形式 10-K
  日終了的財政年度十月28, 2023
委員會檔案編號 001-36250
Ciena Corp演說
7035 Ridge Road, 漢諾威, MD

註冊人的電話號碼,包括地區代碼: (410) 694-5700
每個班級的標題 交易符號註冊的每個交易所的名稱
根據該法第12(g)條登記的證券: 沒有一
如果註冊人是《證券法》第405條所定義的知名經驗豐富的發行人,則通過勾選標記進行驗證。 þ 沒有 o
如果註冊人無需根據該法案第13條或第15(d)條提交報告,則通過勾選標記進行驗證。是的 o 不是 þ
通過勾選標記標明註冊人是否(1)在過去12個月內(或在註冊人被要求提交此類報告的較短期限內)提交了1934年證券交易法第13或15(d)條要求提交的所有報告,以及(2)在過去90天內是否遵守此類提交要求。 þ 沒有 o
通過勾選標記檢查註冊人是否已在過去12個月內(或在註冊人被要求提交此類文件的較短期限內)以電子方式提交了根據S-t法規第405條(本章第232.405條)要求提交的所有交互數據文件。 þ 沒有 o
如果是新興成長型公司,請通過勾選標記表明註冊人是否選擇不利用延長的過渡期來遵守根據《交易法》第13(a)條規定的任何新的或修訂的財務會計準則。 o
通過勾選標記檢查註冊人是否已提交報告並證明其管理層根據《薩班斯-奧克斯利法案》(15 U.S.C.)第404(b)條對其財務報告內部控制有效性的評估7262(b))由編制或發佈審計報告的註冊會計師事務所執行。
如果證券是根據該法案第12(b)條登記的,請通過勾選標記表明文件中包含的登記人的財務報表是否反映了對先前發佈的財務報表錯誤的更正。 o
通過勾選標記來驗證這些錯誤更正是否是需要根據§240.10D-1(b)對註冊人的任何高管在相關恢復期內收到的激勵性補償進行恢復分析的重述。 o
通過勾選標記檢查註冊人是否是空殼公司(定義見該法案第120億.2條)是 沒有 þ
註冊人非附屬公司持有的註冊人普通股的總市值約爲美元6.8 根據2023年4月28日紐約證券交易所普通股收盤價計算,價值10億美元。
截至2023年12月8日,註冊人已發行普通股股數爲 144,830,337.









我們的上市活動和WaveLogic的分發TM 高性能收發器/調制解調器市場中的一致調制解調器技術可能會使我們面臨日益增多或新形式的競爭,或對我們現有的系統業務和運營結果產生不利影響。
如果網絡軟件市場沒有按照我們預期的方式發展,或者如果客戶不採用我們的Blue Planet®自動化軟件和服務,我們可能無法將這些軟件資產貨幣化並實現我們業務戰略的關鍵部分。









爲了補充我們的網絡平台,我們提供平台軟件,其中包括我們的管理、控制和計劃(「HCP」)應用程序,可提供高級的多層域控制和操作。穿過我們的藍色星球® 在軟件方面,我們還通過產品化運營支持系統(「OSS」)實現完整的服務生命週期管理自動化,其中包括庫存、編排和保證解決方案,幫助我們的客戶實現跨多供應商和多域環境的閉環自動化。



基於雲的服務。 企業和消費者繼續通過採用一系列創新的基於雲的模型(包括平台即服務(Paaz)、軟件即服務(SaaS)和基礎設施即服務(IAID))以及不斷擴大的基於雲的服務範圍來取代本地計算和存儲,這些服務託管關鍵應用程序、存儲數據、支持查看和下載內容以及利用按需計算資源。此外,內容越來越多地轉移到網絡邊緣,從而產生了更接近用戶的新容量和流量需求。
過頂(「OTT」)服務和視頻流媒體. OTt內容是指通過第三方網絡從內容源直接向觀看者或最終用戶提供的視頻、多媒體和其他應用程序。隨着通過各種設備和媒體訪問的視頻內容的可用性和最終用戶對這些內容的需求的增加,流媒體和OTt服務的流量(包括高清和超高清視頻)也在擴大。
移動流量和第五代無線寬帶(「5G」)。 隨着智能手機和其他無線設備的持續普及,包括視頻、互聯網和數據服務在內的移動網絡應用程序的流量不斷擴大。由於大部分無線流量最終通過有線網絡到達目的地,移動通信的增長繼續對有線網絡提出更高的要求,包括從蜂窩站點發出的網絡的回程和前傳部分。5G技術進一步實現帶寬和性能的有意義的提高,並實現4G/LTE網絡無法支持的新興應用和服務。爲了充分利用這些機會,網絡運營商需要考慮5G技術對其有線基礎設施提出的要求。
住宅訪問應用程序和企業應用程序。 近年來,帶寬需求、流量模式和計算功能已向網絡邊緣轉移。COVID-19大流行大大加速了這一趨勢,包括遠程和混合工作、遠程學習和在家工作安排的增加。隨着更高比例的數據流集中在更靠近網絡邊緣,需要更大的容量和更高的帶寬到家庭和企業位置。這些轉變可能是永久性的,可能會影響網絡架構並要求網絡運營商進行適應。
沉浸式技術和超高清視頻(「UHD」)。 隨着這些技術的採用,虛擬現實(「VR」)、增強現實(「AR」)、交互體驗、遊戲和360°視頻以及UHD(0.4萬和8 K)視頻等沉浸式技術正在或可能對網絡提出進一步的容量需求。消費電子產品和其他科技公司正在迅速推進這些需要高帶寬和低延遲的應用,並使相關設備更廣泛地可用,消費者負擔得起。

機器學習(「ML」)和人工智能(「AI」)。 通過提高網絡智能和改進自動化,ML和AI可以改善網絡規劃、運營、用戶體驗和問題解決方案。隨着Iot的擴張和更多服務的創建,這些技術的採用預計將繼續增加,ML和AI預計將成爲進一步網絡流量和解決方案創新的驅動力,包括推動製造業、研發、機器人、安全、醫療保健和運輸等行業的帶寬需求。
生成人工智能(「Gen-AI」)。 近年來,Gen-AI平台經歷了前所未有的快速用戶採用,一系列引人注目的新產品在不同的用例中進入市場。雖然Gen-AI仍然是一個新興領域,並且可能會受到進一步的監管,但它爲企業和其他用戶提供了自動化任務、增強創造力和提高運營效率的重要機會。鑑於Gen-AI迄今爲止的採用軌跡,以及其對創新和生產力做出重要貢獻的潛力,Gen-AI可能會成爲未來數據中心內外網絡需求的重要刺激劑或加速器。



擴大核心和光纖網絡領域的創新領導地位。我們專注於利用我們重要的研發投資能力來推動我們傳統市場的創新步伐,並提供領先的產品,利用我們的自適應網絡願景,通過在可編程網絡平台、分析、控制和自動化方面的進一步進步,使我們的客戶的網絡更具活力。我們繼續創新,提高我們領先的WaveLogic的性能,並增強其功能TM多種外形規格的相干調制解調器技術。具體地說,我們打算在我們的WaveLogic6極高性能優化外形中向市場推出這項技術的第六代產品,以及我們的WaveLogic6 Nano(「WL6n」)可插拔產品,面向優先考慮功率和空間的用戶。爲了支持我們增強的產品組合和解決方案產品,我們打算髮展我們的附加服務業務,並通過包括網絡遷移、優化和多供應商網絡集成在內的更廣泛的服務產品來利用網絡轉型。

投資下一代城域和邊緣網絡解決方案。爲了擴大我們的潛在市場並抓住城域和邊緣應用領域的更多機會,我們正在對我們的路由和交換解決方案進行大量投資。我們正在利用我們的光纖專業知識提供新的架構方法,以解決城域和邊緣網絡使用案例。其中,在2023財年,我們推出了WaveRouter™,這是一款專爲融合城域網絡中的IP層和光層而設計的相干城域路由器。爲了進一步推進我們的戰略,在2023財年第一季度,我們收購了Benu Networks,Inc.(「Benu」)及其雲本地軟件解決方案組合,包括虛擬寬帶網絡網關(「(V)BNG」),這是對我們現有的寬帶接入解決方案組合的補充和擴展。在2023財年第一季度,我們還收購了Tibit Communications,Inc.(「Tibit」),這是一家無源光網絡(PON)技術和解決方案的提供商,這使我們能夠將我們的MicroPlug光纖線路終端(OLT)收發器添加到我們的產品組合中,該收發器將PON硬件和軟件集成到用於寬帶和其他應用的以太網交換機中。

促進增強的軟件自動化。 爲了支持客戶快速推出服務和優化網絡運營的業務需求,我們尋求通過改進多層域控制器(LCP軟件和應用程序)來提高網絡層自動化和可編程性。我們還專注於利用嵌入在路由和交換產品中的服務感知操作系統(「SAOS」),獲得自適應IP軟件的採用和擴展應用。我們還尋求促進我們的Blue Planet自動化軟件的更廣泛採用,強調其自動化服務管理生命週期的能力。通過這樣做,我們相信藍色星球可以通過將傳統網絡轉變爲「服務就緒」網絡來幫助客戶實現數字化轉型,加速新服務的創建、交付和管理。我們戰略的一個關鍵部分是將軟件業務作爲我們總業務的一部分發展


提供創新的全球服務。 我們產品組合各個方面的基礎是我們廣泛的增值全球服務,幫助我們的客戶建立、運營和改進他們的網絡。我們專注於擴大我們的高級服務能力,提供各種產品,以最大限度地提高客戶在整個網絡生命週期中的網絡基礎設施投資,包括系統集成、多供應商遷移和轉型。我們提供強大服務的關鍵是與客戶的密切合作,這使我們能夠深入了解他們面臨的挑戰,並提供滿足他們所需業務成果的服務。

採用多種消費模式, 提供組件級解決方案。我們在不同的消費模式中提供一系列網絡解決方案,以推動下一代網絡基礎設施的發展,並促進我們市場的選擇。我們推出了集成系統和可插拔外形的相干光纖技術,共同滿足了網絡運營商的一系列技術和經濟要求。我們還在尋求以高性能收發器/調制解調器的形式利用我們的WaveLogic技術的銷售機會,高性能收發器/調制解調器將Ciena設計的光學芯片組和專用集成電路(「ASIC」)與其他關鍵光學元件結合在一起,獨立於集成系統銷售。通過應對多種消費模式,包括向市場提供組件級別的解決方案,我們尋求確保全球更大比例的光網絡波長,擴大我們的潛在市場,並進入新的客戶垂直市場和應用。

通信服務提供商。 我們的通信服務提供商客戶包括區域、城市、國家和國際有線和無線運營商以及接入網絡提供商。
雲提供商。 我們的雲提供商客戶(在我們的市場中也稱爲網絡規模或超大規模提供商)包括互聯網內容提供商以及互聯網服務和基礎設施提供商,包括數據中心、雲計算、SaaS、存儲、人工智能和網絡託管服務。這些提供商專注於搜索、社交媒體、視頻、實時通信和基於雲的服務產品以及其他新興網絡服務等應用程序。除了對建設和運營網絡的直接投資外,這些客戶還是全球海底和有線網絡容量的重要購買者,並且他們對包括通信服務提供商在內的其他網絡運營商的網絡解決方案替代方案產生了嚴重影響。
有線電視和多業務運營商(MSO)。 我們的客戶包括區域、地鐵、國家和國際有線電視和多業務運營商。
潛艇網絡運營商。 我們的客戶包括全球海底通信網絡的服務提供商、雲提供商和財團運營商。
企業 我們的企業客戶包括大型、多地點商業組織,包括金融、醫療保健、交通、公用事業、能源和零售行業的參與者。
政府以及研究與教育。 我們的政府客戶包括聯邦、州和地方機構,以及大型、先進的研究和教育網絡。

我們的6500分組光平台提供靈活且可擴展的融合多層傳輸解決方案,可增加核心、區域、城域和海底網絡的容量,並實現高傳輸速度的高效傳輸。該平台提供從100 G到800 G的領先的相干波長容量,以及靈活的光層和多層控制平面能力,以實現規模和服務差異化。該平台包括多種底盤尺寸和一套針對個別服務或應用優化的全面線路卡,可在整個網絡中使用,從客戶場所到接入和都市網絡、區域和核心網絡以及海底電纜着陸點。
我們的Waveserver®系列產品由緊湊的模塊化互連平台組成,使網絡運營商能夠擴展帶寬並支持高帶寬互連應用,例如從100 G到800 G的高速數據傳輸、內容交付、虛擬機遷移和數據中心之間的災難恢復/備份。Waveserver®專爲解決分散式轉發器、數據中心和一般空間受限的應用而設計,採用小佔地面積和低功耗設計。Waveserver®憑藉其現代軟件架構、開放式應用程序編程接口(「API」)和通用數據模型,易於操作並集成到現有網絡中,並促進按需雲和大容量連接服務的部署。
我們的相干優化邊緣線路系統,Connerent ELS,是一種高容量分散線路系統,旨在滿足下一代接入光線路系統的要求,包括通過緊湊、堅固的外形規格傳輸源自可插入設備的相干波長,該外形規格旨在適應外部工廠部署。我們的Connerent ELS開放線路系統(OLS)專注於降低運營複雜性,使用集成智能和自動化來簡化和擴展部署。
我們的O-DID是一款專門構建的邊緣OPS分界設備,通過以緊湊、堅固的外形規格向邊緣提供OPS來實現OPS網絡的現代化,該外形規格旨在靈活地解決一系列應用程序,同時降低成本、空間和功耗。O-DID允許網絡提供商無縫地擴展其ACN網絡的覆蓋範圍,使其更接近空間和電力有限的邊緣和客戶場所,並可以通過簡化部署、服務開通和管理的解決方案有效地向客戶場所提供千兆以太網(「GbE」)/10 GbE服務和10 G波。
我們還提供佈局優化的WaveLogic 5 Nano(WL 5 n)100 G-400 G一致可插入收發器,以滿足下一代接入、地鐵、區域和數據中心互連網絡應用,這些應用在我們的系統和第三方設備上都得到支持。我們的高性能一致收發器可插電產品、WaveLogic模塊以及我們基於我們的技術提供組件級解決方案的戰略的機會仍處於早期階段,迄今爲止收入並不顯着。這些產品的銷售反映在我們網絡平台部門的光網絡產品線中。

我們的路由和交換平台的核心是我們的SAOS下一代IP網絡操作系統,該系統提供基於軟件的功能,以支持我們產品組合中的5G、IP VPN服務、接入、TON、融合互連網絡(TIN)架構和一致光傳輸應用。SAOS提供自動化友好的智能和運營數據,以實現開放標準支持的網絡級可編程性。

我們的8100連貫路由平台將從1 GbE到100 GbE的大容量多太比特IP路由和交換與從100/200/400 GbE的大容量WaveLogic 5 Nano連貫光傳輸相結合,用於下一代地鐵和邊緣應用。
我們的路由和交換產品組合還包括我們的8700 Packetwave平台,這是一個用於高密度城域網絡和數據中心間廣域網的多TB分組交換平台。
管理、控制和計劃. HCP軟件爲我們的路由、交換和光學解決方案提供智能的多層網絡控制,從而實現多層網絡操作的簡化、加速和自動化。我們的HCP域控制器爲多層網絡提供故障、配置、計費、性能和安全管理,並結合服務管理和在線網絡規劃。LCP簡化了多層生命週期操作-包括設備調試、服務配置、服務保證和性能監控。HCP爲Ciena開發的產品以及其他供應商開發的許多產品提供此功能,這些產品形成了統一的解決方案。
LCP應用程序。 我們的一套LCP應用程序將軟件控制和分析應用程序集成在統一的界面中,以提供網絡性能數據。通過我們的一套LCP應用程序和開放API,HCP軟件可以集成到網絡運營商的OSS和業務流程中,支持客戶實現端到端運營工作流程自動化的旅程。

平台軟件服務。 爲了補充我們的平台軟件產品組合,我們提供一系列相關服務,包括軟件訂閱服務、諮詢、網絡遷移和集成、安裝和升級支持服務以及與我們的平台軟件產品相關的技術支持。這些服務的重點是使我們的客戶能夠最有效地運營Ciena網絡並實現運營現代化。
我們的Blue Planet自動化軟件是一款全面的、雲原生的、基於標準的軟件組合,使我們的服務提供商客戶能夠通過自動化跨多個供應商和域的服務交付來加速數字化轉型並將其網絡貨幣化。我們的Blue Planet產品應用程序是開放式和模塊化的,可以單獨或以任何組合的方式部署在單個雲原生平台上。這些應用包括:

庫存(「BPI」)。 通過集成或「聯合」來自多個庫存系統的數據並將其呈現在單個動態視圖中,BPI允許實時可見端到端的佈局和網絡、雲和服務資源的狀態。BPI與傳統OSS集成,幫助網絡提供商簡化關鍵運營流程,例如服務履行、網絡規劃和服務保證。
多域服務規劃(MDSO)。 網絡基礎設施由多個技術層和域組成,例如無線電接入網絡(「RAN」)、數據中心、雲、接入、傳輸和移動核心網絡。隨着新的5G網絡實施,網絡運營商在這種環境中提供自動化的端到端服務通常很複雜。Blue Planet跨多個物理和虛擬網絡域、多層(光纖、以太網、IP、SD廣域網、TON、移動核心、RAN和切片)以及多個硬件和軟件供應商提供模型驅動、基於意圖的服務編排。
多雲規劃(「MCO」).運營商正在部署越來越多的基於雲的服務以滿足客戶的需求。Blue Planet MCO提供雲原生功能(CNF)、虛擬網絡功能(VNF)和其他基於雲的資源的編排。MCO使用開放的、供應商不可知的方法,允許網絡運營商管理多個雲和雲提供商內部和之間的基於雲的資源的生命週期。

路線優化和分析(「ROA」)。 ROA結合了路由、流量和性能分析,用於跨域和跨雲的IP服務實時監控。這些功能提供增強的網絡可觀察性功能,並能夠對潛在或暫時的網絡問題進行故障排除,並進行建模,以預測網絡基礎設施、服務和工作負載變化的影響,從而構建更具彈性的網絡。
統一保障與分析(「UAA」)。 UAA利用多層/多域保證和人工智能支持的分析來提供對網絡資源和服務的健康狀況和性能的見解,確保最終客戶的體驗質量和可用性,以滿足動態服務需求。
Blue Planet Automation軟件產品組合使運營商能夠通過整個服務生命週期方法快速完成服務並滿足最終客戶的體驗質量期望。它還推動網絡運營商通過閉環自動化實現自我修復和自我優化網絡的願景。我們進入與這些軟件自動化功能相關的市場仍處於早期階段,因此,藍色星球自動化軟件和服務部門的收入仍然佔我們總收入的相對較小的一部分。

Build. 提高網絡性能或計劃遷移到下一代基礎設施的諮詢服務、提供適當規劃、設計和部署服務的實施服務、集成第三方解決方案的系統集成服務以及幫助客戶採用新技術和退役遺留設備的遷移服務;
操作。 爲網絡硬件和軟件提供端到端支持的維護服務,以及提供網絡基礎設施運營管理的託管服務;以及
持續向好 優化服務旨在確保網絡以峯值性能運行,學習服務旨在使客戶能夠更有效地了解和操作其網絡。
爲我們的下一代調制解調器技術實施並行創新路徑,包括推出我們的WaveLogic 6 Extreme和WaveLogic 6 Nano產品;



在全球範圍內,網絡解決方案供應商之間的競爭依然激烈。我們競爭的市場的特點是技術迅速進步,新解決方案頻繁推出,以及積極的銷售努力,包括利用巨大的定價壓力取代現有供應商並奪取市場份額。包括我們的網絡平台和平台軟件和服務在內的網絡解決方案的銷售競爭由少數超大型跨國公司主導。我們的競爭對手包括諾基亞、華爲(定義如下)、思科、瞻博網絡和中興通訊。與我們相比,這些競爭對手中的許多公司擁有更多的財務、運營和營銷資源,提供更廣泛的產品,並與服務提供商和其他細分客戶建立了更好的關係。由於它們的規模和資源,它們可能被認爲更適合大型網絡運營商的採購或網絡戰略。我們還繼續與幾家規模較小但成熟的公司競爭,這些公司提供一種或多種產品,直接或間接與我們的產品競爭,或者其產品針對我們所針對的市場和客戶群中的特定利基市場。這些競爭對手包括英飛朗、Ribbon Communications、Calix、Adtran、DZS和Ekinop。我們還與許多公司競爭,這些公司爲特定的產品、應用、服務、客戶群或地理市場提供顯著的競爭。

跟上市場對技術創新的需求需要相當的研發投資能力。因此,我們的一些競爭對手,無論大小,都選擇依賴由第三方提供商開發和採購的元件和模塊技術,包括NTt電子、Marvell Technology Group和思科。我們可能會與這些提供商競爭,要麼間接地因爲他們的技術是我們競爭對手的關鍵使能技術,要麼是「白盒」技術等替代消費模式,要麼直接在模塊、可插入和組件銷售機會中競爭。




提供員工認可計劃。 我們還爲員工提供獎勵和表彰計劃,包括同行和管理層發起的獎項,以表彰取得顯着成就和最能體現我們核心價值觀的員工,以及專利激勵和傑出工程師獎。我們相信,提供這些認可計劃有助於推動員工表現出色。
促進社區外展和支持。 我們相信,通過我們生活和工作的社區的企業捐贈、慈善配對和員工志願服務來回饋和促進社區外展和支持非常重要。通過我們的「Ciena Cares」社區計劃,我們提供員工慈善捐款的企業匹配、工作時間靈活的志願服務以及員工可以將服務時間捐贈給他們選擇的慈善機構的企業獎勵。我們的數字包容性計劃旨在動員我們的全球勞動力,利用我們的創新領導地位,並與客戶、供應商和其他合作伙伴合作,幫助彌合數字鴻溝。通過這一舉措,我們資助了一些項目,通過提供更好的連接性、獲得使能技術和數字技能發展來支持全球社區中服務不足的學生。
促進強大的道德商業文化。 我們相信,對良好的公司治理和最高的道德標準的承諾對於我們的長期成功至關重要,我們致力於向員工灌輸


帕特里克·H內特爾斯博士80 董事會執行主席
加里·B。史密斯63 董事首席執行官總裁
喬·庫米洛52 藍色星球高級副總裁兼總經理
迪諾·迪佩納62 全球研發高級副總裁
布羅迪·蓋奇48 全球產品與供應鏈高級副總裁
希拉·科帕朱51 高級副總裁兼總法律顧問兼代理首席人力官
James E.小莫伊蘭72 高級副總裁兼首席財務官
Andrew C.彼得裏克60 副總裁兼財務總監
Jason M.菲普斯51 全球客戶參與高級副總裁
David M.羅森斯坦55 高級副總裁、首席戰略官兼秘書
哈桑·m。艾哈邁德博士(1)(3)65 主任
布魯斯·L克拉弗林(1)(2)72 主任
勞頓·W菲特(2)70 主任
帕特里克·t。加拉格爾(1)(3)68 主任
德文德·庫馬爾(2)68 主任
t.邁克爾·內文斯(2)74 主任
喬安妮·b奧爾森(1)(3)65 主任
瑪麗·G彪馬(2)65 主任

帕特里克·H內特爾斯博士 自1994年4月起擔任Ciena董事,並自2001年5月起擔任董事會執行主席。2000年10月至2001年5月,Nettles博士擔任Ciena董事會主席兼首席執行官,1994年4月至2000年10月擔任總裁兼首席執行官。Nettles博士是加州理工學院的受託人。Nettles博士此前曾擔任Axcelis科技公司董事會成員,他曾擔任The Progressive Corporation董事會獨立主席,並擔任Apptrigger,Inc.審計委員會主席,該公司原名Carrius Technology,Inc.,和Optwind Corp,此前曾擔任佐治亞理工學院基金會的受託人。
加里·B。史密斯 1997年加入Ciena,並自2001年5月起擔任總裁兼首席執行官。史密斯先生自2000年10月以來一直擔任Ciena董事會成員。在擔任現任職務之前,他在Ciena擔任過首席運營官和全球銷售高級副總裁。Smith先生此前曾擔任INTELSAt和Cray Communications,Inc.的銷售和營銷副總裁。史密斯先生此前曾擔任CommVault Systems,Inc.董事會成員。和Avaya Inc.史密斯先生是維克森林大學創業諮詢委員會的成員,並參與企業創新中心的舉措。
喬·庫米洛 自2023年1月起擔任Ciena旗下Blue Planet的高級副總裁兼總經理。Cumello先生負責管理Ciena的Blue Planet自動化軟件和服務產品組合。2020年11月至2023年1月,Cumello先生擔任Ciena全球營銷與傳播高級副總裁,2017年2月至2020年11月擔任全球營銷與合作伙伴副總裁,2015年8月至2017年2月擔任投資組合營銷副總裁。Cumello先生最初於2004年通過我們的

