
McDonald's Hires US HR Head -- Market Talk

McDonald's Hires US HR Head -- Market Talk

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2020/11/17 00:13

DJ McDonald's Hires US HR Head -- Market Talk


11:13 ET - McDonald's says its selected Tiffanie Boyd as its US Chief People Officer. Boyd comes to the burger chain from General Mills starting Jan. 4. She replaces Melanie Steinbach, who departed the company in August a month after she had been promoted to senior vice president and chief people officer. McDonald's has undergone a variety of changes in its HR department in the last year after the departure of former CEO Steve Easterbrook. "Tiffanie joins us at a time when our commitment to people has never been more critical," McDonald's Global Chief People Officer Heidi Capozzi and President of McDonald's USA Joe Erlinger say in a note to employees. (; @heatherhaddon)

美國東部時間11:13-麥當勞表示,它選擇蒂凡妮·博伊德(Tiffanie Boyd)擔任其美國首席人事官。博伊德將於1月4日從通用磨坊(General Mills)加盟這家漢堡連鎖店。她將接替梅勒妮·施泰因巴赫(Melanie Steinbach),後者在晉升為高級副總裁兼首席人民官一個月後於8月離開公司。麥當勞前首席執行官史蒂夫·伊斯特布魯克離職後,麥當勞的人力資源部門在過去一年裏經歷了各種各樣的變動。麥當勞全球首席人事官海蒂·卡波齊和麥當勞美國總裁喬·厄林格在給員工的一份報告中説:“蒂凡尼加入我們的時候,我們對人的承諾從未像現在這樣重要。”(;@heatherhaddon)

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


November 16, 2020 11:13 ET (16:13 GMT)


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