. The parties expressly reject any application to this Agreement of (a) the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods; and (b) the 1974 Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods, as amended by that certain Protocol, done at Vienna on April 11, 1980. |
14.7 | Arbitration. The Parties shall engage in [***] consultation to resolve any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement. Such consultation will begin [***] after one Party has delivered to the other Party a request for consultation. If the dispute cannot be resolved within [***] following the date on which the request for consultation is delivered, then either Party may submit the dispute to the JAMS International Arbitration Rules (“Arbitration”). The Arbitration tribunal will consist of three arbitrators. Within [***] after the commencement of the Arbitration, each Party shall select one person to act as arbitrator, each of whom must be a practicing or retired attorney or judge having at least [***] of litigation experience within the biopharmaceutical industry. The two arbitrators so selected shall select the chair within [***] of the commencement of the Arbitration, whom must a practicing or retired attorney or judge having at least [***] of litigation experience within the biopharmaceutical industry. If the arbitrators selected by the Parties are unable or fail to agree upon the third arbitrator within the allotted time, the third arbitrator shall be appointed by JAMS in accordance with the JAMS International Arbitration Rules. All arbitrators shall serve as neutral, independent and impartial arbitrators. The Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the expedited procedures set forth in the JAMS International Arbitration Rules. The place of arbitration will be New York City. The official language of the arbitration will be English. The arbitration proceedings will be confidential, and the arbitrator may issue appropriate protective orders to safeguard each Party’s Confidential Information. During the course of arbitration, the Parties shall continue to implement the terms of this Agreement including all Work Orders then in effect. The arbitral award will be final and binding upon the Parties, and the Party to the award may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for enforcement of the award. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Party has the right to institute an action in a court of proper jurisdiction for injunctive or other equitable relief pending a final decision by the arbitrator. |
14.8 | Entire Agreement; Non-Reliance. This Agreement, together with each Work Order, contains the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. Prior agreements are hereby superseded. For the avoidance of doubt, prior confidentiality obligations are superseded to the extent that they cover Confidential Information. Each Party disclaims that it is relying on any representations or warranties other than those set forth in this Agreement. |
14.9 | Amendment and Restatement of Original Agreement. The Parties agree that, as of the Effective Date, the Original Agreement is hereby amended and restated. As of the Effective Date, terms of the Original Agreement are no longer in force or effect and are hereby superseded and replaced by the terms of this Agreement. For clarity, all Work Orders executed prior to the Effective Date will remain in full force and effect, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. |
14.10 | Amendment. No modification or waiver of any term of this Agreement or any other form of amendment to this Agreement will be binding unless made expressly in writing and signed by both Parties. |
14.11 | No Third Party Beneficiaries. The provisions of this Agreement are for the sole benefit of the Parties. |
14.12 | Waiver. The waiver by either Party of any breach of any term of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any other breach of the same or any other term. Failure or delay on the part of either Party to fully exercise any right under this Agreement will not constitute a waiver or otherwise affect in any way the same or any other right. |
14.13 | Severability. If any provision in this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, then (a) the provision will be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision that achieves as far as possible the intention of the Parties and (b) all other provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect as if the original agreement had been executed without the invalidated, illegal or unenforceable provision. |
14.14 | Independent Counsel. Each Party has had the opportunity to consult independent counsel, and as such, this Agreement will not be construed to have been drafted by one Party or the other but will be construed as having been jointly drafted when interpreting its provisions. |
14.15 | Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all of which together constitute one and the same instrument. Executed counterparts may be exchanged by facsimile or e-mail in PDF or similar electronic format. |
[Signature page follows]
Thus, this Agreement is effective as of the latest date set forth below.
WuXi Biologics (Hong Kong) Limited | Spyre Therapeutics, Inc. | |||||||
By: | /s/ Chris Chen | By: | /s/ Cameron Turtle | |||||
Name: | Chris Chen | Name: | Cameron Turtle | |||||
Title: | CEO | Title: | Chief Executive Officer | |||||
Date: | October 13, 2024 | Date: | October 14, 2024 |
Exhibit A—Form of Work Order
This work order is dated [•] and is between Spyre Therapeutics, Inc. (“Client”) and [WuXi Biologics (Hong Kong) Limited] (“Provider”).
The terms of the Biologics Master Services Agreement between Spyre Therapeutics, Inc. and WuXi Biologics (Hong Kong) Limited, dated [•] (the “Master Services Agreement”), are hereby incorporated by reference into this Work Order. Any modifications to the Master Services Agreement will be deemed to be references to this Work Order automatically. Each capitalized term used but not defined in this Work Order has the meaning given in the Master Services Agreement.
In the event that any Services set forth in this Work Order are for Clinical Supply Services, the terms set forth in Exhibit D of the Master Services Agreement shall apply to this Work Order.