收購Internet Photonics。此後,他在Sidera Networks和SafeNet擔任高管職務。隨後他加入Cyan,Inc. 2013年,他擔任首席營銷官,然後於2015年通過收購Cyan,Inc.重新加入Ciena
迪諾·迪佩納 通過收購北電的光業務,於2010年加入Ciena,並自2023年10月以來擔任全球研發高級副總裁,負責指導Ciena光網絡、網絡控制和規劃以及路由和交換產品和解決方案產品組合的開發。2013年8月至2023年10月,DiPerna先生擔任Ciena融合分組光研究與開發副總裁,並於2010年3月至2013年7月擔任光網絡研究與開發副總裁。在加入Ciena之前,DiPerna先生在北電擔任高級工程職位二十多年。
布羅迪·蓋奇 他於2010年通過收購北電光學業務加入Ciena,並自2023年10月以來擔任全球產品和供應鏈高級副總裁,負責監督產品線管理、全球供應鏈以及解決方案、工程和介紹等職能。2017年11月至2023年10月,Gage先生擔任Ciena產品線管理和解決方案副總裁。在加入Ciena之前,Gage先生曾在北電擔任工程、營銷、業務開發和產品線管理方面的全球領導職務。
希拉·科帕朱 於2010年加入Ciena,自2023年1月起擔任高級副總裁兼總法律顧問,並自2023年8月起擔任代理首席人力官。2020年8月至2023年1月,Kattaju女士擔任副總裁、副總法律顧問兼國際法律主管,2017年5月至2020年8月擔任副總裁、國際總法律顧問。在加入Ciena之前,Kettaju女士曾擔任兩家早期公司HomeCom Communications和Closedloop Solutions的總法律顧問。
James E.小莫伊蘭 於2007年加入Ciena,並自2007年12月以來擔任高級副總裁兼首席財務官。
Andrew C.彼得裏克 1996年加入Ciena,並自1997年8月以來擔任副總裁兼財務總監。他還於1997年8月至2008年10月擔任財務主管。
Jason M.菲普斯 於2002年加入Ciena,並自2017年2月起擔任全球客戶參與高級副總裁(原名全球銷售和營銷高級副總裁),負責Ciena的全球銷售、系統工程、服務和合作夥伴組織。2014年1月至2017年2月,Phipps先生擔任北美銷售副總裁兼總經理,期間他還負責全球合作伙伴和渠道業務,2011年3月至2013年12月,他擔任全球銷售運營副總裁。Phipps先生此前還曾在Ciena擔任多個銷售和營銷領導職位。
David M.羅森斯坦 於2001年1月加入Ciena,自2022年3月起擔任代理首席戰略官後,自2023年1月起擔任高級副總裁兼首席戰略官。2008年11月至2023年1月,他擔任高級副總裁、總法律顧問兼秘書。在此之前,他於2004年7月至2008年10月擔任副總裁兼副總法律顧問,此前曾擔任助理總法律顧問。
哈桑·艾哈邁德,博士。自2020年6月以來一直擔任Ciena的董事。艾哈邁德博士自2021年3月以來一直擔任Sway AI,Inc.的執行主席兼首席執行官,並於2021年3月至2022年8月擔任創始人SPAC的執行主席。他之前曾擔任Affirmed Networks,Inc.的董事會主席兼首席執行官,該公司於2020年4月被微軟收購。在2010年創立Affirmed Networks之前,他是Charles River Ventures的高級顧問。1998年至2008年,艾哈邁德博士擔任索納斯網絡公司董事長兼首席執行官。在此之前,他曾在Ascend Communications,Inc.、下跌通信公司和ADI公司擔任過各種高管職務。他還曾擔任WaveAccess,Inc.的創始人和總裁,並在董事公司創立並擔任VLSI系統事業部。艾哈邁德博士之前曾在波士頓大學擔任電氣、計算機和系統工程副教授和金融學副教授。艾哈邁德博士目前在Vesper Technologies,Inc.、Oxefit,Inc.、Avesha Inc.和Sway AI,Inc.的董事會任職,這些公司都是私人公司。艾哈邁德博士此前曾在兩家上市公司KINS Technology Group,Inc.和Founder SPAC的董事會任職。
布魯斯·L Claflin 自2006年8月起擔任Ciena董事。Claflin先生自2001年1月起擔任3Com Corporation總裁兼首席執行官,直至2006年2月退休。Claflin先生於1998年8月加入3Com,擔任總裁兼首席運營官。在加入3Com之前,Claflin先生曾擔任Digital Equity Corporation的高級副總裁兼銷售和營銷總經理。Claflin先生還在IBm工作了22年,擔任過各種銷售、營銷和管理職位,包括IBm PC Company全球研發、產品和品牌管理總經理,以及IBm PC Company美洲總裁。Claflin先生目前擔任IDEXX Labs,Inc.董事會成員,一家上市公司,他擔任公司治理主席,

勞頓·W Fitt 自2000年11月起擔任Ciena董事。2002年10月至2005年3月,菲特女士擔任倫敦皇家藝術學院院長。1979年至2002年10月,菲特女士擔任高盛公司的投資銀行家,她於1994年至2002年10月擔任該公司的合夥人。菲特女士目前擔任凱雷集團董事會成員,她擔任首席獨立董事,而The Progressive Corporation則擔任董事會主席,這兩家公司都是上市公司。菲特女士還擔任多個非營利組織的董事或受託人。Fitt女士此前曾擔任Micro Focus International PLC、ARm Holdings PLC和Thomson Reuters Corporation的董事會成員。
帕特里克·T·加拉格爾自2009年5月以來一直擔任Ciena的董事。自2007年10月以來,加拉格爾先生一直擔任Harmonic Inc.的董事長,Harmonic Inc.是一家上市公司,爲廣播、有線電視、電信和託管服務提供商部門提供高性能視頻解決方案。加拉格爾自2019年8月以來一直擔任法國葡萄酒生產商Mirabeau SAS的董事長。從2014年1月到2022年1月,加拉格爾先生擔任國際軟件定義雲互聯公司InterCloud SAS的董事長。在此之前,加拉格爾先生於2008年3月至2012年4月擔任Ubiquisys Ltd董事長,2008年1月至2009年2月擔任Macro 4 plc董事長,2006年5月至2008年3月擔任Golden Telecom Inc.副董事長。2003年至2006年,加拉格爾先生擔任FLAG電信集團有限公司執行副董事長兼首席執行官,在此之前,他曾在英國電信擔任過各種高級管理職位。
德文德·庫馬爾 自2019年8月起擔任Ciena董事。Kumar先生於2013年1月至2023年1月擔任AMD執行副總裁兼首席財務官,負責全球財務組織以及全球企業服務和設施。他還於2015年4月至2023年1月擔任AMD財務主管。庫馬爾先生於2023年4月退休。自1984年加入AMD以來,Kumar先生在企業會計和企業財務方面擔任了多個領導職位,包括擔任首席財務官、企業控制員和助理財務主管。他還在亞洲擔任了10年的AMD檳城財務總監以及AMD新加坡、泰國、中國和馬來西亞製造服務集團的集團區域財務總監。
t.邁克爾·內文斯 自2014年2月起擔任Ciena董事。自2006年以來,內文斯先生一直擔任國際私募股權基金Permira Advisers,LLC的高級顧問,目前是名譽高級顧問。1980年至2002年,內文斯先生在麥肯錫公司擔任多個領導職位,最近擔任該公司全球技術實踐的董事(高級合夥人)和管理合夥人。他還擔任麥肯錫全球研究所董事會成員,該研究所從事經濟和政策問題的研究。內文斯先生一直擔任聖母大學門多薩商學院公司治理和戰略兼職教授。內文斯先生還擔任TMF,Inc.董事會主席,一家上市公司,並擔任Longbow Security,Inc.董事會成員。(原名TalonX,Inc.)、一傢俬人公司。內文斯先生此前曾擔任Altera Corporation董事會成員。
喬安妮·b奧爾森 自2018年10月起擔任Ciena董事。Olsen女士此前曾於2016年擔任Oracle全球雲服務和支持執行副總裁,直至2017年8月退休。在此職位上,她與所有業務部門的領導者合作,推動了Oracle的雲轉型服務和支持戰略。Olsen女士此前曾於2012年至2016年擔任Oracle北美應用程序銷售、聯盟和諮詢組織的高級副總裁兼負責人,並於2010年至2012年在Oracle擔任多個一般管理職位。Olsen女士在IBm開始了她的職業生涯,1979年至2010年間,她在IBm擔任過銷售、全球融資和硬件領域的各種行政管理職位。Olsen女士還擔任Terspel Corporation和Keysight Technology,Inc.的董事會成員,兩家上市公司。
瑪麗·G·彪馬 自2023年8月以來一直擔任Ciena的董事。彪馬女士自2023年5月以來一直擔任Axcelis Technologies,Inc.(「Axcelis」)董事會執行主席,該公司是一家上市公司,致力於爲半導體芯片製造行業提供資本設備。彪馬女士曾於2002年1月至2023年5月在Axcelis擔任總裁兼首席執行官,於2000年7月至2002年1月擔任總裁兼首席運營官,並於2005年至2015年擔任董事會主席。1998年,彪馬女士成爲Axcelis的前身伊頓公司植入系統事業部的總經理兼副總經理總裁。在1996年加入伊頓公司之前,彪馬女士在通用電氣的各種營銷和一般管理職位上工作了15年。彪馬目前還在Allegro MicroSystems和SMART Global Holdings的董事會任職,這兩家公司都是上市公司。她還擔任SEMI的董事會成員,這是一家爲微電子和納米電子行業的製造供應鏈提供服務的全球行業協會,自2022年12月以來一直擔任該協會的董事會主席。彪馬之前曾在諾森公司和Apogent Technologies的董事會任職,這兩家公司都是上市公司。彪馬女士擁有塔夫茨大學的經濟學學士學位和麻省理工學院斯隆管理學院的理學碩士學位。




















如果網絡軟件市場沒有按照我們預期的方式發展,或者如果客戶不採用我們的Blue Planet自動化軟件和服務,我們可能無法將這些軟件資產貨幣化並實現我們業務戰略的關鍵部分。
我們業務戰略的一個關鍵部分是增加客戶對我們的藍色星球自動化軟件的採用。如果與網絡自動化軟件解決方案相關的市場(包括服務協調、路由優化、分析和保證以及多雲協調)不能像我們預期的那樣發展,或者如果我們無法在這些市場中商業化、提高市場知名度並採用我們的Blue Planet Automation軟件和服務,則我們的Blue Planet Automation軟件和服務的收入可能無法增長。我們在商業化和銷售這些軟件解決方案方面的歷史有限,我們正在繼續增強我們的藍色星球產品組合的能力。此外,這些解決方案的市場和競爭格局是動態的,很難預測重要的趨勢,包括這個市場的潛在增長(如果有的話)。如果這些軟件解決方案的市場沒有以我們預期的方式發展,或者如果客戶沒有采用我們的Blue Planet Automation軟件和服務,我們的增長戰略的一部分將受到不利影響,我們的財務業績可能會受到影響。
截至2023年10月28日,我們的資產負債表上有許多重要資產,其價值可能會受到與我們業務和經營業績相關的因素以及我們控制之外的因素的不利影響。截至2023年10月28日,我們的資產負債表包括 80930萬 淨遞延稅資產。我們的淨遞延所得稅資產的價值可能會受到稅收政策變化、未來稅率變化或我們的稅務規劃策略的顯着影響。如果需要進行任何減記,我們的經營業績可能會受到重大不利影響。

截至2023年10月28日,我們的資產負債表還包括 44480萬美元 善意的。如果發生事件或情況變化,很可能導致報告單位的公允價值降至低於其公允價值,我們每年以及在年度測試之間測試每個報告單位的聲譽損失。截至2023年10月28日,我們的資產負債表還包括 57500萬美元 長期資產,其中包括20560萬美元的無形資產。對我們的長期資產的估值要求我們對產品的未來銷售價格和銷量做出假設。這些假設用於預測我們的估計所基於的未來未貼現現金流。如果市場狀況或我們對業務或任何特定經營分部的預測發生變化,我們可能需要重新評估這些資產的價值。我們可能被要求對我們的聲譽和長期資產記錄減損費用,或對我們的遞延資產記錄估值撥備

開發和生產用於通信網絡設備的複雜硬件和軟件是非常複雜的。我們的一些產品只有在部署在通信網絡中或使用其他設備傳輸流量時才能進行全面測試,並且軟件產品可能包含可能干擾預期性能的錯誤。因此,對於新產品的初始部署和產品改進,未發現的缺陷或錯誤以及產品質量、互操作性、可靠性、安全性和性能問題往往更加嚴重。我們最近推出了或正在推出許多新的硬件和軟件產品,包括我們的WaveLogic相干光纖調制解調器技術的新發展,以及針對邊緣、接入和聚合網絡的新的路由和交換平台和解決方案。意外的產品性能問題可能與我們產品的設計、製造、安裝、操作和互操作性有關。第三方提供的組件、軟件或製造、安裝或維護服務以及從第三方獲得或獲得許可的技術中的缺陷也可能導致未檢測到的錯誤。有時,我們不得不更換某些組件,提供軟件補救措施或其他補救措施,以應對缺陷或錯誤,未來我們可能不得不再次這樣做。此類事件的補救可能會對我們的業務和運營結果產生重大不利影響。此外,我們已經並可能繼續遇到與我們的技術相關的意外安全漏洞,包括由於我們供應鏈的活動和我們使用第三方軟件的結果。我們的產品用於客戶網絡並傳輸一系列敏感信息,我們的軟件產品,包括我們的Blue Planet解決方案,在管理網絡元素和提供服務方面發揮着重要作用。通信技術經常成爲包括民族國家和其他惡意方在內的一系列威脅行爲者攻擊的目標。我們的解決方案實際或感知到的任何漏洞、惡意軟件或網絡攻擊風險都可能導致責任或監管行動,並對我們的業務和運營結果產生不利影響。產品性能、可靠性、安全性和質量問題可能會導致以下部分或全部影響:






We rely on third-party contract manufacturers, including those with facilities in Canada, Mexico, Thailand, and the United States, to perform a substantial portion of our supply chain activities, including component sourcing, manufacturing, product testing and quality, and fulfillment and logistics relating to the distribution and support of our products. There are a number of risks associated with our dependence on contract manufacturers, including:

reduced control over delivery schedules and planning;
reliance on the quality assurance procedures of third parties;

Table of Contents
potential uncertainty regarding manufacturing yields and costs;
availability of manufacturing capability and capacity, particularly during periods of high demand;
the impact of wage inflation and labor shortages on cost;
the impact of supply chain constraints on our contract manufacturers’ costs and business models;
risks associated with the ability of our contract manufacturers to perform to our manufacturing needs;
risks and uncertainties associated with the locations or countries where our products are manufactured, including manufacturing disruptions caused by social, geopolitical, environmental, or health factors, such as the COVID-19 pandemic;
risks associated with data security incidents, including disruptions, interdiction, or cyber-attacks targeting or affecting our third-party manufacturers, including manufacturing disruptions or unauthorized access to or acquisition of information;





國家和/或締約方,這增加了處理此類產品的公司的合規風險和許可義務. 我們的幾家第三方零部件供應商,包括某些獨家和有限來源的供應商,向華爲銷售產品,在某些情況下,華爲是此類供應商的重要客戶。目前,無法保證這些限制的範圍或持續時間,包括外國直接產品規則,或對華爲和其他位於中國並在那裏運營的公司採取的進一步行動,以及未來對我們供應商的任何影響。繼續限制我們的供應商向華爲和其他公司銷售產品的能力可能會對他們的業務和財務狀況產生不利影響。此外,中國正在執行一項提高中國在光電子行業能力的五年計劃。不能保證這一舉措或中國的類似舉措,如《中國製造2025》(以及美國政府針對此類舉措所採取的行動)不會對我們供應商的業務或我們獲得必要零部件的機會產生不利影響。這些以及影響我們供應商的類似行業、市場和監管中斷可能會使我們的業務面臨損失、供應不足或組件停產的風險,這可能會導致收入損失、額外的產品成本、更長的交付期和部署延遲,這可能會損害我們的業務和客戶關係。如果我們遇到與關鍵供應商的任何重大中斷或困難,影響所需組件的價格、質量、可用性或及時交付,我們的業務和運營結果將受到負面影響。

我們依賴 向第三方經銷商和分銷合作伙伴銷售我們的解決方案,向第三方服務合作伙伴銷售安裝、維護和支持功能,而我們未能有效地發展和管理這些關係,可能會對我們的業務、運營結果以及與客戶的關係產生不利影響。

Certain service partners may provide similar services for other companies, including our competitors. We may not be able to manage our relationships with our service partners effectively, and we cannot be certain that they will be able to deliver services in the manner or time required, that we will be able to maintain the continuity of their services, or that they will adhere to our approach to ethical business practices. We may also be exposed to a number of risks or challenges relating to the performance of our service partners, including:
delays in recognizing revenue;
liability for injuries to persons, damage to property or other claims relating to the actions or omissions of our service partners;
our services revenue and gross margin may be adversely affected; and







At this time, it remains unclear what additional actions, if any, will be taken by the U.S. or other governments with respect to international trade agreements, the imposition of tariffs on goods imported into the U.S., tax policy related to international commerce, increased export control and investment restrictions, import or use of foreign communications equipment, or other trade matters. Based on our manufacturing practices and locations, there can be no assurance that any future executive or legislative action in the United States or other countries relating to tax policy and trade regulation would not adversely affect our business, operations and financial results.





我們是與3億美元的高級有擔保循環信貸融資相關的信貸協議的一方,這是一筆未償還的高級有擔保定期貸款,約爲 12億美元 2030年到期,以及未償還的高級無擔保契約,據此,我們發行了本金總額爲40,000萬美元的2030年到期的4.00%優先票據。管理這些信貸設施的協議包含某些契約,這些契約限制了我們承擔額外債務、設立優先權和擔保、支付現金股息、贖回或回購股票、與關聯公司進行某些收購交易或交易、償還某些債務、進行投資或處置資產的能力。這些協議還包括習慣補救措施,包括貸方對擔保貸款的抵押品採取行動的權利,如果我們違約或無法履行債務義務,該措施將適用。







馬里蘭州漢諾威總部租賃.我們於2011年11月3日與W2007 RDG Realty,LLC簽訂了一項協議涉及我們位於馬里蘭州漢諾威的公司總部爲期15年的辦公空間租賃,包括約88,000平方英尺的商定可出租面積。
渥太華租賃。 2014年10月23日,Ciena Canada,Inc.爲位於加拿大渥太華Innovation Drive 5050號的辦公樓簽訂了爲期18年的租賃協議,可出租面積約爲170,000平方英尺。此外,2015年4月15日,Ciena Canada,Inc.與位於加拿大渥太華Terry Fox Drive 383和385號的5050 Innovation Drive大樓相鄰的兩棟新辦公樓簽訂了爲期15年的租賃協議,可出租面積約爲255,000平方英尺。
古爾岡租賃. 2020年8月13日,Ciena India Pvt. Ltd.將位於Gurgaon Echelon Institutional Sector 32 13號地塊的一棟辦公樓的租賃協議延長了五年,該建築毗鄰Ciena India Pvt. Ltd.租用的另一棟建築,位於古爾岡Echelon Institutional Sector 32號14號地塊。古爾岡辦公室的可出租面積約爲282,000平方英尺。


中「訴訟」標題下列出的信息 附註27 本報告第二部分第8項包含的合併財務報表的內容通過引用併入本文。



2023年7月30日至8月26日841,444 $41.59 841,444 $403,764 
2023年8月27日至2023年9月23日1,147,400 $48.03 1,147,400 $348,650 
2023年9月24日至10月28日2,241,844 $44.00 2,241,844 $250,000 
4,230,688 $44.62 4,230,688 


Item 5. Stock Performance Graph.jpg
假設於2018年11月2日分別投資100美元於Ciena Corporation、Russell 1000指數和S & P北美技術-多媒體網絡指數,所有股息在月底再投資。

項目6. [保留]


項目7.    管理層對財務狀況和經營成果的討論和分析



我們是一家網絡平台、軟件和服務公司,提供的解決方案使各種網絡運營商能夠部署和管理向企業和消費者提供服務的下一代網絡。我們提供硬件、軟件和服務,支持通過核心、城域、聚合和接入通信網絡傳輸視頻、數據和語音流量。我們的解決方案在全球範圍內被多個垂直行業的通信服務提供商、有線和多服務運營商、雲提供商、海底網絡運營商、政府和企業使用。我們的產品組合旨在支持自適應網絡,這是我們對網絡終端狀態的願景,該網絡終端狀態利用由軟件控制和自動化功能驅動的可編程和可擴展的網絡基礎設施,並由分析和情報提供信息。我們的解決方案包括網絡平台,包括我們的光纖網絡和路由和交換產品組合,這些平台可以從網絡核心應用到最終用戶接入點,使網絡運營商能夠擴展容量、提高傳輸速度、高效分配流量並動態適應不斷變化的最終用戶服務需求。爲了補充我們的網絡平台,我們提供平台軟件,其中包括我們的管理、控制和規劃(「MCP」)應用程序,這些應用程序可提供高級多層域控制和操作。通過我們的Blue Planet軟件,我們還通過產品化運營支持系統(OSS)實現完整的服務生命週期管理自動化,其中包括庫存、協調和保證解決方案,幫助我們的客戶實現跨多供應商和多域環境的閉環自動化。













收購。 2022年11月17日,我們收購了Benu Networks,Inc.(「Benu」)及其雲原生軟件解決方案組合,包括虛擬寬帶網絡網關(v)BNG),其補充了我們現有的寬帶接入解決方案組合。2022年12月30日,我們收購了Tibit Communications,Inc.(「Tibit」),無源光網絡解決方案提供商。請參閱我們的註釋4 本報告第二部分第8項包含的合併財務報表,以獲取有關這些收購的更多信息。

信貸設施再融資。 2023年10月24日,我們對現有信貸協議(日期爲2014年7月15日)簽訂了一份增量修訂協議(「信貸協議」),據此,我們產生了一批新的單一優先擔保定期貸款,本金總額爲12億美元,於2030年10月24日到期(「2030年新定期貸款」)。2030年新定期貸款的收益連同手頭現金用於全額償還(i)我們現有的高級有擔保定期貸款,未償還本金總額約爲66870萬美元,以及

將於2025年9月28日到期(「2025年定期貸款」),以及(ii)我們現有的高級有擔保定期貸款,未償還本金總額約爲49750萬美元,將於2030年1月19日到期(「2030年定期貸款」),包括應計利息,並支付交易費用和費用。請參閱我們的註釋19 本報告第二部分第8項包含的合併財務報表,以獲取有關我們定期貸款的更多信息。

2023年10月24日,根據上述信貸協議的增量修訂協議,我們簽訂了一項價值30000萬美元的新高級有擔保循環信貸融資(「循環信貸融資」),於2028年10月24日到期,取代了9月25日到期的最高30000萬美元的前身高級有擔保資產循環信貸融資,根據我們日期爲2019年10月28日的ABL信貸協議(經修訂)(「ABL信貸協議」),2025年(「ABL信貸融資」)。在簽訂循環信貸機制的同時,ABL信貸協議也被終止。我們打算使用循環信貸機制來支持在我們的正常業務過程中以及出於一般企業目的而產生的信用證的簽發。請參閱我們的註釋20 本報告第二部分第8項包含的合併財務報表,以獲取有關我們循環信貸安排的更多信息。













光網絡$2,987,245 68.1$2,379,931 65.5$607,314 25.5
路由和交換506,247 11.5398,439 11.0107,808 27.1
網絡平台總數3,493,492 79.62,778,370 76.5715,122 25.7
平台軟件和服務303,873 6.9277,191 7.626,682 9.6
69,170 1.676,567 2.1(7,397)(9.7)
維護支持和培訓288,334 6.6292,375 8.1(4,041)(1.4)
安裝和部署180,951 4.1157,443 4.323,508 14.9
諮詢和網絡設計50,729 1.250,715 1.414 
全球服務總數520,014 11.9500,533 13.819,481 3.9
綜合收入$4,386,549 100.0$3,632,661 100.0$753,888 20.8
網絡平台部門收入 增加了71510萬美元,反映出我們的光網絡產品的產品線銷售額增加了60730萬美元,路由和交換產品的產品線銷售額增加了10780萬美元。
光網絡銷售額增長,主要反映出我們的6500 SLS產品(主要面向雲提供商)的銷售額增長了37430萬美元,主要面向通信服務提供商和企業客戶的6500分組光平台(主要面向通信服務提供商和企業客戶)的銷售額增長了13130萬美元,以及我們的Waveserver®模塊化互連繫統(主要面向雲提供商)的銷售額增長了10190萬美元。
路由和交換銷售額增長,主要反映了我們的3000和5000系列服務交付和聚合交換機的銷售額增長了8110萬美元,包括集成在我們的聚合交換機中或獨立銷售的微插頭OLt收發器的初步銷售,主要面向通信服務提供商、電纜和多業務運營商以及企業客戶。路由和交換銷售還包括向通信服務提供商增加2530萬美元的8100 Connerent IP網絡平台。
平台軟件和服務部門收入 增加2670萬美元,反映出軟件維護服務銷售額增加4580萬美元,但被軟件平台銷售額減少1910萬美元所抵消。我們軟件維護服務的增加主要是針對銷售給通信服務提供商的HCP軟件平台。軟件銷售額下降主要是由於我們的LCP軟件平台向通信服務提供商的銷售額下降。

藍色星球自動化軟件和服務 分部收入 減少740萬美元,反映出軟件平台銷售額減少380萬美元(主要面向有線電視和多服務運營商)以及專業軟件服務銷售額減少360萬美元(主要面向通信服務提供商)。
全球服務 分部收入 增加了1950萬美元,主要反映了我們的安裝和部署服務銷售額增加了2350萬美元,部分被我們的維護支持和培訓減少了400萬美元所抵消。先前受到限制的供應環境的可靠性的提高使安裝和部署服務受益,正如上面的「概述」中更詳細地描述的那樣。
美洲$3,110,347 70.9$2,636,840 72.6$473,507 18.0
EMEA643,142 14.7555,215 15.387,927 15.8
APAC633,060 14.4440,606 12.1192,454 43.7
$4,386,549 100.0$3,632,661 100.0$753,888 20.8
亞太地區收入 增加19250萬美元,反映出我們網絡平台部門銷售額增加18670萬美元、平台軟件和服務部門銷售額增加520萬美元以及全球服務部門銷售額增加510萬美元,但部分被Blue Planet Automation軟件銷售額減少450萬美元所抵消











總收入$4,386,549 100.0$3,632,661 100.0$753,888 20.8
的銷售成本總額2,507,698 57.22,072,317 57.0435,381 21.0
毛利$1,878,851 42.8$1,560,344 43.0$318,507 20.4
產品收入$3,581,039 100.0$2,888,848 100.0$692,191 24.0
售出商品的產品成本2,088,440 58.31,699,631 58.8388,809 22.9
產品毛利$1,492,599 41.7$1,189,217 41.2$303,382 25.5
服務收入$805,510 100.0$743,813 100.0$61,697 8.3
售出商品的服務成本419,258 52.0372,686 50.146,572 12.5
服務毛利潤$386,252 48.0$371,127 49.9$15,125 4.1
毛利 增加31850萬美元。毛利率 下降20個點子,主要是由於服務利潤率下降被產品利潤率提高部分抵消。
產品毛利潤 增加30340萬美元。產品毛利率增加了50個點子,主要是由於製造效率提高和產品成本降低,但如上所述,利潤率較低的「通用」設備和光電子銷售的集中度部分抵消了這一增長。
服務毛利潤 增加了1510萬美元。服務毛利率下降190個點子,主要是由於維護相關支持的增量成本增加以及某些藍色星球軟件服務項目的損失以及某些諮詢項目的利潤率下降。這些下降被平台軟件服務收入的增加部分抵消。


Currency Fluctuations

During fiscal 2023, approximately 49.4% of our operating expense was non-U.S. Dollar denominated, including Canadian Dollars, Indian Rupees, and Euros. During fiscal 2023 as compared to fiscal 2022, the U.S. Dollar primarily strengthened against these and other currencies. Consequently, our operating expense reported in U.S. Dollars decreased by approximately $23.3 million, or 1.5%, net of hedging.

Operating expense increased in fiscal 2023 from the level reported for fiscal 2022, primarily due to increases in employee headcount and variable compensation costs associated with our annual cash incentive compensation plan and increases in professional services. We have also experienced, and are continuing to experience, increases in the cost of labor and other costs of doing business due to inflation, and continued inflationary pressures could have an adverse impact on our profitability. We

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expect operating expense to continue to increase from the level reported in fiscal 2023 primarily due to planned investment in research and development to advance our strategy and higher employee compensation costs.
Operating expense consists of the component elements described below.

Research and development expense primarily consists of salaries and related employee expense (including share-based compensation expense), prototype costs relating to design, development, product testing, depreciation expense, and third-party consulting costs.

Selling and marketing expense primarily consists of salaries, commissions and related employee expense (including share-based compensation expense) and sales and marketing support expense, including travel, demonstration units, trade show expense, and third-party consulting costs.

General and administrative expense primarily consists of salaries and related employee expense (including share-based compensation expense) and costs for third-party consulting and other services.

