
Peloton Interactive shares are trading lower, selling off from Wednesday strength. The 'stay-at-home' trade has been highly volatile this week amid tech selloff and vaccine uncertainty.

Peloton Interactive shares are trading lower, selling off from Wednesday strength. The 'stay-at-home' trade has been highly volatile this week amid tech selloff and vaccine uncertainty.

Peloton Interactive的股價正在走低,從週三的強勢中拋售。本週,在科技拋售和疫苗不確定性的影響下,“呆在家裏”的交易波動很大。
Benzinga ·  2020/09/25 01:41

Peloton Interactive shares are trading lower, selling off from Wednesday strength. The 'stay-at-home' trade has been highly volatile this week amid tech selloff and vaccine uncertainty.

Peloton Interactive的股價正在走低,從週三的強勢中拋售。本週,在科技拋售和疫苗不確定性的影響下,“呆在家裏”的交易波動很大。

