
'Trading Nation' Traders Share Their Tech Picks

'Trading Nation' Traders Share Their Tech Picks

Benzinga Real-time News ·  2020/11/24 04:51

Michael Binger of Gradient Investments said on CNBC's "Trading Nation" he likes Alibaba Group Holding Ltd - ADR (NYSE:CSCO) in the tech sector.

梯度投資的邁克爾·賓格說: CNBC 的「貿易國家」 他喜歡 阿里巴巴集團控股有限公司-ADR (紐約證券交易所:中國遠)在技術領域。

Binger sees the weakness in Alibaba as an opportunity because it has a price-to-earnings ratio of 20, with a 20% growth, which he finds pretty rare. Cisco had a good quarter, which is a big change in narrative, said Binger. He's encouraged because the management said enterprise customers are spending again.

賓格認為阿里巴巴的弱點是一個機會,因為它的價格與收益比率為 20,增長了 20%,他認為這很少見。賓格說,思科有一個很好的季度,這是敘事上的一個很大的變化。他受到鼓舞,因為管理層表示企業客戶再次消費。

Matt Maley of Miller Tabak is a buyer of Micron Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ:MU). It broke out to its all-time high and it's still acting very well, said Maley. He thinks it should continue to do so going forward.

米勒塔巴克的馬特·馬利是買家 美光科技股份有限公司 (納斯達克:).Maley 說,它突破了歷史新高,它仍然表現得很好。他認為應該繼續這樣做。

He also likes Seagate Technology PLC (NASDAQ:STX). It underperformed for some time, while the mega-cap names were outperforming. It has recently made a higher low, followed by a higher high and that should lead to a new rally, believes Maley.

他也喜歡 希捷科技 (納斯達克:STX).它在一段時間內表現不佳,而大型帽名稱表現優於。馬利認為,最近取得了更高的低點,其次是更高的高點,這應該導致一個新的反彈。