Significant asset impairments and restructuring costs primarily reflect actions we have taken to improve the alignment of our workforce, facilities and operating costs with perceived market opportunities, business strategies, changes in market and business conditions, the redesign of certain business processes and significant impairments of assets.

Amortization of intangible assets primarily reflects the amortization of both purchased technology and the value of customer relationships derived from our acquisitions.

Acquisition and integration costs primarily consist of expenses for financial, legal and accounting advisors and severance and other employee-related costs, associated with our acquisition activity. For more information on our acquisitions, see Note 4 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this report.

The table below sets forth the changes in operating expense for the periods indicated (in thousands, except percentage data):
 Fiscal Year  
Research and development$750,559 17.1$624,656 17.2$125,903 20.2
Selling and marketing490,804 11.2466,565 12.924,239 5.2
General and administrative215,284 4.9179,382 4.935,902 20.0
Significant asset impairments and restructuring costs23,834 0.533,824 0.9(9,990)(29.5)
Amortization of intangible assets37,351 0.932,511 0.94,840 14.9
Acquisition and integration costs3,474 0.1598 2,876 480.9
Total operating expenses$1,521,306 34.7$1,337,536 36.8$183,770 13.7
*Denotes % of total revenue
**Denotes % change from 2022 to 2023
Research and development expense benefited from $16.3 million as a result of foreign exchange rates, net of hedging, primarily due to a stronger U.S. Dollar in relation to the Canadian Dollar and Indian Rupee. Including the effect of foreign exchange rates, net of hedging, research and development expenses increased by $125.9 million. This increase primarily reflects increases in employee headcount and related compensation costs including variable compensation costs associated with our annual cash incentive compensation plan, and professional services related to design engineering, fabrication and production of ASIC chips. The increase in employee headcount was partially due to our acquisitions of Benu and Tibit.
Selling and marketing expense benefited from $5.4 million as a result of foreign exchange rates, primarily due to a stronger U.S. Dollar in relation to the Canadian Dollar and the Euro. Including the effect of foreign exchange rates, sales and marketing expense increased by $24.2 million. This increase primarily reflects increases in travel and entertainment costs, professional services and employee-related compensation costs primarily related to higher costs associated with our annual cash incentive compensation plan.

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General and administrative expense benefited from $1.6 million as a result of foreign exchange rates, primarily due to a stronger U.S. Dollar in relation to the Canadian Dollar and Indian Rupee. Including the effect of foreign exchange rates, general and administrative expense increased by $35.9 million. This increase primarily reflects increases in employee-related compensation costs primarily related to higher costs associated with our annual cash incentive compensation plan, costs incurred as a result of the settlement of certain patent infringement claims and the resolution of related legal proceedings, and professional services.
Significant asset impairments and restructuring costs decreased by $10.0 million. This decrease primarily reflects the effect of a $3.8 million impairment charge due to our suspended operations in Russia recorded in fiscal 2022 and lower costs on actions that we have taken with respect to our operations, global workforce, and facilities as part of a business optimization strategy to improve gross margin, constrain operating expense, redesign certain business processes, and restructure real estate facilities.
Amortization of intangible assets increased by $4.8 million reflecting additional intangibles acquired in connection with our acquisitions of Benu and Tibit during the first quarter of fiscal 2023, partially offset by certain intangible assets having reached the end of their economic lives.
Acquisition and integration costs increased by $2.9 million and primarily reflect financial, legal, and accounting advisors and employee-related costs related to our acquisitions of Benu and Tibit.
Other Items
The table below sets forth the changes in other items for the periods indicated (in thousands, except percentage data):
 Fiscal Year  
Interest and other income (loss), net$62,008 1.4$6,747 0.2$55,261 819.0
Interest expense$(88,026)(2.0)$(47,050)(1.3)$40,976 87.1
Loss on extinguishment and modification of debt$(7,874)(0.2)$— $7,874 100.0
Provision (benefit) for income taxes$68,826 1.6$29,603 0.8$39,223 132.5
*Denotes % of total revenue
**Denotes % change from 2022 to 2023
Interest and other income (loss), net increased by $55.3 million, primarily resulting from higher interest income on our investments and the remeasurement of our previously held investment in Tibit to fair value, which resulted in a gain on our cost method equity investment of $26.5 million. These increases were partially offset by foreign currency exchange gains (losses), net of foreign currency hedging impact. For more information on our acquisition of Tibit, see Note 4 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report.
Interest expense increased, primarily due to additional indebtedness, including the 2030 Term Loan entered into during the first quarter of fiscal 2023, and increased interest on the unhedged portion of the 2025 Term Loan, 2030 Term Loan and 2030 New Term Loan (as defined below), primarily due to higher interest rates. For more information on our short-term and long-term debt, see Note 19 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report.
Loss on extinguishment and modification of debt primarily reflects $1.9 million of extinguishment of debt costs and $6.0 million in debt modification costs, both related to our term loan refinancing which occurred in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2023. For more information, see Note 19 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report.
Provision (benefit) for income taxes increased by $39.2 million, primarily due to the increase in pre-tax income in fiscal 2023. The effective tax rate for fiscal 2023 was higher than the effective tax rate for fiscal 2022, primarily due to the mandatory capitalization of research and development expenses in fiscal 2023.

Segment Profit (Loss)

The table below sets forth the changes in our segment profit (loss) for the respective periods (in thousands, except percentage data):

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 Fiscal Year 
Segment profit (loss):    
Networking Platforms$778,641 $572,305 $206,336 36.1
Platform Software and Services$186,945 $175,108 $11,837 6.8
Blue Planet Automation Software and Services$(33,669)$(22,388)$(11,281)(50.4)
Global Services$196,375 $210,663 $(14,288)(6.8)
*Denotes % change from 2022 to 2023
Networking Platforms segment profit increased by $206.3 million, primarily due to higher sales volume as described above, and higher gross margin, partially offset by increased research and development costs.
Platform Software and Services segment profit increased by $11.8 million, primarily due to higher software-related services sales volume as described above, partially offset by lower software sales volume, increased research and development costs, and lower gross margin on software-related services.
Blue Planet Automation Software and Services segment loss increased by $11.3 million, primarily due to lower sales volume, increased research and development costs and lower gross margin on software-related services, as described above.
Global Services segment profit decreased by $14.3 million, primarily due to higher incremental costs on maintenance related support and lower maintenance support and training revenue, as described above.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
Overview. For the fiscal year ended October 28, 2023, we generated $168.3 million of cash from operations, as our net income (adjusted for non-cash charges) of $565.1 million exceeded our working capital requirements of $396.8 million. For additional details on our cash used in operating activities, see the discussion below under the caption “Cash Provided by Operating Activities.”
Cash, cash equivalents and investments increased by $65.9 million during fiscal 2023. Cash from operations was partially offset by the following: (i) cash used for stock repurchases under our stock repurchase program of $242.2 million; (ii) cash used for the acquisition of businesses of $230.0 million, net of cash acquired; (iii) cash used to fund our investing activities for capital expenditures totaling $106.2 million; (iv) stock repurchased upon vesting of our stock unit awards to employees relating to tax withholding of $38.5 million; and (v) cash used for payments on our term loans of $9.4 million. In addition to cash provided by operations, the following items also contributed to the increase in cash: (i) proceeds from the issuance of the 2030 Term Loan, which provided $492.5 million in cash, net of paid debt issuance costs; and (ii) issuance of equity under our employee stock purchase plans which provided $31.4 million in cash during fiscal 2023.
See Notes 4, 19, and 22 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this report for information relating to these transactions.
The following table sets forth changes in our cash and cash equivalents and investments in marketable debt securities (in thousands):
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022Increase (decrease)
Cash and cash equivalents$1,010,618 $994,352 $16,266 
Short-term investments in marketable debt securities104,753 153,989 (49,236)
Long-term investments in marketable debt securities134,278 35,385 98,893 
Total cash and cash equivalents and investments in marketable debt securities$1,249,649 $1,183,726 $65,923 

Principal Sources of Liquidity. Our principal sources of liquidity include our cash, cash equivalents and investments, which as of October 28, 2023 totaled $1.2 billion, as well as the unused portion of the Revolving Credit Facility. The Revolving Credit Facility, which we and certain of our subsidiaries entered into on October 24, 2023, replaced the ABL Credit Facility and provides for a total commitment of $300.0 million with a maturity date of October 24, 2028. We principally use the Revolving Credit Facility to support the issuance of letters of credit that arise in the ordinary course of our business and for general

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corporate purposes. As of October 28, 2023, letters of credit totaling $72.5 million were outstanding under our Revolving Credit Facility. There were no borrowings outstanding under the Revolving Credit Facility as of October 28, 2023.
Foreign Liquidity. The amount of cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments held by our foreign subsidiaries was $308.0 million as of October 28, 2023. During the fourth quarter of fiscal 2023, we evaluated the undistributed earnings of the foreign subsidiaries and identified approximately $222.0 million in earnings that we no longer consider to be indefinitely reinvested. We have recorded a provision of $2.5 million that reflects the income tax effects of the repatriation of these earnings. No additional income tax expense has been provided for any remaining undistributed foreign earnings, or any additional outside basis difference inherent in our foreign subsidiaries, as these amounts continue to be indefinitely reinvested. See Note 23 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this report.
Stock Repurchase Authorization. On December 9, 2021, we announced that our Board of Directors authorized a program to repurchase up to $1.0 billion of our common stock, which replaced in its entirety the previous stock repurchase program authorized in fiscal 2019. During fiscal 2023, we repurchased an additional $250.0 million of our common stock under the stock repurchase program, and we had $250.0 million remaining under the current repurchase authorization as of October 28, 2023. The amount and timing of any further repurchases under our stock repurchase program are subject to a variety of factors including liquidity, cash flow, stock price and general business and market conditions. The program may be modified, suspended, or discontinued at any time. See Note 22 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this report.
Liquidity Position. Based on past performance and current expectations, we believe that cash from operations, cash, cash equivalents, investments, and other sources of liquidity, including our Revolving Credit Facility, will satisfy our currently anticipated working capital needs, capital expenditures, and other liquidity requirements associated with our operations through the next 12 months and the reasonably foreseeable future. We regularly evaluate our liquidity position, debt obligations, and anticipated cash needs to fund our operating or investment plans, and will continue to consider capital raising and other market opportunities that may be available to us. We have historically been successful in our ability to secure such sources of financing; however, our access to these sources of capital could be materially and adversely impacted, and we may not be able to receive terms as favorable as we have historically received, whether due to inflation or other factors. We regularly evaluate alternatives to manage our capital structure and market opportunities to enhance our liquidity and provide further operational and strategic flexibility.
Cash Provided by Operating Activities
The following sections set forth the components of our $168.3 million of cash provided by operating activities for fiscal 2023:
Net Income (adjusted for non-cash charges)
The following table sets forth our net income (adjusted for non-cash charges) during fiscal 2023 (in thousands):
 Year Ended
 October 28, 2023
Net income$254,827 
Adjustments for non-cash charges: 
Loss on extinguishment of debt1,864 
Depreciation of equipment, building, furniture and fixtures, and amortization of leasehold improvements92,564 
Share-based compensation costs130,455 
Amortization of intangible assets49,616 
Deferred taxes(14,852)
Provision for inventory excess and obsolescence29,464 
Provision for warranty31,742 
Gain on cost method equity investments, net(26,368)
Net income (adjusted for non-cash charges)$565,083 

Working Capital


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We used $396.8 million of cash for working capital during fiscal 2023. The following table sets forth the major components of the cash used in working capital (in thousands):
 Year Ended
 October 28, 2023
Cash used in accounts receivable
Cash used in inventories
Cash used in prepaid expenses and other
Cash used in accounts payable, accruals and other obligations
Cash provided by deferred revenue
Cash used in operating lease assets and liabilities, net
Total cash used for working capital$(396,751)

As compared to the end of fiscal 2022:
The $94.6 million of cash used in accounts receivable during fiscal 2023 primarily reflects increased sales volume in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2023;
The $132.5 million of cash used in inventory during fiscal 2023 related to increases in finished goods inventories from planned fulfillment of customer advance orders for which some deliveries have since been rescheduled as described in “Overview” above;
The $52.0 million of cash used in prepaid expenses and other during fiscal 2023 primarily reflects increases in prepaid value added taxes;
The $138.5 million of cash used in accounts payable, accruals and other obligations during fiscal 2023 primarily reflects the timing of payments to suppliers, partially offset by a higher accrual rate related to Ciena’s 2023 annual cash incentive compensation plan;
The $27.4 million of cash provided by deferred revenue during fiscal 2023 represents an increase in advanced payments received on multi-year maintenance contracts from customers prior to revenue recognition; and
The $6.7 million of cash used in operating lease assets and liabilities, net, during fiscal 2023 represents cash paid for operating lease payments in excess of operating lease costs. For more details, see Note 18 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this report.
Our days sales outstanding (“DSOs”) were 95 for fiscal 2023, as compared to 107 for fiscal 2022. The calculation of DSOs includes accounts receivable, net and contract assets for unbilled receivables, net included in prepaid expenses and other. Our inventory turns slightly increased from 1.8 during fiscal 2022 to 2.0 during fiscal 2023 due to the supply chain beginning to stabilize as described above.
Cash Paid for Interest, Net
The following table sets forth the cash paid for interest, net during fiscal 2023 (in thousands):
 Year Ended
October 28, 2023
2025 Term Loan due September 28, 2025(1)
2030 Term Loan due January 19, 2030(2)
2030 New Term Loan due October 28, 2030(3)
2030 Senior Notes due January 31, 2030(4)
Interest rate swaps(5)
Revolving Credit Facilities(6)
Finance leases4,078 
Cash paid during period$84,465 


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(1) The 2025 Term Loan bore interest at LIBOR for the chosen borrowing period plus a spread of 1.75% subject to a minimum LIBOR rate of 0.00% prior to its amendment on January 19, 2023, and then bore interest at SOFR for the chosen borrowing period plus a spread of 1.75% subject to a minimum SOFR rate of 0.00%. The 2025 Term Loan was terminated on October 24, 2023.
(2) The 2030 Term Loan bore interest at SOFR for the chosen borrowing period plus a spread of 2.50% subject to a minimum SOFR rate of 0.00%. The 2030 Term Loan was terminated on October 24, 2023.
(3) Interest on the 2030 New Term Loan is payable periodically based on the interest period selected for borrowing. The 2030 New Term Loan bears interest at SOFR for the chosen borrowing period plus a spread of 2.00% subject to a minimum SOFR rate of 0.00%. At the end of fiscal 2023, the interest rate on the 2030 New Term Loan was 7.33%.
(4) The 2030 Senior Notes bear interest at a rate of 4.00% per annum and mature on January 31, 2030. Interest on the 2030 Notes is payable semiannually on January 31 and July 31 of each year.
(5) Our interest rate swaps fix the SOFR rate for $350.0 million of our Term Loans at 3.47% through January 2028 and another $350.0 million of our Term Loans at 2.968% through September 2025. In January 2023, we entered into a LIBOR to SOFR basis swap (“basis swap”). The basis swap and our LIBOR interest rate swaps, which matured in September 2023, fixed the SOFR rate for $350.0 million of our Term Loans at 2.883% from January to September 2023.
(6) During fiscal 2023, we issued certain standby letters of credit under the Revolving Credit Facility and its predecessor, the ABL Credit Facility and paid $2.1 million in commitment fees, interest expense and other administrative charges primarily relating to the ABL Credit Facility. The ABL Credit Facility was terminated on October 24, 2023.

For additional information about our short-term and long-term debt, revolving credit facilities and derivative instruments, see Notes 16, 19 and 20 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report and Item 7A of Part II of this annual report.

Contractual Obligations
Debt. As of October 28, 2023, we had $1.2 billion outstanding principal associated with our 2030 New Term Loan, with $8.8 million maturing within 12 months. Interest payments on the 2030 New Term Loan and payments to be received under the interest rate swaps are variable and are calculated using the interest rate in effect as of the October 28, 2023. Future interest payments associated with the 2030 New Term Loan totaled $589.7 million, with $87.2 million payable within 12 months. As of October 28, 2023, we had $400.0 million outstanding principal associated with the 2030 Notes payable January 31, 2030. Future interest payments associated with the 2030 Notes totaled $104.0 million, with $16.0 million payable within 12 months. Future interest payments to be received net of payments under the interest rate swaps totaled $44.4 million, with $15.1 million to be received within 12 months. For additional information about our short-term and long-term debt and interest rate swaps, see Notes 16 and 19 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report and Item 7A of Part II of this annual report.
Purchase Order Obligations. As of October 28, 2023, we had $1.7 billion in outstanding purchase order commitments to our contract manufacturers and component suppliers for inventory. In certain instances, we are permitted to cancel, reschedule or adjust these orders. Consequently, only a portion of this amount relates to firm, non-cancelable and unconditional obligations.
Leases. We have lease arrangements for facilities including research and development centers, engineering facilities and smaller offices in regions throughout the world to support sales and services operations. Office facilities are leased under various non-cancelable operating or finance leases. As of October 28, 2023, we had fixed lease payment obligations of $125.7 million, with $25.8 million payable within 12 months. See Note 18 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report.

Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
We do not engage in any off-balance sheet financing arrangements. In particular, we do not have any equity interests in so-called limited purpose entities, which include special purpose entities (SPEs) and structured finance entities.

Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates

The preparation of our consolidated financial statements requires that we make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and expense, and related disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. Note 1 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report describes the significant accounting

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policies and methods used in the preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements. By their nature, these estimates and judgments are subject to an inherent degree of uncertainty. On an ongoing basis, we reevaluate our estimates, including those related to revenue recognition, share-based compensation, bad debts, inventories, intangible and other long-lived assets, goodwill, income taxes, warranty obligations, restructuring, derivatives and hedging, and contingencies and litigation. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that we believe to be reasonable. Among other things, these estimates form the basis for judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ materially from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions. To the extent that there are material differences between our estimates and actual results, our consolidated financial statements will be affected.

We believe that the following critical accounting policies reflect those areas where significant judgments and estimates are used in the preparation of our consolidated financial statements.

Revenue Recognition

Revenue is allocated among performance obligations based on standalone selling price (“SSP”). SSP reflects the price at which we would expect to sell that product or service on a stand-alone basis at contract inception and that we would expect to be entitled to receive for the promised products or services. SSP is estimated for each distinct performance obligation and judgment may be required in its determination. The best evidence of SSP is the observable price of a product or service when we sell the products separately in similar circumstances and to similar customers. In instances where SSP is not directly observable, we determine SSP using information that may include market conditions and other observable inputs.

We apply judgment in determining the transaction price, as we may be required to estimate variable consideration when determining the amount of revenue to recognize. Variable consideration can include various rebate, cooperative marketing, and other incentive programs that we offer to our distributors, partners and customers. When determining the amount of revenue to recognize, we estimate the expected usage of these programs, applying the expected value or most likely estimate and updates the estimate at each reporting period as actual utilization data becomes available. We also consider any customer right of return and any actual or potential payment of liquidated damages, contractual or similar penalties, or other claims for performance failures or delays in determining the transaction price, where applicable.

When transfer of control is judged to be over time for installation and professional service arrangements, we apply the input method to determine the amount of revenue to be recognized in a given period. Utilizing the input method, we recognize revenue based on the ratio of actual costs incurred to date to the total estimated costs expected to be incurred. Revenue for software subscription and maintenance is recognized ratably over the period during which the services are performed.

Our total deferred revenue for products was $28.4 million and $19.8 million as of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, respectively. Our services revenue is deferred and recognized ratably over the period during which the services are to be performed. Our total deferred revenue for services was $200.1 million and $180.4 million as of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, respectively.

Business Combinations

We record acquisitions using the purchase method of accounting. All of the assets acquired, liabilities assumed, contractual contingencies and contingent consideration are recognized at their fair value as of the acquisition date. The excess of the purchase price over the estimated fair values of the net tangible and net intangible assets acquired is recorded as goodwill. The application of the purchase method of accounting for business combinations requires management to make significant estimates and assumptions in the determination of the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed in order to allocate purchase price consideration properly between assets that are depreciated and amortized from goodwill. These assumptions and estimates include a market participant’s use of the asset and the appropriate discount rates for a market participant. Our estimates are based on historical experience, information obtained from the management of the acquired companies and, when appropriate, include assistance from independent third-party appraisal firms. Our significant assumptions and estimates can include, but are not limited to, the cash flows that an asset is expected to generate in the future, the appropriate weighted-average cost of capital, and the cost savings expected to be derived from acquiring an asset. These estimates are inherently uncertain and unpredictable. In addition, unanticipated events and circumstances may occur that may affect the accuracy or validity of such estimates. During fiscal 2022, we completed the acquisitions of AT&T’s Vyatta Software Technology (“Vyatta”) and Xelic, Inc. (“Xelic”) for an aggregate purchase price of $64.1 million. During fiscal 2023, we completed the acquisitions of Benu and Tibit for an aggregate purchase price of $291.7 million. See Note 4 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report for more information regarding these transactions.


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Share-Based Compensation

We estimate the fair value of our restricted stock unit awards based on the fair value of our common stock on the date of grant. Our outstanding restricted stock unit awards are subject to service-based vesting conditions and/or performance-based vesting conditions. We recognize the estimated fair value of service-based awards as share-based expense ratably over the vesting period on a straight-line basis. Awards with performance-based vesting conditions require the achievement of certain financial or other performance criteria or targets as a condition to the vesting, or acceleration of vesting. We recognize the estimated fair value of performance-based awards as share-based expense over the performance period, using graded vesting, which considers each performance period or tranche separately, based on our determination of whether it is probable that the performance targets will be achieved. At the end of each reporting period, we reassess the probability of achieving the performance targets and the performance period required to meet those targets, and the expense is adjusted accordingly. Determining whether the performance targets will be achieved involves judgment, and the estimate of expense may be revised periodically based on changes in the probability of achieving the performance targets. Revisions are reflected in the period in which the estimate is changed. If any performance goals are not met, no compensation cost is ultimately recognized against that goal and, to the extent previously recognized, compensation cost is reversed.

Share-based compensation expense is taken into account based on awards granted. In the event of a forfeiture of an award, the expense related to the unvested portion of that award is reversed. Reversal of share-based compensation expense based on forfeitures can materially affect the measurement of estimated fair value of our share-based compensation. See Note 24 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report for information regarding our assumptions related to share-based compensation and the amount of share-based compensation expense we incurred for the periods covered in this report. As of October 28, 2023, total unrecognized compensation expense was $201.0 million, which relates to unvested restricted stock units and is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.39 years.

We are required to record excess tax benefits or tax deficiencies related to stock-based compensation as income tax benefit or expense when share-based awards vest or are settled.

Reserve for Inventory Obsolescence

We make estimates about future customer demand for our products when establishing the appropriate reserve for excess and obsolete inventory. For fiscal 2023, future demand was calculated using both customer backlog and future forecasted sales. For fiscal 2022, future demand was calculated primarily based on customer backlog. Generally, our customers may cancel or change their orders with limited advance notice, or they may decide not to accept our products and services, although instances of both cancellation and non-acceptance are rare. We write down inventory that has become obsolete or unmarketable by an amount equal to the difference between the cost of inventory and the estimated net realizable value based on assumptions about future demand, which are affected by changes in our strategic direction, discontinuance of a product or introduction of newer versions of our products, declines in the sales of or forecasted demand for certain products, and general market conditions. Inventory write downs are a component of our product cost of goods sold. Upon recognition of the write down, a new lower cost basis for that inventory is established, and subsequent changes in facts and circumstances do not result in the restoration or increase in that newly established cost basis. In an effort to limit our exposure to delivery delays and to satisfy customer needs, we purchase inventory based on forecasted sales across our product lines. Beginning in the second half of fiscal 2021, we started placing significant, advanced orders for supply of certain long lead time components to address our expected customer demand for fiscal 2022 and the then-emerging supply chain challenges. During the second half of fiscal 2023, supply for certain long lead time components began to stabilize and the need to place advance orders decreased for these components. As of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, we had $1.7 billion and $2.6 billion, respectively, in outstanding purchase order commitments to our contract manufacturers and component suppliers for inventory. In addition, part of our research and development strategy is to promote the convergence of similar features and functionalities across our product lines. Each of these practices exposes us to the risk that our customers will not order products for which we have forecasted sales, or will purchase less than we have forecasted.

We recorded charges for excess and obsolete inventory of $29.5 million, $16.2 million and $17.9 million in fiscal 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively. Our inventory, net of allowance for excess and obsolescence, was $1.1 billion and $946.7 million as of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, respectively.

Allowance for Credit Losses for Accounts Receivable and Contract Assets

We estimate our allowances for credit losses using relevant available information from internal and external sources. This information is related to past events, current conditions and reasonable and supportable forecasts. Historical credit loss experience provides the basis for the estimation of expected credit losses. When assessing for credit losses, we determine

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collectability by pooling assets with similar characteristics. The allowances for credit losses are each measured on a collective basis when similar risk characteristics exist. The allowances for credit losses are each measured by multiplying the exposure probability of default (the probability that the asset will default within a given time frame) by the loss given default rate (the percentage of the asset not expected to be collected due to default) based on the pool of assets.

Probability of default rates is published by third-party credit rating agencies. Adjustments to our exposure probability may take into account a number of factors, including, but not limited to, various customer-specific factors, the potential sovereign risk of the geographic locations in which the customer is operating and macroeconomic conditions. These factors are updated regularly or when facts and circumstances indicate that an update is deemed necessary.

Our accounts receivable, net of allowance for credit losses, was $1.0 billion and $920.8 million as of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, respectively. Our allowance for credit losses was $11.7 million and $11.0 million as of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, respectively.

Our contract assets for unbilled accounts receivable, net of allowance for credit losses, was $150.3 million and $156.0 million as of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, respectively. Our allowance for credit losses was $0.1 million and $0.2 million as of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, respectively.

Our goodwill was generated from the acquisitions of (i) Cyan, Inc. during fiscal 2015, (ii) the high-speed photonics components assets of TeraXion, Inc. during fiscal 2016, (iii) Packet Design, LLC and DonRiver Holdings, LLC during fiscal 2019, (iv) Centina Systems, Inc. during fiscal 2020, (v) Vyatta and Xelic during fiscal 2022 and (vi) Benu and Tibit during fiscal 2023. The goodwill from these acquisitions is primarily related to expected economic synergies. Goodwill is the excess of the purchase price over the fair values assigned to the net assets acquired in a business combination. We test goodwill for impairment on an annual basis, which we have determined to be as of the last business day of fiscal September each year. We also test goodwill for impairment between annual tests if an event occurs or circumstances change that would, more likely than not, reduce the fair value of the reporting unit below its carrying value.

We test goodwill impairment by comparing the fair value of the reporting unit with the unit’s carrying amount, including goodwill. Goodwill is allocated to reporting units based on relative fair value using a discounted cash flow model. If this test indicates that the fair value is less than the carrying value, then an impairment loss is recognized limited to the total amount of goodwill allocated to that reporting unit. A non-cash goodwill impairment charge would have the effect of decreasing earnings or increasing losses in such period. If we are required to take a substantial impairment charge, our operating results would be materially adversely affected in such period. As of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, the goodwill balance was $444.8 million and $328.3 million, respectively. There were no goodwill impairments resulting from our fiscal 2023 and 2022 impairment tests and no reporting unit was determined to be at risk of failing the goodwill impairment test. See Note 14 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report.

