
Wells Fargo CEO Sparks Controversy With Diversity Comments

Wells Fargo CEO Sparks Controversy With Diversity Comments

TheStreet ·  2020/09/23 12:52

Wells Fargo( WFC ) - Get ReportChief Executive Charles Scharf reportedly sparked controversy in a Zoom meeting this summer when he reiterated that the bank had trouble reaching diversity goals because there was not enough qualified minority talent.

富國銀行(Wells Fargo)(完)WFC()-據報道,Get Report首席執行官查爾斯·沙爾夫(Charles Scharf)在今年夏天的一次Zoom會議上引發了爭議,他重申,由於沒有足夠的合格少數族裔人才,該行難以實現多元化目標。

Shares of San Francisco bank at last check were up 0.4% at $23.74.


Reuters reported that Scharf also made the assertion in a June 18 companywide memo. The memo unveiled diversity initiatives as nationwide protests broke out after George Floyd, an unarmed African-American man, died in Minneapolis police custody.

據路透社報道,沙爾夫也在6月18日的全公司備忘錄中做出了這一斷言。在手無寸鐵的非裔美國人喬治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)在明尼阿波利斯警方拘留期間死亡後,全國性的抗議活動爆發之際,這份備忘錄公佈了多樣性倡議。

“While it might sound like an excuse, the unfortunate reality is that there is a very limited pool of black talent to recruit from,” Scharf said in the memo,.


Scharf spent more time listening than speaking during the previously unreported 90-minute call, which he initiated.


His comments about African-American talent upset some attendees, Reuters reported, citing two employees, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they feared repercussions.


Not all the meeting's attendees recalled being offended.


Alex David, president of the Black/African American Connection Team Member Network, told Reuters “the meeting was incredibly constructive. ... I walked away being incredibly surprised at how genuine and sincere he is.”


However, Ken Bacon, a former mortgage-industry executive on the boards of Comcast, Ally Financial and Welltower, told Reuters he was “shocked and puzzled” by Scharf’s comments.

然而,肯·培根(Ken Bacon)是摩根士丹利董事會的前抵押貸款行業高管康卡斯特, Ally FinancialWellTower告訴路透社,他對沙爾夫的言論感到“震驚和困惑”。

A Wells Fargo spokeswoman defended Scharf’s record on diversity, telling Reuters that the CEO has pledged to double the number of African-American leaders over five years and tied executive compensation to reaching diversity goals.


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) also criticized Scharf, tweeting on Wednesday: "Perhaps it's the CEO of Wells Fargo who lacks the talent to recruit Black workers."

紐約州民主黨眾議員亞歷山大·奧卡西奧-科爾特斯(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)週三也批評沙爾夫,他在推特上寫道:“或許是富國銀行(Wells Fargo)的首席執行官缺乏招聘黑人工人的才華。”

This was not the first time Ocasio-Cortez has tangled with a Wells Fargo executive. Last year she grilled former CEO Tim Sloan about Wells Fargo's financing of companies that built immigration detention centers in which children were separated from their parents.

這不是奧卡西奧-科爾特斯第一次與富國銀行(Wells Fargo)高管發生糾紛。去年,她盤問了前首席執行官蒂姆·斯隆(Tim Sloan)有關富國銀行(Wells Fargo)為建造移民拘留中心的公司提供資金的問題,在這些中心裏,孩子們與父母分離。

"For a period of time, we were involved in financing one of the firms," Sloan said. "We aren't anymore."


Sloan resigned last year and Scharf took over the top spot at the bank, leaving his role as chairman and CEO of Bank of New York Mellon( BK ) - Get Report.


In July, Wells Fargo posted its first quarterly loss in more than a decade and slashed its dividend by a wider-than-expected margin as the coronavirus pandemic continued to slam the bank's earnings and profit outlook.

今年7月,富國銀行(Wells Fargo)公佈了10多年來首次季度虧損,並大幅削減股息,幅度超出預期,原因是冠狀病毒疫情繼續重創該行的盈利和利潤前景。

