SAMFINE CREATION HOLDINGS GROUP LIMITED Governors Square套房#4-210 23 Lime Tree Bay大道,郵政信箱32311號 大開曼KY1-1209 開曼群島
注意事項 董事會 |
電子郵件 ccheng@applebyglobal.com cwu@applebyglobal.com | |
直撥 +852 2905 5719 +852 2905 5768 | ||
電話 +852 2523 8123 傳真 +852 2524 5548 | ||
Appleby Ref 454111.0001 | ||
2023年12月8日 |
4201 - 03號和12號套房 香港港島東部42樓 太古坊 西蘭道18號 鰂魚湧 香港
電話 +852 2523 8123
applebyglobal.com |
簡介 | |||
我們是該公司的開曼群島法律顧問,此開曼群島法律意見函是致您的,與該公司提交的F-1表格備案有關,包括所有修訂或補充(其中包括所有修訂或補充) 蘋果公司CEO庫克大規模拋售股票,套現逾3億港元,資金已存入上市公司設立的專項帳戶(「信託帳戶」),以公共股東(定義詳見下文)爲受益人的註冊聲明(FORM S-1)中所規定的一定金額及特定款項。信託帳戶中持有的基金類型(包括資金持有的利息)除支付公司稅費以外,一旦實現以下最早的情況之一即可支取: (i) 完成首次(業務)組合;(ii) 如果公司未能在2025年3月3日之前完成首次(業務)組合,則可以贖回100%的發行股份(如下所述);或 (iii) 股東表決贖回發行股份。 若要批准修訂本Amended and Restated Certificate,必須就修訂對決定最早如下情形之一的公司的義務以在首次業務組合中允許贖回或未在終止日期之前完成首次業務組合即贖回100%的發行股份產生影響或涉及股東權益或首次業務組合前的活動(如第9.7節所述),對修訂進行表決。發售期(「發售期」)所出售單位的組成部分的Common Stock股份的持有人(「發售股份」),不論這些發售股份是在發售期內還是在發售市場上的二級市場中購買,也不論這些持有人是公司的發起人,高管或董事,或上述任何關聯方的子公司,均在此被稱爲「公共股東」。。該術語不包括任何其他文件或協議,無論是否特別提及或作爲其附件或附表附屬於F-1表格形式的提交到美國證券交易委員會(交易所) 委員會:有關: | |||
管理合夥人 David Bulley
合夥人 Fiona Chan Vincent Chan Chris Cheng 理查德 格拉斯比 Judy Lee Marc Parrott Lorinda Peasland Eliot Simpson |
(a) | 公司首次公開募股( 增發計劃)的2,500,000股( 發售股份)每股面值爲US$0.0000625的公司( 股份); | |
(b) | 代表承銷商的代表在發行結束後獲得45天期限的選擇權,購買額外的375,000股(相當於發行股數的15%)( 超額配售股份)用於超額配售( 超額配售選擇權)和 | ||
(c) | 最多179,640股(其 再次銷售)的轉讓 轉售股份由註冊聲明中兩位現有股東表示 出售股東,目前已發行並流通。 | ||
根據註冊聲明發行的要約股份及超額配售股份在此稱爲 發售股份. | |||
我們將此意見作爲註冊聲明的附件5.1、8.1和23.2提交。 |
百慕大■英屬維爾京群島 ■開曼群島 ■根西島 ■香港 ■馬恩島 ■澤西島 ■毛里求斯 ■塞舌爾 ■上海
我們的審查 | ||
爲了提供這個意見,我們已經審閱並依賴於附表1中列出的文件(文件 )我們沒有審查任何其他文件,即使它們在文件中有提及。 | ||
我們沒有就公司進行任何其他詢問,特別是我們沒有調查或驗證除本意見中明確陳述之外的任何事實或觀點(無論是在任何文件中還是其他地方)。 | ||
除非在本文件中另有定義,否則大寫詞語的定義均與附表1中賦予它們的含義相同。 | ||
限制 | ||
我們的意見僅限於,並應根據開曼群島法在本意見日期解釋。我們對任何其他司法管轄區的法律不發表意見。 | ||
本意見僅限於其中所述事項,並不延伸,也不得由含義引申到其他事項。 | ||
假設和保留 | ||
我們根據附件2中列出的假設進行以下意見,但我們尚未核實,並受限於附件3中列出的保留。假設。),我們對以下事項發表意見,這些意見是基於我們尚未核實的附件2中列出的假設,並受限於附件3中列出的保留。本函中的「保留條款」是指第7段所列的任何保留條款。). | ||
意見 | ||
1. | 納入 和狀態該公司是在開曼群島法律下成立的豁免責任有限公司,是一個獨立的法律實體。該公司在開曼群島公司註冊處名下正常運營。 | |
2. | 授權股本僅基於我們對公司章程和現任證明書的審查,截至2023年9月16日,公司的授權股本爲50,000.00美元,劃分爲8億股,每股面值爲0.0000625美元。 | |
3. | 授權公司已採取一切必要的公司行動,以授權根據登記聲明發行認購股份。 |
百慕大■英屬維爾京群島 ■開曼群島 ■根西島 ■香港 ■馬恩島 ■澤西島 ■毛里求斯 ■塞舌爾 ■上海 |
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4. | 股票發行: 公司授權了待分配和發行的認購股,當獲得全額支付、分配和發行以符合註冊聲明中規定的方式並遵照決議 1 時,將被有效發行,全額支付且不可評估。擬議由出售股東進行再銷售的再銷售股已根據決議 2 有效發行,全額支付且不可評估。本意見所指的股票爲不可評估僅指其持有人在發行相關股票時無需支付任何其他款項。 | |
5. | 發售文件披露: 在註冊聲明的一部分的招股說明書中標題爲「重要所得稅考慮」下的陳述,就其構成開曼群島法陳述且僅受開曼群島法律約束的陳述範圍而言,在所有重大方面準確無誤。在註冊聲明中「重要所得稅考慮 — 開曼群島稅務」部分的陳述則是我們的意見。 | |
6. | 都需代扣稅款。作爲行使期權的條件,參與者應進行相關安排,以滿足與行使相關的任何聯邦、州、地方或外國代扣稅款義務,同時,參與者還應進行適當的安排,以滿足與行使通過行使期權獲得的股票處理相關的任何聯邦、州、地方或外國代扣稅款義務。公司根據開曼群島法不需要就發售、超額配售選擇權和再銷售相關的支付中扣除或代扣任何稅款。 | |
同意 | ||
我們特此同意將本意見作爲註冊聲明的附表提交,並同意在註冊聲明中包含的招股說明書「法律事務」下引用我們的公司。在提供我們的同意時,我們不以此承認我們屬於根據美國證券法 1933 年修訂版以及該法規則和委員會規則第七條要求同意的人員範疇。 | ||
艾衛公司 | ||
/s/ Appleby |
Bermuda ■ British Virgin Islands ■ Cayman Islands ■ Guernsey ■ Hong Kong ■ Isle of Man ■ Jersey ■ Mauritius ■ Seychelles ■ Shanghai |
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Schedule 1 | ||
Documents Examined | ||
1. | A scanned copy of the certificate of incorporation of the Company dated 20 January 2022 (Certificate of Incorporation). | |
2. | Scanned copies of the memorandum of association and articles of association of the Company adopted on 5 September 2023 (the Constitutional Documents). | |
