
Benzinga's Top Upgrades, Downgrades For September 14, 2020

Benzinga's Top Upgrades, Downgrades For September 14, 2020

本辛加的頂級升級,2020 年 9 月 14 日降級
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2020/09/14 23:38



  • For Amkor Technology Inc (NASDAQ:AMKR), Credit Suisse upgraded the previous rating of Neutral to the current rating Outperform. For the second quarter, Amkor Technology had an EPS of $0.23, compared to year-ago quarter EPS of $0.01. The current stock performance of Amkor Technology shows a 52-week-high of $15.80 and a 52-week-low of $5.40. Moreover, at the end of the last trading period, the closing price was at $10.88.
  • For Andersons Inc (NASDAQ:ANDE), BMO Capital upgraded the previous rating of Market Perform to the current rating Outperform. In the second quarter, Andersons showed an EPS of $0.88, compared to $0.98 from the year-ago quarter. At the moment, the stock has a 52-week-high of $28.82 and a 52-week-low of $10.00. Andersons closed at $16.59 at the end of the last trading period.
  • According to Barclays, the prior rating for Cirrus Logic Inc (NASDAQ:CRUS) was changed from Underweight to Equal-Weight. Cirrus Logic earned $0.53 in the first quarter, compared to $0.35 in the year-ago quarter. At the moment, the stock has a 52-week-high of $91.63 and a 52-week-low of $47.04. Cirrus Logic closed at $58.06 at the end of the last trading period.
  • According to JP Morgan, the prior rating for Genuine Parts Co (NASDAQ:GPC) was changed from Neutral to Overweight. For the second quarter, Genuine Parts had an EPS of $1.32, compared to year-ago quarter EPS of $1.57. The stock has a 52-week-high of $108.58 and a 52-week-low of $49.68. At the end of the last trading period, Genuine Parts closed at $100.66.
  • For World Wrestling Entertainment Inc (NASDAQ:WWE), Loop Capital upgraded the previous rating of Sell to the current rating Hold. World Wrestling Enter earned $0.45 in the second quarter, compared to $0.11 in the year-ago quarter. At the moment, the stock has a 52-week-high of $76.44 and a 52-week-low of $29.10. World Wrestling Enter closed at $41.42 at the end of the last trading period.
  • For Murphy Oil Corp (NASDAQ:MUR), MKM Partners upgraded the previous rating of Neutral to the current rating Buy. Murphy Oil earned $0.71 in the second quarter, compared to $0.21 in the year-ago quarter. The stock has a 52-week-high of $28.12 and a 52-week-low of $4.50. At the end of the last trading period, Murphy Oil closed at $10.03.
  • According to Guggenheim, the prior rating for Consolidated Edison Inc (NASDAQ:ED) was changed from Sell to Neutral. Consolidated Edison earned $0.60 in the second quarter, compared to $0.58 in the year-ago quarter. At the moment, the stock has a 52-week-high of $95.10 and a 52-week-low of $62.03. Consolidated Edison closed at $72.74 at the end of the last trading period.
  • According to Wells Fargo, the prior rating for Cimarex Energy Co (NASDAQ:XEC) was changed from Equal-Weight to Overweight. In the second quarter, Cimarex Energy showed an EPS of $0.51, compared to $0.82 from the year-ago quarter. The stock has a 52-week-high of $55.29 and a 52-week-low of $12.15. At the end of the last trading period, Cimarex Energy closed at $24.25.
  • Telsey Advisory Group upgraded the previous rating for GameStop Corp (NASDAQ:GME) from Market Perform to Outperform. In the second quarter, GameStop showed an EPS of $1.40, compared to $0.32 from the year-ago quarter. The stock has a 52-week-high of $8.45 and a 52-week-low of $2.57. At the end of the last trading period, GameStop closed at $6.09.
  • Goldman Sachs upgraded the previous rating for Micron Technology Inc (NASDAQ:MU) from Neutral to Buy. Micron Technology earned $0.82 in the third quarter, compared to $1.05 in the year-ago quarter. At the moment, the stock has a 52-week-high of $61.19 and a 52-week-low of $31.13. Micron Technology closed at $46.09 at the end of the last trading period.
