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修訂及重訂 股東質押協議


經修訂及重新命名股東 承諾協議 (這個」協議」),日期為 2024 年 10 月 2 日,由 3888 投資集團有限公司及之間製作 (」普萊德戈爾」),遠見控股有限公司(f/k/a 遠見教育科技控股集團有限公司),一家組織的公司 根據加拿大法律,設有辦事處位於加拿大安大略省多倫多多摩特菲爾德大道 105 號 M30 億 0A2(」公司」), 范周及本文簽名頁上列出的保安人士(統稱為」安全方」和每一個, 單獨,a」安全派對”).


W I t N E S S E t H:








第1節。     定義和解釋規則.


(a) 定義就擬定所有板塊的條款,特此參照證券購買協議和附註。 本協議中使用的所有術語,若已在證券購買協議、附註、紐約州現時或不時生效之第8或第9條章或統一商法典(以下簡稱「編碼」)中有定義,且在本協議中未另有界定,則在此將具有與前述文件中所載相同之意義; 提供而在此使用的術語,若已在此日期生效的紐約州法典中有定義,即使該法典受到任何替換或修訂,亦將保留同義,除非持有當時未償還之擔保債務之大多數擔保方(以下稱為「需求 持有人」)另有判斷。假如有任何術語在證券購買協議、附註和法典中都已有定義,則在證券購買協議或附註中對此術語的定義應優先採用。


(b) 解釋規則除非本協議另有明文規定,否則應依以下解釋原則進行本協議的解釋:(i)單數包括複數,複數包括單數;(ii)“或”和“任何”不具排他性,“包括”和“包括...在內”均不具限制性;(iii)對合約或其他協議的任何參照均包括允許的補充協議和修訂;(iv)對法律的任何參照均包括對該法律的任何修正或修改,以及發佈在該法律下的所有規則或法規;(v)對自然人的任何參照均包括其允許的繼受人和受讓人;以及(vi)本協議中對條款、部分、附件、展覽或附表的任何參照,均指的是本協議的該條款、部分、附件、展覽或附表。


第二部分。     安防利益的許諾和授予作為所有受保護債務(見第3條所定義)的抵押品,抵押人特此將其在下列全部的權利、標題和利益分別抵押、轉讓和授予給每一個受保護方,作為獨立的、持續的安全利益和留置權:擔保押品”):







(a) 擔保人按照本文件的規定設置的公司普通股,以及根據本文件條款隨時修改的時間表所列公司的所有未來已發行和流通的股本,或其他權益或投資證券,或者是按照本文件條款隨時需要提供抵押的公司的合夥、成員權益,或合資企業利益,包括但不限於根據本協議第4(a)條所需提供抵押的任何額外抵押股份,不論擔保人現時擁有還是以後取得,也不論是否有任何股份證明書、有證券或其他工具作為證明,連同代表該等權益的證書,所有期權和其他相關權利,無論依約或其他方式所產生的,以及就前述任何或所有收到、待收或以其他方式分配的股息、分配、現金、工具、投資資產和任何其他財產(包括但不限於任何股息及與股票分割有關的任何分配)所產生的現金和非現金收益(以下簡稱“ 一級管制藥品股份抵押”);


(b) 所有板塊的目前和未來增加、利潤、合併、重分類以及替換所有或部分前述抵押品;


(c) 擔保人之所有投資物業、金融資產、證券、股本、其他股權、分享期權和商品合約,擔保人對其擁有應付的所有票據、抵押債券、債券、本票或其他欠款證明,以及現在或將來就前述事項所接收或可收取的所有其他資產;


(d) 抵押人在上述所有證券中的所有權益;及


(e) 所有板塊(包括前述所有任何和所有收益)的所有款項;


在每種情況下,不論是現在擁有還是將來取得 由抵押人擁有,以及他對其權益如何產生或顯現出來的方式(無論是以所有權、安防利益、留置權、索賠或其他方式)。


第 3 節。     擔保墊款的安防。 本所設定的擔保對象,構成了對所有以下的擔保義務(「所有板塊 擔保義務”):


(a) 所有板塊公司對擔保方所應付的所有負債、義務或承諾,不論其性質或內容如何,均源自或尚未了結、愛文思控股或根據證券購買協議、債券或任何其他交易文件發展進而發行的,或由此證明。


(b) 所有板塊,賴押人根據本協議對擔保人擁有的所有負債、義務或承諾,就前述負債、義務或承諾,無論是支付款項、直接或間接、絕對或有條件、已清算或未清算、已明確或未明確、到期或將來到期、自願或強制,無論現有或將來產生,並包括公司或賴押人根據前述任何法律、透過其他途徑需要支付的所有利息、成本、賠償金、費用(包括律師費)和支出(包括利息、成本、賠償金、費用和支出,若非破產法規定,將會累積,無論是否該項要求被允許),以及公司或賴押人根據前述任何條款,法律或其他而被要求支付的任何和所有其他金額。


第四節。     已交付擔貨抵押品.