Long-lived Assets

Our long-lived assets include equipment, building, furniture and fixtures, operating right-of-use assets, finite-lived intangible assets and maintenance spares. As of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, these assets totaled $575.0 million and $427.2 million, net, respectively. We test long-lived assets for impairment whenever triggering events or changes in circumstances indicate that the assets’ carrying amount is not recoverable from its undiscounted cash flows. Our long-lived assets are assigned to asset groups which represent the lowest level for which we identify cash flows. We measure impairment loss as the amount by which the carrying amount of the asset or asset group exceeds its fair value.

Deferred Tax Assets

Pursuant to ASC Topic 740, Income Taxes, we maintain a valuation allowance for a deferred tax asset when it is deemed to be more likely than not that some or all of the deferred tax asset will not be realized. The ultimate realization of deferred tax assets is dependent on the generation of future taxable income (including the reversals of deferred tax liabilities) during the periods in which those deferred tax assets will become deductible. In evaluating whether a valuation allowance is required under such rules, we consider all available positive and negative evidence, including prior operating results, the nature and reason for any losses, our forecast of future taxable income, utilization of tax planning strategies, and the dates on which any deferred tax assets are expected to expire. These assumptions and estimates require a significant amount of judgment and are made based on current and projected circumstances and conditions.


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Quarterly, we perform an analysis to determine the likelihood of realizing our deferred tax assets and whether sufficient evidence exists to support reversal of all or a portion of the valuation allowance. The valuation allowance balances at October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022 were $189.9 million and $162.1 million, respectively. The corresponding net deferred tax assets were $809.3 million and $824.0 million, respectively. We will continue to evaluate future financial performance to determine whether such performance is both sustained and significant enough to provide sufficient evidence to support reversal of all or a portion of the remaining valuation allowance. The value of our net deferred tax asset may be subject to change in the future, depending on our generation or projections of future taxable income, as well as changes in tax policy or our tax planning strategy.

During fiscal 2021, we completed an internal transfer of certain of our non-U.S. intangible assets, which created amortizable tax basis resulting in the discrete recognition of a $119.3 million deferred tax asset with a corresponding tax benefit. The recognition of the deferred tax asset from the internal transfer of the non-U.S. intangible assets requires management to make estimates and assumptions to determine the fair value of the intangible assets transferred and significant judgments in evaluating the application of tax laws in the applicable jurisdictions, including where the deferred tax asset will be recovered. Estimates in valuing the intangible assets include, but are not limited to, internal revenue and expense forecasts, the estimated life of the intangible assets, and discount rates, which are affected by expectations about future market or economic conditions. Although we believe the assumptions and estimates that we have made are reasonable and appropriate, they are based, in part, on historical experience and are inherently uncertain.

For further discussion, see Note 23 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report.


Our liability for product warranties, included in accrued liabilities and other short-term obligations, was $57.1 million and $45.5 million as of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, respectively. Our products are generally covered by a warranty for periods ranging from one to five years. We accrue for warranty costs as part of our cost of goods sold based on associated material costs, technical support labor costs and associated overhead. Material cost is estimated based primarily on historical trends in the volume of product returns within the warranty period and the cost to repair or replace the equipment. Technical support labor cost is estimated based primarily on historical trends and the cost to support customer repairs within the warranty period. The provision for product warranties, net of adjustments for previous years’ provisions, was $31.7 million, $17.4 million and $17.1 million for fiscal 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The provision for warranty claims may fluctuate on a quarterly basis depending on the mix of products and customers in that period. If actual product failure rates, material replacement costs, service or labor costs differ from our estimates, revisions to the estimated warranty provision would be required. See Note 15 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report.

Effects of Recent Accounting Pronouncements

See Note 1 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report for information relating to our discussion of the effects of recent accounting pronouncements.     


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Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

We are exposed to market risk related to changes in interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates. The following discussion about these market risks includes forward-looking statements. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in these forward-looking statements.

Interest Rate Sensitivity. We maintain an investment portfolio of various holdings, types, and maturities. See Notes 7 and 8 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report for information relating to investments and fair value. These investments are sensitive to interest rate movements, and their fair value will decline as interest rates rise and increase as interest rates decline. The estimated impact on these investments of a 100 basis point (1.0%) increase in interest rates across the yield curve from rates in effect as of the balance sheet date would be a $2.3 million decline in value.

Our earnings and cash flows from operations would be exposed to changes in interest rates because of the floating rate of interest on our 2030 New Term Loan if such loan were not hedged using floating-to-fixed rate interest rate swaps. See Note 16 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report. We have entered into interest rate swaps that fix the floating rate for $350.0 million of our floating rate debt at 2.968% from September 2023 through September 2025, and another $350.0 million of our floating rate debt at 3.47% from January 2023 through January 2028. As such, a 100 basis point (1.0%) increase in the SOFR rate as of our most recent SOFR rate setting would increase our annualized interest expense by approximately $4.7 million on the unhedged portion of our 2030 New Term Loan as recognized in our Consolidated Financial Statements. See Notes 16 and 19 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report for information relating to our 2030 New Term Loan.

Foreign Currency Exchange Risk. As a global concern, our business and results of operations are exposed to and can be impacted by movements in foreign currency exchange rates. Because we sell globally, some of our sales transactions and revenue are non-U.S. Dollar denominated, with the Euro, Canadian Dollar and British Pound being our most significant foreign currency revenue exposures. If the U.S. Dollar strengthens against these currencies, our revenue for these transactions reported in U.S. Dollars would decline. For our U.S. Dollar denominated sales, an increase in the value of the U.S. Dollar would increase the real costs of our products to customers in markets outside the United States, which could impact our competitive position. During fiscal 2023, approximately 14.9% of revenue was non-U.S. Dollar denominated. During fiscal 2023 as compared to fiscal 2022, the U.S. Dollar primarily strengthened against a number of foreign currencies. Consequently, our revenue reported in U.S. Dollars was adversely impacted by approximately $4.7 million or 0.1%. As it relates to costs of goods sold, employee-related and facilities costs associated with certain manufacturing-related operations in Canada represent our primary exposure to foreign currency exchange risk.

With regard to operating expense, our primary exposure to foreign currency exchange risk relates to the Canadian Dollar, Indian Rupee and Euro. During fiscal 2023, approximately 49.4% of our operating expense was non-U.S. Dollar denominated. If these foreign currencies strengthen against the U.S. Dollar, costs reported in U.S. Dollars will increase. During fiscal 2023 as compared to fiscal 2022, the U.S. Dollar primarily strengthened against these and other currencies. Consequently, our operating expense reported in U.S. Dollars decreased by approximately $23.3 million, or 1.5%, net of hedging impact.

From time to time, we use foreign currency forward contracts to reduce variability in certain forecasted non-U.S. Dollar denominated cash flows. Generally, these derivatives have maturities of 24 months or less and are designated as cash flow hedges. At the inception of the cash flow hedge, and on an ongoing basis, we assess whether the forward contract has been effective in offsetting changes in cash flows attributable to the hedged risk during the hedging period. The derivative’s net gain or loss is initially reported as a component of accumulated other comprehensive loss and, upon the occurrence of the forecasted transaction, is subsequently reclassified to the line item in the Consolidated Statements of Operations to which the hedged transaction relates.

During fiscal 2023, we recorded $0.4 million in foreign currency exchange losses, as a result of monetary assets and liabilities that were transacted in a currency other than the entity’s functional currency, and the re-measurement adjustments were recorded in interest and other income (loss), net on our Consolidated Statements of Operations. From time to time, we use foreign currency forwards to hedge these balance sheet exposures. These forwards are not designated as hedges for accounting purposes, and any net gain or loss associated with these derivatives is reported in interest and other income (loss), net. During fiscal 2023, we recorded losses on non-hedge designated foreign currency forward contracts of $3.9 million. See Notes 1, 6 and 16 to our Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report.

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Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data
The following is an index to the consolidated financial statements:

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Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of Ciena Corporation

Opinions on the Financial Statements and Internal Control over Financial Reporting

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Ciena Corporation and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) as of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, and the related consolidated statements of operations, of comprehensive income, of changes in stockholders’ equity and of cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended October 28, 2023, including the related notes (collectively referred to as the “consolidated financial statements”). We also have audited the Company's internal control over financial reporting as of October 28, 2023, based on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended October 28, 2023 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Also in our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of October 28, 2023, based on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the COSO.

Basis for Opinions

The Company's management is responsible for these consolidated financial statements, for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting, and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, included in the Report of Management on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting appearing under Item 9A. Our responsibility is to express opinions on the Company’s consolidated financial statements and on the Company's internal control over financial reporting based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud, and whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects.

Our audits of the consolidated financial statements included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. Our audit of internal control over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our audits also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions.

Definition and Limitations of Internal Control over Financial Reporting

A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that
(i) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (ii) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

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Critical Audit Matters

The critical audit matter communicated below is a matter arising from the current period audit of the consolidated financial statements that was communicated or required to be communicated to the audit committee and that (i) relates to accounts or disclosures that are material to the consolidated financial statements and (ii) involved our especially challenging, subjective, or complex judgments. The communication of critical audit matters does not alter in any way our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, taken as a whole, and we are not, by communicating the critical audit matter below, providing a separate opinion on the critical audit matter or on the accounts or disclosures to which it relates.

Reserve for Excess and Obsolete Inventory

As described in Notes 1 and 10 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company’s consolidated inventory balance, net of the allowance for excess and obsolescence, was $1.1 billion as of October 28, 2023. Management records a provision for excess and obsolete inventory when an impairment has been identified and has a reserve for excess and obsolete inventory of $50.0 million as of October 28, 2023. Management writes down its inventory for estimated obsolescence or unmarketable inventory by an amount equal to the difference between the cost of inventory and the estimated net realizable value based on assumptions about future demand, which are affected by changes in the Company’s strategic direction, discontinuance of a product or introduction of newer versions of products, declines in the sales of or forecasted demand for certain products, and general market conditions.

The principal considerations for our determination that performing procedures relating to the reserve for excess and obsolete inventory is a critical audit matter are the significant judgment by management when developing their estimate, which in turn led to a high degree of auditor judgment, subjectivity, and effort to perform procedures and evaluate the audit evidence obtained relating to the assumptions regarding future demand.

Addressing the matter involved performing procedures and evaluating audit evidence in connection with forming our overall opinion on the consolidated financial statements. These procedures included testing the effectiveness of controls relating to the Company’s evaluation of the reserve for excess and obsolete inventory, including controls over the assumptions used within the model. These procedures also included, among others, testing management’s process for determining the reserve for excess and obsolete inventory. This included evaluating the appropriateness of the inventory reserve model and the reasonableness of the significant assumptions relating to the future demand. Evaluating the assumptions related to future demand involved evaluating whether the assumptions used were reasonable considering historical sales and expectations regarding future sales. Testing management's process for determining future demand included procedures to evaluate the reliability, completeness and relevance of management's data used in the future demand assumption. Testing the relevance and reliability of the data included evaluating the reasonableness of the long-term sales forecasts and historical activity.

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Baltimore, Maryland
December 15, 2023

We have served as the Company’s auditor since 1992.


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(in thousands, except share data)
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022
Current assets: 
Cash and cash equivalents$1,010,618 $994,352 
Short-term investments104,753 153,989 
Accounts receivable, net1,003,876 920,772 
Inventories, net1,050,838 946,730 
Prepaid expenses and other405,694 370,053 
Total current assets3,575,779 3,385,896 
Long-term investments134,278 35,385 
Equipment, building, furniture and fixtures, net280,147 267,779 
Operating right-of-use assets35,140 45,108 
Goodwill444,765 328,322 
Other intangible assets, net205,627 69,517 
Deferred tax asset, net809,306 824,008 
Other long-term assets116,453 113,617 
Total assets$5,601,495 $5,069,632 
Current liabilities: 
Accounts payable$317,828 $516,047 
Accrued liabilities and other short-term obligations431,419 360,782 
Deferred revenue154,419 137,899 
Operating lease liabilities16,655 18,925 
Current portion of long-term debt11,700 6,930 
Total current liabilities932,021 1,040,583 
Long-term deferred revenue74,041 62,336 
Other long-term obligations170,407 150,335 
Long-term operating lease liabilities33,259 42,392 
Long-term debt, net1,543,406 1,061,125 
Total liabilities2,753,134 2,356,771 
Commitments and contingencies (Note 27)
Stockholders’ equity: 
Preferred stock — par value $0.01; 20,000,000 shares authorized; zero shares issued and outstanding
Common stock — par value $0.01; 290,000,000 shares authorized; 144,829,938 and 148,412,943 shares issued and outstanding
1,448 1,484 
Additional paid-in capital6,262,083 6,390,252 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss(37,767)(46,645)
Accumulated deficit(3,377,403)(3,632,230)
Total stockholders’ equity2,848,361 2,712,861 
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity$5,601,495 $5,069,632 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

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(in thousands, except per share data)
 Year Ended
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022October 30, 2021
Products$3,581,039 $2,888,848 $2,932,602 
Services805,510 743,813 688,082 
Total revenue4,386,549 3,632,661 3,620,684 
Cost of goods sold: 
Products2,088,440 1,699,631 1,545,269 
Services419,258 372,686 353,436 
Total cost of goods sold2,507,698 2,072,317 1,898,705 
Gross profit1,878,851 1,560,344 1,721,979 
Operating expenses: 
Research and development750,559 624,656 536,666 
Selling and marketing490,804 466,565 452,214 
General and administrative215,284 179,382 181,874 
Significant asset impairments and restructuring costs23,834 33,824 29,565 
Amortization of intangible assets37,351 32,511 23,732 
Acquisition and integration costs3,474 598 2,572 
Total operating expenses1,521,306 1,337,536 1,226,623 
Income from operations357,545 222,808 495,356 
Interest and other income (loss), net62,008 6,747 (1,768)
Interest expense(88,026)(47,050)(30,837)
Loss on extinguishment and modification of debt(7,874)  
Income before income taxes323,653 182,505 462,751 
Provision (benefit) for income taxes68,826 29,603 (37,445)
Net income$254,827 $152,902 $500,196 
Basic net income per common share$1.71 $1.01 $3.22 
Diluted net income per potential common share$1.71 $1.00 $3.19 
Weighted average basic common shares outstanding148,971 151,208 155,279 
Weighted average diluted potential common shares outstanding149,380 152,193 156,743 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

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(in thousands)
 Year Ended
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022October 30, 2021
Net income$254,827 $152,902 $500,196 
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on available-for-sale securities, net of tax2,593 (2,801)(209)
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on foreign currency forward contracts, net of tax2,041 (16,413)6,435 
Change in unrealized gain on interest rate swaps, net of tax9,565 21,576 9,356 
Change in cumulative translation adjustments(5,321)(49,446)20,215 
Other comprehensive income gain (loss)8,878 (47,084)35,797 
Total comprehensive income$263,705 $105,818 $535,993 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


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(in thousands, except share data)

2020年10月31日餘額154,563,005 $1,546 $6,826,531 $(35,358)$(4,283,122)$2,509,597 
淨收入— — — — 500,196 500,196 
其他全面收益— — — 35,797 — 35,797 
普通股回購-回購計劃,淨(1,696,949)(17)(92,071)— — (92,088)
員工股權計劃發行股份2,826,399 28 28,429 — — 28,457 
基於股份的薪酬費用— — 84,336 — — 84,336 
因股票單位獎勵歸屬而扣稅而回購的股份(833,474)(8)(44,063)— — (44,071)
採用新會計準則的影響— — — — (2,206)(2,206)
2021年10月30日餘額154,858,981 1,549 6,803,162 439 (3,785,132)3,020,018 
淨收入— — — — 152,902 152,902 
其他綜合損失— — — (47,084)— (47,084)
普通股回購-回購計劃,淨(8,433,957)(84)(499,916)— — (500,000)
員工股權計劃發行股份2,807,123 27 30,321 — — 30,348 
基於股份的薪酬費用— — 105,131 — — 105,131 
因股票單位獎勵歸屬而扣稅而回購的股份(819,204)(8)(48,446)— — (48,454)
2022年10月29日餘額148,412,943 1,484 6,390,252 (46,645)(3,632,230)2,712,861 
淨收入— — — — 254,827 254,827 
其他全面收益— — — 8,878 — 8,878 
普通股回購-回購計劃,淨(5,672,123)(57)(251,454)— — (251,511)
員工股權計劃發行股份2,900,038 29 31,328 — — 31,357 
基於股份的薪酬費用— — 130,455 — — 130,455 
因股票單位獎勵歸屬而扣稅而回購的股份(810,920)(8)(38,498)— — (38,506)
2023年10月28日餘額144,829,938 $1,448 $6,262,083 $(37,767)$(3,377,403)$2,848,361 


淨收入$254,827 $152,902 $500,196 
設備、建築物、傢俱和固定裝置的折舊以及租賃物改良的攤銷92,564 95,922 96,233 
股份報酬費用130,455 105,131 84,336 
無形資產攤銷49,616 44,281 36,033 
庫存過剩和報廢撥備29,464 16,184 17,850 
保證確認撥備31,742 17,440 17,093 
其他15,771 4,120 14,689 
經營租賃使用權資產14,190 16,453 16,632 
應付賬款、應計費用和其他義務(138,469)100,327 162,134 
遞延收入27,412 26,380 16,822 
經營活動提供(用於)的淨現金168,332 (167,756)541,646 
銷售收益和投資到期日208,104 702,197 150,000 
出售成本法股權投資收益  4,678 
購買成本法股權投資 (8,000) 
外幣遠期合同結算,淨額(2,984)4,942 4,680 
發行優先票據的收益 400,000  
普通股發行收益31,357 30,348 28,457 
融資活動提供(用於)的淨現金229,380 (133,055)(116,835)
匯率變化對現金、現金等值物和受限制現金的影響2,150 (26,167)(198)
現金、現金等值物和限制性現金淨增加(減少)16,408 (428,226)333,896 
財年初現金、現金等值物和限制現金994,378 1,422,604 1,088,708 
財年結束時的現金、現金等值物和限制現金$1,010,786 $994,378 $1,422,604 
本財年支付的利息現金$84,465 $42,812 $29,864 
本財年支付的所得稅現金,淨額$78,242 $34,967 $73,127 
經營租賃付款$22,782 $21,661 $24,058 
應付賬款中的設備採購$6,990 $12,373 $10,138 
回購計劃應計負債中回購普通股 $9,310 $ $800 
須承擔租賃負債的經營租賃使用權資產$10,236 $23,242 $4,356 
成本法股權投資收益$26,368 $4,120 $164 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

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Description of Business
Ciena Corporation (“Ciena” or the “Company”) is a network platform, software, and services company, providing solutions that enable a wide range of network operators to deploy and manage next-generation networks that deliver services to businesses and consumers. Ciena provides hardware, software and services that support the delivery of video, data and voice traffic over core, metro, aggregation and access communications networks. Ciena’s solutions are used globally by communications service providers, cable and multiservice operators, cloud providers, submarine network operators, governments, and enterprises across multiple industry verticals.

Ciena’s portfolio is designed to enable the Adaptive Network™, Ciena’s vision for a network end state that leverages a programmable and scalable network infrastructure, driven by software control and automation capabilities, that is informed by network analytics and intelligence. By transforming network infrastructures into dynamic, programmable environments driven by automation and analytics, network operators can realize greater business agility, adapt dynamically to changing end-user service demands and rapidly introduce new revenue-generating services. They can also gain valuable real-time network insights, allowing them to optimize network performance and maximize the return on their network infrastructure investment.

Ciena’s solutions include Networking Platforms, including its Optical Networking portfolio and Routing and Switching portfolio, which can be applied from the network core to end-user access points, and which allow network operators to scale capacity, increase transmission speeds, allocate traffic efficiently and adapt dynamically to changing end-user service demands. Ciena’s Optical Networking portfolio, which was previously referred to as Ciena’s Converged Packet Optical portfolio, includes products that support long haul and regional networks, submarine and data center interconnect networks, and metro and edge networks. Ciena’s Routing and Switching portfolio includes products and solutions that enable efficient internet protocol (“IP”) transport in next-generation metro, core, aggregation, and access networks, including in enterprise edge and broadband access applications.

To complement its Networking Platforms, Ciena offers Platform Software, which includes its Manage, Control and Plan (“MCP”) applications that deliver advanced multi-layer domain control and operations. Ciena, through its Blue Planet® Software, also enables complete service lifecycle management automation with productized operational support systems (“OSS”), which include inventory, orchestration and assurance solutions that help its customers to achieve closed loop automation across multi-vendor and multi-domain environments.

In addition to its systems and software, Ciena also offers a broad range of services that help its customers build, operate and improve their networks and associated operational environments. These include network transformation, consulting, implementation, systems integration, maintenance, network operations center (“NOC”) management, learning, and optimization services.

Basis of Presentation

The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Ciena and its wholly owned subsidiaries. All intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.
Ciena has a 52 or 53-week fiscal year, which ends on the Saturday nearest to the last day of October in each year (October 28, 2023, October 29, 2022, and October 30, 2021, for the periods reported). Fiscal 2023, fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2021 each consisted of a 52-week fiscal year.

Business Combinations

Ciena records acquisitions using the purchase method of accounting. All of the assets acquired, liabilities assumed, contractual contingencies and contingent consideration are recognized at their fair value as of the acquisition date. The excess of the purchase price over the estimated fair values of the net tangible and net intangible assets acquired is recorded as goodwill. The application of the purchase method of accounting for business combinations requires management to make significant estimates and assumptions in the determination of the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed, in order to properly allocate purchase price consideration between assets that are depreciated and amortized from goodwill. These assumptions and estimates include a market participant’s use of the asset and the appropriate discount rates for a market participant. Ciena’s estimates are based on historical experience, information obtained from the management of the acquired companies and, when appropriate, include assistance from independent third-party appraisal firms. Significant assumptions and

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estimates can include, but are not limited to, the cash flows that an asset is expected to generate in the future, the appropriate weighted-average cost of capital and the cost savings expected to be derived from acquiring an asset. These estimates are inherently uncertain and unpredictable. In addition, unanticipated events and circumstances may occur which may affect the accuracy or validity of such estimates.
Use of Estimates

The preparation of the financial statements and related disclosures in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”) requires management to make estimates and judgments that affect the amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes. Estimates are used for selling prices for multiple element arrangements, shared-based compensation, bad debts, valuation of inventories and investments, recoverability of intangible assets, other long-lived assets and goodwill, income taxes, warranty obligations, restructuring liabilities, derivatives, contingencies and litigation. Ciena bases its estimates on historical experience and assumptions that it believes are reasonable. Actual results may differ materially from management’s estimates.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

Ciena considers all highly liquid investments purchased with original maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents. Any restricted cash collateralizing letters of credit is included in other current assets and other long-term assets depending on the duration of the restriction.


Ciena’s investments in debt securities are classified as available-for-sale and reported at fair value, with unrealized gains and losses recorded in accumulated other comprehensive loss. Ciena recognizes losses in the income statement when it determines that declines in the fair value of its investments below their cost basis are other-than-temporary. In determining whether a decline in fair value is other-than-temporary, Ciena considers various factors, including market price (when available), investment ratings, the financial condition and near-term prospects of the investee, the length of time and the extent to which the fair value has been less than Ciena’s cost basis, and Ciena’s intent and ability to hold the investment until maturity or for a period of time sufficient to allow for any anticipated recovery in market value. Ciena considers all marketable debt securities that it expects to convert to cash within one year or less to be short-term investments, with all others considered to be long-term investments.

Ciena has minority equity investments in privately held technology companies that are classified in other long-term assets. These investments are carried at cost because Ciena owns less than 20% of the voting equity and does not have the ability to exercise significant influence over the company. Ciena monitors these investments for impairment and makes appropriate reductions to the carrying value when necessary. As of October 28, 2023, the combined carrying value of these investments was minimal. Ciena elects to estimate the fair value at cost minus impairment, if any, plus or minus observable price changes in orderly transactions for identical or similar investments of the same issuer. Ciena evaluates these investments for impairment or observable price changes quarterly and records adjustments to interest and other income (loss), net on the Consolidated Statements of Operations.


Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market, with cost computed using standard cost, which approximates actual cost, on a first-in, first-out basis. Ciena records a provision for excess and obsolete inventory when an impairment has been identified.

Segment Reporting

Ciena’s chief operating decision maker, its chief executive officer, evaluates the Company’s performance and allocates resources based on multiple factors, including measures of segment profit (loss). Operating segments are defined as components of an enterprise that engage in business activities that may earn revenue and incur expense, for which discrete financial information is available, and for which such information is evaluated regularly by the chief operating decision maker for purposes of allocating resources and assessing performance. Ciena has the following operating segments for reporting purposes: (i) Networking Platforms; (ii) Platform Software and Services; (iii) Blue Planet Automation Software and Services; and (iv) Global Services. See Note 25 below.


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Goodwill is the excess of the purchase price over the fair values assigned to the net assets acquired in a business combination. Ciena tests goodwill for impairment on an annual basis, which it has determined to be the last business day of fiscal September each year. Ciena also tests goodwill for impairment between annual tests if an event occurs or circumstances change that would, more likely than not, reduce the fair value of the reporting unit below its carrying value.

Annually, Ciena tests goodwill impairment qualitatively, or quantitatively by comparing the fair value of the reporting unit with the unit’s carrying amount, including goodwill. If this test indicates that the fair value is less than the carrying value, then an impairment loss is recognized limited to the total amount of goodwill allocated to that reporting unit. A non-cash goodwill impairment charge would have the effect of decreasing earnings or increasing losses in such period. If Ciena is required to take a substantial impairment charge, its operating results would be materially adversely affected in such period.

Long-lived Assets

Long-lived assets include equipment, building, furniture and fixtures, operating right-of-use (“ROU”) assets, finite-lived intangible assets and maintenance spares. Ciena tests long-lived assets for impairment whenever triggering events or changes in circumstances indicate that the asset’s carrying amount is not recoverable from its undiscounted cash flows. An impairment loss is measured as the amount by which the carrying amount of the asset or asset group exceeds its fair value. Ciena’s long-lived assets are assigned to asset groups that represent the lowest level for which cash flows can be identified.

Equipment, Building, Furniture and Fixtures and Internal Use Software

Equipment, building, furniture and fixtures are recorded at cost. Depreciation and amortization are computed using the straight-line method, generally over useful lives of three years to five years for equipment and furniture and fixtures and the shorter of useful life or lease term for leasehold improvements.    
Qualifying internal use software and website development costs incurred during the application development stage, which consist primarily of outside services and purchased software license costs, are capitalized and amortized straight-line over the estimated useful lives of two years to five years.