  • According to Jefferies, the prior rating for GameStop Corp (NASDAQ:GME) was changed from Hold to Buy. For the second quarter, GameStop had an EPS of $1.40, compared to year-ago quarter EPS of $0.32. The current stock performance of GameStop shows a 52-week-high of $8.45 and a 52-week-low of $2.57. Moreover, at the end of the last trading period, the closing price was at $6.09.
  • For Vir Biotechnology Inc (NASDAQ:VIR), Goldman Sachs upgraded the previous rating of Neutral to the current rating Buy. In the second quarter, Vir Biotechnology earned $0.27. At the moment, the stock has a 52-week-high of $75.00 and a 52-week-low of $11.65. Vir Biotechnology closed at $28.38 at the end of the last trading period.
  • 安科爾科技公司(納斯達克:AMKR),瑞士信貸將之前的評級上調至中性,至當前評級表現優於大盤。第二季度,Amkor Technology的每股收益為0.23美元,而去年同期為0.01美元。Amkor Technology目前的股票表現顯示,52周高點為15.80美元,52周低點為5.40美元。此外,在上一交易期結束時,收盤價為10.88美元。
  • 安德森公司(納斯達克:安德),BMO Capital將之前對市場表現的評級上調至當前評級表現優於大盤。第二季度,安德森的每股收益為0.88美元,而去年同期為0.98美元。目前,該股的52周高點為28.82美元,52周低點為10.00美元。安德森上交易日尾盤報16.59美元。
  • 根據巴克萊的説法,之前的評級為Cirrus Logic Inc.(納斯達克:CRU)從體重不足改為等重。Cirrus Logic第一季度的利潤為0.53美元,而去年同期為0.35美元。目前,該股的股價為91.63美元的52周高點和47.04美元的52周低點。Cirrus Logic上一交易期尾盤報58.06美元。
  • 據摩根大通稱,之前的評級為正品配件公司(納斯達克:GPC)由中性改為增持。第二季度,正品零部件的每股收益為1.32美元,而去年同期為1.57美元。該股52周高點為108.58美元,52周低點為49.68美元。上個交易期尾盤,正版零件收盤報100.66美元。
  • 世界摔跤娛樂公司(納斯達克:WWE),Loop Capital將之前的評級從賣出上調至目前的評級持有。世界摔跤運動員第二季度的收入為0.45美元,而去年同期為0.11美元。目前,該股的股價為76.44美元的52周高點和29.10美元的52周低點。World摔跤Enter在上一交易期結束時收於41.42美元。
  • 墨菲石油公司(納斯達克:靜音),MKM Partners將之前的評級上調為中性,至當前評級買入。墨菲石油公司第二季度的利潤為0.71美元,而去年同期為0.21美元。該股目前的52周高點為28.12美元,52周低點為4.50美元。上一交易期尾盤,墨菲石油收報10.03美元。
  • 根據古根海姆的説法,之前的評級為聯合愛迪生公司(納斯達克:邊緣)從賣出改為中性。合併後的愛迪生第二季度利潤為0.60美元,而去年同期為0.58美元。目前,該股的股價為95.10美元的52周高點和62.03美元的52周低點。合併愛迪生上一交易期尾盤報72.74美元。
  • 據富國銀行稱,之前的評級為Cimarex能源公司(納斯達克:Xec)從等重改為超重。第二季度,Cimarex Energy的每股收益為0.51美元,而去年同期為0.82美元。該股目前的52周高點為55.29美元,52周低點為12.15美元。上一交易期尾盤,Cimarex Energy收報24.25美元。
  • 泰爾西諮詢集團上調了之前的評級GameStop公司(納斯達克:GME)從市場表現到強於大盤。第二季度,GameStop的每股收益為1.40美元,而去年同期為0.32美元。該股目前的52周高點為8.45美元,52周低點為2.57美元。上一交易日尾盤,GameStop收報6.09美元。
  • 高盛上調了之前的評級為美光科技(納斯達克:穆恩)從中性到買入。美光科技第三季度的利潤為0.82美元,而去年同期為1.05美元。目前,該股的股價為61.19美元的52周高點和31.13美元的52周低點。美光科技上一交易期尾盤報46.09美元。
  • 據傑富瑞稱,之前的評級為GameStop公司(納斯達克:GME)已從持有更改為買入。第二季度,GameStop的每股收益為1.40美元,而去年同期為0.32美元。GameStop目前的股票表現顯示,52周高點為8.45美元,52周低點為2.57美元。此外,在上一交易期結束時,收盤價為6.09美元。
  • VIR生物技術公司(納斯達克:VIR),高盛將之前的評級上調為中性至當前評級買入。在第二季度,Vir Biotech的利潤為0.27美元。目前,該股的股價為75.00美元的52周高點和11.65美元的52周低點。VIR Biotech上一交易期尾盤報28.38美元。




  • JP Morgan downgraded the previous rating for Casey's General Stores Inc (NASDAQ:CASY) from Neutral to Underweight. In the first quarter, Casey's General Stores showed an EPS of $3.24, compared to $2.31 from the year-ago quarter. At the moment, the stock has a 52-week-high of $183.45 and a 52-week-low of $114.01. Casey's General Stores closed at $179.00 at the end of the last trading period.
