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本初步招股章程附件中的資料並不完整,可能會更改。註冊聲明 有關這些證券已向證券交易委員會提交,並有效。本初步招股章程補充文件及隨附的招股書不是出售這些證券的提議,也不是徵求 在不允許出售或出售的任何司法管轄區提出購買這些證券。




(至日期的招股章程 二零二四年七月八日)




美元% 到期高級債券 20 元 

美元% 到期高級債券 20 元 

美元% 到期高級債券 20 元 

美元% 到期高級債券 20 元 

特拉華州的 Broadcom Inc.(「發行人」、「我們」或「我們」)是一家特拉華州公司,提供四系列 由其到期高級票據百分比 (「20 票據」) 的 $ 總本金額組成的債券,其優先權百分比的 $ 總本金額組成的債券 到期債券 20(「20 張債券」)、其到期優先票據百分比的總本金額 20 元(「20 張債券」)和 $ 總本金額 其到期 20 年高級債券的百分比(「20 票據」)(統稱為「債券」)。

每一個 二十張票據、二十張票據、二十張票據和二十張票據被稱為「一系列」債券。

20 宗債券將按年利率累積百分比,並於 20 年到期。 20 宗債券將按年利率累積百分比,並於 20 年到期。20 宗債券將按年利率累積百分之利率,並於日期到期日 ,二十.20 宗債券將按年利率累積百分比,並於 20 年到期。債券的利息將每半年繳付於 每年,從 2025 年開始。

我們打算 將售出債券所得的淨資金用於一般公司用途及償還債務。請參閱」所得款項的使用.”

我們可以根據我們的選擇,在任何時間和不定時按所討論的贖回價格全部或部分兌換任何一系列債券 在標題下」備註說明-選擇性兌換。 如果發生控制權變更觸發事件(如本文定義),我們可能需要向持有人購回債券。請參閱」說明 備註-在控制權變更觸發事件時購買票據.”

債券將是我們的無抵押和不服從的 義務和將與我們的所有其他無抵押和不服從的義務相同的支付權。債券將在付款權上有效地歸屬於我們現有及未來的任何抵押債務的範圍內 保障此類債務的資產。本公司任何附屬公司不會承擔本債券的保證,因此將基於本公司附屬公司的債務和其他負債。

債券將以最低面額為 2,000 美元,以及超過其 1,000 元的整體倍數發行。

如需有關註釋的更詳細說明,請參閱」注意事項的說明」頁面開頭 S-19.

投資債券涉及風險。請參閱「風險 因素」頁面開頭 S-9 閱讀購買票據之前應考慮的因素。




     每 20 人 
     總計      每 20 人 
     總計      每 20 人 
     總計      每 20 人 


       %      $              %      $              %      $              %      $      


       %      $              %      $              %      $              %      $      

收款予廣播公司(以前 費用)(1)

       %      $              %      $              %      $              %      $      



加上從 2024 年到交付日期的累計和未付利息。

美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)或任何國家證券委員會都沒有 批准或拒絕這些證券,或確定本章程補充文件或隨附的招股章程是否真實或完整。任何反對的陳述均屬刑事罪行。

承保人預期透過存託信託公司及其認購證券交付系統將債券交付給買方。 參與者,包括歐洲通訊銀行 S.A./N.V. 及清流銀行股份有限公司,將於 2024 年或大約為本招股章程補充日期後的營業日(如: 結算被稱為「T+」)。根據規則 15c6-1 根據修訂後的 1934 年證券交易法(「交易法」),二級市場的交易為 一般需要在一個工作日內結算,除非該等貿易的雙方明確同意。因此,如希望在預定結算日期前一個工作日以上交易債券的買家,將需要 由於債券最初以 T+ 結算,在進行任何交易時指明替代結算安排,以防止交易失敗。此類債券的購買者,如希望在日期之前交易債券 交貨日期應諮詢他們的顧問。



聯合書籍運行 經理人


約翰·普·摩根   德國證券  


本章程補充文件的日期為 2024 年 9 月












































broadcom corp 8.00% mandatory convertible prf sr a
























我們在兩個單獨的文件中向閣下提供有關債券的資料:(1) 本章程附錄,其中描述本條款的條款 提供及補充及更新隨附的招股章程序及該招股章程中以參考文件所載的資料,以及 (2) 附帶的招股章程,其中提供有關證券的一般資料 我們可能會不時提供,包括本招股章程附錄所提供之債券以外的證券以及不適用於其他資料。本章程附件及隨附的招股章程包括重要 有關我們的信息以及您在投資我們的債券之前應該了解的其他信息。如果本招股章程補充文件中的資料與隨附的招股章程不一致,您應依賴本招股章程補充文件。

您必須閱讀並考慮本招股章程附件及隨附的招股章程中所載的所有資訊非常重要。 做出您的投資決定。您還應閱讀並考慮我們在標題為」部分中引薦您的文件中的信息您可以在哪裡找到更多信息」在本招股章程附錄中。

我們並未授權任何人,並且承保人並未授權任何人向您提供包含或合併的信息以外的任何信息 參考本招股章程補充文件及隨附的招股章程,或包含在本公司發行的任何自由書面招股章程中。我們和承保人對可靠性不承擔任何責任,也不能提供任何保證 或者,其他人可能向您提供的任何其他信息。我們並且承保人不在任何不允許出售或出售的司法管轄區提出出售債券的出售債券。您應該假設在此中出現的信息 說明書補充文件及隨附的招股章程,以及本公司發行的任何自由書面招股章程中所載的文件中,以及本公司發行的任何自由書面招股章程中所載的文件,只有在其各自的日期為準確。我們的業務 財務狀況、營運結果和前景可能已有所改變。

如本招股章程附件中所使用, (i) 所有對「廣通」、「公司」、「我們」、「我們」和「我們」的所有引用均以綜合方式指 Broadcom Inc. 及我們的子公司,除了標題為」的部分除外 提供」和」注意事項的說明,」這些術語僅指廣通 Inc.(不包括我們的子公司),而 (ii) 所有對「發行人」的引用均指 Broadcom Inc.,不包括我們的附屬公司。 本招股章程補充文件中,除非另有說明,「$」或「美元」的引用是美國合法貨幣。






可能影響未來結果的特定不確定性包括與全球經濟狀況和擔憂相關的風險;政府法規和行政程序;貿易限制和貿易緊張局勢;全球政治和經濟狀況;我們對VMware, Inc.(「VMware」)的收購,包括員工留任,意外成本,費用或支出以及我們成功整合VMware業務並實現預期收益的能力等風險;我們可能進行的任何收購或處置,包括我們對VMware的收購,因收到政府和監管機構批准及滿足其他竣工條件以及將所收購的業務與我們現有業務整合並實現所預期的收益,增長前景和協同效應而導致的延誤,挑戰和費用;依賴分銷商和代理商以及涉及我公司產品的風險;我們的重大負債和產生足夠現金流支付和償還此類債務的需要;對高級管理層的依賴以及吸引和留住合格人員的能力;我們防範網絡安全威脅和安全系統遭遇襲擊的能力;半導體行業或我們目標市場的週期性;我們重要客戶的丟失和重要客戶需求時間和量的波動;我們對代工製造和外包供應鏈的依賴;我們對有限供應商的依賴;我們準確估計客戶需求並相應調整製造和供應鏈的能力;我們繼續與客戶達成設計勝利的能力,以及任何設計勝利的時間;我公司或我們的代工製造商製造設施,倉庫或其他重要運營長期中斷的能力;我們提高製造效率和質量的能力;參與法律訴訟;對我們數據中心虛擬化產品的需求;我們軟件產品管理和保護IT基礎設施和環境的能力;我們管理客戶和市場對我公司產品和服務的接受能力;我們軟件產品與操作環境,平台或第三方產品的兼容性;我們能夠簽訂令人滿意的軟件許可協議;我們產品中使用的第三方軟件的可用性;我們產品中使用開源軟件;銷售給政府客戶;我們管理產品和服務生命週期的能力;運營結果在季度和年度中的波動;我們的競爭表現;我們維持或提高毛利率的能力;我們保護知識產權和任何相關訴訟費用的不可預測性;解決客戶產品保修和保障索賠的任何費用或聲譽損失,或未被發現的缺陷或錯誤;我們銷售給新類型客戶的能力以及跟上技術進步的能力;我們遵守隱私和數據安全法律;外匯匯率波動;我們的所得稅準備和總體現金稅成本,可能影響我們總體現金稅成本的立法,我們在某些司法管轄區維持稅收優惠的能力以及由於收購VMware而可能產生的潛在稅務責任;以及在國家,區域,行業特定和全球範圍內的其他事件和趨勢,包括政治,經濟,商業,競爭和監管的性質。











本摘要重點介紹了本招股說明書補充文件中包含或以引用方式納入的部分信息。此摘要不是 完整,可能不包含所有對您重要的信息。您應仔細閱讀完整的招股說明書補充文件和隨附的招股說明書,包括 「風險因素」 部分和合並財務 在做出投資決定之前,以引用方式將報表和相關附註納入本招股說明書補充文件。


博通 Inc. 是一家總部位於加利福尼亞州帕洛阿爾託的特拉華州公司,是設計、開發和提供廣泛的半導體和基礎設施軟件解決方案的全球技術領導者。我們在開發半導體器件時採用 專注於複雜的數字和混合信號互補金屬氧化物半導體的器件和模擬 III-V 基礎產品。我們在半導體行業有着創新的歷史,並提供 成千上萬種產品用於終端產品,例如企業和數據中心網絡、家庭連接、 機頂盒 盒子、寬帶接入、電信設備、智能手機和底座 站、數據中心服務器和存儲系統、工廠自動化、發電和替代能源系統以及電子顯示屏。我們的基礎設施軟件解決方案使客戶能夠規劃、開發、交付、自動化、管理和 保護大型機、分佈式、邊緣、移動、私有云和混合雲平台上的應用程序。我們業界領先的基礎設施和安全軟件產品組合旨在對最複雜的私有環境進行現代化、優化和保護 和混合雲環境,實現可擴展性、敏捷性、自動化、洞察力、彈性和安全性。我們還以模塊、交換機等形式提供關鍵任務光纖通道存儲區域網絡產品和相關軟件 包含多種半導體產品的子系統。


我們的主要行政辦公室位於加利福尼亞州帕洛阿爾託市希爾維尤大道3421號 94304,我們的電話號碼是 (650) 427-6000. 我們的所有業務均通過我們的各個子公司進行,這些子公司根據其註冊國的法律進行組織和運營,並由博通合併。我們保持 我們的網站www.broadcom.com上的投資者關係頁面,提供有關博通的一般信息。提及我們的網站地址並不構成以引用方式納入我們網站上包含的信息。對於 有關博通的更多信息,包括財務信息,您應參考我們最近向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件。參見”在哪裏可以找到更多信息.”





以下摘要描述了特此發行的票據的主要條款。以下描述的某些條款和條件受制約 注意重要的限制和例外情況。在本節中,「發行人」、「我們」 或 「我們的」 等術語僅指博通公司,不包括我們的子公司。你應該仔細查看 本招股說明書補充文件的 「票據描述」 部分,其中包含對票據條款和條件的更詳細描述。















   20 張票據的百分比。


     20 張票據的百分比。


     20 張票據的百分比。


     20 張票據的百分比。






   ,20 張票據是 20 張。


     ,20 張票據是 20 張。


     ,20 張票據是 20 張。


     ,20 張票據是 20 張。


在此之前 適用的面值認購日,我們可以隨時不時地按我們的期權全部或部分贖回適用系列的票據,按我們計算的贖回價格(以本金的百分比表示,四捨五入至 小數點後三位)等於以下兩項中較大值:(1) (a) 折抵贖回日的剩餘定期還款本金和利息的現值之和(假設票據在適用的面值收回日到期) 每半年一次(假設 360 天 由十二組成的年份 30 天 月)按國庫利率加(i)個點子計算,如果是 20 張票據,(ii) 20張票據的點子,(iii) 20張票據的點子或 (iv) 對於20張票據,減去(b)截至贖回之日應計的利息,以及(2)要贖回的票據本金的100%,再加上無論哪種情況, 截至贖回日(但不包括贖回日)的應計和未付利息(如果有)。

在適用的面值看漲日期當天或之後,我們可以 隨時不時按我們的期權全部或部分贖回適用系列的票據,贖回價格等於所贖回票據本金的100%加上應計和未付利息(如果有), 即日起至但不包括適用的兌換日期。




「看漲到期日」指20張票據的到期日前   個月的日期,針對20張票據,「看漲到期日」指20張票據的到期日前   個月的日期, 針對20張票據,「看漲到期日」指20張票據的到期日前   個月的日期,和針對20張票據,「看漲到期日」指20張票據的到期日前   個月的日期。







額外金額; 因稅收原因贖回

在發生後 非美國人。 住所交易 (在“”中定義,並附帶招股說明書), 如果由付款的支付方 (在“ 非美國人。 ”中定義的付款方債務證券描述——額外金額”在隨附的招股說明書中)受某些相關稅收管轄區(而非美國或其任何政治分支或政府機構)徵收的稅款或扣除的約束,但須要符合特定的例外情形, 非美國人。 支付方應支付額外的金額,以確保每一系列票據持有人在扣除稅款或扣除之後收到的淨額不低於在沒有扣除稅款或扣除的情況下他們會收到的金額。如果某一相關司法管轄區的稅法發生變化,要求支付方對一系列票據支付這樣的額外金額, 非美國人。 支付方可能會全部贖回此類系列票據,但不得部分贖回,在任何時候,以贖回價爲100%的本金金額,加上應計及未支付的利息(如果有),和額外金額(如果有),直至贖回日爲止。請參閱“ 非美國人。 payor會以其他必要的金額支付的整個系列的票據,並在任何時候,以100%的本金金額,加上應計及未支付的利息(如果有),和額外金額(如果有),直至贖回日爲止。請參閱“ 投資的描述:債務證券—額外金額債務證券描述—因稅收原因贖回”在隨附的招股說明書中。


我們打算將票據的淨收益用於一般企業用途和償還債務。某些 承銷商的關聯公司可能會在此類償還相關聯的情況下獲得本次發行的淨收益的一部分。我們"請參見“使用所得款項.”





根據以下定義,契約(定義見下文"票據說明 )不會限制根據它可以發行的債務證券的總面值。 在其他事項中,我們可能會不時地,無需通知或徵得任何票據持有人的同意,創建併發行另附條件:與該系列其他票據在所有方面一樣,並列並按比例排名的額外票據,或在所有方面與此類系列的其他票據相同,除了發行日期、公開發行價格、在發行日期或第一個利息支付日之前應計利息的支付日期不同; 提供如果這些額外票據在美國聯邦所得稅目的上與該系列初始票據不可互換,這些額外票據將具有不同的CUSIP,ISIN和/或任何其他識別號碼。

在億滋國際的控制權發生變動並且經過特定時期後,如多氏公司投資者服務公司和S&P Global Ratings將債券的評級下調至投資級以下,我們將被要求按101%的債券的以及按行權日起應計但未支付的利息的總面值購回債券。詳見「債券說明——控制權變更。」

在"說明 備忘錄—控制權觸發事件發生後的購買備忘錄),除非我們行使了下文所述的贖回備忘錄的選擇權備忘錄說明—可選贖回”或下文 “債務證券說明—爲稅務原因贖回”在隨附招股說明書中,每位持有者將有權要求我們按照購買價格購買該持有者的所有或部分(不低於$2,000或超出該金額的$1,000的倍數)的備忘錄,購買價格等於其總本金額的101%,加上截至購買日期但不包括的應計未付利息,根據相關記錄日備忘錄持有人在相關利息支付日期應獲得利息的權利。見“備忘錄說明—控制權觸發事件發生後的購買備忘錄.”


該契約將包括條款,其中包括限制我們及我們的國內子公司(在「描述債券-擔保債務限制-特定定義」中定義)的能力,不得創建、承擔或擔保任何「擔保債務」(在「描述債券-擔保債務限制-特定定義」中定義),而不採取有效措施與此類擔保債務一樣並且相同地擔保債券,但在「描述債券-擔保債務限制」下描述的某些例外情況下。債券說明-擔保債務限制-特定定義)以共同一種方式擔保債券,並有效限制我們與其合併或合併,或者向任何其他人轉讓,轉讓或將我們的全部或實質全部財產和資產,如“債券說明-擔保債務限制-特定定義”中描述的債券說明-擔保債務限制”,並且將限制我們與其他任何人合併,或者向任何其他人轉讓,轉讓或租賃我們的全部或實質全部財產和資產,如在“擔保將受到一系列重要的限制和限制。請參閱擔保書中的“票據說明 ”下方和擔保書中的“債務證券描述


票據將以完全註冊、賬簿入賬形式發行,最低面額爲$2,000,每次遞增$1,000。這些全球票據將存放在託管人銀行手中,並以美國託管結算公司(DTC)的提名人名義註冊。除了在「票據描述—賬簿入賬、交付和形式」中描述的有限情況下票據描述—賬簿入賬、交付和形式不會發行或換髮以證明形式存續的”,投資者可直接通過歐洲清算銀行S.A./N.V.(作爲歐洲清算系統(「Euroclear」) 運營商)和Clearstream銀行S.A.(「Clearstream」)持有全球證券中的權益,如果他們是這些系統的參與者,或者通過是這些系統參與者的機構間接持有。歐洲清算銀行和Clearstream將代表他們的參與者持有全球債券中的權益,通過各自的存管銀行,而這些存管銀行反過來將在DTC的賬簿上以存管銀行的名義持有這些權益。












有關債券條款的更詳盡描述,請參閱所附招股說明書中的「部分」。票據說明 在這個前瞻性交易說明書中,《票據說明-支付額外金額》債務證券描述”請參閱附帶招股說明書中的章節以獲取更詳細的描述。







您應仔細考慮本招股說明書補充文件中的以下風險和其他信息(包括更詳細的 在投資票據之前,請在本招股說明書補充文件的 「票據描述」 部分及隨附的招股說明書中描述票據的條款和條件。以下任何風險和不確定性都可能 對我們的業務、財務狀況或經營業績產生重大不利影響。


要討論與我們的業務相關的風險,您應仔細考慮下文中討論的風險、不確定性和假設 “第一部分——第 1A 項。發行人年度報告表格中的 「風險因素」 10-K 截至2023年10月29日的財政年度,表格上的季度報告 10-Q 對於截至2024年2月4日、2024年5月5日和2024年8月4日的財政季度,以及我們隨後向美國證券交易委員會提交的更新、補充或取代此類信息的文件, 所有這些都以引用方式納入本招股說明書補充文件中。參見”在哪裏可以找到更多信息.”