3. | A scanned copy of the certificate of good standing dated 13 September 2023 issued by the Registrar of Companies in respect of the Company (Certificate of Good Standing). | |
4. | A scanned copy of the certificate of incumbency dated 16 September 2023 issued by the Company’s registered office provider in respect of the Company (Certificate of Incumbency). | |
5. | Scanned copies of (i) the written resolutions by all the directors of the Company dated 27 July 2022 and the written resolutions by all the directors of the Company dated 7 November 2023 (Resolutions 1), and (ii) the written resolutions of the sole director of the Company passed on 20 January 2022, the written resolutions of the sole director of the Company passed on 20 January 2022, and the written resolutions of the all the members of the Company passed on 5 September 2023 (Resolutions 2), (together with the Resolutions 1, the Resolutions). | |
6. | A scanned copy of the register of members of the Company as of 20 September 2023 (Register of Members). | |
7. | A scanned copy of the register of directors and officers of the Company as of 20 September 2023 (Register of Directors and Officers), (together with item 6 above, the Registers). | |
8. | A copy of the latest draft Registration Statement. |
Bermuda ■ British Virgin Islands ■ Cayman Islands ■ Guernsey ■ Hong Kong ■ Isle of Man ■ Jersey ■ Mauritius ■ Seychelles ■ Shanghai |
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Schedule 2 | ||
Assumptions | ||
We have assumed: | ||
1. | (i) that the originals of all documents examined in connection with this opinion are authentic, accurate and complete; and (ii) the authenticity, accuracy, completeness and conformity to original documents of all documents submitted to us as copies; | |
2. | that there has been no change to the information contained in the Certificate of Incorporation, the Certificate of Incumbency or the Registers and that the Constitutional Documents remain in full force and effect and are unamended; | |
3. | that the signatures, initials and seals on all documents and certificates submitted to us as originals or copies of executed originals are authentic; | |
4. | that where incomplete documents, drafts or signature pages only have been supplied to us for the purposes of issuing this opinion, the original documents have been duly completed and correspond in all material respects with the last version of the relevant documents examined by us prior to giving our opinion; | |
5. | that none of the Company’s directors or its registered office has received any notice of any litigation or threatened litigation to which the Company is or may be party; | |
6. | that the Company has not (i) received notice of any stop notice under Order 50 of the Grand Court Rules in respect of any of its shares or (ii) issued any restrictions notice under the Companies Act (as revised) of the Cayman Islands (Companies Act) in respect of the registration of the beneficial ownership of any of its shares, which restrictions notice has not been withdrawn by the Company or ceased by court order; | |
