
Nasdaq at Record - Stocks Up on Disney Report, J&J Vaccine Pact

Nasdaq at Record - Stocks Up on Disney Report, J&J Vaccine Pact

TheStreet ·  2020/08/05 20:16

The Nasdaq on Wednesday marked its 31st record close of 2020 and stocks finished higher as Walt Disney( DIS ) - Get Reportreported a modest profit despite the pandemic and Johnson & Johnson reached an agreement with the U.S. on a potential coronavirus vaccine.

週三,納斯達克指數創下2020年第31次創紀錄的收盤點位,股市收盤走高,儘管有大流行,但華特迪士尼(Walt Disney)-Get Reportget報告利潤不高,強生公司與美國就潛在的冠狀病毒疫苗達成協議。

The Dow Jones Industrial Average posted its fourth straight day of gains, finishing up 373 points, or 1.39%, to 27,201. The S&P 500 was up 0.64% to 3,327, while the Nasdaq Composite finished up 0.52% at 10,998.

道瓊斯工業股票平均價格指數(Dow Jones Industrial Average)連續第四個交易日上漲,收盤上漲373點,漲幅1.39%,至27,201點。標準普爾500指數上漲0.64%,至3327點,納斯達克綜合指數收盤上漲0.52%,至10,998點。

Johnson & Johnson( JNJ ) - Get Reportadvanced after the healthcare giant said it reached an agreement with the U.S. government to provide 100 million doses of its potential coronavirus vaccine.

強生(JNJ)-Get ReportAdvance之前,這家醫療保健巨頭表示,它與美國政府達成了一項協議,將提供1億劑潛在的冠狀病毒疫苗。

In economic news, U.S. private payrolls increased by 167,000 in July after a strong rebound of 2.37 million in June, according to the ADP National Employment Report. Economists expected 1.5 million additions last month.


"With both gold and the Nasdaq 100 hitting all-time highs, this could almost seem contradictory, but it’s really part of the same play," said Chris Larkin, managing director at E-Trade Financial.

E-Trade Financial董事總經理克里斯·拉金(Chris Larkin)表示:“隨着金價和納斯達克100指數雙雙創下歷史新高,這看起來幾乎是自相矛盾的,但這實際上是同一場戲的一部分,”E-Trade Financial董事總經理克里斯·拉金(Chris Larkin)表示。

Investors are ["shoring] up their defensive arsenals with companies that have proven to outperform in our new stay-at-home environment that many consider to be the new normal."


Larkin added that "the market has a lot to digest with the shockingly low ADP read this morning, sending signals that the return to work has cooled off since last month."


"We’ve seen the market brush off economic signs of weakness before, but it remains to be seen how long that type of response will last," he said.


Congress inched closer to a new wave of support for the stalled U.S. economy. White House officials vowed to work "around the clock" with Democrats in order to bridge the gap between their $3.2 trillion proposal and the Republicans' $1 trillion counter-offer.


On Tuesday Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) said he could support an extension of the now-lapsed $600 federal unemployment insurance boost — if President Donald Trump ends up backing it.

週二,參議院多數黨領袖米奇·麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)(肯塔基州共和黨人)表示,如果唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)總統最終支持的話,他可能會支持延長現已失效的60萬美元聯邦失業保險計劃。

Disney climbed after the entertainment giant posted a modest second-quarter profit even as it swallowed some $5 billion in costs related to the global coronavirus pandemic.


Apple( AAPL ) - Get Reportis closing in on the first $2 trillion valuation in market history following last week's blowout third-quarter earnings. The report included a 26% rise in profit and a 13% gain in total sales, which came in just under $60 billion.


Moderna( MRNA ) - Get Reportslipped after reporting $66.4 million in second-quarter revenue, five times more than the $13.1 million total a year earlier. The company also said it was charging $32 to $37 per dose for its coronavirus vaccine for some customers, under cheaper “pandemic pricing.”

Modelna(MRNA)-Get Report在公佈第二季度營收6640萬美元后下滑,是去年同期1310萬美元總收入的五倍。該公司還表示,它將向一些客户收取每劑32至37美元的冠狀病毒疫苗費用,價格較低的“大流行價格”。

"We will be responsible on price well below value during the pandemic," Chief Executive Stéphane Bancel said on a conference call, adding that larger volume agreements under discussion will be at a lower price, according to Reuters.

據路透報導,執行長Stéphane Bancel在電話會議上表示,“在大流行期間,我們將對遠低於價值的價格負責.”他補充説,正在討論的更大規模的協議將以較低的價格達成.

Meanwhile, biotechnology company Novavax( NVAX ) - Get Reportsurged on Wednesday after the company said its trial vaccine to prevent covid-19 generated a promising immune response in an early-stage clinical trial.

與此同時,生物技術公司諾瓦克斯(NVAX)-Get ReportGet週三股價飆升,此前該公司表示,其預防新冠肺炎的試驗疫苗在早期臨牀試驗中產生了有希望的免疫反應。

Virgin Atlantic, the airline founded by British businessman Richard Branson, filed Tuesday for protection in U.S. bankruptcy court as it tries to survive the virus pandemic, which has hammered the airline industry, the Associated Press reported.


The airline made the Chapter 15 filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York after a proceeding in the U.K.


Virtual health-care services company Teladoc Health( TDOC ) - Get Reportagreed to acquire Livongo Health( LVGO ) - Get Reportin a deal valued at $18.5 billion. The deal will create a virtual health platform.

虛擬醫療服務公司Teladoc Health(TDOC)-Get Report同意收購Livongo Health(LVGO)-Get Reporting的交易價值185億美元。這筆交易將創建一個虛擬健康平台。

Airline shares rose after 16 Republican senators on Wednesday backed $25 billion in additional federal aid, CNBC reported. United Airlines( UAL ) - Get Report, Delta Air Lines( DAL ) - Get Report, and American Airlines( AAL ) - Get Reportall finished higher.

據CNBC報道,在16名共和黨參議員週三支持250億美元的額外聯邦援助後,航空公司股價上漲。美國聯合航空公司(UAL)-Get Report,達美航空(DAL)-Get Report,美國航空(AAL)-Get Reportall收盤走高。

