
Stocks vs. the Economy: Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap (Tuesday 9/15/20)

Stocks vs. the Economy: Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap (Tuesday 9/15/20)

股票與經濟:克萊默的「瘋錢」回顧(週二 9/15/20)
TheStreet ·  2020/09/15 23:11

The stock market doesn't represent the real economy, Jim Cramer reminded his Mad Money viewers Tuesday. That's why while the stock market is hitting new highs, vast swaths of the real economy are in dire need of additional stimulus.

股市並不代表真實經濟, 吉姆·克萊默提醒他瘋狂的錢觀眾週二.這就是為什麼在股市創下新高的同時,實體經濟的巨大勢頭迫切需要額外的刺激。

If you only look at our economy through the lens of the stock market, you'll only see strong earnings from Adobe Systems( ADBE ) - Get Reportsending shares up 2.1% and blowout earnings from FedEx( FDX ) - Get Reportsignaling that commerce is strong. It's easy to look at data like these and think that our economy is strong and COVID-19 is in the rearview mirror.

如果您只從股票市場的角度看待我們的經濟,那麼您只會看到 Adobe Systems 的強勁收益 ( ADBE )-獲取報告發送股份上升 2.1%,並從井噴收益 聯邦快遞( FDX )-獲取報告信號,商業是強大的。查看這些數據很容易,並認為我們的經濟強勁,COVID-19 在後視鏡中。

But underneath our nation's largest publicly traded companies there is a lot of rot, Cramer said. Nearly two-thirds of our economy is service based, Cramer told viewers, and that means that some 15 million retail and restaurant jobs are at risk as social distancing makes small business unprofitable.

但是,克萊默說,在我們國家最大的上市交易公司下面,有很多腐爛。Cramer 告訴觀眾,我們經濟中將近三分之二是以服務為基礎,這意味著大約 1500 萬個零售和餐廳工作面臨風險,因為社交距離使小型企業無利可圖。

Small businesses don't trade on Wall Street, so they're often out of sight of lawmakers. But the fact remains that until we have a vaccine, social distancing and other pandemic restrictions will strangle many small businesses -- and we won't see the impacts until the banks start seeing loans default. By then, it's already too late.


Cramer and the AAP team are looking at everything from earnings and tariffs to the Federal Reserve. Find out what they're telling their investment club members and get in on the conversation with a free trial subscription to Action Alerts Plus.

Cramer 和 AAP 團隊正在研究從收益和關稅到美聯儲的所有內容。了解他們在告訴他們的投資俱樂部會員,並通過免費試用訂閱 Action Alerts Plus 進行對話。

Don’t miss Cramer’s best, every day, with fast, actionable strategies: StreetLightning. Today: Cramer has some thoughts on Camping World( CWH ) - Get Report.

不要錯過克拉默最好的,每天都有快速,可操作的策略:街閃電。今天:克拉默有一些想法 露營世界( CWH )-獲取報告。

On Real Money , Cramer keys in on the companies and CEOs he knows best. Get more of his insights with a free trial subscription to Real Money.

開啟 真錢 克萊默關注他最了解的公司和首席執行官。通過免費試用訂閱真錢獲得更多他的見解。

Search Jim Cramer's "Mad Money" trading recommendations using our exclusive "Mad Money" Stock Screener .

使用我們的獨家搜索吉姆·克拉默的「瘋狂的錢」交易建議 「瘋狂的錢」股票篩選器

To watch replays of Cramer's video segments, visit theMad Money pageon CNBC.

要觀看克萊默視頻片段的重播,請訪問 CNBC 上的瘋狂金錢頁面。

To sign up for Jim Cramer's free Booyah! newsletter with all of his latest articles and videosplease click here.


At the time of publication, Cramer's Action Alerts PLUS had no position in the stocks mentioned.

在發布時,克拉默的行動警報 PLUS 在上述股票中沒有位置。

