
RPT-Boeing crash victims' lawyer to seek testimony from 737 MAX whistleblower

RPT-Boeing crash victims' lawyer to seek testimony from 737 MAX whistleblower

RPT 波音墜毀受害者律師向 737 MAX 舉報人尋求證詞
路透社 ·  2019/10/07 18:00

(Repeats story from Friday with no changes to text)
   By Eric M. Johnson and David Shepardson
   SEATTLE/WASHINGTON, Oct 4 (Reuters) - An attorney representing families of passengers killed in a Boeing Co  737 MAX crash in Ethiopia said on Friday he will seek sworn evidence from a Boeing engineer who claims the company rejected a proposed safety upgrade to the 737 MAX because it was too costly.
   The engineer, Curtis Ewbank, said the upgrade could have reduced risks that contributed to two fatal crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia that together killed 346 people, according to two people familiar with the complaint.
   Ewbank filed the complaint through internal Boeing channels after the March crash of Ethiopian Airlines flight 302, the sources said. The sources described the complaint to Reuters, but Reuters has not seen a copy of the complaint.
   Managers rejected the proposed upgrade from Ewbank's team of engineers, called synthetic airspeed, on the basis of "cost and potential (pilot) training impact," according to the Seattle Times, which first reported the complaint on Wednesday.
   Robert Clifford, the lead counsel representing families of victims from the Ethiopian Airlines crash, said in an email the complaint raises fresh concerns about Boeing's culture and whether the company placed too great an emphasis on cost and schedule at the expense of safety. He said he would take steps to depose Ewbank as quickly as possible.
   Boeing declined to comment on the substance or existence of the whistleblower complaint. A Boeing spokesman said the company offers employees channels for raising concerns and has rigorous processes in place to ensure such complaints receive thorough consideration and to protect the confidentiality of employees who make them.
   Ewbank did not respond to requests for comment.
   Boeing is facing roughly 100 lawsuits over the Ethiopian crash on March 10 that killed 157 people on its way from Addis Ababa to Nairobi. The lawsuits claim that design flaws allowed erroneous sensor data to set off the automated system and overwhelm pilots.
   The planemaker has said it is sorry for the lives lost in both crashes and proposed software upgrades but has stopped short of admitting any fault in how it developed the 737 MAX or the software. The 737 MAX was grounded following the Ethiopian crash.
   Questions around how Boeing designed and developed the MAX are a focus in probes by the U.S. Department of Justice and a Congressional committee.
   In his complaint, Ewbank describes management as "more concerned with cost and schedule than safety and quality," the Seattle Times reported.
   Four former Boeing employees who worked on the 737 MAX told Reuters earlier this year they were repeatedly instructed by management not to add or change systems on the 737 MAX in ways that could trigger the need for extra pilot training in flight simulators, or a lengthier certification process.
   A senior Boeing official with detailed knowledge of the MAX's development told Reuters in March that engineering decisions are "always a balance between complexity and availability of the function. The more complex you make something, the more likely it is to be unavailable when you need it."
   Peter DeFazio, chairman of the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, has asked Boeing to make Ewbank available for an interview.
   Boeing Chief Executive Dennis Muilenburg is slated to testify at a House committee hearing on Oct. 30.

(Reporting by Eric M. Johnson in Seattle and David Shepardson
in Washington
Additional reporting by Tracy Rucinski in Chicago
Editing by Noeleen Walder and Rosalba O'Brien)
((; +1 206 707 1218; Follow me
on Twitter @ByEricMJohnson;)

西雅圖/華盛頓,10 月 4 日(路透社)-一名代表在埃塞俄比亞波音公司 737 MAX 墜機中喪生的乘客家屬的律師表示,他將向波音工程師尋求宣誓證據,該公司聲稱該公司拒絕了提議的安全升級到 737 MAX,因為它太昂貴了。
該工程師柯蒂斯 Ewbank 表示,這次升級可能降低了印度尼西亞和埃塞俄比亞兩次致命事故造成的風險,這兩次致命事故導致 346 人死亡,根據熟悉投訴的兩個人。
消息人士稱,在埃塞俄比亞航空 302 號航班 3 月墜毀後,Ewbank 通過內部波音渠道提出了投訴。消息人士向路透社描述了投訴,但路透社沒有看到該投訴的副本。
據《西雅圖時報》週三報導,管理人員在「成本和潛在(試點)培訓影響」的基礎上拒絕了 Ewbank 的工程師團隊的提議升級,稱為合成空速。
代表埃塞俄比亞航空墜機事故受害者家屬的首席律師羅伯特·克利福德(Robert Clifford)在一封電子郵件中表示,該投訴引起了人們對波音公司文化的新擔憂,以及該公司是否過於強調成本和時間表,以犧牲安全為代價。他說,他將採取措施盡快反對 Ewbank。
Ewbank 沒有回應發表評論請求。
波音公司在 3 月 10 日埃塞俄比亞墜毀事件中面臨大約 100 起訴訟,從亞的斯亞貝巴到奈洛比的途中造成 157 人死亡。訴訟聲稱,設計缺陷允許錯誤的傳感器數據引發自動化系統並壓倒飛行員。
播種師表示,對於在崩潰和建議的軟件升級中喪失的生命感到抱歉,但已經停止承認在如何開發 737 MAX 或軟件方面的任何故障。在埃塞俄比亞墜毀後,737 MAX 被接地。
有關波音公司如何設計和開發 MAX 的問題,是美國司法部和國會委員會對探測器的重點。
在他的投訴中,Ewbank 將管理層描述為「比安全和質量更關注成本和時間表」,西雅圖時報報導。
在 737 MAX 工作的四名前波音員工告訴路透社,今年早些時候,他們受到管理層的指示,不要在 737 MAX 上添加或更換系統,這可能會觸發在飛行模擬器中進行額外的飛行員培訓或更長的認證過程。
一位擁有 MAX 發展詳細知識的波音高級官員在 3 月告訴路透社,工程決策「始終在功能的複雜性和可用性之間取得平衡。您製作的東西越複雜,就越有可能在需要時無法使用。」
美國房屋運輸和基礎設施委員會主席彼得·德菲齊奧(Peter DeFazio)已要求波音公司提供 Ewbank 接受採訪。
波音公司首席執行官丹尼斯·默倫堡將於 10 月 30 日在內務委員會聽證會上作證。

(報告由埃里克 ·M· 約翰遜在西雅圖和大衛·謝帕德森
(; +1 206 707 1218; 跟從我來
在推特上 @ByEricMJohnson;)