  • Goldman Sachs downgraded the previous rating for Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC (NASDAQ:JAZZ) from Neutral to Sell. In the second quarter, Jazz Pharmaceuticals showed an EPS of $3.71, compared to $4.05 from the year-ago quarter. At the moment, the stock has a 52-week-high of $154.24 and a 52-week-low of $86.88. Jazz Pharmaceuticals closed at $136.80 at the end of the last trading period.
  • According to B of A Securities, the prior rating for The Kroger Co (NASDAQ:KR) was changed from Buy to Neutral. In the second quarter, Kroger showed an EPS of $0.73, compared to $0.44 from the year-ago quarter. The current stock performance of Kroger shows a 52-week-high of $37.22 and a 52-week-low of $23.71. Moreover, at the end of the last trading period, the closing price was at $34.37.
  • According to Goldman Sachs, the prior rating for MGM Resorts International (NASDAQ:MGM) was changed from Neutral to Sell. MGM Resorts Intl earned $1.52 in the second quarter, compared to $0.23 in the year-ago quarter. At the moment, the stock has a 52-week-high of $34.63 and a 52-week-low of $5.90. MGM Resorts Intl closed at $22.72 at the end of the last trading period.
  • Morgan Stanley downgraded the previous rating for Macerich Co (NASDAQ:MAC) from Equal-Weight to Underweight. In the second quarter, Macerich earned $0.39. The current stock performance of Macerich shows a 52-week-high of $34.13 and a 52-week-low of $4.81. Moreover, at the end of the last trading period, the closing price was at $7.36.
  • According to HC Wainwright & Co., the prior rating for Immunomedics Inc (NASDAQ:IMMU) was changed from Buy to Neutral. For the fourth quarter, Immunomedics had an EPS of $0.73, compared to year-ago quarter EPS of $0.40. At the moment, the stock has a 52-week-high of $45.69 and a 52-week-low of $8.80. Immunomedics closed at $42.25 at the end of the last trading period.
  • For Kala Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:KALA), Jefferies downgraded the previous rating of Buy to the current rating Hold. In the second quarter, Kala Pharmaceuticals showed an EPS of $0.42, compared to $0.70 from the year-ago quarter. The stock has a 52-week-high of $14.68 and a 52-week-low of $3.24. At the end of the last trading period, Kala Pharmaceuticals closed at $8.77.
