EX-99.2 3 q125earningspresentation.htm EX-99.2 q125earningspresentation

免責聲明本公告包含了一些對於公司業務、業績和財務狀況的前瞻性陳述。不應過多依賴前瞻性陳述,因爲實際結果可能與任何前瞻性陳述存在重大差異。此類前瞻性陳述基於許多本公司無法控制的不確定性和偶發事件,這些不確定性和偶發事件可能會根據許多重要因素髮生變化。這些因素包括但不限於:(i)對新技術和產品的投資水平;(ii)公司期刊的訂閱續約率;(iii)期刊訂閱代理商的財務穩定性和流動性;(iv)書籍批發商和零售商併購;(v)關鍵在線零售商的市場地位和財務穩定性;(vi)本公司教育業務的季節性性質以及二手書市場的影響;(vii)全球經濟和政治環境;(viii)公司在全球範圍內保護其版權和其他知識產權的能力;(ix)公司成功整合收購業務並實現預期機會的能力;(x)能否隨着時間的推移以及在2025財年內實現與我們多年的全球重組計劃和計劃及已完成的出售的相關聯的運營節約;(xi)出售可能不會追求,無法獲得必要的監管批准或所需的融資或滿足計劃出售的其他條件;(xii)網絡風險以及無法維護我們的業務或安全系統或基礎設施的完整性,或與我們有業務往來的第三方的系統或基礎設施無法維護其完整性;(xiii)由於收購,我們擁有並可能記錄大量商譽和其他可識別無形資產,我們可能永遠無法實現這些資產的全部帶有價值;(xiv)我們在產品和服務中運用人工智能技術的能力,包括生成的人工智能、大型語言模型、機器學習和其他人工智能工具;以及(xv)我們在美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中不時詳細說明的其他因素。公司沒有義務更新或修訂任何此類前瞻性陳述,以反映後續事件或情況。非美國通用會計準則度量在本報告中,Wiley提供了以下非美國通用會計準則績效指標: 調整收入;調整每股收益;除產品開發支出外的自由現金流;調整後的營業利潤和利潤率;調整後的調整淨利潤和利潤率;有機收入;和以恒定匯率(「CC」)爲基礎的結果。管理層認爲,排除重組費用和信貸以及其他某些項目的影響以及剝離和收購的影響的非美國通用會計準則財務指標,提供了一個有用的可比基礎,以分析經營結果和盈利。請參閱非美國通用會計準則財務指標的調和表以及非美國通用會計準則措施的用途的解釋在補充信息中。由於某些項目的高度變異性、複雜性和低可見性,包括重組費用和信貸、外幣收益和損失以及其他收益和損失,我們沒有提供我們2025年的美國通用會計準則財務指標展望。這些項目是不確定的,依賴於各種因素,並可能對按照美國通用會計準則計算的我們的綜合結果具有重大影響。2

3 Wiley在科學、學習、創新和知識經濟的其他關鍵領域中實現知識的創造和應用。這是一家知識公司。

Q125業績展示.pptx 4 Wiley今天2024全年*研究學習業務焦點出版和知識解決方案出版和知識解決方案報告線研究出版和研究解決方案學術和專業知識垂直領域科學,技術,醫學,學術業務,科技,科學,工程產品期刊,出版和受衆解決方案,內容授權和平台圖書,課程教材,評估和內容授權總調整收入104300萬57400萬的Wiley收入的比例64%36%數字和服務的比例96%59%重複收入的比例68%11%業務調整EBITDA利潤率31.8%34.9%*不包括出售或售出的所有業務

Q125業績展示.pptx 5執行摘要交付了強勁的業績,其中包括研究出版的穩定增長、對學習內容的人工智能相關需求以及價值創造計劃的持續執行執行了第二個GenAI權益項目;其他人工智能提供商的興趣持續增加完成了第三個和最後一個剝離項目,並實施了剩餘1.3億成本節約計劃通過增加股息(連續31年)和回購股票回報股東提升了Wiley的文化和員工參與度,爲我們持續的成功打下基礎

