
Jim Cramer and TheStreet Launch Bull Market Fantasy Channel on Maven

Jim Cramer and TheStreet Launch Bull Market Fantasy Channel on Maven

吉姆·克萊默和街推出的 Maven 牛市幻想頻道
Business Wire ·  2019/08/22 11:00

Jim picks stocks on Wall Street, now he’s picking NFL players for fantasy football!

吉姆在華爾街挑選股票 現在 他正在為夢幻足球挑選 NFL 球員!

TheStreet, a unit of Maven (TheMaven, Inc., OTC: MVEN,, is teaming up with Sports Illustrated Fantasy to launchBull Market Fantasy with Jim Cramer--achannel offering key insights, analysis and tips for winning fantasy sports leagues.

Maven 的一個單位(Maven 公司,場外交易代碼:MVEN,正在與體育畫報幻想合作,與吉姆·克拉默-achannel 合作推出牛市場幻想,為贏得幻想體育聯賽提供關鍵見解,分析和提示。

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

本新聞稿包含多媒體功能。在此處查看完整版本:, you’ll learn how to excel at fantasy sports while also getting a chance to share your ideas and ask questions of Jim and other fantasy enthusiasts around the globe.,您將學習如何在幻想運動中脫穎而出,同時還有機會分享您的想法並提出吉姆和全球其他幻想愛好者的問題。

“I have always felt that the intersection between Wall Street and fantasy is just about perfect, and I have been a devout fantasy player ever since I was in one of the first leagues back in 1980,” Cramer said. “This is going to be me -- being the ultimate fan, not the ultimate expert – with some of Fantasy’s all time top champions as my partners, helping bring your game up to their level.”

「我一直覺得華爾街和幻想之間的交叉點幾乎完美,從那時起,我一直是虔誠的幻想玩家 是在 1980 年的第一批聯賽之一,」克拉默說。「這將是我-成為終極粉絲,而不是終極專家-以 Fantasy 的一些歷史頂級冠軍作為我的合作夥伴,幫助您將遊戲提升到他們的水平。」

Bull Market Fantasywill teach players, fans and followers all about fantasy sports using the same type of smart, proven and profitable strategies that Cramer utilizes for the stock market. Cramer will also show you how many of the skills that smart investors rely on to conquer Wall Street can translate seamlessly to fantasy sports.

公牛市場幻想將使用 Cramer 用於股票市場的相同類型的智能,經過驗證的和有利可圖的策略來教玩家,粉絲和追隨者有關幻想運動的所有信息。Cramer 還將向您展示聰明的投資者征服華爾街所依靠的技能有多少可以無縫轉化為幻想運動。

“The dialogue is very similar, because you're trying to figure out what is a blue chip, what is a biotech, what's spec,” he said. “We're going to use a lot of the verbiage that we use with stocks, and I'm going to translate things into ‘buy, sell or hold’ and do a lot of analogies and metaphors that I think people will like. It's meant to be fun, and I'm also going to try and make it instructive, like all of the things that I do.”


Bull Market Fantasy’s features include:


Jim’s Live Fantasy Show.Cramer and the Bull Market Fantasy team will stream a live 30-minute show every Tuesday and Thursday where the audience can ask questions and interact with the hosts in real time. Plus, Cramer will talk with some of the world’s best fantasy players to educate the audience on how to win at fantasy sports.

吉姆的現場幻想表演。克拉默和牛市幻想 球隊 每個星期二和星期四將直播 30 分鐘的直播節目,觀眾可以在那裡提出問題並與主持人實時互動。此外,Cramer 將與一些世界上最好的幻想玩家交談,教育觀眾如何在幻想運動中獲勝。

Community.Fantasy players can log in throughout the day to ask Cramer and our other fantasy analysts questions, interact with each other and get advice from our great community of players.

社區。幻想玩家可以全天登錄,向 Cramer 和我們的其他幻想分析師提出問題,彼此互動並從我們偉大的玩家社區獲得建議。

Daily Videos and Articles.Bull Market Fantasy leaves no stone unturned while delivering world-class fantasy-sports analysis. We’ll give you tips, strategies and advice to help you dominate your fantasy league or daily fantasy tournaments.


Check outBull Market Fantasyright now forthe first episode of Jim’s show, where he discusses his personal 2019 fantasy football draft. And click “Follow” to get the latest updates.

查看 Bull 市場幻想現在正在進行吉姆節目的第一集,在那裡他討論了他的個人 2019 夢幻足球選秀。然後單擊「關注」以獲取最新更新。

About Maven

關於 Maven

Maven( isa coalition of Mavens, from individual thought-leaders to world-leading independent publishers, operating on a shared digital publishing, monetization and distribution platform, unified under a single media brand. Based in Seattle, Maven is publicly traded under the ticker symbolMVEN.

Maven(是 Mavens 的聯盟,從個人思想領袖到世界領先的獨立出版商,在共享的數字出版,貨幣化和分銷平台上運營,在單一媒體品牌下統一。Maven 總部位於西雅圖,以股票代碼 Maven 公開交易。

TheStreet, Inc., now part of Maven, is a leading financial news and information provider to investors and institutions worldwide. The Company's flagship brand, TheStreet (, has produced unbiased business news and market analysis for individual investors for more than 20 years.

TheStreet 公司現為 Maven 的一部分,是全球投資者和機構的領先財經新聞和信息提供商。該公司旗下的旗艦品牌 TheStreet(已為個人投資者製作了公正的商業新聞和市場分析超過 20 年。