  • 摩根大通下調了之前的評級為凱西百貨公司(納斯達克:凱西)從中性到減重。第一季度,Casey‘s General Stores的每股收益為3.24美元,而去年同期為2.31美元。目前,該股的52周高點為183.45美元,52周低點為114.01美元。Casey‘s General Stores上交易日尾盤收報179.00美元。
  • 高盛下調了之前的評級為Jazz製藥公司(納斯達克:爵士樂)從中性到銷售。第二季度,Jazz PharmPharmticals的每股收益為3.71美元,而去年同期為4.05美元。目前,該股的52周高點為154.24美元,52周低點為86.88美元。Jazz PharmPharmticals上交易日尾盤報136.80美元。
  • 根據A證券的B,之前的評級為克羅格公司(納斯達克:KR)從買入改為中性。克羅格第二季度的每股收益為0.73美元,而去年同期為0.44美元。克羅格目前的股票表現顯示,52周高點為37.22美元,52周低點為23.71美元。此外,在上一交易期結束時,收盤價為34.37美元。
  • 根據高盛,之前的評級為米高梅國際度假村(納斯達克:米高梅)從中性改為賣出。米高梅度假村國際公司第二季度的利潤為1.52美元,而去年同期為0.23美元。目前,該股的股價為34.63美元的52周高點和5.90美元的52周低點。MGM Resorts Intl上一交易日尾盤報22.72美元。
  • 摩根士丹利將之前的評級下調為馬塞裏奇公司(納斯達克:麥克從體重相等到體重過輕。在第二季度,Macerich的收入為0.39美元。Macerich目前的股票表現顯示,52周高點為34.13美元,52周低點為4.81美元。此外,在上一交易期結束時,收盤價為7.36美元。
  • 根據HC Wainwright&Co.,之前的評級為免疫醫學公司(納斯達克:伊瑪目)從買入改為中性。第四季度,免疫醫療公司的每股收益為0.73美元,而去年同期為0.40美元。目前,該股的股價為45.69美元的52周高點和8.80美元的52周低點。免疫醫療上交易日尾盤收報42.25美元。
  • 卡拉制藥公司(納斯達克:卡拉),傑富瑞將之前的買入評級下調至目前的評級持有。第二季度,卡拉制藥公司的每股收益為0.42美元,而去年同期為0.70美元。該股目前的52周高點為14.68美元,52周低點為3.24美元。上一交易期尾盤,Kala PharmPharmticals收報8.77美元。




  • With a current rating of Buy, Argus Research initiated coverage on Generac Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:GNRC). The price target seems to have been set at $210.00 for Generac Hldgs. Generac Hldgs earned $1.40 in the second quarter, compared to $1.20 in the year-ago quarter. The current stock performance of Generac Hldgs shows a 52-week-high of $194.35 and a 52-week-low of $75.10. Moreover, at the end of the last trading period, the closing price was at $178.40.
  • With a current rating of Overweight, Morgan Stanley initiated coverage on Avantor Inc (NASDAQ:AVTR). The price target seems to have been set at $24.00 for Avantor. Avantor earned $0.19 in the second quarter, compared to $0.14 in the year-ago quarter. The stock has a 52-week-high of $22.95 and a 52-week-low of $6.66. At the end of the last trading period, Avantor closed at $21.50.
  • Goldman Sachs initiated coverage on Caesars Entertainment Corp (NASDAQ:CZR) with a Neutral rating. The price target for Caesars Entertainment is set to $56.00. Caesars Entertainment earned $1.25 in the second quarter, compared to $0.39 in the year-ago quarter. At the moment, the stock has a 52-week-high of $53.21 and a 52-week-low of $3.22. Caesars Entertainment closed at $50.11 at the end of the last trading period.
  • With a current rating of Buy, B of A Securities initiated coverage on Chart Industries Inc (NASDAQ:GTLS). The price target seems to have been set at $86.00 for Chart Industries. Chart Industries earned $0.63 in the second quarter, compared to $0.68 in the year-ago quarter. The current stock performance of Chart Industries shows a 52-week-high of $77.56 and a 52-week-low of $15.00. Moreover, at the end of the last trading period, the closing price was at $67.47.
  • With a current rating of Buy, Jefferies initiated coverage on Harmony Biosciences Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:HRMY). The price target seems to have been set at $51.00 for Harmony Biosciences. Moreover, at the end of the last trading period, the closing price was at $44.14.
  • With a current rating of Overweight, Morgan Stanley initiated coverage on Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc (NASDAQ:TMO). The price target seems to have been set at $485.00 for Thermo Fisher Scientific. Thermo Fisher Scientific earned $3.89 in the second quarter, compared to $3.04 in the year-ago quarter. At the moment, the stock has a 52-week-high of $441.96 and a 52-week-low of $250.21. Thermo Fisher Scientific closed at $431.13 at the end of the last trading period.
  • With a current rating of Buy, Guggenheim initiated coverage on Trevena Inc (NASDAQ:TRVN). The price target seems to have been set at $5.00 for Trevena. For the second quarter, Trevena had an EPS of $0.06, compared to year-ago quarter EPS of $0.05. The current stock performance of Trevena shows a 52-week-high of $3.68 and a 52-week-low of $0.46. Moreover, at the end of the last trading period, the closing price was at $1.78.
