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¨  初步代理聲明書
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¨  根據§240.14a-12條催募資料








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2024年9月23日,Desktop Metal, Inc.和nano dimension Ltd.發布了以下新聞稿:




nano dimension收購desktop metal

獲得領先的代理投遞公司支持 - ISS


機構股東服務 建議

Desktop Metal的股東投票 反對 公司提議


7月3日宣布合併協議樓層:33, 2024年,nano dimension 要收購 desktop metal,“可能是當時最佳的選擇,基於銷售流程和 “隱含的估值看起來合理”


desktop metal的股東應在10月1日晚上11:59(美國東部時間)之前投票。st


2024年9月23日,馬薩諸塞州沃爾瑟姆(Waltham, Mass.)(全球新聞社Globe Newswire) - nano dimension有限公司(Nasdaq:NNDM)(“nano dimension”或“nano”)以及desktop metal公司(紐約證券交易所:DM)(“desktop metal”或“DM”)今天共同宣布,領先的代理股東服務機構(Institutional Shareholder Services,ISS)建議desktop metal的股東投票支持合併協議和其他相關交易提案。


對於主要議題“第1項。批准合併協議”,ISS 寫道:“銷售過程表明,該報價可能是目前最好的,股東正在獲得溢價, 暗示的估值看起來合理,現金考慮提供流動性和即時價值。基於這些因素,支持提議交易是合理的。


ISS也提到: 「值得注意的是,收購方股價 在公告後增長了16.7%…優於相關市場指數 表明可能存在未獲批准的下行風險。」


Dm股東應確保最遲在東部時間晚上11:59​​之前投票 10月1日,按照其經紀人提供的指示進行。大多數經紀人允許股東通過互聯網投票,而大多數 股東應該已收到一封包含投票鏈接的電子郵件。


desktop metal股東對交易進行表決是交易完成過程中的重要里程碑之一。nano dimension股東無需批准該合併。


desktop metal的創辦人、首席執行官和董事會成員Ric Fulop表示:“正如ISS所結論的那樣,我們認為nano dimension的報價預計將為股東提供溢價。我們強烈建議股東遵循ISS的建議,並今天投票支持這次收購,因為我們正處於製造業的一個關鍵時刻。在等待最終投票和監管機構批准的同時,我們期待與nano dimension合作,將兩家偉大公司及其忠誠的團隊聯合起來,以最大程度地為我們的股東服務。”


Nano Dimension的首席執行官兼董事會成員Yoav Stern補充道:“我們很高興得到ISS對我們與desktop metal的合併協議的支持。作為一家領先的獨立代理投票機構,他們對該交易的審查和支持證實了我們為確保對所有股東都是公正且具有創造價值的機會所做的努力。我們期待得到desktop metal股東的類似支持,並且在獲得必要的監管批准後盡快完成該交易。”


關於desktop metal


desktop metal(紐交所: DM)正推動3d打印2.0,一個新時代的即需、數碼大量生產製造業、醫療和消費品。其創新的3d打印機、材料和軟體提供所需的速度、成本和零件品質,以應對這一轉變。Desktop Metal是3d打印技術的原創發明者和全球領導者,相信這將推動這一變革,包括噴印和數碼光處理。如今,Desktop Metal的系統可以打印金屬、聚合物、砂和其他陶瓷,也能打印泡沫和回收木材。製造商們在全球範圍內使用其科技,以節省時間和金錢、減少浪費、提高靈活性,生產解決世界上最棘手問題並實現曾經不可能的創新的設計。了解更多關於desktop metal和其#TeamDm品牌的資訊,請瀏覽