At the inception of a contract, Ciena must determine whether the contract is or contains a lease. The contract is or contains a lease if the contract conveys the right to control the use of the property, plant, or equipment for a designated term in exchange for consideration. Ciena’s evaluation of its contracts follows the assessment of whether there is a right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from the use and the right to direct the use of the identified asset in the contract. Operating leases are included in the Operating ROU assets, Operating lease liabilities and Long-term operating lease liabilities in the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Finance leases are included in Equipment, building, furniture and fixtures, net (“Finance ROU assets”), Accrued liabilities and other short-term obligations and Other long-term obligations in the Consolidated Balance Sheets.

Ciena has operating and finance leases that primarily relate to real property. Ciena has elected not to capitalize leases with a term of 12 months or less without a purchase option that it is likely to exercise. Ciena has elected not to separate lease and non-lease components of operating and finance leases. Lease components are payment items directly attributable to the use of the underlying asset, while non-lease components are explicit elements of a contract not directly related to the use of the underlying asset, including pass-through operating expenses like common area maintenance and utilities.

Operating ROU assets and lease liabilities and Finance ROU assets and lease liabilities are recognized on the Consolidated Balance Sheets at the present value of the future lease payments over the life of the lease term. Ciena uses discount rates based on incremental borrowing rates, on a collateralized basis, for the respective underlying assets, for terms similar to the respective leases when implicit rates for leases are not determinable. Operating lease costs are included as rent expense in the Consolidated Statements of Operations. Fixed base payments on operating leases paid directly to the lessor are recorded as lease expense on a straight-line basis. Related variable payments based on usage, changes in an index, or market rate are expensed as incurred. Finance ROU assets are generally amortized on a straight-line basis over the lease term with the interest expense on the lease liability recorded using the interest method. The amortization and interest expense are recorded separately in the Consolidated Statements of Operations.

Intangible Assets


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Ciena has recorded finite-lived intangible assets as a result of several acquisitions. Finite-lived intangible assets are carried at cost less accumulated amortization. Amortization is computed using the straight-line method over the expected economic lives of the respective assets, up to seven years, which approximates the use of intangible assets.

Cloud Computing Arrangements

Ciena capitalizes certain costs related to hosting arrangements that are service contracts (cloud computing arrangements). Capitalized costs are included in Other long-term assets in the Consolidated Balance Sheets and are amortized on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life.

Maintenance Spares

Maintenance spares are recorded at cost. Ciena depreciates spares ratably over four years.


Substantially all of Ciena’s cash and cash equivalents are maintained at a small number of major U.S. financial institutions. The majority of Ciena’s cash equivalents consist of money market funds. Deposits held with banks may exceed the amount of insurance provided on such deposits. Because these deposits generally may be redeemed upon demand, management believes that they bear minimal risk.

Historically, a significant percentage of Ciena’s revenue has been concentrated among sales to a small number of large communications service providers and cloud providers. Consolidation among Ciena’s customers has increased this concentration. Consequently, Ciena’s accounts receivable are concentrated among these customers. See Note 2 below.

Additionally, Ciena’s access to certain materials or components is dependent on sole or limited source suppliers. The inability of any of these suppliers to fulfill Ciena’s supply requirements, or significant changes in supply cost, could affect future results. Ciena relies on a small number of contract manufacturers to perform the majority of the manufacturing for its products. If Ciena cannot effectively manage these manufacturers or forecast future demand, or if these manufacturers fail to deliver products or components on time, Ciena’s business and results of operations may suffer.

Revenue Recognition

Ciena recognizes revenue when control of the promised products or services is transferred to its customer, in an amount that reflects the consideration to which Ciena expects to be entitled in exchange for those products or services.

Ciena determines revenue recognition by applying the following five-step approach:

identification of the contract, or contracts, with a customer;
identification of the performance obligations in the contract;
determination of the transaction price;
allocation of the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract; and
recognition of revenue when, or as, Ciena satisfies a performance obligation.

Generally, Ciena makes sales pursuant to purchase orders placed by customers under framework agreements that govern the general commercial terms and conditions of the sale of Ciena’s products and services. These purchase orders under framework agreements are used to determine the identification of the contract or contracts with this customer. Purchase orders typically include the description, quantity, and price of each product or service purchased. Purchase orders may include one-line bundled pricing for both products and services. Accordingly, purchase orders can include various combinations of products and services that are generally distinct and accounted for as separate performance obligations. Ciena evaluates each promised product and service offering to determine whether it represents a distinct performance obligation. In doing so, Ciena considers, among other things, customary business practices, whether the customer can benefit from the product or service on its own or together with other resources that are readily available, and whether Ciena’s commitment to transfer the product or service to the customer is separately identifiable from other obligations in the purchase order. For transactions where Ciena delivers the product or services, Ciena is typically the principal and records revenue and costs of goods sold on a gross basis.

Purchase orders are invoiced based on the terms set forth either in the purchase order or the framework agreement, as applicable. Generally, sales of products and software licenses are invoiced upon shipment or delivery. Maintenance and

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software subscription services are invoiced quarterly or annually in advance of the service term. Ciena’s other service offerings are generally invoiced upon completion of the service. Payment terms and cash received typically range from 30 to 90 days from the invoicing date. Historically, Ciena has not provided any material financing arrangements to its customers. As a practical expedient, Ciena does not adjust the amount of consideration it will receive for the effects of a significant financing component as it expects, at contract inception, that the period between Ciena’s transfer of the products or services to the customer and customer payment for the products or services will be one year or less. Shipping and handling fees invoiced to customers are included in revenue, with the associated expense included in product cost of goods sold. Ciena records revenue net of any associated sales taxes.

Ciena recognizes revenue upon the transfer of control of promised products or services to a customer. Transfer of control occurs once the customer has the contractual right to use the product, generally upon shipment or delivery to the customer. Transfer of control can also occur over time for services such as software subscription, maintenance, installation, and various professional services as the customer receives the benefit over the contract term.

Significant Judgments

Revenue is allocated among performance obligations based on standalone selling price (“SSP”). SSP reflects the price at which Ciena would expect to sell that product or service on a stand-alone basis at contract inception and that Ciena would expect to be entitled to receive for the promised products or services. SSP is estimated for each distinct performance obligation, and judgment may be required in its determination. The best evidence of SSP is the observable price of a product or service when Ciena sells the products separately in similar circumstances and to similar customers. In instances where SSP is not directly observable, Ciena determines SSP using information that may include market conditions and other observable inputs.

Ciena applies judgment in determining the transaction price, as Ciena may be required to estimate variable consideration when determining the amount of revenue to recognize. Variable consideration can include various rebate, cooperative marketing, and other incentive programs that Ciena offers to its distributors, partners and customers. When determining the amount of revenue to recognize, Ciena estimates the expected usage of these programs, applying the expected value or most likely estimate and updates the estimate at each reporting period as actual utilization data becomes available. Ciena also considers any customer right of return and any actual or potential payment of liquidated damages, contractual or similar penalties, or other claims for performance failures or delays in determining the transaction price, where applicable.

When transfer of control is judged to be over time for installation and professional service arrangements, Ciena applies the input method to determine the amount of revenue to be recognized in a given period. Utilizing the input method, Ciena recognizes revenue based on the ratio of actual costs incurred to date to the total estimated costs expected to be incurred. Revenue for software subscription and maintenance is recognized ratably over the period during which the services are performed.

Capitalized Contract Acquisition Costs

Ciena has considered the impact of the guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 340-40, Other Assets and Deferred Costs; Contracts with Customers, and the interpretations of the FASB Transition Resource Group for Revenue Recognition with respect to capitalization and amortization of incremental costs of obtaining a contract. In conjunction with this interpretation, Ciena considers each customer purchase in combination with the corresponding framework agreement, if applicable, as a contract. Ciena has elected to implement the practical expedient, which allows for incremental costs to be recognized as an expense when incurred if the period of the asset recognition is one year or less. If the period of the asset recognition is greater than one year, Ciena amortizes these costs over the period of performance. Ciena considers sales commissions incurred upon receipt of purchase orders placed by customers as incremental costs to obtain such purchase orders. The practical expedient method is applied to the purchase order as a whole and thus the capitalized costs of obtaining a purchase order is applied even if the purchase order contains more than one performance obligation. In cases where a purchase order includes various distinct products or services with both short-term (one year or less) and long-term (more than a year) performance periods, the cost of commissions incurred for the total value of the purchase order is capitalized and subsequently amortized as each performance obligation is recognized.

For the additional disclosures on capitalized contract acquisition costs, see Note 2 below.

Warranty Accruals

Ciena provides for the estimated costs to fulfill customer warranty obligations upon recognition of the related revenue. Estimated warranty costs include estimates for material costs, technical support labor costs and associated overhead. Warranty

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is included in cost of goods sold and is determined based on actual warranty cost experience, estimates of component failure rates and management’s industry experience. Ciena’s sales contracts do not permit the right of return of the product by the customer after the product has been accepted.

Allowance for Credit Losses for Accounts Receivable and Contract Assets

Ciena estimates its allowances for credit losses using relevant available information from internal and external sources, related to past events, current conditions and reasonable and supportable forecasts. Historical credit loss experience provides the basis for the estimation of expected credit losses. When assessing for credit losses, Ciena determines collectability by pooling assets with similar characteristics. The allowances for credit losses are each measured on a collective basis when similar risk characteristics exist. The allowances for credit losses are each measured by multiplying the exposure probability of default (the probability that the asset will default within a given time frame) by the loss given default rate (the percentage of the asset not expected to be collected due to default) based on the pool of assets.

Probability of default rates are published by third-party credit rating agencies. Adjustments to Ciena’s exposure probability may take into account a number of factors, including, but not limited to, various customer-specific factors, the potential sovereign risk of the geographic locations in which the customer is operating and macroeconomic conditions. These factors are updated regularly or when facts and circumstances indicate that an update is deemed necessary.

Accounts Receivable Factoring

Ciena has entered into factoring agreements to sell certain receivables to unrelated third-party financial institution on a non-recourse basis. These transactions are accounted for in accordance with ASC Topic 860, “Transfers and Servicing” and result in a reduction in accounts receivable because the agreements transfer effective control over, and risk related to, the receivables to the buyers. Ciena's factoring agreements do not allow for recourse in the event of uncollectability, and Ciena does not retain any interest in the underlying accounts receivable once sold. Trade accounts receivables balances sold are removed from the consolidated balance sheets and cash received is reflected as cash provided by (used in) operating activities in the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow. Factoring related interest expense is recorded to interest and other income (loss), net on the Consolidated Statements of Operations. See Note 9 below.

Research and Development

Ciena charges all research and development costs to expense as incurred. Types of expense incurred in research and development include employee compensation, prototype equipment, consulting and third-party services, depreciation, facility costs and information technology.

Government Grants

Ciena accounts for proceeds from government grants as a reduction of expense when there is reasonable assurance that Ciena has met the required conditions associated with the grant and that grant proceeds will be received. Grant benefits are recorded to the particular line item of the Consolidated Statement of Operations to which the grant activity relates. See Notes 3 below.

Advertising Costs

Ciena expenses all advertising costs as incurred.

Legal Costs

Ciena expenses legal costs associated with litigation as incurred.


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Share-Based Compensation Expense

Ciena measures and recognizes compensation expense for share-based awards and employee stock purchases related to its Amended and Restated 2003 Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the “ESPP”) based on estimated fair values on the date of grant. Ciena estimates the fair value of employee stock purchases related to the ESPP using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model. Ciena recognizes the estimated fair value of restricted stock units subject only to service-based vesting conditions by multiplying the number of shares underlying the award by the closing price per share of Ciena common stock on the grant date. In each case, Ciena only recognizes expense in its Consolidated Statements of Operations for those restricted stock units that ultimately vest. Awards with performance-based vesting conditions (i) require the achievement of certain operational, financial or other performance criteria or targets or (ii) vest based on Ciena’s total stockholder return as compared to an index of peer companies, in whole or in part. Ciena recognizes the estimated fair value of restricted stock units subject to performance-based vesting conditions other than total stockholder return by assuming the satisfaction of any performance-based objectives at the “target” level and multiplying the corresponding number of shares earned based upon such achievement by the closing price per share of Ciena common stock on the grant date. Ciena recognizes the estimated fair value of performance based awards subject to total stockholder return as compared to an index of peer companies using a Monte Carlo simulation valuation model on the date of grant. At the end of each reporting period, Ciena reassesses the probability of achieving the performance targets and the performance period required to meet those targets. See Note 24 below.

Stock Repurchase Program

Shares repurchased pursuant to Ciena’s stock repurchase program are immediately retired upon purchase. Repurchased common stock is reflected as a reduction of stockholders’ equity. Ciena’s accounting policy related to its share repurchases is to reduce its common stock based on the par value of the shares and to reduce its capital surplus for the excess of the repurchase price over the par value. Since the inception of its stock repurchase programs, Ciena has had an accumulated deficit balance; therefore, the excess over the par value has been applied to additional paid-in capital. Once Ciena has retained earnings, the excess will be charged entirely to retained earnings.

Income Taxes

Ciena accounts for income taxes using an asset and liability approach. This approach recognizes deferred tax assets and liabilities (“DTA”) for the expected future tax consequences attributable to differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and their respective tax bases, and for operating loss and tax credit carryforwards. In estimating future tax consequences, Ciena considers all expected future events other than the enactment of changes in tax laws or rates. Valuation allowances are provided if, based on the weight of the available evidence, it is more likely than not that some or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized.

In the ordinary course of business, transactions occur for which the ultimate outcome may be uncertain. In addition, tax authorities periodically audit Ciena’s income tax returns. These audits examine significant tax filing positions, including the timing and amounts of deductions and the allocation of income tax expenses among tax jurisdictions. Ciena is currently under audit in India for 2018 through 2021, in Canada for 2014, and in the United Kingdom for 2016 through 2021. Management does not expect the outcome of these audits to have a material adverse effect on Ciena’s consolidated financial position, results of operations or cash flows. Ciena’s major tax jurisdictions and the earliest open tax years are as follows: United States (2020), United Kingdom (2016), Canada (2014), and India (2018). Limited adjustments can be made to federal U.S. tax returns in earlier years in order to reduce net operating loss carryforwards. Ciena classifies interest and penalties related to uncertain tax positions as a component of income tax expense.

Ciena is required to record excess tax benefits or tax deficiencies related to stock-based compensation as income tax benefit or expense when share-based awards vest or are settled.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the “Tax Act”) includes provisions that affected Ciena starting in fiscal 2019, including a provision designed to tax global intangible low-taxed income (“GILTI”). An accounting policy choice is allowed to either treat taxes due on future U.S. inclusions related to GILTI in taxable income as a current-period expense when incurred (the “period cost method”) or factor such amounts into the measurement of deferred taxes (the “deferred method”). The calculation of the deferred balance with respect to the GILTI tax provisions will depend, in part, on analyzing global income to determine whether future U.S. inclusions in taxable income are expected related to GILTI and, if so, what the impact is expected to be. Ciena is electing to use the period cost method for future GILTI inclusions. Additionally, Ciena is electing to use the incremental cash tax savings approach when determining whether a valuation allowance needs to be recorded against the U.S. net operating loss (“NOL”) due to the GILTI inclusions. 


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The Tax Act also introduced an alternative tax known as the base erosion and anti-abuse tax (“BEAT”). An accounting policy choice has been made to consider BEAT as a period cost when incurred.

Loss Contingencies

Ciena is subject to the possibility of various losses arising in the ordinary course of business. These may relate to disputes, litigation and other legal actions. Ciena considers the likelihood of loss or the incurrence of a liability, as well as Ciena’s ability to estimate the amount of loss reasonably, in determining loss contingencies. An estimated loss contingency is accrued when it is probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. Ciena regularly evaluates current information available to it in order to determine whether any accruals should be adjusted and whether new accruals are required.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments

The carrying value of Ciena’s cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, accounts payable and accrued liabilities approximates fair market value due to the relatively short period of time to maturity. For information related to the fair value of Ciena’s short-term and long-term debt, see Note 19 below.

Fair value for the measurement of financial assets and liabilities is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. As such, fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability. Ciena utilizes a valuation hierarchy for disclosure of the inputs for fair value measurement. This hierarchy prioritizes the inputs into three broad levels as follows:

Level 1 inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;

Level 2 inputs are quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in less active markets or model-derived valuations in which significant inputs are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly through market corroboration, for substantially the full term of the financial instrument; and

Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs based on Ciena’s assumptions used to measure assets and liabilities at fair value. The fair values are determined based on model-based techniques using inputs Ciena could not corroborated with market data.

By distinguishing between inputs that are observable in the marketplace, and therefore more objective, and those that are unobservable, and therefore more subjective, the hierarchy is designed to indicate the relative reliability of the fair value measurements. A financial asset’s or liability’s classification within the hierarchy is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement.


From time to time, Ciena takes actions to align its workforce, facilities and operating costs with perceived market opportunities, business strategies and changes in market and business conditions and redesign business processes. Ciena recognizes a liability for the cost associated with an exit or disposal activity in the period in which the liability is incurred, except for one-time employee termination benefits related to a service period, typically of more than 60 days, which are accrued over the service period. See Note 5 below.

Foreign Currency

Certain of Ciena’s foreign branch offices and subsidiaries use the U.S. Dollar as their functional currency because Ciena Corporation, as the U.S. parent entity, exclusively funds the operations of these branch offices and subsidiaries. For those subsidiaries using the local currency as their functional currency, assets and liabilities are translated at exchange rates in effect at the balance sheet date, and the statement of operations is translated at a monthly average rate. Resulting translation adjustments are recorded directly to a separate component of stockholders’ equity. Where the monetary assets and liabilities are transacted in a currency other than the entity’s functional currency, re-measurement adjustments are recorded in interest and other income (loss), net on the Consolidated Statements of Operations. See Note 6 below.



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From time to time, Ciena uses foreign currency forward contracts to reduce variability in certain forecasted non-U.S. Dollar denominated cash flows. Generally, these derivatives have maturities of 24 months or less. Ciena also has interest rate swap arrangements to reduce variability in certain forecasted interest expense associated with its term loans. All of these derivatives are designated as cash flow hedges. Ciena also uses foreign currency forward contracts to minimize the effect of foreign exchange rate movements on is net investments in foreign operations. Generally, these derivatives have maturities of 24 months or less. These derivatives are designated as net investment hedges. At the inception of these hedges, and on an ongoing basis, Ciena assesses whether the derivative has been effective in offsetting changes attributable to the hedged risk during the hedging period. The derivative’s net gain or loss is initially reported as a component of accumulated other comprehensive loss, and upon occurrence of the forecasted transaction, is subsequently reclassified to the line item in the Consolidated Statements of Operations to which the hedged transaction relates.

Ciena records derivative instruments in the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows within operating, investing, or financing activities consistent with the cash flows of the hedged items.

From time to time, Ciena uses foreign currency forward contracts to hedge certain balance sheet foreign exchange exposures. These forward contracts are not designated as hedges for accounting purposes, and any net gain or loss associated with these derivatives is reported in interest and other income (loss), net on the Consolidated Statements of Operations.

See Notes 8 and 16 below.

Computation of Net Income per Share

Ciena calculates basic net income per common share (“Basic EPS”) by dividing earnings attributable to common stock by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted net income per potential common share (“Diluted EPS”) includes other potential dilutive shares that would be outstanding if securities or other contracts to issue common stock were exercised or converted into common stock. Ciena uses a dual presentation of Basic EPS and Diluted EPS on the face of its income statement. A reconciliation of the numerator and denominator used for the Basic EPS and Diluted EPS computations is set forth in Note 21 below.

Software Development Costs

Ciena develops software for sale to its customers. GAAP requires the capitalization of certain software development costs that are incurred subsequent to the date technological feasibility is established and prior to the date the product is generally available for sale. The capitalized cost is then amortized using the straight-line method over the estimated life of the product. Ciena defines technological feasibility as being attained at the time a working model is completed. To date, the period between Ciena achieving technological feasibility and the general availability of such software has been short, and software development costs qualifying for capitalization have been insignificant. Accordingly, Ciena has not capitalized any software development costs.

Newly Issued Accounting Standards - Not Yet Effective

In October 2021, the FASB issued ASU No. 2021-08 (“ASU 2021-08”), Business Combinations (Topic 805): Accounting for Contract Assets and Contract Liabilities from Contracts with Customers to improve the accounting for acquired revenue contracts with customers in a business combination to address recognition of an acquired contract liability and payment terms and their effect on subsequent revenue recognized by the acquirer. ASU 2021-08 is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2022 on a prospective basis. Early adoption is permitted. Ciena does not expect adoption of ASU 2021-08 to have a material impact on its consolidated financial statements and related disclosures.

In November 2023, the FASB issued ASU No. 2023-07 (“ASU 2023-07”), Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures to improve reportable segment disclosure requirements, primarily through enhanced disclosures about significant segment expenses. ASU 2023-07 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2023 on a retrospective basis. Early adoption is permitted. Ciena is currently evaluating the impact of this accounting standard update on its consolidated financial statements and related disclosures.

In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU No. 2023-09 (“ASU 2023-09”), Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvement to Income Tax Disclosures to enhance the transparency and decision usefulness of income tax disclosures. ASU 2023-09 is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2024 on a prospective basis. Early adoption is permitted. Ciena is currently evaluating the impact of this accounting standard update on its consolidated financial statements and related disclosures.

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Disaggregation of Revenue

Ciena’s disaggregated revenue as presented below depicts the nature, amount, and timing of revenue and cash flows for similar groupings of Ciena’s various offerings. The sales cycle, contractual obligations, customer requirements, and go-to-market strategies may differ for each of its product categories, resulting in different economic risk profiles for each category. Effective as of the fourth quarter of fiscal 2023, Ciena renamed its “Converged Packet Optical” product line to “Optical Networking.” This change, affecting only the presentation of such information, was made on a prospective basis and does not impact comparability of previous financial results. However, references to prior reported “Converged Packet Optical” product line have been changed herein to “Optical Networking.”

The tables below set forth Ciena’s disaggregated revenue for the respective period (in thousands):
Year Ended October 28, 2023
Networking PlatformsPlatform Software and ServicesBlue Planet Automation Software and ServicesGlobal ServicesTotal
Product lines:
Optical Networking$2,987,245 $ $ $ $2,987,245 
Routing and Switching506,247    506,247 
Platform Software and Services 303,873   303,873 
Blue Planet Automation Software and Services  69,170  69,170 
Maintenance Support and Training   288,334 288,334 
Installation and Deployment   180,951 180,951 
Consulting and Network Design   50,729 50,729 
Total revenue by product line$3,493,492 $303,873 $69,170 $520,014 $4,386,549 
Timing of revenue recognition:
Products and services at a point in time$3,493,492 $67,013 $21,842 $55,036 $3,637,383 
Products and services transferred over time 236,860 47,328 464,978 749,166 
Total revenue by timing of revenue recognition$3,493,492 $303,873 $69,170 $520,014 $4,386,549 


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Year Ended October 29, 2022
Networking PlatformsPlatform Software and ServicesBlue Planet Automation Software and ServicesGlobal ServicesTotal
Product lines:
Optical Networking$2,379,931 $ $ $ $2,379,931 
Routing and Switching398,439    398,439 
Platform Software and Services
 277,191   277,191 
Blue Planet Automation Software and Services
  76,567  76,567 
Maintenance Support and Training
   292,375 292,375 
Installation and Deployment
   157,443 157,443 
Consulting and Network Design
   50,715 50,715 
Total revenue by product line
$2,778,370 $277,191 $76,567 $500,533 $3,632,661 
Timing of revenue recognition:
Products and services at a point in time
$2,778,370 $85,691 $25,540 $44,091 $2,933,692 
Products and services transferred over time
 191,500 51,027 456,442 698,969 
Total revenue by timing of revenue recognition
$2,778,370 $277,191 $76,567 $500,533 $3,632,661 

Year Ended October 30, 2021
Networking PlatformsPlatform Software and ServicesBlue Planet Automation Software and ServicesGlobal ServicesTotal
Product lines:
Optical Networking$2,553,509 $ $ $ $2,553,509 
Routing and Switching271,796    271,796 
Platform Software and Services
 229,588   229,588 
Blue Planet Automation Software and Services
  77,247  77,247 
Maintenance Support and Training
   283,350 283,350 
Installation and Deployment
   171,489 171,489 
Consulting and Network Design
   33,705 33,705 
Total revenue by product line
$2,825,305 $229,588 $77,247 $488,544 $3,620,684 
Timing of revenue recognition:
Products and services at a point in time
$2,825,305 $80,359 $27,621 $14,923 $2,948,208 
Products and services transferred over time
 149,229 49,626 473,621 672,476 
Total revenue by timing of revenue recognition
$2,825,305 $229,588 $77,247 $488,544 $3,620,684 

Ciena reports its sales geographically around the following markets: (i) the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Latin America (“Americas”); (ii) Europe, Middle East and Africa (“EMEA”); and (iii) Asia Pacific, Japan and India (“APAC”). Within each geographic area, Ciena maintains specific teams or personnel that focus on a particular region, country, customer or market vertical. These teams include sales management, account salespersons and sales engineers, as well as services professionals and commercial management personnel. The following table reflects Ciena’s geographic distribution of revenue principally based on the relevant location for Ciena’s delivery of products and performance of services.

For the periods below, Ciena’s geographic distribution of revenue was as follows (in thousands):

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Year Ended
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022October 30, 2021
Geographic distribution:
Americas$3,110,347 $2,636,840 $2,525,619 
643,142 555,215 670,462 
633,060 440,606 424,603 
Total revenue by geographic distribution
$4,386,549 $3,632,661 $3,620,684 
Ciena’s revenue includes United States revenue of $2.8 billion for fiscal 2023, $2.4 billion for fiscal 2022 and $2.3 billion for fiscal 2021. No other country accounted for 10% or more of total revenue for the periods presented above.

For the periods below, the only customers that accounted for at least 10% of Ciena’s revenue were as follows (in thousands):
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022October 30, 2021
Cloud Provider$561,397 n/an/a
AT&T464,662 $433,418 $447,403 
Verizonn/a402,787 n/a
Total$1,026,059 $836,205 $447,403 
n/aDenotes revenue representing less than 10% of total revenue for the period

The cloud provider noted in the above table purchased products from each of Ciena’s operating segments, excluding Blue Planet® Automation Software and Services, for each of the periods presented. The other customers identified above purchased products and services from each of Ciena’s operating segments for each of the periods presented.

While Ciena has benefited from the diversification of its business and customer base, its ten largest customers contributed 53.7% of fiscal 2023 revenue, 56.3% of fiscal 2022 revenue and 55.5% of fiscal 2021 revenue.

Networking Platforms revenue reflects sales of Ciena’s Optical Networking and Routing and Switching product lines.
Optical Networking - includes the 6500 Packet-Optical Platform, the Waveserver® modular interconnect system, the 6500 Reconfigurable Line System (RLS), the 5400 family of Packet-Optical Platforms, and the Coherent ELS open line system (OLS). This product line also includes the WaveLogic 5 Nano (WL5n) 100G-400G coherent pluggable transceivers.
Routing and Switching - includes the 3000 family of service delivery platforms and the 5000 family of service aggregation. This product line also includes the 6500 Packet Transport System (PTS), which combines packet switching, control plane operation, and integrated optics, the 8100 Coherent IP networking platforms, the 8700 Packetwave Platform, and virtualization software. This product line also includes SD-Edge software and our microplug Optical Line Terminal (OLT) transceiver, from our recent acquisitions of Benu Networks, Inc. (“Benu”) and Tibit Communications, Inc. (“Tibit”) respectively, during the first quarter of fiscal 2023. This product line also includes Ciena’s WaveRouterTM product, which was introduced during the second quarter of fiscal 2023, for which there have been no sales to date.

