
Rockwell Automation Recognized for Culture of Supporting Women by The Society of Women Engineers

Rockwell Automation Recognized for Culture of Supporting Women by The Society of Women Engineers

Business Wire ·  2020/09/29 11:01

Award highlights Company’s focus on building a diverse and innovative workforce


Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE: ROK), a global leader in industrial automation and digital transformation, today announced it has earned the Diversity & Inclusion Program Award from The Society of Women Engineers (SWE). The recognition, from the world's largest organization advocating for women in engineering and technology, highlights the company’s focus on encouraging all employees to bring full authenticity to their work and setting an example for other organizations to follow. Rockwell Automation will accept the award at SWE’s annual conference, WE20, which will be held virtually from Nov. 3-14.

洛克威爾自動化公司。(NYSE: ROK) 是工業自動化和數位轉型的全球領導者,今天宣佈,該公司已獲得女性工程師學會 (SWE) 頒發的多元化與包容計畫獎。這個表彰來自世界上最大的組織倡導工程和技術領域的女性組織,強調了公司致力於鼓勵所有員工為其工作帶來完整的真實性,並為其他組織樹立榜樣。洛克威爾自動化將在 SWE 的年度大會 WE20 上接受該獎項,該年會將於 11 月 3 日至 14 日虛擬舉行。

“It is an honor to be recognized by The Society of Women Engineers,” said Blake Moret, Chairman & CEO at Rockwell Automation. “We believe in the value of diversity because diverse teams make better decisions. We know that having a competitive advantage in industry and talent means fostering an environment where all employees can and want to do their best work.”

洛克威爾自動化董事長兼首席執行官布雷克·莫雷特(Blake Moret)表示:「很榮幸能得到女性工程師學會的認可。「我們相信多元化的價值,因為多元化的團隊會做出更好的決策。我們知道,在行業和人才方面擁有競爭優勢意味著營造一個讓所有員工都可以並希望盡其所能工作的環境。」

The award recognizes Rockwell Automation’s culture of inclusion and continued dedication to SWE’s mission – highlighting the impact and importance of women in engineering across the globe, leading by example and demonstrating that a career in engineering can be a fulfilling, rewarding pursuit for women of any background.

該獎項旨在表彰洛克威爾自動化的包容文化以及對 SWE 使命的持續奉獻-突出了全球女性在工程領域的影響力和重要性,以身作則領導,並證明工程職業對於任何背景的女性都是充實的,有益的追求。

“We are always striving to better understand and remove barriers to full inclusion that may exist in our processes, procedures and everyday interactions,” said Michele Matthai, director, Culture of Inclusion & Diversity at Rockwell Automation. “SWE’s recognition is a testament to our commitment to create a more inclusive culture within our company– and across our industry.”

洛克威爾自動化包容與多樣性文化總監 Michele Matthai 表示:「我們一直在努力更好地理解並消除可能存在於我們的流程、程序和日常互動中的完全包容性障礙。SWE 的認可證明了我們致力於在公司內部和整個產業中創造更具包容性文化的承諾。」

Between 2008 and 2019, Rockwell Automation has seen its representation of women engineers increase by 40% and of women in technical sales roles increase by 45%.

在 2008 年至 2019 年之間,洛克威爾自動化已經看到其女性工程師的代表率增加了 40%,而在技術銷售角色的女性中增加了 45%。

About Rockwell Automation


Rockwell Automation Inc. (NYSE: ROK), is a global leader in industrial automation and digital transformation. We connect the imaginations of people with the potential of technology to expand what is humanly possible, making the world more productive and more sustainable. Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Rockwell Automation employs approximately 23,000 problem solvers dedicated to our customers in more than 100 countries. To learn more about how we are bringing The Connected Enterprise to life across industrial enterprises, visit .

洛克威爾自動化股份有限公司 (NYSE: ROK) 是工業自動化和數位轉型的全球領導者。我們將人們的想像力與科技的潛力聯繫起來,以擴大人類可能性,使世界更具生產力和可持續性。洛克威爾自動化總部位於威斯康辛州密爾沃基,在 100 多個國家擁有約 23,000 個問題解決者,致力於為我們的客戶提供服務。若要進一步瞭解我們如何將聯網企業帶入各個工業企業的生活,請造訪。