Q125業績展示.pptx 6執行我們的2025財年目標目標Q1狀態Q1進展在研究中推動復甦和增長•通過強大的執行能力和有利的需求趨勢,實現了4%的研究出版增長•在關鍵領域實現了增長,包括黃金開放獲取和多年機構模式果斷應對人工智能機會•執行了價值2100萬美元的第二個內容權益項目;Q1實現了1700萬美元•其他人工智能提供商的興趣持續增加•Salesforce在最近的業績會議中提到Wiley作爲他們AI平台試點中的首批部署之一通過價值創造計劃推動績效和利潤改進•實施剩餘的1.3億成本節約計劃•關閉CrossKnowledge剝離(季度結束後)

Q125業績發佈 .pptx 7 第一季度業績 ▪ GAAP營業收入受剝離的業務和持有待售業績的影響 ▪ 調整後營收增長由研究出版物復甦和增長、學習中的GenAI內容版權項目以及學術核心增長驅動 ▪ GAAP每股收益虧損主要是由於非現金所得稅調整,這是由於美國資產減值準備相關我們已剝離業務。改善原因是與前一年的減值和重組費用進行有利對比 ▪ 調整後EBITDA增長受收入表現和成本節約計劃推動 ▪ 調整後每股收益增長進一步受到剝離所產生利息的增加支持 GAAP營業收入 ▼10% $40400萬 調整後營收* ▲6% $39000萬 GAAP每股收益 ▲$1.64 ($0.03) 調整後每股收益* ▲74% $0.47 調整後EBITDA* ▲22% $7300萬 * 調整後營收,調整後每股收益和調整後EBITDA業績不包括待售或已售出的業務。調整後的數字排除外匯影響 Q1摘要

Q125業績發佈 .pptx 8 研究增長趨勢和執行 全球研發支出 研究提交文章 產出文章 +8% 研究出版產出的關鍵宏觀指標和驅動者 信息來源:2024 年《Research World》預測 ($2.53萬億) vs. 2022 年預測 +18% 關鍵需求指標,標誌着研究生態的強勁性、Wiley 期刊的持續吸引力和執行力 成熟市場和高增長市場表現良好 信息來源:Wiley Q1 vs. 去年同期 +6% 關鍵營收驅動因素,對機構許可和Gold OA 都很重要 Wiley 只刊載約30%的投稿 信息來源:Wiley Q1 vs. 去年同期

Q125業績發佈 .pptx 9 人工智能領先權利許可原則 1. 對我們而言,內容許可並不是新鮮事或AI特有的活動-它是我們使命的核心 2. 我們有責任與人工智能開發者合作 3. 質量和準確性至關重要-人工智能模型應該接受高質量、權威的內容的訓練 4. 作者和其他版權持有者的權利必須得到保護 5. 版權持有者在他們的IP被使用時應獲得公平補償,與合同安排一致 6. 我們幫助作者、學會和協會成功地應對人工智能的挑戰 人工智能增長: IP授權 第一階段 利用Wiley廣泛、高質量的目錄來訓練GenAI模型 第二階段 努力實現與模型構建者、應用開發者和以研發爲中心的公司的定期許可安排


Q125盈利報告.pptx 11 創造價值計劃和再投資計劃 Q1進展 出售非核心資產• 完成第三次和最後一次出售CrossKnowledge• 停止提供Wiley Edge的TSA並出售印度業務 權益調整和優化• 實施剩餘的1.3億美元目標的4000萬美元價值創造計劃的節約• 今年預計獲得額外的6千萬美元節約的效益,2025財年• 用節約的一半投資以實現增量增長和利潤率•預計在2026財年後,通過推動進一步利潤率擴張,實現額外的成本節約和效率提升再投資可持續、高利潤增長 1.擴大出版物的數量:擴大期刊組合,轉介紹和編輯能力2.優化營銷推廣:提供營銷增強措施,以推動作者參與度和留存率3.擴展AI許可能力:增強內容庫存和交付,建立業務發展團隊4.推進研究出版平台:將期刊遷移到端到端工作流和平台5.現代化後勤和企業應用:提高速度和生產力;廢棄系統