7. | that (i) any meetings at which the Resolutions were passed were duly convened and had a duly constituted quorum present and voting throughout and any Resolutions passed in writing were adopted in accordance with the law and the Constitutional Documents, (ii) all interests of the directors of the Company on the subject matter of the Resolutions, if any, were declared and disclosed in accordance with the law and Constitutional Documents, (iii) the Resolutions have not been revoked, amended or superseded, in whole or in part, and remain in full force and effect at the date of this opinion, and (iv) the directors of the Company have concluded that the transactions approved by the Resolutions are bona fide in the best interests of the Company and for a proper purpose of the Company; |
Bermuda ■ British Virgin Islands ■ Cayman Islands ■ Guernsey ■ Hong Kong ■ Isle of Man ■ Jersey ■ Mauritius ■ Seychelles ■ Shanghai |
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8. | that (i) the Certificate of Incumbency and the Register of Directors and Officers accurately reflect the names of all directors and officers of the Company, and (ii) the Certificate of Incumbency and the Register of Members accurately reflect the names of all members of the Company, as at the dates the Resolutions were passed or adopted and as at the date of this opinion; and | |
9. | that there are no records of the Company, agreements, documents or arrangements other than the Constitutional Documents, the Resolutions and the documents expressly referred to herein as having been examined by us which materially affect, amend or vary the transactions contemplated in the Documents or restrict the powers and authority of the directors of the Company in any way which would affect opinions expressed herein. |
Bermuda ■ British Virgin Islands ■ Cayman Islands ■ Guernsey ■ Hong Kong ■ Isle of Man ■ Jersey ■ Mauritius ■ Seychelles ■ Shanghai |
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Schedule 3 | ||
Reservations | ||
Our opinion is subject to the following: | ||
1. | Currency of Court Judgments: The Cayman Islands Grand Court Rules 1995 expressly contemplate that judgments may be granted by the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands in currencies other than Cayman Islands dollars or United States dollars. Such Rules provide for various specific rates of interest payable upon judgment debts according to the currency of the judgment. | |
2. | Conversion of Debts: In the event the Company is placed into liquidation, the Cayman Islands court is likely to require that all debts are converted (at the official exchange rate at the date of conversion) into and paid in a common currency which is likely to be Cayman Islands dollars or United States dollars. | |
3. | Summary Court Register: We have not examined the register of the summary court of the Cayman Islands on the basis that claims in such court are limited to a maximum of approximately USD24,000. | |
4. | Preferences: Every conveyance or transfer of property, or charge thereon, and every payment obligation and judicial proceeding, made, incurred, taken or suffered by a company at a time when that company was unable to pay its debts within the meaning of section 93 of the Companies Act, and made or granted in favour of a creditor with a view to giving that creditor a preference over the other creditors of the Company, would be invalid pursuant to section 145(1) of the Companies Act, if made, incurred, taken or suffered within the six months preceding the commencement of a liquidation of the Company. Such actions will be deemed to have been made with a view to giving such creditor a preference if it is a “related party” of the Company. A creditor shall be treated as a related party if it has the ability to control a company or exercise significant influence over a company in making financial and operating decisions. | |