(a) 截至任何確定時間,任何有抵押人持有的抵押股份的公平市值應等於該產品 (i) 根據本條款向該有保證人承諾的普通股總數目,以及 (ii) (x) 兩者的總和(2) 在該決定時間前的五(5)個交易日期間內,普通股的最低 VWAP(定義在票據中定義); 除以 (y) 2 (2) (視乎任何股份分割、股息、股份合併、重資本化及類似項目而進行調整 此等測量期間的事件)(」承擔股價值」)並且必須一直等於或超過總計 該擔保人根據該票據的未償還本金(不論該時還款或不應付)。承諾人須在五年內 收到有關擔保人士通知後的工作日,即承保股份價值低於總本金 根據該保證人票據的未償還金額,交付額外股份(」額外抵押股份」) 至 根據本條款,該有保證方 第四節 以確保已承諾的股份價值(考慮公平 該等額外抵押股份) 的市值不得小於根據該票據所支付的總本金額。







(b) 根據證券購買協議所載的條款和條件,出質人應於此日期向每一位受保護方交付一張有關擔保股份的證書,初始持有該安全方設立的金額。 一級管制藥品 在任何特定日期,關於所有其他本票、證書和依據本協議或證券購買協議的條款而不時或被要求抵押給受保護方的資產,包括但不限於,根據以上第4(a)條第(a)條要求抵押的任何額外的抵押股份(集體稱為“其他抵押”, 額外的抵押”,此額相等於一個分數(i)分子為該特定日期該受保護方票據的本金金額,以及(ii)分母為該特定日期所有未清偿票據的總本金金額(“受保護方比例金額”), 這些额外的抵押的受保护方比例部分金額應在收到該等额外抵押的相应金額後,出質人應立即交付给每位安全方。這些所有本票、證書和工具將根據本協議由每位受保護方持有,并應以適合以交付轉讓或應伴隨有效執行的轉讓或指定證書或空白簽發的股份權力的形式,其形式和實質應合乎受保護方合理滿意的標準。


(c) 擔保人收到任何額外抵押品後,並與任何額外抵押品同時交付 根據第 4 (a) 條的抵押股份,一項由擔保人正確執行的擔保修訂,主要以下形式: 附件 我 此處 (a」承諾修訂」),須就附加抵押品交付給每一個受保人 根據本協議及《證券購買協議》而被抵押的人士,而承諾修訂須由以及 交付後,其構成的一部分 附表一 這裡。承諾人特此授權每個受保人附加每份承諾 修訂本協議並同意,任何抵押修訂內列出的所有債券、證書或文書均適用於 本文所述的所有用途均構成抵押抵押品,承保人在交付後視為已作出陳述 以及在中列明的保證 第六節 就此類額外抵押品而言。


(d) 如果質押人因質押人是或曾經是任何質押抵押品的所有者而獲得抵押品, 任何 (i) 份股票(包括但不限於任何代表股份分紅或相關分派的證書) 包括資本的增加或減少、重新分類、合併、合併、資產出售、股份組合、股份分割, 分拆或分割)、本票或其他票據,(ii)期權或權利,無論是作爲補充、替代還是 以任何質押抵押品或其他方式交換 (iii) 以現金支付的股息(允許保留的此類股息除外) 由質押者依據 第 8 部分 此處)或證券或其他財產中,或(iv)股息、分配、現金、工具, 與部分或全部清算或解散相關的投資物業和其他財產,或與減持相關的財產 資本、資本盈餘或實收盈餘(統稱爲”分銷抵押品”),質押者應持有 此類信託分銷抵押品應將其與質押人的其他財產隔離開來 並應立即將適用的有擔保方按比例向每位有擔保方交付此類分銷抵押品 收到的確切表格,任何必要的背書和/或適當的股權在空白處正式簽署,將由每個有擔保人保管 當事方作爲質押抵押品和附擔保債務的進一步抵押擔保。


第五節。 股份     稅收.


(a) 所有付款均應根據各自交易文件的條款支付,並且不得進行抵銷、抗辯、扣除或其他抗辯。所有此類付款均應免除任何現有或將來的稅款、徵收、關稅、扣除、費用或扣減,並且與此相關的所有責任。 不含 任何擔保方所在司法管轄區徵收的對任何受保人的淨利潤的稅款(所有此類未排除的稅款、徵收、關稅、扣除、費用、扣減和責任,合稱或單稱爲稅收)。如果抵押人應被要求從本處或其他任何交易文件項下支付的任何金額中扣除或預提任何稅款:







(i) 應支付的金額將增加到必要的程度,以便在進行所有必要的扣除和預提之後(包括根據本句向任何擔保方支付的金額的稅款),每個擔保方收到的金額等同於如果沒有進行任何此類扣除或預提,其將收到的金額。


(ii) 出質人應進行扣款或代扣,


(iii) 出質人應根據適用的法律,向有關稅務機關支付扣減或預扣的全額款項。


(iv) 儘快之後,質押人應向擔保方發送正式收據(或如正式收據不可用,則提供其他令擔保方滿意的文件,視情況而定),顯示付款。 此外,質押人同意支付任何因本協議項下任何付款或因履行、交付、登記或執行本協議或任何其他交易文件(統稱“其他稅項”).