風險相關 參加本次優惠

我們的巨額債務可能會對我們的財務狀況、執行業務戰略的能力以及 履行本說明規定的義務的能力。

我們有未償債務和其他財務義務, 我們的循環信貸額度下有大量未使用的借貸能力。截至2024年8月4日,發行人的借款本金總額約爲638.48億美元(包括某些擔保) 其某些子公司的借款債務),其子公司的未償借款(不包括公司間債務)的無抵押債務本金總額約爲126.65億美元, 就其子公司資產和現金流索賠而言,所有這些子公司借款的債務在結構上都將優先於票據。參見 “資本化。”我們還可能產生額外費用 未來的債務。我們現有的巨額債務和未來出現的任何額外債務都可能產生重要的後果,包括:



使我們更難履行我們的財務義務,包括髮行人的義務 關於《附註》;









限制了我們在規劃或應對經濟和所處行業變化的靈活性 操作;






這使得將來更難借入額外資金來爲增長, 收購, 營運資金提供資金, 資本支出和其他用途;以及



可能要求我們將運營現金流的很大一部分用於支付 債務,從而減少了我們爲其他業務需求提供資金的現金流。

我們收到債務 來自美國某些主要信用評級機構的評級。可能影響我們信用評級的因素包括債務水平、計劃中的資產購買或出售以及短期和長期的生產增長機會。流動性, 評級機構也可以考慮資產質量、成本結構、儲備組合和商品定價水平。儘管我們專注於維持這些機構的投資等級評級,但我們可能無法做到這一點。任何降級情況 我們的信用評級或債務評級,或債務資本市場的不利狀況,可能會:



























即當發生「控制權觸發事件」時(如在「說明書—控制權觸發事件發生時購買Notes」下所定義),除非發行人行使其在「說明書—可選贖回」下所述的贖回Notes的選擇權,或者在“ 說明書—控制權觸發事件發生時購買Notes中描述的贖回Notes的選擇權,否則發行人將無法回購Notes。 說明書—可選贖回” 或在“ 債務證券描述-出於稅收原因的贖回”在隨附的招股說明書中,每位債券持有人將有權要求發行人購買其所有或部分(至少爲$2,000,或超額$1,000的整數倍)的債券,購買價格爲其總本金金額的101%,並加上未償付的利息(如果有),但不包括購買當日的應計利息,受到有關記錄日的債券持有人在相關利息支付日應收利息的權利。請參閱“債券描述-出現控制權觸發事件時購買債券.”








總的來說,隨着市場利率的上升,按固定利率計息的債務工具的價值會下降,因爲溢價 超額市場利率(如果有的話)將下降。因此,如果您購買票據並且市場利率上升,則票據的市場價值可能會下降。我們無法預測未來的市場利率水平。


爲票據分配或將要分配的任何信用評級範圍有限,並不能解決與票據有關的所有重大風險 投資票據,而僅反映每個評級機構在發佈評級時的觀點。可以向該評級機構解釋此類評級的重要性。我們無法向你保證這樣的信貸 評級將在任何給定時間段內保持有效,或者根據相關評級機構的判斷,評級機構不會完全降低、暫停或撤回評級。

機構信用評級不建議買入、賣出或持有任何證券。應獨立評估每個機構的評級 任何其他機構的評級。我們信用評級的實際或預期變化或下調,包括任何宣佈我們的評級正在接受進一步審查以進行降級的聲明,可能會影響票據的市值並增加我們的評級 企業借貸成本。


發行人可以隨時不時贖回部分或全部票據。參見”備註描述-可選 兌換。”儘管票據中包含旨在補償您此類票據損失價值的條款,前提是我們在到期前贖回部分或全部此類票據,但此類準備金只能估算損失的價值,可能不足夠 補償你。此外,如果對任何相關司法管轄區的稅法進行某些修改需要 非美國 付款人,發生後 非美國 住所交易,用一系列票據支付 「額外款項」, 非美國 付款人可以全部贖回此類票據,但是 在任何時候都不得部分按本金的100%的贖回價格,加上截至贖回之日的應計和未付利息(如果有)以及額外金額(如果有)。參見”債務證券描述—附加 金額” 和”債務證券的描述——出於納稅原因的贖回” 在隨附的招股說明書中。根據任何此類贖回時的現行利率,您可能無法再投資 以可比證券(包括具有可比評級)的利率贖回收益,其利率高於所贖回的適用系列票據的利率,或者以本可以補償您的任何利率的利率 任何票據的兌換都會導致價值損失。

票據目前沒有市場,活躍的交易市場可能無法發展 注意事項。

每個系列的票據將構成尚未建立公開市場的新發行證券。發行人 預計票據不會在國家證券交易所上市,也不會在任何自動交易商報價系統上安排報價。某些承銷商已告知發行人,他們預計將爲每個系列開拓市場 適用法律法規允許的票據。但是,承銷商沒有義務爲任何系列的票據做市,他們可以隨時停止做市活動,恕不另行通知。此外, 每個系列票據交易市場的流動性以及每個系列票據的報價可能會受到整個證券市場的變化以及我們的財務表現或前景變化的不利影響,或 我們行業中公司的財務業績或前景的變化。每個票據系列的活躍交易市場可能無法發展或持續下去,我們無法向您保證任何正在發展的市場的流動性。你可能不會 能夠在特定時間出售您的票據,並且您出售時獲得的價格可能不太優惠。




契約不會限制我們承擔無抵押債務的能力,也不會阻止我們償還無抵押債務的能力 分紅或通常會阻止高槓杆交易,並且契約中不會有任何財務契約。結果,我們可能會承擔額外的債務,這可能會增加與我們的巨額債務相關的風險。

我們將不受限制承擔額外的無抵押債務或其他負債,包括額外的非次級債務, 根據契約。如果我們承擔額外的債務或負債,發行人支付票據債務的能力可能會受到不利影響。我們預計,我們將不時承擔額外的債務和其他債務 負債。此外,契約不會限制我們支付股息或發行或回購我們的證券。

契約中不會有任何財務契約。除了” 中描述的盟約註釋的描述” 在本招股說明書補充文件中,以及”債務證券的描述” 在隨附的招股說明書中,契約中沒有任何可以爲你提供高度保護的契約或任何其他條款 槓桿交易,包括可能導致或可能不會導致控制權變更的交易。

「控制權變更要約」(如 定義在”註釋的描述控制權變更觸發事件時購買票據”) 在某些情況下,票據的特點可能會使其變得更加困難或阻礙我們出售或收購, 因此,罷免了現任管理層。控制權變更優惠功能是我們與承銷商協商的結果。儘管如此,我們目前無意參與涉及控制權變更的交易 我們有可能在將來決定這樣做。受” 中討論的限制條件約束註釋的描述控制權變更觸發事件時購買票據” 在本招股說明書補充文件中,以及 在” 下債務證券的描述——合併、合併或出售” 在隨附的招股說明書中,我們將來可能會進行某些交易,包括收購、再融資或其他資本重組, 這不會構成契約下的控制權變更,但這可能會增加我們當時的未償債務金額,或者以其他方式影響我們的資本結構或票據的信用評級。的限制 發行人及其國內子公司承擔擔保債務的能力包含在契約中,如下所述”票據描述——有擔保債務的限制,” 以及對以下內容的限制 如隨附的招股說明書中所述,發行人合併、合併或轉讓、轉讓或租賃其全部或幾乎所有財產和資產的能力包含在契約中。”債務描述 證券—合併、合併或出售。”除了此類盟約中包含的限制和”註釋的描述控制權變更觸發事件時購買票據,” 但是, 契約將不包含任何可能在高槓杆交易中爲票據持有人提供保護的契約或條款。

契約中的契約限制了發行人及其國內子公司設立、承擔或擔保 「有擔保」 的能力 債務” 將僅適用於構成《契約》下的 「主要財產」 的財產;但是,發行人及其任何國內子公司均沒有任何構成 「主要財產」 的財產 根據契約。

該契約將包括契約,除其他外,這些契約將限制發行人的能力和 其國內子公司有能力設立、承擔或擔保任何以任何主要財產的擔保權益(「有擔保債務」)爲擔保的借款債務,但須符合一些重要條件。在 此外,賬面淨值低於發行人合併總資產2%的房產被明確排除在主要財產的定義之外。截至本招股說明書補充文件發佈之日,發行人或任何一方都不是 其國內子公司擁有任何構成契約下主要財產的財產。此外,發行人的董事會(或其委員會)將有廣泛的自由裁量權來確定財產不屬於 總體而言,對發行人及其子公司開展的全部業務具有重大意義,一旦確定,任何此類財產將不再構成契約下的 「主要財產」。























(以百萬爲單位,每股數據除外)    歷史數據




   $ 9,952      $       

債務 (1)


2024年7月到期的高級票據 — 固定利率



     1,250        1,250  


     2,250        2,250  


     1,500        1,500  






     5,000        5,000  












     8,000        8,000  
















     750        750  


     1,200        1,200  


     2,500        2,500  






     4,450        4,450  










     3,250        3,250  


     2,750        2,750  






     6,000        6,000  










     2,250        2,250  


     3,250        3,250  






     5,500        5,500  









(以百萬爲單位,每股數據除外)    歷史數據

2021年1月的償還債券 — 固定利率



     750        750  


     2,750        2,750  


     1,750        1,750  


     3,000        3,000  


     1,750        1,750  






     10,000        10,000  







2020年6月優先票據 — 固定利率



     752        752  


     1,118        1,118  






     1,870        1,870  







2020年5月優先票據 — 固定利率



     900        900  


     1,856        1,856  


     2,000        2,000  






     4,756        4,756  







2020年4月的優先票據 — 固定利率



     606        606  

2019年4月的優先票據 — 固定利率



     622        622  


     1,655        1,655  






     2,277        2,277  










     495        495  


     2,922        2,922  


     777        777  






     4,194        4,194  










     1,250        1,250  


     750        750  


     1,500        1,500  


     500        500  


     1,250        1,250  


     750        750  


     750        750  


     1,500        1,500  






     8,250        8,250  










     215        215  



(以百萬爲單位,每股數據除外)    歷史數據




     6        6  


























     —         —   


     5        5  


     67,313        67,313  


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本 「票據描述」 和隨附招股說明書中標題爲 「債務證券描述」 的部分 概述契約和附註的某些重要條款,但聲稱不完整,受契約和附註的所有條款(包括定義)的約束,並通過引用對其進行全面限定 其中提及經修訂的1939年《信託契約法》,構成契約一部分的某些條款和條款。我們強烈建議您閱讀契約,因爲契約定義了您作爲票據持有人的權利,而不是本說明。 本 「票據描述」 補充了隨附招股說明書中的 「債務證券描述」,如果不一致,則取代了隨附招股說明書中的此類描述。出於這個目的 「票據描述」,提及 「公司」、「博通」、「發行人」、「我們」、「我們的」 和 「我們」 僅指博通公司,不包括我們的子公司。


這些票據將根據以下條件發行 截止日期爲2024年7月12日的契約(「基本契約」),由補充契約作爲補充,日期爲2024年(「補充契約」),連同基礎契約 我們與作爲受託人的全國協會威爾明頓信託基金(「受託人」)簽訂的契約,即 「契約」)。這些票據將以四個系列的美元計價票據發行。我們最初會發行 將於(「20張票據」)到期的優先票據的本金總額爲美元,本金總額爲美元 將於(「20張票據」)到期的優先票據百分比,將於(「20張票據」)到期的優先票據的本金總額% 「20張票據」)和將於(「20張票據」)到期的優先票據的本金總額百分比,與20張票據一起, 20 個註釋和 20 個註釋,「註釋」)。

這些票據是無抵押的,將與我們的其他無抵押票據排名相同 以及不附屬債務。

票據可隨時按下述價格由我們選擇兌換 “—可選兌換” 下面。

票據將至少以完全註冊的賬面記錄形式發行 面額爲2,000美元,超過該面額的整數倍數爲1,000美元。

我們所說的 「工作日」 是指除以下任何一天 星期六或星期日,這既不是法定假日,也不是法律、法規或行政命令授權或要求銀行機構在紐約、紐約、美國或付款地關閉的日子。


本金的支付, 保費(如果有)、利息和其他金額(定義和描述見隨附招股說明書標題下的部分)債務證券的描述—附加金額”)在註釋上將:



在償付權方面與我們所有現有和未來的無抵押和無次級債務相同, 負債和其他債務;






在價值的範圍內,實際上從屬於我們所有現有和未來的有擔保債務 爲此類債務提供擔保的資產;以及



從結構上講,受付權從屬於所有現有和未來的債務、負債和其他債務 我們每家子公司的義務。







我們將在每年設定的日期及每年的 等向未能按時支付20 票據的人發放利息,第一筆付款將在2025 年周 末 和工作結束時向持有這些20 票據的人發放(在不管是否爲工作日的情況下),即緊隨相關利息支付日期之前。我們將在每年設定的日期及每年的 等向未能按時支付20 票據的人發放利息,第一筆付款將在2025 年周 末 和工作結束時向持有這些20 票據的人發放(在不管是否爲工作日的情況下),即緊隨相關利息支付日期之前。我們將在每年設定的日期及每年的 等向未能按時支付20 票據的人發放利息,第一筆付款將在2025 年周 末 和工作結束時向持有這些20 票據的人發放(在不管是否爲工作日的情況下),即緊隨相關利息支付日期之前。我們將在每年設定的日期及每年的 等向未能按時支付20 票據的人發放利息,第一筆付款將在2025 年周 末 和工作結束時向持有這些20 票據的人發放(在不管是否爲工作日的情況下),即緊隨相關利息支付日期之前。

在每種情況下,應付的利息應在票據到期日或任何贖回日支付給應付票據本金的人。票據的利息將根據一個月計算一次。 12個月的 360 天; 個月 30天 我們將通過受託人向託管人進行支付,包括本金、溢價(如有)、利息和額外金額(如有),最初將託管人設爲美國存管信託公司(「DTC」)。

以登記形式和實物形式發行的票據的本金和利息支付將根據下文「—登記、交付和形式」中描述的方式進行。 任何利息支付日、贖回日或到期日應支付的利息應爲從而且包括之前的利息支付日開始計息的利息金額,但不包括該利息支付日、贖回日或到期日。如果任何利息支付日恰逢非工作日,則利息將在下一個工作日支付,但因支付延遲而不會產生額外的利息。如果票據的到期日或任何贖回日恰逢非工作日,則相關的本金、溢價(如有)、利息和額外金額(如有)將在下一個後繼工作日支付,就好像在應支付該付款的日期進行,並且在從該日期之後到下一個後繼工作日的期間內,這些應支付金額不產生利息。.”







在(到期日之前的幾個月)之前(「面值看漲期權」) 日期”),就票據而言,在(到期日之前的幾個月)(「面值看漲日」)之前 (到期日之前的幾個月)(「面值看漲日」)和之前(到期前的幾個月) 日期)、面值看漲日期(每個面值看漲日期、面值看漲日期、面值看漲日期和麪值) Call Date,「Par Call Call Date」),我們可以隨時不時按我們計算的贖回價格(以本金的百分比表示)按我們的期權全部或部分贖回適用系列的票據 並四捨五入到小數點後三位),等於以下兩項中的較大值:

(1) (a) 剩餘預定金額的現值之和 每半年支付折現至贖回日的本金和利息(假設票據在適用的面值收回日到期)(假設 360 天 由十二組成的年份 30 天 月)按美國國債利率(定義見下文)加上(i)點子(對於20張票據),(ii)點子(就20張票據而言) 20張票據),(iii)點子(對於20張票據)或(iv)點子(對於20張票據)減去(b)截至贖回之日的應計利息, 和

(2) 要贖回的票據本金的100%,


在適用的面值看漲日當天或之後,我們可以隨時選擇全部或部分贖回每個適用系列的票據,以及 不時按等於所贖回票據本金的100%的贖回價格加上截至但不包括適用的贖回日應計和未付利息(如果有)。

就任何贖回日而言,「國庫利率」 是指我們根據以下兩個條件確定的收益率 段落。

適用於一系列票據的國債利率應由我們在紐約時間下午 4:15 之後(或在此之後)確定 聯儲局系統理事會每天公佈美國政府證券收益率的時間),在該贖回日之前的第三個工作日根據之後公佈的最近一天的收益率或收益率 聯邦儲備系統理事會發布的名爲 「精選利率(每日)——H.15」(或任何後續名稱或出版物)的最新統計報告中的此類時間 (「H.15」)標題爲 「美國政府證券——美國國債固定到期日——名義」(或任何後續標題或標題)(「H.15 TCM」)。在確定適用的國債利率時,我們將選擇 適用:(1) H.15的美國國債恒定到期日收益率完全等於從贖回日到適用的面值收回日(「剩餘壽命」)的期限(「剩餘壽命」);或(2)如果沒有此類美國國債常數 H.15的到期日完全等於剩餘壽命,這兩種收益率——一種收益率對應於H.15的美國國債固定到期日,立即短於H.15的到期日,另一種收益率對應於立即在H.15上到期的美國國債固定到期日 長於剩餘壽命,並應使用此類收益率將結果四捨五入到小數點後三位,按直線(使用實際天數)插值到適用的面值看漲日期;或者(3)如果沒有這樣的收益 H.15的國債固定到期日短於或長於剩餘壽命,H.15的單一國債固定到期日收益率最接近剩餘壽命。就本段而言,適用的國庫固定到期日 或H.15的到期日應視爲其到期日等於自該贖回日起該國債固定到期日的相關月數或年數(如適用)。

如果在該兌換日期之前的第三個工作日不再發布 H.15 Tcm 或任何後續名稱或出版物,我們 應根據相當於美國國債贖回日前第二個工作日紐約時間上午11點的半年期等值到期收益率的年利率計算適用的國債利率 在適用的面值看漲日到期或最接近適用的面值看漲日期的證券。如果沒有在適用的面值回收日到期的美國國庫證券,但有兩張或更多美國國債 到期日與適用的面值看漲日相等的證券,到期日早於適用的面值看漲期的證券













一旦發生控制權觸發事件,除非我們已行使上述「可選贖回」或“ —自願贖回”或者“債務證券描述-出於稅收原因的贖回根據隨附招股說明書,每位債券持有人都有權要求我們按照以下描述的要約(「控制權變更要約」)購買其所有或部分(等於2,000美元的最低金額或超過此金額的整數倍)的債券,購買價格爲其總本金金額的101%,再加上截止購買日之前的應計但未支付的利息(如果有的話),但受到有關債券持有人在相關記錄日期上收到有關利息支付日應得利息的權利的影響。