1.1 | Title |
[Project title]
1.2 | Description |
[Description of the Services including deliverables and specifications]
1.3 | Tasks and Timeframe. Provider shall complete the Services in accordance with the following schedule: |
Task |
Completion Date | |||
1 | ||||
2 | ||||
3 | ||||
4 |
1.4 | Client Materials |
[Description of the Client Materials to be provided by Client to Provider that are necessary to perform the Services]
1.5 | Reporting and Transfer of Data and Results |
[Description of how data and results should be reported and transferred to Client, including electronic protocols for secure transmission of data and instructions for physical handling and shipping of materials if chemicals are being synthesized or other materials are to be transferred to Client]
1.6 | Additional Requirements |
[Any additional requirements such as additional obligations of the parties that do not appropriately fit into the task list and special handling of materials]
2.1 | General Terms. Expenses, milestones, payment and default and other general terms are provided in Section 3 of the Master Services Agreement. |
2.2 | Contract Price and Upfront Payment. The Contract Price will be USD [•]. On signing of this Work Order, Client shall pay Provider [•] % of the Contract Price as a non-refundable upfront payment. |
2.3 | Milestones. The table below lists milestones and related information. |
Milestone |
Deliverable | Milestone Payment | ||||
1 |
[Description including work required, criteria for achievement and timeline] |
[•] | [•] | |||
2 |
[•] | [•] | [•] |
2.4 | Payment Instructions. Unless an invoice provides otherwise, Client shall pay the invoice in USD by wire transfer to the account listed below (as may be amended from time to time): |
[***] |
[ | ***] | ||||||||||||||||||
[***] |
[ | ***] | ||||||||||||||||||
[***] |
[ | ***] | ||||||||||||||||||
[***] |
[ | ***] | ||||||||||||||||||
[***] |
[ | ***] | [ | ***] | [ | ***] | ||||||||||||||
[***] |
[ | ***] | [ | ***] | [ | ***] | [ | ***] | [ | ***] |
If any applicable law, rule, or regulation (including any Applicable Law) prohibits or prevents Client from transferring, or having transferred on its behalf, payments owed to Provider hereunder, then Client will [***] notify Provider of the conditions preventing such transfer and such payments will be deposited in a recognized banking institution designated by Provider.
3.1 | Technical Communications. All technical communications required under this Work Order are to be sent via reputable international courier or email and addressed as follows: |
If to Client: | If to Provider: | |
[•] | [•] | |
[•] | [•] | |
[•] | [•] | |
Attn: [•] | Attn: [•] | |
Tel.: [•] | Tel.: [•] | |
Email: [•] | Email: [•] |
Thus, this Work Order is executed on the date stated in the introductory clause.
Spyre Therapeutics, Inc. | WuXi Biologics (Hong Kong) Limited | |||||||
By: | By: | |||||||
Name: | Name: | |||||||
Title: | Title: |
Exhibit B—Manufacturing
Exhibit C: Affiliates of Provider
Exhibit D – Clinical Supply Terms
AND WUXI BIOLOGICS (Hong Kong) Limited
WHEREAS, WuXi Biologics (Hong Kong) Limited (“WuXi Biologics”) provides a comprehensive, integrated range of services for the discovery, development, and manufacturing of biologics;
WHEREAS, Spyre Therapeutics, Inc. a Delaware corporation with principal offices located at 221 Crescent Street, Building 23, Suite 105, Waltham, MA 0245 (“Spyre”) discovers and develops biologics therapeutics;
WHEREAS, Spyre and WuXi Biologics are parties to the Amended and Restated Biologics Master Services Agreement executed in October 2024 (each of Spyre and WuXi Biologics being a “Party,” and collectively the “Parties”) (“MSA”);
WHEREAS, from time-to-time the Parties may contract under the MSA for WuXi Biologics to provide certain services as described in a Work Order (as defined in the MSA) for Products (as defined in the MSA) (“Product”);
WHEREAS, Spyre and WuXi Biologics desire that this Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) memorialize certain terms that will be applicable to Work Orders between WuXi Biologics or its affiliates and Spyre with respect to Products; and
WHEREAS, WuXi Biologics desires to provide a discount on its Services (as defined below) to Spyre and provide Spyre with priority in access to [***];
IN CONSIDERATION THEREOF, THE PARTIES do hereby agree as follows:
1. | The Parties agree and understand that the projects that are eligible for the Discount are those projects where services are to be provided by WuXi Biologics or its affiliates under the MSA or any Work Order, including one or more of the following: [***] (“Services”). |
2. | As acknowledgment of both the working relationship between the Parties and satisfaction of the level of service provided by WuXi Biologics to date, during the term of the MSA, Spyre will in good faith consider engaging WuXi Biologics to provide Services for future programs. This good faith consideration does not constitute any type of assurance or commitment from Spyre that it shall engage WuXi Biologics with respect to any specific Services or level of Services, but indicates that Spyre will continue to consider WuXi Biologics for Services for additional projects in good faith. Unless earlier terminated by Spyre in its sole discretion, this good faith consideration by Spyre will continue until the earlier of five (5) years from the date of the last Party to sign below or the termination or expiration of the MSA. The foregoing is subject to: (i) WuXi Biologics’ ability to provide |
Services for each Product in accordance with agreed-upon specifications, in the quantities, and on the timeframes reasonably requested by Spyre; (ii) Spyre’s right to engage a backup supplier using either its own future development and manufacturing resources or a third party’s development and manufacturing resources, (iii) WuXi Biologics’ ability to provide Services at a competitive overall cost; and (iv) WuXi Biologics’ and its affiliates continued performance under the MSA and executed Work Orders. |
3. | WuXi Biologics agrees to and shall provide the following discount (“Discount”) [***]to Spyre: [***]% off the prices on [***] charges under the MSA. |
4. | Notwithstanding the foregoing Section 3, the Discount (a) shall not be applicable to (i) [***] and (ii) [***] and (b) [***]. Further, the Parties agree that [***] are excluded from the Discount. |
5. | WuXi Biologics agrees to and shall provide Spyre priority in lead time (“Priority Lead Time”) [***]. Priority Lead Time shall mean that, as soon as it is able, but in any event, within [***] of executing any Work Order under the MSA, WuXi Biologics or its applicable affiliate will start working on the Spyre’s Work Order. WuXi Biologics agrees to provide (a) preferential access [***], and, following batch failure, when a re-supply run is required and (b) information regarding the availability of manufacturing slots as reasonably requested by Spyre in connection with any executed Work Order or potential Work Order that is subject to active negotiations between the Parties. |