  • With a current rating of Buy, Needham initiated coverage on Inc (NASDAQ:OSTK). The price target seems to have been set at $96.00 for earned $0.72 in the second quarter, compared to $0.69 in the year-ago quarter. The stock has a 52-week-high of $128.50 and a 52-week-low of $2.53. At the end of the last trading period, closed at $65.15.
  • With a current rating of Buy, Deutsche Bank initiated coverage on Arconic Corp (NASDAQ:ARNC). The price target seems to have been set at $32.00 for Arconic. In the second quarter, Arconic showed an EPS of $0.84, compared to $0.04 from the year-ago quarter. The stock has a 52-week-high of $34.27 and a 52-week-low of $5.80. At the end of the last trading period, Arconic closed at $19.07.
  • 在當前評級為買入的情況下,Argus Research在Generac控股公司(納斯達克:GNRC)。Generac Hldgs的目標價似乎被設定在210.00美元。Generac Hldgs第二季度的利潤為1.40美元,而去年同期為1.20美元。Generac Hldgs目前的股票表現顯示,52周高點為194.35美元,52周低點為75.1美元。此外,在上一交易期結束時,收盤價為178.40美元。
  • 目前評級為加碼,摩根士丹利在Avantor Inc.(納斯達克:自動取款機)。Avantor的目標價似乎被設定在24美元。埃文特第二季度的利潤為0.19美元,而去年同期為0.14美元。該股目前的52周高點為22.95美元,52周低點為6.66美元。在上個交易期結束時,Avantor收於21.5美元。
  • 高盛發起了關於凱撒娛樂公司(納斯達克:CZR),評級為中性。凱撒娛樂的目標價定為56.00美元。凱撒娛樂第二季度的利潤為1.25美元,而去年同期為0.39美元。目前,該股的股價為53.21美元的52周高點和3.22美元的52周低點。凱撒娛樂上一交易期尾盤報50.11美元。
  • 在當前評級為買入的情況下,B of A Securities在查特工業公司(納斯達克:GTLS)。查特工業的目標價似乎被設定在86.00美元。查特工業公司第二季度的利潤為0.63美元,而去年同期為0.68美元。查特工業目前的股票表現顯示,52周高點為77.56美元,52周低點為15.00美元。此外,在上一交易期結束時,收盤價為67.47美元。
  • 在當前評級為買入的情況下,Jefferies在和諧生物科學控股有限公司(納斯達克:HRMY)。Harmony Biosciences的目標價似乎被設定在51.00美元。此外,在上一交易期結束時,收盤價為44.14美元。
  • 目前評級為加碼,摩根士丹利在賽默飛世爾(納斯達克:TMO)。Thermo Fisher Science的目標價似乎被設定在485.00美元。Thermo Fisher Science第二季度的利潤為3.89美元,而去年同期為3.04美元。目前,該股的52周高點為441.96美元,52周低點為250.21美元。Thermo Fisher Science上一交易期尾盤報431.13美元。
  • 在目前評級為買入的情況下,古根海姆在Trevena Inc.(納斯達克:TRVN)。特雷維納的目標價似乎被設定在5美元。第二季度,Trevena的每股收益為0.06美元,而去年同期為0.05美元。Trevena目前的股票表現顯示,52周高點為3.68美元,52周低點為0.46美元。此外,在上一交易期結束時,收盤價為1.78美元。
  • 在目前評級為買入的情況下,Needham在 Inc.(納斯達克:OSTK)。Overstock.com的目標價似乎被設定在96.00美元。Overstock.com第二季度的利潤為0.72美元,而去年同期為0.69美元。該股目前的52周高點為128.50美元,52周低點為2.53美元。在上個交易期結束時,Overstock.com收於65.15美元。
  • 目前評級為買入,德意志銀行在Arconic公司(納斯達克:ARNC)。Arconic的目標價似乎被設定在32.00美元。第二季度,Arconic的每股收益為0.84美元,而去年同期為0.04美元。該股目前的52周高點為34.27美元,52周低點為5.80美元。上一交易期尾盤,Arconic收報19.07美元。