Q125盈利報告.pptx 12 研究業績(百萬美元) Q1 2025 變化 換算變化 研究出版物 231 4% 4% 研究解決方案 34 (1%) (1%) 總收入 265 3% 3% 調整後的EBITDA 78 1% 1% 調整後的EBITDA利潤率 29.3% Q1摘要 •研究出版物提供了強勁的投稿和產出增長,良好的黃金開放獲取業績和機構模式的增長•研究解決方案由於廣告和招聘狀況的穩定而恢復•調整後的EBITDA增長主要是由於收入增長,部分抵消了在技術方面的投資;調整後的EBITDA利潤率爲29.3%,而去年同期爲29.8%

Q125盈利報告.pptx 13 學習業績(百萬美元) Q1 2025 變化 換算變化 學術界 60 24% 24% 專業人士 64 5% 5% 總收入 124 14% 14% 調整後的EBITDA 34 60% 60% 調整後的EBITDA利潤率 27.2% Q1摘要 •收入增長(+14%)主要由GenAI項目和學術界數字教材的增長驅動•除了AI項目,學習業務在季度小幅度下降•調整後的EBITDA增長主要是由於收入增長,特別是GenAI項目;調整後的EBITDA利潤率爲27.2%,而去年同期爲19.4%

Q125業績報告 .pptx 14年再次確認2025財年指南 • 調整營收-受有利需求趨勢和良好的業績指標推動的預期增長 • 調整EBITDA-預期銷售額增長和成本節約推動邊際擴張,同時反映了用於擴大和優化研究、現代化基礎設施和擴展GenAI內容授權、能力和產品開發的再投資。 • 調整EPS-預期增長,受預期的調整後營運收入的提高和出售產生的應計利息收入抵消了更高的利息和稅費支出。 • 自由現金流-預期增長,由於降低的重組支付和有利的營運資本部分抵消了更高的資本支出和年度激勵補償支付的擺動。2024財年實際的資本支出爲1.3億美元,而2025財年預計爲1.69億美元,這是由於加速研究出版平台工作和基礎設施的現代化。指標(百萬美元,除每股收益外) 2024財年業績 2025財年展望 調整營收* 1,617 1,650至1,690 研究 1,043 低至中位數的單數字增長 學習 574 低一位數的增長 調整EBITDA* 369 385-410 調整EBITDA邊際* 22.8% 23-24% 調整EPS* 2.78 3.25至3.60 自由現金流 114 大約125美元

Q125業績報告 .pptx 15年度財務狀況和資本配置 3200萬美元 2900萬美元 • 自由現金流使用1.07億美元,而前一年爲1.06億美元。自由現金流歷來是上半年的使用,這是因爲年度期刊訂閱款項的時間安排。 資本支出爲1800萬美元,而上一年同期爲2400萬美元。Wiley預計將在FY25年加大對其研究平台和企業應用現代化項目的資本支出。  M&A:專注於完成出售交易。 CrossKnowledge 出售最近完成。  分紅: 連續第31年提高股息(~3%收益)  股票回購:以約42.34美元/股的平均成本收購了近29.5萬股共約1300萬美元  槓桿: 淨債務-EBITDA(最近12個月)爲2.0,而前一年爲1.9(年度四月爲1.7) 股息和回購 Q1 配置 FY24 FY25


Q125 Earnings Presentation .pptx 17 Key Takeaways Delivered strong year-over-year financial performance driven by solid growth in Research Publishing, AI- related demand for Learning content, and continued execution of the Value Creation Plan Executed second GenAI rights project; interest continuing from other AI providers Closed third and final divestiture and actioned remaining $4000萬 of $13000萬 cost savings program Rewarded shareholders with increased dividend (31 consecutive years) and share repurchases Measurable elevation of Wiley culture and colleague engagement, setting us up for continued success Reaffirming Fiscal 2025 guidance; on track to deliver Fiscal 2026 targets