票據的副本,並向受託人分發,該通知將適用於控制權變更要約的條款。除其他外,此類通知應註明購買日期,該日期不得早於購買日期 自通知發出之日起不超過 30 天(除非此類通知以控制權變更觸發事件的發生爲條件),也不得遲於 60 天,如果通知是在控制權變更之前發出的,則不得早於 除法律要求外(「控制權變更付款日期」),控制權變更發生之日以外。控制權變更付款日期可以參考控制權變更的日期來指定 觸發事件已滿足,而不是特定日期。如果在控制權變更完成之日之前發送,則該通知將指出,控制權變更要約以控制權變更觸發事件爲條件 在控制權變更付款日期當天或之前發生。選擇根據控制權變更要約購買票據的最終票據的持有人將被要求交出票據,其表格標題爲 “持有人期權 選擇已完成的附註背面的 「購買」,發送給通知中指定的地址的付款代理人。全球票據的持有人必須根據適用的程序,通過賬面記賬轉賬將其票據轉讓給付款代理人 付款代理人和存託人(就全球票據而言),均在控制權變更付款日期之前的第三個工作日營業結束之前。

如果第三方以所需的方式和時間提出控制權變更要約,則我們無需提出此類要約,並且 否則,如果該報價是由我們提出的,則符合適用於此類要約的要求,並且此類第三方購買了根據其要約正確投標且未撤回的所有票據。此外,如果有,我們可能不會回購任何票據 在控制權變更付款日發生並仍在繼續,這是契約下的違約事件,但控制權變更觸發事件後控制權變更付款的違約付款除外。

如果持有人持有適用系列未償還票據本金總額不少於90%的持有人有效投標且沒有 如上所述,在控制權變更觸發事件後回購票據的要約中撤回此類票據,並且我們或任何第三方提出在控制權變更觸發事件後代我們回購票據的提議, 購買所有經過有效投標且未由此類持有人提取的票據,那麼如果在控制權付款日期變更後的30天內,我們有權在至少提前10天或超過60天發出通知後 以等於其本金101%的現金贖回價格贖回該系列中所有尚未償還的票據,外加截至但不包括贖回日的應計和未付利息(如果有)(視情況而定) 相關記錄日的登記持有人有權獲得在相關利息支付日到期的利息)。

我們會 遵守規則的要求 14e-1 根據經修訂的1934年《證券交易法》(「交易法」)以及該法下的任何其他證券法律和法規,但以此類法律爲限 根據控制權變更要約購買票據的相關法規適用。在任何此類證券法律或法規的規定與 「控制權變更觸發」 相沖突的範圍內 契約和票據的 「事件」 條款,我們將遵守這些證券法律法規,不應被視爲違反了我們在契約和票據的 「控制權變更觸發事件」 條款下的義務 任何此類衝突所產生的契約和票據。

在某些情況下,票據的控制權變更優惠功能可能會使 這更加困難或不鼓勵出售或收購我們,從而阻止現任管理層的撤職。控制權變更優惠功能是我們與承銷商協商的結果。我們目前無意參與 涉及控制權變更的交易,儘管我們有可能在將來決定這樣做。受下文及下文討論的限制限制”債務證券的描述——合併、合併或出售” 在隨附的招股說明書中,我們將來可能會進行某些交易,包括收購、再融資或其他資本重組,這些交易不會構成契約下的控制權變更,但可能會增加 我們或子公司當時的未償債務金額,或以其他方式影響我們或子公司的資本結構或票據的信用評級。對我們和我們的國內子公司的限制(如 定義如下”—對擔保債務的限制—某些定義”) 承擔擔保債務的能力包含在契約中,如下所述”—擔保債務的限制” 和限制 取決於我們合併、合併或轉讓、轉讓或租賃的能力




如隨附的招股說明書中所述,我們的全部或幾乎所有財產和資產都包含在契約中。”債務證券的描述—合併, 合併或出售。”但是,除了此類契約和與控制權變更要約發生時回購相關的契約中包含的限制外,契約將不包含任何可能的契約或條款 在進行高槓杆交易時,爲票據持有人提供保護。

「全部或基本全部」 一詞是 在 「控制權變更」 的定義中用於我們的資產和子公司的資產,須根據適用的州法律進行解釋,其在給定情況下的適用性將取決於事實和 情況。解釋 「基本全部」 一詞的判例法有限,適用法律對該詞沒有精確的既定定義。因此,要求的適用性是 由於向他人出售、轉讓、轉讓或以其他方式處置不到我們全部資產和子公司資產而提出的回購票據的提議可能尚不確定。

在控制權變更觸發事件發生後,我們向票據持有人支付現金的能力可能會受到我們的限制 當時存在的財政資源, 因此, 在必要時可能沒有足夠的資金來進行任何必要的採購.參見”風險因素——控制權變更後,發行人可能無法回購票據 觸發事件.”

「股本」 是指:


(2) 就協會或商業實體而言,任何及所有股份、權益、參與、權利或其他等價物(但是 指定公司股票(不論是否投票),包括該人的每類普通股和優先股;以及

(3) 就合夥企業或有限責任公司而言,合夥企業或會員權益(無論是普通利益還是有限權益)。

“改變 「控制權」 是指發生以下任何情況:

(1) 直接或間接的銷售、轉讓、轉讓或其他處置 (通過合併或合併除外),在一個或多個關聯交易中,將我們的全部或基本全部資產和子公司資產作爲一個整體歸屬於任何 「個人」(該術語的定義見於 《交易法》第 13 (d) (3) 條)(我們或我們的子公司除外);或

(2) 任何交易的完成 (包括但不限於任何合併或合併),其結果是除(a)我們之外的任何 「個人」 或 「團體」(如《交易法》第13(d)(3)條中定義的相關人員) 或我們的一家子公司或 (b) 該人或其子公司的任何員工福利計劃,以及以任何此類計劃的受託人、代理人或其他信託人或管理人的身份行事的任何個人或實體成爲 「受益人」 所有者”(如規則中所定義) 13d-313d-5 根據《交易法》),直接或間接地佔我們50%以上的有表決權股票或其他有表決權的股票 我們的有表決權的股票被重新分類、合併、交換或變更,以投票權而不是股份數量來衡量; 但是,前提是 不得將某人視爲任何 (A) 的受益所有人或受益擁有 根據該人或其任何關聯公司或其代表提出的投標或交換要約投標的證券,直到此類投標證券被接受根據該要約購買或交換要約進行購買或交換,或 (B) 在以下情況下的任何證券 此類實益所有權 (i) 完全是針對根據《交易法》中適用的規則和條例提出的代理或同意請求而交付的可撤銷代理而產生的,而且 (ii) 不是 可按照《交易法》附表13D(或任何後續附表)申報。

儘管如此,交易不會 如果 (A) 我們成爲他人的直接或間接全資子公司,以及 (B) (i) 我們在該交易前夕發行的有表決權股票構成或是,則被視爲涉及控制權變更 在該交易生效後立即轉換爲或交換該人的多數有表決權股票;或 (ii) 在該交易之後立即沒有人(滿足以下條件的人除外) 這句話)是該人50%以上的有表決權股票的直接或間接受益所有人。






「投資級別」表示穆迪(Moody's)將其等效的等級爲Baa3或更高,標普(S&P)將其等效的等級爲 BBB- 或更高,惠譽(Fitch)將其等效的等級爲或更高,或者如適用,來自任何替代評級機構的相當於投資級別的信用評級。



「評級事件」指適用系列債券的評級由至少兩家評級機構下調,並且此類系列債券由這些評級機構評爲低於投資級別評級的情況,在發生控制變更或我們有意進行控制變更的首次公告之日起,持續期間爲60天直至完成控制變更後的60天結束(若此期間持續,直到這類系列債券的評級被任一評級機構公開宣佈考慮進行可能的降級爲止)。 在每種情況下,該B類股東和/或該B類股東的家庭成員需獨立控制在此類帳戶、計劃或信託中持有的B類普通股實時;, 公司對於以下情況,不應承擔責任:根據第10(b)部分書面信息可靠地提供。如果評級機構因特定的評級降低而引起的評級事件被視爲未發生在特定的控制變更方面(因此不會被視爲控制變更觸發事件的評級事件),除非進行降級評級的每個評級機構宣佈或公開確認此定義原本適用的評級降低是任何事件或情況的全部或部分結果,該事件或情況由適用的變更控制的情況構成或因此產生,或者涉及或與適用的控制變更有關(無論相應的控制變更是否在評級事件發生時已發生)。受託人無義務或責任監測票據的評級或判斷評級事件是否發生。












有關財產的安全利益,或任何有條件的銷售協議,或者關於財產的任何所有權保留權,在收購財產時(無論是否由我們或我們的子公司承擔)或在其成爲主要財產時存在, 在每種情況下,該B類股東和/或該B類股東的家庭成員需獨立控制在此類帳戶、計劃或信託中持有的B類普通股實時; 不得爲了預期或促成該收購而設立此種安全利益;






對於某人的財產的安全利益,在該人被合併或併入我們或我們的子公司或在轉讓,租賃或以整體或幾乎整體的方式將某人的財產出售給我們或我們的子公司時存在; 在每種情況下,該B類股東和/或該B類股東的家庭成員需獨立控制在此類帳戶、計劃或信託中持有的B類普通股實時; 不得延伸至我們或該子公司在收購前是主要財產(如下所定義)的任何其他財產,或在此後收購時是主要財產的其他財產,但不包括收購財產的任何增加或改善;


















儘管上述擔保債務的限制,我們及我們的任何一個或多個國內子公司可以在不擔保債券的情況下發行、承擔或擔保擔保債務,否則將受到前述限制的約束, 在每種情況下,該B類股東和/或該B類股東的家庭成員需獨立控制在此類帳戶、計劃或信託中持有的B類普通股實時; 在給予效力後,此類擔保債務的累計本金餘額(除前述例外情況下允許的擔保債務外)爲,




在生效後,時間不超過 (i) 截至該有擔保債務設立、承擔或擔保之日計算的合併總資產的15%,以較高者爲準 產生和使用由此產生的收益以及 (二) 263億美元.



「合併總資產」 是指截至確定時反映在我們最近的合併餘額中的總資產 根據我們最近應向美國證券交易委員會提交的公認會計原則在財政季度末編制的表格(或者,如果我們無需申報或此類金額未反映在該報告中) 財務報表,反映在確定合併總資產(該財季的最後一天)之前,我們根據公認會計原則編制的最新合併資產負債表(「計算」) 參考日期”).合併總資產的計算應使我們或我們的任何子公司對涉及我們或我們的任何子公司付款或收款的任何資產的收購或處置具有形式上的效力,因爲 適用,對價(無論是現金形式還是 非現金 對價)自計算參考日以來發生的超過10億美元的款項,就好像此類收購或處置一樣 發生在計算參考日期。

「國內子公司」 是指我們的任何子公司,當時其子公司 決定,所有已發行股本(董事的合格股份除外)均由我們直接和/或間接擁有,在做出決定時,這些股本主要用於設計、開發或供應 半導體或基礎設施軟件解決方案,但以下子公司除外:(a) 既不在美國境內進行任何實質性業務交易,也不定期維護其固定資產的很大一部分, (b) 其全部或幾乎全部資產由一家或多家子公司的股本組成,這些子公司不是國內子公司,(c) 其大多數有表決權的股票由我們的一家或多家直接或間接擁有 非國內子公司或(d)不擁有主要財產的子公司。

「GAAP」 是指截至任何日期, 美國註冊會計師協會會計原則委員會的意見和聲明以及美國註冊會計師協會的報表和聲明中規定的美利堅合衆國普遍接受的會計原則 財務會計準則委員會或經會計行業很大一部分批准的其他實體發佈的其他報表中,這些聲明自2024年7月12日起生效(或者根據我們的選擇,這些聲明已在 自該日起生效)。

「主要財產」 指土地、改建物、建築物、固定裝置和/或設備(包括任何 其中的租賃權益)位於美利堅合衆國(其領土或財產除外),構成任何製造、裝配或測試工廠、配送中心、研究設施、設計設施、行政設施, 或我們或我們的任何國內子公司擁有或租賃的銷售和營銷設施(無論是現在擁有還是此後收購),除非 (x) 此類工廠、中心或設施的賬面淨值低於我們的 2% 截至確定之日的合併總資產,或 (y) 我們的董事會或其委員會已真誠地確定該辦公場所、工廠、中心或設施對開展的總業務不具有重要意義 由我們和我們的子公司整體來看。儘管如此,構成 (i) 我們的主要公司辦公室或主要辦公室的土地、改善設施、建築物、固定裝置和/或設備(包括其中的任何租賃權益) 園區(無論是由我們還是我們的全資子公司擁有或租賃)以及(ii)位於加利福尼亞州爾灣的辦公園區,在任何情況下均不構成主要財產。

「有擔保債務」 是指以任何主要財產的擔保權益爲擔保的借款債務。

「擔保權益」 指抵押貸款、質押、留置權、擔保權益或其他抵押物。


所有條款均包含 有關額外發行票據的規定載於隨附的招股說明書標題爲”債務證券的描述—其他問題.”





所有有關在發生其它金額的支付之後付款便條的條款如附隨說明書所述非美國人士。 對我們或我們任何繼承人進行住所交易後的所有支付額外金額的條款如附隨說明書所述,標題為“債務證券描述-額外金額.”























票據最初將以記錄形式發行,由一個或多個全球票據或全球證券代表,或合稱為全球證券。全球證券將存入或代表DTC,作為存管機構,並以Cede& Co.(DTC的受託人)名義登記。除非在契約中描述的有限情況下,全球票據在未換發為證明證券的單獨證書之前,可能不得部分轉讓,只能由存管機構轉讓給其受託人,或由受託人轉讓給存管機構,或由存管機構或其受託人轉讓給後續存管機構或後續存管機構的受託人。












本討論僅適用於以此說明書補充的說明書封面上標示的發行價格購買本次發行的票據並將其作為《法典》第1221條賦予的資本資產(一般情況下指投資持有的財產)的持有人。本討論未涉及所有對於特定投資者可能重要的美國聯邦所得稅方面的所有情況,或者關於特定種類納稅人(如銀行和某些其他金融機構、保險公司、組織、持有為通過實體的票據或對這些實體進行投資的投資者、證券或外幣經銷商、受監管投資公司、房地產投資信託、將“功能貨幣”定義為非美元的美國持有人(如下文所定義)、選擇會計方法的證券交易商、因在《法典》中定義的“適用財務報表”上確認任何毛收入項目而需要加速認列收入的持有人、對任何替代性最低稅收負責的投資者、受控外國公司、被動外國投資公司、美國僑民以及作為對沖、跨越、構造性出售、換股交易或其他綜合交易或風險降低交易的一部分而持有該票據的人的稅務後果。本討論未涉及在2010年《醫療保健和教育和解法案》下根據《2010外國帳戶稅收合規法案》(包括據此制定的財政部法規和就此簽訂的政府間協議)下的未賺收入醫療保險貢獻稅而引起的本票據的購買、持有及處置的稅務後果。本討論還未涉及任何 此討論不涉及所有免稅和政府機構。他們都應該諮詢獨立的稅務顧問,以確定有關的信託收入申報表,納稅義務,文件和其他責任的詳細資訊。 組織、持有作為通過實體的票據或對這些實體進行投資的投資者、證券或外幣經銷商、受監管投資公司、房地產投資信託、不是以美元為“功能貨幣”的美國持有人(如下文所定義)、選擇會計方法的證券交易商、因根據《法典》中定義的“適用財務報表”認識的任何毛收入項目而需要加速認列收入的持有人、對任何替代性最低稅收負責的投資者、受控外國公司、被動外國投資公司、美國僑民以及作為對沖、跨越、構送賣、換股交易或其他綜合交易或風險降低交易的一部分而持有該票據的人。本討論未涵蓋根據2010年《醫療保健和教育和解法案》下的未獲收入醫療保健和教育結算法案的外匯法案的購買、持有及處置的稅務後果(包括據此制定的財政部法規及與之相關的簽訂的政府間協議)。本討論同樣未涉及任何 按市價總值評估的選擇 銀行和某些其他金融機構、保險公司、組織、持有作為通過實體的票據或對這些實體進行投資的投資者、證券或外幣經銷商、受監管投資公司、房地產投資信託、不是以美元為“功能貨幣”的美國持有人(如下文所定義)、選擇會計方法的證券交易商、因在《法典》中定義的“適用財務報表”上確認任何毛收入項目而需要加速認列收入的持有人、對任何替代性最低稅收負責的投資者、受控外國公司、被動外國投資公司、美國僑民以及作為對沖、跨越、構造性出售、換股交易或其他綜合交易或風險降低交易的一部分而持有該票據的人。本討論未涵蓋根據2010年《醫療保健和教育和解法案》下的未獲收入醫療保健及教育結算法案的外匯法案的購買、持有及處置的稅務的后果(包括據此制定的財政部法規及與之相關的簽署的政府間協議)。本討論同樣未涵蓋任何 非收入的 稅務考慮,如不動產和贈與稅,或其他州地方稅務,等等。 非美國人士。 或其他稅務後果。我們未尋求,也不會尋求,就本摘要中所載的陳述和結論向美國國稅局(“IRS”)尋求任何裁定,我們不能保證IRS將同意該等陳述和結論。

如本文件所述,“美國持有人”指的是根據美國聯邦所得稅法的規定具有以下身份的票據的實益擁有人:(a)是美國公民或居民的個人,(b)是在美國或美國各州或哥倫比亞特區的法律下創立或組織的須繳納企業所得稅的公司或其他賬戶,(c)其收入可計入美國聯邦所得稅淨額的遺產,或(d)可受美國法院支配信託的收入,並有一個或多個美國人(如法內定)有權控制信托的所有重大決策,或(ii) 信託根據相應的財政部規定有效選擇作為美國人對待。如本文件所述,“持有人”是指票據的實益擁有人,除受用於美國聯邦所得稅目的的比夥營收入稅的時間外,不是美國持有人。 非美國股東 如果一個依據美國聯邦所得稅目的視為比夥營的賬戶或安排擁有任何票據,則該比夥營合夥營伴的納稅人稅務處理通常取決於合夥營合夥營者的地位和活動。 擁有比夥營合夥的票據的持有人或合夥人應請教他們自己的稅務顧問。

如果依據美國聯邦所得稅目的視為比夥營的賬戶或安排擁有任何票據,則該比夥營合夥的合夥人的稅務處理通常取決於合夥營者的地位和活動。 擁有比夥營合夥的票據的持有人或合夥人應請教他們自己的稅務顧問。