The Networking Platforms segment also includes sales of operating system software and enhanced software features embedded in each of the product lines above. Revenue from this segment is included in product revenue on the Consolidated Statements of Operations. Operating system software and enhanced software features embedded in Ciena hardware are each considered distinct performance obligations for which the revenue is generally recognized upfront at a point in time upon transfer of control.

Platform Software and Services offerings provide domain control management, analytics, data and planning tools and applications to assist customers in managing their networks, including by creating more efficient operations and more proactive visibility into their networks. Ciena’s platform software includes its MCP domain controller solution, its suite of MCP applications, and its OneControl Unified Management System, as well as planning tools and a number of legacy software solutions that support Ciena’s installed base of network solutions. Platform software-related services

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revenue includes sales of subscription, installation, support, and consulting services related to Ciena’s software platforms, operating system software and enhanced software features embedded in each of the Networking Platforms product lines above. Revenue from the software portion of this segment is included in product revenue on the Consolidated Statements of Operations. Revenue from services portions of this segment is included in services revenue on the Consolidated Statements of Operations.

Blue Planet® Automation Software and Services is a comprehensive, cloud native, and standards-based software portfolio, together with related services, that enables customers to realize digital transformation through the automation of the services lifecycle. Ciena’s Blue Planet Automation Platform includes multi-domain service orchestration (MDSO), inventory management (BPI), route optimization and analysis (ROA), multi-cloud orchestration (MCO), and unified assurance and analytics (UAA). Services revenue includes sales of subscription, installation, support, consulting and design services related to Ciena’s Blue Planet Automation Platform. Revenue from the software portion of this segment is included in product revenue on the Consolidated Statements of Operations. Revenue from services portions of this segment is included in services revenue on the Consolidated Statements of Operations.

Ciena’s software platform revenue typically reflects either perpetual or term-based software licenses, and these sales are considered distinct performance obligations where revenue is generally recognized upfront at a point in time upon transfer of control. Revenue from software subscription and support is recognized ratably over the period during which the services are performed. Revenue from professional services for solution customization, software and solution support services, consulting and design, and build-operate-transfer services relating to Ciena’s software offerings is recognized over time with Ciena applying the input method to determine the amount of revenue to be recognized in a given period.

Global Services revenue reflects sales of a broad range of Ciena’s services for maintenance support and training, installation and deployment, and consulting and network design activities. Revenue from this segment is included in services revenue on the Consolidated Statements of Operations.
Ciena’s Global Services are considered a distinct performance obligation where revenue is generally recognized over time. Revenue from maintenance support is recognized ratably over the period during which the services are performed. Revenue from installation and deployment services and consulting and network design services is recognized over time with Ciena applying the input method to determine the amount of revenue to be recognized in a given period. Revenue from training services is generally recognized at a point in time upon completion of the service.

Contract Balances
The following table provides information about receivables, contract assets and contract liabilities (deferred revenue) from contracts with customers (in thousands):
Balance at October 28, 2023Balance at October 29, 2022
Accounts receivable, net$1,003,876 $920,772 
Contract assets for unbilled accounts receivable, net$150,312 $156,039 
Deferred revenue$228,460 $200,235 

Ciena’s contract assets represent unbilled accounts receivable, net, where transfer of a product or service has occurred but invoicing is conditional upon completion of future performance obligations. These amounts are primarily related to installation and deployment and professional services arrangements where transfer of control has occurred, but Ciena has not yet invoiced the customer. Contract assets are included in prepaid expenses and other in the Consolidated Balance Sheets. See Note 11 below.

Contract liabilities consist of deferred revenue and represent advanced payments received from customers against non-cancelable customer orders received prior to revenue recognition. Ciena recognized approximately $135.5 million and $111.3 million of revenue during fiscal 2023 and 2022, respectively, that was included in the deferred revenue balance at October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, respectively. Revenue recognized due to changes in transaction price from performance obligations satisfied or partially satisfied in previous periods was immaterial during fiscal 2023 and 2022.


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Capitalized Contract Acquisition Costs

Capitalized contract acquisition costs consist of deferred sales commissions and were $30.2 million and $39.7 million as of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, respectively, and are included in (i) prepaid expenses and other and (ii) other long-term assets. The amortization expense associated with these costs was $34.2 million and $27.3 million during fiscal 2023 and fiscal 2022, respectively, and are included in selling and marketing expense on the Consolidated Statements of Operations.

Remaining Performance Obligations

Remaining Performance Obligations (“RPO”) are comprised of non-cancelable customer purchase orders for products and services that are awaiting transfer of control for revenue recognition under the applicable contract terms. As of October 28, 2023, the aggregate amount of RPO was $1.8 billion. As of October 28, 2023, Ciena expects approximately 81% of the RPO to be recognized as revenue within the next twelve months.


In April 2020, the Canadian government introduced the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (“CEWS”) to help employers offset a portion of their employee wages for a limited period in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, retroactive to March 15, 2020. The CEWS program expired in October 2021. The subsidy covered employers of all sizes and across all sectors.

Ciena accounts for proceeds from government grants as a reduction of expense when there is reasonable assurance that Ciena has met the required conditions associated with the grant and that grant proceeds will be received. Grant benefits are recorded to the particular line item of the Consolidated Statements of Operations to which the grant activity relates. Amounts from the CEWS program positively impacted Ciena’s operating expense and measures of profit in the year ended October 30, 2021. For the fiscal year ended October 30, 2021, Ciena recorded a CAD$52.2 million ($41.3 million) benefit, net of certain fees, related to CEWS for claim periods beginning March 15, 2020, including CAD$43.9 million ($35.4 million) related to employee wages during fiscal 2020. There was no CEWS activity in fiscal 2023 or 2022.

The following table summarizes CEWS for the period indicated (in thousands):

 Year Ended October 30, 2021
CEWS benefit in cost of goods sold6,950 
Research and development29,519 
Sales and marketing2,604 
General and administrative2,207 
CEWS benefit in operating expense34,330 
Total CEWS benefit$41,280 


Fiscal 2023 Acquisitions: Benu and Tibit
On November 17, 2022, Ciena acquired Benu, a portfolio of cloud-native software solutions, including a virtual Broadband Network Gateway ((v)BNG), that complements Ciena’s existing portfolio of broadband access solutions. On December 30, 2022, Ciena acquired Tibit, a provider and developer of passive optical network (“PON”)-specific hardware and operating software that can be integrated into a carrier-grade Ethernet switch and will strengthen Ciena’s portfolio of next-generation PON solutions that support residential, enterprise, and mobility use cases. These businesses were acquired for an aggregate of approximately $291.7 million, of which $244.7 million was paid in cash, and $47.0 million represents the fair value of Ciena’s previously held cost method equity investment in Tibit. The acquisition of Tibit triggered the remeasurement of Ciena’s previously held investment in Tibit to fair value, which resulted in Ciena recognizing a gain on its cost method equity investment of $26.5 million. Each of these transactions has been accounted for as the acquisition of a business.
Ciena incurred approximately $3.4 million in acquisition-related costs associated with these acquisitions. These costs and expenses primarily include fees associated with financial, legal, and accounting advisors and employment-related costs. These costs were recorded in acquisition and integration costs on the Consolidated Statements of Operations.

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The following table summarizes the final purchase price allocation related to the acquisitions based on the estimated fair value of the acquired assets and assumed liabilities (in thousands):
Cash and cash equivalents$14,634 
Accounts receivable, net443 
Inventories, net1,406 
Prepaid expenses and other810 
Equipment, furniture and fixtures1,090 
Developed technology75,400 
In-process technology89,100 
Customer relationships and contracts18,400 
Order backlog2,480 
Deferred tax asset, net(26,429)
Accounts payable(420)
Accrued liabilities and other short-term obligations(874)
Deferred revenue(851)
Other long-term obligations(144)
Total purchase consideration$291,689 

Developed technology represents purchased technology that has reached technological feasibility and for which the acquired companies had substantially completed development as of the date of acquisition. Fair value was determined using future discounted cash flows related to the projected income stream of the developed technology for a discrete projection period. Cash flows were discounted to their present value as of the closing date. Developed technology is amortized on a straight-line basis over its estimated useful life of five years.
In-process technology represents purchased technology that had not reached technological feasibility as of the date of acquisition. Fair value was determined using future discounted cash flows related to the projected income stream of the in-process technology for a discrete projection period. Cash flows were discounted to their present value as of the closing date. Upon completion of the in-process technology, it will be amortized on a straight line basis over its estimated useful life, which will be determined on that date.
Customer relationships and contracts represent agreements with existing Tibit customers and have an estimated useful life of three years. Order backlog is amortized over the fulfillment period.
The goodwill generated from these acquisitions is primarily related to expected economic synergies. The total goodwill amount was recorded in the Networking Platforms segment. The goodwill is not deductible for income tax purposes.
Pro forma disclosures have not been included due to immateriality. The amounts of revenue and earnings for these acquisitions since the acquisition dates, which are included on the Consolidated Statements of Operations for the reporting period, are immaterial.

Fiscal 2022 Acquisitions: Vyatta and Xelic
On November 1, 2021, Ciena acquired AT&T’s Vyatta Software Technology (“Vyatta”), a provider of software-based virtual routing and switching technology. AT&T is a customer of Ciena; see Note 2 above. On March 9, 2022, Ciena acquired Xelic, Inc., a provider and developer of field programmable gate array (FPGA) and application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) technology and optical networking IP cores. These businesses were acquired for an aggregate of approximately $64.1 million, of which $63.3 million was paid in cash and $0.8 million represents a future payable arrangement. These transactions have each been accounted for as the acquisition of a business.
Ciena incurred approximately $1.7 million in acquisition-related costs associated with these acquisitions. These costs and expenses primarily include fees associated with financial, legal and accounting advisors. These costs were recorded in acquisition and integration costs in the Consolidated Statements of Operations.

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The following table summarizes the final purchase price allocation related to the acquisitions based on the estimated fair value of the acquired assets and assumed liabilities (in thousands):
Cash and cash equivalents$201 
Prepaid expenses and other1,614 
Equipment, furniture and fixtures694 
Customer relationships and contracts15,800 
Developed technology32,491 
Accrued liabilities(4,434)
Total purchase consideration$64,064 

Customer relationships and contracts represent agreements with existing Vyatta customers and have an estimated useful life of two years.
Developed technology represents purchased technology that has reached technological feasibility and for which the acquired companies had substantially completed development as of the date of acquisition. Fair value was determined using future discounted cash flows related to the projected income stream of the developed technology for a discrete projection period. Cash flows were discounted to their present value as of the closing date. Developed technology is amortized on a straight-line basis over its estimated useful life of five years.
The goodwill generated from these acquisitions are primarily related to expected economic synergies. The total goodwill amount was recorded in the Networking Platforms segment. The goodwill is not deductible for income tax purposes.
Pro forma disclosures have not been included due to immateriality. The amounts of revenue and earnings for these acquisitions since the acquisition dates, which are included in the Consolidated Statements of Operations for the reporting period, are immaterial.

Ciena has undertaken a number of restructuring activities intended to reduce expense and align its workforce and costs with market opportunities, product development and business strategies. The following table sets forth the restructuring activity and balance of the restructuring liability accounts, which are included in accrued liabilities and other short-term obligations on Ciena’s Consolidated Balance Sheets, for the fiscal years indicated (in thousands):
Other restructuring activitiesTotal
Balance at October 31, 2020$2,915 $  $2,915 
Cash payments(8,072)(23,627)(31,699)
Balance at October 30, 2021781    781 
Cash payments(2,722)(22,194)(24,916)
Balance at October 29, 20221,215  4,620  5,835 
Cash payments(6,187)(21,569)(27,756)
Balance at October 28, 2023$1,913  $  $1,913 
Current restructuring liabilities$1,913  $  $1,913 
(1) Reflects employee costs associated with workforce reductions as part of a business optimization strategy to improve gross margin, constrain operating expense and redesign certain business processes.
(2) Primarily represents the redesign of certain business processes associated with Ciena’s supply chain and distribution structure reorganization and costs related to restructured real estate facilities.


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Significant Asset Impairments

In February 2022, armed conflict escalated between Russia and Ukraine. The United States and certain other countries have imposed sanctions on Russia and could impose further sanctions. On March 7, 2022, Ciena announced its decision to suspend its business operations in Russia immediately. As a result, Ciena recorded impairment charges of approximately $3.8 million of which $1.8 million was a provision for credit losses.

The components of interest and other income (loss), net, were as follows (in thousands):
Year Ended
October 28, 2023October 29, 2022October 30, 2021
Interest income$45,011 $10,060 $2,051 
Gains (losses) on non-hedge designated foreign currency forward contracts(3,896)(4,018)11,172 
Foreign currency exchange gains (losses)(427)2,501 (14,622)
Gain on cost method equity investments, net26,368 4,120 164 
Interest and other income (loss), net$62,008 $6,747 $(1,768)

During the first quarter of fiscal 2023, the acquisition of Tibit triggered the remeasurement of Ciena’s previously held investment in Tibit to fair value, which resulted in Ciena recognizing a gain on its cost method equity investment of $26.5 million. See Note 4 above. During fiscal 2023 and fiscal 2022, Ciena recorded a net gain of $26.4 million and $4.1 million, respectively, on its cost method equity investments.
Ciena Corporation, as the U.S. parent entity, uses the U.S. Dollar as its functional currency; however, some of its foreign branch offices and subsidiaries use the local currency as their functional currency. During fiscal 2023 and 2021, Ciena recorded $0.4 million and $14.6 million, respectively, in exchange rate losses as a result of monetary assets and liabilities that were transacted in a currency other than the entity’s functional currency. During fiscal 2022, Ciena recorded $2.5 million in exchange rate gains as a result of monetary assets and liabilities that were transacted in a currency other than the entity’s functional currency. The related remeasurement adjustments were recorded in interest and other income (loss), net on the Consolidated Statements of Operations. From time to time, Ciena uses foreign currency forwards to hedge certain of these balance sheet exposures. These forwards are not designated as hedges for accounting purposes, and any net gain or loss associated with these derivatives is also reported in interest and other income (loss), net on the Consolidated Statements of Operations. During fiscal 2023 and 2022, Ciena recorded losses of $3.9 million and $4.0 million, respectively, from non-hedge designated foreign currency forward contracts. During fiscal 2021, Ciena recorded a gain of $11.2 million from non-hedge designated foreign currency forward contracts.

As of the dates indicated, investments classified as available-for-sale are comprised of the following (in thousands):
 October 28, 2023
Amortized CostGross Unrealized
Gross Unrealized
Estimated Fair
U.S. government obligations$170,260 $28 $(379)$169,909 
Corporate debt securities59,683 1 (115)59,569 
Time deposits138,830 4 (5)138,829 
$368,773 $33 $(499)$368,307 
Included in cash equivalents$129,276 $ $ $129,276 
Included in short-term investments105,042 4 (293)104,753 
Included in long-term investments134,455 29 (206)134,278 
$368,773 $33 $(499)$368,307 

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 October 29, 2022
Amortized CostGross Unrealized
Gross Unrealized
Estimated Fair
U.S. government obligations$137,963 $ $(3,379)$134,584 
Corporate debt securities54,899 1 (405)54,495 
Time deposits55,889  (64)55,825 
$248,751 $1 $(3,848)$244,904 
Included in cash equivalents$55,530 $ $ $55,530 
Included in short-term investments156,430 1 (2,442)153,989 
Included in long-term investments36,791  (1,406)35,385 
$248,751 $1 $(3,848)$244,904 

The following table summarizes the legal maturities of debt investments at October 28, 2023 (in thousands):
 October 28, 2023
Amortized CostEstimated Fair
Less than one year$234,318 $234,029 
Due in 1-2 years134,455 134,278 
$368,773 $368,307 

As of the dates indicated, the following tables summarize the fair value of assets and liabilities that were recorded at fair value on a recurring basis (in thousands):
 October 28, 2023
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Money market funds$661,101 $ $ $661,101 
Bond mutual fund104,171   104,171 
Time deposits138,829   138,829 
Deferred compensation plan assets11,456   11,456 
U.S. government obligations 169,909  169,909 
Corporate debt securities 59,569  59,569 
Foreign currency forward contracts 1,119  1,119 
Interest rate swaps 24,953  24,953 
Total assets measured at fair value$915,557 $255,550 $ $1,171,107 
Foreign currency forward contracts$ $14,509 $ $14,509 
Total liabilities measured at fair value$ $14,509 $ $14,509 

Table of Contents
 October 29, 2022
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Money market funds$639,024 $ $ $639,024 
Bond mutual fund71,145   71,145 
Time deposits55,825   55,825 
Deferred compensation plan assets12,751   12,751 
U.S. government obligations 134,584  134,584 
Commercial paper 54,495  54,495 
Foreign currency forward contracts 251  251 
Interest rate swaps 12,306  12,306 
Total assets measured at fair value$778,745 $201,636 $ $980,381 
Foreign currency forward contracts$ $15,605 $ $15,605 
Total liabilities measured at fair value$ $15,605 $ $15,605 
As of the dates indicated, the assets and liabilities above were presented on Ciena’s Consolidated Balance Sheets as follows (in thousands):
 October 28, 2023
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Cash equivalents$891,788 $2,760 $ $894,548 
Short-term investments12,313 92,440  104,753 
Prepaid expenses and other 1,119  1,119 
Long-term investments 134,278  134,278 
Other long-term assets11,456 24,953  36,409 
Total assets measured at fair value$915,557 $255,550 $ $1,171,107 
Accrued liabilities and other short-term obligations$ $14,509 $ $14,509 
Total liabilities measured at fair value$ $14,509 $ $14,509 

 October 29, 2022
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Cash equivalents$757,725 $7,974 $ $765,699 
Short-term investments8,269 145,720  153,989 
Prepaid expenses and other 251  251 
Long-term investments 35,385  35,385 
Other long-term assets12,751 12,306  25,057 
Total assets measured at fair value$778,745 $201,636 $ $980,381 
Accrued liabilities and other short-term obligations$ $15,605 $ $15,605 
Total liabilities measured at fair value$ $15,605 $ $15,605 


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Ciena did not have any transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 fair value measurements during the periods presented.


As of October 28, 2023, two customers accounted for 11.0% and 10.0% of net accounts receivable, respectively. As of October 29, 2022, two customers accounted for 13.0% and 11.0% of net accounts receivable, respectively. Ciena has not historically experienced a significant amount of bad debt expense. The following table summarizes the activity in Ciena’s allowance for credit losses for the fiscal years indicated (in thousands):
Year EndedBeginning BalanceEffect of adoption of new accounting standardProvisionsNet DeductionsEnding Balance
October 30, 2021
$10,598 $2,206 $2,346 $4,238 $10,912 
October 29, 2022(1)
$10,912 $— $4,199 $4,153 $10,958 
October 28, 2023
$10,958 $— $5,718 $5,022 $11,654 

(1) On March 7, 2022, Ciena announced its decision to suspend its business operations in Russia immediately. As a result, Ciena’s allowance for doubtful accounts includes a provision for a significant asset impairment of $1.8 million for a trade receivable related to this decision.

Accounts Receivable Factoring

During fiscal 2023 and 2022, the gross amount of trade accounts receivables sold totaled approximately $60.3 million and $11.8 million, respectively. Prior to the start of fiscal 2022, Ciena had not entered into any factoring arrangements. Factoring related expense recorded to interest and other income (loss), net was $3.1 million and $0.6 million for fiscal 2023 and fiscal 2022, respectively.

As of the dates indicated, inventories are comprised of the following (in thousands):
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022
Raw materials$664,797 $664,916 
Work-in-process55,242 18,232 
Finished goods314,168 258,584 
Deferred cost of goods sold66,634 41,084 
Gross inventories1,100,841 982,816 
Reserve for excess and obsolescence(50,003)(36,086)
Inventories, net$1,050,838 $946,730 

Ciena has been expanding its manufacturing capacity and accumulating raw materials inventory of components that are available, in some cases with expanded lead times, in an effort to prepare Ciena to produce finished goods more quickly when supply constraints ease for certain common components, including integrated circuit components, for which delivery continues to be delayed. Raw materials inventory is related to the steps Ciena has taken to mitigate the impact of supply chain constraints on its business and customers in recent prior periods and the global market shortage of semiconductor parts. The increase in finished goods inventories resulted primarily from planned fulfillment of customer advance orders for which some deliveries have been rescheduled outside of fiscal 2023.
Ciena makes estimates about future customer demand for its products when establishing the appropriate reserve for excess and obsolete inventory. For fiscal 2023, future demand was calculated using both customer backlog and future forecasted sales. For fiscal 2022, future demand was calculated primarily based on customer backlog. Generally, Ciena’s customers may cancel or change their orders with limited advance notice, or they may decide not to accept its products and services, although instances of both cancellation and non-acceptance are rare. Ciena writes down its inventory for estimated obsolescence or unmarketable inventory by an amount equal to the difference between the cost of inventory and the estimated net realizable value based on assumptions about future demand, which are affected by changes in Ciena’s strategic direction, discontinuance of a product or introduction of newer versions of products, declines in the sales of or forecasted demand for certain products,

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and general market conditions. During fiscal 2023, fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2021, Ciena recorded a provision for excess and obsolescence of $29.5 million, $16.2 million, and $17.9 million, respectively, primarily related to a decrease in the forecasted demand for certain Networking Platforms products. Deductions from the provision for excess and obsolete inventory relate primarily to the sale of previously reserved items and disposal activities.
The following table summarizes the activity in Ciena’s reserve for excess and obsolete inventory for the fiscal years indicated (in thousands):
Year EndedBeginning BalanceProvisionsDisposalsEnding Balance
October 30, 2021$39,637 $17,850 $20,528 $36,959 
October 29, 2022$36,959 $16,184 $17,057 $36,086 
October 28, 2023$36,086 $29,464 $15,547 $50,003 

As of the dates indicated, prepaid expenses and other are comprised of the following (in thousands):
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022
Contract assets for unbilled accounts receivable, net$150,312 $156,039 
Prepaid VAT and other taxes96,724 63,975 
Prepaid expenses58,954 55,440 
Product demonstration equipment, net40,682 35,929 
Capitalized contract acquisition costs23,326 33,516 
Other non-trade receivables33,408 24,026 
Deferred deployment expense1,170 877 
Derivative assets1,118 251 
 $405,694 $370,053 

Depreciation of product demonstration equipment was $8.0 million, $8.7 million and $9.8 million for fiscal 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively.

For further discussion on contract assets and capitalized contract acquisition costs, see Note 2 above.

As of the dates indicated, equipment, building, furniture and fixtures are comprised of the following (in thousands):
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022
Equipment, furniture and fixtures$676,485 $619,160 
Building subject to finance lease67,904 69,247 
Leasehold improvements74,391 80,415 
Equipment, building, furniture and fixtures818,780 768,822 
Accumulated depreciation and amortization(538,633)(501,043)
Equipment, building, furniture and fixtures, net$280,147 $267,779 

During fiscal 2023, fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2021, Ciena recorded depreciation of equipment, building, furniture and fixtures, and amortization of leasehold improvements of $84.6 million, $87.2 million and $86.5 million, respectively.

As of the dates indicated, intangible assets are comprised of the following (in thousands):

Table of Contents
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022
Developed technology$503,618 $(414,941)$88,677 $428,218 $(386,300)$41,918 
In-process research and development89,100  89,100    
Patents and licenses8,795 (5,203)3,592 8,415 (4,228)4,187 
Customer relationships, covenants not to compete, outstanding purchase orders and contracts410,983 (386,725)24,258 390,271 (366,859)23,412 
Total intangible assets$1,012,496 $(806,869)$205,627 $826,904 $(757,387)$69,517 

The aggregate amortization expense of intangible assets was $49.6 million, $44.3 million and $36.0 million for fiscal 2023, fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2021, respectively. Expected future amortization of intangible assets for the fiscal years indicated is as follows (in thousands):
Fiscal YearAmount
(1) Does not include amortization of in-process technology, as estimation of the timing of future amortization expense would be impractical.


The following table presents the goodwill allocated to Ciena’s operating segments as of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, as well as the changes to goodwill during fiscal 2023 (in thousands):
Balance at October 29, 2022AcquisitionsTranslationBalance at October 28, 2023
Platform Software and Services$156,191 $ $ $156,191 
Blue Planet Automation Software and Services89,049   89,049 
Networking Platforms83,082 116,644 (201)199,525 
Total$328,322 $116,644 $(201)$444,765 

As of the dates indicated, other long-term assets are comprised of the following (in thousands):

Table of Contents
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022
Maintenance spares inventory, net$54,042 $44,815 
Interest rate swaps24,953 12,306 
Deferred compensation plan assets11,456 12,751 
Cloud computing arrangements(1)
8,589 6,050 
Capitalized contract acquisition costs6,879 6,151 
Deferred debt issuance costs, net(2)
1,956 781 
Restricted cash168 26 
Cost method equity investments(3)
48 20,698 
Other8,362 10,039 
 $116,453 $113,617 

(1) During fiscal 2023, fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2021, Ciena recorded amortization of cloud computing arrangements of $2.6 million, $2.8 million and $2.4 million, respectively.

(2) Deferred debt issuance costs relate to Ciena’s senior secured revolving credit facility (the “Revolving Credit Facility”) entered into during fiscal 2023 and its predecessor asset-backed credit facility (described in Note 20 below). The amortization of deferred debt issuance costs for the Revolving Credit Facility and its predecessor is included in interest expense, and was $0.4 million for fiscal 2023, fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2021.

(3) During the first quarter of fiscal 2023, Ciena acquired its previously held cost method equity investment in Tibit in a business combination, see Note 4 above.

As of the dates indicated, accrued liabilities and other short-term obligations are comprised of the following (in thousands):
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022
Compensation, payroll related tax and benefits (1)
$159,530 $126,338 
Warranty57,089 45,503 
Vacation29,503 26,396 
Income taxes payable16,341 11,472 
Foreign currency forward contracts14,509 15,604 
Interest payable4,514 4,793 
Finance lease liabilities3,953 3,758 
Other145,980 126,918 
 $431,419 $360,782 
(1) Increase is primarily due to a higher accrual rate related to Ciena’s 2023 annual cash incentive compensation plan.