Thank you for joining us Investor website at https://investors.wiley.com/ Contact: Brian Campbell brian.campbell@wiley.com +1 (201) 748-6874

Q125 Earnings Presentation .pptx 19 Appendix – US GAAP to Non-GAAP EPS Reconciliation Reconciliation of US GAAP Loss per Share to Non-GAAP Adjusted EPS 2024 2023 US GAAP Loss Per Share - Diluted (0.03)$ (1.67)$ Adjustments: Impairment of goodwill - 0.43 Restructuring and related charges 0.06 0.16 Foreign exchange gains on intercompany transactions, including the write off of certain cumulative translation adjustments (3) (0.05) - Amortization of acquired intangible assets (4) 0.20 0.23 (Gains) losses on sale of businesses and impairment charges related to assets held-for-sale (5) (0.09) 1.17 Held for Sale or Sold segment Adjusted Net Loss (Income) (5) 0.04 (0.07) Income tax adjustments 0.33 - EPS impact of using weighted-average dilutive shares for adjusted EPS calculation (6) 0.01 0.02 Non-GAAP Adjusted Earnings Per Share - Diluted 0.47$ 0.27$ (amounts in thousands) 2024 2023 US GAAP Income (Loss) Before Taxes 23,003$ (106,723)$ Impairment of goodwill - 26,695 Restructuring and related charges 3,870 12,123 Foreign exchange gains on intercompany transactions, including the write off of certain cumulative translation adjustments (3) (2,591) (6) Amortization of acquired intangible assets (4) 12,969 16,668 (Gains) losses on sale of businesses and impairment charges related to assets held-for-sale (5) (5,801) 75,929 Held for Sale or Sold segment Adjusted Loss (Income) Before Taxes (5) 2,519 (5,034) Non-GAAP Adjusted Income Before Taxes 33,969$ 19,652$ US GAAP Income Tax Provision (Benefit) 24,439$ (14,459)$ Impairment of goodwill - 2,697 Restructuring and related charges 749 2,936 Foreign exchange gains on intercompany transactions, including the write off of certain cumulative translation adjustments (3) (390) (34) Amortization of acquired intangible assets (4) 1,809 3,873 (Gains) losses on sale of businesses and impairment charges related to assets held-for-sale (5) (925) 10,660 Held for Sale or Sold segment Adjusted Tax Benefit (Provision) (5) 372 (996) Impact of valuation allowance on the US GAAP effective tax rate (8) (18,030) - Non-GAAP Adjusted Income Tax Provision 8,024$ 4,677$ US GAAP Effective Tax Rate 106.2% 13.5% Non-GAAP Adjusted Effective Tax Rate 23.6% 23.8% JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (1) (2) RECONCILIATION OF US GAAP MEASURES to NON-GAAP MEASURES (unaudited) Three Months Ended July 31, July 31, Reconciliation of US GAAP Income (Loss) Before Taxes to Non-GAAP Adjusted Income Before Taxes Three Months Ended Pretax Impact of Adjustments: Reconciliation of US GAAP Income Tax Provision (Benefit) to Non-GAAP Adjusted Income Tax Provision, including our US GAAP Effective Tax Rate and our Non-GAAP Adjusted Effective Tax Rate Income Tax Impact of Adjustments (7) Income Tax Adjustments (8) In the three months ended July 31, 2024, there was an $1800萬 impact on the US GAAP effective tax rate due to the valuation allowance on deferred tax assets in the US. (1) See Explanation of Usage of Non-GAAP Performance Measures included in this supplementary information for additional details on the reasons why management believes presentation of each non-GAAP performance measure provides useful information to investors. The supplementary information included in this press release for the three months ended July 31, 2024 is preliminary and subject to change prior to the filing of our upcoming Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q with the Securities and Exchange Commission. (2) All amounts are approximate due to rounding. (3) In fiscal year 2023 due to the closure of our operations in Russia, the Russia entity was deemed substantially liquidated. In the three months ended July 31, 2024 and 2023, we wrote off an additional $50萬 and $90萬, respectively, of cumulative translation adjustments in earnings. This amount is reflected in Foreign exchange transaction gains (losses) on our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Net Loss. (4) Reflects the amortization of intangible assets established on the opening balance sheet for an acquired business. This includes the amortization of intangible assets such as developed technology, customer relationships, tradenames, etc., which is reflected in the "Amortization of intangible assets" line in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Net Loss. It also includes the amortization of acquired product development assets, which is reflected in Cost of sales in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Net Loss. (5) On May 31, 2024, we completed the sale of Wiley Edge, which resulted in a pretax loss of $1960萬 (net of tax loss of $2040萬). Prior to the disposition, in fiscal year 2024 we had recorded a held-for-sale impairment of $1940萬 for Wiley Edge. This resulted in an additional loss of $0.2 million in the three months ended July 31, 2024. In the three months ended July 31, 2024, there was a reduction in the pretax loss on the sale of University Services of approximately $150萬, which resulted in a total pretax loss of $10560萬 (net of tax loss of $7940萬). In the three months ended July 31, 2024, there was a reduction in the pretax loss on the sale of our Tuition Manager business of approximately $10萬, which resulted in a total net pretax loss of $140萬 (net of tax loss of $100萬). CrossKnowledge continues to be reported as held-for-sale, and we measured the business at the lower of carrying value or fair value less costs to sell. In the three months ended July 31, 2024, we reduced the held-for-sale pretax impairment by $440萬 related to CrossKnowledge. In the three months ended July 31, 2023, the loss on sale of a business is due to the sale of our Tuition Manager business previously in our Held for Sale or Sold segment, which resulted in a pretax loss of approximately $200萬 (net of tax loss of $160萬). In fiscal year 2024 while University Services, Wiley Edge, and CrossKnowledge continued to be reported as held-for-sale, we measured each business at the lower of carrying value or fair value less cost to sell. We recorded a pretax impairment of $4060萬 for University Services and $3330萬 for CrossKnowledge in the three months ended July 31, 2023. In addition, our Adjusted EPS excludes the Adjusted Net Income of our Held for Sale or Sold segment. (6) Represents the impact of using diluted weighted-average number of common shares outstanding (5500萬 and 5580萬 for the three months ended July 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively) included in the Non-GAAP Adjusted EPS calculation in order to apply the dilutive impact on adjusted net income due to the effect of unvested restricted stock units and other stock awards. This impact occurs when a US GAAP net loss is reported and the effect of using dilutive shares is antidilutive. (7) For the three months ended July 31, 2024 and 2023, substantially all of the tax impact was from deferred taxes.