此討論僅供一般信息,並不旨在構成有關購買、擁有和處置票據的所有稅務後果的完整描述。擬購買票據的潛在購買者應就其購買、擁有和處置票據的美國聯邦所得稅和其他聯邦稅務後果,以及州、地方稅法或任何稅收協議的適用和生效向他們自己的稅務顧問諮詢。 非美國居民或公民(根據美國聯邦房地產和贈與稅的特定定義)通常對擁有美國“所在地”的所有財產徵收美國房地產稅。非美國居民或公民(根據美國聯邦房地產和贈與稅的特定定義)通常對擁有美國所在地的有形個人財產或房地產的贈與進行美國聯邦贈與稅徵收。此外,如果非美國公民或居民(根據美國聯邦房地產和贈與稅的特定定義)進行了擁有美國所在地的財產的轉移,則美國聯邦“代際跳傳轉移稅”可能適用於某些情況。股份或股份後盾中的英鎊不應被視為對美國聯邦房地產稅、贈與稅和代際跳傳轉移稅的目的具有美國所在地。 稅法或任何稅收協議。





在某些情況下,我們必須在債券支付超過指定利息和本金,或在預定期前支付債券 付款日期。《庫務規例》就可能導致持有人對債券的收入、收益或虧損的時間、金額及性質的情況下,就可能會導致有人對於有關債券的收入、收益或虧損的特別規定。 與下面描述的不同。為了判斷債務工具是否為可能付款債務工具,會忽略遠端或隨機應急事件。我們打算考慮我們進行以上任何一項的可能性 付款作為遠端付款或將該等付款視為附帶付款。因此,我們不打算將債券視為可能付款債務工具。我們的立場將對所有持有人具有約束力,但披露其不同地位的持有人除外 附於其及時提交的美國聯邦所得稅申報表附有關持有人購買債券的納稅年度的聲明。但是,我們的立場對國稅局並不具約束力。如果國稅局成功挑戰我們 在此情況下,須繳納美國聯邦所得稅的持有人在債券上累積超過指定利息的普通收入,並將其視為普通收入而不是資本收益而不是資本收益而不是資本收益。 解決緊急事故之前的備註。在任何情況下,如果我們實際支付任何此類額外付款,持有人對債券的收入、收益或虧損的時間、金額和性質可能會受到影響。其餘的 本次討論假設債券不會被視為可應付債務工具。



債券的利息將在收到或累積時向美國持有人作為普通收入納稅,具體取決於美國國家/地區。 持有人會計美國聯邦所得稅目的的方法。預計,並且這次討論假設,根據美國聯邦所得稅目的,這些債券將不會被視為發行的「原發行折扣」。


在出售、交換、贖回或其他應稅處置債券時,美國持有人一般會承認收益或虧損等於 如有,(i) 所有現金總和所有其他物業所收取的公平市值之間的差額(如有)之間的差額(除非適當歸屬於累計和未付利息的金額,但在此前沒有的範圍內 包括在收入中,將被視為普通收入),以及 (ii) 該等美國持有人的稅基準在票據中。美國持有人在票據中的稅收基準通常相等於該美國持有人為該票據支付的金額。任何收益或損失 在處置債券的情況下被認定一般為資本收益或虧損,如果美國持有人持有債券的期限超過一年,則將為長期資本收益或虧損。長期資本收益 被某些認可 非公司 美國持有人(包括個人)通常將受到降低稅率。資本損失的扣除權限受限制。


一般而言,美國持有人將受美國聯邦備份預扣扣款(目前,以前付款的比率為 24% 2026 年 1 月 1 日)關於債券的付款及出售或其他應課稅處置之債券所得款項,如該持有人未向適用代理人提供正確的納稅人識別號碼,並遵守規定 某些認證程序或以其他方式設立備份代扣的豁免。備份預扣不是額外的稅金。根據備用預扣規則預扣的任何金額都可以退還或允許作為抵押金額 美國持有人的美國聯邦所得稅責任,前提是必要的信息及時提供給國稅局。美國持有人應諮詢自己的稅務顧問,有關他們獲得豁免備份的資格 扣押金,以及訂立該等豁免的程序(如適用)。





非美國股東 對於本節而言,“持有人”是指我們的證券的有益所有人,既不是美國持有人,也不是美國聯邦所得稅條例規定的合夥企業。


在討論關於與有效連結的收入和備用扣繳以下事項時,支付給票據持有人的利息通常不會受到美國聯邦所得或預扣稅的影響。 非美國股東 在討論有關有效連結收入和備用扣繳以下事項時,向持有人支付的票據利息通常不會受到美國聯邦所得稅或扣繳稅的影響,前提是:



2024年3月 非美國股東 持有人實際上或建構性地不擁有我們所有投票股票類別中10%或更多的總結合投票權;



2024年3月 非美國股東 持有人不是與我們為稅法規定之下的「關係人」的「受控外國公司」;



2024年3月 非美國股東 持有人不是通過業務交易中簽訂的貸款協議所收取的利息的銀行。

此外,為使美國聯邦預扣稅的豁免適用, 非美國股東 持有人必須向適用的預扣代理提供完整填寫並簽署的IRS表格 W-8BEN國內稅收局表格W-8BEN-E 或其他適當文件,如財政部法規中所規定,證明其並非美國人。如果非美國股東 持有人透過金融機構或其他代理人代表其持有票據,該 非美國股東 持有人通常需要向代理人提供適當的文件。這種 非美國股東 持有人的代理可能需要將這些文件直接或通過其他中介機構提供給適用的代扣代理。

如果一個 非美國股東 如果持有人未滿足上述要求,則不屬於與此等同連的票據的利息支付(如下文所述) 非美國股東 持有人通常將受到美國聯邦扣繳稅款,稅率為30%。非美國股東 持有人可能有資格根據所得稅協定的條款獲得好處,根據該協定,票據上的利息可能免徵或受限於美國聯邦扣繳稅款的降低稅率,前提是正確填寫並執行IRS表格 W-8BEN表單 W-8BEN-E。 (或其他適用表格),聲明免除或減少扣繳稅款的程序交付給適用的扣繳代理人,並遵守任何其他適用程序。 非美國股東 持有人應諮詢其稅務顧問,了解其根據適用所得稅協定享有的權益以及要求任何此類權益的規定。


在下面有關備份扣繳的討論之前,一般來說,債券的出售、交換、贖回或其他應稅處置所實現的任何收益(除了正確歸屬的欠息部分外,通常將被視為“—非美國持有人—付息”下所描述的處理方式—非美國持有人— 支付利息 —非美國 持有人-有效聯繫收入及(視情況而定)將免除美國聯邦所得稅和預扣稅,除非:



該收益與在美國境內從事交易或業務有實質聯繫,並且如適用所得稅條約要求,該收益歸屬於被持有人在美國境內設立的固定機構(或對於個人而言,設立的固定基地);或 非美國股東 持有人在美國境內擁有永久機構(或對於個人而言,擁有固定基地)



如果該方是一個信託,應將其信託資產移交給受益人; 非美國股東 持有人是個人時,則 非美國股東 當持有人在處置年度的美國停留183天或更長的時間並滿足某些其他條件時。

參見下文中的討論“—非美國。 持有人─與營業收入有實質關聯”,如果從處置獲得的收益符合上述第一項要點。如果該 非美國股東 持有人是一位已描述的個人




在上面的第二個項目符號中, 非美國 持有人將對從處置獲得的收益徵收美國聯邦所得稅,以 30% 的稅率(或 根據適用所得稅協定所規定的較低稅率),收益可能由美國來源資本損失抵消。


如果票據上認可的利息或收益與美國境內的貿易或業務有效有關,以及如 適用所得稅協定所規定,屬於美國永久性機構(或在個人的情況下,固定基礎)歸屬於由 非美國 在美國的持有人,那麼這樣 利息或收益通常將按照普通個人畢業或企業美國聯邦所得稅稅率淨額繳納美國聯邦所得稅。此外,a 非美國 持有者是 公司可能須繳納額外的「分支利潤」稅,等於其實關聯的盈利和利潤的 30%(按部分項目調整),除非該持有人符合適用所得稅的更低稅率 條約。任何此類有效關連的利益將不受以上下所討論的美國聯邦預扣稅約束。— 非美國 持有人-利息支付」如果 非美國 持有人向適用的代扣代理人提供正確填妥和執行的 IRS 表格 W-8ECI。


將本債券出售或其他應課稅處置所得的利息及所得款項支付給 非美國 除非如此,持有人可能受到資料報告和美國聯邦備份代扣(目前,2026 年 1 月 1 日之前付款的費率為 24%) 非美國 持有人提供 上述任何一項下所述的認證— 非美國 持有人-利息支付」或」— 非美國 支架-有效 關連收入,」視適用情況而定,或以其他方式設立豁免。備用預扣不是額外的稅金,可能會退還或允許作為抵免的抵免 非美國 持有者的美國 聯邦所得稅責任(如有),前提是必要的信息及時提供給國稅局。此外,適用的代扣代理一般將被要求向國稅局報告提交信息申報表 債券的利息支付給 非美國 持有人,即使 非美國 持有人提供上述認證。資料報表的副本也可能是 向該國的稅務機關提供 非美國 持有人根據適用所得稅協定的條文居住。





根據本招股章程補充日期之承保協議中所列明的條款及細則,每位承保人均指定 以下,摩根證券有限公司、德證券(美國)有限責任公司和信聯證券有限公司擔任代表,已經單獨同而未聯合購買,並且我們已同意向該承保人出售總本金 下表中與承保人姓名對面列明的債券數量:


數量為 20 

數量為 20 
數量為 20 
數量為 20 


   $          $          $          $      


















   $        $        $        $    













承保協議規定承保人購買所包含的債券的義務 本次發售須獲律師批准法律事宜,以及承保協議中包含的其他條件。如購買任何債券,承保人有義務購買所有債券。承保協議 還規定,如果承保人默認,則採購承諾 非默認 承保人可能會增加或終止發行債券。承保人保留權利 撤銷、取消或修改向公眾提供的優惠,並全部或部分拒絕訂單。

我們已同意向承保人賠償 應付某些負債,包括根據《證券法》下的負債,或為承保人可能需要就這些負債支付的付款作出貢獻。

我們預計將於 2024 年或大約交付債券,這將是本招股章程日後的營業日 補充 (此結算週期在此稱為「T+」)。根據規則 15c6-1 根據交易法,在二級市場上的交易一般需要結算 一個工作日,除非該等貿易的各方明確同意。因此,希望在交貨日期前交易債券的買家可能需要在交易時指定替代結算週期,以防止 結算失敗。投資者如希望在交付日期前交易債券,應諮詢其本身的顧問。


承保人建議按本招股書封面所載的公開發售價格直接向公眾發售債券 以公開發售價格減免優惠不超過 20 張債券本金額的百分比,以公開發售價格向交易商提供的附加債券及部分債券 20 票據,20 張債券本金額的百分比及 20 張債券本金額的百分比。承保人可允許,而任何該等經銷商都可以重新允許不下的優惠 超過 20 張債券本金額的百分比、20 債券本金額的百分比、20 債券本金額的百分比以及本金額的百分比 20 筆記。在債券首次向公眾發售後,代表可更改公開發售價格及其他賣出條款。

下表顯示我們應向承保人支付與此次發售有關的承保折扣和佣金 (以債券本金額的百分比表示)。



每 20 筆


每 20 筆


每 20 筆


每 20 筆







我們估計,除了承保折扣以外,我們對此次發行的總費用和 佣金,將大約為百萬美元。


目前沒有債券的公開交易市場。本公司尚未申請,亦不打算申請任何證券上市債券 交換。承保人告訴我們,他們打算為每一系列債券進行市場。然而,他們並無義務這樣做,並可隨時自行決定停止在債券中進行任何市場進行市場。因此,我們 不能保證債券的流動性交易市場會發展,您將能夠在特定時間出售您的債券,或者您在賣出時收到的價格將有利。如果每個系列的交易市場有效 債券未發展,債券的市場價格和流動性可能受到不利影響。如果債券交易,則可能會以初始發售價格的折扣進行交易,具體取決於現行利率和類似市場的市場 證券、我們的營運表現和財務狀況、一般經濟狀況及其他因素。

我們已經同意 除非獲得摩根證券有限責任公司、德證券 (美國) 有限責任公司及信聯證券股份有限公司事先書面同意外,承包商不得出售、出售、出售、簽約或授予出售、保證、轉讓或 根據規則所述,建立一個開放的「放置等價位」 16a-1 根據交易法,或以其他方式處置或轉讓,或宣布提供,或提交任何註冊 根據《證券法》的聲明,有關本公司的任何債務證券或可兌換或可轉換為本公司債務證券的聲明,從本招股章程補充日期起始延續至結算日期 筆記的。


與發行有關,承保人可以在開放市場購買和出售債券。在開放市場購買和銷售可能 包括賣空、買入以覆蓋空頭頭寸和穩定購買。



賣空涉及承保人的次要市場銷售,其本金數量的債券數量高於他們 必須在優惠中購買。涵蓋交易涉及在分配完成後在開放市場購買債券,以覆蓋空頭頭寸。如果以下情況,則較有可能創建空頭寸 承保人擔心債券在定價後,在開放市場上的價格可能會產生下降壓力,這可能會對在發行中購買的投資者產生不利影響。



穩定交易涉及出價購買債券,只要穩定出價不超過指定 最大值。

採購以覆蓋空頭頭寸和穩定購買,以及承保人的其他購買 對於本身的帳目而言,可能會阻止或延緩債券市場價格下降的作用。這些價格也可能會導致債券的價格高於如果沒有在開放市場上存在的價格。 這些交易。承保人可以在 非處方 市場或其他方面。如果承保人開始上述任何一項 交易,他們可以隨時停止。此外,我們或任何承保人都對上述交易可能對價格產生的任何影響的方向或規模都不作出任何表示或預測。 筆記。


某些承保人及其附屬公司過去提供,並可能在未來提供投資銀行、商業 為我們及我們的附屬公司收到或將收到常規費用及支出補償的一般業務,向我們及我們的附屬公司提供銀行、衍生工具交易和金融諮詢服務。具體來說,某些 承包商的承保人和附屬公司在我們的定期貸款方式下擔任貸款機構和/或代理人,包括摩根證券有限公司、德證券(美國)有限公司和信譽證券有限公司的附屬公司。




此外,承保人和他們的經營活動中,在其業務活動中, 附屬公司可以進行或持有廣泛的投資,並主動交易債務和股票證券(或相關衍生性證券)和金融工具(包括銀行貸款)以自己的帳戶和客戶帳戶。 此類投資和證券活動可能涉及我們或我們的附屬公司的證券和/或工具。如果任何承保人或其附屬公司與我們有貸款關係,則其中某些承保人或其附屬公司 定期對沖,其他某些承保人可能會對沖他們對我們的信貸風險承保,符合他們的常規風險管理政策。通常,這些承保人及其附屬公司會通過進行對沖此類風險 交易包括購買信用違約交易或在本公司證券中創建空頭寸(包括可能提供的債券)。任何此類信貸違約或空頭倉都可能對不利影響 本署提供之債券的未來交易價格。承保人及其附屬公司亦可就該等證券或金融工具作出投資建議及 / 或發表獨立研究意見,並可能 持有或向客戶建議他們收購該等證券及工具的多頭和/或空頭頭寸。

某些附屬公司 承保人可獲得本次發行所得款項淨額的至少 5%,就償還債務而獲得。請參閱」所得款項的使用。」因此,本次發售是按照第 5121 條的規定進行。 最後。由於根據《規則》第 5121 條所提供的債券將獲評為投資級別,因此不需要任命合格的獨立承保人。受規則 5121 條的承保人不得確認將債券出售予任何人 他們在未經客戶事先書面批准的情況下行使自願權力的帳戶。


債券可能在美國和美國以外的某些司法管轄區發售和出售,其中該等發售和出售 允許。


該等債券只能出售給購買者,或被視為購買者,作為認可投資者的原始人,如下所定義, 國家儀器 45-106 招股章程豁免或《證券法》(安大略省)第 73.3 (1) 款,並且是國家文書所定義的允許客戶 31-103 註冊要求,豁免和持續註冊人義務。任何轉售債券必須按照有關招股章程的豁免,或在不受條件約束的交易中進行 適用證券法規的要求。

加拿大某些省份或地區的證券法例可能會提供買家 如本說明書附件及隨附的招股章程(包括其任何修訂)包含虛假陳述,就撤銷或損害賠償的補救措施;前提是買方行使解除或損害賠償的補救措施 在買方省份或地區的證券法例所規定的時限內。買方應參考買方省份或地區的證券法例的任何適用條文 有關這些權利的詳情或諮詢法律顧問。

根據國家文書第 3A.3 條 33-105 承保衝突 (NI) 33-105), 承保人不需要遵守 NI 的披露要求 33-105 關於與此發售有關的承保人利益衝突。

歐洲潛在投資者的通知 經濟區

本債券不旨在向發售、出售或以其他方式提供給予,亦不應發售、出售或 其他方式向歐洲經濟區(「歐洲經濟區」)的任何零售投資者提供。就這些目的而言,零售投資者是指以下條款 4 (1) 第 (11) 項所定義的一名(或多個)人士:(i) 指令 2014/65/EU(修訂後,「MiFID II」);(ii) 指示(歐盟)2016/97(「保險分銷指令」)所涵義的客戶,該客戶不符合資格作為專業客戶




根據MiFID II第4(1)條第(10)點所定義;或(iii)未符合《歐盟2017/1129號規例》(《招股說明書規例》)中所定義的合格投資者。因此,未就在歐洲經濟區對散戶投資者提供或賣出票據或以其他方式使其可獲得,而尚未準備根據《歐盟2014年1286/2014號規例》(簡稱《PRIIPs規例》)所要求的主要信息文件,因此根據PRIIPs規例,就在歐洲經濟區對任何散戶投資者提供或出售票據或以其他方式使其可獲得可能屬於非法。













這些備註並沒有被註冊,也不會根據《金融商品交易法》第4條第1款進行註冊。因此,任何備註或其中的任何利益都不得在日本直接或間接地提供或出售,也不得提供給或為日本的任何「居民」(本文所用該詞指在日本居住的任何人,包括根據日本法律組織的任何公司或其他實體)或其他人提供,以供...... 再分銷 ......或直接或間接轉售,也不得提供給或為日本居民,除非根據豁免註冊要求並與《金融商品交易法》和日本當時生效的任何其他適用法律、法規和部......合規。



