
Molson Coors to Produce Coke's Topo Chico Hard Seltzer in U.S.

Molson Coors to Produce Coke's Topo Chico Hard Seltzer in U.S.

Molson Coors將在美國生產可口可樂的Topo Chico Hard Seltzer
TheStreet ·  2020/09/29 18:28

Molson Coors Beverage( TAP ) - Get Reportwill manufacture, market and distribute Coca-Cola's( KO ) - Get Reportfirst hard seltzer in the U.S., the company said on Tuesday.

Molson Coors飲料(抽頭)-Get Report將製造、營銷和分銷可口可樂(高鬆年)-該公司週二表示,在美國獲得ReportFirst硬蘇打水。

The hard seltzer is set for U.S. launch in the first half of 2021. Coke's Topo Chico Hard Seltzer was launched in Mexico and Brazil earlier this month.

硬蘇打水定於2021年上半年在美國推出。可口可樂的Topo Chico Hard Seltzer於本月早些時候在墨西哥和巴西推出。

This will be the third hard seltzer brand in Molson Coors' portfolio after Vizzy and Coors Seltzer.

這將是繼Vizzy和Coors Seltzer之後,Molson Coors投資組合中的第三個硬蘇打水品牌。

“This is another significant step in growing our above premium portfolio and becoming a major competitor in the rapidly growing hard-seltzer segment, both key components of our revitalization plan," Molson Chief Executive Gavin Hattersley said in a statement.

Molson執行長加文·哈特斯利(Gavin Hattersley)在一份聲明中表示:“這是在擴大我們的上述溢價投資組合,併成為快速增長的硬蘇打水領域的主要競爭對手方面又邁出了重要的一步,這兩個領域都是我們振興計劃的關鍵組成部分。”

“In bringing Topo Chico Hard Seltzer to market, our focus is speed, quality and efficiency," said Dan White, vice president of strategic initiatives at Coke, Atlanta.

“在將Topo Chico Hard Seltzer推向市場時,我們的重點是速度、質量和效率,”亞特蘭大可口可樂公司負責戰略計劃的副總裁丹·懷特(Dan White)説。

"Our relationship with [Molson] allows Topo Chico Hard Seltzer to launch with scale, at an accelerated pace, delivering a product that consumers will love."

“我們與中國的關係[莫爾森]使Topo Chico Hard Seltzer能夠以更快的速度大規模推出,提供消費者會喜歡的產品。“

The Denver maker of beers like Coors, Miller High Life and Blue will use its marketing, sales and distribution expertise for a scaled national launch in the first half, the company said. The company didn't specify where it would first launch the product.

這家丹佛啤酒製造商,如Coors,Miller High Life和Blue,將利用其營銷、銷售和分銷專業知識,在上半年大規模在全國推出,該公司表示。該公司沒有具體説明將首先在哪裏推出這款產品。

The production and packaging of the products will be initially handled by a third party that wasn't identified.


Coke acquired the Topo Chico brand in October 2017.

可口可樂於2017年10月收購了Topo Chico品牌。

Topo Chico Hard Seltzer will be Coca-Cola's first alcoholic beverage product in the U.S since the 1980s. The beverage giant sold its wine business in 1983.

Topo Chico Hard Seltzer將是可口可樂自20世紀80年代以來在美國推出的第一款酒精飲料產品。這家飲料巨頭於1983年出售了葡萄酒業務。

In 2018 Coke introduced an alcoholic drink called Lemon-Do in Japan, CNBC reported.


Shares of Molson Coors at last check were 1% higher at $33.92. Coca-Cola shares slipped 0.3% to $49.14.

Molson Coors的股價在最後一次檢查中上漲了1%,達到33.92美元。可口可樂股價下滑0.3%,報49.14美元。