Q125盈利報告 .pptx 20 附錄– 淨利潤至調整後的EBITDA 2024 2023 淨虧損 (1,436)$ (92,264)$ 利息費用 12,787 11,334 所得稅損益預備 (24,439)$ (14,459) 折舊和攤銷 37,253 43,728 非GAAP EBITDA 73,043 (51,661) 商譽減值 - 26,695 重組及相關費用 3,870 12,123 外匯 (損失)收益,包括取消某些累積翻譯調整 (234) 1,620 業務出售和資產減值損失 (5,801) 75,929 其他收入費用,淨 (782) 1,485 準備出售或已出售部門調整後的EBITDA (2) 2,519 (6,521) 非GAAP調整後的EBITDA 72,615$ 59,670$ 調整後的EBITDA利潤率 18.6% 16.3% 注:約翰·懷利和兒子有限公司。補充信息 (1) US GAAP淨虧損與非GAAP EBITDA和調整後的EBITDA的對賬 (未經審計) 截至三個月 (1) 有關非GAAP績效指標的使用說明,請參閱此補充信息中包括對管理層認爲介紹每個非GAAP績效指標提供給投資者有用信息的原因的更多詳細信息。本新聞稿所含的截至2024年7月31日爲止的三個月的補充信息是初步的,可能在我們即將提交給美國證券交易委員會的季度報告10-Q之前進行更改。 (2) 我們的非GAAP調整後的EBITDA不包括準備出售或已出售部門的非GAAP調整後的EBITDA。