根據SFA第275條,若有相關人士訂閱或購買備註,其中:(a) 一家業務機構(不是根據SFA第4A條所定義的合格投資者)其唯一業務是持有投資,且其全部股本由一個或多個個人擁有,每位個人皆為合格投資者;或者(b) 信託(受託人不是合格投資者),其唯一目的是持有投資,且信託的每位受益人皆為合格投資者,則該業務機構或該信託根據SFA第275條下的要約取得備註後,該業務機構的股份或受益人對該信託的權益(不論如何描述)不得於六個月內轉讓,除非:(1)轉讓對象為機構投資者或相關人士,或源自SFA第275(1A)條或SFA第276(4)(i)(B)條所提到的要約的任何人;(2)轉讓不涉及或將不涉及任何對價;(3)轉讓依法進行;(4)根據SFA第276(7)條指定;或(5)根據2018年證券和期貨(投資要約)(證券和證券衍生合約)規例第37A條指定。


關於SFA第3090億條和2018年CMP規例,在備註要約前,我們已確定並特此通知所有相關人士(根據SFA第309A(1)條所定義),該備註為“指定資本市場產品”(如CMP規例2018所定義)和除外投資產品(如MAS公告SFA投資產品推薦通知所定義)。 04-N12: 韓國潛在投資者通知:這些票據可能不能直接或間接地在韓國發行、銷售和交付,或直接或間接地在韓國再次發售或轉售給韓國的任何居民,除非根據韓國相關法律法規,包括但不限於《金融投資服務和資本市場法》和《外匯交易法》及其所制定的命令和法規進行相應的登記、申報和取得許可。這些票據未經韓國金融委員會批准,不能在韓國進行公開發行。此外,未經購票人遵守有關購票的所有適用監管要求(包括但不限於《外匯交易法》及其下轄的命令和法規的政府批准要求) ,他們不能將票據轉售給韓國居民。 阿拉伯聯合酋長國潛在投資者通知票據未經公開發行、銷售、促銷或在阿拉伯聯合酋長國(包括迪拜國際金融中心)以外的任何方式進行,須遵守阿拉伯聯合酋長國(和迪拜國際金融中心)法律規定的證券發行、發售和銷售。此外,本說明補充內容及附帶基本說明不構成在阿拉伯聯合酋長國(包括迪拜國際金融中心)的證券公開發行,並且不是公開發行。沒有被阿拉伯聯合酋長國中央銀行、證券和商品管理局或迪拜金融服務中心批准或申報。 投資產品建議通知













本招股補充說明書是我們向SEC提交的一份Form註冊申報書中的一部分。本招股補充說明書是註冊申報書的附錄之一,並未包含註冊申報書及其展覽品和日程安排中列出的所有信息。 S-3 我們向SEC提交的文件不包含在本註冊聲明中所載所有資訊。有關我們及此處所提供的證券的更多資訊,請參閱註冊聲明書和隨附的展覽和附表。本招股說明書補充或任何相關自由書寫招股說明書中所含任何有關任何合約、協議或其他文件內容的述說未必完整。對於註冊聲明書附件作為展覽提交的每份合約、協議或其他文件,參考展覽以獲取更完整的事項描述。




年報在形式上 10-K 截至2023年10月29日結束的財政年度的文件,於2023年12月14日提交 2023年12月14日提交的;



季度報告在形式上 10-Q 截至2024年2月4日、2024年5月5日和2024年8月4日結束的各季度,已在提交 2024年3月14日, 2024年6月13日2024年9月11日



目前報告在形式上 8-K 于2023年10月11日和 2023年10月30日, 2023年11月22日 (根據於2024年2月8日向SEC提交的修訂檔案No.1修正) 2024年2月8日), 2023年12月7日 (僅限項目2.05和8.01) 2024年2月9日, 2024年3月7日 (僅限條目8.01) 2024年4月24日, 2024年6月12日 (僅限條目8.01) 2024年7月8日, 2024年7月12日並且 2024年9月5日 (僅適用於第8.01項);和



根據於14A附表的最終代理資料文件,於 2024年2月26日 (僅就特定部分納入博通公司於2023年12月14日提出的年度報告表格 10-K )。

所有我們隨後根據交易所法第13(a)、13(c)、14或15(d)條規定提出的文件, 在交易結束前應視為納入本增補說明書並自文件提出之日起成為本文的一部分; 除非該等文件、文件部分、附件或其他信息的任何部分被認為是根據該規定提供而非提出。



broadcom corp 8.00% mandatory convertible prf sr a。


3421 Hillview Avenue

Palo Alto, California 94304

電話:(650) 427-6000





根據本補充說明書提供的票據的有效性,有關事項將由纽約的Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz律師事務所處理。承銷商的代表則為纽約的Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP。



博通的基本報表以及管理層對財務報告內部控制有效性的評估(包含在管理層對財務報告內部控制的報告中)已納入本補充說明書中,參考博通截至2023年10月29日結束的年度報告。 10-K 博通的基本報表已依賴普華永道會計師事務所的報告納入本補充說明書中,後者以其作為審計和會計專家的權威發布。


威睿的基本報表已參照威睿的年度報告納入本補充說明書中。 10-K 有關截至2023年2月3日的財政年度的基本報表已經依賴普華永道有限責任合夥人的報告並已納入,該報告是由獨立的註冊會計師事務所普華永道有限責任合夥人憑權威給予,表明他們是審計和會計方面的專家。







broadcom corp 8.00% mandatory convertible prf sr a
























































Table of Contents


We file periodic reports, proxy statements and other information with the SEC. Our SEC filings are available on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov and on the investor relations page of our website at www.broadcom.com. The reference to our website address does not constitute incorporation by reference of the information contained on our website.

This prospectus and any prospectus supplement are part of a registration statement on Form S-3 that we filed with the SEC and do not contain all of the information set forth in the registration statement. For further information with respect to us and the securities offered hereby, we refer you to the registration statement and the exhibits and schedules filed therewith. Statements contained in this prospectus or any prospectus supplement or any related free writing prospectus as to the contents of any contract, agreement or any other document referred to are not necessarily complete. With respect to each of these contracts, agreements or other documents filed as an exhibit to the registration statement, reference is made to the exhibits for a more complete description of the matter involved.


This prospectus incorporates by reference the following documents Broadcom has filed with the SEC:



Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended October 29, 2023, filed on December 14, 2023;



Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended February 4, 2024 and May 5, 2024, filed on March 14, 2024 and June 13, 2024, respectively;



Current Reports on Form 8-K filed on October 30, 2023, November 22, 2023 (as amended by Amendment No. 1 filed with the SEC on February 8, 2024), December 7, 2023 (Items 2.05 and 8.01 only), February 9, 2024, March 7, 2024 (Item 8.01 only), April 24, 2024,
June 12, 2024 (Item 8.01 only) and July 8, 2024;



Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A, filed on February 26, 2024 (solely to the extent specifically incorporated by reference into Broadcom’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on December 14, 2023); and



The description of Broadcom’s common stock which is contained in Exhibit 4.3 to Broadcom’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on December 20, 2019, including any amendment or report filed for the purpose of updating such description.

All documents that we subsequently file pursuant to Sections 13(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), before the termination of the offering shall be deemed incorporated by reference in this prospectus and to be part hereof from the date of the filing of such documents; except as to any portion of any document, portions of documents, exhibit or other information that is deemed to be furnished and not filed under such provisions.

Any statement contained in a document incorporated by reference or deemed incorporated by reference herein shall be deemed to be modified or superseded to the extent that a statement contained herein or in any other subsequently filed document which also is or deemed to be incorporated by reference herein modifies or supersedes such statement. Any such statement so modified or superseded shall not be deemed, except as so modified or superseded, to constitute a part of this prospectus.

If requested, we will provide to each person, including any beneficial owners, to whom a prospectus is delivered, a copy of the reports and documents that have been incorporated by reference into this prospectus. Exhibits to the filings will not be sent unless those exhibits have been specifically incorporated by reference into such documents. To obtain a copy of these filings at no cost, you may make a request through the Investors section of our website or by writing or telephoning us at the following address or phone number:

Broadcom Inc.

Attn: Investor Relations

3421 Hillview Avenue

Palo Alto, California 94304

Telephone: (650) 427-6000



Table of Contents


This prospectus and documents incorporated by reference into this prospectus and any prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus may contain forward-looking statements (including within the meaning of Section 21E of the Exchange Act and Section 27A of the Securities Act) concerning Broadcom. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements that address our expected future business and financial performance and other statements identified by words such as “will,” “expect,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “should,” “intend,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “aim,” and similar words, phrases or expressions. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and beliefs of Broadcom’s management, current information available to Broadcom’s management, and current market trends and market conditions, and involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on such statements.

Particular uncertainties that could materially affect future results include risks associated with: global economic conditions and concerns; government regulations and administrative proceedings; trade restrictions and trade tensions; global political and economic conditions; our acquisition of VMware, Inc. (“VMware”), including employee retention, unexpected costs, charges or expenses, and our ability to successfully integrate VMware’s business and realize the expected benefits; any acquisitions or dispositions we may make, including our acquisition of VMware, such as delays, challenges and expenses associated with receiving governmental and regulatory approvals and satisfying other closing conditions, and with integrating acquired businesses with our existing businesses and our ability to achieve the benefits, growth prospects and synergies expected by such acquisitions; dependence on and risks associated with distributors and resellers of our products; our significant indebtedness and the need to generate sufficient cash flows to service and repay such debt; dependence on senior management and our ability to attract and retain qualified personnel; our ability to protect against cyber security threats and a breach of security systems; cyclicality in the semiconductor industry or in our target markets; any loss of our significant customers and fluctuations in the timing and volume of significant customer demand; our dependence on contract manufacturing and outsourced supply chain; our dependency on a limited number of suppliers; our ability to accurately estimate customers’ demand and adjust our manufacturing and supply chain accordingly; our ability to continue achieving design wins with our customers, as well as the timing of any design wins; prolonged disruptions of our or our contract manufacturers’ manufacturing facilities, warehouses or other significant operations; our ability to improve our manufacturing efficiency and quality; involvement in legal proceedings; demand for our data center virtualization products; ability of our software products to manage and secure IT infrastructures and environments; our ability to manage customer and market acceptance of our products and services; compatibility of our software products with operating environments, platforms or third-party products; our ability to enter into satisfactory software license agreements; availability of third-party software used in our products; use of open source software in our products; sales to government customers; our ability to manage products and services lifecycles; quarterly and annual fluctuations in operating results; our competitive performance; our ability to maintain or improve gross margin; our ability to protect our intellectual property and the unpredictability of any associated litigation expenses; any expenses or reputational damage associated with resolving customer product warranty and indemnification claims, or undetected defects or bugs; our ability to sell to new types of customers and to keep pace with technological advances; our compliance with privacy and data security laws; fluctuations in foreign exchange rates; our provision for income taxes and overall cash tax costs, legislation that may impact our overall cash tax costs, our ability to maintain tax concessions in certain jurisdictions and potential tax liabilities as a result of acquiring VMware; and other events and trends on a national, regional and global scale, including those of a political, economic, business, competitive and regulatory nature.

All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by reference to the factors discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in this prospectus and any accompanying prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus and under similar headings in our other filings with the SEC that are incorporated by reference in this prospectus or any accompanying prospectus supplement. We caution you that the foregoing list of important factors may not contain all of the material factors that are important to you. In addition, in light of these risks and uncertainties, the matters referred to in the forward-looking statements contained in this prospectus or any prospectus supplement or incorporated by reference into this prospectus or any prospectus supplement may not in fact occur. We undertake no intent or obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.



Table of Contents


Broadcom Inc., a Delaware corporation headquartered in Palo Alto, California, is a global technology leader that designs, develops and supplies a broad range of semiconductor and infrastructure software solutions. We develop semiconductor devices with a focus on complex digital and mixed signal complementary metal oxide semiconductor based devices and analog III-V based products. We have a history of innovation in the semiconductor industry and offer thousands of products that are used in end products such as enterprise and data center networking, home connectivity, set-top boxes, broadband access, telecommunication equipment, smartphones and base stations, data center servers and storage systems, factory automation, power generation and alternative energy systems, and electronic displays. Our infrastructure software solutions enable customers to plan, develop, deliver, automate, manage and secure applications across mainframe, distributed, edge, mobile, and private and hybrid cloud platforms. Our portfolio of industry-leading infrastructure and security software is designed to modernize, optimize, and secure the most complex private and hybrid cloud environments, enabling scalability, agility, automation, insights, resiliency and security. We also offer mission critical fibre channel storage area networking products and related software in the form of modules, switches and subsystems incorporating multiple semiconductor products.

Our principal executive office is located at 3421 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304, and our telephone number is (650) 427-6000. All of our operations are conducted through our various subsidiaries, which are organized and operated according to the laws of their country of incorporation, and consolidated by Broadcom.



Table of Contents


Investing in our securities involves risks. Before you make a decision to buy our securities, in addition to the risks and uncertainties discussed above under “Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements,” you should carefully consider the specific risks set forth under the caption “Risk Factors” in any applicable prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus and under similar headings in our filings with the SEC that are incorporated by reference herein and/or included in any prospectus supplement, before making an investment decision. Additionally, the risks and uncertainties discussed in this prospectus or any prospectus supplement or in any document incorporated by reference into this prospectus are not the only risks and uncertainties that we face, and our business, financial condition, liquidity and results of operations and the market price of any securities we may sell could be materially adversely affected by other matters that are not known to us or that we currently do not consider to be material.



Table of Contents


Unless otherwise provided in a prospectus supplement, we intend to use the net proceeds from the sale of our securities under this prospectus and any applicable prospectus supplement for general corporate purposes, which may include but are not limited to financing our operations, repayment of debt and future business acquisitions. Unless otherwise provided in a prospectus supplement, we will not receive any of the proceeds from sales of securities by selling securityholders, if any.



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The following description of our capital stock, together with the additional information we include in any applicable prospectus supplement, summarizes the material terms and provisions of the common stock and preferred stock that we may offer under this prospectus. The following description of our capital stock does not purport to be complete and is subject to, and qualified in its entirety by, our amended and restated certificate of incorporation, as may be amended from time to time (“Certificate of Incorporation”) and amended and restated bylaws, as may be amended from time to time (“Bylaws”), both of which have been publicly filed with the SEC. The terms of our common stock and any preferred stock we may offer may also be affected by the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the “DGCL”). As used in this section only, “Broadcom,” “Company,” “we,” “our” or “us” refer to Broadcom Inc. excluding our subsidiaries, unless expressly stated or the context otherwise requires.


Our authorized capital stock consists of 2,900,000,000 shares of common stock, $0.001 par value per share, and 100,000,000 shares of preferred stock, $0.001 par value per share.

On June 12, 2024, we announced a ten-for-one forward stock split of our common stock. The stock split will be effected through the filing of an amendment to our Certificate of Incorporation, which will increase the number of authorized shares of common stock from 2,900,000,000 to 29,000,000,000, effective after the close of market on July 12, 2024.

Common Stock

Voting Rights

Each holder of our common stock is entitled to one vote for each share on all matters submitted to a vote of the stockholders, including the election of directors. The holders of our common stock do not have cumulative voting rights in the election of directors. Accordingly, in an uncontested election, holders of a majority of the voting shares are able to elect all of the directors. More information on the voting rights of stockholders is included in the subsection titled “Composition of the Board of Directors; Election and Removal of Directors; Filling Vacancies” below.


Subject to preferences that may be applicable to any then outstanding preferred stock, holders of our common stock are entitled to receive dividends, if any, as may be declared from time to time by our board of directors out of legally available funds. Dividends may be paid in cash, in property or in shares of common stock. Declaration and payment of any dividend are subject to the discretion of our board of directors. The time and amount of dividends is dependent upon our financial condition, operations, cash requirements and availability, debt repayment obligations, capital expenditure needs, restrictions in our debt instruments, industry trends, the provisions of the DGCL affecting the payment of distributions to stockholders and any other factors our board of directors may consider relevant.


In the event of our liquidation, dissolution or winding up, holders of our common stock are entitled to share ratably in the net assets legally available for distribution to stockholders after the payment of all debts and other liabilities and the satisfaction of any liquidation preference granted to the holders of any then outstanding shares of preferred stock.

Rights and Preferences

Holders of our common stock have no preemptive, conversion, subscription or other rights, and there are no redemption or sinking fund provisions applicable to our common stock. The rights, preferences and privileges of the holders of our common stock are subject to and may be adversely affected by the rights of the holders of shares of any series of preferred stock that we may designate in the future.



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Fully Paid and Non-Assessable

All outstanding shares of our common stock are fully paid and non-assessable.

Preferred Stock

Our board of directors is authorized, without action by the stockholders, to designate and issue up to an aggregate of 100,000,000 shares of preferred stock from time to time in one or more series. Our board of directors can designate the rights, preferences and privileges of the shares of each series and any of its qualifications, limitations or restrictions. Our board of directors may authorize the issuance of preferred stock with voting or conversion rights that could adversely affect the voting power or other rights of the holders of common stock. The issuance of preferred stock, while providing flexibility in connection with possible future financings and acquisitions and other corporate purposes, could, under certain circumstances, have the effect of restricting dividends on our common stock, diluting the voting power of our common stock, impairing the liquidation rights of our common stock, or delaying, deferring or preventing a change in control of our Company, which might harm the market price of our common stock.

Annual Stockholder Meetings

Our Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws provide that annual stockholder meetings will be held at a date, place (if any) and time, as exclusively selected by our board of directors. To the extent permitted under applicable law, we may but are not obligated to conduct meetings by remote communications, including by webcast.

Anti-Takeover Effects of Provisions

Some provisions of the DGCL and our Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws could make the following transactions difficult: acquisition of our Company by means of a tender offer, proxy contest or otherwise; or removal of our incumbent officers and directors. It is possible that these provisions could make it more difficult to accomplish or could deter transactions that stockholders may otherwise consider to be in their best interest or in our best interests, including transactions that might result in a premium over the market price for shares of our common stock. These provisions, summarized below, are expected to discourage coercive takeover practices and inadequate takeover bids. These provisions are also designed to encourage persons seeking to acquire control of our Company to first negotiate with our board of directors. We believe that the benefits of protection to our potential ability to negotiate with the proponent of an unfriendly or unsolicited proposal to acquire or restructure our Company outweigh the disadvantages of discouraging these proposals because negotiation of these proposals could result in an improvement of their terms.

Delaware Anti-Takeover Statute

Section 203 of the DGCL prohibits persons deemed “interested stockholders” from engaging in a “business combination” with a publicly-held Delaware corporation for three years following the date these persons become interested stockholders unless the business combination is, or the transaction in which the person became an interested stockholder was, approved in a prescribed manner or another prescribed exception applies. Generally, an “interested stockholder” is a person who, together with affiliates and associates, owns, or within three years prior to the determination of interested stockholder status did own, 15% or more of a corporation’s voting stock and a “business combination” includes a merger, asset or stock sale, or other transaction resulting in a financial benefit to the interested stockholder. The existence of this provision may have an anti-takeover effect with respect to transactions not approved in advance by the board of directors, such as discouraging takeover attempts that might result in a premium over the market price of our common stock.