(b) 質押人特此賠償並同意讓每個有擔保方(每個”受賠償方”) 無害 來自和抵扣稅款或其他稅款(包括但不限於任何司法管轄區對金額徵收的任何稅款或其他稅費) 根據此支付 第 5 節) 任何受賠方因根據本協議或執行而支付的任何款項而支付, 本協議或任何其他交易文件的交付、註冊或執行或以其他方式執行,以及任何責任 (包括罰款、利息和因不付款、逾期付款或其他原因而產生的費用) 或與之相關的費用, 無論是 此類稅收或其他稅收的申報是否正確或合法。該賠償金應在自下述之日起的30天內支付 該擔保方提出書面要求的日期,該要求應指明此類稅收或其他稅收的性質和金額 稅收。


(c) 如果出質人未能履行本合同項下的任何義務,則出質人應對每位擔保方就由於此類失敗而可能發生的任何稅款、利息或罰款進行賠償。 第5部分如果出質人未能履行本合同項下的任何義務,則出質人應對每位擔保方就由於此類失敗而可能發生的任何稅款、利息或罰款進行賠償。出質人在本抵押協議終止後以及支付債務和本協議項下的所有其他款項後仍須履行其義務。 第5部分 如果出質人未能履行本合同項下的任何義務,則出質人應對每位擔保方就由於此類失敗而可能發生的任何稅款、利息或罰款進行賠償。出質人在本抵押協議終止後以及支付債務和本協議項下的所有其他款項後仍須履行其義務。


第六部分。     陳述與保證抵押人聲明並保證如下:


(a) 出質人具備一切必要的法律能力、權力和權威,以便在本協議下執行、履行其義務。本協議已由出質人正式簽署和交付,並構成出質人的法律、有效和約束性債務,按照其條款對出質人可予執行,但除(a)受適用破產、破產、重組、欺詐轉讓、停賺或類似法律的限制,現行或今後實施,涉及或影響債權人和其他債券人權利的執行的和(b)特定履行救濟或其他形式的衡平救濟可能受制於某些衡平抗辯和原則,並取決於可能提起訴訟的法院的裁量權。


(b) 質押股份已經合法授權和有效發行,並已完全支付且不可評估,持有人不具備任何優先購買或其他類似權利。所有其他構成質押資產的股份在發行時,均已合法授權和有效發行,已完全支付且不可評估。


(c) 出質人一直是抵押品的合法和實際所有人,無任何留置權,安全權益,選擇權或其他負擔或擔保,除了此協議或任何被允許的留置權所創建的安全權益和留置權。


(d) 任何受讓方根據本協議行使其任何權利和救濟的行爲將不違反任何法律或任何約束抵押人或抵押人任何財產的合同限制,並且不會導致或需要在不涉及根據本協議和其他交易文件(如在證券購買協議中定義的)創建抵押權、安全利益或其他負擔或擔保。交易文件”).







(e) 抵押人在履行本協議所需獲得或履行的(i)抵押人的財產抵押和留置權的授予或完善,或(iii)有擔保方根據本協議行使其在此項下的任何權利和救濟的,不需要任何政府機構的授權、批准、其他行動、通知或備案,除非在與證券的一般發行和銷售有關的任何抵押財產的任何出售方面需要。


(f) 本協議在抵押擔保物利益和留置權的相關擔保方面創造了有效的安防-半導體權益。每位持有代表抵押股份和所有其他不時構成抵押擔保物的證書、票據和現金的擔保方持有,導致此種安全利益和留置權完善。此種安全權益和留置權是完善的留置權,只受到許可留置權的限制。已經採取一切必要或理想的行動來使此種安全利益和留置權完善和保護,除了在本協議日期之後由於擔保方持有構成抵押擔保物的證書、票據和現金所致的情況。


第七部分。     關於被質押抵押品的契約只要有任何擔保債務尚未結清,除非要求持有人另行書面同意:


(a) 保持有關質押抵押品的充分記錄,並允許擔保方或任何指定人或代表在事先書面通知後,隨時在合理時間內檢查、複印和摘要這些記錄;


(b) 在出質人的費用下,及時向每個受保護方交付出質抵押物相關的每份重要通知或其他重要溝通收件。


(c) 在抵押人的費用下,捍衛每位受保護方對抵押品的權利、所有權和安防-半導體利益,以及對任何人的索賠。


(d) 在質權人的費用、任何時候、及時且不時地,立即執行並交付進一步的工具和文件,採取所有可能需要或理想的進一步行動,或者任何受保護方可能合理要求的行動,以便 (i) 完善和保護,或維持擬創建的安全利益和留置權,(ii) 使此受保護方行使和強制執行本處在押抵押品的權利和救濟措施,或 (iii) 否則實現本協議的目的,包括但不限於向此受保護方交付就押抵押品而言的不可撤銷的委託書;


(e) 不得出售,轉讓(由法律規定或其他方式),交換或以其他方式處理任何質押資產或其中任何利益,除非《證券購買協議》或《債券》明確允許;


(f) 不得在抵押抵押品上設立或存在任何留置權,除了本協議所設的留置權 或任何允許的留置權;


(g) 不得就任何質押擔保物進行任何修改或其他更改或豁免,或者進入 任何協議或允許存在任何與質押擔保物有關的限制;


(h) 除非證券購買協議明文授權,否則不得發行(i)任何公司任何類別的股本、合夥權益、成員權益或其他權益的額外股份,(ii)持有人可以自願或在發生或不發生任何事件或情況時自動轉換爲或可交換的任何股本的證券或(iii)任何權證、期權、合同或其他承諾,使任何人有權購買或以其他方式獲得任何此類股本。







(i) 不發行任何股份證書、有證券的安防-半導體或其他工具來證明或代表所描述的任何股本、任何合夥權益或成員權益 附表I 此處;和


(j) 不得采取或未能採取任何行動,以任何方式損害每個受擔保方對抵押品中任何質押抵押物的有效性或可執行性安防-半導體。


第8節。     抵押資產的投票權、分紅派息等事宜.