The following table summarizes the activity in Ciena’s accrued warranty for the fiscal years indicated (in thousands):
Year EndedBeginning BalanceCurrent Year ProvisionsSettlementsEnding Balance
October 30, 2021$49,868 $17,093 $(18,942)$48,019 
October 29, 2022$48,019 $17,440 $(19,956)$45,503 
October 28, 2023$45,503 $31,742 $(20,156)$57,089 

As of the dates indicated, deferred revenue is comprised of the following (in thousands):

Table of Contents
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022
Products$28,353 $19,814 
Services200,107 180,421 
Total deferred revenue228,460 200,235 
Less current portion(154,419)(137,899)
Long-term deferred revenue$74,041 $62,336 

As of the dates indicated, other long-term obligations are comprised of the following (in thousands):
October 28, 2023October 29, 2022
Finance lease liabilities$48,192 $53,176 
Income tax liability98,259 72,644 
Deferred compensation plan liability11,444 12,535 
Other12,512 11,980 
$170,407 $150,335 


Foreign Currency Derivatives     
Ciena conducts business globally in many currencies, and thus is exposed to adverse foreign currency exchange rate changes. To limit this exposure, Ciena entered into foreign currency contracts. Ciena does not enter into such contracts for speculative purposes.    
As of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, Ciena had forward contracts to hedge its foreign exchange exposure in order to reduce variability that is principally related to research and development activities. The notional amount of these contracts was approximately $367.3 million and $272.2 million as of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, respectively. These foreign exchange contracts have maturities of 24 months or less and have been designated as cash flow hedges.
In May 2023, Ciena entered into forward contracts designated as net investment hedges to minimize the effect of foreign exchange rate movements on its net investments in foreign operations. The notional amount of these contracts was approximately $48.0 million as of October 28, 2023. These foreign exchange contracts have maturities of 24 months or less and have been designated as net investment hedges.
As of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, Ciena had forward contracts to hedge its foreign exchange exposure in order to reduce the variability in various currencies of certain balance sheet items. The notional amount of these contracts was approximately $226.3 million and $108.0 million as of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, respectively. These foreign exchange contracts have maturities of 12 months or less and have not been designated as hedges for accounting purposes.
Interest Rate Derivatives
Ciena is exposed to floating rates of interest on its term loan borrowings (see Note 19 below) and has hedged such risk by entering into floating-to-fixed interest rate swap arrangements (“interest rate swaps”).
Prior to amending our term loan due September 28, 2025 (the “2025 Term Loan”) in January 2023, to replace LIBOR with the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”), Ciena was exposed to floating rates of LIBOR interest on its 2025 Term Loan borrowings. In October 2018, Ciena hedged this risk by entering into interest rate swaps to fix the LIBOR rate for the first $350.0 million of its floating rate debt at 2.957% through September 2023. In January 2023, Ciena entered into a LIBOR to SOFR basis swap (“basis swap”) to hedge its exposure to SOFR rate. The basis swap offset the LIBOR exposure risk of the interest rate swaps and effectively fixed the SOFR rate for the first $350.0 million of its floating rate debt at 2.883% through September 2023. These swaps expired in September 2023. In April 2022, Ciena entered into forward starting interest rate swaps to fix the SOFR rate for the first $350.0 million its floating rate debt at 2.968% from September 2023 through September 2025 (“2025 interest rate swaps”). The total notional amount of the 2025 interest swaps was $350.0 million as of October 28, 2023.
In January 2023, Ciena entered into interest rate swaps to fix the SOFR rate for an additional $350.0 million of its floating rate debt at 3.47% through January 2028 (“2028 interest rate swaps”). The total notional amount of the 2028 interest rate swaps in effect as of October 28, 2023 was $350.0 million.

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Ciena expects the variable rate payments to be received under the terms interest rate swaps to offset exactly the forecasted variable rate payments on the equivalent notional amount of the 2030 New Term Loan (as defined in Note 19 below). These derivative contracts have been designated as cash flow hedges.
Other information regarding Ciena’s derivatives is immaterial for separate financial statement presentation. See Notes 6 and 8 above.

The following table summarizes the changes in accumulated balances of other comprehensive income (“AOCI”), net of tax (in thousands):
Unrealized Gain (Loss) on
Available-for-Sale SecuritiesForeign
Currency Forward Contracts
Interest Rate SwapsCumulative Translation AdjustmentTotal
Balance at October 31, 2020$45 $(219)$(21,535)$(13,649)$(35,358)
Other comprehensive gain (loss) before reclassifications(209)16,856 (261)20,215 36,601 
Amounts reclassified from AOCI (10,421)9,617  (804)
Balance at October 30, 2021(164)6,216 (12,179)6,566 439 
Other comprehensive gain (loss) before reclassifications(2,801)(16,299)14,512 (49,446)(54,034)
Amounts reclassified from AOCI (114)7,064  6,950 
Balance at October 29, 2022(2,965)(10,197)9,397 (42,880)(46,645)
Other comprehensive gain (loss) before reclassifications2,593 (8,455)19,600 (5,321)8,417 
Amounts reclassified from AOCI 10,496 (10,035) 461 
Balance at October 28, 2023$(372)$(8,156)$18,962 $(48,201)$(37,767)
All amounts reclassified from AOCI related to settlement (gains) losses on foreign currency forward contracts designated as cash flow hedges impacted research and development expense on the Consolidated Statements of Operations. All amounts reclassified from AOCI related to settlement (gains) losses on interest rate swaps designated as cash flow hedges impacted interest and other income (loss), net on the Consolidated Statements of Operations.


Ciena leases over 1.1 million square feet of facilities globally. Ciena’s corporate headquarters are located in Hanover, Maryland. Ciena’s largest facilities are research and development centers located in Ottawa, Canada and Gurgaon, India. Ciena also leases smaller engineering facilities in the United States, Canada, and Europe. In addition, Ciena leases various smaller offices in regions throughout the world to support sales and services operations. Office facilities are leased under various non-cancelable operating or finance leases. Ciena's current leases have remaining terms that vary up to 9 years. Certain leases provide for options to extend up to 10 years and/or options to terminate within 4 years.

Leases included in the Consolidated Balance Sheets for the fiscal periods indicated were as follows (in thousands):

Table of Contents
ClassificationBalance at October 28, 2023Balance at October 29, 2022
Operating leases:
Operating ROU AssetsOperating right-of-use assets$35,140 $45,108 
Operating lease liabilitiesOperating lease liabilities and Long-term operating lease liabilities$49,914 $61,317 
Finance leases:
Buildings, grossEquipment, building, furniture and fixtures, net$67,904 $69,247 
Less: accumulated depreciationEquipment, building, furniture and fixtures, net(30,079)(26,266)
Buildings, net$37,825 $42,981 
Finance lease liabilitiesAccrued liabilities and other short-term obligations and other long-term obligations$52,145 $56,934 

ROU assets that involve subleased or vacant space aggregate $7.5 million as of October 28, 2023. Finance lease buildings, net, that involve subleased or vacant space aggregate $6.0 million as of October 28, 2023. These assets may become impaired if tenants are unable to service their obligations under the sublease, and/or if the estimates as to occupancy are not realized.

For the periods indicated, the components of lease expense included in the Consolidated Statements of Operations were as follows (in thousands):
Year EndedYear EndedYear Ended
ClassificationOctober 28, 2023October 29, 2022October 30, 2021
Operating lease costsOperating expense$16,080 $17,966 $16,602 
Finance lease cost:
Amortization of finance ROU assetOperating expense4,448 4,592 4,773 
Interest on finance lease liabilitiesInterest expense4,069 4,601 4,882 
Total finance lease cost8,517 9,193 9,655 
Non-capitalized lease costOperating expense910 917 1,152 
Variable lease cost(1)
Operating expense3,421 5,898 5,690 
Net lease cost(2)
$28,928 $33,974 $33,099 
(1) Variable lease costs include expenses relating to insurance, taxes, maintenance and other costs required by the applicable operating lease. Variable lease costs are determined by whether they are to be included in base rent and if amounts are based on a consumer price index.
(2) Excludes other operating expense of $6.5 million, $12.8 million, and $8.8 million for the fiscal years ended October 28, 2023, October 29, 2022, and October 30, 2021, respectively, related to amortization of leasehold improvements.

Future minimum lease payments and the present value of minimum lease payments related to operating and finance leases as of October 28, 2023 were as follows (in thousands):

Table of Contents
Operating LeasesFinance LeasesTotal
2024$18,126 $7,640 $25,766 
202513,568 7,793 21,361 
20269,951 7,824 17,775 
20275,563 8,095 13,658 
20281,516 8,367 9,883 
Thereafter5,796 31,435 37,231 
Total lease payments54,520 71,154 125,674 
Less: Imputed interest
Present value of lease liabilities49,914 52,145 102,059 
Less: Current portion of present value of minimum lease payments16,655 3,953 20,608 
Long-term portion of present value of minimum lease payments$33,259 $48,192 $81,451 

The weighted average remaining lease terms and weighted average discount rates for operating and finance leases were as follows (in thousands):
Weighted-average remaining lease term in years:
As of October 28, 2023
As of October 29, 2022
Operating leases
Finance leases
Weighted-average discount rates:
Operating leases
3.88 %2.97 %
Finance leases
7.56 %7.56 %


2030 New Term Loan

On October 24, 2023, Ciena, together with certain of its domestic subsidiaries as guarantors, entered into an Incremental Amendment Agreement (the “Amendment”) to its Credit Agreement, dated July 15, 2014, as amended (the “Credit Agreement”), by and among Ciena, certain of its subsidiaries, the lenders party thereto, and Bank of America, N.A., as administrative agent (“Bank of America”), to which Ciena incurred a new tranche of senior secured term loans in an aggregate principal amount of $1.2 billion (the “2030 New Term Loan”) and a new senior secured revolving credit facility of $300 million (the “Revolving Credit Facility” as defined in Note 20 below).

The proceeds of the 2030 New Term Loan, net of original issuance discount, replaced, in full, $668.7 million of outstanding principal of the 2025 Term Loan and $497.5 million of outstanding principal of the 2030 Term Loan (as defined below) (“Refinanced Term Loans”), including accrued interest, and pay transaction fees and expenses, resulting in proceeds of $0.8 million. The 2030 New Term Loan requires Ciena to make installment payments of $2.9 million on a quarterly basis.

Based on the continuation of existing lenders and the addition of new lenders, this arrangement was primarily accounted for as a modification of debt and, as such, $6.0 million of debt issuance costs associated with the 2030 New Term Loan were expensed. The aggregate balance of approximately $4.4 million of debt issuance costs and approximately $2.2 million of original discount from the 2025 Term Loan and 2030 Term Loan, $0.1 million of debt issuance costs associated with new lenders for the 2030 New Term Loan, and approximately $2.9 million of original discount from the 2030 New Term Loan, were included in the carrying value of the 2030 New Term Loan.

The Amendment amends the Credit Agreement and provides that the 2030 New Term Loan will, among other things:
mature on October 24, 2030;         
amortize in equal quarterly installments in aggregate amounts equal to 0.25% of the principal amount of the 2030 New Term Loan as of January 19, 2023, or $2.9 million, or $11.7 million annually, with the balance payable at maturity;

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be subject to mandatory prepayment upon the occurrence of certain specified events substantially similar to the Refinanced Term Loans, including upon the occurrence of certain specified events such as asset sales, debt issuances, and receipt of annual Excess Cash Flow (as defined in the Credit Agreement);
bear interest, at Ciena’s election, at a per annum rate equal to (a) SOFR (subject to a floor of 0.00%) plus an applicable margin of 2.00%, or (b) a base rate (subject to a floor of 1.00%) plus an applicable margin of 1.00%; and
be repayable at any time at Ciena’s election, provided that repayment of the 2030 New Term Loan with proceeds of certain indebtedness prior to April 24, 2024 will require a prepayment premium of 1.00% of the aggregate principal amount of such prepayment.

Among other things, the Amendment also amends the Credit Agreement by (i) modifying the “accordion” feature to provide for incremental term loan facilities (the “Incremental Term Loans”) in an aggregate amount not to exceed the sum of (A) the greater of (1) $640 million and (2) an amount equal to consolidated EBITDA on a pro forma basis for the most recently ended four-quarter period and (B) an amount (1) in the case of secured incremental term facilities that rank pari passu with or junior to the 2030 New Term Loan, such that the Total Secured Net Leverage Ratio (as defined in the Credit Agreement) would not be greater than 3.00 to 1.00 at the time of incurrence and (2) in the case of unsecured incremental term facilities, such that the Interest Coverage Ratio (as defined in the Credit Agreement) would not be less than 2.00 to 1.00 at the time of incurrence, subject to certain conditions, including obtaining commitments from any one or more lenders, whether or not currently party to the Credit Agreement, to provide such increased amounts and (ii) amending certain negative covenants.

2030年新期限貸款$1,170,000 $(5,122)$(5,507)$1,159,371 

從2030年新定期貸款的賬面金額中扣除的延期債務發行成本總計爲美元5.5 截至2023年10月28日,百萬。延期債務發行成本採用直線法攤銷,該方法接近實際利率的影響,直至2030年新定期貸款到期。2030年新定期貸款的延期債務發行成本攤銷包括在利息費用中,爲美元0.1 財政期間百萬 2023.

截至2023年10月28日,2030年新期限貸款的估計公允價值爲美元1.2 億2030年新定期貸款在公允價值等級中被歸類爲第2級。Ciena使用基於可觀察輸入數據(例如涉及可比證券的當前市場交易)的市場方法估計了其2030年新期限貸款的公允價值。


2030年新定期貸款的收益(扣除原始發行折扣)用於全額償還美元1.2 再融資定期貸款的未償本金10億美元,包括應計利息。


2023年1月19日,針對信貸協議(定義見下文)的增量協議(定義見下文),對信貸協議進行了修訂,以將2025年定期貸款的LIBOR替換爲SOFR,以應對FASb會計準則編碼848、參考利率改革的未決影響。截至2025年定期貸款的淨資產 2022年10月29日是 $673.0 萬延期債務發行成本採用直線法攤銷,該法接近於實際利率法的影響,直至2025年定期貸款到期。2025年定期貸款的延期債務發行成本攤銷包括在利息費用中,爲美元0.6 2023財年和2022財年爲百萬美元。


2023年1月19日,Ciena對其日期爲2014年7月15日的信貸協議簽訂了增量合併和修訂協議(「增量協議」),經Ciena、貸方一方和美國銀行之間修訂作爲行政代理人,Ciena產生了一批新的高級有擔保定期貸款,本金總額爲 $500.0 並於2030年1月19日到期(「2030年定期貸款」)。扣除原始發行折扣和債務發行成本後,美元492.5 2030年定期貸款的100萬美元收益旨在用於一般企業用途。



按季度平均分期攤銷,總金額等於 0.25截至2023年1月19日,佔2030年定期貸款本金的%,或美元1.25 百萬,餘額在到期時支付;
根據Ciena的選擇,每年利率等於(a)SOFR(受最低限額限制) 0.00%)加上適用的按金 2.50%,或(b)基本稅率(受最低限額限制 1.00%)加上適用的按金 1.50%;和
可根據Ciena的選擇隨時償還,前提是在2023年7月19日之前用某些債務的收益償還2030年定期貸款將需要預付費溢價 1.00該預付款本金總額的%。

延期債務發行成本採用直線法攤銷,該法接近實際利率的影響,直至2030年定期貸款到期。2030年定期貸款的延期債務發行成本攤銷包括在利息費用中,爲美元0.5 財政百萬 2023.


2022年1月18日,Ciena與Ciena(作爲發行人)、Ciena的某些國內子公司(作爲擔保人)(統稱爲「擔保人」)和美國全國銀行協會(作爲受託人)簽訂了一份契約(「契約」),Ciena據此發行了美元400.0 本金總額百萬 4.00% 2030年到期的優先票據(「2030年票據」)。

2030年高級筆記 4.00固定利率%
$400,000 $(4,265)$395,735 $395,045 

從2030年票據的公允價值中扣除的遞延債務發行成本總計爲美元4.3 截至2023年10月28日,百萬美元5.0 截至2022年10月29日,百萬。遞延債務發行成本採用直線法攤銷,該法接近實際利率的影響,直至2030年票據到期。2030年票據的延期債務發行成本攤銷包括在利息費用中,爲美元0.7 財政期間百萬 2023和 $0.5 2022財年期間.

截至2023年10月28日,2030年票據的估計公允價值爲 $330.5百萬. 2030年票據在公允價值等級中被歸類爲第2級。Ciena使用基於可觀察輸入數據(例如涉及可比證券的當前市場交易)的市場方法估計了其2030年票據的公允價值。

(20) 循環信貸融資

2023年2月10日,根據2019年10月28日修訂的ABL信貸協議(「ABL信貸協議」),由Ciena、其某些子公司、貸方一方(「ABL貸方」)和美國銀行作爲行政代理人修改了其高級有擔保資產支持循環信貸工具(「ABL信貸融資」),其提供的總承諾爲美元300.0 百萬美元將到期日延長至2025年9月28日。

2023年10月24日(「截止日期」),根據信貸協議的增量修訂協議(定義見上文附註19),Ciena產生了新的高級有擔保循環信貸融資,金額爲美元300.0 百萬(「循環信貸工具」),取代ABL信貸工具。Ciena可以選擇將循環信貸機制下的循環承諾總額增加至美元450.0 百萬美元,但須遵守某些條件,包括從一個或多個貸方獲得承諾。信貸協議規定,美元200.0 百萬美元的循環信貸工具可供發行

信用證並允許金額不超過美元的搖擺線貸款50.0 萬在截止日期或前後,Ciena將最初根據ABL信貸融資發放、未提取金額約爲美元的某些未償還信用證轉移至循環信貸融資65.1 萬截至截止日期,ABL信貸融資項下無未償還借款。Ciena預計將使用循環信貸機制來支持在其正常業務過程中產生的以及用於一般企業目的的信用證的發放。


根據Ciena的選擇,對未償借款按相當於(a)SOFR(受以下下限限制)的年率計算利息 0.00%)加上信用利差調整 0.10%加上適用按金,範圍從 1.375%至2.00%,或(b)基本稅率(受最低限額限制 1.00%)加上適用的按金,範圍從 0.375%至1.00%,在每種情況下,實際按金根據總淨槓桿率(定義見上文信貸協議)確定;
對循環信貸融資的未使用部分支付承諾費,年率範圍爲 0.225%至0.300%,實際利率根據總淨槓桿率確定;和
包括對未來可能產生的增量定期貸款和某些其他債務的總額的限制,該金額等於不會導致總淨槓桿率超過 5.00 發病時爲1點00分。

循環信貸融資項下的義務由Ciena的所有子公司擔保,這些子公司目前或未來需要擔保2030年新定期貸款的義務,包括截至截止日期,Ciena Communications,Inc. Ciena政府解決方案公司Ciena Communications International,LLC和Blue Planet Software,Inc.,並以Ciena和擔保人的幾乎所有資產爲抵押,以2030年新定期貸款同等權益爲抵押。在發生與Ciena信用評級提高和所有有擔保定期貸款償還相關的某些事件(「投資級事件」)後,所有爲循環信貸機制下的義務提供擔保的抵押品將根據Ciena的選擇釋放。

在投資級活動之前,總有擔保淨槓桿率最高不大於 3.50 從四個財政季度的任何時期結束時起至1.00(前提是,如果Ciena完成符合條件的收購,Ciena可以選擇將總有擔保淨槓桿率最高水平提高至 4.00 完成此類合格收購的財年以及接下來連續五個財年的1.00);
投資級活動期間或之後,最大總淨槓桿率不大於 4.00 截至四個財政季度的任何期間結束時的1.00;以及
最低利息覆蓋率不低於 3.00 截至四個財政季度的任何期間結束時的1.00。


截至 2023年10月28日,Ciena遵守了上述財務維持契約。截至 2023年10月28日、信用證總額爲美元72.5 在我們的循環信貸機制下發行了100萬美元。有 沒有 截至年循環信貸機制下的未償借款 2023年10月28日.
Basic net income per common share (“Basic EPS”) is computed using the weighted average number of common shares outstanding. Diluted net income per potential common share (“Diluted EPS”) is computed using the weighted average number of the following, in each case, to the extent the effect is not anti-dilutive: (i) common shares outstanding, (ii) shares issuable upon vesting of stock unit awards; and (iii) shares issuable under Ciena’s employee stock purchase plan and upon exercise of outstanding stock options, using the treasury stock method.
The following table presents the calculation of Basic and Diluted EPS (in thousands except per share amounts):

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 Year Ended
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022October 30, 2021
Net income$254,827 $152,902 $500,196 
Basic weighted average shares outstanding148,971 151,208 155,279 
Effect of dilutive potential common shares409 985 1,464 
Diluted weighted average shares outstanding149,380 152,193 156,743 
Basic EPS$1.71 $1.01 $3.22 
Diluted EPS$1.71 $1.00 $3.19 
Antidilutive employee share-based awards, excluded2,6751,370110


Stock Repurchase Program and Accelerated Share Repurchase Agreement
On December 13, 2018, Ciena announced that its Board of Directors authorized a program to repurchase up to $500 million of Ciena’s common stock. During fiscal 2021, Ciena repurchased 1.7 million shares of its common stock, for an aggregate purchase price of $92.1 million at an average price of $54.27 per share. Under this program, Ciena repurchased a total of 7.4 million shares of its common stock, for an aggregate purchase price of $316.7 million at an average price of $42.75 per share.
On December 9, 2021, Ciena announced that its Board of Directors replaced its previously authorized program, as described above, with a program to repurchase up to $1.0 billion of its common stock. On December 13, 2021, Ciena entered into an accelerated share repurchase agreement (the “ASR Agreement”) with Goldman, Sachs & Co. LLC (“Goldman”) to repurchase $250.0 million (the “Repurchase Price”) of its common stock as part of the repurchase program. Under the terms of the ASR Agreement, Ciena paid the Repurchase Price to Goldman, and received approximately 3.6 million shares of its common stock from Goldman, calculated based on the average of the volume-weighted average prices of Ciena’s common stock of $69.78 for the period from December 14, 2021 to February 11, 2022, less a discount, which completed the repurchases contemplated by the ASR Agreement. Shares repurchased pursuant to the ASR Agreement were immediately retired upon receipt. During the remainder of fiscal 2022, Ciena repurchased an additional 4.8 million shares of its common stock, for an aggregate purchase price of $250.0 million at an average price of $51.53 per share.
During fiscal 2023, Ciena repurchased an additional 5.7 million shares of its common stock, for an aggregate purchase price of $250.0 million at an average price of $44.08 per share. As of October 28, 2023, Ciena has repurchased an aggregate of 14.1 million shares for an aggregate purchase price of $750.0 million at an average price of $53.17 per share and has an aggregate of $250.0 million of authorized funds remaining under its stock repurchase program.
The purchase price for the shares of Ciena’s stock repurchased is reflected as a reduction of common stock and additional paid-in capital.

Impact of Inflation Reduction Act 1% Excise Tax on Share Repurchases

Beginning fiscal 2023, a 1% excise tax on the market value of shares repurchased offset by 1% of the market value of shares issued was implemented. During fiscal 2023, a net excise tax of $1.5 million was recorded to additional paid-in capital on the Consolidated Balance Sheets.

Stock Repurchases Related to Restricted Stock Unit Tax Withholdings
Ciena repurchases shares of common stock to satisfy employee tax withholding obligations due upon vesting of stock unit awards. The related purchase price of $38.5 million for the shares of Ciena’s stock repurchased during fiscal 2023 is reflected as a reduction to stockholders’ equity. Ciena is required to allocate the purchase price of the repurchased shares as a reduction of common stock and additional paid-in capital.

For the periods indicated, the provision (benefit) for income taxes consists of the following (in thousands):

Table of Contents
 Year Ended
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022October 30, 2021
Provision (benefit) for income taxes: 
Federal$36,537 $27,479 $72,603 
State18,860 10,289 21,400 
Foreign28,281 19,337 25,021 
Total current83,678 57,105 119,024 
State(17,354)520 (11,546)
Foreign10,512 2,010 (122,981)
Total deferred(14,852)(27,502)(156,469)
Provision (benefit) for income taxes$68,826 $29,603 $(37,445)

For the periods indicated, income before provision (benefit) for income taxes consists of the following (in thousands):
 Year Ended
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022October 30, 2021
United States$93,682 $28,784 $298,514 
Foreign229,971 153,721 164,237 
Total$323,653 $182,505 $462,751 

Ciena’s foreign income tax as a percentage of foreign income may appear disproportionate compared to the expected tax based on the U.S. federal statutory rate and is dependent on the mix of earnings and tax rates in foreign jurisdictions.
For the periods indicated, the tax provision reconciles to the amount computed by multiplying income before income taxes by the U.S. federal statutory rate of 21% for fiscal 2023, fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2021 as follows:
 Year Ended
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022October 30, 2021
Provision at statutory rate21.00 %21.00 %21.00 %
Intercompany IP Restructuring Transaction % %(25.85)%
State taxes1.65 %2.31 %3.73 %
Withholding and other foreign taxes(0.09)%(1.37)%2.76 %
Research and development credit(16.78)%(23.66)%(7.99)%
Non-deductible compensation5.29 %5.26 %1.68 %
Foreign derived intangible income % %(1.82)%
US Taxation on foreign activity5.08 %1.73 % %
Foreign Nontaxable interest(1.06)%(1.90)% %
Taxation on foreign inflation1.34 %1.41 %0.16 %
Rate change(3.71)%1.27 %(4.33)%
Valuation allowance9.44 %8.35 %1.77 %
Loss on equity transactions(1.72)% % %
Uncertain tax positions1.72 %1.62 %0.63 %
Other(0.89)%0.20 %0.17 %
Effective income tax rate21.27 %16.22 %(8.09)%


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Our future income tax provisions and deferred tax balances may be affected by the amount of pre-tax income, the jurisdictions where it is earned, the existence and ability to utilize tax attributes and changes in tax laws and business reorganizations.

In fiscal 2021, Ciena began implementation of a plan to reorganize its global supply chain and distribution structure more substantially, which included a legal entity reorganization and related system upgrade. Ciena completed the first phase of this plan in fiscal 2021, and substantially completed the reorganization during fiscal 2022. As part of this reorganization, Ciena completed an internal transfer of certain of its non-U.S. intangible assets, which created amortizable tax basis resulting in the discrete recognition of a $119.3 million deferred tax asset with a corresponding tax benefit. The impact of this transfer is reflected in Ciena’s effective tax rate for the year ended October 30, 2021, which had a significant, one-time impact on its net income for the period.

