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董事會的薪酬和人力資源委員會(「委員會」)已經批准了對Quaker Houghton(「公司」)的一項獎勵(「獎勵」) ###參與者名稱### (「受讓人」),###總獎勵### 表現股票單位(「PSUs」,授予的PSUs數量,「目標PSU獎勵」)截至###授予日期### 根據Quaker Houghton長期績效激勵計劃(「2024計劃」)中描述的績效標準的實現情況(「協議」) ###GRANT_DATE### 該獎勵取決於您接受協議和2024計劃中規定的條款和條件。支付水平可以在績效標準的達成情況下從目標PSU獎勵的0%至200%之間變動。除非在此另有定義,否則本協議中使用的術語具有2024計劃中分配給它們的含義。如果本協議條款與2024計劃條款之間存在任何不一致,應以2024計劃條款爲準。
1.獎勵(在授予範圍內)將在屆時支付,屆時爲績效期結束的年份的下一年。將支付的quaker houghton股票數量將等於以下數字的總和(x)(i)50% 倍數 (ii)相對總股東回報達成百分位數(「相對TSR達成百分位數」)績效標準的支付比例 倍數 (iii)目標PSU獎勵;以及(y)(i)50% 倍數 (ii)已投資資本(ROIC)績效標準的調整回報支付比例 倍數 (三)目標PSU獎勵。
2.相對 TSR 成就百分位和 ROIC 將針對 2024年1月1日至2026年12月31日的每年進行單獨確定,該三年期間將累積(該三年期間稱爲「績效期間」),全績效期間將累計確定。支出百分比將通過分配以下方式確定:(i)每個績效期間的三年績效分配 25%(總權重 75%),(ii)績效期間的累積績效分配 25%。獎勵的支出百分比(和解鎖)將由委員會自行決定。獎勵將根據委員會的決定在績效期間最後一天獲得解鎖。
相對TSR成績百分位*(相對於S&P 1500化學集團公司的TSR)50%
25th 百分位
50th 百分位
*獎項的確定權完全由quaker houghton決定,並可能包括與(i)會計準則變更,(ii)董事會批准的戰略變更,(iii)重大影響的法律法規相關的調整。
Quaker Chemical Corporation
一家 quaker houghton 公司
901 E. Hector Street
康肖霍肯,PA 19428-2380
T: 610.832.4000

業務成果(iv)資本或業務重組,包括併購,(v)對quaker houghton提起的法律訴訟,對營業收入產生重大影響,(vi)匯率期貨,(vii)造成業務條件實質性變化的自然災害,(viii)不可抗力(如恐怖主義,天災,戰爭),(ix)重大運營重組(如主要it轉換),或(x)影響獎勵假設的意外外部格局變化。quaker houghton保留判斷是否支付處於上述表中描述的閾值之間的績效門檻的百分比的自由裁量權;但是,如果相對tsr績效百分位點低於25%,則不會對相對tsr獎勵措施做出任何支付,並且如果調整後的投資資本3年平均完成百分比低於[X.X]%,則不會對投資資本回報措施做出任何支付。.
8.A Grantee’s right to receive or retain this Award, to retain any amount received pursuant to this Award (in cash or Common Stock) and, in the case of Common Stock received pursuant to this Award, to retain any profit or gain the Grantee realized in connection with this Award, shall be subject to any recoupment or “clawback” policy adopted by the Company.
9.Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, if a Grantee is a specified employee (as defined in Treas. Reg. §1.409A-1(i)), any payment or benefit under this Agreement that constitutes deferred compensation subject to Code Section 409A and for which the payment event is separation from service (as defined in Treas. Reg. §1.409A-1(h)) shall not be made or provided to the Grantee before the date that is six (6) months after the date of the Grantee’s separation from service. Any payment or benefit that is delayed pursuant to this paragraph shall be made or provided on the first (1st) business day of the seventh (7th) month following the month in which the Grantee’s separation from service occurs. With respect to any cash payment delayed pursuant to this paragraph, the delayed payment shall include interest, at the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate published in the Wall Street Journal on the date of the Grantee’s separation from service (or the previous business day if such date is not a business day), for the period from the date the payment would have been made but for this paragraph through the date payment is made. The provisions of this paragraph shall

apply only to the extent required to avoid a Grantee’s incurrence of any additional tax or interest under Code Section 409A. To the extent any payment or benefit under the 2024 Plan constitutes deferred compensation subject to Code Section 409A, this 2024 Plan is intended to comply with Code Section 409A and shall be administered, interpreted and construed in accordance therewith to avoid the imposition of additional tax under Code Section 409A.
10.Nothing in the 2024 Plan or this Agreement will be construed as creating any right in the Grantee to continued employment or service, or as altering or amending the existing terms and conditions of the Grantee’s employment or service.
11.All notices required to be given hereunder shall be mailed by registered or certified mail to the Company to the attention of its Secretary, at 901 E. Hector Street, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428, and to Grantee at Grantee’s address as it appears on the Company’s books and records unless either of said parties has duly notified the other in writing of a change in address.
12.To the extent not preempted by Federal law, this Agreement shall be construed, administered and governed in all respects under and by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, without giving effect to its conflict of laws principles.
13.This Agreement contains all the understandings between the parties hereto pertaining to the matter referred to herein, and supersedes all undertakings and agreements, whether oral or in writing, previously entered into by them with respect thereto. Grantee represents that, in executing this Agreement, Grantee has not relied upon any representation or statement not set forth herein made by the Company with regard to the subject matter of this Agreement.


    Andrew E. Tometich


Grantee represents that Grantee is familiar with the terms and provisions of the 2024 Plan, and hereby accepts this Award subject to the terms and provisions of the 2024 Plan insofar as they relate to PSUs granted thereunder. Grantee agrees hereby to accept as binding, conclusive, and final all decisions or interpretations of the Committee upon any questions arising under the 2024 Plan or this Grant. Grantee authorizes the Company to withhold in accordance with applicable law from any compensation payable to Grantee any taxes required to be withheld by Federal, state, or local law as a result of the vesting of this Award. Grantee represents that, in executing this Agreement, Grantee has not relied upon any representation or statement not set forth herein made by the Company with regard to the subject matter of this Agreement.

Acceptance Date: ###ACCEPTANCE_DATE###