(a) 只要沒有發生且持續沒有發生任何違約事件:


(i) 質押人可以行使與抵押資產有關的所有投票和其他共識權利,但不得違反本協議、證券購買協議或債券的條款。


(ii) 出質人可以接收和保留任何抵押物產生的所有分紅、利息或其他分配,只要證券購買協議允許; 在每種情況下,該B類股東和/或該B類股東的家庭成員需獨立控制在此類帳戶、計劃或信託中持有的B類普通股實時;, 公司對於以下情況,不應承擔責任:根據第10(b)部分書面信息可靠地提供。任何和所有(A)除現金外支付或應支付的分紅和利息,與任何抵押物相關的或以其他方式分配的工具和其他財產,(B)與部分或全部清算或解散相關的或與資本、資本剩餘或實收資本減少有關的任何抵押物支付或應支付的分紅和其他分配,以及(C)兌現或以其他方式分配給任何抵押物的現金支付,應立即按比例交付給各擔保方,作爲抵押物持有,並且如由出質人收到,則爲各擔保方的利益信託,應與出質人的其他財產或資金分開,並應立即以所收到的確切形式交付給各擔保方,並經適當簽註和/或適當簽發空白的股份權力,由各擔保方作爲抵押物持有,作爲擔保債務的進一步擔保。


(iii) 每個擔保方將執行並交付(或導致執行並交付)給質押人所有質押人可能合理請求的代理人和其他工具,以便質押人行使其根據本段(i)條款有權行使的表決權和其他權利 第8(a)條款 並接收根據本段(ii)條該授權接收和保留的分紅、分配、利息和其他支付 第8(a)條款,在每種情況下,只要該擔保方擁有該質押品的實際控制權。


(b) 在發生和持續發生違約事件(如在票據中定義的)期間( 「違約事件」), :


(i) 抵押人原本有權行使投票等一切權利,但根據本條款(a)的第(i)款,這些權利將終止。 第8節。其他股票獎勵。並且,根據本條款(a)的第(ii)款,原本有權獲得和保留的分紅、分配、利息和其他支付將終止。 第8節此後,這些權利將歸各擔保方所有,各擔保方有權行使這些投票等一切權利,並作爲抵押擔保持有分紅、分配、利息和其他支付。


(ii) 在不限制前述內容的一般性的情況下,每個受擔保方可以自行選擇行使所有的換股、 交換、認購或任何其他與任何抵押資產相關的權利、特權或期權,就好像他們是該抵押資產的絕對 所有人,包括但不限於自行決定在發生抵押資產的發行人合併、合併、重組、資本重組或其他 調整或抵押資產的發行人行使任何抵押資產權利、特權或期權時,交換任何抵押資產的全部或 部分;並在此過程中,根據受擔保方判斷的條件,將任何抵押資產存入和交付給任何委員會、 存管人、轉讓代理人、登記機構或其他指定代理人。







(iii) 所有分紅、分配、利息和其他支付款項,如果反對第(i)段的規定,則須由抵押人收到 根據本保單的以下第8(b)條款,除此保單規定的追溯權外,公司集團還享有其他任何賠付或追溯權,且不代替其選擇: 應信託接收以供受擔保方利益爲目的的其他抵押人款項,必須與抵押人的其他基金隔離,並立即按比例支付給受擔保方,支付金額應與已質押資產的適用擔保方佔款額相符,並且以收到的形式直接支付,如有必要應填寫任何必要的背書和/或適當的股權授權書以空白形式執行,由這樣的受擔保方作爲已質押資產並作爲受擔保債務進一步擔保的基準質押物而持有。


第9節。     關於質押物的額外條款.


(a) 出質人特此授權(i)授權擔保方提交一項或多項與質押資產相關的融資或續展聲明、以及修改,而無需出質人的簽名(在法律許可的情況下),(ii)在法律允許的情況下,贊同擔保方在此日期之前已提交任何這類融資或續展聲明、或修改,而無需出質人的簽名,(iii)授權每個擔保方代表出質人執行任何協議、工具或其他文件,並提交與每個擔保方在質押資產中的安全權益和留置權相關的文件或根據《公約第8條》或《公約第9條》或任何其他適用的統一商業代碼或其他法律所提供的文件,提交至任何適當的登記辦公室。儘管本協議中可能有相反規定,但任何擔保方均不對準備、錄製、提交、重新錄製或重新提交任何融資聲明、續展聲明或其他公共辦公室文件承擔責任。


(b) 質押者特此不可撤銷地指定每個有擔保方爲其事實上的律師和代理人,並擁有全部權力 地點和取而代之,並以其名義或其他名義不時由受保方自行決定採取任何行動和執行 有擔保方認爲實現本協議宗旨必要或可取的任何文書(但須遵守 質押者的權利 第 8 (a) 節 此處),包括但不限於接收、背書和收集所有文書 向質押者支付,代表任何質押抵押品的任何股息、利息支付或其他分配,以及 以完全放電。這種權力與權益相結合,在本協議終止之前是不可撤銷的。


(c) 如果出質人未能履行本協議或其中包含的任何協議或義務,每個受擔保方可以履行或導致履行此類協議或義務,且受擔保方就此發生的費用應由出質人支付,根據 第11節. 修改和終止。 (a) 除適用法律禁止的範圍外,並且除非獎項協議或本2020年計劃另有明示規定,行政管理者可隨時修改、改變、暫停、停止或終止本2020年計劃或此事項或此類事項的一部分; 此處,並應由質押資產擔保。