Ciena is also required to make accounting policy elections as a result of the Tax Act. These include whether a valuation allowance is recorded for the estimated effect of the application of GILTI and BEAT or if these will be treated as period costs when incurred. Ciena had made the incremental cash tax cost policy election with respect to analyzing the impact of GILTI on the assessment of the realizability of net operating losses. The realizability of U.S. tax carryforwards is not impacted by the BEAT, and the BEAT is a period cost when incurred. Ciena is also required to elect to treat taxes due on future GILTI inclusions in U.S. taxable income either as a current period expense when incurred or reflect such portion of the future GILTI inclusions in U.S. taxable income that relate to existing basis differences in Ciena’s current measurement of deferred taxes. Ciena’s accounting policy election is to treat the taxes due on future U.S. inclusions in taxable income under GILTI as a period cost when incurred.
The significant components of deferred tax assets are as follows (in thousands):
Year Ended
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022
Deferred tax assets: 
Reserves and accrued liabilities$82,160 $76,839 
Depreciation and amortization712,098 690,636 
NOL and credit carry forward197,984 154,707 
Other6,934 63,902 
Gross deferred tax assets999,176 986,084 
Valuation allowance(189,870)(162,076)
Deferred tax asset, net of valuation allowance$809,306 $824,008 

A reconciliation of the beginning and ending amount of unrecognized tax benefits, excluding interest and penalties, is as follows (in thousands):

Table of Contents
Unrecognized tax benefits at October 31, 2020$95,748 
Decrease related to positions taken in prior period(22,854)
Reductions related to settlements with taxing authorities(654)
Increase related to positions taken in current period5,510 
Reductions related to expiration of statute of limitations(659)
Unrecognized tax benefits at October 30, 202177,091 
Increase related to positions taken in prior period4,732 
Reductions related to settlements with taxing authorities(3,229)
Increase related to positions taken in current period2,959 
Reductions related to expiration of statute of limitations(1,039)
Unrecognized tax benefits at October 29, 202280,514 
Increase related to positions taken in prior period9,940 
Reductions related to settlements with taxing authorities(625)
Increase related to positions taken in current period4,960 
Reductions related to expiration of statute of limitations(869)
Unrecognized tax benefits at October 28, 2023$93,920 

As of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, Ciena had accrued $7.9 million and $5.2 million of interest and penalties, respectively, related to unrecognized tax benefits included in other long-term obligations in the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Interest and penalties of $2.7 million and $1.7 million were recorded as a net expense to the provision for income taxes during fiscal 2023 and 2022, respectively. During fiscal 2021, Ciena recorded a net benefit to the provision for interest and penalties in its provision for income taxes of $0.1 million. If recognized, the entire balance of unrecognized tax benefits would impact the effective tax rate. Over the next 12 months, Ciena does not estimate any material changes in unrecognized income tax benefits.

During the fourth quarter of fiscal 2023, Ciena evaluated the undistributed earnings of its foreign subsidiaries and identified approximately $222.0 million in earnings that are no longer considered to be indefinitely reinvested. Ciena recorded a provision of $2.5 million that reflects the income tax effects of the repatriation of these earnings. No additional income tax expense has been provided for any remaining undistributed foreign earnings, or any additional outside basis difference from investments in the foreign subsidiaries, as these amounts continue to be indefinitely reinvested. If the remaining undistributed foreign earnings and profits of $381.0 million were repatriated to the U.S., the provisional amount of unrecognized deferred tax liability, which is primarily related to foreign withholding taxes, is an estimated $30.0 million; however, the amount may be lower depending on Ciena’s ability to utilize tax credits associated with the distribution. Additionally, there are no other significant temporary differences for which a deferred tax liability or asset has not been recognized.

As of October 28, 2023, Ciena continues to maintain a valuation allowance of $189.9 million against its gross deferred tax assets primarily. The valuation allowance is primarily related to state and foreign net operating losses and credits that Ciena estimates it will not be able to use.

The following table summarizes the activity in Ciena’s valuation allowance against its gross deferred tax assets (in thousands):
Year EndedBeginning BalanceAdditionsDeductionsEnding Balance
October 30, 2021$151,427 $17,897 $9,690 $159,634 
October 29, 2022$159,634 $15,245 $12,803 $162,076 
October 28, 2023$162,076 $28,746 $952 $189,870 


Ciena has outstanding equity awards issued under its 2017 Omnibus Incentive Plan (the “2017 Plan”), its 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan, and certain legacy equity plans and equity plans assumed as a result of previous acquisitions. All equity awards granted on or after March 23, 2017 are made exclusively from the 2017 Plan. Ciena also makes shares of its common stock available for purchase under the ESPP. Each of the 2017 Plan and the ESPP are described below.

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2017 Plan

The 2017 Plan has a ten-year term and authorizes the issuance of awards including stock options, restricted stock units (RSUs), restricted stock, unrestricted stock, stock appreciation rights (SARs) and other equity and/or cash performance incentive awards to employees, directors and consultants of Ciena. Subject to certain restrictions, the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors has broad discretion to establish the terms and conditions for awards under the 2017 Plan, including the number of shares, vesting conditions, and the required service or performance criteria. Options and SARs have a maximum term of ten years, and their exercise price may not be less than 100% of fair market value on the date of grant. Repricing of stock options and SARs is prohibited without stockholder approval. Certain change in control transactions may cause awards granted under the 2017 Plan to vest, unless the awards are continued or substituted for in connection with the transaction.

The 2017 Plan authorizes and reserves 21.1 million shares for issuance. The number of shares available under the 2017 Plan are also increased from time to time by: (i) the number of shares subject to outstanding awards granted under Ciena’s prior equity compensation plans that are forfeited, expire or are canceled without delivery of common stock following the effective date of the 2017 Plan, and (ii) the number of shares subject to awards assumed or substituted in connection with the acquisition of another company. As of October 28, 2023, the total number of shares authorized for issuance under the 2017 Plan was 21.1 million and approximately 5.6 million shares remained available for issuance thereunder.

Stock Options

There were no stock options granted by Ciena during fiscal 2023, fiscal 2022 or fiscal 2021. Outstanding stock option awards granted to employees in prior periods are generally subject to service-based vesting conditions and vest over a four-year period. The following table is a summary of Ciena’s stock option activity for the periods indicated (shares in thousands):
Exercise Price
Balance at October 29, 202232 $30.98 
Balance at October 28, 20237 $16.94 
The total intrinsic value of options exercised during fiscal 2023, fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2021 was $0.3 million, $1.6 million and $0.5 million, respectively.
The following table summarizes information with respect to stock options outstanding at October 28, 2023, based on Ciena’s closing stock price on the last trading day of Ciena’s fiscal 2023 (shares and intrinsic value in thousands):
   Options Outstanding and Vested at
October 28, 2023
Range ofofContractualAverageAggregate
$14.38 — $18.22 7 0.36$16.94 $178 

Assumptions for Option-Based Awards

Ciena recognizes the fair value of stock options as share-based compensation expense on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period. Ciena did not grant any option-based awards during fiscal 2023, fiscal 2022 or fiscal 2021.

Restricted Stock Units
A restricted stock unit is a stock award that entitles the holder to receive shares of Ciena common stock as the unit vests. Ciena’s outstanding restricted stock unit awards are subject to service-based vesting conditions and/or performance-based vesting conditions. Awards subject to service-based conditions typically vest in increments over a three or four-year period.

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However, the 2017 Plan permits Ciena to grant service-based stock awards with a minimum one-year vesting period. Awards with performance-based vesting conditions (i) require the achievement of certain operational, financial or other performance criteria or targets or (ii) vest based on Ciena’s total stockholder return as compared to an index of peer companies, in whole or in part.
During fiscal 2023, Ciena introduced a benefit pursuant to which, upon completion of ten years of service and reaching age 60, executive officers who are residents of the United States, the United Kingdom, or Canada and who provide 12 months’ notice of their retirement will receive continued vesting of all of their granted but unvested restricted stock unit (“RSU”) awards and a pro-rated amount of their performance stock unit awards and market stock unit awards. Other employees in these countries will be subject to the same eligibility and notice requirements, but will receive acceleration of their granted but unvested RSU awards upon retirement. This program accelerates the recognition of share-based compensation expense.

Assumptions for Restricted Stock Unit Awards

Ciena recognizes the estimated fair value of restricted stock units subject only to service-based vesting conditions by multiplying the number of shares underlying the award by the closing price per share of Ciena common stock on the grant date. Share-based expense for service-based restricted stock unit awards is recognized ratably over the vesting period on a straight-line basis.

Ciena recognizes the estimated fair value of restricted stock units subject to performance-based vesting conditions other than total stockholder return, by assuming the satisfaction of any performance-based objectives at the “target” level and multiplying the corresponding number of shares earned based upon such achievement by the closing price per share of Ciena common stock on the grant date. Share-based compensation expense is recognized over the performance period, using graded vesting, which considers each performance period or tranche separately, based on Ciena’s determination of whether it is probable that the performance targets will be achieved. At the end of each reporting period, Ciena reassesses the probability of achieving the performance targets and the performance period required to meet those targets. The estimation of whether the performance targets will be achieved involves judgment. Revisions are reflected in the period in which the estimate is changed. If any performance goals are not met, no compensation cost is ultimately recognized against that goal and, to the extent previously recognized, compensation expense is reversed.

Share-based compensation expense for restricted stock units subject only to service-based vesting conditions and restricted stock units subject to performance-based vesting conditions other than total stockholder return, is recognized only for those awards that ultimately vest. In the event of a forfeiture of an award, the expense related to the unvested portion of that award is reversed. Reversal of share-based compensation expense based on forfeitures can materially affect the measurement of estimated fair value of Ciena’s share-based compensation.

Ciena recognizes the estimated fair value of performance based awards subject to total stockholder return as compared to an index of peer companies using a Monte Carlo simulation valuation model. Ciena reverses share-based compensation expense on performance based awards subject to total shareholder return only when the requisite service period is not reached. Assumptions for awards granted during fiscal 2023, fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2021 included the following:
Year Ended
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022October 30, 2021
Expected volatility of Ciena common stock, which is a weighted average of implied volatility and historical volatility40.37%38.27%41.00%
Historical volatility of Ciena common stock
Historical volatility of S&P Networking Index30.93%27.22%27.30%
Correlation coefficient
Expected life in years2.892.892.87
Risk-free interest rate3.95%0.94%0.17%
Expected dividend yield0.0%0.0%0.0%

The following table is a summary of Ciena’s restricted stock unit activity for the period indicated, with the aggregate fair value of the balance outstanding at the end of each period, based on Ciena’s closing stock price on the last trading day of the relevant period (shares and aggregate fair value in thousands):

Table of Contents
Stock Units
Grant Date
Fair Value
Per Share
Aggregate Fair
Balance at October 29, 20224,103 $55.16 $197,960 
Canceled or forfeited(415)  
Balance at October 28, 20234,922 $53.42 $201,916 

As of October 28, 2023 and October 29, 2022, 0.3 million of the total restricted stock units outstanding are performance based awards subject to total stockholder return. The total fair value of restricted stock units that vested and were converted into common stock during fiscal 2023, fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2021 was $98.2 million, $119.0 million and $110.0 million, respectively. The weighted average fair value of each restricted stock unit granted by Ciena during fiscal 2023, fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2021 was $50.48, $67.03 and $48.70, respectively.

Amended and Restated ESPP
Ciena makes shares of its common stock available for purchase under the ESPP, under which eligible employees may enroll in a twelve-month offer period that begins in December and June of each year. Each offer period includes two six-month purchase periods. Employees may purchase a limited number of shares of Ciena common stock at 85% of the fair market value on either the day immediately preceding the offer date or the purchase date, whichever is lower. The ESPP is considered compensatory for purposes of share-based compensation expense. Unless earlier terminated, the ESPP will terminate on April 1, 2031.
During fiscal 2023, Ciena issued 0.8 million shares and during both fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2021, Ciena issued 0.7 million shares, respectively, under the ESPP. At October 28, 2023, 11.3 million shares remained available for issuance under the ESPP.
Share-Based Compensation Expense
The following table summarizes share-based compensation expense for the periods indicated (in thousands):
 Year Ended
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022October 30, 2021
Products$4,518 $3,867 $3,408 
Services10,470 7,533 5,181 
Share-based compensation expense included in cost of goods sold14,988 11,400 8,589 
Research and development42,331 31,879 21,863 
Sales and marketing35,136 31,280 25,152 
General and administrative37,587 30,435 28,804 
Share-based compensation expense included in operating expense115,054 93,594 75,819 
Share-based compensation expense capitalized in inventory, net413 137 (72)
Total share-based compensation$130,455 $105,131 $84,336 

As of October 28, 2023, total unrecognized share-based compensation expense was $201.0 million which relates to unvested restricted stock units and is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.39 years.

Segment Reporting
Ciena has the following operating segments for reporting purposes: (i) Networking Platforms; (ii) Platform Software and Services; (iii) Blue Planet Automation Software and Services; and (iv) Global Services.
Ciena’s long-lived assets, including equipment, building, furniture and fixtures, operating ROU assets, finite-lived intangible assets, and maintenance spares, are not reviewed by Ciena’s chief operating decision maker for purposes of evaluating performance and allocating resources. As of October 28, 2023, equipment, building, furniture and fixtures, net,

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totaled $280.1 million, and operating ROU assets totaled $35.1 million both of which support asset groups within Ciena’s four operating segments and unallocated selling and general and administrative activities. As of October 28, 2023, finite-lived intangible assets, goodwill and maintenance spares are assigned to asset groups within the following segments (in thousands):

October 28, 2023
Networking PlatformsPlatform Software and ServicesBlue Planet Automation Software and ServicesGlobal ServicesTotal
Other intangible assets, net$188,383 $ $17,244 $ $205,627 
Goodwill$199,525 $156,191 $89,049 $ $444,765 
Maintenance spares, net$ $ $ $54,042 $54,042 
Segment Profit (Loss)
Segment profit (loss) is determined based on internal performance measures used by Ciena’s chief executive officer to assess the performance of each operating segment in a given period. In connection with that assessment, the chief executive officer excludes the following items: selling and marketing costs; general and administrative costs; significant asset impairments and restructuring costs; amortization of intangible assets; acquisition and integration costs; interest and other income (loss), net; interest expense; loss on extinguishment and modification of debt and provision (benefit) for income taxes.
The table below sets forth Ciena’s segment profit (loss) and the reconciliation to consolidated net income for the respective periods indicated (in thousands):
 Year Ended
 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022October 30, 2021
Segment profit (loss): 
Networking Platforms$778,641 $572,305 $850,901 
Platform Software and Services186,945 175,108 136,602 
Blue Planet Automation Software and Services(33,669)(22,388)(711)
Global Services196,375 210,663 198,521 
Total segment profit1,128,292 935,688 1,185,313 
Less: non-performance operating expenses 
  Selling and marketing490,804 466,565 452,214 
  General and administrative215,284 179,382 181,874 
  Significant asset impairments and restructuring costs23,834 33,824 29,565 
  Amortization of intangible assets37,351 32,511 23,732 
  Acquisition and integration costs3,474 598 2,572 
Add: other non-performance financial items
  Interest and other income (loss), net62,008 6,747 (1,768)
  Interest expense(88,026)(47,050)(30,837)
  Loss on extinguishment and modification of debt(7,874)  
Less: Provision (benefit) for income taxes68,826 29,603 (37,445)
Consolidated net income$254,827 $152,902 $500,196 
Entity Wide Reporting

The following table reflects Ciena’s geographic distribution of equipment, building, furniture and fixtures, net, and operating ROU assets, with any country accounting for at least 10% of total equipment, building, furniture and fixtures, net, and operating ROU assets specifically identified. Equipment, building, furniture and fixtures, net, and operating ROU assets attributable to geographic regions outside of the United States and Canada are reflected as “Other International.” For the periods below, Ciena’s geographic distribution of equipment, building, furniture and fixtures, net, and operating ROU assets was as follows (in thousands):

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 October 28, 2023October 29, 2022
Canada$229,707 $226,451 
United States46,933 47,515 
Other International38,647 38,921 
Total$315,287 $312,887 

Ciena has a Defined Contribution Pension Plan that covers a majority of its Canada-based employees. The plan covers all Canada-based employees who are not part of an excluded group. Total contributions (employee and employer) cannot exceed the lesser of 18% of participant earnings and an annual dollar limit of CAD$31,560 (approximately $25,748 for 2023). This plan includes a required employer contribution of 1% for all participants and an employer matching contribution equal to 50% of the first 6% an employee contributes each pay period. During fiscal 2023, 2022 and 2021, Ciena made matching contributions of approximately CAD$10.6 million (approximately $7.6 million), CAD$10.1 million (approximately $7.3 million) and CAD$8.3 million (approximately $6.0 million), respectively.
Ciena has a 401(k) defined contribution profit sharing plan that covers a majority of its United States-based employees. Participants may contribute up to 60% of base pay through pre-tax or Roth contributions, subject to certain limitations. The plan includes an employer matching contribution equal to 50% of the first 8% an employee contributes each pay period. Ciena may also make discretionary annual profit contributions up to the IRS regulated limit. Ciena has made no profit sharing contributions to date. During fiscal 2023, 2022 and 2021, Ciena made matching contributions of approximately $10.4 million, $9.2 million and $8.4 million, respectively.


Tax Contingencies

Ciena is subject to various tax liabilities arising in the ordinary course of business. Ciena does not expect that the ultimate settlement of these tax liabilities will have a material effect on its results of operations, financial position or cash flows.


Ciena is subject to various legal proceedings, claims and other matters arising in the ordinary course of business, including those that relate to employment, commercial, tax and other regulatory matters. Ciena is also subject to intellectual property related claims, including claims against third parties that may involve contractual indemnification obligations on the part of Ciena. Ciena does not expect that the ultimate costs to resolve such matters will have a material effect on its results of operations, financial position or cash flows.
Purchase Order Obligations
Ciena has certain advanced orders for supply of certain long lead time components. As of October 28, 2023, Ciena had $1.7 billion in outstanding purchase order commitments to contract manufacturers and component suppliers for inventory. In certain instances, Ciena is permitted to cancel, reschedule or adjust these orders. Consequently, only a portion of this amount relates to firm, non-cancelable and unconditional obligations.

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Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure


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Item 9A. Controls and Procedures
Disclosure Controls and Procedures
As of the end of the period covered by this report, we carried out an evaluation under the supervision and with the participation of management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act). Based on this evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of the end of the period covered by this report.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting

There was no change in our internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) during the most recently completed fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.
Report of Management on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
The management of Ciena Corporation is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934).
The internal control over financial reporting at Ciena Corporation was designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that:
pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of Ciena Corporation;
provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America;
provide reasonable assurance that receipts and expenditures of Ciena Corporation are being made only in accordance with authorization of management and directors of Ciena Corporation; and
provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of assets that could have a material effect on the consolidated financial statements.
Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements.
Management of Ciena Corporation assessed the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of October 28, 2023. Management based this assessment on criteria for effective internal control over financial reporting described in “COSO 2013 Internal Control — Integrated Framework” issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. Based on this assessment, management determined that, as of October 28, 2023, Ciena Corporation maintained effective internal control over financial reporting. Management reviewed the results of its assessment with the Audit Committee of our Board of Directors.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, independent registered public accounting firm, who audited and reported on the consolidated financial statements of Ciena Corporation included in this annual report, has also audited the effectiveness of Ciena Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting as of October 28, 2023, as stated in its report appearing in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report.
/s/ Gary B. Smith/s/ James E. Moylan, Jr.
Gary B. Smith James E. Moylan, Jr. 
President and Chief Executive Officer Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer 
December 15, 2023 December 15, 2023 

Item 9B. Other Information
Rule 10b5-1 Trading Arrangements

The following table describes, for the quarter ended October 28, 2023, each trading arrangement for the sale or purchase of our securities adopted, terminated or for which the amount, pricing or timing provisions were modified by our directors and officers

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(as defined in Rule 16a-1(f) of the Exchange Act) that is either (1) a contract, instruction or written plan intended to satisfy the affirmative defense conditions of Rule 10b5-1(c) (a “Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement”) or (2) a “non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement” (as defined in Item 408(c) of Regulation S-K):

Action Taken (Date of Action)Type of Trading ArrangementNature of Trading ArrangementDuration of Trading ArrangementAggregate Number of Securities to be Purchased or Sold
David Rothenstein (Senior Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer and Secretary)
Adoption (September 22, 2023)
Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangementSalesUntil January 14, 2025, or such earlier date upon which all transactions are completed or expire without execution
Up to 42,000 shares of common stock
Scott McFeely (former Senior Vice President, Global Products and Services)
Adoption (October 12, 2023)
Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangementSalesUntil December 31, 2024, or such earlier date upon which all transactions are completed or expire without execution
Up to 38,500 shares of common stock

Item 9C. Disclosure Regarding Foreign Jurisdictions that Prevent Inspection
Not applicable.

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Item 10. Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance
Information relating to our directors and executive officers is set forth in Part I of this annual report under the caption “Item 1. Business—Information About Our Executive Officers and Directors.”
Additional information responsive to this item concerning our Audit Committee and regarding compliance with Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act is incorporated herein by reference from our definitive proxy statement with respect to our 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be filed with the SEC within 120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this Form 10-K.
As part of our system of corporate governance, our board of directors has adopted a code of ethics that is specifically applicable to our chief executive officer and senior financial officers. This Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers, as well as our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, applicable to all directors, officers and employees, are available on the “Corporate Governance” page of our website at www.ciena.com. We intend to satisfy any disclosure requirement under Item 5.05 of Form 8-K regarding an amendment to, or waiver from, a provision of the Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers by posting such information on our website at the address above.

Item 11. Executive Compensation
Information responsive to this item is incorporated herein by reference from our definitive proxy statement with respect to our 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be filed with the SEC within 120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this Form 10-K.

Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters
Information responsive to this item is incorporated herein by reference from our definitive proxy statement with respect to our 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be filed with the SEC within 120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this Form 10-K.

Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence
Information responsive to this item is incorporated herein by reference from our definitive proxy statement with respect to our 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be filed with the SEC within 120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this Form 10-K.

Item 14. Principal Accountant Fees and Services
Information responsive to this item is incorporated herein by reference from our definitive proxy statement with respect to our 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be filed with the SEC within 120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this Form 10-K.


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Item 15. Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules
(a)1.      The information required by this item is included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report.
2.The information required by this item is included in Item 8 of Part II of this annual report.
3.Exhibits: See Index to Exhibits, which is incorporated by reference in this Item. The Exhibits listed in the accompanying Index to Exhibits are filed herewith or incorporated by reference as part of this annual report.
(b)Exhibits. See Index to Exhibits, which is incorporated by reference in this Item. The Exhibits listed in the accompanying Index to Exhibits are filed herewith or incorporated by reference as part of this annual report.
(c)Not applicable.

Item 16. Form 10-K Summary

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Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized on the 15th day of December 2023.
Ciena Corporation
By:  /s/ Gary B. Smith   
Gary B. Smith  
President, Chief Executive Officer and Director  
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the date indicated.
SignaturesTitle Date
/s/ Patrick H. Nettles, Ph.D.
 Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors December 15, 2023
Patrick H. Nettles, Ph.D.    
/s/ Gary B. Smith
 President, Chief Executive Officer and Director December 15, 2023
Gary B. Smith
(Principal Executive Officer)
/s/ James E. Moylan, Jr.
 Sr. Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer December 15, 2023
James E. Moylan, Jr.
(Principal Financial Officer)
/s/ Andrew C. Petrik
 Vice President, Controller  December 15, 2023
Andrew C. Petrik
(Principal Accounting Officer)
/s/ Hassan M. Ahmed, Ph.D.DirectorDecember 15, 2023
Hassan M. Ahmed, Ph.D.
/s/ Bruce L. Claflin
 Director  December 15, 2023
Bruce L. Claflin    
/s/ Lawton W. Fitt
 Director  December 15, 2023
Lawton W. Fitt    
/s/ Patrick T. Gallagher
 Director  December 15, 2023
Patrick T. Gallagher    
/s/ Devinder KumarDirectorDecember 15, 2023
Devinder Kumar
/s/ T. Michael NevensDirectorDecember 15, 2023
T. Michael Nevens
/s/ Joanne B. Olsen Director  December 15, 2023
Joanne B. Olsen    
/s/ Mary G. Puma
DirectorDecember 15, 2023
Mary G. Puma


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 Incorporated by Reference 
Form and  Filed
ExhibitRegistration or  Here-
NumberExhibit DescriptionCommission No.ExhibitFiling Datewith (X)
3.18-K (000-21969)3.13/27/2008
3.28-K (001-36250)3.11/27/2023
4.110-K (000-21969)4.112/27/2007
10.18-K (001-36250)10.13/29/2017
10.28-K (001-36250)10.14/6/2020
10.410-Q (001-36250)10.29/6/2023
10.510-Q (001-36250)10.39/6/2023
10.710-Q (001-36250) 10.2 6/7/2023 
10.138-K (000-21969)10.13/27/2008 
10.148-K (000-21969)10.14/15/2010 
10.158-K (000-21969)10.13/23/2012
10.1610-Q (001-36250)10.16/11/2014
10.1710-Q (001-36250)10.26/8/2016

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Incorporated by Reference
Form andFiled
ExhibitRegistration orHere-
NumberExhibit DescriptionCommission No.ExhibitFiling Datewith (X)
10.22S-1 (333-187732)10.3.14/4/2013
10.2310-K (000-21969)10.3712/11/2003
10.248-K (000-21969)10.511/4/2005
10.2610-Q (000-21969)10.16/9/2011 
10.2710-Q (000-21969)10.13/3/2006 
10.2810-K (000-36250) 10.23 12/20/2019 
10.2910-K (000-36250)10.2412/20/2019
10.3010-K (001-36250) 10.36 12/19/2014
10.318-K (001-36250)10.36/3/2015
10.328-K (001-36250)10.46/3/2015
10.3310-K (000-21969) 10.34 12/22/2011

8-K (001-36250)10.110/25/2023

8-K (001-36250)10.11/23/2023
10.3810-Q (001-36250)10.39/7/2017
10.3910-Q (001-36250)10.16/8/2016

Table of Contents
Incorporated by Reference
Form andFiled
ExhibitRegistration orHere-
NumberExhibit DescriptionCommission No.ExhibitFiling Datewith (X)
10.4310-Q (001-36250)10.69/9/2014
10.4410-Q (001-36250)10.79/9/2014
10.4510-K (001-36250)10.5612/21/2018
10.4610-Q (001-36250)10.89/9/2014
10.4710-Q (001-36250)10.36/12/2019
10.4810-Q (001-36250)10.46/12/2019
10.4910-Q (000-21969)10.36/10/2010
21.1     X
23.1     X
31.1     X
31.2     X
32.1     X
32.2     X
101.INS Inline XBRL Instance Document - The instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document.    X
101.SCH Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document    X
101.CAL Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document    X
101.DEF Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document    X
101.LAB Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document    X

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Incorporated by Reference
Form andFiled
ExhibitRegistration orHere-
NumberExhibit DescriptionCommission No.ExhibitFiling Datewith (X)
101.PRE Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document    X
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101)  X

* Represents management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement
++Representations and warranties included in these agreements, as amended, were made by the parties to one another in connection with a negotiated transaction. These representations and warranties were made as of specific dates, only for purposes of these agreements and for the benefit of the parties thereto. These representations and warranties were subject to important exceptions and limitations agreed upon by the parties, including being qualified by confidential disclosures, made for the purposes of allocating contractual risk between the parties rather than establishing these matters as facts. These agreements are filed with this report only to provide investors with information regarding its terms and conditions, and not to provide any other factual information regarding Ciena or any other party thereto. Accordingly, investors should not rely on the representations and warranties contained in these agreements or any description thereof as characterizations of the actual state of facts or condition of any party, its subsidiaries or affiliates. The information in these agreements should be considered together with Ciena’s public reports filed with the SEC.
# Certain portions of this document have been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment submitted to the SEC. The non-public information that has been omitted from this document has been separately filed with the SEC. Each redacted portion of this document is indicated by a “[*]” and is subject to the request for confidential treatment submitted to the SEC. The redacted information is confidential information of Ciena.