Undesignated Preferred Stock

The ability to authorize undesignated preferred stock will make it possible for our board of directors to issue preferred stock with voting or other rights or preferences that could impede the success of any attempt to change control of our Company. These and other provisions may have the effect of deterring hostile takeovers or delaying changes in control or management of our Company.



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Special Stockholder Meetings

Our Bylaws provide that a special meeting of stockholders may be called only by our board of directors or by two or more common stockholders holding at least 10% of the total number of our issued and outstanding shares.

Requirements for Advance Notification of Stockholder Nominations and Proposals

Our Bylaws establish advance notice procedures with respect to stockholder proposals and the nomination of candidates for election as directors, other than nominations made by or at the direction of the board of directors or a committee of the board of directors.

Proxy Access Nominations

Our Bylaws provide that we must include in our proxy statement for an annual meeting of stockholders the name, together with certain other required information, of any person nominated for the election of directors in compliance with specified provisions in our Bylaws by a single stockholder that satisfies (or by a group of no more than 20 stockholders that satisfy) various notice and other requirements specified in our Bylaws. Among other requirements, such stockholder or group of stockholders would need to provide evidence verifying that the stockholder or group owns, and has owned continuously for the preceding three years, at least 3% of the outstanding shares of our common stock. Our Bylaw provision establishes a maximum number of nominees submitted by stockholders that we would be required to include in our proxy statement for an annual meeting.

No Stockholder Action by Written Consent

Our Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws do not provide for the right of stockholders to act by written consent without a meeting.

Composition of the Board of Directors; Election and Removal of Directors; Filling Vacancies

Our board of directors may consist of not less than one nor more than 13 directors. In any uncontested elections of directors, a director nominee for the board of directors will be elected by the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast with respect to such director by the shares represented and entitled to vote at a meeting of the stockholders for the election of directors at which a quorum is present, voting together as a single class. An incumbent director who is nominated for an uncontested election and fails to receive a majority of the votes present and voting for such director’s reelection would be required to tender his or her resignation to the board of directors. The Nominating, Environmental, Social and Governance Committee of the board of directors (or any future committee the equivalent thereof) will make a recommendation to the board of directors on whether to accept or reject the resignation, or whether other action should be taken. The board of directors will act on the recommendation of such committee and will publicly disclose its decision within 90 days from the date of the certification of the election results. In a contested election, a plurality voting standard will apply to director elections. Our directors are elected until the expiration of the term for which they are elected and until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified.

Our directors may be removed only by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the holders of our then outstanding common stock. Furthermore, any vacancy on the board of directors, however occurring, including a vacancy resulting from an increase in the size of the board, may be filled only by a majority vote of the board of directors then in office, even if less than a quorum, or by the sole remaining director. This system of electing and removing directors and filling vacancies may tend to discourage a third party from making a tender offer or otherwise attempting to obtain control of our Company, because it generally makes it more difficult for stockholders to replace a majority of the directors.

Choice of Forum

Our Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws provide that, unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware will be the exclusive forum for: any derivative action or proceeding brought on our behalf; any action asserting a breach of fiduciary duty; any action



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asserting a claim against us arising pursuant to the DGCL or our Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws; or any action asserting a claim against us that is governed by the internal affairs doctrine. Although our Certificate of Incorporation contains the choice of forum provision described above, it is possible that a court could find that such a provision is inapplicable for a particular claim or action or that such provision is unenforceable.

Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws

The amendment of any of the provisions in our Certificate of Incorporation would require approval by a stockholder vote by the holders of at least a majority of the voting power of the then outstanding voting stock. Our Bylaws may be amended by the board of directors or by the holders of at least a majority of the voting power of the then outstanding voting stock.

The provisions of the DGCL, our Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws could have the effect of discouraging others from attempting hostile takeovers and, as a consequence, they may also inhibit temporary fluctuations in the market price of our common stock that often result from actual or rumored hostile takeover attempts. These provisions may also have the effect of preventing changes in our management. It is possible that these provisions could make it more difficult to accomplish transactions that stockholders may otherwise deem to be in their best interests.

Limitations of Liability and Indemnification Matters

Our Certificate of Incorporation contains provisions that limit the liability of our directors and officers for monetary damages to the fullest extent permitted by the DGCL. Consequently, our directors and officers are not personally liable to the Company or its stockholders for monetary damages for any breach of fiduciary duties, except liability for:



any breach of the director’s or officer’s duty of loyalty to us or our stockholders;



any act or omission not in good faith or that involves intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law;



unlawful payments of dividends or unlawful stock repurchases or redemptions as provided in Section 174 of the DGCL, in the case of a director;



any transaction from which the director or officer derived an improper personal benefit; or



in any action by or in the right of us, in the case of an officer.

Each of our Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws provide that we are required to indemnify our directors and officers, in each case to the fullest extent permitted by the DGCL. Our Bylaws also obligate us to advance expenses incurred by a director or officer in advance of the final disposition of any action or proceeding, and permit us to secure insurance on behalf of any officer, director, employee or other agent for any liability arising out of his or her actions in that capacity regardless of whether we would otherwise be permitted to indemnify him or her under the DGCL. We have entered into agreements to indemnify the directors, executive officers and other employees as determined by our board of directors. With specified exceptions, these agreements provide for indemnification for related expenses including, among other things, attorneys’ fees, judgments, fines and settlement amounts incurred by any of these individuals in any action or proceeding to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. We believe that these bylaw provisions and indemnification agreements are necessary to attract and retain qualified persons as directors and officers. We also maintain directors’ and officers’ liability insurance.

The limitation of liability and indemnification provisions in our Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws may discourage stockholders from bringing a lawsuit against our directors and officers for breach of their fiduciary duty. They may also reduce the likelihood of derivative litigation against our directors and officers, even though an action, if successful, might benefit us and our stockholders. Furthermore, a stockholder’s investment may be adversely affected to the extent that we pay the costs of settlement and damage.

Uncertificated Shares

Holders of shares of our common stock do not have the right to require Broadcom to issue certificates for their shares. We only issue uncertificated shares of our common stock.



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Stock Exchange Listing

Shares of our common stock are listed on Nasdaq under the symbol “AVGO.”

No Sinking Fund

The shares of our common stock do not have sinking fund provisions.

Transfer Agent and Registrar

The transfer agent and registrar for our common stock is Computershare Trust Company, N.A. The transfer agent and registrar’s address is 250 Royall Street, Canton, Massachusetts 02021.



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The following is a general description of the debt securities that may be issued from time to time by us under this prospectus. The particular terms relating to each debt security will be set forth in a prospectus supplement. As used in this section only, “Broadcom,” “we,” “our” or “us” refer to Broadcom Inc. excluding our subsidiaries, unless expressly stated or the context otherwise requires.


Subject to compliance with our other existing indebtedness, we may issue from time to time debt securities under one or more indentures (each of which we refer to herein as the “indenture”) to be entered into between us and Wilmington Trust, National Association, as trustee.

The debt securities will be our direct obligations, which can be secured or unsecured. The debt securities will either rank as senior debt or subordinated debt, and may be issued either separately or together with, or upon the conversion of, or in exchange for, other securities. Our ability to meet our obligations under the debt securities, including payment of principal and interest on the debt securities, depends on the earnings and cash flows of our subsidiaries and the ability of our subsidiaries to pay dividends or advance or repay funds to us. Contractual provisions or laws, as well as our subsidiaries’ financial condition and operating requirements, may limit our ability to obtain from our subsidiaries cash that we may need to pay our debt service obligations, including payments on the debt securities. Holders of the debt securities will be structurally subordinated to the creditors, including trade creditors, of any of our subsidiaries.

We have summarized certain general features of the debt securities below. You should read the applicable indenture for more details regarding the provisions we describe below and for other provisions that may be important to you. We have filed the form of the indenture with the SEC as an exhibit to this registration statement, and we will include the applicable final indenture and any other instrument establishing the terms of the debt securities we offer as exhibits to a filing we will make with the SEC in connection with the offering of such debt securities. Please read the section under the heading “Where You Can Find More Information.”

Terms Applicable to Debt Securities

The prospectus supplement relating to any series of debt securities being offered will include specific terms relating to the offering. These terms will include some or all of the following:



the title of the debt securities;



the total principal amount of the debt securities;



whether the debt securities are senior debt securities or subordinated debt securities and, if subordinated debt securities, the subordination provisions and the applicable definition of “senior indebtedness”;



whether the debt securities will be secured or unsecured;



whether the debt securities will be guaranteed;



any limit on the total principal amount of the debt securities and the ability to issue additional debt securities of the same series;



the date(s) on which the principal of and any premium on the debt securities will be payable;



the interest rate, if any, the date from which interest will accrue, interest payment dates and record dates for interest payments, the method or methods by which such rate may be determined, whether payment of interest will be contingent in any respect and/or the interest rate reset, and the method by which any of the foregoing will be determined;



the remarketing or extension features of the debt securities, if any;



our right, if any, to defer payment of interest and the maximum length of the deferral period;



any covenants or restrictions on us or our subsidiaries;



the place(s) where payments on the debt securities will be payable, where the debt securities may be presented for registration of transfer or exchange, and where notices to or demands upon us in respect of the debt securities may be made;



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our right to issue, and purchase in the open market or otherwise, debt securities of the series;



any provisions for redemption or early repayment;



any sinking fund or other provisions that would obligate us to redeem, purchase or repay the debt securities prior to maturity;



the currency and denominations in which we may issue the debt securities;



whether payments on the debt securities will be payable in foreign currency or currency units or another form, whether payments on the debt securities will be payable by reference to any index or formula, and the manner in which such amounts will be determined;



the portion of the principal amount of the debt securities that will be payable if the maturity is accelerated, if other than the entire principal amount;



provisions relating to defeasance and covenant defeasance and any additional means of defeasance of the debt securities, any additional conditions or limitations to defeasance of the debt securities or any changes to those conditions or limitations;



the events of default applicable to the debt securities;



any restrictions or other provisions relating to the transfer or exchange of the debt securities;



provisions relating to satisfaction and discharge of the indenture;



provisions relating to form, registration, exchange and transfer;



the designation of agents (including paying agents) with respect to the debt securities;



modification, waiver and amendment provisions;



any terms for the conversion or exchange of the debt securities for other securities issued by us;



whether the debt securities will be issued in the form of global securities or certificates;



the form of any legend or legends that will be borne by any global security, if applicable;



provisions relating to the right of the trustee or the requisite holders of the debt securities to declare the principal amount due and payable; and



any other terms of the debt securities, whether in addition to, or by modification or deletion of, the terms described herein.

We may sell debt securities at a discount below their stated principal amount. Any such discount may be substantial. Debt securities we sell may bear no interest or may bear interest at a rate that at the time of issuance is above or below market rates.

Additional Issues

The indenture will not limit the aggregate principal amount of debt securities that may be issued under it. Among other things, we may from time to time, without notice to or the consent of the holders of our debt securities, create and issue additional debt securities of a series ranking equally and ratably with, and having the same interest rate, maturity and/or other terms as, our other debt securities of such series in all respects, or in all respects except for the issue date, the public offering price, the payment of interest accruing prior to the issue date or the first interest payment date of such additional debt securities; provided that, if such additional debt securities are not fungible for U.S. federal income tax purposes with the initial debt securities of such series, such additional debt securities will have a different CUSIP, ISIN and/or any other identifying number.


To the extent any debt securities are outstanding, we will deliver to the trustee any reports, information and documents that we are required to file with the SEC pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act within 30 days after such report, information or document is required to be filed with the SEC. We also will comply with the other provisions of Section 314(a) of the Trust Indenture Act, to the extent applicable. Reports, information and documents filed with the SEC via the EDGAR system will be deemed to be delivered to the



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trustee as of the time of such filing via EDGAR for purposes of this paragraph, it being understood that the trustee shall not be responsible for determining whether such filings have been made. Delivery of reports, information and documents to the trustee under this paragraph is for informational purposes only and the trustee’s receipt of the foregoing shall not constitute actual or constructive notice of any information contained therein or determinable from information contained therein, including our compliance with any of the covenants under the indenture (as to which the trustee is entitled to rely exclusively on officer’s certificates). All such reports, information or documents referred to in this paragraph that we file with the SEC via the EDGAR system shall be deemed to be filed with the trustee and transmitted to holders at the time such reports, information or documents are filed via the EDGAR system (or any successor system).

The term “Trust Indenture Act” is defined in the indenture to mean the Trust Indenture Act of 1939 as in force at the date as of which the indenture was executed; provided, however, that in the event the Trust Indenture Act of 1939 is amended after such date, “Trust Indenture Act” means, to the extent required by any such amendment, the Trust Indenture Act of 1939 as so amended.

Consolidation, Merger or Sale

Under the indenture, we may not consolidate with or merge into, or convey, transfer or lease all or substantially all of our properties and assets to, any other person (as defined below), referred to as a “successor person,” unless:



we are the surviving person or the successor person (if other than Broadcom) is a person organized and validly existing under the laws of any U.S. domestic jurisdiction, any current or former member state of the European Union, Canada or any province of Canada, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, the Republic of Singapore, Bermuda or the Cayman Islands and expressly assumes by supplemental indenture our obligations on the debt securities and under the indenture (any such transaction resulting in an entity organized or existing under the laws of any jurisdiction other than a U.S. domestic jurisdiction, a “non-U.S. domicile transaction”);



immediately after giving effect to the transaction, no default or event of default shall have occurred and be continuing under the indenture; and



we have delivered to the trustee, prior to the consummation of the proposed transaction an officer’s certificate to the foregoing effect and an opinion of counsel stating that the proposed transaction and the supplemental indenture comply with the indenture.

Upon any consolidation of us with, or our merger into, any other person or any conveyance, transfer or lease of our properties and assets substantially as an entirety in accordance with the foregoing paragraph, the successor person formed by such consolidation or into which we are merged or to which such conveyance, transfer or lease is made shall succeed to, and be substituted for, and may exercise every right and power of, us under the indenture with the same effect as if such successor person had been named as the issuer in the indenture, and thereafter, except in the case of a lease, the predecessor person shall be relieved of all obligations and covenants under the indenture and the debt securities; provided, however, that the predecessor issuer shall not be relieved from the obligation to pay the principal of, premium on, if any, interest and additional amounts (as defined below), if any, on, the debt securities, except in the case of a sale of all of our assets in a transaction that is subject to, and that complies with, the foregoing paragraph.

The term “person” is defined in the indenture to mean any individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, association, joint stock company, trust unincorporated organization, limited liability company, exempted company, exempted limited partnership or government or other entity.



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Additional Amounts

After the occurrence of a non-U.S. domicile transaction with respect to us or any successor in interest to us, all payments made by the successor person resulting from the non-U.S. domicile transaction (each such successor person resulting from a non-U.S. domicile transaction, a “non-U.S. payor”) on or with respect to the debt securities will be made without withholding or deduction for, or on account of, any present or future tax, duty, levy, impost, assessment or other similar governmental charge (collectively, “taxes”) unless such withholding or deduction is required by law or by the interpretation of administration of law. If any deduction or withholding for, or on account of, any taxes imposed or levied by or on behalf of:



any jurisdiction (other than the United States or any political subdivision or governmental authority thereof or therein having power to tax) from or through which payment on the debt securities is made by or on behalf of a non-U.S. payor, or any political subdivision or governmental authority thereof or therein having the power to tax; or



any jurisdiction (other than the United States or any political subdivision or governmental authority thereof or therein having the power to tax) in which a non-U.S. payor that makes a payment on the debt securities is organized or otherwise considered to be a resident for tax purposes, or any political subdivision or governmental authority thereof or therein having the power to tax

(each of clauses (a) and (b), a “relevant taxing jurisdiction”), will at any time be required from any payments made with respect to the debt securities, including payments of principal, redemption price, interest or premium, if any, the non-U.S. payor will pay (together with such payments) such additional amounts (the “additional amounts”) as may be necessary in order that the net amounts received in respect of such payments by the holder after such withholding or deduction (including any such deduction or withholding from such additional amounts), will not be less than the amounts that would have been received in respect of such payments on the debt securities in the absence of such withholding or deduction; provided, however, that no such additional amounts will be payable for or on account of:



any taxes that would not have been so imposed or levied but for the existence of any present or former connection between the relevant holder (or between a fiduciary, settlor, beneficiary, partner, member or shareholder of, or possessor of power over, the relevant holder, if such holder is an estate, nominee, trust, partnership, limited liability company or corporation) and the relevant taxing jurisdiction (including being a citizen or resident or national of, or carrying on a business or maintaining a permanent establishment in, or being physically present in, the relevant taxing jurisdiction) but excluding, in each case, any connection arising solely from the acquisition, ownership or holding of such debt securities or the enforcement or receipt of any payment in respect thereof;



any taxes that would not have been so imposed or levied if the holder of the debt security had complied with a reasonable request in writing of the non-U.S. payor (such request being made at a time that would enable such holder acting reasonably to comply with that request) to make a declaration of nonresidence or any other claim or filing or satisfy any certification, identification, information or reporting requirement for exemption from, or reduction in the rate of, withholding to which it is entitled (provided that such declaration of nonresidence or other claim, filing or requirement is required by the applicable law, treaty, regulation or official administrative practice of the relevant taxing jurisdiction as a precondition to exemption from, or reduction in the rate of deduction or withholding of, any such taxes);



any taxes that are payable otherwise than by withholding from a payment on or with respect to the debt securities;



any estate, inheritance, gift, sales, excise, transfer, personal property or similar taxes;



any taxes imposed in connection with a debt security presented for payment (where presentation is required for payment) by or on behalf of a holder or beneficial owner who would have been able to avoid such tax by presenting the relevant debt security to, or otherwise accepting payment from, another paying agent;



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any taxes payable under Sections 1471 through 1474 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, as of the date of the applicable prospectus supplement (or any amended or successor version that is substantively comparable and not materially more onerous to comply with), any current or future regulations or official interpretations thereof, any agreements entered into pursuant thereto, and any intergovernmental agreements implementing the foregoing (including any legislation or other official guidance relating to such intergovernmental agreements); or



any combination of the above.

Such additional amounts will also not be payable (x) if the payment could have been made without such deduction or withholding if the beneficiary of the payment had presented the debt security for payment (where presentation is required) within 30 days after the relevant payment was due and first made available for payment to the holder (provided that notice of such payment is given to the holders), except to the extent that the holder or beneficial owner or other such person would have been entitled to additional amounts on presenting the debt security for payment on any date during such 30-day period or (y) where, had the beneficial owner of the debt security been the holder of the debt security, such beneficial owner would not have been entitled to payment of additional amounts by reason of any of clauses (1) to (7) inclusive above.