(d) 除了在此期間合理注意確保抵押品的安全保管之外,未經必要事項而確保權利的擔保方沒有義務或責任,並且在將其交還或準備向任何抵押人交還時,即可免除對抵押品的所有責任。每個擔保方應被視爲在掌握抵押品的過程中行使了合理注意,並且妥善保存抵押品,如果抵押品得到相當於其自身財產的對待。明白,沒有任何擔保方應就以下事項承擔責任:(i)認定或採取行動關於抵押品的召回、轉換、交換、到期、認購或其他事項,無論該擔保方是否已知或被認爲已知此類事項,或(ii)爲了保留對於任何擔保品的權利而採取任何必要步驟。每個擔保方同意,在其擁有的任何時候持有的任何擔保品之上,並且任何其他擔保方具有留置權的情況下,擔保品持有擔保方應爲其他每個擔保方的倉管人,僅用於完善(在其他情況下沒有完善)其他每個擔保方在這些抵押品中的留置權,條件是任何擔保方不需要獲取或保留任何此類抵押品的擁有權。在不限制上述泛指的情況下,擔保方和抵押人茲約定,在某一時間擔保方持有任何抵押品,該時間各擔保方所欠擔保責任已完全支付之後,持有此類抵押品的擔保方可以將該抵押品交付給公司,或者如任何擔保方在此類交付之前要求,可將此類抵押品(除非受適用法律或法院命令的限制,並且在任何情況下需接受免責通知追及來自此類交付的所有責任)交付給請求的擔保方,無論按照何種方式交付給或擔保方導致此類抵押品的方式。在公司收到此類抵押品的第三個工作日之前,公司將向所有繼續有關並且尚未支付的擔保責任的每個擔保方交付此類抵押品的適用擔保方按比例的金額。







(e) 根據本協議,每個受抵押方所授予的權力僅用於保護其在抵押品中的利益,並不要求其行使任何此類權力。除了對其擁有的任何抵押品進行安全保管並按本協議實際收到的款項進行覈算外,任何受抵押方均無義務對任何抵押品或爲保留針對先前方或任何其他與任何抵押品有關的權利而採取的任何必要步驟承擔責任。


(f) 在任何拖欠或違約事件發生並持續期間,每個擔保方均可在自身判斷下隨時(i)未經預先通知抵押人,將抵押物中的任何或全部在擔保方或其提名人的名下進行轉移或登記,僅受抵押人在本協議下的可撤銷權利限制 第8(a)條款 以及(ii)將構成抵押物的證券或工具交換爲面額較小或較大的證券或工具。


第10節。  違約處理措施如果發生並持續發生任何違約事件:


(a) 每個受讓人在擔保抵押品方面,除了本協議規定或其他適用於其的權利和救濟措施外,還可行使紐約州現行法典下擔保人違約權利和救濟措施的所有權利;而且並不限制上述的廣義性,並且無需除下文所指定的情況外通知,可在公開或私人處以一個或多個包裹出售抵押品或其中的任何部分,在任何交易所、經紀板或其他地方,以受讓人認爲商業上合理的價格或價格和其他條款。出質人同意,根據法律要求,銷售通知將要求的情況下,至少十(10)天前通知任何出質人有關公開銷售的時間和地點,或私人銷售的時間。無論是否已經發出銷售通知,沒有任何受讓人有義務出售任何抵押品。每個受讓人可以隨時通過在所確定的時間和地點宣佈來推遲該受讓人的任何公開或私人銷售,並且該銷售可以在推遲的時間和地點進行,無需進一步通知。


(b) 質押者認識到,公開出售全部或部分質押股份可能是不切實際的,或者 構成質押抵押品的任何其他證券,因此每個有擔保方可以決定將一項或多項私有化 向受限制的購買者群體出售任何此類證券,除其他外,這些購買者將有義務同意收購此類證券 用於自己的帳戶,用於投資,而不是用於分銷或轉售。Pledgor 承認,任何這樣的 私下出售的價格和條件可能不如可能獲得的價格和其他條件對賣方有利 在公開銷售中,儘管有上述規定,但仍同意此類私下銷售應被視爲在商業上進行 合理的方式,任何有擔保方均無義務在必要的時間內推遲任何此類證券的出售 允許此類證券的發行人根據經修訂的1933年《證券法》註冊此類證券進行公開銷售( ”《證券法》”)。質押者進一步承認並同意,任何出售此類證券的提議都是 (i) 在金融界普遍發行的報紙或其他出版物上真誠地公開發布廣告 紐約、紐約(只要此類報價無需根據《證券法》事先註冊即可公佈)或 (ii) 以上述方式私下訂立至不少於十五 (15) 善意 要約人應被視爲涉及 「公衆」 處置” 就《守則》第 9-610 條(或任何繼承條款或類似的、適用的法律條款)而言 在紐約州有效,儘管此類出售可能不構成證券下的 「公開發行」 採取行動,在這種情況下,任何有擔保方均可競標購買此類證券。


(c) 任何受擔保方持有的現金作爲質押擔保物,以及受擔保方收到的與質押擔保物全部或部分銷售、收款或其他變現有關的現金收益,應按照受擔保方自行選擇的順序用於抵銷全部或部分受擔保債務,前提是在根據此處應支付給受擔保方的任何金額之後 第11節. 修改和終止。 (a) 除適用法律禁止的範圍外,並且除非獎項協議或本2020年計劃另有明示規定,行政管理者可隨時修改、改變、暫停、停止或終止本2020年計劃或此事項或此類事項的一部分; 根據證券購買協議的規定,受擔保方可以自行選擇的順序將其持有的所有現金和收到的現金收益,用於抵銷全部或部分受擔保債務


(d) 如果此類銷售、收款或實現的收益不足以支付任何擔保方依法有權獲得的所有款項,則質押人應與利息關聯,其利息按照票據中規定的最高逾期本金利息利率或適用法律規定的其他利率計算,並承擔催收費用、擔保方聘用的律師費、費用和支出的合理費用及虧空總額的連帶責任。







SECTION 11.  Indemnity and Expenses.


