
Great Buys: Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap (Monday 8/3/20)

Great Buys: Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap (Monday 8/3/20)

偉大買入:克萊默的「瘋錢」回顧(星期一 8/3/20)
TheStreet ·  2020/08/03 23:01

Stop saying the stock market doesn't make any sense, Jim Cramer told his Mad Money viewers Monday. There are plenty of companies whose products are in huge demand as the pandemic rages on, Cramer said, and all of them can be found in his COVID-19 index.

吉姆·克萊默(Jim Cramer)週一告訴他的瘋錢觀眾,別再說股市沒有任何意義。克拉默說,隨著大流行的肆虐,有很多公司的產品需求量很大,所有這些公司都可以在他的 COVID-19 指數中找到。

When cases spike, investors flock to the pandemic stocks, Cramer explained, as he reviewed the biggest winners in his COVID-19 index. And that's where investors should look: to the stay-at-home stocks that are thriving.

克萊默解釋說,當病例激增時,投資者湧向大流行股票,因為他回顧了 COVID-19 指數中最大的贏家。這就是投資者應該看的地方:留在家裡的股票正在蓬勃發展。

Topping the list was the Internet services company Fastly( FSLY ) - Get Report, followed by Chegg( CHGG ) - Get Report, Chewy( CHWY ) - Get Report, Peloton( PTON ) - Get Reportand Emergent Biosolutions( EBS ) - Get Report. Cramer said all of these companies have products that are in demand right now, from online learning, pet supplies and fitness, to the companies that make the supplies we'll need once a vaccine is ready.

排名第一的是互聯網服務公司 Fastly( 有理智的 )-獲取報告,然後是 Chegg( CHGG )-獲取報告, 耐嚼( 露出水 )-獲取報告, 伯洛頓 ( 普頓 )-獲取報告 緊急生物解決方案( EBS )-獲取報告。克拉默說,所有這些公司現在都有需求的產品,從在線學習,寵物用品和健身,到在疫苗準備就緒後製造我們需要的物資的公司。

Further down the COVID-19 Index list were other notable names, including Livongo Health( LVGO ) - Get Report, the company helping people manage their diabetes, Zoom Video( ZM ) - Get Report, now a household name, and Shopify( SHOP ) - Get Reportand Etsy( ETSY ) - Get Report, both of which have helped millions of small businesses set up shop online. Plus, there's Costco( COST ) - Get Report, and CRM ) - Get Report. Microsoft( MSFT ) - Get Reportalso made the list, thanks to reports it may buy the U.S. assets of TikTok.

在 COVID-19 索引列表之下還有其他值得注意的名稱,包括 利翁戈健康( LVGO )-獲取報告,該公司幫助人們管理糖尿病,Zoom 視頻( ZM )-獲取報告,現在是家庭名稱,和 Shopify( 商店 )-獲取報告和 Etsy( ETSY )-獲取報告,這兩個報告都幫助數以百萬計的小型企業在線開設商店。另外,還有 好市多( 成本 )-獲取報告和銷售 顧客關係管理 )-獲取報告。 微軟( 毫無液晶體 )-獲取報告也列出了清單,由於有報告,它可能會購買 TikTok 的美國資產。

These companies represent trillions of dollars in value, Cramer said, and when they rise, they're big enough to take the rest of the market with them.


Cramer and the AAP team are looking at everything from earnings and tariffs to the Federal Reserve. Find out what they're telling their investment club members and get in on the conversation with a free trial subscription to Action Alerts Plus.

Cramer 和 AAP 團隊正在研究從收益和關稅到美聯儲的所有內容。了解他們在告訴他們的投資俱樂部會員,並通過免費試用訂閱 Action Alerts Plus 進行對話。

Don’t miss Cramer’s best, every day, with fast, actionable strategies: StreetLightning. See what he says about Clorox( CLX ) - Get Reporton Monday.

千萬不要錯過 Cramer 每天都有快速、可操作的策略: 街閃電。 看看他怎麼說 高樂氏( CLX )-獲取報告星期一。

On Real Money , Cramer keys in on the companies and CEOs he knows best. Get more of his insights with a free trial subscription to Real Money.

開啟 真錢 克萊默關注他最了解的公司和首席執行官。通過免費試用訂閱真錢獲得更多他的見解。

Search Jim Cramer's "Mad Money" trading recommendations using our exclusive "Mad Money" Stock Screener .

使用我們的獨家搜索吉姆·克拉默的「瘋狂的錢」交易建議 「瘋狂的錢」股票篩選器

To watch replays of Cramer's video segments, visit theMad Money pageon CNBC.

要觀看克萊默視頻片段的重播,請訪問 CNBC 上的瘋狂金錢頁面。

To sign up for Jim Cramer's free Booyah! newsletter with all of his latest articles and videosplease click here.


At the time of publication, Cramer's Action Alerts PLUS had a position in MSFT, COST, CRM, CLX.

在發布時,克拉默的行動警報 PLUS 在 MSFT,成本,CRM,CLX 中有一個職位。