The non-U.S. payor will (i) make or cause to be made any required withholding or deduction and (ii) remit or cause to be remitted the full amount deducted or withheld to the relevant taxing authority of the relevant taxing jurisdiction in accordance with applicable law. The non-U.S. payor will use reasonable efforts to obtain certified copies of tax receipts evidencing the payment of any taxes so deducted or withheld from each relevant taxing authority of each relevant taxing jurisdiction imposing such taxes and will provide such certified copies to the trustee and the holders. If, notwithstanding the efforts of such non-U.S. payor to obtain such receipts, the same are not obtainable, such non-U.S. payor will provide the trustee and the holders with other reasonable evidence.

If any non-U.S. payor will be obligated to pay additional amounts under or with respect to any payment made on the debt securities, at least 30 days prior to the date of such payment, the non-U.S. payor will deliver to the trustee an officer’s certificate stating the fact that additional amounts will be payable and the amount so payable and such other information necessary to enable the paying agent to pay additional amounts to holders on the relevant payment date (unless such obligation to pay additional amounts arises less than 45 days prior to the relevant payment date, in which case the non-U.S. payor shall deliver such officer’s certificate and such other information as promptly as practicable after the date that is 30 days prior to the payment date). The trustee shall be entitled to rely solely on such officer’s certificate as conclusive proof that such payments are necessary.

Wherever in the indenture or the debt securities there is mention of, in any context:



the payment of principal;



redemption prices or purchase prices in connection with a redemption or purchase of debt securities;



interest; or



any other amount payable on or with respect to any of the debt securities;

such reference shall be deemed to include payment of additional amounts as described under this section to the extent that, in such context, additional amounts are, were or would be payable in respect thereof.

The non-U.S. payor will pay any present or future stamp, court or documentary taxes, or any other excise, property or similar taxes that arise in any relevant taxing jurisdiction from the execution, delivery, issuance, initial resale, registration or enforcement of any debt securities, the indenture or any other document or instrument in relation thereto (other than a transfer of the debt securities). The foregoing obligations will survive any termination, defeasance or discharge of the indenture and will apply mutatis mutandis to any jurisdiction in which any successor to a non-U.S. payor is organized or otherwise considered to be a resident for tax purposes or any political subdivision or taxing authority or agency thereof or therein.



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Redemption for Taxation Reasons

A non-U.S. payor may redeem the debt securities of a series, at its option, in whole, but not in part, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount thereof, upon not less than 10 nor more than 60 days’ prior notice to the holders of debt securities (which notice shall be irrevocable), together with accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to (but not including) the date fixed for redemption (a “tax redemption date”) (subject to the right of holders of record on the relevant record date to receive interest due on the relevant interest payment date falling prior to the tax redemption date) and all additional amounts, if any, then due or that will become due on the tax redemption date as a result of the redemption or otherwise, if any, if the non-U.S. payor determines in good faith that, as a result of:



any change in, or amendment to, the law or treaties (or any regulations, protocols or rulings promulgated thereunder) of a relevant taxing jurisdiction affecting taxation; or



any change in, or amendment to, an official position or the introduction of an official position regarding the application, administration or interpretation of such laws, treaties, regulations, protocols or rulings (including a holding, judgment or order by a government agency or court of competent jurisdiction or a change in published administrative practice) (each of the foregoing in clauses (1) and (2), a “change in tax law”),

the non-U.S. payor is, or on the next date on which any amount would be payable in respect of the debt securities of such series would be, required to pay any additional amounts with respect to the debt securities of such series, and such obligation cannot be avoided by taking reasonable measures available to the non-U.S. payor (including the appointment of a new paying agent).

In the case of any non-U.S. payor, the change in tax law must become effective after the date the applicable relevant taxing jurisdiction becomes a relevant taxing jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no such notice of redemption will be given earlier than 90 days prior to the earliest date on which the non-U.S. payor would be obligated to make such payment of additional amounts. Prior to the publication, mailing or delivery of any notice of redemption of the debt securities of a series pursuant to the foregoing, the non-U.S. payor will deliver to the trustee (a) an officer’s certificate stating that it is entitled to effect such redemption and setting forth a statement of facts showing that the conditions precedent to its right so to redeem have been satisfied and (b) an opinion of an independent tax counsel of recognized standing to the effect that the non-U.S. payor would be obligated to pay additional amounts as a result of a change in tax law. The trustee will accept such officer’s certificate and opinion as sufficient evidence of the satisfaction of the conditions precedent described above, in which event it will be conclusive and binding on the holders.

The foregoing provisions will apply mutatis mutandis to the laws and official positions of any jurisdiction in which any successor to a non-U.S. payor is organized or otherwise considered to be a resident for tax purposes or any political subdivision or taxing authority or agency thereof or therein. The foregoing provisions will survive any termination, defeasance or discharge of the indenture.

Events of Default

Each of the following will be an event of default under the indenture with respect to any series of debt securities:



default in the payment of any interest upon any debt security of that series when it becomes due and payable, and continuance of such default for a period of 30 days;



default in the payment of the principal of or any premium on any debt security of that series at its maturity;



default in the performance, or breach by us of any covenant in the indenture with respect to a debt security of that series (other than a covenant a default in the performance of which or the breach of which is elsewhere in this paragraph specifically dealt with or which has expressly been included in the indenture solely for the benefit of a series of debt securities other than that series), and continuance of such default or breach for a period of 90 days after there has been given to us by the trustee or to us and the trustee by the holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series a written notice specifying such default or breach and requiring it to be remedied and stating that such notice is a “notice of default” under the indenture; or



specified events involving bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization involving us.



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If an event of default described in any one of the first three bullets above occurs with respect to debt securities of any series at the time outstanding occurs and is continuing, then in every such case the trustee or the holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series may declare the principal amount of all the debt securities of that series (or, if any debt securities of that series are original issue discount securities, such portion of the principal amount of such debt securities as may be specified by the terms thereof) to be due and immediately payable, by a notice in writing to us (and to the trustee if given by the holders), and upon any such declaration, such principal amount (or specified amount) shall become immediately due and payable. A notice of default pursuant to the third bullet above may not be given with respect to any action taken, and reported publicly or to holders and the trustee, more than two years prior to such notice of default. If an event of default described in the fourth bullet above with respect to debt securities of any series at the time outstanding occurs, then the principal amount (or, if any debt securities of that series are original issue discount securities, such portion of the principal amount of such debt securities as may be specified by the terms thereof) and any accrued interest upon all the debt securities of that series will automatically, and without any declaration or other action on the part of the trustee or any holder, become immediately due and payable.

Other Terms Applicable to the Debt Securities

At any time after a declaration of acceleration with respect to the debt securities of any series has been made and before a judgment or decree for payment of the money due has been obtained by the trustee as provided in the indenture, the event of default giving rise to such declaration of acceleration shall, without further act, be deemed to have been waived, and such declaration and its consequences will, without further act, be deemed to have been rescinded and annulled, if:



we have paid or deposited with the trustee a sum sufficient to pay:



all overdue interest on all outstanding debt securities of that series;



the principal of (and premium, if any, on) any outstanding debt securities of that series which have become due otherwise than by such declaration of acceleration and any interest thereon at the rate or rates prescribed therefor in such debt securities;



to the extent that payment of such interest is legally permitted, interest upon overdue interest at the rate or rates prescribed therefor in such debt securities; and



all sums paid or advanced by the trustee hereunder and the reasonable compensation, expenses, disbursements and advances of the trustee, its agents and counsel; and



all events of default with respect to the debt securities of that series, other than the nonpayment of the principal of debt securities of that series which have become due solely by virtue of the declaration of acceleration, have been cured or waived as provided in the indenture.

No such rescission shall affect any subsequent default or impair any right consequent thereon.

Any notice of default, notice of acceleration or instruction to the trustee to provide a notice of default, notice of acceleration or take any other action (a “noteholder direction”) provided by any one or more holders (each a “directing holder”) must be accompanied by a written representation from each such holder delivered to us and the trustee that such holder is not (or, in the case such holder is The Depository Trust Company (“DTC”) or its nominee, that such holder is being instructed solely by beneficial owners that have represented to such holder that they are not) net short (a “position representation”), which representation, in the case of a noteholder direction relating to the delivery of a notice of default shall be deemed a continuing representation until the resulting event of default is cured or otherwise ceases to exist or the debt securities are accelerated. In addition, each directing holder is deemed, at the time of providing a noteholder direction, to covenant to provide us with such other information as we may reasonably request from time to time in order to verify the accuracy of such holder’s position representation within five business days of request therefor (a “verification covenant”). In any case in which the holder is DTC or its nominee, any position representation or verification covenant required hereunder shall be provided by the beneficial owners of the debt securities in lieu of DTC or its nominee, and DTC shall be entitled to conclusively rely on such position representation and verification covenant in delivering its direction to the trustee.

If, following the delivery of a noteholder direction, but prior to acceleration of the debt securities, we determine in good faith that there is a reasonable basis to believe a directing holder was, at any relevant time, in breach of its



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position representation and provides to the trustee an officer’s certificate stating that we have initiated litigation in a court of competent jurisdiction seeking a determination that such directing holder was, at such time, in breach of its position representation, and seeking to invalidate any event of default that resulted from the applicable noteholder direction, the cure period with respect to such default shall be automatically stayed and the cure period with respect to such event of default shall be automatically reinstituted and any remedy stayed pending a final and non-appealable determination of a court of competent jurisdiction on such matter. If, following the delivery of a noteholder direction, but prior to acceleration of the debt securities, we provide to the trustee an officer’s certificate stating that a directing holder failed to satisfy its verification covenant, the cure period with respect to such default shall be automatically stayed and the cure period with respect to any event of default that resulted from the applicable noteholder direction shall be automatically reinstituted and any remedy stayed pending satisfaction of such verification covenant. Any breach of the position representation shall result in such holder’s participation in such noteholder direction being disregarded; and, if, without the participation of such holder, the percentage of debt securities held by the remaining holders that provided such noteholder direction would have been insufficient to validly provide such noteholder direction, such noteholder direction shall be void ab initio (other than any indemnity such directing holder may have offered the trustee), with the effect that such event of default shall be deemed never to have occurred, acceleration voided and the trustee shall be deemed not to have received such noteholder direction or any notice of such default or event of default. A position representation may be substantially in the form attached to the indenture with such other changes and information as may be reasonably requested by us and the trustee.

For the avoidance of doubt, the trustee shall be entitled to conclusively rely on any noteholder direction delivered to it in accordance with the indenture, shall have no duty to inquire as to or investigate the accuracy of any position representation, enforce compliance with any verification covenant, verify any statements in any officer’s certificate delivered to it, or otherwise make calculations, investigations or determinations with respect to derivative instruments, net shorts, long derivative instruments, short derivative instruments or otherwise. The trustee shall have no liability to Broadcom, any holder or any other person in acting in good faith on a noteholder direction.

The holders of not less than a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of any series shall have the right to direct the time, method and place of conducting any proceeding for any remedy available to the trustee or exercising any trust or power conferred on the trustee with respect to the debt securities of such series; provided, that:



such direction shall not be in conflict with any rule of law or with the indenture;



the trustee may take any other action deemed proper by the trustee which is not inconsistent with such direction; and



subject to certain duties and responsibilities of the trustee set forth in the indenture, the trustee will have the right to decline to follow such direction if (i) the holders have failed to provide the trustee with security or indemnity satisfactory to it in its sole discretion; (ii) a responsible officer of the trustee shall, in good faith, determine that the proceeding so directed would involve the trustee in personal liability; or (iii) such direction would be unduly prejudicial to the rights of other holders (it being understood that the trustee has no duty to determine if any action is prejudicial to any holder) or would otherwise be contrary to applicable law or the indenture.

No holder of any debt security of any series shall have any right to institute any proceeding, judicial or otherwise, with respect to the indenture, or for the appointment of a receiver, assignee, trustee, liquidator or sequestrator (or other similar official), or for any other remedy hereunder, unless:



such holder has previously given written notice to the trustee of a continuing event of default with respect to the debt securities of that series;



holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series shall have made written request to the trustee to institute proceedings in respect of such event of default in its own name as trustee under the indenture;



such holder or holders have offered (and if requested, provided) to the trustee security or indemnity satisfactory to the trustee in its sole discretion against the costs, expenses and liabilities to be incurred in compliance with such request;



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the trustee for 60 days after its receipt of such notice, request and offer of security or indemnity has failed to institute any such proceeding; and



no direction inconsistent with such written request has been given to the trustee during such 60-day period by the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series;

it being understood and intended that no one or more of such holders shall have any right in any manner whatever by virtue of, or by availing itself of, any provision of the indenture to affect, disturb or prejudice the rights of any other holders of debt securities, or to obtain or to seek to obtain priority or preference over any other of such holders or to enforce any right under the indenture, except in the manner herein provided and for the equal and ratable benefit of all such holders.

Notwithstanding any other provision in the indenture, the holder of any debt security shall have the right, which is absolute and unconditional, to receive payment of the principal of and any premium and interest on such debt security on the respective stated maturities expressed in such debt security (or, in the case of redemption or repayment, on the redemption date or repayment date) and to institute suit for the enforcement of any such payment, and such rights shall not be impaired without the consent of such holder.

We will deliver to the trustee, within 120 days after the end of each fiscal year, an officer’s certificate, the signer of which shall be our principal executive, principal accounting or principal financial officer, stating whether or not, to the best knowledge of the signer thereof, we are in default in the performance and observance of any of the terms, provisions, covenants and conditions of the indenture (without regard to any period of grace or requirement of notice provided thereunder) and, if we will be in default, specifying all such defaults and the nature and status thereof of which he or she may have knowledge.

The trustee shall not be required to take notice or be deemed to have notice or knowledge of any default or event of default with respect to the debt securities of a series, except an Event of Default described in the first two bullets under “—Events of Default” above (provided, that the trustee is the principal paying agent with respect to the debt securities of such series), unless a responsible officer of the trustee has received written notice at its corporate trust office of such default or event of default from us, any of our subsidiaries or a holder of any debt security, which notice states that the event referred to therein constitutes a default or event of default and references the indenture and the relevant series of debt securities.


When we use the term defeasance, we mean discharge from some or all of our obligations under the indenture. If we deposit with the trustee funds and/or government securities sufficient to make payments on the outstanding debt securities of any series on the dates those payments are due and payable and comply with all other conditions to defeasance set forth in the indenture, then, at our option, either of the following will occur:



we will be discharged from our obligations with respect to the outstanding debt securities of such series (“legal defeasance”); or



we will no longer have any obligation to comply with the restrictive covenants under the indenture with respect to the outstanding debt securities of such series, and the related events of default will no longer apply to us, but some of our other obligations under the indenture and such series of debt securities, including our obligation to make payments on such series of those debt securities, will survive (“covenant defeasance”).

If we legally defease any series of debt securities, the holders of the debt securities of such series affected will not be entitled to the benefits of the indenture, except for:



the rights of holders of debt securities to receive, solely from a trust fund, payments in respect of such debt securities when payments are due;



our obligation to register the transfer or exchange of the debt securities;



our obligation to replace mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen debt securities; and



our obligation to maintain paying agencies and hold moneys for payment in trust.

We may legally defease the outstanding debt securities of any series notwithstanding any prior exercise of our option of covenant defeasance in respect of such outstanding debt securities of such series.



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In order to exercise our legal defeasance or covenant defeasance option with respect to outstanding debt securities of a series, we will be required to deliver to the trustee an opinion of counsel, subject to customary assumptions and exclusions, to the effect that the deposit and related legal defeasance or covenant defeasance, as the case may be, will not cause the beneficial owners of the outstanding debt securities of such series to recognize income, gain or loss for U.S. federal income tax purposes and that the beneficial owners of the outstanding debt securities of such series will be subject to U.S. federal income tax on the same amounts, in the same manner and at the same times as would have been the case if the deposit and related legal defeasance or covenant defeasance, as the case may be, had not occurred. If we elect legal defeasance, that opinion of counsel must be based upon a ruling received from or published by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service or a change in law to that effect.

Actions Not Requiring Consent of Holders

We may enter into one or more supplemental indentures with the trustee without the consent of the holders of the debt securities of any series in order to:



evidence the succession of another person to us, or successive successions, and the assumption of our covenants, agreements and obligations by such successor person, in each case in accordance with the terms of the indenture;



add to our covenants for the benefit of the holders of debt securities of such series or surrender any right or power conferred upon us in the indenture;



add any additional events of default for the debt securities of such series for the benefit of the holders of the debt securities of such series;



add to or change any of the provisions of the indenture to the extent necessary to permit or facilitate the issuance of debt securities in uncertificated form;



add to, change or eliminate any of the provisions of the indenture applying to one or more series of debt securities, provided, however, that if such addition, change or elimination adversely affects the interests of holders of debt securities of any series in any material respect, such addition, change or elimination will become effective with respect to that series only when no debt securities of such series remain outstanding;



convey, transfer, assign, mortgage or pledge any property to or with the trustee or to surrender any right or power conferred upon us by the indenture;



establish the forms or terms of any series of debt securities;



evidence and provide for successor trustees and to add to or change any provisions of the indenture to the extent necessary to appoint a separate trustee or trustees for debt securities of one or more series;



cure any ambiguity, or correct or supplement any provision in the indenture which may be defective or inconsistent with any other provision in the indenture;



make other provisions with respect to matters or questions arising under the indenture, provided that (i) in the case of any such cure, correction, supplement, matter, question, amendment or modification to (or which results in any change to) a guarantee of the debt securities of any series, the foregoing shall not adversely affect the interests of the holders of any debt securities then outstanding; and (ii) in all other cases, such action does not adversely affect the interests of holders of debt securities of any series in any material respect;



supplement any provisions of the indenture to the extent necessary to permit the defeasance and discharge of any series of debt securities, provided that such action does not adversely affect the interests of the holders of debt securities of such series or any other series of debt securities in any material respect;



comply with the rules or regulations of any securities exchange or automated quotation system on which any series of debt securities may be listed or traded;



secure any series of debt securities or any guarantee thereof;



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add to, change or eliminate any provisions of the indenture as shall be necessary or desirable in accordance with any amendments to the Trust Indenture Act, provided that such action does not adversely affect the rights or interests of any holder of debt securities in any material respect;



provide for the payment by us of additional amounts in respect of taxes imposed on certain holders and for the treatment of such additional amounts as interest and for all matters incidental thereto;



add guarantors with respect to any series of debt securities or release a guarantor from its obligations under its guarantee or the indenture in accordance with the applicable provisions of the indenture and the debt securities of the applicable series;



conform the terms of the indenture and any series of debt securities to any provision or other description of such series of Securities, as the case may be, contained in an offering document related thereto; or



comply with the rules of any applicable depositary.