(a) The Pledgor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold each Secured Party (and all of its officers, directors, employees, attorneys, consultants) harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, obligations, penalties, fees, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable legal fees and disbursements of counsel) to the extent that they arise out of or otherwise result from this Agreement (including, without limitation, enforcement of this Agreement), except claims, losses or liabilities arising or resulting directly from such Person’s gross negligence or willful misconduct as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.


(b) The Pledgor shall be obligated for, and will upon demand pay to each Secured Party the reasonable amount of any and all out-of-pocket costs and expenses, including the reasonable fees and disbursements of such Secured Party’s counsel and of any experts which such Secured Party may incur in connection with (i) the preparation, negotiation, execution, delivery, recordation, administration, amendment, waiver or other modification or termination of this Agreement, (ii) the custody, preservation, use or operation of, or the sale of, collection from, or other realization upon, any Pledged Collateral, (iii) the exercise or enforcement of any of the rights of such Secured Party hereunder, or (iv) the failure by the Pledgor to perform or observe any of the provisions hereof.


SECTION 12.  Notices, Etc. All notices and other communications provided for hereunder shall be in writing and shall be mailed (by certified mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested), sent by Federal Express or other recognized courier service (return receipt requested), telecopied or delivered, if to the Pledgor, to him at the address specified in the Securities Purchase Agreement or if to the Secured Parties, to it at the address specified in the Securities Purchase Agreement; or as to either such Person at such other address as shall be designated by such Person in a written notice to such other Person complying as to delivery with the terms of this Section 12. All such notices and other communications shall be effective (i) if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, when received or three (3) Business Days after mailing, whichever first occurs, (ii) if telecopied, when transmitted and confirmation is received, provided same is on a Business Day and, if not, on the next Business Day or (iii) if delivered or sent by Federal Express or other recognized courier service (return receipt requested), upon delivery, provided same is on a Business Day and, if not, on the next Business Day.


SECTION 13.  Security Interest Absolute. All rights of the Secured Parties, all Liens and all obligations of the Pledgor hereunder shall be absolute and unconditional irrespective of: (i) any lack of validity or enforceability of the Securities Purchase Agreement, the Notes or any other Transaction Document, (ii) any change in the time, manner or place of payment of, or in any other term in respect of, all or any of the Secured Obligations, or any other amendment or waiver of or consent to any departure from the Securities Purchase Agreement, the Notes or any other Transaction Document, (iii) any exchange or release of, or non-perfection of any Lien on any Collateral, or any release or amendment or waiver of or consent to departure from any guaranty, for all or any of the Secured Obligations, or (iv) any other circumstance which might otherwise constitute a defense available to, or a discharge of, the Pledgor in respect of the Secured Obligations (other than the payment in full of the Secured Obligations or complete conversion to equity securities of the Company of all indebtedness obligations owed by the Company to the Secured Parties under the Notes (including, without limitation, all principal, interest and fees related to the Notes)). All authorizations and agencies contained herein with respect to any of the Pledged Collateral are irrevocable and powers coupled with an interest.









SECTION 14.  Beneficial Ownership. Each Secured Party shall not have the right to exercise its rights under this Agreement and any such exercise shall be null and void and treated as if never made, to the extent that after giving effect to such exercise, such applicable Secured Party together with its other Attribution Parties collectively would beneficially own in excess of 9.99% (the “Maximum Percentage”) of the Common Shares outstanding immediately after giving effect to such exercise. For purposes of the foregoing sentence, the aggregate number of Common Shares beneficially owned by a Secured Party and its other Attribution Parties shall include the number of Common Shares held by such Secured Party and all its other Attribution Parties plus the number of Common Shares to be acquired by such Secured Party with respect to which the determination of such sentence is being made, but shall exclude the remaining Common Shares pledged to such Secured Party that are not then being acquired upon such Secured Party’s exercise of its right hereunder and any Common Shares which would be issuable upon (A) conversion of the remaining, nonconverted portion of the Note beneficially owned by such Secured Party or any its other Attribution Parties, (B) exercise or conversion of the unexercised or nonconverted portion of any other securities of the Company (including, without limitation, any convertible notes or convertible preferred shares or warrants) beneficially owned by such Secured Party or any its other Attribution Party subject to a limitation on conversion or exercise analogous to the limitation contained in this Section 14. For purposes of this Section 14, beneficial ownership shall be calculated in accordance with Section 13(d) of the 1934 Act. For purposes of determining the number of outstanding Common Shares a Secured Party may acquire upon exercise of its rights hereunder at any time of determination without exceeding the Maximum Percentage, each Secured Party may rely on the number of outstanding Common Shares as reflected in (x) the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F, Report of Foreign Issuer on Form 6-K or other public filing with the SEC, as the case may be, (y) a more recent public announcement by the Company or (z) any other written notice by the Company or the Transfer Agent, if any, setting forth the number of Common Shares outstanding (the “Reported Outstanding Share Number”). For any reason at any time, upon the written or oral request of a Secured Party, the Company shall within one (1) Business Day confirm orally and in writing or by electronic mail to such Secured party the number of Common Shares then outstanding. In the event that the exercise of rights by a Secured Party hereunder and transfer of Common Shares from the Pledgor to such Secured Party hereunder would result in such Secured Party and its other Attribution Parties being deemed to beneficially own, in the aggregate, more than the Maximum Percentage of the number of outstanding Common Shares (as determined under Section 13(d) of the 1934 Act), the transfer from the Pledgor to such Secured Party of such number of shares by which such Secured Party’s and its other Attribution Parties’ aggregate beneficial ownership exceeds the Maximum Percentage (the “Excess Shares”) shall be deemed null and void and shall be cancelled ab initio, and such Secured Party shall not have the power to vote or to transfer the Excess Shares. Upon delivery of a written notice to the Company, a Secured Party may from time to time increase (with such increase not effective until the sixty-first (61st) day after delivery of such notice) or decrease the Maximum Percentage to any other percentage not in excess of 9.99% as specified in such notice; provided that (i) any such increase in the Maximum Percentage will not be effective until the sixty-first (61st) day after such notice is delivered to the Company and (ii) any such increase or decrease will apply only to such Secured Party and its other Attribution Parties and not to any other Secured Party that is not an Attribution Party of such Secured Party. For purposes of clarity, the Common Shares in excess of the Maximum Percentage shall not be deemed to be beneficially owned by such Secured Party for any purpose including for purposes of Section 13(d) or Rule 16a-1(a)(1) of the 1934 Act. No prior inability of a Secured Party to exercise its rights hereunder and acquire any Common Shares from the Pledger to such Secured Party pursuant to this paragraph shall have any effect on the applicability of the provisions of this paragraph with respect to any subsequent determination of transferability. The provisions of this paragraph shall be construed and implemented in a manner otherwise than in strict conformity with the terms of this Section 14 to the extent necessary to correct this paragraph (or any portion of this paragraph) which may be defective or inconsistent with the intended beneficial ownership limitation contained in this Section 14 or to make changes or supplements necessary or desirable to properly give effect to such limitation. The limitation contained in this paragraph may not be waived and shall apply to a successor Secured Party.







