根據規則申報 424(b)(3)












oxford lane capital corp.



本說明書補充資料包含了修訂、補充和修改了2023年10月5日的招股書基本資料(以下簡稱為“基本招股書”)和補充說明書基於2023年11月15日的補充說明書(以下簡稱為“2023年11月補充說明書”)、基於2024年1月30日的補充說明書(以下簡稱為“2024年1月補充說明書”)、基於2024年5月21日的補充說明書(以下簡稱為“2024年5月補充說明書”)和基於2024年7月29日的補充說明書(以下簡稱為“2024年7月補充說明書”,連同2023年11月補充說明書、2024年1月補充說明書、2024年5月補充說明書、本說明書補充資料和基本招股書合稱為“說明書”),與Oxford Lane Capital Corp.(以下簡稱為“公司”)的普通股“以市價預售”的交易相關。該交易根據2022年9月9日簽署並修訂的股權分配協議(以下簡稱為“修訂股權分配協議”),搭配Lucid Capital Markets, LLC和Ladenburg Thalmann & Co. Inc.(以下簡稱為“分銷代理”)。公司的投資顧問Oxford Lane Management, LLC同意支付給分銷代理,如果必要,每股額外支付款項將反映每股公開發售價格和公司在本次交易中的每股淨收益之間的差額,以使公司(在支付開支之前)的每股淨收益不低於公司當時的淨資產價值每股。


在投資我們的普通股之前,您應詳細閱讀整份說明書。 在投資之前,您還應詳細檢閱基本招股書第15頁開始的“風險因素”部分以及包含在我們後續提交給美國證券交易委員會並作為說明書附錄的資料。  


「Oxford Lane」、「公司」、「我們」和「我們的」一詞通常指的是Oxford Lane Capital Corp。




從2023年11月15日至2024年9月10日,我們總共出售了 106,286,156 公司股票的今日走勢如何? 普通股 根據「在市場上」銷售,由於這些普通股的出售,籌集的總資本金額約為5,567,000美元,扣除銷售代理人的佣金和發售費用後,淨收益約為5,532,000美元。








Management’s unaudited estimate of the range of the NAV per share of our common stock as of August 31, 2024, is between $4.76和$,分別。4.86. This estimate is not a comprehensive statement of our financial condition or results for the month ended August 31, 2024. This estimate did not undergo the Company’s typical quarter-end financial closing procedures and was not approved by the Company’s board of directors. We advise you that our NAV per share for the quarter ending September 30, 2024 may differ materially from this estimate, which is given only as of August 31, 2024.


As of August 31, 2024, the Company had approximately 32040萬 shares of common stock issued and outstanding.


The fair value of the Company’s portfolio investments may be materially impacted after August 31, 2024, by circumstances and events that are not yet known. To the extent the Company’s portfolio investments are impacted by market volatility in the U.S. or worldwide, the Company may experience a material impact on its future net investment income, the fair value of its portfolio investments, its financial condition and the financial condition of its portfolio investments. Investing in our securities involves a number of significant risks. For a discussion of the additional risks applicable to an investment in our securities, please refer to the section titled “Risk Factors” in our prospectus and the note titled “Risks and Uncertainties” in our most recent annual report or semi-annual report, as applicable.


The preliminary financial data included in this prospectus supplement has been prepared by, and is the responsibility of, Oxford Lane Capital Corp.’s management. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has not audited, reviewed, compiled, or applied agreed-upon procedures with respect to the preliminary financial data. Accordingly, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP does not express an opinion or any other form of assurance with respect thereto. The PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP report incorporated by reference relates to the Company’s previously issued financial statements. It does not extend to the preliminary financial data and should not be read to do so.






424B3 錯誤 0001495222 0001495222 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 0001495222 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 xbrli:股份 美元指數 xbrli:股份