EX-99.1 2 ex991.htm NEWS RELEASE DATED OCTOBER 10, 2024




orla mining提供2024年第三季度運營結果,並努力實現創紀錄的年產量

Camino Rojo創紀錄地交付了43788盎司的季度黃金產量

溫哥華,BC,2024年10月10日/CNW/ - orla mining 有限公司 (TSX: OLA)(紐交所: ORLA)("Orla"或"公司")很高興地提供截至2024年9月30日第三季度的運營更新,並更新年度產量預測。




Camino Rojo礦山開採和處理總量   Q3 2024 截至2024年第三季度
黃金礦山 1,942,269 5,790,782
廢石開採量 2,840,117 5,764,628
總開採量 4,782,386 11,555,410
剝離比率 廢石:礦石 1.46 1.00
堆砌礦石 1,786,175 5,504,158
每日堆砌吞吐量-平均 噸/天 18,434 19,246
堆砌礦石金品位 克/噸 0.93 0.87
黃金生產 盎司 43,788 110,217
黃金出售 盎司 38,265 105,186



由於卡米諾·羅霍礦今年以來的生產表現超群,公司將全年黃金產量指導提高至130,000至140,000盎司。之前修訂過的生產指導區間在八月份爲120,000至130,000盎司,而最初的年度指導爲110,000至120,000盎司。年初至今的改善表現得益於細碎後的提高回收率、更高的開採和加工品位,以及更多的堆砌噸位。季度內更高的剝離比是由於礦坑的重新設計,以確保對礦石的持續接入以保持平衡生產。 在2024年8月,全年所有維持成本指導被調整至800至900美元/盎司的範圍內。由於更高的生產指導,全年維持成本現在預計將達到指導範圍的下限。1 (「AISC」)指導改善至每盎司出售的黃金價格範圍爲800至900美元。由於更高的生產指導,全年AISC現在預計將達到指導範圍的下限。



現金頭寸 - 2024年9月30日 $180.9
開多期債務3 $58.4
淨現金2 $122.5
未動用的債務可用3 $91.6
總可用流動性2 $272.5




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美國 / 國際長途費用: +1 (646) 307-1963
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加拿大 - 多倫多: +1 (647) 932-3411
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該新聞稿中的科學技術信息已經經過公司首席運營官、具備NI 43-101標準定義下資格的工程師J. Andrew Cormier先生的審核和批准。

關於orla mining有限公司。

Orla的企業策略是收購、開發和運營礦產物業,公司的專業知識可以大幅提升利益相關者的價值。公司有兩個重要的黃金項目:(1)位於墨西哥薩卡特卡斯州的Camino Rojo,和(2)位於美國內華達州的South Railroad。Orla正在經營Camino Rojo氧化黃金礦,這是一個金銀露天礦和堆浸冶煉礦。該資產由Orla百分之百擁有,佔地超過139,000公頃,包含大量氧化和硫化礦產資源。Orla還在開發South Railroad項目,這是一個位於內華達Carlin趨勢上的可行性階段露天堆浸金礦項目。公司重要項目的技術報告可在Orla的網站www.orlamining.com、以及在Sedar+和EDGAR根據公司檔案在www.sedarplus.ca和www.sec.gov上獲取。





淨現金 2024年9月30日 2023年12月31日
現金及現金等價物 $   180.9 $     96.6
開多期債務 (58.4) (88.4)
淨現金 $   122.4 $       8.2




流動性 2024年9月30日 2023年12月31日
現金及現金等價物 $   180.9 $     96.6
總授信額度可用 150.0 150.0
授信額度已動用的本金 (58.4) (88.4)
流動性 $   272.5 $   158.2


Preliminary Financial Results

The financial results contained in this news release for the three- and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 are preliminary. Such results represent the most current information available to the Company's management, as the Company completes its financial procedures. The Company's interim consolidated financial statements for such period may result in material changes to the financial information contained in this news release (including by any one financial metric, or all of the financial metrics, being below or above the figures indicated) as a result of the completion of normal period end accounting procedures and adjustments.

Forward-looking Statements

This news release contains certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation and within the meaning of Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the United States Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, or in releases made by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, all as may be amended from time to time, including, without limitation, statements regarding the Company's 2024 production and AISC guidance. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts which address events, results, outcomes or developments that the Company expects to occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made and they involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Certain material assumptions regarding such forward-looking statements were made. Consequently, there can be no assurances that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-looking statements involve significant known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. These risks include, but are not limited to, the risk factors discussed in the Company's most recently filed management's discussion and analysis, as well as its annual information form dated March 19, 2024, which are available on www.sedarplus.ca and www.sec.gov. Except as required by the securities disclosure laws and regulations applicable to the Company, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements if management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

1 AISC is a non-GAAP measure. The Company has provided an AISC performance measure that reflects all the expenditures that are required to produce an ounce of gold from operations. While there is no standardized meaning of the measure across the industry, the Company's definition conforms to the all-in sustaining cost definition as set out by the World Gold Council in its guidance dated November 14, 2018. Orla believes that this measure is useful to market participants in assessing operating performance and the Company's ability to generate free cash flow from current operations.
2 Net cash and liquidity are non-GAAP measures. See the "Non-GAAP Measures" section of this news release for additional information.
3 Long-term debt, net cash and undrawn debt may not tie due to rounding


SOURCE Orla Mining Ltd.


View original content to download multimedia: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/October2024/10/c2841.html

%CIK: 0001680056

For further information: For further information, please contact: Jason Simpson, President & Chief Executive Officer; Andrew Bradbury, Vice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Development, www.orlamining.com, investor@orlamining.com

CO: Orla Mining Ltd.

CNW 06:00e 10-OCT-24