SECTION 15.  Acknowledgment.


(a) Each Secured Party hereby agrees and acknowledges that no other Secured Party has agreed to act for it as an administrative or collateral agent, and each Secured Party is and shall remain solely responsible for the attachment, perfection and priority of all Liens created by this Agreement or any other Security Document in favor of such Secured Party. No Secured Party shall have by reason of this Agreement or any other Transaction Document an agency or fiduciary relationship with any other Secured Party. No Secured Party (which term, as used in this sentence, shall include reference to each Secured Party’s officers, directors, employees, attorneys, agents and affiliates and to the officers, directors, employees, attorneys and agents of such Secured Party’s affiliates) shall: (i) have any duties or responsibilities except those expressly set forth in this Agreement and the other Security Documents or (ii) be required to take, initiate or conduct any enforcement action (including any litigation, foreclosure or collection proceedings hereunder or under any of the other Security Documents). Without limiting the foregoing, no Secured Party shall have any right of action whatsoever against any other Secured Party as a result of such Secured Party acting or refraining from acting hereunder or under any of the Security Documents except as a result and to the extent of losses caused by such Secured Party’s actual gross negligence or willful misconduct. No Secured Party assumes any responsibility for any failure or delay in performance or breach by the Pledgor or any Secured Party of its obligations under this Agreement or any other Transaction Document. No Secured Party makes to any other Secured Party any express or implied warranty, representation or guarantee with respect to any Secured Obligations, Pledged Collateral, Transaction Document or the Pledgor. No Secured Party nor any of its officers, directors, employees, attorneys or agents shall be responsible to any other Secured Party or any of its officers, directors, employees, attorneys or agents for: (i) any recitals, statements, information, representations or warranties contained in any of the Transaction Documents or in any certificate or other document furnished pursuant to the terms hereof; (ii) the execution, validity, genuineness, effectiveness or enforceability of any of the Transaction Documents; (iii) the validity, genuineness, enforceability, collectability, value, sufficiency or existence of any Pledged Collateral, or the attachment, perfection or priority of any Lien therein; or (iv) the assets, liabilities, financial condition, results of operations, business, creditworthiness or legal status of the Pledgor. No Secured Party nor any of its officers, directors, employees, attorneys or agents shall have any obligation to any other Secured Party to ascertain or inquire into the existence of any default or Event of Default, the observance or performance by the Pledgor of any of the duties or agreements of the Pledgor under any of the Transaction Documents or the satisfaction of any conditions precedent contained in any of the Transaction Documents.


(b) Each Secured Party hereby acknowledges and represents that it has, independently and without reliance upon any other Secured Party, and based upon such documents, information and analyses as it has deemed appropriate, made its own credit analysis of the Pledgor and the Company and its own decision to enter into the Transaction Documents and to purchase the Notes, and each Secured Party has made such inquiries concerning the Transaction Documents, the Pledged Collateral, the Company and the Pledgor as such Secured Party feels necessary and appropriate, and has taken such care on its own behalf as would have been the case had it entered into the Transaction Documents without any other Secured Party. Each Secured Party hereby further acknowledges and represents that the other Secured Parties have not made any representations or warranties to it concerning the Pledgor, any of the Pledged Collateral or the legality, validity, sufficiency or enforceability of any of the Transaction Documents. Each Secured Party also hereby acknowledges that it will, independently and without reliance upon the other Secured Parties, and based upon such financial statements, documents and information as it deems appropriate at the time, continue to make and rely upon its own credit decisions in taking or refraining to take any other action under this Agreement or the Transaction Documents. No Secured Party shall have any duty or responsibility to provide any other Secured Party with any notices, reports or certificates furnished to such Secured Party by the Pledgor or any credit or other information concerning the affairs, financial condition, business or assets of the Company (or any of its affiliates) or any Pledgor which may come into possession of such Secured Party


SECTION 16.  Miscellaneous.