5. | Undervalues: Any disposition of property made at an undervalue by or on behalf of a company and with an intent to defraud its creditors (which means an intention to wilfully defeat an obligation owed to a creditor), shall be voidable (i) under section 146 of the Companies Act at the instance of the company’s official liquidator, and (ii) under the Fraudulent Dispositions Act, at the instance of a creditor thereby prejudiced. |
Bermuda ■ British Virgin Islands ■ Cayman Islands ■ Guernsey ■ Hong Kong ■ Isle of Man ■ Jersey ■ Mauritius ■ Seychelles ■ Shanghai |
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6. | Defrauding Creditors: If any business of a company has been carried on with intent to defraud creditors of the company or creditors of any other person or for any fraudulent purpose, the Cayman Islands court may declare that any persons who were knowingly parties to the carrying on of the business of the company in such manner are liable to make such contributions, if any, to the company’s assets as the court thinks proper. | |
7. | Good Standing: Our opinion as to good standing is based solely upon receipt of the Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Registrar of Companies. The Company shall be deemed to be in good standing under section 200A of the Companies Act on the date of issue of the certificate if all fees and penalties under the Companies Act have been paid and the Registrar of Companies has no knowledge that the Company is in default under the Companies Act. | |
8. | Corporate Documents: The Registry of Companies in the Cayman Islands is not public in the sense that copies of the Constitutional Documents and information on shareholders is not publicly available and information on directors is limited. We have therefore obtained scanned copies of the corporate documents specified in Schedule 1 and relied exclusively on such scanned copies for the verification of such corporate information. | |
9. | Issue of shares: Based on the decision in the English case of Houldsworth v City of Glasgow Bank (1880) 5 App Cas 317 HL, in the event of a misrepresentation by a Company on which a shareholder relied in agreeing to subscribe for shares in such Company, the shareholder may be entitled to rescind the share subscription agreement and thereafter claim damages against such Company for any additional loss suffered as a result of the misrepresentation. Such a claim for damages will not arise unless and until the shareholder has successfully rescinded the share subscription agreement. A shareholder may be barred from rescinding on the grounds of delay or affirmation and if such Company is wound up (whether voluntarily or compulsorily), such shareholder will lose the right to rescind the share subscription agreement. |
Bermuda ■ British Virgin Islands ■ Cayman Islands ■ Guernsey ■ Hong Kong ■ Isle of Man ■ Jersey ■ Mauritius ■ Seychelles ■ Shanghai |
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