
2 Trading Pros Make The Case For Nikola, Nio Over Tesla In EV Stock Race

2 Trading Pros Make The Case For Nikola, Nio Over Tesla In EV Stock Race

2 交易專業人士在 EV 股票競賽中為尼古拉,尼奧在特斯拉的情況下
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2020/08/05 00:35

The electric vehicle space is getting more crowded and Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) may no longer hold the top play in the space, according to two pros.

電動車 空間越來越擁擠 特斯拉公司 (納斯達克:TSLA) 可能不再保持頂部發揮在空間, 根據兩個專業人士.

Tesla Could Become 'Another Car Company': Electric truck maker Nikola Corporation (NASDAQ:NKLA) is the first "real interesting" company to compete with Tesla, BK Asset Management Director of FX Strategy Boris Schlossberg said on CNBC. Specifically, Nikola's claims to offer consumers a 600-mile range makes it an "interesting viable competitor."

特斯拉可能成為「另一家汽車公司」: 電動卡車製造商 尼古拉公司 (納斯達克:恩克拉)是第一家與特斯拉競爭的「真正有趣」的公司,外匯策略 BK 資產管理總監鮑里斯·施洛斯伯格 在 CNBC 上說。具體來說,尼古拉聲稱為消費者提供 600 英里的範圍,使其成為「有趣的可行競爭對手」。

But it's too difficult to justify an investment in Nikola or anyone else in the space as the "stratospheric valuation" makes owning a stock a "lottery ticket," he said. Nevertheless, if Nikola's final product offers 70% of what it promises, it can challenge Tesla's reputation and transform it into just "another car company and not a fan-boy stock."

但是,由於「平流層估值」使擁有股票成為「彩票」,因此很難證明對尼古拉或該領域的其他任何人進行投資。儘管如此,如果尼古拉的最終產品提供 70% 的承諾,它可以挑戰特斯拉的聲譽,並將其轉化為「另一家汽車公司而不是粉絲男孩股票」。

Nio Over Tesla: Shares of China-based Nio Inc (NASDAQ:NIO) bottomed at $2.11 in March and has since increased in value six-fold. From a technical analysis perspective, the stock has good support at July's low of $10.46 and so long it stays above there, the stock could race to new highs, Oppenheimer Head of Technical Analysis Ari Wald also said on CNBC.

特斯拉尼奧: 以中國為基礎的股票尼歐公司 (納斯達克:NIO)3 月觸底為 2.11 美元,此後價值增加了六倍。從技術分析的角度來看,該股在 7 月份的低點 10.46 美元處有良好的支撐,並且長期停留在該處以上,股票可能會飆升到新高,技術分析負責人阿里·瓦爾德(Ari Wald)也在 CNBC 上表示。

Compared to Tesla, Nio's stock offers a better setup.

與特斯拉相比,Nio 的股票提供了更好的設置。

"The stock has consolidated since peaking in July and I think this consolidation, it's allowing previously overbought conditions to recede," Wald said. "It's allowing the moving averages to catch up to the price and I think what you're going to see is a resumption of the uptrend."

沃爾德說:「自 7 月份達到峰值以來,該股票已經整合,我認為這種整合使之前的超買情況可以消退。」「它允許移動平均線趕上價格,我認為您將看到的是上升趨勢的恢復。」

Want to learn more? Check out Benzinga's line up of high-profile executives leading the EV industry in the video below:

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