
Duke, Starbucks, others to show diversity data–NYC's Stringer

Duke, Starbucks, others to show diversity data–NYC's Stringer

路透社 ·  2020/09/28 19:00

By Ross Kerber and Imani Moise
   BOSTON/NEW YORK, Sept 28 (Reuters) - Top U.S. corporations including Duke Energy Corp, Starbucks Corp and Wells Fargo & Co will make public detailed workforce diversity statistics, following calls from activists who say the information will help judge companies' progress in hiring and promoting minorities.
   The commitments by 34 companies in the S&P 100 were set to be announced on Monday by New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer, who oversees retirement assets and sought the data in July.
   The disclosures will roughly double the number of U.S. companies publicly offering information that large employers already file confidentially to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
   Releasing the details in early 2021 "will allow stakeholders to better understand our workforce profile and our diversity, equity and inclusion journey," said Katherine Neebe, chief sustainability officer for power utility Duke, via e-mail.
   Corporate America's lack of minority representation has drawn new attention amid a wave of anti-racism activism since the death of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, in police custody in Minneapolis in May.
   Some companies this year have already made their number public, including Snapchat parent Snap Inc.
   Its most recent federal form, released in July, shows out of 488 mid-level officials and managers, 2% were Black and 5% were Hispanic or Latino, far below the groups' share of the U.S. population but close to what other technology companies have  reported.
   A Snap spokeswoman noted it also set goals including to double the number of its U.S. racial and ethnic minority employees by 2025.
   Many companies currently give partial diversity statistics including Duke and coffee retailer Starbucks, which  declined to comment on Stringer's announcement.
   Another, Wells Fargo, told Stringer's office it will make more data public as "a next step in the evolution of our transparency and disclosure process," a spokesman said.

(Reporting by Ross Kerber in Boston and by Imani Moise in New
York; Editing by Daniel Wallis)
((; (617) 856 4341; Reuters

標準普爾100指數成份股公司中34家公司的承諾定於週一由紐約市審計長斯科特·斯特林格(Scott Stringer)宣佈。斯特林格負責監管退休資產,並在7月份尋求數據。
這些披露將使公開提供信息的美國公司的數量大約翻一番,這些信息是大僱主已經祕密提交給美國平等就業機會委員會(U.S.Equity Employee Opportunity Commission)的。
電力公用事業公司杜克(Duke)的首席可持續發展官凱瑟琳·尼貝(Katherine Neebe)在電子郵件中表示,2021年初公佈的細節“將讓利益相關者更好地瞭解我們的勞動力概況以及我們的多樣性、公平性和包容性之旅”。
自5月手無寸鐵的黑人喬治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)在明尼阿波利斯警方拘留期間死亡以來,在一波反種族主義運動浪潮中,美國企業界缺乏少數族裔代表的問題引起了新的關注。
另一家銀行富國銀行(Wells Fargo)告訴斯特林格的辦公室,它將公開更多數據,作為“我們透明度和披露過程演變的下一步”,一位發言人説。

(Ross Kerber波士頓報道,Imani Moise紐約報道
(York;Daniel Wallis編輯)
(;(617)856 4341;路透社