(a) No amendment of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the Pledgor and the Required Holders, and no waiver of any provision of this Agreement, and no consent to any departure by the Pledgor therefrom, shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the Required Holders, and then such waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose for which given.







(b) No failure on the part of any Secured Party to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right hereunder or under any other Transaction Document shall operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right. The rights and remedies of the Secured Parties provided herein and in the other Transaction Documents are cumulative and are in addition to, and not exclusive of, any rights or remedies provided by law. The rights of the each Secured Party under any Transaction Document against any party thereto are not conditional or contingent on any attempt by such Secured Party to exercise any of its rights under any other Transaction Document against such party or against any other Person.


(c) Any provision of this Agreement which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining portions hereof or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction.


(d) This Agreement shall create a continuing security interest in and Lien on the Pledged Collateral and shall (i) remain in full force and effect until the termination of this Agreement in accordance with the terms hereof and (ii) be binding on the Pledgor and his heirs and assigns and shall inure, together with all rights and remedies of each Secured Party and its successors, transferees and assigns. Without limiting the generality of clause (ii) of the immediately preceding sentence, each Secured party may assign or otherwise transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement and any other Transaction Document to any other Person pursuant to the terms of the Securities Purchase Agreement, and such other Person shall thereupon become vested with all of the benefits in respect thereof granted to such Secured Party herein or otherwise. Upon any such assignment or transfer, all references in this Agreement to such Secured Party shall mean the assignee of such Secured Party. None of the rights or obligations of the Pledgor hereunder may be assigned or otherwise transferred without the prior written consent of the Required Holders, and any such assignment or transfer without such consent shall be null and void.


(e) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, (i) this Agreement (along with all powers of attorney granted hereunder) and the security interests and Lien created hereby shall terminate and all rights to the Pledged Collateral shall revert to the Pledgor upon the repayment in full and/or complete conversion to equity securities of the Company of all indebtedness obligations owed by the Company to the Secured Parties under the Notes (including, without limitation, all principal, interest and fees related to the Notes), and (ii) the Secured Parties will, upon the Pledgor’s request and at the Pledgor’s expense, (A) return to the Pledgor such of the Pledged Collateral (to the extent delivered to such Secured Party) as shall not have been sold or otherwise disposed of or applied pursuant to the terms hereof, and (B) execute and deliver to the Pledgor, without recourse, representation or warranty, such documents as the Pledgor shall reasonably request to evidence such termination.


(f) The internal laws, and not the laws of conflicts, of the State of New York shall govern the enforceability and validity of this Agreement, the construction of its terms and the interpretation of the rights and duties of the parties, except as required by mandatory provisions of law and except to the extent that the validity and perfection or the perfection and the effect of perfection or non-perfection of the security interest and Lien created hereby, or remedies hereunder, in respect of any particular Pledged Collateral are governed by the law of a jurisdiction other than the State of New York.


(g) Each party to this Agreement hereby irrevocably and unconditionally submits, for itself and its property, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York sitting in Manhattan or the Commercial Division, Civil Branch of the Supreme Court of the State of New York sitting in New York County in connection with any suit, action or proceeding directly or indirectly arising out of, under or in connection with this Agreement or the other Transaction Documents or the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby. No party to this Agreement may move to (i) transfer any such suit, action or proceeding brought in such New York court or federal court to another jurisdiction, (ii) consolidate any such suit, action or proceeding brought in such New York court or federal court with a suit, action or proceeding in another jurisdiction or (iii) dismiss any such suit, action or proceeding brought in such New York court or federal court for the purpose of bringing the same in another jurisdiction. Each party to this Agreement agrees that a final judgment in any such suit, action or proceeding shall be conclusive and may be enforced in any other jurisdiction by suit on the judgment or in any other manner provided by law. Each party to this Agreement hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives, to the fullest extent it may legally and effectively do so, any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the other Transaction Documents in any New York court sitting in New York County or any federal court sitting in the Southern District of New York.







(h) The Company hereby appoints Simon L. Tang, with an address of 9999 Bellaire Blvd. #350, Houston, TX 77036, as its agent for service of process in New York. Nothing contained herein shall affect the right of each Secured Party to serve process in any other manner permitted by law or commence legal proceedings or otherwise proceed against the Pledgor or any property of the Pledgor in any other jurisdiction.


(i) The Pledgor irrevocably and unconditionally waives any right he may have to claim or recover in any legal action, suit or proceeding referred to in this Section any special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages.




(k) The headings herein are for convenience only, do not constitute a part of this Agreement and shall not be deemed to limit or affect any of the provisions hereof. The language used in this Agreement will be deemed to be the language chosen by the parties to express their mutual intent, and no rules of strict construction will be applied against any party.


(l) This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and by different parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement.


[Signature Page Follows]
































In Witness Whereof, the Pledgor, the Company and the Secured Parties have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the date first above written.









By:    __________________________

          Fan Zhou































[簽名 股東承諾協議頁面]




















姓名: 周帆

  職位: 獨立董事


























[簽名 股東承諾協議頁面]










Secured Party:



































[簽名 股東承諾協議頁面]




















































[簽名 股東承諾協議頁面]

































































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班級 證書編號
