關於nano dimension


nano dimension的目標是將現有的電子和機械製造轉變為行業板塊4.0環保且經濟高效的精密添加電子和製造業,提供將數字設計轉換為電子或機械裝置的解決方案 - 隨需應變,隨時隨地。


nano dimension的策略是通過應用基於深度學習的人工智能來推動製造業能力的提升,使用自我學習和自我改進系統,以及通過雲端管理分佈式製造網絡。


nano dimension已為航空航天與國防、愛文思控股汽車、高科技、特殊醫療技術、研發和學術界等垂直目標市場的2000多位客戶提供服務。公司設計並製造增材電子和增材製造3d打印機器以及耗材。增材電子是製造機器,可以實現高性能電子設備(Hi-PED®s)的設計和開發。增材製造包括金屬、陶瓷和特殊聚合物應用的製造解決方案 - 從毫米到幾厘米大小,精度達微米級。


透過整合其產品組合,nano dimension 提供快速原型製作、高混雜低成交量生產、IP安全、極小環保母基和設計製造能力的優勢,所有這些都在附加製造的無限可能性中得以實現。




有關交易的額外資訊 以及尋找資訊的地方


就提議的交易,desktop metal於2024年8月15日向SEC提交了代理申明書(“代理申明書”)。desktop metal也可能向SEC提交其他相關文件,有關提議的交易。本文件不取代代理申明書或desktop metal可能向SEC提交的任何其他文件。最終的代理申明書已郵寄給desktop metal的股東。投資者和安防持有人被敦促仔細閱讀代理申明書和SEC可能提交的任何其他相關文件,以及這些文件的任何修訂或補充,因為它們包含或將包含有關提議交易的重要信息。投資者和安防持有人可以通過SEC維護的網站http://www.sec.gov免費獲取代理申明書和包含有關desktop metal和提議交易的重要信息的其他文件,一旦這些文件向SEC提交,登錄人公司向SEC提交的文件副本將免費提供在登錄人公司網站上。


Forward-Looking Statements


This communication contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.


Such forward-looking statements include statements relating to the proposed transaction between Desktop Metal and Nano , including statements regarding the benefits of the transaction and the anticipated timing of the transaction, statements that contain projections of results of operations or of financial condition and all other statements other than statements of historical fact that address activities, events or developments that Desktop Metal intends, expects, projects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future. Such statements are based on management’s beliefs and assumptions made based on information currently available to management. All statements in this communication, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements that may be identified by the use of the words “outlook,” “guidance,” “expects,” “believes,” “anticipates,” “should,” “estimates,” “may,” “will,” “intends,” “projects,” “could,” “would,” “estimate,” “potential,” “continue,” “plan,” “target,” or the negative of these words or similar expressions. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause Desktop Metal’s actual results and performance to be materially different from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Factors and risks that may cause Desktop Metal’s or Nano’s actual results or performance to be materially different from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, (i) the ultimate outcome of the proposed transaction between Desktop Metal and Nano, including the possibility that Desktop Metal’s stockholders will reject the proposed transaction; (ii) the effect of the announcement of the proposed transaction on the ability of Desktop Metal to operate its business and retain and hire key personnel and to maintain favorable business relationships; (iii) the timing of the proposed transaction; (iv) the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstance that could give rise to the termination of the proposed transaction; (v) the ability to satisfy closing conditions to the completion of the proposed transaction (including any necessary stockholder approvals); (vi) other risks related to the completion of the proposed transaction and actions related thereto; (vii) reductions in the Per Share Merger Consideration to be paid based on transaction expenses, potential borrowings under the Bridge Loan Facility and agreements relating to severance for certain executive officers and employees of Desktop Metal; and (viii) those factors and risks described in Item 3.D “Key Information - Risk Factors,” Item 4 “Information on the Company”, and Item 5 “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” in Nano’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023 and Part 1, Item 1A, “Risk Factors” in Desktop Metal’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and Part II, Item 1A, “Risk Factors” in Desktop Metal’s most recent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, each filed with the SEC, and in Desktop Metal’s other filings with the SEC.





The forward-looking statements included in this communication are made only as of the date hereof. Neither Desktop Metal nor Nano undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances, except as required by law.


Nano Dimension Contacts





Kal Goldberg / Hannah Dunning |


Desktop Metal Contacts



(857) 504-1084



Sarah Webster

(313) 715-6988