Actions Requiring Consent of Holders

With the consent of the holders of not less than a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of all series affected by such supplemental indenture or amendment (treated as one class), by act of said holders delivered to us and the trustee, we, when authorized by a board of directors resolution, and the trustee may enter into an indenture or indentures supplemental to the indenture and/or amendments to any related guarantee agreement for the purpose of adding any provisions to or changing in any manner or eliminating any of the provisions of the indenture or any such guarantee agreement or of modifying in any manner the rights of the holders of debt securities of such series under the indenture or any such guarantee agreement. However, without the consent of the holders of each outstanding debt security affected by the supplemental indenture or guarantee agreement, we may not enter into a supplemental indenture or guarantee agreement that:



changes the stated maturity of the principal of, or any installment of principal of or interest on, any debt security, or reduces the principal amount of, or any premium or rate of interest on, any debt security;



reduces the amount of principal of an original issue discount debt security or any other debt security payable upon acceleration of the maturity thereof;



changes the place or currency of payment of principal, premium, if any, or interest;



impairs the right to institute suit for the enforcement of any payment on or after such payment becomes due for any debt security;



reduces the percentage in principal amount of outstanding debt securities of any series, the consent of whose holders is required for modification of the indenture, for waiver of compliance with certain provisions of the indenture or for waiver of certain defaults of the indenture;



makes certain modifications to the provisions for modification of the indenture and for certain waivers, except to increase the principal amount of debt securities of any series necessary to consent to any such change or to provide that certain other provisions of the indenture cannot be modified or waived without the consent of the holder of each outstanding debt security affected by such change;



if the debt securities of any series are then secured, changes the terms and conditions pursuant to which the debt securities of such series are secured in a manner adverse to the holders of such debt securities in any material respect; or



makes any change in the provisions of the indenture described under “—Additional Amounts” above that adversely affects the right of any holder of such debt securities or amends the terms of such debt securities in a way that would result in a loss of an exemption from any of the taxes described thereunder or an exemption from any obligation to withhold or deduct taxes so described thereunder unless the non-U.S. payor agrees to pay additional amounts, if any, in respect thereof.

We may omit, in respect of one or more series of debt securities, in any particular instance to comply with any covenant or condition applicable to such debt securities, if before or after the time for such compliance the holders of at least a majority in principal amount of the then debt securities of all series affected (voting as one



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class) shall, by act of such holders, either waive such compliance in such instance or generally waive compliance with such covenant or condition, but no such waiver shall extend to or affect such covenant or condition except to the extent so expressly waived, and, until such waiver shall become effective, our obligations and the duties of the trustee in respect of any such covenant or condition shall remain in full force and effect.

The holders of not less than a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of any series may on behalf of the holders of all the debt securities of such series waive any past default under the indenture with respect to such debt series and its consequences, except a default:



in the payment of the principal of or any premium or interest on any debt security of such series, or



in respect of a covenant or provision which cannot be modified or amended without the consent of the holder of each outstanding debt security of such series affected.

Upon any such waiver, such default shall cease to exist, and any event of default arising therefrom shall be deemed to have been cured, for every purpose of the indenture; but no such waiver shall extend to any subsequent or other default or impair any right consequent thereon.

Satisfaction and Discharge

We may discharge our obligations under the indenture while debt securities of any series remain outstanding if (1) all outstanding debt securities of such series have become due and payable, (2) all outstanding debt securities of such series will become due and payable at their stated maturity within one year of the date of deposit or (3) all outstanding debt securities of such series are to be called for redemption within one year under arrangements satisfactory to the trustee for the giving of notice of redemption by the trustee in the name, and at our expense, and, in each case, we have deposited with the trustee an amount of funds and/or government securities sufficient to pay and discharge all outstanding debt securities of such series on the date of their scheduled maturity or the scheduled date of the redemption (provided that upon any redemption that requires the payment of a premium, the amount deposited shall be sufficient to the extent that an amount is deposited with the trustee equal to the premium calculated as of the date of the notice of redemption, with any deficit on the redemption date (any such amount, the “applicable premium deficit”) only required to be deposited with the trustee on or prior to the redemption date (it being understood that any satisfaction and discharge shall be subject to the condition subsequent that such applicable premium deficit is in fact paid)) and paid all other amounts payable under the indenture in respect of the applicable series of debt securities. Any applicable premium deficit shall be set forth in an officer’s certificate delivered to the trustee one business day prior to the deposit of such applicable premium deficit (or as promptly as reasonably practicable thereafter) that confirms that such applicable premium deficit shall be applied toward such redemption. The trustee shall have no duty to determine, or verify the calculation of, the applicable premium or any applicable premium deficit.

Governing Law

The indenture and the debt securities will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York.

The indenture will provide that each of us, the trustee and the holders of debt securities by their acceptance of the debt securities irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all right to trial by jury in any legal proceeding arising out of or relating to the indenture or the transactions contemplated thereby.

The indenture will further provide that each of we, the holders of debt securities and the trustee irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of any New York State court sitting in the Borough of Manhattan in the City of New York or any federal court sitting in the Southern District in the Borough of Manhattan in the City of New York in respect of any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to the indenture and the debt securities, and irrevocably accepts for itself and in respect of its property, generally and unconditionally, jurisdiction of the aforesaid courts, and waives any objection it may have under law to such courts and jurisdiction as proper venue in connection with any such suit, action or proceeding.


Wilmington Trust, National Association will be the trustee under the indenture. If an event of default has occurred and is continuing and is actually known to a responsible officer of the trustee, the trustee will be required to exercise such of the rights and powers vested in it by the indenture, and use the same degree of care



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and skill in its exercise as a prudent person would exercise or use under the circumstances in the conduct of his or her own affairs; provided, the trustee will be under no obligation to exercise any of the rights and powers under the indenture at the request or direction of any holders, unless such holders have offered (and if requested, provided) to the trustee indemnity satisfactory to the trustee against any loss, liability, or expenses, and then only to the extent required by the terms of the indenture.

Global Securities

Book-Entry, Delivery and Form

Unless we indicate differently in any applicable prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus, the securities initially will be issued in book-entry form and represented by one or more global notes or global securities, or, collectively, global securities. The global securities will be deposited with, or on behalf of, DTC, as depositary, and registered in the name of Cede & Co., the nominee of DTC. Unless and until it is exchanged for individual certificates evidencing securities under the limited circumstances described below, a global security may not be transferred except as a whole by the depositary to its nominee or by the nominee to the depositary, or by the depositary or its nominee to a successor depositary or to a nominee of the successor depositary.

DTC has advised us that it is:



a limited-purpose trust company organized under the New York Banking Law;



a “banking organization” within the meaning of the New York Banking Law;



a member of the Federal Reserve System;



a “clearing corporation” within the meaning of the New York Uniform Commercial Code; and



a “clearing agency” registered pursuant to the provisions of Section 17A of the Exchange Act.

DTC holds securities that its participants deposit with DTC. DTC also facilitates the settlement among its participants of securities transactions, such as transfers and pledges, in deposited securities through electronic computerized book-entry changes in participants’ accounts, thereby eliminating the need for physical movement of securities certificates. “Direct participants” in DTC include securities brokers and dealers, including underwriters, banks, trust companies, clearing corporations and other organizations. DTC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (“DTCC”). DTCC is the holding company for DTC, National Securities Clearing Corporation and Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, all of which are registered clearing agencies. DTCC is owned by the users of its regulated subsidiaries. Access to the DTC system is also available to others, which we sometimes refer to as indirect participants, that clear through or maintain a custodial relationship with a direct participant, either directly or indirectly. The rules applicable to DTC and its participants are on file with the SEC.

Purchases of securities under the DTC system must be made by or through direct participants, which will receive a credit for the securities on DTC’s records. The ownership interest of the actual purchaser of a security, which we sometimes refer to as a beneficial owner, is in turn recorded on the direct and indirect participants’ records. Beneficial owners of securities will not receive written confirmation from DTC of their purchases. However, beneficial owners are expected to receive written confirmations providing details of their transactions, as well as periodic statements of their holdings, from the direct or indirect participants through which they purchased securities. Transfers of ownership interests in global securities are to be accomplished by entries made on the books of participants acting on behalf of beneficial owners. Beneficial owners will not receive certificates representing their ownership interests in the global securities, except under the limited circumstances described below.

To facilitate subsequent transfers, all global securities deposited by direct participants with DTC will be registered in the name of DTC’s partnership nominee, Cede & Co., or such other name as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. The deposit of securities with DTC and their registration in the name of Cede & Co. or such other nominee will not change the beneficial ownership of the securities. DTC has no knowledge of the actual beneficial owners of the securities. DTC’s records reflect only the identity of the direct participants to whose accounts the securities are credited, which may or may not be the beneficial owners. The participants are responsible for keeping account of their holdings on behalf of their customers.



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So long as the securities are in book-entry form, you will receive payments and may transfer securities only through the facilities of the depositary and its direct and indirect participants, in accordance with the rules and procedures applicable to the DTC system. We will maintain an office or agency in the location specified in the prospectus supplement for the applicable securities, where notices and demands in respect of the securities and the indenture may be delivered to us and where certificated securities may be surrendered for payment, registration of transfer or exchange.

Conveyance of notices and other communications by DTC to direct participants, by direct participants to indirect participants and by direct participants and indirect participants to beneficial owners will be governed by arrangements among them, subject to any legal requirements in effect from time to time.

Redemption notices will be sent to DTC. If less than all of the securities of a particular series are being redeemed, we understand DTC’s current practice is to determine by lot the amount of the interest of each direct participant in the securities of such series to be redeemed.

Neither DTC nor Cede & Co. (or any other DTC nominee) will consent or vote with respect to the securities. Under its usual procedures, DTC will provide an omnibus proxy to us as soon as possible after the record date. The omnibus proxy assigns the consenting or voting rights of Cede & Co. to those direct participants to whose accounts the securities of such series are credited on the record date, identified in a listing attached to the omnibus proxy.

So long as securities are in book-entry form, we will make payments on those securities to the depositary or its nominee, as the registered owner of such securities, by wire transfer of immediately available funds. If securities are issued in definitive certificated form under the limited circumstances described below and unless if otherwise provided in the description of the applicable securities herein or in the applicable prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus, we will have the option of making payments by check mailed to the addresses of the persons entitled to payment or by wire transfer to bank accounts in the United States designated in writing to the applicable trustee or other designated party at least 15 days before the applicable payment date by the persons entitled to payment, unless a shorter period is satisfactory to the applicable trustee or other designated party.

Redemption proceeds, distributions and dividend payments on the securities will be made to Cede & Co., or such other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. DTC’s practice is to credit direct participants’ accounts upon DTC’s receipt of funds and corresponding detail information from us on the payment date in accordance with their respective holdings shown on DTC records. Payments by participants to beneficial owners will be governed by standing instructions and customary practices, as is the case with securities held for the account of customers in bearer form or registered in “street name.” Those payments will be the responsibility of participants and not of DTC or us, subject to any statutory or regulatory requirements in effect from time to time. Payment of redemption proceeds, distributions and dividend payments to Cede & Co., or such other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC, is our responsibility, disbursement of payments to direct participants is the responsibility of DTC, and disbursement of payments to the beneficial owners is the responsibility of direct and indirect participants.

Except under the limited circumstances described below, purchasers of securities will not be entitled to have securities registered in their names and will not receive physical delivery of securities. Accordingly, each beneficial owner must rely on the procedures of DTC and its participants to exercise any rights under the securities and the indenture.

The laws of some jurisdictions may require that some purchasers of securities take physical delivery of securities in definitive form. Those laws may impair the ability to transfer or pledge beneficial interests in securities.

DTC may discontinue providing its services as securities depositary with respect to the securities at any time by giving reasonable notice to us. Under such circumstances, in the event that a successor depositary is not obtained, securities certificates are required to be printed and delivered.

As noted above, beneficial owners of a particular series of securities generally will not receive certificates representing their ownership interests in those securities. However, if:



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DTC notifies us that it is unwilling or unable to continue as a depositary for the global security or securities representing such series of securities or if DTC ceases to be a clearing agency registered under the Exchange Act at a time when it is required to be registered and a successor depositary is not appointed within 90 days of the notification to us or of our becoming aware of DTC’s ceasing to be so registered, as the case may be;



we determine, in our sole discretion, not to have such securities represented by one or more global securities; or



an event of default has occurred and is continuing with respect to such series of securities;

we will prepare and deliver certificates for such securities in exchange for beneficial interests in the global securities. Any beneficial interest in a global security that is exchangeable under the circumstances described in the preceding sentence will be exchangeable for securities in definitive certificated form registered in the names that the depositary directs. It is expected that these directions will be based upon directions received by the depositary from its participants with respect to ownership of beneficial interests in the global securities.

Euroclear and Clearstream

If so provided in the applicable prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus, you may hold interests in a global security through Clearstream Banking S.A., which we refer to as “Clearstream,” or Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V., as operator of the Euroclear System, which we refer to as “Euroclear,” either directly if you are a participant in Clearstream or Euroclear or indirectly through organizations which are participants in Clearstream or Euroclear. Clearstream and Euroclear will hold interests on behalf of their respective participants through customers’ securities accounts in the names of Clearstream and Euroclear, respectively, on the books of their respective U.S. depositaries, which in turn will hold such interests in customers’ securities accounts in such depositaries’ names on DTC’s books.

Clearstream and Euroclear are securities clearance systems in Europe. Clearstream and Euroclear hold securities for their respective participating organizations and facilitate the clearance and settlement of securities transactions between those participants through electronic book-entry changes in their accounts, thereby eliminating the need for physical movement of certificates.

Payments, deliveries, transfers, exchanges, notices and other matters relating to beneficial interests in global securities owned through Euroclear or Clearstream must comply with the rules and procedures of those systems. Transactions between participants in Euroclear or Clearstream, on one hand, and other participants in DTC, on the other hand, are also subject to DTC’s rules and procedures.

Investors will be able to make and receive through Euroclear and Clearstream payments, deliveries, transfers and other transactions involving any beneficial interests in global securities held through those systems only on days when those systems are open for business. Those systems may not be open for business on days when banks, brokers and other institutions are open for business in the United States.

Cross-market transfers between participants in DTC, on the one hand, and participants in Euroclear or Clearstream, on the other hand, will be effected through DTC in accordance with the DTC’s rules on behalf of Euroclear or Clearstream, as the case may be, by their respective U.S. depositaries; however, such cross-market transactions will require delivery of instructions to Euroclear or Clearstream, as the case may be, by the counterparty in such system in accordance with the rules and procedures and within the established deadlines (European time) of such system. Euroclear or Clearstream, as the case may be, will, if the transaction meets its settlement requirements, deliver instructions to its U.S. depositary to take action to effect final settlement on its behalf by delivering or receiving interests in the global securities through DTC, and making or receiving payment in accordance with normal procedures for same-day fund settlement. Participants in Euroclear or Clearstream may not deliver instructions directly to their respective U.S. depositaries.

Due to time zone differences, the securities accounts of a participant in Euroclear or Clearstream purchasing an interest in a global security from a direct participant in DTC will be credited, and any such crediting will be reported to the relevant participant in Euroclear or Clearstream, during the securities settlement processing day (which must be a business day for Euroclear or Clearstream) immediately following the settlement date of DTC. Cash received in Euroclear or Clearstream as a result of sales of interests in a global security by or through a participant in Euroclear or Clearstream to a direct participant in DTC will be received with value on the



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settlement date of DTC but will be available in the relevant Euroclear or Clearstream cash account only as of the business day for Euroclear or Clearstream following DTC’s settlement date.


The information in this section of this prospectus and the information elsewhere in this prospectus concerning DTC, Clearstream, Euroclear and their respective book-entry systems has been provided for informational purposes only, is not intended to serve as a representation, warranty or contract modification of any kind, and was obtained from sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not take responsibility for this information. The rules and procedures of DTC, Clearstream and Euroclear are solely within the control of those organizations and could change at any time. Neither we nor the trustee nor any agent of ours or of the trustee has any control over those entities, their systems or their participants, and none of us takes any responsibility for their activities. You are urged to contact DTC, Clearstream and Euroclear or their respective participants directly to discuss those matters. In addition, although we expect that DTC, Clearstream and Euroclear will perform the foregoing procedures, none of them is under any obligation to perform or continue to perform such procedures and such procedures may be discontinued at any time. Neither we nor the trustee nor any agent of ours or of the trustee will have any responsibility for the performance or nonperformance by DTC, Clearstream and Euroclear or their respective participants of these or any other rules or procedures governing their respective operations.



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We will set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement a description of any warrants, rights, purchase contracts or units issued by us that may be offered and sold pursuant to this prospectus.



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Information about selling securityholders, where applicable, will be set forth in a prospectus supplement, in a post-effective amendment or in filings we make with the SEC under the Exchange Act that are incorporated by reference.



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We, or any of the selling securityholders, may sell the offered securities from time to time:



to or through underwriters, brokers or dealers;



in short or long transactions;



through agents;



through a block trade in which the broker or dealer engaged to handle the block trade will attempt to sell the securities as agent, but may position and resell a portion of the block as principal to facilitate the transaction;



directly to one or more purchasers;



through a combination of any of these methods of sale; or



through any other methods described in a prospectus supplement.

We will identify the specific plan of distribution, including any underwriters, dealers, agents or direct purchasers and their compensation, in the applicable prospectus supplement.



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Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz will pass upon certain legal matters relating to the issuance and sale of the securities offered hereby on behalf of Broadcom Inc. Additional legal matters may be passed upon for us, any selling securityholders or any underwriters, dealers or agents, by counsel that we will name in the applicable prospectus supplement.



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The financial statements of Broadcom and management’s assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting (which is included in Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting) incorporated in this prospectus by reference to Broadcom’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended October 29, 2023 have been so incorporated in reliance on the report of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, given on the authority of said firm as experts in auditing and accounting.


The financial statements of VMware incorporated in this prospectus by reference to VMware’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended February 3, 2023 have been so incorporated in reliance on the report of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, given on the authority of said firm as experts in auditing and accounting.



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Broadcom Inc.

$    % Senior Notes due 20 

$    % Senior Notes due 20 

$    % Senior Notes due 20 

$    % Senior Notes due 20 




P R O S P E C T U S  S U P P L E M E N T


Joint Book-Running Managers

J.P. Morgan

TD Securities

Truist Securities

September  , 2024